Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/16 January 2016

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[11:53] <Eugoth> (troll) 
[11:53] <Coolyoyo33> my pc is lagging so much rip
[11:53] <Lily8763cp> I don't buy premiums
[11:53] <Coolyoyo33> curse you photoshop ;-;
[11:54] <Lily8763cp> Expect gemiums
[11:54] <Eugoth> I hope part 2 premium is a gemium
[11:54] <Snapdragon717> doubt it
[11:54] <ProcastinatorMan> DA's EZ is also a pretty good thing to help you make me think you're the best strategist.
[11:54] <Eugoth> And not a crappy gemium like (dandelion2)
[11:54] <Starfruity> Starfruity 'sTikiTorch-er.png
[11:54] <Eugoth> A rather moderate gemium like (ghostpepper) 
[11:54] <Starfruity> [[Starfruity'sTikiTorch-er.png]]
[11:54] <Starfruity> Forgot those [[]]s
[11:55] <Starfruity> [[]][[]]'s
[11:55] <Starfruity> Damn it
[11:55] <Starfruity> [ [ ] ]
[11:55] <Lily8763cp> The newly found plant is escape root
[11:55] <Starfruity> Never mind
[11:55] <Coolyoyo33> why is it lagging so much for JUST A 250x250 Pixels profile pic omg
[11:55] <Lily8763cp> The part 2 premium
[11:55] <Lily8763cp> and we have no idea what it costs
[11:55] <Lily8763cp> Or what it does
[11:55] <Starfruity> Anyway, now I can use Cold Snappys instead of Snappys to reduce that redundancy
[11:55] <Eugoth> :P :( 
[11:55] <Coolyoyo33> it'll probably be a premium
[11:55] <Snapdragon717> (sad) 
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> It's freaken PS!
[11:56] <Eugoth> Gotta go, bye peeps and good night.
[11:56] <ProcastinatorMan> So the backrow Snapdragons attack zombies?
[11:56] <Snapdragon717> Bye
[11:56] <Snapdragon717> oh I mean by
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> It eats up RAM faster than other programs that are simple.
[11:56] <Starfruity> Just the front ones
[11:56] <Starfruity> The back ones are for octopi
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Insert
[11:56] <Lily8763cp> I use pixlr
[11:56] <ProcastinatorMan> So basically you are living in the Bucket o' Sushi?
[11:56] <Lily8763cp> But the recoloring makes white and black colors red
[11:56] <Lily8763cp> When recoloring &gt;_&lt; 
[11:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit I still have class on saturday
[11:57] <Electric Plants> Test
[11:57] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Hello
[11:57] <Lily8763cp> Darn lag
[11:57] <AWikiBoy521> Sup?
[11:57] <Insert Your Name Here> And thanks to no motivation, my activity has been really going down recently
[11:57] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I like to meow
[11:57] <Coolyoyo33> this lag is killing me and my motivation, both at once
[11:57] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Meow I am a cat
[11:57] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Meow,meow
[11:57] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Meow
[11:58] <Insert Your Name Here> So now I have content mod to run for huh?
[11:58] <Lily8763cp> If ya want
[11:58] <Lily8763cp> It's pretty much forum mod
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> that wasn't really kick worthy?
[11:59] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Why I got kicked
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Content mod is about mainspace
[11:59] <Lily8763cp> It was kinda spam
[11:59] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> ?
[11:59] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:59] <Lily8763cp> idk really
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Not everyone can do it
[11:59] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> It wasn't
[11:59] <Lily8763cp> I'm not used with chat mod rights
[11:59] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I had them once...
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> it was a reallly low level of spam rip
[11:59] <Lily8763cp> Cause I'm almost never here :/ 
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> It was not severe enough to be spam
[11:59] <Lily8763cp> Sorry sir
[11:59] <Lily8763cp> I'll let you do the kicking :P 
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> @Lily
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> Get used to it though.
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> lel
[12:00] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm more used to chat
[12:00] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I had them once on this wiki,this is my alt account
[12:00] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> It was back in 2011
[12:00] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Great times
[12:00] <Insert Your Name Here> And I'm still waiting for something...
[12:00] <Lily8763cp> "Them"
[12:00] <Lily8763cp> What's them?
[12:00] <Coolyoyo33> I'd make human sacrifices to lord photoshop just to not lag so much
[12:00] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Horewer,I must say this wiki changed...It got really odd for some reason
[12:00] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But tha's just me
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Tbh, Pink kinda made the some punishments a little too much when she firstie at Chat Moding.</span>
[12:01] <Brainulator9> ^
[12:01] <Lily8763cp> Oh, hey Brainulator 
[12:01] <Lily8763cp> :3
[12:01] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, btw
[12:01] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> "Der,die,das"
[12:02] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Is that German or reffernce to something
[12:02] <Brainulator9> Yes
[12:02] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yes what?
[12:02] <Starfruity> Okay... So Grapeshot or Primal Sunflower for Tiki Torch-er?
[12:02] <Snapdragon717> Grapeshot
[12:02] <Snapdragon717> UNless your sun producer stinks
[12:02] <Dracotroll564> Hello.
[12:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Do you have sunshroom
[12:02] <Starfruity> I have and use Twin Sunflower
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:02] <Snapdragon717> Okay then Grapeshot
[12:03] <Lily8763cp> Trying to find something in the chat log
[12:03] <Dracotroll564> ...
[12:03] <Insert Your Name Here> If not, primalflower. Twinflower is horrible
[12:03] <Coolyoyo33> photoshop 3D text looks horrible
[12:03] <Dracotroll564> Moonflower is OK.As far as I know.
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> @Lily
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> For today or yesterday?
[12:03] <Insert Your Name Here> Twinflower is horribly slow early on
[12:04] <Insert Your Name Here> And as far as I remember, early game is the hardest part
[12:04] <CitronFire3> Imp is OP O_o
[12:04] <CitronFire3> On PVZ GW2
[12:04] <Dracotroll564> ikr
[12:04] <Lily8763cp> For "yesterday"
[12:04] <Lily8763cp> But its labeled as today
[12:04] <Dracotroll564> Oh and btw
[12:04] <Lily8763cp> When I quoted someone XD
[12:04] <Dracotroll564> You know the pre order bonus?
[12:04] <Dracotroll564> Z7 imp?
[12:04] <AWikiBoy521> @Lily
[12:04] <AWikiBoy521> Because different timezones anyway. :P 
[12:05] <Dracotroll564> I heard
[12:05] <Dracotroll564> Hes a legendary character
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[12:05] <Lily8763cp> Notice how we've been showed 2 zombie heroes
[12:05] <Lily8763cp> But 0 plant heroes
[12:05] <Lily8763cp> O_o
[12:05] <ProcastinatorMan> Unless you're doing GH the beginning of the level is important but not the be-all end-all.
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> The zombies are the hero in this game boys
[12:05] <AWikiBoy521> @Dracotroll
[12:05] <AWikiBoy521> Eh, not really.
[12:06] <Dracotroll564> Just saying
[12:06] <ProcastinatorMan> I'll concede that the 75-sun producers are more immediately useful. But you can't pretend the waves besides the opening don't exist. Because they'll remind you that they do.
[12:06] <Starfruity> WAT They nerfed Snapdragon's range!?
[12:06] <Lily8763cp> Looking back at the log, I think is was erased.
[12:06] <CitronFire3> wait
[12:06] <Starfruity> Well there goes my strategy
[12:06] <Dracotroll564> Am I the only one who thinks moonflower is terrible?
[12:06] <Insert Your Name Here> You will usually get more than enough sun in like the mid game or something
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> @Starfruity
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> Well, that sucks.
[12:07] <Dracotroll564> Because look at it this way:
[12:07] <Starfruity> Meh, I'll figure it out
[12:07] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> What does being "autistic" means?I have met a friend online and he said he is autistic.Is that some sort of mental problem or...?
[12:07] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[12:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Early game is when you don't have 4+ power tile to pump out a bunch of sun
[12:07] <Starfruity> I just have to rearrange a bit
[12:07] <Dracotroll564> TwinFlower=100 sun for 125 sun
[12:07] <Insert Your Name Here> And a bunch of imp is rushing your defense
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:07] <Brainulator9> Autism is a disorder where a person has limited communication, little social interaction, have very limited interests, and often do the same things over and over.
[12:08] <ProcastinatorMan> 4+ Power tile? Terror from Tomorrow's early game is the least of your problems m8.
[12:08] <Dracotroll564> Moonflower=100 sun for 200-300 sun
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> @NbyTupsjftTvdlt
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> There are variations to this Spectrum.
[12:08] <Snapdragon717> Early game is when they spawn 5 imps immediately, following first wave with special zombies of that world. You should have at least 3-5 sun producers at this point.
[12:08] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Huh...He seemed fine...
[12:08] <CoachSDot> Guys I discovered something in the Beta!
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> @NbyTupsjftTvdlt
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> But, is he an introvert?
[12:08] <ProcastinatorMan> 4 Tile Turnips cost a total of 1750 sun.
[12:08] <Dracotroll564> Tell us?
[12:08] <Dracotroll564> 
[12:08] <ProcastinatorMan> Go nuts with 75 guys in GH.
[12:08] <Lily8763cp> I use (sunshroom) 
[12:08] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Introvert?
[12:08] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[12:08] <Lily8763cp> Because of stuff like that
[12:08] <Brainulator9> Greatest Hits?
[12:09] <Lily8763cp> But I might replaced it with Moonflower
[12:09] <Brainulator9> (infinut) counters (hairmetalgarg) 
[12:09] <CoachSDot> I found a rogue Imp running amuck, then I fought it, he was pretty tanky for an Imp... he wore a knights helm.
[12:09] <Lily8763cp> 2 rows of 100 sun sun producers
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> @NbyTupsjftTvdlt
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> Introvert - Someone who prefers talks by him/her self.
[12:09] <Insert Your Name Here> I can get 5 power tiles before the first flag
[12:09] <CoachSDot> Anyone listening to me?
[12:09] <Insert Your Name Here> So sure
[12:09] <CitronFire3> When you level up you should get your health increased 
[12:09] <Lily8763cp> so 1,000 sun in total can be given at a time
[12:09] <Snapdragon717> Wonder if that Rouge Imps will have more health or less in its Z-Mech
[12:09] <ProcastinatorMan> Wait hold on a second.
[12:09] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> [[Thread:341401]]
[12:10] <Lily8763cp> In GW2, there's 8 upgrades per character
[12:10] <CoachSDot> Rogue Imp is not it's name.
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> @CoachSDot
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> But it's text.
[12:10] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Andicedent
[12:10] <Lily8763cp> I bet one will be the HP
[12:10] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Who tals to himslef?
[12:10] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[12:10] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Nah,he wasn
[12:10] <CoachSDot> It is an adjective for something that doesn't belong
[12:10] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 't like that
[12:10] <ProcastinatorMan> 5 Tile Turnip is 3750 sun. That's literally over 7 Winter Melons.
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[12:10] <ProcastinatorMan> Wat.
[12:10] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> He wasn't like that..
[12:10] <Ross128> dont be mad at me but
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> Okay, Supback
[12:10] <Ross128> i lost my password for the someguy476 acc :V
[12:10] <Lily8763cp> Lag thing
[12:11] <Ross128> so i created this account
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> @Ross
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Meh :P 
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> On the other hand, each PF wil worth almost 1k sun
[12:11] <Snapdragon717> How did you lose a password?
[12:11] <CoachSDot> Should I state that there is an armored imp variant on the gw 2 page
[12:11] <Ross128> i forgot my email
[12:11] <CoachSDot> ???
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> And it can also make your melonfall 5 times as effective
[12:12] <Lily8763cp> Yeah
[12:12] <Lily8763cp> Someone said they saw a torchwood in the beta
[12:12] <Lily8763cp> A normal torchwood
[12:12] <Lily8763cp> Idk though
[12:12] <CoachSDot> It's called "Big Stump"
[12:12] <ProcastinatorMan> Ok I think I'm missing something here.
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Is the beta available yet in Asian Countries, PopCap?</span>
[12:12] <Lily8763cp> We need somebody to get all the characters
[12:12] <Lily8763cp> In 4 days
[12:12] <Lily8763cp> Well then...
[12:13] <CoachSDot> Oh god...
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:Potato storm.png]]
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Fun fun fun
[12:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">It's still not yet available in the HK PS Store.</span>
[12:13] <Birdpool> I can't copy the Liveconfig.json
[12:13] <Lily8763cp> I can't try because the PC lacks a beta ;( 
[12:13] <Birdpool> halp
[12:13] <Lily8763cp> Because "it would've been harder to keep secrets if the beta was for all 3 consoles" 
[12:13] <Lily8763cp> BULLS***!
[12:13] <CoachSDot> BRB editing gw 2 page
[12:14] <Insert Your Name Here> We all know the dudes on PC can easily mine data from the game
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> Hence, that,
[12:14] <CitronFire3> PC should have a beta
[12:14] <Lily8763cp> and ipads too
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> *that.
[12:14] <CoachSDot> Well the way the backyard battleground is built in the game makes it nearly impossible to lock off unreleased content for the PC
[12:14] <CitronFire3> actually
[12:14] <CitronFire3> how would that work XD
[12:14] <Insert Your Name Here> We should have asked the guys who do the battlefield data to help us
[12:14] <CoachSDot> BRB editing gw 2 page
[12:14] <Lily8763cp> Unless the "leaks" for PvZ2 are from google play
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> Well, is there a Boss Mode in PvZ:GW2?
[12:15] <Insert Your Name Here> So I don't have to shoot at the wall or something
[12:15] <Electric Plants> cf3 PM
[12:15] <Lily8763cp> Hasn't been confirmed
[12:15] <Lily8763cp> or unconfirmed for that matter
[12:16] <CitronFire3> Can I play PVZGW2 On a laptop?
[12:16] <IMCR8Z> Back
[12:16] <CitronFire3> when it comes out
[12:16] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[12:16] <AWikiBoy521> Probably not available in the Beta.
[12:16] <IMCR8Z> @Citron: Depends on your laptop specs.
[12:16] <CitronFire3> ok
[12:17] <Lily8763cp> The game comes out the day before my birthday
[12:17] <Lily8763cp> O_O Hype!
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> @Lily
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> Well, what a coincidence that is convient.
[12:17] <Lily8763cp> Sadly...the new characters don't hype me that much.
[12:18] <CitronFire3> for those have played regular GW on a pc
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> *convenient
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> Mostly the new variants
[12:18] <CitronFire3> What is it like?
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> Like Zen Cactus
[12:18] <CitronFire3> Is it difficult?
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> LWB is interested in rose
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> He really loves her
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Like seriously
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> I could tell
[12:18] <CitronFire3> I like Rose and Super Brainz
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">But not as much as that Cyborg.</span>
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> Idk about Citron
[12:18] <CitronFire3> Citron is kinda weak
[12:18] <Lily8763cp> Always disliked Super Brainz
[12:18] <CitronFire3> He only does 2 damage
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> I'll be preparing the shipping
[12:19] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[12:19] <Lily8763cp> Just waiting for that villain variant
[12:19] <Lily8763cp> They better f***ing do it
[12:19] <AWikiBoy521> Prepare for Feb. 14
[12:19] <AWikiBoy521> All of you users here.
[12:19] <CitronFire3> theres a primal sunflower boss
[12:19] <IMCR8Z> @Citron: In case you couldn't tell, it's a CONTINUOUS BEAM
[12:19] <IMCR8Z> @AWB: I'll get my waifu pic ready.
[12:19] <CitronFire3> or a mystic flower primal sunflwer boss
[12:19] <CitronFire3> whatever it is
[12:19] <CitronFire3> Yeah @Imcr
[12:19] <IMCR8Z> @Citron: It
[12:19] <Lily8763cp> @CitronFire it's apparently called "Sunflower Queen"
[12:19] <IMCR8Z> ^
[12:19] <CitronFire3> Sunflower Queen?
[12:19] <CitronFire3> Pfft
[12:19] <IMCR8Z> You ninja'd me.
[12:19] <Snapdragon717> I don't think it's primal sunflower, but it looks big and mystical
[12:20] <Lily8763cp> I wish they called it Primal Sunflower or something around that
[12:20] <ErnestoAM> Sunny 
[12:20] <Snapdragon717> (ninja) 
[12:20] <CitronFire3> They could have called it Primal Mystic Flower :P 
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> @IMCR8Z
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[12:20] <Coolyoyo33> any way I could like improve dis
[12:20] <ErnestoAM> Add moss
[12:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Furryflower
[12:21] <Coolyoyo33> hmm
[12:21] <CitronFire3> imma go play gw
[12:21] <CitronFire3> "{
[12:21] <Lily8763cp> I made a lawn a little bit ago
[12:21] <CitronFire3> * :p 
[12:21] <Lily8763cp>
[12:21] <Lily8763cp> Not that complicated I know
[12:22] <ProcastinatorMan> Well, I'll do other stuff.
[12:22] <ProcastinatorMan> Bye folks.
[12:22] <Lily8763cp> see ya
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> Bye PMan
[12:22] <Lily8763cp> (wave) 
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> See ya in the future.
[12:22] <Snapdragon717> Okay, what now?
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> It's a good opportunity to meet the PMan.
[12:23] <Coolyoyo33> what do you mean by moss? @ernesto
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> And Supback, Coach
[12:23] <Coolyoyo33> like add some moss to the picture?
[12:23] <CoachSDot> Huh?
[12:23] <Lily8763cp> I think @Yoyo
[12:24] <Birdpool> FUCKING HELL
[12:24] <CoachSDot> Chat ded?
[12:24] <Lily8763cp> Maybe :P 
[12:24] <Birdpool> can someone send me a copy of their liveconfig,json?
[12:24] <CoachSDot> Gtg :( 
[12:24] <Snapdragon717> By
[12:24] <Insert Your Name Here> I can't seem to be able to bring myself to go for content mod currently
[12:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Even though I know it is useful
[12:25] <Birdpool> Hey Insert
[12:25] <Birdpool> can you send me the liveconfig?
[12:25] <Birdpool> I just need a clean copy for computer
[12:25] <Lily8763cp> Idk what that even is
[12:25] <Birdpool> I can't coppy from phone, won't let me
[12:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Content mod can delete and undelete pages
[12:26] <Birdpool> pages?
[12:26] <Lily8763cp> So like Image Control from the PvZCC wiki
[12:26] <Lily8763cp> Expect with pages instead of photos
[12:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Idk if they can edit locked pages
[12:26] <Lily8763cp> Even though we can do that too 
[12:26] <Birdpool> ...
[12:26] <Lily8763cp> Idk :P 
[12:26] <Birdpool> so, no response?
[12:27] <Birdpool> fine, whatever
[12:27] <Birdpool> ...
[12:27] <Birdpool> -_- 
[12:27] <Snapdragon717> So...
[12:27] <Birdpool> ...
[12:28] <Snapdragon717> I'm thinking of going for rollback. Or is that changed now cause of the new staff rule thing?
[12:28] <Birdpool> for once I'd like to recieve a little help from this darn wiki
[12:29] <Lily8763cp> I don't think so @Snap
[12:29] <Lily8763cp> But you need to prove you're good for it
[12:29] <Lily8763cp> By editing on mainspace a lot (to fix errors/add info)
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> And the standards have really raised
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Blind voting is less frequent now
[12:30] <Birdpool> ...
[12:30] <ErnestoAM> I didn't gain anything from thi. ;( 
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> You can get your vote disqualified for blind voting
[12:30] <ErnestoAM> s
[12:30] <Birdpool> it's like my posts aren't even showing up
[12:30] <Lily8763cp> I see them
[12:30] <Lily8763cp> I just can't help ya
[12:30] <Lily8763cp> Sorry Birdpool ;( 
[12:30] <Birdpool> Ernesto, can you send me a clean liveconfig.json?
[12:32] <Electric Plants> ErnestoAM PM
[12:32] <Birdpool> ErnestoAM 
[12:32] <Birdpool> dude
[12:32] <Birdpool> WTFD
[12:32] <Electric Plants> If u will see it one day
[12:33] <Birdpool> every fucking thyme
[12:33] <Birdpool> you need ernesto
[12:33] <Electric Plants> &gt;:( 
[12:33] <Birdpool> he dissappears
[12:33] <Snapdragon717> It's now a rule here that time has to be written as thyme now. (lol) 
[12:33] <Birdpool> And he fucking does it on purpose and knows we know it
[12:34] <Birdpool> &gt;:( 
[12:34] <AWikiBoy521> @BP
[12:34] <AWikiBoy521> Chill, man.
[12:34] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> freezes Birdpool .
[12:34] <Birdpool> -_- 
[12:34] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> respawns after that.
[12:35] <Snapdragon717> (pong) (ping) 
[12:36] <Lily8763cp> ?
[12:36] <Birdpool> ...
[12:37] <Snapdragon717> Welcome back
[12:37] <Birdpool> Ernesto plz
[12:38] <Birdpool> ...
[12:40] <Snapdragon717> Okay then... what now?
[12:40] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm going to sit here and wait for something
[12:40] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> ...
[12:42] <Electric Plants>
[12:42] <Electric Plants> Wow!
[12:42] <Snapdragon717> There seems to be no sign of life anywhere!
[12:43] <Birdpool> lol
[12:44] <AWikiBoy521> @Snapdragon
[12:44] <AWikiBoy521> Yes, there.
[12:44] <AWikiBoy521> Look at the Tumbleweed.
[12:45] <Snapdragon717> And the grass
[12:46] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> jm part 2 update: only one new zombie, two more dinosaurs, most people disliked it.
[12:46] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Md part 1 update: everyone thinks it is the end of pvz2, but popcap officially said that pvz2 will not end.
[12:46] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> ??? update after md part 2 update: Popcap adds a world, something will happen.
[12:46] <Birdpool> game opens
[12:46] <Lily8763cp> Eh?
[12:46] <Snapdragon717> I'm pretty sure when you're introduced to Day 8 of MD, you can already start making matches while they're talking/when it says ready, set, match.
[12:47] <Birdpool> PET
[12:47] <Birdpool> ZOMBIE
[12:47] <Birdpool> WORKS
[12:47] <Birdpool> IT
[12:47] <Birdpool> IS
[12:47] <Birdpool> SO CUTE
[12:47] <Birdpool> :3
[12:47] <Lily8763cp> Pic?
[12:48] <Birdpool> in a minute
[12:48] <Birdpool> OMG they're tossable!
[12:49] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> jm part 2 update: only one new zombie, two more dinosaurs, most people disliked it. 
[12:49] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Md part 1 update: everyone thinks it is the end of pvz2, but popcap officially said that pvz2 will not end.
[12:49] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> 12th world update after md part 2 update: everyone says something bad with this world before the update or after the update.
[12:49] <Lily8763cp> Nah, it'll end
[12:50] <Lily8763cp> PvZ3 is most likely already started, even if it's just planning
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[12:50] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> [[Modern Day#Trivia]]
[12:51] <Lily8763cp> ?
[12:52] <Snapdragon717> "One of the advertisements for Modern day,'The time is now!', is a possible reference to John Cena's theme song, The time is now." Whoever added this, nice.
[12:52] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> "There is a possibility of this being the final world. However, Popcap has said on Facebook that Modern Day may not be the final world, as they mentioned that Dr. Zomboss has reinforcements that he can call from various time periods."
[12:52] <Lily8763cp> That's this world...
[12:52] <Lily8763cp> Also
[12:52] <Lily8763cp> Despite (knightzombie) not being in part 1, he's in the trailer AND an advertisement. 
[12:52] <Birdpool> Plz PopCap make PetZombie an obtainable upgrade
[12:52] <AWikiBoy521> @Snapdragon
[12:52] <AWikiBoy521> It makes sense though.
[12:53] <Birdpool> I did say it's cute, but it's just a Basic
[12:53] <Lily8763cp> He'll probably be EVERYWHERE in part 2
[12:53] <Snapdragon717> I don't get why Knight doesn't spawn from a portal
[12:53] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[12:53] <Birdpool> but since it's codename it pet, I can use this cutie-pie in MD
[12:53] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Come on, I wanted a upgrade that lets use all world exclusive plants in other worlds.
[12:54] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Birdpool is gay
[12:54] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> fUCK GAY
[12:54] <Birdpool> And?
[12:54] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> iT'S NOT NORMAL
[12:54] <Snapdragon717> Watch them make a level full with Knights, Blockheads, and Fossilheads, and make it locked and loaded: Moonflower, Part 2 plant, Magnet-shroom, Shadow-shroom, Stallia, or something.
[12:54] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Its stupid
[12:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit I did not pay attention to chat
[12:54] <Snapdragon717> Ummmmm
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> At least, you did now.
[12:54] <Lily8763cp> Yep
[12:55] <Birdpool> Don't know WTF that was
[12:55] <Lily8763cp> There will be an "every bully" level
[12:55] <Snapdragon717> Well that was awkward
[12:55] <Birdpool> ...
[12:55] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Why i got shoot?
[12:55] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[12:55] <Lily8763cp> Which includes (octozombie) (troglobite) (arcadezombie) and (jurassicbully) 
[12:55] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Nice
[12:55] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I wanted thta
[12:55] <Birdpool> You got shot because you're being an a-hole
[12:55] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> *That
[12:55] <Snapdragon717> you called someone g** stupid
[12:55] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Bye now gay asshole fuck
[12:55] <Birdpool> WTF
[12:55] <AWikiBoy521> *sigh* Not again.
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> BP, calm down.
[12:56] <Snapdragon717> (facepalm) 
[12:56] <Birdpool> I am calm
[12:56] <Snapdragon717> these people
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[12:56] <Lily8763cp> Sometimes
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Even new users are like that.
[12:57] <Birdpool> there mouse is back
[12:57] <Lily8763cp> There mouse?
[12:58] <Birdpool> *There, mouse is back
[12:58] <Birdpool> I always use right form of "There, They're, and Their".
[12:59] <Snapdragon717> Witch, which, your, you're, hear, here, etc,
[12:59] <Birdpool> I always use proper form
[12:59] <Birdpool> the computer's mouse stopped working
[12:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh
[12:59] <Lily8763cp> I thought you actually said the grammar wrong a sec there XD
[01:00] <Birdpool> nuuuu one of my pets died
[01:00] <Birdpool> stupid conehead
[01:00] <Lily8763cp> How much HP did you give the things?
[01:00] <Lily8763cp> 1,000,000?
[01:00] <Birdpool> You can't change their HP
[01:00] <Birdpool> It's by which zombie you use
[01:00] <Birdpool> I don't want game crash, so I'm using normal pet
[01:00] <Birdpool> it's just a basic.
[01:01] <Birdpool> 270 HP
[01:01] <Birdpool> that's it
[01:01] <Birdpool> one-on-one with conehead loses
[01:01] <Lily8763cp> Must eat slow
[01:01] <Lily8763cp> Or already low HP
[01:01] <Lily8763cp> Also, can gargantuars/MC Zom-Bs instantly kill them?
[01:01] <Birdpool> 270 HP is the same HP as a basic
[01:02] <Birdpool> code HP
[01:02] <Birdpool> 13.5 HP
[01:02] <Birdpool> but with critical system
[01:02] <Birdpool> it's 9.25
[01:03] <Bearjedi> Can someone highlight this
[01:03] <Bearjedi> [[Thread:534203]]
[01:03] <Snapdragon717> So we don't have PS plank gimmicks, minecarts, sun bombs, dark ages tombstones, potions, water, freezing winds, slider tiles, or trap tiles in MD yet
[01:03] <Bearjedi> [[Thread:534196]]
[01:03] <Bearjedi> And that
[01:04] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">inb4, Bearjedi gets keel after that.</span>
[01:04] <Lily8763cp> *shrug *Idk
[01:05] <Lily8763cp> More of a question than advertising
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> Thanks
[01:06] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Now, time to wake up that sleepyhead.</span>
[01:06] <Birdpool> WTF is inb4?
[01:07] <Snapdragon717> predicting something before hand in a comedic fashion/way, I think
[01:07] <Lily8763cp> Hey man
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> @BP
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> inb4 - in before
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> Use to predict situations that will most likely happen.
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> One of the internet slangs.
[01:09] <Lily8763cp> Gtg
[01:09] <Lily8763cp> See ya (wave) 
[01:09] <Bearjedi> What if Dandelion was a weed and called "Smoke Weed"
[01:09] <Bearjedi> 
[01:09] <Bearjedi> I'm pretty sure that's why it's a dandelion rather than a weed
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> o/ 
[01:09] <Snapdragon717> by
[01:10] <Birdpool> *beats Shynxinator with the pet
[01:13] <Snapdragon717> inb4 chat slowly dies out
[01:13] <Birdpool> what's inb4?
[01:13] <Snapdragon717> we said it above
[01:13] <Snapdragon717> it means to predict something
[01:13] <Snapdragon717> in before 
[01:13] <Birdpool> oh
[01:14] <Snapdragon717> Yeah, I never knew that until a few days ago (happy) 
[01:14] <AWikiBoy521> Is what I wrote too complex for you?
[01:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I made it simple for you to understand.</span>
[01:15] <Bearjedi> anyone realize
[01:15] <Bearjedi> [[File:HD Imp Worker Wrench.png]]
[01:15] <Snapdragon717> I'm more board (bored) than the cardboard plants in I, Zombie
[01:15] <Bearjedi> This thing has no nose
[01:16] <AWikiBoy521> I realized that before.
[01:16] <Birdpool> hawly shet
[01:16] <AWikiBoy521> Also, (derp) 
[01:17] <Snapdragon717> welcome back
[01:17] <CitronFire3> I HATE PEOPLE IN GW
[01:17] <CitronFire3> Ok
[01:17] <CitronFire3> So I was the engineer right?
[01:17] <Snapdragon717> okay...
[01:17] <CitronFire3> When I was going to deploy the teleporter
[01:17] <CitronFire3> Most of the plants
[01:17] <CitronFire3> Just out of nowheres
[01:17] <CitronFire3> AMUBUSH me
[01:17] <CitronFire3> So I go again to try to build it
[01:17] <Snapdragon717> wow...
[01:18] <CitronFire3> And they just constantly kept doing it to me
[01:18] <CitronFire3> So I was like
[01:18] <CitronFire3> Fine
[01:18] <CitronFire3> screw the teleporter
[01:18] <Bearjedi> Is it GW2
[01:18] <CitronFire3> So I went to capture their base
[01:18] <CitronFire3> they were there somehow
[01:18] <CitronFire3> and ambushed me
[01:18] <CitronFire3> again
[01:18] <CitronFire3> and killed me
[01:18] <Bearjedi> Then
[01:18] <CitronFire3> and I was just like
[01:18] <CitronFire3> Im fucking done
[01:18] <CitronFire3> :P 
[01:18] <Bearjedi> You went back to the teleporter
[01:18] <CitronFire3> no
[01:18] <CitronFire3> the game ended
[01:18] <CitronFire3> we los
[01:18] <Bearjedi> And they somehow found you again
[01:18] <CitronFire3> *lost
[01:18] <CitronFire3> :P 
[01:18] <CitronFire3> STARFRUIT
[01:18] <CitronFire3> *STARFRUITY
[01:19] <CitronFire3> STARFRUITY 
[01:19] <CitronFire3> STARFRUITY 
[01:19] <CitronFire3> :p 
[01:19] <Birdpool> I can throw ZombiePet over the water in PS onto enemy ship
[01:19] <Starfruity> ping
[01:19] <CitronFire3> Starfruity can I use your football zombie
[01:19] <CitronFire3> i'll give u credit
[01:19] <Birdpool> to kill the imp cannons with just the ZombiePet
[01:19] <Starfruity> As long as you don't remove the watermark (troll) 
[01:19] <CitronFire3> o
[01:19] <CitronFire3> NEVERMIND (TROLL) 
[01:20] <Starfruity> Nah, you can use it
[01:20] <CitronFire3> Oh ok thanks
[01:20] <CitronFire3> its for my game
[01:20] <Snapdragon717> what game?
[01:20] <CitronFire3> Plants VS. Zombies: Dimension Suspension
[01:23] <Bearjedi> --On PVZCC
[01:23] <Snapdragon717> Well, time to work on that Troglobite pixelization now. Nothing else to do.
[01:24] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Someone woke up.</span>
[01:25] <Birdpool> ZombiePet works in the EZs too!
[01:27] <Snapdragon717> Anyone seen this?
[01:27] <Bearjedi> that dude should sell those lol
[01:27] <Snapdragon717> Welcome back
[01:27] <Snapdragon717> wait
[01:28] <Snapdragon717> Here we go
[01:28] <Bearjedi> That dude should sell the pancakes as products
[01:28] <CitronFire3> I got pinned wtf
[01:28] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[01:28] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[01:28] <CitronFire3> something pinged me
[01:28] <Snapdragon717> chat's is semi-dead
[01:28] <Ballistic Planet> I'm currently editing levels
[01:29] <Ballistic Planet> I added bytes to a level :o 
[01:29] <Snapdragon717> cool
[01:29] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:29] <Snapdragon717> so does that mean you can create a level featuring only the 4 "big" zombies, like (Octo Zombie) ?
[01:29] <Bearjedi> CF3 
[01:29] <Bearjedi>
[01:29] <CitronFire3> WHATS FUCKING PINGING ME
[01:29] <CitronFire3> O
[01:29] <CitronFire3> Its u
[01:29] <CitronFire3> :p 
[01:30] <CitronFire3> wtf
[01:30] <CitronFire3> Dayum
[01:30] <CitronFire3> i want it
[01:30] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[01:30] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hello
[01:30] <CitronFire3> RIP Peashooter's eyes
[01:31] <Ballistic Planet> h,,
[01:31] <Snapdragon717>
[01:31] <Ballistic Planet> hmm
[01:31] <CitronFire3> WHAT THE HELL
[01:31] <CitronFire3> HOW DID
[01:31] <CitronFire3> WHAT
[01:31] <CitronFire3> EVEN
[01:31] <Ballistic Planet> ??
