Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/11 December 2015

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[07:19] <Yappat> Anybody got a good picture resizer that increases size?
[07:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:23] <Yappat> Never mind. I got it
[07:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[07:24] <Yappat> ...
[07:25] <Yappat> Some staff is reverting my edits although I have the truth of Pops Corn in.
[07:25] <Yappat> Zzz.
[07:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[07:27] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Vi!
[07:27] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hey.
[07:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:29] <AWikiBoy521> This wiki is <wikia-pagetitle>
[07:29] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks, I came early.
[07:29] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You also noticed that.
[07:29] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I thought I was the only one.
[07:29] <AWikiBoy521> Yay, yet another thing that is probably announced in the Community Central.
[07:29] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yip.
[07:29] <Dr Crzzy Dave> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dr Crzzy Dave</span></span> hugs Darytg
[07:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs back.
[07:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :3 
[07:30] <Dr Crzzy Dave> :D 
[07:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :) 
[07:30] <AWikiBoy521> Well, now there is boys hugging each other.
[07:30] <AWikiBoy521> *are
[07:30] <Dr Crzzy Dave> and?
[07:31] <AWikiBoy521> It's still weird anyway. :P 
[07:31] <Dr Crzzy Dave> how?
[07:32] <AWikiBoy521> Very weird
[07:32] <Dr Crzzy Dave> how?
[07:34] <AWikiBoy521> Well, same answer.
[07:34] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[07:34] <DJcraft789> DJ is back!
[07:34] <DJcraft789> I was planted on the lawn
[07:34] <DJcraft789> I Suck
[07:35] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Vi!
[07:35] <DJcraft789> Do i suck?
[07:36] <DJcraft789> ...
[07:36] <AWikiBoy521> Nein
[07:36] <AWikiBoy521> You are currently not eating sweets.
[07:36] <Dr Crzzy Dave> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dr Crzzy Dave</span></span> still tries to figure out if hugging boys is weird
[07:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dr Crzzy Dave</span></span> does not think it is
[07:37] <DJcraft789> @AWB521 do you speak other languages other than Filipino/Tagalog and english?
[07:39] <AWikiBoy521> Uh....
[07:39] <AWikiBoy521> A few Spanish?
[07:39] <AWikiBoy521> And German terms?
[07:41] <DJcraft789> how about regional languages in the philippines
[07:41] <DJcraft789> Few Spanish to me too
[07:41] <AWikiBoy521> Eh, no.
[07:41] <DJcraft789> ok
[07:41] <Yappat> Aye A Wikiboy!
[07:41] <DJcraft789> Well i farted
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> Too late, m8.
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> Still, Supback
[07:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok then.
[07:43] <Yappat> AWikiBoy, is it a good idea to revert a staffs edit that reverted my edit?
[07:43] <Yappat> A Staff reverted my edit because my facts were"false" despite the fact it was true.
[07:43] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[07:43] <AWikiBoy521> It depends.
[07:44] <Yappat> Will he give me a warning?
[07:44] <AWikiBoy521> Hold on.....
[07:44] <Yappat> I hope not. I study all the GW 2 Trailers and take notes.
[07:46] <Yappat> I think people who use Winter Melon and all plants that are crucial to Endless Zone setups are quite the unoriginal.
[07:47] <Yappat> I use Primal Peashooters and Celery Stalkers.
[07:48] <Yappat> Alright, I will be back editing.
[07:48] <AWikiBoy521> Suobacks
[07:48] <Yappat> Hiya there Insert Your Name Here.
[07:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello IYNH.
[07:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Bored...
[07:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's life.
[07:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm stuck here reviving me gag trees
[07:49] <Yappat> Boredom is mostly an everyday thing.
[07:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm playing Toontown Rewritten again for once.
[07:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> At least you are finding entertainment for yourself.
[07:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Doing minecraft in class
[07:52] <Insert Your Name Here> The teacher seriously does not care
[07:52] <AWikiBoy521> That's uni anyway.
[07:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> University better than school at least that is what I heard.
[07:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> So AWB how many Bejeweled games have you played?
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> 1,2,3,Blitz,Twist......5 games in the series.
[07:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are definitely a fanboy of the series then lol.
[07:57] <AWikiBoy521> Duh
[07:57] <AWikiBoy521> I'm not the only one though.
[07:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:57] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That would explain why you are on the Bejeweled wiki.
[07:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Obviously bejeweled is a good game lol.
[07:58] <Coolyoyo33> It is.
[07:58] <Coolyoyo33> but then you've got all the rip offs.....
[07:58] <Coolyoyo33> *cough* candy crush *cough*
[07:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Sigh candy crush is a rip off of the series.
[07:59] <Coolyoyo33> and still is growing to be more popular :( 
[07:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I honestly don't understand why.
[07:59] <AWikiBoy521> Also, the other reason is because I wanted to add the YouTubePlayer template, based on the same name you probably know an loved, in this wiki to add more content in terms of audio easily.
[07:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ah ok.
[07:59] <Coolyoyo33> and then there are even rip offs of rip offs
[07:59] <Coolyoyo33> did people just forget about originality?
[07:59] <AWikiBoy521> And now that the verbatim was dead.....
[08:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Eh I wouldn't know cool.
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> currently uses the worse alternative.
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> *and loved
[08:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Funny enough I never really see a lot of Filipinos on other wikis really.
[08:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *Rarely
[08:01] <AWikiBoy521> Oh.....
[08:01] <AWikiBoy521> Check the Candy Crush wiki....
[08:02] <Coolyoyo33> true
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> The same result happened already.
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> More Pinoy users there, like this wiki.
[08:02] <Coolyoyo33> I remember from my day of checking out like a 100 wikis 
[08:02] <Coolyoyo33> even the uselessthings wiki
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Probably because more Pinoy users like those two games idk.
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> Or one of Puffy's wikis?
[08:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Funny enough my brother actually made me interested in PvZ.
[08:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Cause he played the first and second game to completion before I did.
[08:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Well the second until the amount of worlds he had actually.
[08:03] <Coolyoyo33> I found pvz when messing around on a laptop
[08:04] <Coolyoyo33> and when I played it
[08:04] <Coolyoyo33> I just couldn't stop
[08:04] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I played it back at December 2009.....
[08:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> My brother actually introduced me to a lot of games I like like Sims, COD, AC, Bejeweled and more.
[08:04] <Coolyoyo33> I played it sometime in 2009
[08:04] <Coolyoyo33> don't remember when, though.
[08:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I first properly played it in 2014.
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No January 2015,
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Was when I first played it.
[08:05] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I knew about PvZ thanks to my uncle.
[08:05] <Coolyoyo33> O
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know I am late.
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I only just got into Pirate seas in PvZ 2.
[08:06] <Coolyoyo33> You know reading minds could actually be really convienient
[08:06] <Coolyoyo33> @darytyg, you're rn in PS?
[08:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Atm yes.
[08:06] <Coolyoyo33> well
[08:07] <Coolyoyo33> I can only wish you luck for when you reach to BWB
[08:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Please tell me it is not as hard as fog was.
[08:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Cause that level was hard.
[08:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *stage.
[08:07] <Coolyoyo33> Fog
[08:07] <Coolyoyo33> Lol
[08:08] <Coolyoyo33> its WAY harder than that thing
[08:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Well then that is bad lol.
[08:08] <Coolyoyo33> It took me a week to get past day 16 alone xP
[08:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh wow.
[08:09] <Coolyoyo33> That level is un fair
[08:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> If it takes you a week to complete then I would agree with that.
[08:09] <Coolyoyo33> I'd recommend boosting your bowling bulb for that level
[08:09] <Coolyoyo33> it makes it way easier
[08:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I will do that.
[08:10] <Coolyoyo33> I wish we still had the old seed packets
[08:10] <Coolyoyo33> but even the new ones 
[08:10] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> As do I.
[08:10] <Coolyoyo33> Bc the old one were perfectly matched with PS
[08:10] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I want Chomper.
[08:10] <Coolyoyo33> What about toadstool?
[08:10] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> And Jalepeno.
[08:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> And toadstoll yes.
[08:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *Toadstool.
[08:11] <Coolyoyo33> I have only one premium but he is the most useful :[[]]P
[08:11] <Coolyoyo33> (imitater) 
[08:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I honestly wonder why they made so many of the older plants premium plants.
[08:11] <Coolyoyo33> Is that a question?
[08:12] <Coolyoyo33> obviously for the $$$
[08:12] <AWikiBoy521> Aupback
[08:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Sigh it is complete BS.
[08:12] <AWikiBoy521> *Supback
[08:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi LWB.
[08:12] <Coolyoyo33> Oy LWB
[08:12] <Lolwutburger> he-hey-hola
[08:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I thought your avatar died.
[08:12] <Coolyoyo33> It is, but at least they didn't make winter melon premium....
[08:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Or Repeater.
[08:12] <Coolyoyo33> That would be horrible
[08:12] <Lolwutburger> I'm at school right now
[08:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It would.
[08:12] <Coolyoyo33> imagine all upgrade plants being premiums
[08:12] <Lolwutburger> So I can't make a new avatar
[08:13] <Lolwutburger> Later.
[08:13] <AWikiBoy521> @Darytyg
[08:13] <AWikiBoy521> She's technically alive.
[08:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That would be a nightmare.
[08:13] <AWikiBoy521> Until he changes that avatar.
[08:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> True AWB.
[08:13] <Coolyoyo33> well AFk for a thyme
[08:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok/
[08:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB wait shouldn't you be in school.
[08:13] <AWikiBoy521> I'm not inschool.
[08:13] <AWikiBoy521> *in school
[08:13] <Lolwutburger> No, Leslie is officially dead in South Park
[08:13] <AWikiBoy521> I'm at home now. :P 
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Your not.
[08:14] <AWikiBoy521> Like I wrote a while ago.
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Well goodmorning then.
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:14] <AWikiBoy521> "Supbacks, I came early."
[08:14] <AWikiBoy521> - Me, 3:29PM
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh it's afternoon for you.
[08:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Right you told us that.
[08:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I understood why Pink got chat lags lately.</span>
[08:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You happy that Leslie died.
[08:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB you could visit Japan or Korea some day as you are close to those countries.
[08:17] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[08:17] <AWikiBoy521> I'll pass.
[08:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You don't want to.
[08:19] <Yappat> Pink is chat lagging because Supback is the cause. Say Hi instead. 
[08:19] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You say nah to almost everything lol.
[08:20] <AWikiBoy521> I wasn't even there when she chatted on this wiki last night.
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[08:20] <Citron Bomb Official> (hai)
[08:20] <Citron Bomb Official> (hi) 
[08:20] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:20] <AWikiBoy521> *last school time
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Not a lot of people were there when it was night time for you.
[08:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pink, you student ninja, you.</span>
[08:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The chat was very empty.
[08:21] <Citron Bomb Official> what happened in chat recently
[08:21] <Yappat> I have no friends on the wikipedia. Does this make me an outsider?
[08:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Idk some random things.
[08:21] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[08:21] <AWikiBoy521> We all are, I guess.
[08:22] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I wouldn't say anybody is a outsider.
[08:22] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But that is just my opinion.
[08:22] <Yappat> Aye sir!
[08:22] <Yappat> ..
[08:22] <Citron Bomb Official> :/ 
[08:23] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Poke AWB that will relieve the boredom.
[08:24] <Citron Bomb Official> *pokes
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> var logInterval = 900000;
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> importScriptPage('User:Joeytje50/ChatLogger.js', 'runescape');
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB what are you doing?
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">dangit, wrong place.</span>
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ya think.
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> Room
[08:24] <Yappat> Well fine, you get a picture of my computer.
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> Coming Yappat
[08:25] <Citron Bomb Official> for the meanwhile I'll correct errors on the spoiler page
[08:25] <Yappat> Isn't it great? Windows 98 isn't that bad in general.
[08:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Is it bad that I have a better computer than Yappat.
[08:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Eh I prefer Windows 7.
[08:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But not bad.
[08:26] <Yappat> No, Windows 98 is equipped for gaming. haha.
[08:26] <Yappat> I am joking, I use a modified one.
[08:26] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[08:27] <Yappat> You know, PC set up and different screen resolution
[08:27] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes.
[08:27] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs AWB,
[08:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I used to like Windows 98 before Windows 7 came out lol.
[08:29] <Yappat> Ahh.. there we go.
[08:29] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs Yappat and everyone else too.
[08:29] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:29] <AWikiBoy521> Win 7 FTW!
[08:29] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Agreed AWB.
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> hugs Darytyg back.
[08:30] <Citron Bomb Official> ...
[08:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ever noticed that Aussies like to say the word mate a lot.
[08:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I wonder why.
[08:34] <Citron Bomb Official> chat ded?
[08:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes.
[08:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> and Citron doesn't like hugs.
[08:35] <Citron Bomb Official> ok
[08:35] <Citron Bomb Official> (intensivecarrot) everything
[08:36] <Citron Bomb Official> Hi
[08:36] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Hai there!
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi.
[08:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Brb.
[08:37] <Citron Bomb Official> and I almost forgot to change my profile pic to the Christmas one
[08:37] <KeenIcesWallerACE> (People really change profiles faster than a car.)
[08:37] <Coolyoyo33> back
[08:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Tell that to Pink and Chry[[]]salis, KIWA</span>
[08:38] <KeenIcesWallerACE> haha.
[08:39] <Citron Bomb Official> almost close to new edit milestone: 666
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> o
[08:40] <KeenIcesWallerACE> ...
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> well 
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> finally got a pp.dat with SV and CSD
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> 
[08:43] <Citron Bomb Official> back
[08:44] <Citron Bomb Official> wow chat died quickly
[08:45] <Citron Bomb Official> oh crap internet problems
[08:46] <Citron Bomb Official> chat just become boring
[08:54] <AWikiBoy521> The End
[08:56] <Bubblefan123> kden
[08:57] <Coolyoyo33> what is someone even supposed to do with 1.6 billon gems O.o
[09:02] <Citron Bomb Official> eee....
[09:08] <KeenIcesWallerACE> If changing the profile picture is faster than a car, what is the speed of changing your profile picture?
[09:10] <Coolyoyo33> SV + CSD are hella OP
[09:10] <Coolyoyo33> 
[09:10] <AWikiBoy521> Well.....
[09:10] <AWikiBoy521> Infinity
[09:10] <AWikiBoy521> In the past, then 1 month and 2 days.
[09:10] <Coolyoyo33> the answer would be varied
[09:11] <Coolyoyo33> since car is just a general word
[09:11] <Coolyoyo33> and needs to be specified which car is it
[09:11] <Coolyoyo33> and which speed it is going at 
[09:13] <AWikiBoy521> Sup?
[09:14] <Higehigebomber> Hello
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> Wow
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> popcap messed up Primal Sunflower's almanac.
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> Its recharge rate is fast but they put mediocre. GG popcap
[09:16] <Higehigebomber> Hopefully it will be fixed once its released, otherwise I'm gonna be laughing at that for a bit
[09:16] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Well screwed popcap.
[09:17] <Higehigebomber> So many plants are being revealed, idk what to look forward to most really
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> I actually got scared a bit
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> thinking it was real
[09:17] <Higehigebomber> It would suck if it was actually the new recharge rate for it
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> Hope not
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> well I'm still imitating it xD
[09:18] <Higehigebomber> Nothing was wrong with it, it's practically a regular Sunflower except gives a little more and costs a little more
[09:18] <Higehigebomber> And pf is as good as Sun shroom
[09:19] <Higehigebomber> It took me like 5 levels, but I figured out a combo that works well for me for Pirate Seas, while using Cold Snap
[09:20] <KeenIcesWallerACE> PH Christmas drought in Mindanao.
[09:20] <Higehigebomber> Sun Shroom, Lily and Imitation, Turnip, Melon, Cold Snap, Infi, and Lettuce. I like the Lettuce pf ability, makes things go at the pace I like it to go. :) 
[09:20] <Higehigebomber> Oh dang
[09:20] <Higehigebomber> Welcome
[09:20] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Hai there!
[09:20] <DatDramaPlant> \o 
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:22] <Higehigebomber> Welcome
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:22] <Higehigebomber> In my opinion, Greatest Hits is the best endless zone right now, those Hair Metals are so fun to play again.
[09:22] <Higehigebomber> Well, all I do is Spring Blover them...
[09:22] <Coolyoyo33> I always end up imitating sun plants
[09:22] <DatDramaPlant> (facepalm) 
[09:22] <Coolyoyo33> except sun flower and TWS
[09:22] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[09:23] <Coolyoyo33> sun shroom and PSF
[09:23] <Higehigebomber> Twin was nerfed really bad in the past, no reason to use it anymore. :( 
[09:23] <DatDramaPlant> XD
[09:23] <Higehigebomber> Never had to sit through recharge at the start, and now it does, RIP Twin Sunflower
[09:24] <Coolyoyo33> I use it in FF to conserve dem spaces
[09:24] <KeenIcesWallerACE> What is your favorite endless levels?
[09:24] <Higehigebomber> Pre-planted Tiles, only good time to use them now
[09:24] <Coolyoyo33> dat de football mecharoo wont push it back
[09:24] <Higehigebomber> FF, PS, and NMT are my favorite zones.
[09:25] <Coolyoyo33> My favorite is LC, BWB and FF
[09:25] <Higehigebomber> Although PS is the only zone I'm above 200 rounds on
[09:25] <Coolyoyo33> *are
[09:25] <DatDramaPlant> I'm not a EZ player.
[09:25] <Coolyoyo33> o
[09:25] <DatDramaPlant> My highest is only 40+ on DMB.
[09:25] <Coolyoyo33> O
[09:25] <DatDramaPlant> Because I'm too lazy.
[09:25] <Higehigebomber> :p 
[09:25] <Higehigebomber> I use easy strats for endless
[09:25] <Coolyoyo33> I had a score of 76 in DMB and when I decided to go ahead, my dad called me AND IT RUINED MY WHOLE GAME
[09:26] <Higehigebomber> Turnip + Lettuce = Zombies never move and you also get lots of moneys.
[09:26] <Coolyoyo33> one small mistake of not pausing it caused me to lose all my hard work, RIP
[09:26] <Higehigebomber> Nooo
[09:26] <Higehigebomber> That's lame
[09:26] <DatDramaPlant> Hehe
[09:26] <Coolyoyo33> For some reason I hate using tile turnip, I just never know when to plant him or another plant
[09:27] <Higehigebomber> I would probably cry if my streak of 280 rounds died suddenly
[09:27] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Retry endless for $5.99 (troll) 
[09:27] <Higehigebomber> &gt;:( 
[09:27] <Coolyoyo33> Which plant can win every last stand, (well almost any)
[09:27] <Higehigebomber> Tile Turnip is a weird plant to use, yeah
[09:27] <Higehigebomber> I only use him with Spring Bean, or Lettuce
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> As DDP said, I get bored of it easily so I end up just giving challenges to myself in regular levels
[09:28] <Higehigebomber> Because those two are OP if you power them up, with sun plants on the tiles
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> Like JM day 8 with only sunflower, lightning reed, iceberg lettuce and hurrikale
[09:28] <DatDramaPlant> 23-down was brains XD
[09:28] <Higehigebomber> I do Marsh 15 for fun, I have a challenge where I wait until final wave to use attacking plants. :p 
[09:29] <Coolyoyo33> O, noice.
[09:29] <Higehigebomber> Garlic and Sweet Potato make it fun to use Torch and Primal Pea
[09:29] <Coolyoyo33> I usually end up basing my strategies in EZ's around wintermelon
[09:29] <DatDramaPlant> I don't even think the portals look like portals.
