Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/15 November 2015

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[01:17] <ShroomstagramUser> :3 
[01:17] <IMCR8Z> -_- 
[01:18] <Starfruity> The Springening hasn't sprung
[01:18] <IMCR8Z> GTG
[01:18] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> imcr8z , why do you wanna start trouble?
[01:19] <ShroomstagramUser> Springening won't spring until next spring
[01:19] <ErnestoAM> aw :( 
[01:19] <Starfruity> The Springening springs in the Springening
[01:20] <Starfruity>
[01:21] <Starfruity> Remember when...
[01:22] <Lolwutburger> fact
[01:22] <Lolwutburger> kung fu midgets exist
[01:22] <Lolwutburger> and hola
[01:22] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> yo
[01:23] <Iamarepeater> hive?
[01:23] <Lolwutburger> here's the kung fu midget
[01:23] <Lolwutburger>
[01:24] <Lolwutburger> holas
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> Phan lost here: [[Thread:487325]]
[01:24] <Lily8763cp> Wassup (wave2) (wave) 
[01:24] <Lolwutburger> there are filipino kung fu midgets on the internet
[01:24] <ShroomstagramUser> hihi, Lily8763cp 
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> hi lily
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> hola lily
[01:25] <ShroomstagramUser> or (female forum mod) 
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> I was just showing chat a video of a filipino midget who does kung fu and is a secret agent for some reason
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> that's why my country is effed up.
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> I swear, if I become president of this country
[01:25] <Lily8763cp> The female forum mod thing kills me XD
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> hola
[01:26] <Lolwutburger> if I become president, there'll be much more kung fu midgets here
[01:26] <ShroomstagramUser> hihi, (winter melon) 
[01:26] <ShroomstagramUser> @Lily, well, it's the truth
[01:26] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[01:26] <ShroomstagramUser> :3 
[01:26] <Lily8763cp> I dislike how the catface becomes that
[01:26] <Lily8763cp> Like seriously, at least make it (cattail) :/ 
[01:26] <Lolwutburger> what catface
[01:26] <WintahMhelon18> I noticed that too
[01:26] <WintahMhelon18> :3 
[01:26] <Lily8763cp> : 3 without a space
[01:26] <Lolwutburger> CATFACE
[01:27] <Lolwutburger> HE'S GOT A BIG CAT FACE
[01:27] <ShroomstagramUser> What
[01:27] <ShroomstagramUser> Saucer is cute :3 
[01:27] <Lolwutburger> CATFACE
[01:27] <Lolwutburger> oh god
[01:27] <Lolwutburger> I remember that webtoon from my childhood
[01:27] <Lily8763cp> (wat) 
[01:28] <Starfruity> [[]]:3
[01:28] <WintahMhelon18> No wonder I walk so weird, I found out that I have a wound on my left leg
[01:28] <Lolwutburger>
[01:28] <Lolwutburger> this one
[01:28] <Lolwutburger> it's catface
[01:28] <Lily8763cp> You just found that out @Wintah
[01:28] <Lolwutburger> he's got the body of a cat and the face of a cat
[01:28] <Lolwutburger> and he flies through the air cause he's got a catface
[01:28] <ProcastinatorMan> what's a leg wound gotta do?
[01:28] <ProcastinatorMan> is this a mark twain book?
[01:29] <ProcastinatorMan> Now don't get me wrong.
[01:29] <ProcastinatorMan> I loved Huckleberry Finn. Amazing book and to me one of the best.
[01:29] <WintahMhelon18> Povidone Iodine and some Vitamin C will do the trick
[01:29] <ProcastinatorMan> But he does ocassionally say things that don't seem to have to do with anything.
[01:29] <ProcastinatorMan> Like something about river corpses, laying down/up, and gender.
[01:30] <ShroomstagramUser> Everytime I use Google Play to record PvZ2gameplay, it lags -_- 
[01:30] <ShroomstagramUser> Hence why I want a legit recording system for Christmas
[01:30] <Lolwutburger> I'm just going to continue animating my South Park fanvideo
[01:30] <Lily8763cp> I never had a good recording system
[01:30] <Lily8763cp> Just a camera XD
[01:30] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I have root
[01:30] <ProcastinatorMan> Just a question, how far is JM soft released?
[01:30] <ProcastinatorMan> Up to Gargantuar level?
[01:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> @PMan yeaj
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> JM wa ssoft release don Thursday
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> I think so
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> I'd be dumb not to
[01:31] <WintahMhelon18> I too wanna record my PvZ2 gameplay, too bad most of them needs payment for download and some needs rooted devices. I don't wanna root my device :/ 
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> *It'd*
[01:31] <Lolwutburger> When is JM's actual release?
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> I think this Thursday
[01:31] <Lolwutburger> cool
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> The 19th
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> This Monday or Tuesday
[01:31] <WintahMhelon18> Maybe Monday or Tuesday
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> Tuesday is the 17th
[01:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> Tuesday
[01:31] <Lolwutburger> Thursday is the usual day SP episodes come out in my timezone
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> @Lily8763cp
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> I think trailer tomorrow and dev diary on Monday
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> or tuesday
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> :3 
[01:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> it's always Tuesday
[01:32] <Lily8763cp> Or vice versa XD
[01:32] <ErnestoAM> Hey
[01:32] <Lily8763cp> Sup
[01:32] <WintahMhelon18> Well, I got soft release and already finished Part 1. It made me spend 2000 coins and 2x Power Toss
[01:32] <ErnestoAM> You're a good GIF maker, I want a coldsnapdragon gif plz
[01:32] <Lily8763cp> I'll find a video of cold snapdragon
[01:33] <Lily8763cp> What gif of it do you want me to make?
[01:33] <ProcastinatorMan> Cold Snapdragon.
[01:33] <ProcastinatorMan> So like, a Snapdragon that actually slows zombies?
[01:33] <WintahMhelon18> Pretty much
[01:33] <ShroomstagramUser> yep
[01:33] <ShroomstagramUser> it costs $6.99
[01:33] <ProcastinatorMan> Sheesh.
[01:33] <ShroomstagramUser> like (ebb) (jol) and (mixed emotions) 
[01:33] <WintahMhelon18> Too bad he's premium, so yeah, I'll use Winter Melon again
[01:33] <ShroomstagramUser> hihi
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> gonna record more vids for my yt channel
[01:34] <Lily8763cp> Sup bp
[01:34] <ProcastinatorMan> Winter Melon is the king of mixed offense/support in PvZ2.
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> though I need to clean up sapce
[01:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I have root
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> space*
[01:34] <ProcastinatorMan> The king of pure offense is arguable.
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> I tried to root my tablet
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> KingRoot didn't work
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> :( 
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> Anything else I should try?
[01:34] <ShroomstagramUser> Well, Cold Snapdragon is kinda OP, tbh
[01:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> so I can record with an Android screen recorder
[01:34] <Lily8763cp> I want to send a note to EA that says "Dear EA, making us pay $6.99 for plants is not going to get you out of debt. -From most PVZ2 players"
[01:34] <ShroomstagramUser> the $6.99 stuff in general has decent firepower on them
[01:35] <ProcastinatorMan> 2 columns of Snapdragons(any) are pretty strong, but they defrost zombies.
[01:35] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> PC root?@pvzwiki_balls
[01:35] <Ballistic Planet> cant pc root
[01:35] <Ballistic Planet> It has to be tablet only
[01:35] <ShroomstagramUser> (ebb) can istant Gargantuars
[01:35] <ShroomstagramUser> *instant
[01:35] <ProcastinatorMan> And the defrosting is AoE, unlike Fire Pea's which only defrosts the frontmost zombie.
[01:35] <ShroomstagramUser> but has a shit targeting system
[01:35] <WintahMhelon18> @ShroomstagramUser, what's Cold Snap's PF ability?
[01:35] <Ballistic Planet> The same as snapdragons
[01:35] <Ballistic Planet> But instead of burning, it freezes
[01:36] <WintahMhelon18> Nice
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> And Cold Snap's can go offscreen
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> while normal snap can't
[01:36] <Starfruity> PopCap has gotten so unoriginal lately
[01:36] <ShroomstagramUser> and barely does damage
[01:36] <ProcastinatorMan> I believe the sneaky hit from the back plant has a pretty high damage output.
[01:36] <ProcastinatorMan> But it is non-AoE.
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> Cold Snapdragon's name, while it looks UO, isn't
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> Trust me
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> Celery Stalker
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> does 10 damage per second
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> :D 
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> 
[01:36] <ProcastinatorMan> Incidentally that thing makes an okay early "instant"
[01:36] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> @PMan did you get the update yet
[01:37] <ProcastinatorMan> Well it's downloading the resources.
[01:37] <WintahMhelon18> I actually used Peashooter + Primal Peashooter in JM - Day 1
[01:37] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shello!
[01:37] <ProcastinatorMan> Should be done in 2 hours and a half.
[01:37] <ShroomstagramUser> Celery Stalker is one of the better melee plants in the game
[01:37] <ProcastinatorMan> Yay 54 KB/s.
[01:37] <ErnestoAM> mh,jhmv8bliun0p
[01:37] <Ballistic Planet> Celery Stalker is a decent close range plant
[01:37] <WintahMhelon18> Celery's PF is ugh...
[01:37] <ShroomstagramUser> @Wintah, making unique set-ups, eh?
[01:37] <ProcastinatorMan> I believe CS is stronger than Bonk Choy to compensate for having half the range.
[01:37] <ShroomstagramUser> Welcome to the club :3 
[01:38] <WintahMhelon18> Heh
[01:38] <WintahMhelon18> :P 
[01:38] <ProcastinatorMan> I don't really know what's the best non-WM AoE offensive plant.
[01:38] <ProcastinatorMan> Well, Melon-pults I guess.
[01:38] <Ballistic Planet> Cold Snapdragon
[01:38] <Ballistic Planet> and Melon-pult
[01:38] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> ShyGuy.
[01:38] <Ballistic Planet> and Snapdragon
[01:38] <Ballistic Planet> are my three picks
[01:38] <ProcastinatorMan> But I sometimes use Fume-shrooms because bias and its horizontal range is not half bad.
[01:38] <ErnestoAM> gonna go to v1.4 and use the unused Cleopatra zombie
[01:38] <WintahMhelon18> Melon-pult and Snow Pea can be fine
[01:38] <ShroomstagramUser> @ProMan Laser Bean, Fume-shroom, A.K.E.E.
[01:39] <ProcastinatorMan> I'd use AKEE more if I didn't appreciate my ears ;_;
[01:39] <ProcastinatorMan> Sheesh Red Stinger and AKEE are so loud.
[01:39] <Ballistic Planet> No Snapdragon, Melon-pult, or Cold Snap @SSU?
[01:39] <ShroomstagramUser> They're nice
[01:39] <ShroomstagramUser> I barely use them, tho
[01:39] <Lily8763cp> brb
[01:39] <ProcastinatorMan> I do use Red Stinger because I can't help but like that little hunter hat.
[01:39] <ShroomstagramUser> (acorn) is literally a stronger (bloomerang) 
[01:39] <Lily8763cp> gonna make them gifs
[01:39] <ShroomstagramUser> XD
[01:40] <ProcastinatorMan> And it's a better Repeater a fair amount of the time and a roughly usable Pea-nut the other fair amount of the time.
[01:40] <WintahMhelon18> I mostly use Celery Stalker in almost every JM levels
[01:40] <ProcastinatorMan> Very few plants should ever be in the range at which Stingers stop firing at all.
[01:40] <ProcastinatorMan> Most of them instant kills.
[01:40] <ShroomstagramUser> (spikeweed) 
[01:40] <ShroomstagramUser> (spikerock) 
[01:40] <Ballistic Planet> Primal WAll-nut
[01:41] <WintahMhelon18> I wanna see a Primal Melon or at least Primelon
[01:41] <ProcastinatorMan> But Red Stingers are so loud, my.
[01:41] <ProcastinatorMan> Not as loud as AKEE, but ow.
[01:41] <ShroomstagramUser> I'm complaining that (bowling) and (banana) are too quiet in international
[01:42] <WintahMhelon18> Red Stiner and A.K.E.E. are somehow both useful together, like Laser Bean and Citron
[01:42] <ShroomstagramUser> But they make my ears bleed in Chinese
[01:42] <Ballistic Planet> I play without sound most of the time
[01:42] <Ballistic Planet> So it never bothers me
[01:42] <ProcastinatorMan> I like FF's and LC's UB.
[01:42] <ProcastinatorMan> So I can't help but have sound on when I'm at home.
[01:43] <Ballistic Planet> I feel like Laser Bean would be better if it was like it was in the FF teaser parties
[01:43] <ShroomstagramUser> I have earbuds in, anyways
[01:43] <WintahMhelon18> I mostly play and sound and music on, especially NMT
[01:43] <ShroomstagramUser> NMT, yes!
[01:44] <ShroomstagramUser> I would like the pop jam more if this was what played instead of generic autotune shit
[01:44] <WintahMhelon18> It's like gaming + listening to music
[01:44] <ShroomstagramUser> ^
[01:44] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks, including PMan.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shupbacks.
[01:45] <ProcastinatorMan> ayy.
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> Also, ThatGuyThatHasAFish.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> So yeah.
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> What an usual combo appearance in chat.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> You are here.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> ShyGuy is here.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> PMan is here.
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I am here.
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Insert Your Name Here's here.
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> And Imarepeater's here.
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:46] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> @ThatGuyThatHasAFish
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> Although, he's doing "his job".
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Who?
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Oh.
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> PMan.
[01:47] <AWikiBoy521> Played any old classic games lately?
[01:47] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Legend of Zelda counts?
[01:47] <ErnestoAM> I love the taste of human flesh.
[01:47] <WintahMhelon18> O_o
[01:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Ernesto.
[01:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> IKR.
[01:48] <AWikiBoy521> @ThatGuyThatHasAFish
[01:48] <AWikiBoy521> If it is the first game, it counts.
[01:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> It's just delicious.
[01:48] <ErnestoAM> yes
[01:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> AWB, yes, the first game.
[01:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I've also been playing Mario Bros.
[01:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> And Wrecking Crew.
[01:49] <ShroomstagramUser> Ernesto is Hannibal Lector cunfermed! *illuminati!, BICTHES!!!
[01:49] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> As well as SMB.
[01:49] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> And also SMB3.
[01:50] <ProcastinatorMan> Any tips to make Second Life more exciting?
[01:50] <ProcastinatorMan> Like, I use some levels for marigolds but idk what else.
[01:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> So yeah.
[01:51] <Starfruity> Starfruit [[]]:3
[01:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Starfruity ! [[]]:D
[01:52] <ProcastinatorMan> Yeah I guess.
[01:52] <ProcastinatorMan> Night tho.
[01:52] <Yappat> /
[01:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Can you rob bank in second life?
[01:52] <ShroomstagramUser> :3 
[01:52] <ShroomstagramUser> Weird
[01:53] <ShroomstagramUser> Starfruity 's catface didn't show Saucer
[01:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> :3 
[01:53] <Starfruity> [[]]:3
[01:53] <Starfruity> :3 
[01:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> [[]]:3
[01:53] <WintahMhelon18> :3 
[01:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> [[]]:D
[01:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> [[]]:)
[01:53] <WintahMhelon18> wut
[01:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> [[]]:(
[01:53] <Starfruity> ThatGuyThatKnowsTheTrick
[01:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Starfruity .
[01:54] <ShroomstagramUser> :3 
[01:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Do you know who I am? :v
[01:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> [[]]Starfruity
[01:54] <Starfruity> No
[01:54] <Ballistic Planet> Gaspar?
[01:54] <Lolwutburger> imma backsies
[01:55] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> The Raichu Ball's right.
[01:55] <Lolwutburger> Question
[01:55] <Lolwutburger> if Christian Weston Chandler appeared in your dreams, what would you do?
[01:55] <Ballistic Planet> nailed it
[01:55] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Phan
[01:56] <Lolwutburger> hola
[01:56] <Phanminhnhat> Yeah, too much opposes on the vote for PvZ: AS levels.
[01:56] <Phanminhnhat> So Cheetah-shooter closed it before TULO does.
[01:57] <ErnestoAM> playing v1.4
[01:57] <ErnestoAM> ;9
[01:57] <Phanminhnhat> And because of that, there'll be no reasons to not delete the game anymore.
[01:57] <ErnestoAM> ;( 
[01:57] <ErnestoAM> I miss the good old times
[01:57] <Phanminhnhat> You mean PvZ2 v1.4?
[01:57] <AWikiBoy521> Danggit, bad internet.
[01:57] <ErnestoAM> yeah
[01:57] <AWikiBoy521> I missed much things in chat.
[01:57] <Phanminhnhat> I just feel the same.
[01:58] <WintahMhelon18> @AWikiBoy, yer not the only one
[01:58] <Phanminhnhat> @Ernesto
[01:58] <WintahMhelon18> Yo MK
[01:58] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:58] <MysteryKing> Guys
[01:58] <MysteryKing> What do you think of my art?
[01:58] <WintahMhelon18> Yeah?
[01:58] <MysteryKing>
[01:58] <Phanminhnhat> Yeah, you're not mystery at all...
[01:58] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shello.
[01:58] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Hey!
[01:58] <MysteryKing> It's like a tribute to the paris attacvk
[01:58] <MysteryKing> *attack
[01:58] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> You again!
[01:58] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> :D 
[01:58] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> * [[]]:D
[01:58] <MysteryKing> So what do you think of my art?
[01:59] <ShroomstagramUser> If Chris McClain had (grapeshot) :o 
[01:59] <AWikiBoy521> @MysteryKing
[01:59] <AWikiBoy521> 8/10
[02:00] <Phanminhnhat> @MysteryKing
[02:00] <Phanminhnhat> I can't see it.
[02:00] <Lolwutburger> >Paris gets attacked
[02:00] <Lolwutburger> >I decide to piss off tumblr instead by turning Steven Universe characters into stickmen
[02:00] <Phanminhnhat> Oh yeah, the one at the top-right...
[02:00] <Phanminhnhat> Oops, I mean top-left.
[02:00] <Lolwutburger> I'm not a really good person
[02:00] <Lolwutburger> but still
[02:01] <Phanminhnhat> I'll give you 7.5/10.
[02:01] <Phanminhnhat> @MysteryKing
[02:01] <Lolwutburger> it was funny to call tumblr feminists "Super Duper Sumos"
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> Are y'all sure there was even any data for a Farm World?
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> in PvZ2
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> says so in the Concepts page
[02:01] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Are tumblr feminists actual feminists or posers?
[02:01] <WintahMhelon18> Ok so the Upcoming page is now more popular than concepts
[02:01] <Phanminhnhat> Yep.
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> I've checked the datas and there's no such thing in the codes
[02:02] <WintahMhelon18> Great job, Cavia :) 
[02:02] <Phanminhnhat> Does anyone else want PvZ: AS in this wiki?
[02:02] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> (fishy gaspar) 
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> it is here
[02:02] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Lelz.
[02:02] <ShroomstagramUser> Not really
[02:02] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> That still works.
[02:02] <Iamarepeater> Phan?
[02:02] <Phanminhnhat> Yes?
[02:02] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Why did I have one of those in the first place?
[02:02] <ShroomstagramUser> All-stars it an obscurity, to me.
[02:03] <MysteryKing> Well at least my art is improving
[02:03] <Iamarepeater> You realised making PVZAS level guide has failed before?
[02:03] <MysteryKing> That isn't even my final version
[02:03] <MysteryKing> That's just one panel of my tribute to the paris attack
[02:03] <Lolwutburger> Congratulations
[02:03] <Lolwutburger> I always congratulate people who improve on their art
[02:03] <Phanminhnhat> I'm doing my art homework...
[02:04] <Lolwutburger> Meanwhile, Christian Weston Chandler hasn't
[02:04] <Phanminhnhat> Which is coloring...
[02:04] <MysteryKing> second panel is syndey
[02:04] <MysteryKing> Man it's a pain in the ass to draw
[02:04] <MysteryKing>
[02:04] <MysteryKing> Plus copying from this site is hard
[02:04] <MysteryKing> *cartoonizing the buildings
[02:06] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Iamarepeater 
[02:06] <Iamarepeater> yes TGTHAF?
[02:06] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Lelz.
[02:07] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I knew you would do that.
[02:07] <ProcastinatorMan> Hey PvZandAngryBirdsFan.
[02:07] <ProcastinatorMan> Do you know if I can restart the download of resources?
[02:07] <ProcastinatorMan> Or change it back so that it uses WiFi?
[02:08] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-style:italic;">Reload</span>
[02:08] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Did ye see my PM?
[02:08] <ErnestoAM> Live_config in v1.4 was really spamm
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> small*
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> RTON......version$...objects†ý.…..uid..1.0.ffffffff..objclass..PVZLiveConfig..objdata…..m_thisPtr„..ContentRefreshMinuteslt;..FacebookOpenGraphEnabled.ÿÿþÿDONE
[02:09] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> this was it
[02:10] <Birdpool> "Tangerine Cat"
[02:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ErnestoAM PM
[02:14] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> @PMan idk
[02:17] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O :O :O :O 
[02:18] <ErnestoAM> Massive eats. ;( 
[02:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I wonder
[02:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> if I put a 4.2.1 pp.dat in version 2.2.2, and then quickly updated it
[02:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> if it will stay?
[02:22] <ErnestoAM> idk
[02:22] <ErnestoAM> maybe?
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Imp template updated
[02:24] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[02:24] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyone know jurassic imp hp?
[02:24] <AWikiBoy521> No
[02:27] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:27] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:28] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:28] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:29] <Lolwutburger> hola
[02:29] <AWikiBoy521> Just using two PCs at a time, if a Laptop counts as a PC.
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> it is a Personal Computer
[02:30] <AWikiBoy521> Some people just don't consider Laptops as PCs.
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> well
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> I do
[02:31] <ErnestoAM> I'm the only one who uses my PC and hate it when others touch it
[02:31] <Princess Kitty> Hey Guys
[02:31] <Lolwutburger> hola pk
[02:31] <Princess Kitty> Did you watch the news there's a terrorist attacks in Europe?
[02:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes
[02:32] <Princess Kitty> or recently in Paris and Japan...
[02:32] <Lolwutburger> I just heard yesterday.
[02:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Useless guy
[02:33] <Starfruity> Swello PK
[02:33] <Starfruity> Long time no see
[02:33] <Insert Your Name Here> You might wanna delete [[Template:Infobox Imp Tabber 2/3]]
[02:34] <Bubba2003> Hello
[02:34] <AWikiBoy521> Just changed computres.
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> *computers
[02:35] <Graham02> o/ o/ 
[02:35] <Bubba2003> thats amazing
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> @Princess Kitty
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> I read about them.
[02:35] <Iamarepeater> @princess kitty: hi! o/ 
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> Chat, yesterday, is kinda alive because of that "incident".
[02:36] <Bubba2003> AWikiBoy521 IS A SPY!!!!!!🎩
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Bubba2003
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> U wot?
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> No
[02:36] <Graham02> (wat) 
[02:36] <Graham02> 
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> I'm a Medic!
[02:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Should we remove second person in all articles?
[02:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Excluding official word stuff
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> Not a disguised Medic.
[02:37] <Bubba2003> :l
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> Try to spycheck on me, Bubba2003.
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> I'm not a Spy.
[02:37] <Bubba2003> just playing
[02:37] <Bubba2003> dont you know I was pyro
[02:38] <AWikiBoy521> Well, we are both in the same team.
[02:38] <AWikiBoy521> I may heal you if you want to get healed.
[02:39] <Bubba2003>
[02:39] <Bubba2003> This is want I mean
[02:39] <AWikiBoy521> Still TF2 though...
[02:40] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, PK.
[02:40] <Bubba2003> did you see it?
[02:40] <Bubba2003> hi
[02:40] <Iamarepeater> wb PK
[02:40] <AWikiBoy521> @Bubba2003
[02:40] <AWikiBoy521> I did.
[02:40] <Princess Kitty> I'm worried about my friend who have autism from UK... :'( 
[02:40] <Bubba2003> did you see springtrap head on pyro?
[02:41] <Princess Kitty> Because of the Terrorists attack
[02:41] <Bubba2003> thats not amzing
[02:41] <Bubba2003> amazing
[02:42] <Bubba2003> who plays minecraft?
[02:42] <Graham02> me
[02:42] <AWikiBoy521> @Princess Kitty
[02:42] <AWikiBoy521> Hope your friend is a-okay...
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> @Bubba2003
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> Not me
[02:43] <Bubba2003> there is a bug which when you hit a untamed wolf,where tame wolf attacks you 😐
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> But, I like that Puppet.
[02:43] <Princess Kitty> Yeah... I know... :'( 
[02:43] <Iamarepeater> @princess kitty: what terrorist attack?
