Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/23 January 2016

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[01:45] <Citron Bomb Official> whats next
[01:46] <Bearjedi> RARITY FLOWER!!!
[01:46] <Bearjedi> PLZ
[01:46] <Pinkgirl234> Wait
[01:46] <Pinkgirl234> Is there Rarity Flower--Oh
[01:46] <Bearjedi> [[Unicorn Chomper]]
[01:46] <Pinkgirl234> We should have Pinkie Pie chomper or something. (oh) 
[01:46] <Bearjedi> :D 
[01:46] <Pinkgirl234> :D 
[01:46] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> gives Bearjedi a warm, warm hug
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[01:47] <Pinkgirl234> Ballisticflower!!
[01:47] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> huggy wuggies him
[01:47] <Pinkgirl234> Like my new user chat tag? :4
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> <span class="me-username">* <span>Ballistic Planet</span></span> huggy wuggies back
[01:47] <Pinkgirl234> * :3
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[01:47] <Pinkgirl234> Gradient is best. :) 
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> but since I have my chat in night mode, it's hard for me to see
[01:47] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[01:48] <Pinkgirl234> Ooooh
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet>
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> that's waht I see
[01:48] <Pinkgirl234> Oh.
[01:48] <Pinkgirl234> But for some reason, I see it clearly.
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> welp
[01:48] <Pinkgirl234> Even if your chat bg is in a gray color/
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> it's supposed to black
[01:48] <Ballistic Planet> but it turned into a greyish colour
[01:49] <Citron Bomb Official> eeeeeee
[01:49] <Pinkgirl234> And I am not afraid to try it on my own. ~ Whitney Houston
[01:50] <Pinkgirl234> Gonna play PvZ 2 later.
[01:50] <Ballistic Planet> I'm gonna start a new pokemon Playthrough
[01:50] <Pinkgirl234> @Ballistic Planet Did you know that since you are a Discussion Mod, you can also delete comments?
[01:50] <Ballistic Planet> I just need to find the rules
[01:50] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[01:50] <Ballistic Planet> I do
[01:50] <Ballistic Planet> I foubnd that out when I was on th eJackfruit article
[01:51] <Ballistic Planet> found the Jackfruit*
[01:51] <Ballistic Planet> speaking of which
[01:51] <Ballistic Planet> (Jackfruit) 
[01:51] <Pinkgirl234> I already deleted one a few days ago.
[01:51] <Ballistic Planet> :o 
[01:51] <Ballistic Planet> (newspaper2)
[01:51] <Pinkgirl234> It was off-topic.
[01:51] <Pinkgirl234> AWB! *huggy wuggies him*
[01:51] <Citron Bomb Official> (bloomingheart)
[01:51] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> hugs her back.
[01:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[01:51] <Ballistic Planet> this page [[Plants vs. Zombies 2/Upcoming content#Glitches]]
[01:51] <Ballistic Planet> is full of it
[01:51] <Ballistic Planet> well
[01:52] <Ballistic Planet> / the #Glitches
[01:52] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pear-lita, not again with that Vanilla UserChatTags.</span>
[01:52] <IMCR8Z> (lightning reed) (electric blueberry) Plants vs. Zombies 2: Electric Boogaloo
[01:52] <Pinkgirl234> AWb plz
[01:52] <Pinkgirl234> D-E-A-L with it. &gt;:D 
[01:53] <Ballistic Planet> @IMC (empea) (magnetshroom2) why you leaving us out?
[01:53] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[01:53] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Well, that's how I pronounce "Pearlita".</span>
[01:53] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:53] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[01:53] <Pinkgirl234> Hello peeeps
[01:53] <Pinkgirl234> Guys wanna see my new drawing? ;3
[01:53] <Citron Bomb Official> peenoise
[01:53] <Ballistic Planet> Snapdragon's text is literally impossible for me to read lol
[01:53] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Inb4 someone else links it</span>
[01:54] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">So, is Pearlita now Pear-pult?</span></span>
[01:54] <Ballistic Planet>
[01:54] <Snapdragon717> Really?
[01:54] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> DO I NEED TO MAKE IT BIGGER?</span>
[01:54] <Pinkgirl234> Here it is.
[01:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Now where the heck is she...
[01:54] <Pinkgirl234> I hope ya peeps like it. ;3
[01:54] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nice predict, Pink.</span>
[01:54] <Ballistic Planet> it's fine, pick waht color you want
[01:54] <Snapdragon717> Oh, it's the background.
[01:54] <Ballistic Planet> I'm just saying what I see
[01:54] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Mahburito</span>
[01:54] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him :3
[01:54] <Citron Bomb Official> oa
[01:54] <Ballistic Planet> it's my problem, not yours lol
[01:54] <Murabito> hi ppl
[01:55] <Citron Bomb Official> i need to pee
[01:55] <Murabito> do so quickly
[01:55] <Snapdragon717> [[File:D.png]] Chinese Crazy Dave.
[01:55] <Brainulator9> hilo
[01:55] <Ballistic Planet> Do we have HD pictures for Agave and Snow Cottomn yet?
[01:55] <Ballistic Planet> Cotton*
[01:55] <Pinkgirl234> Bul9 -senpaiiiiii!!!
[01:55] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> tackles Bul9 and hugs him
[01:56] <Citron Bomb Official> how do i add colors to text
[01:56] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[01:56] <Brainulator9> oh come here
[01:56] <Brainulator9> :3
[01:56] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Middle word</span>
[01:56] <Ballistic Planet> I need
[01:56] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> goes to Bul9 
[01:56] <Ballistic Planet> HD pictures for Agave and Snow Cotton
[01:56] <Ballistic Planet> :( 
[01:57] <Ballistic Planet> I like how there's already an HD picture for Jackfruit, yet none for Agave or Snow Cotton
[02:12] <ErnestoAM> but a good bug
[02:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> What white triangle?
[02:13] <ErnestoAM> Dandelion can take down the bug plus the zombie with its PF
[02:13] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[02:13] <ErnestoAM> the Bug Bug
[02:13] <AWikiBoy521> That Triangle is on her right arm.
[02:13] <IMCR8Z> @Mage: (lenny) 
[02:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ah.
[02:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> He's freaking depressed with max depression! Move on, Len!
[02:16] <Ilikeduck!> *Buggy
[02:18] <Ilikeduck!> Daddy? Orr deddy?
[02:18] <Birdpool> modern_allstar
[02:18] <Birdpool> Y U NO HAVE LE TEXTURES YET?!
[02:18] <Snapdragon717> back
[02:19] <ErnestoAM> cuz he's unfinished duh
[02:19] <Ilikeduck!> Yes @Birdpoool
[02:19] <Iamarepeater>
[02:19] <Colgatepony234> Just finished the whole adventure in PvZ
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> Who clicked here
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> *there?
[02:19] <Ilikeduck!> facepalm
[02:20] <Birdpool> well...
[02:20] <Birdpool> maybe I want to mod him into something
[02:20] <Birdpool> -__- 
[02:20] <Ilikeduck!> Sun.
[02:21] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[02:21] <AWikiBoy521> Not me
[02:21] <Mage General Chrysalis> The ponies look cheap.
[02:22] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Just buy them</span>
[02:22] <Mage General Chrysalis> But then again, nothing ends up perfect.
[02:24] <Ilikeduck!> (portal3) 
[02:24] <Murabito> (portal)
[02:24] <Murabito> why
[02:24] <Murabito> (portal1) 
[02:24] <Murabito> oh
[02:25] <AWikiBoy521> (portal3) confirmed
[02:25] <IMCR8Z> (portal4) 
[02:25] <IMCR8Z> (penny) 
[02:25] <Ilikeduck!> (portalx)
[02:25] <Ilikeduck!> x is a number from 1 -?10
[02:25] <Ilikeduck!> *->
[02:25] <ErnestoAM> (portal1) (portal2) (portal3) (portal4) (portal5) (portal6) (portal7) (portal8) (portal9) (portal10) 
[02:25] <IMCR8Z> (portal4) (penny) Back to the Fruiture!
[02:26] <Snapdragon717> I can't even tell which portal is which...
[02:27] <IMCR8Z> (portal1) (portal2) (portal3) (portal4) (portal5) When this baby hits 88 miles per hour... (portal6) (portal7) (portal8) (portal9) (portal10) 
[02:27] <Murabito> MD must be a ref to Back to the Future
[02:27] <Birdpool> *spawns (portal6) on every tile
[02:28] <Murabito> no
[02:28] <Birdpool> why ref?
[02:28] <Birdpool> er
[02:28] <Birdpool> how?
[02:28] <IMCR8Z> (poncho zombie) (prospector zombie) (portal3) 
[02:28] <ErnestoAM> don't spam
[02:28] <Snapdragon717> (portal10) Least threatening portal.
[02:28] <ErnestoAM> oh no
[02:28] <ErnestoAM> I did too :( 
[02:28] <ErnestoAM> ;( 
[02:28] <Murabito> [[Thread:538553#3]]
[02:28] <Murabito> pls vote
[02:29] <Murabito> portals are all threatening when they spawn right in the middle of your defenses
[02:29] <ErnestoAM> [[Thread:538629]]
[02:29] <ErnestoAM> Can some close this thread
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> Besides, PurplePI isn't innocent and was made by MiroPod...
[02:30] <Murabito> should we
[02:30] <Murabito> uh
[02:30] <Murabito> ask him on coc wiki
[02:30] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[02:30] <AWikiBoy521> He isn't active in that wiki anymore.
[02:30] <Murabito> highlighted it
[02:30] <Murabito> oops
[02:30] <Murabito> my b
[02:31] <ErnestoAM> Can you klowdarken it instead?
[02:31] <AWikiBoy521> It's okay
[02:31] <ErnestoAM> lowdarken*
[02:31] <Iamarepeater> Murabito ?
[02:31] <Ilikeduck!> It is suck when I don't have enough mainspace edits.
[02:31] <IMCR8Z> Where We're Going We Don't Need Lawns! - Complete Modern Day (portal4) 
[02:32] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[02:32] <Murabito> *it sucks
[02:32] <Murabito> learn engrish
[02:32] <Birdpool> ConditionsRemovedByWarping†ý&‘‘.‘’.‘“.‘”...bleeding..lightning..rush..speedup1..speedup2..speedup3..speedup4..tossed
[02:32] <Birdpool> Bleeding
[02:32] <Birdpool> BLEEDING
[02:33] <Birdpool> WTF
[02:33] <Ilikeduck!> I am not good at English, either :p 
[02:33] <Murabito> vietnameses are bad at foreign language
[02:33] <Ilikeduck!> Where Birdpool ?
[02:33] <Murabito> I am a notable exception
[02:33] <ErnestoAM> You racist
[02:33] <Murabito> :3
[02:34] <Ilikeduck!> Murabito (facepalm) 
[02:34] <Ilikeduck!> Are you sure?
[02:34] <Ilikeduck!> -_-
[02:34] <Murabito> in general
[02:34] <AWikiBoy521> Well some of them are good with English.
[02:34] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Ins[[]]ert?</span>
[02:34] <Ilikeduck!> That 's better. -_- (facepalm) 
[02:35] <Birdpool> Obviously I found it in (thyme) 's code -___-
[02:35] <Murabito> you usually have to learn it at an incredibly young age to be proficient with it
[02:35] <Birdpool> @Duck
[02:35] <CitronFire3> huh
[02:35] <Murabito> usually right after you learn how to read
[02:35] <Ilikeduck!> Nuliffy "bleed" ?
[02:36] <Murabito> because *whisper* vietnamese teachers that are in charge of the english subject have shit spelling
[02:36] <Murabito> and pronunciation skills
[02:36] <Ilikeduck!> You are super right Murabito 
[02:36] <Birdpool> @Duck WTF/
[02:36] <Birdpool> what are you talking about
[02:37] <Ilikeduck!> "I said super right"
[02:37] <Ilikeduck!> Talking about English problem Birdpool 
[02:37] <Birdpool> I didn't say anything about nullifying
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Not all of them are English proficient, you know.</span>
[02:37] <Ilikeduck!> LOL :) 
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">We are humans after all.</span>
[02:37] <Birdpool> I said "ConditionsRemovedByWarping†ý&‘‘.‘’.‘“.‘”...bleeding..lightning..rush..speedup1..speedup2..speedup3..speedup4..tossed" was what I found in TW's code.
[02:38] <Murabito> what in the world were the district thinking, allowing people that don't know english well to be a teacher of that subject
[02:38] <Birdpool> I was simply making a point that the condintion "bleeding" is completely unknown
[02:38] <Murabito> their styles of teaching is like brainwashing
[02:38] <Iamarepeater> Murabito , you still playing Angry Birds Epic?
[02:39] <Murabito> everyone stands up, saying "good morning teacher" in an incredibly forced manner
[02:39] <Murabito> every time they come in
[02:39] <Murabito> even when it's afternoon
[02:39] <Murabito> that's how braindead they are
[02:40] <Ilikeduck!> Birdpool 
[02:40] <Ilikeduck!> What to do with these code?
[02:41] <Ilikeduck!> ...
[02:41] <Murabito> @iama, eh I have a lot to do with schools.
[02:41] <Murabito> still trying to bring my art grade up
[02:41] <Ilikeduck!> I hate art :3
[02:42] <Murabito> go step on a piece of lego while barefoot
[02:42] <Murabito> now
[02:42] <IMCR8Z> ^
[02:43] <Iamarepeater> @murabito: hope you pass well
[02:44] <Murabito> the end of the semester is not until next week
[02:44] <Murabito> I still have quite some time
[02:44] <Snapdragon717> My semester just ended
[02:45] <Murabito> my social studies grade went from a D to an A
[02:45] <Murabito> in a day
[02:45] <Birdpool> ErnestoAM , do you know how to edit Snow Pea's damage?
[02:46] <Murabito> and blooming heart is going to be one of those 6.99 plants
[02:46] <Murabito> god
[02:46] <Murabito> dammit
[02:48] <IMCR8Z> The funny thing is, if Blooming Heart debuted in PvZ 1, everyone would be like "OH EMM GEEE BLOOMING HEART IZ DA BEST PLANT EVAAHH IT'S AWSUM 4 SURVIVAL ENDLESS!"
[02:48] <IMCR8Z> Same with (pea-nut) 
[02:49] <Murabito> like how people loved (cattail) 
[02:49] <Murabito> then realizes homing thistle is terribad in the pvz2 environment
[02:49] <Ilikeduck!> Bloomng Fart is better -_- 
[02:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo
[02:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yooooooooo
[02:49] <Ilikeduck!> Because it has a glich
[02:49] <IMCR8Z> That has nothing to do with it. @Mura
[02:50] <ErnestoAM> It does
[02:50] <Birdpool> Hey EAM
[02:50] <ErnestoAM> Leave me alone
[02:50] <CitronFire3> ...
[02:50] <Ilikeduck!> LOL not me :3
[02:50] <Birdpool> can you help me find the byte to buff the frozen peas? plz?
[02:50] <Ilikeduck!> SnowPeaDefault?
[02:50] <Murabito> peashooters are pretty terrible in general
[02:50] <Birdpool> nevermind, found it
[02:51] <Birdpool> @Duck, not always. 
[02:51] <Murabito> I don't think you could make it good
[02:51] <Birdpool> :P
[02:51] <Birdpool> :P 
[02:51] <Murabito> pls have splash damage
[02:52] <Birdpool> no
[02:52] <Ilikeduck!> You found it?
[02:52] <Birdpool> not possible
[02:52] <Birdpool> to make splash
[02:52] <Murabito> piercing projectiles!
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> you need to edit it in JSOn
[02:52] <Murabito> yes?
[02:52] <Birdpool> it would need to have FrozenPeasDoSplash followed by byte 00 or smth to mod the byte to 01 or smth
[02:52] <Birdpool> to do that
[02:52] <Ilikeduck!> JSON?
[02:53] <Murabito> can rate of fires be increased?
[02:53] <Birdpool> they can be modded
[02:53] <Birdpool> I made Primal Peashooter shoot at norma;l pace
[02:53] <Birdpool> >:3
[02:53] <Murabito> WINTER MELON AT 1X SPEED PLS
[02:53] <Birdpool> I will see how to do that tomorrow
[02:54] <Murabito> and every pult plants
[02:54] <Birdpool> I made Pepper-pult lob 50 projectiles with PF
[02:54] <Birdpool> and do his PF 3x
[02:54] <Birdpool> at a thyme
[02:55] <Murabito> that's
[02:55] <Murabito> op
[02:55] <Ilikeduck!> Cannot find it
[02:56] <Birdpool> can't find what?
[02:51] <Birdpool> @Duck, not always. 
[02:51] <Murabito> I don't think you could make it good
[02:51] <Birdpool> :P
[02:51] <Birdpool> :P 
[02:51] <Murabito> pls have splash damage
[02:52] <Birdpool> no
[02:52] <Ilikeduck!> You found it?
[02:52] <Birdpool> not possible
[02:52] <Birdpool> to make splash
[02:52] <Murabito> piercing projectiles!
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> you need to edit it in JSOn
[02:52] <Murabito> yes?
[02:52] <Birdpool> it would need to have FrozenPeasDoSplash followed by byte 00 or smth to mod the byte to 01 or smth
[02:52] <Birdpool> to do that
[02:52] <Ilikeduck!> JSON?
[02:53] <Murabito> can rate of fires be increased?
[02:53] <Birdpool> they can be modded
[02:53] <Birdpool> I made Primal Peashooter shoot at norma;l pace
[02:53] <Birdpool> >:3
[02:53] <Murabito> WINTER MELON AT 1X SPEED PLS
[02:53] <Birdpool> I will see how to do that tomorrow
[02:54] <Murabito> and every pult plants
[02:54] <Birdpool> I made Pepper-pult lob 50 projectiles with PF
[02:54] <Birdpool> and do his PF 3x
[02:54] <Birdpool> at a thyme
[02:55] <Murabito> that's
[02:55] <Murabito> op
[02:55] <Ilikeduck!> Cannot find it
[02:56] <Birdpool> can't find what?
[02:57] <Birdpool> Snow Pea's damage?
[02:57] <Ilikeduck!> FrozenPeasDoSplash
[02:57] <Birdpool> SnowPeaDefault
[02:57] <Birdpool> that's not even in the code
[02:57] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[02:57] <Birdpool> I said it would have to be in order to do anything
[02:58] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[02:58] <Ilikeduck!> Nexxt
[02:58] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> ...
[02:58] <Birdpool> SnowPeaDefault
[02:59] <Birdpool> press F3
[02:59] <Birdpool> first $ after
[02:59] <Birdpool> the byte after is damage
[02:59] <Birdpool> bilo
[02:59] <Birdpool> GTG
[02:59] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bye
[02:59] <Ilikeduck!> Okay :v
[02:59] <Snapdragon717> by
[03:00] <Ilikeduck!> Facepalm
[03:00] <AWikiBoy521> I Came back
[03:00] <Ilikeduck!> The chat has a lot of people but...
[03:00] <Ilikeduck!> Dead
[03:01] <Snapdragon717> (tombstone) 
[03:01] <AWikiBoy521> I'm just organizing my desktop.
[03:02] <Ilikeduck!> How to find compressed block?
[02:57] <Birdpool> Snow Pea's damage?
[02:57] <Ilikeduck!> FrozenPeasDoSplash
[02:57] <Birdpool> SnowPeaDefault
[02:57] <Birdpool> that's not even in the code
[02:57] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[02:57] <Birdpool> I said it would have to be in order to do anything
[02:58] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[02:58] <Ilikeduck!> Nexxt
[02:58] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> ...
[02:58] <Birdpool> SnowPeaDefault
[02:59] <Birdpool> press F3
[02:59] <Birdpool> first $ after
[02:59] <Birdpool> the byte after is damage
[02:59] <Birdpool> bilo
[02:59] <Birdpool> GTG
[02:59] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bye
[02:59] <Ilikeduck!> Okay :v
[02:59] <Snapdragon717> by
[03:00] <Ilikeduck!> Facepalm
[03:00] <AWikiBoy521> I Came back
[03:00] <Ilikeduck!> The chat has a lot of people but...
[03:00] <Ilikeduck!> Dead
[03:01] <Snapdragon717> (tombstone) 
[03:01] <AWikiBoy521> I'm just organizing my desktop.
[03:02] <Ilikeduck!> How to find compressed block?
[03:02] <Murabito> give pepper pult a fast recharge
[03:02] <Murabito> idk if you can increase splash damage or not but it should go up by 1
[03:03] <Ilikeduck!> Instant?
[03:04] <Murabito> and then remove his heating ability and frost immunity completely
[03:04] <Snapdragon717> Found this gem...
[03:04] <Murabito> there is no way a bell pepper should heat
[03:04] <Iamarepeater> And in Anrgy birds Epic, some people have all the luck
[03:02] <Murabito> give pepper pult a fast recharge
[03:02] <Murabito> idk if you can increase splash damage or not but it should go up by 1
[03:03] <Ilikeduck!> Instant?
[03:04] <Murabito> and then remove his heating ability and frost immunity completely
[03:04] <Snapdragon717> Found this gem...
[03:04] <Murabito> there is no way a bell pepper should heat
[03:04] <Iamarepeater> And in Anrgy birds Epic, some people have all the luck
[03:06] <Ilikeduck!> ...
[03:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> got lots of assignments from my teacher -_- 
[03:09] <Snapdragon717> sounds tiring...
[03:09] <Iamarepeater> This fact is wrong
[03:09] <Iamarepeater> Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars (China only)Edit
[03:09] <Iamarepeater> Bloomerang hits all enemies on the screen. Needs Brave Plant Food to activate
[03:10] <Ilikeduck!> Is this fact right?
[03:10] <Ilikeduck!> On Upcoming Content, my edit
[03:10] <Murabito> rip
[03:06] <Ilikeduck!> ...
[03:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> got lots of assignments from my teacher -_- 
[03:09] <Snapdragon717> sounds tiring...
[03:09] <Iamarepeater> This fact is wrong
[03:09] <Iamarepeater> Plants vs. Zombies: All Stars (China only)Edit
[03:09] <Iamarepeater> Bloomerang hits all enemies on the screen. Needs Brave Plant Food to activate
[03:10] <Ilikeduck!> Is this fact right?
[03:10] <Ilikeduck!> On Upcoming Content, my edit
[03:10] <Murabito> rip
[03:12] <Yappat> ...
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> d
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> e
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> a
[03:13] <Yappat> Somebody help me necromance this chat?
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> d
[03:13] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> (potion) (intensive carrot) 
[03:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Not again, Yappat....</span>
[03:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">User will think that you are a girl like before.</span>
[03:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">*Users</span>
[03:14] <Snapdragon717> Willthis revive chat?
[03:15] <Reapeageddon> I am playing Star Wars Uprising
[03:16] <ErnestoAM> chinese LC here
[03:12] <Yappat> ...
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> d
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> e
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> a
[03:13] <Yappat> Somebody help me necromance this chat?
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> d
[03:13] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:13] <Snapdragon717> (potion) (intensive carrot) 
[03:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Not again, Yappat....</span>
[03:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">User will think that you are a girl like before.</span>
[03:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">*Users</span>
[03:14] <Snapdragon717> Willthis revive chat?
[03:15] <Reapeageddon> I am playing Star Wars Uprising
[03:16] <ErnestoAM> chinese LC here
[03:17] <Reapeageddon> Do they have new trap tiles?
[03:17] <Snapdragon717> I think they have staircases
[03:17] <Reapeageddon> Yes
[03:17] <Reapeageddon> and I can tell already of it's function
[03:17] <Snapdragon717> I don't think there's a new trap tile.
[03:17] <Reapeageddon> Do they have new trap tiles?
[03:17] <Snapdragon717> I think they have staircases
[03:17] <Reapeageddon> Yes
[03:17] <Reapeageddon> and I can tell already of it's function
[03:17] <Snapdragon717> I don't think there's a new trap tile.
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> d
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> e
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> a
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> d
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> d
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> e
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> a
[03:24] <Snapdragon717> d
[03:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yeah.
[03:28] <Reapeageddon> Star Wars Uprisign is fun
[03:28] <Reapeageddon> Uprising
[03:30] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I'm calling a random user here.</span>
[03:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> And who is that random user?
[03:31] <Ilikeduck!> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[03:31] <Ilikeduck!> People
[03:32] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[03:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yeah.
[03:28] <Reapeageddon> Star Wars Uprisign is fun
[03:28] <Reapeageddon> Uprising
[03:30] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I'm calling a random user here.</span>
[03:31] <Mage General Chrysalis> And who is that random user?
[03:31] <Ilikeduck!> 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
[03:31] <Ilikeduck!> People
[03:32] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[03:32] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:32] <Ilikeduck!> I am here to revive the chat?
[03:33] <Mage General Chrysalis> No....?
[03:33] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[03:33] <AWikiBoy521> He made it random now
[03:33] <Ilikeduck!> Yes, the anwser is no (troll) 
[03:33] <Ilikeduck!> I am downloading all the OBB of the game (troll) 
[03:34] <Iamarepeater> Oh no. In Pvp in PVZ2C
[03:34] <Iamarepeater> (wizard) cannot turn plants into sheeps
[03:34] <Ilikeduck!> I hate PvP
[03:35] <Ilikeduck!> That is great?
[03:35] <Ilikeduck!> Or not?
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> At least gargs still instant kill plants
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> Bad for attackers
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> Good for defenders
[03:36] <Ilikeduck!> (LOL) (lmao) 
[03:36] <Iamarepeater> I meant for wizard
[03:32] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:32] <Ilikeduck!> I am here to revive the chat?
[03:33] <Mage General Chrysalis> No....?
[03:33] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[03:33] <AWikiBoy521> He made it random now
[03:33] <Ilikeduck!> Yes, the anwser is no (troll) 
[03:33] <Ilikeduck!> I am downloading all the OBB of the game (troll) 
[03:34] <Iamarepeater> Oh no. In Pvp in PVZ2C
[03:34] <Iamarepeater> (wizard) cannot turn plants into sheeps
[03:34] <Ilikeduck!> I hate PvP
[03:35] <Ilikeduck!> That is great?
[03:35] <Ilikeduck!> Or not?
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> At least gargs still instant kill plants
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> Bad for attackers
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> Good for defenders
[03:36] <Ilikeduck!> (LOL) (lmao) 
[03:36] <Iamarepeater> I meant for wizard
[03:40] <Yappat> Hm?
[03:41] <Yappat> How will anybody think I would be a girl AWB?
[03:41] <Yappat> They know my gender, just watch!
[03:41] <AWikiBoy521> Your avatar.
[03:41] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:41] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[03:41] <Yappat> But I don't think everybody on this wikipedia is lazy.
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> Yappat, remember that time where you used your "Ma[[]]ge" avatar?
[03:40] <Yappat> Hm?
[03:41] <Yappat> How will anybody think I would be a girl AWB?
[03:41] <Yappat> They know my gender, just watch!
[03:41] <AWikiBoy521> Your avatar.
[03:41] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:41] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[03:41] <Yappat> But I don't think everybody on this wikipedia is lazy.
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> Yappat, remember that time where you used your "Ma[[]]ge" avatar?
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> Some users think you are a girl because of that.
[03:42] <Birdpool>
[03:42] <Yappat> I forgot about that.
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> By Ma[[]]ge, I meant that witch.
[03:42] <Yappat> Witch?
[03:42] <Birdpool> Where the fuck is 4.4 obb?
[03:42] <Yappat> That is no witch/
[03:43] <Yappat> That was a fairy.
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> Oh...
[03:43] <Yappat> I mean, yordle.
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> And don't worry, I remembered some stuff.
[03:43] <Yappat> Do theories count at speculations?
[03:44] <Yappat> as*
[03:44] <Yappat> Wait, lemme check on the dictonary.
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> Unless, it's made by an official source.
[03:44] <Yappat> YES
[03:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Note to self: take the courage and PM next time
[03:44] <Yappat> Time to proceed to edit.
[03:45] <Yappat> Oh crap, I deleted the entire page, I need to revert my edit back.
[03:45] <AWikiBoy521> Note to a certain user: Dicuss that in this main chat next time.
[03:45] <Yappat> Or it is just a wikia bug.
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> I restored it.
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> It's a cache problem.
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> Refresh that page now.
[03:46] <Yappat> Ha! I did it before you.
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> Some users think you are a girl because of that.
[03:42] <Birdpool>
[03:42] <Yappat> I forgot about that.
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> By Ma[[]]ge, I meant that witch.
[03:42] <Yappat> Witch?
[03:42] <Birdpool> Where the fuck is 4.4 obb?
[03:42] <Yappat> That is no witch/
[03:43] <Yappat> That was a fairy.
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> Oh...
[03:43] <Yappat> I mean, yordle.
[03:43] <AWikiBoy521> And don't worry, I remembered some stuff.
[03:43] <Yappat> Do theories count at speculations?
[03:44] <Yappat> as*
[03:44] <Yappat> Wait, lemme check on the dictonary.
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> Unless, it's made by an official source.
[03:44] <Yappat> YES
[03:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Note to self: take the courage and PM next time
[03:44] <Yappat> Time to proceed to edit.
[03:45] <Yappat> Oh crap, I deleted the entire page, I need to revert my edit back.
[03:45] <AWikiBoy521> Note to a certain user: Dicuss that in this main chat next time.
[03:45] <Yappat> Or it is just a wikia bug.
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> I restored it.
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> It's a cache problem.
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> Refresh that page now.
[03:46] <Yappat> Ha! I did it before you.
[03:47] <AWikiBoy521> Uh....
[03:47] <AWikiBoy521>
[03:47] <Yappat> What?
[03:47] <AWikiBoy521> Just you restored what you have removed!
[03:48] <Yappat> But I refreshed and it didn't work. -_- 
[03:48] <AWikiBoy521> Do it again and state about that Wikia bug in the Eidt Summary!
[03:48] <AWikiBoy521> *Edit
[03:48] <Yappat> Oops.
[03:49] <Yappat> But how?
[03:49] <Yappat> It is too late, far beyond.
[03:49] <Yappat> Well, I wasted a lot of seconds.
[03:50] <Yappat> Well, I have a lot to learn about editing. -_- 
[03:50] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah :P 
[03:50] <AWikiBoy521> Good thing I'm here.
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Sometimes, when the page is blank, you gotta purge it.
[03:51] <Yappat> Delete it?
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> No
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Use the purge feature.
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:51] <Yappat> I haven't seen that feature yet.
[03:51] <Yappat> How does it work?
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Wanna learn how to do that?
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> And yes, it works.
[03:52] <Yappat> Aye sir!
[03:52] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[03:52] <Reapeageddon> Purge is a refresh
[03:47] <AWikiBoy521> Uh....
[03:47] <AWikiBoy521>
[03:47] <Yappat> What?
[03:47] <AWikiBoy521> Just you restored what you have removed!
[03:48] <Yappat> But I refreshed and it didn't work. -_- 
[03:48] <AWikiBoy521> Do it again and state about that Wikia bug in the Eidt Summary!
[03:48] <AWikiBoy521> *Edit
[03:48] <Yappat> Oops.
[03:49] <Yappat> But how?
[03:49] <Yappat> It is too late, far beyond.
[03:49] <Yappat> Well, I wasted a lot of seconds.
[03:50] <Yappat> Well, I have a lot to learn about editing. -_- 
[03:50] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah :P 
[03:50] <AWikiBoy521> Good thing I'm here.
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Sometimes, when the page is blank, you gotta purge it.
[03:51] <Yappat> Delete it?
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> No
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Use the purge feature.
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:51] <Yappat> I haven't seen that feature yet.
[03:51] <Yappat> How does it work?
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Wanna learn how to do that?
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> And yes, it works.
[03:52] <Yappat> Aye sir!
[03:52] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[03:52] <Reapeageddon> Purge is a refresh
[03:52] <Reapeageddon> ?action=purge
[03:52] <Yappat> So, I type that into Inspect Element or something?
[03:52] <AWikiBoy521> Seen those arrows at the bottom-right cornet of the screen, Yappat?
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> No need to Inspect Element that.
[03:53] <Yappat> Oh! The tools button! I kept it closed for months!
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> Re-open it and to purge the page, click on the Timer.
[03:54] <Ilikeduck!> Electric Plants 
[03:54] <Yappat> Oh, the timer.
[03:54] <Yappat> Perfect.
[03:54] <AWikiBoy521> It will purge the page without you having to "URL hack" just to purge it since it's tedious to do the URL hack.
[03:54] <Yappat> If I didn't screw around last year, I could have learned a lot more.
[03:54] <Ilikeduck!> What is Chta hack?
[03:55] <Ilikeduck!> *chat
[03:55] <Yappat> Oh, its a feature.
[03:55] <AWikiBoy521> Just don't click on it while holding Shift button, it will make a Null edit that is just a "nothing edit" that is only helpful in rare cases.
[03:55] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[03:55] <Yappat> It makes you automatically AFK and all that, and if your a chat mod, you can do a multi kick.
[03:55] <Yappat> ok!
[03:56] <Yappat> I feel like I have nothing to do.
[03:52] <Reapeageddon> ?action=purge
[03:52] <Yappat> So, I type that into Inspect Element or something?
[03:52] <AWikiBoy521> Seen those arrows at the bottom-right cornet of the screen, Yappat?
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> No need to Inspect Element that.
[03:53] <Yappat> Oh! The tools button! I kept it closed for months!
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> Re-open it and to purge the page, click on the Timer.
[03:54] <Ilikeduck!> Electric Plants 
[03:54] <Yappat> Oh, the timer.
[03:54] <Yappat> Perfect.
[03:54] <AWikiBoy521> It will purge the page without you having to "URL hack" just to purge it since it's tedious to do the URL hack.
[03:54] <Yappat> If I didn't screw around last year, I could have learned a lot more.
[03:54] <Ilikeduck!> What is Chta hack?
[03:55] <Ilikeduck!> *chat
[03:55] <Yappat> Oh, its a feature.
[03:55] <AWikiBoy521> Just don't click on it while holding Shift button, it will make a Null edit that is just a "nothing edit" that is only helpful in rare cases.
[03:55] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[03:55] <Yappat> It makes you automatically AFK and all that, and if your a chat mod, you can do a multi kick.
[03:55] <Yappat> ok!
[03:56] <Yappat> I feel like I have nothing to do.
[03:56] <Yappat> All I have in mind is there was an Indiana Jones easter egg in GW2.
[03:57] <ErnestoAM> chinese Dandelion is OP
[03:58] <Yappat> Oh jeez, everybody's reverting my edits because I was panicking.
[04:01] <AWikiBoy521> Just edited that same page, Yappat
[04:01] <Yappat> I am going to eat sour things to calm myself down.
[04:01] <ErnestoAM> Good thing Lost Pilot Zombie doesn't spawn with Lv 3 or 4 stats.
[04:01] <AWikiBoy521> I'm just going to watch over this wiki for a while.
[03:56] <Yappat> All I have in mind is there was an Indiana Jones easter egg in GW2.
[03:57] <ErnestoAM> chinese Dandelion is OP
[03:58] <Yappat> Oh jeez, everybody's reverting my edits because I was panicking.
[04:01] <AWikiBoy521> Just edited that same page, Yappat
[04:01] <Yappat> I am going to eat sour things to calm myself down.
[04:01] <ErnestoAM> Good thing Lost Pilot Zombie doesn't spawn with Lv 3 or 4 stats.
[04:01] <AWikiBoy521> I'm just going to watch over this wiki for a while.
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> (carrot)
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> ???
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> (IC)
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> God
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> (Intensive carrot) could be arrested for what?
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> (carrot)
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> ???
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> (IC)
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> God
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> (Intensive carrot) could be arrested for what?
[04:08] <Yappat> Because.
[04:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> Impersonating some dead person.
[04:08] <Yappat> Because.
[04:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> Impersonating some dead person.
[04:12] <Yappat> I feel okay now.
[04:13] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:14] <Yappat> INFINITEE. I would like to speak to you.
[04:15] <Yappat> Why did you revert my edit on Pylon Imps page? I do not see any wrong doing of it. I just stated a fact.
[04:15] <Yappat> Oops!
[04:15] <Yappat> 
[04:15] <Yappat> Great. I forgot about the Private Message system.
[04:12] <Yappat> I feel okay now.
[04:13] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:14] <Yappat> INFINITEE. I would like to speak to you.
[04:15] <Yappat> Why did you revert my edit on Pylon Imps page? I do not see any wrong doing of it. I just stated a fact.
[04:15] <Yappat> Oops!
[04:15] <Yappat> 
[04:15] <Yappat> Great. I forgot about the Private Message system.
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> With this dead caht
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> chat
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> this is Private Message 
[04:19] <Yappat> ..
[04:20] <Yappat> What is {{Clear}} used for?
[04:20] <EpicGamer23468> Hello
[04:21] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:21] <EpicGamer23468> meh
[04:21] <Yappat> Do you know what {{Clear}} is used for?
[04:21] <EpicGamer23468> Afraid not
[04:22] <INFINITEE> They would not get inspired by that stupid game.
[04:22] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[04:22] <AWikiBoy521> It is used to clear some CSS codes.
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> With this dead caht
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> chat
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> this is Private Message 
[04:19] <Yappat> ..
[04:20] <Yappat> What is {{Clear}} used for?
[04:20] <EpicGamer23468> Hello
[04:21] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:21] <EpicGamer23468> meh
[04:21] <Yappat> Do you know what {{Clear}} is used for?
