Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/23 September 2016

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[02:09] <Charmande red321> Did what
[02:09] <Pinkgirl234> Got a Dsicrod account
[02:09] <Pinkgirl234> and a Discord app.
[02:09] <Charmande red321> Can you go to Discord?
[02:10] <Pinkgirl234> Wait..
[02:12] <Pinkgirl234> I need to verify my Gmail. Hold on.
[02:12] <Charmande red321> ok
[02:12] <Birdpool> :P 
[02:13] <Pinkgirl234> Great. Ad gmails.
[02:14] <Pinkgirl234> Just trying to get used to Discord.
[02:36] <Iamarepeater> I missed her
[03:04] <TheNameSomething101> well, this is why i'm paranoid sometimes:
[03:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> VERY VERY ALIVE.
[03:38] <Protanly> zooboo
[03:39] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No clue.
[03:39] <Iamarepeater> dead chat
[03:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Argh, alive one :/ 
[03:46] <Protanly> #zooboo
[03:49] <Bearjedi> I have a theory.
[03:49] <Bearjedi> 
[03:49] <Bearjedi> Gnomus is secretly Keemstar, and he is triggered by the death of Harambe.
[03:49] <Bearjedi> 
[03:49] <Bearjedi> He thinks the plants and zombies worked together to kill Harambe. The plants are also assosciated with Leafy, an enemy of Keemstar. Zombies are with Pyrocinical and Pokemon GO kid.
[03:49] <Bearjedi> 
[03:49] <Bearjedi> Thus, Keemstar uses his popcorn to create a universe. The treasures there are actually just Keemstar's saliva, boogers, and hairs. But we think it's rare, expensive treasure. lmao it isn't
[04:03] <Protanly> (bounce) 
[04:04] <Ballistic Planet> I'm here (bounce) 
[05:13] <Iamarepeater> test
[05:48] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[05:48] <Iamarepeater> test
[05:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Hello \o 
[05:48] <Iamarepeater> hive
[05:48] <Ballistic Planet> I got promoted
[05:48] <Ballistic Planet> :D 
[05:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> BTW, congrat on being an admin :Đ
[05:48] <Ballistic Planet> ty
[05:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And...
[05:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Ded
[05:53] <Ballistic Planet> feelsbadman
[05:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Keek Bearjedi</span>
[05:56] <Yappat> YAHOO!
[05:56] <Iamarepeater> hive Yappat
[05:59] <Specialedition12> Ey
[05:59] <Specialedition12> Ded as always :) 
[05:59] <Ballistic Planet> we can make it alive
[05:59] <Ballistic Planet> we are the generation
[05:59] <Ballistic Planet> :P 
[06:00] <Specialedition12> Of what?
[06:00] <Ballistic Planet> we are the generation of people that can make chat live!
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> @Yappat are you there?
[06:04] <Yappat> Yeah.
[06:04] <Ballistic Planet> can you promote me to Admin on Discord?
[06:04] <Ballistic Planet> I'm still a Content Mod
[06:10] <Yappat> Yeh.
[06:14] <Ballistic Planet> yeee
[06:29] <Plant Protecter> Anyone here?
[06:29] <Iamarepeater> yes
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> sorry
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> working
[06:35] <Plant Protecter> Hello.
[06:35] <Microphone DJ 125> PP and BP
[06:35] <Ballistic Planet> yo
[06:35] <Microphone DJ 125> Please promote me to a discussion moderator in 8 hours
[06:35] <Plant Protecter> Yes?
[06:35] <Plant Protecter> OK.
[06:35] <Ballistic Planet> I won't be awake
[06:35] <Microphone DJ 125> It'll win unless I get a landslide of opposes
[06:35] <Plant Protecter> Me neither.
[06:36] <Microphone DJ 125> @BP that's okay, I can wait :D 
[06:36] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[06:36] <Microphone DJ 125> Also to PP
[06:36] <Plant Protecter> Oh, OK.
[06:36] <Ballistic Planet> I'll go to bed a little early tongiht
[06:36] <Ballistic Planet> so I can wake up earilier
[06:36] <Microphone DJ 125> Cool 
[06:37] <Plant Protecter> Congratulations on becoming an Administrator, Ballistic!
[06:37] <Microphone DJ 125> Yep!
[06:37] <Ballistic Planet> thankyou!
[06:37] <Microphone DJ 125> I may run for admin in late spring next year
[06:37] <Microphone DJ 125> But it'll very probably get opposed
[06:38] <Ballistic Planet> it depends
[06:38] <Ballistic Planet> If you're really active and use your rights well, then you'll get supports
[06:39] <Microphone DJ 125> It's only discussion mod
[06:39] <Microphone DJ 125> But I need the mainspace
[06:39] <Ballistic Planet> yeah
[06:39] <Plant Protecter> Did anyone know there is a new Community Challenge in GW2?
[06:39] <Microphone DJ 125> I'm aiming for 1,750 MS by the time I run. 
[06:39] <Ballistic Planet> but still, part of going for Admin is how much and well you use your rights from other roles
[06:39] <Ballistic Planet> @PP I heard, but I don't play GW2
[06:39] <Ballistic Planet> that'll be plenty
[06:39] <Microphone DJ 125> Yeah I know
[06:40] <Plant Protecter> It's called "The Quest for More Quests".
[06:40] <Ballistic Planet> Admin is a Jack-of-all-trades roll, so 
[06:40] <Ballistic Planet> woah
[06:40] <Ballistic Planet> early enter
[06:40] <Plant Protecter> Basically, you need to complete as many quests from the Quest Board as possible.
[06:40] <Microphone DJ 125> BP, do you think you're gonna go for B-crat?
[06:40] <Ballistic Planet> anyways, so depending on how well you use your rights from other roles depends on how well people think you'll do at Admin
[06:41] <Ballistic Planet> Maybe someday
[06:41] <Ballistic Planet> but not until either late 2017 or 2018\
[06:41] <Ballistic Planet> And I'd have to keep up my high mainspace activity
[06:41] <Microphone DJ 125> LOl
[06:41] <Plant Protecter> In a couple of months, I bet people will start asking me if I am going to be a Bureaucrat.
[06:41] <Microphone DJ 125> Why did I type LOL idk
[06:41] <Ballistic Planet> which could be doable, but that's a big commitment for me
[06:41] <Ballistic Planet> and I really suck with commitments
[06:41] <Microphone DJ 125> All I need is the mainspace. 
[06:42] <Microphone DJ 125> And do you know where I'm gonna get them from?
[06:42] <Plant Protecter> No.
[06:42] <Ballistic Planet> PVZH!
[06:42] <Ballistic Planet> nah
[06:42] <Ballistic Planet> idk
[06:42] <Microphone DJ 125> Nope
[06:42] <Plant Protecter> GW2!
[06:42] <Microphone DJ 125> The chinese articles!
[06:42] <Ballistic Planet> :O
[06:42] <Plant Protecter> Oh, OK.
[06:42] <Ballistic Planet> taking after me I see :P 
[06:43] <Plant Protecter> Do you think they will add Jurassic Marsh next in PvZ2C or another Chinese-exclusive world?
[06:44] <Ballistic Planet> JM
[06:44] <Ballistic Planet> then another chinese exclusive world
[06:44] <Ballistic Planet> and then MD
[06:44] <Iamarepeater> BP?
[06:44] <Microphone DJ 125> Then the PvZ Series may be shut
[06:44] <Ballistic Planet> yes?
[06:44] <Iamarepeater> You think Pogo zombie may return in PVZ2C?
[06:44] <Ballistic Planet> It could
[06:44] <Iamarepeater> Like Jetpack zombie but immune to blover?
[06:45] <Ballistic Planet> hmm
[06:45] <Microphone DJ 125> Then when everyone forgets PvZ PvZ3 will come out
[06:45] <Ballistic Planet> now that you phrase it like that
[06:45] <Ballistic Planet> I could totally see it returning
[06:45] <Plant Protecter> Me too.
[06:45] <Iamarepeater> He could still be weak to magnet-shroom
[06:45] <Ballistic Planet> I'm waiting for Jack now
[06:45] <Ballistic Planet> I'm not sure @Alicorn
[06:45] <Iamarepeater> Yeah
[06:45] <Ballistic Planet> since they removed that from ALl-Star zombie
[06:46] <Plant Protecter> I am going to go and work on something, bye.
[06:46] <Iamarepeater> bive
[06:46] <Ballistic Planet> \o 
[06:47] <Ballistic Planet> I'm unhighlighting the reboot threads, and writing down which users get promoted
[06:47] <Iamarepeater> @BP: I'm winning my thread
[06:48] <Ballistic Planet> good!
[06:48] <Iamarepeater> Only 1 oppose compared with 11 supports
[06:49] <Ballistic Planet> my thread was really close lmao
[06:49] <Ballistic Planet> I won by 2.4%
[06:49] <Ballistic Planet> xD
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> pretty empty tonight
[07:10] <Marcia Aeris> Hey.