[01:31] <CitronFire3> besides the leaf
[01:31] <Snapdragon717> I know, and it looked so basic too
[01:31] <Snapdragon717> when he was drawing it
[01:32] <CitronFire3> IKR
[01:32] <CitronFire3> FLIP
[01:32] <CitronFire3> THEN
[01:32] <CitronFire3> WHAT
[01:32] <CitronFire3> THE
[01:32] <CitronFire3> FUCKING
[01:32] <CitronFire3> FUCK
[01:32] <CitronFire3> XD
[01:33] <Snapdragon717> @CF3
[01:23] <Bearjedi> --On PVZCC
[01:23] <Snapdragon717> Well, time to work on that Troglobite pixelization now. Nothing else to do.
[01:24] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Someone woke up.</span>
[01:25] <Birdpool> ZombiePet works in the EZs too!
[01:27] <Snapdragon717> Anyone seen this?
[01:27] <Bearjedi> that dude should sell those lol
[01:27] <Snapdragon717> Welcome back
[01:27] <Snapdragon717> wait
[01:28] <Snapdragon717> Here we go
[01:28] <Bearjedi> That dude should sell the pancakes as products
[01:28] <CitronFire3> I got pinned wtf
[01:28] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[01:28] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[01:28] <CitronFire3> something pinged me
[01:28] <Snapdragon717> chat's is semi-dead
[01:28] <Ballistic Planet> I'm currently editing levels
[01:29] <Ballistic Planet> I added bytes to a level :o 
[01:29] <Snapdragon717> cool
[01:29] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:29] <Snapdragon717> so does that mean you can create a level featuring only the 4 "big" zombies, like (Octo Zombie) ?
[01:29] <Bearjedi> CF3 
[01:29] <Bearjedi>
[01:29] <CitronFire3> WHATS FUCKING PINGING ME
[01:29] <CitronFire3> O
[01:29] <CitronFire3> Its u
[01:29] <CitronFire3> :p 
[01:30] <CitronFire3> wtf
[01:30] <CitronFire3> Dayum
[01:30] <CitronFire3> i want it
[01:30] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[01:30] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hello
[01:30] <CitronFire3> RIP Peashooter's eyes
[01:31] <Ballistic Planet> h,,
[01:31] <Snapdragon717>
[01:31] <Ballistic Planet> hmm
[01:31] <CitronFire3> WHAT THE HELL
[01:31] <CitronFire3> HOW DID
[01:31] <CitronFire3> WHAT
[01:31] <CitronFire3> EVEN
[01:31] <Ballistic Planet> ??
[01:31] <CitronFire3> besides the leaf
[01:31] <Snapdragon717> I know, and it looked so basic too
[01:31] <Snapdragon717> when he was drawing it
[01:32] <CitronFire3> IKR
[01:32] <CitronFire3> FLIP
[01:32] <CitronFire3> THEN
[01:32] <CitronFire3> WHAT
[01:32] <CitronFire3> THE
[01:32] <CitronFire3> FUCKING
[01:32] <CitronFire3> FUCK
[01:32] <CitronFire3> XD
[01:33] <Snapdragon717> @CF3
[01:33] <CitronFire3> LOL
[01:34] <Snapdragon717> I can allude to Spongebob any day.
[01:34] <CitronFire3> BJ Is this too overpowered?
[01:34] <CitronFire3> i can nerf it
[01:34] <Birdpool> Wait, is it Magneto or Magento?
[01:34] <Nitromian Poptropica> Seems like a creative concept
[01:35] <Brainulator9> magento
[01:35] <CitronFire3> I thought it might be a little overpowered but I think the sun cost makes up for it
[01:35] <CitronFire3> The hell?
[01:35] <Snapdragon717> My first thing on that wiki. Not that good though
[01:36] <CitronFire3> So many people I had no idea played GW or PVZ are playing it
[01:36] <CitronFire3> Im just like
[01:36] <CitronFire3> O_o
[01:36] <CitronFire3> U PLAY PVZ?
[01:36] <Reapeageddon> Is Modern Day Part 2 leaked yet
[01:36] <Snapdragon717> no
[01:36] <Bearjedi> iT'S GOOD cf3 
[01:36] <Reapeageddon> Is the PRemium plant leaked yet?
[01:36] <Snapdragon717> unfortuneatly
[01:36] <CitronFire3> thx
[01:36] <Reapeageddon> HOI BJ
[01:36] <Bearjedi> also
[01:36] <CitronFire3> reap
[01:36] <CitronFire3> yes
[01:36] <Bearjedi>
[01:36] <CitronFire3> Escape Root
[01:36] <Bearjedi> how's that
[01:36] <CitronFire3> :P 
[01:36] <Bearjedi>
[01:36] <Reapeageddon> *pets the Tem*
[01:36] <CitronFire3> BJ
[01:36] <Reapeageddon> Is the textures leaked yet?
[01:36] <Bearjedi> w0t @reap
[01:37] <Bearjedi> No Reap
[01:37] <Bearjedi> make your own
[01:37] <Bearjedi> like you did with guava lava
[01:37] <Bearjedi>
[01:37] <Birdpool> Ballistic Planet 
[01:38] <Birdpool> How do I change the zombie used as ZombiePet?
[01:38] <CitronFire3> guava lava XD
[01:38] <Brainulator9> bilo
[01:38] <Snapdragon717> Guava Java
[01:39] <Birdpool> Ballistic Planet 
[01:40] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[01:40] <Nitromian Poptropica> Bye WikiBoy
[01:41] <Snapdragon717> by
[01:41] <CitronFire3> byebyebyebyebybe
[01:42] <AWikiBoy521> Not me
[01:43] <Birdpool> Ballistic Planet 
[01:43] <Birdpool> plz
[01:43] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:43] <CitronFire3> my fave pvza music evah
[01:44] <Snapdragon717> Anyone stoked that potions and dinos will be in the valenbrains parties
[01:44] <Snapdragon717> @CF3 my favorite is the Loonboon remix and the victory theme (if that counts)
[01:44] <CitronFire3> Lol
[01:45] <Snapdragon717> This
[01:45] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[01:45] <Ballistic Planet> sorry
[01:45] <Ballistic Planet> was modding
[01:46] <Ballistic Planet> trying to add plants
[01:46] <Birdpool> ok
[01:46] <Birdpool> erm
[01:46] <Birdpool> I was just wondering how to change the zombie used as pet
[01:46] <Ballistic Planet> it's on the hex community
[01:46] <Birdpool> since no other codename is 3 chars
[01:46] <Birdpool> ...
[01:47] <Birdpool> :/ 
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> I don't actually know how to do it, since I never cared
[01:47] <Birdpool> link?
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> sure, but it'll be REALLY slow
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> i
[01:47] <Bearjedi> Ballistic Planet 
[01:47] <Bearjedi> SHOW ME WHAT YOU ADDED
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> I'm downloading something intensive
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> I just chnaged AE 21
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> From a catapult level to a peashooter level
[01:48] <Snapdragon717> (intensive carrot) ?
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> but you have 7 plants
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> instead of 6
[01:39] <Birdpool> Ballistic Planet 
[01:40] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[01:40] <Nitromian Poptropica> Bye WikiBoy
[01:41] <Snapdragon717> by
[01:41] <CitronFire3> byebyebyebyebybe
[01:42] <AWikiBoy521> Not me
[01:43] <Birdpool> Ballistic Planet 
[01:43] <Birdpool> plz
[01:43] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:43] <CitronFire3> my fave pvza music evah
[01:44] <Snapdragon717> Anyone stoked that potions and dinos will be in the valenbrains parties
[01:44] <Snapdragon717> @CF3 my favorite is the Loonboon remix and the victory theme (if that counts)
[01:44] <CitronFire3> Lol
[01:45] <Snapdragon717> This
[01:45] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[01:45] <Ballistic Planet> sorry
[01:45] <Ballistic Planet> was modding
[01:46] <Ballistic Planet> trying to add plants
[01:46] <Birdpool> ok
[01:46] <Birdpool> erm
[01:46] <Birdpool> I was just wondering how to change the zombie used as pet
[01:46] <Ballistic Planet> it's on the hex community
[01:46] <Birdpool> since no other codename is 3 chars
[01:46] <Birdpool> ...
[01:47] <Birdpool> :/ 
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> I don't actually know how to do it, since I never cared
[01:47] <Birdpool> link?
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> sure, but it'll be REALLY slow
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> i
[01:47] <Bearjedi> Ballistic Planet 
[01:47] <Bearjedi> SHOW ME WHAT YOU ADDED
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> I'm downloading something intensive
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> I just chnaged AE 21
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> From a catapult level to a peashooter level
[01:48] <Snapdragon717> (intensive carrot) ?
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> but you have 7 plants
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> instead of 6
[01:50] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[01:50] <Citron Bomb Official> I
[01:51] <CoachSDot> Hello!
[01:51] <Citron Bomb Official> Hi
[01:51] <Snapdragon717> ello
[01:51] <CoachSDot> Guys I I have footage of the Ice Princess Rose variant in my Xbox One captures!
[01:52] <Snapdragon717> Since when did Day 9 of MD have a Frostbite Caves portal? Never appeared for me.
[01:52] <Citron Bomb Official> Portals have chances of appearing
[01:52] <CitronFire3> Wat?
[01:53] <Citron Bomb Official> for some reason some Template:S disappear after I put too many of them in one page
[01:50] <Citron Bomb Official> I
[01:51] <CoachSDot> Hello!
[01:51] <Citron Bomb Official> Hi
[01:51] <Snapdragon717> ello
[01:51] <CoachSDot> Guys I I have footage of the Ice Princess Rose variant in my Xbox One captures!
[01:52] <Snapdragon717> Since when did Day 9 of MD have a Frostbite Caves portal? Never appeared for me.
[01:52] <Citron Bomb Official> Portals have chances of appearing
[01:52] <CitronFire3> Wat?
[01:53] <Citron Bomb Official> for some reason some Template:S disappear after I put too many of them in one page
[01:53] <SlimeLOLEnder> Hoes
[01:54] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> (hi) 
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> I'm listening to monstrosity
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> its loud
[01:54] <SlimeLOLEnder> anyone else having trouble with yt?
[01:54] <Snapdragon717> no
[01:54] <SlimeLOLEnder> damn it
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> no..?
[01:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> oh there
[01:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[01:56] <Birdpool> "Wave 6 Cleared in Vasebreaker"
[01:56] <Birdpool> "You got a powerup for moving vases!"
[01:56] <Birdpool> &gt;:D 
[01:56] <Birdpool> *>: D
[01:56] <Citron Bomb Official> (PowerShovel)
[01:57] <Citron Bomb Official> (Moonflower)
[01:57] <Citron Bomb Official> there still not here
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> (moonflower)
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> (nightshade)
[01:57] <Citron Bomb Official> me is disappoint
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> (shadow-shroom)
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> damn it
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> full release was 3 days ago
[01:57] <Citron Bomb Official> PvZ 2 Newspaper vs. PvZ 2 Balloon
[01:58] <Birdpool> I GTG
[01:58] <Birdpool> bilo peeps
[01:58] <Citron Bomb Official> bai
[01:53] <SlimeLOLEnder> Hoes
[01:54] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> (hi) 
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> I'm listening to monstrosity
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> its loud
[01:54] <SlimeLOLEnder> anyone else having trouble with yt?
[01:54] <Snapdragon717> no
[01:54] <SlimeLOLEnder> damn it
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> no..?
[01:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> oh there
[01:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[01:56] <Birdpool> "Wave 6 Cleared in Vasebreaker"
[01:56] <Birdpool> "You got a powerup for moving vases!"
[01:56] <Birdpool> &gt;:D 
[01:56] <Birdpool> *>: D
[01:56] <Citron Bomb Official> (PowerShovel)
[01:57] <Citron Bomb Official> (Moonflower)
[01:57] <Citron Bomb Official> there still not here
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> (moonflower)
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> (nightshade)
[01:57] <Citron Bomb Official> me is disappoint
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> (shadow-shroom)
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> damn it
[01:57] <SlimeLOLEnder> full release was 3 days ago
[01:57] <Citron Bomb Official> PvZ 2 Newspaper vs. PvZ 2 Balloon
[01:58] <Birdpool> I GTG
[01:58] <Birdpool> bilo peeps
[01:58] <Citron Bomb Official> bai
[01:58] <Snapdragon717> what now?
[01:59] <Citron Bomb Official> um
[01:59] <Citron Bomb Official> make PopCap hire another level designer
[01:59] <Citron Bomb Official> (ea)
[01:59] <Citron Bomb Official> (popcaplogo) (ealogo)
[01:59] <SlimeLOLEnder> convince popcap to put i, zombie
[02:00] <Citron Bomb Official> level editor
[02:00] <SlimeLOLEnder> ea bought its emoticon
[02:00] <Citron Bomb Official> or level maker
[02:00] <Snarkel> holla holla
[02:01] <Citron Bomb Official> hi
[02:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> hoes
[02:01] <Snapdragon717> Man, I still have to finish a Geometry and Biology study guide 
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> (fireslime)
[02:01] <Snapdragon717> -_- 
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> Easy
[02:01] <Citron Bomb Official> (portal)
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> Don't do them.
[02:01] <Snarkel> I still need to wait for my OBB to finish uploading
[02:01] <Citron Bomb Official> (EgyptPortal)
[02:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> Lol i got pinget
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> Naw jk, totally do them.
[02:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> pinged**
[02:01] <Snarkel> my combo of a stubborn phone and a stubborn google drive
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> = Stub you
[02:02] <Snapdragon717> Well, they aren't due till tuesday or wednesday, so...
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> Do them now.
[02:02] <Snarkel> yes
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> Your teacher said so.
[02:02] <Citron Bomb Official> Wat to do
[02:03] <ErnestoAM> Eat pancakes.
[02:03] <Citron Bomb Official> how do I make pancakes again
[02:03] <Snapdragon717> I don't eat pancakes (happy) 
[02:03] <Snarkel> I have not had pancakes in ages
[02:03] <CitronFire3> I got pinged
[02:03] <SlimeLOLEnder> Bread
[02:03] <CitronFire3> wtf i keep getting pinged
[02:03] <CitronFire3> OH
[02:03] <CitronFire3> BECAUSE CAKE PINGS ME
[02:03] <CitronFire3> PanCAKE
[02:03] <Snapdragon717> But I know someone who makes good pancake art
[01:58] <Snapdragon717> what now?
[01:59] <Citron Bomb Official> um
[01:59] <Citron Bomb Official> make PopCap hire another level designer
[01:59] <Citron Bomb Official> (ea)
[01:59] <Citron Bomb Official> (popcaplogo) (ealogo)
[01:59] <SlimeLOLEnder> convince popcap to put i, zombie
[02:00] <Citron Bomb Official> level editor
[02:00] <SlimeLOLEnder> ea bought its emoticon
[02:00] <Citron Bomb Official> or level maker
[02:00] <Snarkel> holla holla
[02:01] <Citron Bomb Official> hi
[02:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> hoes
[02:01] <Snapdragon717> Man, I still have to finish a Geometry and Biology study guide 
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> (fireslime)
[02:01] <Snapdragon717> -_- 
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> Easy
[02:01] <Citron Bomb Official> (portal)
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> Don't do them.
[02:01] <Snarkel> I still need to wait for my OBB to finish uploading
[02:01] <Citron Bomb Official> (EgyptPortal)
[02:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> Lol i got pinget
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> Naw jk, totally do them.
[02:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> pinged**
[02:01] <Snarkel> my combo of a stubborn phone and a stubborn google drive
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> = Stub you
[02:02] <Snapdragon717> Well, they aren't due till tuesday or wednesday, so...
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> Do them now.
[02:02] <Snarkel> yes
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> Your teacher said so.
[02:02] <Citron Bomb Official> Wat to do
[02:03] <ErnestoAM> Eat pancakes.
[02:03] <Citron Bomb Official> how do I make pancakes again
[02:03] <Snapdragon717> I don't eat pancakes (happy) 
[02:03] <Snarkel> I have not had pancakes in ages
[02:03] <CitronFire3> I got pinged
[02:03] <SlimeLOLEnder> Bread
[02:03] <CitronFire3> wtf i keep getting pinged
[02:03] <CitronFire3> OH
[02:03] <CitronFire3> BECAUSE CAKE PINGS ME
[02:03] <CitronFire3> PanCAKE
[02:03] <Snapdragon717> But I know someone who makes good pancake art
[02:03] <CitronFire3> oh my lord
[02:04] <Snarkel> ok I'm lost, whats this ping thing?
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> (pancake)
[02:04] <CitronFire3> AAAAAGH
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> cake
[02:04] <SlimeLOLEnder> Special words
[02:04] <CitronFire3> STOPPPPPPPP
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> that make the coin pick up sound when a user types pinged words
[02:04] <SlimeLOLEnder> That make you the pvz1 coin sound
[02:04] <Snapdragon717> Have a (Peashooter2) Pan****
[02:04] <Snapdragon717> there
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> Pan cke
[02:04] <Snarkel> pinged words?
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> Bacon Pancakes
[02:04] <CitronFire3> OH MY GOD STOP
[02:04] <CitronFire3> SERIOUSL
[02:05] <CitronFire3> *SERIOUSLY
[02:05] <ErnestoAM> First, grab a stale piece a bread. Then, cut it into the shape of a circle. Afterwards, put a pan on it. Boom done.
[02:05] <CitronFire3> STOP
[02:05] <Snapdragon717> @Snarkel Some people have words that ping them to chat
[02:05] <CitronFire3> :p 
[02:05] <Citron Bomb Official> okcakte
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> Lol
[02:05] <Snarkel> oh
[02:05] <CitronFire3> Didn't work
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> Just remove cake in ur ping
[02:05] <CitronFire3> Thats it im out
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> phrases
[02:05] <Citron Bomb Official> I pinged all the vowel letters
[02:05] <Snapdragon717> by then
[02:05] <Ballistic Planet> sorry for the delay birdpool
[02:05] <ErnestoAM> cakes
[02:05] <Snarkel> how do you ping words?
[02:05] <Citron Bomb Official> You type words
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> you need chathacks enabled
[02:05] <Citron Bomb Official> in the ping phrases thing
[02:05] <Ballistic Planet> you need chat hacks on
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> by default its your username
[02:06] <Snarkel> noice
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> How to make a cupcake
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> 1. Grab a cup
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> 2. Put a cake in it.
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> 3. Done
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> But that's a cupcake
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> oh wait
[02:06] <Snarkel> 10/10 would cupcake again
[02:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> literally
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> nvm
[02:06] <Citron Bomb Official> (cake)
[02:06] <Ballistic Planet> which plants should be in Pirate Seas day 18?
[02:06] <Snarkel> 10/10 would cupcake again
[02:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> 9/10 Needs more money - EA
[02:06] <Snarkel> ooh
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> Which one is Day 18 again?
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> 9/11
[02:06] <Citron Bomb Official> wait
[02:06] <Ballistic Planet> the one with no sun producers
[02:06] <Ballistic Planet> the locked and loaded
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> I hate that one
[02:06] <Citron Bomb Official> spam Spikeweeds
[02:07] <Snapdragon717> hmm..
[02:07] <Citron Bomb Official> you win
[02:07] <Snarkel> the afk button!
[02:07] <Snapdragon717> Puff-shroom maybe?
[02:07] <Snapdragon717> Nightshade
[02:07] <Ballistic Planet> i can do literally all the plants, but not all combinations of plants
[02:07] <Citron Bomb Official> Banana Launcher
[02:07] <Ballistic Planet> Banana Launcher costs 700 sun in my mod O.O
[02:07] <Citron Bomb Official> Put expensive ones
[02:07] <Snapdragon717> Chili Bean
[02:07] <Snarkel> wait, whats going on?
[02:07] <Citron Bomb Official> Blooooveeerrr
[02:08] <Ballistic Planet> aight
[02:03] <CitronFire3> oh my lord
[02:04] <Snarkel> ok I'm lost, whats this ping thing?
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> (pancake)
[02:04] <CitronFire3> AAAAAGH
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> cake
[02:04] <SlimeLOLEnder> Special words
[02:04] <CitronFire3> STOPPPPPPPP
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> that make the coin pick up sound when a user types pinged words
[02:04] <SlimeLOLEnder> That make you the pvz1 coin sound
[02:04] <Snapdragon717> Have a (Peashooter2) Pan****
[02:04] <Snapdragon717> there
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> Pan cke
[02:04] <Snarkel> pinged words?
[02:04] <Citron Bomb Official> Bacon Pancakes
[02:04] <CitronFire3> OH MY GOD STOP
[02:04] <CitronFire3> SERIOUSL
[02:05] <CitronFire3> *SERIOUSLY
[02:05] <ErnestoAM> First, grab a stale piece a bread. Then, cut it into the shape of a circle. Afterwards, put a pan on it. Boom done.
[02:05] <CitronFire3> STOP
[02:05] <Snapdragon717> @Snarkel Some people have words that ping them to chat
[02:05] <CitronFire3> :p 
[02:05] <Citron Bomb Official> okcakte
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> Lol
[02:05] <Snarkel> oh
[02:05] <CitronFire3> Didn't work
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> Just remove cake in ur ping
[02:05] <CitronFire3> Thats it im out
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> phrases
[02:05] <Citron Bomb Official> I pinged all the vowel letters
[02:05] <Snapdragon717> by then
[02:05] <Ballistic Planet> sorry for the delay birdpool
[02:05] <ErnestoAM> cakes
[02:05] <Snarkel> how do you ping words?
[02:05] <Citron Bomb Official> You type words
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> you need chathacks enabled
[02:05] <Citron Bomb Official> in the ping phrases thing
[02:05] <Ballistic Planet> you need chat hacks on
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> by default its your username
[02:06] <Snarkel> noice
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> How to make a cupcake
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> 1. Grab a cup
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> 2. Put a cake in it.
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> 3. Done
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> But that's a cupcake
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> oh wait
[02:06] <Snarkel> 10/10 would cupcake again
[02:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> literally
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> nvm
[02:06] <Citron Bomb Official> (cake)
[02:06] <Ballistic Planet> which plants should be in Pirate Seas day 18?
[02:06] <Snarkel> 10/10 would cupcake again
[02:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> 9/10 Needs more money - EA
[02:06] <Snarkel> ooh
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> Which one is Day 18 again?
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> 9/11
[02:06] <Citron Bomb Official> wait
[02:06] <Ballistic Planet> the one with no sun producers
[02:06] <Ballistic Planet> the locked and loaded
[02:06] <Snapdragon717> I hate that one
[02:06] <Citron Bomb Official> spam Spikeweeds
[02:07] <Snapdragon717> hmm..
[02:07] <Citron Bomb Official> you win
[02:07] <Snarkel> the afk button!
[02:07] <Snapdragon717> Puff-shroom maybe?
[02:07] <Snapdragon717> Nightshade
[02:07] <Ballistic Planet> i can do literally all the plants, but not all combinations of plants
[02:07] <Citron Bomb Official> Banana Launcher
[02:07] <Ballistic Planet> Banana Launcher costs 700 sun in my mod O.O
[02:07] <Citron Bomb Official> Put expensive ones
[02:07] <Snapdragon717> Chili Bean
[02:07] <Snarkel> wait, whats going on?
[02:07] <Citron Bomb Official> Blooooveeerrr
[02:08] <Ballistic Planet> aight
[02:08] <Ballistic Planet> I replaced PEashooter with Puff-shroom, Spikeweed with Chili Bean. and Spring Bean with Nightshade
[02:08] <Snarkel> your making a mod BP?
[02:08] <Citron Bomb Official> burgerz
[02:08] <Ballistic Planet> I'm editing levels in my mod
[02:08] <Snarkel> ah
[02:09] <Ballistic Planet> I have a select bunch of levels I'm editing atm
[02:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> Hm
[02:09] <Citron Bomb Official> Make the levels PopCap uses in Dev Diaries
[02:09] <Ballistic Planet> what should replace Repeater, Iceburg, and Wallnut?
[02:09] <Snapdragon717> Iceberg with Stunion or stallia
[02:09] <Ballistic Planet> I'm not good enough at level editing to fully construct levels
[02:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> holonut
[02:09] <Snapdragon717> wall-nut with celery stalker
[02:09] <Snapdragon717> repeater with laser bean
[02:10] <Citron Bomb Official> wall-nut with his primal brother
[02:10] <Ballistic Planet> I replaced Wall-nut with Infi-nut
[02:10] <Ballistic Planet> I still have Repeater
[02:10] <Citron Bomb Official> repeater with fire pea
[02:10] <Snapdragon717> Laser bean for repeater
[02:10] <Citron Bomb Official> Repeater with Bowling Bulb
[02:10] <Ballistic Planet> it ahs to be one of these plants 
[02:11] <Citron Bomb Official> Pepper-pult?
[02:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> (cactus2) 
[02:11] <Citron Bomb Official> Red Stinger
[02:11] <Ballistic Planet> Cactus it is
[02:11] <Snapdragon717> Iceberg should be Stunion when you get to it
[02:12] <Citron Bomb Official> im bored
[02:12] <Citron Bomb Official> what should I do apart from eating burgers
[02:13] <Ballistic Planet> Day 18
[02:13] <Ballistic Planet> (Was Peashooter, Repeater, Iceberg Lettuce, Spikeweed, Spring Bean, Wall-nut,
[02:13] <Ballistic Planet> now Puff-shroom, Cactus, Nightshade, Stunion, Chili Bean, and Infi-nut)
[02:08] <Ballistic Planet> I replaced PEashooter with Puff-shroom, Spikeweed with Chili Bean. and Spring Bean with Nightshade
[02:08] <Snarkel> your making a mod BP?
[02:08] <Citron Bomb Official> burgerz
[02:08] <Ballistic Planet> I'm editing levels in my mod
[02:08] <Snarkel> ah
[02:09] <Ballistic Planet> I have a select bunch of levels I'm editing atm
[02:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> Hm
[02:09] <Citron Bomb Official> Make the levels PopCap uses in Dev Diaries
[02:09] <Ballistic Planet> what should replace Repeater, Iceburg, and Wallnut?
[02:09] <Snapdragon717> Iceberg with Stunion or stallia
[02:09] <Ballistic Planet> I'm not good enough at level editing to fully construct levels
[02:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> holonut
[02:09] <Snapdragon717> wall-nut with celery stalker
[02:09] <Snapdragon717> repeater with laser bean
[02:10] <Citron Bomb Official> wall-nut with his primal brother
[02:10] <Ballistic Planet> I replaced Wall-nut with Infi-nut
[02:10] <Ballistic Planet> I still have Repeater
[02:10] <Citron Bomb Official> repeater with fire pea
[02:10] <Snapdragon717> Laser bean for repeater
[02:10] <Citron Bomb Official> Repeater with Bowling Bulb
[02:10] <Ballistic Planet> it ahs to be one of these plants 
[02:11] <Citron Bomb Official> Pepper-pult?
[02:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> (cactus2) 
[02:11] <Citron Bomb Official> Red Stinger
[02:11] <Ballistic Planet> Cactus it is
[02:11] <Snapdragon717> Iceberg should be Stunion when you get to it
[02:12] <Citron Bomb Official> im bored
[02:12] <Citron Bomb Official> what should I do apart from eating burgers
[02:13] <Ballistic Planet> Day 18
[02:13] <Ballistic Planet> (Was Peashooter, Repeater, Iceberg Lettuce, Spikeweed, Spring Bean, Wall-nut,
[02:13] <Ballistic Planet> now Puff-shroom, Cactus, Nightshade, Stunion, Chili Bean, and Infi-nut)
[02:14] <Snapdragon717> Freeform jazz in G-major. Welcome to the Devil's residence.
[02:14] <Ballistic Planet> editing Wild West levels now
[02:14] <Ballistic Planet> starting off with Day 9
[02:15] <Snapdragon717> I would say edit a Not O.K Corral, or can you not edit those?
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> Day 9 currently gives you Sunflower, Split Pea, Chili Bean, Lightning Reed, Wall-nut, and Winter Melon
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> I can edit those
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> I'm not going to right now though
[02:15] <Citron Bomb Official> Sunflower = sun-shroom
[02:15] <Snapdragon717> yep
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> I was thinking Primal Sunflower
[02:15] <Citron Bomb Official> flies are following me everywhere
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> Split Pea is going to be Phat Beet
[02:16] <Citron Bomb Official> lightning reed = bulb?
[02:17] <Citron Bomb Official> flies are following my burger
[02:17] <Citron Bomb Official> help me
[02:17] <Snapdragon717> Wall-nut = Chard Guard?
[02:17] <Ballistic Planet> aight
[02:17] <Citron Bomb Official> Lighting Reed = any piercing plant
[02:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> Aw man
[02:18] <Citron Bomb Official> .....
[02:14] <Snapdragon717> Freeform jazz in G-major. Welcome to the Devil's residence.
[02:14] <Ballistic Planet> editing Wild West levels now
[02:14] <Ballistic Planet> starting off with Day 9
[02:15] <Snapdragon717> I would say edit a Not O.K Corral, or can you not edit those?
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> Day 9 currently gives you Sunflower, Split Pea, Chili Bean, Lightning Reed, Wall-nut, and Winter Melon
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> I can edit those
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> I'm not going to right now though
[02:15] <Citron Bomb Official> Sunflower = sun-shroom
[02:15] <Snapdragon717> yep
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> I was thinking Primal Sunflower
[02:15] <Citron Bomb Official> flies are following me everywhere
[02:15] <Ballistic Planet> Split Pea is going to be Phat Beet
[02:16] <Citron Bomb Official> lightning reed = bulb?
[02:17] <Citron Bomb Official> flies are following my burger
[02:17] <Citron Bomb Official> help me
[02:17] <Snapdragon717> Wall-nut = Chard Guard?
[02:17] <Ballistic Planet> aight
[02:17] <Citron Bomb Official> Lighting Reed = any piercing plant
[02:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> Aw man
[02:18] <Citron Bomb Official> .....
[02:18] <Ballistic Planet> I have to add 7 bytes
[02:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> Starfruity made a much better all-star octo-body-styled
[02:18] <Snapdragon717> Night, night, night, night, nine, nine, nine, nine...
[02:19] <Nitromian Poptropica> Ten
[02:19] <Ballistic Planet> I can't change Lightning Reed in WW Day 9
[02:19] <Ballistic Planet> I can add a plant if you want
[02:19] <Snapdragon717>
[02:20] <Ballistic Planet> it has to be either AKEE or Rotobaga though
[02:20] <SlimeLOLEnder> ugh...
[02:20] <Snarkel> Snapdragon, where did you find this beautiful piece of art?
[02:20] <Snapdragon717> I don't know...
[02:20] <Snapdragon717>
[02:21] <SlimeLOLEnder> why does everyone think those "umm this man has a broken skull every +1 is $10 for the blah blah" are real
[02:21] <Snapdragon717> never heard of those
[02:21] <Snarkel> btw, I put this together
[02:21] <Ballistic Planet> i'll add A.K.E.E. to the level
[02:21] <Snarkel> [[User blog:Snarkel/Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Re:Balance]]
[02:21] <Snarkel> shameless self advertising!
[02:23] <Nitromian Poptropica> Does anyone remember Fume-shroom could suddenly do 3x3 damage
[02:23] <Snapdragon717> Oh yeah, that buff
[02:23] <Snapdragon717> Also, on an unrelated note,
[02:18] <Ballistic Planet> I have to add 7 bytes
[02:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> Starfruity made a much better all-star octo-body-styled
[02:18] <Snapdragon717> Night, night, night, night, nine, nine, nine, nine...
[02:19] <Nitromian Poptropica> Ten
[02:19] <Ballistic Planet> I can't change Lightning Reed in WW Day 9
[02:19] <Ballistic Planet> I can add a plant if you want
[02:19] <Snapdragon717>
[02:20] <Ballistic Planet> it has to be either AKEE or Rotobaga though
[02:20] <SlimeLOLEnder> ugh...
[02:20] <Snarkel> Snapdragon, where did you find this beautiful piece of art?
[02:20] <Snapdragon717> I don't know...
[02:20] <Snapdragon717>
[02:21] <SlimeLOLEnder> why does everyone think those "umm this man has a broken skull every +1 is $10 for the blah blah" are real
[02:21] <Snapdragon717> never heard of those
[02:21] <Snarkel> btw, I put this together
[02:21] <Ballistic Planet> i'll add A.K.E.E. to the level
[02:21] <Snarkel> [[User blog:Snarkel/Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Re:Balance]]
[02:21] <Snarkel> shameless self advertising!
[02:23] <Nitromian Poptropica> Does anyone remember Fume-shroom could suddenly do 3x3 damage
[02:23] <Snapdragon717> Oh yeah, that buff
[02:23] <Snapdragon717> Also, on an unrelated note,
[02:24] <SlimeLOLEnder> Wtf why does everyone says spanish pvz2 people take a fanmade image and say it's real?????
[02:24] <Snarkel> I don't remember fume shroom doing 3x3 damage?
[02:24] <SlimeLOLEnder> that's PlayCow, ToonFirst and ArcadeGo!!
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> Well, I think it had a 3x5 or 5x3 area of attack once
[02:25] <Snarkel> really?
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> 3 rows to 5 columns range
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> yes
[02:25] <Snarkel> like, as a bug?
