Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-25230228-20170320152248/@comment-30884390-20170323085526

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HfEvra wrote:

Repeater13 wrote:

DatDramaPlant wrote:
Insanitor101 wrote:

HfEvra wrote:

Sort-neutral.svgNeutral to Symbol thumbs down.svgOppose
I don't think there is a reason to over exaggerate make a new difficulty. The "extremely hard" is enough.
Idk if I'm allowed to but this statement honestly made my turn into
Aha, we shall call the new difficulty "harder". Anyone get the reference
Symbol thumbs down.svgOppose
I'm pretty sure that this is not needed.

But if this is supported, I think a good name would be "insane" or the like. No, the "harder" icon from GD did not give me this idea! At least it's not "demon".

Might as well add demon, insane, and normal while we're at it.

I don't think you get the reference.