[07:13] <Ballistic Planet> And you're agatha here :P 
[07:13] <Ballistic Planet> Agatha*
[07:13] <Ballistic Planet> I should be better than that :/ 
[07:15] <Marcia Aeris> It's Bertha.
[07:15] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[07:15] <Ballistic Planet> they looks similar
[07:15] <Marcia Aeris> Yep.
[07:15] <Ballistic Planet> looks*
[07:15] <Ballistic Planet> please help me
[07:15] <Ballistic Planet> grammar is slipping
[07:16] <Ballistic Planet> I'm gonna diiiie
[07:16] <Marcia Aeris> How?
[07:17] <Ballistic Planet> I'm gonna die of poor grammar :P 
[07:17] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:17] <Darytyg123123> Hello
[07:17] <Iamarepeater> hive
[07:19] <Darytyg123123> You will die of exhaustion before poor grammar mate
[07:19] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:19] <Marcia Aeris> You gotta save yourself real quick!
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> I should go to bed soon to replenish my grammar powers
[07:20] <Marcia Aeris> Or else you're gonna go with the same curse as people who abuse emojis!
[07:20] <Marcia Aeris> Alright.
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> but I'm tallying up the staff reboot stuff :P 
[07:20] <Darytyg123123> How does one even manage to focus at 12:20AM?
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> well, you managed to be in the same time zone as me
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> And I do it because I'm usually up at this hour
[07:21] <Darytyg123123> Nope I looked it up on the wed
[07:21] <Darytyg123123> *web
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> you e-stalked me :P </span>
[07:21] <Darytyg123123> It is currently 9:21 Am for me :P 
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:21] <Marcia Aeris> It's 3:21PM for me.
[07:21] <Darytyg123123> Profiles mate profiles :P 
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> I'm one of the latest staff members here
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> I believe the latest is SSU though
[07:22] <CZAzure> (agave) !
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:22] <CZAzure> Well
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> CZ, you passed
[07:22] <CZAzure> They forgot to promote me
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> unless something happens
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> They're not promoting yet
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> I don't think it's been 3 days
[07:22] <Iamarepeater> hive CZAzure
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> or 72 hours
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> If I'm wrong, then I can promote you
[07:23] <Ballistic Planet> but I'm pretty sure you need to wait a few more hours
[07:23] <CZAzure> Eh alright
[07:23] <CZAzure> "Mostly on Discord"
[07:23] <CZAzure> Are you serious people
[07:23] <CZAzure> Gawd the time I'm on discord is the time you guys manage to log in
[07:23] <CZAzure> What the hell is this?
[07:24] <Ballistic Planet> @CZA you're winning with a 6/1.5 ratio
[07:24] <Ballistic Planet> 80%
[07:24] <CZAzure> Yeah but still. I'm confused on why people say I'm on discord
[07:24] <CZAzure> Feels really weird
[07:25] <CZAzure> So er
[07:25] <CZAzure> chat's dead huh
[07:25] <Ballistic Planet> yeah
[07:25] <CZAzure> Anyways very late but congrats
[07:25] <Ballistic Planet> for the most part
[07:25] <Ballistic Planet> thankyou!
[07:25] <Ballistic Planet> 
[07:26] <CZAzure> Wlc
[07:26] <CZAzure> Off to play some league
[07:26] <CZAzure> I'll come back soon
[07:28] <Marcia Aeris> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">People towards people who use Discord in a nutshell: You're more active in Discord even though you use the wiki's chat more!</span>
[07:29] <Marcia Aeris> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">You're more active in Discord because you use it!</span>
[07:35] <Specialedition12> Back in Laptop
[07:35] <Specialedition12> And ded
[07:38] <Specialedition12> test
[07:39] <Specialedition12> Using Blender. Wish me luck...
[09:06] <Plant Protecter> Hello?
[09:13] <Iamarepeater> The chat is filled up
[09:13] <SuperGaming101> You still have AFK on (happy) 
[09:13] <AWikiBoy521> Pretty much
[09:14] <SuperGaming101> ?
[09:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And I has school on a Saturday aka Tomorrow</span>
[09:14] <SuperGaming101> I feel you bro (sad) 
[09:14] <SuperGaming101> [s] I don't think of you as my bro [/s]
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">It's okay</span>
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> [s]But, in all seriousness, some users had like internet "brother or sister".
[09:15] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Wow, why are we talking in strikethrough </span>
[09:15] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Also, that's weird </span>
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">inb4, AFK button of M[[]]arcia</span></span>
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Because, that's what some users done lately. :[[]]P</span>
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Even me</span>
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And I'm a fan of "strikethrough chat"!</span>
[09:16] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Wow, so "strikethrough chat" is a thing.</span>
[09:17] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo. </span>
[09:17] <Iamarepeater> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Test</span>
[09:17] <Iamarepeater> It works now
[09:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yep, SG101</span>
[09:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback, Yappat</span>
[09:17] <Iamarepeater> hive yappat
[09:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nooo<span style="font-size:7pt;">uuu</span></span>
[09:17] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> You broke the chain, repeater(that's what I'll call you for short) </span>
[09:17] <Yappat> Power Flower <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Zombie - Zombie Hero </span>
[09:18] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@Iamarepeater</span>
[09:18] <Iamarepeater> (troll) 
[09:18] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Oh, Yappat randomly left. Or it could be lag </span>
[09:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Probably lag</span>
[09:19] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> (oh ok) </span>
[09:19] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Emoticons can't be strikethroughed </span>
[09:19] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> (crying) </span>
[09:19] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">;[[]](</span>
[09:19] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yes, I also did the strikethrough for that emoticon even though it was useless </span>
[09:20] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> :) You are a genius, AWB521 </span>
[09:20] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Oh no </span>
[09:20] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> ;( </span>
[09:20] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> AWB521, How did you do that </span>
[09:20] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well, I did was add "[[[]][][[]]]" between some text of the emoticons.</span>
[09:20] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">*all I did was</span>
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Like :[[[]][][[]]])</span>
[09:21] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> [[:)]] wow </span>
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Makes....
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> :[[]])</span>
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Now, try it!</span>
[09:21] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> :[[]] </span>
[09:21] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> what </span>
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">u (wot) </span>
[09:22] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> [[:)]] there </span>
[09:22] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I wonder how long strikethrough chat will go on for. </span>
[09:22] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Probably when people join. </span>
[09:23] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Almost there... it's not a link I made like:
[09:23] <AWikiBoy521> :[[]])</span>
[09:24] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yeah</span>
[09:24] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Aren't lots of people on at this time usually? </span>
[09:26] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo </span>
[09:26] <XmaStales> How can I turn off LGBT videos on youtube?
[09:26] <XmaStales> I want to protect my sister from propaganda
[09:26] <XmaStales> Does anybody know
[09:26] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> AWB521, I replied to you on the camwood777 reboot forum </span>
[09:26] <XmaStales> Thanks in advance
[09:26] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> ? </span>
[09:27] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> What is LGBT </span>
[09:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Okay, SG</span>
[09:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@XS
[09:27] <AWikiBoy521> Idk though</span>
[09:27] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> What is propaganda? Or do I not want to know? </span>
[09:28] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">LGBT stands for "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender".</span>
[09:28] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Ah. </span>
[09:28] <SuperGaming101> 
[09:28] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> IDK how to do that </span>
[09:28] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And that kind of "thing" has been into a controversy for some time in the world now.</span>
[09:29] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Welp, he's gone. But why would you go on chat to ask for help? I don't really know him, it seems like he just randomly went to this wiki or something. </span>
[09:29] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well, Idk how will other users can help that user with such question though.</span>
[09:30] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yeah. This is a PvZ wiki, so that's a bit weird. </span>
[09:30] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> The Amazing Tab on my profile is never going to have content </span>
[09:31] <SuperGaming101> (hammered) 
[09:31] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Random </span>
[09:32] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Very random</span>
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Meanwhile, I replied on that same thread.</span>
[09:33] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Here I go </span>
[09:34] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> K, I'm done </span>
[09:34] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I wonder what you would react when I forgot to add "to put" on that reply.</span>
[09:34] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I did a reply (cool) </span>
[09:34] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">*if I forgot</span>
[09:35] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> [[xD]] </span>
[09:35] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Oh. </span>
[09:35] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I made that a link. </span>
[09:35] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well, x[[]]D</span>
[09:36] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Hello everyone! \o 
[09:36] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback...and nooo</span>
[09:36] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Wut
[09:36] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Nooo, and heylo </span>
[09:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Strikethough chat was fun while it lasted...</span>
[09:37] <PrimitivePotatoMine> ...
