Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-24932254-20180103121417/@comment-24024415-20180103194359

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Teacup Terry wrote:
As members of the Plants Vs Zombies Wiki, we're supposed to make it easier for other users to understand. Not give them THAT! Splitting it will give at most 4 infobox layers per page,while this has almost 20!

And as a different member of the wikia, this change flies in the face of keeping each article different and minimalizing unneeded repetition so the user can learn new information more than relearning old info from other prior pages.

With the proposed change, we will have six zombies per page, each with at least one or more major differences, in health speed with Rally and quantity in their respective worlds. Is it really a better option to make articles detailing how to combat Ancien Egypt zombies and their many different forms in a single page than to combat Bucketheads in general? Given how many common weaknesses Bucketheads have, on top the equal toughness and speed in isolation, writing about them in a general scense saves bytes and saves the time of the reader wanting to understand how to combat a functional type of zombie.

Remember, the original vote is the seperation and remerging of basic variants to a single page. Basic, Conehead, Buckethead, Blockhead, Flag and Rally in a single page, what could go wrong? Other than having the Strategy literally just the same material repeated throughout 20~21 pages and each blurb on a seperate zombie to repeat the same material in each iteration.

Until the vote is altered to not make the strategy section a disaster, the simple act of splitting 6 pages into 120 pages (126 if Pompador/Binkni split) is just not healthy. If you can explain how we can make quality articles out of literal straws from the same piece of content with either minor functional difference or literally no functional difference from other variants, I'm going to say this is a terrible idea.