Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/13 July 2015

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[11:57] <Birdpool> Brotato Mine
[11:57] <MysteryKing> What a great player!
[11:57] <MysteryKing> 
[11:57] <MysteryKing> +3
[11:57] <Birdpool> what?
[11:57] <ThatYoshi8> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatYoshi8</span></span> smashes Quiz-inator
[11:57] <The Zombie O.O> HULLO
[11:57] <MysteryKing> So far Reap is leading the quiz
[11:57] <MysteryKing> With 8 points
[11:57] <NightFury299> AHH HATE MAH FANBAES
[11:57] <Brotato Mine> Did you see my comment before Useless guy removed it?
[11:57] <MysteryKing> While the others still has 1 point
[11:57] <The Zombie O.O> W0t da fock is going on
[11:57] <MysteryKing> Now time for the last question for medium round!
[11:57] <WintahMhelon18> A Quiz
[11:57] <ThatYoshi8> ur mom is @TZO.O
[11:57] <The Zombie O.O> AYY
[11:57] <MysteryKing> FOR 5 POINTS
[11:57] <The Zombie O.O> A QUIZ?
[11:57] <NightFury299> lol
[11:57] <WintahMhelon18> yup
[11:57] <MysteryKing> You're a spectator. No more slots for players.
[11:57] <WintahMhelon18> wanna join?
[11:57] <Brotato Mine> I was pissed because I put so much emotion and work into the comment only to have Useless guy destroy ity
[11:57] <Brotato Mine> it*
[11:57] <NightFury299> MAH NAME IS SANIC
[11:58] <The Zombie O.O> Nooo!
[11:58] <MysteryKing> For 5 points...
[11:58] <Reapeageddon> Senic
[11:58] <Reapeageddon> Sunic
[11:58] <NightFury299> SUNKY
[11:58] <MysteryKing> This one is pretty better be a quick typer
[11:58] <Reapeageddon> k
[11:58] <NightFury299> OH NO
[11:58] <The Zombie O.O> "GOTTA GO FAST, GOTTA GO FAAST." - Sanic 2015
[11:58] <Pepsicola45> These people can destroy you.
[11:58] <MysteryKing> In PvZ1, who was Dancing Zombie based off?
[11:58] <MysteryKing> GO!
[11:58] <MysteryKing> GO!
[11:58] <MysteryKing> HO!
[11:58] <MysteryKing> GO!
[11:58] <Reapeageddon> Michael
[11:58] <Reapeageddon> JACKSON
[11:58] <Reapeageddon> MICHAEL JACKSON
[11:58] <MysteryKing> REAP
[11:58] <MysteryKing> GETS
[11:58] <MysteryKing> IT
[11:58] <Brotato Mine> Guys I have a really original (It suprisingly is) Idea
[11:58] <MysteryKing> RIGHT
[11:58] <The Zombie O.O> What about the newer version?
[11:58] <MysteryKing> AGAAAAAIN
[11:58] <NightFury299> NOPE TRAIN! *LEAVES*
[11:58] <MysteryKing> WOOOHOOO
[11:58] <The Zombie O.O> MK, what about the Disco version
[11:58] <ThatYoshi8> arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[11:58] <MysteryKing> Reap is leadin' the score with 13 points!
[11:58] <WintahMhelon18> *confettis!*
[11:58] <MysteryKing> BUT WAIT
[11:58] <NightFury299> screw this
[11:58] <MysteryKing> THERE'S MORE!
[11:59] <WintahMhelon18> Oh?
[11:59] <MysteryKing> The loser consolation mode!
[11:59] <NightFury299> wheres the multikick (jk)
[11:59] <MysteryKing> You tired of being a loser?
[11:59] <Pepsicola45> I AM
[11:59] <NightFury299> FAST
[11:59] <MysteryKing> Then you can go to loser mode to earn extra points!
[11:59] <WintahMhelon18> AND FURIOUS
[11:59] <Pepsicola45> I've been a Total Loser all my life.
[11:59] <NightFury299> ER
[11:59] <Pepsicola45> :) 
[11:59] <MysteryKing> Now only for Night and Yoshi...
[11:59] <NightFury299> LOL
[12:00] <MysteryKing> Reap will not answer the questions...
[12:00] <NightFury299> HAHA
[12:00] <MysteryKing> Because he's the leading score...
[12:00] <Pepsicola45> He will, hee hee....
[12:00] <NightFury299> TEEHEE
[12:00] <MysteryKing> Who's the second plant to be unlocked?
[12:00] <MysteryKing> GO!
[12:00] <IMCR8Z> GTG
[12:00] <ThatYoshi8> UMM
[12:00] <NightFury299> SUNFLOWER
[12:00] <MysteryKing> CORRECT
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[12:00] <ThatYoshi8> NO
[12:00] <MysteryKing> And that's for 3 points!
[12:00] <MysteryKing> 
[12:00] <MysteryKing> +3 to nightfury
[12:00] <ThatYoshi8> u don't technically unlock sunflower
[12:00] <NightFury299> SWEG
[12:00] <ThatYoshi8> nub
[12:00] <MysteryKing> Now night gets 4 points total!
[12:00] <ThatYoshi8> * peashooter
[12:00] <NightFury299> D00D NU
[12:01] <MysteryKing> Question 2 for Loser mode!
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> Lels, Loser Mode
[12:01] <NightFury299> caps
[12:01] <MysteryKing> What plant both emits lasers when fed PF?
[12:01] <MysteryKing> GO!
[12:01] <ThatYoshi8> RED STINGERRRR
[12:01] <NightFury299> REDSTINGER AND LASER BEAN
[12:01] <MysteryKing> AND
[12:01] <ThatYoshi8> WHAT
[12:01] <MysteryKing> NIGHT GETS IT RIGHT
[12:01] <MysteryKing> AGAIN'
[12:01] <Reapeageddon> Woohoo night
[12:01] <ThatYoshi8> AZFEI0UWE890NWT89NT78U4R89SF
[12:01] <ThatYoshi8> RAGEQUIT
[12:01] <NightFury299> lol
[12:01] <MysteryKing> Wow!