[09:37] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Me and AWB521 started a strikethrough chain because we were the only active ones </span>
[09:37] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Why does it work sometimes and sometimes doesn't?</span>
[09:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Because you forgot to add "[s[[]]]" before some text?</span>
[09:38] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> What do you mean, strikethrough is [[s]], without the extra []s </span>
[09:38] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Nvm, with [ ] </span>
[09:38] <PrimitivePotatoMine> No 
[09:38] <PrimitivePotatoMine> SHIT
[09:38] <PrimitivePotatoMine> nvm
[09:39] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Sherlock </span>
[09:39] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I mean seriously, I just looked at the posts you guys made before I joined and they had the <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> but was not stroke through.</span></span>
[09:39] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">topkek</span>
[09:39] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> K, I hate that comeback </span>
[09:39] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">kk whatever </span>
[09:39] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Weird. It was strikethrough for us both. </span>
[09:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And a weird chat, to add that.</span>
[09:40] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">and..</span>
[09:40] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yes, it was. </span>
[09:40] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">kk whatever</span>
[09:40] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yes, PPM? </span>
[09:40] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">NICK</span>
[09:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback^2</span>
[09:40] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">DONT POST ANYTHIGN</span>
[09:40] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo </span>
[09:40] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Use strike nick</span>
[09:40] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> POST IN STRIKETHROUGH </span>
[09:40] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">please</span>
[09:40] <Nick Archer> No
[09:41] <PrimitivePotatoMine> ...
[09:41] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Noooo </span>
[09:41] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nooo^3</span>
[09:41] <Nick Archer> Anyway, Supbacks
[09:41] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Our streak got rekt by you you nickish nick</span>
[09:41] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Nick rekt it (crying) </span>
[09:41] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yes he did!</span>
[09:42] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Well at least <span style="font-weight:bold;"> we're </span> still talking </span>
[09:42] <Nick Archer> Decent smile (◕ ͜ʖ◕)
[09:42] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Rekt it Nick</span>
[09:42] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Ugh nick are you using mobile or what</span>
[09:42] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> That's Lenny </span>
[09:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nick Lenny</span>
[09:43] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I'm coughing T_T 
[09:43] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Lenny Archer </span>
[09:43] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> PPM, are u sick M8? </span>
[09:43] <Nick Archer> Alright n00b$
[09:44] <Nick Archer> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">78 edits remaining to get 7777 edits xD</span>
[09:44] <PrimitivePotatoMine> lol
[09:44] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> o!!! me no n00b! </span>
[09:44] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I'm close to 420 edits, gonna do a celebration blog or something then. </span>
[09:44] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I think, a bit, but not too sick. And it's six days before my national exam</span>
[09:45] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Oh, right, that national exam will probably suck. Try your best. </span>
[09:45] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Kinda</span>
[09:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Maybe...</span>
[09:45] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">It's quite fun maybe. Starts 29/9 to 5/10</span>
[09:45] <Nick Archer> Me too, 12 days after PPM's ಠ_ಠ 
[09:46] <Nick Archer> (clap) 
[09:46] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I don't have any (cool) </span>
[09:46] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> or (sad cool) </span>
[09:46] <Nick Archer> Mine 's 11-13 October
[09:46] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Because you guys said it's quite fun (sad cool) </span>
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well, my exams is on some week on October.</span>
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And this includes the "Life Science" that is mostly on explaining stuff.....with lotta sentences!</span>
[09:47] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I preordered Pokemon Sun yesterday (cool) </span>
[09:47] <Nick Archer> I dislike October <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Octo</span>
[09:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nuuuooo, SG.....</span>
[09:48] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Good luck, AWB521, and every1 else </span>
[09:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I don't have a 3DS yet....</span>
[09:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback, Wintah</span>
[09:48] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Are you close to having enough muns for it, AWB521? </span>
[09:48] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Life science is tested like, partly, for me</span>
[09:48] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo, Wintah </span>
[09:48] <Nick Archer> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Salamat</span>
[09:48] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Half the questions</span>
[09:48] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Apa khabar Nick</span>
[09:48] <WintahMhelon18> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yo </span>
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nope, sadly</span>
[09:49] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> <span style="font-weight:bold;"> NOW </span> I think chat is active (cool) </span>
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Although, I got Pokemon SoulSilver, White, and Black 2.</span>
[09:49] <Nick Archer> Okay
[09:49] <WintahMhelon18> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Tomorrow is my retreat so I'll be absent for 2 days </span> :P 
[09:49] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Those Pokemon games are still gr8, m8. </span>
[09:49] <WintahMhelon18> *inactive, not absent
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@Wintah
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> While I have school tomorrow</span>
[09:50] <Marcia Aeris> I wish I wouldn't be able to go to retreats,
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Also, nuuu</span>
[09:50] <Marcia Aeris> Ours is next month!
[09:50] <Marcia Aeris> I'd rather die than go to a retreat!
[09:50] <Marcia Aeris> They're all pointless, IMO.
[09:50] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> What are retreats? I mean, what are they in this instance? </span>
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@MA
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> Why not "don't go"?</span>
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I mean</span>
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I already done that months ago.</span>
[09:50] <WintahMhelon18> @Marcia, <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> you're saying the exact opposite </span>
[09:50] <Marcia Aeris> Because they're overnight!
[09:50] <Marcia Aeris> And I can't, they keep saying it's for grades and crap!
[09:50] <PrimitivePotatoMine> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I'm getting discussion mod tonight</span>
[09:51] <WintahMhelon18> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> At least, you have grades </span>
[09:51] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> So..Retreats are where you go to school at midnight? </span>
[09:51] <WintahMhelon18> Yup
[09:51] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> That sucks. </span>
[09:51] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@SG
[09:51] <AWikiBoy521> Well, it is some spiritual school activity about improving yourself.</span>
[09:51] <WintahMhelon18> Heck, me and my classmates are planning a midnight snack
[09:51] <Marcia Aeris> I don't want to bathe with Veritas scum!
[09:52] <WintahMhelon18> Per wikiboi
[09:52] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And for mine, I'm not required to go there for grades.</span>
[09:52] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Ah, that sounds a bit annoying. I'll much rather go on here with u guys/ </span>
[09:52] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">By "spiritual", I mean, there's some religion related stuff to do too.</span>
[09:52] <WintahMhelon18> Suit yourself SG
[09:52] <Marcia Aeris> I don't see a point going to a place overnight just to "improve yourself", we already did that for 10 hours a LOT before!
[09:52] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Aaaand Nick got eaten by the zombies </span>
[09:52] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yeah, SG101. (y) </span>
[09:52] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Wint@h
[09:52] <AWikiBoy521> After all, it's by choice.</span>
[09:53] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And there are other ways to improve yourself to begin with.</span>
[09:53] <WintahMhelon18> @AWB <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I know </span>
[09:53] <WintahMhelon18> But people would still swear :P 
[09:53] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yeah, there is always room for improvement. </span>
[09:53] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">Still; Pink, Lily, and that cool user though, last time...</span></span>
[09:53] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback^2</span>
[09:53] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo! </span>
[09:53] <WintahMhelon18> "Silence and Solitude"
[09:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Kick madness!</span>
[09:54] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">More strikethrough chat!</span>
[09:54] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Hooray! </span>
[09:54] <Marcia Aeris> There's no point on having to go overnight to learn something you can in 10 hours with also bathing and sleeping with people you hate.
[09:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> (strikethrough) time!</span>
[09:55] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yeah. (strikethrough) for the win! </span>
[09:55] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I have friends at my school. </span>
[09:55] <Marcia Aeris> Guess what, I don't have people who I genuinely feel like they are.
[09:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yike, our Discord is down</span>
[09:56] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Aaaand, again, I didn't really care about Discord anyway. </span>
[09:56] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Also, is there any other people who like PvZ at your school, MA? </span>
[09:56] <Marcia Aeris> Only one guy, but he's really annoying.
[09:56] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Pretty much all my friends at my school do. </span>
[09:56] <Marcia Aeris> But let me be honest, I don't care about it anymore.
[09:57] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Any M8s who like other video games you like, MA? </span>
[09:58] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">afaik, some users do.</span>
[09:59] <Marcia Aeris> A lot.
[09:59] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> You could be friends with <span style="font-weight:bold;"> them! </span> </span>
[10:00] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">That user already done so?</span>
[10:00] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I mean, I have seen this chat having a topic about some videogames what Marcia liked.</span>
[10:01] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">Maybe even Pokemon?</span></span>
[10:01] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I meant at his school. </span>
[10:02] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> He/She's gone.</span>
[10:02] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I wonder what causes Marcia to leave...maybe your comment?</span>
[10:02] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yeah. Or lag? </span>
[10:02] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Or bad internet lately?</span>
[10:03] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Marcia's not coming back. </span>
[10:03] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> BRB </span>
[10:03] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Okay</span>
[10:05] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Bacl/ </span>
[10:05] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I meant back </span>
[10:06] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I'm going to see if Marcia still is on the wiki. </span>
[10:07] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I don't think Marcia is online. </span>
[10:08] <Iamarepeater> She isn't
[10:08] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Hm. Weird. </span>
[10:09] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo. </span>
[10:09] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback</span>
[10:09] <Iamarepeater> hive nick
[10:10] <Nick Archer> Supbacks o/ 
[10:10] <Iamarepeater> hive snappy
[10:10] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo. </span>
[10:11] <Iamarepeater> Now she's back
[10:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback^3</span>
[10:12] <Marcia Aeris> Yeah, I got glitched.