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> I think
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> They fixed it quickly too
[02:25] <SlimeLOLEnder> Aaand i get ignored
[02:26] <Snarkel> I honestly didn't know what to say
[02:26] <Snarkel> brb refresh
[02:27] <The Magic Star> tako
[02:27] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[02:27] <Snarkel> ah, it feels good to refresh
[02:28] <Snapdragon717> Found a treasure trove here
[02:24] <SlimeLOLEnder> Wtf why does everyone says spanish pvz2 people take a fanmade image and say it's real?????
[02:24] <Snarkel> I don't remember fume shroom doing 3x3 damage?
[02:24] <SlimeLOLEnder> that's PlayCow, ToonFirst and ArcadeGo!!
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> Well, I think it had a 3x5 or 5x3 area of attack once
[02:25] <Snarkel> really?
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> 3 rows to 5 columns range
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> yes
[02:25] <Snarkel> like, as a bug?
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> I think
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> They fixed it quickly too
[02:25] <SlimeLOLEnder> Aaand i get ignored
[02:26] <Snarkel> I honestly didn't know what to say
[02:26] <Snarkel> brb refresh
[02:27] <The Magic Star> tako
[02:27] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[02:27] <Snarkel> ah, it feels good to refresh
[02:28] <Snapdragon717> Found a treasure trove here
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> This song... Just... This song.... WHY DO I HEAR IT EVERYWHERE?
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> Man I'm posting a lot of links
[02:29] <Snarkel> where are you finding these XD
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> I seriously have no idea
[02:30] <Snapdragon717> I just think of some moment I remember, search it up, and boom
[02:30] <Snarkel> brb
[02:31] <ErnestoAM> &lt;/3 
[02:32] <Snapdragon717> I'm just finding random crud on the interweb
[02:33] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies>
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> Well, I think it had a 3x5 or 5x3 area of attack once
[02:25] <Snarkel> really?
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> 3 rows to 5 columns range
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> yes
[02:25] <Snarkel> like, as a bug?
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> I think
[02:25] <Snapdragon717> They fixed it quickly too
[02:25] <SlimeLOLEnder> Aaand i get ignored
[02:26] <Snarkel> I honestly didn't know what to say
[02:26] <Snarkel> brb refresh
[02:27] <The Magic Star> tako
[02:27] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[02:27] <Snarkel> ah, it feels good to refresh
[02:28] <Snapdragon717> Found a treasure trove here
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> This song... Just... This song.... WHY DO I HEAR IT EVERYWHERE?
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> Man I'm posting a lot of links
[02:29] <Snarkel> where are you finding these XD
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> I seriously have no idea
[02:30] <Snapdragon717> I just think of some moment I remember, search it up, and boom
[02:30] <Snarkel> brb
[02:31] <ErnestoAM> &lt;/3 
[02:32] <Snapdragon717> I'm just finding random crud on the interweb
[02:33] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies>
[02:34] <Snapdragon717> Anyone know the show?
[02:34] <Snarkel> I'm back
[02:35] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Super mario super show?
[02:35] <Snapdragon717> Yep
[02:35] <Snapdragon717> Full of animation errors
[02:35] <ErnestoAM> I've seen all of them
[02:35] <ErnestoAM> Well, they were made in the 20th century.
[02:36] <Snapdragon717> Is it sad that show is better than most modern cartoons?
[02:36] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Maybe it is at the time were 2d computer graphics aren't used much.
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> This song... Just... This song.... WHY DO I HEAR IT EVERYWHERE?
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> Man I'm posting a lot of links
[02:29] <Snarkel> where are you finding these XD
[02:29] <Snapdragon717> I seriously have no idea
[02:30] <Snapdragon717> I just think of some moment I remember, search it up, and boom
[02:30] <Snarkel> brb
[02:31] <ErnestoAM> &lt;/3 
[02:32] <Snapdragon717> I'm just finding random crud on the interweb
[02:33] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies>
[02:34] <Snapdragon717> Anyone know the show?
[02:34] <Snarkel> I'm back
[02:35] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Super mario super show?
[02:35] <Snapdragon717> Yep
[02:35] <Snapdragon717> Full of animation errors
[02:35] <ErnestoAM> I've seen all of them
[02:35] <ErnestoAM> Well, they were made in the 20th century.
[02:36] <Snapdragon717> Is it sad that show is better than most modern cartoons?
[02:36] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Maybe it is at the time were 2d computer graphics aren't used much.
[02:37] <Snarkel> ed edd n eddy
[02:37] <Snarkel> amazing cartoon
[02:37] <Snarkel> I could list tons more
[02:34] <Snapdragon717> Anyone know the show?
[02:34] <Snarkel> I'm back
[02:35] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Super mario super show?
[02:35] <Snapdragon717> Yep
[02:35] <Snapdragon717> Full of animation errors
[02:35] <ErnestoAM> I've seen all of them
[02:35] <ErnestoAM> Well, they were made in the 20th century.
[02:36] <Snapdragon717> Is it sad that show is better than most modern cartoons?
[02:36] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Maybe it is at the time were 2d computer graphics aren't used much.
[02:37] <Snarkel> ed edd n eddy
[02:37] <Snarkel> amazing cartoon
[02:37] <Snarkel> I could list tons more
[02:37] <Snapdragon717> Let me find more stupid pictures
[02:37] <Snapdragon717> brb
[02:38] <Snarkel> i decided to find some youtubes of ed edd n eddy
[02:38] <Snarkel> so far its amazing
[02:39] <Citron Bomb Official> Bak
[02:41] <Citron Bomb Official> &lt;/3 
[02:42] <Snapdragon717> Ah, yes, the infamous spoon rattling
[02:42] <NightFury299> POOTIS
[02:43] <Snapdragon717>
[02:43] <Citron Bomb Official> i have pancakes
[02:37] <Snarkel> ed edd n eddy
[02:37] <Snarkel> amazing cartoon
[02:37] <Snarkel> I could list tons more
[02:37] <Snapdragon717> Let me find more stupid pictures
[02:37] <Snapdragon717> brb
[02:38] <Snarkel> i decided to find some youtubes of ed edd n eddy
[02:38] <Snarkel> so far its amazing
[02:39] <Citron Bomb Official> Bak
[02:41] <Citron Bomb Official> &lt;/3 
[02:42] <Snapdragon717> Ah, yes, the infamous spoon rattling
[02:42] <NightFury299> POOTIS
[02:43] <Snapdragon717>
[02:43] <Citron Bomb Official> i have pancakes
[02:44] <ErnestoAM> Hmm
[02:44] <ErnestoAM> weird
[02:44] <Citron Bomb Official> ..
[02:47] <AWikiBoy521> Danigt, suddent interent disconnect.
[02:47] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks,
[02:47] <Citron Bomb Official> hi
[02:48] <Snapdragon717>
[02:49] <Snapdragon717> brb
[02:52] <Snapdragon717> Ello Folks
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:53] <Snapdragon717> I'm not keeping this forever though. Probably just for today
[02:53] <Snapdragon717> never mind, I'm changing it back now. Brb again...
[02:47] <AWikiBoy521> Danigt, suddent interent disconnect.
[02:47] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks,
[02:47] <Citron Bomb Official> hi
[02:48] <Snapdragon717>
[02:49] <Snapdragon717> brb
[02:52] <Snapdragon717> Ello Folks
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:53] <Snapdragon717> I'm not keeping this forever though. Probably just for today
[02:53] <Snapdragon717> never mind, I'm changing it back now. Brb again...
[02:56] <Snapdragon717> There. Now there's a white border around it that I'm too lazy to change (happy) 
[02:56] <The Magic Star> bako
[02:56] <ErnestoAM> bikini 
[02:56] <Snapdragon717> There. Now there's a white border around it that I'm too lazy to change (happy) 
[02:56] <The Magic Star> bako
[02:56] <ErnestoAM> bikini 
[02:58] <Snapdragon717> dang it, now it's 2 parallel rectangles!
[02:58] <Snapdragon717> grr...
[03:00] <Murabito> imp needs a nerf
[03:00] <Murabito> lower hp to 25 (troll) 
[03:00] <ErnestoAM> k
[03:02] <Snapdragon717> finally
[03:02] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[03:03] <Terrsolpix> Ey
[03:03] <Terrsolpix> woot
[02:58] <Snapdragon717> dang it, now it's 2 parallel rectangles!
[02:58] <Snapdragon717> grr...
[03:00] <Murabito> imp needs a nerf
[03:00] <Murabito> lower hp to 25 (troll) 
[03:00] <ErnestoAM> k
[03:02] <Snapdragon717> finally
[03:02] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[03:03] <Terrsolpix> Ey
[03:03] <Terrsolpix> woot
[03:04] <Terrsolpix> Rip
[03:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:05] <Murabito> frozen citron is op
[03:05] <Murabito> freezes target too early
[03:05] <Terrsolpix> Not early enough! (Troll) 
[03:06] <Murabito> also nerf rose
[03:06] <Murabito> because goat
[03:06] <Dracotroll564> ....
[03:06] <Terrsolpix> Make it so she makes the aemeboa
[03:04] <Terrsolpix> Rip
[03:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:05] <Murabito> frozen citron is op
[03:05] <Murabito> freezes target too early
[03:05] <Terrsolpix> Not early enough! (Troll) 
[03:06] <Murabito> also nerf rose
[03:06] <Murabito> because goat
[03:06] <Dracotroll564> ....
[03:06] <Terrsolpix> Make it so she makes the aemeboa
[03:08] <Snapdragon717>
[03:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> Going through old FB albums is fun
[03:08] <Snapdragon717> That background really makes it hard to see your text
[03:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> I ultimately got reminded of Pet Society when I saw Crystal Dreams upload a video about it.
[03:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> I requested UG to make my text in corsiva and white but he never done it.
[03:10] <ErnestoAM> Are potted plants there?
[03:10] <Snapdragon717> Where?
[03:10] <ErnestoAM> in GW2
[03:10] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[03:10] <AWikiBoy521> Imo, I dislike the font choice of yours.
[03:10] <Snapdragon717> Yep
[03:10] <Snapdragon717> There's a toxic Gloom Shroom
[03:10] <ErnestoAM> We need some hard-core hacker to get those models and textures.
[03:11] <Colgatepony234> Level 4-7 is too hard in PvZ. I was almost at the end then I got a game over
[03:12] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:12] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[03:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Now where the heck is she..
[03:13] <AWikiBoy521> @CP234
[03:13] <AWikiBoy521> Well, it's possible to complete that level.
[03:13] <ErnestoAM> PuffyMuffins is AFK
[03:13] <Colgatepony234> What plants should I use?
[03:13] <ErnestoAM> As well as her emoticon.
[03:13] <ErnestoAM> Hi BeerYeti
[03:14] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello.
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> I can't wait for Valenbrainz
[03:14] <Snapdragon717> The only song you ever need
[03:15] <Mage General Chrysalis> Corsiva is quite small, but I can't think of another classy font.
[03:15] <ErnestoAM> That song sucks.
[03:15] <Snapdragon717> @EAM 0-0
[03:15] <ErnestoAM> Oh wait, I have it on mute.
[03:15] <Bearjedi> TOO LEGIT TO QUIT
[03:15] <Bearjedi> TOO LEGIT
[03:15] <Bearjedi> TOO LEGIT TO QUIT
[03:15] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[03:15] <AWikiBoy521> Well, you can technically request UG to make it bigger.
[03:16] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[03:16] <AWikiBoy521> [font="Corsiva]<span style="font-size:16pt;">Like this, Chrysalis.</span>
[03:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Corsiva;">Like this, Chrysalis.</span>
[03:16] <IMCR8Z> BAK
[03:16] <Snapdragon717>
[03:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Corsiva;">This text appears when normal size.</span>
[03:17] <Snapdragon717> What font is that?
[03:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit
[03:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Corsiva;"><span style="font-weight:bold;">When bolded</span></span>
[03:17] <AWikiBoy521> (Which is worse)
[03:17] <Insert Your Name Here> And I still have class this afternoon
[03:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Corsiva;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Font big</span></span>
[03:17] <AWikiBoy521> Well, maybe it's a little too big.
[03:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Life is getting worse
[03:18] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[03:18] <AWikiBoy521> It will all end in a good moment.
[03:19] <Insert Your Name Here> And I'm the only one who still can keep contact
[03:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Idk what to say though
[03:21] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-family:Amazone BT;"> Testing</span>
[03:21] <Snapdragon717> hmm
[03:21] <Snapdragon717> not what I expected
[03:22] <IMCR8Z> (dj zom-b) The Fresh Prince of Zomburbia (mc zom-b) 
[03:22] <Snapdragon717> This is a story, all about how...
[03:22] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:22] <Snapdragon717>
[03:23] <Snapdragon717> Fresh Prince of Quad City
[03:23] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-family:English 111 Vivace BT;"> testing</span>
[03:23] <Snapdragon717> dang it
[03:23] <Snapdragon717> ello
[03:23] <Higehigebomber> Hi thar
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> Anyone know a list of fonts that work in chat?
[03:24] <Higehigebomber> Well, my experience of the GW 2 beta: If it isn't the new stuff, it's irrelevant and will get you to the bottom of the leader board.
[03:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey.
[03:25] <Insert Your Name Here> ?
[03:31] <Snapdragon717> dead (broken heart) 
[03:31] <PVZBronyGod> hey
[03:31] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[03:31] <Higehigebomber> (gravestone) 
[03:31] <PVZBronyGod> what
[03:32] <Snapdragon717> chat is dead
[03:32] <PVZBronyGod> ok
[03:32] <Snapdragon717>
[03:32] <PVZBronyGod> i have a question
[03:32] <PVZBronyGod> do you believe...
[03:32] <PVZBronyGod> in the PARANORMAL
[03:32] <Snapdragon717> no
[03:33] <Snapdragon717> except (ghost pepper) 
[03:33] <Snapdragon717> that's a ghost
[03:33] <PVZBronyGod> no
[03:33] <Snapdragon717> spooky (ghost) 
[03:33] <PVZBronyGod> i mean in REAL LIFE
[03:33] <Snapdragon717> no
[03:34] <PVZBronyGod> really?
[03:34] <PVZBronyGod> why not
[03:34] <Snapdragon717> on an unrelated note
[03:34] <Snapdragon717> And this too
[03:34] <PVZBronyGod> hey
[03:35] <PVZBronyGod> why do u not believe in paranormal
[03:35] <Snapdragon717> well, there's no scientific explanation behind it
[03:36] <PVZBronyGod> yes there is
[03:36] <Higehigebomber> Paranormal what? Paranormal amount of deez (wallnut2) s?
[03:36] <Snapdragon717> @Hige (lol) 
[03:36] <Snapdragon717> so outdated
[03:36] <Snapdragon717> But this isn't
[03:36] <PVZBronyGod> seriously
[03:37] <PVZBronyGod> the paranormal has fuckd with may life
[03:38] <IMCR8Z> (octo zombie) (troglobite) Zom Cena (arcade zombie) (jurassic bully) 
[03:38] <PVZBronyGod> ugh
[03:38] <Snapdragon717>
[03:39] <Snapdragon717> Watch this Sunday night were Zom Cena takes on the Big Wave Beach!!!!!
[03:39] <Terrsolpix> Much as to how zombies would exist before humans existed.
[03:39] <PVZBronyGod> I'm fucknig serious
[03:39] <Terrsolpix> his name is
[03:39] <Terrsolpix> ZOM CENA!!,!
[03:39] <Terrsolpix> Bum bunna bah
[03:39] <Terrsolpix> mum bunna bah
[03:39] <PVZBronyGod> GOD
[03:40] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[03:41] <Snapdragon717> Sometime last week
[03:42] <Snapdragon717>
[03:43] <Higehigebomber> You haven't reached it yet
[04:02] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[04:03] <Pinkgirl234> test
[04:03] <Snapdragon717> AND HIS NAME IS JOHN...
[04:03] <Pinkgirl234> Nah. *infects AWB with lags*
[04:04] <AWikiBoy521> What are you? Lagilina? :P 
[04:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> She is.
[04:04] <Snapdragon717> I'm starting to reach the end of the interweb again!
[04:05] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Laggirl234</span>
[04:05] <Pinkgirl234> Nope. I am the queen of magic. :3
[04:05] <AWikiBoy521> *queen of lag. :3
[04:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Damn it, I'm trying to raise the levels of Honey and Zino's friendship and yet Zino decides to take a vacation with Luke Triton instead and I'm still too lazy to take off his bonnet.
[04:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello.
[04:06] <Pinkgirl234> Maybe queen of table dancing?
[04:06] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> does a table dance
[04:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Table dancing...?
[04:06] <Snapdragon717>
[04:06] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">With her battlesuit, of course.</span>
[04:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And raining gems.</span>
[04:07] <AWikiBoy521> brb, lunch
[04:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I looked it up. Bleh.
[04:07] <Snapdragon717>
[04:08] <Pinkgirl234> Going naughty at 14. &gt;:D 
[04:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> Better than being pregnant at 9.
[04:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> But still bad nonetheless.
[04:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> Seriously, the Mii here is 9 years old and she got sprayed with an Age-O-Matic.
[04:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> (She is an OC, by the way)
[04:10] <Snapdragon717> Full episodes on Youtube!
[04:11] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[04:12] <Snapdragon717> Enjoy 10 hours of continuous Bill Nye the Science Guy music!
[04:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> Never watched it, really.
[04:13] <Snapdragon717> What?
[04:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> That show.
[04:13] <Snapdragon717> You never watched Bill Nye?
[04:14] <Snapdragon717> Everyone has watched that show at least once!
[04:14] <Snapdragon717> But honestly, I have no idea why so many people know Bill Nye
[04:15] <Mage General Chrysalis> *shrugs*
[04:16] <Snapdragon717> Or how about 10 hours of just them saying Bill over and over?
[04:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I don't get how Tomodachi Life friendships work anymore. Uselessguy and Ethan Genericface (seriously) have only been friends for 1-2 friends and they are listed as Best Friends (in the highest level).
[04:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> It gets grating pretty fast though.
[04:17] <Mage General Chrysalis> Although I've seen UG and Ethan hang out at the fountain talking and hanging out at the amusement park.
[04:17] <Mage General Chrysalis> (in Tomodachi Life, of course)
[04:17] <Pinkgirl234> Back
[04:18] <Snapdragon717> I'm going to exhasust all of this material...
[04:18] <Mage General Chrysalis> Are you feeling it now, Snapdragon?
[04:19] <Snapdragon717> No, I'm not
[04:19] <Mage General Chrysalis> :( 
[04:20] <Snapdragon717> But I am feeling the best 2 jams in one song!!!
[04:20] <TheAnonymousA> Back from breakfast.
[04:20] <Snapdragon717>
[04:21] <TheAnonymousA> Pink went back<sub> to the grave, huh?</sub>
[04:22] <Snapdragon717> Last one for today, I'm going to sleep
[04:22] <Snapdragon717> Goodbye Folks!
[04:22] <Mage General Chrysalis> She's suffering from her own magic.
[04:22] <Mage General Chrysalis> Good night.
[05:05] <Fairy27> And the laptop might not open forever if I download. Gosh, we need an anti-virus. (Oh, and I thought the laptop has one when I got to use it.)
[05:06] <AWikiBoy521> Even though Ubuntu has a built-in anti-virus, still it's an OS that requires some advanced installation in order to use that.
[05:06] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:08] <Fairy27> This chat is getting inactive. Oh, and every time we will visit houses of our cousins and they have an Xbox or Playstation, I always check if the have PvZGW 1 or 2. So far, no luck.
[05:09] <AWikiBoy521> Heheheh...
[05:09] <AWikiBoy521> Too bad my uncle doesn't have PvZ:GW.
[05:10] <AWikiBoy521> Instead, he has other games like CoD: Ghosts and CoD: Advanced Warfare
[05:10] <AWikiBoy521> And also Black Ops 3
[05:11] <Electric Plants> Does anybody have HD penny?
[05:11] <Fairy27> I did get to try the Wii console. My first Wii game I get to try is Wii Sports. And that's it.
[05:11] <AWikiBoy521> @Fairy
[05:11] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I have a Wii at my house.
[05:18] <Electric Plants> Hey tomas!
[05:18] <Electric Plants> aka TMS
[05:19] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight:bold;">T</span>o<span style="font-weight:bold;">m</span>a<span style="font-weight:bold;">s</span>
[05:20] <Electric Plants> (yes) 
[05:20] <The Magic Star> tako
[05:20] <The Magic Star> I was just trying to get Blooming Hearts
[05:21] <The Magic Star> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">wait why would i do that</span>
[05:25] <The Magic Star> Guys
[05:25] <The Magic Star> I don't understand Dynamic Difficulty
[05:26] <The Magic Star> ded
[05:26] <The Magic Star> :( 
[05:30] <Electric Plants> It is just something makes the level easier when you lose a lot
[05:33] <The Magic Star> test
[05:51] <Bearjedi> I'm investigating
[05:51] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">And Cereal needs to sleep now.</span>
[05:51] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Thank you laggy internet.</span>
[05:51] <NightFury299> I am working on a PR that will come the same time HL3 comes out
[05:52] <Higehigebomber> Investigating deez apple pies.
[05:52] <Higehigebomber> I want an apple pie.
[05:52] <Bearjedi> Okay
[05:52] <Bearjedi> I found the fake Modern New York plants
[05:52] <Bearjedi> On Google Plus
[05:52] <Bearjedi> CitronFire3 would love that
[05:52] <NightFury299> TeM get monnie 4 colleg
[05:52] <Bearjedi>
[05:53] <Higehigebomber> @Night Then I better expect it in a month from now, l0rd g4b3n told me that HL3 is coming out in February, trust me, I work for Nintendo.
[05:53] <ErnestoAM> Those fake PvZ2 leaks.
[05:53] <ErnestoAM> We know.
[05:53] <NightFury299> PORTAL 3 CUNFERMED
[05:54] <Higehigebomber> Why do people put so much effort in something that will never happen? That's some high quality fake.
[05:54] <Ilikeduck!> Faked
[05:54] <NightFury299> lul
[05:54] <NightFury299> 
[05:54] <ErnestoAM> It's good art.
[05:55] <ErnestoAM> But it should not be used for "leaked" content which will never happen.
[05:55] <Reapeageddon> Link to Google +
[05:55] <ErnestoAM> They didn't even get the right price for kiwibeast.
[05:55] <Ilikeduck!> Watched a video about this a long time ago.
[05:55] <ErnestoAM> That unused plant costs 75 sun.
[05:55] <ErnestoAM> or is it 50?
[05:55] <ErnestoAM> idk
[05:56] <NightFury299> those are some HD fakes.
[05:56] <Ilikeduck!> Cost under 500 sun :v
[05:56] <TheAnonymousA> Brb
[05:57] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[05:57] <Reapeageddon> Where?
[05:57] <Ilikeduck!> Imao
[05:57] <Insert Your Name Here> I feel stupiid
[05:57] <Reapeageddon> oh
[05:58] <Ilikeduck!> @IYNH You like me
[06:16] <Inhalemychild12> So hey, zombies was being nice that their need to train on player's house, with cardboard plants lel
[06:22] <The Magic Star> who knows where to download pvzgw
[06:23] <Higehigebomber> Origin, or the respective places on systems to download it. :p 
[06:23] <The Magic Star> :/ 
[06:23] <The Magic Star> I hope that one day it becomes free on pc
[06:25] <Inhalemychild12> Also, what will plants do if theres no zombies around c:
[06:26] <Higehigebomber> Be plants, as the credits song says.
[06:27] <Inhalemychild12> mah boi
[06:27] <Inhalemychild12> XD
[06:29] <Inhalemychild12> oh fuck, duck buckethead zombie. (Thats just me playing ipad with pvz hq free)
[06:33] <Higehigebomber> "Quack, brainz... Quack."
[06:33] <AWikiBoy521> Well, Hige....
[06:34] <AWikiBoy521> Did you know about the fourth ending mod of Cave Story?
[06:35] <Higehigebomber> I've heard about it, never bothered to see/look in to it.
[06:36] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[06:36] <AWikiBoy521> And yay! It's also available with Cave Story+!
[06:36] <AWikiBoy521> I might as well get that mod after I complete the best official ending in Cave Story. :P 
[06:38] <Higehigebomber> Okay, I will look up that fourth ending, wading through the Rick Rolls that I endured the last time I clicked the top result.
[06:40] <AWikiBoy521> I actually liked that twist of the first part of the mod.
[06:41] <AWikiBoy521> But, I don't wanna spoil it though. :P 
[06:48] <Inhalemychild12> I dont have gw2 beta
[06:49] <Inhalemychild12> Sorry :( 
[06:49] <AWikiBoy521> Me neither
[06:50] <Higehigebomber> I played it, in a nutshell: If you aren't playing the new stuff, you'll bottom score :( 
[06:50] <Higehigebomber> Unless it's Sunflower, for some reason. Haven't had trouble getting top 3 with her vanilla.
[06:51] <Inhalemychild12> Yes
[06:51] <Inhalemychild12> I got the (bacon) 
[06:51] <Inhalemychild12> Oh
[06:51] <Inhalemychild12> Looks like its crazy dave's (bacon) 
[06:53] <Inhalemychild12> DEFEND YOUR SHINS!!!
[06:54] <Murabito> imp is a glass cannon
[06:55] <Murabito> his rate of fire is insane and impkata is broken
[06:55] <Murabito> tradeoff, of course, 50 health
[06:57] <Inhalemychild12> JALAPENO I GOT XD
[06:58] <Inhalemychild12> Looks like its time to mexico
[06:59] <AWikiBoy521> Ded is she
[06:59] <Inhalemychild12> Ok so if crazy dave likes (bacon) 
[07:00] <Inhalemychild12> Would crazy dave put (bacon) inside (taco?)
[07:00] <Inhalemychild12> shoot
[07:00] <Inhalemychild12> (taco) 
[07:00] <Inhalemychild12> i meant
[07:01] <Higehigebomber> Impkata is annoying to deal with, he just Gravity Grenades, runs under you and does your whole health bar before you can react
[07:20] <Higehigebomber> Vampire Flower healing a Vampire Flower that has a Healing Flower placed while dealing damage, op pls nerf
[07:20] <Higehigebomber> If you see that combo by yourself, it's best to actually let them to their thing until more people notice them...
[07:20] <Higehigebomber> do their thing-
[07:21] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's only 3:20PM here.
[07:21] <Higehigebomber> :p 
[07:21] <AWikiBoy521> :P 
[07:21] <Mage General Chrysalis> Eh, they'll only nerf it when it's too late.
[07:21] <Mage General Chrysalis> Everything has to be nerfed when it's too late.
[07:22] <Higehigebomber> I don't see the likes of Citron being nerfed, even though an entire team of Ice Citron is better than any other combo (maybe include some sunflowers)
[07:22] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I can't stop myself from using the farceful Compatibility Tester in Tomodachi Life. It's been proven to be a farce and yet sometimes I wonder about the higher rated couples:
[07:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> Let's just wait, I don't care about Garden Warfare and I don't have the money for it.
[07:24] <ErnestoAM> She's gone mad!
[07:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> Mad for shipping.
[07:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> I want Eliwood to meet up with Ninian already!
[07:25] <Higehigebomber> Gardens and Graveyards in a nutshell: Citrons, Cob Corns, Sunflowers (maybe Rose too). Imps, Computer Scientists, Deadbeard (maybe the other classes if you have their god-tier variant).
[07:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> And that thing also gave Pink X Wintah a low rating... (Don't tell them I made them.)
[07:26] <Mage General Chrysalis> I made around 15 PVZ Wikia Miis.
[07:26] <Mage General Chrysalis> Since the Island is full, I can't add any more PVZ Wikian Miis.
[07:26] <Higehigebomber> Cool :o 
[07:26] <Higehigebomber> Aw
[07:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> I have their QR Code's in my, except Uselessguy's since I only made him recently.
[07:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I added you. :P 
[07:28] <Higehigebomber> Ooh gnarly 
[07:28] <Higehigebomber> I want to see what I look like at some point :p 
[07:28] <AWikiBoy521> Gnarly indeed.
[07:30] <Mage General Chrysalis> I tried to base it on your avatar, and I don't have a blue long-sleeved t-shirt yet.
[07:31] <AWikiBoy521> Dat shades and face.
[07:32] <Higehigebomber> I look awesome :D 
[07:32] <AWikiBoy521> Too awesome. :P 
[07:32] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> removes his shades.
[07:32] <AWikiBoy521> There, it's now great not awesome anymore!
[07:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Screw you ninian you are worst girl
[07:34] <Mage General Chrysalis> Eliwood got a relatively high rating with Lyn, too.
[07:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> I have Lyn, Eliwood, Roy, Erk, Serra, Ninian and Ricken.
[07:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> I should have added Canas instead of a filler character instead...
[07:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> But I can't get rid of any of them because I wasted money on them for interior now, especially Ethan Genericface who I gave expensive interior to and he's BFFs with Uselessguy.
[07:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[07:39] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Never liked dancers anyway
[07:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Ninian is a boring girl
[07:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> She is a bit bland, I have to admit.
[07:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> And Pink won't befriend Wintah! She befriended the freaking Mii Brawler and that's it for now.
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[07:32] <AWikiBoy521> There, it's now great not awesome anymore!
[07:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Screw you ninian you are worst girl
[07:34] <Mage General Chrysalis> Eliwood got a relatively high rating with Lyn, too.
[07:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> I have Lyn, Eliwood, Roy, Erk, Serra, Ninian and Ricken.
[07:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> I should have added Canas instead of a filler character instead...
[07:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> But I can't get rid of any of them because I wasted money on them for interior now, especially Ethan Genericface who I gave expensive interior to and he's BFFs with Uselessguy.
[07:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[07:39] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Never liked dancers anyway
[07:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Ninian is a boring girl
[07:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> She is a bit bland, I have to admit.
[07:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> And Pink won't befriend Wintah! She befriended the freaking Mii Brawler and that's it for now.
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[07:43] <Mage General Chrysalis> And the Mii Brawler is a kid, so they have a chance of having a relationship.
[07:44] <Mage General Chrysalis> Unless I force an Age-O-Matic into his face.
[07:44] <Insert Your Name Here> kek
[07:45] <Mage General Chrysalis> I might as well shove one.
[07:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:46] <AWikiBoy521> You're just in time for that plot twist.
[07:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I ended shoving one instead of changing his birth year, but then that's going to be awkward, like I had to for PK.
[07:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> Her FB said she was born in 1998 until I saw her newest deviation.
[07:47] <Insert Your Name Here> How is mini pk den
[07:47] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[07:48] <TheAnonymousA> Plot twist?
[07:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> She's friends with Kumatora, Miesha, and Emmy Altava.
[07:49] <AWikiBoy521> @TAA
[07:49] <AWikiBoy521> Pink Mii didn't befriend Wintah Mii, she befriended the freaking Mii Brawler instead.
[07:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> The miniature version of you IYNH was in the news the other day. He saved someone's R.O.B. from a tree.
[07:49] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[07:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> He was also driving a car in... I think UG's dream with AWB being in the passenger's seat.
[07:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Well let's just hope mini me achieved what I couldn't
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">IYNH must love R.O.B.s</span>
[07:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> UG was a bobblehead.
[07:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hopefully.
[07:43] <Mage General Chrysalis> And the Mii Brawler is a kid, so they have a chance of having a relationship.
[07:44] <Mage General Chrysalis> Unless I force an Age-O-Matic into his face.
[07:44] <Insert Your Name Here> kek
[07:45] <Mage General Chrysalis> I might as well shove one.
[07:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:46] <AWikiBoy521> You're just in time for that plot twist.
[07:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I ended shoving one instead of changing his birth year, but then that's going to be awkward, like I had to for PK.
[07:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> Her FB said she was born in 1998 until I saw her newest deviation.
[07:47] <Insert Your Name Here> How is mini pk den
[07:47] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[07:48] <TheAnonymousA> Plot twist?
[07:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> She's friends with Kumatora, Miesha, and Emmy Altava.
[07:49] <AWikiBoy521> @TAA
[07:49] <AWikiBoy521> Pink Mii didn't befriend Wintah Mii, she befriended the freaking Mii Brawler instead.
[07:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> The miniature version of you IYNH was in the news the other day. He saved someone's R.O.B. from a tree.
[07:49] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[07:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> He was also driving a car in... I think UG's dream with AWB being in the passenger's seat.
[07:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Well let's just hope mini me achieved what I couldn't
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">IYNH must love R.O.B.s</span>
[07:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> UG was a bobblehead.
[07:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hopefully.
[07:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> But I can't force two people to be friends.
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> Weird dream.
[07:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Mini me is a cyborg ninja apparently
[07:50] <TheAnonymousA> Mike? So Chrysalis started a Mii city of Chat users?
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> @TAA
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> ...yep
[07:51] <AWikiBoy521> More like an island with Wiki users included.
[07:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Shipping Simulator
[07:51] <AWikiBoy521> The results are weird.
[07:51] <AWikiBoy521> And it contains weird ships.
[07:51] <AWikiBoy521> So does dreams.
[07:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> I also have several OCs and video game characters.
[07:52] <Higehigebomber> I wonder if I'm the one Mii who is always playing a video game
[07:52] <TheAnonymousA> More like 'what would happen if only us lived on an island without any parents' simulator.
[07:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> My brother's Mii look-alike fell in love with one of my OCs.
[07:52] <Higehigebomber> I never played it, so I don't know how it works
[07:52] <Higehigebomber> o/ 
[07:52] <AWikiBoy521> That's the Tomodachi Life
[07:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> Mini Hige's currently on his part-time job he doesn't get paid for.