[09:29] <Coolyoyo33> and THAT's why I love BWB and LC's endless zones so much
[09:29] <Higehigebomber> I should learn to do BWB a bit more
[09:29] <Higehigebomber> What do you do on that zone?
[09:29] <Coolyoyo33> they don't give me much chance to use winter melons, making me use work arounds
[09:30] <Coolyoyo33> Rn, I have crappy plants so no solid strategy yet.
[09:30] <DatDramaPlant> Morten Day might be a better name.
[09:30] <Higehigebomber> Yeah the portals for Modern Day are odd. :p 
[09:30] <Higehigebomber> Ah
[09:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yeah it might DDP.
[09:30] <Higehigebomber> I just try to find Tile Turnip, Winter Melon, Power Lily, and go ham on every level
[09:31] <DatDramaPlant> Someone doesn't know how to spell "Modern" properly.
[09:31] <DatDramaPlant> I had to edit the page
[09:32] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[09:32] <Higehigebomber> Lol, I would have never noticed that until you pointed it out
[09:32] <Higehigebomber> That's hilarious :p 
[09:32] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Simple word errors DPP.
[09:32] <Higehigebomber> Welcome to Morden Day
[09:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi Bubble.
[09:33] <Coolyoyo33> More Den day
[09:33] <Bubblefan123> o/ 
[09:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> DPP what are you doing?
[09:33] <DatDramaPlant> Nothing much.
[09:33] <Higehigebomber> Welcome :D 
[09:33] <DatDramaPlant> Just editing on forums.
[09:33] <Coolyoyo33> Grapeshot removes any reason at all to use CB *sigh*
[09:33] <DatDramaPlant> \o 
[09:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Not much for me either DPP.
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> same for colderoo snapdragon
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> rip
[09:34] <Higehigebomber> And soon, Primal Potato will kill off the Grape and Cherry lolol
[09:34] <DatDramaPlant> Not likely.
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Potato Mine is a Cherry bomb that takes 5 flippin seconds to arm
[09:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Eh true.,
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> 5 FLIPPIN SECONDS
[09:34] <Higehigebomber> Except for Pirate Seas planks, Primal Potato is > Cherry/Grape.
[09:35] <DatDramaPlant> In huge hordes, no.
[09:35] <DatDramaPlant> It'll get eaten.
[09:35] <Bubblefan123> i love Moonflower's almanac entry XD
[09:35] <Insert Your Name Here> The arming time has very little negative impact
[09:35] <Coolyoyo33> Before they were going to make it load as much as how much it takes for a zombie to cross 5 tiles
[09:35] <Higehigebomber> Ice to slow things down? :p 
[09:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I joined two months after DPP did.
[09:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[09:35] <Coolyoyo33> 5 tiles to 5 seconds is a huge change
[09:35] <Insert Your Name Here> You could plant that thing almost right in front of the horde with slowing plants
[09:35] <Coolyoyo33> because 5 seconds means the time a zombie takes to cross 1 tile
[09:35] <Coolyoyo33> true @iynh
[09:36] <Coolyoyo33> Cold snapdragon and PPM make a grate combo
[09:36] <Bubblefan123> 5 seconds is bad against certain zombies and against "Trex" boosted zombies
[09:36] <Higehigebomber> I just thought primal potato would replace regular potato, but now he replaces the grape and cherry, dang it potato calm down.
[09:36] <DatDramaPlant> The fact that you can't plant it in the center of the horde is quite negative.
[09:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> True it is bad.
[09:36] <Coolyoyo33> now just add in shrinking violet and you have an indestructible force
[09:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> And yes the not planting in the center is negative.
[09:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Primal potato mine x shrinking violet otp
[09:36] <DatDramaPlant> (shrug) 
[09:36] <Coolyoyo33> @dartyg true
[09:36] <Bubblefan123> A gargantuar with extra health and the speed of a chicken ._.
[09:37] <Coolyoyo33> That's why, I always take grapeshot along with him
[09:37] <Insert Your Name Here> I just found 2 ships for today
[09:37] <Insert Your Name Here> wow
[09:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I prefer Gargantuar just not there
[09:37] <Higehigebomber> :p 
[09:37] <Coolyoyo33> I don't really carea bout chgicken speed garg
[09:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> at all just don't come on my lawn.
[09:37] <Bubblefan123> there's always explosives
[09:37] <Coolyoyo33> the only one I hate from the bottom of my heart
[09:37] <Coolyoyo33> is Hair Metal Garg
[09:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The world is much better without you fricken gargantaur gaint.
[09:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> stomping on my lawn.
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> He becomes speedy during his jam while Destroying your plants with a ranged attack
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> hell with it
[09:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Crushing my plants and making me nervous.
[09:38] <Bubblefan123> lol, MD Portals CAN play jams and summon Dinos :P 
[09:38] <Higehigebomber> Infi-Nut completely stops Hair Metal, well almost. Just need one on every lane but it still does the job just right. :p 
[09:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Just go to hell gargantuar go to hell.
[09:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Gargantuar hell
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> PW does the same
[09:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Where every plant is a boosted primal wallnut
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> but its not enough when they're running at your defenses along with a million other zombies
[09:39] <Insert Your Name Here> And deals as much damage as strawburst
[09:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Good god pls no.
[09:39] <Bubblefan123> MD has portals
[09:39] <Coolyoyo33> Greatest Hits is a hell to which I keep on returning and burning
[09:39] <Higehigebomber> :p 
[09:39] <Bubblefan123> Modern Day is gonna be your new hell Coolyo
[09:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> DPP is just editing the wiki per usual.
[09:39] <Higehigebomber> Greatest Hits is fun for me, Spring Bean and Blover is the solution of course, along with ice.
[09:39] <Coolyoyo33> MD is a co-operation between valve and popcap
[09:39] <Coolyoyo33> Portal 3: Pvz 
[09:40] <Bubblefan123> XD
[09:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Starting to feel like a milk.
[09:40] <Coolyoyo33> Who am I kidding, Gaben would only let it be called
[09:40] <DatDramaPlant> @Darytyg
[09:40] <DatDramaPlant> When will you get the initials right? :P 
[09:40] <Coolyoyo33> Portal 2.99: Pvz
[09:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Pvz2 episode 1
[09:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I will DDP ha!
[09:40] <Higehigebomber> PvZ2 episode 2.1
[09:40] <Higehigebomber> The list goes on
[09:40] <Bubblefan123> i'm still imagining the possibility of Dinos, with water, and Jurrasic Gargs
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> People wait for half life three
[09:41] <Bubblefan123> inside Modern Day's EZ
[09:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Portals and PvZ what!
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> they give half life chapter 1 
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> then half life chapter 2
[09:41] <Higehigebomber> How about metal jam, t-rex, hair metals, wizards, and octopus zombie
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> kden
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> 3 just isn't happening
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> I had an idea for a cool zombie - Mage Gargantuar, Great health, Turns plants in a 3x3 area into sheep
[09:42] <Higehigebomber> I don't know if the portals work like how I said, but if they do... Aw yus. :p 
[09:42] <DatDramaPlant> I'm doing Flowers.
[09:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why flowers.
[09:42] <DatDramaPlant> Editing. xD
[09:42] <Coolyoyo33> also speed, flighty
[09:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But why?
[09:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> xD
[09:42] <DatDramaPlant> Phrasing problem.
[09:42] <DatDramaPlant> One in many.
[09:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes.
[09:43] <Bubblefan123> Wizards, Octos, Trogs, Arcaders, Fishers and Heavy Metal Gargs with chicken speed on a metal jam
[09:43] <Bubblefan123> DAT'S POSSIBLE!
[09:43] <DatDramaPlant> O_O
[09:44] <DatDramaPlant> What if it's Punk?
[09:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> O_O
[09:44] <Bubblefan123> then Gargs would be Gargs
[09:44] <Bubblefan123> if it's Punk, go with Jurrasic Garg
[09:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Or no.
[09:45] <Higehigebomber> How about Jurassic Garg mixed with Hair Metal during the Metal jam, just for fun. :p 
[09:45] <Higehigebomber> Welcome 
[09:45] <DatDramaPlant> \o 
[09:45] <Lolwutburger> I am now punched-through-face Leslie
[09:45] <Coolyoyo33> I want day 16 to have only gargs
[09:46] <Coolyoyo33> and the only plant we get is puff shroom (troll) 
[09:46] <Higehigebomber> Booooost
[09:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi LVQ.
[09:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *LWB
[09:46] <Lolwutburger> I am not Lesvianqueen
[09:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Small typo.
[09:47] <Lolwutburger> kayola
[09:47] <Coolyoyo33> I hope popcap makes a new game after PVz 2
[09:47] <Coolyoyo33> that is NOT, I repeat NOT pvz related
[09:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Me too.
[09:47] <Lolwutburger> I want them to remaster PvZ1
[09:48] <Lolwutburger> but I would ALSO like Insaniquarium2
[09:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How did Leaslie die?
[09:48] <Coolyoyo33> TRex is too much of a dog
[09:48] <Coolyoyo33> gdi
[09:48] <Lolwutburger> She got punched through the face by PC Principal.
[09:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[09:49] <Higehigebomber> I found Handsomeplant's blog post about the levels in MD, day 7 looks ridiculous. [[User blog:TheHandsomePlant/Modern Day Part 1 levels]]
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> I have a hard gual ahead of me'
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> to reach lvl 100 in La brainsa tarpits
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> *goal
[09:49] <Higehigebomber> Sounds like fun
[09:49] <Higehigebomber> Kind of
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> without perfume shroom..
[09:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It does.
[09:50] <Higehigebomber> Welcome
[09:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It's DPP not DDP :P 
[09:50] <DatDramaPlant> \o 
[09:50] <DatDramaPlant> XD
[09:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[09:50] <Coolyoyo33> DBP?
[09:50] <Neronic Gardener> Spoilers
[09:50] <Coolyoyo33> Dual Banana Parfait?
[09:50] <Higehigebomber> Day 7 of modern day sounds nuts, Imps in first two groups and first flag approaches
[09:50] <Neronic Gardener> Who is excited on Morden Day 
[09:51] <Coolyoyo33> Everything is awesome
[09:51] <Higehigebomber> With octo zombie and Rock jam
[09:51] <Higehigebomber> Or rap apparently
[09:51] <Neronic Gardener> Wait how did you know about Day 7 i thought it would crash 
[09:51] <Coolyoyo33> everything is cool when you use grapeshot, cold dragon adn SV
[09:51] <Coolyoyo33> 
[09:51] <DatDramaPlant> There is no Rock jam.
[09:51] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> I'm too excited for MD's UB and DM music
[09:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nah no rock Jam.
[09:51] <DatDramaPlant> Yesyesyesyesyes1
[09:51] <DatDramaPlant> @LWB
[09:51] <Higehigebomber> The punk zombie jam
[09:51] <Higehigebomber> Whatever it's called
[09:52] <DatDramaPlant> It's Punk.
[09:52] <Higehigebomber> Okie
[09:52] <DatDramaPlant> (facepalm) 
[09:52] <Neronic Gardener> i can't wait to hear my favourite music 
[09:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Lol
[09:52] <Higehigebomber> Sounds more like rock instead of punk, but now I know
[09:52] <DatDramaPlant> Why would a Punk react to rock?
[09:52] <Coolyoyo33> Rememeber the time when we expected a cool T-rex
[09:52] <Lolwutburger> It would be disappointing if they don't add Moongrains, Watery Graves, Rigor Mormist and Loonboon to the DM and UB themes
[09:52] <Coolyoyo33> and then we got a dog
[09:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Idk 
[09:52] <Neronic Gardener> Brainic Maniacis my favourite music
[09:53] <Higehigebomber> I just want cool music. :p 
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> anyone have the MD OST
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> ?
[09:53] <DatDramaPlant> Wasn't it released?
[09:53] <Neronic Gardener> But I dissappointing cause most of the worlds are daytime and there is no Fog and Roof levels
[09:54] <Neronic Gardener> Damn bad Grammar
[09:54] <Neronic Gardener> just to hyped on Morden Day
[09:54] <Coolyoyo33> Looks like someone posted MD day 1
[09:54] <Higehigebomber> Moon Flower sounds interesting, especially if it reacts to other Moon Flowers. If I can understand its ability correctly, it gives 25 Sun normally, but if its adjacent to another dark plant (like Moon Flower maybe?) then it gets +25 Sun. It sounds really good if it works like that.
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> Rick Astley Zombot confirmed
[09:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yeah.
[09:55] <Neronic Gardener> LOL
[09:55] <Bubblefan123> k i gtg, my ******* of a dad keeps telling me to stop _-_
[09:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nice try.
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> @LWB. Yes.
[09:55] <DatDramaPlant> Someone is quite careless.
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> But seriously though
[09:55] <DatDramaPlant> (misspelling "Trivia")
[09:55] <Bubblefan123> and btw, it's Punk Rock jam (troll) 
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> @Hige
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> Rickrolling is soooo NMT ago
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> Yes it works like that
[09:55] <Higehigebomber> Sounds really awesome then
[09:56] <Coolyoyo33> but it prodcues 25 sun for every shadow plant next to it
[09:56] <Neronic Gardener> Rickroll pranks are too old these days
[09:56] <Coolyoyo33> maximum is 4
[09:56] <Coolyoyo33> so it can produce 100 sun
[09:56] <Coolyoyo33> AND, it boosts those shadow plants
[09:56] <Coolyoyo33> causing the change of color
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> Modern Day's theme gets me hard
[09:57] <DatDramaPlant> It produces 125 max.
[09:57] <Coolyoyo33> But rickroll 4 life
[09:57] <Magicwaterz> The roof!
[09:57] <Coolyoyo33> it produces 25 sun from the start?
[09:57] <Neronic Gardener> Moon Flower is the only sun producing plant which can be effected by plants and effects the plant
[09:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes.
[09:57] <Higehigebomber> Moon Flower sounds really good then
[09:57] <Neronic Gardener> sorry i don't know the gender of Moon Flower
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> EVEN THE DA KAZOO IS IN THERE
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> OH GOD
[09:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You dont ok.
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB homework!
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> No homework today
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> it's Friday
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh ok.
[09:58] <Coolyoyo33> I only like the Roof theme and LOVE the zombies on your lawn mix
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> they don't give homework on Friday in my school
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are a bit crazy.
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :p 
[09:58] <Higehigebomber> But I hope there are other plants that can make use of the boost. The only attacking dark plant right now just sounds like a Peashooter that can punch stuff too.
[09:58] <Neronic Gardener> There's a zombie on your Lawn
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Grass walk PvZ one I prefer over PvZ2 lol
[09:58] <Magicwaterz> Listening to it again...
[09:58] <Coolyoyo33> That is my point
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *Grasswalk PvZ2
[09:58] <Coolyoyo33> it sounds too good
[09:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I like Graze the roof.
[09:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Anyone know the music that plays when you are about to finish the stage.
[09:59] <Coolyoyo33> probably my favorite PVz music 4 life
[09:59] <Magicwaterz> Remixed Zombies on Your Lawn I believe
[09:59] <Coolyoyo33> it has a perfect blend of alien sounds, Jurassic Marsh and Frostbite caves
[09:59] <DatDramaPlant> Pretty sure it's that.
[09:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> They brought that song back in PvZ2.
[10:00] <Coolyoyo33> and ofc zombies in your lawn
[10:00] <Coolyoyo33> it sounds just so good
[10:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I like Zombies in your lawn
[10:00] <Coolyoyo33> same
[10:00] <Lolwutburger> I like it on 1.25 speed.
[10:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> They couldn't drop that song
[10:00] <Coolyoyo33> I like this version twice as much tho
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> so perfectly remixed
[10:01] <Princess Kitty> hey AWikiBoy521
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> Oy PK
[10:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The remix was so good.
[10:01] <Neronic Gardener> i prefer morden Day to be more Evil
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> ikr
[10:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yeah.
[10:02] <Coolyoyo33> Modern Day so far is perfect in my eyes
[10:02] <Princess Kitty> Hi, MGC!
[10:02] <Lolwutburger> They should at least put a lot more things in part 2.
[10:02] <Neronic Gardener> Morden Day has all Zombies in Worlds
[10:02] <Coolyoyo33> Not even the people who complain about everything on the wiki are complaining about this!
[10:02] <Lolwutburger> Like at least some returning plants would be nice.
[10:02] <Magicwaterz> That Graze the Roof remix though... I'm going to implode!
[10:02] <Neronic Gardener> Doom Shroom
[10:02] <Magicwaterz> o/ 
[10:02] <Lolwutburger> Hopefully Bungee and Pole-Vaulter return.
[10:02] <Coolyoyo33> They would die before we notice
[10:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The thing about sequels is they never bring back as much as the original did.
[10:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Or as much.
[10:02] <Coolyoyo33> Bungee is replaced by parrot
[10:03] <Princess Kitty> AWikiBoy521 PM
[10:03] <Princess Kitty> AWikiBoy521
[10:03] <Coolyoyo33> Oy anon
[10:04] <Neronic Gardener> I hope Zomboss won't lose his head
[10:04] <Coolyoyo33> true
[10:04] <DatDramaPlant> GW2 stuff?
[10:04] <Coolyoyo33> but will lose much activity
[10:04] <Higehigebomber> Travel through space, yah?? Other than that, no idea what will happen to the main series.
[10:04] <Coolyoyo33> GW 2
[10:04] <Magicwaterz> Yeah... Like PnF wiki is still there even though it is done...
[10:04] <Neronic Gardener> Idk when GW happens in
[10:04] <Coolyoyo33> not even quarter of the people here are intereested in it
[10:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yip many wikis are still there even though the game series ended.
[10:04] <DatDramaPlant> PvZ3: Around the World XD
[10:04] <Neronic Gardener> even better
[10:04] <Lolwutburger> PvZ3: Rise of the Gnomes
[10:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Or PvZ3 death to EA.
[10:05] <DatDramaPlant> Or World Tour
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> The discussion for GW 2 only got like 2 threads
[10:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :p 
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> in 4 months
[10:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The goal is for the player to kill EA.
[10:05] <Magicwaterz> That's actually a good idea!
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> While jurassic marsh ran through each thread in 3 days
[10:05] <DatDramaPlant> *giggle*
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> I want world tour too
[10:05] <Magicwaterz> But they need to port the game to other platforms first
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> antartica
[10:05] <DatDramaPlant> Also, we get a lot more info on PvZ2.
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> hawaii 
[10:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> For what they did for many game series.
[10:05] <DatDramaPlant> Underwater!
[10:05] <Neronic Gardener> idk possibly 3
[10:05] <Lolwutburger> Seriously, I have an idea of a game where both Plants and Zombies fight gnomes
[10:05] <DatDramaPlant> East Sea Dragon Palace?
[10:05] <DatDramaPlant> XD
[10:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> Gnomes
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> why
[10:05] <Magicwaterz> I want Flower pot and Pumpkin! So that I can make a very thick wall!
[10:06] <Higehigebomber> Atlantis would be a cool underwater place, maybe
[10:06] <Coolyoyo33> Meh
[10:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I want Chomper.
[10:06] <Lolwutburger> Because Newspaper's newspaper's head article is about gnomes.
[10:06] <Coolyoyo33> bet pumpkin wont ever return
[10:06] <Higehigebomber> We have Infi-Nut to replace Pumpkin, kind of
[10:06] <Lolwutburger> But now I have a better idea
[10:06] <DatDramaPlant> Did we just have a new user?