[12:01] <ThatYoshi8> 13902183091209MNE09NQ8ERDIE
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> Yay Night
[12:01] <MysteryKing> What a comeback!
[12:01] <MysteryKing> +5 points
[12:01] <NightFury299> d00d ill try to laus
[12:02] <MysteryKing> Now night is almost leading with 9 points
[12:02] <NightFury299> nvm
[12:02] <MysteryKing> Yoshi left?
[12:02] <MysteryKing> Welp
[12:02] <MysteryKing> Time to terminate
[12:02] <Pepsicola45> Too late, Laus has fallen.
[12:02] <NightFury299> hes mad
[12:02] <Reapeageddon> <terminate TY8>
[12:02] <Birdpool> "AwesomeDude420
[12:02] <Birdpool> I love you
[12:02] <Birdpool> Pools for birds are so my stile.
[12:02] <Birdpool> Bye now
[12:02] <Birdpool> GTGN"
[12:02] <Birdpool> WTF
[12:02] <MysteryKing> User_to_be_terminated = Yoshi
[12:02] <MysteryKing> Yoshi has been terminated from the list.
[12:02] <Reapeageddon> Final 2
[12:02] <Reapeageddon> yeayeaaaaa
[12:02] <MysteryKing> The final 2...
[12:02] <MysteryKing> Now back to Hard mode!
[12:02] <NightFury299> ;( 
[12:02] <MysteryKing> Night has catched up on Loser mode!
[12:03] <MysteryKing> Now back to hard mode!
[12:03] <MysteryKing> Question 1...
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> DUN DUN DUUNNNNNNNNNNNNNN
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> for how
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> many
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> points?
[12:03] <NightFury299> woah
[12:03] <WintahMhelon18> Grand Finale is here! *grabs popcorn*
[12:03] <NightFury299> i have low battery
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> k
[12:03] <MysteryKing> For 5 points...
[12:03] <MysteryKing> Give the order of these plants in the order they are UNLOCKED: Kernel-pult - Peashooter - Fume-shroom - Red Stinger
[12:03] <MysteryKing> GO!
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> Peashooter
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> Kernel-pult
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> Fume-shroom
[12:03] <MysteryKing> Yeaaah?
[12:04] <NightFury299> NOPE
[12:04] <Reapeageddon> Red Stinger
[12:04] <MysteryKing> AY!
[12:04] <MysteryKing> YAY!
[12:04] <Reapeageddon> NIGHT YOU MUS CHARGGEEE
[12:04] <MysteryKing> +5 POINTS
[12:04] <NightFury299> CHOO CHOOOOOO
[12:04] <NightFury299> NOPE TRAIN
[12:04] <MysteryKing> Now Reap is almost going to win!
[12:04] <MysteryKing> Nightfury, you must charrrrgeee
[12:04] <MysteryKing> While you're charging we'll go to commerical
[12:04] <NightFury299> YAY IM DAWN
[12:04] <Reapeageddon> I must avenge my last game
[12:04] <WintahMhelon18> again? xD
[12:04] <NightFury299> wut
[12:04] <Reapeageddon> "ADVENT: Insert answe here"
[12:04] <MysteryKing> Are you tired of failing homework? Try workbot!
[12:05] <Reapeageddon> "Reap: Congrats ADVENT"
[12:05] <MysteryKing> Only for 9999999999 dollars
[12:05] <NightFury299> you'll become lazy
[12:05] <Reapeageddon> I MUST AVENGE
[12:05] <NightFury299> for that low low price
[12:05] <MysteryKing> Time for the greatest meal ever! The super bacon sandwhich!
[12:05] <MysteryKing> Buy it now!
[12:05] <MysteryKing> 
[12:05] <Reapeageddon> yum
[12:05] <NightFury299> GET FATTER
[12:05] <NightFury299> LOL
[12:05] <MysteryKing> Want to lose weight? Try H2LOW
[12:05] <NightFury299> (JK)
[12:05] <MysteryKing> Diet water.
[12:05] <Reapeageddon> I need to gain weight tho
[12:05] <NightFury299> 2slow5me
[12:05] <Reapeageddon> I'm sorta underweight
[12:06] <MysteryKing> Want to gain weight?
[12:06] <WintahMhelon18> I'm normal
[12:06] <MysteryKing> Buy the super bacon sandwich!
[12:06] <NightFury299> I AM THE FAST MASTER
[12:06] <WintahMhelon18> in weight
[12:06] <NightFury299> OH NO
[12:06] <WintahMhelon18> IYNH is here
[12:06] <MysteryKing> Keep making commericals while i gather the hardest questions.
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Wanna take a quiz? Then join this quiz in this wiki. It comes with Hard mode and loser mode. Join now!
[12:07] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[12:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> only 99.95
[12:07] <MysteryKing> There's a lot of modes actually.
[12:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Time to take the quiz
[12:07] <MysteryKing> Easy Medium Hard, Diabolical, and the secret mode
[12:07] <MysteryKing> NO ONE PLAYS SECRET MODE
[12:08] <MysteryKing> Look who came back.
[12:08] <MysteryKing> The 2 contestants.
[12:08] <WintahMhelon18> Hi to both
[12:08] <Reapeageddon> What happened to CRAZY Mode?
[12:08] <MysteryKing> Crazy mode?
[12:08] <Reapeageddon> Last game
[12:08] <ThatYoshi8> boo
[12:08] <Reapeageddon> had Crazy Mode
[12:08] <MysteryKing> That's in extreme pack.
[12:08] <ThatYoshi8> i quit
[12:08] <Pepsicola45> Yay, my pancit canton is here!
