Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-3398859-20170629222924/@comment-25435363-20170701172847

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VeXJL wrote:
CompliensCreator00 wrote:
VeXJL wrote:
If we choose choice #2, it will be that SOME zombies/plants with a gender and SOME don't. That's very messy, and I'd fully oppose that. Not all plants and zombies confirm their gender.
Choice #4 (ignore my mistake)
In general, you cannot make an assumption on a plant's gender IF it doesn't have anything that refers to it at all. If we take Explode-o-nut, there are no distinctive features at all pointing to whether it is male or female and there's no description saying otherwise. With zombies, every bald/short-haired zombie is male unless we're referring to this and zombies with female-like features such as pigtails are females.

All in all, I'm not into over-complicating all this, because the current system is fine.

Well a group of dudes is still "they," and not "he."
Well of course! If it's PLURAL, then you use "they". This applies to multiple zombies or a few special cases such as Binary Stars. I honestly don't know what point you're trying to get across with the "they" and "he" stuff.

He/she can easily be replaced by they.