[10:12] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Alright. </span>
[10:12] <Marcia Aeris> And the rooms are one gender, so I have to sleep with people who I don't get along with.
[10:12] <SnappyDragon> hi
[10:13] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo, and it must suck sleeping with people you're not really friends with. </span>
[10:13] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo. </span>
[10:13] <Marcia Aeris> And these are the people who never. shut. up.
[10:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback^4</span>
[10:13] <Phantom of Ra> LOL, who the hell got that idea to live?!
[10:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Me</span>
[10:14] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> What? The retreats or the strikethrough? </span>
[10:14] <Phantom of Ra> PvZ Wiki Discord is OFFCIALLY removed. Can't believe that Elemec finally... Did it.... LOL
[10:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Probably both?</span>
[10:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">topkek</span>
[10:14] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> LOL, I don't really like Discord </span>
[10:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">It's "officially" removed, all right.</span>
[10:15] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Elemec thought out of the idea of making tons of Discord removing threads until it IS removed</span>
[10:15] <Phantom of Ra> I think it won't, until I saw this
[10:15] <Phantom of Ra> LOL, just... Wow...
[10:15] <Marcia Aeris> No, the other servers I'm in don't work either.
[10:16] <Marcia Aeris> There's a temporary outage.
[10:16] <Phantom of Ra> Wtf
[10:16] <Phantom of Ra> oh
[10:16] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[10:16] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> accidentally deleted Discord</span>
[10:16] <Phantom of Ra> :( 
[10:16] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo! </span>
[10:16] <Plant Protecter> Hello.
[10:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And what a better way to "tell" those other users that "Discord is ded" than just talking about "it" in a very dishonest way.</span>
[10:17] <Phantom of Ra> Yep
[10:17] <Plant Protecter> Wait, Discord is gone?
[10:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">For now, due to some server outrage, yep.</span>
[10:17] <Phantom of Ra> Just pretend like it IS DED :D 
[10:17] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">:[[]]P</span>
[10:17] <Plant Protecter> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> YESSS!!! FINALLY!!!</span>
[10:17] <Phantom of Ra> PP, ya tried NMT?
[10:17] <Plant Protecter> Yes.
[10:18] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Discord isn't dead forever, PP. (sad) </span>
[10:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I'll join it the "fun" with that.</span>
[10:18] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Well, right now, anyway. </span>
[10:18] <SnappyDragon> discord is down
[10:18] <Phantom of Ra> Well, I tried in my new account (which only contains a few plants)
[10:18] <Plant Protecter> Do you like the Chinese version of NMT, Phan?
[10:18] <Phantom of Ra> I got to Day 17 :D 
[10:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Just freaken ignore it.</span>
[10:18] <Phantom of Ra> It's OK, I guess, just
[10:19] <Phantom of Ra> Nothing new but ONE plant and ONE zombie...
[10:19] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">It's like being "pressured" to have an FB account or something like that just to PvZWiki with friends.</span>
[10:19] <Plant Protecter> I am up to the day when you have to protect the five Magnet-shrooms.
[10:19] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Plus, less levels</span>
[10:19] <Phantom of Ra> Oh
[10:19] <Phantom of Ra> That f*ckin level
[10:19] <Plant Protecter> @Phan I know. Disappointing.
[10:19] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I'm still up to the first three areas </span>
[10:19] <SuperGaming101> (crying) 
[10:19] <Phantom of Ra> Watch out for those Bass Zombies. That level is a tough one!
[10:19] <Plant Protecter> I know.
[10:20] <Plant Protecter> I forgot that the speakers did damage overtime without the Bass Zombies.
[10:20] <Plant Protecter> Hello.
[10:20] <Specialedition12> Hi
[10:20] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Let's talk more about how "Discord chat" is literally ded.</span>
[10:20] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo. </span>
[10:20] <Phantom of Ra> Besides, didn't think that DJ Morning Glory can deflect the speakers' soundwaves
[10:20] <Specialedition12> [y strikethrough?s]
[10:20] <Phantom of Ra> Wow
[10:21] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> It's a thing me and AWB521 did. </span>
[10:21] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Kinda like a trend? </span>
[10:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yeah</span>
[10:21] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> We just started talking in strikethrough. </span>
[10:21] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[10:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">The "Strikethrough Chat"</span>
[10:21] <Phantom of Ra> I'm a chainbreaker! :P 
[10:22] <Specialedition12> #stopstrikethrough2016
[10:22] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> No stikethroughs allowed!</span>
[10:22] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Don't worry, this chain has been broken many times. </span>
[10:22] <Specialedition12> Jk
[10:22] <Specialedition12> Don't stop ;) 
[10:22] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yeah</span>
[10:22] <Phantom of Ra> now what
[10:22] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> We sure won't, SE (wink) </span>
[10:22] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">It's up to the users whether to join in the "strike" or not.</span>
[10:22] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> More NMt I guess?</span>
[10:22] <Specialedition12> No or <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">yes?</span>
[10:23] <Plant Protecter> So, who here likes fish?
[10:23] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Me. </span>
[10:23] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Fish Crackers? I do</span>
[10:23] <Iamarepeater> And now Discord is glitched
[10:23] <Specialedition12> Anyone here?
[10:23] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> That was quite a random question, PP. </span>
[10:23] <Specialedition12> Oh
[10:23] <Specialedition12> Me!
[10:23] <Specialedition12> Not really though
[10:23] <Plant Protecter> @Super I had to say something.
[10:24] <Iamarepeater> But my server is still active
[10:24] <Specialedition12> I like egg more :P 
[10:24] <Phantom of Ra> Hi
[10:24] <Iamarepeater> hive fairy and Ra
[10:24] <Specialedition12> Hi!
[10:24] <Phantom of Ra> Discord is DED :P 
[10:24] <SuperGaming101> [ <span style="font-weight:bold;"> Everyone runs out of time. </span>]
[10:24] <Fairy27> Hi~
[10:24] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo! </span>
[10:24] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">#DiscordisDED</span>
[10:25] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> R.I.P Discord </span>
[10:25] <Specialedition12> (y) if you want to work at Popcap
[10:25] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback</span>
[10:25] <Phantom of Ra> Guys, can anyone help me take pictures of DJ Morning Glory's PF and itself deflecting shockwaves plz?
[10:25] <Specialedition12> ( if non)
[10:25] <Iamarepeater> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Not me</span>
[10:25] <Specialedition12> *(n) if no
[10:25] <Phantom of Ra> Help meh...
[10:25] <Fairy27> Gonna switch to laptop for a while...and...well, of course! It'll take time!
[10:25] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Quality takes time</span>
[10:25] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> @ PoF I can, I think. </span>
[10:25] <Phantom of Ra> Where the hell is PP?!
[10:26] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> It's PvZ Heroes, right? I have the game. </span>
[10:26] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> U no play PvZ2C, dude</span>
[10:26] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Getting that damn fourth emerald.</span>
[10:26] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Oh, I don't have PvZ2C. Sorry. </span>
[10:26] <Specialedition12> K bey
[10:27] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> @AWB521 <span style="font-weight:bold;"> I GOT TO FIND THAT DAMN FOURTH CHAOS EMERALD! </span> </span>
[10:27] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">what emerald?</span>
[10:27] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Shadow reference. </span> 
[10:27] <Specialedition12> K
[10:27] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> From Sonic. </span>
[10:28] <Specialedition12> Brb checking Popcap page and see if there are some suitable job
[10:28] <Specialedition12> Cya
[10:28] <Fairy27> Great, won't switch for now, because BRB, dinner.
[10:28] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Wait, SE, you're going to try and get a Popcap job? </span>
[10:28] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Bye. <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"></span></span>
[10:28] <Phantom of Ra> What?! Really!!
[10:28] <Phantom of Ra> SE at PopCap?
[10:28] <Iamarepeater> hive PPM
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> hi.
[10:29] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yeah, I think! Crazy, right? </span>
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> gtg soon
[10:29] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo. </span>
[10:29] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I wanna be at PopCap so I could force them to listen to my idea... :( </span>
[10:29] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I wanna work at Popcap, too. (sad) </span>
[10:29] <Phantom of Ra> PPM, translate Bass Zombie's Alamanac Entry for me plz
[10:29] <Phantom of Ra> It's on the page
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I just did dammit
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I already did
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> a few days ago
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> i mean
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> yesterday
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> wait
[10:29] <PrimitivePotatoMine> earlier today
[10:29] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[10:30] <Phantom of Ra> let me see
[10:30] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yeah, he did. </span>
[10:30] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">SG got that damn reference! :[[]])</span>
[10:30] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Wait, for Bass Zombie, I did it yesterday
[10:30] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback, Fairy</span>
[10:30] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yee, I'm a Sonic fan. </span>
[10:30] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I did today for some Kongfu World ones.