[02:43] <Lolwutburger> y'know
[02:43] <Graham02> the one in Paris i think
[02:43] <Bubba2003> There was a nuke
[02:44] <Bubba2003> yes
[02:44] <Lolwutburger> the reason every building's coloring themselves like the french
[02:44] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:44] <Lolwutburger> I feel bad for the french fries
[02:44] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Back.
[02:44] <Graham02> lol
[02:44] <ErnestoAM> Hero Cleopatra Zombie spawns 4 zombies in a diamond shape around herself.
[02:44] <Iamarepeater> and heals all zombies
[02:44] <Lolwutburger> even though Calamari Rings are better
[02:44] <ErnestoAM> no
[02:44] <Bubba2003> good thing I'm in america
[02:44] <Princess Kitty> @Bubba2003, NOT THAT! &gt;:O 
[02:44] <ErnestoAM> I'm talking about in PvZ2
[02:44] <Lolwutburger> calamari tastes great
[02:44] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[02:45] <Bubba2003> wait!
[02:45] <Graham02> calamari is tasty]
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> and I'm talking about Calamari rings
[02:45] <Princess Kitty> WHen you just say about stupid NUKEs @Bubba2003
[02:45] <Iamarepeater> Princess kitty, what happened?
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> I just had my first calamari rings yesterday
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> AND I HAVE NO REGRETS
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> since y'know, yesterday was an okay day
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> since I tried to piss off tumblr by drawing stickmen which apparently triggers them
[02:46] <Bubba2003> one of you could be a spy,help the terrios
[02:46] <Graham02> i had a bunch of bad luck yesterday
[02:46] <Bubba2003> i always have bad luck ;( 
[02:47] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I'll have bad luck tomorrow.
[02:47] <Bubba2003> but tomarrow a not her day
[02:47] <Bubba2003> here
[02:47] <Bubba2003> nother
[02:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> (wat) 
[02:48] <ErnestoAM> whoa
[02:48] <Bubba2003> i have a idea for Dino-bully
[02:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> (wat) the fuc (king) bullcrap
[02:48] <ErnestoAM> laser beans in v1.4 had their damage by half
[02:48] <Princess Kitty> Well... I no need to regret about terrorist attack in Paris... And UK(Apparently...)...
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> @ThatGuyThatHasAFish
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> Not really.
[02:49] <Bubba2003> use turtles!
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> Same to Bubba2003.
[02:49] <Bubba2003> :l
[02:49] <Princess Kitty> BTW, we need to cheer up by this I made:
[02:49] <Princess Kitty>
[02:50] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Lelz.
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> @Bubba2003
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> Mine Turtles?
[02:51] <Bubba2003> Yes we need mine turtle
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Ze mine turtle.
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Hammer Bros..
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> Of course.
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> And Pick Bros..
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Mining Koopa.
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Teenage Mine Ninja Turtles.
[02:51] <Bubba2003> if someone else shows that web sit again 
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> Heheh
[02:52] <Princess Kitty> This, guys!
[02:52] <Bubba2003> IM GOING TO KILL THEM
[02:52] <Princess Kitty>
[02:52] <Bubba2003> &gt;:( 
[02:52] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatGuyThatHasAFish</span></span> zaps Bubba
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> Nice reference.
[02:52] <Graham02> wat website
[02:52] <Graham02> lol @pk
[02:52] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Pink
[02:52] <Bubba2003>
[02:52] <Iamarepeater> Hive Pinkgirl!
[02:53] <Pinkgirl234> Mwah .3.
[02:53] <AWikiBoy521> And chances of her getting "buggy chat" is 50%.
[02:53] <Pinkgirl234> \o Hi peeeps! o/ 
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shwah.
[02:53] <Graham02> what's wrong with dA? @bubba
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shello there!
[02:53] <Iamarepeater> @Pinkgirl: Just wait 2 months later
[02:53] <Bubba2003> 1 word Vore
[02:53] <Pinkgirl234> 2 months? For...
[02:53] <Iamarepeater> Your baby
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> That comma.
[02:53] <Lolwutburger> hola pg234
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> That grammar.
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> That ortography.
[02:54] <Bubba2003> :l
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> mpreg is weird
[02:54] <Pinkgirl234> Hold on imma link something
[02:54] <ErnestoAM> Hi PG-13
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> and disgusting
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> and should never exist
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> that is a quote
[02:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> "PG-13"
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> from me
[02:54] <Bearjedi> Lolwutburger
[02:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Whoa.
[02:54] <Bearjedi> Teach me how to do art
[02:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Whoa.
[02:54] <Bearjedi> It is my mission
[02:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> WO-HO-HO-HOA!
[02:54] <Bearjedi> TO FIND OUT HOW TO DRAW LIKE PVZ2
[02:54] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Bearjedi
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> use Adobe Flash
[02:54] <Pinkgirl234> I read that as Tech me how to dougie
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> that's what they use in PopCap
[02:54] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[02:54] <Bearjedi> HOW DO I DO DAT
[02:55] <ErnestoAM> ask the artists of PvZ2 themselves 
[02:55] <Lolwutburger> Either you buy or you pirate
[02:55] <Lolwutburger> Adobe Flash is the best tool for PvZ2-eque art
[02:55] <Bearjedi> I use PhotoShop sometimes tho
[02:55] <Bearjedi> Or Pixlr
[02:55] <Pinkgirl234> LOL guys. Look at this:
[02:55] <Bubba2003> grapeshot attack everyone but cool people!
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Bearjedi
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> PhotoShop is effective sometimes though.
[02:56] <Bubba2003> grapeshot:k
[02:56] <Bearjedi> omg
[02:56] <Bearjedi> she's having a baby
[02:56] <Bearjedi> run
[02:56] <Bubba2003> who?
[02:56] <Bearjedi> *kills self*
[02:56] <Pinkgirl234> (wat) 
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> Da flock?
[02:56] <Graham02> watdeclak
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> Avatar problems....
[02:56] <Bubba2003> i don't believe you!
[02:56] <Pinkgirl234> Fadging lag!!
[02:57] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">What if PK and PG was together?</span>
[02:57] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> PG.
[02:57] <Pinkgirl234> What?
[02:57] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Who needs when the "random" might start to be new..</span>
[02:57] <Bubba2003> wizards!
[02:57] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">After all, it's not just Chrysalis and Puffy.[s/]</span>
[02:58] <Bubba2003> puffy?
[02:58] <Bubba2003> who puffy?
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> PuffyMuffins 
[02:58] <Bubba2003> oohoohohohohoh
[02:58] <Bubba2003> thats amazing
[02:58] <Pinkgirl234> Puffy, the puff-shroom
[02:58] <Bubba2003> hello!
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And by "together" I mean them interacting to each other.</span>
[02:58] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:59] <Pinkgirl234> (puffshroom) 
[02:59] <Bubba2003> imp
[02:59] <Princess Kitty> Lolwutburger
[02:59] <Princess Kitty> PM
[02:59] <Lolwutburger> Thus South Park has led me to believe that ISIS are ninjas
[03:00] <Bubba2003> Not mr.imp
[03:00] <Bubba2003> nnnnnnnooooooooooo!!!!!!
[03:00] <Pinkgirl234> Once upon a time
[03:00] <AWikiBoy521> wut
[03:01] <Bubba2003> a walnut die
[03:01] <Bubba2003> the end
[03:01] <Pinkgirl234> that is the end of the story. The end.
[03:01] <Bubba2003> :l ?
[03:01] <Pinkgirl234> Danggit Bubba! XD
[03:01] <Graham02> Patrick voice: story time story time story time!
[03:01] <Graham02> that was the best story ever
[03:01] <Bubba2003> graham what did you think?
[03:02] <Graham02> best story ever
[03:02] <Graham02> 10/10
[03:02] <Bubba2003> about the da thing I said 
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> Bubba2003 just twisted that plot.
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> Heheh
[03:02] <Bubba2003> I'm a robot wizard!
[03:02] <Pinkgirl234> Once upon a time there was someone called a WikiBoyLettuce that sprouted in my garden
[03:02] <Bubba2003> im a robot bunny wizard!
[03:02] <Pinkgirl234> SO I decided to sell him to the market. &gt;:D 
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> Then, he is on afk.
[03:03] <Lolwutburger> gtg
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> TEH END
[03:03] <Lolwutburger> :( 
[03:03] <Graham02> bye
[03:03] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Bye Bye!
[03:03] <Bubba2003> dont leave
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> Plus, test
[03:03] <Pinkgirl234> Plot twist: I realized my mistake :O 
[03:03] <Pinkgirl234> So I retrieved him! :D 
[03:03] <Bubba2003> about a walnut dieing
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> And then, I froze Pinkgirl234.
[03:03] <Pinkgirl234> Ow lag meh
[03:04] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight:bold;">TEH END</span>
[03:04] <Pinkgirl234> But the sun melted the freeze &gt;:D 
[03:04] <AWikiBoy521> What a happy ending....
[03:04] <Graham02> once upon a time there was an awesome pineapple
[03:04] <Graham02> his design got changed then he hated it thenj he went under the sea to live with a sponge
[03:04] <Graham02> the end
[03:04] <Bubba2003> OVER 9000!!!!!
[03:04] <Pinkgirl234> Wait a minute
[03:04] <Bubba2003> i can tel a sad story 
[03:05] <Bubba2003> do you want to here it?
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> is that BUL9 you are talking about?
[03:05] <Bubba2003> no
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Electromario! o/ 
[03:05] <Bubba2003> it minecraft
[03:05] <AWikiBoy521> Plot Twist: Graham02 just keeled PK.
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> @Bubba I was talking to Graham though
[03:05] <Iamarepeater> hive
[03:05] <Graham02> Bul9 is Gary and lives with Spongebob
[03:05] <Graham02> :P 
[03:05] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> Did someone say hive?
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> Like beehive? &gt;:D 
[03:06] <ErnestoAM> I also found out Tile Turnip was gonna be world exclusive.
[03:06] <Pinkgirl234> @Graham I knew it :P 
[03:07] <Pinkgirl234> Is chat dead?
[03:07] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I guess.
[03:07] <AWikiBoy521> No
[03:07] <Pinkgirl234> Did I keel it? ;-;
[03:07] <AWikiBoy521> No\
[03:08] <AWikiBoy521> Some users are technical users....
[03:08] <ErnestoAM> Laser Bean dealt as much damage as a Peashooter in v1.4.
[03:08] <Graham02> u no <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">peel</span> keel chat pink
[03:08] <AWikiBoy521> While others are for fun.....
[03:08] <AWikiBoy521> And a few are for both....
[03:08] <Pinkgirl234> Peel? Like peeling a banana? XD
[03:08] <Pinkgirl234> (banana) 
[03:09] <Graham02> <span class="me-username">* <span>Graham02</span></span> continues to peel a (banana) 
[03:09] <Graham02> * Kills it
[03:09] <Graham02> rip
[03:10] <Pinkgirl234> Dead
[03:10] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatGuyThatHasAFish</span></span> eats a grahamcracker
[03:10] <Graham02> <span class="me-username">* <span>Graham02</span></span> got pinged
[04:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> how'd ya get em'?
[04:02] <ErnestoAM> the same pp.dat with all unlocked plants
[04:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> oh
[04:04] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> can you link it again?
[04:07] <Reapeageddon> testing
[04:13] <AWikiBoy521> There, my chat is fixed
[04:16] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O :O 
[04:22] <AWikiBoy521> Sup?
[04:23] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">inb4, Puffy leaves chat since it's dead.</span>
[04:25] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[04:28] <AWikiBoy521> Yet another laggy chat.
[04:28] <AWikiBoy521> For some users including me.
[04:31] <ErnestoAM> still ded
[04:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Ded
[04:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyone here?
[04:32] <ErnestoAM> i am
[04:32] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[04:32] <Pvzfan717> hey guys
[04:32] <Pvzfan717> so
[04:32] <Pvzfan717> i unlocked intensive carrot
[04:32] <AWikiBoy521> Take note, it's mid-night for some users.
[04:32] <Pvzfan717> i think hes okay
[04:33] <Pvzfan717> dont feed users after mid night
[04:34] <Pvzfan717> im kinda cirious
[04:34] <AWikiBoy521> Of what?
[04:34] <Pvzfan717> is is possible to bounce back the arcade machine
[04:34] <AWikiBoy521> No
[04:35] <Pvzfan717> thats one sturdy cabinet
[04:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Well there is a possibly of some ppl just falling asleep in front of their computer
[04:35] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[04:36] <Pvzfan717> wonder if papyrus from undertale would play pvz &gt;:D 
[04:36] <Insert Your Name Here> We just gotta hope she isn't actually doing that
[04:36] <Pvzfan717> that would be a good x plays y vid
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Well, maybe.
[04:36] <PuffyMuffins> no im doing something more interesting (lenny) 
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Not just her though.
[04:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Well well...
[04:37] <PuffyMuffins> .~.
[04:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Must be dat 'secret happy place'?
[04:37] <PuffyMuffins> yz
[04:38] <Insert Your Name Here> (Lenny) 
[04:38] <PuffyMuffins> i don wanna talk bout it
[04:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok then.
[04:38] <PuffyMuffins> expecially since im not alone (lenny) 
[04:39] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I have to make a new youtube intro because some idiot copied my old one
[04:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Bye gotta do lunch
[04:40] <AWikiBoy521> Ok, bye
[04:40] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> bye
[04:40] <Pvzfan717> @PvZABfan was it china
[04:41] <Pvzfan717> &gt;:D 
[04:41] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> no
[04:41] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> it was Gaming PvZ vs zombies
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> what
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> it was a joke
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> get it
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> cause china is stealing us techology
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> thats old
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> >>:D
[04:44] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and chat's ded
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> do ya play pvz allstars on your channel
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> cause its a great game
[04:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I can
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> but stupid qq asks for sms
[04:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I've played it before
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> it didnt ask it for my sms the first time
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> i hate you qq
[04:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'm on a tablet :) 
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> *raises middle finger at qq*
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> /F**K YOU QQQ
[04:47] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> well
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> *smashes qq cartrige*
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> *gives asian the pvz game*
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> here ya go
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> (totally not avgn refernce
[04:52] <Ballistic Planet> im back
[04:53] <Ballistic Planet> and waiting for people to comment on my blog
[04:53] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[04:53] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:13] <ErnestoAM> Ballistic Planet o/ 
[05:20] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> nice fingers
[05:20] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @ernesto
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> I posted that days ago
[05:21] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> it was in my sub box
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> I had it unlisted
[05:22] <ErnestoAM> though I was like eh
[05:22] <ErnestoAM>!
[05:23] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[05:23] <ErnestoAM> your pinkpie isn't here
[05:27] <ErnestoAM> to lazy to put Reapeageddon 's 8-Bit 80s in the game right now, I'll do it tomorrow
[05:27] <ErnestoAM> too
[05:29] <WintahMhelon18> Heh
[05:30] <WintahMhelon18> Well, she last edited an hour ago
[05:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Found something interesting
[05:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Colddragon cannot be frozen in fc
[05:32] <WintahMhelon18> Pls for Icebrg Lettuce, Winter Melon, and Snow Pea too
[05:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Lolnope
[05:32] <WintahMhelon18> *Iceberg
[05:32] <WintahMhelon18> Well Cold Snap is furry
[05:33] <Insert Your Name Here> So there you go
[05:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Wanna win fc endless? Spend anothet 7$
[05:33] <WintahMhelon18> Now there's some logic going on
[05:48] <Ballistic Planet> eam pm
[05:49] <Ballistic Planet> your pokeman is here
[06:25] <TheAnonymousA> Is the chat dead?
[06:26] <TheAnonymousA> I'll reload just to be sure
[06:26] <TheAnonymousA> Well, I guess I'll come back later.
[06:32] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[06:32] <AWikiBoy521> After my little sister using my laptop that I used to chat now.
[06:32] <ErnestoAM> :O :O o/ 
[06:33] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[06:33] <AWikiBoy521> Wow.....
[06:34] <AWikiBoy521> Just the two of us, I guess?
[06:34] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[06:35] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[06:35] <AWikiBoy521> :o 
[06:36] <AWikiBoy521> Let's hope that he is not bugged....
[06:43] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[06:44] <ErnestoAM> (epic) 
[06:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Fail</span>
[06:46] <ErnestoAM> (epic2) 
[06:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">If Pink was here, she would kick you.</span> :P 
[06:47] <ErnestoAM> if she could
[06:47] <Lolwutburger> oh goodness me
[06:47] <Lolwutburger> I made a black Dinkleberg
[06:47] <Lolwutburger>
[06:47] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[06:47] <AWikiBoy521> If you dislike ded chat, then leave.
[06:48] <Lolwutburger> chat's ded?
[06:48] <AWikiBoy521> Dinklegirl
[06:49] <Lolwutburger> DINKLEBERRY
[06:50] <AWikiBoy521> I know
[06:50] <AWikiBoy521> That Dinklegirl though.
[06:50] <Lolwutburger> which one
[06:50] <Lolwutburger> there are two
[06:50] <AWikiBoy521> The skinny one.
[06:50] <Lolwutburger> oh
[06:51] <Lolwutburger> Dinklethel
[06:51] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[06:51] <AWikiBoy521> It's odd, yet Dinkleburgtastic.
[06:53] <ErnestoAM> Dinkle (iceberglettuce) 
[06:53] <AWikiBoy521> Dinkleburger
[06:53] <AWikiBoy521> Dinklechat
[06:53] <AWikiBoy521> Dinkleguy
[06:54] <AWikiBoy521> Dinklegirl234
[06:54] <AWikiBoy521> Dinklebells
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> still
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> black dinkleberg
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> I actually did it
[06:55] <Lolwutburger> hola ug
[06:56] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[06:59] <Lolwutburger> so....
[06:59] <Lolwutburger> what now
[06:59] <AWikiBoy521> Well.....
[07:00] <AWikiBoy521> Are you gonna have no internet next week?
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> So...
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> you saw on Facebook, huh?
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> or on another site
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> or something
[07:01] <AWikiBoy521> Test2
[01:19] <Starfruity> The Springening springs in the Springening
[01:20] <Starfruity>
[01:21] <Starfruity> Remember when...
[01:22] <Lolwutburger> fact
[01:22] <Lolwutburger> kung fu midgets exist
[01:22] <Lolwutburger> and hola
[01:22] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> yo
[01:23] <Iamarepeater> hive?
[01:23] <Lolwutburger> here's the kung fu midget
[01:23] <Lolwutburger>
[01:24] <Lolwutburger> holas
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> I was just showing chat a video of a filipino midget who does kung fu and is a secret agent for some reason
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> that's why my country is effed up.
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> I swear, if I become president of this country
[01:25] <Lily8763cp> The female forum mod thing kills me XD
[01:25] <Lolwutburger> hola
[01:26] <Lolwutburger> if I become president, there'll be much more kung fu midgets here
[01:26] <ShroomstagramUser> hihi, (winter melon) 
[01:26] <ShroomstagramUser> @Lily, well, it's the truth
[01:26] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[01:26] <ShroomstagramUser> :3 
[01:26] <Lily8763cp> I dislike how the catface becomes that
[01:26] <Lily8763cp> Like seriously, at least make it (cattail) :/ 
[01:26] <Lolwutburger> what catface
[01:26] <WintahMhelon18> I noticed that too
[01:26] <WintahMhelon18> :3 
[01:26] <Lily8763cp> : 3 without a space
[01:26] <Lolwutburger> CATFACE
[01:27] <Lolwutburger> HE'S GOT A BIG CAT FACE
[01:27] <ShroomstagramUser> What
[01:27] <ShroomstagramUser> Saucer is cute :3 
[01:27] <Lolwutburger> CATFACE
[01:27] <Lolwutburger> oh god
[01:27] <Lolwutburger> I remember that webtoon from my childhood
[01:27] <Lily8763cp> (wat) 
[01:28] <Starfruity> [[]]:3
[01:28] <WintahMhelon18> No wonder I walk so weird, I found out that I have a wound on my left leg
[01:28] <Lolwutburger>
[01:28] <Lolwutburger> this one
[01:28] <Lolwutburger> it's catface
[01:28] <Lily8763cp> You just found that out @Wintah
[01:28] <Lolwutburger> he's got the body of a cat and the face of a cat
[01:28] <Lolwutburger> and he flies through the air cause he's got a catface
[01:28] <ProcastinatorMan> what's a leg wound gotta do?
[01:28] <ProcastinatorMan> is this a mark twain book?
[01:29] <ProcastinatorMan> Now don't get me wrong.
[01:29] <ProcastinatorMan> I loved Huckleberry Finn. Amazing book and to me one of the best.
[01:29] <WintahMhelon18> Povidone Iodine and some Vitamin C will do the trick
[01:29] <ProcastinatorMan> But he does ocassionally say things that don't seem to have to do with anything.
[01:29] <ProcastinatorMan> Like something about river corpses, laying down/up, and gender.
[01:30] <ShroomstagramUser> Everytime I use Google Play to record PvZ2gameplay, it lags -_- 
[01:30] <ShroomstagramUser> Hence why I want a legit recording system for Christmas
[01:30] <Lolwutburger> I'm just going to continue animating my South Park fanvideo
[01:30] <Lily8763cp> I never had a good recording system
[01:30] <Lily8763cp> Just a camera XD
[01:30] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I have root
[01:30] <ProcastinatorMan> Just a question, how far is JM soft released?
[01:30] <ProcastinatorMan> Up to Gargantuar level?
[01:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> @PMan yeaj
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> JM wa ssoft release don Thursday
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> I think so
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> I'd be dumb not to
[01:31] <WintahMhelon18> I too wanna record my PvZ2 gameplay, too bad most of them needs payment for download and some needs rooted devices. I don't wanna root my device :/ 
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> *It'd*
[01:31] <Lolwutburger> When is JM's actual release?
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> I think this Thursday
[01:31] <Lolwutburger> cool
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> The 19th
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> This Monday or Tuesday
[01:31] <WintahMhelon18> Maybe Monday or Tuesday
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> Tuesday is the 17th
[01:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> Tuesday
[01:31] <Lolwutburger> Thursday is the usual day SP episodes come out in my timezone
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> @Lily8763cp
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> I think trailer tomorrow and dev diary on Monday
[01:31] <Lily8763cp> or tuesday
[01:31] <ShroomstagramUser> :3 
[01:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> it's always Tuesday
[01:32] <Lily8763cp> Or vice versa XD
[01:32] <ErnestoAM> Hey
[01:32] <Lily8763cp> Sup
[01:32] <WintahMhelon18> Well, I got soft release and already finished Part 1. It made me spend 2000 coins and 2x Power Toss
[01:32] <ErnestoAM> You're a good GIF maker, I want a coldsnapdragon gif plz
[01:32] <Lily8763cp> I'll find a video of cold snapdragon
[01:33] <Lily8763cp> What gif of it do you want me to make?
[01:33] <ProcastinatorMan> Cold Snapdragon.
[01:33] <ProcastinatorMan> So like, a Snapdragon that actually slows zombies?
[01:33] <WintahMhelon18> Pretty much
[01:33] <ShroomstagramUser> yep
[01:33] <ShroomstagramUser> it costs $6.99
[01:33] <ProcastinatorMan> Sheesh.
[01:33] <ShroomstagramUser> like (ebb) (jol) and (mixed emotions) 
[01:33] <WintahMhelon18> Too bad he's premium, so yeah, I'll use Winter Melon again
[01:33] <ShroomstagramUser> hihi
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> gonna record more vids for my yt channel
[01:34] <Lily8763cp> Sup bp
[01:34] <ProcastinatorMan> Winter Melon is the king of mixed offense/support in PvZ2.
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> though I need to clean up sapce
[01:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I have root
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> space*
[01:34] <ProcastinatorMan> The king of pure offense is arguable.
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> I tried to root my tablet
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> KingRoot didn't work
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> :( 
[01:34] <Ballistic Planet> Anything else I should try?
[01:34] <ShroomstagramUser> Well, Cold Snapdragon is kinda OP, tbh
[01:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> so I can record with an Android screen recorder
[01:34] <Lily8763cp> I want to send a note to EA that says "Dear EA, making us pay $6.99 for plants is not going to get you out of debt. -From most PVZ2 players"
[01:34] <ShroomstagramUser> the $6.99 stuff in general has decent firepower on them
[01:35] <ProcastinatorMan> 2 columns of Snapdragons(any) are pretty strong, but they defrost zombies.
[01:35] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> PC root?@pvzwiki_balls
[01:35] <Ballistic Planet> cant pc root
[01:35] <Ballistic Planet> It has to be tablet only
[01:35] <ShroomstagramUser> (ebb) can istant Gargantuars
[01:35] <ShroomstagramUser> *instant
[01:35] <ProcastinatorMan> And the defrosting is AoE, unlike Fire Pea's which only defrosts the frontmost zombie.
[01:35] <ShroomstagramUser> but has a shit targeting system
[01:35] <WintahMhelon18> @ShroomstagramUser, what's Cold Snap's PF ability?