[04:21] <EpicGamer23468> Afraid not
[04:22] <INFINITEE> They would not get inspired by that stupid game.
[04:22] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[04:22] <AWikiBoy521> It is used to clear some CSS codes.
[04:22] <INFINITEE> ignore the stupid part that would start debates
[04:22] <Yappat> I understand.
[04:22] <Yappat> But.
[04:23] <Yappat> It is far too late.
[04:23] <Yappat> Undertale is going to take over Plants vs. Zombies Wiki like FNAF did.
[04:24] <AWikiBoy521> brb, lunch
[04:24] <Yappat> It is too late INFINITEE
[04:24] <INFINITEE> Its a extreme doubt that would reference undertale
[04:24] <Yappat> Undertale has taken over me.
[04:24] <Yappat> Please send SOS.
[04:24] <INFINITEE> Its just like every pizza restaurant being an FNAF reference
[04:25] <INFINITEE> or when something is named "Foxy" its a FNAF reference
[04:25] <Yappat> So, I guess your gonna say: "Insert Fox Here is a reference to FNAF"
[04:22] <INFINITEE> ignore the stupid part that would start debates
[04:22] <Yappat> I understand.
[04:22] <Yappat> But.
[04:23] <Yappat> It is far too late.
[04:23] <Yappat> Undertale is going to take over Plants vs. Zombies Wiki like FNAF did.
[04:24] <AWikiBoy521> brb, lunch
[04:24] <Yappat> It is too late INFINITEE
[04:24] <INFINITEE> Its a extreme doubt that would reference undertale
[04:24] <Yappat> Undertale has taken over me.
[04:24] <Yappat> Please send SOS.
[04:24] <INFINITEE> Its just like every pizza restaurant being an FNAF reference
[04:25] <INFINITEE> or when something is named "Foxy" its a FNAF reference
[04:25] <Yappat> So, I guess your gonna say: "Insert Fox Here is a reference to FNAF"
[04:31] <Reapeageddon> We barely talk about Undertale
[04:31] <Reapeageddon> and Undertale fandom became trash
[04:31] <Reapeageddon> "NFSW Sans teases you until you get horny" ~ Soundcloud
[04:31] <Reapeageddon> We barely talk about Undertale
[04:31] <Reapeageddon> and Undertale fandom became trash
[04:31] <Reapeageddon> "NFSW Sans teases you until you get horny" ~ Soundcloud
[04:34] <ErnestoAM> this is the PvZ wiki
[04:34] <ErnestoAM> talk about Clash of Clans here
[04:35] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[04:35] <AWikiBoy521> We talk about Atomica here. :P 
[04:35] <ErnestoAM> That is the Clash of Clan wiki
[04:36] <ErnestoAM> you talk about MLP there
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> This is Atomica Wiki
[04:36] <Yappat> Have you seen the new COC game?
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> You talk about Insaniquarium here
[04:36] <Yappat> It is called Clash Royale, look it up.
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Yep.
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Seen that.
[04:36] <Yappat> I have the game, and it is fun.
[04:34] <ErnestoAM> this is the PvZ wiki
[04:34] <ErnestoAM> talk about Clash of Clans here
[04:35] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[04:35] <AWikiBoy521> We talk about Atomica here. :P 
[04:35] <ErnestoAM> That is the Clash of Clan wiki
[04:36] <ErnestoAM> you talk about MLP there
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> This is Atomica Wiki
[04:36] <Yappat> Have you seen the new COC game?
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> You talk about Insaniquarium here
[04:36] <Yappat> It is called Clash Royale, look it up.
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Yep.
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Seen that.
[04:36] <Yappat> I have the game, and it is fun.
[04:39] <ErnestoAM> in chinese PvZ Wiki Lost City (American version)
[04:40] <Wynaut821> hai
[04:40] <ErnestoAM> hi
[04:41] <Wynaut821> i want some good footage of the pvp mode
[04:41] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:41] <Ballistic Planet> now I'm on the wiki chat!
[04:41] <Wynaut821> hi
[04:42] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:39] <ErnestoAM> in chinese PvZ Wiki Lost City (American version)
[04:40] <Wynaut821> hai
[04:40] <ErnestoAM> hi
[04:41] <Wynaut821> i want some good footage of the pvp mode
[04:41] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:41] <Ballistic Planet> now I'm on the wiki chat!
[04:41] <Wynaut821> hi
[04:42] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:44] <Yappat> I AM NOT A GOOD EDITOR.
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> awww
[04:36] <Yappat> Have you seen the new COC game?
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> You talk about Insaniquarium here
[04:36] <Yappat> It is called Clash Royale, look it up.
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Yep.
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Seen that.
[04:36] <Yappat> I have the game, and it is fun.
[04:39] <ErnestoAM> in chinese PvZ Wiki Lost City (American version)
[04:40] <Wynaut821> hai
[04:40] <ErnestoAM> hi
[04:41] <Wynaut821> i want some good footage of the pvp mode
[04:41] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:41] <Ballistic Planet> now I'm on the wiki chat!
[04:41] <Wynaut821> hi
[04:42] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:44] <Yappat> I AM NOT A GOOD EDITOR.
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> awww
[04:44] <Yappat> I AM NOT A GOOD EDITOR.
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> awww
[04:53] <ErnestoAM> neither am I
[04:56] <ErnestoAM> Alive Hi!
[04:56] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hi
[04:53] <ErnestoAM> neither am I
[04:56] <ErnestoAM> Alive Hi!
[04:56] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hi
[04:57] <ErnestoAM> chinese LC is small
[04:58] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> what are the zombies like
[04:58] <ErnestoAM> 25 levels, 3 brain busters (which are currently not available)
[04:58] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> eh it'll be better when it's on android
[04:59] <ErnestoAM> so far, collected 35 out of 56
[04:59] <ErnestoAM> stars
[04:59] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> good job
[04:59] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'm lazy when it comes to stars
[05:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I beat Sky City and never 3 stared the rest of the levels
[05:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also there's like 7 unused TEST levels for skycity
[05:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> 5 of which are iceage levels
[04:53] <ErnestoAM> neither am I
[04:56] <ErnestoAM> Alive Hi!
[04:56] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hi
[04:57] <ErnestoAM> chinese LC is small
[04:58] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> what are the zombies like
[04:58] <ErnestoAM> 25 levels, 3 brain busters (which are currently not available)
[04:58] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> eh it'll be better when it's on android
[04:59] <ErnestoAM> so far, collected 35 out of 56
[04:59] <ErnestoAM> stars
[04:59] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> good job
[04:59] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'm lazy when it comes to stars
[05:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I beat Sky City and never 3 stared the rest of the levels
[05:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also there's like 7 unused TEST levels for skycity
[05:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> 5 of which are iceage levels
[05:01] <ErnestoAM> lol
[05:01] <EpicGamer23468> (ohAI) 
[05:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> day 30 of skycity is Tuskmaster boss battle
[04:57] <ErnestoAM> chinese LC is small
[04:58] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> what are the zombies like
[04:58] <ErnestoAM> 25 levels, 3 brain busters (which are currently not available)
[04:58] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> eh it'll be better when it's on android
[04:59] <ErnestoAM> so far, collected 35 out of 56
[04:59] <ErnestoAM> stars
[04:59] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> good job
[04:59] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'm lazy when it comes to stars
[05:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I beat Sky City and never 3 stared the rest of the levels
[05:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also there's like 7 unused TEST levels for skycity
[05:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> 5 of which are iceage levels
[05:01] <ErnestoAM> lol
[05:01] <EpicGamer23468> (ohAI) 
[05:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> day 30 of skycity is Tuskmaster boss battle
[05:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> day 26 - 29 are all FBC levels with skycity lawn
[05:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> 31 and 32 crash
[05:03] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also there's an unused chinese DA level
[05:03] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> dark31
[05:04] <ErnestoAM> that's the boss battle for the birthdayz event
[05:04] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also Lion Dancers were never removed
[05:05] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and any zombie can float in skycity
[05:05] <ErnestoAM> duh
[05:05] <ErnestoAM> Blover can't even blow away ships.
[05:06] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> it can't?
[05:06] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also what do the 2 exclusive LC zombies do?
[05:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> day 26 - 29 are all FBC levels with skycity lawn
[05:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> 31 and 32 crash
[05:03] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also there's an unused chinese DA level
[05:03] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> dark31
[05:04] <ErnestoAM> that's the boss battle for the birthdayz event
[05:04] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also Lion Dancers were never removed
[05:05] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and any zombie can float in skycity
[05:05] <ErnestoAM> duh
[05:05] <ErnestoAM> Blover can't even blow away ships.
[05:06] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> it can't?
[05:06] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also what do the 2 exclusive LC zombies do?
[05:07] <Iamarepeater>
[05:07] <Iamarepeater> Click there
[05:07] <Iamarepeater>
[05:07] <Iamarepeater> Click there
[05:13] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;">I am thinking of making a PopCap fanfiction wiki so you can make fanfiction out of any PopCap character, not just those from PvZ.</span></span>
[05:14] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;">What do you think of that?</span></span>
[05:14] <Iamarepeater> Will it include some PVZ characters?
[05:15] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;">Yes</span></span>
[05:15] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[05:15] <Iamarepeater> Add it to the fanfic wiki
[05:13] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;">I am thinking of making a PopCap fanfiction wiki so you can make fanfiction out of any PopCap character, not just those from PvZ.</span></span>
[05:14] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;">What do you think of that?</span></span>
[05:14] <Iamarepeater> Will it include some PVZ characters?
[05:15] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;">Yes</span></span>
[05:15] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[05:15] <Iamarepeater> Add it to the fanfic wiki
[05:17] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;"></span></span></span></span>
[05:18] <SnappyDragon> GUESS WHO'S BACK
[05:18] <AWikiBoy521> No one. :
[05:18] <AWikiBoy521> * :P 
[05:18] <SnappyDragon> ._.
[05:18] <AWikiBoy521> No one but you Snappy.
[05:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> :/ 
[05:18] <Citron Bomb Official> no
[05:19] <SnappyDragon> :) 
[05:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I am back!
[05:19] <Citron Bomb Official> no one's backbone
[05:19] <Colgatepony234> I am also including characters from games not made by but published by PopCap
[05:19] <AWikiBoy521> Snappy, that's what you get for "that".
[05:19] <SnappyDragon> Ik...... :( 
[05:19] <AWikiBoy521> It's still your fault, Snappy.
[05:19] <AWikiBoy521> Anyways, Supback
[05:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'll be back
[05:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> gonna go play pvz
[05:18] <AWikiBoy521> * :P 
[05:18] <SnappyDragon> ._.
[05:18] <AWikiBoy521> No one but you Snappy.
[05:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> :/ 
[05:18] <Citron Bomb Official> no
[05:19] <SnappyDragon> :) 
[05:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I am back!
[05:19] <Citron Bomb Official> no one's backbone
[05:19] <Colgatepony234> I am also including characters from games not made by but published by PopCap
[05:19] <AWikiBoy521> Snappy, that's what you get for "that".
[05:19] <SnappyDragon> Ik...... :( 
[05:19] <AWikiBoy521> It's still your fault, Snappy.
[05:19] <AWikiBoy521> Anyways, Supback
[05:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'll be back
[05:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> gonna go play pvz
[05:22] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;"></span></span></span></span>
[05:22] <Colgatepony234> This list is incomplete, if you know any characters from other games, you can add them here
[05:23] <AWikiBoy521> Well, it's a Bad Title error.
[05:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> Damn it, why can't any of these Miis set up couples I want?
[05:23] <Colgatepony234>
[05:23] <AWikiBoy521>
[05:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> A good amount of people are friends with both Marth and Caeda!
[05:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> Welcome back to the wiki.
[05:23] <SnappyDragon> :) 
[05:24] <SnappyDragon> /afk
[05:25] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Ded</span></span></span>
[05:25] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Wake up chat!</span></span></span></span>
[05:26] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Still ded</span></span></span></span>
[05:26] <Citron Bomb Official> use an alarm clock
[05:26] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Nah....</span></span></span></span>
[05:26] <Citron Bomb Official> or drums
[05:22] <Colgatepony234> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;"></span></span></span></span>
[05:22] <Colgatepony234> This list is incomplete, if you know any characters from other games, you can add them here
[05:23] <AWikiBoy521> Well, it's a Bad Title error.
[05:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> Damn it, why can't any of these Miis set up couples I want?
[05:23] <Colgatepony234>
[05:23] <AWikiBoy521>
[05:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> A good amount of people are friends with both Marth and Caeda!
[05:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> Welcome back to the wiki.
[05:23] <SnappyDragon> :) 
[05:24] <SnappyDragon> /afk
[05:25] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Ded</span></span></span>
[05:25] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Wake up chat!</span></span></span></span>
[05:26] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Still ded</span></span></span></span>
[05:26] <Citron Bomb Official> use an alarm clock
[05:26] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Nah....</span></span></span></span>
[05:26] <Citron Bomb Official> or drums
[05:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Maybe not now....</span></span></span></span>
[05:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;">TAA, I need you right now!</span>
[05:30] <Colgatepony234> I cant put the whole list of plants from PvZ here now, because its late in my area...
[05:30] <Colgatepony234> I mean on the PopCap fanfiction wiki
[05:30] <Citron Bomb Official> dat ping was loud
[05:32] <Colgatepony234> PopCap fanfictions can be scripts or they can be written like most stories
[05:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Maybe not now....</span></span></span></span>
[05:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Smelltheroses;">TAA, I need you right now!</span>
[05:30] <Colgatepony234> I cant put the whole list of plants from PvZ here now, because its late in my area...
[05:30] <Colgatepony234> I mean on the PopCap fanfiction wiki
[05:30] <Citron Bomb Official> dat ping was loud
[05:32] <Colgatepony234> PopCap fanfictions can be scripts or they can be written like most stories
[05:33] <Citron Bomb Official> i need to poop
[05:34] <SnappyDragon> My battery died lelz
[05:34] <SnappyDragon> /afk
[05:36] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">SnappyDragon?</span></span></span></span>
[05:33] <Citron Bomb Official> i need to poop
[05:34] <SnappyDragon> My battery died lelz
[05:34] <SnappyDragon> /afk
[05:36] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">SnappyDragon?</span></span></span></span>
[05:37] <ErnestoAM>
[05:38] <Colgatepony234> Who wants to be admin/chat mod/etc on my new wiki?
[05:38] <Iamarepeater> @pony: me
[05:38] <Citron Bomb Official> i finished pooping
[05:38] <Colgatepony234> What do you want to be
[05:38] <Iamarepeater> But I ....
[05:38] <Iamarepeater> You need admins?
[05:39] <Colgatepony234> yes and moderators and other people like a usual wiki to keep it running well
[05:39] <Iamarepeater> I will see it first
[05:39] <Iamarepeater> Link?
[05:39] <Colgatepony234> Right now the characters list is incomplete
[05:39] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[05:39] <Colgatepony234>
[05:39] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[05:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Colgate
[05:39] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[05:40] <AWikiBoy521> I'll stay as a regular there for now.
[05:40] <Iamarepeater> I will become a bureaucrat?
[05:40] <Colgatepony234> Maybe.
[05:40] <Citron Bomb Official> curtain shoelace
[05:41] <Colgatepony234> I made you one
[05:42] <Iamarepeater> Thanks
[05:37] <ErnestoAM>
[05:38] <Colgatepony234> Who wants to be admin/chat mod/etc on my new wiki?
[05:38] <Iamarepeater> @pony: me
[05:38] <Citron Bomb Official> i finished pooping
[05:38] <Colgatepony234> What do you want to be
[05:38] <Iamarepeater> But I ....
[05:38] <Iamarepeater> You need admins?
[05:39] <Colgatepony234> yes and moderators and other people like a usual wiki to keep it running well
[05:39] <Iamarepeater> I will see it first
[05:39] <Iamarepeater> Link?
[05:39] <Colgatepony234> Right now the characters list is incomplete
[05:39] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[05:39] <Colgatepony234>
[05:39] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[05:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Colgate
[05:39] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[05:40] <AWikiBoy521> I'll stay as a regular there for now.
[05:40] <Iamarepeater> I will become a bureaucrat?
[05:40] <Colgatepony234> Maybe.
[05:40] <Citron Bomb Official> curtain shoelace
[05:41] <Colgatepony234> I made you one
[05:42] <Iamarepeater> Thanks
[05:45] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[05:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:45] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[05:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:46] <SnappyDragon> Hai
[05:48] <SnappyDragon> /afk
[05:48] <AWikiBoy521> Again?
[05:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Okay</span></span></span></span>
[05:48] <SnappyDragon> I dont want the page to reload
[05:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Okay then</span></span></span></span>
[05:49] <SnappyDragon> hows ur text like mine lek
[05:49] <SnappyDragon> lel
[05:49] <SnappyDragon> /afk
[05:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Wut, is it wrong to do that SnappyDragon? :P </span></span></span></span>
[05:50] <SnappyDragon> lelz
[05:46] <SnappyDragon> Hai
[05:48] <SnappyDragon> /afk
[05:48] <AWikiBoy521> Again?
[05:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Okay</span></span></span></span>
[05:48] <SnappyDragon> I dont want the page to reload
[05:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Okay then</span></span></span></span>
[05:49] <SnappyDragon> hows ur text like mine lek
[05:49] <SnappyDragon> lel
[05:49] <SnappyDragon> /afk
[05:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Wut, is it wrong to do that SnappyDragon? :P </span></span></span></span>
[05:50] <SnappyDragon> lelz
[06:00] <Insert Your Name Here> In class
[06:01] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[06:02] <Citron Bomb Official> .....
[06:00] <Insert Your Name Here> In class
[06:01] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[06:02] <Citron Bomb Official> .....
[06:03] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[06:03] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[06:03] <TheAnonymousA> On, Snappy's back? 
[06:03] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Well, yeah</span></span></span></span>
[06:06] <TheAnonymousA> Oh, he's not on now.
[06:06] <AWikiBoy521> Just a while ago. 
[06:06] <TheAnonymousA> Well, seeing as this chat isn't very active, I'll stay on one chat.
[06:03] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[06:03] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[06:03] <TheAnonymousA> On, Snappy's back? 
[06:03] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:#FFF;"><span style="font-family:Cafeteria-Black;"><span style="background-color:#ADD8E6;">Well, yeah</span></span></span></span>
[06:06] <TheAnonymousA> Oh, he's not on now.
[06:06] <AWikiBoy521> Just a while ago. 
[06:06] <TheAnonymousA> Well, seeing as this chat isn't very active, I'll stay on one chat.
[06:11] <PnFforever> hi
[06:11] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[06:11] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[06:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:#FF88D6;">* Pinkgirl234 from the future does the same gestures to Wintah.</span></span>
[06:18] <Murabito> wink wink
[06:18] <Ilikeduck!> Oh my god...
[06:18] <Ilikeduck!> 
[06:18] <Ilikeduck!> Can't see Electric Plants 
[06:19] <WintahMhelon18> @AWB, is that even necessary?
[06:19] <AWikiBoy521> She's back from the future!
[06:19] <AWikiBoy521> @Wintah
[06:19] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[06:19] <WintahMhelon18> Welp
[06:19] <AWikiBoy521> Because it's the future.
[06:19] <WintahMhelon18> (portal4) 
[06:19] <AWikiBoy521> And all things are predicted.
[06:19] <AWikiBoy521> That's why I summoned Pink from the future.
[06:20] <Ilikeduck!> How do portal summon? Please in science (troll) 
[06:20] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[06:20] <AWikiBoy521> Portal is a great game!
[06:20] <AWikiBoy521> It has Portals!
[06:20] <AWikiBoy521> And more Portals mean more fun!
[06:21] <Ilikeduck!> LOL (facepalm) 
[06:21] <Ilikeduck!> Gonna download OBB before power cut one more time ._.
[06:21] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[06:21] <AWikiBoy521> You needeed a speedy internet....
[06:21] <AWikiBoy521> Because without that, you're too late.
[06:22] <Ilikeduck!> 20 minutes = 200MB of data
[06:22] <AWikiBoy521> Wow....
[06:22] <AWikiBoy521> How slow....
[06:23] <Ilikeduck!> I spend my whole Sunday to download MCSM Episode 4 crack (troll) 
[06:23] <Reapeageddon>
[06:23] <Ilikeduck!> And 11hrs to download Windows 10 ISO file (troll) 
[06:23] <Reapeageddon> VERY NICE MOVIE
[06:23] <Reapeageddon> I LOVED IT SO MUCH!
[06:23] <Reapeageddon> :D 
[06:24] <Ilikeduck!>
[06:24] <Ilikeduck!> Finally I got CHAOS DIMENSION!
[06:26] <WintahMhelon18> Ok so FNaF World is out eh?
[06:26] <PnFforever> yes, yes it do
[06:22] <AWikiBoy521> How slow....
[06:23] <Ilikeduck!> I spend my whole Sunday to download MCSM Episode 4 crack (troll) 
[06:23] <Reapeageddon>
[06:23] <Ilikeduck!> And 11hrs to download Windows 10 ISO file (troll) 
[06:23] <Reapeageddon> VERY NICE MOVIE
[06:23] <Reapeageddon> I LOVED IT SO MUCH!
[06:23] <Reapeageddon> :D 
[06:24] <Ilikeduck!>
[06:24] <Ilikeduck!> Finally I got CHAOS DIMENSION!
[06:26] <WintahMhelon18> Ok so FNaF World is out eh?
[06:26] <PnFforever> yes, yes it do
[06:27] <Ilikeduck!> Yeah, it is out
[06:27] <Ilikeduck!> Anyone need crack?
[06:27] <Ilikeduck!> (troll) 
[06:28] <PnFforever> *slowly raise hands in secrecy
[06:29] <PnFforever> while whistling
[06:29] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Duckcrack</span>
[06:32] <PnFforever> I do hope MD Part 2 is as epic as it can be
[06:28] <PnFforever> *slowly raise hands in secrecy
[06:29] <PnFforever> while whistling
[06:29] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Duckcrack</span>
[06:32] <PnFforever> I do hope MD Part 2 is as epic as it can be
[06:34] <WintahMhelon18> Hope so too
[06:34] <Murabito> too bad
[06:34] <Murabito> that we're gettng
[06:34] <Murabito> football zombie
[06:35] <Murabito> which most likely will be a knight clone
[06:36] <WintahMhelon18> I think he should have like 75 health or something
[06:34] <WintahMhelon18> Hope so too
[06:34] <Murabito> too bad
[06:34] <Murabito> that we're gettng
[06:34] <Murabito> football zombie
[06:35] <Murabito> which most likely will be a knight clone
[06:36] <WintahMhelon18> I think he should have like 75 health or something
[06:38] <PnFforever> Football Zombie would be my main reason to bring in Magnet-shrrom
[06:38] <PnFforever> *shroom
[06:38] <PnFforever> since back in PvZ1, his helmet can be stolen
[06:39] <Murabito> STILL, a knight clone.
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> SPOILERS
[06:41] <PnFforever> Hmm?
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> He will kill the first plant it meets though if I'm right
[06:41] <Murabito> so like surfer
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> then Knight clonify
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> I think
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> I dunno
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> It has a helmet right?
[06:42] <Reapeageddon> So most likely
[06:42] <Murabito> it should go slightly faster than other zombies
[06:38] <PnFforever> Football Zombie would be my main reason to bring in Magnet-shrrom
[06:38] <PnFforever> *shroom
[06:38] <PnFforever> since back in PvZ1, his helmet can be stolen
[06:39] <Murabito> STILL, a knight clone.
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> SPOILERS
[06:41] <PnFforever> Hmm?
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> He will kill the first plant it meets though if I'm right
[06:41] <Murabito> so like surfer
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> then Knight clonify
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> I think
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> I dunno
[06:41] <Reapeageddon> It has a helmet right?
[06:42] <Reapeageddon> So most likely
[06:42] <Murabito> it should go slightly faster than other zombies
[06:42] <PnFforever> If he instakills plants, I'll insta kill him first
[06:42] <PnFforever> (primalpotatomine)
[06:42] <PnFforever> If he instakills plants, I'll insta kill him first
[06:42] <PnFforever> (primalpotatomine)
[06:49] <INFINITEE> We should get Pole-vaulter or ladder back if you ask me
[06:49] <INFINITEE> or even Zomboni
[06:49] <Murabito> zomboni is annoying
[06:50] <INFINITEE> Perfect for MD then!
[06:50] <INFINITEE> People only want catapult because they want umbrella leaf back so bad
[06:51] <Murabito> bobsled team should return along with zomboni
[06:49] <INFINITEE> We should get Pole-vaulter or ladder back if you ask me
[06:49] <INFINITEE> or even Zomboni
[06:49] <Murabito> zomboni is annoying
[06:50] <INFINITEE> Perfect for MD then!
[06:50] <INFINITEE> People only want catapult because they want umbrella leaf back so bad
[06:51] <Murabito> bobsled team should return along with zomboni
[06:52] <INFINITEE> spikeweed instantly destroys him quick enough to even see the bobsled taem
[06:52] <INFINITEE> team*
[06:52] <Ilikeduck!> If you told Zomboni is annoying, so how about Glitter Zombie?
[06:53] <Reapeageddon> Zomboni leaves ice that stops us from planting there until it melts or we use Jalapeno
[06:53] <Reapeageddon> Glitter doesn't
[06:53] <INFINITEE> I would want to see pole-vaulter and ladder because their gimmicks weren't even actually used in PvZ2
[06:53] <Reapeageddon> 4 zombies speed boost to the end of the ice trail.
[06:54] <Ilikeduck!> Usse Fume-shroom
[06:54] <Ilikeduck!> Make a battle?
[06:54] <INFINITEE> Newspaper and Balloon are just moddified pharaoh and bug zombie
[06:55] <INFINITEE> i can guess that football will end up being a modified knight
[06:55] <Ilikeduck!> Football Zombie in PvZ 2 confrimed
[06:55] <Murabito> there has been three knight clones also
[06:52] <INFINITEE> spikeweed instantly destroys him quick enough to even see the bobsled taem
[06:52] <INFINITEE> team*
[06:52] <Ilikeduck!> If you told Zomboni is annoying, so how about Glitter Zombie?
[06:53] <Reapeageddon> Zomboni leaves ice that stops us from planting there until it melts or we use Jalapeno
[06:53] <Reapeageddon> Glitter doesn't
[06:53] <INFINITEE> I would want to see pole-vaulter and ladder because their gimmicks weren't even actually used in PvZ2
[06:53] <Reapeageddon> 4 zombies speed boost to the end of the ice trail.
[06:54] <Ilikeduck!> Usse Fume-shroom
[06:54] <Ilikeduck!> Make a battle?
[06:54] <INFINITEE> Newspaper and Balloon are just moddified pharaoh and bug zombie
[06:55] <INFINITEE> i can guess that football will end up being a modified knight
[06:55] <Ilikeduck!> Football Zombie in PvZ 2 confrimed
[06:55] <Murabito> there has been three knight clones also
[06:57] <INFINITEE> Pvz2 has no vaulting zombies
[06:58] <Ilikeduck!> I don't see it in the code
[06:59] <INFINITEE> The returning zombies have been modified versions of already existing zombies
[06:59] <INFINITEE> That means
[06:59] <INFINITEE> they will return things like football (knight_zombie) and digger (prospector_zombie)
[06:59] <INFINITEE> (knightzombie (prospector) 
[07:00] <INFINITEE> (knight) 
[07:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:00] <Ilikeduck!> I don't remember the code of Football Zombie
[07:00] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[06:57] <INFINITEE> Pvz2 has no vaulting zombies
[06:58] <Ilikeduck!> I don't see it in the code
[06:59] <INFINITEE> The returning zombies have been modified versions of already existing zombies
[06:59] <INFINITEE> That means
[06:59] <INFINITEE> they will return things like football (knight_zombie) and digger (prospector_zombie)
[06:59] <INFINITEE> (knightzombie (prospector) 
[07:00] <INFINITEE> (knight) 
[07:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:00] <Ilikeduck!> I don't remember the code of Football Zombie
[07:00] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[07:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Crazy Like Duck
[07:03] <Ilikeduck!> :v
[07:03] <Ilikeduck!> No, Crazy Duck, mean Crazy Dave, which both two name have "CD"
[07:04] <INFINITEE> (sonic) 
[07:04] <INFINITEE> (sonic) x (tails) 
[07:04] <INFINITEE> (knuckles) 
[07:05] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> has arrived
[07:05] <AWikiBoy521> WintahMhelon?
[07:05] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[07:05] <Iamarepeater>
[07:05] <AWikiBoy521> Welcome to the present, Pinkgirl234!
[07:06] <Ilikeduck!> I am going to (OUT GET)
[07:06] <AWikiBoy521> (OUT GET!)
[07:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Crazy Like Duck
[07:03] <Ilikeduck!> :v
[07:03] <Ilikeduck!> No, Crazy Duck, mean Crazy Dave, which both two name have "CD"
[07:04] <INFINITEE> (sonic) 
[07:04] <INFINITEE> (sonic) x (tails) 
[07:04] <INFINITEE> (knuckles) 
[07:05] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> has arrived
[07:05] <AWikiBoy521> WintahMhelon?
[07:05] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[07:05] <Iamarepeater>
[07:05] <AWikiBoy521> Welcome to the present, Pinkgirl234!
[07:06] <Ilikeduck!> I am going to (OUT GET)
[07:06] <AWikiBoy521> (OUT GET!)
[07:07] <Pinkgirl234> [[w:c:dev:Medals|THis]]
[07:07] <Iamarepeater> What?
[07:07] <Ilikeduck!> How to change font and color?
[07:07] <Iamarepeater>
[07:08] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="color:red;">Test</span>
[07:08] <Pinkgirl234> Type this: [c="re[[]]d"]Text
[07:09] <Ilikeduck!> [c= "red"] Text
[07:10] <Pinkgirl234> Phew. I am having fun checking on different scripts in Dev Wiki.
[07:10] <Iamarepeater> <span style="color:167252;">test</span>
[07:11] <Pinkgirl234> Hey peater. Sup? o/ 
[07:11] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[07:11] <Pinkgirl234> Hive too!
[07:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The chat seems Asian atm :P 
[07:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[07:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pink is now Uselessguy again....</span>
[07:12] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nah</span>
[07:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">This time, on the dev wiki!</span>
[07:07] <Pinkgirl234> [[w:c:dev:Medals|THis]]
[07:07] <Iamarepeater> What?
[07:07] <Ilikeduck!> How to change font and color?
[07:07] <Iamarepeater>
[07:08] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="color:red;">Test</span>
[07:08] <Pinkgirl234> Type this: [c="re[[]]d"]Text
[07:09] <Ilikeduck!> [c= "red"] Text
[07:10] <Pinkgirl234> Phew. I am having fun checking on different scripts in Dev Wiki.
[07:10] <Iamarepeater> <span style="color:167252;">test</span>
[07:11] <Pinkgirl234> Hey peater. Sup? o/ 
[07:11] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[07:11] <Pinkgirl234> Hive too!
[07:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The chat seems Asian atm :P 
[07:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[07:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pink is now Uselessguy again....</span>
[07:12] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nah</span>
[07:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">This time, on the dev wiki!</span>
[07:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Not like before when he researched CSS and HTML.</span>
[07:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Unless.....</span>
[07:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nah Pink is just fabulous AWB.
[07:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nah</span>
[07:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Or was that a Markiplier reference. :P 
[07:13] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> shrugs
[07:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Pink is sort of like the Gender swapped Uselessguy. :[[]]P</span>
[07:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Or....Uselessgal! :[[]]P</span>
[07:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Uselessguy has his lab wiki too.</span>
[07:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> SAT short for many names lol.
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Like....
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> See
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> At
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Tokyo!
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Or....
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Saw
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> A
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Toy!
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Or....
[07:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Kyoto?
[07:16] <AWikiBoy521> Soak
[07:16] <AWikiBoy521> A
[07:16] <AWikiBoy521> Tea!
[07:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Or......Singing pink At The kingdom.</span>
[07:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Not like before when he researched CSS and HTML.</span>
[07:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Unless.....</span>
[07:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nah Pink is just fabulous AWB.
[07:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nah</span>
[07:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Or was that a Markiplier reference. :P 
[07:13] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> shrugs
[07:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Pink is sort of like the Gender swapped Uselessguy. :[[]]P</span>
[07:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Or....Uselessgal! :[[]]P</span>
[07:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Uselessguy has his lab wiki too.</span>
[07:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> SAT short for many names lol.
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Like....
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> See
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> At
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Tokyo!
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Or....
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Saw
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> A
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Toy!
[07:15] <AWikiBoy521> Or....
[07:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Kyoto?
[07:16] <AWikiBoy521> Soak
[07:16] <AWikiBoy521> A
[07:16] <AWikiBoy521> Tea!
[07:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Or......Singing pink At The kingdom.</span>
[07:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Rainbows and unicorns you mean?
[07:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yah</span>
[07:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Where is Charman when you need him....</span>
[07:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Who knows,.
[07:19] <AWikiBoy521> Who else knows?
[07:20] <Citron Bomb Official> hjalp
[07:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> HI LWB>
[07:22] <Lolwutburger> I guess I found someone who can outweird me in the storytelling department
[07:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Rainbows and unicorns you mean?
[07:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yah</span>
[07:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Where is Charman when you need him....</span>
[07:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Who knows,.
[07:19] <AWikiBoy521> Who else knows?
[07:20] <Citron Bomb Official> hjalp
[07:21] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> HI LWB>
[07:22] <Lolwutburger> I guess I found someone who can outweird me in the storytelling department
[07:22] <Lolwutburger> that's pretty cool
[07:23] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nah you are not that weird bro.
[07:24] <Lolwutburger> You probably haven't found my other deviantART yet
[07:24] <Lolwutburger> Technically early 2014 me was weirder
[07:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh ok.
[07:25] <Lolwutburger> That someone actually made a complex plot and made one of his old characters as one of the final villains
[07:25] <Lolwutburger> Like something I used to do
[07:25] <Lolwutburger> Weeeeeeird
[07:25] <Lolwutburger> oh, and hola
[07:26] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:26] <Lolwutburger> He also made exploding clones
[07:26] <Lolwutburger> and added himself as the true villain
[07:26] <Fairy27> Hi.
[07:26] <Lolwutburger> and said man is Scott Cawthon, creator of the Frednights franchise
[07:22] <Lolwutburger> that's pretty cool
[07:23] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nah you are not that weird bro.
[07:24] <Lolwutburger> You probably haven't found my other deviantART yet
[07:24] <Lolwutburger> Technically early 2014 me was weirder
[07:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh ok.
[07:25] <Lolwutburger> That someone actually made a complex plot and made one of his old characters as one of the final villains
[07:25] <Lolwutburger> Like something I used to do
[07:25] <Lolwutburger> Weeeeeeird
[07:25] <Lolwutburger> oh, and hola
[07:26] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:26] <Lolwutburger> He also made exploding clones
[07:26] <Lolwutburger> and added himself as the true villain
[07:26] <Fairy27> Hi.
[07:26] <Lolwutburger> and said man is Scott Cawthon, creator of the Frednights franchise
[07:27] <Ilikeduck!> Long time no see @Fairy
[07:27] <AWikiBoy521> Same here,duck
[07:27] <Ilikeduck!> :) 
[07:27] <INFINITEE> lolwutburger
[07:27] <INFINITEE> guess waht
[07:27] <Fairy27> BTW, I'm on BWB - Day 30. I didn't try it yet due to Jurassic Marsh (Stopped at Day 29, though)
[07:27] <Lolwutburger> chicken butt
[07:28] <INFINITEE> (peashooter) x (zombie) confirmed
[07:28] <INFINITEE>
[07:28] <Ilikeduck!> 4 OBB downloaded, about 10+ OBBs left :p 
[07:28] <Ilikeduck!> Palm my face (troll) 
[07:29] <Lolwutburger> whoa
[07:29] <INFINITEE> so that explains (peashooterzombie) 
[07:29] <Lolwutburger> that makes that one picture of a peashooter sucking zombie dick make lots more sense now
[07:29] <INFINITEE> (wat) 
[07:29] <INFINITEE> 
[07:29] <INFINITEE> also peashooter shooting peas which are seeds
[07:30] <INFINITEE> their offspring is (peashooterzombie) 
[07:30] <INFINITEE> the peashooter zombie from zombotany is their CHILD
[07:27] <Ilikeduck!> Long time no see @Fairy
[07:27] <AWikiBoy521> Same here,duck
[07:27] <Ilikeduck!> :) 
[07:27] <INFINITEE> lolwutburger
[07:27] <INFINITEE> guess waht
[07:27] <Fairy27> BTW, I'm on BWB - Day 30. I didn't try it yet due to Jurassic Marsh (Stopped at Day 29, though)
[07:27] <Lolwutburger> chicken butt
[07:28] <INFINITEE> (peashooter) x (zombie) confirmed
[07:28] <INFINITEE>
[07:28] <Ilikeduck!> 4 OBB downloaded, about 10+ OBBs left :p 
[07:28] <Ilikeduck!> Palm my face (troll) 
[07:29] <Lolwutburger> whoa
[07:29] <INFINITEE> so that explains (peashooterzombie) 
[07:29] <Lolwutburger> that makes that one picture of a peashooter sucking zombie dick make lots more sense now
[07:29] <INFINITEE> (wat) 
[07:29] <INFINITEE> 
[07:29] <INFINITEE> also peashooter shooting peas which are seeds
[07:30] <INFINITEE> their offspring is (peashooterzombie) 
[07:30] <INFINITEE> the peashooter zombie from zombotany is their CHILD
[07:33] <Citron Bomb Official> heelp
[07:33] <Fairy27> Inactive chat?
