Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-24932254-20180103121417/@comment-24024415-20180103123555

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Also I'm kinda tired with the pitiful examples these votes provide for the opposing side to the arguement. "even though it's inconvienent to read"? Well, thanks Mr. Strawman for making my choice all the more equal!

EDIT post vote: So the idea is that we take the funcitonally indifferent variants of Zombies and merge them with pages of zombies whom only share design rather than functional similarities like Health, movespeed and such? That'd be even more of a mess!

Edit even more after the fact: How would a page even function? A Subsection for every zombie type? So at least FIVE subsections for every section like gallery, strategy and description? How would level of appearance be anything more than a mess of Encounters (Basic), Encounters (Conehead), etc?