Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/18 September 2015

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[09:59] <AWikiBoy521> @Crazyzombie168
[09:59] <AWikiBoy521> What war?
[09:59] <Charmande red321> grammar war
[09:59] <GarlicGreen1999> and theres a difficulty bar???
[09:59] <Charmande red321> so...
[09:59] <Crazyzombie168> Nothing, was just getting suspious of GarlicGreen's age.
[09:59] <GarlicGreen1999>
[09:59] <Charmande red321> kay
[10:00] <Crazyzombie168> And I still am. But whatever.
[10:00] <GarlicGreen1999>
[10:00] <GarlicGreen1999> they put BwB 5 xD
[10:00] <GarlicGreen1999> the highest there
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> Yeah, now suddenly I don't mind BWB being hard as much.
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> BUT MAH GAWD
[10:01] <GarlicGreen1999> and that zomboss on world map looks shite
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> BWB is still hard.
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> I think its fine.
[10:01] <GarlicGreen1999> hmmhmmm
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> BWB is not though lel.
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> BWB is Big Wave WHY
[10:02] <Crazyzombie168> I still hate WW more xD
[10:02] <GarlicGreen1999> spore shroom plant food op much
[10:02] <Crazyzombie168> Fuck minecarts.
[10:02] <GarlicGreen1999>
[10:02] <GarlicGreen1999> dafuq is this
[10:02] <GarlicGreen1999> lame
[10:02] <Crazyzombie168> Yeah, Spore-shrooms PF does an insta-kill worth of damage.
[10:02] <Crazyzombie168> Not on a garg, but still.
[10:03] <GarlicGreen1999> the only thing i like is the Green selection thing
[10:03] <Crazyzombie168> Not its a Pepper-Pult PF and make more plants PF COMBINED.
[10:03] <Crazyzombie168> The boss was still awesome.
[10:03] <GarlicGreen1999> im gonna hate this zomboss
[10:04] <Charmande red321> hiya
[10:04] <Crazyzombie168> I wuv it
[10:04] <Crazyzombie168> Anyways
[10:04] <Pinkgirl234> Finallt=y
[10:04] <GarlicGreen1999> its wierd xD
[10:04] <Pinkgirl234> Just imported scripts to log chat
[10:05] <GarlicGreen1999> new glitter zombie thing
[10:06] <GarlicGreen1999> try premiums with coins
[10:07] <Lolwutburger> oh no
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> I'm sad now
[10:08] <Charmande red321> ohai MK
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> my bunny died
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> rip bunny
[10:08] <MysteryKing> Is Side B out yet?
[10:08] <MysteryKing> I want to hack the heck out of it.
[10:08] <Charmande red321> what bunny
[10:09] <Pinkgirl234> Hi! o/ 
[10:09] <Charmande red321> hai PVZ
[10:09] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> my pet bunny
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> the one mentioned in my milestone blogposts
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> Bunny's dead
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> RIP
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> At least she had a proper burial
[10:11] <Charmande red321> when is death
[10:11] <Pinkgirl234> Guys
[10:11] <Lolwutburger> earlier today
[10:12] <Pinkgirl234> look what I made for [[User:Someon456|Somepai]] last night.
[10:12] <Pinkgirl234> Woops * [[User:Someone456|Somepai]]
[10:13] <AWikiBoy521> More like Sompai.
[10:13] <Pinkgirl234> Here! ^^
[10:13] <Crazyzombie168> You have a crush on someone or something?
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> WHat?!
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> No no. He's just one of my senpais
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[10:14] <Lolwutburger> I was offered a hug by the best friend of the girl that I like, but I declined
[10:14] <Crazyzombie168> Yep, you have the hots for him.
[10:14] <Lolwutburger> I don't want to hug anyone in public
[10:14] <Crazyzombie168> Well I have a crush on ADVENT so
[10:14] <Crazyzombie168> Yeah
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> Aw heck na! D:<
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok, I think we have way to deal with hair metal garg now
[10:15] <Pinkgirl234> Someone is only mah senpai! >:3
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> yay
[10:15] <Crazyzombie168> Remove him from the level? :P 
[10:15] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[10:15] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah, Na.
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Infi nut can block his sonic blast
[10:15] <Pinkgirl234> Alongside [[User:Brainulator9|Brainpai]]
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Even when the hologram is on
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Off
[10:15] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwutburger
[10:15] <AWikiBoy521> Good for you actually.
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> The base is invicible against sonic blast, but can still block it
[10:16] <Crazyzombie168> I think removing him from the level is a better stratergy.
[10:16] <AWikiBoy521> Not all hugs are meant to be done on public.
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> So a column of infi nut can fully defend you from sonic boom
[10:16] <Crazyzombie168> Better plan.
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Meh thatls cheating CZ
[10:16] <Crazyzombie168> Replace them with (jester) s
[10:16] <Crazyzombie168> :3
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> That's cheating :p 
[10:17] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[10:17] <Crazyzombie168> So?
[10:17] <Crazyzombie168> Not really
[10:17] <Crazyzombie168> You are replacing a threat with another threat
[10:17] <Pinkgirl234> [[User talk:Someone456#I can.27t help but]]...
[10:17] <Pinkgirl234> There goes the message I sent..
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Jesters are much easier to dealt with
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Deal
[10:17] <Crazyzombie168> Still a threat.
[10:18] <Crazyzombie168> Ok fine, what about (wizard) s then?
[10:18] <Insert Your Name Here> That's more like it
[10:18] <Insert Your Name Here> :) 
[10:18] <Crazyzombie168> Nah, jesters.
[10:18] <Crazyzombie168> Jesters are bai
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyway infinut can block (sonic) 
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> So once again infi jut is the solution to everything
[10:19] <Crazyzombie168> Well I think it might be a glitch, so thats cheating to :P 
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a feature not a bug
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> Heheheh
[10:19] <Crazyzombie168> How do you know?
[10:19] <Crazyzombie168> 
[10:19] <Charmande red321> >tries to catch on to what's happening in pvz2
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> I finally did Sunflower
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> AAM will be pissed
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> jk
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> I made the model though
[10:19] <Lolwutburger>
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> It's in the game so it's a feature
[10:20] <Lolwutburger> you can now mess with Sunflower in Adobe Flash
[10:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Modding the obb is not in the game
[10:20] <Insert Your Name Here> :p 
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> So that means 
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> The zen garden thing
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> Is also a feature
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> So thats a better startergy.
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> Oh ok.
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> I see.
[10:20] <Pinkgirl234> My exams
[10:20] <Pinkgirl234> are finally done
[10:21] <Charmande red321> good4u i guess
[10:21] <Pinkgirl234> Yah
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> yay
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> mine starts in October
[10:21] <Pinkgirl234> But Science exams was a pain in the tail!!
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> and just as Marty McFly comes to 2015
[10:21] <Pinkgirl234> We're into Physics now!
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> damn assholes timing the exams
[10:21] <Charmande red321> since i suck at poetry
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> on back to the future day
[10:21] <Charmande red321> my english grades are really low
[10:22] <Charmande red321> hi tho
[10:22] <Pinkgirl234> @Charmande I can teach you poetry
[10:22] <Crazyzombie168> Explains your grammar.