[10:31] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I don't really know the last sentence, Phan 
[10:31] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo, Fairy, too. </span>
[10:31] <PrimitivePotatoMine> It doesn't exist
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@SG
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> Me (freaken) too</span>
[10:31] <PrimitivePotatoMine> ...
[10:31] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Are you a Don't Hug Me I'm Scared fan? </span>
[10:31] <PrimitivePotatoMine> AWB dispelled them
[10:32] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> AWB, why </span>
[10:32] <Iamarepeater> hi
[10:32] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Not much though. But, I watched and like one of the episodes.</span>
[10:32] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo. </span>
[10:32] <Specialedition12> Bak
[10:32] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Alright. </span>
[10:32] <SnappyDragon> HOI
[10:32] <Almenec> bros
[10:32] <SnappyDragon> can we play a game
[10:32] <Iamarepeater> yes?
[10:32] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@PPM
[10:32] <AWikiBoy521> Because I bespelled them. (troll) </span>
[10:32] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I'm the only one at the wiki for it (crying) </span>
[10:32] <SnappyDragon> 20 questions?
[10:32] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Sure! </span>
[10:33] <Almenec> kick
[10:33] <Specialedition12> Ded huh?
[10:33] <SnappyDragon> Can we play 20 questions
[10:33] <Iamarepeater> Wished I was a chat mod
[10:33] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well, on the Bejeweled Wiki, I was like the few users who are still active on it.</span>
[10:33] <Almenec> who?
[10:33] <PrimitivePotatoMine> lol @awb.
[10:33] <Iamarepeater> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">SO I can act in time</span>
[10:33] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Is the Beleweled wiki active now? Wish that happened to basically my wiki. </span>
[10:33] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I would be a discussion mod tonight.
[10:33] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Yes the Beleweled wiki...
[10:33] <Almenec> kick
[10:33] <PrimitivePotatoMine> BELEWELED = BELOVED
[10:33] <Iamarepeater> Guys
[10:33] <Specialedition12> There are 7 jobs as I know
[10:33] <Iamarepeater> This new user
[10:34] <SnappyDragon> I'll be a chat mod in 3 hours
[10:34] <Iamarepeater> I have doubts about him
[10:34] <SnappyDragon> me too
[10:34] <PrimitivePotatoMine> People always have doubts about new users
[10:34] <Specialedition12> In Popcap
[10:34] <Iamarepeater> But for now
[10:34] <Iamarepeater> We can't do anything
[10:34] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> :O there is other people on the Don't hug me I'm scared wiki! I'm not alone! </span>
[10:34] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Only two. </span>
[10:34] <PrimitivePotatoMine> So I was scared the first time I joined chat
[10:34] <SnappyDragon> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-weight:bold;">CAN WE PLAY 20 QUESTIONS</span></span>
[10:34] <Almenec> kick
[10:34] <Specialedition12> Not right now i guess
[10:34] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Almenec, why did you say kick? That's a bit sketchy. </span>
[10:34] <PrimitivePotatoMine> how?
[10:34] <SnappyDragon> STOP SPAMMING KICK
[10:34] <PrimitivePotatoMine> nrn now
[10:34] <Almenec> ok
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> @Mispelled Almanac
[10:35] <Specialedition12> There are 7 jobs in Popcap. Wanna hear it?
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> yesh
[10:35] <Almenec> i know
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> nvm
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> nirsh
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> ;) 
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> NIRSH is vulcan for no
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Still active on that wiki, SG</span>
[10:35] <Almenec> someone already has that name
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> ;et
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> well
[10:35] <Specialedition12> 1st is QA Analyst Contractor
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@PPM
[10:35] <AWikiBoy521> Greatest lore ever</span>
[10:35] <SnappyDragon> Suburbian Almanac?
[10:36] <Specialedition12> 2nd is Lead Produce Manager
[10:36] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">"Yes the Beleweled wiki...
[10:36] <AWikiBoy521> BELEWELED = BELOVED"</span>
[10:36] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> K, AWB521, and I want to hear the jobs, SE </span>
[10:36] <SnappyDragon> QAC, LPM
[10:36] <Specialedition12> 1st QA Analyst- Contractor
[10:36] <Specialedition12> Wnd Lead Product Manager
[10:36] <Specialedition12> *2nd
[10:36] <Specialedition12> 3rd Senior Animator
[10:37] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> What is Craig's Big Day, it's linked to DHMIS but it's weird </span>
[10:37] <Almenec> exploded by a cherry bomb
[10:37] <Specialedition12> 4th Brand Writer
[10:37] <SnappyDragon> STOP
[10:37] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Umm
[10:37] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Guys
[10:37] <Specialedition12> 5th Senior Game Designer
[10:37] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I don't want to watch this crap. </span>
[10:37] <Almenec> eaten by the zombies
[10:37] <SnappyDragon> QAC, LPM, SA, BW, SGD
[10:37] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Can someone go change the almanac entry for Blew Zombie in the infobox? Copy and paste from the page itself.
[10:37] <SnappyDragon> STOP
[10:37] <Specialedition12> 6th Senior Software Engineer
[10:37] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I edited the almanac entry in page but couldn't edit the infobox
[10:37] <Specialedition12> 7th Software Engineer III- Mobile
[10:37] <Specialedition12> There
[10:37] <Almenec> infinite blocked
[10:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well, such demands on a certain "certificate" is high.</span>
[10:38] <Specialedition12> Now what job you think you can do?
[10:38] <SnappyDragon> QAC, LPM, SA, BW, SGD, SSE, SEM
[10:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Idk though....</span>
[10:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">SEM thou</span>
[10:38] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Almenec, why are you being so strange? </span>
[10:38] <SnappyDragon> Semen
[10:38] <SnappyDragon> ;) 
[10:38] <Almenec> woah
[10:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Dangit, SD</span>
[10:38] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">@SG Did you heard about Spammer?</span>
[10:38] <Almenec> spam
[10:39] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Spammer? Is he a user? </span>
[10:39] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">...</span>
[10:39] <Almenec> what eaten by the zombies
[10:39] <SnappyDragon> Quack, Lipoma, South America, Black White, Singapore Dollar, State Secondary Education, Semen
[10:39] <SnappyDragon> QAC, LPM, SA, BW, SGD, SSE, SEM
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I'm watching that "crap", SG</span>
[10:39] <Almenec> woah
[10:40] <Specialedition12> Gtg
[10:40] <Specialedition12> Bie
[10:40] <Iamarepeater> @Snappy: What is the meaning of that?
[10:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Bye</span>
[10:41] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Bye SE </span>
[10:41] <Almenec> hello
[10:42] <Almenec> lawn
[10:42] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Spammer alert.</span>
[10:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Great "crap", SG101</span>
[10:44] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Being serious, however, DHMIS is way better than that</span>
[10:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">And I like how his "day" is a happy day.</span>
[10:45] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Unlike the main characters of DHIMIS. Also, click on this link to be terrified. </span>
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">My favorite episode so far...</span>
[10:46] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> My favorites is that, and episode 6.</span>
[10:47] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo, and please don't spam. </span>
[10:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I taught me that "time" is important. Use it wisely and in a full goo way before you grow too "much".</span>
[10:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback</span>
[10:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Also, I brb.</span>
[10:48] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yeah, I think that one had the most important lesson. </span>
[10:48] <Almenec> hey
[10:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Dinner</span>
[10:48] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> See ya. </span>
[10:48] <Almenec> bro
[10:49] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yes?</span>
[10:49] <Almenec> bro
[10:50] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> And, you're spamming. Of course. </span>
[10:50] <Almenec> plant vs zombies 2 is deaddddd
[10:50] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Well, it constantly gets updated, and is very popular.</span>
[10:50] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> So I disagree.</span>
[10:51] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo!</span>
[10:51] <Almenec> new world
[10:51] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> What?</span>
[10:51] <Iamarepeater> hive Insert
[10:51] <Insert Your Name Here> ok
[10:51] <Almenec> ??
[10:51] <Insert Your Name Here> trying brain freeze deck
[10:51] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I don't have Brain Freeze. Is he good?</span>
[10:51] <Insert Your Name Here> I get turn 4 lethal quite a few times
[10:52] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> AFK</span>
[10:53] <Plant Protecter> Hello.
[10:53] <Insert Your Name Here> hi
[10:53] <Iamarepeater> hive plant and fairy
[10:54] <Fairy27> Back.
[10:55] <Plant Protecter> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> From the dead.</span>
[11:05] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> No.</span>
[11:05] <Fairy27> Hi, recently chatcomers~
[11:05] <Plant Protecter> Is it a Super-Rare Beastly trick?