[10:06] <Neronic Gardener> PvZ3 Plants in Battle
[10:06] <Lolwutburger> PvZ3: No, not really. This is a sequel to INSANIQUARIUM, BEE-YATCH!
[10:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why do so many of the plants cost money to buy.
[10:06] <Magicwaterz> Infi-Nut takes up space whilst Pumpkin shares a space...
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> AT least be happy this isn't candy crush where you have to buy your way to the next world or ask friends to do it for you
[10:07] <Higehigebomber> It also acts like a Tall-Nut
[10:07] <Neronic Gardener> o yeah i forgot about Insaquarium
[10:07] <Higehigebomber> I never played Candy Crush, but that sounds horrible 
[10:07] <DatDramaPlant> It is.
[10:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Was PvZ1 just made by Popcap games.
[10:32] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You do.
[10:32] <Magicwaterz> Yup...
[10:32] <Magicwaterz> Doh!
[10:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> Plants vs Zombies Spinoff: Zombie Cart Racing
[10:33] <Magicwaterz> With Plants as Items!
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> #TotallyNotARipOffOfMarioKart
[10:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes item plants.
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> that would be pretty fun
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> The different varieties of zobmies
[10:34] <Magicwaterz> #NotAMarioKartCloneCough
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> The Octo-Cart
[10:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It is.
[10:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> Rider: Octo Zombie
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> Special: Throws Octos on the floor that make carts slip like banana peels
[10:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Gtg.
[10:36] <Magicwaterz> \o 
[10:37] <Insert Your Name Here> In the room alone again
[10:37] <Insert Your Name Here> All of my roommates went home
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> bye
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> late again gdi
[10:38] <Neronic Gardener> time to edit my own Wikia Kill The Plumber
[10:40] <Princess Kitty> Hello?
[10:41] <Insert Your Name Here> No one is here
[10:41] <Princess Kitty> AWikiBoy521
[10:41] <Princess Kitty> What just happened while you're away?
[10:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Why does every world has to have one uncounterable element
[10:45] <Magicwaterz> What do you mean?
[10:46] <Yappat> I am here!
[10:46] <Insert Your Name Here> In this world Anklyosaurus is the uncounterable element
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Last time it was sonic boom garg
[10:47] <Magicwaterz> Hello!
[10:47] <Magicwaterz> \o 
[10:50] <Princess Kitty> @MagicWaterz
[10:50] <Princess Kitty> Actually he left
[10:51] <Magicwaterz> Huh... There's lag I believe...
[10:52] <Princess Kitty> Ello, Pinky!
[10:52] <Pinkgirl234> And I'm here.
[10:52] <Pinkgirl234> Hi PK! *hugs her*
[10:52] <Insert Your Name Here> No one is here
[10:52] <Pinkgirl234> o/ 
[10:53] <Pinkgirl234> Next week is our Christmas Party.
[10:53] <Pinkgirl234> And I'm sooo hyped for our Christmas Party! :D 
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Testing for a solution to jm lvls
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Looks like we can only plant a maximum of 2 standing column of plants because anything else and the zombies will destroy them
[10:55] <Princess Kitty> Same here which my CHristmas Party is on next week! :D 
[10:55] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[10:55] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him
[10:55] <Pinkgirl234> @AnonA :3 
[10:55] <Yappat> Sorry my friends.
[10:55] <Yappat> I fell asleep on the computer.
[10:56] <TheAnonymousA> The bad news is: our Christmas holidays might be cancelled, and that's no party for us.
[10:56] <Pinkgirl234> PK wanna show--hi Yappat!
[10:56] <TheAnonymousA> *hugs her back.
[10:56] <Pinkgirl234> You finally got your avatar! (y) 
[10:56] <Pinkgirl234> @PK Yeah. I was planning on showing you [[w:c:kingdom-of-fun:Primalina|this]].
[10:57] <TheAnonymousA> Apparently, due to all the unexpected holidays given due to rain, Christmas holidays might be cancelled to compensate for lost classes.
[10:57] <TheAnonymousA> That's what my school said.
[10:57] <Yappat> Hello.
[10:57] <Pinkgirl234> @AnonA That frickin' sucks. :/ 
[10:57] <Yappat> I get a 15 week holiday
[10:57] <Yappat> ok bye I have to sleep.
[10:58] <TheAnonymousA> Pink, yes it does.
[10:58] <Princess Kitty> @Pinkgirl234
[10:58] <TheAnonymousA> Although it isn't confirmed yet.
[10:58] <Princess Kitty> Well... I'm not interest with that...
[10:58] <Princess Kitty> Pinky
[10:58] <TheAnonymousA> We might have holidays for Christmas.
[10:58] <Princess Kitty> Well... it's fine! :) 
[10:59] <Pinkgirl234> Alright. Those pictures are my art stuff though.
[10:59] <Pinkgirl234> :D 
[11:00] <Pinkgirl234> For our Christmas Party, I am supposed to give cake to the class.
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok I think I finally got to something
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> A strategy to safely clean jm
[11:00] <Princess Kitty> It's good! :) 
[11:00] <Princess Kitty> BTW, you better see this that yo haven't seen yet:
[11:02] <Pinkgirl234> Salamat! (y) 
[11:04] <Princess Kitty> SHH!!! My friend who is the luckiest PvZ Fan by PopCap request me to make a PopCap art
[11:04] <Princess Kitty> Can you please DON'T tell this to everyone?
[11:05] <TheAnonymousA> Okay. Lips sealed.
[11:07] <Pinkgirl234> AFk off
[11:08] <TheAnonymousA> Insert, what's the JM strategy you mentioned?
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Carry the following stuff:
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Grape or cherry bomb
[11:09] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Dat text wall</span>
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Plant your sun production on the second column, add a colddragon plus infinut on the first lane
[11:12] <TheAnonymousA> Sounds like a good strategy.
[11:12] <TheAnonymousA> Ankylo will ruin it though.
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Ankyl cannot push zombie past the second lane
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> And my stuff will not be pushed back
[11:12] <TheAnonymousA> Ankylos ruin everything. Long-range football mechs, remember?
[11:13] <Insert Your Name Here> They cannot push my stuff back
[11:15] <Insert Your Name Here> And force field the second column too
[11:16] <WintahMhelon18> Is soft release released?
[11:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Ja
[11:17] <WintahMhelon18> Ok
[11:17] <WintahMhelon18> Who has soft release?
[11:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Me
[11:17] <WintahMhelon18> Link it to me sir
[11:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[11:17] <Insert Your Name Here> I just gotta upload it
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Pinkgirl was here btw
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> She left just as soon as you entered
[11:19] <TheAnonymousA> Welcome back, PK!
[11:20] <TheAnonymousA> Gtg, study. I won't be back for some time.
[11:20] <TheAnonymousA> Hi Issa!
[11:20] <TheAnonymousA> Bye! \o 
[11:21] <Princess Kitty> GTG!
[11:21] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[11:21] <Princess Kitty> o/ 
[11:21] <Princess Kitty> Well...
[11:21] <Princess Kitty> I actually I was about to draw a request drawing by JZ. :) 
[11:21] <Princess Kitty> So, bye!
[11:21] <WintahMhelon18> @Insert, K
[11:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Uploading almost done
[11:56] <Citron Bomb Official> just 6 more comments or edits and we're there
[11:56] <CitronFire3> gtg'
[11:57] <Bubblefan123> i gtg bye o/ 
[11:58] <Bubblefan123> stay frosty!
[11:58] <Bubblefan123> stay hyped!
[11:58] <Citron Bomb Official> chat's dying pretty fast
[11:59] <Birdpool> K
[11:59] <Citron Bomb Official> :) 
[12:00] <WintahMhelon18> WB Pinkgirl
[12:00] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Reap
[12:01] <Reapeageddon> Anyone notice
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> That what?
[12:01] <Reapeageddon> that it says <wikia-pagetitle>
[12:01] <Pinkgirl234> wINTAH!
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> Yup
[12:01] <Reapeageddon> what happened?
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> Lels
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> I dunno
[12:01] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him and pinches his cheeks. He holds his leaf hanfs too. :3 
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> :3 
[12:01] <Pinkgirl234> @Reap Wikia did something again
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> @Pinkgirl, you mean she? :P 
[12:02] <Pinkgirl234> Check Community Central for a highlighted thread.
[12:02] <Citron Bomb Official> :::
[12:02] <Pinkgirl234> @Wintah But you are he right?
[12:03] <Pinkgirl234> 8:03 PM and time is soo fast.
[12:03] <Citron Bomb Official> :\
[12:04] <WintahMhelon18> @Pinkgirl, well, the one who holds my little hands is not a "he" :P 
[12:05] <WintahMhelon18> Yo yoyo
[12:05] <Coolyoyo33> oy 
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit where is my nose medicine
[12:05] <WintahMhelon18> I don't nose where it is
[12:05] <Coolyoyo33> I'm just here having weird flavors of pringles
[12:06] <Citron Bomb Official> .>.>.>
[12:06] <WintahMhelon18> Like what?
[12:06] <Coolyoyo33> at least its not lays toothpaste flavor
[12:06] <Coolyoyo33> which actually exists
[12:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit I must have lost it
[12:07] <Coolyoyo33> some mix of cheese, chilli, salsa and stuff
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Hmmmm
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Perhaps taco flavor?
[12:08] <Coolyoyo33> nope
[12:06] <Coolyoyo33> which actually exists
[12:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit I must have lost it
[12:07] <Coolyoyo33> some mix of cheese, chilli, salsa and stuff
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Hmmmm
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Perhaps taco flavor?
[12:08] <Coolyoyo33> nope
[12:14] <WintahMhelon18> Yo UG
[12:15] <WintahMhelon18> I should make my Xmas avatar but my computer is still not fixed. I'm annoyed
[12:16] <Lolwutburger> dead Leslie's here
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> dead leslie killed chat
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> hola AWB
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> Bad internet.
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:21] <Lolwutburger> holas
[12:21] <PnFforever> hi o/ 
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> Is it wrong to state some opinions?
[12:22] <MyNameIsMyName> What are we talking about?
[12:22] <123hellobgbg> Nothing
[12:23] <MyNameIsMyName> I don't ask you
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> Some people in this wiki hated some opinons.....
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> *opinions
[12:23] <MyNameIsMyName> Like who?
[12:24] <AWikiBoy521> I rather not answer that.
[12:24] <AWikiBoy521> You know what I meant, users.
[12:24] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok.
[12:24] <RetroBowser> I have retured
[12:24] <RetroBowser> returned**
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> holas
[12:25] <Pinkgirl234> Returned from the dead?
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> Is it wrong to state some opinions?
[12:22] <MyNameIsMyName> What are we talking about?
[12:22] <123hellobgbg> Nothing
[12:23] <MyNameIsMyName> I don't ask you
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> Some people in this wiki hated some opinons.....
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> *opinions
[12:23] <MyNameIsMyName> Like who?
[12:24] <AWikiBoy521> I rather not answer that.
[12:24] <AWikiBoy521> You know what I meant, users.
[12:24] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok.
[12:24] <RetroBowser> I have retured
[12:24] <RetroBowser> returned**
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> holas
[12:25] <Pinkgirl234> Returned from the dead?
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> Well, PC Principal punched Leslie through her face...
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> yet she's still my icon
[12:26] <MyNameIsMyName> Still, what are we talking about?
[12:26] <Lolwutburger> I dunno
[12:26] <RetroBowser> The dead? You are surely not far off however.
[12:26] <Lolwutburger> Let's talk about Modern Day
[12:26] <Lolwutburger> and its amazing music
[12:26] <Pinkgirl234> Retropai, O how I miss you so! ;-;
[12:26] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him
[12:26] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok
[12:26] <MyNameIsMyName> I think the NMT part is epic
[12:26] <Lolwutburger> ...
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> Really? No one?
[12:27] <PnFforever> Modern Day, 5 Jalapeno difficulty, meaning we'll be seeing a sh*tstorm of zombies from other areas
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> Okay then.
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> Oh, okay.
[12:27] <MyNameIsMyName> Yup
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> I love the Zombies on Your Lawn part
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> I mean, NMT is the most original.
[12:27] <MyNameIsMyName> And it makes sense
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> *has the most original themes.
[12:28] <Pinkgirl234> But I came back
[12:28] <PnFforever> I mean, we did see zombies from other areas in Player's House during Pinata Party, but for some reason, Modern Day makes it feel different
[12:28] <Pinkgirl234> from the (grave) 
[12:28] <MyNameIsMyName> I don't see the Final Wave music has any connection with Zombies On Your Lawn?
[12:28] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[12:28] <Birdpool> @name
[12:28] <PnFforever> If there's one thing I'm happy about Modern Day, is that they bring back Graze the Roof
[12:29] <Birdpool> Then you are deaf
[12:29] <Lolwutburger> Graze the Roof was my favorite from PvZ1
[12:29] <MyNameIsMyName> Seriously, I think they are completely differrent
[12:29] <Pinkgirl234> AWB still wanna call me Pinkalina? :P 
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> @Pink
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> Still Pinkalina.
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Got any plan after this wiki yet?
[12:29] <Birdpool> It has the same beat and tone as the lyrics
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> Nah, Insert.
[12:30] <MyNameIsMyName> @PnF+Lol Yeah the Roof part is awesome with electric guitars
[12:30] <Pinkgirl234> A plan after <span style="font-weight:bold;">this</span> wiki?
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[12:30] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> shrugs
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> GW isn't going to do much in terms of keeping us here
[12:30] <MyNameIsMyName> Now I think it doesn't make sense to make BWB not have a DM theme
[12:31] <AWikiBoy521> I will stay in this wiki regardless of that.
[12:31] <AWikiBoy521> Because forum games.
[12:31] <Pinkgirl234> I am eating a (banana) 
[12:31] <AWikiBoy521> And also, other random stuff in this wiki.
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> I still want to bring something on this wiki with me
[12:31] <Pinkgirl234> And I just finished eating it
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> I already did brought something in this wiki to me and use it IRL.
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> I guess the end of this wiki will be the end of my child era
[12:32] <MyNameIsMyName> Because both the Roof music and DM theme's beats are quite slow.
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> And I do not want to face it alone
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> And I use that to help my classmate in an HTML and Flash Project.
[12:33] <MyNameIsMyName> Guys, today I had a P. E. exam. A girl in my class ran in 11.99s while the limit for women is 12.00
[12:33] <MyNameIsMyName> S
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> I am going to miss my innocent years
[12:34] <Lolwutburger> I've been watching Underfist
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> Hey
[12:35] <Insert Your Name Here> ?
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> I sometimes wanted to be happy-go-lucky like some users here but I really can't because I have to have a mature mind for my future trails.
[12:36] <AWikiBoy521> *trials
[12:36] <Pinkgirl234> *sighs*
[12:36] <Pinkgirl234> I've been getting many projects to do lately.
[12:37] <AWikiBoy521> Same to Pink.
[12:37] <AWikiBoy521> Replace projects with Hard Exams.
[12:37] <AWikiBoy521> Especially Filipino....
[12:37] <Pinkgirl234> Heh. I've got a fairly good score in my Science exam.
[12:37] <MyNameIsMyName> I had 5 exams in 2 days
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Guess this wiki game me a lot
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Something I can my interest in
[12:38] <AWikiBoy521> I had to learn more about that novel and the creator of that novel.
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Someone I can happily refer to as "close friend"
[12:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Something for me to believe, to be happy about
[12:39] <AWikiBoy521> And since I'm like Chrysalis, I will have a hard time to explain all of that in that exam. 
[12:39] <AWikiBoy521> Chrysalis, you should know what I feel about this.
[12:40] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:40] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi there Yoyo!
[12:40] <Coolyoyo33> I read that as 'fairy good score'
[12:40] <Insert Your Name Here> I am going to miss this little happy period
[12:40] <Coolyoyo33> ello
[12:40] <Pinkgirl234> Fairy.
[12:40] <MyNameIsMyName> Is.
[12:41] <Coolyoyo33> yes,
[12:41] <Coolyoyo33> fairy.
[12:41] <Insert Your Name Here> Now I hope I have the right time to tell this to that person
[12:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[12:41] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi there Breakdancer!
[12:41] <Pinkgirl234> Legend!
[12:41] <Coolyoyo33> also, 5 exams in 2 days O.o
[12:41] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him
[12:41] <Coolyoyo33> Oy legned
[12:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi primal peashooter
[12:41] <Pinkgirl234> I have magic! (glitter) :3 
[12:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Legend hugs back
[12:41] <Coolyoyo33> ew
[12:41] <Coolyoyo33> the zombies on your lawn remix sounds v. nice
[12:42] <MyNameIsMyName> Do ypu guys know there are JAMS in MD?
[12:42] <RetroBowser> well
[12:42] <Coolyoyo33> yep
[12:42] <MyNameIsMyName> And you can use Thyme Warp there (maybe)
[12:42] <Pinkgirl234> Nuu AWB! Come back! ;-;
[12:42] <Pinkgirl234> Oh wait1 I think he is back now! XD
[12:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wait brb dinner and pinata party.
[12:42] <Coolyoyo33> Maybe.
[12:42] <Birdpool> Insert stop making this sad
[12:42] <Coolyoyo33> no he's not, pink.
[12:43] <Pinkgirl234> Hmmm
[12:43] <Coolyoyo33> speak of the iceberg lettuce.
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> I hate bad internet.
[12:43] <Pinkgirl234> My screen is probably hallucinating.
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> I had to refresh.
[12:43] <MyNameIsMyName> IYNH is soo misterious
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> Not really :P 
[12:44] <AWikiBoy521> Insert is experienced much in life unlike most of us here.
[12:44] <Coolyoyo33> tru
[12:44] <Pinkgirl234> Screw lags.
[12:44] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> flips the lags 
[12:45] <Coolyoyo33> lag is unflippable tho
[12:45] <The Zombie O.O> ...what.
[12:45] <AWikiBoy521> Flip the logs next time, Pink. :P 
[12:45] <Pinkgirl234> I need to refresh
[12:45] <Pinkgirl234> hard.
[12:45] <MyNameIsMyName> Yeah, but the things he said is kind of misterious
[12:45] <MyNameIsMyName> *Are
[12:45] <Coolyoyo33> he said he'd miss this wiki and some stuff related to that (I think?)
[12:45] <Coolyoyo33> but yes, kind of mysterious.
[12:46] <Coolyoyo33> but aren't we all?
[12:46] <Coolyoyo33> 
[12:46] <MyNameIsMyName> Pink what do you think about Modern Day?
[12:46] <Pinkgirl234> Boo
[12:46] <Pinkgirl234> I'm back from the grave
[12:46] <Coolyoyo33> Dammit
[12:46] <Coolyoyo33> I mean 
[12:46] <Coolyoyo33> hi
[12:46] <Pinkgirl234> @Name I have no single idea. I don't even have PvZ 2.
[12:46] <Coolyoyo33> O
[12:46] <Coolyoyo33> so you're just one of em freeloaders
[12:46] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">She still played PvZ before.</span> 
[12:47] <The Zombie O.O> I don't really play PvZ much now lol
[12:47] <Coolyoyo33> Oh, ok then.
[12:47] <Pinkgirl234> Per AWB
[12:47] <The Zombie O.O> I left the first part of NMT at Day 6 or somethin'
[12:47] <Pinkgirl234> I can't play any PvZ in this little laptop
[12:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Emulation is really laggy
[12:47] <Coolyoyo33> Modern Day has such upbeat music for a world that's going to send you to hell...