[12:08] <ThatYoshi8> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatYoshi8</span></span> throws hat
[12:08] <Reapeageddon> which was based on Wiki
[12:08] <NightFury299> Me too
[12:08] <ThatYoshi8> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatYoshi8</span></span> stomps on it
[12:08] <MysteryKing> We're playing in Easy Pack
[12:08] <NightFury299> ah quit
[12:08] <WintahMhelon18> @Pepsicola, Calamansi flavor?
[12:08] <MysteryKing> DON'T QUITZ12
[12:08] <NightFury299> <span class="me-username">* <span>NightFury299</span></span> dies
[12:08] <MysteryKing> Time for hard mode!
[12:09] <MysteryKing> But this question is no ordinary question...
[12:09] <ThatYoshi8> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatYoshi8</span></span> gets hammer
[12:09] <Reapeageddon> Yum
[12:09] <Reapeageddon> I wish I got pancit
[12:09] <ThatYoshi8> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatYoshi8</span></span> smashes quiz-inator
[12:09] <MysteryKing> It is a mix of coding, math, and offets.
[12:09] <NightFury299> <span class="me-username">* <span>NightFury299</span></span> goes NOPEITY NOPE
[12:09] <MysteryKing> FOR 10 POJNTS
[12:09] <MysteryKing> POINTS
[12:09] <MysteryKing> I REPEAT
[12:09] <Reapeageddon> <span class="me-username">* <span>Reapeageddon</span></span> 's mind says NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
[12:09] <MysteryKing> 10 freakin points
[12:09] <NightFury299> wow
[12:09] <Reapeageddon> <span class="me-username">* <span>Reapeageddon</span></span> asks why coding
[12:09] <WintahMhelon18> Abort mission. I repeat, abort the mission
[12:09] <ThatYoshi8> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatYoshi8</span></span> is good at coding.
[12:09] <MysteryKing> Add the offset of AKEE and Bonk Choy to the calculator. Hint: [[User:1Zulu/OBBPatcher]]
[12:09] <Reapeageddon> ummm
[12:09] <Reapeageddon> UUUUH
[12:09] <ThatYoshi8> 1000
[12:09] <ThatYoshi8> 1000
[12:10] <ThatYoshi8> 1000
[12:10] <MysteryKing> No.
[12:10] <Reapeageddon> Add them?
[12:10] <NightFury299> NOPITY NOPE NOPE NOPE
[12:10] <MysteryKing> Yes
[12:10] <MysteryKing> FOR 10 POINTS
[12:10] <ThatYoshi8> 1,006,210.192
[12:10] <MysteryKing> C'MON
[12:10] <WintahMhelon18> That's hawd
[12:10] <MysteryKing> Wrong.
[12:10] <MysteryKing> Add the TEXTURE UNPACKER OFFSETS
[12:10] <MysteryKing> OF AKEE
[12:10] <MysteryKing> AND BONK CHOY
[12:10] <WintahMhelon18> ABC!
[12:10] <ThatYoshi8> 0x36d1000 and 0x3864000.
[12:10] <MysteryKing> Nooo!
[12:10] <MysteryKing> Wrong wrong wrongity wrong
[12:10] <MysteryKing> To make it easier
[12:11] <MysteryKing> Add 57368576 and 59023360
[12:11] <Reapeageddon> 116391936
[12:11] <MysteryKing> Oh my god..
[12:11] <MysteryKing> CORRECT
[12:11] <MysteryKing> +10 POINTS
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> oooooooooooooooooooo
[12:11] <MysteryKing> Don't worry.
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> ooo
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> o
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> o
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> o
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> o
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> o
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> o
[12:11] <MysteryKing> There's a second loser mode
[12:11] <Reapeageddon> Request for Loser Mod for Yoshi
[12:11] <Reapeageddon> and Night
[12:11] <Reapeageddon> oh
[12:11] <MysteryKing> YOU CAN CATCH UP
[12:11] <NightFury299> nope
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> loser mod?
[12:11] <ThatYoshi8> lolwot
[12:11] <Reapeageddon> Loser MODE*
[12:11] <MysteryKing> OK.
[12:12] <MysteryKing> Only Yoshi and Night can answer.
[12:12] <MysteryKing> If reap answers minus 5.
[12:12] <Reapeageddon> Ok
[12:12] <ThatYoshi8> REAP ANSWER FOR YOUR FANS
[12:12] <MysteryKing> 2nd Loser Mode QUESTION 1...
[12:12] <Reapeageddon> I'll be busy making plants for my next word the ASTRONO- .... nothing
[12:12] <Reapeageddon> world*
[12:12] <MysteryKing> What is the offset of Kernel-pult?
[12:12] <WintahMhelon18> ASTRO-nut?
[12:12] <WintahMhelon18> oh wait
[12:12] <MysteryKing> TICK TOCK
[12:12] <ThatYoshi8> 71258112
[12:12] <MysteryKing> THE CLOCK IS TOCKING
[12:12] <ThatYoshi8> yeeeee
[12:13] <MysteryKing> CORRRECT
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:13] <MysteryKing> That yoshi gets 5 points
[12:13] <MysteryKing> +5
[12:13] <MysteryKing> So far
[12:13] <MysteryKing> Reap 28
[12:13] <MysteryKing> Night 9
[12:13] <MysteryKing> Yoshi - 6
[12:13] <NightFury299> 71258112
[12:13] <NightFury299> damn son
[12:13] <MysteryKing> Question 2...
[12:13] <MysteryKing> What plant is Stallia based off?
[12:13] <MysteryKing> 3 points
[12:13] <WintahMhelon18> Dahlia
[12:13] <ThatYoshi8> WHAT THE HELL IS STALLIA
[12:13] <NightFury299> RAFFESIA?