[11:05] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yes.</span>
[11:05] <Iamarepeater> Wait
[11:05] <Plant Protecter> Is it Maniacal Laugh?
[11:06] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yes.</span>
[11:06] <Fairy27> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> He might be lying, be aware, PP.</span>
[11:06] <Fairy27> [s] Just saying.
[11:06] <Plant Protecter> Hmm...
[11:06] <Iamarepeater> What is the question?
[11:06] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Who might be lying?</span>
[11:06] <Plant Protecter> You.
[11:06] <Fairy27> BTW, using Google translator feels useless -_- .
[11:06] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Why?</span>
[11:07] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> And, lie about what?</span>
[11:07] <WintahMhelon18> No one trusts Google translates when it comes to sentences
[11:07] <Fairy27> When Timothy interview , the reporter asked : " how you look at the competitive relationship between the guide thistle ? " Timothy factly replied: " Meow Meow " translated means - "Nothing the problem is not solved sell Meng ~ "
[11:07] <Fairy27> ^ I mean, this...translation for PvZ2 Chinese Cattail.
[11:07] <Plant Protecter> @Super The answer to your question.
[11:07] <Plant Protecter> @Fairy Lol.
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">"competitive relationship between the guide thistle"</span>
[11:07] <Iamarepeater> GUYS!
[11:08] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">So....."Timothy" speaks cat?</span>
[11:08] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> The answer to my question <span style="font-weight:bold;"> IS </span> [[Maniacal Laugh]].</span>
[11:08] <Iamarepeater> What is the question?
[11:08] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> It was:What PvZ Heroes Trick am I thinking of?</span>
[11:08] <Plant Protecter> @Iam Super was thinking if a trick from PvZH.
[11:08] <AWikiBoy521> "Nothing the problem is not solved sell Meng ~ "
[11:08] <AWikiBoy521> What is "Meng" then, Google Translate?
[11:08] <Plant Protecter> And it was Maniacal Laugh.
[11:08] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Ah...dangit.</span>
[11:08] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Google Translate is bad.</span>
[11:08] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[11:08] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback</span>
[11:08] <Protanly> Google translate is good
[11:08] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> AWB.</span>
[11:08] <Protanly> as a pseudo proxy
[11:08] <Protanly> &gt;:D 
[11:09] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Tru, Protanly </span>
[11:09] <Plant Protecter> Google Translate is unpredictable.
[11:09] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Why no strikethrough?</span>
[11:09] <Plant Protecter> Just like Wild Berry.
[11:09] <Protanly> My school blocks certain websites like reddit
[11:09] <Protanly> and sometimes the best solution is the easiest one
[11:09] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Oh, that's annoying.</span>
[11:09] <Protanly> while I may not be able to login
[11:09] <Protanly> I can use google translate as a pseudo proxy to load the webpage
[11:09] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> My school doesn't block this wiki, so sometimes I log in on a computer and fix up a error I see in an article.</span>
[11:09] <Protanly> by geting it to translate it to french and then telling it to show me the original
[11:09] <Protanly> &gt;:D 
[11:10] <Protanly> My school blocks parts of the old wiki editor
[11:10] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> LOL get rekt school</span>
[11:10] <Fairy27> Yeah...
[11:10] <Protanly> Meaning I can use the "new" editor here at school
[11:10] <Protanly> But the classic editor is off limits to me unless I'm not at school
[11:10] <Protanly> Which basically means talk pages and shit like that are off limits
[11:10] <Iamarepeater> So next question?
[11:10] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Wow, I bet they doesn't even know about the new editor.</span>
[11:10] <Protanly> Also
[11:10] <Protanly> Gotta harass Ballistic today
[11:10] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Why? Or are you joking?</span>
[11:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">topkek</span>
[11:11] <Plant Protecter> Hello.
[11:11] <That Really Annoying Guy> Hello!
[11:11] <Iamarepeater> Well?
[11:11] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo.</span>
[11:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I never thought of "that".</span>
[11:11] <Iamarepeater> If no takers
[11:11] <Iamarepeater> I'm taking it
[11:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Even though my school didn't block this wiki yet.</span>
[11:11] <Fairy27> Hi TRAG~
[11:11] <That Really Annoying Guy> I'm thinking
[11:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback</span>
[11:11] <That Really Annoying Guy> Oh hello fairy!
[11:11] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> My school's dumb, they like, haven't block <span style="font-weight:bold;"> any </span> websites.</span>
[11:11] <That Really Annoying Guy> Top of the morning!
[11:11] <Plant Protecter> Hello.
[11:11] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Heylo!</span>
[11:11] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">Why do I think that "Fairy" is a cat...</span></span>
[11:12] <That Really Annoying Guy> oh
[11:12] <Iamarepeater> My question: This plant can shrink zombies
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Supback^2</span>
[11:12] <That Really Annoying Guy> bye everyone
[11:12] <Yappat> Playing a game at the moment, expect me to leave soon right after.
[11:12] <Iamarepeater> What is it?
[11:12] <Fairy27> Hi Yappat~
[11:12] <Protanly> My school in a nutshell:
[11:12] <Protanly> * Blocks Reddit *
[11:12] <Protanly> * Doesn't Block 4chan *
[11:12] <That Really Annoying Guy> I "Love: you all
[11:12] <Yappat> They blocked reddit too!
[11:12] <Plant Protecter> Shrinking Violet.
[11:12] <Protanly> Despite Reddit basically being a SFW 4chan
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">topkek, Protanly </span>
[11:12] <Yappat> I'm sad.
[11:12] <Iamarepeater> Nope
[11:12] <Iamarepeater> Another plant
[11:12] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Wow, your school blocked Reddit, yet 4chan is alright?</span>
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm in college now
[11:12] <SnappyDragon> hmm
[11:12] <That Really Annoying Guy> They blocked mostly everything...
[11:12] <Plant Protecter> Electric Blueberry.
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">The irony</span>
[11:12] <Iamarepeater> Yep
[11:12] <That Really Annoying Guy> but....
[11:12] <Protanly> Yea
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> the main sites my school wifi blocks are porn sites
[11:13] <Protanly> Which is annoying especially considering Reddit can be a good board to get started in a conversation
[11:13] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I have yet to find websites that are block by my school's wi-fi.</span>
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> my school wifi blocks...
[11:13] <Fairy27> Wait, the question? *checks*
[11:13] <Insert Your Name Here> And everyone knows how to circumvent the block
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> DUN DUN DUN
[11:13] <Fairy27> :O
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> no website
[11:13] <Protanly> Like if I wanna research a topic
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> :D 
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> Anyway
[11:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Because it's a fucking IT school and everyone is a pro
[11:13] <Protanly> Reddit generally has a good discussion started
[11:13] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Yeah, Reddit's pretty good.</span>
[11:13] <Protanly> where someone will point me towards a good resource
[11:13] <Fairy27> You know what? BRB; gonna focus on editing my userpage a bit.
[11:13] <Protanly> Yet for some reason Reddit must be blocked
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> students arent even allowed to use the school wifi
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> PROTANLY 
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> IDEA
[11:13] <Iamarepeater> So anyone else wants to ask the questions?
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> use http<span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-weight:bold;">s</span></span>
[11:13] <SnappyDragon> me
[11:14] <SnappyDragon> https://
[11:14] <Protanly> @Snappy lol
[11:14] <SnappyDragon> some blockers block only http :D 
[11:14] <Protanly> Https is pretty standard nowadays
[11:14] <SnappyDragon> orly
[11:14] <SnappyDragon> Indian Government blocked
[11:14] <SnappyDragon> but only http
[11:14] <SnappyDragon> not https
[11:14] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Https, is useless.</span>
[11:14] <Protanly> Well I find that a lot of places here aren't as stupid to only block http
[11:14] <Protanly> they generally block both protocols
[11:14] <SnappyDragon> cool
[11:14] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> All you have to do is put in the name of the website and put in the com or org or whatever.</span>
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> ....
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> well
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> wait a minute
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> does exist
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> I can insult friends irl using it
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> ;) 
[11:15] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> What is it like?</span>
[11:15] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Can you go to it?</span>
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> anyway
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> my turn
[11:15] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I'm scared to go to that website address.</span>
[11:15] <Protanly> My school is stupid
[11:15] <SnappyDragon> I'M THINKING OF A PLANT
[11:15] <Protanly> and I don't think they manage their firewall manually
[11:15] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">""</span>
[11:16] <Protanly> and just let the thing rampage
[11:16] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Mine too.</span>
[11:16] <Protanly> Because I've used sites before
[11:16] <Protanly> that get blocked a day or 2 after I start accessing them
[11:16] <SuperGaming101> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Snap, is it a PvZ2 exclusive?</span>
[11:16] <SnappyDragon> yes
[11:36] <Iamarepeater> Doom-shroom
[11:36] <WintahMhelon18> Scaredy-shroom?