[10:22] <Pinkgirl234> if you like
[10:22] <Crazyzombie168> xD
[10:22] <Charmande red321> if i like
[10:22] <Lolwutburger> Basically, instead of reviewing for the 22th, I'll be watching Back to the Future
[10:22] <Lolwutburger> hell
[10:22] <Lolwutburger> I should be watching BTTF now
[10:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Or you can (thymewarp) 
[10:22] <Charmande red321> i dun goofd at english graham
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> For more time to cram
[10:23] <Charmande red321> hiya Snappy
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> You should have studied in the first place to be honesy
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Honest
[10:23] <Pinkgirl234> @Inset Is college tomorrow now?
[10:23] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Snappy! o/ 
[10:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes
[10:24] <Pinkgirl234> I hope you have fun
[10:24] <SnappyDragon> Hi
[10:24] <Pinkgirl234> I always keep hearing how college can be hard
[10:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Hope so
[10:24] <SnappyDragon> i told my crush that i like her
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> She said that she thinks of me as her brother....
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> Dayum
[10:25] <Insert Your Name Here> I picked the slightly easier top tier school
[10:25] <Pinkgirl234> :( 
[10:25] <Lolwutburger> Hehey
[10:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Friendzoned
[10:25] <Pinkgirl234> Dang Snappy
[10:25] <Lolwutburger> It's HMC's birthday today
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> And the bad news is i texted her about it
[10:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Hahaha
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> Text message
[10:25] <Charmande red321> HMC's bday is tday?
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> i got paranoid and deleted the messenger ap
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> app
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> im redownloading it
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> data erased phewph
[10:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Too late
[10:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Now the entire internet knows that you just got friendzoned.
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> I like her..... She doesnt like me
[10:26] <Insert Your Name Here> The internet is forever
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> Brozoned...
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> FUCK FUCK FUCK
[10:26] <Charmande red321> *im just gonna think about my face covered in mites*
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> me too brah
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> my heart has been broken
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> me too
[10:27] <Charmande red321> [[w:c:pokemon::Escape Rope|use this]]
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> First heartbreak....
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> oooo coool
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> I haven't told my crush yet
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> my crush first thought i was given a dare
[10:27] <Insert Your Name Here> I suggest that we salute for the lost of comrade snappydragon
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> I mean, she's one of the few girls I'm nice to
[10:27] <Insert Your Name Here> He fought so hard.
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> I dunno how the fuck i sent the message
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> i was so scared
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> i resume school on tuesday
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> We got a 5 day holiday
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> for ganesh chaturthi
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> I am afraid
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> what will she say on tuesday
[10:28] <Lolwutburger> i bet aam likes the conker's bad fur day sunflower
[10:28] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> Friend zone is walledwith thorns
[10:29] <Lolwutburger>
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> i knew that she thinks of me as her brother
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> but still i told her that i like her
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> i just wanted her to know
[10:29] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs everyone
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> (Cactus) (roseswordsman) 
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> (spikeweed) (spikerock) 
[10:30] <Charmande red321> * Everyone hugs back
[10:30] <SnappyDragon> Im heart broken
[10:30] <Charmande red321> wb Brony
[10:30] <Crazyzombie168> PM&M's
[10:30] <SnappyDragon> i got enough adrenaline to run a few miles
[10:30] <SnappyDragon> I ll use it up soon
[10:30] <Lolwutburger> imma be doing something else for a while
[10:30] <Lolwutburger> so brb
[10:30] <Pinkgirl234> He seems to be lagging
[10:30] <SnappyDragon> Bye
[10:30] <Charmande red321> ey Retro
[10:31] <RetroBowser> ey
[10:31] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Retro
[10:31] <RetroBowser> Bluestacks is a piece of crap software
[10:31] <Pinkgirl234> Browser &gt;:D 
[10:31] <Charmande red321> wb Issa
[10:31] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Pepsi!
[10:31] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs her
[10:31] <Lolwutburger> incognito mode is one of chrome's best features
[10:34] <MysteryKing> WELCOME TO FOOD FIGHT!
[10:34] <MysteryKing> I
[10:34] <Charmande red321> wb MK
[10:34] <MysteryKing> I'm your host, MK!
[10:34] <MysteryKing> We have our 2 contestants!
[10:34] <MysteryKing> and Lolwut!
[10:34] <MysteryKing> and Char!
[10:34] <Pinkgirl234> I am chilling to the music on my profile
[10:34] <Lolwutburger> but imma doin it
[10:34] <Pepsicola45> Foodfight, 0/0
[10:34] <Lolwutburger> in incognito
[10:34] <Lolwutburger> get someone else
[10:34] <MysteryKing> FIRST FOOD CHALLENGE.
[10:34] <MysteryKing> MAKE ME
[10:34] <Lolwutburger> i'm "busy"
[10:34] <Crazyzombie168> LWB, pm?
[10:34] <Crazyzombie168> Plz
[10:34] <MysteryKing> ICE CREAM!
[10:34] <MysteryKing> NOW
[10:34] <Crazyzombie168> Sarry
[10:34] <MysteryKing> FIGHT FOR THE FWED!
[10:34] <Lolwutburger> *gets dairy*
[10:35] <Lolwutburger> also PM is broken for me
[10:35] <Lolwutburger> everytime I try sending a message, it doesn't appear
[10:36] <Lolwutburger> oh wait
[10:36] <Lolwutburger> I said dairy
[10:36] <Pinkgirl234> I read fwed as weed
[10:36] <Lolwutburger> heheheheheheh
[10:36] <Pinkgirl234> Honestly
[10:36] <Lolwutburger> I'm macing ice cream right now if you know what i mean
[10:44] <SnappyDragon> Has 1million something people... And no one has a crush on me
[10:44] <Pinkgirl234> One time I was a drama theater. This was in our school
[10:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> is....better.
[10:44] <Pinkgirl234> After the play ended 3 guys from another school asked for my nu,ber
[10:44] <Pinkgirl234> And I was like "Uhhh. No thanks."
[10:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> hugs Pinkgirl234 even tighter like a tiger!
[10:44] <Charmande red321> nu,ber
[10:44] <Charmande red321> a hint to a new game
[10:44] <Pinkgirl234> * number
[10:45] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs WikiBoy tighter and tighter like a snake &gt;:D 
[10:45] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> hugs them both till they cant breathe
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> Do you have a cellphone during that time in any location?
[10:46] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> suffocates and dies
[10:46] <Pinkgirl234> @WikiBoy Yes
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> @Charmande red321
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> Uh, I'll freeze you instead.
[10:46] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> thaws out
[10:46] <Pinkgirl234> Godmo--jk :P 
[10:46] <Charmande red321> [luckily this aint gen 1]
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> Some boys these days....
[10:47] <AWikiBoy521> It's not likely that a boy after he done a play have some girls that ask for his number.
[10:47] <Pinkgirl234> Correction though
[10:48] <Pinkgirl234> These boys were from another school and many schools we were the play together
[10:48] <GarlicGreen1999> dafuq is gogle
[10:48] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, if Pinkgirl234 would tell those guys her number, she would say "234".
[10:48] <Pinkgirl234> XD
[10:48] <AWikiBoy521> With, "Here's my number.".