[12:13] <Reapeageddon> *cringes*
[12:13] <MysteryKing> Nopity nope
[12:13] <NightFury299> DAHLIA
[12:14] <MysteryKing> CORRECT
[12:14] <MysteryKing> NIGHTFURY GETS 3 POINTS
[12:14] <NightFury299> yay
[12:14] <ThatYoshi8> protip: don't ask people who don't have LC yet LC-related questions.
[12:14] <ThatYoshi8> (lenny) 
[12:14] <MysteryKing> So far 
[12:14] <MysteryKing> Reap 28
[12:14] <MysteryKing> Night 12
[12:14] <MysteryKing> Yoshi - 6
[12:14] <NightFury299> (sanic)
[12:14] <NightFury299> (sonic) 
[12:14] <MysteryKing> Now final question for Loser Mode...
[12:14] <NightFury299> wu
[12:14] <NightFury299> wut
[12:14] <Reapeageddon> Make it 13 points 
[12:14] <MysteryKing> For 10 pointa
[12:14] <MysteryKing> Points
[12:14] <Reapeageddon> k
[12:14] <MysteryKing> For 15 points...
[12:15] <Reapeageddon> good enough
[12:15] <MysteryKing> LIST ALL OF...
[12:15] <MysteryKing> NOW
[12:15] <MysteryKing> GO!
[12:15] <ThatYoshi8> no.
[12:15] <Reapeageddon> Yoshi can finally be a winner for once
[12:15] <ThatYoshi8> I DON'T HAVE PVZGW
[12:15] <NightFury299> FML
[12:15] <Reapeageddon> It's called searhing wikia
[12:15] <WintahMhelon18> But that's a lot
[12:15] <MysteryKing> There's this thing called PVZ WIKI
[12:15] <MysteryKing> And that's why it's 15 points
[12:15] <Reapeageddon> There's also this thing called SEARCHING
[12:15] <ThatYoshi8> what the hell is PVZ WIKI actually
[12:15] <Reapeageddon> and RESEARCHING
[12:15] <NightFury299> Hot Rod Chomper
[12:15] <NightFury299> Toxic Chomper
[12:15] <NightFury299> Fire Chomper
[12:15] <NightFury299> Power Chomper
[12:15] <NightFury299> Count Chompula
[12:15] <NightFury299> Armor Chomper
[12:15] <NightFury299> Chester Chomper
[12:15] <NightFury299> Chomp Thing
[12:15] <NightFury299> Primary weapon
[12:15] <MysteryKing> Lemme do it for you [[Chomper (PvZ: GW)]]
[12:15] <ThatYoshi8> and searching
[12:15] <ThatYoshi8> that's cheating
[12:15] <ThatYoshi8> [[]]>:(
[12:15] <NightFury299> OOPS
[12:15] <MysteryKing> NIGHTFURY
[12:15] <ThatYoshi8> kbye sons
[12:15] <MysteryKing> IS
[12:16] <MysteryKing> CORRECT
[12:16] <MysteryKing> +15
[12:16] <NightFury299> DAMN
[12:16] <NightFury299> SON
[12:16] <Reapeageddon> Where is Ja- nevermind
[12:16] <MysteryKing> ERMAGERD
[12:16] <Reapeageddon> oops
[12:16] <MysteryKing> Reap 28
[12:16] <MysteryKing> Yoshi - 27
[12:16] <Reapeageddon> wrong plant
[12:16] <MysteryKing> 1 POINT!
[12:16] <MysteryKing> 1 POINT!
[12:16] <MysteryKing> Reap 28
[12:16] <MysteryKing> Yoshi - 27
[12:16] <Reapeageddon> Finally
[12:16] <Reapeageddon> a worthy opponent
[12:16] <ThatYoshi8> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatYoshi8</span></span> calls Epic-Chopper-Exits
[12:16] <MysteryKing> Correction
[12:16] <MysteryKing> It's NIGHT
[12:16] <MysteryKing> Not Yoshi
[12:16] <MysteryKing> We'll back
[12:16] <MysteryKing> We'll be back after these messages!
[12:16] <Reapeageddon> Huwaa huwa huwa huwaaaa....
[12:17] <MysteryKing> For the DEADLY QUESTION
[12:17] <ThatYoshi8> 2deadly4me
[12:17] <NightFury299> AHHHH
[12:17] <MysteryKing> mAKE COMMERCIALS
[12:17] <ThatYoshi8> i am a commercial
[12:17] <ThatYoshi8> the end
[12:17] <ThatYoshi8> =)
[12:17] <WintahMhelon18> Commercial is black and white
[12:18] <ThatYoshi8> (akee) get an akee now! 10% human proof and 90% zombie proof
[12:18] <MysteryKing> Why did he leave?
[12:18] <Reapeageddon> k
[12:18] <Reapeageddon> OH no
[12:18] <MysteryKing> He'll return
[12:18] <ThatYoshi8> cuz it was deadly
[12:18] <MysteryKing> SOON
[12:18] <Reapeageddon> he has to make it back FAST
[12:18] <ThatYoshi8> * SPOON
[12:19] <WintahMhelon18> This is the commercial
[12:19] <ThatYoshi8> k
[12:19] <ThatYoshi8> i thought u died
[12:19] <MysteryKing> I have some errands to run for like 5 minutes
[12:19] <MysteryKing> I'll return
[12:19] <MysteryKing> PROMISE
[12:19] <Reapeageddon> Aaaand NIGHT is back
[12:19] <NightFury299> haha
[12:19] <Reapeageddon> and MK is gone
[12:19] <NightFury299> bye
[12:19] <MysteryKing> FOR 5 MINS
[12:19] <WintahMhelon18> And it's nighttime here
[12:20] <MysteryKing> I'LL BE BACK -MK TERMINATOR
[12:20] <Birdpool> 10 minutes shouldn't give 275 messages between 3 people -_- 
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> gtg
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> Alt+F4
[12:22] <ThatYoshi8> =]
[12:23] <MysteryKing> i'M BACK!