[07:33] <Citron Bomb Official> help
[07:33] <Vebros> o/ 
[07:33] <Citron Bomb Official> hello
[07:33] <Citron Bomb Official> no one is still helping me
[07:33] <Fairy27> Hi.
[07:34] <Fairy27> @CBO For what?
[07:34] <Iamarepeater> hive
[07:34] <Citron Bomb Official> i was editing a subpage of my account
[07:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi Vebros 
[07:34] <Citron Bomb Official> then it sent me back to the home page
[07:34] <Citron Bomb Official> and all stuff I entered in disappeared
[07:35] <Citron Bomb Official> the content in it was pretty good
[07:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:33] <Citron Bomb Official> heelp
[07:33] <Fairy27> Inactive chat?
[07:33] <Citron Bomb Official> help
[07:33] <Vebros> o/ 
[07:33] <Citron Bomb Official> hello
[07:33] <Citron Bomb Official> no one is still helping me
[07:33] <Fairy27> Hi.
[07:34] <Fairy27> @CBO For what?
[07:34] <Iamarepeater> hive
[07:34] <Citron Bomb Official> i was editing a subpage of my account
[07:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi Vebros 
[07:34] <Citron Bomb Official> then it sent me back to the home page
[07:34] <Citron Bomb Official> and all stuff I entered in disappeared
[07:35] <Citron Bomb Official> the content in it was pretty good
[07:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:36] <Citron Bomb Official> heelllo
[07:37] <MysteryKing> Lord MK transmission on.
[07:37] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[07:38] <MysteryKing> I have entered W1-PVZ, and according to the transmittor's historical statistics, all people here are almost the same as last night.
[07:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No Kings here.
[07:39] <MysteryKing> Detected lifeforms:
[07:39] <Citron Bomb Official> users
[07:39] <Fairy27> Again, a bit inactive chat.
[07:39] <MysteryKing> AWikiBoy521 - codely known as: AWB
[07:39] <MysteryKing> Darytyg The Furry Darryn - codely known as: The Giant
[07:40] <MysteryKing> Fairy27 - codely known as Fairy
[07:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Me is not a giant.
[07:40] <Citron Bomb Official> mark all as read
[07:40] <Fairy27> Wondering about the emote? I requested Electric Plants to do so for my account.
[07:41] <Citron Bomb Official> ow
[07:41] <Fairy27> @MK Don't forget CBO.
[07:41] <MysteryKing> Ah yes,
[07:41] <MysteryKing> Last one
[07:41] <MysteryKing> Citron Bomb Official - codely known as CBO
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> Fairy27 is shocking.
[07:36] <Citron Bomb Official> heelllo
[07:37] <MysteryKing> Lord MK transmission on.
[07:37] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[07:38] <MysteryKing> I have entered W1-PVZ, and according to the transmittor's historical statistics, all people here are almost the same as last night.
[07:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> No Kings here.
[07:39] <MysteryKing> Detected lifeforms:
[07:39] <Citron Bomb Official> users
[07:39] <Fairy27> Again, a bit inactive chat.
[07:39] <MysteryKing> AWikiBoy521 - codely known as: AWB
[07:39] <MysteryKing> Darytyg The Furry Darryn - codely known as: The Giant
[07:40] <MysteryKing> Fairy27 - codely known as Fairy
[07:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Me is not a giant.
[07:40] <Citron Bomb Official> mark all as read
[07:40] <Fairy27> Wondering about the emote? I requested Electric Plants to do so for my account.
[07:41] <Citron Bomb Official> ow
[07:41] <Fairy27> @MK Don't forget CBO.
[07:41] <MysteryKing> Ah yes,
[07:41] <MysteryKing> Last one
[07:41] <MysteryKing> Citron Bomb Official - codely known as CBO
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> Fairy27 is shocking.
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pun City</span>
[07:43] <Lolwutburger> backnstuffz
[07:43] <Citron Bomb Official> im lagging
[07:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am a dwarf not a giant MK.
[07:43] <Fairy27> @AWB (Checks Lightning Reed's bunny costume: "So cute, it's shocking.") Oh. Don't forget LR. Oh no, wait. Both electrical plants are shocking.
[07:45] <WintahMhelon18> Back
[07:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wb.
[07:46] <Ilikeduck!> I dunno why Pinkgril loves you so much.
[07:42] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pun City</span>
[07:43] <Lolwutburger> backnstuffz
[07:43] <Citron Bomb Official> im lagging
[07:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am a dwarf not a giant MK.
[07:43] <Fairy27> @AWB (Checks Lightning Reed's bunny costume: "So cute, it's shocking.") Oh. Don't forget LR. Oh no, wait. Both electrical plants are shocking.
[07:45] <WintahMhelon18> Back
[07:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wb.
[07:46] <Ilikeduck!> I dunno why Pinkgril loves you so much.
[07:47] <MysteryKing> Lord MK says "I will call everyone by their codely known nickmames now."
[07:47] <MysteryKing> Starting with you, Giant.
[07:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> -_- 
[07:47] <MysteryKing> And then the known users.
[07:47] <MysteryKing> Pinkgirl - "Rainbow Queen"
[07:48] <Citron Bomb Official> iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[07:48] <Citron Bomb Official> why is my internet being crap
[07:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> is not a giant sigh
[07:48] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:48] <Iamarepeater> <span style="color:FF0000;">GAME OVER YEAH!</span>
[07:49] <MysteryKing> Rainbow Queen isn't here yet?
[07:49] <MysteryKing> Aww man.
[07:49] <AWikiBoy521> Fairy27 , you [[Electric Plants|two]] are both shocking.
[07:49] <MysteryKing> Giant, fetch me my staff.
[07:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB is taller than me, wait how tall are you awb?
[07:49] <Iamarepeater> <span style="color:#FF0000;">GAME OVER YEAH</span>
[07:49] <Iamarepeater> Better
[07:50] <Fairy27> (Plays PvZ2's BWB - Day 30 on the first attempt)
[07:50] <MysteryKing> AWB is 5'7 or 5'5 i think.
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> @MK
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> Rainbow Queen is reading some sources now.
[07:50] <MysteryKing> Giant, where is my staff!?
[07:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He is taller then me then hah
[07:51] <Iamarepeater> What's the height in cm?
[07:51] <AWikiBoy521> She will be busy in her kingdom and other places, as sometimes.
[07:51] <MysteryKing> Giant, protect the castle while i soar through this intermission.
[07:51] <Lolwutburger> I feel like drawing McSpanky's
[07:51] <Lolwutburger> yeh
[07:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> gets the staff
[07:51] <MysteryKing> Good good giant.
[07:52] <Citron Bomb Official> whats going on
[07:47] <MysteryKing> Lord MK says "I will call everyone by their codely known nickmames now."
[07:47] <MysteryKing> Starting with you, Giant.
[07:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> -_- 
[07:47] <MysteryKing> And then the known users.
[07:47] <MysteryKing> Pinkgirl - "Rainbow Queen"
[07:48] <Citron Bomb Official> iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
[07:48] <Citron Bomb Official> why is my internet being crap
[07:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> is not a giant sigh
[07:48] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:48] <Iamarepeater> <span style="color:FF0000;">GAME OVER YEAH!</span>
[07:49] <MysteryKing> Rainbow Queen isn't here yet?
[07:49] <MysteryKing> Aww man.
[07:49] <AWikiBoy521> Fairy27 , you [[Electric Plants|two]] are both shocking.
[07:49] <MysteryKing> Giant, fetch me my staff.
[07:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB is taller than me, wait how tall are you awb?
[07:49] <Iamarepeater> <span style="color:#FF0000;">GAME OVER YEAH</span>
[07:49] <Iamarepeater> Better
[07:50] <Fairy27> (Plays PvZ2's BWB - Day 30 on the first attempt)
[07:50] <MysteryKing> AWB is 5'7 or 5'5 i think.
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> @MK
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> Rainbow Queen is reading some sources now.
[07:50] <MysteryKing> Giant, where is my staff!?
[07:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He is taller then me then hah
[07:51] <Iamarepeater> What's the height in cm?
[07:51] <AWikiBoy521> She will be busy in her kingdom and other places, as sometimes.
[07:51] <MysteryKing> Giant, protect the castle while i soar through this intermission.
[07:51] <Lolwutburger> I feel like drawing McSpanky's
[07:51] <Lolwutburger> yeh
[07:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> gets the staff
[07:51] <MysteryKing> Good good giant.
[07:52] <Citron Bomb Official> whats going on
[07:52] <DatDramaPlant> test
[07:52] <Citron Bomb Official> thank god the internet is ok now
[07:52] <DatDramaPlant> I made a new voting thread, BTW.
[07:52] <MysteryKing> CBO, fetch me the citronification chambers please.
[07:53] <Citron Bomb Official> uh
[07:53] <DatDramaPlant> @MK Wut?
[07:53] <Fairy27> (...Starting now after selecting the plants. This BWB level will be hard as everyone is thinking)
[07:53] <Citron Bomb Official> ok
[07:53] <AWikiBoy521>
[07:53] <Citron Bomb Official> what roleplay is this
[07:53] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I honestly don'
[07:53] <AWikiBoy521> [[Thread:538716]]
[07:53] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *don't know
[07:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Think I am tall pfft I have friends who are 190cm lol.
[07:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:56] <Citron Bomb Official> heelllo
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> Unexpected Back Sup
[07:56] <Charmande red321> yo
[07:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> H3LLO
[07:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> hello
[07:52] <DatDramaPlant> test
[07:52] <Citron Bomb Official> thank god the internet is ok now
[07:52] <DatDramaPlant> I made a new voting thread, BTW.
[07:52] <MysteryKing> CBO, fetch me the citronification chambers please.
[07:53] <Citron Bomb Official> uh
[07:53] <DatDramaPlant> @MK Wut?
[07:53] <Fairy27> (...Starting now after selecting the plants. This BWB level will be hard as everyone is thinking)
[07:53] <Citron Bomb Official> ok
[07:53] <AWikiBoy521>
[07:53] <Citron Bomb Official> what roleplay is this
[07:53] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I honestly don'
[07:53] <AWikiBoy521> [[Thread:538716]]
[07:53] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *don't know
[07:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Think I am tall pfft I have friends who are 190cm lol.
[07:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[07:56] <Citron Bomb Official> heelllo
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> Unexpected Back Sup
[07:56] <Charmande red321> yo
[07:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> H3LLO
[07:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> hello
[07:57] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">sheesh why does everytime i return to this place a new thing then suddenly appears</span>
[07:57] <Citron Bomb Official> ?
[07:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Chingchong :P 
[07:57] <Charmande red321> The Lawn
[07:57] <Charmande red321> kek
[07:57] <AWikiBoy521> Such pretty.....
[07:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Very Filipino :P 
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> Not Pinoy Chat
[07:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LOl
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> Since Darytyg ruined it. :P 
[07:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why does Mk call me giant?
[07:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[07:58] <Citron Bomb Official> grouppm
[07:58] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">inb4 <span style="font-style:italic;">someone else</span> talks about fn00f welt</span>
[07:58] <Fairy27> So far an okay level (BWB - Day 30)
[07:59] <Charmande red321> test 4 dead
[07:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> So Charmade is also Filipino noice nocie.
[07:59] <Charmande red321> kk
[07:59] <Charmande red321> must return to step 1 of me being a wikian
[08:00] <Fairy27> That was a bit easy.
[08:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It was eh.
[08:01] <Fairy27> (Opens Mystery Box) Spore-shroom costume?
[08:01] <Iamarepeater> <span style="font-family:News Time Roman;">Pinkgirl is a girl who dances on table to break her legs</span>
[08:01] <Iamarepeater> *tables
[08:01] <Charmande red321> im just gonna stare at Honesto's chatty taggy
[08:01] <Fairy27> BWB - Day 31: Not a locked and loaded level...
[08:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated true very true
[08:02] <Fairy27> Of course Homing Thistle. Of course.
[08:02] <Charmande red321> the boredom is endless
[08:02] <Charmande red321> AWB is iceless
[08:02] <Lolwutburger> ahhh lavander
[07:57] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">sheesh why does everytime i return to this place a new thing then suddenly appears</span>
[07:57] <Citron Bomb Official> ?
[07:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Chingchong :P 
[07:57] <Charmande red321> The Lawn
[07:57] <Charmande red321> kek
[07:57] <AWikiBoy521> Such pretty.....
[07:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Very Filipino :P 
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> Not Pinoy Chat
[07:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LOl
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> Since Darytyg ruined it. :P 
[07:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why does Mk call me giant?
[07:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[07:58] <Citron Bomb Official> grouppm
[07:58] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">inb4 <span style="font-style:italic;">someone else</span> talks about fn00f welt</span>
[07:58] <Fairy27> So far an okay level (BWB - Day 30)
[07:59] <Charmande red321> test 4 dead
[07:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> So Charmade is also Filipino noice nocie.
[07:59] <Charmande red321> kk
[07:59] <Charmande red321> must return to step 1 of me being a wikian
[08:00] <Fairy27> That was a bit easy.
[08:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It was eh.
[08:01] <Fairy27> (Opens Mystery Box) Spore-shroom costume?
[08:01] <Iamarepeater> <span style="font-family:News Time Roman;">Pinkgirl is a girl who dances on table to break her legs</span>
[08:01] <Iamarepeater> *tables
[08:01] <Charmande red321> im just gonna stare at Honesto's chatty taggy
[08:01] <Fairy27> BWB - Day 31: Not a locked and loaded level...
[08:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated true very true
[08:02] <Fairy27> Of course Homing Thistle. Of course.
[08:02] <Charmande red321> the boredom is endless
[08:02] <Charmande red321> AWB is iceless
[08:02] <Lolwutburger> ahhh lavander
[08:02] <Charmande red321> why not
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> Yah
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Mk is tall.
[08:02] <Iamarepeater> And we are surrounded by dumb people
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:02] <Lolwutburger> anyway I quit trying to draw McSpanky's
[08:02] <Iamarepeater> most of the time
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ping LWB.
[08:02] <Charmande red321> k
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi 
[08:02] <Lolwutburger> dumb people are fun most of the time
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> True.
[08:02] <Fairy27> And seriously? Sun Bean is the sun producer? (This is why I kinda hate L and L Levels of BWB)
[08:03] <Charmande red321> Purple Hues are supposed to be Pinkless
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> @Fairy27
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[08:03] <Iamarepeater> If you boosted Sun beans
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> Just Deal with it.
[08:03] <Iamarepeater> Thatwould help
[08:03] <Iamarepeater> *that would
[08:03] <Lolwutburger> brobot is a good character
[08:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB why does MK call me giant?
[08:03] <Charmande red321> because MK
[08:03] <Charmande red321> why
[08:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:04] <Charmande red321> i feel so calm with this lavender bg thing
[08:04] <Fairy27> Nevermind I already have a boosted Sun Bean in my Zen Garden. Already activated it right when it was in full size.
[08:04] <AWikiBoy521> @Darytyg
[08:04] <AWikiBoy521> Because of your height.
[08:04] <Charmande red321> [c transparent]its so calm that i feel nihilistic
[08:04] <Iamarepeater>
[08:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am not that tall lol.
[08:04] <Charmande red321> shet
[08:04] <Charmande red321> how tall r u then
[08:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB is taller than me :P 
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Only 179cm
[08:05] <Charmande red321> how much in English terms...
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 5'10
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[08:05] <Charmande red321> k you're taller than me then
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How tall are you?
[08:05] <Charmande red321> 5'8
[08:05] <Charmande red321> at most
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh wow
[08:05] <Lolwutburger> oh my god
[08:05] <Lolwutburger> I just noticed something
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> the time portals from GW2
[08:06] <DatDramaPlant> @Fairy Day 31? That's easy compared to the level before and after it.
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> are the same portals from the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3
[08:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You like dragons charmade?
[08:06] <Charmande red321> wai
[08:06] <Fairy27> @DDP (pauses the game) Easy? Okay, let's see.
[08:06] <Charmande red321> if i say yes
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> or was it 2
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> idk
[08:06] <Charmande red321> then i like 2 headed dragons
[08:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Cool.
[08:02] <Charmande red321> why not
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> Yah
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Mk is tall.
[08:02] <Iamarepeater> And we are surrounded by dumb people
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:02] <Lolwutburger> anyway I quit trying to draw McSpanky's
[08:02] <Iamarepeater> most of the time
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ping LWB.
[08:02] <Charmande red321> k
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi 
[08:02] <Lolwutburger> dumb people are fun most of the time
[08:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> True.
[08:02] <Fairy27> And seriously? Sun Bean is the sun producer? (This is why I kinda hate L and L Levels of BWB)
[08:03] <Charmande red321> Purple Hues are supposed to be Pinkless
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> @Fairy27
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[08:03] <Iamarepeater> If you boosted Sun beans
[08:03] <AWikiBoy521> Just Deal with it.
[08:03] <Iamarepeater> Thatwould help
[08:03] <Iamarepeater> *that would
[08:03] <Lolwutburger> brobot is a good character
[08:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB why does MK call me giant?
[08:03] <Charmande red321> because MK
[08:03] <Charmande red321> why
[08:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:04] <Charmande red321> i feel so calm with this lavender bg thing
[08:04] <Fairy27> Nevermind I already have a boosted Sun Bean in my Zen Garden. Already activated it right when it was in full size.
[08:04] <AWikiBoy521> @Darytyg
[08:04] <AWikiBoy521> Because of your height.
[08:04] <Charmande red321> [c transparent]its so calm that i feel nihilistic
[08:04] <Iamarepeater>
[08:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am not that tall lol.
[08:04] <Charmande red321> shet
[08:04] <Charmande red321> how tall r u then
[08:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB is taller than me :P 
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Only 179cm
[08:05] <Charmande red321> how much in English terms...
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 5'10
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[08:05] <Charmande red321> k you're taller than me then
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How tall are you?
[08:05] <Charmande red321> 5'8
[08:05] <Charmande red321> at most
[08:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh wow
[08:05] <Lolwutburger> oh my god
[08:05] <Lolwutburger> I just noticed something
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> the time portals from GW2
[08:06] <DatDramaPlant> @Fairy Day 31? That's easy compared to the level before and after it.
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> are the same portals from the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 3
[08:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You like dragons charmade?
[08:06] <Charmande red321> wai
[08:06] <Fairy27> @DDP (pauses the game) Easy? Okay, let's see.
[08:06] <Charmande red321> if i say yes
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> or was it 2
[08:06] <Lolwutburger> idk
[08:06] <Charmande red321> then i like 2 headed dragons
[08:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Cool.
[08:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hides behind LWB.
[08:07] <Charmande red321> Jakiro...
[08:07] <Iamarepeater> <span class="me-username">* <span>Iamarepeater</span></span> plays Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows
[08:07] <Charmande red321> how does one play
[08:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB avatar is of Leslie atm.
[08:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:07] <Charmande red321> :P vs :[[]]P
[08:08] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">paga bag-ohan na sa ako kuman</span>
[08:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Is that Filipino?
[08:08] <Charmande red321> somewhat
[08:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How do you speak it?
[08:09] <AWikiBoy521> Filipino, known as Tagalog in Filipino
[08:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Tagalog.
[08:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What a name.
[08:10] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[08:10] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Sounds like a mouthful.
[08:11] <Lolwutburger> well fuck
[08:11] <Lolwutburger> they changed the Fairly OddParents theme song
[08:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> To Leslie face punch?
[08:11] <Lolwutburger> goddamn freaks at Nickelodeon
[08:11] <Fairy27> Day 31: DDP was right. It was easy.
[08:12] <Fairy27> Dr. Zomboss is next.
[08:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hides behind LWB.
[08:07] <Charmande red321> Jakiro...
[08:07] <Iamarepeater> <span class="me-username">* <span>Iamarepeater</span></span> plays Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing On Rainbows
[08:07] <Charmande red321> how does one play
[08:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB avatar is of Leslie atm.
[08:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:07] <Charmande red321> :P vs :[[]]P
[08:08] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">paga bag-ohan na sa ako kuman</span>
[08:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Is that Filipino?
[08:08] <Charmande red321> somewhat
[08:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> How do you speak it?
[08:09] <AWikiBoy521> Filipino, known as Tagalog in Filipino
[08:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Tagalog.
[08:09] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What a name.
[08:10] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[08:10] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Sounds like a mouthful.
[08:11] <Lolwutburger> well fuck
[08:11] <Lolwutburger> they changed the Fairly OddParents theme song
[08:11] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> To Leslie face punch?
[08:11] <Lolwutburger> goddamn freaks at Nickelodeon
[08:11] <Fairy27> Day 31: DDP was right. It was easy.
[08:12] <Fairy27> Dr. Zomboss is next.
[08:13] <Fairy27> But first, what will be my new ZG plant?
[08:13] <Lolwutburger> At least it seems that they got rid of the dog
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> ...
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> dot dot dot
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> period period period
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> So?
[08:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Mk is short :P 
[08:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB you still watch Fairly odd parents?
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> Ahem, Fairy?
[08:14] <Lolwutburger> duh
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why?
[08:14] <Lolwutburger> it
[08:14] <Lolwutburger> it just flips the lid when you are the kid with FAIRLY ODD PARENTS
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Cartoons are not just for kids btw.
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Just putting that out there.
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:14] <Lolwutburger> whoa they just made an incest joke
[08:14] <Fairy27> Internet!
[08:15] <Lolwutburger> first Timmy's mom's clevage and now incest
[08:15] <Lolwutburger> wow Butch Hartman
[08:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why you surprised LWb.
[08:15] <Lolwutburger> eh gtg anyways I'll be back when the tablet gets fixed
[08:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok 
[08:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 150cm :P 
[08:16] <Fairy27> It was Magnifying Grass. The other plant turned out to be a Sun-shroom.
[08:13] <Fairy27> But first, what will be my new ZG plant?
[08:13] <Lolwutburger> At least it seems that they got rid of the dog
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> ...
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> dot dot dot
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> period period period
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> So?
[08:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Mk is short :P 
[08:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB you still watch Fairly odd parents?
[08:13] <DatDramaPlant> Ahem, Fairy?
[08:14] <Lolwutburger> duh
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why?
[08:14] <Lolwutburger> it
[08:14] <Lolwutburger> it just flips the lid when you are the kid with FAIRLY ODD PARENTS
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok.
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Cartoons are not just for kids btw.
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Just putting that out there.
[08:14] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:14] <Lolwutburger> whoa they just made an incest joke
[08:14] <Fairy27> Internet!
[08:15] <Lolwutburger> first Timmy's mom's clevage and now incest
[08:15] <Lolwutburger> wow Butch Hartman
[08:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why you surprised LWb.
[08:15] <Lolwutburger> eh gtg anyways I'll be back when the tablet gets fixed
[08:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok 
[08:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 150cm :P 
[08:16] <Fairy27> It was Magnifying Grass. The other plant turned out to be a Sun-shroom.
[08:17] <Fairy27> Ahem, Dr. Zomboss? Of course your creation will be a shark.
[08:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am the back up king filling in for MK
[08:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> puts on the Mystery Crown.
[08:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> does Mysterious magic with the Mystery staff.
[08:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wait what does the Mystery staff do lol?
[08:20] <Ilikeduck!> Test
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi ILD.
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The Crazy One!
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[08:17] <Fairy27> Ahem, Dr. Zomboss? Of course your creation will be a shark.
[08:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am the back up king filling in for MK
[08:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> puts on the Mystery Crown.
[08:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> does Mysterious magic with the Mystery staff.
[08:18] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Wait what does the Mystery staff do lol?
[08:20] <Ilikeduck!> Test
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi ILD.
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The Crazy One!
[08:20] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[08:23] <MysteryKing> Lord MK is back from research facilities.
[08:24] <MysteryKing> Giant, have you done any of the tasks i've assigned to you?
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes and I filled in the Mystery King position for you while you were busy
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> gives the position back to Mk.
[08:24] <MysteryKing> What!?
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nothing?
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hides.
[08:25] <MysteryKing> Who dare you take my position temporarily?
[08:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I didn't AWB did.
[08:25] <MysteryKing> No one substitutes Lord MK, even when he is gonwe.
[08:25] <333-blue> Is he/she a chat mode?
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[08:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> thinks of 150 lol
[08:25] <MysteryKing> That's 
[08:25] <MysteryKing> That's 1 king's punishment card for you.
[08:26] <MysteryKing> Get 1 more card and you'll be demoted.
[08:26] <Fairy27> This boss battle is "fine" (BWB - Day 32)
[08:26] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I blame AWB.
[08:26] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What must the not giant do for you now MK?
[08:23] <MysteryKing> Lord MK is back from research facilities.
[08:24] <MysteryKing> Giant, have you done any of the tasks i've assigned to you?
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes and I filled in the Mystery King position for you while you were busy
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> gives the position back to Mk.
[08:24] <MysteryKing> What!?
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nothing?
[08:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hides.
[08:25] <MysteryKing> Who dare you take my position temporarily?
[08:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I didn't AWB did.
[08:25] <MysteryKing> No one substitutes Lord MK, even when he is gonwe.
[08:25] <333-blue> Is he/she a chat mode?
[08:25] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[08:25] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> thinks of 150 lol
[08:25] <MysteryKing> That's 
[08:25] <MysteryKing> That's 1 king's punishment card for you.
[08:26] <MysteryKing> Get 1 more card and you'll be demoted.
[08:26] <Fairy27> This boss battle is "fine" (BWB - Day 32)
[08:26] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I blame AWB.
[08:26] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What must the not giant do for you now MK?
[08:27] <333-blue> Why? I can't use autowikibrowser.
[08:27] <333-blue> Sorry.
[08:27] <MysteryKing> Just rest, i'll be managing the king's capacitors.
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> Hi
[08:27] <333-blue> Ollow the topic.
[08:27] <333-blue> Sorry for mistakes.
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> @333-blue
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> It's okay. I know what that is anyway.
[08:28] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">]I still haven't beat MD yet</span></span>
[08:28] <333-blue> So, anyway, ignore them. Dr. Zomboss is not hard to beat.
[08:28] <AWikiBoy521> DDP, me too...
[08:28] <DatDramaPlant> Damn the day 7...
[08:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> grows AWB to 6 foto
[08:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *foot
[08:29] <DatDramaPlant> #IHateJestersAndOctos
[08:29] <333-blue> AWB is in the English Wikipedia, or other wikis?
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> @333-blue
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> Both
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> Some users used it before.
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> Majority goes to the admins in this wiki.
[08:31] <Fairy27> So many Surfers! But just one phase remaining, it will be fine.
[08:27] <333-blue> Why? I can't use autowikibrowser.
[08:27] <333-blue> Sorry.
[08:27] <MysteryKing> Just rest, i'll be managing the king's capacitors.
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> Hi
[08:27] <333-blue> Ollow the topic.
[08:27] <333-blue> Sorry for mistakes.
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> @333-blue
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> It's okay. I know what that is anyway.
[08:28] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">]I still haven't beat MD yet</span></span>
[08:28] <333-blue> So, anyway, ignore them. Dr. Zomboss is not hard to beat.
[08:28] <AWikiBoy521> DDP, me too...
[08:28] <DatDramaPlant> Damn the day 7...
[08:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> grows AWB to 6 foto
[08:28] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *foot
[08:29] <DatDramaPlant> #IHateJestersAndOctos
[08:29] <333-blue> AWB is in the English Wikipedia, or other wikis?
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> @333-blue
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> Both
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> Some users used it before.
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> Majority goes to the admins in this wiki.
[08:31] <Fairy27> So many Surfers! But just one phase remaining, it will be fine.
[08:32] <Fairy27> What? Tangle Kelp helped majorly!
[08:33] <Fairy27> And defeated! Now...(Moves to complete JM)
[08:34] <Yappat> Can one vote on their own wiki vote?
[08:35] <Yappat> Like not to apply for a staff position, but can you vote on something you want to change in the wiki? Such as merge or delete pages?
[08:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Idk.
[08:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> takes the position of Mystery King.
[08:32] <Fairy27> What? Tangle Kelp helped majorly!
[08:33] <Fairy27> And defeated! Now...(Moves to complete JM)
[08:34] <Yappat> Can one vote on their own wiki vote?
[08:35] <Yappat> Like not to apply for a staff position, but can you vote on something you want to change in the wiki? Such as merge or delete pages?
[08:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Idk.
[08:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> takes the position of Mystery King.
[08:37] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi!
[08:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi
[08:37] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Yappat!
[08:37] <Fairy27> Hi MNIMN!
[08:38] <MyNameIsMyName> Oh, you are here too?
[08:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> YNINYN :P 
[08:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[08:38] <Fairy27> JM - Day 29: Only 3 selected plants? @MNIMN You didn't notice? Okay.
[08:38] <DatDramaPlant> @Yappat Yes
[08:39] <MyNameIsMyName> True for me, but not for you guys.
[08:40] <MyNameIsMyName> So what now?
[08:41] <Fairy27> Chat's a bit inactive, AGAIN. But just wait...What is your favorite world in PvZ2? Mine is NMT.
[08:41] <DatDramaPlant> LC
[08:42] <MyNameIsMyName> IDK really
[08:37] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Yappat!
[08:37] <Fairy27> Hi MNIMN!
[08:38] <MyNameIsMyName> Oh, you are here too?
[08:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> YNINYN :P 
[08:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[08:38] <Fairy27> JM - Day 29: Only 3 selected plants? @MNIMN You didn't notice? Okay.
[08:38] <DatDramaPlant> @Yappat Yes
[08:39] <MyNameIsMyName> True for me, but not for you guys.
[08:40] <MyNameIsMyName> So what now?
[08:41] <Fairy27> Chat's a bit inactive, AGAIN. But just wait...What is your favorite world in PvZ2? Mine is NMT.
[08:41] <DatDramaPlant> LC
[08:42] <MyNameIsMyName> IDK really
[08:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Idk
[08:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Remember when DDP was on chat?
[08:44] <MyNameIsMyName> ?
[08:44] <MysteryKing> Giant, i have a new task for you.
[08:44] <Fairy27> And what is your favorite dino?
[08:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> is not that giagantic sigh
[08:44] <MysteryKing> Go in field of jewels and fetch me 10 blue gems.
[08:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Stegosaurus
[08:44] <MysteryKing> Also, stop mumbling denial and just do your job.
[08:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> fetches 10 green gems
[08:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> fetches 10 blue gems
[08:45] <Fairy27> Mine is the Pterodactyl.
[08:45] <MysteryKing> All i needed were blue gems but alright then.
[08:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Idk
[08:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Remember when DDP was on chat?
[08:44] <MyNameIsMyName> ?
[08:44] <MysteryKing> Giant, i have a new task for you.
[08:44] <Fairy27> And what is your favorite dino?
[08:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> is not that giagantic sigh
[08:44] <MysteryKing> Go in field of jewels and fetch me 10 blue gems.
[08:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Stegosaurus
[08:44] <MysteryKing> Also, stop mumbling denial and just do your job.
[08:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> fetches 10 green gems
[08:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> fetches 10 blue gems
[08:45] <Fairy27> Mine is the Pterodactyl.
[08:45] <MysteryKing> All i needed were blue gems but alright then.
[08:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[08:47] <MysteryKing> Where's the queen of the other kingdom?
[08:47] <AWikiBoy521> Well
[08:47] <AWikiBoy521> She's not here.
[08:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Idk.
[08:48] <AWikiBoy521> She's sailing for the seas.
[08:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB you look quite small.
[08:48] <MysteryKing> Supervisor AWB, please get me the recent telegrams from other kingdoms please.
[08:48] <AWikiBoy521> @MK
[08:48] <AWikiBoy521> The sources?
[08:48] <MysteryKing> Yes.
[08:48] <MysteryKing> Do it and i might promote you to executive supervisor.
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> Since you don't understand CSS anyway.
[08:49] <Yappat> I recently ran tests and it seems Moonflowers plantfood can block Fisherman Zombies hook.
[08:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You just said nah to MK lol
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> *some CSS
[08:49] <MysteryKing> Ok i guess.
[08:49] <MysteryKing> Giant, where are the other giants?
[08:49] <Yappat> My guess is that it shares the same properties as Infinuts Barrier.
[08:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> doesn't know
[08:50] <MysteryKing> Actually, AWB is another giant.
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> @MK
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, she is doing something that isn't something like you guys to.
[08:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> thinks in giaganticas
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> *guys do
[08:50] <MysteryKing> But his main job is supervisor.
[08:50] <MysteryKing> Isn't that right, Giant?
[08:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Giant AWB lol.
[08:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi EP!
[08:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> 
[08:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:51] <Electric Plants> Hi
[08:51] <AWikiBoy521> Freddi!
[08:51] <Fairy27> Hello there, EP!
[08:51] <MysteryKing> Actually.
[08:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Toy Freddy.
[08:51] <Fairy27> (Opens MG) Power Toss only.
[08:51] <MysteryKing> Pretty much everyone in here are giants, but you, Dary, is most standing out, so it's going to be your major job.
[08:51] <Electric Plants> So?
[08:52] <MysteryKing> The rest of my subjects in here have "giant" as a side job.
[08:52] <AWikiBoy521> @MK
[08:52] <AWikiBoy521> The recent telegrams are filled with CSS.
[08:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I see.
[08:52] <MysteryKing> Thank you for that intel Supervisor AWB.
[08:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> So anyone not 150cm is a giant correct.
[08:52] <MysteryKing> I'll promote you to executive visionizor.
[08:52] <Yappat> AWB, would you consider MFs Plant Food to be a forcefield?
[08:53] <Fairy27> JM - Day 30: Hard much? (It also feels like certain levels of JM are harder than BWB to me.)
[08:53] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> AWB is a very good worker.
[08:53] <AWikiBoy521> But, I just looked into sources.
[08:53] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[08:53] <AWikiBoy521> Well, Idk about that.
[08:54] <AWikiBoy521> Sure, it creates a shield.
[08:54] <AWikiBoy521> But, it's kinda like a forcefield.
[08:54] <MyNameIsMyName> Every JM level starts from 25 is BWB difficulty
[08:54] <MyNameIsMyName> Because of the Ankylosaurus
[08:55] <Fairy27> I don't like Ankylosaurus in this game.
[08:55] <MyNameIsMyName> And bad news: Spikeweed/rock is no longer a counter for Ankylo
[08:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Meh.
[08:55] <Fairy27> I never knew that Spikeweed/rock is a counter. I never used it. (MNIMN)
[08:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Me either.
[08:57] <Fairy27> Really?! 4 flags?!
[08:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes,
[08:58] <Fairy27> And 1st wave already. (Harder than BWB, then!)
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> Just use other plants for Anky
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> If it gets too close
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> to your plants
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> Dig it up
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> plant another one
[08:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Good message Reap lol.
[08:59] <MyNameIsMyName> What I really need is a long term protection
[09:00] <Fairy27> Also, do you like Primal Wall-nut?
[09:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I do.
[09:00] <MyNameIsMyName> Plus, how will you do it when there are 3 ankylos at a time?
[09:00] <Reapeageddon> Yep
[09:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hid.
[09:01] <MyNameIsMyName> @Fairy, Meh, I only use it when it is needed (Day 15)
[09:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Day 15 lol
[09:01] <Fairy27> @MNIMN Same here.
[09:01] <MyNameIsMyName> Otherwise, nah. I'm not a fan of defensive palnts
[09:01] <Reapeageddon> I think the reason why Wall-nuts get crushed by Jurassic Gargs but Primal Nuts take 3 before crushed despite they are the same health is becasue
[09:01] <Reapeageddon> because...
[09:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I prefer defensive plants as a destraction
[09:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> before I plant my offensive and sun producers
[08:57] <Fairy27> Really?! 4 flags?!
[08:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes,
[08:58] <Fairy27> And 1st wave already. (Harder than BWB, then!)
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> Just use other plants for Anky
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> If it gets too close
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> to your plants
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> Dig it up
[08:59] <Reapeageddon> plant another one
[08:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Good message Reap lol.
[08:59] <MyNameIsMyName> What I really need is a long term protection
[09:00] <Fairy27> Also, do you like Primal Wall-nut?
[09:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I do.
[09:00] <MyNameIsMyName> Plus, how will you do it when there are 3 ankylos at a time?
[09:00] <Reapeageddon> Yep
[09:00] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hid.
[09:01] <MyNameIsMyName> @Fairy, Meh, I only use it when it is needed (Day 15)
[09:01] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Day 15 lol
[09:01] <Fairy27> @MNIMN Same here.
[09:01] <MyNameIsMyName> Otherwise, nah. I'm not a fan of defensive palnts
[09:01] <Reapeageddon> I think the reason why Wall-nuts get crushed by Jurassic Gargs but Primal Nuts take 3 before crushed despite they are the same health is becasue
[09:01] <Reapeageddon> because...
[09:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I prefer defensive plants as a destraction
[09:02] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> before I plant my offensive and sun producers
[09:02] <Fairy27> I don't even use defensive plants every so often.
[09:02] <Reapeageddon> Primal Wall-nut has a thicker shell, but takes the same time for it to be devoured by zombies along with Wall-nut's time
[09:02] <Electric Plants> What is this discussion about? (allears) 
[09:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> PvZ defense strategies
[09:03] <MyNameIsMyName> idk
[09:03] <Reapeageddon> Or thicker shell, but a bit softer.