[12:47] <Pinkgirl234> It's not gonna be compatible to play big games in this little laptop.
[12:47] <Coolyoyo33> Big games???
[12:47] <AWikiBoy521> [[Sunflower|Hence, her favorite plant....]]
[12:48] <Coolyoyo33> A half GB game is big?
[12:48] <Pinkgirl234> Dude
[12:48] <Coolyoyo33> that laptop's gotta be weak
[12:48] <Pinkgirl234> I used a Toshiba netbook.
[12:48] <Coolyoyo33> O h
[12:48] <Pinkgirl234> Yeah. Weak to do Photoshop or Flash. Too weak to play long movies or vids eaither.
[12:48] <Pinkgirl234> >eaither
[12:48] <Coolyoyo33> I used to have that
[12:49] <Coolyoyo33> very very long ago
[12:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:49] <Coolyoyo33> Or something similar to that, but the design seems pretty similar
[12:49] <Insert Your Name Here> What is one thing you cherish the most on this wiki
[12:49] <Coolyoyo33> not being bored?
[12:49] <MyNameIsMyName> I bet Pink loves Blooming Heart or Perfume-shroom or something like that
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Not like that :p 
[12:50] <MyNameIsMyName> *Will
[12:50] <Coolyoyo33> thats the only thing I keep in mind when on any stie
[12:50] <Coolyoyo33> *site'
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> Being a simple user.
[12:50] <Coolyoyo33> It's not like this wiki'll die out after pvz 2
[12:51] <Pinkgirl234> Fudge the lags! I need to refresh hard!!!
[12:51] <Coolyoyo33> sure it may get a little(very) inactive
[12:51] <Coolyoyo33> but there will still be a few lingering spirits
[12:51] <Coolyoyo33> well the plants vs zombies 2 discussions will die anyway
[12:51] <AWikiBoy521> I like being the simple I am in this wiki.
[12:52] <Coolyoyo33> 'being the simple I am'?
[12:52] <Coolyoyo33> what
[12:52] <MyNameIsMyName> My internet is even worse. If I leave this page for 1 minute, it will have to refresh
[12:52] <Coolyoyo33> shouldn't it be simpleton?
[12:52] <MyNameIsMyName> @Yoyo he is a regular garden-variety user. Simple enough,
[12:53] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[12:53] <AWikiBoy521> Nah, that would be wrong.
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> Besides, that word might make me the fool, although I am silly sometimes.
[12:55] <Coolyoyo33> hmm
[12:55] <Coolyoyo33> ok.
[12:55] <Pinkgirl234> I love bing jolly
[12:55] <Pinkgirl234> * being
[12:55] <MyNameIsMyName> Day 4 = Imps spam
[12:55] <Pinkgirl234> I guess I will never go caroling in my life anymore. ;( 
[12:55] <Insert Your Name Here> I've gone too past the age when I can keep being silly for no reason
[12:56] <Coolyoyo33> you love bing
[12:56] <Coolyoyo33> that is a crime
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> How about "caroling" in this wiki?
[12:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Even my forum game stuff has its own purpose now
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> :p 
[12:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Not just for fum
[12:56] <Insert Your Name Here> fun
[12:56] <Insert Your Name Here> You guys should obviously be able to figure it out
[12:56] <Pinkgirl234> Hmmm
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> "Badges" :P 
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Especially that one "Badge".
[12:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Badges don't mean much to me
[12:57] <Insert Your Name Here> I've always rated user worth based on status and ms activity
[12:58] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">My game allows everyone to practice thier rekting skills</span>
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Even in real life!</span>
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> I actually don't mind that.
[12:58] <MyNameIsMyName> You need rekt skillz to survive in this world
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> It's not just the MS edits that counts.
[12:59] <MyNameIsMyName> Of rekting
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> It's how you "contributed" the wiki by socializing users that also counts.
[12:59] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:59] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi there Pot Guy!
[12:59] <Pinkgirl234> I rekt like a boss
[12:59] <Pinkgirl234> and everyone knows that. B) 
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Nah :P 
[12:59] <MyNameIsMyName> No
[12:59] <MyNameIsMyName> (troll) 
[01:00] <Pinkgirl234> then now you all know. &gt;:D 
[01:00] <Coolyoyo33> rekting
[01:00] <Coolyoyo33> is always 
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">You are still a little person, Pink! Older people can rekt you more too.</span> :P 
[01:00] <Coolyoyo33> little person
[01:00] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I won't rekt until specific conditions are met</span>
[01:00] <Coolyoyo33> little text
[01:01] <MyNameIsMyName> If Dr. Zomboss rekts you, what will u do?
[01:01] <Coolyoyo33> Rekt him back B^)
[01:01] <Lolwutburger> dammit, I don't need to get rekt
[01:01] <Lolwutburger> I just got e-rekt a few hours ago
[01:01] <Lolwutburger> if ya know what I mean
[01:01] <Pinkgirl234> @AWB You are much smaller. A small small iceburg lettuce. (iceburg lettuce)
[01:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Blech.
[01:01] <IMCR8Z> (lenny) 
[01:01] <Pinkgirl234> (iceburglettuce)
[01:01] <MyNameIsMyName> Then if you rekt yourself, what will u do? (troll
[01:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> But at least he can freeze you, Pinkgirl.
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> Duh
[01:02] <Coolyoyo33> iceburg
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> Plus, *removed because it is too common*
[01:02] <MyNameIsMyName> (Troll) 
[01:02] <Coolyoyo33> rekt myself back BB^) (wait what?)
[01:02] <Pinkgirl234> I can protect myself before he even freezes me. &gt;:D 
[01:02] <Coolyoyo33> Just use fire on yourself and you will be unfrozen (troll) 
[01:02] <Pinkgirl234> Using the powers of heat. &gt;:D 
[01:03] <Insert Your Name Here> Ew
[01:03] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Cuz I'm so hot and hawt. B) </span>
[01:03] <Coolyoyo33> stah[
[01:03] <Coolyoyo33> *stahp
[01:03] <Coolyoyo33> no
[01:03] <Insert Your Name Here> pinkgirl is in heat (lenny) 
[01:03] <MyNameIsMyName> Or using a flamethrower
[01:03] <Coolyoyo33> peeking lenny
[01:03] <Coolyoyo33> Just use gasoline on yourself
[01:03] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> shows how hot she is
[01:03] <Coolyoyo33> light yourself on fire
[01:03] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Hide your melon</span>
[01:03] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I'm sorry but I had to.</span>
[01:03] <Coolyoyo33> and then walk in front of iceberg lettuce
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">wut</span>
[01:03] <MyNameIsMyName> Which means... Climate Change (troll) 
[01:04] <Coolyoyo33> you win
[01:04] <Coolyoyo33> except, you'll probably end up dying soon...
[01:04] <Coolyoyo33> oh well, who cares about small problems like that!
[01:04] <Pinkgirl234> Bring the heat babeh
[01:04] <Pinkgirl234> :P 
[01:04] <Coolyoyo33> stahp
[01:04] <Coolyoyo33> pls
[01:04] <IMCR8Z> Can we talk about the fact Nightshade is a pimp?
[01:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> You need to be frozen, Pinkgirl. *sends Hunter Zombies and Snow Peas to freeze her*
[01:05] <Pinkgirl234> Coolyoyo
[01:05] <Pinkgirl234> you can't resist the fact to admire me--8shot*
[01:05] <Insert Your Name Here> I need to figure out new plant ships for jm and md
[01:05] <Coolyoyo33> Pinkgirl
[01:06] <Coolyoyo33> no
[01:06] <Coolyoyo33> Snow pea
[01:06] <Coolyoyo33> only chills and gives frostbite
[01:06] <MyNameIsMyName> Guys, grab your flamethowers (or Flaming Pea if you don't have a flamethrower)
[01:06] <Coolyoyo33> it doesnt actually freeze
[01:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Only Wintah can't resist.</span>
[01:06] <Coolyoyo33> so your theory is invalid
[01:07] <Coolyoyo33> *in
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Netflix and Iceberg</span>
[01:07] <Insert Your Name Here> kek
[01:07] <MyNameIsMyName> @MGC XD
[01:07] <Coolyoyo33> (Spoilers)
[01:07] <Coolyoyo33> MOdern day is the next world!
[01:07] <Reapeageddon> :D 
[01:08] <Coolyoyo33> I couldn't resist
[01:08] <MyNameIsMyName> Knew that 2 months ago
[01:08] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Man this feels so good</span>
[01:08] <Pinkgirl234> *shot*
[01:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Get thee to a nunnery
[01:09] <MyNameIsMyName> Wow, the letters stop moving.
[01:09] <Pinkgirl234> Can I show my fab?
[01:09] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok
[01:09] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[01:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Sure
[01:09] <Coolyoyo33> no.
[01:10] <Coolyoyo33> Fab is prohibited.
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> I will notify your senpais about that
[01:10] <MyNameIsMyName> (Troll) is (troll) 
[01:10] <Pinkgirl234> Why notify them>
[01:10] <Pinkgirl234> * ?
[01:10] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi there TAA!
[01:10] <Coolyoyo33> If any signs of fab are shown, you'll be sent to a prison on the coast of jupiter
[01:10] <Pinkgirl234> Ohai Anon! o/ 
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Because I cam
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> can
[01:10] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[01:10] <Coolyoyo33> Oy anon
[01:12] <Insert Your Name Here> I will notify him too
[01:12] <TheAnonymousA> Hi Magicwaterz!
[01:12] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> is cri ;-;
[01:12] <Coolyoyo33> Oy MW
[01:12] <Magicwaterz> o/ 
[01:12] <Coolyoyo33> *tries to resist urge to point out bad grammar*
[01:13] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy Mazic Waterz!
[01:13] <Magicwaterz> ???
[01:13] <Magicwaterz> o/ 
[01:13] <Coolyoyo33> somehow whatever anyone tries to do and achieve in hacking pvz 2
[01:13] <Coolyoyo33> Ginta is always 3 steps ahead of them
[01:13] <MyNameIsMyName> Yup
[01:14] <TheAnonymousA> Plot twist: Ginta works at Popcap or EA!
[01:14] <Pinkgirl234> Primal Peashooter looks like the grandfather of Peashooter.
[01:14] <MyNameIsMyName> What do you guys think is the cutest thing in the universe?
[01:15] <Magicwaterz> Th cutest thing that you could imagine...
[01:15] <TheAnonymousA> Primal plants are a bit too furry and old looking...
[01:15] <Magicwaterz> The mouse just went crazy on my end...
[01:15] <TheAnonymousA> The cutest Plant ever?
[01:15] <MyNameIsMyName> Anything
[01:15] <Magicwaterz> And there goes my ellipses again...
[01:16] <Magicwaterz> Doh!
[01:16] <Lolwutburger> Did someone ping me while I was watching Underfist?
[01:16] <Magicwaterz> Uh...
[01:16] <MyNameIsMyName>
[01:16] <Magicwaterz> What?
[01:16] <Magicwaterz> Not that I'm aware of.
[01:16] <MyNameIsMyName> Coincidence.
[01:16] <Lolwutburger> Okay, TAA did. 
[01:16] <AWikiBoy521> @TheAnonymousA
[01:16] <AWikiBoy521> Primal Sunflower is cute to me.
[01:17] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:17] <MyNameIsMyName> 2kiut4u
[01:17] <TheAnonymousA> What did I ping, tuna again?
[01:17] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Peashooter is a furry
[01:17] <MyNameIsMyName> 2kiut4miizah
[01:17] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Sunflower looks like the devil's child
[01:18] <TheAnonymousA> Primal Sunflower is a plant which looks like it is already in its Halloween costume...a cute vampire.
[01:18] <IMCR8Z> I wonder what AAM thinks about Primal Sunflower?
[01:18] <Lolwutburger> AAM's with a train now
[01:18] <MyNameIsMyName> And I think Vampire Flower is really creppy
[01:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Those fangs will serve for a nice kiss he would think
[01:18] <IMCR8Z> @Lolwut: (wat) 
[01:19] <Lolwutburger> AAM turned himself into a train and is now going around getting kisses from trains
[01:19] <Lolwutburger>
[01:19] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:19] <Birdpool> Hilo
[01:19] <Lolwutburger> hola BP
[01:19] <Birdpool> I'm back
[01:19] <IMCR8Z> This is what nightmares are made of:
[01:19] <Coolyoyo33> WTF
[01:19] <Birdpool> Had to walk to school
[01:20] <Coolyoyo33> Oy BP
[01:20] <Birdpool> I do it daily and don't have WiFi
[01:20] <Birdpool> Spp I'm offline when walking
[01:20] <Lolwutburger> AAM's staring at that train ass
[01:20] <Lolwutburger>
[01:21] <Magicwaterz> Can't unsee that!
[01:21] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:21] <Coolyoyo33> That kid has a few (TOO MANY) screws loose...
[01:22] <Coolyoyo33> why
[01:22] <Coolyoyo33> why would you draw sexual trains
[01:22] <Coolyoyo33> WHY
[01:22] <TheAnonymousA> I have a full working day to tomorrow. :( 
[01:22] <Coolyoyo33> I cannot comprehend
[01:22] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">raep train</span>
[01:23] <TheAnonymousA> Gtg, back to study for me.
[01:23] <AWikiBoy521> brb, per TAA
[01:23] <IMCR8Z> Rape Train, literally
[01:23] <Magicwaterz> (._.)""
[01:24] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[01:24] <Magicwaterz> heya...
[01:24] <Electric Plants> Hey!
[01:24] <Coolyoyo33> Ok then.
[01:24] <Electric Plants> Idk
[01:24] <Magicwaterz> Wazzup!
[01:25] <Electric Plants> Hey ug!
[01:25] <Uselessguy> Hi o/ 
[01:25] <Magicwaterz> Hi UG!
[01:25] <IMCR8Z> I'm bored, so I'm looking at random pictures of Donald Trump.
[01:25] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[01:25] <Coolyoyo33> die is too common a word being used on this game..
[01:25] <Coolyoyo33> atm..
[01:25] <PnFforever> hi UG
[01:26] <Coolyoyo33> Donald Trump
[01:26] <Coolyoyo33> k den.
[01:26] <Uselessguy> O/ 
[01:26] <Coolyoyo33> wb
[01:26] <IMCR8Z> I know I already posted this, but: Mexicans Inc,:
[01:26] <Magicwaterz> I am really bothered with the internet right now... BRB, gotta wash dishes... And there goes my ellipses habit...
[01:26] <Magicwaterz> DOH!
[01:27] <Electric Plants> Hey again
[01:27] <Magicwaterz> *implodes from picture*
[01:27] <AWikiBoy521> @IMCR8Z
[01:27] <AWikiBoy521> Heheh
[01:28] <Coolyoyo33> the internet is full of frankensteins who want to share their creepy inventions..
[01:31] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat
[01:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Aren't we all attention seekers?
[01:33] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[01:33] <Insert Your Name Here> It's human nature to seek attention
[01:33] <AWikiBoy521> I am more of a helper.
[01:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Some just have more need than others
[01:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Some know what to do with and become great artists
[01:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Some don't and become people like AAM
[01:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Still we have to give him kudos for trying
[01:36] <Lolwutburger> At least AAM doesn't do weird porn
[01:37] <IMCR8Z> Yep
[01:38] <Lolwutburger> I wonder though....
[01:39] <Mage General Chrysalis> I don't want to see the floraphilia being maximized...
[01:40] <IMCR8Z> You mean Botanophilia?
[01:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep.
[01:40] <IMCR8Z> Or Herbophilia, whichever you think sounds better.
[01:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm just playing golf with myself on Toontown.
[01:40] <IMCR8Z> Also, Blooming Heart is a necrophile.
[01:41] <Insert Your Name Here> You have yet to see paheal
[01:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> I already seen it.
[01:41] <IMCR8Z> Proof: "Blooming Heart loves zombies. She gets guff from her fellow plants over it, but she stands firm. She's into zombies and makes no apologies about it."
[01:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I thought it was a game rated 9+.
[01:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Hey at least popcap saw that some 12 year old is into plants
[01:43] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:43] <IMCR8Z> Quickly, to the Love Calculator!
[01:43] <IMCR8Z> [Batman transition]
[01:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Here we go again
[01:43] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy to the 4 of you!
[01:43] <Insert Your Name Here> I got calculated with some users on this wiki
[01:44] <IMCR8Z>
[01:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Wut
[01:45] <IMCR8Z>
[01:45] <Lolwutburger> I just noticed
[01:45] <Lolwutburger> I'm one of the few males on deviantART who don't draw their OCs with revealing clothes
[01:45] <Magicwaterz> I'm back...
[01:45] <Magicwaterz> Signibble is being mischievous here...
[01:46] <IMCR8Z> @Lolwut: Interesting.
[01:46] <IMCR8Z> INB4 AAM "draws" one of your OCs with what can be barely called clothes.
[01:46] <Lolwutburger> eeew
[01:46] <Magicwaterz> @Lolwut Is that so? huh...
[01:47] <Lolwutburger> For some reason, people like my OCs who wear hoodies the most.
[01:47] <Lolwutburger> Weird.
[01:47] <Lolwutburger> I mean, my two most drawn OCs are the ones with hoodies.
[01:47] <IMCR8Z> Do your fans have some kind of collective hoodie fetish?
[01:47] <Megaelectivirexyz> Does anybody have a link for PVZ 2 Chinese edition 1.6.5?
[01:48] <Magicwaterz> Well... One of my OCs has no shirt as the main outfit since they live in a Desert temple...
[01:48] <IMCR8Z> (primal potato mine) test
[01:48] <Magicwaterz> Now, I am a bit worried about my Ask my PvZ characters now...
[01:49] <Magicwaterz> I had to censor one because of a 'suggestive' question...
[01:49] <IMCR8Z> What was it?
[01:50] <Magicwaterz> Uh...uh...
[01:50] <Magicwaterz> searching...
[01:52] <IMCR8Z> Everyone's reaction to Modern Day:
[01:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> And this golf course hates me.
[01:52] <Megaelectivirexyz> Lol
[01:52] <IMCR8Z> Don't they all?
[01:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> They do, and I'm finally finished with it.
[01:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I have to to do a tricky one now...
[01:53] <Magicwaterz> Here it is IMCR8Z :
[01:53] <Lolwutburger> That's why the ATHF golf game is the best golf game
[01:53] <Lolwutburger> this is based on a few videos I watched.
[01:54] <Lolwutburger> ooooh AAM burn
[01:54] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[01:54] <IMCR8Z> Wait, Magic, did you just imply that (power flower) is a lesbian? I'm probably looking to deep into it.
[01:55] <Mage General Chrysalis> Get rekt, AAM!
[01:55] <Insert Your Name Here> I just dislike the hipster lesbian stuff
[01:55] <Magicwaterz> No, I'm just making my main (powerflower) as a male instead of a female to make some sort of a big brother to the (sunflower) and (twinsunflower) 
[01:56] <ErnestoAM> Who's Magicwaterz?
[01:56] <IMCR8Z> Oh...
[01:56] <IMCR8Z> K den
[01:56] <Magicwaterz> The more variety the better as they say... :) 
[01:56] <Electric Plants> Hey EAM! :p 
[01:57] <ErnestoAM> *quickly runs and hides under a building*
[01:57] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[01:57] <IMCR8Z> (cactoos)
[01:57] <Magicwaterz> @EAM I'm Magicwaterz! Not magical nor watery, just Magicwaterz!