[07:52] <Reapeageddon> Wait what @Chrysalis
[07:52] <Reapeageddon> You have a town full of us?
[07:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> An island with 15 PVZ Wikians shoe-horned in.
[07:53] <Reapeageddon> Cool
[07:53] <Reapeageddon> who's in it?
[07:53] <Higehigebomber> On a part time job with no pay, sounds like gaming
[07:54] <AWikiBoy521> Or wiki editing.
[07:54] <Mage General Chrysalis> DeathZombi , Pinkgirl, Reap, PK, UG, Someone, Wintah, AWB, Hige, MGC, IYNH, Magicwaterz, Char, Puffy, and Carp.
[07:54] <Mage General Chrysalis> He's working at the grocery store.
[07:54] <TheAnonymousA> What would happen if the miis played miis on their computers?
[07:54] <Mage General Chrysalis> I dunno. They have laptops but not computers, but I have to give laptops to them first.
[07:55] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:55] <Electric Plants> Hilo!
[07:55] <AWikiBoy521> Skullhead
[07:55] <Electric Plants> (skull)
[07:55] <Electric Plants> FAIL!
[07:55] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> yo
[07:55] <Insert Your Name Here> Holy lag
[07:55] <AWikiBoy521> @TAA
[07:55] <AWikiBoy521> How about Miis playing the Wii?
[07:55] <TheAnonymousA> What happened to those emotes?
[07:55] <Insert Your Name Here> lag
[07:55] <Electric Plants> There was no skull emote
[07:55] <AWikiBoy521> @TAA
[07:55] <AWikiBoy521> The same usual issue again.
[07:56] <TheAnonymousA> AWB, Miis playing Wii with their Miis!
[07:56] <Electric Plants> Hy! LWB!
[07:56] <Lolwutburger> i want to kill something now
[07:56] <Lolwutburger> i just saw hell itself
[07:56] <Lolwutburger> manifested in the form of
[07:56] <Lolwutburger> MINIONS INFLATION PORN
[07:56] <TheAnonymousA> What?
[07:56] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> jfc
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> @TAA
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> Miis playing Wii Sports with their Miis on their Wii!
[07:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> If only I can give them Wiis, I can only give them Wii Us though.
[07:57] <Murabito> IMPKATA NEEDS NERF
[07:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[07:57] <Lolwutburger> agreed
[07:57] <Lolwutburger> like
[07:57] <Electric Plants> ey!
[07:57] <Lolwutburger> impkata looks cool when you're a zombie
[07:57] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[07:57] <AWikiBoy521> At least, there's the Wii U for those Miis.
[07:57] <TheAnonymousA> Impkata?
[07:57] <TheAnonymousA> What's that?
[07:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep.
[07:57] <TheAnonymousA> AWB, tongue-twister time!
[07:57] <Lolwutburger> but when you're a plant you gotta go ballmode/enigman/cornjump/hyper/burrow/RUNLIKEHELL
[07:57] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> are you serious @anon
[07:58] <Insert Your Name Here> Can you somewhat influence relationship?
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> @TAA
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> Nah. :P 
[07:58] <Higehigebomber> @Mura Welcome to the world of 'everything new is better than the old stuff'
[07:58] <Coolyoyo33> hilo
[07:58] <Murabito> so I have to counter it
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> But still, let's play the Wii with our Miis!
[07:58] <Murabito> with arcane enigma
[07:58] <Higehigebomber> Counter it by running like heck before you die instantly
[07:58] <Murabito> rb twice
[07:58] <Murabito> 2 magic thistles
[07:58] <Murabito> he ded
[07:58] <TheAnonymousA> What is Important? Some karate imp or something?
[07:58] <Higehigebomber> Unless he Gravity Grenades you, I think you can't use any ability when that happens.
[07:59] <TheAnonymousA> *impkata 
[07:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> There's setting up and an option to pair up someone else if the person who the Mii picked is not the one the player wants, but for some reason I think it's only if the Mii is friends with the person setting them up.
[07:59] <Electric Plants> Hey!
[07:59] <Murabito> arcane enigma is the new energy warp
[07:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Looking at google
[07:59] <Murabito> aka roses energy warping into mansions in herbal assault
[07:59] <Higehigebomber> My favorite classes so far: Anything that prevents me from dying to 10 Z-Mechs, or 10 Ice Citrons...
[08:00] <Murabito> Ice Citron freezes too quickly
[08:00] <Murabito> every match has at least one
[08:00] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> is the public beta free?
[08:00] <Higehigebomber> Thankfully this is only a beta
[08:00] <Higehigebomber> Yes
[08:00] <Higehigebomber> Only Xbone/PS4
[08:00] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> ok
[08:00] <Murabito> while I just stick with Rose
[08:00] <Murabito> spamming magic thistles
[08:00] <Murabito> goats
[08:00] <Insert Your Name Here> There are some ways to influence relationship
[08:01] <Higehigebomber> Rose is fun, but Deadbeard makes the game a no-fun zone
[08:01] <Higehigebomber> He's a Scientist/Cactus in one class
[08:02] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> *...starts playing pocket mortys*
[08:02] <Higehigebomber> Super Brainz is... Just what he is, I guess.
[08:02] <TheAnonymousA> I know nothing about what you're speaking about.
[08:02] <Higehigebomber> Imp is so scary when you're defending, and see 5 Z-Mechs coming from two flanks.
[08:02] <Higehigebomber> Aw Mura left
[08:03] <Higehigebomber> We were talking about the beta of GW 2, and so far, everything that's new is absolutely broken
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:03] <Lolwutburger> crapssss I drew a female version of Chris Chan
[08:04] <Lolwutburger> I should like play some more Pocket Mortys
[08:04] <Coolyoyo33> lol GW2 stuff is like another language to me
[08:04] <TheAnonymousA> Z-mechs seem to be very powerful, everyone's talking about it.
[08:04] <Lolwutburger> it's a good game
[08:04] <Lolwutburger> like you can catch Mortys and stuff
[08:04] <TheAnonymousA> Cool, same here.
[08:04] <Higehigebomber> Don't be interested in it unless you like being destroyed by 10 Z-Mechs at once, or be spawn camped by 10 Ice Citron @Cool
[08:04] <Higehigebomber> For Beta, anyway. 
[08:05] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> "tear him limb from limb, morty"
[08:05] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> "shut up, rick" @lwb
[08:05] <Coolyoyo33> I'm not interested tho, lma o
[08:05] <Higehigebomber> :p Good
[08:06] <Higehigebomber> It's frustrating to play it, back to GW 1 until GW 2 comes out. :( 
[08:06] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> at least you have time to get to level 131(?)
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> i think one of the first guys you fight in Pocket Mortys is like one of those Unity people
[08:06] <Coolyoyo33> I'm just here trying to figure out how I could improve this
[08:07] <Lolwutburger> gotta consult the R&M subreddit
[08:07] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> im messing up the types a lot
[08:08] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> its like rock paper scissors but i keep thinking that rock is good against paper :V
[08:08] <Higehigebomber> 313, which is going to be fun..
[08:08] <Higehigebomber> Level 104 right now, was level 34 a month ago.
[08:09] <TheAnonymousA> Cool, that might look better on an NMT background.
[08:13] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> im not good at rock paper scissors
[08:16] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> woah buisness morty
[08:20] <Coolyoyo33> NMT? but vebros wanted LC @TAA
[08:20] <Coolyoyo33> 
[08:21] <Iamarepeater>
[08:07] <Lolwutburger> gotta consult the R&M subreddit
[08:07] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> im messing up the types a lot
[08:08] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> its like rock paper scissors but i keep thinking that rock is good against paper :V
[08:08] <Higehigebomber> 313, which is going to be fun..
[08:08] <Higehigebomber> Level 104 right now, was level 34 a month ago.
[08:09] <TheAnonymousA> Cool, that might look better on an NMT background.
[08:13] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> im not good at rock paper scissors
[08:16] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> woah buisness morty
[08:20] <Coolyoyo33> NMT? but vebros wanted LC @TAA
[08:20] <Coolyoyo33> 
[08:21] <Iamarepeater>
[08:23] <Lolwutburger> because of that title, I thought AAM was back or something like that
[08:23] <Iamarepeater> Nah
[08:24] <Lolwutburger> but then I remembered
[08:24] <Iamarepeater> What is your reaction?
[08:24] <Lolwutburger> he's a trainyiffer now
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> Random: And it's kinda overdue for PvZ:GW2 to be available on Asian PS4s now.
[08:24] <Lolwutburger> oh god
[08:24] <Lolwutburger> AAM's a bellsprout now
[08:24] <Lolwutburger>
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> And the download link from the official website isn't the active one.
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> Fucking Pokeflowetrain yiffer
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> Thats what I wouldve said
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> but I'm nice
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> File Size: <span style="font-weight:bold;">16.1GB</span>
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> But do you come to think that hell start yiffing to everything?
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Screw my internet connection.</span>
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> Like AAM x Cindy
[08:26] <Reapeageddon> AAM x Wanda
[08:26] <Lolwutburger> so I just learned one of AAM's friends is into FNaF inflation stuff
[08:26] <Lolwutburger> I checked out his friend's page
[08:26] <Reapeageddon> AAM x Sandy
[08:26] <Reapeageddon> AAM x Chicaflower
[08:26] <Reapeageddon>
[08:26] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:26] <Reapeageddon> CRIIIIIIIINGE
[08:26] <Lolwutburger> I should check out AAM after GW2 gets released
[08:27] <Lolwutburger> OH GOD
[08:27] <Lolwutburger> AAm's making another script again, eh
[08:27] <Lolwutburger> ooooooooooooooh
[08:27] <Lolwutburger> time to bust out my voice skillz
[08:27] <Coolyoyo33> Time to watch more papa franku
[08:28] <Reapeageddon> Hows my render
[08:29] <Coolyoyo33> I'm doing vebros's stuff first :[[]]P
[08:29] <Coolyoyo33> this is what I'm doing rn
[08:30] <Coolyoyo33> this looks weird but kind of nice
[08:30] <Iamarepeater>
[08:30] <Coolyoyo33> should I keep the second one?
[08:31] <Iamarepeater> Well, I'm one month younger than Princess Kitty
[08:31] <Inhalemychild12> did you miss me?
[08:23] <Lolwutburger> because of that title, I thought AAM was back or something like that
[08:23] <Iamarepeater> Nah
[08:24] <Lolwutburger> but then I remembered
[08:24] <Iamarepeater> What is your reaction?
[08:24] <Lolwutburger> he's a trainyiffer now
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> Random: And it's kinda overdue for PvZ:GW2 to be available on Asian PS4s now.
[08:24] <Lolwutburger> oh god
[08:24] <Lolwutburger> AAM's a bellsprout now
[08:24] <Lolwutburger>
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> And the download link from the official website isn't the active one.
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> Fucking Pokeflowetrain yiffer
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> Thats what I wouldve said
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> but I'm nice
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> File Size: <span style="font-weight:bold;">16.1GB</span>
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> But do you come to think that hell start yiffing to everything?
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Screw my internet connection.</span>
[08:25] <Reapeageddon> Like AAM x Cindy
[08:26] <Reapeageddon> AAM x Wanda
[08:26] <Lolwutburger> so I just learned one of AAM's friends is into FNaF inflation stuff
[08:26] <Lolwutburger> I checked out his friend's page
[08:26] <Reapeageddon> AAM x Sandy
[08:26] <Reapeageddon> AAM x Chicaflower
[08:26] <Reapeageddon>
[08:26] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:26] <Reapeageddon> CRIIIIIIIINGE
[08:26] <Lolwutburger> I should check out AAM after GW2 gets released
[08:27] <Lolwutburger> OH GOD
[08:27] <Lolwutburger> AAm's making another script again, eh
[08:27] <Lolwutburger> ooooooooooooooh
[08:27] <Lolwutburger> time to bust out my voice skillz
[08:27] <Coolyoyo33> Time to watch more papa franku
[08:28] <Reapeageddon> Hows my render
[08:29] <Coolyoyo33> I'm doing vebros's stuff first :[[]]P
[08:29] <Coolyoyo33> this is what I'm doing rn
[08:30] <Coolyoyo33> this looks weird but kind of nice
[08:30] <Iamarepeater>
[08:30] <Coolyoyo33> should I keep the second one?
[08:31] <Iamarepeater> Well, I'm one month younger than Princess Kitty
[08:31] <Inhalemychild12> did you miss me?
[08:32] <Iamarepeater> ???
[08:32] <Coolyoyo33> oh yeah, today's her birthing day
[08:32] <Inhalemychild12> k you dont understand
[08:32] <Inhalemychild12> also, my birthday is may 1
[08:32] <Iamarepeater> Mine is on Feb 8
[08:33] <Iamarepeater> Also first day of the lunar new year
[08:33] <The Magic Star> tako
[08:33] <Iamarepeater> hive
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> Whoa whoa whoa
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> Feb 8
[08:32] <Iamarepeater> ???
[08:32] <Coolyoyo33> oh yeah, today's her birthing day
[08:32] <Inhalemychild12> k you dont understand
[08:32] <Inhalemychild12> also, my birthday is may 1
[08:32] <Iamarepeater> Mine is on Feb 8
[08:33] <Iamarepeater> Also first day of the lunar new year
[08:33] <The Magic Star> tako
[08:33] <Iamarepeater> hive
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> Whoa whoa whoa
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> Feb 8
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> My birthday's on Feb 8 too
[08:33] <Inhalemychild12> Wait a min..
[08:34] <Coolyoyo33> o
[08:34] <Inhalemychild12> I would be stupid but
[08:34] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">LWB x Iamarepeater <span style="font-size:7pt;">Please don't keel me.</span></span>
[08:34] <Inhalemychild12> Is crazy dave mexican?
[08:34] <Coolyoyo33> does this look better or nah?
[08:35] <Iamarepeater> And there are thousands of Americans who eat mexican food
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> If he's Mexican he'd have to be named Dahvid
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> @Inhalemychild12
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> Well, he's from the US possibly.
[08:35] <Coolyoyo33> Donald trump x Hitler
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> Dahvid "Crazy Dave" Sanchez
[08:35] <Iamarepeater> @Inhale: you saw my point?
[08:35] <Inhalemychild12> Just because crazy dave likes to eats tacos..
[08:36] <Inhalemychild12> Meaning he should be mexican (i'm kinda stupid but yea)
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> It doesn't mean he's Mexican. :P 
[08:36] <Iamarepeater> See
[08:36] <Lolwutburger> calling Dave a mexican is a better idea than drawing Miss Fowl from Jimmy Neutron as Pearl from Stoven Versinerse
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> It's just food originated from Mexico.
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> Really?
[08:37] <Inhalemychild12> So what about jalapeno?
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> He might be waiting
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> For that moment
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> AAM needs chill
[08:38] <The Magic Star> I remember aam
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> yep
[08:38] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[08:38] <AWikiBoy521> (chillypepper)
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> I check on AAM every now and then
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> today he's a Bellsprout
[08:38] <Iamarepeater> He hasn't change his profile pic on wikia
[08:39] <Electric Plants> gtg
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> (jalapeno) IS SO MUCH MEXICAN
[08:39] <AWikiBoy521> Bye EP
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> XD
[08:39] <Iamarepeater> bive
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> o/ 
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> the AAM strikes again
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> part 2
[08:39] <Lolwutburger> "if your enemies think they are better than you I can beat them up for you, and they're just goanna have to deal with it."
[08:39] <Lolwutburger> -AAM 2016
[08:40] <Reapeageddon> False advertising
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> "how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?"
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> Jayden Smith
[08:40] <Reapeageddon> I hired him and he died from a Level -20
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> lma o
[08:41] <Lolwutburger> Looks like AAM's holding voice auditions
[08:41] <Lolwutburger> should I go for it or record his script in secret
[08:41] <Inhalemychild12> I bet defeating zomboss from modern day part 2 would be real taco
[08:28] <Reapeageddon> Hows my render
[08:29] <Coolyoyo33> I'm doing vebros's stuff first :[[]]P
[08:29] <Coolyoyo33> this is what I'm doing rn
[08:30] <Coolyoyo33> this looks weird but kind of nice
[08:30] <Iamarepeater>
[08:30] <Coolyoyo33> should I keep the second one?
[08:31] <Iamarepeater> Well, I'm one month younger than Princess Kitty
[08:31] <Inhalemychild12> did you miss me?
[08:32] <Iamarepeater> ???
[08:32] <Coolyoyo33> oh yeah, today's her birthing day
[08:32] <Inhalemychild12> k you dont understand
[08:32] <Inhalemychild12> also, my birthday is may 1
[08:32] <Iamarepeater> Mine is on Feb 8
[08:33] <Iamarepeater> Also first day of the lunar new year
[08:33] <The Magic Star> tako
[08:33] <Iamarepeater> hive
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> Whoa whoa whoa
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> Feb 8
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> My birthday's on Feb 8 too
[08:33] <Inhalemychild12> Wait a min..
[08:34] <Coolyoyo33> o
[08:34] <Inhalemychild12> I would be stupid but
[08:34] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">LWB x Iamarepeater <span style="font-size:7pt;">Please don't keel me.</span></span>
[08:34] <Inhalemychild12> Is crazy dave mexican?
[08:34] <Coolyoyo33> does this look better or nah?
[08:35] <Iamarepeater> And there are thousands of Americans who eat mexican food
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> If he's Mexican he'd have to be named Dahvid
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> @Inhalemychild12
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> Well, he's from the US possibly.
[08:35] <Coolyoyo33> Donald trump x Hitler
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> Dahvid "Crazy Dave" Sanchez
[08:35] <Iamarepeater> @Inhale: you saw my point?
[08:35] <Inhalemychild12> Just because crazy dave likes to eats tacos..
[08:36] <Inhalemychild12> Meaning he should be mexican (i'm kinda stupid but yea)
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> It doesn't mean he's Mexican. :P 
[08:36] <Iamarepeater> See
[08:36] <Lolwutburger> calling Dave a mexican is a better idea than drawing Miss Fowl from Jimmy Neutron as Pearl from Stoven Versinerse
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> It's just food originated from Mexico.
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> Really?
[08:37] <Inhalemychild12> So what about jalapeno?
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> He might be waiting
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> For that moment
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> AAM needs chill
[08:38] <The Magic Star> I remember aam
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> yep
[08:38] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[08:38] <AWikiBoy521> (chillypepper)
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> I check on AAM every now and then
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> today he's a Bellsprout
[08:38] <Iamarepeater> He hasn't change his profile pic on wikia
[08:39] <Electric Plants> gtg
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> (jalapeno) IS SO MUCH MEXICAN
[08:39] <AWikiBoy521> Bye EP
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> XD
[08:39] <Iamarepeater> bive
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> o/ 
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> the AAM strikes again
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> part 2
[08:39] <Lolwutburger> "if your enemies think they are better than you I can beat them up for you, and they're just goanna have to deal with it."
[08:39] <Lolwutburger> -AAM 2016
[08:40] <Reapeageddon> False advertising
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> "how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?"
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> Jayden Smith
[08:40] <Reapeageddon> I hired him and he died from a Level -20
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> lma o
[08:41] <Lolwutburger> Looks like AAM's holding voice auditions
[08:41] <Lolwutburger> should I go for it or record his script in secret
[08:41] <Inhalemychild12> I bet defeating zomboss from modern day part 2 would be real taco
[08:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> go for it, see his reaction
[08:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @lwb
[08:33] <Lolwutburger> My birthday's on Feb 8 too
[08:33] <Inhalemychild12> Wait a min..
[08:34] <Coolyoyo33> o
[08:34] <Inhalemychild12> I would be stupid but
[08:34] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">LWB x Iamarepeater <span style="font-size:7pt;">Please don't keel me.</span></span>
[08:34] <Inhalemychild12> Is crazy dave mexican?
[08:34] <Coolyoyo33> does this look better or nah?
[08:35] <Iamarepeater> And there are thousands of Americans who eat mexican food
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> If he's Mexican he'd have to be named Dahvid
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> @Inhalemychild12
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> Well, he's from the US possibly.
[08:35] <Coolyoyo33> Donald trump x Hitler
[08:35] <Lolwutburger> Dahvid "Crazy Dave" Sanchez
[08:35] <Iamarepeater> @Inhale: you saw my point?
[08:35] <Inhalemychild12> Just because crazy dave likes to eats tacos..
[08:36] <Inhalemychild12> Meaning he should be mexican (i'm kinda stupid but yea)
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> It doesn't mean he's Mexican. :P 
[08:36] <Iamarepeater> See
[08:36] <Lolwutburger> calling Dave a mexican is a better idea than drawing Miss Fowl from Jimmy Neutron as Pearl from Stoven Versinerse
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> It's just food originated from Mexico.
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> Really?
[08:37] <Inhalemychild12> So what about jalapeno?
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> He might be waiting
[08:37] <Iamarepeater> For that moment
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> AAM needs chill
[08:38] <The Magic Star> I remember aam
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> yep
[08:38] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[08:38] <AWikiBoy521> (chillypepper)
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> I check on AAM every now and then
[08:38] <Lolwutburger> today he's a Bellsprout
[08:38] <Iamarepeater> He hasn't change his profile pic on wikia
[08:39] <Electric Plants> gtg
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> (jalapeno) IS SO MUCH MEXICAN
[08:39] <AWikiBoy521> Bye EP
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> XD
[08:39] <Iamarepeater> bive
[08:39] <Inhalemychild12> o/ 
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> the AAM strikes again
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> part 2
[08:39] <Lolwutburger> "if your enemies think they are better than you I can beat them up for you, and they're just goanna have to deal with it."
[08:39] <Lolwutburger> -AAM 2016
[08:40] <Reapeageddon> False advertising
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> "how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?"
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> Jayden Smith
[08:40] <Reapeageddon> I hired him and he died from a Level -20
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> lma o
[08:41] <Lolwutburger> Looks like AAM's holding voice auditions
[08:41] <Lolwutburger> should I go for it or record his script in secret
[08:41] <Inhalemychild12> I bet defeating zomboss from modern day part 2 would be real taco
[08:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> go for it, see his reaction
[08:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @lwb
[08:42] <DatDramaPlant> test
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> LMFAo
[08:43] <Inhalemychild12> How many edits that you become admin?
[08:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> go for it, see his reaction
[08:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @lwb
[08:42] <DatDramaPlant> test
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> LMFAo
[08:43] <Inhalemychild12> How many edits that you become admin?
[08:44] <Inhalemychild12> reply, ok then
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> 1000
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> @inhale
[08:45] <The Magic Star> What can I do to edit stuff on the wiki
[08:45] <The Magic Star> I mean MS edits
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> rewrite stuff, correct stuff, add stuff
[08:46] <Coolyoyo33> and remove stuff
[08:46] <Iamarepeater> [[User talk:Agent Andrew martins]]
[08:46] <Iamarepeater> [[User talk:Iamarepeater/Archive 1]]
[08:46] <The Magic Star> I don't really see that much stuff
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[08:47] <Iamarepeater> We had this nuclear arguement
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I was playing on stream for ages with AvZ!
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> :D 
[08:50] <Iamarepeater> hive
[08:50] <Electric Plants> Back@
[08:50] <Electric Plants> OhI REPEATER!
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:50] <Iamarepeater> Yes?
[08:51] <Iamarepeater> Direct quote from AAM: now you listen here dude what I was doing well I mean that was actually a difference sunflower door other the real sunflower the real sunflower is still with pea shooter I mean even though I mean get with the program I was trying to be romantic with a different sunflower I mean peashooter just a know that end of story.
[08:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:42] <DatDramaPlant> test
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> LMFAo
[08:43] <Inhalemychild12> How many edits that you become admin?
[08:44] <Inhalemychild12> reply, ok then
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> 1000
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> @inhale
[08:45] <The Magic Star> What can I do to edit stuff on the wiki
[08:45] <The Magic Star> I mean MS edits
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> rewrite stuff, correct stuff, add stuff
[08:46] <Coolyoyo33> and remove stuff
[08:46] <Iamarepeater> [[User talk:Agent Andrew martins]]
[08:46] <Iamarepeater> [[User talk:Iamarepeater/Archive 1]]
[08:46] <The Magic Star> I don't really see that much stuff
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[08:47] <Iamarepeater> We had this nuclear arguement
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I was playing on stream for ages with AvZ!
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> :D 
[08:50] <Iamarepeater> hive
[08:50] <Electric Plants> Back@
[08:50] <Electric Plants> OhI REPEATER!
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:50] <Iamarepeater> Yes?
[08:51] <Iamarepeater> Direct quote from AAM: now you listen here dude what I was doing well I mean that was actually a difference sunflower door other the real sunflower the real sunflower is still with pea shooter I mean even though I mean get with the program I was trying to be romantic with a different sunflower I mean peashooter just a know that end of story.
[08:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> like
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> why is there a godzilla anime
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> for kids
[08:44] <Inhalemychild12> reply, ok then
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> 1000
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> @inhale
[08:45] <The Magic Star> What can I do to edit stuff on the wiki
[08:45] <The Magic Star> I mean MS edits
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> rewrite stuff, correct stuff, add stuff
[08:46] <Coolyoyo33> and remove stuff
[08:46] <Iamarepeater> [[User talk:Agent Andrew martins]]
[08:46] <Iamarepeater> [[User talk:Iamarepeater/Archive 1]]
[08:46] <The Magic Star> I don't really see that much stuff
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[08:47] <Iamarepeater> We had this nuclear arguement
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I was playing on stream for ages with AvZ!
[08:47] <Dr Crzzy Dave> :D 
[08:50] <Iamarepeater> hive
[08:50] <Electric Plants> Back@
[08:50] <Electric Plants> OhI REPEATER!
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:50] <Iamarepeater> Yes?
[08:51] <Iamarepeater> Direct quote from AAM: now you listen here dude what I was doing well I mean that was actually a difference sunflower door other the real sunflower the real sunflower is still with pea shooter I mean even though I mean get with the program I was trying to be romantic with a different sunflower I mean peashooter just a know that end of story.
[08:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> like
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> why is there a godzilla anime
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> for kids
[08:52] <The Magic Star> test
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> like
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> why is there a godzilla anime
[08:52] <Lolwutburger> for kids
[08:52] <The Magic Star> test
[08:57] <TheAnonymousA> Gtg, I have some work to do.
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[08:59] <Coolyoyo33> hilo again
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> BYe
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> *Bye
[09:00] <AWikiBoy521> And me doing HWs now. :P 
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> chat's dyin
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> gonna go somewhere else anyway
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> byezos
[08:52] <The Magic Star> test
[08:57] <TheAnonymousA> Gtg, I have some work to do.
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[08:59] <Coolyoyo33> hilo again
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> BYe
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> *Bye
[09:00] <AWikiBoy521> And me doing HWs now. :P 
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> chat's dyin
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> gonna go somewhere else anyway
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> byezos
[08:57] <TheAnonymousA> Gtg, I have some work to do.
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[08:59] <Coolyoyo33> hilo again
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> BYe
[08:59] <AWikiBoy521> *Bye
[09:00] <AWikiBoy521> And me doing HWs now. :P 
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> chat's dyin
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> gonna go somewhere else anyway
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> byezos
[09:03] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[09:04] <Citron Bomb Official> Hi
[09:04] <Electric Plants> Welcome to the chat of death!
[09:04] <Electric Plants> How long can u survive?
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> are there chainsaws
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> More like Death Chat
[09:05] <Electric Plants> Many people couldn't survive
[09:05] <Electric Plants> som of the lasted for 1 hour
[09:05] <Electric Plants> some for 1 min
[09:05] <Electric Plants> some for 1 SEC!
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> some where eating snacks
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> *were
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> and... chat ded
[09:07] <Electric Plants> See
[09:07] <Electric Plants> I told u
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> I need a song
[09:07] <Electric Plants> U r the survivor!
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> do I get (bacon) 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (bacon) 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (bacon) 
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Nope
[09:07] <Electric Plants> You get nothing
[09:07] <Electric Plants> :P 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> oh
[09:07] <Electric Plants> [[File:Time opposite primals-moderns.png]]
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (banhammer) Electric Plants 
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Listen t this photo
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Ouch
[09:08] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:08] <Citron Bomb Official> bacon pancakes
[09:08] <Coolyoyo33> back v4.5
[09:09] <Electric Plants> WB!
[09:10] <Electric Plants> v. 0.9
[09:10] <Electric Plants> The main one will release soon!
[09:10] <Citron Bomb Official> >>>>????/......
[09:11] <Coolyoyo33>
[09:03] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[09:04] <Citron Bomb Official> Hi
[09:04] <Electric Plants> Welcome to the chat of death!
[09:04] <Electric Plants> How long can u survive?
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> are there chainsaws
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> More like Death Chat
[09:05] <Electric Plants> Many people couldn't survive
[09:05] <Electric Plants> som of the lasted for 1 hour
[09:05] <Electric Plants> some for 1 min
[09:05] <Electric Plants> some for 1 SEC!
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> some where eating snacks
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> *were
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> and... chat ded
[09:07] <Electric Plants> See
[09:07] <Electric Plants> I told u
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> I need a song
[09:07] <Electric Plants> U r the survivor!
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> do I get (bacon) 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (bacon) 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (bacon) 
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Nope
[09:07] <Electric Plants> You get nothing
[09:07] <Electric Plants> :P 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> oh
[09:07] <Electric Plants> [[File:Time opposite primals-moderns.png]]
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (banhammer) Electric Plants 
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Listen t this photo
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Ouch
[09:08] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:08] <Citron Bomb Official> bacon pancakes
[09:08] <Coolyoyo33> back v4.5
[09:09] <Electric Plants> WB!
[09:10] <Electric Plants> v. 0.9
[09:10] <Electric Plants> The main one will release soon!
[09:10] <Citron Bomb Official> >>>>????/......
[09:11] <Coolyoyo33>
[09:03] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[09:04] <Citron Bomb Official> Hi
[09:04] <Electric Plants> Welcome to the chat of death!
[09:04] <Electric Plants> How long can u survive?
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> are there chainsaws
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:05] <AWikiBoy521> More like Death Chat
[09:05] <Electric Plants> Many people couldn't survive
[09:05] <Electric Plants> som of the lasted for 1 hour
[09:05] <Electric Plants> some for 1 min
[09:05] <Electric Plants> some for 1 SEC!
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> some where eating snacks
[09:05] <Citron Bomb Official> *were
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> and... chat ded
[09:07] <Electric Plants> See
[09:07] <Electric Plants> I told u
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> I need a song
[09:07] <Electric Plants> U r the survivor!
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> do I get (bacon) 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (bacon) 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (bacon) 
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Nope
[09:07] <Electric Plants> You get nothing
[09:07] <Electric Plants> :P 
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> oh
[09:07] <Electric Plants> [[File:Time opposite primals-moderns.png]]
[09:07] <Citron Bomb Official> (banhammer) Electric Plants 
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Listen t this photo
[09:07] <Electric Plants> Ouch
[09:08] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:08] <Citron Bomb Official> bacon pancakes
[09:08] <Coolyoyo33> back v4.5
[09:09] <Electric Plants> WB!
[09:10] <Electric Plants> v. 0.9
[09:10] <Electric Plants> The main one will release soon!
[09:10] <Citron Bomb Official> >>>>????/......
[09:11] <Coolyoyo33>
[09:13] <Electric Plants> Someone couldn't survive
[09:13] <Electric Plants> :O 
[09:13] <Electric Plants> Is my emote okay?
[09:13] <Electric Plants> Electric Plants 
[09:14] <Electric Plants> Yup
[09:14] <The Magic Star> Cool
[09:14] <The Magic Star> (the magic star)
[09:14] <The Magic Star> (tms) 
[09:14] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> gdi
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> got pinged xD
[09:15] <Electric Plants> lol
[09:15] <Citron Bomb Official> j
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> lolwut
[09:15] <Electric Plants> R.I.P your emote tms
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I ate your emote, TMS.</span>
[09:16] <Electric Plants> Was it delicous?
[09:16] <Coolyoyo33>
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> [sHmmmmm.....takos.....
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> *<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Hmmmmm.....takos.....</span>
[09:16] <Electric Plants> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Test </span>
[09:16] <Electric Plants> Lol fail@AWB521
[09:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">What? We're humans.</span>
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> pink guys raps are life
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> *guy's
[09:18] <AWikiBoy521> Ye[
[09:18] <AWikiBoy521> *Yep
[09:18] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Human
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> they have no chill
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> wb TAA
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33>
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33> "I love animals, especially when they're dead" chill
[09:20] <Reapeageddon> I like this
[09:20] <Electric Plants> [[File:60446319.ogg]]
[09:20] <Electric Plants> Silence....
[09:20] <Electric Plants> Sound of silence..
[09:21] <Electric Plants> is here
[09:21] <Electric Plants> Just insects sound if u r afraid
[09:21] <Citron Bomb Official> cricket sounds
[09:22] <Electric Plants> AYup
[09:22] <Electric Plants> Hi Cypor!
[09:22] <Electric Plants> Haven't seen u for months
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Ranger
[09:22] <Cyborg Ranger> Yes I am cypor 
[09:13] <Electric Plants> Someone couldn't survive
[09:13] <Electric Plants> :O 
[09:13] <Electric Plants> Is my emote okay?
[09:13] <Electric Plants> Electric Plants 
[09:14] <Electric Plants> Yup
[09:14] <The Magic Star> Cool
[09:14] <The Magic Star> (the magic star)
[09:14] <The Magic Star> (tms) 
[09:14] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> gdi
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> got pinged xD
[09:15] <Electric Plants> lol
[09:15] <Citron Bomb Official> j
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> lolwut
[09:15] <Electric Plants> R.I.P your emote tms
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I ate your emote, TMS.</span>
[09:16] <Electric Plants> Was it delicous?