[11:36] <Darytyg123123> Nope and nope
[11:36] <Iamarepeater> Ice-shroom
[11:36] <WintahMhelon18> Puff-shroom
[11:36] <Darytyg123123> Nah
[11:36] <Darytyg123123> And no
[11:36] <Protanly> I've finally got all pawns defined properly
[11:36] <WintahMhelon18> Ice-shroom
[11:37] <Protanly> and can get them all drawn with pawn<span style="font-style:italic;">.draw</span>
[11:37] <Protanly> in a for loop
[11:37] <Darytyg123123> No 
[11:37] <WintahMhelon18> Fume-shroom
[11:37] <Protanly> Which is good progress
[11:37] <Darytyg123123> Yes
[11:37] <WintahMhelon18> Yus
[11:37] <Darytyg123123> It's fume my third favourite
[11:37] <Iamarepeater> Ok wintah
[11:37] <Protanly> because that means there's 16 pawns defined
[11:37] <Iamarepeater> Your turn
[11:37] <Protanly> pawn[0
[11:37] <WintahMhelon18> I'm thinking of a 100-sun plant in PvZ2
[11:37] <Protanly> pawn[0] through pawn[15]
[11:37] <Iamarepeater> Peashooter?
[11:37] <WintahMhelon18> Nope
[11:37] <WintahMhelon18> Nice try
[11:37] <Iamarepeater> Cabbage-pult
[11:37] <Darytyg123123> Ofc it's not pea that's too obvious lol
[11:37] <WintahMhelon18> Nope
[11:38] <Iamarepeater> Kernel-pult
[11:38] <WintahMhelon18> Nope
[11:38] <Darytyg123123> Tall-nut?
[11:38] <WintahMhelon18> Nope
[11:38] <Darytyg123123> Wait is that worth 100 sun?
[11:38] <Iamarepeater> 125 sun
[11:38] <WintahMhelon18> nope
[11:38] <Fairy27> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Still not finish. This is a checkpoint post for me.</span>
[11:38] <Darytyg123123> Right thanks
[11:38] <Fairy27> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> *finished</span>
[11:39] <Iamarepeater> hint?
[11:39] <WintahMhelon18> Defensive plant
[11:39] <Iamarepeater> Endurian?
[11:39] <Darytyg123123> Wallnut
[11:39] <WintahMhelon18> Yep, (endurian) 
[11:39] <Iamarepeater> My turn
[11:39] <Iamarepeater> Has a full board range
[11:39] <WintahMhelon18> Blover
[11:39] <Iamarepeater> What is it?
[11:40] <Iamarepeater> Nope
[11:40] <WintahMhelon18> Thyme warp
[11:40] <Iamarepeater> Nope
[11:40] <WintahMhelon18> Ummm
[11:40] <WintahMhelon18> PF'ed Shadown-shroom?
[11:40] <Iamarepeater> NO!
[11:41] <Iamarepeater> No plant food effect
[11:41] <WintahMhelon18> Wow, so hard
[11:42] <WintahMhelon18> Hint?
[11:42] <Iamarepeater> I give a hint: Have full board area but can only target part of the area
[11:42] <Darytyg123123> Bananah?
[11:42] <Iamarepeater> Close but nope
[11:42] <WintahMhelon18> Hmmmmm
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> Cob Cannon?
[11:43] <Iamarepeater> Yep
[11:43] <Iamarepeater> Wintah, your turn
[11:43] <Iamarepeater> After this, I'm off
[11:43] <Iamarepeater> For real
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> I'm thinking of a PvZ2 plant with a happy face
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Hint?
[11:44] <Fairy27> For now, here...
[11:44] <Darytyg123123> Sunflower
[11:44] <Fairy27> Gold Bloom?
[11:44] <WintahMhelon18> Nope
[11:44] <Darytyg123123> She is always smiling
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Knew it
[11:44] <Darytyg123123> :P 
[11:44] <WintahMhelon18> It's small too :p 
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> SUn-shroom?
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> *Sun-shroom
[11:44] <WintahMhelon18> Yep
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Knew it
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Hmmmm
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Maybe after I ask this I'm off
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> So...
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Welp, dinner so brb
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Ask away anyway
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> This area is where both PVZ1 and PVZ2 takes place
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> Player's House
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> What is it?
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> No
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> Give something less specfic
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> Whuuuut
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> Modern Day?
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> Like front lawn or backyard lawn
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> In fact, I already gave the answer
[01:05] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Go to main page, tap on "Contribute"
[01:05] <Almenec> i need to write this dow
[01:06] <TheNameSomething101> Hi
[01:06] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hi
[01:07] <Almenec> then what
[01:08] <Almenec> template?
[01:09] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Uh...
[01:09] <PrimitivePotatoMine> \o 
[01:09] <PrimitivePotatoMine> bye
[01:09] <PrimitivePotatoMine> 98 mins to d mod
[01:10] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> o/ 
[01:10] <Almenec> no dont kick me
[01:10] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I don't kick you
[01:10] <Almenec> bye?
[01:10] <Nitromian Poptropica> Hi Repeater
[01:10] <Almenec> template?
[01:11] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Go to main page, then choose "Contribute"
[01:11] <Iamarepeater> hive nitro
[01:11] <Almenec> ok
[01:11] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Which are the three sections?
[01:11] <Almenec> ?
[01:12] <Almenec> template??
[01:12] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yes
[01:13] <Charmande red321> rip
[01:13] <Almenec> how do you make one
[01:13] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> #suicide
[01:13] <Almenec> me = confused
[01:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No K, I am out with you
[01:14] <Almenec> template???
[01:15] <Charmande red321> templates are found in cars
[01:15] <Almenec> me = wow
[01:15] <Charmande red321> they are the butt blockers for the machines
[01:15] <Almenec> machine = wow
[01:17] <Almenec> templates how do you make one on this wikipedea ?
[01:17] <Charmande red321> a template is defined as a some sort of shortcut edit thing
[01:17] <Charmande red321> so any template can be made
[01:17] <Almenec> you = ****
[01:18] <Almenec> me = RIP
[01:18] <Almenec> 
[01:18] <Almenec> just tell me and i will go
[01:18] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> @Char Help him. I am so confused now.
[01:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay. Go listen.
[01:19] <Almenec> yes
[01:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Step 1: Go find "Contribute" at the top right corner of the Main Page
[01:20] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> There are three sections in it. Choose "Add a page".
[01:20] <Almenec> ok
[01:20] <Almenec> next
[01:21] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Choose a name for it. Ex: "Blah blah"
[01:21] <Almenec> ok 
[01:22] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Come on, now go do edit that template
[01:22] <Almenec> im writing it
[01:23] <Almenec> next
[01:23] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[01:23] <Phantom of Ra> What are you doing?
[01:23] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay. After than, click save page and u are fucking done
[01:23] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Hai o/ 
[01:23] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[01:23] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I'm gonna go for admin today</span>
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> hive ra
[01:24] <Phantom of Ra> Hi Protanly 
[01:24] <Almenec> that was easy im going
[01:24] <Phantom of Ra> Hi to you too Iam
[01:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Now you can leave.
[01:24] <Protanly> Ay
[01:24] <Phantom of Ra> OK, let's see your f*ckin edit
[01:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> [[Derf?veaction=edit]]
[01:24] <Protanly> I finally got the computer to define x and y coordinates in my chess engine
[01:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Someone delete this please....
[01:24] <Protanly> and then sync that up properly to the GUI
[01:24] <Phantom of Ra> wtf, <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> why are you spamming, PL?</span>
[01:24] <Marcia Aeris> And one of the disadvantages of having lots of Pokemon is forgetting where the Pokemon you need is...
[01:25] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No, I was testing for this newbie.. and this happened.
[01:25] <Phantom of Ra> O.O
[01:25] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Sorry anyway, I was just helping.. this nerd.
[01:26] <Charmande red321> that's why there's a thing called organizing @Issa
[01:26] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And now people are going to say and blame me: YOU ARE SPAMMING PL, STOP IT
[01:26] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Or no we will demote you :/ 
[01:26] <Charmande red321> why did you do it
[01:27] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">did Almenec secretly tried to frame you?</span>
[01:27] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I do think so</span>
[01:29] <Marcia Aeris> And I just found my Lileep.
[01:29] <Marcia Aeris> My boxes are filled with a bunch of random Pokemon.
[01:29] <Protanly> Wat
[01:29] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[01:30] <Marcia Aeris> I have 160 Hoenn Dex entries and 259 Regional Dex entries.
[01:31] <Protanly> Ay ay
[01:31] <Protanly>
[01:31] <Protanly> Got all pieces defined and created
[01:31] <Protanly> and synced to the GUI
[01:32] <Marcia Aeris> But I warped for Deoxys so I need 41 left for the main ones.
[01:32] <Marcia Aeris> Still need to trade over a Lunatone.
[01:33] <Charmande red321> wait how do you get Deoxys again?
[01:33] <Marcia Aeris> Birth Island, event only.