[01:57] <IMCR8Z> (cactus) (cactus2) Cactoos: Then and Now
[01:57] <ErnestoAM> *preferably Mc Donalds*
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> What Agent Andrew MArtins has a DeviantArt?
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> yeah
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yes.
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Agent555
[01:58] <ErnestoAM>
[01:58] <ErnestoAM>
[01:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Go look it up, it's Thomas the Fucking Tank Engine!
[01:58] <Lolwutburger> He likes staring at engine ass now
[01:58] <MyNameIsMyName> Bad connection, ya know...
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> hi
[01:58] <Lolwutburger> also he's a train now
[01:59] <Magicwaterz> @IMCR8Z yeah.. you're looking deep into it... Well, I had to incorporate the flowers in that question and only a few are male who are 'earth' minded...
[01:59] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[01:59] <Magicwaterz> o/ 
[01:59] <Pinkgirl234> Mwah mwah kissy kissy
[01:59] <AWikiBoy521> up wake
[01:59] <Pinkgirl234> .3.
[02:00] <ErnestoAM> eeww
[02:00] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Agent555 was pvz now a trian.
[02:00] <Electric Plants> Hey pinky!
[02:00] <Lolwutburger> Earlier I had a short stare-off with the girl that I like.
[02:00] <Lolwutburger> That's it. She said Hi, I said Hi and we went on with our each respective things
[02:00] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Electric <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Pants</span> Plants!!
[02:01] <Lolwutburger> at least I have a real relationship with a female, even if it's currently still "friends"
[02:01] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Nanananana bat mobile.
[02:01] <Lolwutburger> meanwhile AAM dates a fictional train
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> Eclectic Pants 
[02:01] <Insert Your Name Here> EP is what pink's avatar is missig
[02:01] <Insert Your Name Here> missing
[02:01] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ikr
[02:01] <Pinkgirl234> (wut) 
[02:01] <MyNameIsMyName> I think I'm super weird. I don't even know what is a beautiful girl
[02:01] <Magicwaterz> Hopefully, after I do the next ask, no one will EVER ask a 'suggestive' question. My poor children... -_- 
[02:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Protip: It rhymes with 'ants'
[02:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> At least he's no longer a herbophile.
[02:02] <MyNameIsMyName> @MagicWaterz Link?
[02:02] <Lolwutburger> Yeah, but he's a trainophile now
[02:02] <Magicwaterz> Of what?
[02:02] <Magicwaterz> @MyNameIsMyName
[02:02] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Aam meanwhile in irl
[02:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> *eats "The Big Cheez" popcorn* This is gonna be quite a life.
[02:03] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Aam:Love me pink trian love me.
[02:03] <IMCR8Z> Rape train, literally.
[02:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> He has a dakikamura pillow of a train.
[02:03] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Not rp
[02:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello.
[02:03] <MyNameIsMyName> @Mazic Waterz Your ask thread you are talking about?
[02:03] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I don't need to pants to go with my battleware outfit.</span>
[02:03] <Magicwaterz> Oh...
[02:03] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I'm fine without a pair of paints.</span>
[02:03] <MyNameIsMyName> And howdy DTFD!
[02:03] <Insert Your Name Here> So you went to battle pantless?
[02:03] <Magicwaterz> It's on dA @MyNameIsMyName
[02:04] <Lolwutburger> pantless people scare me
[02:04] <Magicwaterz> I'll look for it...
[02:04] <Lolwutburger> at least wear shorts that reach thy knees
[02:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why do pant less people scare you LWB?
[02:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> No wonder she couldn't woo Wintah.
[02:04] <MyNameIsMyName> Guys, you will not going to like this story
[02:04] <Lolwutburger> Because naked women as a whole scare me, and pantless people scare me a little
[02:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh my.
[02:05] <Insert Your Name Here> kek
[02:05] <IMCR8Z> The dialogue for Dr. Zomboss in MD basically confirms that Dr. Zomboss is an Irken.
[02:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Naked people scare you LWB?
[02:05] <Lolwutburger> Zimboss
[02:05] <Magicwaterz> @Lolwut Did you just faved one of my 'suggestive' asks? 
[02:06] <Lolwutburger> I faved it due to the AAM burn
[02:06] <IMCR8Z> (dr. zomboss) (imp) Zimboss and Giimpr
[02:06] <Magicwaterz> @MyNameIsMyName Here's the link:
[02:06] <Lolwutburger> I always dreamed of having Richard Horvitz voice a recurring character in a tv show I made
[02:07] <IMCR8Z> I'm sure we all
[02:07] <Magicwaterz> @Lolwut Now I feel awkward for my future asks...
[02:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What tv show would you make LWB.
[02:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should Magic.
[02:07] <Lolwutburger> I already filled out a meme for tv show creation
[02:07] <Lolwutburger>
[02:07] <IMCR8Z> You know, if modding PvZ GW2 is possible, the first thing I'm gonna do is make an Invader Zim voicepack for Dr. Zomboss.
[02:07] <Lolwutburger> So, yeah. This is basically the outline if I get a tv show.
[02:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why Cartoon Newtork
[02:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh wait nvm
[02:08] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Is jm part 2 here
[02:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It just says cartoon
[02:09] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No i mean. When is jm part 2 coming.
[02:09] <IMCR8Z> Shit, I just accidentally found art of anime-style (bikini zombie) getting grabbed by (tangle kelp) . She wasn't nekkid, though.
[02:09] <Lolwutburger> Basically Thurop Van Orman is the voice of my main character
[02:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Is your main character Leslie?
[02:09] <MyNameIsMyName> @Mazic so where are the answers?
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> I don't want to imagine a girl with a hole through her face being voiced by Flapjack
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> so no
[02:10] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Flapjack lol.
[02:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What does flapjack have to do with Face hole girl.
[02:11] <Lolwutburger> (seriously, in my fantasy tv show Flapjack/Thurop voices the main character, a blue haired kid with reality warping powers)
[02:11] <IMCR8Z> K
[02:11] <Lolwutburger> @Darytyg You asked if the main character was Leslie
[02:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know bout you didn
[02:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Can some one explain this
[02:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *didnt mention flapjack when I asked it
[02:12] <IMCR8Z> I thought the Dandelion in GW2 would be the plant counterpart of the Berserkers from Garden Warfare 1, in that they have high-health and constantly charge at zombies.
[02:12] <Lolwutburger> Thurop Van Orman is also Flapjack
[02:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You could always do a tv show series where you LWB interview IMCR8Z .
[02:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[02:13] <AWikiBoy521> Up wake everyone.
[02:13] <Lolwutburger> If I ever appeared as myself in my own TV series, it'll be in a little gag where I get killed
[02:13] <Pinkgirl234> Mwah
[02:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I was awake for a long time.
[02:13] <Pinkgirl234> .3.
[02:13] <Lolwutburger> Probably by the character who hates me the most, aka Lauren
[02:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You want yourself to die LWB?
[02:14] <Pinkgirl234> Hello peeps! o/ 
[02:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi Pink.
[02:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[02:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm just thinking of what to draw.
[02:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB you were right Thurop Van Orman is Flapjack.
[02:14] <AWikiBoy521> Noice
[02:15] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm drawing a girl named Hypnotica but eh.
[02:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should draw a sad, depressed girl.
[02:15] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[02:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Who pretends to be happy.
[02:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> For the sake of others.
[02:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's gonna be hard, though, I can't draw tears or sadness that well.
[02:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> Only happiness and stuff that I feel less that neutrality.
[02:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Did I reference Mage acidentley.
[02:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am so sorry.
[02:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's okay, I guess...
[02:16] <Lolwutburger> I once thought of making an OC called Terrorica who is a time-travelling druid who also tries to take over the world.
[02:16] <Lolwutburger> Most of my OCs want to take over the world for some reason
[02:16] <Lolwutburger> Huh.
[02:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Did you guess from the sad depressed.
[02:17] <Mage General Chrysalis> Of course.
[02:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You could make your main character with a hole in his face LWB.
[02:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are not that sad MGC.
[02:17] <Lolwutburger> no
[02:17] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[02:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But it would look like Leslie.
[02:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi TAA.
[02:17] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[02:18] <TheAnonymousA> Lolwut, why is there a portal/hole in your profile pic's face?
[02:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Whocplated pepsi man.
[02:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who played pepsi man.
[02:18] <Lolwutburger> Watch the season 19 finale of South Park
[02:18] <Lolwutburger> then you'll know
[02:18] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[02:18] <AWikiBoy521> I know him but never played it.
[02:18] <AWikiBoy521> Pepsiman!
[02:19] <Mage General Chrysalis> I heard of PEPSIMAAAAAN from M Playing Games months before JonTron played it.
[02:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The character got her head punched in
[02:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Not at all realistic
[02:19] <Mage General Chrysalis> PEPSIMAN!
[02:19] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pepsiman!!
[02:19] <Mage General Chrysalis> Have a pepsi.
[02:19] <AWikiBoy521> YEAH!
[02:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But why is South Park realistic anyway
[02:19] <AWikiBoy521> YEAH, PEPSI!
[02:19] <Legenddemonicderpknight> But at the start of the hame what do you see?
[02:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The show is too crazy to be that.
[02:20] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *game
[02:20] <TheAnonymousA> Pepsiman? But thanks! *drinks his Pepsi.
[02:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You can't punch a hole in a persons face.
[02:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pepsi man the true hero?
[02:21] <TheAnonymousA> Punch a hole in a person's face and make it look like a portal of some sort? Nope, not possible.
[02:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB why do you watch SP again?
[02:21] <Lolwutburger> Because it's funny
[02:22] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Cartoons are mostly for children but are for anyone else as well.
[02:22] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[02:23] <RetroBowser> "Cartoons are mostly for children" I scoff at that proposal 
[02:23] <PnFforever> I watched a few South Park episodes. I'd say, pretty entertaining
[02:23] <IMCR8Z> @Darty: Ironically, it would be hearsay to say Disney cartoons are mostly for children, yet any other cartoon is a big no-no.
[02:23] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> True :P/
[02:23] <TheAnonymousA> Hi Retroo!
[02:24] <TheAnonymousA> *Retro
[02:24] <TheAnonymousA> o/ 
[02:24] <Mage General Chrysalis> What about pre-school cartoons?
[02:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Are you going to change your avatar from Leslie LWB?
[02:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Here comes the anime me man.
[02:25] <Lolwutburger> Probably someday.
[02:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[02:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Btw when Pink comes throw Retro at her.
[02:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That would make her happy.
[02:26] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:27] <Birdpool> Hey uselessguy
[02:27] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> UG is not here?
[02:27] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Unless there is a lag or something
[02:27] <Reapeageddon> Is there any pic for the PvZ2 logo
[02:27] <Reapeageddon> nvm
[02:28] <Reapeageddon> [[File:PvZ2 Logo.png]]
[02:28] <Reapeageddon> found it
[02:28] <Reapeageddon> this rare type 
[02:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok no lag UG is just not here.
[02:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You found something Reap>
[02:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *?
[02:30] <Birdpool> He's on my list
[02:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That is odd.
[02:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He is not on mine.
[02:31] <IMCR8Z> afk
[02:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I'm finished with Hypnotica!
[02:31] <Birdpool> I hate Android YouTube
[02:32] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I honestly don't blame you.
[02:32] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I hate it too.
[02:32] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What does Hypnotica look like MGC?
[02:33] <Birdpool> When I click for earlier replies out gives earlier comments instead
[02:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Anything mobile for me is a big NO>
[02:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[02:34] <Mage General Chrysalis> A girl wearing a top hat wearing hypno glasses, a coat, a pocket watch necklace a dress, socks, and heels holding a walking cane and an hourglass.
[02:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Impressive.
[02:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> See Mage you are good with certain things.
[02:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[02:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ho
[02:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[02:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep, but I just feel inferior since I see people who could do more realistic body shapes, I could only draw cartoon-ish body shapes and I can't draw boys well.
[02:35] <Lolwutburger> Helo Cartmelon
[02:35] <Lolwutburger> oooooh crippity croop
[02:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You shouldn't feel inferior Mage.
[02:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB is a cow!
[02:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[02:36] <Lolwutburger> Facebook put the girl I like at the top of my search suggestions
[02:36] <Lolwutburger> Facebook's starting to get smarter....
[02:36] <Eugoth> o/ 
[02:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[02:36] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yee!
[02:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi Eugoth 
[02:36] <Eugoth> Modern day - day 1
[02:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Mage are you ok, do you feel sad or something?
[02:37] <RetroBowser> I have returned 
[02:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Eh.
[02:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[02:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Pink would be screaming right now lol.
[02:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But maybe Retro is not Retro (troll) 
[02:38] <Lolwutburger> who the hell are all these freaks adding me on Facebook
[02:38] <Lolwutburger> I don't know any of them
[02:38] <RetroBowser> Was just expending my resource of time by editing articles on the basis of allowing for extra clarity with the addition of informational content.
[02:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You like the people adding you on youtube LWB?
[02:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *Facebook.
[02:38] <Lolwutburger> Well, it's okay for anyone to add my LWB account
[02:39] <Lolwutburger> but my Matt account is different.
[02:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mayby they are george fan clones.
[02:39] <RetroBowser> Is it truly different? Or perhaps just two sides of the same coin?
[02:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Retro are you mind tricking us?
[02:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why is your Matt account differen?
[02:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> I feel okay.
[02:40] <Lolwutburger> Because that's for the IRL people to add me.
[02:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Good.
[02:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I see.
[02:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> I add PVZ Wikia people all the time.
[02:40] <RetroBowser> "Mind tricking?" I know nothing of "mind tricking". 
[02:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You so do.
[02:40] <RetroBowser> What an absurd and childish game to play.
[02:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nothing absurd expect the resistance against it.
[02:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[02:42] <RetroBowser> Not so. For what resistance is there if the so called concept doesn't even occur?
[02:42] <RetroBowser> I bid you all adieu for now. Farewell
[02:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[02:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[02:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> How cute :) .
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[02:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im not a female im a male but i find this cute.
[02:45] <Mage General Chrysalis> Guys find things cute too, it's not like we're stereotypical Filipino boys who just call people gay for crying.
[02:45] <Mage General Chrysalis> Even in a place around onions.
[02:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok.
[02:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> True.
[02:45] <IMCR8Z> still afk
[02:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> accidently pings LWB :P 
[02:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That is so true MGC.
[02:47] <The Magic Star> Tako
[02:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[02:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[02:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> Believe me, that happened during Culinary classes.
[02:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know Mage is secretly Pink. :P 
[02:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> Culinary classes is also the class where I left behind the bowl my mom uses at the school kitchen and I feel nervous to get it.
[02:47] <The Magic Star> I cry lots of times, people don't judge me
[02:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> Sheesh, I would have modesty in agent outfits.
[02:48] <The Magic Star> They actually try to help ,e
[02:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> We won't judge you. :D 
[02:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nothing is wrong with that TMS
[02:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> We wont.
[02:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> Just don't go the Veritas.
[02:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> *to
[02:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why would we judge you anyway.
[02:48] <The Magic Star> Also it is my very secret weapon
[02:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Your secret weapon to what?
[02:48] <The Magic Star> I cry when my classmates get so noisy
[02:49] <The Magic Star> It's wierd how I can make myself cry
[02:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> So you can now when you enter popcap building you cry so they release pvz gw2.
[02:49] <The Magic Star> Lol
[02:49] <The Magic Star> possibly
[02:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Or explode EA.
[02:49] <The Magic Star> Maybe
[02:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> They'll probably release it when Modern Day is finished, bleh.
[02:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> They will release it in 2016.
[02:50] <The Magic Star> Speaking of Modern Day the music is EPIC!
[02:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> February 23.
[02:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Its the roof remix right?
[02:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> We don't need GW but ok.
[02:50] <The Magic Star> Yes
[02:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> Maybe PVZ2's end and GW2 should be released at the same time.
[02:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> So it WILL be the end and the beginning.
[02:51] <Eugoth> no
[02:51] <Eugoth> A day of difference
[02:51] <Eugoth> You finish pvz2
[02:51] <The Magic Star> Maybe
[02:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Oh i listened to that song already it was epic.
[02:51] <Eugoth> Go straight to GW 2
[02:51] <The Magic Star> Beghouled
[02:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Depends on the developers.
[02:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> And wait *patiently* for Vasebreaker if it'll ever happen.
[02:52] <The Magic Star> I thought you pronounce it "Be Jowld"
[02:52] <The Magic Star> Before
[02:52] <The Magic Star> Now I get it
[02:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But Vasebreaker exists already.
[02:52] <The Magic Star> Otako
[02:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> The newer updates.
[02:52] <The Magic Star> Oh
[02:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I see
[02:52] <The Magic Star> I tried it on bluestacks, with hacks, it is still hard!
[02:53] <The Magic Star> especially Dark Ages
[02:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> What's so hard?
[02:53] <The Magic Star> There was one level
[02:53] <The Magic Star> where it gives you Puffs and Magnets
[02:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> And does Modern Day require all of the worlds to be completed?
[02:53] <The Magic Star> with some Bucketheads
[02:53] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Imagine if the Phillipines explodes.
[02:53] <The Magic Star> I hope so
[02:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> I don't want to die...
[02:54] <The Magic Star> then I will cry and then it will come back
[02:54] <The Magic Star> but on realtalk: nooooooo
[02:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Right I forgot people were from the Phillipines here
[02:54] <The Magic Star> In dedication to Modern Day
[02:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *some
[02:54] <The Magic Star> I will change my profile oic
[02:54] <The Magic Star> *pic
[02:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Into primal?
[02:55] <The Magic Star> Primal first then Modern Day last
[02:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Legendary why do have such shiny colors?
[02:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *you
[02:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I like neon.
[02:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But why neon?
[02:56] <The Magic Star> The plants in Modern Day were not what I expected.
[02:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes.
[02:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Remember when LWB was here.
[02:57] <The Magic Star> Anyway, I'm gonna go to the Modern Day Discussion threads
[02:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> She was cool.
[02:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I like neon mixtape tour.
[02:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[02:57] <The Magic Star> I will see what I missed
[02:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why cause of the neon Legendary?
[02:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep
[02:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I like the 80s.
[02:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I do too.
[02:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 80s rule.
[02:58] <Lolwutburger> WELP IT'S ELEVEN TIME TO SLEEP
[02:58] <Lolwutburger> LESLIE OUT
[02:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But it is not even evening in the Phillipines
[02:59] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Well gtg.
[02:59] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bye
[02:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's 10:59PM
[02:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh right.
[03:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Remember when Mage was here.
[03:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He was cool.
[03:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> "{
[03:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[03:21] <RetroBowser> How do you all fare?
[03:21] <Magicwaterz> Yeah, tell that to my pal Helios the Sun-shroom.
[03:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> chomps a zombie.
[03:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[03:21] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:22] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Dary the Chomper doesn't want to fight Helios.
[03:22] <Mage General Chrysalis> I don't want to eat that unlabeled cheese at the refrigerator!
[03:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's crunchy and not too good.
[03:23] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> chomps it 
[03:23] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Done.
[03:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How did that get in there?
[03:39] <Magicwaterz> o/ 
[03:39] <Magicwaterz> Bye AWiki!
[03:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs MW.
[03:39] <Magicwaterz> Aargh!
[03:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :3 
[03:40] <Eugoth> Zombies like me don't need brains
[03:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You like Magic?
[03:40] <Eugoth> I need a heart
[03:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why is that eugoth?
[03:40] <Eugoth> Coz i'm smart
[03:40] <Eugoth> o/ 
[03:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> eats Lithuania.