[01:35] <Ballistic Planet> The same as snapdragons
[01:35] <Ballistic Planet> But instead of burning, it freezes
[01:36] <WintahMhelon18> Nice
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> And Cold Snap's can go offscreen
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> while normal snap can't
[01:36] <Starfruity> PopCap has gotten so unoriginal lately
[01:36] <ShroomstagramUser> and barely does damage
[01:36] <ProcastinatorMan> I believe the sneaky hit from the back plant has a pretty high damage output.
[01:36] <ProcastinatorMan> But it is non-AoE.
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> Cold Snapdragon's name, while it looks UO, isn't
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> Trust me
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> Celery Stalker
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> does 10 damage per second
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> :D 
[01:36] <Ballistic Planet> 
[01:36] <ProcastinatorMan> Incidentally that thing makes an okay early "instant"
[01:36] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> @PMan did you get the update yet
[01:37] <ProcastinatorMan> Well it's downloading the resources.
[01:37] <WintahMhelon18> I actually used Peashooter + Primal Peashooter in JM - Day 1
[01:37] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shello!
[01:37] <ProcastinatorMan> Should be done in 2 hours and a half.
[01:37] <ShroomstagramUser> Celery Stalker is one of the better melee plants in the game
[01:37] <ProcastinatorMan> Yay 54 KB/s.
[01:37] <ErnestoAM> mh,jhmv8bliun0p
[01:37] <Ballistic Planet> Celery Stalker is a decent close range plant
[01:37] <WintahMhelon18> Celery's PF is ugh...
[01:37] <ShroomstagramUser> @Wintah, making unique set-ups, eh?
[01:37] <ProcastinatorMan> I believe CS is stronger than Bonk Choy to compensate for having half the range.
[01:37] <ShroomstagramUser> Welcome to the club :3 
[01:38] <WintahMhelon18> Heh
[01:38] <WintahMhelon18> :P 
[01:38] <ProcastinatorMan> I don't really know what's the best non-WM AoE offensive plant.
[01:38] <ProcastinatorMan> Well, Melon-pults I guess.
[01:38] <Ballistic Planet> Cold Snapdragon
[01:38] <Ballistic Planet> and Melon-pult
[01:38] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> ShyGuy.
[01:38] <Ballistic Planet> and Snapdragon
[01:38] <Ballistic Planet> are my three picks
[01:38] <ProcastinatorMan> But I sometimes use Fume-shrooms because bias and its horizontal range is not half bad.
[01:38] <ErnestoAM> gonna go to v1.4 and use the unused Cleopatra zombie
[01:38] <WintahMhelon18> Melon-pult and Snow Pea can be fine
[01:38] <ShroomstagramUser> @ProMan Laser Bean, Fume-shroom, A.K.E.E.
[01:39] <ProcastinatorMan> I'd use AKEE more if I didn't appreciate my ears ;_;
[01:39] <ProcastinatorMan> Sheesh Red Stinger and AKEE are so loud.
[01:39] <Ballistic Planet> No Snapdragon, Melon-pult, or Cold Snap @SSU?
[01:39] <ShroomstagramUser> They're nice
[01:39] <ShroomstagramUser> I barely use them, tho
[01:39] <Lily8763cp> brb
[01:39] <ProcastinatorMan> I do use Red Stinger because I can't help but like that little hunter hat.
[01:39] <ShroomstagramUser> (acorn) is literally a stronger (bloomerang) 
[01:39] <Lily8763cp> gonna make them gifs
[01:39] <ShroomstagramUser> XD
[01:40] <ProcastinatorMan> And it's a better Repeater a fair amount of the time and a roughly usable Pea-nut the other fair amount of the time.
[01:40] <WintahMhelon18> I mostly use Celery Stalker in almost every JM levels
[01:40] <ProcastinatorMan> Very few plants should ever be in the range at which Stingers stop firing at all.
[01:40] <ProcastinatorMan> Most of them instant kills.
[01:40] <ShroomstagramUser> (spikeweed) 
[01:40] <ShroomstagramUser> (spikerock) 
[01:40] <Ballistic Planet> Primal WAll-nut
[01:41] <WintahMhelon18> I wanna see a Primal Melon or at least Primelon
[01:41] <ProcastinatorMan> But Red Stingers are so loud, my.
[01:41] <ProcastinatorMan> Not as loud as AKEE, but ow.
[01:41] <ShroomstagramUser> I'm complaining that (bowling) and (banana) are too quiet in international
[01:42] <WintahMhelon18> Red Stiner and A.K.E.E. are somehow both useful together, like Laser Bean and Citron
[01:42] <ShroomstagramUser> But they make my ears bleed in Chinese
[01:42] <Ballistic Planet> I play without sound most of the time
[01:42] <Ballistic Planet> So it never bothers me
[01:42] <ProcastinatorMan> I like FF's and LC's UB.
[01:42] <ProcastinatorMan> So I can't help but have sound on when I'm at home.
[01:43] <Ballistic Planet> I feel like Laser Bean would be better if it was like it was in the FF teaser parties
[01:43] <ShroomstagramUser> I have earbuds in, anyways
[01:43] <WintahMhelon18> I mostly play and sound and music on, especially NMT
[01:43] <ShroomstagramUser> NMT, yes!
[01:44] <ShroomstagramUser> I would like the pop jam more if this was what played instead of generic autotune shit
[01:44] <WintahMhelon18> It's like gaming + listening to music
[01:44] <ShroomstagramUser> ^
[01:44] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks, including PMan.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shupbacks.
[01:45] <ProcastinatorMan> ayy.
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> Also, ThatGuyThatHasAFish.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> So yeah.
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> What an usual combo appearance in chat.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> You are here.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> ShyGuy is here.
[01:45] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> PMan is here.
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I am here.
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Insert Your Name Here's here.
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> And Imarepeater's here.
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:46] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> @ThatGuyThatHasAFish
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> Although, he's doing "his job".
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Who?
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Oh.
[01:46] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> PMan.
[01:47] <AWikiBoy521> Played any old classic games lately?
[02:17] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O :O :O :O 
[02:18] <ErnestoAM> Massive eats. ;( 
[02:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I wonder
[02:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> if I put a 4.2.1 pp.dat in version 2.2.2, and then quickly updated it
[02:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> if it will stay?
[02:22] <ErnestoAM> idk
[02:22] <ErnestoAM> maybe?
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Imp template updated
[02:24] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[02:24] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyone know jurassic imp hp?
[02:24] <AWikiBoy521> No
[02:27] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:27] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:28] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:28] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:29] <Lolwutburger> hola
[02:29] <AWikiBoy521> Just using two PCs at a time, if a Laptop counts as a PC.
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> it is a Personal Computer
[02:30] <AWikiBoy521> Some people just don't consider Laptops as PCs.
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> well
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> I do
[02:31] <ErnestoAM> I'm the only one who uses my PC and hate it when others touch it
[02:31] <Princess Kitty> Hey Guys
[02:31] <Lolwutburger> hola pk
[02:31] <Princess Kitty> Did you watch the news there's a terrorist attacks in Europe?
[02:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes
[02:32] <Princess Kitty> or recently in Paris and Japan...
[02:32] <Lolwutburger> I just heard yesterday.
[02:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Useless guy
[02:33] <Starfruity> Swello PK
[02:33] <Starfruity> Long time no see
[02:33] <Insert Your Name Here> You might wanna delete [[Template:Infobox Imp Tabber 2/3]]
[02:34] <Bubba2003> Hello
[02:34] <AWikiBoy521> Just changed computres.
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> *computers
[02:35] <Graham02> o/ o/ 
[02:35] <Bubba2003> thats amazing
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> @Princess Kitty
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> I read about them.
[02:35] <Iamarepeater> @princess kitty: hi! o/ 
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> Chat, yesterday, is kinda alive because of that "incident".
[02:36] <Bubba2003> AWikiBoy521 IS A SPY!!!!!!🎩
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Bubba2003
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> U wot?
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> No
[02:36] <Graham02> (wat) 
[02:36] <Graham02> 
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> I'm a Medic!
[02:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Should we remove second person in all articles?
[02:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Excluding official word stuff
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> Not a disguised Medic.
[02:37] <Bubba2003> :l
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> Try to spycheck on me, Bubba2003.
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> I'm not a Spy.
[02:37] <Bubba2003> just playing
[02:37] <Bubba2003> dont you know I was pyro
[02:38] <AWikiBoy521> Well, we are both in the same team.
[02:38] <AWikiBoy521> I may heal you if you want to get healed.
[02:39] <Bubba2003>
[02:39] <Bubba2003> This is want I mean
[02:39] <AWikiBoy521> Still TF2 though...
[02:40] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, PK.
[02:40] <Bubba2003> did you see it?
[02:40] <Bubba2003> hi
[02:40] <Iamarepeater> wb PK
[02:40] <AWikiBoy521> @Bubba2003
[02:40] <AWikiBoy521> I did.
[02:40] <Princess Kitty> I'm worried about my friend who have autism from UK... :'( 
[02:40] <Bubba2003> did you see springtrap head on pyro?
[02:41] <Princess Kitty> Because of the Terrorists attack
[02:41] <Bubba2003> thats not amzing
[02:41] <Bubba2003> amazing
[02:42] <Bubba2003> who plays minecraft?
[02:42] <Graham02> me
[02:42] <AWikiBoy521> @Princess Kitty
[02:42] <AWikiBoy521> Hope your friend is a-okay...
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> @Bubba2003
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> Not me
[02:43] <Bubba2003> there is a bug which when you hit a untamed wolf,where tame wolf attacks you 😐
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> But, I like that Puppet.
[02:43] <Princess Kitty> Yeah... I know... :'( 
[02:43] <Iamarepeater> @princess kitty: what terrorist attack?
[02:43] <Lolwutburger> y'know
[02:43] <Graham02> the one in Paris i think
[02:43] <Bubba2003> There was a nuke
[02:44] <Bubba2003> yes
[02:44] <Lolwutburger> the reason every building's coloring themselves like the french
[02:44] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:44] <Lolwutburger> I feel bad for the french fries
[02:44] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Back.
[02:44] <Graham02> lol
[02:44] <ErnestoAM> Hero Cleopatra Zombie spawns 4 zombies in a diamond shape around herself.
[02:44] <Iamarepeater> and heals all zombies
[02:44] <Lolwutburger> even though Calamari Rings are better
[02:44] <ErnestoAM> no
[02:44] <Bubba2003> good thing I'm in america
[02:44] <Princess Kitty> @Bubba2003, NOT THAT! &gt;:O 
[02:44] <ErnestoAM> I'm talking about in PvZ2
[02:44] <Lolwutburger> calamari tastes great
[02:44] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[02:45] <Bubba2003> wait!
[02:45] <Graham02> calamari is tasty]
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> and I'm talking about Calamari rings
[02:45] <Princess Kitty> WHen you just say about stupid NUKEs @Bubba2003
[02:45] <Iamarepeater> Princess kitty, what happened?
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> I just had my first calamari rings yesterday
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> AND I HAVE NO REGRETS
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> since y'know, yesterday was an okay day
[02:45] <Lolwutburger> since I tried to piss off tumblr by drawing stickmen which apparently triggers them
[02:46] <Bubba2003> one of you could be a spy,help the terrios
[02:46] <Graham02> i had a bunch of bad luck yesterday
[02:46] <Bubba2003> i always have bad luck ;( 
[02:47] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I'll have bad luck tomorrow.
[02:47] <Bubba2003> but tomarrow a not her day
[02:47] <Bubba2003> here
[02:47] <Bubba2003> nother
[02:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> (wat) 
[02:48] <ErnestoAM> whoa
[02:48] <Bubba2003> i have a idea for Dino-bully
[02:48] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> (wat) the fuc (king) bullcrap
[02:48] <ErnestoAM> laser beans in v1.4 had their damage by half
[02:48] <Princess Kitty> Well... I no need to regret about terrorist attack in Paris... And UK(Apparently...)...
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> @ThatGuyThatHasAFish
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> Not really.
[02:49] <Bubba2003> use turtles!
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> Same to Bubba2003.
[02:49] <Bubba2003> :l
[02:49] <Princess Kitty> BTW, we need to cheer up by this I made:
[02:49] <Princess Kitty>
[02:50] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Lelz.
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> @Bubba2003
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> Mine Turtles?
[02:51] <Bubba2003> Yes we need mine turtle
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Ze mine turtle.
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Hammer Bros..
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> Of course.
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> And Pick Bros..
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Mining Koopa.
[02:51] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Teenage Mine Ninja Turtles.
[02:51] <Bubba2003> if someone else shows that web sit again 
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> Heheh
[02:52] <Princess Kitty> This, guys!
[02:52] <Bubba2003> IM GOING TO KILL THEM
[02:52] <Princess Kitty>
[02:52] <Bubba2003> &gt;:( 
[02:52] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatGuyThatHasAFish</span></span> zaps Bubba
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> Nice reference.
[02:52] <Graham02> wat website
[02:52] <Graham02> lol @pk
[02:52] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Pink
[02:52] <Bubba2003>
[02:52] <Iamarepeater> Hive Pinkgirl!
[02:53] <Pinkgirl234> Mwah .3.
[02:53] <AWikiBoy521> And chances of her getting "buggy chat" is 50%.
[02:53] <Pinkgirl234> \o Hi peeeps! o/ 
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shwah.
[02:53] <Graham02> what's wrong with dA? @bubba
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shello there!
[02:53] <Iamarepeater> @Pinkgirl: Just wait 2 months later
[02:53] <Bubba2003> 1 word Vore
[02:53] <Pinkgirl234> 2 months? For...
[02:53] <Iamarepeater> Your baby
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> That comma.
[02:53] <Lolwutburger> hola pg234
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> That grammar.
[02:53] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> That ortography.
[02:54] <Bubba2003> :l
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> mpreg is weird
[02:54] <Pinkgirl234> Hold on imma link something
[02:54] <ErnestoAM> Hi PG-13
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> and disgusting
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> and should never exist
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> that is a quote
[02:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> "PG-13"
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> from me
[02:54] <Bearjedi> Lolwutburger
[02:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Whoa.
[02:54] <Bearjedi> Teach me how to do art
[02:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Whoa.
[02:54] <Bearjedi> It is my mission
[02:54] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> WO-HO-HO-HOA!
[02:54] <Bearjedi> TO FIND OUT HOW TO DRAW LIKE PVZ2
[02:54] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Bearjedi
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> use Adobe Flash
[02:54] <Pinkgirl234> I read that as Tech me how to dougie
[02:54] <Lolwutburger> that's what they use in PopCap
[02:54] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[02:54] <Bearjedi> HOW DO I DO DAT
[02:55] <ErnestoAM> ask the artists of PvZ2 themselves 
[02:55] <Lolwutburger> Either you buy or you pirate
[02:55] <Lolwutburger> Adobe Flash is the best tool for PvZ2-eque art
[02:55] <Bearjedi> I use PhotoShop sometimes tho
[02:55] <Bearjedi> Or Pixlr
[02:55] <Pinkgirl234> LOL guys. Look at this:
[02:55] <Bubba2003> grapeshot attack everyone but cool people!
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Bearjedi
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> PhotoShop is effective sometimes though.
[02:56] <Bubba2003> grapeshot:k
[02:56] <Bearjedi> omg
[02:56] <Bearjedi> she's having a baby
[02:56] <Bearjedi> run
[02:56] <Bubba2003> who?
[02:56] <Bearjedi> *kills self*
[02:56] <Pinkgirl234> (wat) 
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> Da flock?
[02:56] <Graham02> watdeclak
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> Avatar problems....
[02:56] <Bubba2003> i don't believe you!
[02:56] <Pinkgirl234> Fadging lag!!
[02:57] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">What if PK and PG was together?</span>
[02:57] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> PG.
[02:57] <Pinkgirl234> What?
[02:57] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Who needs when the "random" might start to be new..</span>
[02:57] <Bubba2003> wizards!
[02:57] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">After all, it's not just Chrysalis and Puffy.[s/]</span>
[02:58] <Bubba2003> puffy?
[02:58] <Bubba2003> who puffy?
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> PuffyMuffins 
[02:58] <Bubba2003> oohoohohohohoh
[02:58] <Bubba2003> thats amazing
[02:58] <Pinkgirl234> Puffy, the puff-shroom
[02:58] <Bubba2003> hello!
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And by "together" I mean them interacting to each other.</span>
[02:58] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:59] <Pinkgirl234> (puffshroom) 
[02:59] <Bubba2003> imp
[02:59] <Princess Kitty> Lolwutburger
[02:59] <Princess Kitty> PM
[02:59] <Lolwutburger> Thus South Park has led me to believe that ISIS are ninjas
[03:00] <Bubba2003> Not mr.imp
[03:00] <Bubba2003> nnnnnnnooooooooooo!!!!!!
[03:00] <Pinkgirl234> Once upon a time
[03:00] <AWikiBoy521> wut
[03:01] <Bubba2003> a walnut die
[03:01] <Bubba2003> the end
[03:01] <Pinkgirl234> that is the end of the story. The end.
[03:01] <Bubba2003> :l ?
[03:01] <Pinkgirl234> Danggit Bubba! XD
[03:01] <Graham02> Patrick voice: story time story time story time!
[03:01] <Graham02> that was the best story ever
[03:01] <Bubba2003> graham what did you think?
[03:02] <Graham02> best story ever
[03:02] <Graham02> 10/10
[03:02] <Bubba2003> about the da thing I said 
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> Bubba2003 just twisted that plot.
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> Heheh
[03:02] <Bubba2003> I'm a robot wizard!
[03:02] <Pinkgirl234> Once upon a time there was someone called a WikiBoyLettuce that sprouted in my garden
[03:02] <Bubba2003> im a robot bunny wizard!
[03:02] <Pinkgirl234> SO I decided to sell him to the market. &gt;:D 
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> Then, he is on afk.
[03:03] <Lolwutburger> gtg
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> TEH END
[03:03] <Lolwutburger> :( 
[03:03] <Graham02> bye
[03:03] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Bye Bye!
[03:03] <Bubba2003> dont leave
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> Plus, test
[03:03] <Pinkgirl234> Plot twist: I realized my mistake :O 
[03:03] <Pinkgirl234> So I retrieved him! :D 
[03:03] <Bubba2003> about a walnut dieing
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> And then, I froze Pinkgirl234.
[03:03] <Pinkgirl234> Ow lag meh
[03:04] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight:bold;">TEH END</span>
[03:04] <Pinkgirl234> But the sun melted the freeze &gt;:D 
[03:04] <AWikiBoy521> What a happy ending....
[03:04] <Graham02> once upon a time there was an awesome pineapple
[03:04] <Graham02> his design got changed then he hated it thenj he went under the sea to live with a sponge
[03:04] <Graham02> the end
[03:04] <Bubba2003> OVER 9000!!!!!
[03:04] <Pinkgirl234> Wait a minute
[03:04] <Bubba2003> i can tel a sad story 
[03:05] <Bubba2003> do you want to here it?
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> is that BUL9 you are talking about?
[03:05] <Bubba2003> no
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Electromario! o/ 
[03:05] <Bubba2003> it minecraft
[03:05] <AWikiBoy521> Plot Twist: Graham02 just keeled PK.
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> @Bubba I was talking to Graham though
[03:05] <Iamarepeater> hive
[03:05] <Graham02> Bul9 is Gary and lives with Spongebob
[03:05] <Graham02> :P 
[03:05] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> Did someone say hive?
[03:05] <Pinkgirl234> Like beehive? &gt;:D 
[03:06] <ErnestoAM> I also found out Tile Turnip was gonna be world exclusive.
[03:06] <Pinkgirl234> @Graham I knew it :P 
[03:07] <Pinkgirl234> Is chat dead?
[03:07] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I guess.
[03:07] <AWikiBoy521> No
[03:07] <Pinkgirl234> Did I keel it? ;-;
[03:07] <AWikiBoy521> No\
[03:08] <AWikiBoy521> Some users are technical users....
[03:08] <ErnestoAM> Laser Bean dealt as much damage as a Peashooter in v1.4.
[03:08] <Graham02> u no <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">peel</span> keel chat pink
[03:08] <AWikiBoy521> While others are for fun.....
[03:08] <AWikiBoy521> And a few are for both....
[03:08] <Pinkgirl234> Peel? Like peeling a banana? XD
[03:08] <Pinkgirl234> (banana) 
[03:09] <Graham02> <span class="me-username">* <span>Graham02</span></span> continues to peel a (banana) 
[03:09] <Graham02> * Kills it
[03:09] <Graham02> rip
[03:10] <Pinkgirl234> Dead
[03:10] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatGuyThatHasAFish</span></span> eats a grahamcracker
[03:10] <Graham02> <span class="me-username">* <span>Graham02</span></span> got pinged
[03:12] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:12] <ErnestoAM> so far, only Magnifying Grass out of all the Far Future plants crashes the game
[03:13] <Graham02> :O 
[03:13] <Iamarepeater> Pinkgirl, who's the father of your baby?
[03:13] <ErnestoAM> o/ :O 
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> O_O
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> eeww
[03:14] <Pinkgirl234> Oh my gosh
[03:14] <Pinkgirl234> Did you not know that's my OC who is preggers? XD
[03:14] <Iamarepeater> That's right
[03:14] <Graham02> lol
[03:14] <Iamarepeater> I'm talking about your OC
[03:14] <Pinkgirl234> Um, I have not thought of a name yet though
[03:15] <Graham02> hmm
[03:15] <Pinkgirl234> Yeah. I have not thought of the father's name
[03:15] <Graham02> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Pikal</span>
[03:16] <Pinkgirl234> Testing testing ninja (ninja) 
[03:16] <Graham02> (ninja) 
[03:16] <Graham02> (ninja2) 
[03:17] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> (batman) 
[03:17] <Pinkgirl234> Sooo sneaky
[03:17] <Graham02> (batman) 
[03:17] <Graham02> /|\
[03:17] <Graham02> /\
[03:17] <Bubba2003> once upon time,there was a baby creeper walking with his dad but the baby creeper fell in a hole.when he got out his parents were dead from exploding.the creeper was sad but he found a building that tons of creeper work in.It was like in offic and there were 2 stair leading to the Boss and there was a door that lead to the trading he want up the stair and talks to the boss about trading.the boss said she yes you are hire to the creeper trained and there where 3 task.the first one was seeking up,so the place a moving statue,the creeper scary the statue and the statue died.the second task was to blow up there enemy so the creeper did.the last task was to do movement like ninja so he kill all the the statues.his training was complete so he found a house and was in it until a player went in it.a player went in the house a die,the creeper die to and went to heaven and saw his parents.THR END :) 
[03:18] <Bubba2003> the end
[03:18] <Bubba2003> hope you like the story😀
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[03:18] <Pinkgirl234> Wow dude. You dd not have to make your story in a looong text wall.
[03:18] <Pinkgirl234> Bye peater! o/ 
[03:18] <Graham02> bye
[03:18] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:19] <Graham02> that's a long story
[03:21] <Pinkgirl234> 11:21 AM
[03:21] <Graham02> 7:21 pm
[03:21] <Bubba2003> Who wants to drama picture about grapeshot were a mustache?
[03:21] <Pinkgirl234> I wonder what's for lunch later.
[03:21] <Bubba2003> tacos
[03:21] <Bubba2003> draw
[03:21] <Pinkgirl234> Imma see the image of grapehsot
[03:21] <Bubba2003> do you want me to draw it ?
[03:21] <Graham02> [[Grapeshot.png]]
[03:21] <Bubba2003> were a mustache?
[03:22] <Pinkgirl234> A mustache would do
[03:22] <Bubba2003> Ok I'm going to draw it
[03:22] <Graham02> or a football wearing king in space
[03:22] <Graham02> with 6 mustaches
[03:22] <Princess Kitty> GTG!
[03:22] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[03:22] <Princess Kitty> O/ 
[03:22] <Graham02> bye
[03:23] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Bye.
[03:23] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> GTG.
[03:23] <Bubba2003> now I'm going to kill the night guard and draw at the same tim!
[03:23] <Bubba2003> time 
[03:23] <Bubba2003> bye
[03:23] <Graham02> bye
[03:24] <Bubba2003> before I go, would want to be a night guard in fazbears fright?
[03:24] <ErnestoAM> why am I wearing a christmas hat right now?
[03:25] <Graham02> idk
[03:25] <Bubba2003> bye
[03:25] <Graham02> bye\
[03:25] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[03:26] <Pinkgirl234> hmm
[03:26] <Graham02> (hmm) 
[03:26] <AWikiBoy521> Time to fix that log, again....
[03:26] <Graham02> <span class="me-username">* <span>Graham02</span></span> glues a split log together
[03:27] <Bubba2003> Before I go,[[User blog:Bubba2003]]
[03:28] <Bubba2003> and go on the web and type in vore,it's horrible
[03:28] <Graham02> why would i look up vore
[03:28] <Bubba2003> ?
[03:28] <Graham02> "and go on the web and type in vore,it's horrible"
[03:29] <Bubba2003> just do it
[03:29] <AWikiBoy521> There, I fixed it.
