Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-5143323-20180113035227/@comment-24024415-20180209124314

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Mental Skillness wrote:
I don't think people understood that temporary didn't mean we were going back. 

I used the quote because I'm pretty tired of communist and richard nixon being thrown at us in the middle of these discussions.

And yeah, it kind of is just an accept it, you can't really do anything about this thing that really wouldn't hurt anyone's ability to speak, I'm just addressing the fact that people are still overreacting by using the quote.

​​​​​​...excuse me? Don't mind if I play symantics, as "temporary" is EXACTLY the opposite of what you're trying to tie it to: to be lasting for a limited time; not permanent. Sure you may be refering to never returning to the original system but to a different system afterwards, but holy heck does that first sentence fold in on itself.

Furthermore, how do you know that this system is no longer temporary? Did Pink and Ra's claims of temporary status fall through over time? Were they wrong to extrapolate from the temp deletion of voting rules to begin with? Sheesh, that's now two directly contradicting claims from several staff, it seriously calls into question whom is right and how effective communications are. I can understand why people are confused, now we have two different claims from different people to go off of.

Even Shroom is seemingly unaware of the answer here, presenting a third group of people that just doesn't know what's going on behind the scenes. Not to degrade them in any way, but since they are a staff member as high as a flippin' Admin, how in the bluest of Hells is communication so poor that someone of such a high power is also simultaneously as naive to the situatuon as the common user? Unless they are waiting on Jack's cue to answer the people and waiting on info to make sure it alligns with the OP's when the time comes, but then that'd be far too degrading and antagonizing to look into further and paint far too many bad implications for my liking.

In that case, remove "Now, can we move on?". Out of context it makes me sound excessively condosending as well as the crux of the issue of "moving on" even when a valid topic is being discussed. Otherwise, stop misquoting me. thx :p