[10:48] <Charmande red321> i see
[10:48] <Pinkgirl234> @AWikiBoy521 You just got me there! :P 
[10:48] <Charmande red321> apparently
[10:48] <Charmande red321> 2 is the most common number
[10:49] <Pinkgirl234> How so?
[10:49] <Charmande red321> have u not seen it yet
[10:49] <AWikiBoy521> Oh yeah, 2.
[10:50] <Pinkgirl234> Because 321 and 234?
[10:50] <Charmande red321> 521
[10:50] <Pinkgirl234> :O I jut realized something!s
[10:50] <Pinkgirl234> I got 234. Somepai has 456
[10:50] <Charmande red321> what
[10:51] <Charmande red321> oh ok
[10:51] <Pinkgirl234> I lead a username number generation confirmed!
[10:51] <Pinkgirl234> :P 
[10:51] <Charmande red321> but what happened to one
[10:51] <Charmande red321> oh 1 is more common than 2
[10:52] <Charmande red321> wb Snappy
[10:52] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[10:52] <AWikiBoy521> Coincidence? I don't think so.
[10:52] <Pinkgirl234> Oh really? :P 
[10:52] <SnappyDragon> Im crying
[10:52] <Charmande red321> cry more
[10:52] <SnappyDragon> my heart is in millions of pieces
[10:52] <Charmande red321> it makes you calmer later actually
[10:52] <GarlicGreen1999> spoke to zackscott :) 
[10:53] <GarlicGreen1999> life = 100% done
[10:53] <Charmande red321> k good4u
[10:53] <GarlicGreen1999> mayeb 99%
[10:53] <SnappyDragon> im gonna w8 until tuesday to see what she says
[10:53] <GarlicGreen1999> maybe*
[10:53] <AWikiBoy521> 456-234= 222
[10:53] <AWikiBoy521> There are three 2s.
[10:53] <AWikiBoy521> There's three sides in an Illuminati.
[10:53] <AWikiBoy521> 
[10:53] <AWikiBoy521> Pinkgirl234 = Illuminati confirmed
[10:53] <Pinkgirl234> Nope
[10:53] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> burns Illumianti
[10:53] <SnappyDragon> I know why she doesnt like me
[10:53] <Pinkgirl234> I hate that society
[10:53] <Charmande red321> but what if
[10:53] <Pepsicola45> You'll never know.
[10:53] <Charmande red321> Illuminati is Pinkgirl234
[10:53] <SnappyDragon> i said illuminati is in the physics textbok
[10:54] <GarlicGreen1999> but illuminate isnt pinkgirl
[10:54] <GarlicGreen1999> so (n) 
[10:54] <SnappyDragon> Jk
[10:54] <Pinkgirl234> Thanks Garlic
[10:54] <SnappyDragon> i make foolish jokes
[10:54] <Pinkgirl234> You are awesome ^^
[10:54] <GarlicGreen1999> np
[10:54] <SnappyDragon> i know why she doesnt like me
[10:54] <Pepsicola45> The police had the word "illuminati" in their vests near a Chinese restaurant once
[10:54] <AWikiBoy521> Then....
[10:54] <AWikiBoy521> Illuminati = Pinkgirl234 confirmed
[10:54] <SnappyDragon> i got a bit too friendly in the grade i met her...
[10:54] <GarlicGreen1999> Magnet shroom and 8bit bucket :) 
[10:55] <Pepsicola45> SCREW KILLING EDGES
[10:55] <SnappyDragon> she thought of me as a brother thats why
[10:55] <Pinkgirl234> Illumimate =/= Pinkgirl234
[10:55] <Pinkgirl234> However....
[10:55] <Pinkgirl234> Pinkgirl234 rekts WIkiBoy = Awesome rekting boss
[10:55] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[10:55] <AWikiBoy521> Illumimate, m8
[10:55] <Pinkgirl234> * Illuminati
[10:56] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[10:56] <Charmande red321> but what if i eliminate all of you
[10:57] <Pinkgirl234> Nah you can't 
[10:57] <Pinkgirl234> Cuz I is boss
[10:57] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[10:57] <Charmande red321> because
[10:57] <Charmande red321> he can
[10:57] <AWikiBoy521> You is Grammar.
[10:57] <Charmande red321> and you can't
[10:57] <Pinkgirl234> Oh really? :P 
[10:57] <Charmande red321> but
[10:57] <Charmande red321> it was me
[10:58] <Charmande red321> so this conversation means stupid
[10:58] <Insert Your Name Here> Wut
[10:58] <Charmande red321> wb Snappy et al Insert
[10:59] <SnappyDragon> Pim heartbroken
[10:59] <SnappyDragon> im gonna be a person with a :/ on face all day
[10:59] <Pepsicola45> Hello
[10:59] <SnappyDragon> especially tuesday
[10:59] <Insert Your Name Here> How would you guy rate nmt?
[10:59] <SnappyDragon> Shit
[10:59] <SnappyDragon> i havent even completed pt 1
[11:00] <SnappyDragon> its too boring
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> I would say that nmt is a really nice world
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> It really made me create incredily ill sounding but working strategies
[11:01] <Charmande red321> i rate it with no water
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> Plus rock is awesome
[11:01] <Pepsicola45> Too bad
[11:02] <SnappyDragon> Hey
[11:02] <SnappyDragon> guys 
[11:02] <Pepsicola45> Welcome back.
[11:02] <SnappyDragon> help me spend time without being bored
[11:02] <Pepsicola45> I'm playing FE 6 to redo my crappy playthrough, so I can't.
[11:02] <SnappyDragon> im going to be bored with anything bcuz i have no feeling
[11:02] <SnappyDragon> feelings
[11:02] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[11:02] <SnappyDragon> i lived through a heartbreak
[11:03] <Pepsicola45> I'm actually bothering to use the others and not use Cecilia.
[11:03] <Pepsicola45> You haven't even talked to her yet.
[11:03] <RetroBowser> Ello
[11:03] <RetroBowser> Bluestacks is a piece o crap
[11:03] <SnappyDragon> I go to the classes where my crush's friend comes too
[11:03] <SnappyDragon> Best friend*
[11:03] <Insert Your Name Here> What game was that pepsi
[11:03] <Pepsicola45> Fire Emblem 6
[11:03] <Insert Your Name Here> I agree bowser
[11:03] <SnappyDragon> So she may ask me about 2day
[11:03] <Insert Your Name Here> Blazing sword? Never tried it
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> And never wi
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Will
[11:04] <Pepsicola45> Binding Blade
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh right
[11:04] <Pinkgirl234> Hmmm
[11:04] <GarlicGreen1999> 9Teez Emu 1.2 comes out next week
[11:04] <GarlicGreen1999> :D 
[11:05] <Pinkgirl234> Test
[11:06] <RetroBowser> No
[11:06] <RetroBowser> Bluestacks runs fine
[11:06] <RetroBowser> without lag for me
[11:06] <RetroBowser> it's just that it isn't good at all
[11:06] <Pepsicola45> Hopefully it should play 2000-2002 GB games
[11:07] <RetroBowser> Also
[11:07] <RetroBowser> I find that it reduces button pressability and forces me to click at the bottom of in game buttons for them to be "clicked on"
[11:07] <RetroBowser> so instead of me being able to click in the middle of seed packets
[11:07] <RetroBowser> I need to touch the far bottom of the seed packet
[11:08] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> listens to music in SoundCloud
[11:09] <RetroBowser> good thing tho. I'm on NMT day 27
[11:09] <RetroBowser> 28**
[11:09] <RetroBowser> and greatest hits level 4
[11:10] <Pinkgirl234> How much of a PvZ expert are you RetroBowser ?
