Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-24932254-20180103121417/@comment-24024415-20180103122735

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Look, having multiple pages can most definitely be justified if the material between two subjects can support their own pages. The issue is that variants of the same core zombie will almost certainly end up repeating itself, especially with the minimum requirements to taking them out given their health pools and movements make them all functionally identical for the most part.

Some could be separated if they are distinguished enough, but immunity to Freeze or dancing with a Pianist is not enough of a significant change in my opinion to justify a different page entirely for any of the variants. This is especially the case when variants are universally generic, such as Far Future Zombies to Ancient Egypt to Pirate Seas. Each of these and several other worlds are functionally identical, making the induction of 3 or more pages of the same strategy without harping too much on the world gimmick itself leads it to redundant content overall.

If there were a choice to distinguish based on a certain quantity of factors that makes one zombie different than the other outside World-specific gimmicks (Slider Tiles, plank lanes, grave Stones, waves of water, etc.), then I'd be up for it to possibly sort out the page. However, as the concept stands, even for the concept of this page refers to zombies from World A,B,C,D, for other zombies, visit this redirect to like 5 different pages with minor changes, sounds arguably as a less appropriate alternative for the common viewer's pleasure.