[03:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I did that for TUlo .
[03:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Back from snowballing houses
[03:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You have snow!
[03:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> &gt;:D 
[03:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yea
[03:41] <Eugoth> You have snow!
[03:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> It snowed like crazy today
[03:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I just chomped your country btw Tulo 
[03:41] <Eugoth> ;-;
[03:41] <Eugoth> I'm jelly
[03:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Me too.
[03:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> That's why I wasn't on earlier
[03:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Lucky person.
[03:42] <Magicwaterz> I wish it snowed here. Then again at a cost of the National Economy, no thanks!
[03:42] <Eugoth> Did you know that only 1/3 of the world population has seen snow?
[03:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I have seen snow so eh.
[03:43] <Magicwaterz> IRL, I believe you.
[03:43] <Eugoth> TV is not valid
[03:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> IRL I did Eugoth lol
[03:43] <Eugoth> ok
[03:43] <Eugoth> gg
[03:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> TULO you like snow?
[03:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Ofc
[03:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I do too.
[03:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How beautiful is Lithuania?
[03:44] <Magicwaterz> Do you remember that hugfest earlier Dary? I might make a short strip about it. :) 
[03:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Pretty as there is snow now ^^
[03:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You will ok.
[03:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Not before TULO ?
[03:45] <ThisUserLikesOreo> No
[03:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh ok.
[03:45] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I don't like autumn
[03:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> And you don't like Lithuania either so that is the combination of two hates.
[03:46] <Magicwaterz> Gotta wash dishes
[03:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[03:48] <Birdpool> Why do I keep taking f fire peashooter with winter melon or hurrikale
[03:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I have no idea.
[03:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Vebros Poland is neighbouring Lituania.
[03:48] <Vebros> Can someone give me a magneto file for unlock Shrinking Violet for gem in 4.3.1 version please?
[03:48] <Birdpool> I think I'm just too excited to have her
[03:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I don't have that sorry.
[03:49] <Vebros> But i found pp.dat with SV but.. hacked
[03:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Probably BP btw good job for comming out as Gay dude.
[03:49] <Birdpool> Umm...thanks?
[03:49] <ThisUserLikesOreo>
[03:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No worries.
[03:49] <ThisUserLikesOreo> @Vebros
[03:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Lithuania neighbours Poland if my horrible geography is correct.
[03:50] <Vebros> I tryed this magneto. Not working for me :c
[03:50] <Vebros> I turn off wifi
[03:58] <Eugoth> o/ 
[03:58] <Xenons> Yes.
[03:58] <Xenons> Swashbuckler?
[03:58] <Eugoth> yes
[03:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Crazy Xenons is the guys name
[03:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :p 
[03:59] <Eugoth> Is it possible to it land in the plankless row with the plank?
[03:59] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Boom
[03:59] <Eugoth> Like where imp cannon stands
[03:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I don't know.
[03:59] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ^-^
[03:59] <Xenons> No, they can't do that.
[03:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello Starfruit tulo I am Chomper Dary
[03:59] <Eugoth> then we should call mythbusters
[04:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Xenons are you a friendly zombie?
[04:00] <ThisUserLikesOreo> K
[04:00] <Xenons> Oh, I see you got it done TULO .
[04:00] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yes :) 
[04:00] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Thanks again
[04:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How did you do that.
[04:00] <Xenons> You welcome.
[04:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[04:00] <Birdpool> Hilo again
[04:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello.
[04:00] <Birdpool> I'm in and out of chat alkyl school day
[04:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Which is better Starfruit or Chomper.
[04:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[04:01] <Eugoth> chomper
[04:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Chomper ftw!
[04:01] <Eugoth> (rotobaga) > (Starfruit) 
[04:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[04:02] <Xenons> So, JM Part 2 got released yesterday, right?
[04:02] <Eugoth> softly
[04:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Today
[04:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I think so yes Xenons 
[04:02] <Xenons> Download link?
[04:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why do you need the download link?
[04:03] <ThisUserLikesOreo>
[04:03] <Xenons> Thanks.
[04:04] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yw
[04:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Tulo was there a christmas version of PvZ2?
[04:04] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What
[04:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nvm.
[04:05] <ShroomstagramUser> Guys
[04:05] <Xenons> Hey
[04:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello.
[04:05] <ShroomstagramUser> Turns out there is some Lost City in the Modern Day OST
[04:05] <ShroomstagramUser> Beginning of the second wave, I hear some piano
[04:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That is cool.
[04:06] <Xenons> This reminds me.
[04:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Of what>
[04:06] <ShroomstagramUser> I just couldn't hear it from the other worlds/distinguish it from the Frostbite Caves bassoon 
[04:06] <Xenons> Jams will play in MD as well, right?
[04:06] <ShroomstagramUser> correct
[04:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I think so idk.
[04:07] <Xenons> Good.
[04:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> SSU are you excited for MD?
[04:07] <Birdpool> I am dying I'm so excited
[04:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[04:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wait you're dying!
[04:08] <Birdpool> I don't wanna wait the month to get it but I have to
[04:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> O_O
[04:08] <Birdpool> Lolwut
[04:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[04:09] <Birdpool> I almost cried when I first heard the final wave music
[04:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why?>
[04:09] <Magicwaterz> Here's Magicwaterz!
[04:09] <Birdpool> Nostalgia
[04:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why?>
[04:09] <Magicwaterz> Here's Magicwaterz!
[04:09] <Birdpool> Nostalgia
[04:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I see.
[04:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Magicwaterz is not here.
[04:09] <Xenons> Oh, Magic, I remember you.
[04:10] <Xenons> Your comics were one of the things that introduced me to PvZ.
[04:10] <Magicwaterz> Thanks!
[04:10] <ShroomstagramUser> @Dary you kidding?
[04:10] <ShroomstagramUser> I wish I had it now!
[04:10] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nice.
[04:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Magic actually has another idea for a strip I think.
[04:11] <PnFforever> I found your comics when I was searching for fan-art of PvZ in DA. I'd say, your comic about PvZ is very interesting
[04:11] <ShroomstagramUser> The music alone tells me that something great is coming.
[04:11] <Magicwaterz> Can't stop laughing at my sister's baby!
[04:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You can't ok.
[04:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> laugh harder Magic.
[04:11] <Insert Your Name Here> What should I do now...
[04:11] <Magicwaterz> Don't remind me. It's too much!!!
[04:11] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm sleepy because it's over 11pm
[04:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh btw could you link a cartoon Magic?
[04:12] <Magicwaterz> What cartoon?
[04:12] <Xenons> Hi guys.
[04:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[04:12] <Coolyoyo33> Gdi, Undyne is kind of hard
[04:12] <Coolyoyo33> rip
[04:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> anyone of your cartoons Magic
[04:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> On Da
[04:13] <Magicwaterz> Oh, my comics you mean.
[04:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes.
[04:14] <Magicwaterz> Okay, currently I have two series of comics right now.
[04:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok
[04:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[04:14] <Vebros> o/ 
[04:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Maybe the first comic Magic.
[04:15] <Birdpool> Hey insert
[04:15] <Insert Your Name Here> ?
[04:15] <Magicwaterz> Okay, that would be PvZ.
[04:16] <Birdpool> 4.3.1?
[04:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[04:16] <Magicwaterz> Dang it nearly done it again!
[04:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Link pls.
[04:16] <Birdpool> Plz?
[04:16] <Insert Your Name Here> row?
[04:16] <Birdpool> Na
[04:16] <Birdpool> Obb
[04:17] <Insert Your Name Here> You can download row then use lucky patcher
[04:17] <Insert Your Name Here> But idk
[04:17] <Insert Your Name Here> I have just heard from it
[04:17] <Insert Your Name Here> *about
[04:17] <Birdpool>
[04:17] <Magicwaterz> Wait. It's loading.
[04:17] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't have na
[04:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[04:18] <Birdpool> Either
[04:18] <Magicwaterz> here it is
[04:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How long does it take to make those things?
[04:20] <Magicwaterz> Before I transitioned to digital, it took 1 to 2 days for 1 to 2 pages.
[04:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh wow
[06:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Why
[06:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Because I hate those areas?
[06:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> But dude why
[06:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> JM is good.
[06:42] <Vebros> I Want the T-shirt and shoes with PvZ theme &lt;3 
[06:42] <Vebros>
[06:42] <IMCR8Z> Jurassic Marsh is still better than NMT
[06:42] <EpicGamer23468> (ohai) 
[06:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi Epic.
[06:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[06:43] <EpicGamer23468> I'm still waiting for my chat tag
[06:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> ok
[06:43] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I honestly agree with IMCR8Z 
[06:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Someone agrees with him!
[06:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok
[06:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> It was still better than that crap
[06:44] <IMCR8Z> NMT will always be the worst world.
[06:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I agree
[06:44] <Yappat> Oreo, is it a good idea to revert a rollbacks edit who reverted mine without a reason?
[06:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> IMCR8Z you excited for GW 2?
[06:44] <IMCR8Z> Yes, even though I haven't played GW1
[06:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> No?
[06:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Was it a staff member?
[06:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You haven't ok.
[06:45] <EpicGamer23468> Am I excited for GW2?
[06:45] <Yappat> Uh, a rollback.
[06:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Epic is such a Sun-shroom fan.
[06:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[06:45] <Puffie Shroom> my favorite plant on gw2 still chompa because of tank
[06:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> (Chomper) watches (sunshroom) 
[06:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I like Chomper Too Puffie.
[06:46] <EpicGamer23468> Yes my friend, Sun-shroom is my fav
[06:46] <Vebros> (laser bean) watched (chomper) 
[06:46] <Yappat> Can rollbacks issue out warnings?
[06:46] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Let me check @Yappat
[06:46] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Just wait
[06:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What is bean going to do
[06:46] <Vebros> Nvm
[06:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No Sun-shroom haters here Epic.
[06:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> None at all.
[06:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[06:47] <Puffie Shroom> (Puff-Shroom) Watched (Laser Bean) That Watched (chomper) Who watched (sun-Shroom) 
[06:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Lol
[06:47] <EpicGamer23468> fufufu
[06:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What?
[06:48] <Eugoth> wtf
[06:48] <Eugoth> Since when renting a seed slot is a thing?
[06:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I have no idea.
[06:48] <ThisUserLikesOreo> On which article was your edit? @Yappat
[06:48] <Puffie Shroom> Spring 2015
[06:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Winter 2015 bros.
[06:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[06:49] <Yappat> Let me see..
[06:49] <Yappat> Electro Citron
[06:49] <Yappat> [[Electro Citron]]
[06:49] <Puffie Shroom> He's from the future
[06:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No he is not.
[06:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Sigh
[06:50] <Yappat> I used to put a gallery there with the teaser of Electro Citron and Gargantuar333 removed it without a good reason to leave..
[06:50] <Puffie Shroom> watch all the trailer, you'll see that Electro Citron is from the future
[06:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok
[06:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> OMG OMG!!!!\
[06:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Citron is from the future!!!
[06:51] <Vebros> Chomper can be eat Gargantuar... in the 72 bites. In PvZ 1
[06:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I never knew!!!!
[06:51] <EpicGamer23468> Duh everyone know Citron is from the future
[06:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know lol..
[06:52] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I undid his edit. @Yappat
[06:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> kills Sun-shroom.
[06:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[06:53] <EpicGamer23468> *EpicGamer23468 revives Sun-shroom and kills Dary.*
[06:54] <EpicGamer23468> Was that a death scene from a play!?
[06:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why was the gallery removed in the first place?
[06:55] <Yappat> No idea.
[06:56] <Yappat> He reverted my Pops Corn one as well when I edited by saying: Pops Corn shoots three rounds in one shot similar to Sun Pharaoh, but I reverted that edit too.
[06:56] <Yappat> Because, thats what I saw in the IGN Trailer.
[06:57] <IMCR8Z> afk
[06:57] <Yappat> Also, thanks for helping Oreo.
[06:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Np
[06:58] <CitronFire3> WELL
[06:58] <CitronFire3> BIRDPOOL :o 
[06:58] <CitronFire3> HI
[06:59] <Vebros> o/ 
[06:59] <EpicGamer23468> I'm beating level with only Cold Snapdragon (and Sun-shroom of course), but which level should I do next?
[06:59] <EpicGamer23468> I'm on iOS so I don't have JM Part 2 levels btw
[06:59] <EpicGamer23468> *levels
[07:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know who it is it is the All cap user :P 
[07:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi CF.
[07:00] <Eugoth> I have a plant idea
[07:00] <Eugoth> Beet it root
[07:01] <Eugoth> idk what it should do
[07:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nah
[07:01] <CitronFire3> hii xd
[07:01] <CitronFire3> XD
[07:01] <CitronFire3> brb
[07:01] <Yappat> I need to go, just a quick second.
[07:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[07:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Puffie is secrectly creeping up on us.
[07:02] <Puffie Shroom> nope
[07:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh yes you are.
[07:02] <Puffie Shroom> Why I would do that?
[08:20] <Vebros>
[08:20] <Vebros> oops
[08:20] <Magnet Plant> thank you
[08:20] <Magnet Plant> ._
[08:20] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[08:24] <Magnet Plant> next time give me an ACTUAL mod thing
[08:24] <Magnet Plant> @Vebros
[08:24] <Vebros> Ok.
[08:24] <Vebros> And sorry about that
[08:25] <Vebros> xD
[08:30] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[08:32] <Magnet Plant> working on Dave's Adventures
[08:32] <Magnet Plant> and i finally found out what plant to use as first secret plant
[08:33] <IMCR8Z> Oh boy!
[08:33] <Vebros> Hmm you are MasterNijna right? (troll) Magnet
[08:33] <Vebros> I'm MelonPult16, did you remember me?
[08:33] <Vebros> and Fomok Games 
[08:34] <Vebros> Fomok Games *
[08:34] <Vebros> eh
[08:34] <IMCR8Z> (primal wall-nut) (wall-nut2) Wall-nut: Then and now
[08:35] <Eugoth> Rhoder rhoder rhoder rhoder rhoder
[08:35] <Eugoth> -schnitzan
[08:35] <Eugoth> gtg
[08:36] <Coolyoyo33> Wait, it devolved? @imcr9z
[08:36] <Coolyoyo33> *8z
[08:37] <Magnet Plant> Yes i am him - and lol, didn't know you were Fomok
[08:37] <Magnet Plant> @Vebros
[08:37] <IMCR8Z> afk, playing TT Rewritten
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> Pro skillz, lel
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> How? @cr8z
[08:38] <Piotrek1113> o/ 
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> Oy Pio
[08:39] <Piotrek1113> the end is near with every day D:
[08:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Vebros
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> rip pvz 2
[08:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> are you Melonpult16?
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> very soon
[08:39] <Vebros> Yea?
[08:39] <Vebros> Yes
[08:39] <Piotrek1113> wait, really? d:
[08:39] <Vebros> Yes xd
[08:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oh cool
[08:39] <Piotrek1113> lolz
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> Why doesn't youtube have a repeat option for videos I wonder
[08:40] <Piotrek1113> btw. cool avatar! :) 
[08:40] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:40] <Vebros> I had to create new account
[08:40] <Vebros> thx
[08:40] <Magnet Plant> OH OHO H SKILLER EPIC DEFENSE
[08:40] <Magnet Plant> @Coolyoyo
[08:40] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Cool suggest it then
[08:40] <Vebros> /
[08:40] <Vebros> o/ 
[08:40] <Vebros> oh gosh lags
[08:40] <Piotrek1113> it has a restart button, if I recall
[08:40] <Magnet Plant> I feel like playing Mario and Luigi Paper Jam
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> Where @DCD?
[08:40] <Piotrek1113> I want a 3DS D:
[08:40] <Vebros> And finally, i got Cherry Bomb in chinese pvz 2
[08:40] <Ballistic Planet> I beat JM
[08:40] <Ballistic Planet> And I have SV
[08:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I'll link ya
[08:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Cool
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> I don't know if you mean it or if it's sarcasm xD @MP
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> Same @BP
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> Shrinking Violet + Cold Snappy is v useful.
[08:41] <Ballistic Planet> Shrinking Violet REALLY makes a good case for itself as the best instant in the game
[08:41] <Vebros> I dont have SV :C 
[08:41] <Ballistic Planet> imo
[08:41] <Piotrek1113> the final wave theme is so sad (because of nostalgia) :c
[08:41] <Vebros> Magneto dont work for me
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> True
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> It even reduces MC zombie to excavator level!
[08:42] <Cavia porcellus> SV is pretty good, I agree.
[08:42] <Ballistic Planet> The only other instants that compete with SV are Power Lily, and Grapeshot
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> Aka only a 1x1 microphone range
[08:42] <Ballistic Planet> SV makes Gargs look like a joke
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> Meh, Power Lily is too gimmicky for me.
[08:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Cool
[08:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave>
[08:42] <Vebros> Try something new? 
[08:42] <Cavia porcellus> Main game mechanic = gimmicky?
[08:43] <Piotrek1113> what do you think, is worth buying plants, when PvZ2 will end soon?
[08:43] <Coolyoyo33> Yes
[08:43] <Vebros> Yea
[08:43] <Dr Crzzy Dave> no
[08:43] <Coolyoyo33> I don't really know how to put it.
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> idc
[08:43] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Send Feedback
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> your life
[08:43] <Vebros> PopCap will end PvZ 2 becauz GW2.. 
[08:43] <ErnestoAM> Piotrek1113 
[08:43] <Vebros> I dont like GW game series :'( 
[08:43] <ErnestoAM> (cottenyeti) is weak
[08:44] <Corn Cannon> We all know pvz 2 is not coming to an end
[08:44] <ErnestoAM> why
[08:44] <Magnet Plant> Who told you that?
[08:44] <Magnet Plant> @Vebros
[08:44] <Piotrek1113> I wonder, if they will make PvZ3, then maybe we could import our plants from the second game?
[08:44] <Vebros> Huh, what i told
[08:44] <Piotrek1113> or at least the premium one
[08:44] <Piotrek1113> Ernesto, I know
[08:44] <Magnet Plant> Who told you that popcap ends PvZ2 because GW2?
[08:44] <Piotrek1113> because its RNG plant
[08:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @MP it's a logical theory
[08:44] <Cavia porcellus> To whom?
[08:45] <Vebros> PvZ 3: Coming soon in 2017 :c
[08:45] <Ballistic Planet> I still don't even know what the Cloud even does
[08:45] <Dr Crzzy Dave>
[08:45] <Cavia porcellus> Man, I love this <wikia-pagetitle>
[08:45] <Corn Cannon> pvz2 is not ending
[08:45] <Corn Cannon> no proof
[08:45] <Ballistic Planet> I know @Cavia
[08:45] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I love it in a non sarcastic way XD
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> Not even Modern Day?
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> And the fact that quwstion mark world doesn't exist after Modern Day?
[08:46] <Piotrek1113> maybe Dr. Zomboss will create its own world based on apocalypse
[08:46] <Vebros> I need talk to my dad, that i want Laser Bean plush :D 
[08:46] <Cavia porcellus> So what is the thing after MD in the world map screen?
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> I don't know
[08:46] <Piotrek1113> maybe the final frontier?
[08:46] <Corn Cannon> Its a rip in the space time continuum 
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> Probably a final boss battle?
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> agreed
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @BP
[08:47] <Coolyoyo33> Thanks @DCD
[08:47] <Cavia porcellus> Ew, what if after MD we start again in AE, but we get new challenges/harder levels or some shit?
