Modern Day - Day 17 (Chinese version)
Modern Day - Day 17 is the seventeenth level of Modern Day in the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2. When this level is completed, the player gets some coins and and a star
Easy Mode: In the leftmost column, make a column of Melon-Pults, and directly right of them make a column of Frozen Snapdragons. Use Grapeshots and Squash for emergency removal. Try to make a column of Endurians in front of the Frozen Snapdragons. Use Grapeshots sparingly, and always try to hit at least 3 zombies with each of them. Always save at least one grapeshot or squash to deal with the charging All-Star Zombies, as they can
Hard Mode: Plant a full column of Melon-Pults in the leftmost column, starting with the middle three lanes and only adding to the other two afterwards. Place Frozen Snapdragons in the 3rd and 4th columns, but only in the middle three lanes (place the first one in the 2nd bottom row of the 3rd column). Use Endurians only to deal with weak zombies that are past the Snapdragons or to block All-Star Zombies. Save Squashes and Grapeshots until you absolutely have to use them, and avoid using them on anything except Sarcophagus Zombies, All-Star Zombies, Newspaper Zombies, or Sunday Edition Zombies
Note: This hard mode strategy will work with all plants at level one without using any Cukes, but it will likely take you 5 or so tries. If you do this, remember that it takes 3 Level One Squashes to kill an All-Star and more to kill a Sarcophagus, but a Grapeshot can one-shot both of them. Also note that a Level One Frozen Snapdragon can kill a Level 4 Basic Zombie unaided, so you should be able to beat the first set of four zombies without having to use a Grapeshot. Speaking of Grapeshots....if you can use one to take out All-Star Zombies or a Newspaper/Sunday Edition zombie, don’t hesitate. These are the most threatening zombies, and they can easily kill you out of nowhere. Squashes work okay in multiples, but Grapeshots are the best