[11:12] <RetroBowser> I'm good at strategy games in general
[11:12] <Pinkgirl234> test
[11:12] <RetroBowser> Now that I got bluestacks I might as well record some video gameplay
[11:13] <Pinkgirl234> You got a YT channel?
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> back
[11:14] <Pinkgirl234> And chat logged again
[11:14] <RetroBowser> I do have a youtube channel. Haven't used it in a while
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> lemme sub to ya
[11:15] <RetroBowser> Plan to 
[11:15] <RetroBowser>
[11:15] <RetroBowser> Mostly me doing what retro gamers do :P 
[11:15] <RetroBowser> my last video was me quickly going thru some super mario bros 3 levels
[11:16] <RetroBowser> showing my love for speedrunning mario levels and why I called myself RetroBowser 
[11:16] <Pinkgirl234> :O 
[11:16] <Pinkgirl234> WIntah!
[11:16] <WintahMhelon18> Heyyo guys!
[11:16] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> glomps him
[11:16] <WintahMhelon18> * glomps back
[11:16] <WintahMhelon18> brb, dinner time
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> brb dinner
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> I gotta rewrite more l
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Plant strat
[11:19] <Insert Your Name Here> And I hope no one will call me out on this
[11:20] <Charmande red321> k what happened
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> seriously though
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> I should manage the PvZ twitter
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> whoever managing it right now is just posting non PvZ stuff
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm trying to rewrite planr strats
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> some day ago, they posted information about a dating site
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Or you can do stuff like the sonic twitter
[11:21] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> turns off her AFK mode
[11:23] <Pinkgirl234> UG! *hugs him*
[11:23] <RetroBowser> If you plant to rewrite strategy sections7
[11:23] <RetroBowser> [[Glitter Zombie]]
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> UG, do you know who manages the PvZ wiki twitter?
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> I have a few things to say to him/her
[11:23] <Uselessguy> * hugz Pinkgirl
[11:23] <RetroBowser> Glitter Zombie and MC-ZombB 
[11:24] <RetroBowser> New strategy format
[11:24] <RetroBowser> very effective :P 
[11:24] <Uselessguy> No @Lolwut
[11:24] <RetroBowser> guys
[11:24] <RetroBowser> me hacking pokemon emerald &gt;:D 
[11:24] <RetroBowser>
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> The only one who knows the password is TCLP 's brother
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> damn
[11:25] <WintahMhelon18> Back from slow internet
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> and he actually made good posts
[11:25] <RetroBowser> I did some serious hackin back in my day
[11:25] <RetroBowser> xD
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> but when the real TCLP came back, the posts reverted to their crappy government secret shitpost variants
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> brb dinner
[11:26] <Pinkgirl234> Wb WIntah
[11:26] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> glomps him again
[11:26] <RetroBowser>
[11:26] <RetroBowser> thats my best vid for realz &gt;:D 
[11:26] <WintahMhelon18> * glomps back (again)
[11:27] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> pinches his cheeks too
[11:27] <Pinkgirl234> Ya cutey! :3
[11:27] <RetroBowser> wintah x pinkgirl
[11:27] <Pinkgirl234> RetroBowser noh!
[11:27] <RetroBowser> &gt;:D 
[11:28] <Pinkgirl234> >:P
[11:28] <WintahMhelon18> Very funny Retro
[11:28] <Pinkgirl234> Sorry but I got a crush on 3 boys in school
[11:28] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[11:28] <RetroBowser> Nah
[11:29] <RetroBowser> this is funny
[11:29] <RetroBowser>
[11:29] <RetroBowser> my proudest achievement &gt;:D 
[11:30] <Pinkgirl234> * crushes
[11:30] <Pinkgirl234> So I can't be shipped with any user mate. :3
[11:31] <Pinkgirl234> Aw he left. :( 
[11:31] <WintahMhelon18> Man, slow net again
[11:31] <WintahMhelon18> Ya heard that Retro?
[11:31] <RetroBowser> no
[11:31] <RetroBowser> you do not speak in chat
[11:31] <RetroBowser> therefore my ears did not register you speaking
[11:31] <RetroBowser> &gt;:D 
[11:32] <Pinkgirl234> Retro
[11:32] <WintahMhelon18> Ya saw that Retro?
[11:32] <Pinkgirl234> what if I told you
[11:32] <WintahMhelon18> Hi Insert
[11:32] <Pinkgirl234> You did register something?
[11:32] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[11:32] <Insert Your Name Here> You can't really speak here though
[11:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Only type messages
[11:33] <RetroBowser> ^
[11:33] <RetroBowser> My ears registered no noise
[11:33] <WintahMhelon18> Welp
[11:33] <RetroBowser> other than the piano music I am listening to
[11:33] <Pinkgirl234> What about pings
[11:33] <Pinkgirl234> :P 
[11:33] <RetroBowser> Chat hacks disabled
[11:33] <RetroBowser> no pings
[11:33] <Insert Your Name Here> (Pianist) 
[11:33] <RetroBowser> &gt;:D 
[11:33] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> tickles Wintah
[11:33] <WintahMhelon18> * laughs
[11:33] <RetroBowser> awwww
[11:33] <Pinkgirl234> @Retro Then activate them by opening your browser's console
[11:33] <RetroBowser> u 2 so adorable
[11:33] <RetroBowser> &gt;:D 
[11:34] <Pinkgirl234> Retro
[11:34] <RetroBowser> ?
[11:34] <Pinkgirl234> when you were a baby you were adorable too. 
[11:34] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[11:34] <WintahMhelon18> ^
[11:34] <RetroBowser> ye I was
[11:34] <RetroBowser> thanks for noticing
[11:34] <RetroBowser> ^-6
[11:34] <RetroBowser> ^-^**
[11:34] <Pinkgirl234> But not as adorable for now
[11:35] <Pinkgirl234> :[[]]^)
[11:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Whatever.
[11:35] <RetroBowser> @Pinkgirl subjective &gt;:D 
[11:35] <Pinkgirl234> How so? &gt;:D 
[11:35] <RetroBowser> &gt;:D Cuz it's not a fact
[11:36] <PnFforever> hello
[11:36] <RetroBowser> Hello
[11:36] <WintahMhelon18> Hi PnF
[11:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Fact: winter melon is not actually a melon
[11:36] <PnFforever> I test Garlic in FF. Apparently machines are not affected. That would make sense
[11:36] <RetroBowser> Hello, would you like to hear a TCP joke?
[11:36] <Pinkgirl234> Yes it is Retro
[11:37] <Pinkgirl234> You were a cute baby
[11:37] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[11:37] <RetroBowser> unlike you &gt;:D 
[11:38] <RetroBowser> Ooooh
[11:38] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't like garlic in pvz2
[11:38] <Pinkgirl234> Oh really?