[03:29] <Graham02> i know what it is @bubba
[03:29] <Bubba2003> whats is it
[03:29] <Graham02> id rather not see things eating each other alive
[03:29] <Pinkgirl234> The heck?
[03:29] <AWikiBoy521> I will now do Repeater's job.
[03:29] <Pinkgirl234> Did you know vore has something to do with r34 fetish?
[03:30] <Bubba2003> (shots elfin the head)
[03:30] <Pinkgirl234> Tell you what. There was something called Vore Wiki but it shut down due to spam and probably the stuff they posted there?
[03:30] <Bubba2003> i hate vore
[03:30] <Graham02> vore wiki was a thing?
[03:30] <Bubba2003> stop saying it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[03:30] <Bubba2003> i makes me neveos
[03:31] <Graham02> it's worse than r34
[03:31] <Bubba2003> what's r34
[03:31] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">Yeah Graham</span></span>
[03:31] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">@Pinkgirl234 
[03:31] <AWikiBoy521> Yep</span>
[03:32] <Graham02> r34 is ummm
[03:32] <Graham02> how do i say it
[03:32] <Graham02> naked people
[03:32] <Graham02> i think
[03:32] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[03:33] <AWikiBoy521> There's more than just that....and I don't want to talk more about it.
[03:33] <Pinkgirl234> Dang lag
[03:33] <Bubba2003> Deep voice
[03:34] <Pinkgirl234> Yeah. R34. Fetish stuff. You don't wanna look up.
[03:34] <AWikiBoy521> Seriously, don't Google it.
[03:34] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> unless you're a rebel
[03:34] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> (like me)
[03:34] <AWikiBoy521> Or an older person.
[03:35] <AWikiBoy521> Heck, something about this is included as a lesson in MAPEH.
[03:35] <Pinkgirl234> Hmm
[03:35] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> or you're alone on a friday night
[03:35] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and you need something to do
[03:35] <Bubba2003> STOP TALKING ABOUT IT OR ILL WILL EAT YOUR SOUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[03:35] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[03:36] <Graham02> i have 2 souls
[03:36] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> well, your soul is blue now
[03:36] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> :3
[03:36] <Bubba2003> IM COMING TO EAT BOTH
[03:36] <AWikiBoy521> While I have Pokemon SoulSilver.
[03:36] <AWikiBoy521> Technically, I have 2 souls.
[03:36] <Bubba2003> why are we now talking about souls?
[03:37] <AWikiBoy521> Because of you, Bubba2003.
[03:37] <Graham02> why is this conversation reminding me of narwals
[03:37] <Pinkgirl234> [[Thread:488733]] <<
[03:37] <Graham02> i like that template
[03:39] <AWikiBoy521> I was about to make that template but, he go this.
[03:39] <AWikiBoy521> *got
[03:39] <AWikiBoy521> I can enhance it more.
[03:39] <AWikiBoy521> With a little more "prasers"....
[03:40] <AWikiBoy521> *parsers 
[03:40] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:40] <AWikiBoy521> Heh, he just use the Disqualified template as a base.
[03:40] <AWikiBoy521> How convenient.
[03:41] <AWikiBoy521> Time to edit that template.
[03:41] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, PvZ and AB FAn
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> Plus, new image will be added.
[03:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Dandelion page is done
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[03:56] <ErnestoAM> the FF plants already had their costumes in v1.4
[04:00] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:00] <AWikiBoy521> @ErnestoAM 
[04:00] <AWikiBoy521> It's good to let some of us here know about the old versoins.
[04:00] <AWikiBoy521> *versions
[04:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> so do they have textures?@Ernesto
[04:01] <ErnestoAM> in v1.4 yes
[04:02] <ErnestoAM> though planting Magnifying Grass crashes game
[04:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> cool
[04:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> how'd ya get em'?
[04:02] <ErnestoAM> the same pp.dat with all unlocked plants
[04:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> oh
[04:04] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> can you link it again?
[04:07] <Reapeageddon> testing
[04:13] <AWikiBoy521> There, my chat is fixed
[04:16] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O :O 
[04:22] <AWikiBoy521> Sup?
[04:23] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">inb4, Puffy leaves chat since it's dead.</span>
[04:25] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[04:28] <AWikiBoy521> Yet another laggy chat.
[04:28] <AWikiBoy521> For some users including me.
[04:31] <ErnestoAM> still ded
[04:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Ded
[04:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyone here?
[04:32] <ErnestoAM> i am
[04:32] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[04:32] <Pvzfan717> hey guys
[04:32] <Pvzfan717> so
[04:32] <Pvzfan717> i unlocked intensive carrot
[04:32] <AWikiBoy521> Take note, it's mid-night for some users.
[04:32] <Pvzfan717> i think hes okay
[04:33] <Pvzfan717> dont feed users after mid night
[04:34] <Pvzfan717> im kinda cirious
[04:34] <AWikiBoy521> Of what?
[04:34] <Pvzfan717> is is possible to bounce back the arcade machine
[04:34] <Pvzfan717> so that arcade zombie would have no machine
[04:34] <AWikiBoy521> No
[04:35] <Pvzfan717> thats one sturdy cabinet
[04:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Well there is a possibly of some ppl just falling asleep in front of their computer
[04:35] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[04:36] <Pvzfan717> wonder if papyrus from undertale would play pvz &gt;:D 
[04:36] <Insert Your Name Here> We just gotta hope she isn't actually doing that
[04:36] <Pvzfan717> that would be a good x plays y vid
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Well, maybe.
[04:36] <PuffyMuffins> no im doing something more interesting (lenny) 
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Not just her though.
[04:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Well well...
[04:37] <PuffyMuffins> .~.
[04:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Must be dat 'secret happy place'?
[04:37] <PuffyMuffins> yz
[04:38] <Insert Your Name Here> (Lenny) 
[04:38] <PuffyMuffins> i don wanna talk bout it
[04:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok then.
[04:38] <PuffyMuffins> expecially since im not alone (lenny) 
[04:39] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I have to make a new youtube intro because some idiot copied my old one
[04:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Bye gotta do lunch
[04:40] <AWikiBoy521> Ok, bye
[04:40] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> bye
[04:40] <Pvzfan717> @PvZABfan was it china
[04:41] <Pvzfan717> &gt;:D 
[04:41] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> no
[04:41] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> it was Gaming PvZ vs zombies
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> what
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> it was a joke
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> get it
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> cause china is stealing us techology
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> thats old
[04:44] <Pvzfan717> >>:D
[04:44] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and chat's ded
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> do ya play pvz allstars on your channel
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> cause its a great game
[04:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I can
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> but stupid qq asks for sms
[04:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I've played it before
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> it didnt ask it for my sms the first time
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> i hate you qq
[04:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'm on a tablet :) 
[04:46] <Pvzfan717> *raises middle finger at qq*
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> /F**K YOU QQQ
[04:47] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> well
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> *smashes qq cartrige*
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> *gives asian the pvz game*
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> here ya go
[04:47] <Pvzfan717> (totally not avgn refernce
[04:52] <Ballistic Planet> im back
[04:53] <Ballistic Planet> and waiting for people to comment on my blog
[04:53] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[04:53] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:13] <ErnestoAM> Ballistic Planet o/ 
[05:20] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> nice fingers
[05:20] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @ernesto
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> I posted that days ago
[05:21] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> it was in my sub box
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> I had it unlisted
[05:22] <ErnestoAM> though I was like eh
[05:22] <ErnestoAM>!
[05:23] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[05:23] <ErnestoAM> your pinkpie isn't here
[05:27] <ErnestoAM> to lazy to put Reapeageddon 's 8-Bit 80s in the game right now, I'll do it tomorrow
[05:27] <ErnestoAM> too
[05:29] <WintahMhelon18> Heh
[05:30] <WintahMhelon18> Well, she last edited an hour ago
[05:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Found something interesting
[05:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Colddragon cannot be frozen in fc
[05:32] <WintahMhelon18> Pls for Icebrg Lettuce, Winter Melon, and Snow Pea too
[05:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Lolnope
[05:32] <WintahMhelon18> *Iceberg
[05:32] <WintahMhelon18> Well Cold Snap is furry
[05:33] <Insert Your Name Here> So there you go
[05:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Wanna win fc endless? Spend anothet 7$
[05:33] <WintahMhelon18> Now there's some logic going on
[05:48] <Ballistic Planet> eam pm
[05:49] <Ballistic Planet> your pokeman is here
[06:25] <TheAnonymousA> Is the chat dead?
[06:26] <TheAnonymousA> I'll reload just to be sure
[06:26] <TheAnonymousA> Well, I guess I'll come back later.
[06:32] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[06:32] <AWikiBoy521> After my little sister using my laptop that I used to chat now.
[06:32] <ErnestoAM> :O :O o/ 
[06:33] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[06:33] <AWikiBoy521> Wow.....
[06:34] <AWikiBoy521> Just the two of us, I guess?
[06:34] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[06:35] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[06:35] <AWikiBoy521> :o 
[06:36] <AWikiBoy521> Let's hope that he is not bugged....
[06:43] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[06:44] <ErnestoAM> (epic) 
[06:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Fail</span>
[06:46] <ErnestoAM> (epic2) 
[06:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">If Pink was here, she would kick you.</span> :P 
[06:47] <ErnestoAM> if she could
[06:47] <Lolwutburger> oh goodness me
[06:47] <Lolwutburger> I made a black Dinkleberg
[06:47] <Lolwutburger>
[06:47] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[06:47] <AWikiBoy521> If you dislike ded chat, then leave.
[06:48] <Lolwutburger> chat's ded?
[06:48] <AWikiBoy521> Dinklegirl
[06:49] <Lolwutburger> DINKLEBERRY
[06:50] <AWikiBoy521> I know
[06:50] <AWikiBoy521> That Dinklegirl though.
[06:50] <Lolwutburger> which one
[06:50] <Lolwutburger> there are two
[06:50] <AWikiBoy521> The skinny one.
[06:50] <Lolwutburger> oh
[06:51] <Lolwutburger> Dinklethel
[06:51] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[06:51] <AWikiBoy521> It's odd, yet Dinkleburgtastic.
[06:53] <ErnestoAM> Dinkle (iceberglettuce) 
[06:53] <AWikiBoy521> Dinkleburger
[06:53] <AWikiBoy521> Dinklechat
[06:53] <AWikiBoy521> Dinkleguy
[06:54] <AWikiBoy521> Dinklegirl234
[06:54] <AWikiBoy521> Dinklebells
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> still
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> black dinkleberg
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> I actually did it
[06:55] <Lolwutburger> hola ug
[06:56] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[06:59] <Lolwutburger> so....
[06:59] <Lolwutburger> what now
[06:59] <AWikiBoy521> Well.....
[07:00] <AWikiBoy521> Are you gonna have no internet next week?
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> So...
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> you saw on Facebook, huh?
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> or on another site
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> or something
[07:00] <AWikiBoy521> Pretty much.
[07:00] <Lolwutburger> That was a satirical article.
[07:00] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[07:01] <AWikiBoy521> Test2
[07:02] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwutburger
[07:02] <AWikiBoy521> Pretty much that.
[07:02] <AWikiBoy521> Let's wait and see..
[07:04] <AWikiBoy521> I hate bugged chat.
[07:06] <AWikiBoy521> UG is suffering that pain of some users too.
[07:10] <AWikiBoy521> And probably some of us here, I guess.
[07:14] <AWikiBoy521> Sups?
[07:19] <Lolwutburger> ded
[07:19] <AWikiBoy521> Not really
[07:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Anyone knows when is the update coming
[07:30] <AWikiBoy521> No
[07:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Zack sed 
[07:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> its going to be very soon
[07:31] <AWikiBoy521> We know that.
[07:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Why would popcap be evil
[07:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep we have tons of days to servive
[07:34] <AWikiBoy521> They are not.
[07:34] <AWikiBoy521> You are just impatient
[07:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Oh your right
[07:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> But the real bad news that each time i download the soft release update
[07:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yeah the update is tommrow
[07:37] <AWikiBoy521> What if it is not true?
[07:37] <ErnestoAM> Tuesday.
[07:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No i mean
[07:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Remeber nmt update
[07:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yeah i downloadid nmt soft release
[07:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> And i was too lazy to play the whole game
[07:38] <AWikiBoy521> Let
[07:38] <AWikiBoy521> *Let's just see...
[07:39] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Supback
[07:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> So i found out the update was tommrow
[07:39] <Gaming Center> it WAS tommorow
[07:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I was like no fair man i only got it today
[07:39] <Gaming Center> you are from future?!
[07:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> This is how every update story begins with me
[07:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No dude last week or month
[07:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I downloadid soft release of nmt side b
[07:40] <Gaming Center> why
[07:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Because i cant wait anymore
[07:40] <ErnestoAM> 8-bit and breakdancer
[07:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What
[07:40] <Gaming Center> ik
[07:41] <Gaming Center> I always download soft releases
[07:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too
[07:41] <Gaming Center> but I thought you downloaded 4.0.1 now
[07:41] <Gaming Center> so I was like wtf
[07:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What no
[07:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> My computer is dead
[07:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im on ios
[07:41] <Gaming Center> idk why some people don't like using soft releases
[07:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Heres why
[07:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> They get hype more on the offical release
[07:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Heres the whole story 
[07:42] <Gaming Center> -_- kinda stupid reason
[07:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yeah idk
[07:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[07:43] <Gaming Center> hi
[07:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Also me awiki piotrek and star fruity are the only people here have ios
[07:43] <Ballistic Planet> I have ios
[07:43] <Ballistic Planet> I just also have android
[07:43] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Pray for Paris
[07:43] <Ballistic Planet> But for a long time, I had only iOS
[07:43] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> I found a new hack.
[07:43] <Ballistic Planet> oh boy
[07:44] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[07:44] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> It's about decreasing and increasing waves in EZ
[07:44] <Ballistic Planet> oh cool
[07:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> But woah not soo fast
[07:45] <Ballistic Planet> I changed how often plant food can appear in endless zones
[07:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> First dev dairy
[07:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Sexond trailer
[07:45] <ErnestoAM> that's easy
[07:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Second
[07:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Then the release
[07:46] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> You know that LDDK is underaged? Source: Browsing History
[07:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No im not
[07:47] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Don't play games, kid.
[07:48] <Gaming Center> not allowed under 13 because this wiki is viral and serious
[07:48] <Gaming Center> xD
[07:48] <Ballistic Planet> Well, it's against the law
[07:48] <Ballistic Planet> for us 
[07:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Fine il leave
[07:48] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[07:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bye guys
[07:48] <TheAnonymousA> Bye!
[07:48] <Gaming Center> bye
[07:48] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Gaming Center PM
[07:48] <ErnestoAM> Not everyone has good grammar TCLP .
[07:48] <Gaming Center> ok @TCLP
[07:49] <Gaming Center> I don't see it
[07:49] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> It's not bout grammar, Ernesto
[07:49] <Ballistic Planet> me no, not even me have good grammer
[07:49] <Gaming Center> i see that in your sentence :P 
[07:50] <ErnestoAM> SO
[07:50] <Gaming Center> whatever
[07:50] <ErnestoAM> You just Judge someone by what they have seen
[07:50] <Lolwutburger> is chat alive again
[07:50] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> OS
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwutburger
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:52] <Pinkgirl234> .3.
[07:52] <Lolwutburger> hola PG
[07:52] <Pinkgirl234> Mwah mwah
[07:52] <Lolwutburger> aaaaaaaand
[07:52] <Lolwutburger> My animation's done!
[07:52] <Pinkgirl234> Kumusta! o/ 
[07:53] <Iliketrains455> guys
[07:53] <Iliketrains455> i need some advice
[07:53] <Iliketrains455> so me and my friend were playing Minecraft
[07:53] <Pinkgirl234> And then?
[07:53] <Iliketrains455> when all of a sudden I was heartbroken when someone kicked me
[07:53] <Iliketrains455> and then I said I was going to leave the server
[07:53] <Iliketrains455> forever
[07:53] <Iliketrains455> my friend started to worry ALOT
[07:54] <Iliketrains455> and then about 20 minutes later i decided to stay on
[07:54] <Iliketrains455> but then the server lagged really bad, so i left
[07:54] <Pinkgirl234> :/ 
[07:54] <Iliketrains455> and when I tried to rejoin, it said "timed out"
[07:54] <Iliketrains455> I couldn't get back in
[07:54] <Pinkgirl234> That's strange
[07:54] <Pinkgirl234> Hi AnonA! o/ 
[07:54] <Iliketrains455> i never told them i decided to stay
[07:55] <Iliketrains455> I am WORRIED AS FRICKIN HELL
[07:55] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[07:55] <Iliketrains455> they think i left forever
[07:55] <Iliketrains455> WHAT THE HELL SHOULD I DO
[07:55] <Lolwutburger> come back
[07:55] <Iliketrains455> I CANT
[07:56] <Iliketrains455> Everytime i join, the server says "Timed out. No further connection."
[07:56] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Iliketrains!
[07:56] <Iliketrains455> yea
[07:56] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Cavia! o.
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:56] <Pinkgirl234> * o/ 
[07:56] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> huggies AWikiBoy
[07:56] <Iliketrains455> What the hell should I do
[07:56] <Iliketrains455> I dont know
[07:56] <Cavia porcellus> Hi
[07:57] <Iliketrains455> i have no connection to the server
[07:57] <Iliketrains455> I cant log on
[07:57] <Iliketrains455> i dont know if my friend left the server entirely too
[07:57] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> hugs her back.
[07:57] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Does Cavia want a hug?</span>
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">He needs one.</span>
[07:58] <Iliketrains455> Even if I restart my computer and log o
[07:58] <Iliketrains455> *log on
[07:58] <Iliketrains455> Yes. I do.
[07:58] <Pinkgirl234> Calm down with the caps though. Maybe it's a simple glitch
[07:58] <Iliketrains455> Yeah, right.
[07:58] <Iliketrains455> I'm literally crying right now.
[07:58] <Pinkgirl234> that may wear out any time soon
[07:58] <Cavia porcellus> <span class="me-username">* <span>Cavia porcellus</span></span> hugs Pinkgirl.
[07:58] <Insert Your Name Here> On the bus back to campus
[07:58] <Iliketrains455> I dont know if someone banned ME.
[07:59] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs Cavia
[07:59] <Iliketrains455> I hate my life.
[07:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Life is beatiful dude
[07:59] <Iliketrains455> Oh good.
[07:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Don't commit suicide over that :p 
[07:59] <Iliketrains455> I got notified the server shut down.
[07:59] <Iliketrains455> Phew.
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> @Iliketrains455
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> Close enough, right.....ded
[08:00] <Pinkgirl234> O'm writing something called
[08:00] <Pinkgirl234> "How to be a staff member without getting declined"
[08:00] <Pinkgirl234> * I'm
[08:00] <Cavia porcellus> Funny how suicide references are awkward to me now.
[08:01] <Insert Your Name Here> That would be useful as heck
[08:01] <AWikiBoy521> @Cavia porcellus
[08:01] <AWikiBoy521> Kinda true
[08:01] <Pinkgirl234> I think I almost done
[08:01] <Insert Your Name Here> After dj's hillarious at rollback
[08:01] <AWikiBoy521> How some suicide references are awkward.
[08:01] <Insert Your Name Here> It's not a joke though
[08:01] <Insert Your Name Here> You shouldn't do it
[08:02] <Pinkgirl234> Guys just a question
[08:02] <Pinkgirl234> Is having a good speaking skill a quality on being a staff member?
[08:02] <Pinkgirl234> * (remove a)
[08:02] <Insert Your Name Here> I think that going on chat frequently is really important if you want to move up
[08:03] <Insert Your Name Here> It also improves your speaking skill
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[08:03] <Phanminhnhat> Damn it! I can't move my AS Sunflower into the lawn!
[08:03] <Pinkgirl234> (y) Danke
[08:03] <Insert Your Name Here> And ideed speaking skill is important in being a staff
[08:04] <Cavia porcellus> That rule would be hypocritical.
[08:04] <Pinkgirl234> It's jsut a quality but not a rule though
[08:04] <Phanminhnhat> Why my Sunflower is unable to move to the lawn?
[08:04] <Phanminhnhat> Maybe it's broken?
[08:04] <Pinkgirl234> Considering the lot of us remarked on DJ's speaking skill in the internet
[08:04] <Phanminhnhat> (PvZ: AS)
[08:05] <Phanminhnhat> Well, I'm not really good at speaking...
[08:05] <Insert Your Name Here> And the candidate needs to be able to distingush himself well
[08:05] <Lolwutburger> soooooo
[08:05] <Phanminhnhat> Especially pronunciation.
[08:05] <Lolwutburger> whatcha talkin bout now
[08:05] <Pinkgirl234> How I distinguished myself:
[08:05] <Pinkgirl234> Knowledge on screencaps, and the template [[Template:R|here]].
[08:05] <Insert Your Name Here> In my thread, I emphasized my attempt at rewriting plant pages
[08:05] <Pinkgirl234> Lag
[08:06] <Insert Your Name Here> As well as my prior experience
[08:07] <Pinkgirl234> testing
[08:07] <Insert Your Name Here> You might want to gain other's support before campaigning also
[08:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Especially the other staff members'
[08:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Make important edits, go on chat often
[08:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Help others in wiki problems
[08:08] <Pinkgirl234> [[Thread:489103]]
[08:08] <Insert Your Name Here> And maybe personal and relationship issues as well
[08:08] <Pinkgirl234> ^
[08:09] <Pinkgirl234> The arrow points to the thread actually
[08:09] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[08:10] <Pinkgirl234> Man I need a bath :/ 
[08:10] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[08:10] <Insert Your Name Here> It's not like someone is going to take a peek
[08:11] <Pinkgirl234> :[[]]P LOL
[08:13] <Pinkgirl234> test
[08:13] <AWikiBoy521> You Stinkygirl :P 
[08:14] <Insert Your Name Here> How many crushes do you have now anyway
[08:14] <Pinkgirl234> Dead chat?
[08:15] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[08:16] <Insert Your Name Here> What do I wanna talk anyway
[08:17] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[08:17] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[08:17] <Mage General Chrysalis> And, that's how you repel Pinkgirl.
[08:18] <AWikiBoy521> Not really.
[08:18] <AWikiBoy521> But you were repelled awhile ago.
[08:18] <Mage General Chrysalis> Meh, not really.
[08:21] <Lolwutburger> ded?
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> Reload due to swapping computers.
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, since it's almost Pinoy Chat....
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> What are you guys gonna do this week?
[08:26] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> Now, it's semi-Pinoy Chat.
[08:27] <Bubba2003> Hi?
[08:27] <Cavia porcellus> The week is lmost over.
[08:27] <Cavia porcellus> *almost
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> But, a new week for some Pinoys here in this wiki has yet to received...
[08:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> Go to Baguio hell
[08:28] <Bubba2003> awikiboy is puffy pregnant?
[08:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> What, the, heck?
[08:28] <Lolwutburger> watwatWAT
[08:28] <Bubba2003> got bored
[08:28] <AWikiBoy521> @Budda
[08:28] <AWikiBoy521> Pinkgirl's OC "Puffy"?
[08:28] <AWikiBoy521> Either way, the answer is no.
[08:28] <Bubba2003> k
[08:29] <AWikiBoy521> You just made some users react to that.
[08:29] <Cavia porcellus> Senpai vs. senpie?
[08:29] <AWikiBoy521> We are not even "that old" yet!
[08:29] <Mage General Chrysalis> We're just 13-18 year olds, mostly.
[08:29] <Mage General Chrysalis> Plus, I don't think anyone in this wiki even wants babies yet!
[08:29] <AWikiBoy521> And it's not like we're staying in this wiki after 10-20 years.
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, are you guys gonna survive being active in this wiki for "that long"?
[08:30] <Cavia porcellus> Until we reach "old pervert" status?
[08:32] <Mage General Chrysalis> Nope.
[08:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Relax, I'm getting 'there'
[08:32] <Lolwutburger> hola wintah n' insert
[08:32] <Mage General Chrysalis> I have things more relevant at life.
[08:32] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:32] <Mage General Chrysalis> Plus, I don't think anyone here will be an online predator.
[08:32] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[08:32] <Lolwutburger> except MaxStories
[08:32] <Lolwutburger> but he's gone now
[08:32] <AWikiBoy521> Or Carp
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> What did Carp do, exactly?
[08:33] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[08:33] <AWikiBoy521> Bye in the future, then?
[08:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Harassment, spam...
[08:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Profanity
[08:33] <Insert Your Name Here> All sorts of stuff
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> oh
[08:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Puff really hated that guy
[08:34] <AWikiBoy521> And some users...
[08:34] <WintahMhelon18> Carp harassed Puffy for 1 year, which is way too much for her
[08:34] <Cavia porcellus> I warned people when Max first joined, but no one listened.
[08:34] <Insert Your Name Here> And he also tried to badmouth her by pming me
[08:34] <Lolwutburger> Ooooh, that sucks.