[12:23] <MysteryKing> Shall we continue?
[12:23] <MysteryKing> NOOOOOOOOO
[12:23] <MysteryKing> WHY DID NIGHT LEFT
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> No
[12:23] <ThatYoshi8> because it was deadly
[12:23] <ThatYoshi8> he can die now
[12:23] <ThatYoshi8> :D 
[12:23] <MysteryKing> I said i was only gonna be gone for 5 mins
[12:23] <Reapeageddon> k
[12:23] <Reapeageddon> We will wait
[12:23] <Pepsicola45> Could we y'know, serious now?
[12:23] <Reapeageddon> I need a WORTHY OPPONENT
[12:23] <MysteryKing> THIS IS THE GRAND FINALS
[12:23] <ThatYoshi8> no
[12:23] <Pepsicola45> God damn it.
[12:23] <MysteryKing> Who will be the 2nd immortalized winner!?
[12:24] <Reapeageddon> Pepsi if Night doesn't come back, you must take his place
[12:24] <Pepsicola45> ...I'm not that much of a genius.
[12:24] <Reapeageddon> It's PvZ based
[12:24] <MysteryKing> But he has no points!
[12:24] <Pepsicola45> Please... understand.
[12:24] <Reapeageddon> she*
[12:24] <MysteryKing> It would be cheating if he automatically won for answer only one questions.
[12:24] <MysteryKing> Or...
[12:25] <MysteryKing> I could transfer Night's points to the new opponent
[12:25] <Insert Your Name Here> What happened
[12:25] <MysteryKing> But if he's not back in exactly 10 minutes you're gonna take his place.
[12:25] <Reapeageddon> The points could be transferred aswell
[12:25] <Pepsicola45> Uh, no... I really can't...
[12:25] <MysteryKing> It's pvz
[12:26] <MysteryKing> OF COURSE YOU KNOW IT
[12:26] <Pepsicola45> It's been some time I've actually played the game.
[12:26] <Fomok Games> Hi
[12:26] <MysteryKing> Hint, the last question will be mathematical.
[12:26] <MysteryKing> Literally.
[12:26] <Reapeageddon> k
[12:26] <MysteryKing> 8 more minute
[12:27] <ThatYoshi8> noooooooooooo
[12:27] <ThatYoshi8> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatYoshi8</span></span> prepares calculator
[12:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Getting rusty huh
[12:27] <MysteryKing> It's split in 3 parts
[12:27] <MysteryKing> One question 
[12:27] <MysteryKing> Math
[12:27] <MysteryKing> And split to 3 parts
[12:27] <MysteryKing> IT'S THE DEADLY QUESTION
[12:28] <Brotato Mine> Guys I have an original plant idea
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Another balance nightmare I guess
[12:28] <Brotato Mine> It's called Blue Stinger
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep it's terrible.
[12:29] <Brotato Mine> Why?
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Idk
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Let's continue.
[12:29] <Brotato Mine> It's based off
[12:29] <Brotato Mine> *
[12:29] <NightFury299> guys 
[12:29] <NightFury299> i farted
[12:29] <Reapeageddon> HES BACK
[12:29] <MysteryKing> HE HAS RETURNED
[12:29] <Reapeageddon> MK
[12:29] <Brotato Mine> Well that link doesn't work :/ 
[12:29] <MysteryKing> WALAH!
[12:29] <MysteryKing> YEAH!
[12:29] <Reapeageddon> HE 'S BACK
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep.
[12:29] <Reapeageddon> YES
[12:30] <Birdpool> WTF is going on here
[12:30] <Reapeageddon> Quiz
[12:30] <Reapeageddon> ADVENT
[12:30] <MysteryKing> Look who it is.
[12:30] <MysteryKing> THE FIRST WINNER!
[12:30] <Reapeageddon> *applause*
[12:30] <NightFury299> huh
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Isn't that name a bit unoriginal?
[12:30] <Elemec> Hi
[12:30] <Brotato Mine> Why?
[12:30] <WintahMhelon18> Hi
[12:30] <NightFury299> wut
[12:30] <Reapeageddon> First is the worst...
[12:30] <Reapeageddon> Second
[12:30] <Reapeageddon> is the best
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> It's freaking Red Stinger, but blue
[12:30] <MysteryKing> And we're back!
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> And the link still does not work
[12:30] <MysteryKing> THE FINAL QUESTION
[12:30] <MysteryKing> The moment we've all been waiting for!
[12:30] <NightFury299> huh
[12:30] <WintahMhelon18> Oh yay!
[12:30] <Reapeageddon> yes
[12:30] <Brotato Mine> If Popcap made Red Stinger based off a Red Ginger, how come Blue Gingers don't apply?
[12:31] <ThatYoshi8> some guy on the audience: no we weren't nub
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Now you must answer these parts seperately.
[12:31] <Elemec> You're going to give bacon away?
[12:31] <Brotato Mine>
[12:31] <Reapeageddon> Call it Blue Ginger and it's good
[12:31] <NightFury299> ???
[12:31] <MysteryKing> There are 3 parts in this last question.
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Because their name would be too similar
[12:31] <Brotato Mine> Yes
[12:31] <MysteryKing> IT'S FOR THE WIN
[12:31] <MysteryKing> You must answer them individually.
[12:31] <Reapeageddon> k
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Think of a different name first
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Are you all ready?
[12:31] <Brotato Mine> At first glance it's Unoriginal but when you do your research, it is
[12:31] <NightFury299> 2SLOW
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Are you ready Night?
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Reap?
[12:31] <Reapeageddon> YEs
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> So it's still unoriginal
[12:31] <ThatYoshi8> no
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Night?
[12:31] <Reapeageddon> My body...
[12:31] <NightFury299> YES 
[12:31] <Reapeageddon> My body is ready
[12:31] <Reapeageddon> Also
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Let it begin.