[09:16] <Coolyoyo33>
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> [sHmmmmm.....takos.....
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> *<span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Hmmmmm.....takos.....</span>
[09:16] <Electric Plants> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Test </span>
[09:16] <Electric Plants> Lol fail@AWB521
[09:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">What? We're humans.</span>
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> pink guys raps are life
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> *guy's
[09:18] <AWikiBoy521> Ye[
[09:18] <AWikiBoy521> *Yep
[09:18] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Human
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> they have no chill
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> wb TAA
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33>
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33> "I love animals, especially when they're dead" chill
[09:20] <Reapeageddon> I like this
[09:20] <Electric Plants> [[File:60446319.ogg]]
[09:20] <Electric Plants> Silence....
[09:20] <Electric Plants> Sound of silence..
[09:21] <Electric Plants> is here
[09:21] <Electric Plants> Just insects sound if u r afraid
[09:21] <Citron Bomb Official> cricket sounds
[09:22] <Electric Plants> AYup
[09:22] <Electric Plants> Hi Cypor!
[09:22] <Electric Plants> Haven't seen u for months
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Ranger
[09:22] <Cyborg Ranger> Yes I am cypor 
[09:23] <Cyborg Ranger> Test
[09:23] <Electric Plants> tseT
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> wb TAA
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33>
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33> "I love animals, especially when they're dead" chill
[09:20] <Reapeageddon> I like this
[09:20] <Electric Plants> [[File:60446319.ogg]]
[09:20] <Electric Plants> Silence....
[09:20] <Electric Plants> Sound of silence..
[09:21] <Electric Plants> is here
[09:21] <Electric Plants> Just insects sound if u r afraid
[09:21] <Citron Bomb Official> cricket sounds
[09:22] <Electric Plants> AYup
[09:22] <Electric Plants> Hi Cypor!
[09:22] <Electric Plants> Haven't seen u for months
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Ranger
[09:22] <Cyborg Ranger> Yes I am cypor 
[09:23] <Cyborg Ranger> Test
[09:23] <Electric Plants> tseT
[09:23] <Coolyoyo33> That's noice too @reap
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> "We want joji music"
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> if u get it
[09:29] <Electric Plants> Nope
[09:30] <Coolyoyo33> only papa franku watchers will
[09:30] <Reapeageddon> Who plays League of Legends?
[09:30] <Coolyoyo33> I think this is good
[09:30] <Coolyoyo33> not me, I only played the tutorial and deleted it lol
[09:30] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> thas a lotta filturs
[09:30] <Coolyoyo33> ye
[09:31] <Coolyoyo33> either that or
[09:31] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:23] <Coolyoyo33> and get the zomboni pea
[10:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lol.
[10:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Thats evil.
[10:24] <Coolyoyo33> the zomboni pea is a normal peashooter is a normal peashooter
[10:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> The third day on part 2 is zackscott nightmare.
[10:24] <Coolyoyo33> but can attack zombonis (troll) 
[10:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Coolyoy try to guess what is third world zombies.
[10:24] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> grei, i dont think its possible to get far future working
[10:24] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> like that
[10:24] <Coolyoyo33> idk?
[10:24] <Coolyoyo33> wild west?
[10:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Nope the third day is only breakdancer zombies.
[10:25] <Coolyoyo33> you wrote third world gdi
[10:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I can imagine zackscott raging.
[10:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Oops sorry.
[10:25] <DatDramaPlant> XD
[10:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Thats evil.
[10:26] <Coolyoyo33> Zackscott is the best
[10:26] <Coolyoyo33> at losing
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> this peasant sucks
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> HE'
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> S LOW ON COINS
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> COINS
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> COINS
[10:27] <DatDramaPlant> Ikr
[10:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Poor zack.
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> how
[10:27] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[10:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> How he lost that much coins?
[10:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> He has 982 i think?
[10:28] <Coolyoyo33> exactly
[10:28] <DatDramaPlant> :P 
[10:28] <Coolyoyo33> can anyone really be such a noob?
[10:28] <DatDramaPlant> And really, he ignores my advice on Infi vs. HMG
[10:28] <DatDramaPlant> SERIOUSLY.
[10:28] <Coolyoyo33> lma o
[10:29] <Coolyoyo33> I love cold snapdragon's look and animations 
[10:29] <DatDramaPlant> Just asking, what does that stand for?
[10:29] <Coolyoyo33> what does what stand for?
[10:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> He is achoo achoo.
[10:29] <DatDramaPlant> nvm
[10:30] <Coolyoyo33> He can't tolerate one AE rift
[10:30] <Coolyoyo33> what the hell 
[10:30] <DatDramaPlant> Ikr
[10:30] <Reapeageddon> He ignored my advice on how to beat the Pikmin 3 Final Boss
[10:30] <Coolyoyo33> "How are we ever going to survive this" IT'S THE FIRST LEVEL
[10:30] <Reapeageddon> Hey there PETA pony
[10:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Zackscott vs a gaint nope
[10:31] <DatDramaPlant> Have any of you heard of this abbreviation?
[10:31] <DatDramaPlant> PMYMHMMFSWGAD
[10:31] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Don't kick me</span>
[10:31] <Coolyoyo33> that's a cute spider
[10:31] <Coolyoyo33> no @datdrama lol
[10:32] <DatDramaPlant> It's "Pardon Me, You Must Have Mistaken Me For Someone Who Gives A Damn"
[10:32] <Coolyoyo33> Epic not cute
[10:32] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I heard spiders like red more than blue Zackscott -2016
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> He's almost into the hole (lenny) 
[10:33] <DatDramaPlant> JKnow this website?
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> watching him being a coward is fun
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> heh
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> LMFAO
[10:34] <DatDramaPlant> What're you laughing at?
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> "Dear Zack scott
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> You suck at this game, pls stahp."
[10:41] <DatDramaPlant> Ikr
[10:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 3 days later.
[10:41] <DatDramaPlant> "Ikr"s by me: 3
[10:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Zackscott:Im ganna open mail.
[10:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Not rp.
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> "I am beautiful no matter what they say"
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:43] <DatDramaPlant> test
[10:44] <DatDramaPlant> \o o/ 
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (Portal)
[10:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I eatched a guy fighting a spider with a silly string.
[10:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Watched.
[10:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> filthy frank is the creator of all life
[10:48] <The Zombie O.O> Wtf did you just link Yoyo
[10:48] <The Zombie O.O> A type of torture by cold water?
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> ex dee
[10:49] <The Zombie O.O> And a mental breakdown after that
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> papa franku does it best
[10:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> This is what im watching.
[10:50] <Coolyoyo33> zack is too shit at the game
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> HE USED UP ALL HIS F0cking COINS ON DAY 3
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> A CONVEYOR BELT
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> 
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> Wth
[10:52] <The Zombie O.O> Wait w0t
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> "Help me out guys please!" how tf are we supposed to help you, stop talking to yourself
[10:52] <The Zombie O.O> He did?
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[10:52] <The Zombie O.O> That just proves that Zack is nub
[10:52] <The Zombie O.O> Using all those powerups and shtuff
[10:52] <Reapeageddon> HELP ME! ~ Zack
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> he has like 235 coins
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> He does?
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> 
[10:53] <Reapeageddon> People: *gives advice*
[10:53] <Reapeageddon> Zack: *ignores*
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> Lel
[10:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I eatched a guy fighting a spider with a silly string.
[10:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Watched.
[10:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> filthy frank is the creator of all life
[10:48] <The Zombie O.O> Wtf did you just link Yoyo
[10:48] <The Zombie O.O> A type of torture by cold water?
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> ex dee
[10:49] <The Zombie O.O> And a mental breakdown after that
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> papa franku does it best
[10:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> This is what im watching.
[10:50] <Coolyoyo33> zack is too shit at the game
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> HE USED UP ALL HIS F0cking COINS ON DAY 3
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> A CONVEYOR BELT
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> 
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> Wth
[10:52] <The Zombie O.O> Wait w0t
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> "Help me out guys please!" how tf are we supposed to help you, stop talking to yourself
[10:52] <The Zombie O.O> He did?
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[10:52] <The Zombie O.O> That just proves that Zack is nub
[10:52] <The Zombie O.O> Using all those powerups and shtuff
[10:52] <Reapeageddon> HELP ME! ~ Zack
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> he has like 235 coins
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> He does?
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> 
[10:53] <Reapeageddon> People: *gives advice*
[10:53] <Reapeageddon> Zack: *ignores*
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> Lel
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> The pleb
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> He needs a teaching
[10:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lol.
[10:53] <The Zombie O.O> By the PvZ Wiki
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> He needs to go to "Stop playing games cause you suck at them" school
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> or at least LEARN how to play the games which he does lets plays of 
[10:54] <The Zombie O.O> Exactly
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> PvZ
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> Plants vs Zack Scott Games
[10:54] <The Zombie O.O> When he plays the Pinata Parties he uses so many damn coins on the powerups
[10:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Zackscott:Help me guys.
[10:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> He gets shot.
[10:54] <The Zombie O.O> More like
[10:55] <The Zombie O.O> *He gets "helped" by fanboys with horrid grammar
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> "Thanks violet, that's great" Stop talking to your plants, you insecure nub lol
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> He
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> He's bad WITH OP premiums, how....just how?
[10:56] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I dont watch zackscott games i watch his normal channel.
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> zack scott memes?
[10:56] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No.
[10:56] <Legenddemonicderpknight> The channel were he posts spider and stuff.
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> Wait, he bought all the premiums in PvZ2?
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> What the fuck
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> How does he still suck at the game
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> I oin\
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> wait nvm ignore dat
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> "I'm a modern man ready to use my modern plants against them"
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> Actually most of the plants you got are from the past so no
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> Couldn't popcap at least find a decent player to be their face in the pvz community? 
[10:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Rfm767 vs zombies is good at pvz.
[10:58] <AWikiBoy521> But, he can't show his face.
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> The best Pvz player I've seen so far is
[10:58] <AWikiBoy521> His IRL face.
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> Ginta Gaming
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> tbh
[10:59] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">lol</span>
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> He does all levels in one try
[10:59] <AWikiBoy521> Well, not really.
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> and you can see that by the dialogue which is only a one time thing
[10:59] <WintahMhelon18> Rfm767 should reveal his face in his 1M sub special &gt;:D 
[10:59] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> Well at least the levels with the dialogues
[10:59] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep.
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> Unlike RFM who doesn't show the dialogues but instead puts his own custom dave dialogues so we don't really know how many tries he takes on the levels
[11:00] <WintahMhelon18> My CoE forum game has gotten so fast. After just 16 days, Part 7 is already here
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> CoE?
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> 16 days
[11:01] <WintahMhelon18> Clash of......I mean Chain of Excuses
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> Pvz parts have 16 days
[11:01] <WintahMhelon18> Lels, good one
[11:01] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ig plays painti tiles.
[11:02] <WintahMhelon18> Thanks for the coincidence
[11:02] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Paino.
[11:02] <The Zombie O.O> How is Zack not good at PvZ2 yet PopCap uses him as pretty much the face of PvZ2
[11:02] <WintahMhelon18> *Piano
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> HE LOST 3 LAWN MOWERS ON DAY 5
[11:02] <The Zombie O.O> WOW
[11:02] <The Zombie O.O> GG
[11:02] <The Zombie O.O> ZACK SUCKS
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> He even had cold snapdragon
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> what the hell is doing
[11:02] <The Zombie O.O> Can I clap now
[11:02] <WintahMhelon18> How's Zack playing Day 12?
[11:02] <The Zombie O.O> I wonder how he does on Day 16
[11:02] <The Zombie O.O> "I got no Plant Food, so imma buy some!"
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> I want to see how he plays day 7
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> hue hue heu
[11:03] <The Zombie O.O> If Zack gets rekt on Day 16 I will facepalm
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> Don't tell me Zack Scott loses all lawnmowers in Day 1
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> Zack is pVz comedy
[11:03] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Here is the answere
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> since his horrible gameplay is laughable 
[11:03] <The Zombie O.O> 37:30?
[11:03] <The Zombie O.O> Well
[11:03] <The Zombie O.O> This looks bad
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> Don't tell me Zack Scott loses all lawnmowers in Day 1
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> &gt;:D 
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> not really
[11:03] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lol.
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> Oh ok
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> but he found day 1 Very hard
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> Nice
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> DAY 1
[11:04] <The Zombie O.O> Well
[11:04] <WintahMhelon18> What does Zack uses in Day 1?
[11:04] <The Zombie O.O> Zack didn't get rekt on Day 16
[11:04] <The Zombie O.O> But he used boosted plants
[11:04] <The Zombie O.O> so
[11:04] <Magnet Plant> [[User blog:Magnet Plant/Dave%C2%B4s Adventures is abandoned|User blog:Magnet Plant/Dave´s Adventures is abandoned]]
[11:04] <Magnet Plant> yay
[11:04] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Rejoined.
[11:05] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:05] <Coolyoyo33> boosted plants
[11:05] <Coolyoyo33> a good coward indeed
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> whoa dudes
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> the fairly oddparents has a new theme song
[11:06] <The Zombie O.O> Lel look at Day 14
[11:06] <The Zombie O.O> A SMALL Gargantuar managed to prolong the game
[11:06] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wait in his 448 ep on pvz 2.
[11:06] <Legenddemonicderpknight> He sed i feel dump but thats ok.
[11:07] <The Zombie O.O> Zack is a coward
[11:07] <Coolyoyo33> He's a pitiful child who needs coins
[11:07] <Coolyoyo33> sad 
[11:07] <The Zombie O.O> He used Shrinking Violet and Cold Snapdragon at Day 15
[11:07] <The Zombie O.O> The shame
[11:08] <The Zombie O.O> And the fact that on Beghouled II he got quite rekt
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> WEll I'ma play AE
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> on my second account
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> then after I'm done, I'll use mi AE and JM plants and try to win modern day
[11:08] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> Don't tell me Zack Scott loses all lawnmowers in Day 1
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> Zack is pVz comedy
[11:03] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Here is the answere
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> since his horrible gameplay is laughable 
[11:03] <The Zombie O.O> 37:30?
[11:03] <The Zombie O.O> Well
[11:03] <The Zombie O.O> This looks bad
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> Don't tell me Zack Scott loses all lawnmowers in Day 1
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> &gt;:D 
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> not really
[11:03] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lol.
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> Oh ok
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> but he found day 1 Very hard
[11:03] <WintahMhelon18> Nice
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> DAY 1
[11:04] <The Zombie O.O> Well
[11:04] <WintahMhelon18> What does Zack uses in Day 1?
[11:04] <The Zombie O.O> Zack didn't get rekt on Day 16
[11:04] <The Zombie O.O> But he used boosted plants
[11:04] <The Zombie O.O> so
[11:04] <Magnet Plant> [[User blog:Magnet Plant/Dave%C2%B4s Adventures is abandoned|User blog:Magnet Plant/Dave´s Adventures is abandoned]]
[11:04] <Magnet Plant> yay
[11:04] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Rejoined.
[11:05] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:05] <Coolyoyo33> boosted plants
[11:05] <Coolyoyo33> a good coward indeed
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> whoa dudes
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> the fairly oddparents has a new theme song
[11:06] <The Zombie O.O> Lel look at Day 14
[11:06] <The Zombie O.O> A SMALL Gargantuar managed to prolong the game
[11:06] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wait in his 448 ep on pvz 2.
[11:06] <Legenddemonicderpknight> He sed i feel dump but thats ok.
[11:07] <The Zombie O.O> Zack is a coward
[11:07] <Coolyoyo33> He's a pitiful child who needs coins
[11:07] <Coolyoyo33> sad 
[11:07] <The Zombie O.O> He used Shrinking Violet and Cold Snapdragon at Day 15
[11:07] <The Zombie O.O> The shame
[11:08] <The Zombie O.O> And the fact that on Beghouled II he got quite rekt
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> WEll I'ma play AE
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> on my second account
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> then after I'm done, I'll use mi AE and JM plants and try to win modern day
[11:08] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:09] <The Zombie O.O> Zac
[11:09] <Magnet Plant> Lol
[11:09] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:09] <Magnet Plant> in PvZ2 main menu
[11:09] <Magnet Plant> there's an ad for GW2
[11:09] <The Zombie O.O> Zack even had trouble with Day 12
[11:09] <The Zombie O.O> Even though he spammed Cold Snaps
[11:09] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wait brb.
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> Day 12 is hard for me without prems
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> but with prems I easily rekt it
[11:11] <The Zombie O.O> For Zack he had a total of 5 premiums
[11:11] <The Zombie O.O> Yet had some trouble
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> wow
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> Well, at least they bought back Chester and AJ I guess
[11:12] <WintahMhelon18> Bought or brought?
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> I always assumed Butch Hartman sold Chester and AJ to slave drivers
[11:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Back.
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> SupbaCKS
[11:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I saw the ad lol.
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> *Supbacks
[11:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Of the pvz gw 2.
[11:12] <Princess Kitty> Hi
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> And Birthday Happy Supback PK!
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> still waiting for vebros to come on rip
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> Happy Birthday PK! :D 
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:13] <Princess Kitty> Hey Guys!
[11:09] <The Zombie O.O> Zac
[11:09] <Magnet Plant> Lol
[11:09] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:09] <Magnet Plant> in PvZ2 main menu
[11:09] <Magnet Plant> there's an ad for GW2
[11:09] <The Zombie O.O> Zack even had trouble with Day 12
[11:09] <The Zombie O.O> Even though he spammed Cold Snaps
[11:09] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wait brb.
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> Day 12 is hard for me without prems
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> but with prems I easily rekt it
[11:11] <The Zombie O.O> For Zack he had a total of 5 premiums
[11:11] <The Zombie O.O> Yet had some trouble
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> wow
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> Well, at least they bought back Chester and AJ I guess
[11:12] <WintahMhelon18> Bought or brought?
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> I always assumed Butch Hartman sold Chester and AJ to slave drivers
[11:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Back.
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> SupbaCKS
[11:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I saw the ad lol.
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> *Supbacks
[11:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Of the pvz gw 2.
[11:12] <Princess Kitty> Hi
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> And Birthday Happy Supback PK!
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> still waiting for vebros to come on rip
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> Happy Birthday PK! :D 
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:13] <Princess Kitty> Hey Guys!
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> waiting is annoying
[11:13] <Princess Kitty> I have something to ask
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> Hilo PK!
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> Happy Birthday!
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> I greeted you already on the deviantARTs
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Guys go to youtube and type Use the force luke.
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> Happy birthday!
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bring her the cake.
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> Anyways, Fairly OddParents added in a MARY SUE
[11:13] <Princess Kitty> Thanks Guys!
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> have you ever eaten a whale whole?
[11:13] <Princess Kitty> Oh BTW
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What.
[11:14] <The Zombie O.O> HURRPPY BURTDAY PK
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> Did someone say
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Well, my Birthday Experience is different here.</span>
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> Burt?
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, TAA
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> Burt as in Bart?
[11:14] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> first thing that happens when i launch skype for the first time in a while i thought it was a pop-up virus
[11:14] <TheAnonymousA> Huh?
[11:14] <The Zombie O.O> lel
[11:14] <Princess Kitty> Can I have tell something?
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> Bart as in the boy from simpsons
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> I guess they just revealed Timmy's Dad's name
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> he has spiky hair
[11:14] <TheAnonymousA> I got pinged.
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> @PK and TAA
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> each spike is shaped like a triangle
[11:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Traingle has 3 sides.
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> the illuminati is a triangle
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> bartluminati
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> Bart is illuminati
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> don't have a conspiracy theory, man
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> ay carumba
[11:15] <TheAnonymousA> I'm working on my project on the side with my friend.
[11:15] <Princess Kitty> Do you guys know about PopCap Popstrip? 
[11:15] <WintahMhelon18> Not yet
[11:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">As sometimes, this chat is random.</span>
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> Popstrip?
[11:15] <TheAnonymousA> I must have forgotten to close the tab.
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> Popstrip, eh?
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> I remember those
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> Have you ever been on fire?
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> They posted them on Facebook
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> and become ash
[11:15] <Princess Kitty> Popstrip s
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> ash ketchum?
[11:15] <Princess Kitty> Are PopCap Comics
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> I remember that time where this guy turned three differently colored Chuzzles into gold and they disappeared
[11:16] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[11:16] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What happens if you shoot a portal gun on a box.
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Close the box shoot another portal what will gappen?
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> and one where Andy from Feeding Frenzy was following a Guppy from Insaniquarium
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Happen
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> In which game, 1 or 2? @legend
[11:16] <AWikiBoy521> Although, it's dead-ish.
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 2
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> hilo dary
[11:16] <Princess Kitty> A guy who turn chuzzles into gold?
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> Has anyone here completed portal 2 on co op?
[11:17] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[11:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello.
[11:17] <Princess Kitty> That's Midas from Talismania
[11:18] <Princess Kitty> Brb! Move to Computer!
[11:18] <WintahMhelon18> Does the word "Spinoff" have to be separated as two words or does it need a dash?
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> I didn't know that.
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> 
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> I can just come up with the most random sentences
[11:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who wanted portal gun on irl?
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> @Wintah
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> It depends on usage though.
[11:18] <WintahMhelon18> Kayden
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> Me and my friends.
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> welp I best be going back to trying to watch the new Fairly OddParents
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> Me @legend
[11:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mw too.
[11:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok LWB.
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> I mean, they actually showed Timmy's Mom's clevage
[11:19] <Princess Kitty> OK!
[11:19] <Princess Kitty> I'm Here!
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> waiting is annoying
[11:13] <Princess Kitty> I have something to ask
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> Hilo PK!
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> Happy Birthday!
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> I greeted you already on the deviantARTs
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Guys go to youtube and type Use the force luke.
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> Happy birthday!
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bring her the cake.
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> Anyways, Fairly OddParents added in a MARY SUE
[11:13] <Princess Kitty> Thanks Guys!
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> have you ever eaten a whale whole?
[11:13] <Princess Kitty> Oh BTW
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What.
[11:14] <The Zombie O.O> HURRPPY BURTDAY PK
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> Did someone say
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Well, my Birthday Experience is different here.</span>
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> Burt?
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, TAA
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> Burt as in Bart?
[11:14] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> first thing that happens when i launch skype for the first time in a while i thought it was a pop-up virus
[11:14] <TheAnonymousA> Huh?
[11:14] <The Zombie O.O> lel
[11:14] <Princess Kitty> Can I have tell something?
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> Bart as in the boy from simpsons
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> I guess they just revealed Timmy's Dad's name
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> he has spiky hair
[11:14] <TheAnonymousA> I got pinged.
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> @PK and TAA
[11:14] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> each spike is shaped like a triangle
[11:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Traingle has 3 sides.
[11:14] <Coolyoyo33> the illuminati is a triangle
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> bartluminati
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> Bart is illuminati
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> don't have a conspiracy theory, man
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> ay carumba
[11:15] <TheAnonymousA> I'm working on my project on the side with my friend.
[11:15] <Princess Kitty> Do you guys know about PopCap Popstrip? 
[11:15] <WintahMhelon18> Not yet
[11:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">As sometimes, this chat is random.</span>
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> Popstrip?
[11:15] <TheAnonymousA> I must have forgotten to close the tab.
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> Popstrip, eh?
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> I remember those
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> Have you ever been on fire?
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> They posted them on Facebook
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> and become ash
[11:15] <Princess Kitty> Popstrip s
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> ash ketchum?
[11:15] <Princess Kitty> Are PopCap Comics
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> I remember that time where this guy turned three differently colored Chuzzles into gold and they disappeared
[11:16] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[11:16] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What happens if you shoot a portal gun on a box.
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Close the box shoot another portal what will gappen?
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> and one where Andy from Feeding Frenzy was following a Guppy from Insaniquarium
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Happen
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> In which game, 1 or 2? @legend
[11:16] <AWikiBoy521> Although, it's dead-ish.
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 2
[11:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> hilo dary
[11:16] <Princess Kitty> A guy who turn chuzzles into gold?
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> Has anyone here completed portal 2 on co op?
[11:17] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[11:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello.
[11:17] <Princess Kitty> That's Midas from Talismania
[11:18] <Princess Kitty> Brb! Move to Computer!
[11:18] <WintahMhelon18> Does the word "Spinoff" have to be separated as two words or does it need a dash?
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> I didn't know that.
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> 
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> I can just come up with the most random sentences
[11:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who wanted portal gun on irl?
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> @Wintah
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> It depends on usage though.
[11:18] <WintahMhelon18> Kayden
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[11:18] <AWikiBoy521> Me and my friends.
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> welp I best be going back to trying to watch the new Fairly OddParents
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> Me @legend
[11:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mw too.
[11:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok LWB.
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> I mean, they actually showed Timmy's Mom's clevage
[11:19] <Princess Kitty> OK!
[11:19] <Princess Kitty> I'm Here!
[11:19] <Magicwaterz> poonged!
[11:19] <Princess Kitty> BTW
[11:19] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:19] <AWikiBoy521> Uh, wut?
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> I want to put a portal in front of a door and connect it to one in the forest
[11:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wait what LWb?
[11:19] <Magicwaterz> (rageguy) 
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> then when a person falls in
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> They showed clevage on Timmy's Mom
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> seriously
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> watch the new episode
[11:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Well then
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> I'll close the one that's in the forest (troll) 
[11:19] <Magicwaterz> off to dinner
[11:20] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:20] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, TMS
[11:20] <Princess Kitty> I think I missed POpCap Comics now... :( Because, POpCap didn't make new one anymore.
[11:20] <Princess Kitty> And Why there's no Crazy Dave and Dr. Zomboss's Appearance? Only Sunny & Zombie
[11:20] <Coolyoyo33> I call the show
[11:20] <Coolyoyo33> "become bear grills or die"
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> Well, back then Dave was just a minor character, and Zomboss was supposed to be a surprise
[11:21] <The Magic Star> tako
[11:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Il make a show called run or die,
[11:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> pings Someone
[11:21] <Coolyoyo33> Temple run or die
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> And Sunflower and Zombie were their main marketing characters
[11:21] <Princess Kitty> @Lolwut, How did you know?
[11:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> You run on obstacle course.
[11:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Is that something normal?
[11:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> With spikes and sligstors.
[11:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Aligators
[11:22] <Lolwutburger> I just know stuff about character rankings
[11:22] <Princess Kitty> Oh I see....
[11:22] <Princess Kitty> @Lolwut, can you show me a link to the Character rankings?
[11:22] <Lolwutburger> Main characters = merchandiseworthy
[11:22] <Lolwutburger> Minors = probably merchandiseworthy too but not as much as main characters
[11:22] <Lolwutburger> Spoiler characters = Don't put on merchandise
[11:23] <The Magic Star> lol
[11:23] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Main characters like Peashooter, sunflower, potatomine and wallnut
[11:19] <Magicwaterz> poonged!
[11:19] <Princess Kitty> BTW
[11:19] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:19] <AWikiBoy521> Uh, wut?
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> I want to put a portal in front of a door and connect it to one in the forest
[11:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wait what LWb?
[11:19] <Magicwaterz> (rageguy) 
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> then when a person falls in
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> They showed clevage on Timmy's Mom
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> seriously
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> watch the new episode
[11:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Well then
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> I'll close the one that's in the forest (troll) 
[11:19] <Magicwaterz> off to dinner
[11:20] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:20] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, TMS
[11:20] <Princess Kitty> I think I missed POpCap Comics now... :( Because, POpCap didn't make new one anymore.
[11:20] <Princess Kitty> And Why there's no Crazy Dave and Dr. Zomboss's Appearance? Only Sunny & Zombie
[11:20] <Coolyoyo33> I call the show
[11:20] <Coolyoyo33> "become bear grills or die"
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> Well, back then Dave was just a minor character, and Zomboss was supposed to be a surprise
[11:21] <The Magic Star> tako
[11:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Il make a show called run or die,
[11:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> pings Someone
[11:21] <Coolyoyo33> Temple run or die
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> And Sunflower and Zombie were their main marketing characters
[11:21] <Princess Kitty> @Lolwut, How did you know?
[11:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> You run on obstacle course.
[11:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Is that something normal?
[11:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> With spikes and sligstors.
[11:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Aligators
[11:22] <Lolwutburger> I just know stuff about character rankings
[11:22] <Princess Kitty> Oh I see....
[11:22] <Princess Kitty> @Lolwut, can you show me a link to the Character rankings?
[11:22] <Lolwutburger> Main characters = merchandiseworthy
[11:22] <Lolwutburger> Minors = probably merchandiseworthy too but not as much as main characters
[11:22] <Lolwutburger> Spoiler characters = Don't put on merchandise
[11:23] <The Magic Star> lol
[11:23] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Main characters like Peashooter, sunflower, potatomine and wallnut
[11:23] <Princess Kitty> BTW...
[11:23] <Princess Kitty> Since, PopCap Comic became discontinued since 2013
[11:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who misses goerge fan.
[11:24] <The Magic Star> me
[11:24] <Princess Kitty> Can you guys make a dialog? and I will make one of your ideas. :) 
[11:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Discontinued?
[11:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok.
[11:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It was absorbed by EA.
[11:24] <Lolwutburger> For example, you can have any picture of the main character, but someone that brings a huuuuuge change to the story cannot be on any merchandise
[11:25] <Princess Kitty> @lolwut, Oh... I get it...
[11:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Like the many pictures of Peashooter and Sunflower for example
[11:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:26] <Princess Kitty> 
[11:26] <Princess Kitty> Welp... So, as we make new PopCap Comics. It can be considered as "Fan Comics"
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> It would be fun to put one portal inside a volcano and one in some common place
[11:26] <Lolwutburger> Like, there are shirts with Ed, Edd n' Eddy on them but you never see any shirts with Eddy's Brother
[11:26] <Neronic Gardener> Hey guys I'm back
[11:26] <Lolwutburger> that's because they don't want to spoil the surprise
[11:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:26] <Princess Kitty> @lolwut, what you mean?
[11:27] <Neronic Gardener> How's Modern Day part 1
[11:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mine is good.
[11:27] <Lolwutburger> Because Eddy's Brother has always been a hidden character in the show, he was never in any episodes in the movie
[11:27] <Princess Kitty> @Neronic Gardener, can you make a PM to me?
[11:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:27] <Neronic Gardener> k
[11:27] <AWikiBoy521> Sudden disconnect, nice.
[11:27] <TheAnonymousA> Happy birthday PK!
[11:27] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[11:27] <Neronic Gardener> but how to PM 
[11:27] <Lolwutburger> If they made merchandise of him, then it would ruin the surprise and less people will watch the movie because they'll know what he looks like
[11:28] <TheAnonymousA> Just noticed it was your birthday now.
[11:28] <Princess Kitty> @TAA, Thanks! :D 
[11:28] <Lolwutburger> Thus making the surprise part of the ending pointless
[11:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are actually correct LWB.
[11:28] <AWikiBoy521> @Neronic Gardener
[11:28] <AWikiBoy521> On the right side, tap or click on that user.
[11:28] <AWikiBoy521> Then, click/tap "Private Message".
[11:23] <Princess Kitty> BTW...
[11:23] <Princess Kitty> Since, PopCap Comic became discontinued since 2013
[11:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who misses goerge fan.
[11:24] <The Magic Star> me
[11:24] <Princess Kitty> Can you guys make a dialog? and I will make one of your ideas. :) 
[11:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Discontinued?
[11:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok.
[11:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It was absorbed by EA.
[11:24] <Lolwutburger> For example, you can have any picture of the main character, but someone that brings a huuuuuge change to the story cannot be on any merchandise
[11:25] <Princess Kitty> @lolwut, Oh... I get it...
[11:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Like the many pictures of Peashooter and Sunflower for example
[11:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:26] <Princess Kitty> 
[11:26] <Princess Kitty> Welp... So, as we make new PopCap Comics. It can be considered as "Fan Comics"
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> It would be fun to put one portal inside a volcano and one in some common place
[11:26] <Lolwutburger> Like, there are shirts with Ed, Edd n' Eddy on them but you never see any shirts with Eddy's Brother
[11:26] <Neronic Gardener> Hey guys I'm back
[11:26] <Lolwutburger> that's because they don't want to spoil the surprise
[11:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:26] <Princess Kitty> @lolwut, what you mean?
[11:27] <Neronic Gardener> How's Modern Day part 1
[11:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mine is good.
[11:27] <Lolwutburger> Because Eddy's Brother has always been a hidden character in the show, he was never in any episodes in the movie
[11:27] <Princess Kitty> @Neronic Gardener, can you make a PM to me?
[11:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:27] <Neronic Gardener> k
[11:27] <AWikiBoy521> Sudden disconnect, nice.
[11:27] <TheAnonymousA> Happy birthday PK!
[11:27] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[11:27] <Neronic Gardener> but how to PM 
[11:27] <Lolwutburger> If they made merchandise of him, then it would ruin the surprise and less people will watch the movie because they'll know what he looks like
[11:28] <TheAnonymousA> Just noticed it was your birthday now.
[11:28] <Princess Kitty> @TAA, Thanks! :D 
[11:28] <Lolwutburger> Thus making the surprise part of the ending pointless
[11:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are actually correct LWB.
[11:28] <AWikiBoy521> @Neronic Gardener
[11:28] <AWikiBoy521> On the right side, tap or click on that user.
[11:28] <AWikiBoy521> Then, click/tap "Private Message".
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> @Neronic Gardener
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> Done that already?
[11:29] <Coolyoyo33> How hard is modern day on a scale of 1 to 10?