[08:34] <Lolwutburger> I think Carp's the same guy who kept showing me his fish
[08:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Needless to say he is not a smart guy :p 
[08:34] <WintahMhelon18> Hence, Carp the Fish
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> I never really liked Max, tbh.
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> Sadly, his Matija account got the best of me
[08:35] <WintahMhelon18> Max also did the ancestor sockpuppet thingy?
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> So, yeah. Basically, if you want me to be on your side, you gotta be a South Park fan
[08:36] <WintahMhelon18> Also Rick and Morty
[08:36] <Lolwutburger> Yep
[08:36] <Lolwutburger> and Superjail
[08:39] <Mage General Chrysalis> I just want this Carp crap over, I don't want him to flirt and crap.
[08:39] <Lolwutburger> I don't really care about his fish.
[08:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Well [[User:Bubba2003]] is busy writing bs on other users' talk page again
[08:40] <Insert Your Name Here> I thought I told him to eff off once
[08:40] <Lolwutburger> ?
[08:41] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">What if he is Carp?</span>
[08:42] <WintahMhelon18> That reminds me, I remembered that some users thought I'm Wintermelon43 
[08:42] <Insert Your Name Here> We need to keep an eye on that guy
[08:42] <Insert Your Name Here> I should probably make a watchlist
[08:43] <Insert Your Name Here> On my wiki moonbase
[08:43] <WintahMhelon18> I'm gonna water the plants outside my yard later
[08:44] <AWikiBoy521> @Wintah
[08:44] <AWikiBoy521> Unfortunately, they knew that you are a pinoy, right?
[08:46] <WintahMhelon18> Maybe
[08:46] <WintahMhelon18> Eh
[08:48] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> So, are some you guys gonna survive being active in this wiki for like 5-10 (or more) years?
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Supback
[08:50] <DJcraft789> hullo
[08:50] <WintahMhelon18> hu
[08:51] <DJcraft789> i guess i'm embarrassed
[08:51] <DJcraft789> really freaking embarressed
[08:51] <AWikiBoy521> @DJcraft789
[08:51] <AWikiBoy521> Tell that to PK.
[08:52] <Insert Your Name Here> You sure did get beaten up
[08:52] <AWikiBoy521> It's kinda similar when she made her first edits in this wiki.
[08:52] <Insert Your Name Here> That would teach you a good lesson however
[08:52] <AWikiBoy521> Not just Pink's and Insert's lessons.
[08:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Maybe uo
[08:53] <Insert Your Name Here> You 2 could be friends
[08:53] <DJcraft789> Who's pk?
[08:53] <WintahMhelon18> Princess Kitty
[08:53] <AWikiBoy521> Princess Kitty
[08:53] <DJcraft789> oh
[08:53] <DJcraft789> that girl
[08:53] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[08:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[08:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Do you know her?
[08:54] <AWikiBoy521> @DJcraft789
[08:54] <AWikiBoy521> I'm pretty sure you know her, sort of, right?
[08:55] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Dash of Rainbows
[08:56] <Soap Shadow> Hi (wave) 
[08:56] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="color:#9c9c9c;"> * Pinkbot hugs Soap Shadow.</span>
[08:56] <Lolwutburger> testing testing 1 23
[08:56] <WintahMhelon18> Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie
[08:57] <Soap Shadow> WikiBoy Pinkbot? 
[08:57] <WintahMhelon18> Lels
[08:57] <AWikiBoy521> @Soap
[08:57] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[08:58] <Soap Shadow> Hm
[08:58] <AWikiBoy521> At least, you got hugged.
[08:58] <Soap Shadow> (-_-)
[08:59] <Soap Shadow> -_- 
[08:59] <Soap Shadow> Why are some emotes non brackets 
[08:59] <DJcraft789> yes i know her
[08:59] <DJcraft789> i talked to him in filipino
[09:00] <DJcraft789> i mean her
[09:00] <Soap Shadow> Hi Pink (wave) 
[09:00] <Pinkgirl234> Did someone say
[09:00] <Pinkgirl234> Pinkbot? &gt;:D 
[09:00] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Pink
[09:00] <WintahMhelon18> Yep
[09:00] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:00] <Insert Your Name Here> Wikiboi did it
[09:00] <Pinkgirl234> I guess someone summoned me. :P 
[09:01] <Insert Your Name Here> But secretly wintah summoned you
[09:01] <DJcraft789> /summon Pinkgirl234
[09:01] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="color:#9c9c9c;"> * Pinkbot hugs Pinkgirl and keels her.</span> :p 
[09:01] <DJcraft789> I know PK and i talk to her in filipino
[09:01] <Insert Your Name Here> L
[09:01] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[09:02] <WintahMhelon18> Lels
[09:02] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">(Pink)Lass' Kiss </span>
[09:03] <Pinkgirl234> Kissy kissy mwah mwah .3.
[09:03] <DJcraft789> brb, gonna change me profile
[09:03] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Also, let's not forget "that kissy moment".</span>
[09:03] <Magnet Plant> Hi
[09:03] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:03] <Magnet Plant> Sunday
[09:03] <Magnet Plant> tommorrow is school again
[09:03] <Magnet Plant> :c
[09:03] <WintahMhelon18> Ikr
[09:04] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">One of her "senpais" are actually similar to me when I done some random.</span>
[09:04] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I have no school on Monday!
[09:04] <AWikiBoy521> Because Post Teacher's day in my school.
[09:04] <Magnet Plant> omfg lucky
[09:04] <AWikiBoy521> Now, my week is yet another sem-break.
[09:04] <WintahMhelon18> You summoned then keeled Pinkgirl @AWB
[09:05] <Lolwutburger> fact
[09:05] <Lolwutburger> FUCK the school system
[09:05] <Lolwutburger> that was LWB with his opinions
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> Since APEC caused some of us in this wiki to have no classes during this week's Tuesday to Friday.
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> Including me.
[09:05] <Lolwutburger> Yeah, but we got gay-ass homework to do
[09:05] <Lolwutburger> that's why fuck the school system.
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> I'm almost done, though.
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> With those HWs.
[09:06] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:06] <Lolwutburger> I don't really want to do those homeworks but I have to do them or else my mother will smash my laptop onto my head or something.
[09:06] <AWikiBoy521> @Wintah
[09:06] <AWikiBoy521> Then, I did the same again.
[09:06] <Pinkgirl234> Soupback
[09:06] <WintahMhelon18> WB Pinkgirl
[09:06] <Soap Shadow> Pink
[09:06] <Soap Shadow> -_- 
[09:06] <Pinkgirl234> "mash my laptop onto my head" Well that's just violent 
[09:07] <Pinkgirl234> * smash
[09:07] <WintahMhelon18> Welp, gotta water le plants outside me yard. BRB
[09:07] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[09:07] <Lolwutburger> hola pg234
[09:07] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs WIntah :3 
[09:07] <Lolwutburger> So earlier, I made Dinkleberg fanart
[09:07] <Lolwutburger> :D 
[09:07] <Lolwutburger>
[09:07] <WintahMhelon18> But before I water them, *hugs back to Pinkgirl*
[09:08] <Lolwutburger> The first instance of Black Dinkleberg and Dinklebear
[09:08] <AWikiBoy521> Last time on one of my previous comments:
[09:08] <AWikiBoy521> "That Dinklegirl though."
[09:08] <WintahMhelon18> @LWB, Turner's dad disapproves
[09:08] <DJcraft789> Back
[09:08] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[09:08] <WintahMhelon18> Paris, eh?
[09:08] <DJcraft789> yup
[09:08] <AWikiBoy521> Ok, now I get it.
[09:09] <AWikiBoy521> Who else?
[09:09] <Pinkgirl234> Prayers for Paris?
[09:09] <WintahMhelon18> Should we do it too?
[09:09] <AWikiBoy521> Not me.
[09:09] <DJcraft789> Yap
[09:09] <DJcraft789> WikiBoy
[09:09] <Pinkgirl234> Because I heard massacre happened ther
[09:09] <DJcraft789> why not
[09:09] <AWikiBoy521> Although, I prayed for them.
[09:09] <AWikiBoy521> Not just Paris.
[09:09] <WintahMhelon18> But for the whole world
[09:09] <Lolwutburger> Instead of drawing paris art, I made Dinkleberry instead
[09:09] <Lolwutburger> Priorities
[09:10] <AWikiBoy521> @Wintah
[09:10] <AWikiBoy521> Some parts of the world.
[09:10] <Magnet Plant> I'm in germany
[09:10] <Pinkgirl234> Man a lot of people are genocidal or something 
[09:10] <Magnet Plant> where the refugee storm is happening
[09:10] <Lolwutburger> y'know
[09:10] <Magnet Plant> and as you may know
[09:10] <Lolwutburger> South Park told me that ISIS are ninjas.
[09:10] <Magnet Plant> ISIS soldiers can hide there awesomely
[09:10] <Magnet Plant> so
[09:10] <Magnet Plant> well
[09:10] <Lolwutburger> I posted that on Facebook and the girl that I like liked the psot
[09:10] <Magnet Plant> i'm basically fucked
[09:10] <Lolwutburger> along with a bunch of other dorks
[09:10] <DJcraft789> Anyone hates paris, please, pray for them
[09:10] <Lolwutburger> and my cousin I think
[09:10] <Lolwutburger> Therefore
[09:10] <Lolwutburger> South Park gets you the ladies?
[09:10] <Lolwutburger> See, there's a question mark
[09:11] <Lolwutburger> I'm asking questions
[09:11] <Lolwutburger> and Hola Soap
[09:11] <Magnet Plant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> gr8 nobody cares about me :c </span>
[09:11] <DJcraft789> Any active forum mods
[09:11] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="color:red;">test</span>
[09:11] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:11] <Pinkgirl234> Wait are the chat tags broken?
[09:11] <Soap Shadow> Ty
[09:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="color:pink;">Okay, Pink.</span>
[09:11] <AWikiBoy521> Not in my chat.
[09:12] <Pinkgirl234> The heck what happened?
[09:12] <AWikiBoy521> It works just fine.
[09:12] <AWikiBoy521> Cache issues?
[09:12] <Soap Shadow> <span style="color:red;">test</span>
[09:12] <DJcraft789> hey guys, you know Jooaoaoo?
[09:12] <Soap Shadow> Works
[09:12] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[09:12] <Lolwutburger> I sorta remember him/her/it/them
[09:12] <AWikiBoy521> R.I.P. Jooaoaoo
[09:13] <DJcraft789> fun fact, Stalliy is a sockpuppet of Jooaoaooo
[09:13] <Soap Shadow> Pink do Ctrl + F5
[09:13] <Lolwutburger> refreshments
[09:14] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:14] <Lolwutburger> hola iynh
[09:14] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[09:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Still on the bus to campus
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> Oks
[09:15] <Lolwutburger> Are girls trying to get to you again?
[09:15] <Insert Your Name Here> No
[09:16] <Lolwutburger> okay
[09:16] <Lolwutburger> Timmy Turner's dad is anti-semitic
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwutburger
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> Per Insert
[09:16] <Lolwutburger> since Dinkleberg is obviously a Jew
[09:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Why they built the uni in the middle of nowhere is a real question
[09:17] <Insert Your Name Here> I've been travelling for 1.5 hour now
[09:17] <Lolwutburger> They probably want to be closer to a certain purple dog?
[09:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Dog meat is a delicacy here
[09:18] <Lolwutburger> yum
[09:18] <Insert Your Name Here> I am more of a cat perso 
[09:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Person
[09:18] <Lolwutburger> ABANDONED BY A PUP
[09:18] <Lolwutburger> HE WAS FOUND BY MURIEL
[09:18] <AWikiBoy521> Not a Dog person?
[09:19] <Lolwutburger> WITH HER HUSBAND
[09:19] <Lolwutburger> EUSTACE BAGGE!
[09:19] <Lolwutburger> SO IT'S UP TO COURAGE TO SAVE HIS NEW HOME!
[09:19] <Insert Your Name Here> I've always liked cat better
[09:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Dog stops being nice when they mature
[09:20] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:20] <AWikiBoy521> Then you like Cattail then?
[09:20] <Magnet Plant> Really? My dog is like 12 years old and still likes to play with me.
[09:20] <Magnet Plant> @IYNH
[09:20] <AWikiBoy521> @Magnet Plant
[09:20] <AWikiBoy521> Not all species of dogs are like that.
[09:20] <Magnet Plant> Yeah
[09:21] <Magnet Plant> but IYNH tells it like it's for ALL dogs
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> That implies that.
[09:22] <Lolwutburger> I want to try and do a voice impression of Timmy Turner's dad but I can't
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> And I wrote that other statement just to let you users here in chat know.
[09:26] <AWikiBoy521> Now, I declare that chat is dead.
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:32] <AWikiBoy521> You may leave dead chat if you want.
[09:34] <Magnet Plant> meh
[09:36] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[09:36] <AWikiBoy521> Bye to a certain user or two.
[09:38] <TheAnonymousA> Brb, I have to bath.
[09:38] <AWikiBoy521> Knew it, Vice Stinkyboy.
[09:39] <TheAnonymousA> Vice stinkyboy?
[09:39] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[09:39] <AWikiBoy521> [[user:Pinkgirl234|The Mayor]] is your leader.
[09:40] <TheAnonymousA> I went out and played in the rain! Now I have to shower! I had a bath before!
[09:40] <TheAnonymousA> Hold on, Pinkgirl is the stinky mayor?
[09:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Since she forgot to take a bath a while ago.</span>
[09:41] <TheAnonymousA> Really?
[09:41] <TheAnonymousA> Well, that's not a big deal.
[09:41] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[09:41] <TheAnonymousA> Anyway, bath time! Brb'
[09:41] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[09:43] <TheAnonymousA> My towel's missing. Great
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[09:55] <TheAnonymousA> Vice President <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">stinky</span> clean has returned!
[09:56] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[09:56] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:57] <TheAnonymousA> This chat is almost dead
[09:58] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:58] <TheAnonymousA> Hi TULO !
[09:59] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[09:59] <TheAnonymousA> Please help revive this chat!
[10:01] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:02] <Lolwutburger> THE SCHOOL SYSTEM IS FLAWED
[10:03] <AWikiBoy521> Why, Lolwut?
[10:03] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Supback
[10:03] <Lolwutburger> Because instead of teaching students what they want to learn, they're teaching students some random crap like Algebra
[10:03] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[10:04] <Lolwutburger> I mean, I'm aspiring to be an animator, so when will I even use Algebra in doing that?
[10:04] <AWikiBoy521> It is met for all students.
[10:04] <AWikiBoy521> *meant
[10:04] <AWikiBoy521> Also, "codes",
[10:04] <Lolwutburger> hola
[10:04] <Lolwutburger> haven't seen you in a while
[10:04] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:05] <TheAnonymousA> Well, you do need maths in coding...
[10:05] <TheAnonymousA> And hi!
[10:05] <The Magic Star> tako
[10:05] <AWikiBoy521> And animating.
[10:05] <The Magic Star> sorry the wifi wasn't working
[10:05] <The Magic Star> anyway what's new
[10:05] <The Magic Star> the dinos are op
[10:06] <AWikiBoy521> Heck, even one of my friends, who that friend studies some algebra now, is studying to become an animator.
[10:06] <AWikiBoy521> Deal with it.
[10:06] <AWikiBoy521> You need it.
[10:07] <Lolwutburger> I heard that the only people who use algebra in their jobs are algebra teachers
[10:07] <Lolwutburger> I just want to produce a show
[10:07] <Lolwutburger> but noooo
[10:08] <The Magic Star> test
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> some butthead decided to screw with a lot of kids and add some hard-to-learn-because-I-don't-want-to-learn crap to the curriculum
[10:08] <The Magic Star> perfume-shroom is so cute
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> If I was in charge, I'd run things differently
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> and I agree, TMS
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> Perfume-Shroom is cute
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> We don't get much mouthless shrooms
[10:09] <Lolwutburger> ...
[10:09] <The Magic Star> I just thought
[10:09] <Lolwutburger> damn it, why does the school of my dreams have to be in the place that a Family Guy character is named after
[10:09] <Lolwutburger> aka Cleveland
[10:09] <The Magic Star> Peashooter evolved to be more useless
[10:09] <Lolwutburger> ?
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> Oooooh
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> I get it
[10:11] <The Magic Star> test
[10:12] <TheAnonymousA> AWB, remember the story I had to write yesterday?
[10:12] <AWikiBoy521> I do.
[10:14] <The Magic Star> Jurrasic Marsh looks like BWB-hard level
[10:15] <TheAnonymousA> Well, the story was about a rich boy and his sandwich.
[10:15] <TheAnonymousA> I also used 2 user's names in it.
[10:16] <TheAnonymousA> If you want, I can tell you the story through PM.
[10:17] <TheAnonymousA> Well, this chat is dead.
[10:17] <TheAnonymousA> I really should come back later.
[10:18] <TheAnonymousA> Adios!
[10:21] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[10:22] <The Magic Star> cake
[10:24] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[10:24] <AWikiBoy521> You want?
[10:25] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:25] <TheAnonymousA> I'm back!
[10:26] <TheAnonymousA> ......And it's only half active.
[10:11] <The Magic Star> test
[10:12] <TheAnonymousA> AWB, remember the story I had to write yesterday?
[10:12] <AWikiBoy521> I do.
[10:14] <The Magic Star> Jurrasic Marsh looks like BWB-hard level
[10:15] <TheAnonymousA> Well, the story was about a rich boy and his sandwich.
[10:15] <TheAnonymousA> I also used 2 user's names in it.
[10:16] <TheAnonymousA> If you want, I can tell you the story through PM.
[10:17] <TheAnonymousA> Well, this chat is dead.
[10:17] <TheAnonymousA> I really should come back later.
[10:18] <TheAnonymousA> Adios!
[10:21] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[10:22] <The Magic Star> cake
[10:24] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[10:24] <AWikiBoy521> You want?
[10:25] <TheAnonymousA> I'm back!
[10:26] <TheAnonymousA> ......And it's only half active.
[10:28] <The Magic Star> ocake
[10:28] <The Magic Star> ocake
[10:33] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[10:34] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[10:34] <WintahMhelon18> Yo to both
[10:35] <Uselessguy> Forgot to close the tab
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> The End to UG
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> Bye Good
[10:35] <Uselessguy> O/ 
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> The End to UG
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> Bye Good
[10:39] <TheAnonymousA> Sorry, accidental close.
[10:39] <TheAnonymousA> Anyone there?
[10:39] <TheAnonymousA> Sorry, accidental close.
[10:39] <TheAnonymousA> Anyone there?
[10:46] <Princess Kitty> hello?
[10:51] <Iamarepeater> Pinkgirl died because of pregnancy complication
[10:51] <Charmande red321> eh
[10:51] <Charmande red321> what
[10:51] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wtf
[10:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is she <span style="font-weight:bold;">actually</span> pregnant?!
[10:52] <Iamarepeater> She said so
[10:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> how old is she
[10:52] <Charmande red321> was
[10:52] <TheAnonymousA> Is she <span style="font-style:italic;">really</span> dead?
[10:52] <Iamarepeater> Check her userpage
[10:52] <Charmande red321> then RIP Pinkgirl
[10:52] <The Magic Star> tako
[10:52] <TheAnonymousA> Checking it now...
[10:53] <The Magic Star> what??\
[10:53] <Charmande red321> kay...
[10:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wtf
[10:53] <Iamarepeater> [[User:Pinkgirl234]]
[10:54] <TheAnonymousA> Oh my god, she really is!
[10:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> she can't be 16
[10:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> :O 
[10:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wat is dis
[10:55] <Princess Kitty> hello?
[10:55] <Iamarepeater> [[User:Pinkgirl234]]
[10:55] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi
[10:55] <TheAnonymousA> Hi PK!
[10:56] <TheAnonymousA> Hi Chrysalis!
[10:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello...
[10:56] <Charmande red321> hiya IssaPK
[10:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> Right now, I feel like making a pre-death letter.
[10:56] <Charmande red321> then ill ask
[10:56] <Charmande red321> when did she die
[10:33] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[10:34] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[10:34] <WintahMhelon18> Yo to both
[10:35] <Uselessguy> Forgot to close the tab
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> The End to UG
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> Bye Good
[10:35] <Uselessguy> O/ 
[10:39] <TheAnonymousA> Sorry, accidental close.
[10:39] <TheAnonymousA> Anyone there?
[10:46] <Princess Kitty> hello?
[10:51] <Iamarepeater> Pinkgirl died because of pregnancy complication
[10:51] <Charmande red321> eh
[10:51] <Charmande red321> what
[10:51] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wtf
[10:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is she <span style="font-weight:bold;">actually</span> pregnant?!
[10:52] <Iamarepeater> She said so
[10:52] <Dr Crzzy Dave> how old is she
[10:52] <Charmande red321> was
[10:52] <TheAnonymousA> Is she <span style="font-style:italic;">really</span> dead?
[10:52] <Iamarepeater> Check her userpage
[10:52] <Charmande red321> then RIP Pinkgirl
[10:52] <The Magic Star> tako
[10:52] <TheAnonymousA> Checking it now...
[10:53] <The Magic Star> what??\
[10:53] <Charmande red321> kay...
[10:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wtf
[10:53] <Iamarepeater> [[User:Pinkgirl234]]
[10:54] <TheAnonymousA> Oh my god, she really is!
[10:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> she can't be 16
[10:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> :O 
[10:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wat is dis
[10:55] <Princess Kitty> hello?
[10:55] <Iamarepeater> [[User:Pinkgirl234]]
[10:55] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi
[10:55] <TheAnonymousA> Hi PK!
[10:56] <TheAnonymousA> Hi Chrysalis!
[10:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello...
[10:56] <Charmande red321> hiya IssaPK
[10:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> Right now, I feel like making a pre-death letter.
[10:56] <Charmande red321> then ill ask
[10:56] <Charmande red321> when did she die
[10:56] <Iamarepeater> hi Chrysalis
[10:57] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[10:57] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wait wat
[10:57] <TheAnonymousA> Why Chrysalis?
[10:57] <Charmande red321> answer plz cuz im morbidly curious
[10:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Wat is a pre death letteR?
[10:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oops
[10:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *letter
[10:58] <TheAnonymousA> The name says it all.
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Something to write before I die for the people I care about.
[10:58] <TheAnonymousA> I guess it's like a will or something.
[10:58] <Charmande red321> huh
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Because I feel like ISIS is coming.
[10:59] <TheAnonymousA> But you're not going to die, are you?
[10:59] <TheAnonymousA> ISIS?
[10:59] <Dr Crzzy Dave> holy ****
[10:59] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i feel like dying</span>
[10:59] <Dr Crzzy Dave> what country do you live in?
[10:59] <Charmande red321> ISIS coming for the Philippines?
[10:59] <Dr Crzzy Dave> there are ones they don't care about
[10:59] <TheAnonymousA> What is ISIS?
[10:59] <Charmande red321> Iraq
[10:59] <Charmande red321> or was it Iran
[10:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> ISIS is a terrorist organization.
[11:00] <TheAnonymousA> Ok, now I understand..
[11:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> I just think that they might be coming soon.
[11:00] <TheAnonymousA> Well then, trust your instincts and write it if you want!
[11:00] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Chrysalis
[11:00] <Dr Crzzy Dave> are you in the Philippines? 
[11:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yeah.
[11:01] <Charmande red321> ya sure ISIS will come here?
[11:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> One day.
[11:01] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I don't really think they care about that place
[11:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Eh, they do.
[11:01] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">but we're the little brown brothers of murica</span>
[11:02] <TheAnonymousA> Now I'm scared that ISIS will come after me. Thanks a lot, chat! I already have about a hundred fears...
[11:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wait
[11:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Chrysalis
[11:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> are you in North Mindanao?
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> There are too many noises and thumps in our roof that I worry if they're either meteor pieces or terrorists!
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm in Manila, Luzon.
[11:02] <TheAnonymousA> Hailstones, maybe?
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> This country doesn't have snow.
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> It just has stray cats.
[11:02] <Charmande red321> since im in Mindanao
[11:02] <TheAnonymousA> What would terrorists do on your roof?
[11:02] <Charmande red321> and Zamboanga is somewhat near
[11:03] <Charmande red321> so...
[11:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Shoot people from above and try to break in
[11:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hold my house hostage
[11:03] <TheAnonymousA> I mean, they'd probably burst into your house than creep along on the roof.
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ^
[11:04] <TheAnonymousA> Hi, DJcraft!
[11:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep, there's that.
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> thank god I'm in Wigan
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> this place
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is a place where no one gives a shit
[11:05] <TheAnonymousA> Supback', AWB!
[11:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello.
[11:05] <Charmande red321> where is that exactly
[11:05] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:05] <Charmande red321> hiya AWB
[11:05] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Char, it's in Britain
[11:05] <Charmande red321> oh ok
[11:06] <AWikiBoy521> I bet some users in this chat are busy, right?