[11:39] <Pinkgirl234> Guess what? I am such a porcelain white baby
[11:39] <Pinkgirl234> therefore making me cute too. :3
[11:39] <RetroBowser> wow
[11:39] <Insert Your Name Here> One time i tried it, mc demolished everything
[11:39] <RetroBowser> racist
[11:39] <RetroBowser> bringin colour into this
[11:39] <Pinkgirl234> What? No.
[11:39] <PnFforever> It works in other worlds though....well almost
[11:39] <Pinkgirl234> I am really fair - skinned irl though honestly
[11:40] <RetroBowser> still racist
[11:40] <RetroBowser> using colour
[11:40] <RetroBowser> as a reason why you are "cute"
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> okay
[11:40] <Pinkgirl234> Not really
[11:40] <RetroBowser> ye
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> I'll be back when Family Guy finishes
[11:40] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[11:40] <WintahMhelon18> Wait, I'm thin and have fair skin too
[11:40] <RetroBowser> I quote
[11:40] <RetroBowser> "Guess what? I am such a porcelain white baby
[11:40] <RetroBowser> therefore making me cute too. :3 "
[11:40] <RetroBowser> ^ 
[11:40] <RetroBowser> see
[11:41] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit tumblr
[11:41] <Pinkgirl234> Fun Fact: I was already like that as baby
[11:41] <RetroBowser> again
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> tumblr sucks
[11:41] <RetroBowser> what does colour have anything to do with anything
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> they probably influenced the shitty South Park from yesterday-ish
[11:42] <Pinkgirl234> Hardly anything
[11:42] <RetroBowser> so why'd ya say it
[11:42] <Pinkgirl234> My bad. Sorry.
[11:42] <RetroBowser> K
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> aaaaand cable's out
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> I'm back early
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> look at me
[11:42] <Pinkgirl234> Oh shoot!
[11:42] <Pinkgirl234> I got only 5 mins left!
[11:42] <RetroBowser> lel
[11:43] <RetroBowser> I don't bring me being white into anythin
[11:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Bowser you should try gratis hits
[11:43] <RetroBowser> cuz I don't use it as anythin
[11:43] <RetroBowser> @IYNH I did
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> Bye Pinkgirl after 5 mins
[08:32] <Insert Your Name Here> I thought it was about a bunch of robot trying to kill a boy?
[08:33] <Charmande red321> i would laugh if the enemies were chuck e. cheese animatronics
[08:35] <Insert Your Name Here> MMO tends to get stale after a while
[08:35] <Insert Your Name Here> But why is this thing still living?
[08:35] <Charmande red321> cuz new game
[08:36] <Charmande red321> its not about staying in the same room for five nights to survive
[08:36] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm not going to say that he is "milking the franchise", as nintendo and EA has been doing that thing for ages
[08:37] <Insert Your Name Here> But I'll say that he is a bit too... eager
[08:38] <Charmande red321> fnaf
[08:38] <Charmande red321> meant for higher ages
[08:38] <Charmande red321> hai
[08:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Going to play stuff now
[08:39] <Charmande red321> gonna waste 8 hours of my life
[08:39] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[08:40] <Charmande red321> 3 steps of climbing on stairs
[08:45] <Lolwutburger> lol
[08:45] <Lolwutburger> a fnaf fan gets pissed
[08:45] <Lolwutburger>
[08:46] <Charmande red321> lelkay
[08:47] <Charmande red321> what he didnt realized that the fnaf story ended
[08:47] <AWikiBoy521> Gets banned.
[08:47] <AWikiBoy521> *slow clap*
[08:48] <Charmande red321> wait what is the definition of autism?
[08:48] <Charmande red321> *inb4 uses google*
[08:51] <Lolwutburger> oooh gtg
[08:51] <Lolwutburger> I'll be back later
[08:51] <Lolwutburger> so bbl
[08:59] <EMPeachy4> NEW TRAILER?!!!
[09:00] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[09:00] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[09:01] <Lolwutburger> guys
[09:01] <Lolwutburger> I found Sun gun
[09:01] <Lolwutburger> [[File:Sungun.png]]
[09:03] <AWikiBoy521> LoL
[09:07] <EMPeachy4> ;-;
[09:11] <AWikiBoy521> MeeM
[09:11] <Crazyzombie168> (phatbeet) 
[09:11] <Crazyzombie168> Finally
[09:11] <Crazyzombie168> (celery) 
[09:11] <Crazyzombie168> (thymewarp) 
[09:11] <Crazyzombie168> (punkzombie) 
[09:11] <Crazyzombie168> (impunk) 
[09:11] <Crazyzombie168> (hair metal gargantuar) 
[09:12] <Crazyzombie168> (MC) 
[09:12] <Crazyzombie168> (glitterzombie) 
[09:12] <Crazyzombie168> Testing
[09:14] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[09:14] <Charmande red321> soup
[09:15] <Charmande red321> how many potatoes were arrested
[09:16] <GarlicGreen1999> yay another day of no school :) 
[09:16] <GarlicGreen1999> next week no school too!
[09:16] <Charmande red321> well good4u then
[09:23] <GarlicGreen1999> (y) 
[09:23] <GarlicGreen1999> jelly
[09:23] <AWikiBoy521> Ain't jelly,
[09:23] <AWikiBoy521> Just Jam.
[09:27] <GarlicGreen1999> k
[09:27] <GarlicGreen1999> Strawburst Jam taste good just that it will give you explosive diarrhoea
[09:28] <Brainulator9> hilo
[09:29] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[09:31] <Brainulator9> Why do we keep having those fucking threads every two weeks?
[09:32] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[09:32] <AWikiBoy521> History repeats....
[09:32] <AWikiBoy521> ....always repeats....
[09:32] <AWikiBoy521> ....must oppose it again....
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Brainulator9 , your avatar kinda fits to your reaction to that thread.
[09:36] <AWikiBoy521> Randomly watching Board James.
[09:37] <AWikiBoy521> ..and there's always AGVN in it.
[09:37] <Brainulator9> I closed the thread because it hasn't been a month yet.
[09:38] <AWikiBoy521> Thanks.
[09:40] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[09:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh the profanity thread has been closed huh
[09:40] <Charmande red321> huh
[09:41] <Charmande red321> human evolution
[09:41] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm sure that issue has been brought up several times.
[09:41] <Insert Your Name Here> That one time when the profanity ban was lifted, all chat went to heck
[09:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Good thing we are restraining ourselves now.