[08:47] <Coolyoyo33> sent it 
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> no problem Cool
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I use it all the time for everything google XD
[08:47] <ErnestoAM> If they reuse the same engine as PvZ2
[08:47] <ErnestoAM> then maybe yes
[08:47] <Piotrek1113> and after PvZ2 Popcap will start remaster the chinese worlds :P 
[08:48] <Cavia porcellus> Like Kung-Fuck World?
[08:48] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I
[08:48] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hate
[08:48] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Chinese
[08:48] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Version
[08:48] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *The Chinese
[08:48] <Piotrek1113> pfft
[08:48] <Vebros> I like chinese
[08:48] <Piotrek1113> No wonder, if you hate NMT too xp
[08:48] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I like NMT :/ 
[08:48] <ErnestoAM> I like chinese
[08:48] <Vebros> (glitter) 
[08:49] <Cavia porcellus> And Junkyard in the Sky.
[08:49] <Vebros> Glut
[08:49] <Vebros> oops
[08:49] <Vebros> xd
[08:49] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ^
[08:49] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oops
[08:49] <ErnestoAM> I like spamming (smallchestnut) s everywhere during last stand
[08:49] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ^ @Cav
[08:49] <Corn Cannon> there is "no" proof pvz 2 is ending
[08:49] <Piotrek1113> few months ago you said, that you hate this world
[08:49] <Piotrek1113> Ernesto, you know, that the chestnut seed is hacked, right?
[08:49] <Dr Crzzy Dave> why would we go to modern day, when that is the aim of the game, to not end the game?
[08:50] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Piotrek That was IMCR8Z 
[08:50] <Corn Cannon> why would we keep going to all them worlds
[08:50] <Corn Cannon> if the aim of the game is to go to modern day 
[08:50] <Cavia porcellus> Are we getting Vasebreaker in the MD updates?
[08:50] <Piotrek1113> oh RIGHT!
[08:50] <Piotrek1113> sorry :c
[08:50] <Dr Crzzy Dave> because it's Penny's 
[08:50] <Dr Crzzy Dave> /Dave's
[08:50] <Corn Cannon> yes 
[08:50] <Vebros> Im playing the PvZ 2 chinese right now
[08:50] <Corn Cannon> no proof
[08:50] <Dr Crzzy Dave> failures
[08:50] <Vebros> Im on FBC
[08:50] <Dr Crzzy Dave> it says in dialogue
[08:50] <Corn Cannon> no proof
[08:50] <Piotrek1113> I'm waiting for Lost City ;) 
[08:51] <Vebros> WAIT, WHAT? Next world in chinese is LC?!
[08:51] <Vebros> OMG
[08:51] <Dr Crzzy Dave> It says in the dialogue CC
[08:51] <Vebros> My dreams are real
[08:51] <Corn Cannon> no proof
[08:51] <Piotrek1113> this isn't obvious?
[08:51] <Dr Crzzy Dave> answer me this
[08:51] <Corn Cannon> it says there was gonna be more shrooms than there was
[08:51] <Corn Cannon> there wasnt
[08:51] <Dr Crzzy Dave> why is there not a mystery world after Modern Day
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> Chinese getting LC half year after we got it, k lol.
[08:52] <Piotrek1113> but this have a thunderbolt thingy
[08:52] <Corn Cannon> because
[08:52] <Cavia porcellus> How can JM have all its plants good but horrible gameplay? I liked only a few levels in part 2.
[08:52] <Corn Cannon> its a time crack
[08:52] <Piotrek1113> has*
[08:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yes I know
[08:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> but
[08:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> why didn't they do that on any other world
[08:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Modern Day
[08:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is
[08:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> the aim of the game
[08:52] <Corn Cannon> no mystery world
[08:52] <Corn Cannon> means nothing
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> because its the final world
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> durh
[08:53] <Piotrek1113> well Paradox will mean, that Zomboss wants to defeat the past Dave (before PvZ2)
[08:53] <Corn Cannon> im telling you all its not the end
[08:53] <Piotrek1113> maybe?
[08:53] <Vebros> But i hate the low quality, AE music in PvZ 2 china. That's bad :c
[08:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> it is
[08:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> read this
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> Everything is low quality in that game
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> obviously
[08:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> "The end is the beginning! Return to moments before you left in a contemporary contest stocked with zombies of every egregious era!"
[08:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[08:53] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[08:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Vye IMCR8Z !
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> @DCD
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> 
[08:53] <Corn Cannon> DOSNT MEAN SHIT
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> someone even released the day 32 dialogue
[08:53] <Corn Cannon> ITS NOT THE END
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> it says its the end
[08:53] <Piotrek1113> Melo... Vebros, I'm playing without music :P I'm hearing some Nintendo music :P 
[08:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Cool ^
[08:54] <Vebros> ^^
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> Penny and dave havin a conversation about dem tacos
[08:54] <Cavia porcellus> Why do we not know MD's part 2 premium? Is there none or is there an update between Md p1 and p2?
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> Bearjedi said its Aloe Vera
[08:54] <Piotrek1113> I heard, that MD will have 3 parts, is that real?
[08:54] <Corn Cannon> cd is always talking about tacos
[08:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> MD'S part 2 prem is Cold Snapdragon
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> but it seems suspicious
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> @Corn Cannon
[08:54] <Vebros> 3 parts?
[08:55] <Vebros> I think no
[08:55] <Vebros> But..
[08:55] <Coolyoyo33> PENNY SAYS THAT ITS THE END
[08:55] <Coolyoyo33> 
[08:55] <Vebros> Part 1 - 16 levels
[08:55] <Vebros> Part 2 - 16 leveks
[08:55] <Coolyoyo33> and then they talk about tacos
[08:55] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hahaha, who could believe in Bearjedi's shit
[08:55] <Vebros> Part 3 - BPSS
[08:55] <Vebros> BOSS*
[08:55] <Corn Cannon> SO I CANT BELIEVE IT
[08:55] <Vebros> ...
[08:55] <Coolyoyo33> Noah - MD's????
[08:55] <Piotrek1113> the important this is, that I will have some awesome ending
[08:55] <Corn Cannon> cold snapdragon is out...
[08:56] <Piotrek1113> then the MD will be worth it
[08:56] <Coolyoyo33> True
[08:56] <Cavia porcellus> I wonder if the Zombot will be the Zombot from the first game.
[08:56] <Coolyoyo33> at least they're trying to make it memorable
[08:56] <Coolyoyo33> by giving it their best
[08:56] <ErnestoAM>
[08:56] <ErnestoAM> Cute Small Chestnuts go!
[08:56] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Cav probs
[08:57] <Piotrek1113> the normal theme is already awesome!
[08:57] <Piotrek1113> I want some catchy music like ZoY:
[08:57] <Piotrek1113> ZoYL*
[08:57] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I think it will be a modified version
[08:57] <Dr Crzzy Dave> of the first one
[08:57] <Corn Cannon> Astro-Vera space world
[08:57] <Corn Cannon> pls
[08:57] <Ballistic Planet> what
[08:57] <Ballistic Planet> I didn't know SV shunk Importers
[08:58] <Ballistic Planet> It makes sense, but they don't even drop their backpack
[08:58] <Piotrek1113> oh : o
[08:58] <Coolyoyo33> wat
[08:58] <Coolyoyo33> that makes no sense
[08:58] <Piotrek1113> I wonder, if Sap-fling will have discount like it was with Springening
[08:59] <Ballistic Planet> I'm playing through Level 102 inToD
[08:59] <Ballistic Planet> And I got SV
[08:59] <Coolyoyo33> *ToB
[08:59] <Ballistic Planet> And I beat the level with Red Stingers and Cold Snapdragons as my only offensive plants
[08:59] <Piotrek1113> o/ 
[08:59] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Vi!
[08:59] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[09:00] <Coolyoyo33> I'm currently playin labraisa
[09:00] <Ballistic Planet> Where's that Snowdrop now?
[09:00] <EMPeachy4> [[Stuffy Sunflower|Lalaloopsy Sunflower]]
[09:00] <EMPeachy4> Oh yeah
[09:00] <EMPeachy4> That
[09:00] <Coolyoyo33> La brainsa 
[09:00] <Dr Crzzy Dave> La-la-loopsy
[09:00] <Piotrek1113> I'm waiting for official release xd
[09:00] <EMPeachy4> "PopCap" Nathan scammed me into thinking my ideas would get into the game
[09:01] <Coolyoyo33> with toadstool and CSD as my main attackers
[09:01] <Xenons> Hai
[09:01] <Coolyoyo33> oy xeno
[09:10] <Coolyoyo33> because every plant (or at least I think every) has upgrades
[09:10] <Magnet Plant> they're hard af to unlock
[09:11] <Snapdragon717> Everyone, I have a challenge...
[09:11] <Magnet Plant> plus, the zombies get level ups way too quickly starting from DA
[09:11] <Magnet Plant> i mean
[09:11] <Magnet Plant> in BWB, FC and CITS, Tier 3 zombies at level 1
[09:11] <Magnet Plant> LEVEL FREAKING 1
[09:11] <Snapdragon717> Wow...
[09:11] <Piotrek1113> you MUST play the daily challenge everyday
[09:12] <Snapdragon717> Got to go!
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> It takes months to level up a plant to 4
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> gtrg
[09:13] <Vebros> I have cracked version so... (troll) 
[09:13] <Vebros> In 2 weeks i got all plants
[09:13] <Vebros> in another 2 weeks upgraded to max
[09:13] <Coolyoyo33> a, I the only one who doesn'
[09:13] <Coolyoyo33> t
[09:14] <Coolyoyo33> like perfume shroom?
[09:14] <Xenons> ye
[09:14] <Vebros> Perfume shroom is useless
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> Exactly
[09:15] <CitronFire3> when you take the entire box of pizza
[09:16] <Cavia porcellus> Who thought ankylosaurus was a good idea?
[09:16] <Ballistic Planet> PopCrap did
[09:16] <Ballistic Planet> duh
[09:17] <Ballistic Planet> The same people who though putting Breakdancer and Mc Zom-B together was a good idea
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> Anklyosaurus is hell in the endless zone
[09:17] <Ballistic Planet> (hint, IT WASN'T YOU DUMB FUCKS)
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> The one thing about JM is 
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> you don't have to be scared about planting right in the front, since every zombie just eats the plants, doesn't crush, throw or avoid them in any way
[09:18] <Ballistic Planet> A world where Tall-nut would be usable
[09:18] <Puffie Shroom> o/ 
[09:18] <Ballistic Planet> IF Primal WAll-nut didn't exist
[09:19] <Ballistic Planet> I seriously just can't pass up on Shrinking Violet
[09:19] <Ballistic Planet> 10/10 great plant
[09:19] <Xenons> Tall-nut would be good in PvZ2...
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33> ikr 
[09:19] <Xenons> ...if all the defensive plants introduced after him didn't exist.
[09:19] <Higehigebomber> Also why are the abilities of Tall-Nut pretty much useless after NMT, the Break Dancer kicks zombies over it, and the dinosaurs launch zombies over it
[09:20] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Wallnut renders the other two species of him useless
[09:20] <Xenons> Infi-nut, Chard Guard and P. Wall-nut are equally good.
[09:20] <Ballistic Planet> Tall-nut doesn't really have a gimmick in PVZ2 tbh
[09:21] <Ballistic Planet> Infi-nut is only good because of his insane plant food
[09:21] <Piotrek1113> my PC crashed xd
[09:21] <Coolyoyo33> Other two meant TAllnut and Wallnut
[09:21] <Ballistic Planet> imo, he's bad without it
[09:21] <Vebros> lol xd
[09:21] <Higehigebomber> He is supposed to block zombies from going over him, but Infi-Nut PF does what Tall-Nut does on all lanes :( 
[09:21] <Coolyoyo33> I only use Primal Wallnut and Chard Guard in the whole game.
[09:21] <Xenons> I appreciate the infinite health as well.
[09:21] <Higehigebomber> It also helps with the Hair Metals in endless mode
[09:21] <Ballistic Planet> imo Primal Wall-nut and Chard Guard are the only defensive plants worth using without PF
[09:22] <Higehigebomber> Their sound wave can't kill Infi, and it always hits Infi if he's in the way of other plants
[09:22] <Xenons> Mostly because their PF effects are crap.
[09:22] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Wallnuts in the second row renders dinos useless lol
[09:22] <Eugoth> o/ 
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> I wanted to use Phat Beet as a dino counter
[09:23] <Coolyoyo33> The zombies haven't gotten even one of my PW's to even the first degrade......
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> I might actually be able to do that now with SV
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> I like how some people thought Primal Wall-nut had less health than a Wall-nut
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[09:23] <Eugoth> I actually stopped using normal wall-nut
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> So did everyone
[09:23] <Eugoth> There are a lot of substitutes
[09:23] <Coolyoyo33> I actually was able to beat the whole part 1 (gotta try part 2) with only 3 plants, phatbeet, sun shroom and stallia (not boosted or imitated)
[09:23] <Vebros> I am the only who likes BWB? XD
[09:23] <Higehigebomber> I want SV now, shrinking zombies and removing imps sounds so amazing. :( 
[09:23] <Coolyoyo33> Yes, you are.
[09:24] <Eugoth> not really
[09:24] <Ballistic Planet> BWB might not be so bad
[09:24] <Coolyoyo33> But we all know
[09:24] <Ballistic Planet> With Shrinking Violet
[09:24] <Vebros> I want SV :C
[09:24] <Eugoth> Nah
[09:24] <Eugoth> Octo can still octo
[09:24] <Higehigebomber> I like the level design of BWB, but those Octo's are just as bad as Wizards, using their abilities off-screen.
[09:24] <Vebros> But Magneto dont work for me :ccc
[09:24] <Coolyoyo33> that we use wallnut sometime or another in last stand
[09:24] <Eugoth> blah
[09:24] <Piotrek1113> BWB theme-vise is cool
[09:24] <Higehigebomber> Because he's the first defensive plant we're stuck with. :p 
[09:24] <Ballistic Planet> DAE try to use Primal Potato Mines only in Day 27?
[09:24] <Ballistic Planet> Of JM?
[09:24] <Piotrek1113> but the last levels are the nightmare :c
[09:24] <Eugoth> One day, there will be a cheaper wall-nut that works just the same
[09:24] <Coolyoyo33> After EB was introduced though......well 3-4 rows of EB instakilled every zombie on screen.
[09:25] <Coolyoyo33> In last stand
[09:25] <Eugoth> OP AF
[09:25] <Ballistic Planet> A Wall-nut for FREE?
[09:25] <Eugoth> That's why the recharge
[09:25] <Eugoth> Uh, i was thinking 25 sun, but yeah
[09:25] <Eugoth> A free wallnut, like a puffshroom
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> I must be the only one that thinks Primal Wall-nut is very well balanced plant
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> For PVZ2
[09:26] <Eugoth> You can use it on occasion, and it will eventually disappear
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> In PVZ1, he'd be broken AF
[09:26] <Coolyoyo33> I thought about a chestnut
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> Speaking of which, what plants in PVZ2 would be broken in PVZ1?
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> Chard Guard
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> Stunion
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> Stallia
[09:26] <Higehigebomber> I thought Jurassic Garg was weaker since he didn't kill Primal Nut in one hit, but after I learned it was Primal's ability, well he just got a lot better for regular levels. :) 
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> Shrinking Violet
[09:26] <Coolyoyo33> chestnut costs 25 sun, fast recharge and 20-30 health
[09:27] <Higehigebomber> Shrinking Violet would make strategies without Cob Cannon in PvZ 1 much easier.
[09:27] <Ballistic Planet> Cold Snapdragon
[09:27] <Ballistic Planet> And Normal Snapdragon while we're at it
[09:27] <Coolyoyo33> yep
[09:27] <Ballistic Planet> Laser Bean
[09:27] <Coolyoyo33> Toadstool
[09:27] <Piotrek1113> PvZ:JttW
[09:28] <Higehigebomber> I'd say only the cold snap would really matter, regular snap was never needed in PvZ 1
[09:28] <Ballistic Planet> Tile Turnip and Powre Lily would be useless
[09:28] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[09:28] <Ballistic Planet> Snapdragon would be nice in PVZ1, though
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> ALL PRIMAL PLANTS
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> 
[09:28] <Ballistic Planet> But Cold Snapdragon is just better
[09:28] <Piotrek1113> @Electric JttW
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> The thing is
[09:28] <Higehigebomber> Yeah, I think PopCap is just going crazy with the straight upgrades in JM :p Cold Snap too good
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> after playing pvz 2, you find Pvz 1 kind of boring
[09:29] <Ballistic Planet> MD looks good, though
[09:29] <Coolyoyo33> because it has SO many new ways to counter enemies and to play
[09:29] <Higehigebomber> Yeah I played PvZ 1 a bit, I love the endless of PvZ 1, but it was far slower than PvZ 2.
[09:29] <Ballistic Planet> aka Spam Shrinking Violet and Cold Snapdragon on every levl
[09:29] <Ballistic Planet> and win
[09:29] <Coolyoyo33> Before all we had was peas + torchwood or wintermelon as our best defence
[09:30] <Higehigebomber> Back when TorchWood was actually useful. :( 
[09:30] <Piotrek1113> well... we have over 100 plants :P 
[09:30] <Higehigebomber> Primal Pea gets the splash damage with his PF ability, but not worth the effort to set it up really.
[09:30] <Piotrek1113> (I count the chinese ones too)
[09:31] <Coolyoyo33> La Brainsa Tarpits is fun
[09:31] <Piotrek1113> well, use Tile Turnip and you will have some hurrikale effect :P 
[09:31] <Ballistic Planet> Which is harder
[09:31] <Ballistic Planet> Tarpits or Hits?
[09:31] <Piotrek1113> it works better in PS
[09:32] <Vebros> Yoyo you know that gyazo are virus maybe? Lightshot is a lot better
[09:32] <Coolyoyo33> Tarpits is hell a lot easier than Greatest Hits
[09:32] <Higehigebomber> Hits is easy with Infi and Spring Blover
[09:32] <Ballistic Planet> Hits is easy
[09:32] <Ballistic Planet> With Shrinking Violet
[09:32] <Ballistic Planet> &gt;:D 
[09:32] <Coolyoyo33> O
[09:32] <Ballistic Planet> SV feels like cheating
[09:32] <Vebros> Everything is easy with SV :C
[09:32] <Coolyoyo33> I've not tried it with SV yet
[09:32] <Ballistic Planet> You should
[09:32] <Ballistic Planet> SV is legit cheating
[09:32] <Ballistic Planet> Imitate SV for the best results
[09:32] <Coolyoyo33> Well I've not tried it with any premium yet xD
[09:33] <Coolyoyo33> Bc all my premiums are on pc
[09:33] <Higehigebomber> I think the only zone that sounds impossible is Arthur's Challenge, those Wizards can make plants become sheep before you can attack them. :( 
[09:33] <Coolyoyo33> and I usually play on phone
[09:33] <Coolyoyo33> True @hige
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> La Brainsa Tarpits is way better without perfume shroom
[09:34] <Piotrek1113> why? D:
[09:35] <Ballistic Planet> This what you do in AC
[09:35] <Ballistic Planet> You stall zombies with Stalling Plants and Infi-nut Pf
[09:35] <Ballistic Planet> And kill them with Grapeshot/Cherry Bomb
[09:35] <Ballistic Planet> Add SV for best results
[09:35] <Ballistic Planet> &gt;:D 
[09:36] <Coolyoyo33> xD
[09:36] <Higehigebomber> Once it's released I'll attempt that zone, those gargs and all of those sheep aren't going to be fun to even think about until then
[09:36] <Coolyoyo33> It's more interesting and less "OH no I haven't made this dino into my love puppet yet" @piotrek
[09:36] <Starfruity Plants> Hello
[09:36] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[09:36] <Piotrek1113> (wat) 
[09:37] <Starfruity Plants> YO
[09:37] <Starfruity Plants> Suck me
[09:37] <Starfruity Plants> Pussy
[09:37] <Piotrek1113> you're waving do the butt (oh) 
[09:37] <Starfruity Plants> Suck it
[09:37] <Higehigebomber> :/ 
[09:37] <Ballistic Planet> ok then?