[12:31] <NightFury299> REGGIE
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Part 1: If 5 Dandelions shoot, what is the probability of all the projectiles hitting the only zombie on the lawn?
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Part 2: If a Threepeater is in the lane of the zombie, and there's a half-armed red stinger in front of it as well, will the zombie die before he bites Red Stinger?
[12:31] <MysteryKing> Part 3: If there's a Laser Bean in front of a zombie, will the zombie bite it or wil the Laser Bean kill it before it bites
[12:32] <ThatYoshi8> 100%
[12:32] <Reapeageddon> FML
[12:32] <ThatYoshi8> yes
[12:32] <ThatYoshi8> no
[12:32] <Reapeageddon> 100%
[12:32] <MysteryKing> AUDIENCE
[12:32] <MysteryKing> DO NOT ANSWER
[12:32] <ThatYoshi8> 100%, yes, and...
[12:32] <WintahMhelon18> ok
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Is the zombie slowed?
[12:32] <Reapeageddon> 1. 100%
[12:32] <Reapeageddon> 2. No
[12:32] <ThatYoshi8> some guy on the audience: the LASER BEAN DIES YOU IDIOT
[12:32] <MysteryKing> WHERE'S NIGHT!?
[12:32] <ThatYoshi8> the laser bean dies
[12:32] <Reapeageddon> 3. Laser Bean dies
[12:32] <ThatYoshi8> (lenny) 
[12:32] <NightFury299> 1: 100
[12:32] <NightFury299> 2: No
[12:32] <NightFury299> 3: bite
[12:32] <MysteryKing> Sorry to say but...
[12:33] <NightFury299> ARGGGGGGGG
[12:33] <MysteryKing> *CELEBRATION*
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> Plot twist: NIgh- ok
[12:33] <MysteryKing> DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUUN
[12:33] <ThatYoshi8> NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:33] <ThatYoshi8> NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:33] <ThatYoshi8> NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:33] <ThatYoshi8> NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> Hoorah
[12:33] <ThatYoshi8> NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:33] <ThatYoshi8> NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:33] <MysteryKing> CONGRATULATIONS REAP!
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES
[12:33] <ThatYoshi8> NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:33] <Elemec> 100% , Will die , Will bite it.
[12:33] <ThatYoshi8> Audience: NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:33] <MysteryKing> *HANDS OVER 100000 DIGITAL DOLLARS*
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES! :D 
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES! :D 
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES! :D 
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES! :D 
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES! :D 
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES! :D 
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> If 5 wins, there should be a an All-Stars Game
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES! :D 
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> A few more times and this will constitute as spam
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOBODY CARES! :D 
[12:33] <WintahMhelon18> Lels xD
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOPE
[12:33] <Pepsicola45> Spamano!
[12:33] <NightFury299> NOPE
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> NightFury
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> spamming
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> I'm CHat Mod
[12:33] <Elemec> o
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> so you spammed
[12:33] <NightFury299> ILL STOPE NOW
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> so...
[12:33] <NightFury299> oops
[12:33] <Elemec> he is dead now
[12:33] <Reapeageddon> kick
[12:33] <MysteryKing> CONGRATULAIONS REAP! You're the second grand winner!
[12:33] <WintahMhelon18> and Pepsicola
[12:33] <Elemec> not big soup rice.
[12:33] <MysteryKing> You will be immortalized in my user profile.
[12:34] <ThatYoshi8> [[w:c:uncyclopedia:Nobody cares|Audience: YAY]]
[12:34] <NightFury299> WAH.
[12:34] <MysteryKing> As the second winner.
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:34] <Elemec> also , i never liked red stingers
[12:34] <MysteryKing> Episode 3 will be soon coming.
[12:34] <MysteryKing> SOON.
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> So stay fresh
[12:34] <ThatYoshi8> NOBODY CARES! [[]]:D
[12:34] <NightFury299> Skip to 7:10
[12:34] <Brotato Mine> Guys, I wonder what would happen if I put a Red Stinger in space because Right and Left rules don't apply there...
[12:34] <NightFury299> d00d shtap
[12:34] <Elemec> They're just for make repeaters-peanuts-wallnuts useless
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Well those are useless in the first place
[12:35] <Reapeageddon> MK didn't immortalized ADVENT though
[12:35] <Insert Your Name Here> You can't really fix them
[12:35] <Elemec> Yeah , But now they're even worse
[12:35] <Reapeageddon> I don't see him in his userpage
[12:35] <MysteryKing> I will both do that soon.
[12:35] <Elemec> Couldn't they come with something original ?
[12:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Go talk to Bloomerang
[12:35] <MysteryKing> Not today but soon.
[12:35] <NightFury299> skip to 7"20
[12:35] <Brotato Mine> Don't laugh at me, but I use Power Point to crop my pics ._.
[12:35] <NightFury299> :
[12:35] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm sure he exists to get outclassed
[12:35] <MysteryKing> Actually in fridat
[12:35] <NightFury299> I do too
[12:35] <Elemec> Yes.
[12:35] <MysteryKing> *FRIDAY
[12:35] <NightFury299> powerpoint is best
[12:35] <Elemec> Laserbean , A.k.e.e 
[12:35] <NightFury299> MK, THE QUEST IS ABOUT 2 DIE, 
[12:36] <MysteryKing> Quick Quiz Episode 3 will be soon.
[12:36] <NightFury299> POKEMON STYLE
[12:36] <MysteryKing> And we're gonna play in Extreme Pack.
[12:36] <MysteryKing> Firstly, in extreme pack
[12:36] <MysteryKing> NO MORE LOSER MODES
[12:36] <MysteryKing> You have to answer quickly
[12:36] <NightFury299> D00D 
[12:36] <MysteryKing> Second
[12:36] <NightFury299> this will cause a war
[12:36] <MysteryKing> All questions are very very hard
[12:36] <MysteryKing> Cause a war?
[12:36] <MysteryKing> Hmmm...