[09:03] <Reapeageddon> idk
[09:03] <Fairy27> @EP Random.
[09:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I just said what it could be lol
[09:03] <Fairy27> I started the defensive plant part, EP.
[09:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You did huh
[09:04] <MyNameIsMyName> @Reap or, the pole (coffin, shark, etc.) slips away from the Nut
[09:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Coffin lol
[09:05] <Fairy27> Wow. Day 30 of JM was "fairly easy".
[09:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Fairly easy FAIRLY,
[09:05] <Fairy27> (Not like I'm an expert of this.)
[09:05] <Fairy27> Day 25 was hard, though.
[09:06] <MyNameIsMyName> I have to restart my computer now
[09:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Brb.
[09:02] <Fairy27> I don't even use defensive plants every so often.
[09:02] <Reapeageddon> Primal Wall-nut has a thicker shell, but takes the same time for it to be devoured by zombies along with Wall-nut's time
[09:02] <Electric Plants> What is this discussion about? (allears) 
[09:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> PvZ defense strategies
[09:03] <MyNameIsMyName> idk
[09:03] <Reapeageddon> Or thicker shell, but a bit softer.
[09:03] <Reapeageddon> idk
[09:03] <Fairy27> @EP Random.
[09:03] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I just said what it could be lol
[09:03] <Fairy27> I started the defensive plant part, EP.
[09:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You did huh
[09:04] <MyNameIsMyName> @Reap or, the pole (coffin, shark, etc.) slips away from the Nut
[09:04] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Coffin lol
[09:05] <Fairy27> Wow. Day 30 of JM was "fairly easy".
[09:05] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Fairly easy FAIRLY,
[09:05] <Fairy27> (Not like I'm an expert of this.)
[09:05] <Fairy27> Day 25 was hard, though.
[09:06] <MyNameIsMyName> I have to restart my computer now
[09:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Brb.
[09:08] <Fairy27> What did I do on JM - Day 30? Primal Sunflowers, then Stallias, then Primal Potato Mines, then (just for a while) Primal Wall-nuts, then Primal Peashooters...
[09:08] <Fairy27> Hi, Pinkgirl!
[09:09] <Fairy27> (Restarts)
[09:09] <MyNameIsMyName> Back
[09:10] <Fairy27> Back, too.
[09:10] <MyNameIsMyName> It booted up faster then I thought.
[09:10] <Fairy27> JM - Day 31: Yet another L and L level
[09:10] <Pinkgirl234> Hi!
[09:10] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs everyone
[09:11] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:11] <Fairy27> *Fairy27 hugs everyone as well
[09:11] <Iamarepeater> <span class="me-username">* <span>Iamarepeater</span></span> hugs back
[09:11] <MyNameIsMyName> And it is eay. Spam CS
[09:11] <Fairy27> Back to active chat?
[09:11] <MyNameIsMyName> Oh no
[09:11] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[09:11] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> tickles everyone too
[09:11] <MyNameIsMyName> And how to do that strikethrough again?
[09:12] <Fairy27> It has no waves? Glitch?
[09:24] <Lolwutburger> I think I've seen this guy here before
[09:24] <MyNameIsMyName> Kind of like that.
[09:24] <Lolwutburger> hmmmm
[09:24] <Lolwutburger> wow how edgy
[09:24] <Fairy27> Dr. Zomboss's creation: Similar to the Dark Dragon. *Slow claps*
[09:24] <Fairy27> In JM
[09:24] <Blue The Raptor> (marigold) me rollin, they hatin'
[09:24] <Yappat> Can I say something?
[09:25] <DatDramaPlant> Was BTR kicked for chat rolling?
[09:25] <Pinkgirl234> Yes Yappat. What is it?
[09:25] <Lolwutburger> Similar to the Dark Dragon with Sharkbot (why bother to put the real name) textures
[09:25] <DatDramaPlant> @Fairy Yeah IKR.
[09:25] <Lolwutburger> Oh right, Sharktronic Sub
[09:25] <Blue The Raptor> Did you know that Zomboss is a pedophobe?
[09:25] <AWikiBoy521> @DDP
[09:25] <AWikiBoy521> More like kicked to "Space" spamming
[09:25] <Yappat> The Fanbase of FNAF and Undertale made me cringe so hard, I had to have an overbite and underbite put on me.
[09:25] <AWikiBoy521> @Pink
[09:25] <AWikiBoy521> That fix should do it.
[09:25] <Lolwutburger> Anyway
[09:26] <Charmande red321> so theres fnoof and underpants
[09:26] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">It still looks like a bug to me though, Pink.</span>
[09:26] <Charmande red321> k
[09:26] <Lolwutburger> what is "Indian Divine Comedy" supposed to be
[09:26] <DatDramaPlant> @AWikiBoy I used "chat rolling" because it was used as a term in a discussion.
[09:26] <Yappat> Bollywood.
[09:26] <Lolwutburger> in Jack(off)fruit's entry
[09:26] <AWikiBoy521> @DDP
[09:26] <AWikiBoy521> Not everyone knows that term tohugh.
[09:26] <MyNameIsMyName> @Pink I read your message aboutgirlfriend thingy
[09:26] <AWikiBoy521> *though
[09:26] <Lolwutburger> its teeth look ugly though
[09:26] <Lolwutburger> I should try redesigning it in my image
[09:26] <Blue The Raptor> I can kill a gargantuar to death
[09:26] <MyNameIsMyName> Yes, I guess. (lie
[09:27] <MyNameIsMyName> Hollyweed?
[09:27] <Fairy27> All dinosaurs here are annoying...
[09:27] <Lolwutburger> tbh I was surprised with the fact that Jackfruit could "block wizard zombies" but I got unsurprised when the wizard mention was a different wizard
[09:27] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:27] <Charmande red321> yellow there
[09:28] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy!
[09:28] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> pinches MNIMN's cheeks
[09:28] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">like she would to Wintah</span>
[09:28] <Blue The Raptor> iamareraper
[09:28] <Fairy27> (Earns Bash Potato achievement) Okay.
[09:28] <Charmande red321> where is the frozen vegetable anyways
[09:28] <MyNameIsMyName> In the movie
[09:28] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">not AWB</span>
[09:28] <MyNameIsMyName> (troll) 
[09:28] <Charmande red321> what movie
[09:28] <Blue The Raptor> I killed him
[09:28] <MyNameIsMyName> Frozen
[09:28] <Charmande red321> Heating
[09:29] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Heating
[09:29] <Charmande red321> a planet covered on ice while burning inside
[09:29] <Lolwutburger> So... in the international version, the newest plants are some of the cutest plants around
[09:29] <Lolwutburger> Meanwhile in China, they get Jackfruit
[09:29] <Lolwutburger> With its misshapen teeth
[09:29] <MyNameIsMyName> (claps)
[09:29] <Blue The Raptor> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[09:29] <Lolwutburger> leonard
[09:30] <Concorde deer> hello
[09:30] <Fairy27> I know that Chinese LC released. But the Jackfruit. I think I consider Agave a monthly special LC plant, though.
[09:30] <Concorde deer> someone can send me screen door zombie door in pvz 2 style
[09:30] <Concorde deer> pls
[09:31] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy officer Citron!
[09:31] <Lolwutburger> I thought Lenny was the binoculars from Toy Story
[09:31] <Blue The Raptor> Laser Beans?
[09:32] <Blue The Raptor> I kill em easily
[09:32] <Fairy27> Yes. Active chat!
[09:32] <Charmande red321> random fact:
[09:32] <Charmande red321> greater than one is two
[09:32] <MyNameIsMyName> AWB sent me a PM. Dunno why.
[09:32] <Charmande red321> cuz AWB
[09:32] <Charmande red321> why not
[09:33] <MyNameIsMyName> Another random fact:
[09:33] <MyNameIsMyName> This is a random fact.
[09:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh my freaking god the purple
[09:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi TULO 
[09:34] <Insert Your Name Here> It's like the color hasn't invaded my life enough
[09:34] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy Starfruit and Insert MyNameIsMyName There!
[09:34] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[09:34] <Blue The Raptor> Fact Of The Light Year: Birds don't have wings, they have arms
[09:34] <Pinkgirl234> Hello!
[09:34] <Charmande red321> yellow
[09:35] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> walks in wearing her current battle suit
[09:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh
[09:35] <Insert Your Name Here> And life is still driving me insane
[09:35] <Charmande red321> poorple
[09:35] <Blue The Raptor> <span class="me-username">* <span>Blue The Raptor</span></span> hunts for lunch
[09:35] <Charmande red321> leaveandrew
[09:35] <MyNameIsMyName> Who is going to be single in the future?
[09:35] <Charmande red321> pinkgal
[09:35] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[09:35] <Charmande red321> whinsert
[09:35] <MyNameIsMyName> Me I guess. I like being single
[09:36] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't want to be singl
[09:36] <Insert Your Name Here> single
[09:36] <Charmande red321> why cant u multiply
[09:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You should MNIMN
[09:36] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't want to live my life alone
[09:36] <Pinkgirl234> /* In chat a while ago */
[09:36] <Pinkgirl234> Bul9: oh come here :3
[09:36] <Pinkgirl234> Me: *goes to senpai*
[09:37] <Pinkgirl234> ^ That happened in chat a while ago. :D 
[09:37] <Blue The Raptor> <span class="me-username">* <span>Blue The Raptor</span></span> kills a stegosaurus and devours it
[09:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I seen that, Pink.</span>
[09:37] <Blue The Raptor> *scratches fairy27 *
[09:37] <Pinkgirl234> And I won't forget that convo. :3
[09:37] <DatDramaPlant> It did?
[09:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Brain's doing imitating you again.</span>
[09:38] <Yappat> Soon.
[09:38] <MyNameIsMyName> Everynight, I tell storis to my sister
[09:38] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I love every second that we are together.</span>
[09:38] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="font-size:7pt;"> AWB was in depression at that time</span>
[09:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Da hack, TULO ?</span>
[09:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Now I am a bit sad
[09:38] <MyNameIsMyName> No, not Fairy27 stories...
[09:38] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="font-size:7pt;"> :3</span>
[09:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I have to make this small due to it being irrelevant to this conversation.</span>
[09:39] <MyNameIsMyName> PvZ stories I made up
[09:39] <Reapeageddon> I guess you can call Fairy27 stories
[09:39] <Reapeageddon> FAIRY TALES
[09:39] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Other than that, I tried much in the source.</span>
[09:39] <MyNameIsMyName> And it is really CRAAZY
[09:39] <MyNameIsMyName> Dave and Zomboss works together
[09:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Reap
[09:39] <AWikiBoy521> Nah, [[user:Pinkgirl234|Lola Basyang]] is a true storyteller!
[09:40] <Yappat> Basyang? What does that mean?
[09:40] <MyNameIsMyName> Imp and Peashooter work together
[09:40] <Fairy27> Darn it, Internet.
[09:40] <Blue The Raptor> I throw octopi at weedf
[09:40] <Yappat> Grandma?
[09:40] <MyNameIsMyName> ImpS
[09:40] <AWikiBoy521> Lola Basyang = Grandmother Basyang
[09:40] <Fairy27> Oh, and JM is finished! Now to Modern Day!
[09:40] <Yappat> Grandma Grandma?
[09:40] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[09:40] <AWikiBoy521>
[09:40] <Blue The Raptor> Once a octo zombie threw an octopus at my plant
[09:40] <Blue The Raptor> I dug it up
[09:41] <Blue The Raptor> guess what
[09:41] <AWikiBoy521> Known as "The Stories of Grandmother Basyang"
[09:41] <Blue The Raptor> octopus sitting in the middle of NOWHERE
[09:41] <Yappat> Uh-huh.
[09:41] <Yappat> Why do all Philippine entertainment have to be Soap Operas?
[09:41] <Fairy27> After that, maybe endless zones will do...
[09:41] <MyNameIsMyName> I guess MD is the bast world, by now.
[09:42] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I like to call Pink like that since she made those "story" thingys in main chat a long time ago <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">and I made some Plot Twists in some of them</span>.</span>
[09:42] <Charmande red321> kk
[09:42] <Pinkgirl234> Well...
[09:42] <Yappat> I don't like Soap Operas, probably because I can't understand a single word.
[09:42] <Fairy27> Dave: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Me: (laughs by a bit)
[09:42] <Charmande red321> Philippines is best home for Chaos Knight
[09:42] <Pinkgirl234> drama is often a trend in TV shows.
[09:42] <Fairy27> And now, TACOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Laughs again)
[09:42] <Yappat> Drama is terrible, I don't get it!
[09:42] <AWikiBoy521> And in the Philippines, you see lots of them.
[09:42] <Charmande red321> depends on the person who gets it
[09:43] <Yappat> Most of them are about life, but I don't get it.
[09:43] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him
[09:43] <Fairy27> Day 1 is, you know...
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> oooooo I'm a ghooooooost
[09:43] <AWikiBoy521> Lol
[09:43] <Charmande red321> ooh spoopy
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> of a burger
[09:43] <Electric Plants> Helo ghosty!
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> I guess
[09:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pink just hugged Lolwutburger.</span>
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> I'm dead
[09:43] <Iamarepeater> Test
[09:43] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> Enfeebles LWB
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> huhuhuhuh
[09:43] <Electric Plants> Looks nice
[09:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit
[09:43] <Electric Plants> Hi Wintah!
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> how exactly do you hug a ghost
[09:43] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> then used Friend's Grip
[09:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Now I can't really feel happy in chat anymore
[09:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi 500 sun dude!
[09:44] <WintahMhelon18> FNaF Woooooooooorld
[09:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes.
[09:44] <Electric Plants> Yup
[09:44] <Pinkgirl234> Weentaaah!
[09:44] <Insert Your Name Here> And I still have to go here every day because mod duty
[09:44] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him then does the usual gestures
[09:44] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[09:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nice
[09:44] <Yappat> What gestures?
[09:44] <WintahMhelon18> *does them back to PG*
[09:44] <AWikiBoy521> Use "Weentaaah" in a sentence
[09:44] <Fairy27> I like Modern Day, already.
[09:44] <WintahMhelon18> Use it!
[09:45] <AWikiBoy521> I Weentaaah chat.
[09:42] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I like to call Pink like that since she made those "story" thingys in main chat a long time ago <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">and I made some Plot Twists in some of them</span>.</span>
[09:42] <Charmande red321> kk
[09:42] <Pinkgirl234> Well...
[09:42] <Yappat> I don't like Soap Operas, probably because I can't understand a single word.
[09:42] <Fairy27> Dave: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Me: (laughs by a bit)
[09:42] <Charmande red321> Philippines is best home for Chaos Knight
[09:42] <Pinkgirl234> drama is often a trend in TV shows.
[09:42] <Fairy27> And now, TACOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (Laughs again)
[09:42] <Yappat> Drama is terrible, I don't get it!
[09:42] <AWikiBoy521> And in the Philippines, you see lots of them.
[09:42] <Charmande red321> depends on the person who gets it
[09:43] <Yappat> Most of them are about life, but I don't get it.
[09:43] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him
[09:43] <Fairy27> Day 1 is, you know...
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> oooooo I'm a ghooooooost
[09:43] <AWikiBoy521> Lol
[09:43] <Charmande red321> ooh spoopy
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> of a burger
[09:43] <Electric Plants> Helo ghosty!
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> I guess
[09:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pink just hugged Lolwutburger.</span>
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> I'm dead
[09:43] <Iamarepeater> Test
[09:43] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> Enfeebles LWB
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> huhuhuhuh
[09:43] <Electric Plants> Looks nice
[09:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit
[09:43] <Electric Plants> Hi Wintah!
[09:43] <Lolwutburger> how exactly do you hug a ghost
[09:43] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> then used Friend's Grip
[09:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Now I can't really feel happy in chat anymore
[09:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi 500 sun dude!
[09:44] <WintahMhelon18> FNaF Woooooooooorld
[09:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes.
[09:44] <Electric Plants> Yup
[09:44] <Pinkgirl234> Weentaaah!
[09:44] <Insert Your Name Here> And I still have to go here every day because mod duty
[09:44] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him then does the usual gestures
[09:44] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[09:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nice
[09:44] <Yappat> What gestures?
[09:44] <WintahMhelon18> *does them back to PG*
[09:44] <AWikiBoy521> Use "Weentaaah" in a sentence
[09:44] <Fairy27> I like Modern Day, already.
[09:44] <WintahMhelon18> Use it!
[09:45] <AWikiBoy521> I Weentaaah chat.
[09:45] <Pinkgirl234> The gestures are...
[09:45] <AWikiBoy521> Keeled.
[09:45] <Pinkgirl234> cheeck pinching, hand-holding and...
[09:45] <Pinkgirl234> and.... :) 
[09:45] <Insert Your Name Here> <span class="me-username">* <span>Insert Your Name Here</span></span> sits in a corner and breaks down
[09:45] <AWikiBoy521> Keeling
[09:45] <Pinkgirl234> hugging :D 
[09:45] <Charmande red321> Hug of Death
[09:46] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[09:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Why do I still bother coming here when there's nothing to do
[09:46] <Yappat> That is not nice.
[09:46] <Pinkgirl234> nah
[09:46] <Charmande red321> Pink is the definition of Queen of Pain
[09:46] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:46] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[09:46] <Pinkgirl234> Hug of sweetness. :D 
[09:46] <Yappat> I don't like to pinch people.
[09:46] <Yappat> I am very sensitive and don't like to be around anybody.
[09:46] <Yappat> I never socialize in real life.
[09:46] <Fairy27> More electric! (Uses tons of (lightningreed) )
[09:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Every freaking day is shouting at law breakers, sit around doing nothing and ranting about life
[09:46] <AWikiBoy521> Just pinch Pink, Yappat.
[09:46] <Yappat> No.
[09:46] <Charmande red321> ye
[09:47] <Yappat> I don't wish.
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> That's Chrysalis to you?
[09:47] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-style:italic;">socializing is very important</span>
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[09:47] <MyNameIsMyName> Weentaaah is the last [[Plants (PvZ2)|plant]] obtained in [[Wild West]] in [[Plants vs. Zombies 2]]. He lobs frozen melons at the zombies.
[09:47] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-style:italic;">idk why but it what makes us live and humane</span>
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> Weentaaah makes cookies for some users here.
[09:47] <MyNameIsMyName> Don't know why I make this tho.
[09:47] <Ilikeduck!> WEEENTAH?
[09:47] <Pinkgirl234> XD
[09:47] <Ilikeduck!> LOL
[09:47] <Insert Your Name Here> I have little reason left to go here. Besides duty
[09:47] <Charmande red321> gimme cookies pl0z
[09:47] <Fairy27> Portals from other worlds, huh.
[09:47] <Yappat> I don't feel like I am good at socializing.
[09:48] <AWikiBoy521> I ween2taaah park.
[09:48] <Ilikeduck!> I have nenver been eat any cookie with cocoa :3
[09:48] <WintahMhelon18> (shrinkingviolet) 
[09:48] <Yappat> Everytime I talk to a guy or girl face to face, I get shyed up.
[09:48] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> teekles Wintah
[09:48] <Blue The Raptor> (bacon) sucks\
[09:48] <Insert Your Name Here> I can't really talk because most of you guys are too young and think differently
[09:48] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="font-size:7pt;">You like that Wintah?</span>
[09:48] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[09:48] <AWikiBoy521> What if I talked to you in real life?
[09:48] <Insert Your Name Here> And trolling pink only goes so far
[09:48] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">everytime time i hold a knife and see someone i feel homicidal</span>
[09:48] <WintahMhelon18> @Pinkgirl, maybe?
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> Same to mein some cases
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> *me in
[09:49] <Yappat> I would be embarassed.
[09:49] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't understand random chat
[09:49] <Blue The Raptor> 8==D
[09:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Everything I do must have a purpose
[09:49] <Fairy27> Darn it, got tricked by the portals. (Restarts the level)
[09:49] <Yappat> No Blue.
[09:49] <Charmande red321> i like me being immature
[09:49] <Charmande red321> makes me feel youthful
[09:49] <Yappat> Please do not be immature with penis signs.
[09:49] <Insert Your Name Here> I can't be immature anymore
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> And you are now feeling that pain of certain users.
[09:49] <Yappat> You are burning my eyes.
[09:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> HE is AWB
[09:50] <Charmande red321> till i turn into Insert
[09:50] <Charmande red321> if thats how my brain works
[09:50] <Insert Your Name Here> And the only thing left for me to fight for is withering away
[09:50] <Lolwutburger> damn I missed the penis signs
[09:50] <Yappat> Good.
[09:50] <Insert Your Name Here> I just feels useless
[09:50] <Lolwutburger> penises are funny
[09:50] <Pinkgirl234> LWb um please no..
[09:50] <MyNameIsMyName> orly?
[09:50] <Yappat> LWB has not gone to Puberty.
[09:50] <Lolwutburger> I'd like to share what I did with mine but I know you people don't want to know about it
[09:50] <Charmande red321> dang i missed the old chat
[09:50] <Blue The Raptor> 8==D 8==D
[09:51] <Pinkgirl234> Test
[09:51] <Yappat> LWB, do you want to know how puberty works?
[09:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That sucks doesn't it Insert
[09:51] <Fairy27> It feels like LWB has ruined the chat.
[09:51] <MyNameIsMyName> someone kick him already...
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Get out
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> @Yappat are you seriously trying to do this
[09:51] <Charmande red321> so...
[09:51] <Yappat> You too blue?
[09:51] <Charmande red321> should i do something about it?
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't mean you drek
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> trying to make me want to tell what I did earlier
[09:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo
[09:51] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Super Sword!
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> hola
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> And daryt
[09:51] <Blue The Raptor> im bored m666s
[09:51] <Yappat> Yes.
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> hmm
[09:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> just back from a power outag
[09:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *outage
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> I forgot what I was doing before I came back to this tab
[09:51] <MyNameIsMyName> I'm thinking nicknames for users here
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> daaaaaamn
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> My reasons to stay at this wiki
[09:52] <Insert Your Name Here> They are fading away
[09:52] <Yappat> Puberty is a process where both man and woman mature in order to produce in later years.
[09:52] <Charmande red321> maturity
[09:52] <MyNameIsMyName> Any suggestion?
[09:52] <Charmande red321> jacksepticeyeity
[09:52] <Pinkgirl234> IYNH
[09:45] <Charmande red321> Hug of Death
[09:46] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[09:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Why do I still bother coming here when there's nothing to do
[09:46] <Yappat> That is not nice.
[09:46] <Pinkgirl234> nah
[09:46] <Charmande red321> Pink is the definition of Queen of Pain
[09:46] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:46] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[09:46] <Pinkgirl234> Hug of sweetness. :D 
[09:46] <Yappat> I don't like to pinch people.
[09:46] <Yappat> I am very sensitive and don't like to be around anybody.
[09:46] <Yappat> I never socialize in real life.
[09:46] <Fairy27> More electric! (Uses tons of (lightningreed) )
[09:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Every freaking day is shouting at law breakers, sit around doing nothing and ranting about life
[09:46] <AWikiBoy521> Just pinch Pink, Yappat.
[09:46] <Yappat> No.
[09:46] <Charmande red321> ye
[09:47] <Yappat> I don't wish.
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> That's Chrysalis to you?
[09:47] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-style:italic;">socializing is very important</span>
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[09:47] <MyNameIsMyName> Weentaaah is the last [[Plants (PvZ2)|plant]] obtained in [[Wild West]] in [[Plants vs. Zombies 2]]. He lobs frozen melons at the zombies.
[09:47] <Charmande red321> <span style="font-style:italic;">idk why but it what makes us live and humane</span>
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> Weentaaah makes cookies for some users here.
[09:47] <MyNameIsMyName> Don't know why I make this tho.
[09:47] <Ilikeduck!> WEEENTAH?
[09:47] <Pinkgirl234> XD
[09:47] <Ilikeduck!> LOL
[09:47] <Insert Your Name Here> I have little reason left to go here. Besides duty
[09:47] <Charmande red321> gimme cookies pl0z
[09:47] <Fairy27> Portals from other worlds, huh.
[09:47] <Yappat> I don't feel like I am good at socializing.
[09:48] <AWikiBoy521> I ween2taaah park.
[09:48] <Ilikeduck!> I have nenver been eat any cookie with cocoa :3
[09:48] <WintahMhelon18> (shrinkingviolet) 
[09:48] <Yappat> Everytime I talk to a guy or girl face to face, I get shyed up.
[09:48] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> teekles Wintah
[09:48] <Blue The Raptor> (bacon) sucks\
[09:48] <Insert Your Name Here> I can't really talk because most of you guys are too young and think differently
[09:48] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="font-size:7pt;">You like that Wintah?</span>
[09:48] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[09:48] <AWikiBoy521> What if I talked to you in real life?
[09:48] <Insert Your Name Here> And trolling pink only goes so far
[09:48] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">everytime time i hold a knife and see someone i feel homicidal</span>
[09:48] <WintahMhelon18> @Pinkgirl, maybe?
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> Same to mein some cases
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> *me in
[09:49] <Yappat> I would be embarassed.
[09:49] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't understand random chat
[09:49] <Blue The Raptor> 8==D
[09:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Everything I do must have a purpose
[09:49] <Fairy27> Darn it, got tricked by the portals. (Restarts the level)
[09:49] <Yappat> No Blue.
[09:49] <Charmande red321> i like me being immature
[09:49] <Charmande red321> makes me feel youthful
[09:49] <Yappat> Please do not be immature with penis signs.
[09:49] <Insert Your Name Here> I can't be immature anymore
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> And you are now feeling that pain of certain users.
[09:49] <Yappat> You are burning my eyes.
[09:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> HE is AWB
[09:50] <Charmande red321> till i turn into Insert
[09:50] <Charmande red321> if thats how my brain works
[09:50] <Insert Your Name Here> And the only thing left for me to fight for is withering away
[09:50] <Lolwutburger> damn I missed the penis signs
[09:50] <Yappat> Good.
[09:50] <Insert Your Name Here> I just feels useless
[09:50] <Lolwutburger> penises are funny
[09:50] <Pinkgirl234> LWb um please no..
[09:50] <MyNameIsMyName> orly?
[09:50] <Yappat> LWB has not gone to Puberty.
[09:50] <Lolwutburger> I'd like to share what I did with mine but I know you people don't want to know about it
[09:50] <Charmande red321> dang i missed the old chat
[09:50] <Blue The Raptor> 8==D 8==D
[09:51] <Pinkgirl234> Test
[09:51] <Yappat> LWB, do you want to know how puberty works?
[09:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> That sucks doesn't it Insert
[09:51] <Fairy27> It feels like LWB has ruined the chat.
[09:51] <MyNameIsMyName> someone kick him already...
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Get out
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> @Yappat are you seriously trying to do this
[09:51] <Charmande red321> so...
[09:51] <Yappat> You too blue?
[09:51] <Charmande red321> should i do something about it?
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't mean you drek
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> trying to make me want to tell what I did earlier
[09:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo
[09:51] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Super Sword!
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> hola
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> And daryt
[09:51] <Blue The Raptor> im bored m666s
[09:51] <Yappat> Yes.
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> hmm
[09:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> just back from a power outag
[09:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *outage
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> I forgot what I was doing before I came back to this tab
[09:51] <MyNameIsMyName> I'm thinking nicknames for users here
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> daaaaaamn
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> My reasons to stay at this wiki
[09:52] <Insert Your Name Here> They are fading away
[09:52] <Yappat> Puberty is a process where both man and woman mature in order to produce in later years.
[09:52] <Charmande red321> maturity
[09:52] <MyNameIsMyName> Any suggestion?
[09:52] <Charmande red321> jacksepticeyeity
[09:52] <Pinkgirl234> IYNH
[09:52] <Lolwutburger> maturity is for fags
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> just opinion though
[09:53] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I finally found a video of speaking English with French accent
[09:53] <Insert Your Name Here> ?
[09:53] <Pinkgirl234> Can we like...not?
[09:53] <Yappat> Maturity is for good reasons.
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> like not....
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> like nuts
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[09:53] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Her pronunciations of certain words are kinda messed up but it's OK
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> (wall-nut) 
[09:53] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What on Earth did I come back to?
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> i liek them
[09:53] <Yappat> They are not Nuts LWB.
[09:53] <Insert Your Name Here> I can't
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> especially ones that are hard
[09:53] <MyNameIsMyName> @IYNH If I were you, I'd say 'The reason for me to stay in this wiki
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> like (Hard-nut) 
[09:54] <Yappat> They are called the testes in scientific names.
[09:54] <MyNameIsMyName> is getting more obvious.'
[09:54] <Charmande red321> because the Earth Spirit
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> Johnny Testes
[09:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> It's like chat went bonkers all of the sudden.
[09:54] <Blue The Raptor> Once the zombies cracked the homeowner's nuts
[09:54] <Blue The Raptor> geddit?
[09:54] <Blue The Raptor> (wall-nut)
[09:54] <MysteryKing> Lord MK has returned.
[09:54] <Yappat> No.
[09:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[09:54] <AWikiBoy521> Just make those moments that are good happen.
[09:54] <Yappat> Because I do not get anything about it.
[09:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi MK.
[09:54] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy Lord!
[09:54] <Blue The Raptor> But you're gonna die soon
[09:54] <MysteryKing> It's Lord MK for you, giant.
[09:54] <Yappat> It looks very silly and stupid.
[09:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> sebelah
[09:55] <Fairy27> Final Wave music of Modern Day is what I love: Zombies on Your Lawn! You've come! But a bit shorter.
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> At least I finally mastered my Crazy Dave voice
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> it hurts my throat though
[09:55] <Blue The Raptor> I can kill anything
[09:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello Drek.
[09:55] <MyNameIsMyName> Wait, let me check this out
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> can you kill one that is unkillable
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> anyway
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> I'd record it but I have to get tacos later
[09:56] <Yappat> I am scared of running for staff.
[09:56] <Blue The Raptor> Yes, I can
[09:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[09:56] <Insert Your Name Here> PM isn't working
[09:56] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[09:56] <Yappat> I have never been as a staff position in my life.
[09:56] <Blue The Raptor> I run a taco business that Crazy Dave doesn't know about.
[09:56] <Drek'TharSuperSword> nice soundtack for GW2
[09:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You shouldn't worry Yappat.
[09:56] <Fairy27> (moonflower) Obtained.
[09:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am sure you will be fine.
[09:56] <Charmande red321> frikin test
[09:56] <Charmande red321> Pink just infected me
[09:56] <MyNameIsMyName> Nope, nevermind.
[09:57] <Blue The Raptor> gw2 sucks dong
[09:57] <Fairy27> Mediocre recharge?!
[09:57] <Charmande red321> this chat has almost everything
[09:57] <Yappat> Everybody says I can be a Rollback because I am a good editor, but Rollback looks like you need to do a lot of work.
[09:57] <Blue The Raptor> I think that Phat Beet needs mlg sunglasses
[09:57] <MysteryKing> I can scan that chat has improved a lot since.
[09:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Shot! Center mass, he's down hard.
[09:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword> -BF2
[09:58] <MysteryKing> More new users, and more activity.
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> thinks short MK.
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> mlg is gay
[09:58] <Fairy27> MD - Day 2
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> ytp is better
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB is a ghost.
[09:58] <Blue The Raptor> MD- Day 2
[09:58] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> OMG!
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> boo
[09:58] <Blue The Raptor> I kill everythin'
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> i spook the
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> *thee
[09:58] <Yappat> MLG is the best.
[09:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> You are the ghost of Leslie.
[09:59] <Fairy27> Gargantuar already.
[09:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :P 
[09:59] <Lolwutburger> thou will be spookified
[09:59] <Yappat> It has nice gameplay videos of tournaments.
[09:59] <Blue The Raptor> stupid ducks in disco tron 300
[09:59] <MysteryKing> Giant, i have a task for you.
[09:59] <Blue The Raptor> 3000*
[09:59] <Charmande red321> how does one ghost
[09:59] <Blue The Raptor> TOO MANY FUCKING DUCKS
[09:59] <Blue The Raptor> FUCK DUCKS
[10:00] <Charmande red321> even tho if i can ghost since profpic is ghost
[10:00] <MysteryKing> Finally.
[10:01] <Lolwutburger> I should take the advice of the old man from Toy Story 2 and not rush my art
[10:01] <MysteryKing> That tall overzealous freak is finally gone.
[10:01] <Fairy27> I like (moonflower) already.
[10:01] <MyNameIsMyName> Yup
[10:02] <MyNameIsMyName> @Fairy Using her is quite fun, but she is not very decent
[10:02] <Electric Plants> gtg
[10:02] <Fairy27> (lightningreed) power!!!
[10:02] <Charmande red321> and you're also gone
[10:02] <Fairy27> @MNIMN Not decent?
[10:02] <MyNameIsMyName> Yeah.
[10:02] <MyNameIsMyName> In other worlds, I'd choose Primal Sunflower.
[10:03] <Fairy27> Of all BWB zombies, gosh those (octozombie) and (surferzombie) .
[10:03] <Fairy27> From their portals.
[10:03] <Lolwutburger> who else will be gone
[10:03] <MyNameIsMyName> And a tip for JM: Sunflower is more useful than Twin and SHroom.
[10:04] <Fairy27> @MNIMN I already completed JM and I'm now on MD.
[10:04] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Dramatic Rotobaga!
[10:04] <MyNameIsMyName> @Fairy, I know.
[10:02] <MyNameIsMyName> In other worlds, I'd choose Primal Sunflower.
[10:03] <Fairy27> Of all BWB zombies, gosh those (octozombie) and (surferzombie) .
[10:03] <Fairy27> From their portals.
[10:03] <Lolwutburger> who else will be gone
[10:03] <MyNameIsMyName> And a tip for JM: Sunflower is more useful than Twin and SHroom.
[10:04] <Fairy27> @MNIMN I already completed JM and I'm now on MD.
[10:04] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Dramatic Rotobaga!
[10:04] <MyNameIsMyName> @Fairy, I know.
[10:05] <Fairy27> @MNIMN That "Dramatic Rotobaga" left.
[10:05] <MyNameIsMyName> Nah...
[10:06] <Fairy27> My lawn's almost full of (lightningreed) . Just a substitute for (electricblueberry) because premium.
[10:07] <Insert Your Name Here> It's not a substitute
[10:07] <Insert Your Name Here> The two have completely different roles
[10:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[10:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> The choir in this soundtrack is really great
[10:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Perfect for sniping stuff in FPS or TPS games
[10:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Imagine using Cactus in GW and shooting enemies with it
[10:08] <Fairy27> @Insert In terms of being electrical.
[10:08] <DatDramaPlant> @Fairy Cough cough I'm here
[10:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> WITH this soundtrack playing
[10:08] <Insert Your Name Here> It's just an animation
[10:08] <Fairy27> (Gets Time Traveller achievement) Okay?
[10:09] <WintahMhelon18> Welp, I'm gonna eat my cheeseburger
[10:09] <Fairy27> Well, (shrinkingviolet) .
[10:09] <Fairy27> I get to use you.
[10:09] <Fairy27> MD - Day 3
[10:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Reminder that shrunken zombies can also dodge certain attacks
[10:10] <Insert Your Name Here> So shrinking violet does have a downside for now
[10:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Shrunken enemies are almost completely immune to bowling bulb for example
[10:11] <AWikiBoy521> (wut) 
[10:12] <Lolwutburger> okay, I'll be gone
[10:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Shrunken zombies are immune to normal bulbs
[10:12] <WintahMhelon18> Like a shrunken Garg can dodge 45% out of all Repeater's shot peas with its plant food ability
[10:12] <Insert Your Name Here> And they can dodge PF balls
[10:05] <Fairy27> @MNIMN That "Dramatic Rotobaga" left.
[10:05] <MyNameIsMyName> Nah...
[10:06] <Fairy27> My lawn's almost full of (lightningreed) . Just a substitute for (electricblueberry) because premium.
[10:07] <Insert Your Name Here> It's not a substitute
[10:07] <Insert Your Name Here> The two have completely different roles
[10:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[10:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> The choir in this soundtrack is really great
[10:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Perfect for sniping stuff in FPS or TPS games
[10:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Imagine using Cactus in GW and shooting enemies with it
[10:08] <Fairy27> @Insert In terms of being electrical.
[10:08] <DatDramaPlant> @Fairy Cough cough I'm here
[10:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> WITH this soundtrack playing
[10:08] <Insert Your Name Here> It's just an animation
[10:08] <Fairy27> (Gets Time Traveller achievement) Okay?
[10:09] <WintahMhelon18> Welp, I'm gonna eat my cheeseburger
[10:09] <Fairy27> Well, (shrinkingviolet) .
[10:09] <Fairy27> I get to use you.
[10:09] <Fairy27> MD - Day 3
[10:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Reminder that shrunken zombies can also dodge certain attacks
[10:10] <Insert Your Name Here> So shrinking violet does have a downside for now
[10:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Shrunken enemies are almost completely immune to bowling bulb for example
[10:11] <AWikiBoy521> (wut) 
[10:12] <Lolwutburger> okay, I'll be gone
[10:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Shrunken zombies are immune to normal bulbs
[10:12] <WintahMhelon18> Like a shrunken Garg can dodge 45% out of all Repeater's shot peas with its plant food ability
[10:12] <Insert Your Name Here> And they can dodge PF balls
[10:12] <MyNameIsMyName> @Wintah That"s right.
