Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-24932254-20180103121417/@comment-24024415-20180104173137

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Phantom of Ra wrote:

Because having a Peashooter's peas apply different effects, increase or decrease stats to change the gameplay significantly is comparable to saying "The world's gimmick makes them special!". What you may be hyperbolically implying is that the slightest "difference" makes it justifiable to split the pages apart. PvZ:GW variants are so extremely variant in their capabilities that a new synopsis was required, as well as providing a large quantity of content in how their alterations actually altered gameplay. A healthy article made because a merged page would have required many individual segments for each iteration, of which the PvZ2 variants can easily be grouped together by similarity and are individually short in size.

Great, AE has sandstorms and has the common weaknesses of all the other basic variants. But is it truly fair to say that's a feature the zombies themselves have, or just a gimmick of the world affecting the zombie itself? Well by the same extent, Gargantuars may as well be split because AE variants ALSO have the "ability" to be sandstormed in.

Matter of fact, as shown by the Gargantuar/Iceberg+Kernal-Pult Pinata Party, sandstorms do not discriminate by Gargantuar timezone. So by extension, saying AE has a gimmick that validates a unique character seems whole fallacious. It is a gimmick of the world that applies to every zombie inside, saying it's a difference should be reserved to the world's pages. Proof:

At best we can wring out one paragraph for world differences. That isn't enough. Unless we state what is effective to combat them in general and lead to inevitable repetition, which was far more simple when they are grouped in a single page.

Why would anyone want to read up 10+ pages if all they want to know is to combat bucketheads in a general sense? And if there is a split, how many times would we have to mention Magnet-Shroom as a weakness? Do we seriously have to repeat that piece of information 10+ times, and do we really have to get to a point where the alternative is to neglect information on any page? That's the crux of the issue, splitting these pages apart hampers user iteration substantially since the core mechanics are too similar to justify separation, and splitting the strategies for each "variant" either leaves some information exclusive to some pages and requiting to serf every one of them just to have the same effect as one page or have a bunch of repeating and unrelated content from other pages and the proposed merging which makes readers trying to look into a specific zombie type have much more to trudge through.

You forgot one thing: Supporting this would also mean merging 5 zombies with completely different features into one page (except that they're in the same world, and that's it. Weaknesses, health, strategies, origins, sounds, sprites, etc. are ALL different, which would make the page confusing as hell)

I didn't forget?

That's what I was refering to in the last paragraph as "unrelated content". Also 5? Technically it would be six (Basic, Cone, Bucket, Block, Rally and Flag) in a single page, so what you said plus one more. And for the explicit record, I don't want to see that as much as anyone else. ;P

Trust me, I was aware of the merge based on pure cosmetic relation rather than funciton. If I wasn't, I'd be sticking to my arguement of 120+ pages from the original 6. Hence, the 10+ pages guestimate in its place for each world of PvZ2.