Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-5143323-20180113035227/@comment-24024415-20180115201047

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Pinkgirl234 wrote:
Oh no, of course not! All of the helpful things you did and contributed to this wiki are not useless. The same applies to all users who are non-staff members who made good contributions to this wiki. None of you guys are duped. None of you guys are useless. None of the good contributions you guys made are thrown down the drain.

We're not saying that all new users are unhelpful. We're not saying that all staff members are always right or perfect either. We, staff members, have made made mistakes as well. We're in no way flawless.

I'm sorry, my cynicism and melancholy got ahead of me for that blurb.

The more I think about the privilege of voting, the more it becomes less mandatory and more peripheral. Heck, even this discussion led to a compromise of sorts in the induction of the thread for change suggestion, so it isn't all terrible as a whole as I once thought. So still able to debate, just not explicitly voting.

Still however, the clear segregation of "common users" and staff is there in all it's miscolored and gritty implication, but I'd peg that criticism on the writing rather than the subject matter itself at this point. Besides that, the sentiment is starting to shine through to me now.