[10:13] <Fairy27> @All to those talking about SV's downside - A bit of logic sense, then.
[10:13] <WintahMhelon18> So, shrunken Garg can be hit by 50 peas + 1 big pea
[10:13] <WintahMhelon18> From Repeater
[10:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Stupid Matrix dodging
[10:14] <WintahMhelon18> No wonder Garg survives that attack
[10:14] <DatDramaPlant> @Fairy I forced myself to oget it.
[10:14] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">On the wrong level, why did I choose day 4?</span>
[10:12] <MyNameIsMyName> @Wintah That"s right.
[10:13] <Fairy27> @All to those talking about SV's downside - A bit of logic sense, then.
[10:13] <WintahMhelon18> So, shrunken Garg can be hit by 50 peas + 1 big pea
[10:13] <WintahMhelon18> From Repeater
[10:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Stupid Matrix dodging
[10:14] <WintahMhelon18> No wonder Garg survives that attack
[10:14] <DatDramaPlant> @Fairy I forced myself to oget it.
[10:14] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">On the wrong level, why did I choose day 4?</span>
[10:15] <Fairy27> (newspaperzombie) eats plants fast. What the zombie?!
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a more fragile version of pharaoh
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Not something a little more firepower couldn't solve
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> (by firepower I mean iceplants and high damage plant, fire plants are terrible)
[10:18] <Fairy27> MD - Day 4: Imp frenzy
[10:19] <Fairy27> (Refreshes this chat)
[10:20] <DatDramaPlant> test
[10:20] <DatDramaPlant> Ah well, seems kinda dead, just gonna play Day 7 of MD then.
[10:20] <WintahMhelon18> Beghouled PvZ2 is awesome
[10:20] <DatDramaPlant> #IHateOctosAndJestersRevival
[10:21] <Fairy27> I'll BRB.
[10:15] <Fairy27> (newspaperzombie) eats plants fast. What the zombie?!
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a more fragile version of pharaoh
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Not something a little more firepower couldn't solve
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> (by firepower I mean iceplants and high damage plant, fire plants are terrible)
[10:18] <Fairy27> MD - Day 4: Imp frenzy
[10:19] <Fairy27> (Refreshes this chat)
[10:20] <DatDramaPlant> test
[10:20] <DatDramaPlant> Ah well, seems kinda dead, just gonna play Day 7 of MD then.
[10:20] <WintahMhelon18> Beghouled PvZ2 is awesome
[10:20] <DatDramaPlant> #IHateOctosAndJestersRevival
[10:21] <Fairy27> I'll BRB.
[10:24] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:24] <WintahMhelon18> Yo EP!
[10:24] <WintahMhelon18> :) 
[10:25] <Electric Plants> :D 
[10:25] <WintahMhelon18> You're still the cold one! XD
[10:25] <WintahMhelon18> You're Toy Freddy!
[10:25] <Electric Plants> I need an idea for a new name
[10:25] <Vebros>
[10:25] <Vebros> Hi EP!
[10:25] <Electric Plants> Helo Vebro!
[10:26] <Electric Plants> Looks so nice
[10:26] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[10:26] <Vebros> I found that pic on
[10:27] <Electric Plants> k
[10:27] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Vebros !
[10:27] <Electric Plants> Any idea for a new post name?
[10:28] <Electric Plants> ded
[10:28] <WintahMhelon18> Nope
[10:28] <WintahMhelon18> Not ringing any bells
[10:28] <MyNameIsMyName> @EP What name?
[10:28] <Electric Plants> Post name
[10:28] <Electric Plants> I mean the cold one thingy
[10:29] <Electric Plants> I want to change it
[10:30] <WintahMhelon18> The cute one? xD
[10:30] <Electric Plants> xd
[10:30] <Electric Plants> The Chibi one!
[10:30] <WintahMhelon18> Why not?
[10:30] <WintahMhelon18> XD
[10:31] <Electric Plants> pOOR tOY FREDDY
[10:31] <Electric Plants> Least loved one
[10:31] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> Oh, FNAF :p 
[10:33] <Electric Plants> Hey Ducky!
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> Wat?
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> Did you do it?
[10:33] <Electric Plants> Not yet
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> Oh...
[10:33] <Fairy27> Back!
[10:33] <Electric Plants> Hey Fairy!3
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> LOL
[10:34] <Ilikeduck!> @EP, can you make :3 emote?
[10:34] <Electric Plants> Maybe
[10:34] <Electric Plants> (jackfruit) 
[10:34] <Electric Plants> Using this?
[10:34] <Ilikeduck!> I dunno...
[10:34] <WintahMhelon18> Nah
[10:34] <Ilikeduck!> Use Facebook one?
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> Wat?
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> Did you do it?
[10:33] <Electric Plants> Not yet
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> Oh...
[10:33] <Fairy27> Back!
[10:33] <Electric Plants> Hey Fairy!3
[10:33] <Ilikeduck!> LOL
[10:34] <Ilikeduck!> @EP, can you make :3 emote?
[10:34] <Electric Plants> Maybe
[10:34] <Electric Plants> (jackfruit) 
[10:34] <Electric Plants> Using this?
[10:34] <Ilikeduck!> I dunno...
[10:34] <WintahMhelon18> Nah
[10:34] <Ilikeduck!> Use Facebook one?
[10:35] <Fairy27> Hi to everyone.
[10:35] <Electric Plants> Hi
[10:35] <Ilikeduck!> Hi-ed
[10:36] <Ilikeduck!> Downloaded 7 OBBs :p 
[10:37] <Ilikeduck!> Oh. Really ded.
[10:37] <Electric Plants> (grave) 
[10:37] <Fairy27> Chat's dead, it seems.
[10:37] <Electric Plants> Lol
[10:37] <Electric Plants> xd
[10:39] <Fairy27> MD - Day 4: Not just imp frenzy that I mentioned, it's full of (rainbow)
[10:39] <MyNameIsMyName> That's right.
[10:39] <Electric Plants> (glitter) 
[10:40] <Flipfan> Sello
[10:41] <Fairy27> I got (nightshade) now.
[10:41] <Ilikeduck!> Congrat :V
[10:41] <Ilikeduck!> I win MD without cheat'
[10:42] <MyNameIsMyName> MD is pretty chalenging, but it is fun, unlike BWB.
[10:42] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Flipfan!
[10:42] <Ilikeduck!> I don't like BW
[10:42] <Ilikeduck!> *BWB
[10:35] <Fairy27> Hi to everyone.
[10:35] <Electric Plants> Hi
[10:35] <Ilikeduck!> Hi-ed
[10:36] <Ilikeduck!> Downloaded 7 OBBs :p 
[10:37] <Ilikeduck!> Oh. Really ded.
[10:37] <Electric Plants> (grave) 
[10:37] <Fairy27> Chat's dead, it seems.
[10:37] <Electric Plants> Lol
[10:37] <Electric Plants> xd
[10:39] <Fairy27> MD - Day 4: Not just imp frenzy that I mentioned, it's full of (rainbow)
[10:39] <MyNameIsMyName> That's right.
[10:39] <Electric Plants> (glitter) 
[10:40] <Flipfan> Sello
[10:41] <Fairy27> I got (nightshade) now.
[10:41] <Ilikeduck!> Congrat :V
[10:41] <Ilikeduck!> I win MD without cheat'
[10:42] <MyNameIsMyName> MD is pretty chalenging, but it is fun, unlike BWB.
[10:42] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Flipfan!
[10:42] <Ilikeduck!> I don't like BW
[10:42] <Ilikeduck!> *BWB
[10:42] <Electric Plants> I finished MD without using any premium
[10:43] <Fairy27> BWB feels like having 4 difficulty or nearly 5 to me. But MD is totally ranked 5, unlike my BWB opinion!
[10:43] <Electric Plants> Except in Convoyr belt levels
[10:43] <Ilikeduck!> What the...
[10:44] <Electric Plants> Fairy
[10:44] <Electric Plants> Which world is your fav?
[10:42] <Electric Plants> I finished MD without using any premium
[10:43] <Fairy27> BWB feels like having 4 difficulty or nearly 5 to me. But MD is totally ranked 5, unlike my BWB opinion!
[10:43] <Electric Plants> Except in Convoyr belt levels
[10:43] <Ilikeduck!> What the...
[10:44] <Electric Plants> Fairy
[10:44] <Electric Plants> Which world is your fav?
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> To be fair at BWB release we didn't have all those broken 7$ premiums
[10:45] <Ilikeduck!> Mordern Day :V
[10:45] <Ilikeduck!> Mor, not Mo :) )))))
[10:45] <Electric Plants> True
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> BWB had those really annoying side requirement levels though
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> While MD has no side requirement lvl
[10:46] <Electric Plants> But I like BWB challenged
[10:46] <Fairy27> @EP Neon Mixtape Tour. The jams, the zombies, and the normal music. @ILD I don't have any premiums.
[10:46] <Electric Plants> Everybody loves NMT
[10:46] <Electric Plants> except imcr8z 
[10:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Can't place more than 15 plants in a lvl where everything is water
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> So you can't afford even 2 columns
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> And rotobaga isn't damaging enough
[10:47] <Electric Plants> Do u like NMT @Insert his name here
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> The music is nice
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Thyme warp is too OP to be legal
[10:47] <Electric Plants> But it heals zombies
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> And the rest of the plants are meh
[10:47] <Electric Plants> :O 
[10:47] <Electric Plants> Like Blooming heart
[10:47] <Electric Plants> (troll) 
[10:48] <Electric Plants> Will u buy Blooming heart?
[10:48] <Insert Your Name Here> It doesn't matter if it heals zombies when you can delay the horde forever and wait for your tactical napalm bs to recharge
[10:48] <Fairy27> AHHH! Spoilers! (EP) Okay, whatever.
[10:48] <Electric Plants> Sorry
[10:48] <Fairy27> Electric Plants , rather.
[10:48] <Electric Plants> :/ 
[10:49] <Fairy27> Same, huh.
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> You can do greatest hits without even bothering with sun production
[10:49] <Electric Plants> U avoid spoilers?
[10:49] <Electric Plants> Yah
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:Nmtendless2.png]]
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Witness the glory
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> That thing breaks the game in half
[10:50] <Electric Plants> NiceHi.
[10:50] <Yappat> Bye.
[10:51] <Fairy27> (lightningreed) s and (nightshade) s. But I don't want (nightshade) . Just completed Day 5. Oh, and I avoid spoilers.
[10:51] <Electric Plants> k
[10:51] <Eugoth> Hello
[10:52] <Electric Plants> U r lucky no spoilrs yer
[10:52] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:52] <Eugoth> spoilers of what?
[10:52] <Electric Plants> PvZ2
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> To be fair at BWB release we didn't have all those broken 7$ premiums
[10:45] <Ilikeduck!> Mordern Day :V
[10:45] <Ilikeduck!> Mor, not Mo :) )))))
[10:45] <Electric Plants> True
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> BWB had those really annoying side requirement levels though
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> While MD has no side requirement lvl
[10:46] <Electric Plants> But I like BWB challenged
[10:46] <Fairy27> @EP Neon Mixtape Tour. The jams, the zombies, and the normal music. @ILD I don't have any premiums.
[10:46] <Electric Plants> Everybody loves NMT
[10:46] <Electric Plants> except imcr8z 
[10:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Can't place more than 15 plants in a lvl where everything is water
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> So you can't afford even 2 columns
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> And rotobaga isn't damaging enough
[10:47] <Electric Plants> Do u like NMT @Insert his name here
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> The music is nice
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Thyme warp is too OP to be legal
[10:47] <Electric Plants> But it heals zombies
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> And the rest of the plants are meh
[10:47] <Electric Plants> :O 
[10:47] <Electric Plants> Like Blooming heart
[10:47] <Electric Plants> (troll) 
[10:48] <Electric Plants> Will u buy Blooming heart?
[10:48] <Insert Your Name Here> It doesn't matter if it heals zombies when you can delay the horde forever and wait for your tactical napalm bs to recharge
[10:48] <Fairy27> AHHH! Spoilers! (EP) Okay, whatever.
[10:48] <Electric Plants> Sorry
[10:48] <Fairy27> Electric Plants , rather.
[10:48] <Electric Plants> :/ 
[10:49] <Fairy27> Same, huh.
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> You can do greatest hits without even bothering with sun production
[10:49] <Electric Plants> U avoid spoilers?
[10:49] <Electric Plants> Yah
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:Nmtendless2.png]]
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Witness the glory
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> That thing breaks the game in half
[10:50] <Electric Plants> NiceHi.
[10:50] <Yappat> Bye.
[10:51] <Fairy27> (lightningreed) s and (nightshade) s. But I don't want (nightshade) . Just completed Day 5. Oh, and I avoid spoilers.
[10:51] <Electric Plants> k
[10:51] <Eugoth> Hello
[10:52] <Electric Plants> U r lucky no spoilrs yer
[10:52] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:52] <Eugoth> spoilers of what?
[10:52] <Electric Plants> PvZ2
[10:53] <Fairy27> @Eugoth It's about me avoiding spoilers.
[10:53] <Eugoth> oh, ok
[10:53] <Fairy27> MD - Day 6: Gold Tiles?
[10:53] <Electric Plants> Ya
[10:53] <Electric Plants> But no GoldLeaf
[10:53] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[10:53] <Fairy27> (plays it)
[10:54] <Electric Plants> Good Luck
[10:54] <Eugoth> how much is 13 times 12 + 1?
[10:54] <WintahMhelon18> 157
[10:54] <WintahMhelon18> Is it?
[10:53] <Fairy27> @Eugoth It's about me avoiding spoilers.
[10:53] <Eugoth> oh, ok
[10:53] <Fairy27> MD - Day 6: Gold Tiles?
[10:53] <Electric Plants> Ya
[10:53] <Electric Plants> But no GoldLeaf
[10:53] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[10:53] <Fairy27> (plays it)
[10:54] <Electric Plants> Good Luck
[10:54] <Eugoth> how much is 13 times 12 + 1?
[10:54] <WintahMhelon18> 157
[10:54] <WintahMhelon18> Is it?
[10:55] <Eugoth> idk
[10:55] <Eugoth> yep
[10:55] <Eugoth> 157 plants
[10:55] <Eugoth> In all pvz games
[10:55] <Eugoth> Except AS and GW
[10:56] <Electric Plants> Isn't it 169?
[10:56] <Eugoth> pvz adventures is dead
[10:57] <WintahMhelon18> Then here comes PvZ Adventures 2 &gt;:D 
[10:57] <Eugoth> but when LC update comes to china
[10:57] <Eugoth> i guess 163 or 164 idk
[10:57] <Electric Plants> Eugoth 
[10:57] <Electric Plants> 13*13 = 169
[10:57] <Eugoth> 13 times 12
[10:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword> learn exponents
[10:58] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (i.e. power)
[10:58] <MyNameIsMyName> I always remember
[10:58] <Eugoth> uh
[10:58] <Electric Plants> Somehow confused
[10:58] <MyNameIsMyName> 13^2=169
[10:58] <Electric Plants> Okay NvM
[10:58] <MyNameIsMyName> 14^2=196
[10:58] <Drek'TharSuperSword> power by 2
[10:58] <Eugoth> How about (13 times 12) + 1
[10:58] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 2^31 = 2147483648
[10:58] <MyNameIsMyName> 13^2=169
[10:58] <Electric Plants> You should add ()s
[10:59] <Electric Plants> To make sense
[10:59] <MyNameIsMyName> 14^2=196
[10:59] <WintahMhelon18> E=mc^2
[10:59] <Eugoth> BLah i'm in vacs
[10:59] <Eugoth> I don't even know how to write
[10:59] <Fairy27> Complete!
[10:59] <Electric Plants> Congrats!
[11:00] <Iamarepeater> Guys, who plays PVZAS?
[11:00] <Electric Plants> Nome
[11:00] <Eugoth> I started playing a while
[11:00] <Fairy27> Not me.
[11:00] <Fairy27> MD - Day 7: More BWB?
[11:00] <Eugoth> i'm at pre historic ages
[11:00] <Electric Plants> Hehe ya
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 2^...
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 1=2
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 2=4
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 3=8
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 4=16
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 5=32
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 6=64
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 7=128
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 8=256
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 9=512
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 10=1024
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 11=2048
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 12=4096
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 13=8192
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 14=16384
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 15=32768
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 16=65536
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 18=262144
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 24=16777216
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 31=2147483648
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> that's 2 power x
[11:00] <Electric Plants> Okok
[11:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> duh whatever no one gives a fuck
[11:01] <Iamarepeater> Once you reach level 20, you can access a zone
[11:01] <Eugoth> :o 
[11:01] <Iamarepeater> There is this glitch that if you enter and leave that zone
[11:01] <Iamarepeater> without starting it, you can get 10 free gem
[11:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> you get hyper realistic blood
[11:01] <Eugoth> that's cool
[11:01] <Eugoth> what
[11:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol that's what might happen in crepypasta games
[11:02] <Fairy27> Really?
[11:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yea
[11:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> that's a cliched stuff in creepypastas
[10:55] <Eugoth> idk
[10:55] <Eugoth> yep
[10:55] <Eugoth> 157 plants
[10:55] <Eugoth> In all pvz games
[10:55] <Eugoth> Except AS and GW
[10:56] <Electric Plants> Isn't it 169?
[10:56] <Eugoth> pvz adventures is dead
[10:57] <WintahMhelon18> Then here comes PvZ Adventures 2 &gt;:D 
[10:57] <Eugoth> but when LC update comes to china
[10:57] <Eugoth> i guess 163 or 164 idk
[10:57] <Electric Plants> Eugoth 
[10:57] <Electric Plants> 13*13 = 169
[10:57] <Electric Plants> NOT 157
[10:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 13^2
[10:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword> dude
[10:57] <Eugoth> 13 times 12
[10:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword> learn exponents
[10:58] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (i.e. power)
[10:58] <MyNameIsMyName> I always remember
[10:58] <Eugoth> uh
[10:58] <Electric Plants> Somehow confused
[10:58] <MyNameIsMyName> 13^2=169
[10:58] <Electric Plants> Okay NvM
[10:58] <MyNameIsMyName> 14^2=196
[10:58] <Drek'TharSuperSword> power by 2
[10:58] <Eugoth> How about (13 times 12) + 1
[10:58] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 2^31 = 2147483648
[10:58] <MyNameIsMyName> 13^2=169
[10:58] <Electric Plants> You should add ()s
[10:59] <Electric Plants> To make sense
[10:59] <MyNameIsMyName> 14^2=196
[10:59] <WintahMhelon18> E=mc^2
[10:59] <Eugoth> BLah i'm in vacs
[10:59] <Eugoth> I don't even know how to write
[10:59] <Fairy27> Complete!
[10:59] <Electric Plants> Congrats!
[11:00] <Iamarepeater> Guys, who plays PVZAS?
[11:00] <Fairy27> MD - Day 7: More BWB?
[11:00] <Eugoth> i'm at pre historic ages
[11:00] <Electric Plants> Hehe ya
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 2^...
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 1=2
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 2=4
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 3=8
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 4=16
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 5=32
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 6=64
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 7=128
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 8=256
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 9=512
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 10=1024
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 11=2048
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 12=4096
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 13=8192
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 14=16384
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 15=32768
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 16=65536
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 18=262144
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 24=16777216
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 31=2147483648
[11:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> that's 2 power x
[11:00] <Electric Plants> Okok
[11:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> duh whatever no one gives a fuck
[11:01] <Iamarepeater> Once you reach level 20, you can access a zone
[11:01] <Eugoth> :o 
[11:01] <Iamarepeater> There is this glitch that if you enter and leave that zone
[11:01] <Iamarepeater> without starting it, you can get 10 free gem
[11:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> you get hyper realistic blood
[11:01] <Eugoth> that's cool
[11:01] <Eugoth> what
[11:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol that's what might happen in crepypasta games
[11:02] <Fairy27> Really?
[11:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yea
[11:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> that's a cliched stuff in creepypastas
[11:02] <Eugoth> ok
[11:02] <Electric Plants> ok
[11:02] <Eugoth> It's time for zombie time...
[11:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (okay) 
[11:03] <Eugoth> It's so wacko that a taco could be that good.
[11:03] <Fairy27> This day level will be hard. That will be as what I'll imagine...(plays it)
[11:03] <Fairy27> Day 7
[11:03] <Eugoth> (oh) 
[11:04] <Electric Plants> (lenny) is life..
[11:04] <Eugoth> <span class="me-username">* <span>Eugoth</span></span> tries to figure what cf3 does.
[11:04] <Eugoth> and by cf3 i mean whirlwind acorn
[11:04] <Electric Plants> k
[11:04] <Eugoth> but saying cf3 is shorter
[11:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Oigoth (hehe)
[11:04] <Electric Plants> He is like bloomerange
[11:04] <Fairy27> You have to be kidding me. This is going too fast!
[11:04] <Electric Plants> ikr
[11:04] <Fairy27> (restarts level)
[11:05] <Electric Plants> lol
[11:05] <Iamarepeater> At least PVZ2C is much easier to progress in Ios for me now
[11:05] <Electric Plants> lmao 
[11:05] <Iamarepeater> Everyday I can get 50 free gem from PvP
[11:05] <Iamarepeater> Since I know I will win
[11:05] <Electric Plants> Last wave...
[11:05] <Iamarepeater> How? One garg per lane
[11:06] <Electric Plants> Done
[11:06] <Electric Plants> 5-5
[11:06] <Electric Plants> Now
[11:06] <Fairy27> Well, every plant on my zen garden is boosted. I shall use one to make space.
[11:06] <Iamarepeater> Brb
[11:06] <Iamarepeater> Dinner
[11:07] <Fairy27> Chooses (A.K.E.E.) ? Dunno if this works?
[11:07] <Eugoth> What level are ya going to
[11:07] <Fairy27> @Eugoth MD - Day 7
[11:07] <Eugoth> hmm idk
[11:07] <Electric Plants> Fairy
[11:08] <Fairy27> (plays the level again)
[11:09] <Electric Plants> I used (nightshade) - (moonflower) - (puff-shroom2) - (endurian) - (iceberg lettuce) - (cherry bomb2) - (chard guard) - (pepper-pult) 
[11:09] <Electric Plants> In this level
[11:09] <Electric Plants> Without any boosts
[11:10] <Electric Plants> Nw 5-5
[11:10] <Electric Plants> Many ladders and Bungees
[11:11] <Electric Plants> <span class="me-username">* <span>Electric Plants</span></span> hugs Darty
[11:11] <Electric Plants> Hi
[11:12] <Electric Plants> PvZ DS is Kinda fun
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> The following are the plants I find useful in almost all MD levels: (moonflower) (nightshade) (shadow-shroom) (primalpotatomine) (hurrikale) (stallia) (chardguard) 
[11:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hey
[11:13] <Electric Plants> How@Wintah
[11:13] <Fairy27> Internet lag.
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> You must especially use Hurrikale
[11:13] <Electric Plants> U used shadow plants before unlocking them?
[11:13] <Electric Plants> I don't use Prems on MD
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> @EP, after I complete Part 1 &gt;:D 
[11:14] <Fairy27> MD - Day 8. Match them all!
[11:14] <Fairy27> I like that kind of brain buster.
[11:14] <Electric Plants> 150 match
[11:14] <Electric Plants> Good luck
[11:14] <WintahMhelon18> *100
[11:14] <WintahMhelon18> Day 13 is 150
[11:14] <Electric Plants> O yah
[11:14] <Electric Plants> 100
[11:14] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[11:14] <WintahMhelon18> @EP, what if Part 2 requires you to make 200 matches?
[11:14] <Electric Plants> :O 
[11:14] <The Zombie O.O> Zowdy
[11:15] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> The following are the plants I find useful in almost all MD levels: (moonflower) (nightshade) (shadow-shroom) (primalpotatomine) (hurrikale) (stallia) (chardguard) 
[11:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hey
[11:13] <Electric Plants> How@Wintah
[11:13] <Fairy27> Internet lag.
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> You must especially use Hurrikale
[11:13] <Electric Plants> U used shadow plants before unlocking them?
[11:13] <Electric Plants> I don't use Prems on MD
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> @EP, after I complete Part 1 &gt;:D 
[11:14] <Fairy27> MD - Day 8. Match them all!
[11:14] <Fairy27> I like that kind of brain buster.
[11:14] <Electric Plants> 150 match
[11:14] <Electric Plants> Good luck
[11:14] <WintahMhelon18> *100
[11:14] <WintahMhelon18> Day 13 is 150
[11:14] <Electric Plants> O yah
[11:14] <Electric Plants> 100
[11:14] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[11:14] <WintahMhelon18> @EP, what if Part 2 requires you to make 200 matches?
[11:14] <Electric Plants> :O 
[11:14] <The Zombie O.O> Zowdy
[11:15] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[11:15] <Electric Plants> That would be nice
[11:15] <Eugoth> ^
[11:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello everyone.
[11:16] <Electric Plants> Hi
[11:16] <Fairy27> I'm good at match 3 games. (Completes it fast)
[11:17] <The Zombie O.O> They should really include more zombies in the later Beghouled levels.
[11:17] <The Zombie O.O> Not just the MD zombies
[11:17] <Colgatepony234> Hi
[11:17] <Fairy27> MD - Day 9: L and L level that has bad plants, except Thyme Warp.
[11:18] <Fairy27> *set of plants for the horde*
[11:18] <Electric Plants> Y didn't u finish MD when it release?
[11:19] <Electric Plants> Hix2
[11:19] <Fairy27> @EP Because I was still on WW or FF on that time. I started playing it on Dec. 20(?)
[11:19] <Citron Bomb Official> ...
[11:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi Dave.
[11:19] <Electric Plants> Oh
[11:19] <Fairy27> (Plants something on the Zen Garden)
[11:19] <Citron Bomb Official> what's a hix?
[11:19] <Fairy27> It's a (bowlingbulb) 
[11:20] <Electric Plants> 5-5 done
[11:20] <Electric Plants> Fairy do u like PvZ2?
[11:20] <Electric Plants> now?
[11:20] <Fairy27> @EP Yes.
[11:20] <Eugoth> :) 
[11:20] <Electric Plants> afk
[11:20] <Eugoth> Good luck on day 9
[11:20] <Electric Plants> PLaying Fnaf World
[11:20] <Fairy27> Day 9... (plays it)
[11:20] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hiya!
[11:21] <WintahMhelon18> Nooooooo. I wanna play FNaF world too 
[11:21] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:21] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I am the only person here who dislikes FNAF?
[11:21] <Magnet Plant> hello
[11:21] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[11:21] <Magnet Plant> am trying to find an obb with chaos dimension
[11:22] <PnFforever> hi o/ 
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> *nothing less*
[11:44] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> is cri
[11:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> there are only a very few glitches in the game
[11:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> unlike bf hardline 
[11:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> or nfs rivals
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">*And then, Pink will be ded due to nothing*</span>
[11:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> EA is ok not very bad but average, however that is solely my opinion on that.
[11:45] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[11:45] <PnFforever> I'm nuetral to EA
[11:45] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but their games are just glitchy in present days
[11:45] <Drek'TharSuperSword> unlike in 2000-2006
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> OK chat surveillence is now back
[11:46] <AWikiBoy521> And running.
[11:46] <Insert Your Name Here> I got 2 windows and a DS emulator to watch
[11:46] <Pinkgirl234> AWB
[11:46] <Pinkgirl234>
[11:46] <AWikiBoy521> "DS emulator", you used that emulator to chat this chat
[11:46] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Dangit, Pink. I</span>
[11:46] <Insert Your Name Here> *tsundereboi intensifies
[11:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Well, good thing.</span>
[11:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Insert, you what?</span>
[11:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> it appears that rockstar is the only video game company that still makes quality games right now
[11:48] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm waiting for xcom2
[11:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ubisoft seems to be fucked up too
[11:48] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[11:48] <Insert Your Name Here> Xcom was pretty good
[11:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And dont forget Bethesda 
[11:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Well to me I still think Netherealms is pretty good
[11:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 18:49
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> Yep, Wentah is ded
[11:50] <Pinkgirl234> Back
[11:50] <Pinkgirl234> Nuuu! Wintah! ;-;
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> When will Wentah return.....
[11:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> *insert sad violin music*
[11:50] <Insert Your Name Here> It's still better than my situation
[11:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I'm finished uploading the Opera!
[11:50] <Drek'TharSuperSword> with airhorn effects
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> LOL
[11:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah it's part of mlg stuff you know
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> I know
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> I like Spelling Bee BLG.
[11:51] <Pinkgirl234> My Little Wintah-friend...left
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> *MLG
[11:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> MLG is meh
[11:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> But he's in my Tomodachi Life game forever!
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">At least, i have toothpaste.</span>
[11:52] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ONLY 1 month left until my 15th birthday
[11:52] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I wonder if a different user cares about Pinkgirl as much as Pinkgirl caring Wintah. Shipping not included.</span>
[11:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nice.
[11:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> How long will it be before she returns?
[11:53] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">He would be liike....."Pink, noooooooooooooooo1"</span>
[11:53] <Fairy27> Nevermind.
[11:53] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Fairy27 
[11:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> The Opera is about you know who.
[11:53] <Fairy27> Advertisements!!!
[11:53] <Fairy27> They let met quit.
[11:53] <AWikiBoy521> Oh yeah!
[11:53] <Fairy27> Me
[11:53] <Iamarepeater> Once again, having someone younger as your superior
[11:53] <AWikiBoy521> Ads!
[11:53] <Mage General Chrysalis>
[11:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> QUICK
[11:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> Don't expose me!
[11:54] <AWikiBoy521> Use quick attack!
[11:54] <Mage General Chrysalis> Here's the link to the Tomodachi Life Opera!
[11:54] <Insert Your Name Here> I'll stay out of auditioning for that thing
[11:54] <AWikiBoy521> This is weird
[11:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Thank you very much
[11:54] <Fairy27> MD - Day 12. Dinos and (excavatorzombie)s. Dinosaurs were my worst nightmare.
[11:54] <Reapeageddon> I hope I see that Wintah will have the cool life of Kylo Ren while Pinkgirl will have Han Solo's life!
[11:54] <AWikiBoy521> You're welcome, Insert?
[11:54] <Insert Your Name Here> No kylo ren sucked.
[11:54] <Insert Your Name Here> TR8T0R was better
[11:55] <Iamarepeater> @mage: who is Pink and who is Wintah?
[11:55] <Mage General Chrysalis> Too bad IYNH, I forced him to be a back-up dancer. :P 
[11:55] <Reapeageddon> TR-8R*
[11:55] <AWikiBoy521> Lol
[11:55] <Mage General Chrysalis> The one with red hair is Pink and the one with blue hair is Wintah.
[11:55] <AWikiBoy521> TR8T0R FTW!
[11:55] <Mage General Chrysalis> The first back-up singer is myself, then Ricken, then Canas.
[11:55] <AWikiBoy521> I like that Stormtropper
[11:55] <Mage General Chrysalis> The back-up dancers were Nino and IYNH's lookalike.
[11:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Yes
[11:56] <Iamarepeater> Mage, if she finds out about it, you're gonna get screwed
[11:56] <Insert Your Name Here> It's better than being the main singer I guess
[11:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> I know, Iama.
[11:56] <Fairy27> Now...(plays MD Day 12)
[11:56] <Drek'TharSuperSword> why does the oh emoticon looks like someone giggling?
[11:56] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (oh) 
[11:57] <AWikiBoy521> (curious) 
[11:57] <AWikiBoy521> You know, it's kinda weird if you user that emote that way.
[11:57] <AWikiBoy521> *use
[11:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> He's back!
[11:58] <AWikiBoy521> From the Present!
[11:58] <Insert Your Name Here> !
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here>
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> It's about time I started to remove inactive raid boss thread players
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> Noice, Insert
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> @Iamarepeater
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> You need to remind them first though.
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[11:59] <Ilikeduck!> I am slower than you @awb :P 
[12:00] <Ilikeduck!> Hi Insert, it is cold now?
[12:00] <Ilikeduck!> Are you going to be freezee? (oh) 
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[12:01] <Ilikeduck!> Downloaded 8 OBBs today :p 
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521>
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> Random link about MGS
[12:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Is "Edgar Sullivan" a good name for a scientist zombie?
[12:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> kinda a reference to Zomboss
[12:03] <Fairy27> (Opens Mystery Box) Power Zap. Just completed Day 12.
[12:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> "Edgar George Zomboss"
[12:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Or maybe Edgar Sanderson?
[12:04] <Fairy27> MD - Day 13: More matches!
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:06] <Citron Bomb Official> hi
[12:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo
[12:06] <Fairy27> (Upgrades (lightningreed) to (laserbean) and...) Electric Blueberry as Laser Bean's upgrade?! Yes! (Marks MD - Day 13 as my favorite day level)
[12:06] <Citron Bomb Official> are there emotes for badges
[12:06] <Ilikeduck!> I opened 10 Gems @Faiy :3
[12:07] <Ilikeduck!> Don't do it @Fairy
[12:07] <Ilikeduck!> Electric has a slow recharge
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Lels
[12:07] <Fairy27> Oh and after that I will go for (endurian) if I can for the Wall-nut upgrade.
[12:08] <Citron Bomb Official> i got a lucky blover
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Don't upgrade wallnut. It will remove all boosted wallnut
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> And you can make free chains from those
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Boosted wallnut won't disappear when matched normally
[12:08] <Fairy27> And I'm out of moves. Great.
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:09] <Citron Bomb Official> im recreating MD music by pressing the audio buttons on MD page
[12:09] <Hurrikale> Hi
[12:09] <Citron Bomb Official> heeello
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> What if Hurrikale the plant has some shocking abilities?
[12:10] <Vebros> o/ 
[12:10] <Iamarepeater> hive
[12:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo verbose!
[12:10] <Citron Bomb Official> heeellooo
[12:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I always thought that your name was pronounced as "verbose"
[12:10] <Vebros> Im playing PvZ HD on Android :D 
[12:10] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi Peter
[12:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And I guess "Wintah" is the pronunciation of winter, in British accent
[12:12] <Fairy27> I like how when I made MD - Day 13 my favorite world, the game says: "The Zombies Ate Your Brains!"
[12:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword> i.e. non-rhotic pronunciation
[12:12] <Fairy27> That did happen.
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> No that's just how pink calls him
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Because he is her best senpai
[12:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Duh.
[12:13] <Fairy27> I'm not good at watching the lawn while matching.
[12:13] <Drek'TharSuperSword> the zombies 8 your brainz m8
[12:13] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *zombiez
[12:14] <Fairy27> First time that the zombies ate my- (sees a horde of (bucketheadzombie) s all over the lawn) AHHHHH!
[12:14] <Citron Bomb Official> (buckethead2)
[12:14] <Citron Bomb Official> (bucketheadzombie2)
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Oh my god! Please! Don't eat my brains! Gimme a chance, I can help you!
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Zombie: K den
[12:15] <Ilikeduck!> I don't like Chaos Dimension so much..
[12:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword> The decoding code for that encrypted file is... 82AB29201FC
[12:15] <Ilikeduck!> ?
[12:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword> But please! Don't eat my brains!
[12:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I still wanna live!
[12:15] <Ilikeduck!> LOL
[12:15] <Ilikeduck!> Wẻa a pan
[12:16] <Ilikeduck!> *wear
[12:16] <Ilikeduck!> Likes (crazydave) 
[12:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> You can use my stuff to do anything, but not eat my brains!
[12:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Zombie: Well, OK.
[12:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And stop being a crybaby OK?
[12:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Maybe
[12:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Me: O-OK...
[12:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Because I'm a zombie, the zombies won't harm me.
[12:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> But I still hate them
[12:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Cuz they tend to harm humans and plants
[12:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And I wanna put a bullet into Zomboss's brain to end this senseless battle between plants and zombies
[12:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Kill him, and they'll fall apart for lack of leadership. Mop-up operations after that will be simple by comparison.
[12:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Meh Zombies are just normal people 
[12:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Only dumb
[12:33] <Fairy27> Refresh, again!
[12:34] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hello
[12:34] <MysteryKing> Lord MK has returned.
[12:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[12:34] <Citron Bomb Official> wb
[12:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Where's Lady MysteryQueen then?
[12:34] <Fairy27> *Slow claps to DTSS*
[12:34] <Fairy27> About the zombie part.
[12:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol sarcasm
[12:35] <MysteryKing> There isn't.
[12:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I kinda hate when ppl being sarcastic to me
[12:35] <Fairy27> And Pinkgirl is currently online but not in chat, I think.
[12:35] <The Magic Star> music is epic
[12:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Pinkgirl &lt;3 Pinkboy
[12:36] <Fairy27> @DTSS I mean, you are like a human now, instead of being a zombie, right?
[12:36] <The Magic Star> survive and protect the endangered plants: cherry bomb
[12:36] <The Magic Star> (troll) 
[12:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Dayum
[12:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That would be immensely impossible
[12:37] <Citron Bomb Official> frozen cherry bombs
[12:37] <Nitromian Poptropica> Catapults
[12:37] <Fairy27> (stallia) ?
[12:37] <Fairy27> Being endangered?
[12:37] <The Magic Star> I thought of a pinata party
[12:37] <Fairy27> Okay.