[11:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Why does the gambler of life have to hate me?
[11:06] <Dr Crzzy Dave> the only place they care about in/near Britain is London
[11:06] <TheAnonymousA> As in..?
[11:06] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Why does my Immune System hate me?</span>
[11:06] <Dr Crzzy Dave> but London, I'm never going there
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">The answers are just "Life"?</span>
[11:07] <Charmande red321> Living Is F***ing Hard
[11:07] <Charmande red321> LIFH
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> Stilling waiting for PvZ2 new update.
[11:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I want to move to canada even more now
[11:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> hola mi amigos
[11:07] <Charmande red321> stilling
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:07] <Charmande red321> hiya LWB
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> It's already been an hour and the swf hasn't finished converting yet
[11:08] <Iamarepeater> I'm updating my Ios
[11:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Canada is so safe :O 
[11:10] <Princess Kitty> hi! :D 
[11:10] <AWikiBoy521> Supb
[11:10] <AWikiBoy521> *Sups
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[11:10] <Plantpower967> Uhhh I need help
[11:10] <Plantpower967> Grapeshot is still not showing in my store
[11:11] <Iamarepeater> hive
[11:11] <Plantpower967> And Ghost Pepper is still there
[11:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> clear the game's cache
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Now, chat is getting reviving!
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:12] <Plantpower967> That ain't deleting anything?
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> @Plantpower967
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Well, get Ghost Pepper while you can!
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> waiy
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *wait
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I hardly know
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ask someone else
[11:13] <Plantpower967> I already have him
[11:13] <AWikiBoy521> *her
[11:13] <Plantpower967> I got her in her first release
[11:13] <AWikiBoy521> @Dr Crzzy Dave
[11:13] <AWikiBoy521> Why not Ask Someone456 in his blog right now? :p 
[11:14] <Plantpower967> Sooo clearing the cache dosen't delete anything??
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> It's really like that.
[11:14] <Plantpower967> Ok thanks
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> Get Grapeshot in the next update instead.
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> back again
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> i'm backsies
[11:15] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @AWiki :P 
[11:15] <AWikiBoy521> Jack o' Lantern is still available as of now.
[11:15] <Plantpower967> Well I'm not buying him anyways :P 
[11:15] <Charmande red321> ohai
[11:15] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:16] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> suddenly forgets that he restarted PvZ2 without getting Infi-nut
[11:00] <TheAnonymousA> Well then, trust your instincts and write it if you want!
[11:00] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Chrysalis
[11:00] <Dr Crzzy Dave> are you in the Philippines? 
[11:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yeah.
[11:01] <Charmande red321> ya sure ISIS will come here?
[11:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> One day.
[11:01] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I don't really think they care about that place
[11:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Eh, they do.
[11:01] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">but we're the little brown brothers of murica</span>
[11:02] <TheAnonymousA> Now I'm scared that ISIS will come after me. Thanks a lot, chat! I already have about a hundred fears...
[11:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wait
[11:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Chrysalis
[11:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> are you in North Mindanao?
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> There are too many noises and thumps in our roof that I worry if they're either meteor pieces or terrorists!
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm in Manila, Luzon.
[11:02] <TheAnonymousA> Hailstones, maybe?
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> This country doesn't have snow.
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> It just has stray cats.
[11:02] <Charmande red321> since im in Mindanao
[11:02] <TheAnonymousA> What would terrorists do on your roof?
[11:02] <Charmande red321> and Zamboanga is somewhat near
[11:03] <Charmande red321> so...
[11:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Shoot people from above and try to break in
[11:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hold my house hostage
[11:03] <TheAnonymousA> I mean, they'd probably burst into your house than creep along on the roof.
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ^
[11:04] <TheAnonymousA> Hi, DJcraft!
[11:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep, there's that.
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> thank god I'm in Wigan
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> this place
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is a place where no one gives a shit
[11:05] <TheAnonymousA> Supback', AWB!
[11:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello.
[11:05] <Charmande red321> where is that exactly
[11:05] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:05] <Charmande red321> hiya AWB
[11:05] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Char, it's in Britain
[11:05] <Charmande red321> oh ok
[11:06] <AWikiBoy521> I bet some users in this chat are busy, right?
[11:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Why does the gambler of life have to hate me?
[11:06] <Dr Crzzy Dave> the only place they care about in/near Britain is London
[11:06] <TheAnonymousA> As in..?
[11:06] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Why does my Immune System hate me?</span>
[11:06] <Dr Crzzy Dave> but London, I'm never going there
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">The answers are just "Life"?</span>
[11:07] <Charmande red321> Living Is F***ing Hard
[11:07] <Charmande red321> LIFH
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> Stilling waiting for PvZ2 new update.
[11:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I want to move to canada even more now
[11:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> hola mi amigos
[11:07] <Charmande red321> stilling
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:07] <Charmande red321> hiya LWB
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> It's already been an hour and the swf hasn't finished converting yet
[11:08] <Iamarepeater> I'm updating my Ios
[11:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Canada is so safe :O 
[11:10] <Princess Kitty> hi! :D 
[11:10] <AWikiBoy521> Supb
[11:10] <AWikiBoy521> *Sups
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[11:10] <Plantpower967> Uhhh I need help
[11:10] <Plantpower967> Grapeshot is still not showing in my store
[11:11] <Iamarepeater> hive
[11:11] <Plantpower967> And Ghost Pepper is still there
[11:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> clear the game's cache
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Now, chat is getting reviving!
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:12] <Plantpower967> That ain't deleting anything?
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> @Plantpower967
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Well, get Ghost Pepper while you can!
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> waiy
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *wait
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I hardly know
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ask someone else
[11:13] <Plantpower967> I already have him
[11:13] <AWikiBoy521> *her
[11:13] <Plantpower967> I got her in her first release
[11:13] <AWikiBoy521> @Dr Crzzy Dave
[11:13] <AWikiBoy521> Why not Ask Someone456 in his blog right now? :p 
[11:14] <Plantpower967> Sooo clearing the cache dosen't delete anything??
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> It's really like that.
[11:14] <Plantpower967> Ok thanks
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> Get Grapeshot in the next update instead.
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> back again
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> i'm backsies
[11:15] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @AWiki :P 
[11:15] <AWikiBoy521> Jack o' Lantern is still available as of now.
[11:15] <Plantpower967> Well I'm not buying him anyways :P 
[11:15] <Charmande red321> ohai
[11:15] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:16] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> suddenly forgets that he restarted PvZ2 without getting Infi-nut
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> ps
[11:17] <Lolwutburger> matt will now ping me as well as matthew
[11:17] <Plantpower967> *Clearing Cache...*
[11:17] <Charmande red321> Matthew Santoro
[11:17] <Charmande red321> best facts
[11:17] <AWikiBoy521> Matt's Hat
[11:17] <AWikiBoy521> Matt's Princess
[11:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Matthew Lush was once my icon
[11:18] <DJcraft789> [[Thread:489209]]
[11:18] <Charmande red321> oh no wonder YouTube has that flag
[11:19] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yep
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> for some reason, pings don't work for me when I
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> am
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> in another tab
[11:20] <Charmande red321> hm
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> so get a load of DINKLEBERRY
[11:20] <Lolwutburger>
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> ps
[11:17] <Lolwutburger> matt will now ping me as well as matthew
[11:17] <Plantpower967> *Clearing Cache...*
[11:17] <Charmande red321> Matthew Santoro
[11:17] <Charmande red321> best facts
[11:17] <AWikiBoy521> Matt's Hat
[11:17] <AWikiBoy521> Matt's Princess
[11:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Matthew Lush was once my icon
[11:18] <DJcraft789> [[Thread:489209]]
[11:18] <Charmande red321> oh no wonder YouTube has that flag
[11:19] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yep
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> for some reason, pings don't work for me when I
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> am
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> in another tab
[11:20] <Charmande red321> hm
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> so get a load of DINKLEBERRY
[11:20] <Lolwutburger>
[11:20] <Charmande red321> how to ruin a good chat mood
[11:21] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:21] <AWikiBoy521> Dinkleberry juice flavor
[11:21] <Charmande red321> wb Issa
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> holagain
[11:22] <Charmande red321> what if Issa is an Ice Maiden
[11:22] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[11:23] <Charmande red321> then the amount of Air Conditioners in this chat increases
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> my house and the bear
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> GET ALL DAT STUFF OFFA THERE
[11:23] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wut
[11:23] <Charmande red321> so no more House?
[11:23] <Charmande red321> just wondering
[11:23] <AWikiBoy521> There is Cory.
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> The Simpsons once told me that the French were Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys
[11:23] <Charmande red321> was there any French users in this wiki
[11:24] <Lolwutburger> holagain
[11:24] <Plantpower967> @WikiBoy
[11:24] <Plantpower967> Cleared the Cache Grapeshot still not in store
[11:24] <AWikiBoy521> Well, probably.
[11:24] <Charmande red321> if there was
[11:24] <Charmande red321> then feeling bad
[11:24] <Charmande red321> will happen
[11:24] <TheAnonymousA> Daniel0123456789 is french.
[11:24] <Charmande red321> wb DJ
[11:24] <AWikiBoy521> @Plantpower967
[11:24] <AWikiBoy521> Just wait for the official next update to get him.
[11:24] <DJcraft789> Wb?
[11:24] <DJcraft789> wats dat
[11:24] <Charmande red321> welcome
[11:24] <Charmande red321> back
[11:24] <Charmande red321> learn your slangs
[11:24] <TheAnonymousA> His school has a holiday tomorrow because of the incident.
[11:25] <Charmande red321> huh
[11:25] <DJcraft789> oh
[11:25] <DJcraft789> ok
[11:25] <Charmande red321> i really wonder about more terrorists in the Philippines
[11:25] <Plantpower967> Well its Nov 16 tomorrow anyways
[11:25] <TheAnonymousA> And I have a holiday tomorrow because of rain! (sun) 
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> I wonder more about whatever happened to Chris Chan these days
[11:26] <DJcraft789> Guys i hope you guys support!
[11:26] <Lolwutburger> he's a SSB fan now I guess
[11:26] <Charmande red321> i guess he's smashing right now
[11:26] <Lolwutburger> also what the hell is with the Steven Universe tumblr fandom
[11:26] <Plantpower967> When's the official release anyways?
[11:26] <Charmande red321> *shrugs*
[11:26] <Plantpower967> of JM*
[11:20] <Charmande red321> how to ruin a good chat mood
[11:21] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:21] <AWikiBoy521> Dinkleberry juice flavor
[11:21] <Charmande red321> wb Issa
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> holagain
[11:22] <Charmande red321> what if Issa is an Ice Maiden
[11:22] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[11:23] <Charmande red321> then the amount of Air Conditioners in this chat increases
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> my house and the bear
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> GET ALL DAT STUFF OFFA THERE
[11:23] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wut
[11:23] <Charmande red321> so no more House?
[11:23] <Charmande red321> just wondering
[11:23] <AWikiBoy521> There is Cory.
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> The Simpsons once told me that the French were Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys
[11:23] <Charmande red321> was there any French users in this wiki
[11:24] <Lolwutburger> holagain
[11:24] <Plantpower967> @WikiBoy
[11:24] <Plantpower967> Cleared the Cache Grapeshot still not in store
[11:24] <AWikiBoy521> Well, probably.
[11:24] <Charmande red321> if there was
[11:24] <Charmande red321> then feeling bad
[11:24] <Charmande red321> will happen
[11:24] <TheAnonymousA> Daniel0123456789 is french.
[11:24] <Charmande red321> wb DJ
[11:24] <AWikiBoy521> @Plantpower967
[11:24] <AWikiBoy521> Just wait for the official next update to get him.
[11:27] <Charmande red321> wb Repeating
[11:27] <Iamarepeater> Pray for paris movement Dr Crzzy dave ?
[11:27] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yes
[11:27] <AWikiBoy521> I already did.
[11:27] <Charmande red321> just gonna change into French avi
[11:27] <DJcraft789> Paris is actually pronounce as "Paree"
[11:28] <Charmande red321> Paré?
[11:28] <DJcraft789> yup
[11:28] <Charmande red321> more of like a hard "Pari"
[11:28] <Lolwutburger> oui oui
[11:28] <Lolwutburger> I know for sure that Oggy and the Cockroaches is from France
[11:29] <DJcraft789> it was banned from U.S.
[11:29] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ugh
[11:29] <Charmande red321> Oggy is from France
[11:29] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I need to move to Canda
[11:29] <Charmande red321> which is safer
[11:30] <Charmande red321> Sweden or Switzerland
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[11:27] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yes
[11:27] <AWikiBoy521> I already did.
[11:27] <Charmande red321> just gonna change into French avi
[11:27] <DJcraft789> Paris is actually pronounce as "Paree"
[11:28] <Charmande red321> Paré?
[11:28] <DJcraft789> yup
[11:28] <Charmande red321> more of like a hard "Pari"
[11:28] <Lolwutburger> oui oui
[11:28] <Lolwutburger> I know for sure that Oggy and the Cockroaches is from France
[11:29] <DJcraft789> it was banned from U.S.
[11:29] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ugh
[11:29] <Charmande red321> Oggy is from France
[11:29] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I need to move to Canda
[11:29] <Charmande red321> which is safer
[11:30] <Charmande red321> Sweden or Switzerland
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[11:30] <DJcraft789> I forgot to ask PewDiePie that "Is Sweden is Safe?"
[11:30] <Charmande red321> wb second headed Jakiro
[11:30] <DJcraft789> [[Thread:489209#2]]
[11:30] <DJcraft789> also
[11:31] <DJcraft789> can someone highlight that
[11:31] <Charmande red321> boop back
[11:31] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:31] <DJcraft789> thx
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> You know what, the Candy Crush Wiki does something like that.
[11:32] <DJcraft789> wait wat
[11:32] <Charmande red321> like what
[11:32] <AWikiBoy521> In the wiki background.
[11:32] <Charmande red321> for France?
[11:32] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[11:32] <Lolwutburger> I wish FNaF was more like this
[11:32] <Lolwutburger>
[11:32] <AWikiBoy521> You just did "that", didn't you Charman?
[11:33] <Charmande red321> yep
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Now, who else?
[11:33] <Lolwutburger> not me
[11:33] <Lolwutburger> I'm still staying as Leslie
[11:33] <Charmande red321> what if FNaF was like that indeed
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[11:33] <DJcraft789> i gotta go tell the pvzcc wikians
[11:34] <Charmande red321> just wondering
[11:34] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wtf is that show...
[11:34] <Charmande red321> is MSP from France?
[11:34] <DJcraft789> nope
[11:34] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:34] <DJcraft789> he's from uk
[11:34] <Charmande red321> no wonder
[11:34] <Princess Kitty> hey guys
[11:35] <Charmande red321> my History teacher makes me feel bad about Europe
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> hello
[11:35] <Charmande red321> hiya PK
[11:35] <DJcraft789> PK
[11:35] <DJcraft789> Kamusta
[11:35] <Charmande red321> PK
[11:35] <Princess Kitty> When I search on Google. I found: "plants vs. zombies does crazy dave die?"
[11:35] <Charmande red321> sumusuporta ka sa prans?
[11:35] <DJcraft789> Wait Wat
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Princess Kitty
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> What the heck?
[11:36] <DJcraft789> Who wrote dat
[11:36] <Charmande red321> "does crazy dave die"
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Idk, some random people, I guess.
[11:36] <Charmande red321> omg
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:36] <Charmande red321> made me wonder about Crazy Dave's life
[11:36] <DJcraft789> [[Thread:489209#2]]
[11:36] <Charmande red321> hiya Wintah
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> Well, there was one theory that Crazy Dave is actually a zombie who keeps his body human by using dead plant extracts
[11:36] <DJcraft789> sup bak
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> but I forgot where I heard that theory from
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Ah......too late.
[11:36] <Charmande red321> i wish MatPat made a PvZ Theory
[11:30] <DJcraft789> I forgot to ask PewDiePie that "Is Sweden is Safe?"
[11:30] <Charmande red321> wb second headed Jakiro
[11:30] <DJcraft789> [[Thread:489209#2]]
[11:30] <DJcraft789> also
[11:31] <DJcraft789> can someone highlight that
[11:31] <Charmande red321> boop back
[11:31] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:31] <DJcraft789> thx
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> You know what, the Candy Crush Wiki does something like that.
[11:32] <DJcraft789> wait wat
[11:32] <Charmande red321> like what
[11:32] <AWikiBoy521> In the wiki background.
[11:32] <Charmande red321> for France?
[11:32] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[11:32] <Lolwutburger> I wish FNaF was more like this
[11:32] <Lolwutburger>
[11:32] <AWikiBoy521> You just did "that", didn't you Charman?
[11:33] <Charmande red321> yep
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Now, who else?
[11:33] <Lolwutburger> not me
[11:33] <Lolwutburger> I'm still staying as Leslie
[11:33] <Charmande red321> what if FNaF was like that indeed
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[11:33] <DJcraft789> i gotta go tell the pvzcc wikians
[11:34] <Charmande red321> just wondering
[11:34] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wtf is that show...
[11:34] <Charmande red321> is MSP from France?
[11:34] <DJcraft789> nope
[11:34] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:34] <DJcraft789> he's from uk
[11:34] <Charmande red321> no wonder
[11:34] <Princess Kitty> hey guys
[11:35] <Charmande red321> my History teacher makes me feel bad about Europe
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> hello
[11:35] <Charmande red321> hiya PK
[11:35] <DJcraft789> PK
[11:35] <DJcraft789> Kamusta
[11:35] <Charmande red321> PK
[11:35] <Princess Kitty> When I search on Google. I found: "plants vs. zombies does crazy dave die?"
[11:35] <Charmande red321> sumusuporta ka sa prans?
[11:35] <DJcraft789> Wait Wat
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Princess Kitty
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> What the heck?
[11:36] <DJcraft789> Who wrote dat
[11:36] <Charmande red321> "does crazy dave die"
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Idk, some random people, I guess.
[11:36] <Charmande red321> omg
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:36] <Charmande red321> made me wonder about Crazy Dave's life
[11:36] <DJcraft789> [[Thread:489209#2]]
[11:36] <Charmande red321> hiya Wintah
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> Well, there was one theory that Crazy Dave is actually a zombie who keeps his body human by using dead plant extracts
[11:36] <DJcraft789> sup bak
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> but I forgot where I heard that theory from
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Ah......too late.
[11:36] <Charmande red321> i wish MatPat made a PvZ Theory
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:36] <Princess Kitty> @AWikiBoy521 Yeah when I about to search Plants vs Zombie dave pic
[11:36] <Charmande red321> it would definitely made my day
[11:36] <Charmande red321> hiya Insert
[11:37] <DJcraft789> Hey Char..
[11:37] <Lolwutburger> what's too late
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Charman
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Heheh, you made me smile on that sentence.
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Well.....PK
[11:37] <DJcraft789> Since your in the philippines, do you have school tommorrow?
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> No
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Because of Post Teacher's day.
[11:37] <Charmande red321> i have like a 2 week vacay
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> So, I now have yet another sem-break.
[11:38] <Charmande red321> pretty much
[11:38] <Plantpower967> I'm also in the Philippines and I still have classes tom
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> I want FNaF 5 to be like that one Oggy episode
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> @Plantpower967
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....I didn't know you are a Pinoy.
[11:38] <Charmande red321> i technically have to go to school tomorrow
[11:38] <Charmande red321> cuz i entered Spelling Bee and the Speech Choir
[11:38] <Plantpower967> Hahahaha why?
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> So, it's technically semi-Pinoy Chat now?
[11:39] <Charmande red321> pretty much
[11:39] <Charmande red321> except with france
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> So, yay!
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> This time with PK, I guess.
[11:39] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i wish Philippines appears in the Axis Power amine</span>
[11:39] <Plantpower967> And irritating HW!!
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> <s>I wish I watched more anime</s>
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> oops wrong
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">test</span>
[11:40] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i wished you corrected that</span>
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> there we go
[11:40] <Cavia porcellus> [B]test[/B]
[11:40] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-weight:bold;"> failed</span>
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight:bold;">Best</span>
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">WEINER</span>
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:36] <Princess Kitty> @AWikiBoy521 Yeah when I about to search Plants vs Zombie dave pic
[11:36] <Charmande red321> it would definitely made my day
[11:36] <Charmande red321> hiya Insert
[11:37] <DJcraft789> Hey Char..
[11:37] <Lolwutburger> what's too late
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Charman
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Heheh, you made me smile on that sentence.
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Well.....PK
[11:37] <DJcraft789> Since your in the philippines, do you have school tommorrow?
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> No
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Because of Post Teacher's day.
[11:37] <Charmande red321> i have like a 2 week vacay
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> So, I now have yet another sem-break.
[11:38] <Charmande red321> pretty much
[11:38] <Plantpower967> I'm also in the Philippines and I still have classes tom
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> I want FNaF 5 to be like that one Oggy episode
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> @Plantpower967
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....I didn't know you are a Pinoy.
[11:38] <Charmande red321> i technically have to go to school tomorrow
[11:38] <Charmande red321> cuz i entered Spelling Bee and the Speech Choir
[11:38] <Plantpower967> Hahahaha why?
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> So, it's technically semi-Pinoy Chat now?
[11:39] <Charmande red321> pretty much
[11:39] <Charmande red321> except with france
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> So, yay!
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> This time with PK, I guess.
[11:39] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i wish Philippines appears in the Axis Power amine</span>
[11:39] <Plantpower967> And irritating HW!!
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> <s>I wish I watched more anime</s>
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> oops wrong
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">test</span>
[11:40] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i wished you corrected that</span>
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> there we go
[11:40] <Cavia porcellus> [B]test[/B]
[11:40] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-weight:bold;"> failed</span>
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight:bold;">Best</span>
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">WEINER</span>
[11:40] <WintahMhelon18> Who else would have France-colored avatar?
[11:40] <Charmande red321> you
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Da</span> <span style="font-size:16pt;">Flock?</span>
[11:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> I feel like the France thing will be opposed, because the higher members will use logic.
[11:40] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:41] <Charmande red321> but can they Miles Edgeworth?
[11:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Char
[11:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave>
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> Maybe....
[11:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is this good enough for you?
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Charman
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> Just maybe....
[11:41] <TheAnonymousA> Why did so many people change into France related avatars?
[11:41] <Charmande red321> nah
[11:41] <Charmande red321> thats Gaiji
[11:41] <Charmande red321> i want MatPat
[11:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> Because they care about France
[11:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> Even more than the people in Syria.
[11:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> Some of them.
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> @TheAnonymousA
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> "France Terrorist Incident"
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> In.....Nov. 13
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> *On
[11:42] <TheAnonymousA> That one? Oh, well. My sympathies.
[11:43] <AWikiBoy521> There's more, afaik....
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Like the Earthquake in Japan.
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Man, that's some serious bad luck this 2015....
[11:45] <Charmande red321> its bad luck that i have good luck in the day of bad luck
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> We are not fighting a simple army
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> We are fighting an idea
[11:45] <Charmande red321> of
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> That's why it's so hard to defeat it
[11:45] <AWikiBoy521> We are just some "plants".
[11:46] <AWikiBoy521> Some of us are meant to be"eaten".
[11:46] <Charmande red321> pray for France
[11:40] <WintahMhelon18> Who else would have France-colored avatar?
[11:40] <Charmande red321> you
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Da</span> <span style="font-size:16pt;">Flock?</span>
[11:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> I feel like the France thing will be opposed, because the higher members will use logic.
[11:40] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:41] <Charmande red321> but can they Miles Edgeworth?
[11:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Char
[11:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave>
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> Maybe....
[11:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is this good enough for you?
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Charman
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> Just maybe....
[11:41] <TheAnonymousA> Why did so many people change into France related avatars?
[11:41] <Charmande red321> nah
[11:41] <Charmande red321> thats Gaiji
[11:41] <Charmande red321> i want MatPat
[11:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> Because they care about France
[11:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> Even more than the people in Syria.
[11:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> Some of them.
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> @TheAnonymousA
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> "France Terrorist Incident"
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> In.....Nov. 13
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> *On
[11:42] <TheAnonymousA> That one? Oh, well. My sympathies.
[11:43] <AWikiBoy521> There's more, afaik....
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Like the Earthquake in Japan.
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Man, that's some serious bad luck this 2015....
[11:45] <Charmande red321> its bad luck that i have good luck in the day of bad luck
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> We are not fighting a simple army
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> We are fighting an idea
[11:45] <Charmande red321> of
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> That's why it's so hard to defeat it
[11:45] <AWikiBoy521> We are just some "plants".
[11:46] <AWikiBoy521> Some of us are meant to be"eaten".