[12:36] <NightFury299> D00D really dis will cause a user war
[12:37] <NightFury299> from hate
[12:37] <Brotato Mine> What is a Furry?
[12:37] <MysteryKing> Fine.
[12:37] <Reapeageddon> If ADVENT is available
[12:37] <MysteryKing> A change of rules.
[12:37] <Reapeageddon> an All-Star round
[12:37] <NightFury299> I'm a veteran from a deviantart war
[12:37] <Insert Your Name Here>,d.dGo
[12:37] <MysteryKing> Loser modes will stay.
[12:37] <Insert Your Name Here> What
[12:37] <Reapeageddon> Where all winners will compete
[12:37] <NightFury299> *sigh*
[12:37] <Insert Your Name Here> DeviantArt is horrifying
[12:37] <Reapeageddon> for $100,000,0000,00000 
[12:37] <Birdpool> jyfghc
[12:38] <NightFury299> I survived the brony-sonic war 
[12:38] <MysteryKing> Once Episode 3 is done.
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> On the other hand, without DeviantArt there won't be good fanart
[12:38] <MysteryKing> Season 2 will commence.
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> 2 sides of a coin I gues
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> The bad side is just much more biased
[12:38] <NightFury299> It was harsh
[12:38] <Elemec> There woudln't be fanart
[12:38] <Elemec> so would be very nice.
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Fanart is not a bad thing
[12:39] <NightFury299> the leader was taken down (sonic.) and th bronies were winning
[12:39] <Brotato Mine> What is a Furry?
[12:39] <Insert Your Name Here>
[12:39] <NightFury299> ome guy made peace (not me)
[12:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Might be NSFW
[12:40] <NightFury299> If there's a new war, im gonna try and make peace
[12:40] <Insert Your Name Here> lol
[12:40] <Elemec> Hey
[12:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Don't be suicidal
[12:40] <Elemec> Can the red stinger slowdown?
[12:40] <NightFury299> ?
[12:41] <Elemec> Slowdown zombies
[12:41] <Insert Your Name Here> Red Stinger's PF has a slowing effect
[12:41] <NightFury299> PF can
[12:41] <Elemec> Because someone made an edit saying it could
[12:41] <Elemec> It has?
[12:41] <Brotato Mine> I honestly can't say
[12:41] <Elemec> I never noticed that
[12:41] <Insert Your Name Here> And it stacks with other slowing effects
[12:41] <Brotato Mine> \
[12:41] <NightFury299> No really
[12:41] <Elemec> It's a very crappy slowing down then.
[12:41] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm not sure if stallia stacks with chilling effect
[12:42] <Elemec> Stallia doesn't
[12:42] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:42] <Elemec> Not sure about sap-fling , I have it , But i'm not sure what to use along with it.
[12:42] <NightFury299> try stallia + winter melon + redstinger (it does i tried)
[12:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Sap-fling does not stack with chill
[12:43] <Elemec> Wintermelon does not stack with stallia
[12:43] <Elemec> Well
[12:43] <NightFury299> wah
[12:43] <Elemec> Then it sucks
[12:43] <Elemec> Only use it's for fire plants or for be cheaper than wintermelon
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> stop
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> stop
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> stop
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> stop
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> stop talking
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> about
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> stallia
[12:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Sap-fling is vital in DA endless
[12:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Why?
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> my brain is hurting
[12:43] <Insert Your Name Here> lolno
[12:43] <ThatYoshi8> STOP 
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> THE SPOILERS
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> ARE HURTING
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> MY BRAIN
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> JUST NO PLEASE
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> I BEG YOU
[12:44] <Insert Your Name Here> LC part 2 is already released
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> I'LL GIVE YOU A PONY RIDE
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> I DON'T HAVE LC PART 2 YET
[12:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Stallia is no longer spoiler
[12:44] <Insert Your Name Here> It's normal knowledge now
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> IT STILL IS FOR ME!!!!
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> I DON'T EVEN HAVE LC ITSELF
[12:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Sucks for you, but talking about stallia is not illegal
[12:44] <Insert Your Name Here> This is not your chat.
[12:44] <ThatYoshi8> IOAFINIOOOOO
[12:44] <Elemec> Why is sap-fling essential for DA endless?
[12:44] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> thatyoshi why dont you have part 2?
[12:45] <Elemec> He's probably chinese or something
[12:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Well, sap-fling is the only proper slowing method if jesters are present
[12:45] <Elemec> Then takes zillion years for updates come
[12:45] <Brotato Mine> That's racist
[12:45] <Reapeageddon> Stallia is a slowing plant
[12:45] <Brotato Mine> (Vine Joke)
[12:45] <Elemec> It's not
[12:45] <Elemec> lol
[12:45] <Insert Your Name Here> You also need banana cannons to take out gargs if you can't use melons
[12:45] <Elemec> Anyways , Does it affect water tiles on BBW?
[12:46] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:Daendless7.png]]
[12:46] <Insert Your Name Here> No
[12:46] <Elemec> Like , Sticky amber on BBW
[12:46] <Elemec> Crap.
[12:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Well I can fight garg without melon
[12:46] <Elemec> Stallia is a STALLING plant
[12:46] <Birdpool> What's we atalkin abowt?
[12:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Thanks to sap-fling
[12:46] <Insert Your Name Here> It's really intense.
[12:46] <Elemec> I use roto-bagas and homing thiscles
[12:46] <Brotato Mine> Hey I keep hearing about Kevin Kelley, something abut him coming back. QWikilizer? I honestly don't know why people are saying crazy things this summer
[12:46] <Elemec> They work
[12:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Well lead throwers won't work in endless
[12:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Too many gargantuars
[12:47] <MysteryKing> DOne
[12:47] <Brotato Mine> Guys
[12:47] <MysteryKing> Done immortalizing
[12:47] <Brotato Mine> Imagine gargs as humans...