[12:37] <Nitromian Poptropica> Chard Guard and protecters @Fairy
[12:37] <The Magic Star> where you have to protect endangered frozen cherry bombs
[12:38] <The Magic Star> all the plants are fire plants
[12:38] <The Magic Star> and it is possible
[12:38] <The Magic Star> the first zombies are troglobites
[12:39] <Fairy27> In a BWB level. This is worse if it would be nearby Guacodiles if there's fishermen
[12:39] <Fairy27> Not like BWB - Day 30
[12:39] <Fairy27> Endangered Guacodiles are closer
[12:39] <Citron Bomb Official> they are on column 9
[12:40] <Nitromian Poptropica> Remember that endangered Iceberg Lettuce at the back with Prospector Zombies in a party?
[12:40] <Eugoth> Are u crzy
[12:40] <Nitromian Poptropica> That was a nightmare
[12:41] <Eugoth> ;-;
[12:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> making love ML lol
[12:41] <Eugoth> Don't plant in dave's mold colonies and protect the endangered plants
[12:42] <Eugoth> (troll) 
[12:42] <Eugoth> that'd be great
[12:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> Possible
[12:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> So long the endangered aren't on the mold
[12:42] <Citron Bomb Official> protect guacodiles with ankylosaurus
[12:42] <Eugoth> ^
[12:42] <Eugoth> oh god
[12:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> Spikeweed
[12:42] <Eugoth> guacodiles in 3rd column
[12:42] <Eugoth> spikeweed doesn't work anymore
[12:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> Oh
[12:43] <Eugoth> they fixed that
[12:43] <Nitromian Poptropica> That's just great
[12:43] <Citron Bomb Official> protect spikeweeds and the only zombies are Pianists and Barrel Rollers
[12:43] <Citron Bomb Official> and gargs
[12:43] <Eugoth> ...
[12:43] <Eugoth> And surfers
[12:43] <Eugoth> And the gargs are hair metal gargs
[12:44] <Nitromian Poptropica> And Glitters
[12:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Pinkgirl &lt;3 Pinkboy
[12:36] <Fairy27> @DTSS I mean, you are like a human now, instead of being a zombie, right?
[12:36] <The Magic Star> survive and protect the endangered plants: cherry bomb
[12:36] <The Magic Star> (troll) 
[12:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Dayum
[12:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That would be immensely impossible
[12:37] <Citron Bomb Official> frozen cherry bombs
[12:37] <Nitromian Poptropica> Catapults
[12:37] <Fairy27> (stallia) ?
[12:37] <Fairy27> Being endangered?
[12:37] <The Magic Star> I thought of a pinata party
[12:37] <Fairy27> Okay.
[12:37] <Nitromian Poptropica> Chard Guard and protecters @Fairy
[12:37] <The Magic Star> where you have to protect endangered frozen cherry bombs
[12:38] <The Magic Star> all the plants are fire plants
[12:38] <The Magic Star> and it is possible
[12:38] <The Magic Star> the first zombies are troglobites
[12:39] <Fairy27> In a BWB level. This is worse if it would be nearby Guacodiles if there's fishermen
[12:39] <Fairy27> Not like BWB - Day 30
[12:39] <Fairy27> Endangered Guacodiles are closer
[12:39] <Citron Bomb Official> they are on column 9
[12:40] <Nitromian Poptropica> Remember that endangered Iceberg Lettuce at the back with Prospector Zombies in a party?
[12:40] <Eugoth> Are u crzy
[12:40] <Nitromian Poptropica> That was a nightmare
[12:41] <Eugoth> ;-;
[12:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> making love ML lol
[12:41] <Eugoth> Don't plant in dave's mold colonies and protect the endangered plants
[12:42] <Eugoth> (troll) 
[12:42] <Eugoth> that'd be great
[12:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> Possible
[12:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> So long the endangered aren't on the mold
[12:42] <Citron Bomb Official> protect guacodiles with ankylosaurus
[12:42] <Eugoth> ^
[12:42] <Eugoth> oh god
[12:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> Spikeweed
[12:42] <Eugoth> guacodiles in 3rd column
[12:42] <Eugoth> spikeweed doesn't work anymore
[12:42] <Nitromian Poptropica> Oh
[12:43] <Eugoth> they fixed that
[12:43] <Nitromian Poptropica> That's just great
[12:43] <Citron Bomb Official> protect spikeweeds and the only zombies are Pianists and Barrel Rollers
[12:43] <Citron Bomb Official> and gargs
[12:43] <Eugoth> ...
[12:43] <Eugoth> And surfers
[12:43] <Eugoth> And the gargs are hair metal gargs
[12:44] <Nitromian Poptropica> And Glitters
[12:44] <Citron Bomb Official> and you don't have primal wall-nuts
[12:44] <Ilikeduck!> Somewhat, I hate Chaos Dimension
[12:44] <Ilikeduck!> And I hate Blooming Heart 's glich
[12:44] <Fairy27> Rather, in a Modern Day level with (possible?) water for the endangered Guacodiles. Oh, and everything that destroys Spikeweeds, to everyone here.
[12:44] <Fairy27> Again...Spoilers!!!! ILD
[12:44] <Ilikeduck!> I will try to code it.
[12:44] <Fairy27> I'm avoiding spoilers, BTW.
[12:45] <Citron Bomb Official> any level can have water
[12:44] <Citron Bomb Official> and you don't have primal wall-nuts
[12:44] <Ilikeduck!> Somewhat, I hate Chaos Dimension
[12:44] <Ilikeduck!> And I hate Blooming Heart 's glich
[12:44] <Fairy27> Rather, in a Modern Day level with (possible?) water for the endangered Guacodiles. Oh, and everything that destroys Spikeweeds, to everyone here.
[12:44] <Fairy27> Again...Spoilers!!!! ILD
[12:44] <Ilikeduck!> I will try to code it.
[12:44] <Fairy27> I'm avoiding spoilers, BTW.
[12:45] <Citron Bomb Official> any level can have water
[12:45] <Eugoth> What about
[12:45] <Eugoth> Locked and loaded with guacodiles
[12:45] <Eugoth> don't lose more than 1 plant
[12:45] <Ilikeduck!> What does spoilers mean? :p 
[12:46] <Nitromian Poptropica> Don't spend more than 50 sun for 4 flags
[12:46] <Eugoth> Say some upcoming stuff before someone saw it
[12:46] <Citron Bomb Official> things that ruin the fun for upcoming stuff
[12:46] <Eugoth> Like if i watch the new star wars movie
[12:46] <Eugoth> and tell you the ending]
[12:46] <Eugoth> without you watching it
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> You know what levell is Locked and LOaded @Eugoth?
[12:46] <Eugoth> yes
[12:46] <Eugoth> The one you have to use the plants
[12:46] <Citron Bomb Official> locked and loaded with Nightshade only while fighting Explorers
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> Gimme one. I 'll try to get the level you told.
[12:47] <Eugoth> oh
[12:47] <Eugoth> PS day 22
[12:47] <Eugoth> Impossible
[12:47] <Fairy27> Don't let the zombies trample the flowers objective. The flowers are in between 7th-8th column.
[12:47] <Eugoth> wait
[12:47] <Eugoth> no
[12:47] <Nitromian Poptropica> And don't lose more than a plant @Citron
[12:47] <Eugoth> MD day 12
[12:48] <Ilikeduck!> Okay
[12:48] <Citron Bomb Official> use of powerups is prohibited
[12:48] <Eugoth> you can lose 10 plants there
[12:48] <Insert Your Name Here> Everyone is ded
[12:48] <Citron Bomb Official> bye
[12:48] <Ilikeduck!> What do you need to edit @Eugoth?
[12:48] <AWikiBoy521> Well, not really.
[12:48] <Eugoth> what
[12:48] <Vebros>
[12:48] <Insert Your Name Here> At least those people that I know anyway
[12:48] <Fairy27> Zombies: (jurassicimp) , (mczom-b)s, everything that are fast and can destroy your plants easily.
[12:48] <Ilikeduck!> 12 deed people ._.
[12:48] <Eugoth> I'm not a hex editor, i'm just giving an idea about a LAL level with guacodiles without losing any plants
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> @Eugoth, what do you want to edit n MD Day 12?
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> I will hex iy.
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> *it
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> *in
[12:49] <Eugoth> oh
[12:49] <Fairy27> @ILD (intensivecarrot) for myself to be revived if that's the case.
[12:49] <Insert Your Name Here> The irony is that GW2 citron is quite competent at dealing with weaker targets because of its laser beam
[12:49] <The Magic Star> plot twist: modern day is just a prototype of time twister
[12:50] <Eugoth> LAL with guacodile, moonflower, imitater
[12:50] <Eugoth> Don't lose more than 6 plants
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> If GW2 follows pvz2 logic
[12:50] <Ilikeduck!> Day 12?
[12:50] <Eugoth> yep
[12:50] <Eugoth> impossible
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> However in a shooter game you want explosives for multi weak target
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> No no no I don't see any Locked and Loaded challenge on this level, just Star Challenge (Don't lose more than X plants)
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Such irony
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> And peashooter is the guy excelling at crowd control
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> The code said: SeedBankþ‘...SeedBankProperties‘.…..SelectionMethod
[12:51] <Eugoth> oops my bad
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[12:52] <Fairy27> I am going to guess - Modern Day would have 40-50 levels
[12:52] <Nitromian Poptropica> Conveyor belt with low tide at the end of the lawn
[12:52] <Eugoth> day 9
[12:52] <Eugoth> is locked and loaded
[12:52] <Nitromian Poptropica> Full of Fossilheads
[12:52] <The Magic Star> plot twist: sunflower turns into flowey
[12:52] <Nitromian Poptropica> Howdy
[12:52] <Fairy27> This topic is about: Making extremely hard levels!
[12:53] <Ilikeduck!> Sorry, it is impossible to edit a SeedBank level to a ConveyorBelt level
[12:53] <Ilikeduck!> Okay, what do you need Eugoth ?
[12:54] <Ilikeduck!> Found the limit of the plant
[12:54] <Nitromian Poptropica> The second the level starts, knight necromancy on third column
[12:45] <Eugoth> What about
[12:45] <Eugoth> Locked and loaded with guacodiles
[12:45] <Eugoth> don't lose more than 1 plant
[12:45] <Ilikeduck!> What does spoilers mean? :p 
[12:46] <Nitromian Poptropica> Don't spend more than 50 sun for 4 flags
[12:46] <Eugoth> Say some upcoming stuff before someone saw it
[12:46] <Citron Bomb Official> things that ruin the fun for upcoming stuff
[12:46] <Eugoth> Like if i watch the new star wars movie
[12:46] <Eugoth> and tell you the ending]
[12:46] <Eugoth> without you watching it
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> You know what levell is Locked and LOaded @Eugoth?
[12:46] <Eugoth> yes
[12:46] <Eugoth> The one you have to use the plants
[12:46] <Citron Bomb Official> locked and loaded with Nightshade only while fighting Explorers
[12:46] <Ilikeduck!> Gimme one. I 'll try to get the level you told.
[12:47] <Eugoth> oh
[12:47] <Eugoth> PS day 22
[12:47] <Eugoth> Impossible
[12:47] <Fairy27> Don't let the zombies trample the flowers objective. The flowers are in between 7th-8th column.
[12:47] <Eugoth> wait
[12:47] <Eugoth> no
[12:47] <Nitromian Poptropica> And don't lose more than a plant @Citron
[12:47] <Eugoth> MD day 12
[12:48] <Ilikeduck!> Okay
[12:48] <Citron Bomb Official> use of powerups is prohibited
[12:48] <Eugoth> you can lose 10 plants there
[12:48] <Insert Your Name Here> Everyone is ded
[12:48] <Citron Bomb Official> bye
[12:48] <Ilikeduck!> What do you need to edit @Eugoth?
[12:48] <AWikiBoy521> Well, not really.
[12:48] <Eugoth> what
[12:48] <Vebros>
[12:48] <Insert Your Name Here> At least those people that I know anyway
[12:48] <Fairy27> Zombies: (jurassicimp) , (mczom-b)s, everything that are fast and can destroy your plants easily.
[12:48] <Ilikeduck!> 12 deed people ._.
[12:48] <Eugoth> I'm not a hex editor, i'm just giving an idea about a LAL level with guacodiles without losing any plants
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> @Eugoth, what do you want to edit n MD Day 12?
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> I will hex iy.
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> *it
[12:49] <Ilikeduck!> *in
[12:49] <Eugoth> oh
[12:49] <Fairy27> @ILD (intensivecarrot) for myself to be revived if that's the case.
[12:49] <Insert Your Name Here> The irony is that GW2 citron is quite competent at dealing with weaker targets because of its laser beam
[12:49] <The Magic Star> plot twist: modern day is just a prototype of time twister
[12:50] <Eugoth> LAL with guacodile, moonflower, imitater
[12:50] <Eugoth> Don't lose more than 6 plants
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> If GW2 follows pvz2 logic
[12:50] <Ilikeduck!> Day 12?
[12:50] <Eugoth> yep
[12:50] <Eugoth> impossible
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> However in a shooter game you want explosives for multi weak target
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> No no no I don't see any Locked and Loaded challenge on this level, just Star Challenge (Don't lose more than X plants)
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Such irony
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> And peashooter is the guy excelling at crowd control
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> The code said: SeedBankþ‘...SeedBankProperties‘.…..SelectionMethod
[12:51] <Eugoth> oops my bad
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[12:52] <Fairy27> I am going to guess - Modern Day would have 40-50 levels
[12:52] <Nitromian Poptropica> Conveyor belt with low tide at the end of the lawn
[12:52] <Eugoth> day 9
[12:52] <Eugoth> is locked and loaded
[12:52] <Nitromian Poptropica> Full of Fossilheads
[12:52] <The Magic Star> plot twist: sunflower turns into flowey
[12:52] <Nitromian Poptropica> Howdy
[12:52] <Fairy27> This topic is about: Making extremely hard levels!
[12:53] <Ilikeduck!> Sorry, it is impossible to edit a SeedBank level to a ConveyorBelt level
[12:53] <Ilikeduck!> Okay, what do you need Eugoth ?
[12:54] <Ilikeduck!> Found the limit of the plant
[12:54] <Nitromian Poptropica> The second the level starts, knight necromancy on third column
[12:54] <Nitromian Poptropica> Near the house
[12:54] <Eugoth> I just wanted an impossible level: LAL with guacodile, sunflower.
[12:54] <Eugoth> And don't lose more than 5 plants
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> Thiss level doess not have plant limit ._.
[12:54] <Nitromian Poptropica> Near the house
[12:54] <Eugoth> I just wanted an impossible level: LAL with guacodile, sunflower.
[12:54] <Eugoth> And don't lose more than 5 plants
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> Thiss level doess not have plant limit ._.
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> Hey
[12:55] <Eugoth> No LAL has plant limit
[12:56] <Ilikeduck!> Plz say the full name
[12:56] <Eugoth> Locked and loaded?
[12:56] <Ilikeduck!> Yes, level 9 does not have plant limit
[12:56] <Nitromian Poptropica> Brb
[12:57] <Eugoth> There is no locked and loaded level with plant limit
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> Okay.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> I edited level 9 now. What do you need next?
[12:57] <Fairy27> Don't lose more than 2 plants. You got (glitterzombie,) all Gargantuar variants, all Imp variants, MC Zom-Bs, and everything that easily destroys your defenses.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> And admin staff.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> Modern 12?
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> 
[12:57] <Eugoth> (facepalm) 
[12:57] <Eugoth> I'm not smart
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:58] <Eugoth> You could follow people's suggestions.
[12:58] <Fairy27> Impossible enough? My level?
[12:58] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[12:58] <Ilikeduck!> Plz say someting
[12:58] <Eugoth> something what?
[12:59] <Ilikeduck!> Tell me something to edit.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:59] <Eugoth> Just edit as you like, i'm not sure about about anything
[12:59] <Eugoth> Maybe don't waste more than 300 sun
[01:00] <Eugoth> 3000*
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 1997
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> March 31, 1997
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Anyone here born in 97?
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> Nope
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :( 
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Fairy
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> SomeOrdinaryGamers was born in 1994.
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> He said that he's 21 now and in the next few months he turns 22
[01:01] <Fairy27> Internet connection problems there.
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> So I guess he was born in 1994
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> @Fairy27
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> Same
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Get a broadband connection (troll) 
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Or use LTE conenction
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> LTE was invented by an Indonesian person
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> YAY!
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That means Indonesia isnt that bad
[01:02] <The Zombie O.O> They censor tho xD
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> DNSCrypt and Psiphon and you'll be good to go
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> For PC use DNSCrypt
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> For Mac and Android use Psiphon
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Dunno how to unblock it via iOS
[01:03] <Fairy27> Spend no more than 2000 sun. You've got Jurassic Imp, Hair Metal Gargantuar, Wizard Zombies, Octo Zombies appearing frequently
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> Hey
[12:55] <Eugoth> No LAL has plant limit
[12:56] <Ilikeduck!> Plz say the full name
[12:56] <Eugoth> Locked and loaded?
[12:56] <Ilikeduck!> Yes, level 9 does not have plant limit
[12:56] <Nitromian Poptropica> Brb
[12:57] <Eugoth> There is no locked and loaded level with plant limit
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> Okay.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> I edited level 9 now. What do you need next?
[12:57] <Fairy27> Don't lose more than 2 plants. You got (glitterzombie,) all Gargantuar variants, all Imp variants, MC Zom-Bs, and everything that easily destroys your defenses.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> And admin staff.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> Modern 12?
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> 
[12:57] <Eugoth> (facepalm) 
[12:57] <Eugoth> I'm not smart
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:58] <Eugoth> You could follow people's suggestions.
[12:58] <Fairy27> Impossible enough? My level?
[12:58] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[12:58] <Ilikeduck!> Plz say someting
[12:58] <Eugoth> something what?
[12:59] <Ilikeduck!> Tell me something to edit.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:59] <Eugoth> Just edit as you like, i'm not sure about about anything
[12:59] <Eugoth> Maybe don't waste more than 300 sun
[01:00] <Eugoth> 3000*
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 1997
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> March 31, 1997
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Anyone here born in 97?
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> Nope
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :( 
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Fairy
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> SomeOrdinaryGamers was born in 1994.
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> He said that he's 21 now and in the next few months he turns 22
[01:01] <Fairy27> Internet connection problems there.
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> So I guess he was born in 1994
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> @Fairy27
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> Same
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Get a broadband connection (troll) 
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Or use LTE conenction
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> LTE was invented by an Indonesian person
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> YAY!
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That means Indonesia isnt that bad
[01:02] <The Zombie O.O> They censor tho xD
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> DNSCrypt and Psiphon and you'll be good to go
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> For PC use DNSCrypt
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> For Mac and Android use Psiphon
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Dunno how to unblock it via iOS
[01:03] <Fairy27> Spend no more than 2000 sun. You've got Jurassic Imp, Hair Metal Gargantuar, Wizard Zombies, Octo Zombies appearing frequently
[01:04] <Ilikeduck!> Okay
[01:04] <Ilikeduck!> What level @Fairy?
[12:54] <Eugoth> I just wanted an impossible level: LAL with guacodile, sunflower.
[12:54] <Eugoth> And don't lose more than 5 plants
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> Thiss level doess not have plant limit ._.
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> Hey
[12:55] <Eugoth> No LAL has plant limit
[12:56] <Ilikeduck!> Plz say the full name
[12:56] <Eugoth> Locked and loaded?
[12:56] <Ilikeduck!> Yes, level 9 does not have plant limit
[12:56] <Nitromian Poptropica> Brb
[12:57] <Eugoth> There is no locked and loaded level with plant limit
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> Okay.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> I edited level 9 now. What do you need next?
[12:57] <Fairy27> Don't lose more than 2 plants. You got (glitterzombie,) all Gargantuar variants, all Imp variants, MC Zom-Bs, and everything that easily destroys your defenses.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> And admin staff.
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> Modern 12?
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> 
[12:57] <Eugoth> (facepalm) 
[12:57] <Eugoth> I'm not smart
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:58] <Eugoth> You could follow people's suggestions.
[12:58] <Fairy27> Impossible enough? My level?
[12:58] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[12:58] <Ilikeduck!> Plz say someting
[12:58] <Eugoth> something what?
[12:59] <Ilikeduck!> Tell me something to edit.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:59] <Eugoth> Just edit as you like, i'm not sure about about anything
[12:59] <Eugoth> Maybe don't waste more than 300 sun
[01:00] <Eugoth> 3000*
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 1997
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> March 31, 1997
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Anyone here born in 97?
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> Nope
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :( 
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Fairy
[01:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> SomeOrdinaryGamers was born in 1994.
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> He said that he's 21 now and in the next few months he turns 22
[01:01] <Fairy27> Internet connection problems there.
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> So I guess he was born in 1994
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> @Fairy27
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> Same
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Get a broadband connection (troll) 
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Or use LTE conenction
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> LTE was invented by an Indonesian person
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> YAY!
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That means Indonesia isnt that bad
[01:02] <The Zombie O.O> They censor tho xD
[01:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> DNSCrypt and Psiphon and you'll be good to go
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> For PC use DNSCrypt
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> For Mac and Android use Psiphon
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Dunno how to unblock it via iOS
[01:03] <Fairy27> Spend no more than 2000 sun. You've got Jurassic Imp, Hair Metal Gargantuar, Wizard Zombies, Octo Zombies appearing frequently
[01:04] <Ilikeduck!> Okay
[01:04] <Ilikeduck!> What level @Fairy?
[01:06] <Fairy27> I was just making my own.
[01:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Tiger Show (troll) (lenny) 
[01:06] <Fairy27> I was just making my own.
[01:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Tiger Show (troll) (lenny) 
[01:08] <Ilikeduck!> Okay. I will test @Eugoth level.
[01:08] <Eugoth> Ok
[01:08] <Eugoth> Good luck
[01:08] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:09] <Eugoth> HOWDY
[01:09] <Fairy27> (refreshes)
[01:10] <PnFforever> hi PK o/ 
[01:10] <Princess Kitty> Hi!
[01:10] <Iamarepeater> Hi crazyplantmae
[01:10] <Fairy27> Hi, to everyone.
[01:11] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:11] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:11] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[01:11] <Princess Kitty> hi
[01:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Yo PK
[01:12] <Ilikeduck!> Have been anyone see this?
[01:12] <Eugoth> camel zombie?
[01:12] <AWikiBoy521> Man, Atomica isn't easy.
[01:12] <AWikiBoy521> I came back after playing Atomica's Action mode.
[01:12] <Ilikeduck!> Nope, the level
[01:12] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks to those who came.
[01:13] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hey
[01:13] <Eugoth> Chaos dimension
[01:13] <Eugoth> o/ 
[01:13] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[01:13] <Ilikeduck!> I neeed 5 mintues to get the level, so stay stunned!
[01:13] <Ilikeduck!> But my Bluestack cannot boot up ._.
[01:13] <Eugoth> ok (yes) 
[01:14] <AWikiBoy521> Random: My highscore in Atomica's Action mode is 17.380
[01:14] <AWikiBoy521> *17,380
[01:15] <Ilikeduck!> Or more ._.
[01:15] <AWikiBoy521> Probably
[01:15] <Iamarepeater> God. How do I create an account for PVZAS so that I can carry over the progress from one device to another?
[01:52] <PiratePhantom545> i wanna sleep uuggh
[01:52] <Eugoth> sleep then
[01:52] <Ilikeduck!> Welcome back Electric Plants :v
[01:52] <PiratePhantom545> nu 
[01:52] <PiratePhantom545> its still morning 
[01:52] <Eugoth> Then don't sleep
[01:52] <PiratePhantom545> ok....
[01:53] <Wynaut821> its the afternoon
[01:53] <PiratePhantom545> i know 
[01:53] <PiratePhantom545> im hungry now 
[01:54] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> ...
[01:54] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[01:54] <Wynaut821> then go eat and quit complaining?
[01:54] <PiratePhantom545> brb im going to eat pancakes for lunch 
[01:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> k
[01:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded with more than 15 people
[01:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:55] <Insert Your Name Here> It's just not what I am looking for
[01:55] <Wynaut821> hai
[01:55] <Eugoth> Chat is a dishwasher.
[01:55] <Eugoth> hi
[01:55] <The Zombie O.O> Chat level = ded
[01:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded chat world
[01:56] <Fairy27> I'm out. Bye.
[01:56] <Eugoth> 157 plants in PVZ1, 2, chinese and AS
[01:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[01:56] <PiratePhantom545> bye
[01:56] <Eugoth> Oops not AS
[01:56] <Eugoth> O*
[01:56] <Reapeageddon> New pic
[01:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Now we have as much character as gen 1 pokemon
[01:56] <Insert Your Name Here> yey
[01:56] <Reapeageddon> Whaddya' think?
[01:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> not AS, AS have too much(scrapped counts(the with only 1 name and some))
[01:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:57] <Eugoth> i like it. Is that a giant zombie ghost head? :o 
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> hello
[01:57] <The Zombie O.O> 7.8 / 10 too less water
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> Nope
[01:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> The game likes to toss out crap like this.
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> Hello-O
[01:57] <Ilikeduck!> o.O
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> I just put that head there for dramatic purposes
[01:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> It looks pretty nice.
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> Inspiration: Star Wars
[01:57] <The Zombie O.O> IYNH's head should just be blank
[01:57] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[01:57] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> hello
[01:57] <Ilikeduck!> Hai
[01:57] <Ilikeduck!> hive
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> hai?
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> hi!
[01:58] <The Zombie O.O> Oh wait oh shit
[01:58] <SmashBrosPizza> anyone notice me.....
[01:58] <The Zombie O.O> Wrong city lel
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> You can't really do that, TZO.
[01:58] <SmashBrosPizza> I've got something to say.....
[01:58] <Ilikeduck!> Chat with other plz
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> KAITO has feelings for Ninian...
[01:58] <The Zombie O.O> Aw, MGC .
[01:58] <Ilikeduck!> Thanks. what @Smash?
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ninian doesn't even have a really decent friendship level with him anyway. :P 
[01:59] <The Zombie O.O> Sadly I mistook Venice for Vienna
[01:59] <Ilikeduck!> That Bluesteaks keep me stuck at moving OBB ._.
[01:59] <PiratePhantom545> wynaut
[01:59] <Hurrikale> wall nut
[02:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> Knew it, he was gonna fail.
[02:00] <Pumpkin Skelhead> when someones becomes famous from nowhere and becomes TOO MUCH FAMOUS, demon pact(For BRs: Wesley Safadão is one of them)
[02:00] <PiratePhantom545> im a good girl i ate all my pancakes 
[02:01] <The Zombie O.O> So many little small kid "Minecraft LPers" on Youtube
[02:01] <The Zombie O.O> That try to look cool
[02:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel
[02:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Of course.
[02:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> in Brazil theres more
[02:01] <PiratePhantom545> im 13 btw and i like anime
[02:01] <The Zombie O.O> More? lel
[02:02] <Eugoth> I agree @The zombie
[02:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> Okay.
[02:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WOW
[02:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT
[02:02] <PiratePhantom545> and pancakes
[02:02] <The Zombie O.O> And I thought there were many small kids on YT already
[02:02] <The Zombie O.O> Also, Russian players on CoD and LoL stuff
[02:02] <Eugoth> and CS russians?
[02:03] <The Zombie O.O> ODANK
[02:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (wat) 
[01:52] <Eugoth> Then don't sleep
[01:52] <PiratePhantom545> ok....
[01:53] <Wynaut821> its the afternoon
[01:53] <PiratePhantom545> i know 
[01:53] <PiratePhantom545> im hungry now 
[01:54] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> ...
[01:54] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[01:54] <Wynaut821> then go eat and quit complaining?
[01:54] <PiratePhantom545> brb im going to eat pancakes for lunch 
[01:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> k
[01:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded with more than 15 people
[01:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:55] <Insert Your Name Here> It's just not what I am looking for
[01:55] <Wynaut821> hai
[01:55] <Eugoth> Chat is a dishwasher.
[01:55] <Eugoth> hi
[01:55] <The Zombie O.O> Chat level = ded
[01:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded chat world
[01:56] <Fairy27> I'm out. Bye.
[01:56] <Eugoth> 157 plants in PVZ1, 2, chinese and AS
[01:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[01:56] <PiratePhantom545> bye
[01:56] <Eugoth> Oops not AS
[01:56] <Eugoth> O*
[01:56] <Reapeageddon> New pic
[01:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Now we have as much character as gen 1 pokemon
[01:56] <Insert Your Name Here> yey
[01:56] <Reapeageddon> Whaddya' think?
[01:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> not AS, AS have too much(scrapped counts(the with only 1 name and some))
[01:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:57] <Eugoth> i like it. Is that a giant zombie ghost head? :o 
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> hello
[01:57] <The Zombie O.O> 7.8 / 10 too less water
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> Nope
[01:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> The game likes to toss out crap like this.
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> Hello-O
[01:57] <Ilikeduck!> o.O
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> I just put that head there for dramatic purposes
[01:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> It looks pretty nice.
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> Inspiration: Star Wars
[01:57] <The Zombie O.O> IYNH's head should just be blank
[01:57] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[01:57] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> hello
[01:57] <Ilikeduck!> Hai
[01:57] <Ilikeduck!> hive
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> hai?
[01:57] <SmashBrosPizza> hi!
[01:58] <The Zombie O.O> Oh wait oh shit
[01:58] <SmashBrosPizza> anyone notice me.....
[01:58] <The Zombie O.O> Wrong city lel
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> You can't really do that, TZO.
[01:58] <SmashBrosPizza> I've got something to say.....
[01:58] <Ilikeduck!> Chat with other plz
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> KAITO has feelings for Ninian...
[01:58] <The Zombie O.O> Aw, MGC .
[01:58] <Ilikeduck!> Thanks. what @Smash?
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ninian doesn't even have a really decent friendship level with him anyway. :P 
[01:59] <The Zombie O.O> Sadly I mistook Venice for Vienna
[01:59] <Ilikeduck!> That Bluesteaks keep me stuck at moving OBB ._.
[01:59] <PiratePhantom545> wynaut
[01:59] <Hurrikale> wall nut
[02:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> Knew it, he was gonna fail.
[02:00] <Pumpkin Skelhead> when someones becomes famous from nowhere and becomes TOO MUCH FAMOUS, demon pact(For BRs: Wesley Safadão is one of them)
[02:00] <PiratePhantom545> im a good girl i ate all my pancakes 
[02:01] <The Zombie O.O> So many little small kid "Minecraft LPers" on Youtube
[02:01] <The Zombie O.O> That try to look cool
[02:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel
[02:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Of course.
[02:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> in Brazil theres more
[02:01] <PiratePhantom545> im 13 btw and i like anime
[02:01] <The Zombie O.O> More? lel
[02:02] <Eugoth> I agree @The zombie
[02:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> Okay.
[02:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WOW
[02:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT
[02:02] <PiratePhantom545> and pancakes
[02:02] <The Zombie O.O> And I thought there were many small kids on YT already
[02:02] <The Zombie O.O> Also, Russian players on CoD and LoL stuff
[02:02] <Eugoth> and CS russians?
[02:03] <The Zombie O.O> ODANK
[02:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (wat) 
[02:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont have print software on tablet to show :( 
[02:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> massacre
[02:03] <PiratePhantom545> go to wynauts blog of making icons
[02:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> gg zombies
[02:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont have print software on tablet to show :( 
[02:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> massacre
[02:03] <PiratePhantom545> go to wynauts blog of making icons
[02:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> gg zombies
[02:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Zombies eat my brainz nooooo lel kidding they are fucked
[02:05] <Eugoth> they are fucked? (lenny) 
[02:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (lenny) 
[02:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> almost PS unlocked
[02:06] <PiratePhantom545>! 
[02:06] <PiratePhantom545> right here
[02:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> shop?
[02:06] <Eugoth> you know you don't need all the stars to unlock next world, right?
[02:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes ik
[02:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i only have 4 for now xD
[02:07] <Eugoth> lol 20 stars in kung fu world
[02:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT
[02:07] <Eugoth> it's so fun to get stars
[02:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no :) 
[02:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> SAY WAAAAAAAT
[02:08] <Eugoth> i feel so motivated to get thos stars
[02:08] <Eugoth> Because i need 33 of them to fight first kung fu boss
[02:08] <Eugoth> Pumpkin, open wild west before kung fu world
[02:08] <Eugoth> Or else you will be a little stuck
[02:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i will open WW before KFW now
[02:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel 
[02:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i stucked
[02:09] <Lolwutburger> I've returned
[02:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[02:09] <Eugoth> wait
[02:09] <Lolwutburger> the ghostburger
[02:09] <Eugoth> Burger?
[02:09] <Lolwutburger> I have bought tacos and tablet chargers
[02:09] <Eugoth> I thought it was a cake
[02:09] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:09] <Lolwutburger> It's from one of the Toy Story specials
[02:09] <IMCR8Z> I'm sp00ked
[02:09] <Eugoth> (reinassence carrot)
[02:09] <Eugoth> oh
[02:09] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[02:09] <Ilikeduck!> OBB gone error.
[02:09] <Ilikeduck!> I will try this tommorow...
[02:09] <Ilikeduck!> Orr my Java went worng (giga-gargantuar) 
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> This is just temporary though
[02:10] <Eugoth> Don't worry duck, i know you're smart and can fix anything.
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> Because technically I'm getting back in the PvZ art scene
[02:10] <PiratePhantom545> its lolwutburger 
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> ola
[02:10] <PiratePhantom545> i saw your youtube 
[02:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Eugoth, i dint know what the peashooter and a puzzle piece icon does on PvZ2C
[02:11] <PiratePhantom545> your awesome
[02:11] <Eugoth> lel i noticed thaat if i get 6 more stars in PS i can level up my snapy
[02:11] <Lolwutburger> Thaaaaaaanks
[02:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i know how to put but i'm not knowing what it is
[02:11] <Eugoth> @Pumpkin it upgrades
[02:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> huh
[02:11] <Eugoth> You need puzzle pieces to reach level 2
[02:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ik
[02:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but
[02:11] <Lolwutburger> I should make a genderbent Crazy Dave or something
[02:11] <Ilikeduck!> I did a lot of hack but I don't know why it still doesn't work
[02:11] <Ilikeduck!> @Eugoth. Gonna do it tommorow. My PC went wrong.
[02:11] <Eugoth> ok :/ 
[02:11] <Ilikeduck!> Thankss for give me idea.
[02:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> <-- this side when u are on LEVEL selection
[02:12] <Lolwutburger> but I'm thinking about the SJWs
[02:12] <IMCR8Z> @Lolwut: Crazy Darlene?
[02:12] <Eugoth> OH
[02:12] <Eugoth> Pumpkin
[02:12] <Lolwutburger> we got to go get DARLENE
[02:12] <IMCR8Z> INB4 Family Auto Mart
[02:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wat?
[02:12] <Eugoth> i will tell in about 20 minutes
[02:12] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hello.
[02:12] <Eugoth> becoz
[02:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[02:12] <Eugoth> i need to lunch
[02:12] <IMCR8Z> Shit, you ninja'd me. @Lolwut
[02:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[02:12] <Eugoth> -_- 
[02:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :/ 
[02:12] <Eugoth> be here
[02:12] <Ilikeduck!> -_- 
[02:12] <Ilikeduck!> Test
[02:12] <PiratePhantom545> lolwut do you want anything from me
[02:13] <Lolwutburger> I don't think so, what do you got?
[02:13] <PiratePhantom545> i can make you an icon 
[02:13] <EpicGamer23468> Hi
[02:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Now that is a bit offensive
[02:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ITS A PLANT
[02:44] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Plants have sex
[02:44] <Iamarepeater> Drek?
[02:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i see a cabbage masturbing a pickles
[02:44] <IMCR8Z> (wat) 
[02:44] <Iamarepeater> Pumpkin, you shouldn't say those stuff
[02:45] <Iamarepeater> There might be kids watching all these
[02:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep.
[02:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (facepalm) the kids of the world are smart than this
[02:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Might as well start warning you. This is a kid friendly chat and I'm here to moderate stuff
[02:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> blub
[02:46] <IMCR8Z> (parasol zombie) (pirate captain zombie) Plundering the booty
[02:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hmm who was the underaged staff? i dont remember, someone tell me
[02:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its not more underaged now
[02:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Well a few staff members managed to escape underage stuff
[02:47] <Insert Your Name Here> They are fine now though
[02:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> who was? plz i dont remember, i give up wikia later
[02:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Lol
[02:48] <Eugoth> "I agree and accept with the terms of conditions"
[02:48] <Eugoth> Suuree
[02:48] <Insert Your Name Here> None of the current staff members are underaged
[02:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ik
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> But before this, lily and pepsi were underaged
[02:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but i think that was one that was underaged but now it inst
[02:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yeah yeah
[02:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> pepsi
[02:50] <IMCR8Z> :o 
[02:50] <Eugoth> the third cannons away brain buster is too hard
[02:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Smallchestnutteam) is now of my fav plants
[02:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[02:51] <Reapeageddon> brb
[02:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i have coco cannon :P 
[02:51] <Eugoth> but if i don't finish it
[02:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i will try coco cannon vs. garg
[02:51] <Eugoth> I will feel empty
[02:51] <Eugoth> Like a (nut)]
[02:52] <Eugoth> (nut)
[02:52] <Eugoth> (wallnut) 
[02:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well garg level 1 is easier with level 2 Magicy Mushy
[02:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I WILL FIGHT FOR A MAGNETY SHROOMY
[02:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Cannons Away Garg Level 1
[02:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> gtg 10pm
[02:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bye
[02:54] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[02:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[02:54] <Eugoth> nice
[02:54] <Vebros> o/ 
[02:54] <Eugoth> bye
[02:55] <Eugoth> I said nice becoz
[02:55] <Eugoth> i finished the level
[02:55] <Eugoth> hi vebros 
[02:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :) 
[02:55] <Eugoth> lol my chat was laggin
[02:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WOW
[02:56] <Eugoth> 3 more stars for level 2 snappy
[02:56] <Vebros> PvZ Journey to the West HD version on Android is so coo;
[02:56] <Vebros> cool*
[02:56] <Vebros> but it's not working on my Bluestacks emulator :( (
[02:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg The Furry Darryn</span></span> hugs peter
[02:56] <Eugoth> what
[02:56] <Vebros> <span class="me-username">* <span>Vebros</span></span> hugs back
[02:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Vebros huh... link?
