File:-Mobile- 10 Cob strategy in Last Stand Endless

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PC version:

This is probably the easiest strategy in Last Stand Endless. Tempo: Cob 5: Cob | Cob | Cob | Cob | Cob; 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7. Launch a pair of Cobs every 7 seconds. On the last wave, put a Coffee Bean on an Ice-shroom 5 seconds after "A huge wave of zombies is approaching" appears. There is a +/- 1.5-second tolerance for that. It shouldn't be too hard.

Laddering is difficult because Jack and Ladders are always together. Some advanced players can separate them based on their slight speed difference. I can't... so I use 3 Gloom-shrooms to minimize Pumpkin damage.

P.S. Difference between Last Stand Endless and Survival: Endless: 1. Limited sun (obviously) 2. No Zomboni or Dancing Zombie 3. Bungees appear at every wave 4. Each flag's zombies are the same 5. Upgrade plants won't get more expensive 6. There is only 1 flag per card selection 7. You can sell undamaged plants 8. All Cobs and Cards will recharge after a flag 9. No lawn mowers 10. Zombie density appears to be lower

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