[11:29] <Lolwutburger> Another example could be a character that undergoes a change in the middle of the show
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> 8/10
[11:29] <Lolwutburger> You'll always get merchandise featuring the first appearance but there's little to no merchandise of the character's significant change
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> like for example, Penny from Gumball
[11:30] <Neronic Gardener> Yeah it worked thanks
[11:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB have you seen merchandise of Sunflower?
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> No prob, Coolyoyo.
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lwb must work at film thoery.
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> *Neronic Gardener
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> You can see merch of her with her shell but there are not merchandise of her without her shell
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Theory
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> because it'll spoil the twist of the episode
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, PnFforever
[11:30] <Neronic Gardener> Well I miss Ed Edd Eddy
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[11:30] <PnFforever> Hi
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> Same 8/10
[11:30] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Hello
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> Is this a sock or a new user
[11:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey...
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> Just being careful here
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I never particularly took a interest in Cartoon Network, LWB is going to kill me for that.
[11:31] <Neronic Gardener> Maybe a new user
[11:31] <The Magic Star> Probably
[11:31] <PnFforever> Say. It may be just me but I havent seen UG for a long time
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I have loots of socks.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> cartoon network was my shit
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> Socks as in footwear
[11:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> That smells fishy.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> I loved it
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yes
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> What else?
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> or socks as in alt accounts
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> @PnFforever
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> He's busy IRL lately.
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> This smells fishy 
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> used to evade bans
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> So does some of us here.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> but now I have the internet
[11:31] <PnFforever> I see
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB can you also smell it.
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I prefer Disney or Nickelodeon.
[11:31] <Princess Kitty> Oh HI! PNFF! :D 
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> On the internet you don't have to wait to watch a show, just search it up and get to watching!
[11:32] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But both are iluminati/secret society propaganda
[11:32] <Princess Kitty> @Everyone, I prefer ALL of Them
[11:32] <PnFforever> o/ 
[11:32] <PnFforever> I really cant stop playing MD Day 16. Its just so much fun
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> who is this everyone?
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> is this person on chat?
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I'm neutral to all of them.
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am guessing you just tipped random letters as your username Nby.
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> @Neronic Gardener
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> Done that already?
[11:29] <Coolyoyo33> How hard is modern day on a scale of 1 to 10?
[11:29] <Lolwutburger> Another example could be a character that undergoes a change in the middle of the show
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> 8/10
[11:29] <Lolwutburger> You'll always get merchandise featuring the first appearance but there's little to no merchandise of the character's significant change
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> like for example, Penny from Gumball
[11:30] <Neronic Gardener> Yeah it worked thanks
[11:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB have you seen merchandise of Sunflower?
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> No prob, Coolyoyo.
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lwb must work at film thoery.
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> *Neronic Gardener
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> You can see merch of her with her shell but there are not merchandise of her without her shell
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Theory
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> because it'll spoil the twist of the episode
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, PnFforever
[11:30] <Neronic Gardener> Well I miss Ed Edd Eddy
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[11:30] <PnFforever> Hi
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> Same 8/10
[11:30] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Hello
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> Is this a sock or a new user
[11:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey...
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> Just being careful here
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I never particularly took a interest in Cartoon Network, LWB is going to kill me for that.
[11:31] <Neronic Gardener> Maybe a new user
[11:31] <The Magic Star> Probably
[11:31] <PnFforever> Say. It may be just me but I havent seen UG for a long time
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I have loots of socks.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> cartoon network was my shit
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> Socks as in footwear
[11:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> That smells fishy.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> I loved it
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yes
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> What else?
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> or socks as in alt accounts
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> @PnFforever
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> He's busy IRL lately.
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> This smells fishy 
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> used to evade bans
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> So does some of us here.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> but now I have the internet
[11:31] <PnFforever> I see
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB can you also smell it.
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I prefer Disney or Nickelodeon.
[11:31] <Princess Kitty> Oh HI! PNFF! :D 
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> On the internet you don't have to wait to watch a show, just search it up and get to watching!
[11:32] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But both are iluminati/secret society propaganda
[11:32] <Princess Kitty> @Everyone, I prefer ALL of Them
[11:32] <PnFforever> o/ 
[11:32] <PnFforever> I really cant stop playing MD Day 16. Its just so much fun
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> who is this everyone?
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> is this person on chat?
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I'm neutral to all of them.
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am guessing you just tipped random letters as your username Nby.
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> But, I prefer Boomerang due to the old classics.
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> ????
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Me too AWB.
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Even though it'
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yes because Username CutteCat was token
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> also *it's @pnf
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> My grammar sucks.
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Looks pretty ok to me.
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I need to learn English more...
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> *Even though it's dead in some TV cables.
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am a old classics fan myself.
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> *an @darytyg
[11:34] <Magicwaterz> Back from dinner
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> Who likes Wacky Races?
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I watched them when I was little
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But now...mah
[11:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Like mario kart?
[11:34] <Lolwutburger> Wacky Races, I only know that because one of the characters is named Dick
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I used to like it.
[11:34] <Lolwutburger> also it was on South Park
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What about Road Runners.
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Lolwutburger,Yes,South park parodied it
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Bugs Bunny and Dawfy duck.
[11:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who watches the simpspons.
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> I remember wacky races
[11:35] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> With Timmy and others
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> If only there was a grammar moderator option lol
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> Yes, in Handicar
[11:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Simpsins.
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> I knew about the Looney Toons.
[11:35] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yep
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should AWB.
[11:35] <PnFforever> I remember watching Kid's Next Door and The Grim Advntures of Billy and Mandy but I have no idea those two shows had a crossover special
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should.
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> Who knows Swat Katz?
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs Helios.
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> Nathan and Mimsy team up with Elon Musk to make Handicar get sued by an old lady's family so they don't have to go to summer camp
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> @PnFforever
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Me neither....until now.
[11:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, forum gamer.
[11:35] <Princess Kitty> BRB!
[11:35] <Princess Kitty> Refresh!
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> I loved boomerang but it was keeled on our dish
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> ahem
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Leslie was in Ed, edd and eddy.
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> You just hugged a detonating Sun-shroom dary :P 
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> there's that supersouthparkfan side of me again
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> kewl
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who remembers Cow and chicken.
[11:36] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But for me,South Park is not what it used to be...After the 4-5 seasons,there were some good episodes...But,all they do now is just parody current events,instead of making their story for us to enjjoy
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> Cow and Chicken, eh?
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Me
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too.
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> MAMA HAD A CHICKEN
[11:36] <Magicwaterz> Yeah, that show was kinky
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> MAMA HAD A COW
[11:36] <Magicwaterz> :P 
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Now, chat is Old School!
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> DAD WAS PROUD
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback PK
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> HE DIDN'T CARE HOW!
[11:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB is going on a fan craze.
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Darytyg
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> May tama ka.
[11:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I rememeber the ep were cow had to make mask surgery ro chicken.
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> He is actually the Crazy Dave of some cartoons.
[11:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> To.
[11:37] <Lolwutburger> Anyone remember Time Squad?
[11:37] <PnFforever> I do
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> He couldn't resists some good references to some parts in the cartoons he watched.
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Not me...
[11:37] <Magicwaterz> I remember Time Squad!
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> Like, there's that kid, the buff guy and the robot
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> (Otto, Buck Tuddrussel and Larry 3000)
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> And then they go around time fixing stuff
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Arun12
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> AWikiBoy521
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Coolyoyo33
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Darytyg The Furry Darryn
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> ErnestoAM
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Legenddemonicderpknight
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Lolwutburger
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Mage General Chrysalis
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Magicwaterz
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Magnet Plant
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Nitromian Poptropica
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> PnFforever
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Princess Kitty
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Reapeageddon
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Fighting Zombies
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Rx2MikeyWIKIA
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Fighting Zombies
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> The Magic Star
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Fighting Zombies
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> TheAnonymousA
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> WintahMhelon18
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Fight
[11:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I thought a good parody of things was Deadpool lol.
[11:38] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hello
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Be carfeull
[11:38] <Magnet Plant> I need somebody to change my postname again
[11:38] <Magicwaterz> What the ping bomb!
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> And then there was that show
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> Megas XLR
[11:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> PIng Magic.
[11:38] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> >when you think you're being pinged for a purpose but instead it was a ping bomb
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> about that fat guy who drives a robot
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> ErnestoAM or Chrysalis?
[11:38] <Magicwaterz> Yup
[11:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Chicken has 2 friends that loves his sister.
[11:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why I don't have chat hacks.
[11:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> on haha.
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> Flem and Earl
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> Anyone remember Sheep in the Big City?
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> 8/10
[11:29] <Lolwutburger> You'll always get merchandise featuring the first appearance but there's little to no merchandise of the character's significant change
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> like for example, Penny from Gumball
[11:30] <Neronic Gardener> Yeah it worked thanks
[11:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB have you seen merchandise of Sunflower?
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> No prob, Coolyoyo.
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lwb must work at film thoery.
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> *Neronic Gardener
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> You can see merch of her with her shell but there are not merchandise of her without her shell
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Theory
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> because it'll spoil the twist of the episode
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, PnFforever
[11:30] <Neronic Gardener> Well I miss Ed Edd Eddy
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[11:30] <PnFforever> Hi
[11:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> Same 8/10
[11:30] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Hello
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> Is this a sock or a new user
[11:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey...
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> Just being careful here
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I never particularly took a interest in Cartoon Network, LWB is going to kill me for that.
[11:31] <Neronic Gardener> Maybe a new user
[11:31] <The Magic Star> Probably
[11:31] <PnFforever> Say. It may be just me but I havent seen UG for a long time
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I have loots of socks.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> cartoon network was my shit
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> Socks as in footwear
[11:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> That smells fishy.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> I loved it
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yes
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> What else?
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> or socks as in alt accounts
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> @PnFforever
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> He's busy IRL lately.
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> This smells fishy 
[11:31] <Lolwutburger> used to evade bans
[11:31] <AWikiBoy521> So does some of us here.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> but now I have the internet
[11:31] <PnFforever> I see
[11:31] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB can you also smell it.
[11:31] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I prefer Disney or Nickelodeon.
[11:31] <Princess Kitty> Oh HI! PNFF! :D 
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> On the internet you don't have to wait to watch a show, just search it up and get to watching!
[11:32] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But both are iluminati/secret society propaganda
[11:32] <Princess Kitty> @Everyone, I prefer ALL of Them
[11:32] <PnFforever> o/ 
[11:32] <PnFforever> I really cant stop playing MD Day 16. Its just so much fun
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> who is this everyone?
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> is this person on chat?
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I'm neutral to all of them.
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am guessing you just tipped random letters as your username Nby.
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> But, I prefer Boomerang due to the old classics.
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> ????
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Me too AWB.
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Even though it'
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yes because Username CutteCat was token
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> also *it's @pnf
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> My grammar sucks.
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Looks pretty ok to me.
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I need to learn English more...
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> *Even though it's dead in some TV cables.
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am a old classics fan myself.
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> *an @darytyg
[11:34] <Magicwaterz> Back from dinner
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> Who likes Wacky Races?
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I watched them when I was little
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But now...mah
[11:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Like mario kart?
[11:34] <Lolwutburger> Wacky Races, I only know that because one of the characters is named Dick
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I used to like it.
[11:34] <Lolwutburger> also it was on South Park
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What about Road Runners.
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Lolwutburger,Yes,South park parodied it
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Bugs Bunny and Dawfy duck.
[11:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who watches the simpspons.
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> I remember wacky races
[11:35] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> With Timmy and others
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> If only there was a grammar moderator option lol
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> Yes, in Handicar
[11:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Simpsins.
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> I knew about the Looney Toons.
[11:35] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yep
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should AWB.
[11:35] <PnFforever> I remember watching Kid's Next Door and The Grim Advntures of Billy and Mandy but I have no idea those two shows had a crossover special
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should.
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> Who knows Swat Katz?
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs Helios.
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> Nathan and Mimsy team up with Elon Musk to make Handicar get sued by an old lady's family so they don't have to go to summer camp
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> @PnFforever
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Me neither....until now.
[11:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, forum gamer.
[11:35] <Princess Kitty> BRB!
[11:35] <Princess Kitty> Refresh!
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> I loved boomerang but it was keeled on our dish
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> ahem
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Leslie was in Ed, edd and eddy.
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> You just hugged a detonating Sun-shroom dary :P 
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> there's that supersouthparkfan side of me again
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> kewl
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who remembers Cow and chicken.
[11:36] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But for me,South Park is not what it used to be...After the 4-5 seasons,there were some good episodes...But,all they do now is just parody current events,instead of making their story for us to enjjoy
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> Cow and Chicken, eh?
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Me
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too.
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> MAMA HAD A CHICKEN
[11:36] <Magicwaterz> Yeah, that show was kinky
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> MAMA HAD A COW
[11:36] <Magicwaterz> :P 
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Now, chat is Old School!
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> DAD WAS PROUD
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback PK
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> HE DIDN'T CARE HOW!
[11:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB is going on a fan craze.
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Darytyg
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> May tama ka.
[11:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I rememeber the ep were cow had to make mask surgery ro chicken.
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> He is actually the Crazy Dave of some cartoons.
[11:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> To.
[11:37] <Lolwutburger> Anyone remember Time Squad?
[11:37] <PnFforever> I do
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> He couldn't resists some good references to some parts in the cartoons he watched.
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Not me...
[11:37] <Magicwaterz> I remember Time Squad!
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> Like, there's that kid, the buff guy and the robot
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> (Otto, Buck Tuddrussel and Larry 3000)
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> And then they go around time fixing stuff
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Arun12
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> AWikiBoy521
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Coolyoyo33
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Darytyg The Furry Darryn
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> ErnestoAM
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Legenddemonicderpknight
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Lolwutburger
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Mage General Chrysalis
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Magicwaterz
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Magnet Plant
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Nitromian Poptropica
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> PnFforever
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Princess Kitty
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Reapeageddon
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Fighting Zombies
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Rx2MikeyWIKIA
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Fighting Zombies
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> The Magic Star
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Fighting Zombies
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> TheAnonymousA
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> WintahMhelon18
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Fight
[11:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I thought a good parody of things was Deadpool lol.
[11:38] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hello
[11:38] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Be carfeull
[11:38] <Magnet Plant> I need somebody to change my postname again
[11:38] <Magicwaterz> What the ping bomb!
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> And then there was that show
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> Megas XLR
[11:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> PIng Magic.
[11:38] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> >when you think you're being pinged for a purpose but instead it was a ping bomb
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> about that fat guy who drives a robot
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> ErnestoAM or Chrysalis?
[11:38] <Magicwaterz> Yup
[11:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Chicken has 2 friends that loves his sister.
[11:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why I don't have chat hacks.
[11:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> on haha.
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> Flem and Earl
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> Anyone remember Sheep in the Big City?
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> Nope
[11:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me.
[11:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB you love cartoons don't you?
[11:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[11:39] <Nitromian Poptropica> I don't.
[11:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I watched 1 ep.
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Darytyg
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> He really does.
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> Cartoons make up 95% of what I watch
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> But, I prefer Boomerang due to the old classics.
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> ????
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Me too AWB.
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Even though it'
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yes because Username CutteCat was token
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> also *it's @pnf
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> My grammar sucks.
[11:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Looks pretty ok to me.
[11:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I need to learn English more...
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> *Even though it's dead in some TV cables.
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am a old classics fan myself.
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> *an @darytyg
[11:34] <Magicwaterz> Back from dinner
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> Who likes Wacky Races?
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I watched them when I was little
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But now...mah
[11:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Like mario kart?
[11:34] <Lolwutburger> Wacky Races, I only know that because one of the characters is named Dick
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I used to like it.
[11:34] <Lolwutburger> also it was on South Park
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What about Road Runners.
[11:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Lolwutburger,Yes,South park parodied it
[11:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Bugs Bunny and Dawfy duck.
[11:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who watches the simpspons.
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> I remember wacky races
[11:35] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> With Timmy and others
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> If only there was a grammar moderator option lol
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> Yes, in Handicar
[11:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Simpsins.
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> I knew about the Looney Toons.
[11:35] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Yep
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should AWB.
[11:35] <PnFforever> I remember watching Kid's Next Door and The Grim Advntures of Billy and Mandy but I have no idea those two shows had a crossover special
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should.
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> Who knows Swat Katz?
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs Helios.
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> Nathan and Mimsy team up with Elon Musk to make Handicar get sued by an old lady's family so they don't have to go to summer camp
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> @PnFforever
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Me neither....until now.
[11:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, forum gamer.
[11:35] <Princess Kitty> BRB!
[11:35] <Princess Kitty> Refresh!
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> I loved boomerang but it was keeled on our dish
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> ahem
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Leslie was in Ed, edd and eddy.
[11:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:35] <Magicwaterz> You just hugged a detonating Sun-shroom dary :P 
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> there's that supersouthparkfan side of me again
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> kewl
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who remembers Cow and chicken.
[11:36] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But for me,South Park is not what it used to be...After the 4-5 seasons,there were some good episodes...But,all they do now is just parody current events,instead of making their story for us to enjjoy
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> Cow and Chicken, eh?
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Me
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too.
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> MAMA HAD A CHICKEN
[11:36] <Magicwaterz> Yeah, that show was kinky
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> MAMA HAD A COW
[11:36] <Magicwaterz> :P 
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Now, chat is Old School!
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> DAD WAS PROUD
[11:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback PK
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> HE DIDN'T CARE HOW!
[11:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB is going on a fan craze.
[11:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I watch it.
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> I swear, the only show we don't want to talk about is Johnny Test
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I remember Camp Lazlo
[11:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who watches johhny bravo.
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> Me
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> I want a Johnny Bravo reboot
[11:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> My fav cartoon network cartoon of my childhood
[11:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too.
[11:41] <WintahMhelon18> Me
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> one where he deals with SJWs
[11:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Jhonny Bravo aka stupid guy who ruins everything for a lot of people.
[11:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Poor johhny he doesent get girls :( .
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> and probably one where he thinks a transgender woman is a real woman
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> Running gag, though.
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep.
[11:42] <PnFforever> I like the fact that Teen Titans Go had the episode based on the backlash it recieved (oh) 
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wait which character always revives on South Park?
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> Did you know Dexter's voice actor is dead
[11:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> kenny
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @dary
[11:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> I don't like TTG
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> Dexter from Dexter's Lab
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> OK.
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I was going to say it :( .
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> his actor's dead
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> punches a hole in Kenny's face
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Nooo.
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Dead.
[11:43] <The Magic Star> did someone ping me
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He will revive don't worry lol.
[11:43] <Nitromian Poptropica> R.I.P
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He always does
[11:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> You killed kenny.
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> Nope
[11:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me.
[11:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB you love cartoons don't you?
[11:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[11:39] <Nitromian Poptropica> I don't.
[11:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I watched 1 ep.
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Darytyg
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> He really does.
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> Cartoons make up 95% of what I watch
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> 5% goes to other random stuff.
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> how about Camp Lazlo?
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[11:40] <Nitromian Poptropica> Yes
[11:40] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I love show about that dude that attacks the internet over and over again
[11:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I watch it.
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> I swear, the only show we don't want to talk about is Johnny Test
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I remember Camp Lazlo
[11:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who watches johhny bravo.
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> Me
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> I want a Johnny Bravo reboot
[11:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> My fav cartoon network cartoon of my childhood
[11:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too.
[11:41] <WintahMhelon18> Me
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> one where he deals with SJWs
[11:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Jhonny Bravo aka stupid guy who ruins everything for a lot of people.
[11:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Poor johhny he doesent get girls :( .
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> and probably one where he thinks a transgender woman is a real woman
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> Running gag, though.
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep.
[11:42] <PnFforever> I like the fact that Teen Titans Go had the episode based on the backlash it recieved (oh) 
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wait which character always revives on South Park?
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> Did you know Dexter's voice actor is dead
[11:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> kenny
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @dary
[11:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> I don't like TTG
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> Dexter from Dexter's Lab
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> OK.
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I was going to say it :( .
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> his actor's dead
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> punches a hole in Kenny's face
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Nooo.
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Dead.
[11:43] <The Magic Star> did someone ping me
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He will revive don't worry lol.
[11:43] <Nitromian Poptropica> R.I.P
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He always does
[11:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> You killed kenny.
[11:43] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> BASTARD
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No LWB did.
[11:43] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> hellz yea i made some morty manipulator chips
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> lucky yooooou
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> I got only two morties and one of them is dazed
[11:43] <PnFforever> I watch two episodes of Rick and Morty
[11:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">CP234, I need you!</span>
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> I'm screwed in the Rick fight
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> i have like, many mortys
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are scaring poor AWB.
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I need you to wake up and chat this random chat again!</span>
[11:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> 5 in my party
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:44] <Lolwutburger> I mean, I just wanted to see if Doc and Mharti were in the game
[11:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Citron i changed my profile pic are happy?
[11:44] <Lolwutburger> like, probably making Mharti lick Doc's balls makes you win instantly
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[11:44] <Citron Bomb Official> >?
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> punches a hole through LWB face.
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are now Leslie.
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> Anyways
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> Ren and Stimpy was pretty cool
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Courage the cowardly dog.
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> STUPID DOG
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> YOU MADE ME LOOK BAD
[11:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I remember him.
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> ABOOGABOOGABOOGA
[11:45] <Citron Bomb Official> .....
[11:46] <Coolyoyo33> Does this look ok?
[11:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who remembers that creepy ep.
[11:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> My second fav cartoon series.
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> which one
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> there were so many
[11:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> With the scarecrow.
[11:46] <Citron Bomb Official> pic
[11:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The phillipines is tiny
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> I didn't think that was creepy
[11:47] <Citron Bomb Official> non of the eps are creepy
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> Other than the fact that a scarecrow can get muscles
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> like
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> he's filled with hay
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> how can he get buff
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Non of the episodes were creepy
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> Is he taking hay steroids
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know cause I watched all of them
[11:47] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> hay muscles
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> or does he like, rip his arm apart and stuff in more hay
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> it's weeeeird
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Imagine if someone rips LWB arm off.
[11:47] <Citron Bomb Official> courage is taking weeds
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> Also, apparently the new Scooby Doo show is already showing in this country
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> but only on Boomerang
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> Imagine if someone rips AWB's arms off 
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> oh wait, he doesn't have any :P 
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> They still look like Family Guy or Brickleberry or Tim Buckley people
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Magic is not lookin
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs Helios
[11:48] <Magicwaterz> Ha!
[11:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight>
[11:48] <Magicwaterz> Caught in the act!
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Isn't that nice LWB?
[11:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> This ep i mean.
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> Family Guy and Brickleberry are okay
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> Time for a maths question
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> but Tim Buckley sucks
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> 5% goes to other random stuff.
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> how about Camp Lazlo?
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[11:40] <Nitromian Poptropica> Yes
[11:40] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I love show about that dude that attacks the internet over and over again
[11:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I watch it.
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> I swear, the only show we don't want to talk about is Johnny Test
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I remember Camp Lazlo
[11:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who watches johhny bravo.
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> Me
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> I want a Johnny Bravo reboot
[11:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> My fav cartoon network cartoon of my childhood
[11:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too.
[11:41] <WintahMhelon18> Me
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> one where he deals with SJWs
[11:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Jhonny Bravo aka stupid guy who ruins everything for a lot of people.
[11:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Poor johhny he doesent get girls :( .
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> and probably one where he thinks a transgender woman is a real woman
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[11:41] <AWikiBoy521> Running gag, though.
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep.
[11:42] <PnFforever> I like the fact that Teen Titans Go had the episode based on the backlash it recieved (oh) 
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wait which character always revives on South Park?
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> Did you know Dexter's voice actor is dead
[11:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> kenny
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @dary
[11:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> I don't like TTG
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> Dexter from Dexter's Lab
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> OK.
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I was going to say it :( .
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> his actor's dead
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> punches a hole in Kenny's face
[11:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Nooo.
[11:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Dead.
[11:43] <The Magic Star> did someone ping me
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He will revive don't worry lol.
[11:43] <Nitromian Poptropica> R.I.P
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He always does
[11:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> You killed kenny.
[11:43] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> BASTARD
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No LWB did.
[11:43] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> hellz yea i made some morty manipulator chips
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> lucky yooooou
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> I got only two morties and one of them is dazed
[11:43] <PnFforever> I watch two episodes of Rick and Morty
[11:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">CP234, I need you!</span>
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> I'm screwed in the Rick fight
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> i have like, many mortys
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are scaring poor AWB.
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I need you to wake up and chat this random chat again!</span>
[11:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> 5 in my party
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:44] <Lolwutburger> I mean, I just wanted to see if Doc and Mharti were in the game
[11:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Citron i changed my profile pic are happy?
[11:44] <Lolwutburger> like, probably making Mharti lick Doc's balls makes you win instantly
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[11:44] <Citron Bomb Official> >?
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> punches a hole through LWB face.
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are now Leslie.
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> Anyways
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> Ren and Stimpy was pretty cool
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Courage the cowardly dog.
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> STUPID DOG
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> YOU MADE ME LOOK BAD
[11:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I remember him.
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> ABOOGABOOGABOOGA
[11:45] <Citron Bomb Official> .....
[11:46] <Coolyoyo33> Does this look ok?
[11:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who remembers that creepy ep.
[11:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> My second fav cartoon series.
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> which one
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> there were so many
[11:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> With the scarecrow.
[11:46] <Citron Bomb Official> pic
[11:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The phillipines is tiny
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> I didn't think that was creepy
[11:47] <Citron Bomb Official> non of the eps are creepy
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> Other than the fact that a scarecrow can get muscles
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> like
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> he's filled with hay
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> how can he get buff
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Non of the episodes were creepy
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> Is he taking hay steroids
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know cause I watched all of them
[11:47] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> hay muscles
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> or does he like, rip his arm apart and stuff in more hay
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> it's weeeeird
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Imagine if someone rips LWB arm off.
[11:47] <Citron Bomb Official> courage is taking weeds
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> Also, apparently the new Scooby Doo show is already showing in this country
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> but only on Boomerang
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> Imagine if someone rips AWB's arms off 
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> oh wait, he doesn't have any :P 
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> They still look like Family Guy or Brickleberry or Tim Buckley people
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Magic is not lookin
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs Helios
[11:48] <Magicwaterz> Ha!
[11:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight>
[11:48] <Magicwaterz> Caught in the act!
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Isn't that nice LWB?
[11:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> This ep i mean.
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> Family Guy and Brickleberry are okay
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> Time for a maths question
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> but Tim Buckley sucks
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> What's 9 + 10?
[11:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 19
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> he sucks for trying to be dramatic by drawing a miscarriage
[11:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Enough vine they are not funny.
[11:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Isn't that dramatic?@
[11:49] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I we got a job for you.But it blows
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> The correct answer is 21
[11:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Its 2016.
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> after searched by many scientists
[11:43] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> BASTARD
[11:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No LWB did.
[11:43] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> hellz yea i made some morty manipulator chips
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> lucky yooooou
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> I got only two morties and one of them is dazed
[11:43] <PnFforever> I watch two episodes of Rick and Morty
[11:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">CP234, I need you!</span>
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> I'm screwed in the Rick fight
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> i have like, many mortys
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are scaring poor AWB.
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I need you to wake up and chat this random chat again!</span>
[11:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> 5 in my party
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:44] <Lolwutburger> I mean, I just wanted to see if Doc and Mharti were in the game
[11:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Citron i changed my profile pic are happy?
[11:44] <Lolwutburger> like, probably making Mharti lick Doc's balls makes you win instantly
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[11:44] <Citron Bomb Official> >?
[11:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> punches a hole through LWB face.
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are now Leslie.
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> Anyways
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> Ren and Stimpy was pretty cool
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Courage the cowardly dog.
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> STUPID DOG
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> YOU MADE ME LOOK BAD
[11:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I remember him.
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> ABOOGABOOGABOOGA
[11:45] <Citron Bomb Official> .....
[11:46] <Coolyoyo33> Does this look ok?
[11:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who remembers that creepy ep.
[11:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> My second fav cartoon series.
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> which one
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> there were so many
[11:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> With the scarecrow.
[11:46] <Citron Bomb Official> pic
[11:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The phillipines is tiny
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> I didn't think that was creepy
[11:47] <Citron Bomb Official> non of the eps are creepy
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> Other than the fact that a scarecrow can get muscles
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> like
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> he's filled with hay
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> how can he get buff
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Non of the episodes were creepy
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> Is he taking hay steroids
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know cause I watched all of them
[11:47] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> hay muscles
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> or does he like, rip his arm apart and stuff in more hay
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> it's weeeeird
[11:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Imagine if someone rips LWB arm off.
[11:47] <Citron Bomb Official> courage is taking weeds
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> Also, apparently the new Scooby Doo show is already showing in this country
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> but only on Boomerang
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> Imagine if someone rips AWB's arms off 
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> oh wait, he doesn't have any :P 
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> They still look like Family Guy or Brickleberry or Tim Buckley people
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Magic is not lookin
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs Helios
[11:48] <Magicwaterz> Ha!
[11:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight>
[11:48] <Magicwaterz> Caught in the act!
[11:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Isn't that nice LWB?
[11:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> This ep i mean.
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> Family Guy and Brickleberry are okay
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> Time for a maths question
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> but Tim Buckley sucks
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> What's 9 + 10?
[11:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 19
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> he sucks for trying to be dramatic by drawing a miscarriage
[11:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Enough vine they are not funny.
[11:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Isn't that dramatic?@
[11:49] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I we got a job for you.But it blows
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> The correct answer is 21
[11:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Its 2016.
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> after searched by many scientists
[11:49] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> What s 9+10
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> ;-;
[11:49] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 21
[11:50] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> u stupid
[11:50] <Citron Bomb Official> 910
[11:50] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> 911
[11:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Sigh that joke is old/
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> rip
[11:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Someone make a meme.
[11:50] <Citron Bomb Official> let's think of a new joke
[11:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He just memtioned September 11 2001.
[11:50] <Magicwaterz> Added alpha sprites to my tower now!
[11:50] <Magicwaterz>
[11:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> James dont peashooter.
[11:51] <Citron Bomb Official> scriiimm
[11:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Is that a good meme.
[11:51] <Citron Bomb Official> what was the meme
[11:51] <Coolyoyo33> Zack scott failing so hard at BWB
[11:51] <Citron Bomb Official> what kind of name is this: NbyTupsjftTvdlt
[11:51] <Lolwutburger> most memes suck
[11:51] <Lolwutburger> anyway time to draw some scoobs
[11:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> My suspicions being confirmed
[11:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ping LWB.
[11:52] <Citron Bomb Official> Ping
[11:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ping
[11:52] <Coolyoyo33> magicwaterz
[11:52] <Citron Bomb Official> Ping ping pingy ping
[11:52] <Magicwaterz> (derp) ?
[11:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What does ping do?
[11:52] <Coolyoyo33> Reapeaggedon
[11:52] <Coolyoyo33> I was just pinging :P 
[11:52] <Citron Bomb Official> @
[11:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Magic 
[11:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ping Citron Bomb Official
[11:53] <Magicwaterz> (wut) ?
[11:53] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> lol
[11:53] <Citron Bomb Official> I pinged all vowel letters
[11:53] <Citron Bomb Official> chat ded
[11:54] <Coolyoyo33> MGC, Magic, PK, PnF, Legend, LWB, DDP, Darytyg
[11:54] <Lolwutburger> dammit
[11:54] <Coolyoyo33> hue hue hue
[11:54] <Lolwutburger> I was just getting ready to draw some Scoobs
[11:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Not my fault
[11:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It was Cool :P 
[11:54] <Coolyoyo33> Yes it was cool
[11:54] <Coolyoyo33> :P 
[11:54] <PnFforever> Im one mobile
[11:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Lol
[11:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im two mobile.
[11:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> tickles Helios
[11:54] <Coolyoyo33> Ernesto
[11:54] <PnFforever> *on
[11:55] <Coolyoyo33> Wintah
[11:55] <Citron Bomb Official> (moonflower)
[11:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> The chat is random.
[11:55] <Magicwaterz> I teld u dary, Helios is in the secret place
[11:55] <Citron Bomb Official> where's the MD plant emotes
[11:55] <Coolyoyo33> Teld
[11:55] <WintahMhelon18> yes? I heard a ping
[11:55] <Citron Bomb Official> (shadowshroom)
[11:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> teleports to the secret place.
[11:55] <Coolyoyo33> it was just a ping :P 
[11:55] <Citron Bomb Official> ???...?
[11:55] <Magicwaterz> (rageguy) 
[11:55] <Citron Bomb Official> RANDOMESS
[11:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> looks at Helios
[11:55] <Citron Bomb Official> is someone recording chat?
[11:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Interesting just interesting.
[11:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Helios : Hello.
[11:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :) 
[11:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[11:56] <Nitromian Poptropica> Does anyone here play Neko Atsume
[11:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Helios : Are you here to save me from that evil person who abducted me?
[11:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Dary : Yes I am.
[11:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Helios : Yay!
[11:57] <Lolwutburger> damn my cousin's daughter is annoying
[11:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why is that?
[11:57] <Magicwaterz> Helios! Don't listen to him!
[11:57] <Lolwutburger> good thing they allow me to cause slight pain to her when she annoys me
[11:57] <Magicwaterz> He brainwashed you! You are supposed to be the one who strikes fear to the day dwellers!
[11:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That is not very good LWB.
[11:58] <Lolwutburger> dammit someday that kid's going to see me fappin' to pr0n unless I do something
[11:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Helios : ?
[11:58] <Citron Bomb Official> gggg
[11:58] <Lolwutburger> but for now I'm going to draw some scoobs
[11:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Dary plays with Helios
[11:58] <Nitromian Poptropica> Why are 8 year olds having phones these days?