[02:56] <Vebros> Ok, wait.
[02:56] <Vebros> U need to know.
[02:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> nah
[02:56] <Vebros> This is best HD game
[02:56] <Vebros> but.. in chinese
[02:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :D 
[02:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idc about chinese
[02:57] <Vebros> Link
[02:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wow
[02:58] <Vebros> Oh wait
[02:58] <Vebros> Wrng link
[02:58] <Vebros> Wrong*
[02:58] <Vebros> sorry
[02:58] <Vebros> wait..
[02:58] <Eugoth> What's the point of (loquat) ?
[02:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> nah u dont need to sorry
[02:58] <ShroomstagramUser> So, no one...
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ssu nshroom is awesome!
[02:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> Not a girl avatar again,ShroomstagramUser....
[02:59] <Iamarepeater> Shroomstagramuser ?
[02:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yep ssu 
[02:59] <Iamarepeater> I encountered a user you had issues with
[02:59] <Vebros> Ok this is link to PvZ JTTW HD on Android
[02:59] <ShroomstagramUser> Can't stay, been grounded until 2/5/2016
[02:59] <Vebros> Eugoth 
[02:59] <AWikiBoy521> This time it's Ariel!
[02:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :) thanks
[02:59] <Vebros> It's so cool
[02:59] <Vebros> It's like PvZ HD on iOS
[02:59] <Vebros> but on Android
[03:00] <ShroomstagramUser> Correction: Hipster Ariel
[03:00] <Eugoth> ok.
[03:00] <Pumpkin Skelhead> browser stopped '-'
[03:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> What happened, ShroomstagramUser ?
[03:01] <Iamarepeater>
[03:01] <Iamarepeater> I don't who is this user a sockpuppet of
[03:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Vebros :( this page makes browser stop i will try another browser
[03:02] <Vebros> :O 
[03:02] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[03:02] <Eugoth> :o 
[03:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i use the "IE"
[03:02] <Vebros> (troll) 
[03:02] <Eugoth> Internet explorer?
[03:02] <Vebros> IE fastest browser in the world.
[03:02] <Eugoth> :o 
[03:02] <Vebros> XD
[03:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i call it IE, but it not
[03:02] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[03:02] <Eugoth> Internet explorer: Open 1 tab, crashes
[03:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> downloading chrome...
[03:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> brb 
[03:03] <Eugoth> Not even microsoft likes it anymore
[03:03] <Eugoth> Now they use microsoft edge
[03:03] <Vebros> IE is important. Without IE, you can't download other browser
[03:03] <Vebros> Without browser / internet you PC is just piece of sh**.
[03:04] <Vebros> your*
[03:04] <Vebros> (troll) 
[03:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> back
[03:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well before mozilla i used IE and Edge :P 
[03:04] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[03:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> do not kill me 
[03:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> deedee deedee deeeeeedeeeeeee WHY THIS EXISTS
[03:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no space for chrome ;( 
[03:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> bye google app
[03:06] <Eugoth> bleh
[03:06] <Electric Plants> DD?
[03:06] <Eugoth> :P 
[03:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> DeeDee from FNaF World :P 
[03:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i love the minigame
[03:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well JJ confimed JayJay?
[03:07] <Electric Plants> Lol
[03:07] <Electric Plants> How many times did u get the pearl?
[03:07] <Electric Plants> I got it 3 times3
[03:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 0 times
[03:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :P 
[03:07] <Vebros> I can install Android on my PC. NO MORE EMULATOR :D 
[03:07] <Vebros> But...
[03:07] <Vebros> How can i return to Windows? xd
[03:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[03:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i want to give a android mobile for u
[03:08] <Electric Plants> How ve?
[03:08] <Eugoth> YAY
[03:08] <Eugoth> Now i claim my snapdragon
[03:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YAY
[03:08] <Eugoth> So i can level him up to 
[03:08] <Eugoth> 2
[03:08] <Electric Plants> I will leave this wiki becaus I joined another one
[03:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> like, Coldy Snappy inst on PvZ2C(GLAD)
[03:08] <Vebros> You need download a some programs, and Android.iso.
[03:08] <Vebros> :O 
[03:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ISO SUCKS
[03:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pumpkin Skelhead</span></span> kicks the trash can
[03:09] <Electric Plants> Why r u shocked veb?
[03:09] <Vebros> Im not shocked xd
[03:10] <Eugoth> with level 2 snapdragon
[03:10] <Eugoth> i will dominate the world
[03:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> now i have chrome
[03:10] <Electric Plants> Just kidding
[03:10] <Electric Plants> Nobody cared when I said that
[03:10] <Electric Plants> :( 
[03:10] <EpicGamer23468> Hello
[03:10] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[03:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> here i go
[03:10] <Iamarepeater> Yrgh. this person swore:
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> *urgh
[03:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> cr ash
[03:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol kidding
[03:12] <Eugoth> omg level 2 snapdragon is so op!
[03:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> QQ ACCOUNT NEEDED?
[03:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> prob no
[03:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Vebros green button?
[03:12] <Vebros> yep
[03:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> uh...
[03:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> there is chrome, ES downloader and browser(IE) to download this...
[03:14] <Eugoth> @vebros i need 33 stars to unlock the first kung fu boss, right?
[03:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay downloading
[03:14] <Vebros> Yep or pay gems
[03:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel
[03:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont pay, i dont haved the stars put i fight with it
[03:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont had*
[03:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but*
[03:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay almost new gems
[03:17] <Eugoth> oh boy
[03:17] <Electric Plants> Pumpkin
[03:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ?
[03:17] <Electric Plants> NvM
[03:18] <Lolwutburger> finally
[03:18] <Lolwutburger> I finished genderbending Crazy Dave
[03:18] <Lolwutburger>
[03:18] <Lolwutburger> I made him into a female
[03:18] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[03:20] <Eugoth> :o 
[03:20] <Eugoth> WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
[03:20] <AWikiBoy521> Daisy is a better name for her. :P 
[03:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[03:21] <Electric Plants> lol
[03:22] <Lolwutburger> Crazy Daisy, that rhymes
[03:22] <Mage General Chrysalis> Crazy Daisy has a nice tune into it.
[03:22] <AWikiBoy521> @Eugoth
[03:22] <AWikiBoy521> Spy from TF2: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
[03:22] <Mage General Chrysalis> Reminds me of that Moshi Monsters seed though.
[03:22] <Lolwutburger> Makes me think more of Dr. Seuss though
[03:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:23] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Looks like some mii has a date with Daisy, Chrysalis.</span>
[03:23] <AWikiBoy521> Supback Legend
[03:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I was ln a livestream of windows xp.
[03:23] <Lolwutburger> ...
[03:23] <Lolwutburger> nah
[03:23] <Eugoth> windows xp
[03:23] <Eugoth> ?
[03:23] <Lolwutburger> makes me think more of Princess Daisy
[03:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[03:23] <Lolwutburger> who was clearly crazy
[03:23] <Lolwutburger> since the only thing she said was "HI I'M DAISY"
[03:24] <Eugoth> Crazy dave and crazy daisy have crazy what? (lenny) 
[03:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Daisy is like Waluigi '-'
[03:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who is crazy daisy?
[03:24] <AWikiBoy521> @Pumpkin
[03:24] <AWikiBoy521> Waluigi is like Dave
[03:24] <Eugoth> Both like garlic?
[03:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Seems funny name lol.
[03:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Daisy.
[03:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Theres no proof that Waluigi likes garlic for now, but Wario likes
[03:25] <Eugoth> oh, waluigi
[03:25] <Lolwutburger> Crazy Daisy is my attempt at genderbending Crazy Dave
[03:25] <Lolwutburger> as seen here
[03:25] <Lolwutburger>
[03:25] <Eugoth> genderbend penny would be what?
[03:25] <Eugoth> Perry?
[03:26] <Lolwutburger> Kenny?
[03:26] <Eugoth> kenny
[03:26] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> plz cost of Grapeshot i dont remember
[03:26] <Eugoth> 150
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol
[03:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Cherry Bomb is useless if you have Grapeshot so
[03:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> better nerf it
[03:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Brb eating pancakes.
[03:27] <Eugoth> (o rly) 
[03:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> Welp, I gotta play TTR again because my Miis are starting to sleep...
[03:28] <Lolwutburger> I gotta sleep and stuff
[03:28] <Lolwutburger> byzos
[03:28] <Eugoth> good night
[03:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bye.
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Microphone is a Cold Snappy fanboy
[03:29] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[03:30] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[03:30] <AWikiBoy521> Dreamland....
[03:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> IT CAME OUT [[Thread:538925]]
[03:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 14? there will be one more world to complete 15
[03:32] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[03:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> DED
[03:34] <Hurrikale> rest in peace
[03:35] <Electric Plants> :p 
[03:35] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm grinding to get the Cream Pie and the Fire Hose, I'm so close to getting them.
[03:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> SAY WAAAAAT
[03:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Back
[03:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WB
[03:42] <Vebros> ALMOST 4K VIEWS
[03:42] <Vebros>
[03:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> annoying staffs...
[03:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YAY
[03:42] <Eugoth> SUN BEAN IS GOOD
[03:42] <Eugoth> I USE IT WHEN I NEED A LOT OF SUN
[03:42] <Eugoth> >;(
[03:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NAO WAT
[03:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok so...
[03:44] <Mage General Chrysalis> I got my Cream Pie and my Fire Hose!
[03:45] <Electric Plants> Pumpkin
[03:45] <Electric Plants> What is that?
[03:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[03:46] <Electric Plants> I mean where do u get that?
[03:46] <Eugoth> (pumpkin) 
[03:46] <Eugoth> It's premium bro
[03:46] <Eugoth> just kiddin'g
[03:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (Greatist hits) If we gave this to mc zomb.
[03:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> in Weekly discussion 2
[03:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Not rp
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Greatesthits) 
[03:47] <Eugoth> (greatest hits) If we gave this to mc zomb
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> here
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[03:47] <Eugoth> o/ 
[03:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:49] <Eugoth> oppa
[03:49] <Vebros> I found very good chinese emulator xDDD
[03:49] <Eugoth> wat
[03:49] <Vebros> Very smiliar to NOX
[03:49] <Vebros> v
[03:49] <Vebros>
[03:49] <Iamarepeater>
[03:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Tell me how you understand him?
[03:50] <Iamarepeater> This is proof that Taylor Swift is Satan
[03:50] <Eugoth> Satan from DBZ?
[03:50] <Vebros> Yes, i understand him xD
[03:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wait i watched this already.
[03:50] <Vebros> Ok im install thi emulator.
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> imitates Someo[[]]ne456.
[03:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:51] <Eugoth> Nox emulator is so good IMO
[03:51] <Vebros>
[03:51] <Eugoth> you can put hotkeys
[03:51] <CitronFire3> K there a LOT of Peashooter's i'm seeing in videos of Backyard Battleground
[03:51] <Eugoth> i put hotkeys for plant packets
[03:51] <CitronFire3> More then Electro Pea and Rock pea
[03:51] <CitronFire3> theres like a Purple Peashooter. Idk what it does
[03:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:52] <Eugoth> Hi
[03:52] <Eugoth> I wonder what happens when cf3 reaches level 2
[03:52] <Eugoth> Cuz it's already OP at 1
[03:52] <CitronFire3> huh
[03:52] <Eugoth> wat
[03:52] <Eugoth> cf3 = (whirlwind acorn) 
[03:52] <Eugoth> I just wanna shorten
[03:53] <Eugoth> wirhlwnid acron is too loong
[03:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who watches vinesauce joel.
[03:53] <Eugoth> what's a vinesauce
[03:53] <Eugoth> do people make sauce out of vines? o_o
[03:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No.
[03:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Its a youtube gaming channel.
[03:54] <CitronFire3> WHOA
[03:54] <Eugoth> 2tasty4me
[03:54] <CitronFire3> I FOUND A WEIRD PEASHOOTER
[03:54] <Electric Plants> Helo cf3 
[03:54] <Electric Plants> Where?
[03:54] <Eugoth> Isn't beta gone?
[03:55] <CitronFire3> AHA
[03:55] <CitronFire3> Got it
[03:55] <CitronFire3> Im watching vids of it
[03:55] <Electric Plants> CF3 
[03:55] <CitronFire3> What is that?
[03:55] <CitronFire3> It looks weird
[03:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:55] <Electric Plants> Do u have a goot pic of Electro Pea?
[03:55] <CitronFire3> I also saw a Purple Peashooter
[03:55] <CitronFire3> Ehh
[03:55] <CitronFire3> No
[03:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[03:55] <Eugoth> (lenny) purple peashooter
[03:55] <Dogecoin> everyone here
[03:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> They are hidden easter eggs i think?
[03:56] <Dogecoin> knows something about the jackfruit in the chinese lost city?
[03:56] <Legenddemonicderpknight>
[03:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Imagine, if PT. 2 of MD will be pool, and Snorkel appears every level without coming from a portal, so its a 2-world-non-portal Zombie!
[03:56] <CitronFire3> It shoots projectiles like Chomp Thing's
[03:56] <CitronFire3> Like
[03:56] <CitronFire3> Pea's that have like
[03:56] <CitronFire3> grassy stuff
[03:56] <CitronFire3> and it has a helmet
[03:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Must... sleep.... gotta,,, wake up... early
[03:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok.
[03:57] <CitronFire3>
[03:57] <CitronFire3> see
[03:58] <CitronFire3> Electro Pea
[03:58] <CitronFire3> Dayum
[03:58] <CitronFire3> Electro Pea is really god
[03:58] <CitronFire3> *good
[03:58] <Electric Plants> IKR
[03:58] <Dogecoin> scorched pea?
[03:58] <CitronFire3> It leaves electricity on the ground if it shoots its Eletr pea's on the ground
[03:58] <CitronFire3> *Electric
[03:58] <CitronFire3> OOH
[03:58] <CitronFire3> Theres that purple peashooter
[03:58] <Dogecoin> purple pea:goop pea?
[03:59] <Eugoth> -_- -_- -_- -_- -_- 
[03:59] <CitronFire3>
[04:00] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Vebros Yay! Journey to the West installed! Thanks!
[04:00] <CitronFire3> so theres three peashooters that we don't know about
[04:00] <Vebros> :D 
[04:00] <Vebros> np
[04:00] <CitronFire3> one of them must be the legendary
[04:00] <CitronFire3> and Very Rare's
[04:00] <Dogecoin> the BBQ corn?
[04:00] <CitronFire3> Theres two very rare's right?
[04:00] <CitronFire3> tw rares
[04:00] <CitronFire3> *two
[04:00] <Dogecoin> because fire variant?
[04:00] <CitronFire3> Are the two rares Rock Pea and Electro Pea?
[04:01] <Dogecoin> maybe
[04:01] <Dogecoin> electro is kind of,powerful
[04:01] <CitronFire3> No Electro pea is a super rare
[04:01] <CitronFire3> rock pea is rare..
[04:01] <CitronFire3> So there is another Super Rare...
[04:01] <Dogecoin> the purple pea?
[04:01] <CitronFire3> It must be one of the peashooters I got photos of
[04:01] <CitronFire3> I got three
[04:01] <CitronFire3> I think
[04:02] <CitronFire3> hold on
[04:02] <Dogecoin> i put my hopes on the goop pea
[04:02] <CitronFire3> Marsh Pea (my gues since it shots a pea that has marshy particles around it)
[04:02] <CitronFire3> "Goop Pea" :P 
[04:02] <Rayquazaaa> Heello
[04:03] <CitronFire3> then this pea
[04:03] <Rayquazaaa> Can someone link me the code for a longer username?
[04:03] <Rayquazaaa> (for chat)
[04:03] <Dogecoin> mummy
[04:03] <CitronFire3> WAIT
[04:03] <Dogecoin> pea?
[04:03] <CitronFire3> I SEE THE LEGENDARY ROSE!!
[04:03] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Rayquazaaa
[04:04] <Rayquazaaa> Ay
[04:04] <Iamarepeater> hi
[04:04] <Rayquazaaa> How do you have the long chat usernames>
[04:04] <Rayquazaaa> *?
[04:04] <Iamarepeater> Ask admin
[04:04] <Dogecoin> metal rose?
[04:04] <Rayquazaaa> Who's an admin?
[04:04] <Dogecoin> or robotic rose?
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> Electric Plants 
[04:05] <Rayquazaaa> Hey electric plants , how do you have the long usernames?
[04:05] <Obsidian926> Hello
[04:05] <Iamarepeater> Hi
[04:05] <Obsidian926> I'm a zombie
[04:06] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[04:06] <Obsidian926> The sky
[04:06] <CitronFire3> best picture I got of the Legendary Rose
[04:06] <CitronFire3> Since SHE WOULDN'T STOP ATTACKING 
[04:06] <CitronFire3> AND MOVING
[04:06] <CitronFire3> Stupid rose
[04:07] <Eugoth> more pixels
[04:08] <Obsidian926> I'm a zombie
[04:08] <Eugoth> i'm drawing a plant in paint. It's an idea for PVZCC
[04:08] <Eugoth> Yeah
[04:08] <Dogecoin> alien rose?
[04:09] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents.
[04:09] <Eugoth> hi
[04:10] <Dogecoin> hi u ok
[04:11] <Snapdragon717> "The Dragon killed the chat"
[04:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh
[04:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Playing games is not helping me forget
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> gtg
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> I had to sleep now.
[04:16] <Snapdragon717> by
[04:16] <Hurrikale> \o o/ 
[04:17] <AWikiBoy521> o/ \o 
[04:17] <CitronFire3> EH
[04:17] <CitronFire3> ACTUALLY
[04:17] <AWikiBoy521> X-o/ !
[04:17] <AWikiBoy521> *X- o/ !
[04:17] <Snapdragon717> Is it bad I've been watching this for 3 and a half minutes?
[04:17] <Snapdragon717> listening
[04:17] <CitronFire3> It shoots projectiles similar to Plasma Pea, but they are purple, and plus, Purple Pea was in the Backyard Battleground Bobblehead thing, and not Plama Pea.
[04:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Nothing is helping me
[04:18] <CitronFire3> Soo Plasma Pea might have been redesigned 
[04:18] <AWikiBoy521> Please keel me, any user
[04:18] <CitronFire3> See
[04:18] <CitronFire3> Plasma Pea is missing
[04:19] <Snapdragon717> *keels AWikiBoy521*
[04:19] <CitronFire3> But theres a Purple Pea
[04:19] <CitronFire3> I think Purple Pea is the new redesigned Plasma Pea
[04:19] <CitronFire3> Since they attack similar
[04:21] <Eugoth> cf3 
[04:21] <Snapdragon717> Hmmm...
[04:21] <SnappyDragon> (Snapdragon) (cold snapdragon) 
[04:21] <Snapdragon717> Exactly
[04:22] <Snapdragon717> Well this is awkward...
[04:22] <SnappyDragon> Lel
[04:22] <SnappyDragon> Hey Cousin!
[04:22] <Eugoth> what do you think about the plant i'm making?
[04:22] <SnappyDragon> Its me Cold Snapdragon
[04:22] <SnappyDragon> xD jk lelz
[04:22] <Snapdragon717> @Eugoth What's it supposed to be?
[04:22] <Eugoth> a berry
[04:22] <Eugoth> :P 
[04:22] <SnappyDragon> Kewl
[04:22] <Snapdragon717> I can tell it's in MS Paint.
[04:22] <SnappyDragon> Eugoth 
[04:23] <Eugoth> yep
[04:23] <SnappyDragon> Is it a raspberry
[04:23] <Eugoth> I still need to color the inside
[04:23] <Eugoth> Maybe
[04:23] <SnappyDragon> Okay
[04:23] <CitronFire3> What is it?
[04:23] <Eugoth> It will be called
[04:23] <Eugoth> jam berry
[04:23] <Eugoth> cf3 , what do you think so far?
[04:23] <SnappyDragon> Jamboree xd lel
[04:23] <SnappyDragon> Cf3 Im back xD
[04:24] <SnappyDragon> JamBerry, What does it doo
[04:24] <Eugoth> Changes the jam
[04:24] <Eugoth> In NMT
[04:24] <SnappyDragon> ooooh
[04:24] <Eugoth> do you get the pun?
[04:24] <SnappyDragon> I thought it would squirt jam on the zombies
[04:24] <SnappyDragon> whats the PF effect
[04:24] <Eugoth> It's instant
[04:25] <SnappyDragon> oh okay
[04:25] <SnappyDragon> Hai insani
[04:25] <SnappyDragon> ...
[04:25] <SnappyDragon> I want more dragons
[04:25] <CitronFire3> HAH
[04:25] <SnappyDragon> Water Dragon?
[04:25] <Eugoth> wat
[04:25] <CitronFire3> Marsh pea bobblehead!
[04:25] <CitronFire3> well
[04:25] <CitronFire3> Im calling it Marsh pea for now
[04:26] <CitronFire3> since it shoots marsh-like projectiles
[04:26] <SnappyDragon> Lel
[04:26] <Eugoth> Jurassic marsh-pea
[04:26] <SnappyDragon> Lel
[04:26] <SnappyDragon> so punny
[04:26] <SnappyDragon> RELEASE THE PING BOMB
[04:26] <SnappyDragon> (ping) (bomb) 
[04:27] <SnappyDragon> lelelelelelel
[04:27] <Eugoth> lewl
[04:27] <SnappyDragon> (Ping) (pong) 
[04:27] <Eugoth> (wall-nut) (wall-nut) (banana launcher) 
[04:28] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[04:28] <SnappyDragon> (lenny) 
[04:28] <SnappyDragon> (wallnut) (Tallnut) (wallnut) 
[04:28] <CitronFire3> I FOUND A KERNEL CORN
[04:28] <CitronFire3> O_o_o
[04:29] <SnappyDragon> Hmm
[04:29] <SnappyDragon> Snappy Dragon paid you $100,000
[04:29] <SnappyDragon> my cousin....
[04:30] <SnappyDragon> xdjklel
[04:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[04:30] <SnappyDragon> hai pumpkaboo
[04:30] <SnappyDragon> punkleton*
[04:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Christmas was finished a lot of time
[04:30] <SnappyDragon> Hai afro guy
[04:30] <SnappyDragon> Pumpkin...
[04:30] <Eugoth> what
[04:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Christmas Ended*
[04:31] <SnappyDragon> I just got unbanned today. I changed my chat tag to that in november ._.
[04:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel
[04:32] <SnappyDragon> I get unbanned on Steven Universe wiki on feb 15
[04:32] <Dogecoin> what you did to get banned?
[04:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[04:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Snappy, how much time you have this account?
[04:32] <SnappyDragon> I was underaged and I spilled the beans here.
[04:33] <SnappyDragon> feb2015
[04:33] <SnappyDragon> Its my bday today so im not underaged anymore yay
[04:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YAY
[04:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> good for u!
[04:33] <SnappyDragon> i spent 4 wiki-less months
[04:33] <SnappyDragon> T.T
[04:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i want to know where is my bot account?
[04:34] <SnappyDragon> Gtg im gonna play MC on server
[04:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> remove ?
[04:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> STAFF HELP
[04:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> someone here?
[04:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ping time?
[04:38] <Electric Plants> Hi@
[04:38] <Eugoth> hi
[04:38] <Vebros> o/ 
[04:38] <Eugoth> ok i think my plant is done
[04:38] <Eugoth>
[04:38] <Eugoth> Any comments?
[04:38] <Eugoth> for CC wikia
[04:38] <CitronFire3> TEST
[04:38] <Snapdragon717> Back
[04:39] <Dogecoin> grapeshot fanart?
[04:39] <Eugoth> No, a new plant
[04:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i winned somehow 30 gems
[04:39] <Eugoth> Grapeshot is full of faces and stuff
[04:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wait
[04:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i lost somehow 20 gems
[04:39] <Snapdragon717> [[File:Testing Bullbergine.png]] Fake?
[04:39] <Eugoth> fake
[04:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay more 3300 gems!
[04:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I HAVE 3.333 GEMS
[04:40] <Eugoth> Yeah same pumpkin
[04:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> now i do the vase things again?
[04:40] <Eugoth> yep
[04:40] <Eugoth> Now vasebreaker
[04:40] <Eugoth> not
[04:41] <Dogecoin> MD part 2 premium?
[04:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Escape Root?
[04:41] <Eugoth> MD part 2 premium is escape root
[04:41] <Eugoth> that's a fucking cow
[04:41] <Vebros> THIS IS ESCAPE ROOT?
[04:41] <Vebros> IG
[04:41] <Dogecoin> confirmed font?
[04:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> bull*
[04:41] <Vebros> OMG
[04:41] <Vebros> IT'S REAL?
[04:41] <Eugoth> NOT TRUE
[04:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NO 
[04:41] <Eugoth> FAKE
[04:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NOT TRUE
[04:41] <Dogecoin> well
[04:41] <Vebros> Oh :| 
[04:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NEVER
[04:42] <Dogecoin> this seems so real
[04:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Small Chestnut Team 10 pieces :) 
[04:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Lasah!
[04:42] <Dogecoin> wtf?
[04:42] <Vebros> I have level 4 radish :
[04:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Sweet Potato NOOOOOOOOOOO
[04:42] <Eugoth> oak archer
[04:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Rotating Pinneaple lel
[04:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> '-'
[04:43] <Eugoth> rafflesia
[04:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Citron
[04:43] <Dogecoin> pineapplecopter?
[04:43] <Eugoth> (pineapple) 
[04:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Oldpinneaple)
[04:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> there inst
[04:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> old design was better
[04:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Snappy...
[04:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Potato lol
[04:44] <Snapdragon717> Which is uglier? (pineapple) or (jackfruit) 
[04:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Yay more Magic Mushroom!
[04:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Jackfruit) 
[04:44] <Eugoth> (jackfruit) 
[04:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> PEPPER PULT YAAAAS
[04:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> GHOST PEPPER :p 
[04:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Wall-Nut...
[04:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Bamboo Brother, lel worst plant
[04:45] <Snapdragon717> Especially since they gave (jackfruit) some lighting in a photo of the LC Chinese banner.
[04:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Snap i can see?
[04:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Icebergy :) 
[04:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Homing Thistle!
[04:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Fire Gourd!
[04:45] <Eugoth> same
[04:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Rose Swordswoman!
[04:46] <Dogecoin> (bamboobrother) is a (chardguard) knock off
[04:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have Chardy so...
[04:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wow the carrot missile truck!
[04:46] <Eugoth> oh boy
[04:46] <Dogecoin> carrots?
[04:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Icebergy again
[04:46] <Snapdragon717> [[File:Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 8.23.16 PM.png]]
[04:46] <Snapdragon717> It stares into your soul...
[04:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Another Smallchestnut team
[04:46] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[04:46] <Eugoth> i'm almost getting pumpkin witch's costume
[04:47] <Eugoth> hey
[04:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay
[04:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[04:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Pump Witch again lel
[04:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Wall Nut again
[04:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Fire Peashooter again
[04:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> last one ;( 
[04:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Spikeweed...
[04:48] <Eugoth> weed4life
[04:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and i get EB by puzzle pieces
[04:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> EB sucks on china
[04:48] <Snapdragon717> Isn't Electric Blueberry different in the Chinese Version
[04:48] <Snapdragon717> like attacking wise>
[04:48] <Snapdragon717> ?
[04:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes it is
[04:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> does like 20 nds or a bit more
[04:49] <Dogecoin> EB cant even kill a normal zombie in lvl 1 right?
[04:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Well Rotating Pinneaple's PF is useless than before
[04:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[04:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> LEVEL 2 SMALL CHESTNUT TEAM!
[04:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes i had money
[04:51] <Dogecoin> plants vs zombies logic
[04:51] <Dogecoin> get hit by a flying melon
[04:52] <Dogecoin> and dont get the columm broken
[04:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i will try pick the first seed packet(6th)
[04:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[04:53] <CitronFire3> Y r people so rude
[04:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> does like 20 nds or a bit more
[04:49] <Dogecoin> EB cant even kill a normal zombie in lvl 1 right?
[04:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Well Rotating Pinneaple's PF is useless than before
[04:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[04:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> LEVEL 2 SMALL CHESTNUT TEAM!
[04:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes i had money
[04:51] <Dogecoin> plants vs zombies logic
[04:51] <Dogecoin> get hit by a flying melon
[04:52] <Dogecoin> and dont get the columm broken
[04:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i will try pick the first seed packet(6th)
[04:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[04:53] <CitronFire3> Y r people so rude
[04:54] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[04:54] <CitronFire3>
[04:54] <CitronFire3> Well its not like I fucking knew he wrote that
[04:54] <CitronFire3> I was typing it up at the time
[04:54] <CitronFire3> anyway imma go play GW1
[04:55] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Imma delete that
[04:56] <CitronFire3> I'm a little disappointed they changed Plasma Pea's apperance
[04:56] <CitronFire3> I really liked his old look, but now hes purple
[04:57] <CitronFire3> and he doesn't have cool eye
[04:57] <CitronFire3> *eyes
[04:57] <CitronFire3> and he just doesn't look the same
[04:57] <CitronFire3> at all
[04:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[04:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[04:57] <EpicGamer23468> Hello
[04:57] <CitronFire3> I wonder what the creator thinks of Plasma Pea's new look
[04:58] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Could you show me how does he look now? @CF3
[04:58] <EpicGamer23468> I blame EA for the redesign
[04:58] <CitronFire3> Well
[04:58] <CitronFire3> Hes like purple
[04:58] <CitronFire3> his eyes don't glow
[04:58] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Gum Pea?
[04:58] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[04:58] <CitronFire3> It's really disappointing
[04:58] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[04:58] <CitronFire3> anyway Imma go play GW1
[04:58] <CitronFire3> Bye
[04:59] <EpicGamer23468> I got go out now
[04:59] <EpicGamer23468> bye
[04:59] <Protanly> Exams coming up
[04:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[04:59] <Protanly> I'm sorry I'm so inactive right now
[04:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> thing that PopCap Shangai need to put on PvZ2C: PF recharge seed pack
[05:00] <Eugoth> too much PF
[05:01] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Imagine how hard would PvZ2 be without Plant Food
[05:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> everyday: i win 3300 gems and lose 15...
[05:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Imagine how easy would be Bobsled Bonanza with Plant Food
[05:03] <Vebros> BWB without (plantfood) 's.
[05:04] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ErnestoAM 
[05:04] <ThisUserLikesOreo> you there?
[05:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> someone of staff can find my 2nd account password? ;-;
[05:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and name
[05:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> exaclty capital letters*
[05:05] <Vebros>
[05:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i miss it since CZH
[05:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> You need Wikia Staff for that
[05:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> We can't help
[05:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> OMG ITS MD PT 2
[05:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> jk
[05:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ik its custom level
[05:10] <Protanly> welp
[05:11] <Vebros> I wish PvZ2C Dev Diary xd
[05:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I wish PvZ2C Travel Log and EZs
[05:12] <Vebros> Well PvZ2C have EZ in code.
[05:12] <Vebros> It's unused.
[05:12] <Vebros> I have a developer menu in PvZ2C 
[05:12] <Vebros> cheat menu
[05:12] <Vebros> and i saw AE, PS, WW, FF endless
[05:13] <Eugoth> would be too OP
[05:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WB
[05:13] <Eugoth> Hello gentleman
[05:14] <Eugoth> Pumpkin witch is good
[05:14] <Eugoth> I want it on level 2
[05:14] <SnappyDragon> Protanly 
[05:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> anyone knows all DPS stages of (Freezemushroom) ?
[05:14] <Vebros>
[05:14] <SnappyDragon> Are u ModernMario xD
[05:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel fake?
[05:15] <Vebros> it's works for me
[05:15] <SnappyDragon> Protanly 
[05:15] <Vebros> IT'S A MD PART 2!
[05:15] <SnappyDragon> Ur Modern Mario right
[05:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok so print for us
[05:15] <SnappyDragon> ModernMario=RetroBowser xd
[05:15] <Vebros>
[05:15] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yes he is.
[05:15] <SnappyDragon> Kewl
[05:16] <SnappyDragon> Hai TULO 
[05:16] <Vebros> xDD
[05:16] <Vebros> (troll) 
[05:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i do not want to be trolled by virus and telephone celular is without battery
[05:16] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hello
[05:16] <SnappyDragon> What happened when I was absent from the wiki
[05:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i won
[05:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Smallchestnutteam) seems more for defense
[05:17] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I don't remember tbh
[05:17] <Vebros>
[05:17] <Vebros> OH MY GOD
[05:17] <SnappyDragon> Shroomstagram user is now admin right
[05:17] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yes
[05:17] <SnappyDragon> kewl
[05:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> SSU 
[05:18] <Vebros> LOL PvZ2 normal in chinese languange
[05:18] <Vebros> O_OOOO
[05:20] <SnappyDragon> Pengu61151
[05:20] <SnappyDragon> Doesnt work
[05:20] <SnappyDragon> (pengu61151)
[05:20] <SnappyDragon> snappydragon
[05:21] <Vebros> Vebros 
[05:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YAY 6TH SEED SLOT
[05:21] <SnappyDragon> HCOONa 
[05:21] <SnappyDragon> Sodium Formate
[05:21] <SnappyDragon> xd
[05:22] <SnappyDragon> HCOONa Matata
[05:23] <ThisUserLikesOreo> So, when PvZ2C Lost City is going to be released for Android users?
[05:23] <Vebros> 27-28 January
[05:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Journey to the West was PvZ1 inside right?
[05:23] <Vebros> Yep
[05:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok so i will delete
[05:23] <Vebros> :o 
[05:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> PvZ1
[05:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> delete PvZ1, Journey to the West stays
[05:24] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Damn it
[05:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> later i'll play som FNAFY WORLD
[05:24] <Vebros> Im gonna install Android on VirtualBox
[05:24] <Vebros> It's better idea, NO MORE SHITTY BLUESTACKS XD
[05:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no things in the middle of menu screen to the China lol
[05:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no hell
[05:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i cant go more?
[05:25] <Eugoth> 2 columns of flying horsebeans took out 1/4 of zomboss level 2 health
[05:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WHERE IS AMERICAN ZOMBIES?
[05:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> anyone knows if CiTS Zombot is finished?
[05:26] <Vebros> Horsebeans are cool
[05:26] <Vebros> OP
[05:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yep
[05:27] <Eugoth> WOW
[05:27] <Eugoth> LVL 1S
[05:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> LOL
[05:27] <Vebros> NICE
[05:28] <Eugoth> they kill level 2 gargs so fast
[05:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i love JttW level slection screen
[05:29] <Vebros> Me too
[05:29] <Vebros> Why you delete my JTTW HD version?
[05:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont delete JTTW HD Version
[05:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i delete PvZ1 International
[05:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NOOOOOOO I RESTARTED LVL 1
[05:31] <Vebros> oh ok
[05:31] <Eugoth> well they werent that good at garg battle
[05:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> seed pack almost of screen
[05:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> of sunflower
[05:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have an idea for lvl1:its a only 1 lane level, a zombie come, you dont have plants, then he touch on lawnmore, he's dead and drop Peashooter seed pack
[05:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Lawnmower*
[05:34] <Vebros> Im gonna install Windows XP on my VirtualBox
[05:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> XP sucks dont do this
[05:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> in level 2, i planted 3 sunflowers, zombie do not cames
[05:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[05:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :O 
[05:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> now that i plant 6 he appears
[05:40] <ErnestoAM> Sky City zomboss was totally scrapped, the level is still not available even in the LC update
[05:41] <SnappyDragon> <span style="color:red;">hello</span>.
[05:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Just like Far Future one?
[05:42] <SnappyDragon> <span style="color:purple;">PvZ2C sucks</span>.
[05:42] <SnappyDragon> Lol
[05:42] <SnappyDragon> Im doing colour text
[05:43] <SnappyDragon> <span style="color:red;">hello</span>
[05:43] <Eugoth> that sucks
[05:43] <SnappyDragon> Gb
[05:43] <Eugoth> halo
[05:49] <ErnestoAM> I need more money
[05:49] <Concorde deer> hallo
[05:49] <Concorde deer> dear muchachos
[05:49] <ErnestoAM> so i can upgrade my troops
[05:49] <Concorde deer> newspaper zombie here!!!
[05:49] <ErnestoAM> ok
[05:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> back
[05:50] <Concorde deer> okay 23 is down brains
[05:50] <Concorde deer> 23 is down brains
[05:50] <Concorde deer> finally!!!
[05:50] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Can you screenshot the new zombies' almanac entries? @ErnestoAM
[05:51] <Concorde deer> pls don't burn my newspaper
[05:51] <ErnestoAM> I already have
[05:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :) 
[05:51] <ErnestoAM> when it was released
[05:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> But could you upload them to the wiki?