[09:43] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> I leaked Sungun
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> [[File:Sungun.png]]
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> yay
[09:44] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[09:44] <Lolwutburger> and best of all, I beat ThatYoshi8 on posting it on the roleplay thread
[09:44] <Lolwutburger> muhahahahahaha
[09:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Hahaha
[09:45] <Brainulator9> Draw sunpod and kiwibeast
[09:45] <Insert Your Name Here> You can sue him for using your stuff without premission :) 
[09:45] <Lolwutburger> Sunpod could be next
[09:45] <Lolwutburger> hmmm
[09:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Just do something like a peapod
[09:47] <Insert Your Name Here> With 5 sunflower head or something
[09:47] <Lolwutburger> I should probably try animating Zombies on your Lawn with my new Sunflower model
[09:47] <Insert Your Name Here> I think that has been done before, but I can't remember
[09:47] <Lolwutburger> hehehe
[09:48] <Crazyzombie168> Nuuu. brainy died
[09:49] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[09:50] <GarlicGreen1999> My Omnitrix is red :| 
[09:50] <GarlicGreen1999> i thought it didnt do that anymore
[09:51] <Charmande red321> *yawns*
[09:51] <GarlicGreen1999> its in its greatest form
[09:51] <GarlicGreen1999> now im bored :| 
[09:51] <Crazyzombie168> Wat
[09:52] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> flies in
[09:52] <GarlicGreen1999> i cant transform or do anything, i think its broken
[09:52] <GarlicGreen1999> i think ill Ru-Hologram someone
[09:52] <Crazyzombie168> <span class="me-username">* <span>Crazyzombie168</span></span> kills pinkgirl with shrooms lelelelel mlg 360 no scoop mlg scrub 
[09:52] <Crazyzombie168> What
[09:53] <Crazyzombie168> Did I just type
[09:53] <Charmande red321> ohey pink
[09:53] <Pinkgirl234> :O 
[09:53] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> rekts Crazyzombie in revenge >:3
[09:53] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Charmy-man! &gt;:D 
[09:53] <GarlicGreen1999> k
[09:53] <Charmande red321> that was actually my old alias
[09:54] <Crazyzombie168> <span class="me-username">* <span>Crazyzombie168</span></span> uses the power of.... something to get unrekt. Then everyone was happy. the end.
[09:54] <Charmande red321> [s]but how did you know tho[/s]
[09:54] <Crazyzombie168> Nuff said.
[09:54] <Crazyzombie168> Anyways
[09:54] <GarlicGreen1999> i need more lego :| 
[09:54] <Crazyzombie168> ....
[09:54] <Crazyzombie168> Urr
[09:54] <Crazyzombie168> Ok, now I am age suspicious.
[09:55] <Charmande red321> to OnionLight there?
[09:55] <GarlicGreen1999> so your saying 14 year olds cant play with lego :| 
[09:55] <GarlicGreen1999> i can do what i want
[09:55] <Charmande red321> mkay
[09:55] <GarlicGreen1999> i like building
[09:55] <Crazyzombie168> I am not saying that
[09:55] <GarlicGreen1999> Lego is cool man, i built i giant town 
[09:56] <Crazyzombie168> Its just not everyday you see that. And the fact that your grammar is not that great.
[09:56] <Charmande red321> i dont think everyone is perfect
[09:56] <Crazyzombie168> Well I am always hunting for underaged people in chat.
[09:56] <GarlicGreen1999> my grammar? wow my grammar is perfect probably better than yours, unless your american then you obviously spell worlds differently
[09:57] <Charmande red321> she's australian
[09:57] <GarlicGreen1999> 2 Words ( Dont Judge )
[09:57] <GarlicGreen1999> Australian use american words and spellings
[09:57] <Charmande red321> [but still technically australian]
[09:57] <Charmande red321> k nuff sed
[09:58] <Crazyzombie168> Wow, you said your grammar is probably better than mine, when I am using commas and full stops.
[09:58] <Crazyzombie168> :L
[09:58] <Crazyzombie168> :l
[09:58] <Pinkgirl234> Boo!
[09:58] <Charmande red321> Pika
[09:58] <GarlicGreen1999> i do use commas 
[09:58] <GarlicGreen1999> get it right
[09:58] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[09:58] <Charmande red321> soup
[09:58] <Crazyzombie168> Ok, lets not start a war here.
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> I'm almost finished with the Sunflower model
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> I'll release it later
[09:58] <Charmande red321> ok
[09:58] <Crazyzombie168> I'M AT SOUP!
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> then work on Wall-nut
[09:58] <Pinkgirl234> Hi WIkiBoy
[09:59] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him
[09:59] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> hugs Pinkgirl234 back.
[09:59] <GarlicGreen1999> holy shit, ig has all videos of Side B
[09:59] <GarlicGreen1999> xD
[09:59] <AWikiBoy521> @Crazyzombie168
[09:59] <AWikiBoy521> What war?
[09:59] <Charmande red321> grammar war
[09:59] <GarlicGreen1999> and theres a difficulty bar???
[09:59] <Charmande red321> so...
[09:59] <Crazyzombie168> Nothing, was just getting suspious of GarlicGreen's age.
[09:59] <GarlicGreen1999>
[09:59] <Charmande red321> kay
[10:00] <Crazyzombie168> And I still am. But whatever.
[10:00] <GarlicGreen1999>
[10:00] <GarlicGreen1999> they put BwB 5 xD
[10:00] <GarlicGreen1999> the highest there
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> Yeah, now suddenly I don't mind BWB being hard as much.
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> BUT MAH GAWD
[10:01] <GarlicGreen1999> and that zomboss on world map looks shite
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> BWB is still hard.
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> I think its fine.
[10:01] <GarlicGreen1999> hmmhmmm
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> BWB is not though lel.
[10:01] <Crazyzombie168> BWB is Big Wave WHY
[10:02] <Crazyzombie168> I still hate WW more xD
[10:02] <GarlicGreen1999> spore shroom plant food op much
[10:02] <Crazyzombie168> Fuck minecarts.
[10:02] <GarlicGreen1999>
[10:02] <GarlicGreen1999> lame
[10:03] <Crazyzombie168> The boss was still awesome.
[10:03] <GarlicGreen1999> im gonna hate this zomboss
[10:04] <Charmande red321> hiya
[10:04] <Crazyzombie168> I wuv it
[10:04] <Crazyzombie168> Anyways
[10:04] <Pinkgirl234> Finallt=y
[10:04] <GarlicGreen1999> its wierd xD
[10:04] <Pinkgirl234> Just imported scripts to log chat
[10:05] <GarlicGreen1999> new glitter zombie thing
[10:06] <GarlicGreen1999> try premiums with coins
[10:07] <Lolwutburger> oh no
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> I'm sad now
[10:08] <Charmande red321> ohai MK
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> my bunny died
[10:08] <Lolwutburger> rip bunny
[10:08] <MysteryKing> Is Side B out yet?
[10:08] <MysteryKing> I want to hack the heck out of it.
[10:08] <Charmande red321> what bunny
[10:09] <Pinkgirl234> Hi! o/ 
[10:09] <Charmande red321> hai PVZ
[10:09] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> my pet bunny
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> the one mentioned in my milestone blogposts
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> Bunny's dead
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> RIP
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> At least she had a proper burial
[10:11] <Charmande red321> when is death
[10:11] <Pinkgirl234> Guys
[10:11] <Lolwutburger> earlier today
[10:12] <Pinkgirl234> look what I made for [[User:Someon456|Somepai]] last night.
[10:12] <Pinkgirl234> Woops * [[User:Someone456|Somepai]]
[10:13] <AWikiBoy521> More like Sompai.
[10:13] <Pinkgirl234> Here! ^^
[10:13] <Crazyzombie168> You have a crush on someone or something?
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> WHat?!
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> No no. He's just one of my senpais
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[10:14] <Lolwutburger> I was offered a hug by the best friend of the girl that I like, but I declined
[10:14] <Crazyzombie168> Yep, you have the hots for him.
