Board Thread:Wiki management/@comment-5143323-20180113035227/@comment-24024415-20180314134611

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Phantom of Ra wrote:
In order to keep this damn thread alive as something to be awared of, and as the opposers have made pointless arguments yet did not respond in a full month, we have decided to rush this crap out. If no further arguments are made within one day, this feature will become permanent. Mainly, only staffs can decide such major changes for the wiki. There'll be a place where non-staff members can post their ideas of new features, though, then staffs will discuss about it before making it live.

Oh, so it isn't temporary like Jack planned...

How about someone actually defines the stats of this change and sticks with them. This is the fourth time the temporary/not has been flip-flopping, with it being temp at launch, then rumored perm, then confirmed temp by Jack when it was in development, then ret-conned to be permanent right now. Please, to re-iterate, stick with either permanent or temporary, say it loud and proud to make sure that it won't falter again, and keep it that way.

It may not be a new issue, but it is arguably the most important, since this is not only the first time you specifically posted that the permanence was different from what it was proposed to be prior, but the bloody second time now! And if this is seriously a poorly placed word and not what you intended, then that seriously needs a revision in order to prevent more "temp/perm" commotion.

If if this is not a new development in the "temp/perm" cycle and this is what Jack meant by skirting the issue and claiming it was originally going to be temp in development rather than saying if it was currently temporary, then hot dang does this have to confirm my deepest fear to the sheer lack of clarity Jack has in so much of his messages on this topic.

I'm not going to touch on that "pointless arguments" quip in great detail. Especially with the first of the messages that contradicted the status of the project was yours. I don't want to come off as attacking anyone, but this is an issue of the opinions and statements of those people rather than the people themselves at this point.