[05:51] <Concorde deer> pls
[08:11] <Snapdragon717> Or Scientist. 
[08:12] <Higehigebomber> Those guys are the worst if you're trying to revive someone
[08:12] <Higehigebomber> Then a Chemist comes out of no where and you ded
[08:13] <Snapdragon717> Tries to revive someone
[08:13] <Snapdragon717> Chomper comes out of nowhere
[08:13] <Snapdragon717> Ded
[08:13] <Higehigebomber> That's even worse. :p 
[08:13] <Higehigebomber> I was doing Crazy Ops yesterday with my friend and two really good randoms
[08:14] <Higehigebomber> We were doing fine until wave 10, then 8 Chemists spawned and we all got absolutely demolished.
[08:15] <Higehigebomber> One Chemist is easy to fight, until there's 8 and they all have ultra-long range teleport, and 150 HP.
[08:16] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:17] <ErnestoAM> chinese Excavator Zombie has a serious bug
[08:17] <ErnestoAM> Pults can't damage him either
[08:17] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> Welcome to dead chat! (tombstone) </span>
[08:18] <Eugoth> Hi
[08:18] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[08:18] <IMCR8Z> +25 (goldcoin) User Joined Dead Chat
[08:20] <Eugoth> ;-; u do dis
[08:23] <Specialedition12> Hello XD.
[08:25] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[08:25] <Eugoth> k
[08:26] <Snapdragon717> One time in Temple of Bloom, I had just Basic Zombies and the Relic Hunter. It was an early level.
[08:26] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> ...
[08:27] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies>
[08:27] <Eugoth> history tme
[08:27] <Eugoth> ?
[08:29] <Eugoth> hi
[08:30] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[08:32] <Vebros> hmmm
[08:32] <Snapdragon717> I hate how (portal5) only spawns Jesters
[08:32] <Vebros>
[08:32] <IMCR8Z> Where did you find those? @Vebros
[08:32] <Vebros> on chinese PopCap page
[08:32] <IMCR8Z> K den
[08:33] <Higehigebomber> @Snap At least it doesn't spawn Wizards/Fire Imps.
[08:33] <ErnestoAM> Link to the page?
[08:33] <Snapdragon717> I only hate it because you can get screwed by it.
[08:33] <Vebros>
[08:33] <Snapdragon717> if you don't know what levels they appear in.
[08:34] <IMCR8Z> What, like NMT? Just replace portals with jams. @Snapdragon
[08:34] <Higehigebomber> @Snap Which is why you must bring Snapdragon, Laser Bean, Fume Shroom, things of that nature.
[08:35] <Snapdragon717> There better be a level in Part 2 containing only (Knight Zombie) (Blockhead Zombie) and (Jurassic Fossilhead) 
[08:35] <Snapdragon717> and some MD Zombies
[08:37] <Eugoth> hehe
[08:37] <Snapdragon717> Then you'd have one of those spawning second, followed by first wave with like 6 them.
[08:37] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent.
[08:38] <Higehigebomber> How we will know if the devs are done with babying us: We get a level where the 'first zombie' is, in fact, 5 Imps.
[08:38] <Yappat> MD was too easy.
[08:38] <Snapdragon717> Even worse, when that happens in Endless Zones
[08:38] <Snapdragon717> Namely TOB and LBT
[08:39] <Higehigebomber> Endless in a nutshell in Moder Day:
[08:39] <Higehigebomber> Imp spawns, two Hair Metal and two Garg Prime spawn.
[08:39] <Higehigebomber> Modern-
[08:39] <Eugoth> oh
[08:39] <Yappat> -_- looks powerful.
[08:40] <Eugoth> (temple of bloom) 
[08:40] <IMCR8Z> @Hige: Not much different from all the other Endless Zones
[08:40] <Higehigebomber> Except we won't have Thyme Warp to save us now, probably.
[08:40] <Eugoth> i want a level with importers, arcade zombies, barrel rollers and pianists
[08:41] <Eugoth> Only plants are spikerock and power lily
[08:41] <Yappat> I would like a level with all the Gargantuars in Punk Jam?
[08:42] <Snapdragon717> Anyone know the most appeared zombie in Modern Day with the exception of the trio, Newspaper, Balloon, Modern Gargantuar, and ones that come out portals?
[08:42] <Yappat> It would be impossible.
[08:42] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:42] <Yappat> The most appeared Zombie is Imp.
[08:42] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:42] <Eugoth> @snapdragon probably jurassic imp or garg prime
[08:42] <ErnestoAM> hi
[08:42] <Eugoth> o/ 
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> Jurassic Imp
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> for sure
[08:43] <Snapdragon717> Yeah, I though Jurassic Imp too.
[08:43] <Snapdragon717> Maybe Explorer too. I'm sure he appears in 3 levels
[08:43] <ErnestoAM> Perfume-shroom is named Perfshroom in its sound folder.
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[08:43] <Higehigebomber> Thinking about it, the Endless Zone is not going to be fun at all if you have to fight Garg Prime, Hair Metal, Parasol/Excavator, and Imp start.
[08:44] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[08:44] <Eugoth> Perfshroom? (lenny) 
[08:44] <Higehigebomber> Sounds perf to me
[08:45] <IMCR8Z> @Hige: Again, not much different from the other EZs
[08:45] <Ballistic Planet> Why not throw in Ankylos?
[08:45] <ErnestoAM> almost done with chinese LC
[08:45] <Ballistic Planet> And Sloth Gargs?
[08:46] <ErnestoAM> just 3 more stars
[08:46] <Higehigebomber> With the other zones, you only had to face one of the hard garg threats, and their own world gimmicks
[08:46] <Eugoth> lol
[08:46] <Higehigebomber> Modern Day is going to be hell incarnate
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> MD is gonna be fun, because I'm masochistic
[08:46] <Eugoth> you've done the entire lost city Chinese?
[08:46] <Higehigebomber> For Endless anyway
[08:46] <Eugoth> Nah
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> EAM has
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> EAM has no life keepo
[08:46] <Eugoth> It will probably just be like a common EZ with zombies from part 1 and part 2
[08:46] <Eugoth> and a portal here and there
[08:47] <Ballistic Planet> nah
[08:47] <Ballistic Planet> I want it to have EVERY zombie in it
[08:47] <Ballistic Planet> that's be so fun
[08:47] <Eugoth> Basic plants Moonflower, nightshade and shadowshroom to counter every zombie
[08:47] <Eugoth> then
[08:47] <Ballistic Planet> Excavtor says hello
[08:47] <Eugoth> I think not powered nightshade can slap him?
[08:47] <Ballistic Planet> Moonflower, Nightshade, Shadow-shroom, and Cabbage-pult
[08:48] <Snapdragon717> Just played todays pinata party. Got (puff-shroom2) costume, which was in the pinata party
[08:48] <Ballistic Planet> it won't kill him in one hit
[08:48] <Higehigebomber> Nice
[08:48] <Eugoth> probably a lobbed part 2 plant
[08:48] <Ballistic Planet> and then he gets shoveled
[08:48] <Higehigebomber> There better be a shadow lobbed plant that does 3x3 damage for only 100 sun
[08:48] <ErnestoAM> I have no life, Ballistic says. :( 
[08:48] <Eugoth> wat
[08:48] <Ballistic Planet> well it's true
[08:48] <Ballistic Planet> Kappa
[08:48] <Eugoth> how many levels are there in chinese LC?
[08:49] <Ballistic Planet> like 25
[08:49] <ErnestoAM> I cry every time. ;( 
[08:49] <Ballistic Planet> smth like that
[08:49] <Vebros> O_O
[08:49] <Eugoth> 25?
[08:49] <Snapdragon717> (squidward) - "Well, it's true" *Sips coffee*
[08:49] <Ballistic Planet> idk
[08:49] <Ballistic Planet> it's anywhere from 24-32
[08:49] <Eugoth> That means ernesto did 100 times different levels to get all stars?
[08:49] <Ballistic Planet> idk the exact amount
[08:49] <ErnestoAM> It has 25 levels, + 3 brain buster ones
[08:49] <ErnestoAM> The brain buster ones are not available 
[08:50] <Snapdragon717> I find it funny how the CITS boss still isn't availible. Or is it?
[08:50] <ErnestoAM> nope
[08:50] <Eugoth> nope²
[08:50] <Vebros> O_O
[08:50] <Ballistic Planet> same with the ff zomboss
[08:50] <Vebros> Omg lazy PopCap Shanghai
[08:50] <Eugoth> it's so lame that boss
[08:50] <Higehigebomber> So they got a new world started all ready, forgetting one of the bosses. rip
[08:50] <Electric Plants> y?
[08:51] <Ballistic Planet> I know
[08:51] <Vebros> but... the zomboss can be played, you need to hax.
[08:51] <ErnestoAM> and Shovel Zombie (- ZackScott) has a bug in chinese LC
[08:51] <Eugoth> They have the boss all ready, they just forgot to put it @hige
[08:51] <Ballistic Planet> It's not like that happened with the Far Future in the inernational version
[08:51] <Ballistic Planet> or anything
[08:52] <Higehigebomber> I wasn't paying attention to the hacking scene, FF was when they started getting lazy and releasing part 1 of each world instead of the whole thing
[08:52] <IMCR8Z> PvZ 2 China sucks
[08:52] <Electric Plants> ikr
[08:52] <Higehigebomber> (and of course, FF was when they removed the good map designs)
[08:52] <IMCR8Z> @Hige: If by "lazy" you mean not having to wait an entire year just for 25 levels
[08:52] <ErnestoAM> All chinese PvZ2 is using are concepts from international one
[08:52] <Vebros> :O Oh hi EP i haven't noticed you xD o/ 
[08:52] <Eugoth> this is because player pressure
[08:52] <ErnestoAM> Imagine, that could have been our PvZ2.
[08:52] <Eugoth> FF took a year
[08:53] <Eugoth> making all those worlds till modern day
[08:53] <Eugoth> would take 10 years
[08:53] <IMCR8Z> @Ernesto: And CLONES EVERYWHERE!
[08:53] <Eugoth> or something
[08:53] <IMCR8Z> [looks at Calvary Zombie]
[08:53] <Vebros>
[08:53] <Vebros> O_O
[08:53] <ErnestoAM> Calvary Zombie Rider is its own zombie too
[08:53] <Higehigebomber> Why would making the worlds after FF take a year, though?
[08:53] <Vebros> Football Zombie texture?
[08:53] <Vebros> Real?
[08:53] <Higehigebomber> They've been making these worlds a month at a time
[08:54] <Higehigebomber> Not sure how difficult it would be to release all of it at once
[08:54] <Snapdragon717> Archmage Zombie is just a 3x3 Boombox Zombie that stays there until Coffee Bean is used.
[08:54] <ErnestoAM> hi'
[08:54] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[08:54] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:54] <Vebros> o/ 
[08:54] <Vebros>
[08:54] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[08:54] <Electric Plants> Vebros +
[08:54] <Electric Plants> it is fake
[08:54] <Snapdragon717> @Vebros It's fake.
[08:54] <Vebros> Oh
[08:55] <Eugoth> wtf is people even doing
[08:55] <Eugoth> There's only a code saying that it exists
[08:55] <Eugoth> nothing else
[08:55] <IMCR8Z> Some idiot said that PopCap is lazy for using the muscular zombie body for Football in PvZ 2 saying Football had a "unique" body shape in PvZ 1 (facepalm) 
[08:55] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[08:55] <Vebros> (lol) 
[08:55] <Eugoth> Football zombie skipped leg day
[08:55] <Eugoth> hi five
[08:55] <Higehigebomber> As long as it doesn't completely look/move like that disgusting body type, I'm fine with it.
[08:56] <Eugoth> ^
[08:56] <Vebros> OMG
[08:56] <Vebros> OMG
[08:56] <Eugoth> @hige think about a troglo sped up by t-rex
[08:56] <Vebros> DARK AGES PVZ ALL STARS!!!1
[08:56] <Electric Plants> ?
[08:56] <Snapdragon717> Playing (temple of bloom) . Should I choose (puff-shroom2) , (celery stalker) , or (torchwood2) ?
[08:56] <Eugoth> That would be AS in pvz2 if it was muscular
[08:56] <Vebros>
[08:56] <Eugoth> ok then
[08:56] <Vebros>
[08:56] <Electric Plants> Very nice
[08:57] <IMCR8Z> Dozens of zombies have the body shape of regular zombie and nobody complains. Only 4 (so far) zombies use the muscle design and people bitch and say PopCap is lazy.
[08:57] <Eugoth> lel
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> Welp
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> That's it
[08:57] <Eugoth> (ladder zombie) is just a regular zombie with mustache
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> I completed chinese LC
[08:57] <Vebros> *Gotta go editing PvZ AS page*
[08:57] <Vebros> OMG IT'S DA!
[08:57] <Eugoth> was it worth it?
[08:57] <Vebros> :D 
[08:57] <IMCR8Z> (jetpack zombie) is just a regular zombie with jetpack
[08:57] <Snapdragon717> So is that photography zombie thing scrapped? @Ernesto
[08:57] <Higehigebomber> @IMC Because the regular body type doesn't look gross.
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> yup
[08:58] <ErnestoAM> Nowhere in the game
[08:58] <Eugoth> (lenny) ]
[08:58] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> THEN WHY DID THEY KEEP IT IN A PROMOTIONAL PICTURE????</span>
[08:58] <ErnestoAM> [(lenny)]
[08:58] <ErnestoAM> [ (lenny) ]
[08:58] <Electric Plants> That plantern upgrade
[08:58] <Eugoth> 1 more star so i can upgrade this dumb sunflower twins
[08:58] <Vebros>
[08:59] <IMCR8Z> @Hige: In a gain about fighting reanimated corpses, you're gonna complain about one being "gross"?
[08:59] <IMCR8Z> *game
[08:59] <Electric Plants> Nice
[08:59] <Eugoth> at least (swashbuckler) was original
[08:59] <Vebros> Full page:
[08:59] <Electric Plants> Someone add its page
[08:59] <Eugoth> He ate differently
[08:59] <Magnet Plant> :O 
[08:59] <Vebros> Btw, hii o/ 
[08:59] <Magnet Plant> WHICH PLANTS
[09:00] <Vebros> look
[09:00] <Snapdragon717> Is that a lighthouse plant?
[09:00] <Electric Plants> hI!
[09:00] <Higehigebomber> Yes, it looks nothing like what a zombie could potentially be. In my opinion, anyway.
[09:00] <Higehigebomber> Bad zombie designs also keeps me from playing other zombie related games. :p 
[09:00] <CitronFire3> Wat?
[09:00] <Vebros> Lighthouse is Plantern Upgrade :P 
[09:00] <CitronFire3> New stuff?
[09:00] <CitronFire3> DA HELL?
[09:00] <Eugoth> I mean, balloon zombies is just a regulaar zombie now, i like his henchback and big teeth, now he's just a regulaar zombies with propeller hat
[09:00] <Magnet Plant> Plantern
[09:00] <Magnet Plant> uhh
[09:00] <CitronFire3> Puff shroom ha new look
[09:00] <CitronFire3> and sun-shroom
[09:00] <CitronFire3> There a lighthouse
[09:00] <CitronFire3> How wonderful
[09:00] <Vebros> Yea
[09:00] <Vebros> IM DOWNLOAD APK
[09:01] <Vebros> I want see Loading Screen
[09:01] <Vebros> And logo
[09:01] <Vebros> Then upload to wikia
[09:01] <Eugoth> aok?
[09:01] <CitronFire3> They are getting Dark Ages?
[09:01] <Eugoth> How do i update it?
[09:01] <Vebros> Yes
[09:01] <Vebros> - Click the Android button
[09:01] <Vebros> then install apk on emulator
[09:01] <Vebros> you won't lose daya
[09:01] <Vebros> data*
[09:01] <CitronFire3> They got the chinese version dark ages
[09:01] <CitronFire3> Well frig them
[09:01] <Eugoth> ok :P 
[09:01] <CitronFire3> They got a zomboss...
[09:01] <Eugoth> we got dark ages ages ago
[09:01] <CitronFire3> THEY GOT A FUCKING ZOMBOSS
[09:02] <Electric Plants>
[09:02] <Vebros> Nice
[09:02] <Vebros> Boss
[09:02] <IMCR8Z> @Citron: It's not gonna work, I guarantee\ it
[09:02] <CitronFire3> Same
[09:02] <ErnestoAM> wtf
[09:02] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[09:02] <CitronFire3> Last time I checked Lighthouses are not plants
[09:02] <Vebros> Ernesto DA relesed in PvZ AS
[09:02] <ErnestoAM> I went past the star limit!
[09:03] <CitronFire3> why does Puff-shroom look weird
[09:03] <Electric Plants> Looking in different direction
[09:03] <CitronFire3> And why the HELL do they have a Lighthouse?
[09:03] <CitronFire3> Lighthouse's are not plants
[09:03] <CitronFire3> Are they dumb
[09:03] <Eugoth> it's a plant
[09:03] <ErnestoAM> I got 57 out of 56 stars in chinese LC
[09:03] <Magnet Plant> bored
[09:03] <Vebros>
[09:03] <Eugoth> It's a plant if you're an architect @cf3
[09:03] <Electric Plants> How eam?
[09:04] <Snapdragon717> (Ghost Pepper) or (Primal Sunflower) for Temple of Bloom?
[09:04] <Snapdragon717> I'm playing it right now
[09:04] <CitronFire3> PRIMAL
[09:04] <CitronFire3> FLOWER
[09:04] <Vebros> Well, im on PS in PvZ AS :( 
[09:04] <CitronFire3> Aw
[09:04] <CitronFire3> U can't play DA
[09:04] <Snapdragon717> primal flower it is
[09:04] <CitronFire3> GET THE LIGHTHOUSE
[09:05] <CitronFire3> AND ENERGY BEAN
[09:05] <CitronFire3> Wait
[09:05] <CitronFire3> did they even get FF?
[09:05] <Vebros> Yes
[09:05] <Vebros> They got
[09:05] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[09:05] <CitronFire3> When?
[09:05] <ErnestoAM> Superman Bean is named Badass Bean by Starfruity 
[09:05] <Vebros> 2 moths ago.
[09:05] <CitronFire3> Energy Bean is cute bean (troll) 
[09:05] <CitronFire3> Well I'm behind
[09:05] <CitronFire3> *goes to find page on this wiki to find lawn*
[09:06] <Vebros> There's no lawn yet. Nobody unlock FF
[09:06] <ErnestoAM> Eenergy Bean is Baby Bean to Starfruity 
[09:06] <CitronFire3> wtf?
[09:06] <Vebros> OM
[09:06] <CitronFire3> SOMEONE UNLOCK THE DAMN FF
[09:06] <Vebros> OMG
[09:06] <Vebros> MAYBE
[09:06] <CitronFire3> IT WAS RELEASED 2 MONTHS AGO
[09:06] <Vebros> WITH DA UPDATE
[09:06] <CitronFire3> Lol no one plays AS
[09:06] <Vebros> POPCAP WILL FIX THE AE MUSIC IN AS!?!?!?
[09:06] <CitronFire3> :O 
[09:06] <CitronFire3> :
[09:06] <CitronFire3> :
[09:06] <Eugoth> :o 
[09:06] <CitronFire3> :O 
[09:06] <CitronFire3> :P
[09:06] <CitronFire3> 
[09:06] <CitronFire3> Cant
[09:06] <CitronFire3> type
[09:07] <CitronFire3> :P 
[09:07] <ErnestoAM>
[09:07] <ErnestoAM> See, here is it. I got 57/56 stars in chinese LC!!!
[09:07] <IMCR8Z> @Vebros: As soon as Half-Life 3 is released, they will.
[09:07] <Electric Plants> in your dreams (lenny) 
[09:07] <Eugoth> i wish i was the first one to post a pic of the lawn
[09:07] <Electric Plants> (eam) how?
[09:07] <Vebros> WAIT
[09:07] <Vebros> WAIT
[09:07] <Eugoth> 3 lasers to 1 segment?
[09:07] <Vebros> I GOT PICTUES FROM FF
[09:07] <ErnestoAM> They counted wrong.
[09:07] <Electric Plants> lol
[09:08] <Eugoth> China does everything wrong
[09:08] <Eugoth> wtf
[09:08] <Eugoth> somebody is getting demoted
[09:08] <CitronFire3> SHOW
[09:08] <CitronFire3> VEBROA
[09:08] <CitronFire3> *VEBROS
[09:08] <ErnestoAM> Just unpack the lawn
[09:08] <CitronFire3> I like how Acorn is there but hes not even in the game
[09:08] <CitronFire3> Wait
[09:08] <CitronFire3> Nvm
[09:08] <Vebros> Check this page
[09:08] <CitronFire3> Acorn is in the game
[09:08] <Vebros>
[09:08] <CitronFire3> :P 
[09:08] <Magnet Plant> Wait, FC, CITS and BWB are actually in a 3-world set and LC is alone?
[09:08] <Magnet Plant> @Ernesto
[09:08] <Electric Plants> Acorn is in PvZ AS@CF3
[09:08] <ErnestoAM> Yes
[09:09] <Magnet Plant> yey
[09:09] <Magnet Plant> i was right
[09:09] <Vebros> There's a lot of plants in PvZ AS
[09:09] <Vebros> let's count (troll) 
[09:09] <Eugoth> all ugly
[09:09] <Vebros> All good.
[09:09] <Vebros> Show me ugly plant in PvZ AS.
[09:10] <Vebros> WAIT
[09:10] <Vebros> ICON OF AS
[09:10] <IMCR8Z> Lots of "OCS DO NOT STEEL!"
[09:10] <Vebros> is....
[09:10] <CitronFire3> SHOW
[09:10] <CitronFire3> SHOW
[09:10] <CitronFire3> SHOW
[09:10] <CitronFire3> SHOW
[09:10] <CitronFire3> *explodes*
[09:10] <ErnestoAM> Now that I finished LC, what should I do?
[09:10] <ErnestoAM> Don't spam
[09:10] <CitronFire3> <span class="me-username">* <span>CitronFire3</span></span> doesn't even play AS
[09:10] <CitronFire3> Eam
[09:10] <ErnestoAM> Super spam!
[09:10] <Eugoth> Idk
[09:10] <CitronFire3> YOU FINISHED LOST CITY?
[09:10] <CitronFire3> U need to chill
[09:10] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[09:10] <ErnestoAM> yes
[09:10] <Eugoth> geez, ernesto
[09:10] <CitronFire3> That should be what its called
[09:11] <Eugoth> wtf
[09:11] <ErnestoAM>
[09:11] <ErnestoAM> See?
[09:11] <ErnestoAM> The gate is inaccessible for now.
[09:12] <IMCR8Z> Oh boy, more crappy star missions designed only to artificially lengthen the game.
[09:12] <Eugoth> wait jackfruit is a free plant?
[09:12] <Eugoth> no puzzle fuzzle?
[09:12] <Electric Plants> EAM
[09:12] <Electric Plants> How is the boss fight?
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> Seed chooser 
[09:13] <Vebros> Well...DA in PvZ AS is pre-relase. They didn't created icon already and promotion pictures
[09:13] <Vebros> I think that all can be updated tommorow
[09:13] <CitronFire3> i knew it
[09:13] <CitronFire3> I was right
[09:13] <Vebros> Just page update.
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> I am the first on the wiki to complete the world!
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> Good for me!
[09:13] <CitronFire3> Gold Leaf is a free plant
[09:13] <CitronFire3> I KNEW I
[09:13] <CitronFire3> *IT
[09:13] <Vebros> You know that... i have iPad?
[09:14] <CitronFire3> IM SMART
[09:14] <CitronFire3> YAY
[09:14] <ErnestoAM> and Jackfruit
[09:14] <Eugoth> You deserve a virtual cookie
[09:14] <Vebros> But it's broken ;/
[09:14] <Brainulator9> hilo
[09:14] <CitronFire3> Jackfruit is really big
[09:14] <ErnestoAM> Hi
[09:14] <CitronFire3> aka fat
[09:14] <Vebros> I wish my iPad can be fixed.
[09:14] <Brainulator9> Jackfruitninja5
[09:14] <ErnestoAM> Good news, I finished chinese LC BUL9 !
[09:14] <Brainulator9> yay
[09:14] <ErnestoAM> I know no one cares.
[09:14] <Eugoth> "jackfruit is really big" (lenny) 
[09:14] <Brainulator9> and?
[09:14] <Brainulator9> (bigisgood)
[09:14] <Brainulator9> (strawburst) 
[09:14] <CitronFire3> look at him on the map
[09:15] <Eugoth> (giantwallnut) 
[09:15] <CitronFire3> compared to the others
[09:15] <CitronFire3> hes fat
[09:15] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[09:15] <Vebros> (strawburst) - Big is Gud. (shrinkingviolet) -Shut up! Small is gud.
[09:15] <Yappat> Breathing is hard.
[09:15] <Eugoth> then don't breath
[09:15] <Eugoth> Problem solved :) 
[09:16] <Eugoth> oh boy, it's so easy to not breath
[09:16] <Vebros> I'm the only who like PvZ2C and All Stars?
[09:16] <Eugoth> no
[09:16] <IMCR8Z> @Vebros: Yes, yes you are/
[09:16] <CitronFire3> I like it
[09:16] <CitronFire3> i just cant play it
[09:16] <CitronFire3> and dont want to play it
[09:16] <CitronFire3> :p 
[09:16] <Vebros> I can help you
[09:17] <CitronFire3> TOO COMPLICATED
[09:17] <Vebros> (lol) 
[09:17] <CitronFire3> :p 
[09:17] <Eugoth> welp, time to continue my journey in kung fu world
[09:17] <Vebros> You need to create a Gamecomb account to play PvZ AS
[09:17] <Vebros> then log in
[09:17] <CitronFire3> I want PVZC
[09:17] <Eugoth> now: day 21
[09:17] <CitronFire3> :p 
[09:17] <CitronFire3> Is Agave still available? 
[09:17] <Eugoth> you need a acc to play AS?
[09:17] <Vebros> and here we go
[09:17] <Vebros> oh
[09:17] <Vebros>
[09:17] <Vebros> Click green button
[09:17] <Eugoth> yes
[09:17] <Vebros> then install apk
[09:18] <Vebros> and you have PvZ2C ^^
[09:18] <CitronFire3> Uhh
[09:18] <CitronFire3> ehhh
[09:18] <Vebros> idk how to get it on iOS
[09:18] <CitronFire3> Okkk...
[09:18] <CitronFire3> Tbh Idk if I should lol
[09:18] <Eugoth> I converted pumpkin to pvz chineseise
[09:18] <Eugoth> pvz chineseism
[09:18] <Eugoth> chineism
[09:18] <CitronFire3> Should I get it?
[09:19] <CitronFire3> even though I wont have no clue what the hell to do?
[09:19] <Vebros> You know.. next world in PvZ AS in BWB
[09:19] <Vebros> is*
[09:19] <IMCR8Z> PvZ 2 China sucks: No Endless Zones, overpowered Level 2 and Level 3 zombies, most new plants are UO, a glitched as fuck Cuke power-up, Ancient Egypt music everywhere, etc.
[09:19] <Vebros> -_- 
[09:19] <CitronFire3> The hell?
[09:19] <IMCR8Z> And let's not forget the GRINDING!
[09:19] <CitronFire3> o
[09:19] <CitronFire3> apk
[09:19] <CitronFire3> 3 HOURS?
[09:19] <CitronFire3> 4 HOURS
[09:19] <CitronFire3> WAT
[09:19] <CitronFire3> 5
[09:19] <CitronFire3> UHH
[09:19] <CitronFire3> XD
[09:19] <Vebros> HAHAHA
[09:19] <Vebros> XD
[09:19] <Eugoth> ha
[09:19] <CitronFire3> oMG 10 HOURS :p 
[09:19] <Eugoth> 2 hours for me
[09:19] <Vebros> WTTTFF
[09:19] <CitronFire3> it keeps changing numbers
[09:19] <Vebros> 2 miniute for me
[09:19] <CitronFire3> 5 hours now
[09:19] <CitronFire3> Ok
[09:19] <CitronFire3> Nope
[09:19] <CitronFire3> 4
[09:19] <CitronFire3> nope 5
[09:19] <CitronFire3> :P 
[09:20] <Eugoth>
[09:20] <CitronFire3> Im never gonna get this lol
[09:20] <CitronFire3> ELECTRIC PLANT
[09:20] <CitronFire3> * ELECTRIC PLANTS 
[09:20] <CitronFire3> ELECTRIC PLANTS 
[09:20] <CitronFire3> I have 10 hours
[09:20] <CitronFire3> well shit
[09:20] <Vebros> I send you mediafire file ok?
[09:20] <Electric Plants> ?
[09:20] <CitronFire3> Now its not saying anything
[09:20] <CitronFire3> Nah its fine
[09:20] <CitronFire3> EP
[09:20] <CitronFire3> Im getting PVZC
[09:21] <Electric Plants> PvZ2C?
[09:21] <CitronFire3> Yeah
[09:21] <CitronFire3> PVZ2C
[09:21] <CitronFire3> Now its not saying anything
[09:21] <CitronFire3> waut
[09:21] <CitronFire3> wait
[09:21] <CitronFire3> yes it is
[09:21] <Electric Plants> Congrats
[09:21] <Vebros> - His plants sucks. I have a Twin Sunlower, Repeater, Scaredy Shroom, Ice Pea, Wall-nut, and... a Blover!
[09:21] <CitronFire3> 9 fucking hours
[09:21] <CitronFire3> *hours
[09:21] <Eugoth> WHAT THE HECK
[09:22] <Eugoth> Where do you live?
[09:22] <CitronFire3> Canada
[09:22] <Eugoth> but
[09:22] <Eugoth> canada is so good :o 
[09:22] <CitronFire3> Lol
[09:22] <CitronFire3> Why is this not fucking working
[09:22] <CitronFire3> well i dont think i'll be getting this XD
[09:22] <Vebros> I send you ediafire link then
[09:22] <Vebros> mediafire*
[09:22] <IMCR8Z> Bak
[09:22] <Eugoth> Just believe in urself
[09:22] <CitronFire3> What?
[09:23] <CitronFire3> 8 hours O
[09:23] <CitronFire3> WAIT
[09:23] <CitronFire3> IT FINISHED
[09:23] <IMCR8Z> @Citron: Don't worry, that happened to me all the time: A download looks like it will take 8 hours, but then it finishs.
[09:23] <CitronFire3> VEBROS 
[09:23] <CitronFire3> IT DINISHED
[09:23] <Vebros> REALLY?
[09:23] <CitronFire3> *FINISHED
[09:23] <IMCR8Z> *finishes
[09:23] <Vebros> O_O
[09:23] <CitronFire3> YES
[09:23] <Vebros> Install the apk
[09:23] <ErnestoAM> Chat crash
[09:23] <Vebros> it's working on Bluestacks 2
[09:23] <CitronFire3> eh?
[09:23] <CitronFire3> Fuck
[09:24] <CitronFire3> I dont have bluestacks nor do I want it
[09:24] <CitronFire3> :P 
[09:24] <Vebros> Corrupted fule
[09:24] <Vebros> file*
[09:24] <CitronFire3> damn it
[09:24] <Vebros> TRY THIS
[09:24] <Vebros> Click the 360 thing
[09:24] <CitronFire3> So u give me mediafire one?
[09:24] <CitronFire3> 360 thing ok
[09:25] <CitronFire3> I want the Acorn
[09:25] <Magnet Plant> Is
[09:25] <Magnet Plant> *heavy breathing*
[09:25] <CitronFire3> do i click the blue button
[09:25] <Vebros> yep
[09:25] <Magnet Plant> Plants vs. Zombies 2 Lost City China out already for android? i really need it because i am hyped for it and wanna play it
[09:25] <Vebros> No ^
[09:25] <Magnet Plant> ah fuck
[09:25] <Vebros> 28 January xd
[09:25] <CitronFire3> what now!?
[09:25] <CitronFire3> 
[09:25] <Vebros> But DA is relesed
[09:26] <CitronFire3> I want teh acorn
[09:26] <CitronFire3> What does it say?
[09:26] <CitronFire3> 
[09:26] <Vebros> idk xd
[09:26] <Vebros>
[09:26] <CitronFire3> imma translate
[09:26] <Eugoth> (facepalm) 
[09:26] <CitronFire3> "Cloud killing detect unknown executable file security
[09:26] <CitronFire3> Continue to download?"
[09:26] <Vebros> OMG
[09:26] <CitronFire3> tf?
[09:26] <Vebros> PVZ AS MUSIC FIXED!
[09:27] <Vebros> NO MORE AE MUSIC
[09:27] <CitronFire3> :p 
[09:27] <ErnestoAM>
[09:27] <ErnestoAM> Watch the Jackfruit roll!
[09:27] <Vebros> BUT IN LQ
[09:27] <CitronFire3> "Cloud killing detect unknown executable file security
[09:27] <CitronFire3> Continue to download?"
[09:27] <CitronFire3> What does this mean?
[09:27] <Vebros> IDK
[09:27] <Vebros> download mediafire
[09:27] <CitronFire3> k
[09:27] <Vebros> I gave you hacked version u can buy 3k gems per day
[09:27] <CitronFire3> 3 mins
[09:27] <Vebros> Eugoth have this version
[09:27] <CitronFire3> Ok
[09:27] <CitronFire3> O
[09:28] <Eugoth> 3300
[09:28] <CitronFire3> I dont want a haked versioN XD
[09:28] <Vebros> yep 3300 gems per day
[09:28] <Vebros> Oh...
[09:28] <CitronFire3> Imma play fairly
[09:28] <Magnet Plant> me randomly playing PvZ2
[09:28] <Eugoth> cf3 
[09:28] <ErnestoAM>
[09:28] <CitronFire3> Wait
[09:28] <CitronFire3> Nvm
[09:28] <Vebros>
[09:28] <CitronFire3> Its fine
[09:28] <Vebros> Oh ok
[09:28] <Eugoth> you need it
[09:28] <CitronFire3> Ok
[09:28] <CitronFire3> I'll deal with the hacked version
[09:28] <Vebros> PvZ2C without hack is almost impossible
[09:28] <CitronFire3> really?
[09:28] <Vebros> takes 3 years till you upgrade 1 plant to lvl 2
[09:28] <CitronFire3> Can you buy plants with the gems
[09:29] <Vebros> Yep with gold vases
[09:29] <CitronFire3> i want the acorn
[09:29] <Magnet Plant> ye
[09:29] <CitronFire3> Ok
[09:29] <Vebros> you got the puzzle pieces
[09:29] <CitronFire3> I want Acorn and Agave
[09:29] <Eugoth> it's agave you get by log in everyday
[09:29] <Magnet Plant> Go to the FC golden vase in PvZ2C, you'll have a higher chance to unlock Acorn there
[09:29] <Magnet Plant> and Agave by the special plant golden vases
[09:29] <Magnet Plant> or daily reward, as Eugoth said
[09:29] <CitronFire3> Oh ok
[09:29] <CitronFire3> so Agave I'll get automatically? or... no?
[09:29] <Magnet Plant> Nobody wants to join my PvZ2 livestream?
[09:29] <ErnestoAM>
[09:29] <ErnestoAM> Here is Jackfruit on the world map
[09:30] <CitronFire3> Did I miss out on Snow Cotton?
[09:30] <Eugoth> wow
[09:30] <Vebros> 22:27 here O_O
[09:30] <Eugoth> upgrading my puffshroom in AS
[09:30] <CitronFire3> and Dandelion?
[09:30] <Eugoth> cf3 , you can get snow cotton
[09:30] <CitronFire3> I can?
[09:30] <CitronFire3> 
[09:30] <Eugoth> no matter what month
[09:30] <CitronFire3> :D F
[09:30] <CitronFire3> Yayyy
[09:30] <Magnet Plant> One of the users in the livestream can stalk you
[09:30] <Magnet Plant> fyi
[09:30] <Magnet Plant> lol
[09:30] <CitronFire3> What about Dandelion?
[09:30] <Eugoth> but will costs puzzle pieces
[09:30] <Eugoth> yep
[09:30] <CitronFire3> k good
[09:30] <Eugoth> all monthly specials are there
[09:30] <CitronFire3> OH IT FINISHED
[09:30] <Magnet Plant> alright, nobody wants to join my pvz2 livestream then?
[09:30] <Magnet Plant> if you want to
[09:30] <Eugoth> you ust don't get that missile radish and sunflower singer
[09:30] <Magnet Plant>
[09:30] <Magnet Plant> here
[09:30] <CitronFire3> Are you fucking kidding me
[09:30] <Magnet Plant> i'll be starting
[09:30] <Eugoth> ok magnet
[09:31] <CitronFire3> HDHFKDJFHS
[09:31] <Vebros> hahahahahaha
[09:31] <Vebros> idk
[09:32] <CitronFire3> i FUCKING GIVE UP :p 
[09:32] <Eugoth> boy
[09:32] <Magnet Plant> who just joined the livestream as viewer 3?
[09:32] <Eugoth> do you use emulator?
[09:32] <Eugoth> i
[09:32] <Magnet Plant> yes
[09:32] <Magnet Plant> ofc
[09:32] <Magnet Plant> oh
[09:32] <Magnet Plant> You can chat
[09:32] <Magnet Plant> there