[10:14] <Lolwutburger> I don't want to hug anyone in public
[10:14] <Crazyzombie168> Well I have a crush on ADVENT so
[10:14] <Crazyzombie168> Yeah
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> Aw heck na! D:<
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok, I think we have way to deal with hair metal garg now
[10:15] <Pinkgirl234> Someone is only mah senpai! >:3
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> yay
[10:15] <Crazyzombie168> Remove him from the level? :P 
[10:15] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[10:15] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah, Na.
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Infi nut can block his sonic blast
[10:15] <Pinkgirl234> Alongside [[User:Brainulator9|Brainpai]]
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Even when the hologram is on
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Off
[10:15] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwutburger
[10:15] <AWikiBoy521> Good for you actually.
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> The base is invicible against sonic blast, but can still block it
[10:16] <Crazyzombie168> I think removing him from the level is a better stratergy.
[10:16] <AWikiBoy521> Not all hugs are meant to be done on public.
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> So a column of infi nut can fully defend you from sonic boom
[10:16] <Crazyzombie168> Better plan.
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Meh thatls cheating CZ
[10:16] <Crazyzombie168> Replace them with (jester) s
[10:16] <Crazyzombie168> :3
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> That's cheating :p 
[10:17] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[10:17] <Crazyzombie168> So?
[10:17] <Crazyzombie168> Not really
[10:17] <Crazyzombie168> You are replacing a threat with another threat
[10:17] <Pinkgirl234> [[User talk:Someone456#I can.27t help but]]...
[10:17] <Pinkgirl234> There goes the message I sent..
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Jesters are much easier to dealt with
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Deal
[10:17] <Crazyzombie168> Still a threat.
[10:18] <Crazyzombie168> Ok fine, what about (wizard) s then?
[10:18] <Insert Your Name Here> That's more like it
[10:18] <Insert Your Name Here> :) 
[10:18] <Crazyzombie168> Nah, jesters.
[10:18] <Crazyzombie168> Jesters are bai
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyway infinut can block (sonic) 
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> So once again infi jut is the solution to everything
[10:19] <Crazyzombie168> Well I think it might be a glitch, so thats cheating to :P 
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a feature not a bug
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> Heheheh
[10:19] <Crazyzombie168> How do you know?
[10:19] <Crazyzombie168> 
[10:19] <Charmande red321> >tries to catch on to what's happening in pvz2
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> I finally did Sunflower
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> AAM will be pissed
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> jk
[10:19] <Lolwutburger> I made the model though
[10:19] <Lolwutburger>
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> It's in the game so it's a feature
[10:20] <Lolwutburger> you can now mess with Sunflower in Adobe Flash
[10:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Modding the obb is not in the game
[10:20] <Insert Your Name Here> :p 
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> So that means 
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> The zen garden thing
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> Is also a feature
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> So thats a better startergy.
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> Oh ok.
[10:20] <Crazyzombie168> I see.
[10:20] <Pinkgirl234> My exams
[10:20] <Pinkgirl234> are finally done
[10:21] <Charmande red321> good4u i guess
[10:21] <Pinkgirl234> Yah
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> yay
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> mine starts in October
[10:21] <Pinkgirl234> But Science exams was a pain in the tail!!
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> and just as Marty McFly comes to 2015
[10:21] <Pinkgirl234> We're into Physics now!
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> damn assholes timing the exams
[10:21] <Charmande red321> since i suck at poetry
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> on back to the future day
[10:21] <Charmande red321> my english grades are really low
[10:22] <Charmande red321> hi tho
[10:22] <Pinkgirl234> @Charmande I can teach you poetry
[10:22] <Crazyzombie168> Explains your grammar.
[10:22] <Pinkgirl234> if you like
[10:22] <Crazyzombie168> xD
[10:22] <Charmande red321> if i like
[10:22] <Lolwutburger> Basically, instead of reviewing for the 22th, I'll be watching Back to the Future
[10:22] <Lolwutburger> hell
[10:22] <Lolwutburger> I should be watching BTTF now
[10:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Or you can (thymewarp) 
[10:22] <Charmande red321> i dun goofd at english graham
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> For more time to cram
[10:23] <Charmande red321> hiya Snappy
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> You should have studied in the first place to be honesy
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Honest
[10:23] <Pinkgirl234> @Inset Is college tomorrow now?
[10:23] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Snappy! o/ 
[10:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes
[10:24] <Pinkgirl234> I hope you have fun
[10:24] <SnappyDragon> Hi
[10:24] <Pinkgirl234> I always keep hearing how college can be hard
[10:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Hope so
[10:24] <SnappyDragon> i told my crush that i like her
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> She said that she thinks of me as her brother....
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> Dayum
[10:25] <Insert Your Name Here> I picked the slightly easier top tier school
[10:25] <Pinkgirl234> :( 
[10:25] <Lolwutburger> Hehey
[10:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Friendzoned
[10:25] <Pinkgirl234> Dang Snappy
[10:25] <Lolwutburger> It's HMC's birthday today
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> And the bad news is i texted her about it
[10:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Hahaha
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> Text message
[10:25] <Charmande red321> HMC's bday is tday?
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> i got paranoid and deleted the messenger ap
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> app
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> im redownloading it
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> data erased phewph
[10:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Too late
[10:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Now the entire internet knows that you just got friendzoned.
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> I like her..... She doesnt like me
[10:26] <Insert Your Name Here> The internet is forever
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> Brozoned...
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> FUCK FUCK FUCK
[10:26] <Charmande red321> *im just gonna think about my face covered in mites*
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> me too brah
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> my heart has been broken
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> me too
[10:27] <Charmande red321> [[w:c:pokemon::Escape Rope|use this]]
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> First heartbreak....
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> oooo coool
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> I haven't told my crush yet
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> my crush first thought i was given a dare
[10:27] <Insert Your Name Here> I suggest that we salute for the lost of comrade snappydragon
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> I mean, she's one of the few girls I'm nice to
[10:27] <Insert Your Name Here> He fought so hard.
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> I dunno how the fuck i sent the message
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> i was so scared
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> i resume school on tuesday
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> We got a 5 day holiday
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> for ganesh chaturthi
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> I am afraid
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> what will she say on tuesday
[10:28] <Lolwutburger> i bet aam likes the conker's bad fur day sunflower
[10:28] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> Friend zone is walledwith thorns
[10:29] <Lolwutburger>
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> i knew that she thinks of me as her brother
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> but still i told her that i like her
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> i just wanted her to know
[10:29] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs everyone
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> (Cactus) (roseswordsman) 
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> (spikeweed) (spikerock) 
[10:30] <Charmande red321> * Everyone hugs back
[10:30] <SnappyDragon> Im heart broken
[10:30] <Charmande red321> wb Brony
[10:30] <Crazyzombie168> PM&M's
[10:30] <SnappyDragon> i got enough adrenaline to run a few miles
[10:30] <SnappyDragon> I ll use it up soon
[10:30] <Lolwutburger> imma be doing something else for a while
[10:30] <Lolwutburger> so brb
[10:30] <Pinkgirl234> He seems to be lagging
[10:30] <SnappyDragon> Bye
[10:30] <Charmande red321> ey Retro
[10:31] <RetroBowser> ey
[10:31] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Retro
[10:31] <RetroBowser> Bluestacks is a piece of crap software
[10:31] <Pinkgirl234> Browser &gt;:D 
[10:31] <Charmande red321> wb Issa
[10:31] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Pepsi!