[09:37] <Higehigebomber> Was he hacked or was he just being mean, his profile picture is weird
[09:37] <Brainulator9> hilo
[09:37] <Higehigebomber> Hello
[09:37] <Piotrek1113> o/ 
[09:37] <Ballistic Planet> What was that?
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> 2 anklys in one lane, don't mind if I die.
[09:38] <Brainulator9> My butt
[09:38] <Ballistic Planet> Anyways
[09:38] <Brainulator9> Part 2 of jurASSic marsh
[09:38] <Higehigebomber> :/ 
[09:38] <Ballistic Planet> Back to talking about hoe OP SV is
[09:38] <Ballistic Planet> heh hoe
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> 3 anklys in one lane
[09:38] <Brainulator9> Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> ah this just gets better ;-;
[09:38] <Brainulator9> Jurassic Park reference
[09:39] <Coolyoyo33> They all hit the same zombie and still my plants move back by three tiles
[09:39] <Coolyoyo33> why
[09:39] <Higehigebomber> I still prefer Winter Melon even though I found a working endless strategy for Cold Snap, Winter Melon is just easier to use. :p 
[09:39] <Brainulator9> ^
[09:39] <Piotrek1113> are there some changes to some plants is this soft-release?
[09:39] <Ballistic Planet> Nope
[09:39] <Ballistic Planet> Besides bug fixes
[09:40] <Starfruity Plants> Hi
[09:40] <Vebros> soft-release is like offical ;-;
[09:40] <Starfruity Plants> Suck my pussy
[09:40] <Starfruity Plants> Yeah
[09:40] <Vebros> ....
[09:40] <Starfruity Plants> Cats are good
[09:40] <Vebros> ;-;
[09:40] <Starfruity Plants> Yeah
[09:40] <Coolyoyo33> What is this
[09:40] <Ballistic Planet> dw
[09:40] <Ballistic Planet> I got this
[09:40] <Piotrek1113> Vebros, but soft release is earlier than official one :P 
[09:40] <Ballistic Planet> keepo
[09:40] <Coolyoyo33> I use cold snap
[09:40] <Coolyoyo33> in jurassic marsh and I'm sure I'll not use in him anywhere else
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> Question.
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> Can Stego throw shrunken gargs?
[09:41] <Ballistic Planet> idk
[09:41] <Ballistic Planet> never tried
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> When ya finally get imitater but realize he's useless
[09:42] <AWPXML> Is JM part 2 out on soft release?
[09:42] <Ballistic Planet> Unelss you have SV
[09:42] <Ballistic Planet> &gt;:D 
[09:42] <Coolyoyo33> at the moment
[09:42] <Ballistic Planet> FOr ROW
[09:42] <Ballistic Planet> NA users get shafted
[09:42] <Ballistic Planet> No NA SR this time
[09:42] <Piotrek1113> well its great to use Imitater with Power Lily
[09:42] <Coolyoyo33> Is it just me
[09:42] <Coolyoyo33> or does greatest hits try to AVOID giving sun producers?
[09:42] <Starfruity Plants> Do gay men love boobs?
[09:42] <Higehigebomber> Oh that's a bot account
[09:42] <Ballistic Planet> And he's dead
[09:42] <Higehigebomber> Awesome
[09:42] <Vebros> Ban him
[09:43] <Ballistic Planet> Already did
[09:43] <Coolyoyo33> @BP
[09:43] <Vebros> Ok
[09:43] <Ballistic Planet> THIS IS WHY IM A CHAT MOD
[09:43] <Ballistic Planet> I DO THINGS1
[09:43] <Ballistic Planet> !!!!
[09:43] <Ballistic Planet> 
[09:43] <Coolyoyo33> Did you plant cherry bomb, potato mine or Grapeshot>
[09:43] <Coolyoyo33> 
[09:43] <Higehigebomber> :) 
[10:53] <Insert Your Name Here> I did a jm lvl without perfume
[10:53] <Magnet Plant> Lightsabre
[10:53] <Ballistic Planet> I don't think JM is impossible without Perfume-shroom
[10:53] <Magnet Plant> k i'll leave now
[10:53] <Magnet Plant> lol
[10:53] <Ballistic Planet> I just like using it
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> I guess that's half the reason I'm playing the whole EZ without Perfume shroom
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Perfume shroom just disable a lane
[10:54] <Ballistic Planet> Perfume-shroom is like Jalapeno
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> You still have 4 more lanes of overpowered dinos to t
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> Jala-dino
[10:54] <AWPXML> nowadays, everyone badge exploits :/ 
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> By the time you plant a perfume shroom
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> And I think charmed dino's abilities are really undeerwhelming
[10:54] <DeathZombi> Perfume shroom according to Spongebob, is terrible.
[10:54] <Ballistic Planet> I don't think I've seen a badge exploit in a while @AWP
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> all the other rows will have gotten f-cked over
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> SO just use multi lane plants
[10:55] <Insert Your Name Here> Normal dino is going to make deep zombie penetration into your defense
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> like *cough* Cold Snapdragon *cough*
[10:55] <Insert Your Name Here> Charmed dino does not kill that well
[10:56] <Cavia porcellus> Penetration
[10:56] <Magnet Plant> Btw
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> (lenny) 
[10:56] <Cavia porcellus> Deep penetration
[10:56] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hey!
[10:56] <Magnet Plant> If speeded up zombies by T-Rex hit an instant and they survive it
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Threepeater Opeater?
[10:56] <Magnet Plant> they don't get slowed down
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> keepo
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> Except when it comes to charmed raptors, those guys are beast.
[10:56] <Magnet Plant> They need to meet a non-instant
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> The BEST counter for them
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> is planting in the first three columns OR spikeweed/spikerock
[10:57] <ErnestoAM> Aquabooster was beta Moon Flower.
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> since by touching spikeweed, spikerock they get slowed down
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> *spikeweed/spikerock
[10:57] <AWPXML> I lost my respect in EA and PopCap
[10:57] <Piotrek1113> you know what? after hearing MD theme, I want to play PvZ1 again xd
[10:57] <Insert Your Name Here> And ankyl is really annoying
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> You shouldn't have respected EA in the first place
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> Agreed @insert
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> EA doesn't DESERVE any respect
[10:58] <DeathZombi> EA sucks
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> especially in the endless zone
[10:58] <Magnet Plant> The only reason i respect EA for
[10:58] <Insert Your Name Here> It effectively says that you can't plant past the second column
[10:58] <Magnet Plant> and it's not really respect for EA
[10:58] <Magnet Plant> rather for Maxis
[10:58] <Magnet Plant> is Spore
[10:58] <DeathZombi> PopCap rules. But they sold themselves...
[10:58] <Brainulator9> hilo
[10:58] <Pvzfan717> popcap should gain indipendence from ea
[10:58] <Cavia porcellus> IYNH, are you referring to Day 25?
[10:58] <Insert Your Name Here> Every day
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> This is the face of evil.
[10:59] <Brainulator9> Do you know who penetrates?
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> chill
[10:59] <Cavia porcellus> In my game, ankylos push zombies to the rightmost plant.
[10:59] <Insert Your Name Here> My current strat to finish jm lvl just involves a column of colddragon and a column of sun producer
[10:59] <Birdpool> Day 25 of JM?
[10:59] <Insert Your Name Here> And a lot of primal potato
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> ANklyos are way too overpowered
[10:59] <Cavia porcellus> If there are none, it pushes to the second column.
[10:59] <DeathZombi> Hilo bul9 
[10:59] <Brainulator9> hilo deathzombi 
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> Even if three of them pushes THE SAME ZOMBIE, your plants will get pushed back by three tiles
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> *push'
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> like how
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> And perfume does nothing
[11:00] <Cavia porcellus> Day 32 was easy. I was expecting some clusterfuck to occur.
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> Ye[
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> Surprisingly
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> Day 32 was WAY too easy
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> I won it half asleep.
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> I feel it's like bwb: insane normal lvl, managable final lvl
[11:01] <DeathZombi> I won it while playing Melee one handed and still won.
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> Nah, JM normal levels were nothing special
[11:01] <TheHandsomePlant> [[User blog:TheHandsomePlant/Modern Day Part 1 levels]]
[11:01] <Cavia porcellus> I liked the L&L with three plants.
[11:01] <Birdpool> That's how BWB was for me
[11:01] <TheHandsomePlant> Speaking of JM
[11:01] <TheHandsomePlant> Day 12 added!
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh there is shrinking violet
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> that is not speaking od JM
[11:01] <TheHandsomePlant> With on topic surprise (lenny) 
[11:01] <Cavia porcellus> The Cold Snapdragon Special Delivery was a better Day 7.
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> Someone make a magneto
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> *of
[11:01] <TheHandsomePlant> It is, turst me
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> PICK Shirnking Violet
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> opop
[11:01] <TheHandsomePlant> *trust
[11:02] <Cavia porcellus> Someone already did.
[11:02] <ErnestoAM> Why does Shrinking Violet make Jurassic Imps disappear.
[11:02] <TheHandsomePlant> Look at Day 12 (troll) 
[11:02] <Piotrek1113> becuz they're IMPS xd
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> Day 12 SCREAMS 'pls use cold snapdragon"
[11:02] <Insert Your Name Here> All imp variants, chicken and weasel are instantly killed
[11:03] <Piotrek1113> even Dodo Rider (oh) 
[11:03] <Insert Your Name Here> It seems shrunken zombie takes double damage right?
[11:03] <Ballistic Planet> Day 12 = (Cold Snapdragon) : gg ez
[11:04] <Coolyoyo33> then just sprinkle a little SV
[11:04] <Coolyoyo33> and then voila!
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Colddragon: destroyer of worlds
[11:04] <ErnestoAM> I swear I just used Shrinking Violet and it didn't shrinking an imp.
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> And fc is fixed btw
[11:04] <ErnestoAM> Shrink to to death.
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> afk
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Heating plant can thaw half frozen stuff nw
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> now
[11:05] <Coolyoyo33> Great
[11:05] <Coolyoyo33> at least its not that bad
[11:06] <DeathZombi> No! Caviar!
[11:06] <ErnestoAM> Sexy-pult
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Colddragon just ruins fc though
[11:07] <AWPXML> I really think parts of PvZ 2 should be redone
[11:07] <AWPXML> especially NMT and BWB
[11:07] <DeathZombi> I'm just gonna go watch Sailor Moon right now...
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> La Brainsa Tarpits has way too many 1 flag levels
[11:08] <Brainulator9> @DZ, you watch SM? I don't :-P 
[11:08] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Where is the na version?
[11:08] <Piotrek1113> the same with Greatest Hits @Cool
[11:09] <Coolyoyo33> Greatest Hits?
[11:09] <DeathZombi> Yes I do. Call me a weeb if you want to.
[11:09] <Coolyoyo33> Greatest Hell more like it.
[11:09] <AWPXML> Is La Brainsa Tarpits the Endless Zone in JM?
[11:09] <Brainulator9> I think the amount of flags in a level is random
[11:09] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> I need pvz2 na version of jm part 2.
[11:09] <Coolyoyo33> @awp yes
[11:09] <Brainulator9> And it changes with zombies
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> There is 1 to 4 flag
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> There should be some 5 flag levels
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> For some reason metal jam seems to concentrate more heavily early on
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> that woulld be fun
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Early game you are facing like one garg on each lane
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Late game I seriously can't find anything besides 8bit
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> I faced 10 on each lane BY THE FIRST GODDAMN WAVE
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> 
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> and that marked my end
[11:11] <DeathZombi> What if Zombie Chickens were in Zombie Nimble Zombie Quick
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> They wouldnt exist
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> too small
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> to oblivion
[11:12] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Ginta uploaded a new video.
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> *virtually runs towards youtube*
[11:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright I think it's breakfast time now
[11:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello there btw
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> blooming heart "is into zombies" WTF
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> That is messed up
[11:16] <Piotrek1113> and no info about blooming heart xd
[11:16] <Piotrek1113> cost vise
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> probably another $15.99
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> I mean $4.99
[11:17] <Piotrek1113> the same as (coldsnapdragon) ?
[11:17] <Piotrek1113> and SV?
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> and the same as SV
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> yep
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> Well I said probably
[11:18] <Piotrek1113> I know, what plant I will buy now
[11:18] <Piotrek1113> but I'm still thinking about (sapfling) 
[11:18] <TheHandsomePlant> [[User blog:TheHandsomePlant/Modern Day Part 1 levels]]
[11:18] <TheHandsomePlant> Day 14 added
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> but blooming heart still is kinda weird
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> and gimmicky
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> still don't understand HOW it works
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> OH
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> L&L
[11:21] <Coolyoyo33> Imagine someone using their first two keys to unlock BWB and MD
[11:21] <Piotrek1113> I think, to unlock MD you'll need all trophies
[11:22] <Coolyoyo33> ginta unloced it with a key
[11:22] <Coolyoyo33> rip
[11:22] <Piotrek1113> well... it's still beta, right?
[11:22] <Coolyoyo33> no special requirements specified
[11:22] <Coolyoyo33> true
[11:22] <Coolyoyo33> but I doubt they'd change the choose your own path system
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> just so they can get people to pay up for premiums, gemiums, goodies and powerups lol
[11:23] <PuffyMuffins>
[11:24] <ErnestoAM> Premium World, you need to pay to enter, pay to move on the next level, pay to unlock the plant, pay to get reward at the end of a level, pay to push a button.
[11:25] <PuffyMuffins> pay every time you open the world
[11:26] <PuffyMuffins> pay for every tap or click u make
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> How about pay for downloading the game and nothing else
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Such brilliant idea
[11:27] <ErnestoAM> May to look at the game
[11:27] <ErnestoAM> Pay*
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> pay 2 breathe
[11:30] <Ballistic Planet> OMFG
[11:30] <Ballistic Planet> Electric Blueberry, Garlic, Bloomerang
[11:30] <Ballistic Planet> BEst EZ payout ever
[11:32] <TheHandsomePlant> [[User blog:TheHandsomePlant/Modern Day Part 1 levels]]
[11:32] <TheHandsomePlant> Day 15 added
[11:33] <Yappat> Ha ha! He got eaten.
[11:33] <Pvzfan717> who wants to talk about that mysterious crack
[11:33] <Pvzfan717> after modern day
[11:34] <Yappat> Uh sure.
[11:34] <Yappat> You want to know whats in it?
[11:34] <Pvzfan717> yup
[11:34] <ErnestoAM> Sexy-shroom
[11:34] <Ballistic Planet> ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS
[11:34] <Yappat>
[11:34] <Ballistic Planet> Threepeater, Bonk Choy, Intensive Carrot
[11:34] <Yappat> This is what is in it. xD.
[11:35] <Pvzfan717> @ernesto dont make me post a pvz pron link
[11:35] <Pvzfan717> i wont
[11:35] <Yappat> We don't want to talk about that.
[11:35] <Yappat> I don't think it is suitable to talk about that.
[11:35] <TheHandsomePlant> Guys
[11:35] <Pvzfan717> thats why i was threating him
[11:35] <Yappat> Hello Pinkgirl.
[11:35] <TheHandsomePlant> I found out achievement name for beating MD Day 16
[11:36] <Yappat> Don't threaten people :( 
[11:36] <Pinkgirl234> What did I run into this time?
[11:36] <TheHandsomePlant> Great Gargling Gargantuars
[11:36] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> would like an explanation
[11:37] <Pinkgirl234> Ohai THP! *hugs him*
[11:37] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Brainulator9 -senpai! *huuugs him*
[11:37] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> someone's into that </span> @thp
[11:37] <Pinkgirl234> Dead chat?
[11:38] <Pinkgirl234> Guys
[11:38] <Pinkgirl234> I would like to show....
[11:38] <Pinkgirl234> [[w:c:kingdom-of-fun:Primalina|this!!]]
[11:38] <Newmegamariosonicdreambros1029> I meet you
[11:39] <Adolf HitIer King of Nazis So cool> Heil
[11:39] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi?
[11:39] <Adolf HitIer King of Nazis So cool> Heil Brownie
[11:39] <Newmegamariosonicdreambros1029> In a message that you post in who blocked me's messade wall
[11:39] <Newmegamariosonicdreambros1029> So fack you (?????????????)
[11:39] <Adolf HitIer King of Nazis So cool> Heil Chicken with glasses from 80's
[11:39] <Adolf HitIer King of Nazis So cool> *80s
[11:40] <Yappat> Uh, somebody ban this guy?
[11:40] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[11:41] <TheHandsomePlant> (cowboy gargantuar) 
[11:41] <Starfruity> (hair metal gargantuar) 
[11:41] <Pinkgirl234> @Newmegamario Please don't direct a swear to a certain user whatsoever.
[11:42] <Starfruity> Does anybody have the image for Meteor, Right?
[11:42] <Pinkgirl234> Not me.
[11:42] <ErnestoAM> [[File:Meteor.png]]
[11:42] <Starfruity> -_- 
[11:42] <Pinkgirl234> Also swello, Starfruity ! o/ 
[11:43] <Starfruity> Swello you as well
[11:43] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs Starfruity 
[11:43] <Pinkgirl234> :3 
[11:43] <ErnestoAM> Starfruity 
[11:43] <Starfruity> I see Puffy has gotten you into the Starfruity fanclub as well :P 
[11:43] <ErnestoAM> That is the link to the Meteor
[11:43] <ErnestoAM> [[File:Meteor.png]]
[11:43] <Pinkgirl234> Oh, did she? :P 
[11:43] <Starfruity> Meteor, Right? the achievement
[11:43] <ErnestoAM> oh
[11:44] <ErnestoAM> I thought you meant the ido;
[11:44] <Pinkgirl234> I was thinking about meteors
[11:44] <Pinkgirl234> in outer space.
[11:44] <Pinkgirl234> Meteors in outer space that fall in Earth like shooting stars.
[11:45] <Yappat> I need to go
[11:45] <Starfruity> [[Shooting Star]]
[11:46] <Pinkgirl234> Starfruit looks like as if his green arm is showing off his biceps
[11:46] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[11:47] <ErnestoAM> You mean mutant.
[11:47] <Starfruity> Oh that reminds me I need to make a christmas avatar
[11:48] <Pinkgirl234> Once upon a time a Starfuit fell fro the heavens
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> back
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> there is dedness everywhere
[11:50] <Reapeageddon> :D 
[11:52] <ErnestoAM> Starfruity 's Christmad Avatar Plan: Put a christmas hat on his current avatar.
[11:52] <Starfruity> Nah
[11:52] <Starfruity> I did that two years ago :P 
[11:52] <ErnestoAM> But this time on a PvZ2 Starfruit
[11:52] <Pinkgirl234> WHen you wish upon, a Starfruity , it makes no difference.
[11:52] <ErnestoAM> made my SunShroom
[11:52] <Starfruity> How original
[11:52] <Pinkgirl234> It's the same as wishing upon a falling star.