[11:58] <Magicwaterz> Duke, talk to your fellow creep
[11:59] <Citron Bomb Official> abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
[11:59] <Magicwaterz> Duke the (doomshroom) : Do I have to?
[11:59] <Princess Kitty> hey Guys!
[11:59] <Princess Kitty> Can I tell something?
[11:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Calm down Magic
[11:59] <Citron Bomb Official> :) 
[11:59] <Citron Bomb Official> :( :) :/ (arr) 
[12:00] <Magicwaterz> What is it PK?
[12:00] <Magicwaterz> Just put him back to his place Dary
[12:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Magic Helio is staring at me
[12:00] <Iamarepeater> Anything PK
[12:00] <Magicwaterz> Well...
[12:00] <Magicwaterz> You on your own Dary
[12:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Meh
[12:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs Magic
[12:01] <Magicwaterz> &gt;:( 
[12:01] <Princess Kitty> Welp...
[12:01] <Princess Kitty> DO you know about POpCap has COmics?
[12:01] <Citron Bomb Official> where
[12:01] <Iamarepeater> yes
[12:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> bye
[12:02] <Magicwaterz> vhere? Zis I need to zee!
[12:02] <Magicwaterz> Bye dary
[12:02] <Magicwaterz> o/ 
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> bive
[12:02] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> pvz comics
[12:02] <Princess Kitty> Here it is:
[12:03] <Princess Kitty> @MW
[12:03] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> oh
[12:03] <Magicwaterz> (oh) 
[12:03] <Magicwaterz> He's gone
[12:03] <Princess Kitty> Well... I think I miss PopCap making those
[12:03] <Princess Kitty> Because, PopCap now focusing on PvZ... :( 
[12:03] <Citron Bomb Official> datdatduhraradat
[12:04] <Magicwaterz> searches aeningly :P 
[12:04] <Princess Kitty> So?
[12:05] <Princess Kitty> @MW, Lol!
[12:05] <AWikiBoy521> PopStrip needs to be revived.
[12:05] <Princess Kitty> One of my favorite PopStrip! :D 
[12:05] <Citron Bomb Official> I revived the post
[12:05] <AWikiBoy521> I mean, there are other new PopCap games now.
[12:05] <Nitromian Poptropica> Has anyone played the old Bookworm
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> Me
[12:06] <Magicwaterz> They're right! Aeningly is not a real word!
[12:06] <Nitromian Poptropica> Where you don't fight but spell to stop burning tiles 
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> That's the Classic one.
[12:07] <Nitromian Poptropica> Oh
[12:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> I don't remember if I played it but I remember it.
[12:07] <Magicwaterz> Those chuzzles puffed into oblivion
[12:07] <Magicwaterz> Thanks Midas!
[12:07] <Nitromian Poptropica> Lex looked really absurd back then
[12:07] <Citron Bomb Official> GTG
[12:07] <Citron Bomb Official> bai
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> turned Magicwaterz into gold and he puffed into oblivion.
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Bye Citron
[12:08] <Nitromian Poptropica> Bye Citron
[12:08] <Magicwaterz> Reformed
[12:09] <Magicwaterz> Kitty got 1.5 million on bejeweled!
[12:09] <Nitromian Poptropica> Whoa
[12:09] <Nitromian Poptropica> That's possible
[12:09] <Nitromian Poptropica> ?
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[12:10] <DatDramaPlant> @AWiki
[12:10] <DatDramaPlant> Why aren't you in the sidebar?
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">PK got 1.5 million on bejeweled too!</span>
[12:10] <Magicwaterz> Well I know who to call when I'm in trouble!
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> @DDP
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> Because lag and glitch you have.
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> @Magicwaterz
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> What's you highscore in Bejeweled 3's Lightning mode?
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> *your
[12:11] <DatDramaPlant> Now you are.
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> You're welcome.
[12:11] <Magicwaterz> the only bejeweled I played is Bejeweled Blitz
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> @Magic
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Played Bejeweled on Chrome then?
[12:12] <Magicwaterz> Nope, on my phone :( 
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Nice.....
[12:41] <DatDramaPlant> Dust is skin flakes...
[12:41] <Ilikeduck!> <MISSING_Buttons>
[12:41] <Cavia porcellus> I'm liking Steven Universe a lot.
[12:41] <WintahMhelon18> I hope TULO will appreciate this work of mine
[12:42] <Lolwutburger> SU is okay
[12:42] <Lolwutburger> I hate it's tumblr fandom though
[12:42] <Cavia porcellus> I don't visit any fandom for any show.
[12:42] <Ilikeduck!> THISUSERLIKESOREO 
[12:42] <Cavia porcellus> So I wouldn't know.
[12:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[12:42] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Legend
[12:42] <Ilikeduck!> Supback :v
[12:42] <Lolwutburger> So my main enemies so far include Chris, this bully female from the other class, some dork named Casey, all SJWs, and the SU tumblr fandom
[12:42] <Lolwutburger> nice rogues gallery
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Colgate?</span>
[12:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I age my dinner
[12:43] <Ilikeduck!> Supback triple s
[12:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Awiki yiu need some snickers.
[12:43] <Ilikeduck!> Similar.
[12:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> You.
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> @Legend
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> You aged a lot, man.
[12:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep.
[12:43] <Magnet Plant> hi
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And CP234 is still not here.....</span>
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, MP
[12:44] <Ilikeduck!> MP. And that link.
[12:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Here take some snickers.
[12:44] <Coolyoyo33> what the flipping hell is the video omf
[12:44] <Magnet Plant> My attempt to access FF in PvZ2 1.5 failed.
[12:44] <Magnet Plant> ?
[12:44] <Magnet Plant> @Ilikeduck
[12:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Better.
[12:45] <Ilikeduck!> @MP Did I see you on PvZCC chat?
[12:45] <Ilikeduck!> That link look...
[12:45] <Magnet Plant> You may have.
[12:45] <Magnet Plant> I'm a bureaucrat in PvZCC
[12:45] <Magnet Plant> so
[12:45] <Princess Kitty> Sorry...
[12:45] <Princess Kitty> Guys...
[12:45] <Lolwutburger> i'm pretty sure this undertale thing just ripped off Cloudy witha Chance of Meatballs
[12:45] <Princess Kitty> I was making a blog about Making PopCap Comics
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> @MP
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> I think i remembered that link.
[12:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> If dinosaurs still exist.
[12:46] <Magnet Plant> You may have
[12:46] <Magnet Plant> @Ilikeduck
[12:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> Going to gtg now :3
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> Hope there will be sômên
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> someone
[12:47] <AWikiBoy521> Yet another blog this day, PK?
[12:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight>
[12:47] <AWikiBoy521> Bye duck
[12:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lets see if zackscott knows hoe to match.
[12:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bye.
[12:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Knows
[12:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *How
[12:48] <Ilikeduck!> Nah, nothing :p 
[12:48] <Ilikeduck!> Still there
[12:48] <AWikiBoy521> Just here.
[12:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Guys help me.
[12:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I dint have yeti sandbox event.
[12:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Dont
[12:48] <Coolyoyo33> youtube comments have no chill
[12:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I mean luanchgox.
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> "I am a n00b at Englíh"
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> *English
[12:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Launchbos
[12:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Launchbox
[12:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Here we go.
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> Call Yeti Zombie.
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> He has a launchbox for you.
[12:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Also zackscott is bad at pvz.
[12:50] <Cavia porcellus>
[12:50] <Ilikeduck!> That sucker is mining money with making n00b video ._.
[12:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ikr he wasted alot of coins.
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> "money"
[12:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Alao sorry its hsrd typing on mobile.
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> I hate him.
[12:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> In pvz 2 i mean.
[12:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too.
[12:52] <AWikiBoy521> @Cavia
[12:52] <AWikiBoy521> You saved my life there.
[12:52] <Ilikeduck!> He is toooooooo famous -_- 
[01:54] <Eugoth> I'm off from school for like, a month
[01:55] <TheAnonymousA> Why?
[01:56] <IMCR8Z> :o 
[01:56] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[01:56] <Lolwutburger> crap
[01:56] <Lolwutburger> I drew more SJW bait
[01:56] <Lolwutburger> gonna upload it to deviantART
[01:57] <TheAnonymousA> Can someone ping me please?
[01:57] <DatDramaPlant> TheAnonymousA
[01:58] <TheAnonymousA> That ping sound is nice, but it was delayed a bit. Thanks!
[02:02] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[02:03] <Phanminhnhat> Why Not OK Corral>
[02:03] <IMCR8Z> (starfruit) (football zombie) (zomboni) We could have play PvZ All-Stars before even PvZ 2 was announced!
[02:03] <Ilikeduck!> NOT OK CORAL
[02:03] <Phanminhnhat> Because that Corral is not OK?
[02:03] <Phanminhnhat> @Ilikeduck There is no coral in the Wild West!
[02:04] <Ilikeduck!> @Pham I know...
[02:04] <Phanminhnhat> @IMC I know.
[02:04] <Phanminhnhat> Wow... double-"I know", or "ik".
[02:04] <IMCR8Z> :3
[02:04] <Phanminhnhat> I love PnF too.
[02:04] <Phanminhnhat> Hi! Water of magic.
[02:05] <Magicwaterz> (rageguy) poonged
[02:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[02:05] <Phanminhnhat> I've just created a new version of Canoe Zombie and post it on PvZCC.
[02:05] <Phanminhnhat> It's super OP.
[02:06] <Phanminhnhat> It's so long that the icon cannot show its full body.
[02:06] <Ilikeduck!> (rageguy) 
[02:06] <Phanminhnhat> Takes 4 tiles.
[02:06] <Lolwutburger> behold
[02:06] <Phanminhnhat> (rageguy) I love that face.
[02:06] <Lolwutburger> my latest monstrosity
[02:06] <Lolwutburger>
[02:06] <Lolwutburger> PERG
[02:07] <Phanminhnhat> So funny...
[02:07] <TheAnonymousA> I'm starting to get interested in GW2 a bit...
[02:07] <Phanminhnhat> @Lol...wut?!
[02:07] <Ilikeduck!> (Trollface)
[02:07] <Ilikeduck!> Oh... I need to test
[02:09] <Phanminhnhat> @TAA I don't have any games console so...
[02:09] <Phanminhnhat> Not care about PvZGW
[02:09] <TheAnonymousA> Me too...
[02:09] <TheAnonymousA> I'll never be able to play it, but I'm starting to like it...
[02:10] <IMCR8Z> (relic hunter) Indiana Bones
[02:11] <Phanminhnhat> Now excuse me, I have to crop the pictures, post it here and create a new level page.
[02:11] <TheAnonymousA> I'll be back on my tablet.
[02:12] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[02:14] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:18] <IMCR8Z> Fun fact: President Theodore Roosevelt was shot during a speech in Milwaukee, and he CONTINUED speaking with the bullet still in his chest. 
[02:19] <Coolyoyo33> back
[02:20] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[02:23] <PnFforever> Test
[02:23] <IMCR8Z> Howdy
[02:23] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:24] <PnFforever> I cant wait for Finding Dory this year :) 
[02:26] <IMCR8Z> K
[02:27] <Coolyoyo33> I already found dory :) 
[02:27] <Coolyoyo33> * :P 
[02:30] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> you can find her in the first movie
[02:30] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> 0/10 worst movie
[02:30] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> would watch again
[02:34] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Vi!
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:36] <Coolyoyo33> xD 
[02:36] <Coolyoyo33> I have to write a summary for a darn play rip
[02:36] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> some cool drawings
[02:37] <Coolyoyo33> pinged
[02:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> #PylonBling
[02:37] <Coolyoyo33> peashooter's mouth
[02:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Was I the only one at that stream
[02:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ?
[02:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Well I did play in the stream as well (oh) 
[02:37] <Coolyoyo33> I don't even know what you're talking about @DCD
[02:37] <Coolyoyo33> 
[02:38] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[02:38] <Coolyoyo33> It's funny that on my old keyboard it took me close to a year to be able to type without looking at the keyboard and on this new one It has only been one week but I already know how to
[02:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Adam Clay's stream
[02:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> AvZ
[02:39] <Coolyoyo33> nope
[02:39] <Magicwaterz> gtg
[02:39] <Magicwaterz> bye
[02:39] <Magicwaterz> \o 
[02:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> He played with me in the stream (oh) 
[02:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Bye!
[02:39] <Coolyoyo33> don't know shiz bout who he is or what he is or what he does
[02:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> his brother works at popcap
[02:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Gary Clay
[02:42] <Coolyoyo33> o
[02:43] <Coolyoyo33> what did he do during the steam?
[02:43] <Coolyoyo33> *stream lol
[02:45] <IMCR8Z> Back
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> @DCD
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> Lucky.....
[02:45] <IMCR8Z> @Crzzy: I thought you said you would never play the beta to avoid spoilers?
[02:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:47] <PnFforever> Anyone here wonders if Deadpool took place in the same universe as the X-Men movies?
[02:48] <Eugoth> back
[02:48] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @IMCR8Z Well..... :P 
[02:48] <IMCR8Z> @PnF: Somehow doubt it.
[02:48] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @AWB Ik, it's cos I've got him as a friend
[02:48] <PnFforever> Considering the one that appears in X-Men Origins and the events of Days of Future Past, Im still wondering
[02:48] <IMCR8Z> @PnF: We don't talk about that Deadpool.
[02:50] <IMCR8Z> Dead chat
[02:54] <Brainulator9> hilo
[02:54] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:55] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:56] <Coolyoyo33> finally finished the summary
[02:57] <Coolyoyo33> Most Inspirational Person 2015: Shia Lebouf
[02:57] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:57] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[02:57] <IMCR8Z> Howdy again!
[02:58] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[02:58] <Coolyoyo33> ello TAA
[02:58] <Coolyoyo33> Now, I have to get points for a debate :( 
[02:59] <TheAnonymousA> What debate?
[02:59] <TheAnonymousA> I might be able to help.
[02:59] <Coolyoyo33> E-newspapers vs Print Newspapers :[[]]33
[03:00] <TheAnonymousA> Say E-newspapers are better because otherwise...Newspaper zombies! (troll) 
[03:00] <Coolyoyo33> I'm doing FOR Print Newspapers xD
[03:00] <Coolyoyo33> lmfaooo
[03:00] <TheAnonymousA> Okay...
[02:56] <Coolyoyo33> finally finished the summary
[02:57] <Coolyoyo33> Most Inspirational Person 2015: Shia Lebouf
[02:57] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:57] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[02:57] <IMCR8Z> Howdy again!
[02:58] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[02:58] <Coolyoyo33> ello TAA
[02:58] <Coolyoyo33> Now, I have to get points for a debate :( 
[02:59] <TheAnonymousA> What debate?
[02:59] <TheAnonymousA> I might be able to help.
[02:59] <Coolyoyo33> E-newspapers vs Print Newspapers :[[]]33
[03:00] <TheAnonymousA> Say E-newspapers are better because otherwise...Newspaper zombies! (troll) 
[03:00] <Coolyoyo33> I'm doing FOR Print Newspapers xD
[03:00] <Coolyoyo33> lmfaooo
[03:00] <TheAnonymousA> Okay...
[03:01] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:01] <Coolyoyo33> If we switch to E newspapers
[03:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Speaking of newspapers...
[03:01] <Coolyoyo33> sooner or later, we'll switch to E-manga and e-comics
[03:01] <TheAnonymousA> Say they're better as they don't require a device to read.
[03:02] <Coolyoyo33> I don't want to live in a world like that
[03:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> I need one with an obituary for CL next Tuesday and it's worth 100 points.
[03:02] <CaveStoryKing64> Yeah, I like physical things MUCH better
[03:02] <Coolyoyo33> (lenny) 
[03:02] <CoachSDot> Hi guys!
[03:02] <TheAnonymousA> And e-things will become real!
[03:03] <CoachSDot>
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> physical things give you a much more sense of accomplishment
[03:03] <CaveStoryKing64> yeah
[03:03] <TheAnonymousA> Introducing Garden Warfare 3! Dress up as your favourite characters and have nerf guns! (silly) 
[03:03] <CoachSDot> Peashooter
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> If you received an online trophy, how much would it really mean to you honestly?
[03:03] <CoachSDot> Pea Cannon
[03:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Nothing.
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> 
[03:03] <CoachSDot>
[03:04] <TheAnonymousA> Although, they are working on a video game suit which will control the game according to your movements.
[03:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> One thousand online trophies cannot be equal even to a bronze medal.
[03:04] <Coolyoyo33> You can easily showcase and be proud of your bronze medal, it's easily accessible too
[03:04] <CoachSDot> The person below is a spy!!
[03:05] <Coolyoyo33> Unlike opening a file on a computer to find a virtual trophy
[03:05] <Coolyoyo33> which is ehhh
[03:05] <CoachSDot> OH MY GOD!
[03:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep, and it shows effort. Online trophies don't really need that much effort.
[03:05] <CoachSDot> Coolyoyo3 IS A SPY
[03:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yeah, some "do", while many do not.
[03:05] <Coolyoyo33> kden @coach
[03:05] <CoachSDot> kden?
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> Well first Part - Easily accessible
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> *First Point
[03:06] <TheAnonymousA> Uh, some achievements in video games are really tough.
[03:06] <TheAnonymousA> Also, Cool, seethe movie Pixels.
[03:06] <TheAnonymousA> *see the
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> I have seen it
[03:07] <Coolyoyo33> in the cinema :[[]]P
[03:07] <CoachSDot>
[03:07] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[03:07] <TheAnonymousA> Good for you.
[03:08] <TheAnonymousA> Next, stop CR8Z from saying 'Nao wat?'.
[03:08] <TheAnonymousA> (silly) 
[03:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[03:08] <Coolyoyo33> xD
[03:08] <CoachSDot> The person below is a spy
[03:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> It's a me!
[03:09] <CoachSDot> OH GOD!
[03:09] <CoachSDot> THE ADMIN IS A SPY!!
[03:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I ain't an admin
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> o
[03:10] <CoachSDot> ... kden
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> FFS Lma[[]]o
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> finally
[03:10] <IMCR8Z> Poster below me is actually female.
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> I just forgot about [[[[]]]]]]
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> fuck this I'm out
[03:10] <CoachSDot> Anyway, did anyone discover anything in the GW2 beta?
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> GW2
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> beta
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> life
[03:11] <CoachSDot> C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!
[03:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Coach yes
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> The person below me is a living breathing human bean
[03:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yolo
[03:11] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: Still saying "meh" in 2016?
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> I said it in 2014
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> 2015
[03:12] <Coolyoyo33> 2016 too
[03:12] <CoachSDot> @Dr crrzy dave what did you find?
[03:12] <Coolyoyo33> btw guys, does this look good?
[03:13] <CoachSDot> IDK wut that is.
[03:14] <TheAnonymousA> Test
[03:15] <Coolyoyo33> It's a profile pic for Vebros @coach
[03:15] <CoachSDot> Dave?
[03:16] <Coolyoyo33> ??
[03:16] <CoachSDot> Chat ded
[03:18] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[03:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:22] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:24] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[03:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im going to download pvz gw 2 but no ps4 need to update.
[03:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Will gtg.
[03:26] <Microphone DJ 125> hello
[03:26] <Microphone DJ 125> and....goodbye :P 
[03:28] <Snarkel> good morning!
[03:32] <Eugoth> Hi
[03:42] <PnFforever> Does anyone know the game The Stanley Parable?
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> YES!
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> Narator: YEEEEEEES!
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> YOU DID IT STANLEY!
[03:43] <Hurrikale> Hi.
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> Supback!
[03:44] <PnFforever> Ive seen a video playtrough. I gotta say. The game has an intresting concept
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> It's <span style="font-weight:bold;">been</span> a while, Hurrikale.
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> And coincidentally, you came back during PK's birthday.
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> If PK = Princess Kitty
[03:46] <Snarkel> aay, chat is alive!
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> @PnFforever
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> That game is worth the Sale Price!
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> And I bought it with 75% Off!
[03:49] <PnFforever> The Stanley Parable took breaking the fourth wall to a new level, well next to Undertale
[03:49] <PnFforever> Whch uses Save and Load as important plot points
[03:49] <Dr Crzzy Dave> The fourth wall?
[03:50] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[03:51] <Snarkel> Yuss! I got the jack o lantern costume!
[03:52] <CoffeeCupProductions> GUYS
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:53] <Hurrikale> Hi
[03:53] <Snarkel> holla holla
[03:01] <Coolyoyo33> If we switch to E newspapers
[03:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Speaking of newspapers...
[03:01] <Coolyoyo33> sooner or later, we'll switch to E-manga and e-comics
[03:01] <TheAnonymousA> Say they're better as they don't require a device to read.
[03:02] <Coolyoyo33> I don't want to live in a world like that
[03:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> I need one with an obituary for CL next Tuesday and it's worth 100 points.
[03:02] <CaveStoryKing64> Yeah, I like physical things MUCH better
[03:02] <Coolyoyo33> (lenny) 
[03:02] <CoachSDot> Hi guys!
[03:02] <TheAnonymousA> And e-things will become real!
[03:03] <CoachSDot>
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> physical things give you a much more sense of accomplishment
[03:03] <CaveStoryKing64> yeah
[03:03] <TheAnonymousA> Introducing Garden Warfare 3! Dress up as your favourite characters and have nerf guns! (silly) 
[03:03] <CoachSDot> Peashooter
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> If you received an online trophy, how much would it really mean to you honestly?
[03:03] <CoachSDot> Pea Cannon
[03:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Nothing.
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> 
[03:03] <CoachSDot>
[03:04] <TheAnonymousA> Although, they are working on a video game suit which will control the game according to your movements.
[03:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> One thousand online trophies cannot be equal even to a bronze medal.
[03:04] <Coolyoyo33> You can easily showcase and be proud of your bronze medal, it's easily accessible too
[03:04] <CoachSDot> The person below is a spy!!
[03:05] <Coolyoyo33> Unlike opening a file on a computer to find a virtual trophy
[03:05] <Coolyoyo33> which is ehhh
[03:05] <CoachSDot> OH MY GOD!
[03:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep, and it shows effort. Online trophies don't really need that much effort.
[03:05] <CoachSDot> Coolyoyo3 IS A SPY
[03:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yeah, some "do", while many do not.
[03:05] <Coolyoyo33> kden @coach
[03:05] <CoachSDot> kden?
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> Well first Part - Easily accessible
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> *First Point
[03:06] <TheAnonymousA> Uh, some achievements in video games are really tough.
[03:06] <TheAnonymousA> Also, Cool, seethe movie Pixels.
[03:06] <TheAnonymousA> *see the
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> I have seen it
[03:07] <Coolyoyo33> in the cinema :[[]]P
[03:07] <CoachSDot>
[03:07] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[03:07] <TheAnonymousA> Good for you.
[03:08] <TheAnonymousA> Next, stop CR8Z from saying 'Nao wat?'.
[03:08] <TheAnonymousA> (silly) 
[03:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[03:08] <Coolyoyo33> xD
[03:08] <CoachSDot> The person below is a spy
[03:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> It's a me!
[03:09] <CoachSDot> OH GOD!
[03:09] <CoachSDot> THE ADMIN IS A SPY!!
[03:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I ain't an admin
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> o
[03:10] <CoachSDot> ... kden
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> FFS Lma[[]]o
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> finally
[03:10] <IMCR8Z> Poster below me is actually female.
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> I just forgot about [[[[]]]]]]
[03:10] <Coolyoyo33> fuck this I'm out
[03:10] <CoachSDot> Anyway, did anyone discover anything in the GW2 beta?
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> GW2
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> beta
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> life
[03:11] <CoachSDot> C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!!
[03:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @Coach yes
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> The person below me is a living breathing human bean
[03:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yolo
[03:11] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: Still saying "meh" in 2016?
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> I said it in 2014
[03:11] <Coolyoyo33> 2015
[03:12] <Coolyoyo33> 2016 too
[03:12] <CoachSDot> @Dr crrzy dave what did you find?
[03:12] <Coolyoyo33> btw guys, does this look good?
[03:13] <CoachSDot> IDK wut that is.
[03:14] <TheAnonymousA> Test
[03:15] <Coolyoyo33> It's a profile pic for Vebros @coach
[03:15] <CoachSDot> Dave?
[03:16] <Coolyoyo33> ??
[03:16] <CoachSDot> Chat ded
[03:18] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[03:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:22] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:24] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[03:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im going to download pvz gw 2 but no ps4 need to update.
[03:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Will gtg.
[03:26] <Microphone DJ 125> hello
[03:26] <Microphone DJ 125> and....goodbye :P 
[03:28] <Snarkel> good morning!
[03:32] <Eugoth> Hi
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[03:42] <PnFforever> Does anyone know the game The Stanley Parable?
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> YES!
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> Narator: YEEEEEEES!
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> YOU DID IT STANLEY!
[03:43] <Hurrikale> Hi.
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> Supback!
[03:44] <PnFforever> Ive seen a video playtrough. I gotta say. The game has an intresting concept
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> It's <span style="font-weight:bold;">been</span> a while, Hurrikale.
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> And coincidentally, you came back during PK's birthday.
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> If PK = Princess Kitty
[03:46] <Snarkel> aay, chat is alive!
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> @PnFforever
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> That game is worth the Sale Price!
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> And I bought it with 75% Off!
[03:49] <PnFforever> The Stanley Parable took breaking the fourth wall to a new level, well next to Undertale
[03:49] <PnFforever> Whch uses Save and Load as important plot points
[03:49] <Dr Crzzy Dave> The fourth wall?
[03:50] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[03:51] <Snarkel> Yuss! I got the jack o lantern costume!
[03:52] <CoffeeCupProductions> GUYS
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:53] <Hurrikale> Hi
[03:53] <Snarkel> holla holla
[03:54] <CoffeeCupProductions> MY YOUTUBE IS BEING HACKED
[03:54] <Snarkel> in what way?
[03:54] <Snarkel> holla holla
[03:54] <CoffeeCupProductions> I mean
[03:54] <CoffeeCupProductions> There are some videos
[03:54] <CoffeeCupProductions> I didn't watch
[03:54] <CoffeeCupProductions> That start appearing on my history
[03:55] <Snarkel> hmm
[03:55] <Snarkel> holla holla
[03:55] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hi
[03:55] <Snarkel> change your password immediately Coffee
[03:55] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:55] <PnFforever> I get the feeling OurMine is at it again
[03:56] <PnFforever> With their hacking shenanigans
[03:56] <Snarkel> OurMine?
[03:56] <CoffeeCupProductions> Oh no
[03:56] <CoffeeCupProductions> Not him
[03:56] <CoffeeCupProductions> Or them
[03:56] <CoffeeCupProductions> Or whatever
[03:56] <CoffeeCupProductions>
[03:56] <Coolyoyo33> back
[03:56] <Snarkel> wb
[03:56] <CoffeeCupProductions> Phillipines?
[03:56] <Nitromian Poptropica> Welcome back
[03:56] <CoffeeCupProductions> I was back
[03:56] <AWikiBoy521> @CCP
[03:56] <AWikiBoy521> The heck?
[03:56] <CoffeeCupProductions> I mean
[03:57] <CoffeeCupProductions> A lot of you are from Phillipines
[03:57] <CoffeeCupProductions> Right
[03:57] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[03:57] <Snarkel> Coffee, are you one a shared computer with any family or friends?
[03:57] <Snarkel> or is it a personal computer?
[03:57] <AWikiBoy521> Puro Pinoy videos.
[03:57] <CoffeeCupProductions> He could be any one of us.
[03:58] <Snarkel> Is your computer shared with family or is it your own personal computer?
[03:59] <PnFforever> Accidentally closed it...
[03:59] <CoffeeCupProductions> My pers. comp.
[03:59] <Snarkel> alright
[04:00] <CoffeeCupProductions>
[04:00] <CoffeeCupProductions> Bieber?????
[03:57] <CoffeeCupProductions> He could be any one of us.
[03:58] <Snarkel> Is your computer shared with family or is it your own personal computer?
[03:59] <PnFforever> Accidentally closed it...
[03:59] <CoffeeCupProductions> My pers. comp.
[03:59] <Snarkel> alright
[04:00] <CoffeeCupProductions>
[04:00] <CoffeeCupProductions> Bieber?????
[04:02] <Snarkel> Coffee, just change your password
[04:02] <Snarkel> holla holla
[04:03] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hello
[04:03] <Hurrikale> Hi
[04:03] <AWikiBoy521> SUpback
[04:03] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Is CCP a Pinoy?</span>
[04:04] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hi
[04:04] <Snarkel> holla holla
[04:04] <CoffeeCupProductions> Changed it
[04:06] <Snarkel> now, you may still get the videos in your history but once the hacker logs off
[04:06] <Snarkel> he wont be able to get back on
[04:07] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Kingsvin First?
[04:07] <CoffeeCupProductions> cool
[04:07] <CoffeeCupProductions> Thanks Snarkel
[04:07] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:07] <Snarkel> no prob
[04:07] <Snarkel> holla holla
[04:08] <CoffeeCupProductions> So
[04:08] <Snarkel> aay, my obb finished downloading
[04:08] <CoffeeCupProductions> How was Dark Ages Part 2?
[04:09] <EMPeachy4> shite
[04:09] <EMPeachy4> But in all honesty, pretty underwhelming
[04:09] <CitronFire3> WHY ARE THE CHARACTER PACKS 75.000 COINS!?
[04:10] <Brainulator9> hilo
[04:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Ikr
[04:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hiya btw
[04:11] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[04:11] <CitronFire3> But I hate how much coins the packs are
[04:11] <CitronFire3> like
[04:11] <CitronFire3> No
[04:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> It's fine when you play it CF3 
[04:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I'm Druid Rose right now
[04:11] <CitronFire3> I WONT BE PLAY-
[04:11] <CitronFire3> Excuse me
[04:11] <CitronFire3> YOu have the beta?
[04:11] <CitronFire3> YOU HAVE THE FUCKING BETA!?
[04:12] <ZombieMadness10> Hi Once Again!
[04:12] <Hurrikale> Hii
[04:12] <CitronFire3> THAT JUST PISSES ME OFF
[04:12] <CitronFire3> CUZ I WANT IT
[04:12] <CitronFire3> SO BADD
[04:12] <CitronFire3> AGH
[04:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I have the beta
[04:12] <ZombieMadness10> What if everyone on this wiki's username was either a plant or a zombie?
[04:12] <AWikiBoy521> @Hurrikale
[04:12] <AWikiBoy521> You still using Hurrikale?
[04:13] <AWikiBoy521> @ZombieMadness
[04:13] <AWikiBoy521> One use would be Apple-pult234. :P 
[04:13] <CitronFire3> FRIG U
[04:13] <CitronFire3> YOUR SO LUCKY
[04:13] <AWikiBoy521> *user
[04:13] <CitronFire3> ALL I HAVE IS A STUPID XBOX 360
[04:13] <CitronFire3> :/ 
[04:13] <ZombieMadness10> Do you think there will be another update to PvZ2?
[04:13] <Hurrikale> Well, my iPhone broke and I lost all my progress on PvZ2.
[04:14] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ...
[04:14] <PnFforever> Probably more Pinata Party events and special edition plants
[04:14] <PnFforever> Or perhapd more Vasebreaker
[04:14] <CitronFire3> :( 
[04:14] <PnFforever> And minigames
[04:14] <ZombieMadness10> Do you think there will be no more worlds?
[04:14] <Dr Crzzy Dave> YAYY
[04:14] <AWikiBoy521> @Hurrikale
[04:14] <AWikiBoy521> That sucks.
[04:15] <AWikiBoy521> @Hurrikale
[04:15] <AWikiBoy521> Hence, your sudden temporary leave in this wiki?
[04:15] <Dr Crzzy Dave> this one
[04:15] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Peach
[04:15] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I am ZimZam :3
[04:15] <CitronFire3> :/ 
[04:15] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ?
[04:15] <Hurrikale> Yup, I also got interested in other games.
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Just remember that this odd username is beautiful, DCD.</span>
[04:16] <EMPeachy4> the beta is so good]
[04:16] <CitronFire3> Ugh I literally hate Popcap for not putting it on Xbox 360
[04:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ^
[04:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oops
[04:16] <CitronFire3> I literally have no way of playing it
[04:16] <CitronFire3> Well i can play it on my laptop
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> @Hurrikale
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> So that's why....
[04:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @CF3 They have good reasoning though
[04:16] <CitronFire3> But the controls are so confusing
[04:16] <CitronFire3> So fuck them
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, it's good to have you here.
[04:16] <ZombieMadness10> What if they stopped working on PvZ2 and will stop making mobile games?
[04:16] <CitronFire3> im just leaving
[04:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave> okayyyy..
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> @ZM10
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> Yay, back to PC!
[04:17] <AWikiBoy521> Or those consoles.
[04:17] <IMCR8Z> People still want PopCap to release Garden Warfare 2 on a 10-year old console whose online services are shutting down this year?
[04:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ^
[04:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> WAIT WHAT
[04:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XBOX 360 ONLINE IS SHUTTING DWN?
[04:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *DOWN
[04:17] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[04:18] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[04:18] <ZombieMadness10> Anyone want PvZ3
[04:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> no
[04:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[04:18] <ZombieMadness10> I really do.
[04:18] <PnFforever> Does anyone here have any old consoles kept like the Playstation 2?
[04:19] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[04:19] <AWikiBoy521> The DS and Wii
[04:19] <ZombieMadness10> I like PvZ2 and in PvZ3 they could make new zombies and tons of returning ones from PvZ2 and more PvZ zombies.