[10:31] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs her
[10:31] <Lolwutburger> incognito mode is one of chrome's best features
[12:07] <Charmande red321> while chats dead...
[12:08] <Charmande red321>
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> There, recorded chat.
[12:08] <GarlicGreen1999>
[12:09] <RetroBowser> lol
[12:10] <RetroBowser> guys
[12:10] <RetroBowser>
[12:10] <RetroBowser> actually
[12:10] <GarlicGreen1999> wtf :o 
[12:10] <RetroBowser> my darude sandstorm version
[12:10] <RetroBowser>
[12:10] <GarlicGreen1999> Retro
[12:11] <GarlicGreen1999> xD
[12:11] <Charmande red321> lelkay
[12:11] <RetroBowser> guiz
[12:11] <RetroBowser> im gud k?
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Oh OH!
[12:12] <ErnestoAM> Charmy's backgrounf looks nice
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Sup too
[12:12] <Charmande red321> mk thank
[12:12] <Charmande red321> hai Reap n Honesto
[12:13] <Charmande red321> hai Snappy
[12:13] <RetroBowser> best vid
[12:13] <Charmande red321> hai Insert
[12:16] <Charmande red321> how to get rekt at castle levels
[12:16] <RetroBowser> no
[12:16] <AWikiBoy521> Perfect rekt
[12:16] <RetroBowser> you guys wanna know if I'm good at video games?
[12:16] <RetroBowser>
[12:16] <Insert Your Name Here> (Wizard) 
[12:16] <RetroBowser> bm
[12:16] <RetroBowser> bam*
[12:16] <RetroBowser> have fun
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Try playing isaac rebirth without picking up items
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Beat mega stan as the lost
[12:19] <RetroBowser> anyways
[12:19] <RetroBowser> school is bout to start
[12:19] <RetroBowser> I gotta go
[12:19] <Charmande red321> bye then
[12:20] <Lolwutburger> see ya
[12:21] <ErnestoAM> k
[12:21] <Charmande red321> am board
[12:22] <ErnestoAM> mii 2
[12:23] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O 
[12:23] <Charmande red321> dem zombies
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> i'm so fresh you can suck my nuts
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> swag
[12:26] <Lolwutburger> anyway
[12:26] <Lolwutburger> hi everyone who just came
[12:26] <Pepsicola45> Uh....
[12:26] <ErnestoAM> ew
[12:26] <Charmande red321> how about no
[12:27] <Charmande red321> but still hi
[12:27] <Charmande red321> wb ADVENT
[12:28] <Lolwutburger> should I make Wall-nut or Chomper next
[12:28] <Lolwutburger> wallnut to suck or chomper to chomp
[12:28] <Lolwutburger> hmmm
[12:28] <Pepsicola45> CHOMP
[12:29] <Charmande red321> er
[12:29] <Charmande red321> ya Chomper
[12:29] <Lolwutburger> ps the chomper I mean is the one from the Land Before Time
[12:29] <Lolwutburger> JK
[12:30] <ErnestoAM> Sungun is UO
[12:30] <ErnestoAM> It's also a single use.
[12:30] <Pepsicola45> Still ze Chomper
[12:31] <Charmande red321> Sungun sounds like Peaflower
[12:32] <Charmande red321> wb Insert
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Sun gun goes pew die pie
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> :) 
[12:33] <Lolwutburger> Whoa
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok, I'm going to campus tomorrow
[12:33] <Lolwutburger> Chomper has a lot of parts
[12:33] <Lolwutburger> I'll do Wallnut instead
[12:33] <Charmande red321> good luck tomorrow
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> I got my bottle of chili sauce ready
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> I still have to buy some black pen though
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Hope they sell black pen there
[12:34] <ErnestoAM> ok
[12:36] <CyanZombieHead> hive o/ 
[12:36] <CyanZombieHead> 8th
[12:36] <CyanZombieHead> Side B released? o;o
[12:36] <Uselessguy> Yep
[12:36] <CyanZombieHead> WAT
[12:36] <Uselessguy> It is really fun
[12:37] <CyanZombieHead> WHY POPCAP
[12:37] <Lolwutburger> soft release or real release?
[12:37] <CyanZombieHead> wait...
[12:37] <CyanZombieHead> trailer has released?
[12:37] <Uselessguy> The Zomboss battle is the best show for tonight
[12:37] <Charmande red321> hai
[12:37] <Uselessguy> Soft release
[12:37] <CyanZombieHead> soft sucks
[12:37] <Uselessguy> Trailer hasn't been released
[12:38] <CyanZombieHead> I WANT TRAILER NOW!
[12:39] <GarlicGreen1999> back
[12:40] <ErnestoAM> Neon Fetish Tour - IMCR8Z 2015
[12:40] <CyanZombieHead> hive o/ 
[12:40] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[12:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> im literally trying to get the versions.cfg XD
[12:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i got the byte count down
[12:41] <Reapeageddon> I bet 15 bucks if ADVENT can make Punk Zombie activate from 8-bit
[12:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i need to get the offset now
[12:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i definately can
[12:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> but i need to edit it in
[12:41] <CyanZombieHead> will be the stupiest thing ever
[12:41] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[12:41] <Charmande red321> hiya
[12:42] <CyanZombieHead> hive o/ 
[12:42] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> cyanzombiehead. is there anything you dont find stupid :l
[12:42] <Lolwutburger> cool, people are coming
[12:42] <Lolwutburger> hi peoples
[12:42] <Reapeageddon> Himself @ADVENT
[12:43] <CyanZombieHead> YES IS THERE
[12:43] <CyanZombieHead> NMT
[12:43] <Reapeageddon> oh hooray I can re nominate for chat mod
[12:43] <Reapeageddon> but
[12:43] <Reapeageddon> here are my predictions
[12:43] <CyanZombieHead> IS NOT STUPID LIKE U
[12:43] <Reapeageddon> a month where I changed
[12:43] <Reapeageddon> EVERYONE: oppose, u harrased a guy
[12:43] <Reapeageddon> Me: but i CHANGED
[12:43] <Reapeageddon> EVERYONE: no still oppose we never forgive uuuu
[12:43] <CyanZombieHead> worst
[12:43] <CyanZombieHead> chat mod
[12:43] <CyanZombieHead> ever
[12:44] <Reapeageddon> CyanZombieHead, unless you want to look bad to others, better stop- oh he's gone
[12:44] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> excuse me while i waste my time on trying to find the compression start in the obb
[12:44] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> how the hell does zulu do it >.>
[12:44] <Charmande red321> and hes back
[12:44] <Charmande red321> now say it reap
[12:45] <AWikiBoy521> Also, excuse me while i randomly done something in tis wiki.
[12:45] <CyanZombieHead> net everythyme derp
[12:45] <AWikiBoy521> *this
[12:45] <AWikiBoy521> *I
[12:45] <Reapeageddon> CyanZombieHead, unless you want to look bad to others, better stop being rude to others
[12:45] <CyanZombieHead> and..,
[12:45] <Charmande red321> wb Issa
[12:45] <CyanZombieHead> hive o/ 
[12:45] <AWikiBoy521> The past is the past, stop repeating it.
[12:45] <CyanZombieHead> a competent!
[12:46] <Charmande red321> you better let (flygon's be flygons) bygones be bygones