[12:47] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:48] <Insert Your Name Here> When about 200 gargantuars charge at your face
[12:48] <Brotato Mine> Seriously, they would look horrifying (or something out of Monster HighO.O)
[12:48] <Insert Your Name Here> You'll realize how feeble your peapods are
[12:48] <Insert Your Name Here> I'll 3 shot them with bananas
[12:48] <Brotato Mine> Peapods has a glitch
[12:49] <Brotato Mine> I can somehow get 6 heads but it glitches on the top of the pod
[12:49] <Elemec> I never used peapods
[12:49] <Elemec> They suck.
[12:50] <Brotato Mine> I know
[12:50] <Brotato Mine> When are peapods ever useful? 
[12:50] <Elemec> Really , Takes 625 sun for get 5 peashooting plants
[12:50] <Elemec> probably on minecart at WW
[12:50] <Elemec> And that's all.
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Peapod has the potential for the highest DPS per tile
[12:50] <Brotato Mine> Yeah that's why Pea pod's art the most useful plant
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> 15 DPS with 5 heads and napalm Torchwood
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> 15x
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> 15x peashooter dps exactly
[12:51] <Birdpool> lawl
[12:51] <Elemec> However
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Which is 10 DPS
[12:51] <Birdpool> that's why we need it in PvZ1
[12:51] <Elemec> The time for do that setup is so painfully long.
[12:51] <Elemec> Sun-spending.
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> If fire pea caused splash damage, Peapod would just murder endless
[12:51] <Brotato Mine> Which is why he is the worst plant
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> And we have Sap-fling for slowing
[12:52] <Elemec> And will most likely get reflected by a jester , octo-ped , catched by a fisher , crushed.
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:52] <Elemec> btw , I noticed that if you use certain pp.datas , You can get some chinese costumes... Jeez , So many top-hat costumes
[12:52] <Brotato Mine> Guys isn't hypno shroom thr egreatest plant
[12:52] <Elemec> It's only with plantfood.
[12:52] <Birdpool> maybe
[12:52] <Elemec> I barely used it on the original.
[12:53] <Elemec> Mostly for fun , Since michea-- cough cough " pop doncer " zombie
[12:53] <Brotato Mine> Yeah it really sucks
[12:53] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:53] <Brotato Mine> I think it sucks a lot
[12:54] <Brotato Mine> So anyone love Dandelion?
[12:54] <Elemec> Well , It's just an instakill with few bonuses
[12:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Not me
[12:54] <Elemec> It's very very very hard to use that.
[12:54] <Brotato Mine> It's like the greatest plant ever
[12:54] <Birdpool> eew, I can see the sun
[12:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Well it has potentia
[12:54] <Insert Your Name Here> It's just incredibly awkward to use
[12:54] <Insert Your Name Here> And it's still inferior to melon
[12:54] <Brotato Mine> Yeah I know it sucks so much
[12:54] <Elemec> It will most likely hit the wrong enemy , And it's plant food is a poor man's cabbage pult 
[12:54] <Insert Your Name Here> It has horrible recharge rate
[12:55] <Brotato Mine> I've always agreed on that
[12:55] <Elemec> If they buffed the charge and probably the damage , Would be viable.
[12:55] <Elemec> But , It needs like 3 rows for kill a buckethead with a tall nut being eaten
[12:55] <Insert Your Name Here> It's more important to buff its splash radius
[12:55] <Elemec> the damage.
[12:55] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a horrible crowd controller
[12:55] <Brotato Mine> So how's Acid Lemon?
[12:55] <Elemec> because it deals nothing of damage
[12:55] <Elemec> Acid lemon is chinese.
[12:55] <Insert Your Name Here> Its technical DPS is better than Melon-pult
[12:56] <Brotato Mine> Great plant
[12:56] <Insert Your Name Here> But its splash radius is BS
[12:56] <Elemec> I never used it , But seems good.
[12:56] <Brotato Mine> I know right
[12:56] <Insert Your Name Here> K, gotta go now
[12:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Be back in a few hours
[12:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Bye
[12:56] <Birdpool> WINTER MELON POD
[12:56] <Elemec> Though i would preffer the tornado/whirlind acorn.
[12:56] <Brotato Mine> Me too :( 
[12:56] <Birdpool> LOBS 5 FROZEN MELONS AT ONCE
[12:56] <Elemec> Since it just seems like a close range bald 
[12:57] <Elemec> Costs $$$ and gems , 4000 sun for setup
[12:58] <Elemec> welp
[12:58] <Elemec> Oh hey.
[12:58] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[12:58] <Iamarepeater> Just checking
[12:58] <Elemec> checking...?
[12:58] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[12:58] <Elemec> Hello
[12:58] <Uselessguy> And welcome back, Elemec!
[12:59] <Elemec> Thanks.
[01:00] <Elemec> Hello
[01:00] <WintahMhelon18> Hi
[01:01] <Fomok Games> Welcome back.. again
[01:01] <Pepsicola45> Gods, the Star Cup has been torture.
[01:01] <WintahMhelon18> Hi Fomok
[01:01] <Fomok Games> Hi Wintah
[01:01] <Fomok Games> I hate lvl 3-4 in QSHM
[01:02] <Elemec> Chinese world?
[01:02] <Fomok Games> Yes, on PvZO
[01:02] <Pepsicola45> Not only the turns are really sharp, but due to the luck mechanic of Mario Kart, I keep getting comboed, EVERY, SINGLE, TIME.
[01:02] <Elemec> Oh yeah , Remember watching a video about these levels
[01:02] <Pepsicola45> *only are
[01:03] <Iamarepeater> Witchcraft?
[01:03] <Iamarepeater> From 5 to 9
[01:06] <Uselessguy> 3-4 is easy
[01:06] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:06] <Uselessguy> Try pressing Q W E at once and you'll be fine
[01:07] <Uselessguy> Hi!