[04:19] <PnFforever> I get the feeling Zomboni and Jack would probably return in MD part 2
[04:20] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I would absolutely hate it if GW2 was on Xbox 360 % PS3
[04:20] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *&
[04:20] <ZombieMadness10> @PnFforever I have PS3 Gamecube Wii, N64, GBA
[04:20] <Dr Crzzy Dave> It would ruin it for everybody
[04:20] <Dr Crzzy Dave> they would have to restrict themselves
[04:20] <CoffeeCupProductions> Crzzy Dave
[04:20] <CoffeeCupProductions> Wat is wrong with your text
[04:21] <ZombieMadness10> I really want a PS4 so I can get both PVZ GW1 and 2
[04:21] <Dr Crzzy Dave> nothing is wrong with it
[04:21] <PnFforever> The only game console I have is the PS2. I am way behind its future counterparts :p 
[04:22] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yeah...
[04:22] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[04:22] <Concorde deer> Kingsvin it's you
[04:22] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:23] <ZombieMadness10> Anyone think there will be a PS5?
[04:23] <ZombieMadness10> 9th Gen might be starting soon.
[04:23] <PnFforever> Why is it so freakin hard to use chat on mobile
[04:23] <Dr Crzzy Dave> it's not
[04:24] <PnFforever> I have to be careful at what I press
[04:24] <Dr Crzzy Dave> brb
[04:24] <Snarkel> Does anyone here know the code to get OBB patcher working for MD part 1?
[04:24] <ZombieMadness10> Because Nintendo NX is coming this year or next year and this gen, Wii U came out before PS4 and XB1
[04:25] <ZombieMadness10> So Nintendo NX- 2017 PS5- 2018 XB2- January 2019
[04:26] <ZombieMadness10> .
[04:26] <ZombieMadness10> .
[04:26] <ZombieMadness10> .
[04:26] <ZombieMadness10> . 
[04:26] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:26] <Hurrikale> dot
[04:27] <AWikiBoy521> dot dot
[04:27] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:27] <CitronFire3> Why must scientist have the heal beam now
[04:27] <CitronFire3> i liked the healing machine thing
[04:27] <CitronFire3> I dont want the heal beam for scientist :P 
[04:27] <ZombieMadness10> Bye
[04:28] <ZombieMadness10> See you later.
[04:28] <ZombieMadness10> Bye for real.
[04:29] <CitronFire3> Wait was that a toxic flower?
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> ю
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> ..
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:29] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:30] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[04:30] <Concorde deer> Hi
[04:30] <AWikiBoy521> CoffeeCupProductions , EMPeachy4, Brainulator9 , Chrysalis, and ErnestoAM ?
[04:30] <Hurrikale> Hello
[04:30] <Concorde deer> Modern day in nutshell:
[04:30] <Concorde deer> deal with it
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <AWikiBoy521> TULO ?
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> ..
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> .
[04:31] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> SPAM
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> НИТ
[04:31] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Kick Kingsvin Первый.
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> СЛАВА РОССИИ! 
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> УРА КОММУНИСТАМ!
[04:31] <Kingsvin Первый> СССР СТРОНГ
[04:32] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> POOTIS!
[04:32] <Kingsvin Первый> РОССИЯЪ УНИЧТОЖИТЪ СШАЪ
[04:32] <AWikiBoy521> ThisUserLikesOreo ?
[04:32] <Kingsvin Первый> Ураъ Россииъ 
[04:33] <Kingsvin Первый> Крымъ це РФъ
[04:34] <CitronFire3> SOMEONE KICK KING
[04:34] <CitronFire3> HES SPAMMING
[04:35] <Kingsvin Первый> Сами вы спамите, я говорю сам с собой!
[04:35] <Kingsvin Первый> радуйтесь, что я еще не поюГимн_СССР_первое_издание_1944.jpg/800px-Гимн_СССР_первое_издание_1944.jpg 
[04:36] <Coolyoyo33> hilo again
[04:36] <CoffeeCupProductions> Communism
[04:36] <CoffeeCupProductions> YEAH
[04:36] <Coolyoyo33> lMFAO
[04:36] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Speak English plz
[04:37] <Concorde deer> Yeah
[04:37] <Concorde deer> man
[04:37] <Kingsvin Первый> А если я не буду говорить на английском - то шо? 
[04:37] <Coolyoyo33> Zis engl0sh wiki
[04:37] <Concorde deer> speak english
[04:37] <Coolyoyo33> u no spek engl0sh
[04:37] <Concorde deer> Can i speak with him
[04:37] <Coolyoyo33> u get kick off
[04:37] <Coolyoyo33> for not speak engl0sh
[04:37] <CoffeeCupProductions> Here:
[04:37] <CoffeeCupProductions> Maybe this will help
[04:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoy
[04:37] <Kingsvin Первый> я не говорю на вашем языке, потому что я - русский 
[04:37] <Kingsvin Первый> ладно, щас устрою вам КОММУНИЗМА 
[04:38] <Coolyoyo33> yes? 
[04:38] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I think that he said that he can't speak English before
[04:38] <AWikiBoy521> *@Coolyoyo
[04:38] <AWikiBoy521> While that can be used, I don't recommend doing that on a website that is formal.
[04:38] <Concorde deer> I'm kazakh, but i speak english.
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Союз нерушимый республик свободных
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Сплотила навеки Великая Русь.
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Да здравствует созданный волей народов
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Единый, могучий Советский Союз!
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> 
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Партия Ленина — сила народная
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> 
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Сквозь грозы сияло нам солнце свободы,
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> И Ленин великий нам путь озарил:
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> На правое дело он поднял народы,
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> На труд и на подвиги нас вдохновил!
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> 
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Партия Ленина — сила народная
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> 
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> В победе бессмертных идей коммунизма
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Мы видим грядущее нашей страны,
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> И Красному знамени славной Отчизны
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Мы будем всегда беззаветно верны!
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> 
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Славься, Отечество наше свободное,
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Дружбы народов надёжный оплот!
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Партия Ленина — сила народная
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> Нас к торжеству коммунизма ведёт!
[04:38] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I understand a bit of Russian
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> США - ГАВНО 
[04:38] <Kingsvin Первый> ахахахаххахах
[04:38] <Concorde deer> thanks
[04:38] <Concorde deer> man
[04:38] <Concorde deer> he was really annoying
[04:38] <Coolyoyo33> what website? @awb
[04:39] <Concorde deer> angry birds
[04:39] <Concorde deer> wiki
[04:39] <Coolyoyo33> ???
[04:39] <Concorde deer> yes
[04:39] <Concorde deer> i can give link
[04:39] <AWikiBoy521> Bye Colgatepony
[04:39] <CoffeeCupProductions> Изучение английского языка, товарищ. Вы не принято здесь, если вы не узнаете его
[04:39] <Concorde deer> Your russian is incorecct
[04:40] <Concorde deer> i'm speaking on 3 languages
[04:40] <CitronFire3> People are so brutal in GW2
[04:40] <CitronFire3> Zombies always spawn so close to the garden theres no point for teleporters XD
[04:40] <Snapdragon717> Ello Folks
[04:41] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">TULO, now that's what I meant a while ago.</span>
[04:41] <CoffeeCupProductions> Учите английский, товарищ. Вы не приняли здесь, если Вы не знаете
[04:41] <CoffeeCupProductions> thx yandex
[04:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Wut
[04:41] <Concorde deer> CoffeCupProduction
[04:41] <Coolyoyo33> I was gonna type something racist
[04:41] <Concorde deer> your translation
[04:41] <Concorde deer> is erros
[04:41] <Concorde deer> error
[04:41] <Coolyoyo33> but I'll save that for a more appropriate time
[04:41] <Concorde deer> i'm speaking on russian
[04:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[04:41] <AWikiBoy521> Bad choice either way.
[04:42] <Coolyoyo33> ik lol
[04:42] <Coolyoyo33> btw check pm 
[04:42] <CoffeeCupProductions> well
[04:42] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Because TULO = AWikiBoy521 on proir knowledge to Cavia = CP234 leaving.</span>
[04:42] <Concorde deer> and correct version is : Изучайте английский язык, товарищ ибо вас здесь не примут.
[04:42] <CoffeeCupProductions> Thank you
[04:42] <Concorde deer> Это английская вики
[04:42] <AWikiBoy521> It's Google Translated anyway, CCP . :P 
[04:42] <Concorde deer> I'm speaking on 3 languages
[04:42] <Concorde deer> if you did'nt know
[04:43] <ThisUserLikesOreo> You're talking about Russian language? @AWB521
[04:43] <Concorde deer> yes
[04:43] <Coolyoyo33> I speak english, viking and neanderthal
[04:43] <AWikiBoy521> @TULO
[04:43] <AWikiBoy521> Nah, the leave predictions. :P 
[04:43] <CoffeeCupProductions> @AWikiBoy521 Yep.
[04:44] <Concorde deer> Well
[04:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I'm confused asf
[04:44] <Concorde deer> who sitting on Devianart?
[04:44] <AWikiBoy521> @Concorde
[04:44] <AWikiBoy521> Me?
[04:44] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Chrysalis
[04:44] <Snapdragon717>
[04:44] <AWikiBoy521> @Snapdragon
[04:44] <AWikiBoy521> Seen that!
[04:45] <Concorde deer> wot
[04:45] <AWikiBoy521> It's so.....creative....
[04:45] <Coolyoyo33> sitting on deviantart?
[04:45] <ThisUserLikesOreo> AWB521 seems to be in a really good mood
[04:45] <Coolyoyo33> you mean 'is on deviantart'?
[04:45] <AWikiBoy521> @TULO
[04:45] <AWikiBoy521> Because.....
[04:45] <AWikiBoy521> (stop) 
[04:45] <Concorde deer>
[04:46] <AWikiBoy521> Octagons....
[04:46] <Snapdragon717> Where do I find these masterpieces
[04:46] <Concorde deer> MEGALOVANIA!!!!
[04:46] <Concorde deer> HAVE BAD TIME!!!!
[04:46] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[04:46] <CoffeeCupProductions> my eyes
[04:47] <CoffeeCupProductions> my poor eyes
[04:47] <Concorde deer> my poor brain
[04:47] <AWikiBoy521> @Concorde deer
[04:47] <AWikiBoy521> It was posted on my birthday......
[04:47] <AWikiBoy521> On my birthday!
[04:47] <AWikiBoy521> Published on <span style="font-weight:bold;">18 Oct 2015</span>
[04:47] <Concorde deer> oh 
[04:47] <Concorde deer> happy brthd
[04:47] <ThisUserLikesOreo> lol
[04:48] <AWikiBoy521> Yet another coincidence on someone's.....nah, it's Jan. 17 in my timezone now.
[04:48] <Concorde deer> i'm only thinking flowey looks like sunflower from PVZ?
[04:49] <Snapdragon717> If Pepsiman was an action game/had a sequel.
[04:49] <Coolyoyo33> There are many mysteries which are unknown to mankind
[04:49] <Coolyoyo33> One of those mysteries is if Joji will ever fully reveal himself
[04:50] <AWikiBoy521> @Snapdragon
[04:50] <AWikiBoy521> I have never seen that before!
[04:50] <Concorde deer> tu mach kawaii!!!
[04:51] <Snapdragon717> It only gets better!
[04:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I can't play Icebound Battleground anymore :( 
[04:51] <Coolyoyo33> Time for an ad by our sponsors!
[04:51] <Coolyoyo33> "Are you feeling lazy?"
[04:52] <Hurrikale> Yes
[04:52] <ThisUserLikesOreo> There are 4 indestructable ice blocks with Imps
[04:52] <Coolyoyo33> "Is that cup of water 0.5 cm away from your reach?"
[04:52] <Coolyoyo33> "Is life too hard?"
[04:52] <Hurrikale> Yes
[04:52] <Coolyoyo33> "Well I've got the solution for you!"
[04:53] <Snapdragon717>
[04:53] <Coolyoyo33> "Now, even a pathetic lazy person like you could live life to the fullest with the new 'attach everything to your body' liquid"
[04:53] <Concorde deer>
[04:54] <Hurrikale> Really?
[04:54] <Coolyoyo33> "Don't want that cup of water to be out of your reach? stick it to your arm!"
[04:54] <Snapdragon717> "Can't remember where you leave the remote control? Next time, stick it to yourself!"
[04:54] <Coolyoyo33> "Don't want to walk but need to go to someplace else? Stick yourself to a transport vehicle!"
[04:55] <Hurrikale> Are there any side effects?
[04:55] <Coolyoyo33> "Yes really! The possibilities are endless!"
[04:55] <Coolyoyo33> "Side effects? No major ones."
[04:56] <Coolyoyo33> "<span style="font-size:7pt;"> Except rashes, skin damage, skin cancer. </span>"
[04:56] <Snapdragon717> *In a fast voice* "This product has side-effects incuding dizziness, diarrhea, loss of touch, etc. Contoct your local doctor if one of these side effects happen. No not really, there are no side effects. Also, shipping and handling required." 
[04:57] <Hurrikale> I think I'll just continue being lazy...
[04:57] <Coolyoyo33> "Also if you buy now you can get a free hoverboard!"
[04:58] <Snapdragon717> THE NOSTALGIA....
[04:58] <Coolyoyo33> "You know those shitty things lazy people use for getting around! They're not even really hover boards ffs but who cares!"
[04:59] <Snapdragon717> "Buy now and you won't get just one, or two, no! We're giving you three! Yes three! For such a low low price? Of course!"
[04:59] <ThisUserLikesOreo> WB, AutoWikiBrowser521
[04:59] <Coolyoyo33> "<span style="font-size:7pt;"> they have a 75% chance of being defective though but that doesn't concern us. </span>"
[05:00] <Hurrikale> How much does it cost?
[05:00] <AWikiBoy521> I hate you, internet disconnection.
[05:00] <Coolyoyo33> "Starting now you can get it for only $50!"
[05:00] <Coolyoyo33> "But with taxes it all rounds up to $250"
[05:01] <Hurrikale> I don't use $ though
[05:01] <Coolyoyo33> Then what do you use lol?
[05:01] <Hurrikale> I use euros
[05:02] <Coolyoyo33> (this is my voice out of narrator mode)
[05:02] <Snapdragon717> These things are so old, even though this was made last year
[05:03] <Coolyoyo33> "Don't worry! it's only 229 euros per tube of attachment liquid!"
[05:04] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Should I call you AverageWhiteBand521 or AssaultWeaponsBan521? @AWB521
[05:04] <Coolyoyo33> AcceleratedWeasalBanter521
[05:04] <Coolyoyo33> *weasel 
[05:05] <Coolyoyo33> which youtuber is better?
[05:05] <Coolyoyo33> Ginta Gaming, ZackscottGames, Papa Franku or Smosh
[05:05] <AWikiBoy521> @TULO
[05:05] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[05:06] <Concorde deer> zackscoot
[05:06] <Concorde deer> because ginta gaming noob
[05:06] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[05:06] <CoffeeCupProductions> *zackscout
[05:06] <Coolyoyo33> rlly 
[05:06] <Concorde deer> smosh smoking tu much weed
[05:06] <Coolyoyo33> PAPA FRANKU 4 LIF
[05:06] <Snapdragon717> Anytime someone says zackscoot I immediately think Vinesauce
[05:06] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">In the US, people hate Zack.</span>
[05:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> AssaultWeaponsBan521 is now your name
[05:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Smosh is da best
[05:07] <AWikiBoy521> Supback Coach
[05:07] <CoachSDot> 'Sup homies!
[05:07] <Coolyoyo33> Papa Franku (Filthy Frank) comes 1st, Smosh 2nd, Ginta 3rd, Zack 100th
[05:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">In the other place, people like Zack.</span>
[05:08] <Coolyoyo33> I am in other places
[05:08] <Coolyoyo33> I don't like zack
[05:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Same
[05:08] <CoachSDot> Anyone think Captain Deadbeard should be balanced?
[05:09] <ThisUserLikesOreo> He doesn't even know how to play PvZ2
[05:09] <AWikiBoy521> gtg
[05:10] <CoachSDot> Players use him like a scientist. The scurvy scattershot fires too fast. It should be slowed down a lot. It should be used to shoo off plants that attack him, not to kill them easily...
[05:10] <AWikiBoy521> Alt+F4
[05:10] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Bye
[05:10] <CoachSDot> As for the spyglass shot, it is too weak, 20-24 damage is well for attacking plants, but it really should be 22-28.
[05:11] <Coolyoyo33> How to know a person has no life
[05:11] <Coolyoyo33> They make theories on Bing Bong from Inside Out
[05:11] <CoachSDot> Lol
[05:12] <Coolyoyo33> like why
[05:13] <Snapdragon717> You'd think they would've put that character in the trailers, cause you know, the kids love the wacky one.
[05:15] <Coolyoyo33> well gtg
[05:15] <Snapdragon717> by
[05:15] <Snapdragon717> o/ 
[05:17] <Hurrikale> \o 
[05:17] <CoachSDot> Hi
[05:17] <CoachSDot> Chat ded
[05:19] <ThisUserLikesOreo> My name is Jeff
[05:19] <CoffeeCupProductions> Hi Jeff.
[05:19] <Hurrikale> My name is My Name
[05:19] <CoffeeCupProductions> Hi My Name.
[05:19] <Hurrikale> Hi
[05:20] <CoffeeCupProductions> So, how was your day
[05:20] <Hurrikale> It was good
[05:20] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Damn, now I want to watch that movie again
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> Hi Jeff.
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> My Name is Ernesto.
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> Did anyone know that?
[05:21] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi Ernie
[05:21] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Nope
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[05:21] <ErnestoAM> Shocker!
[05:21] <Hurrikale> My name is Biscuit
[05:23] <CoachSDot> Anyone think captain deadbeard should be balanced?
[05:23] <Snapdragon717> So is this you Ernesto? or should I say, Ernie.
[09:20] <Electric Plants> :P 
[09:20] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Guys when your ganna make the emotes?
[09:21] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> DO IT!
[09:21] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> JUST DO IT!
[09:21] <Electric Plants> me?
[09:21] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Yeah.
[09:21] <Electric Plants> I can't my internet crashes when I edit that page
[09:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 2ndays later.
[09:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Threads are all make md emotes.
[09:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 12 day later Md part 2 is released still they didnt made the emotes.
[09:22] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[09:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[09:22] <Electric Plants> Hey!
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> (moonflower)
[09:23] <Electric Plants> Well I am not the only admin
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> :( 
[09:23] <Electric Plants> <span style="font-size:7pt;"> there are 3 admins here not counting me </span>
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> woah
[09:23] <Ballistic Planet> Hurrikale is back
[09:24] <Hurrikale> Hi
[09:25] <Electric Plants> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> <span style="font-size:7pt;"> Ask [[]]Bul9, [[]]Starfruity or EMPEACHY </span> </span>
[09:26] <Snarkel> woah
[09:26] <Snarkel> what is primal potato mines recharge?
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> Same as E.m.Peach
[09:26] <Ballistic Planet> 25 seconds
[09:26] <Brainulator9> hilo
[09:27] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[09:27] <Snarkel> really? I'm looking in the code and I see it as Mediocre.
[09:27] <Ballistic Planet> PPM's is 25 seconds
[09:27] <Snarkel> then I must have found the wrong value
[09:27] <Ballistic Planet> C8 41 is 25 seconds
[09:28] <Snarkel> i found 70 41
[09:28] <Ballistic Planet> that's his starting level recharge
[09:28] <Snarkel> oh
[09:28] <Ballistic Planet> or his recharge at the start of the leel rather
[09:28] <Ballistic Planet> level*
[09:28] <Ballistic Planet> C8 41 is his recharge
[09:28] <Snarkel> that's why i see plants have two recharge values!
[09:29] <Ballistic Planet> yup
[09:29] <Snarkel> (facedesk) 
[09:29] <Ballistic Planet> some plants have their lstart of the level recharge in them
[09:29] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[09:29] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[09:30] <Snarkel> yep, there it is...c8 41
[09:30] <Snarkel> holla holla
[09:30] <Ballistic Planet> i need to update my hack guide
[09:30] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[09:30] <Ballistic Planet> now's the time to do it
[09:32] <Snarkel> I'm actually using it right now XD
[09:33] <CitronFire3> EP PM
[09:34] <Snarkel> I'm wanting to give torchwood a little bit more health but i don't know how much
[09:35] <Snarkel> o/ 
[09:35] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[09:39] <Ballistic Planet> How much health do you want to give Torchwood?
[09:40] <Snarkel> i already know how to switch it, i just didn't know how much to give
[09:40] <Snarkel> but i ended up choosing chard guard health
[09:43] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[09:44] <Ballistic Planet> i see
[09:44] <Ballistic Planet> is my hack guide helpful enough?
[09:44] <Magnet Plant>
[09:44] <SlimeLOLEnder> (wat) 
[09:44] <Snarkel> yeah, its very helpful
[09:45] <Snarkel> there is one thing i noticed though
[09:45] <Snarkel> on the sun cost area where is states "the value will not always be @" could you put what it could also be?
[09:47] <IMCR8Z> (toadstool) Mesa gonna revive chat! (toadstool) 
[09:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[09:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> (intensivecarrot) 
[09:49] <IMCR8Z> (toadstool) Jar Jar is the key to all of this.
[09:50] <Brainulator9> pickles
[09:50] <SlimeLOLEnder> pancakes
[09:50] <CitronFire3> Cake
[09:51] <IMCR8Z> Pans
[09:52] <CitronFire3> Bucket's
[09:52] <IMCR8Z> Cones
[09:53] <Brainulator9> I know that shovels have a lot of dignity
[09:53] <CitronFire3> U broke the chain
[09:55] <SlimeLOLEnder> edd
[09:55] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[09:55] <SlimeLOLEnder> dde
[09:55] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[09:55] <Brainulator9> ded dedd n deddty
[09:55] <Brainulator9> *deddy
[09:56] <Snarkel> do zombies still take two bites out of garlic?
[09:58] <Electric Plants> BUL9 PM
[09:58] <EMPeachy4> Promotion Path idea
[09:58] <EMPeachy4> was it bad
[09:58] <EMPeachy4> or meh
[09:59] <IMCR8Z> What now?
[10:01] <Ballistic Planet> unless you edit "EatDuration"
[10:01] <Ballistic Planet> then yes
[10:01] <Ballistic Planet> they still take two bytes
[10:02] <Snarkel> yeah but on eat duration there is no 80 3F byte
[10:02] <Snarkel> i saw C0 3F
[10:03] <Snarkel> but not 80 3F
[10:03] <Brainulator9> Someone tells me that (chomper) 
[10:03] <Brainulator9> 's (PF) deals 90 NDS.
[10:03] <Brainulator9> It
[10:03] <Brainulator9> 's a comment from December 2015.
[10:03] <Brainulator9> 4.3?
[10:03] <Bluetoad103> hello
[10:04] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:04] <SlimeLOLEnder> im bored
[10:04] <SlimeLOLEnder> D:
[10:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> (wat) level should i edit
[10:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[10:10] <Electric Plants> bul9 PM
[10:13] <SlimeLOLEnder> ]:v
[10:18] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[10:19] <Ballistic Planet> slowly updating my hacking guide
[10:19] <Hurrikale> slowly dying
[10:20] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[10:24] <Murabito> this internet is lol
[10:25] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[10:28] <ErnestoAM> hi
[10:28] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[10:28] <ErnestoAM> !Ih
[10:29] <IMCR8Z> HOwdy!
[10:29] <EMPeachy4> escape root
[10:32] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:32] <Electric Plants> Huh?
[10:40] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> ...
[10:41] <Cavia porcellus> Blizzard outside here.
[10:42] <EMPeachy4> It's gonna snow here soon
[10:42] <Magnet Plant> very rekt chat
[10:42] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:42] <Cavia porcellus> We're having weird weather. There was a big thunderstorm the other day, unheard of in winter here.
[10:44] <Eugoth> Well, here is sunny
[10:44] <Eugoth> 2hot4me
[10:46] <Electric Plants> here is warm
[10:49] <Ballistic Planet> I'm having the most sterotypical weather you can think of where I live
[10:50] <Ballistic Planet> Overcast, with showers in places
[10:52] <Eugoth> i guess i'm the only one here that uses sun bean
[10:54] <Cavia porcellus> I haaaate needy people so much.
[10:54] <Cavia porcellus> And I'm not referring to anyone on this wiki.
[10:56] <IMCR8Z> K
[10:56] <ErnestoAM> It's raining inside here. Snowing outside.
[10:58] <Cavia porcellus> Snow is God's dandruff.
[10:58] <Electric Plants> It never snows here
[10:58] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[10:59] <Eugoth> ^
[10:59] <ErnestoAM> *cri* ;( 
[10:59] <Eugoth> ;( 
[11:00] <Adminbot3000> Hello everyone, I am adminbot
[11:00] <ErnestoAM>
[11:00] <Adminbot3000> :,(
[11:00] <Adminbot3000> :,(
[11:00] <Eugoth> ;
[11:00] <Electric Plants> ;_;
[11:00] <Adminbot3000> How do u do the sad zombie thing
[11:00] <Eugoth> Hi adminbot.
[11:00] <Adminbot3000> say .help for commands
[11:00] <Electric Plants> [[]];(
[11:00] <Adminbot3000> ;( 
[11:00] <Electric Plants> Write this
[11:00] <ErnestoAM> "Admin" "bot" 3000
[11:00] <Adminbot3000> ;( 
[11:00] <Electric Plants> Yup
[11:01] <Adminbot3000> :D 
[11:01] <Adminbot3000> .me died
[11:01] <Adminbot3000> hwww
[11:01] <ErnestoAM> -(O)_(O)-
[11:01] <Adminbot3000> how u do the ~~ thing
[11:01] <Electric Plants> O|_|O
[11:01] <Adminbot3000> ;) 
[11:02] <Adminbot3000> ;( 
[11:02] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:02] <Adminbot3000> HOW U DO THE ~~ thing?
[11:02] <Adminbot3000> How u do that?
[11:02] <Electric Plants> ~~(0)=(0)~~ 
[11:02] <Electric Plants> Do what?
[11:03] <Adminbot3000> The ~ thing
[11:03] <Eugoth> õ-ó what?
[11:03] <ErnestoAM> Wii knot know.
[11:03] <Adminbot3000> like:
[11:03] <Eugoth> ~ is a tilde
[11:03] <Adminbot3000> ~Hurrikale got eaten by zombies~ how u do that?
[11:04] <Eugoth> you leave chat?
[11:04] <ErnestoAM> (facepalm) 
[11:04] <Adminbot3000> Nvm
[11:04] <Adminbot3000> who wanna create a command?
[11:04] <Adminbot3000> say .cc (command name) (what it does)
[11:05] <Cavia porcellus> Hwat?
[11:05] <Eugoth> .cc
[11:05] <Adminbot3000> Gary
[11:05] <Adminbot3000> lol
[11:05] <Adminbot3000> lol
[11:05] <Adminbot3000> lol
[11:05] <Eugoth> (facepalm) 
[11:05] <Adminbot3000> XD
[11:05] <Eugoth> stop spam
[11:05] <Adminbot3000> :P 
[11:05] <Eugoth> ok
[11:05] <Adminbot3000> ;( 
[11:05] <ErnestoAM> stop mini-modding 
[11:05] <Adminbot3000> sorry
[11:06] <Adminbot3000> ~ I don't know how you guys do this ~
[11:06] <Eugoth> <span class="me-username">* <span>Eugoth</span></span> is confused.
[11:06] <Adminbot3000> How u do that?
[11:06] <Eugoth> ./me
[11:07] <Adminbot3000> <span class="me-username">* <span>Adminbot3000</span></span> says: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
[11:07] <Adminbot3000> /I create commands even though I am fake
[11:08] <Electric Plants> [red] Epic Fail [/red]
[11:08] <Adminbot3000> <span class="me-username">* <span>Adminbot3000</span></span> Creates commands even though he's fake
[11:08] <Electric Plants> Yup
[11:08] <Adminbot3000> how u get color chat?
[11:08] <Cavia porcellus> Beg Brainulator9 
[11:09] <Adminbot3000> How did you do that Gary thing?
[11:09] <Adminbot3000> how did you do that?
[11:09] <Eugoth> not gary
[11:09] <Adminbot3000> ernestoam 
[11:09] <Adminbot3000> wtf?
[11:10] <Cavia porcellus> (oh) 
[11:10] <Adminbot3000> How did you do that?
[11:10] <Adminbot3000> :P 
[11:10] <ErnestoAM> :/ 
[11:10] <Adminbot3000> : P
[11:10] <Eugoth> Ernesto has powerz
[11:10] <Adminbot3000> Ernesto am
[11:10] <Eugoth> lol
[11:11] <Adminbot3000> :o 
[11:11] <Adminbot3000> ernesto am
[11:11] <Adminbot3000> <span class="me-username">* <span>Adminbot3000</span></span> is confused :O 
[11:12] <Adminbot3000> :) 
[11:12] <Adminbot3000> :( 
[11:12] <Adminbot3000> :/ 
[11:12] <Adminbot3000> <span class="me-username">* <span>Adminbot3000</span></span> is a :/ 
[11:12] <Adminbot3000> &gt;:( 
[11:25] <Electric Plants> Back
[11:26] <Murabito> I vanquished 38 plants but the other guy who has 34 gets the vanquish master boast
[11:26] <Murabito> wtf
[11:26] <Adminbot3000> That's better
[11:27] <Adminbot3000> I got plasma pea :O 
[11:27] <Adminbot3000> :) 
[11:27] <Eugoth> Back
[11:28] <Adminbot3000> Ok
[11:28] <Eugoth> I just wish i could afford GW2 or 1
[11:28] <Adminbot3000> i got plasma pea :) 
[11:28] <Adminbot3000> what are the plants and zombies for modern day part 2?
[11:30] <Eugoth> nobody knows yet.
[11:30] <Eugoth> Only 1 zombie and 1 plant
[11:32] <Electric Plants> R.I.P.
[11:33] <Electric Plants> (heart) (carrot) <span style="font-size:16pt;"> !!!REVIVE!!! </span> (carrot) (heart) 
[11:33] <Electric Plants> FAIL!
[11:33] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[11:33] <Adminbot3000> My ideas: plants: kiwibeast is premium, doomshroom and starstrike. zombies: pogo zombie, shield door zombie and the zombot is peridox robot
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:33] <Adminbot3000> How do you do the chat color thing
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> [[MediaWiki:Emoticons]]
[11:34] <Electric Plants> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> Only admins can do that </span> </span> </span> </span>
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> *[[MediaWiki:Wikia.css]]
[11:34] <Adminbot3000> Ok
[11:34] <Adminbot3000> how do u be an admin?
[11:34] <Adminbot3000> Be good!
[11:34] <Adminbot3000> be good!
[11:34] <Adminbot3000> be good?
[11:35] <Adminbot3000> sorry
[11:35] <Adminbot3000> i wasn't paying attention to my thumb
[11:35] <Adminbot3000> Anyone talking?
[11:36] <Adminbot3000> :( 
[11:36] <Adminbot3000> ):(
[11:36] <Adminbot3000> :/ 
[11:36] <Adminbot3000> /:
[11:36] <ThisUserLikesOreo> k
[11:36] <Adminbot3000> :| 
[11:36] <Adminbot3000> &gt;:( 
[11:36] <Murabito> you don't
[11:37] <Adminbot3000> Aw man not again ;( 
[11:37] <Brainulator9> hilo
[11:37] <Adminbot3000> im so sorry
[11:37] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[11:37] <Adminbot3000> i was so mad <:(
[11:37] <Adminbot3000> ;( 
[11:37] <ThisUserLikesOreo> lol
[11:37] <Adminbot3000> brainzzzzzz
[11:37] <Murabito> k
[11:37] <Adminbot3000> Who shot peas at me?
[11:38] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ernie
[11:38] <Adminbot3000> defeat the angry zombie! He's over there! -------> &gt;:( 
[11:38] <Adminbot3000> D:<
[11:38] <Adminbot3000> waut
[11:38] <Adminbot3000> wait
[11:39] <Adminbot3000> health: 900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
[11:39] <ErnestoAM> (doomshroom) 
[11:39] <Colgatepony234> Back on the lawn!
[11:39] <ErnestoAM> hi
[11:40] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:40] <IMCR8Z> Whoops! I didn't realize chat was still open and I clicked to go on the lawn again!
[11:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> That's harsh @Ernesto
[11:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I like it (lenny) 
[11:41] <ErnestoAM> I'm the new Pinkgirl
[11:41] <ErnestoAM> Just not completely like her. (lenny) 
[11:43] <IMCR8Z> DED
[11:43] <IMCR8Z> Dead chat tell no tales!
[11:43] <IMCR8Z> (pirate captain zombie) 
[11:44] <IMCR8Z> :O :O 
[11:45] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[11:46] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[11:46] <The Zombie O.O> DEAD CHAT LEL
[11:48] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:49] <Electric Plants> [BIG] TEST [/BIG]
[11:50] <Electric Plants> (epic) fail
[11:51] <CoachSDot> Hi
[11:51] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:51] <CoachSDot> Will you be playing gw 2 beta?
[11:51] <Electric Plants> <span class="me-username">* <span>Electric Plants</span></span> no have GW2
[11:51] <Electric Plants> :( 
[11:52] <IMCR8Z> @Coach: Unfortunately, no. I don't have an Xbox One or PS4. However, my friend has one and he's played GW1, so maybe I'll be able to play a bit of the beta tomorrow at his house.
[11:52] <IMCR8Z> *my friend has an Xbox One
[11:52] <CoachSDot> Ok.
[11:52] <IMCR8Z> But I HAVE pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition of the game.
[11:52] <IMCR8Z> On PC