[11:46] <Charmande red321> pray for France
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> #FranceWillStillStand
[11:47] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Napoleon will come back</span>
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #IOnlyCare4FranceBecauseTheyMadeOggy
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #AndFrenchFriesToo
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #AsWellAsMostOfMyChildhoodCartoons
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #ButScrewMimes
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #MimesAreGay
[11:47] <Charmande red321> what made Japan good
[11:47] <Charmande red321> Nintendo
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> anime
[11:48] <DJcraft789> *OggyWasBannedInUnitedStates
[11:48] <WintahMhelon18> ramen
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> lol
[11:48] <Charmande red321> and their ability to draw big eyes
[11:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> I said my opinion on the forum
[11:48] <Charmande red321> and random colored hairs
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> They never showed the topless woman episode in my country
[11:48] <Charmande red321> topless woman episode
[11:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> Actually that episode got edited
[11:48] <Charmande red321> never heard of that
[11:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> So that woman would be gone and instead get replaced by a scenery
[11:48] <Princess Kitty> GTG!
[11:48] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[11:48] <Charmande red321> cya PK
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[11:49] <Charmande red321> what season
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> Such....PM?
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> Random thought.
[11:49] <Charmande red321> Fun Fact: Disney had posted pr0n
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> Season 4 I guess
[11:49] <Charmande red321> nuff sed
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Charman
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> On some movies.
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> Byo PK
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> There was an episode with a picture of a topless woman on the wall
[11:49] <Charmande red321> wow
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> It was a camping episode
[11:49] <Charmande red321> kay
[11:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> I remember various of them
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> Even on a certain movie where the founder is a "cell".
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> Still
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> You don't wanna know what that "cell" is...
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> There was an episode where two Lawn Gnomes were kissing
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> and they were MALE
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> #FranceWillStillStand
[11:47] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Napoleon will come back</span>
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #IOnlyCare4FranceBecauseTheyMadeOggy
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #AndFrenchFriesToo
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #AsWellAsMostOfMyChildhoodCartoons
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #ButScrewMimes
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> #MimesAreGay
[11:47] <Charmande red321> what made Japan good
[11:47] <Charmande red321> Nintendo
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> anime
[11:48] <DJcraft789> *OggyWasBannedInUnitedStates
[11:48] <WintahMhelon18> ramen
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> lol
[11:48] <Charmande red321> and their ability to draw big eyes
[11:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> I said my opinion on the forum
[11:48] <Charmande red321> and random colored hairs
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> They never showed the topless woman episode in my country
[11:48] <Charmande red321> topless woman episode
[11:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> Actually that episode got edited
[11:48] <Charmande red321> never heard of that
[11:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> So that woman would be gone and instead get replaced by a scenery
[11:48] <Princess Kitty> GTG!
[11:48] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[11:48] <Charmande red321> cya PK
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[11:49] <Charmande red321> what season
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> Such....PM?
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> Random thought.
[11:49] <Charmande red321> Fun Fact: Disney had posted pr0n
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> Season 4 I guess
[11:49] <Charmande red321> nuff sed
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Charman
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> On some movies.
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> Byo PK
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> There was an episode with a picture of a topless woman on the wall
[11:49] <Charmande red321> wow
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> It was a camping episode
[11:49] <Charmande red321> kay
[11:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> I remember various of them
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> Even on a certain movie where the founder is a "cell".
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> Still
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> You don't wanna know what that "cell" is...
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> There was an episode where two Lawn Gnomes were kissing
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> and they were MALE
[11:50] <Charmande red321> Disney replaced a Handy Man episode with actual pr0n footage
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> BOTH OF THEM MALE
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> AND IT WAS FUNNY
[11:50] <Charmande red321> kids watches it for 30 mins
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> It's the kids.....
[11:51] <Charmande red321> hiya THP
[11:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> Oh, my, GOD!
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:51] <TheHandsomePlant> oh man
[11:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> *hides on a box*
[11:51] <TheHandsomePlant> I wish I could use paint properly
[11:51] <Charmande red321> cuz why not
[11:51] <TheHandsomePlant> I'd make my avatar france-styled
[11:51] <Bubblefan123> i gtg bye o/ 
[11:52] <Charmande red321> cya Ice Jakiro
[11:52] <Lolwutburger> I'm not going to make France Leslie
[11:52] <Charmande red321> then make Oggy Leslie
[11:52] <Lolwutburger> - Nonconformist LWB here
[11:52] <AWikiBoy521> K
[11:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:52] <TheHandsomePlant> is not net at all xD
[11:52] <TheHandsomePlant> Oh well
[11:52] <Charmande red321> but can it .com
[11:52] <TheHandsomePlant> I give up
[11:53] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> will just randomly sings 2015 songs irl
[11:53] <TheHandsomePlant> eh
[11:53] <Charmande red321> #2boredinthisplace
[11:53] <TheHandsomePlant> If I would be an admin, the first thing I would do is...
[11:53] <TheHandsomePlant> ...change my chat tag
[11:53] <Charmande red321> boot time?
[11:53] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:53] <WintahMhelon18> @THP, PM
[11:54] <Cavia porcellus> Hm, I had an idea just now...
[11:54] <Charmande red321> what is it
[11:54] <Cavia porcellus> Does Boosted Lily Pad still give out sun?
[11:54] <Charmande red321> why
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> It can't
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> They nerfed it
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> The most useless it
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> *is
[11:54] <Cavia porcellus> Dayum.
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> If you plant Lily Pad in Last Stand
[11:55] <TheHandsomePlant> It doesn't give out sun back when you shovel it
[11:55] <Lolwutburger> i dare someone to change their avatar to Cool Cat
[11:55] <Cavia porcellus> I can't do it then.
[11:55] <Charmande red321> what was your idea then\
[11:55] <Charmande red321> grinding sun?
[11:55] <Iamarepeater> Popcap, the company that makes games harder
[11:55] <Charmande red321> what does EA do
[11:55] <Mage General Chrysalis> Cool Cat?
[11:56] <Dr Crzzy Dave> make good games
[11:56] <Charmande red321> PopCap + EA = PvZ2
[11:56] <Charmande red321> so a good hard game
[11:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm gonna wait for more people to reply on the France wordmark
[11:56] <TheHandsomePlant> Wrong
[11:56] <TheHandsomePlant> PopCap + EA = PvZGW
[11:56] <Iamarepeater> While EA rides on money-making methods like making levels impossible to pass without paying real cash
[11:50] <Charmande red321> Disney replaced a Handy Man episode with actual pr0n footage
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> BOTH OF THEM MALE
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> AND IT WAS FUNNY
[11:50] <Charmande red321> kids watches it for 30 mins
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> It's the kids.....
[11:51] <Charmande red321> hiya THP
[11:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> Oh, my, GOD!
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:51] <TheHandsomePlant> oh man
[11:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> *hides on a box*
[11:51] <TheHandsomePlant> I wish I could use paint properly
[11:51] <Charmande red321> cuz why not
[11:51] <TheHandsomePlant> I'd make my avatar france-styled
[11:51] <Bubblefan123> i gtg bye o/ 
[11:52] <Charmande red321> cya Ice Jakiro
[11:52] <Lolwutburger> I'm not going to make France Leslie
[11:52] <Charmande red321> then make Oggy Leslie
[11:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:52] <TheHandsomePlant> is not net at all xD
[11:52] <TheHandsomePlant> Oh well
[11:52] <Charmande red321> but can it .com
[11:52] <TheHandsomePlant> I give up
[11:53] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> will just randomly sings 2015 songs irl
[11:53] <TheHandsomePlant> eh
[11:53] <Charmande red321> #2boredinthisplace
[11:53] <TheHandsomePlant> If I would be an admin, the first thing I would do is...
[11:53] <TheHandsomePlant> ...change my chat tag
[11:53] <Charmande red321> boot time?
[11:53] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:53] <WintahMhelon18> @THP, PM
[11:54] <Cavia porcellus> Hm, I had an idea just now...
[11:54] <Charmande red321> what is it
[11:54] <Cavia porcellus> Does Boosted Lily Pad still give out sun?
[11:54] <Charmande red321> why
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> It can't
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> They nerfed it
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> The most useless it
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> *is
[11:54] <Cavia porcellus> Dayum.
[11:54] <TheHandsomePlant> If you plant Lily Pad in Last Stand
[11:55] <TheHandsomePlant> It doesn't give out sun back when you shovel it
[11:55] <Lolwutburger> i dare someone to change their avatar to Cool Cat
[11:55] <Cavia porcellus> I can't do it then.
[11:55] <Charmande red321> what was your idea then\
[11:55] <Charmande red321> grinding sun?
[11:55] <Iamarepeater> Popcap, the company that makes games harder
[11:55] <Charmande red321> what does EA do
[11:55] <Mage General Chrysalis> Cool Cat?
[11:56] <Dr Crzzy Dave> make good games
[11:56] <Charmande red321> PopCap + EA = PvZ2
[11:56] <Charmande red321> so a good hard game
[11:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm gonna wait for more people to reply on the France wordmark
[11:56] <TheHandsomePlant> Wrong
[11:56] <TheHandsomePlant> PopCap + EA = PvZGW
[11:56] <Iamarepeater> While EA rides on money-making methods like making levels impossible to pass without paying real cash
[11:56] <Charmande red321> heh
[11:58] <WintahMhelon18> Ok so Lil8763cp France-styled her avatar
[11:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Iamarepeater 
[11:58] <Charmande red321> [[User:Lily8763cp]]
[11:58] <Charmande red321> i sense seizure
[11:58] <WintahMhelon18> Yah, that
[11:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I can finish every level without using my beautiful premoums
[11:58] <Iamarepeater> Yes Dr Crzzy dave ?
[11:59] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *premiums
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> Think of gems and coins
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> As well
[11:59] <Charmande red321> i wish PvZ2 has Challenge Mode
[11:59] <WintahMhelon18> If there are gemiums and coiniums exist too..
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> Pessimism much, Iamarepeater ?
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> In a way
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> So even if I did not lose my data
[12:00] <Iamarepeater> I wouldn't play PVZ2 now
[12:00] <WintahMhelon18> Oh yeah, Christmas is almost here now
[12:00] <Cavia porcellus> I dare someone to plant this in-game (oh) :
[11:56] <Charmande red321> heh
[11:58] <WintahMhelon18> Ok so Lil8763cp France-styled her avatar
[11:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Iamarepeater 
[11:58] <Charmande red321> [[User:Lily8763cp]]
[11:58] <Charmande red321> i sense seizure
[11:58] <WintahMhelon18> Yah, that
[11:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I can finish every level without using my beautiful premoums
[11:58] <Iamarepeater> Yes Dr Crzzy dave ?
[11:59] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *premiums
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> Think of gems and coins
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> As well
[11:59] <Charmande red321> i wish PvZ2 has Challenge Mode
[11:59] <WintahMhelon18> If there are gemiums and coiniums exist too..
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> Pessimism much, Iamarepeater ?
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> In a way
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> So even if I did not lose my data
[12:00] <Iamarepeater> I wouldn't play PVZ2 now
[12:00] <WintahMhelon18> Oh yeah, Christmas is almost here now
[12:00] <Cavia porcellus> I dare someone to plant this in-game (oh) :
[12:00] <Charmande red321> "Kill gargs using one Peashooter"
[12:00] <Charmande red321> holy fudge
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> Woah there
[12:01] <Iamarepeater> For those who play PVZO: Can you please help me with something?
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> Awikiboy?
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> You play PVZO?
[12:03] <Lolwutburger> So....
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> Sorry...
[12:03] <Charmande red321> what if Half-Life 3 = English PvZ3
[12:03] <Lolwutburger> There's a whole thread dedicated to recoloring the wiki logo (the one I made) for a while
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> Does anyone here play PVZO?
[12:03] <Charmande red321> i used to
[12:03] <Lolwutburger> And there's nothing there about giving credit to me
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> I want someone who does currently?
[12:04] <Iamarepeater> *.
[12:04] <Lolwutburger> why
[12:04] <Charmande red321> also whats the matter
[12:04] <Iamarepeater> I need more people in my guild
[12:04] <Lolwutburger> Matter pinged me for some reason
[12:04] <Lolwutburger> lol
[12:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> Well, no matter.
[12:05] <Charmande red321> if SAO is real
[12:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Player killing...
[12:05] <Lolwutburger> pings galore
[12:05] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> accidentally joins the game
[12:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Many people will die because there are a lot of blood-thirsty gamers!
[12:05] <Charmande red321> Bloodseekers
[12:06] <Charmande red321> a lot of Strygwyrs
[12:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> (No, I don't watch Sword Art Online)
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> Just calm down....
[12:06] <Lolwutburger> damn frenchies
[12:06] <Lolwutburger> they're making people support the recoloring of my art
[12:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> (I only read about it on Wikia)
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> Idk much about SAO
[12:06] <Charmande red321> SAO is apparently a VRMMO
[12:06] <Charmande red321> where you die in game also die irl
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> It's about, Idk, virtual reality cartoon?
[12:06] <Iamarepeater> Hi Phan
[12:00] <Charmande red321> "Kill gargs using one Peashooter"
[12:00] <Charmande red321> holy fudge
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> Woah there
[12:01] <Iamarepeater> For those who play PVZO: Can you please help me with something?
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> Awikiboy?
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> You play PVZO?
[12:03] <Lolwutburger> So....
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> Sorry...
[12:03] <Charmande red321> what if Half-Life 3 = English PvZ3
[12:03] <Lolwutburger> There's a whole thread dedicated to recoloring the wiki logo (the one I made) for a while
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> Does anyone here play PVZO?
[12:03] <Charmande red321> i used to
[12:03] <Lolwutburger> And there's nothing there about giving credit to me
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> I want someone who does currently?
[12:04] <Iamarepeater> *.
[12:04] <Lolwutburger> why
[12:04] <Charmande red321> also whats the matter
[12:04] <Iamarepeater> I need more people in my guild
[12:04] <Lolwutburger> Matter pinged me for some reason
[12:04] <Lolwutburger> lol
[12:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> Well, no matter.
[12:05] <Charmande red321> if SAO is real
[12:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Player killing...
[12:05] <Lolwutburger> pings galore
[12:05] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> accidentally joins the game
[12:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Many people will die because there are a lot of blood-thirsty gamers!
[12:05] <Charmande red321> Bloodseekers
[12:06] <Charmande red321> a lot of Strygwyrs
[12:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> (No, I don't watch Sword Art Online)
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> Just calm down....
[12:06] <Lolwutburger> damn frenchies
[12:06] <Lolwutburger> they're making people support the recoloring of my art
[12:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> (I only read about it on Wikia)
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> Idk much about SAO
[12:06] <Charmande red321> SAO is apparently a VRMMO
[12:06] <Charmande red321> where you die in game also die irl
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> It's about, Idk, virtual reality cartoon?
[12:06] <Iamarepeater> Hi Phan
[12:06] <Charmande red321> pretty much
[12:07] <Iamarepeater> Have you heard of PVZO?
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Yo to both
[12:07] <Phanminhnhat> Well, I think that you still remember the final return of MaxStories, right?
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> I heard of PvZO
[12:07] <Charmande red321> why bring that up now
[12:07] <Iamarepeater> Barely
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> @Phanminhnhat
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[12:07] <Iamarepeater> @Awiki: i'm asking Phan
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> "More drama"
[12:07] <Charmande red321> and ya
[12:07] <Phanminhnhat> I wish that DDP would report them about MaxStories a little later, as I didn't finish talking to him...
[12:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> I hope not many people decide to make games that have the same rules as SAO
[12:08] <Charmande red321> if they did
[12:06] <Charmande red321> pretty much
[12:07] <Iamarepeater> Have you heard of PVZO?
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Yo to both
[12:07] <Phanminhnhat> Well, I think that you still remember the final return of MaxStories, right?
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> I heard of PvZO
[12:07] <Charmande red321> why bring that up now
[12:07] <Iamarepeater> Barely
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> @Phanminhnhat
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[12:07] <Iamarepeater> @Awiki: i'm asking Phan
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> "More drama"
[12:07] <Charmande red321> and ya
[12:07] <Phanminhnhat> I wish that DDP would report them about MaxStories a little later, as I didn't finish talking to him...
[12:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> I hope not many people decide to make games that have the same rules as SAO
[12:08] <Charmande red321> if they did
[12:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> That would probably make gamers extinct
[12:08] <Charmande red321> then they're sick
[12:08] <Phanminhnhat> Do you think All Stars is an RPG game? It looks like an RPG game, 'cause plants and zombies give turns.
[12:08] <Charmande red321> if ISIS made video games
[12:08] <Lolwutburger> Gamers extinct?
[12:09] <Charmande red321> AS is RPG
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> @Charman.....
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> Oh no....
[12:09] <Lolwutburger> Does that mean that there'll be less obnoxious nerds on earth?
[12:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> Maybe...?
[12:09] <Lolwutburger> Like... does that mean Chris will finally die?
[12:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> There's still the TV nerds.
[12:09] <Lolwutburger> *squee*
[12:09] <Charmande red321> ISIS would most likely make SAO
[12:09] <Phanminhnhat> Is SAO Sword Art Online?
[12:09] <Charmande red321> yes
[12:09] <Phanminhnhat> I don't watch it.
[12:10] <Charmande red321> ok
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> Not much
[12:10] <Cavia porcellus> Still playing around:
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> My little sister and cousin watched it.
[12:10] <Charmande red321> i actually only watch parodies of SAO
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[12:11] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">so pretty much no one here watches SAO</span>
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Hey, there's RetroBowser </span>
[12:11] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">heh, tho hes not here</span>
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Just to let you guys know.</span>
[12:12] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-style:italic;">what</span>
[12:12] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-style:italic;">going Italian</span>
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-style:italic;">Indians</span>
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:12] <Charmande red321> hiya MK
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> Uh oh
[12:13] <Charmande red321> oh yes
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> My IRL side's showing up
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> on the forums
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> and hola MK
[12:13] <Charmande red321> ya
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> Anyway
[12:13] <MysteryKing> I'm extremely worried
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> That's what happens if you recolor my art without asking me first
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> I'm real pissed
[12:13] <Charmande red321> about france
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> I don't care if it's for FRANCE
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> It's MY ART that was recolored
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> They didn't ask me first
[12:13] <MysteryKing> I read a tumblr post, it seemed to be too serious for a tumblr post, it said the possible locations of the cities to be striked by ISIS
[12:13] <Charmande red321> i care what i dont care which is careless
[12:14] <MysteryKing> And Manila, Philippines IS ONE IT
[12:14] <MysteryKing> I'M WORRIED
[12:14] <Charmande red321> wow rly
[12:14] <MysteryKing> It's too serious to be a tumblr post
[12:14] <MysteryKing> Imma give you a link
[12:14] <Lolwutburger> brb dinner
[12:14] <Charmande red321> now im really worried about Issa
[12:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> Thank you.
[12:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> That tumblr post made me scared too, MK.
[12:15] <Charmande red321> brb
[12:15] <Charmande red321> dinner and praying
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> I already ate dinner.
[12:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> I just want a happy life
[12:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> Then tumblr gives that.
[12:16] <Charmande red321> back from insta-dinner apparently
[12:17] <Charmande red321> just gonna celebrate my gramps' bday
[12:17] <Lolwutburger> back
[12:17] <Lolwutburger> dinner's being heated
[12:17] <Lolwutburger> but WHO CARES
[12:17] <Charmande red321> but does why care?
[12:17] <Charmande red321> also what art
[12:18] <Charmande red321> really
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> The wiki logo that I made
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> they're recoloring it for the french
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> If it's the logo
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> Nobody will notice
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> But a little od yes
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> *odd*
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> Yeah right, nobody will notice the obvious red white and blue thing on the top which is RECOLORED
[12:19] <Lily8763cp> And he's doing the same thing on the PvZCC wiki
[12:19] <Lily8763cp> Same logo
[12:19] <Charmande red321> DJ?
[12:19] <Lolwutburger> Eh
[12:19] <Lolwutburger> I don't care about PvZCC
[12:19] <Charmande red321> you dont have to
[12:19] <Charmande red321> if you want to
[12:19] <Lily8763cp> But it's losing there
[12:19] <Lolwutburger> Then I care for PvZCC
[12:19] <Lolwutburger> Go defending someone's art!
[12:20] <Lily8763cp> XD Cavia made a comment on it
[12:20] <Charmande red321> heh
[12:20] <Lily8763cp> "Hm, you're more intelligent than our wiki."
[12:20] <Lolwutburger> Because their logo is someone's art too
[12:20] <Lily8763cp> Idk if he was talking to the opposers or DJ
[12:20] <Charmande red321> most likely opposers
[12:21] <Marcinmario04> I'm getting kinda annoyed with the whole "Oh France got attacked by terrorists" thing
[12:21] <Charmande red321> im more of worried about my country
[12:21] <Lily8763cp> It's simply sad
[12:21] <Lily8763cp> Changing it back to normal tommorrow
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> @Marcinmario04
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, byw
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> *btw
[12:21] <Lily8763cp> and what's going on in your country @Charmande
[12:22] <Charmande red321> im worried that ISIS might terrorize my country
[12:22] <Marcinmario04> The thing is, putting a french flag on your avatar won't change a thing, dang it
[12:22] <Lily8763cp> I know
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> @M04
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[12:22] <Charmande red321> "it just makes it fancy"
[12:22] <Lily8763cp> Just showing that it was a tragic event
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> @Cavia
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> You're doing a fine vote there.
[12:23] <Lily8763cp> Like I said, it'll be normal tommorrow
[12:23] <Charmande red321> ye
[12:23] <Charmande red321> hiya Flowey for Undertale 2
[12:23] <Wikia-Critic> hi
[12:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> I stand with Cavia's opinion, but let's just see what the rest of the wiki has to say.
[12:23] <Wikia-Critic> I have one question.
[12:24] <Marcinmario04> Facebook, Youtube, the whole social media frenzy beacause one little terrorist attack
[12:24] <Wikia-Critic> Why do we need <span style="font-weight:bold;">Mainspace</span> edits to vote?
[12:24] <Charmande red321> to prove that we are responsible
[12:24] <Mage General Chrysalis> Because sockpuppets.
[12:24] <Charmande red321> i guess
[12:24] <AWikiBoy521> @Marcinmario04
[12:24] <AWikiBoy521> Not just one though....
[12:24] <Wikia-Critic> Mage.
[12:24] <Cavia porcellus> [[User:Dr.Crzzy Dave]] This is probably Max' sockpuppet.
[12:24] <Cavia porcellus> Copying Dr Crzzy Dave 's username.
[12:25] <AWikiBoy521> @Cavia
[12:25] <AWikiBoy521> Suspected much.
[12:25] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yep
[12:25] <Marcinmario04> Still, I give my condolences to it, just the french flag thing 
[12:25] <Wikia-Critic> The rule which states you can't vote without being here for two or more weeks is already the bane of sockpuppets.
[12:25] <Charmande red321> im just gonna ban him this instant
[12:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> While I did a filter for my FB photo, people mourning for France the most is just sad.
[12:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> What about the countries that haves areas controlled by terrorists?
[12:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> Why not filter your profile photos for those?
[12:25] <Charmande red321> like what
[12:25] <Charmande red321> really i lost count
[12:25] <Wikia-Critic> It would be better if it was 25 overall edits. I mean, not everyone here wants to contribute to pages and just chillax in the comments/forums etc.
[12:26] <Lily8763cp> Guess so
[12:26] <Cavia porcellus> @Mage General, most people during events like this have a "join the herd" mentality without actually understanding what's going on.
[12:26] <Mage General Chrysalis> I know about that.
[12:26] <Wikia-Critic> Those types of people still deserve the right to vote.
[12:26] <Lily8763cp> Honestly if you think it's for the better, I'll change it back today
[12:26] <Charmande red321> wiki dont has democracy
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> @Cavia
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> Social Media nowadays....
[12:26] <Marcinmario04> I'll go off topic with the french terrorist attack, although the same thing happened like 6 months ago
[12:27] <Cavia porcellus> By changing your avatar you might be expressing solidarity, but you're not actually contributing to anything. Will most of the people who speak "Pray for France" now think about it in a few weeks?
[12:27] <Wikia-Critic> inb4 puffy fails to counter me
[12:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> Nope.
[12:28] <Charmande red321> i actually just changed to this cuz hy not
[12:28] <Lily8763cp> ^
[12:28] <Marcinmario04> No, so what's the point now if they won't later 
[12:29] <Wikia-Critic> I have a couple of words:
[12:29] <Wikia-Critic> This is simply ludicrous.
[12:29] <Charmande red321> meh
[12:29] <Marcinmario04> maybe
[12:29] <Charmande red321> i am still worried
[12:29] <Wikia-Critic> It isn't "maybe" ludicrous, it IS.
[12:29] <Charmande red321> but meh
[12:29] <Wikia-Critic> Want to know why?
[12:29] <Charmande red321> already knew why
[12:29] <Charmande red321> hiya Anon
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, any user can check "this chat" at any time.
[12:29] <Wikia-Critic> Hi.
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:29] <Charmande red321> check what
[12:29] <Marcinmario04> Yea
[12:30] <Wikia-Critic> Nickelback @AWikiaBoy
[12:30] <AWikiBoy521> Diamondhead @Wikia-Critic
[12:30] <Charmande red321> random gemerator
[12:30] <Charmande red321> k enough about france
[12:31] <Charmande red321> lets talk random
[12:31] <Lily8763cp> Sounds good to me
[12:31] <Wikia-Critic> Oooooh, the internet is being taken by storm by a terrorist attack which for SOME reason is more important than other ones, time to go along with the parade by changing my avatar. HAHAHAHAHA- no.
[12:31] <Marcinmario04> undertale
[12:31] <Marcinmario04> 1
[12:31] <Marcinmario04> 2
[12:31] <Marcinmario04> 3
[12:31] <Wikia-Critic> go
[12:31] <Charmande red321> Undertale 2 confirmed
[12:31] <Wikia-Critic> yaaa
[12:31] <Charmande red321> Flowey is Toriel
[12:31] <Charmande red321> confirme
[12:31] <Charmande red321> d
[12:31] <Wikia-Critic> no
[12:31] <Marcinmario04> Illuminati confirmed
[12:31] <Charmande red321> yes
[12:31] <Cavia porcellus> I hate when world events turn into circlejerks. @Wikia-Critic
[12:32] <Wikia-Critic> This. ^
[12:32] <Lolwutburger> back from dinner
[12:32] <Wikia-Critic> Hi.
[12:32] <Charmande red321> wb LWB
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> @Cavia
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> (y) 
[12:32] <Charmande red321> hiya Anon
[12:32] <Mage General Chrysalis> What are circle jerks?
[12:32] <Charmande red321> hiya Repeating
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> Circle is endless....
[12:32] <Wikia-Critic> Hai.
[12:32] <Charmande red321> oh endless jerks
[12:32] <Wikia-Critic> Next week, most people will probably just stop caring.
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> So, it's the "vicious cycle" of the world.
[12:32] <Marcinmario04> yea
[12:33] <Wikia-Critic> Or maybe it's going to be as long as ALS ice bucket challenge.
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight:bold;">Rinse n' Repeat</span>
[12:33] <Charmande red321> pretty much Wikia
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> Pretty much Tumblr
[12:33] <Charmande red321> we have Critic... AWB... Rx2
[12:33] <Charmande red321> who else
[12:33] <Mage General Chrysalis> Does everything have to be a fad nowadays?
[12:33] <Charmande red321> maybe
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> Most of them don't last that long though.
[12:34] <Wikia-Critic> Please.
[12:34] <Charmande red321> ok changing back to Jasmine
[12:34] <Wikia-Critic> If we changed because of this, why not change EVERY DAY because of EVERYDAY terrorist attacks?
[12:34] <Lolwutburger> dammit Max is back in the forums
[12:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> I agree with Wikia-Critic, even though I may be a hypocrite.
[12:35] <Wikia-Critic> "sorry, this isn't a cartoon"
[12:35] <Charmande red321> hai
[12:35] <Wikia-Critic> Best reply to Max yet.
[12:35] <Charmande red321> like best as in good?
[12:35] <Plantpower967> Changed my profpic
[12:35] <Wikia-Critic> No.
[12:35] <Wikia-Critic> Literally the best.
[12:35] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">best is ofc superlative of good</span>
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> @Wikia-Critic
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> Everyday us war, man.
[12:35] <Charmande red321> "us"
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> There's always conflicts in the world!
[12:35] <Plantpower967> With a France Flag Filter
[12:36] <Charmande red321> best typo in a quote
[12:36] <Charmande red321> War
[12:36] <Charmande red321> War never changes
[12:36] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I changed back my profile picture on Facebook.
[12:36] <Charmande red321> Fallout will have 5 in it
[12:36] <Lolwutburger> I can now see Max as a cartoonish supervillain
[12:36] <Wikia-Critic> Unless it does.
[12:36] <Mage General Chrysalis> Heck, even my mom is doing this!
[12:32] <Charmande red321> hiya Repeating
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> Circle is endless....
[12:32] <Wikia-Critic> Hai.
[12:32] <Charmande red321> oh endless jerks
[12:32] <Wikia-Critic> Next week, most people will probably just stop caring.
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> So, it's the "vicious cycle" of the world.
[12:32] <Marcinmario04> yea
[12:33] <Wikia-Critic> Or maybe it's going to be as long as ALS ice bucket challenge.
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight:bold;">Rinse n' Repeat</span>
[12:33] <Charmande red321> pretty much Wikia
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> Pretty much Tumblr
[12:33] <Charmande red321> we have Critic... AWB... Rx2
[12:33] <Charmande red321> who else
[12:33] <Mage General Chrysalis> Does everything have to be a fad nowadays?
[12:33] <Charmande red321> maybe
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> Most of them don't last that long though.
[12:34] <Wikia-Critic> Please.
[12:34] <Charmande red321> ok changing back to Jasmine
[12:34] <Wikia-Critic> If we changed because of this, why not change EVERY DAY because of EVERYDAY terrorist attacks?
[12:34] <Lolwutburger> dammit Max is back in the forums
[12:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> I agree with Wikia-Critic, even though I may be a hypocrite.
[12:35] <Wikia-Critic> "sorry, this isn't a cartoon"
[12:35] <Charmande red321> hai
[12:35] <Wikia-Critic> Best reply to Max yet.
[12:35] <Charmande red321> like best as in good?
[12:35] <Plantpower967> Changed my profpic
[12:35] <Wikia-Critic> No.
[12:35] <Wikia-Critic> Literally the best.
[12:35] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">best is ofc superlative of good</span>
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> @Wikia-Critic
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> Everyday us war, man.
[12:35] <Charmande red321> "us"
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> There's always conflicts in the world!
[12:35] <Plantpower967> With a France Flag Filter
[12:36] <Charmande red321> best typo in a quote
[12:36] <Charmande red321> War
[12:36] <Charmande red321> War never changes
[12:36] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I changed back my profile picture on Facebook.
[12:36] <Charmande red321> Fallout will have 5 in it
[12:36] <Lolwutburger> I can now see Max as a cartoonish supervillain
[12:36] <Wikia-Critic> Unless it does.
[12:36] <Mage General Chrysalis> Heck, even my mom is doing this!
[12:36] <Charmande red321> doing what
[12:37] <Charmande red321> the france thing?
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> devising plots to take over the wiki
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> lol
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> he'll fail
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> and he has henchmen who fail him everytime
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> XD
[12:37] <Mage General Chrysalis> And be very bland!
[12:37] <Mage General Chrysalis> And be a copycat!
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> inb4 reap is confirmed henchmen
[12:37] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Ikr @LWB
[12:37] <Charmande red321> Max be like Ice King
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> Nah
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> Ice King's sympathetic
[12:37] <Charmande red321> gets good later on
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> Who is Ice King?
[12:38] <Charmande red321> from aT
[12:38] <Charmande red321> AT
[12:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> for spamming and impersonating another users name, how long are you chat banned/
[12:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *?
[12:38] <Charmande red321> Ads Tie
[12:38] <Mage General Chrysalis> The Ice King, that's crazy old man who steals ladies
[12:38] <Charmande red321> forever...
[12:38] <Mage General Chrysalis> And has no sanity
[12:38] <Charmande red321> well he is improving
[12:38] <Lolwutburger> Ice King is more like Carp
[12:38] <Charmande red321> hiya Anon
[12:38] <Charmande red321> ye
[12:38] <Lolwutburger> for harassing a female member of the wiki
[12:39] <Wikia-Critic> no
[12:39] <Wikia-Critic> every single one
[12:39] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">pretty much all fems</span>
[12:39] <Lolwutburger> oh
[12:39] <Lolwutburger> then Carp IS Ice King
[12:39] <Charmande red321> just wondering
[12:39] <Lolwutburger> except less symphatetic
[12:39] <Wikia-Critic> not including me
[12:39] <Charmande red321> did Pinklass and Carp had some sort of relationship
[12:39] <Wikia-Critic> I tricked him into thinking i'm male
[12:39] <Charmande red321> have they met each other
[12:39] <Lolwutburger> I think PG234 appeared sometime after Carp went away.
[12:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> And the fact that Carp loves me too much
[12:40] <Charmande red321> wait you're a girl Critic?
[12:40] <Lolwutburger> Yep
[12:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> Even though I love DZ already
[12:40] <Lolwutburger> Carp's Ice King alright
[12:40] <Wikia-Critic> Eeeyup. @Charmande
[12:40] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> implodes
[12:40] <Wikia-Critic> Now, who wants a QUIIZ!?
[12:36] <Charmande red321> doing what
[12:37] <Charmande red321> the france thing?
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> devising plots to take over the wiki
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> lol
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> he'll fail
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> and he has henchmen who fail him everytime
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> XD
[12:37] <Mage General Chrysalis> And be very bland!
[12:37] <Mage General Chrysalis> And be a copycat!
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> inb4 reap is confirmed henchmen
[12:37] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Ikr @LWB
[12:37] <Charmande red321> Max be like Ice King
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> Nah
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> Ice King's sympathetic
[12:37] <Charmande red321> gets good later on
[12:37] <Wikia-Critic> Who is Ice King?
[12:38] <Charmande red321> from aT
[12:38] <Charmande red321> AT
[12:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> for spamming and impersonating another users name, how long are you chat banned/
[12:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *?
[12:38] <Charmande red321> Ads Tie
[12:38] <Mage General Chrysalis> The Ice King, that's crazy old man who steals ladies
[12:38] <Charmande red321> forever...
[12:38] <Mage General Chrysalis> And has no sanity
[12:38] <Charmande red321> well he is improving
[12:38] <Lolwutburger> Ice King is more like Carp
[12:38] <Charmande red321> hiya Anon
[12:38] <Charmande red321> ye
[12:38] <Lolwutburger> for harassing a female member of the wiki
[12:39] <Wikia-Critic> no
[12:39] <Wikia-Critic> every single one
[12:39] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">pretty much all fems</span>
[12:39] <Lolwutburger> oh
[12:39] <Lolwutburger> then Carp IS Ice King
[12:39] <Charmande red321> just wondering
[12:39] <Lolwutburger> except less symphatetic
[12:39] <Wikia-Critic> not including me
[12:39] <Charmande red321> did Pinklass and Carp had some sort of relationship
[12:39] <Wikia-Critic> I tricked him into thinking i'm male
[12:39] <Charmande red321> have they met each other
[12:39] <Lolwutburger> I think PG234 appeared sometime after Carp went away.
[12:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> And the fact that Carp loves me too much
[12:40] <Charmande red321> wait you're a girl Critic?
[12:40] <Lolwutburger> Yep
[12:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> Even though I love DZ already
[12:40] <Lolwutburger> Carp's Ice King alright
[12:40] <Wikia-Critic> Eeeyup. @Charmande
[12:40] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> implodes
[12:40] <Wikia-Critic> Now, who wants a QUIIZ!?
[12:40] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">im just gonna mourn female char</span>
[12:40] <Charmande red321> k
[12:40] <Lolwutburger> if I was born female I'd be a lesbian
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> Question 1!
[12:41] <Lolwutburger> but right now I'm bisexual
[12:41] <Charmande red321> heh
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> Who is DJ's crush?!
[12:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm just gonna laugh so hard that he didn't find out about the confession before I even told him
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> [A] Princess Kitty
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> [B] Me
[12:41] <AWikiBoy521> Wut?
[12:41] <Charmande red321> C?
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> [C] Another female user
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> INCORRECT!
[12:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Who is DJ?
[12:41] <Charmande red321> DJcraft
[12:41] <Charmande red321> maybe
[12:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Oh
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> The guy who started the Paris thread.
[12:41] <Charmande red321> A?
[12:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> B?
[12:42] <Wikia-Critic> CORRECT! @Charmande
[12:42] <Charmande red321> for 3 years
[12:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> don't ask
[12:42] <Charmande red321> i thought Critic's a male
[12:42] <Wikia-Critic> INCORRECT! @TULO
[12:42] <Wikia-Critic> Three years?
[12:42] <Charmande red321> a year and 3months
[12:42] <Charmande red321> *
[12:42] <Wikia-Critic> Okay.
[12:42] <Charmande red321> also wondering
[12:43] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Mkay
[12:43] <Wikia-Critic> Why do I think the Crzzy Dave clone is joking?
[12:43] <Charmande red321> how does LOVE fit into Level of Violence
[12:43] <Wikia-Critic> [A] He THINKS THAT HE CAN HACK! HAHAH
[12:43] <Mage General Chrysalis> ALL OF THE ABOVE
[12:43] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-weight:bold;">L</span>evel <span style="font-weight:bold;">o</span>f <span style="font-weight:bold;">V</span>iol<span style="font-weight:bold;">e</span>nce?
[12:43] <Wikia-Critic> [B] I'm secretly a henchmen who will betray him.
[12:43] <Mage General Chrysalis> Love is a double-edged sword
[12:43] <Wikia-Critic> [C] His "plot" is simply too idiotic to be real.
[12:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Lol he can't do shit to wikia.
[12:44] <Mage General Chrysalis> C
[12:44] <Charmande red321> D
[12:44] <Lolwutburger> Hola GC
[12:44] <Wikia-Critic> COOORRECT! @Mage
[12:44] <Lolwutburger> I love your reply to the impostor
[12:44] <Charmande red321> hiya GC
[12:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> gtg
[12:44] <Lolwutburger> "Excuse me but this is not a cartoon"
[12:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Bye
[12:44] <Lolwutburger> that was funny
[12:44] <Charmande red321> cya CD
[12:44] <Wikia-Critic> What is my favourite theme in Undertale?
[12:44] <Gaming Center> danger: Stupid Serbian Jerkish Nazi Irritantic Account Faker MaxStories is back
[12:44] <Lolwutburger> and bye real Crzzy Dave
[12:44] <Wikia-Critic> [A] San's theme which I can't spell
[12:45] <Wikia-Critic> [B] Spider Dance
[12:45] <Gaming Center> he will make more fake accounts
[12:45] <Wikia-Critic> [D] Metal Crusher
[12:45] <Wikia-Critic> [C] Spider Dance (muffet's theme)
[12:45] <Gaming Center> he might make copy me next
[12:45] <Wikia-Critic> Oooooh, so scary!
[12:45] <Wikia-Critic> Time to pretend I'm copied!
[12:45] <Charmande red321> DC
[12:45] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm so scared! (sarcasm)
[12:45] <Wikia-Critic> JK.
[12:45] <Charmande red321> such oragnized
[12:45] <Gaming Center> [[Thread:489209#2]] this is where he appeared
[12:45] <Wikia-Critic> CORRECT!
[12:45] <Wikia-Critic> I can't decide between D and C!
[12:46] <Charmande red321> i like sans
[12:46] <Gaming Center> I am just saying this in case some fake dude comes here and tells shit.
[12:46] <Charmande red321> the font
[12:46] <Charmande red321> no jk
[12:46] <Wikia-Critic> Hmmm.
[12:40] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">im just gonna mourn female char</span>
[12:40] <Charmande red321> k
[12:40] <Lolwutburger> if I was born female I'd be a lesbian
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> Question 1!
[12:41] <Lolwutburger> but right now I'm bisexual
[12:41] <Charmande red321> heh
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> Who is DJ's crush?!
[12:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm just gonna laugh so hard that he didn't find out about the confession before I even told him
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> [A] Princess Kitty
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> [B] Me
[12:41] <AWikiBoy521> Wut?
[12:41] <Charmande red321> C?
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> [C] Another female user
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> INCORRECT!
[12:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Who is DJ?
[12:41] <Charmande red321> DJcraft
[12:41] <Charmande red321> maybe
[12:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Oh
[12:41] <Wikia-Critic> The guy who started the Paris thread.
[12:41] <Charmande red321> A?
[12:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> B?
[12:42] <Wikia-Critic> CORRECT! @Charmande
[12:42] <Charmande red321> for 3 years
[12:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> don't ask
[12:42] <Charmande red321> i thought Critic's a male
[12:42] <Wikia-Critic> INCORRECT! @TULO
[12:42] <Wikia-Critic> Three years?
[12:42] <Charmande red321> a year and 3months
[12:42] <Charmande red321> *
[12:42] <Wikia-Critic> Okay.
[12:42] <Charmande red321> also wondering
[12:43] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Mkay
[12:43] <Wikia-Critic> Why do I think the Crzzy Dave clone is joking?
[12:43] <Charmande red321> how does LOVE fit into Level of Violence
[01:00] <Plantpower967> Hiiii
[01:00] <Magnet Plant> brb
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Sup?
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Wow, it's very important!
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Thanks!
[12:59] <Uselessguy> Hi o/ 
[01:00] <Magnet Plant> lol
[01:00] <Plantpower967> Hiiii
[01:00] <Magnet Plant> brb
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[01:00] <SugarPenguin12> hi
[01:00] <Wikia-Critic> Useless.
[01:01] <SugarPenguin12> Wikia
[01:01] <SugarPenguin12> Pls critique my Tea Leaf
[01:01] <Wikia-Critic> I'm not going to critique plants if you start begging.
[01:01] <Wikia-Critic> I'm doing them in an order I'd like to do.
[01:01] <SugarPenguin12> #PrayForFrance
[01:02] <Wikia-Critic> #FranceSomehowIsMoreImportantWithinTheRealmsOfTerroristAttacks
[01:02] <Plantpower967> @Wikia-Critic
[01:02] <Plantpower967> Still mad about Crystal Flower?
[01:02] <Wikia-Critic> Crystal Flower?
[01:03] <SugarPenguin12> k fine Wikia
[01:03] <SugarPenguin12> Don't critique it then
[01:03] <SugarPenguin12> Jeez
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> brb
[01:03] <Plantpower967> AKA Mystic Flower(Changed the Name)
[01:04] <Lolwutburger> I'm getting sick of this France shit
[01:04] <Lolwutburger> Just because of one measly bombing we're going to change the logo
[01:05] <SugarPenguin12> Actually two
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> Came back.
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> still
[01:05] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> why aren't we changing the logo for the ISIS beheadings, 9/11's anniversary, my bunny's death and other tragedies?
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> HMM
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> and hola IMCR8Z 
[01:06] <Wikia-Critic> Lol has the best point yet.
[01:06] <Wikia-Critic> Howdy, IMCR8Z !
[01:06] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:01] <SugarPenguin12> Pls critique my Tea Leaf
[01:01] <Wikia-Critic> I'm not going to critique plants if you start begging.
[01:01] <Wikia-Critic> I'm doing them in an order I'd like to do.
[01:01] <SugarPenguin12> #PrayForFrance
[01:02] <Wikia-Critic> #FranceSomehowIsMoreImportantWithinTheRealmsOfTerroristAttacks
[01:02] <Plantpower967> @Wikia-Critic
[01:02] <Plantpower967> Still mad about Crystal Flower?
[01:02] <Wikia-Critic> Crystal Flower?
[01:03] <SugarPenguin12> k fine Wikia
[01:03] <SugarPenguin12> Don't critique it then
[01:03] <SugarPenguin12> Jeez
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> brb
[01:03] <Plantpower967> AKA Mystic Flower(Changed the Name)
[01:04] <Lolwutburger> I'm getting sick of this France shit
[01:04] <Lolwutburger> Just because of one measly bombing we're going to change the logo
[01:05] <SugarPenguin12> Actually two
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> Came back.
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> still
[01:05] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> why aren't we changing the logo for the ISIS beheadings, 9/11's anniversary, my bunny's death and other tragedies?
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> HMM
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> and hola IMCR8Z 
[01:06] <Wikia-Critic> Lol has the best point yet.
[01:06] <Wikia-Critic> Howdy, IMCR8Z !
[01:06] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> You just have too much ideas....
[01:07] <Lolwutburger> Yep, IRL me will do anything to protect his art
[01:07] <Lolwutburger> That's what happens when I do a face reveal online.
[01:07] <SugarPenguin12> I wonder how many wikis DJ has posted the same thread
[01:07] <Lolwutburger> STILL THOUGH
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> Dinkleberry is my best art yet
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> since it features black Dinkleberg
[01:08] <Lolwutburger>
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> click for black dinkleberg and dinklebear
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Because equality.
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> and dinklegirl and dinkelesbian
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:09] <SugarPenguin12> @Wikia
[01:09] <Lolwutburger> holagain wintahgain
[01:09] <SugarPenguin12> Was it you who signed up for my game on PVZCC
[01:09] <SugarPenguin12> Or am I wrong
[01:09] <Wikia-Critic> Wut gam?
[01:09] <SugarPenguin12> the deadly disasters thing
[01:10] <SugarPenguin12>
[01:10] <Wikia-Critic> That's me.
[01:07] <Lolwutburger> Yep, IRL me will do anything to protect his art
[01:07] <Lolwutburger> That's what happens when I do a face reveal online.
[01:07] <SugarPenguin12> I wonder how many wikis DJ has posted the same thread
[01:07] <Lolwutburger> STILL THOUGH
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> Dinkleberry is my best art yet
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> since it features black Dinkleberg
[01:08] <Lolwutburger>
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> click for black dinkleberg and dinklebear
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Because equality.
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> and dinklegirl and dinkelesbian
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:09] <SugarPenguin12> @Wikia
[01:09] <Lolwutburger> holagain wintahgain
[01:09] <SugarPenguin12> Was it you who signed up for my game on PVZCC
[01:09] <SugarPenguin12> Or am I wrong
[01:09] <Wikia-Critic> Wut gam?
[01:09] <SugarPenguin12> the deadly disasters thing
[01:10] <SugarPenguin12>
[01:10] <Wikia-Critic> That's me.
[01:10] <SugarPenguin12> okay
[01:10] <SugarPenguin12> well going to PVZCC chat
[01:10] <SugarPenguin12> bye
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> gtg now
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> bereshekle
[01:13] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:10] <SugarPenguin12> okay
[01:10] <SugarPenguin12> well going to PVZCC chat
[01:10] <SugarPenguin12> bye
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> gtg now
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> bereshekle
[01:13] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:19] <IMCR8Z> Ded
[01:23] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:23] <AWikiBoy521> zyr[
[01:23] <AWikiBoy521> *Yep
[01:24] <AWikiBoy521> I can't believe I accidentally all wrong buttons.
[01:26] <Lolwutburger> Just stoppin' by to tell y'all bout my new animation featuring Chris Chan
[01:26] <Lolwutburger>
[01:32] <IMCR8Z> K
[01:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Testing colddragon
[01:34] <Insert Your Name Here> It's pretty much the ultimate "screw you fc" plant
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> Now, paid!
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:37] <TheAnonymousA> Nooooo!
[01:38] <TheAnonymousA> I have such bad luck!
[01:38] <TheAnonymousA> Probably shouldn't focus on that though...
[01:38] <TheAnonymousA> anyone there?
[01:39] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[01:39] <IMCR8Z> Ded
[01:39] <AWikiBoy521> I am here.
[01:40] <AWikiBoy521> Just reading one of the odd comic thing just because my friends suggested me to read it.
[01:40] <TheAnonymousA> Well, is it wierd if I have a list of my friend's wardrobe?
[01:41] <AWikiBoy521> Well, it depends.
[01:42] <TheAnonymousA> As in...?
[01:42] <Iamarepeater> test
[01:44] <Brainulator9> hilo
[01:44] <Iamarepeater> hive
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> @TheAnonymousA
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> Well, some wardrobes are weird.
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Brain
[01:45] <Iamarepeater> Brainulator , do you still like that Pinkie Pie pic?
[01:45] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:45] <TheAnonymousA> Hi Brainulator !
[01:46] <TheAnonymousA> When will Pinkgirl come on this chat?
[01:46] <TheAnonymousA> [[]]
[01:46] <IMCR8Z> Does anyone know a site where I can download some of the plant and zombie sounds in Garden Warfare? I had a link for it once, but now I've lost it.
[01:46] <TheAnonymousA> Test
[01:46] <TheAnonymousA> [[]]
[01:47] <TheAnonymousA> [[]]test
[01:47] <TheAnonymousA> :3 
[01:48] <TheAnonymousA> Hi?
[01:50] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[01:50] <AWikiBoy521> @TheAnonymousA
[01:50] <AWikiBoy521> Uh, not now.
[01:51] <AWikiBoy521> She's kinda busy with her stuff.
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> Like caring for her unborn baby
[01:54] <IMCR8Z> ded
[01:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Iamarepeater
[01:54] <AWikiBoy521> Eh?
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> pinkgirl is pregnant
[01:57] <IMCR8Z> Chat is dead.
[03:37] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:37] <MC Zom-Bi> Hi all
[03:38] <MC Zom-Bi> o/ 
[03:38] <MC Zom-Bi> \o 
[03:38] <MC Zom-Bi> \o/
[03:39] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:40] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hello
[03:40] <The Magic Star> test
[03:40] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:40] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:41] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:41] <The Magic Star> tako
[03:43] <Graham02> i dont have a link
[03:44] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:45] <IMCR8Z> Hizdy!
[03:45] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:50] <Moonshan2> and my body goes
[03:50] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wut