[01:34] <Charmande red321> FRLG rite
[01:34] <Marcia Aeris> FR/LG and Emerald.
[01:34] <Marcia Aeris> I also warped for Ho-Oh and Lugia, and for Mew.
[01:35] <Charmande red321> [[Derf]] this tho
[01:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Clear this please ;-;
[01:35] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">blame PL</span>
[01:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :'( 
[01:36] <Charmande red321> Hiya BJ
[01:39] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[01:39] <Phantom of Ra> Hi Bearjedi!
[01:39] <Phantom of Ra> Hi IYNH!
[01:39] <Insert Your Name Here> yo
[01:39] <Phantom of Ra> LOL, that f*ckin' page is not even deleted yet?
[01:39] <Phantom of Ra> ayylmao
[01:39] <Phantom of Ra> [[Derf]]
[01:39] <Insert Your Name Here> nobody has admin rights
[01:39] <Insert Your Name Here> or content mod rights
[01:40] <Insert Your Name Here> yet
[01:40] <Phantom of Ra> O.O
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Please
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Delete it
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No admin....
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Almanec triggered me
[01:41] <Insert Your Name Here> gonna upload my dancestorm deck
[01:41] <Insert Your Name Here> because obviously he's the dancing hero
[01:42] <Phantom of Ra> [[Thread:741497]]
[01:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Can't someone remove my shiet? (troll) 
[01:43] <Protanly> He has no style
[01:43] <Protanly> He has no grace
[01:43] <Protanly> This Kong has 
[01:43] <Protanly> A Funn face &gt;:D 
[01:43] <Protanly> funny**
[01:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Is dancing deck an aggro deck
[01:43] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[01:43] <Phantom of Ra> [[Thread:741497]]
[01:43] <Phantom of Ra> :D 
[01:43] <Charmande red321> inb4 an admin finds out
[01:44] <Charmande red321> and PL is instantly demoted
[01:44] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[01:44] <Phantom of Ra> ikr
[01:44] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I'm gonna report in the Reportation thread (troll) </span>
[01:44] <Iamarepeater> @Ra: I'm going to state what I think of you in the thread you linked
[01:44] <Protanly> ggwp
[01:44] <Phantom of Ra> Ikr
[01:46] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Whyyyy
[01:46] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Why can't I win 2 battles continiously in PvZH
[01:46] <Insert Your Name Here> because you didn't go face
[01:47] <Phantom of Ra> Let's see if there are any forum games I can join for now...
[01:48] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> That f*ckin' huge wave of promotion threads deleted my forum games' notifications!</span>
[01:49] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Waiting for replies in that promotion thread...</span>
[01:49] <Iamarepeater> No wait
[01:49] <Iamarepeater> I should say it here Ra
[01:49] <Iamarepeater> I do know you since your days of the Angry Birds wiki. I don't get why you chose not to use what was already in the wiki and instead created duplicates of the stuff. (Example: Data for Angry Birds Epic enemies)
[01:49] <Iamarepeater> Here
[01:50] <Iamarepeater> SO Ra, is that true?
[01:51] <Phantom of Ra> Yeah <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> but I'm focusing on levels at that time</span>
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> I do know you since your days of the Angry Birds wiki. I don't get why you chose not to use what was already in the wiki and instead created duplicates of the stuff. (Example: Data for Angry Birds Epic enemies)
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> Opps
[01:51] <Charmande red321> Hiyah Wintah
[01:51] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[01:51] <SolarQuatz2809> Nya~
[01:51] <Charmande red321> Hiya TN
[01:51] <Iamarepeater>!/b7bvrzi36gl6
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> Better
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> Anyone?
[01:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Me
[01:51] <SolarQuatz2809> Sorry lama no
[01:52] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[01:52] <Phantom of Ra> Iam, do you know what does Sea Yaksha Zombie do?
[01:52] <Phantom of Ra> As ya said that you've beaten every level in PvZO Normal
[01:52] <Iamarepeater> What is that?
[01:52] <SolarQuatz2809> Hey do you know the upcomin content the Key world key chain?
[01:52] <Iamarepeater> Never heard of that zombie
[01:52] <Phantom of Ra> OK, final zombie on the main page in the Zombie Section
[01:53] <Phantom of Ra> See that zombie holding a fish wand?
[01:53] <Phantom of Ra> That's the one I'm talking about
[01:53] <SolarQuatz2809> If you finish a world garg you get to open other world imdditly! 
[01:53] <Insert Your Name Here> meow
[01:53] <Phantom of Ra> Wolf
[01:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Thinking about scrapping my shieldcrusher viking
[01:54] <Iamarepeater> [[Zombie#Specific to others]]
[01:54] <Phantom of Ra> Haiz, damn it. Wish that Discord is still here so I can tell the admins about my thread (and that Derf page)
[01:55] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Discord's gone?
[01:55] <Phantom of Ra> [[File%3ASea Yaksha ZombieO.png|File:Sea Yaksha ZombieO.png]]
[01:55] <Phantom of Ra> THIS SH*T, IAM
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> Sorry
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> I don't know
[01:55] <Phantom of Ra> @Garg temporarily
[01:55] <Gargantuar Blitzer> why
[01:55] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes, viking's effect is really cool vs hero
[01:55] <Phantom of Ra> @Iam Wait, it doesn't appear there?!
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> It's back online
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> Yeah
[01:55] <Insert Your Name Here> but in battle he's a vanilla 5/5
[01:55] <Gargantuar Blitzer> oh rip
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> But I could be mistaken
[01:55] <Phantom of Ra> OK, let me check
[01:55] <Phantom of Ra> Damn it
[01:55] <Insert Your Name Here> and there is usually a more interesting option than a vanilla 5/5
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> Ra, can you open my PVZO account
[01:55] <Phantom of Ra> Yeah
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> See if you can access the next part of ESDP
[01:56] <Phantom of Ra> Wait
[01:56] <Phantom of Ra> Wait, you didn't access that?
[01:56] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[01:56] <Phantom of Ra> Srly, Iam...
[01:56] <Iamarepeater> New update
[01:56] <Phantom of Ra> Oh
[01:56] <Iamarepeater> Just check for me please
[01:56] <Phantom of Ra> Wait a minute
[01:56] <Phantom of Ra> DISCORD IS BAKKK!!!
[01:57] <Phantom of Ra> YAY!!!
[01:57] <Marcia Aeris> NOOOOOOOO
[01:57] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Phew, almost got keeled by the f*ckin' only-3-same characters rules</span>
[01:57] <Marcia Aeris> I accidentally closed VBA!
[01:57] <Phantom of Ra> @MARCIA Wait, you...
[01:57] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> You broke the rules!</span>
[01:57] <Phantom of Ra> (troll) 
[01:57] <Charmande red321> what rules
[01:58] <Phantom of Ra> Only 3 same characters per post
[01:58] <Phantom of Ra> :D 
[01:58] <Marcia Aeris> I'm sorry, but I'm not updated with the rules.
[01:58] <Charmande red321> oh that rule
[01:58] <Iamarepeater> So like this soap?
[01:58] <Charmande red321> spam rule
[01:58] <Phantom of Ra> ikr
[01:58] <Marcia Aeris> But I lost more than 5 new Pokemon!
[01:58] <Charmande red321> how
[01:58] <Phantom of Ra> Oh, that's a lot
[01:59] <Marcia Aeris> Nearly 10!
[01:59] <Marcia Aeris> I didn't save and I accidentally closed VBA!
[01:59] <Marcia Aeris> It even took long to find some of them!
[02:00] <Charmande red321> rip progress
[02:00] <Phantom of Ra> <span class="me-username">* <span>Phantom of Ra</span></span> is signing in to PvZO
[02:00] <Charmande red321> caused by Issa's accident
[02:00] <SolarQuatz2809> gtg
[02:00] <SolarQuatz2809> Bai
[02:00] <Iamarepeater> bive Solar
[02:00] <SolarQuatz2809> Nya~
[02:02] <Charmande red321> Cya
[02:02] <Phantom of Ra> Still not enough level, Iam...
[02:02] <Iamarepeater> ....
[02:02] <Phantom of Ra> :( 
[02:02] <Iamarepeater> SO still no access yet?
[02:03] <Iamarepeater> If so, at level 100, I will check
[02:03] <Iamarepeater> So you had fun praticing?
[02:03] <Phantom of Ra> Yeah
[02:03] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I just opened it</span>
[02:03] <Phantom of Ra> <span class="me-username">* <span>Phantom of Ra</span></span> leaves PvZO
[02:03] <Phantom of Ra> So...
[02:03] <Phantom of Ra> How to upgrade to 5 stars or even 1 moon?
[02:04] <Phantom of Ra> Iam?
[02:04] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:06] <Iamarepeater> yes?
[02:06] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[02:07] <Iamarepeater> You go to my house
[02:08] <Iamarepeater> Wait
[02:09] <Iamarepeater> You left the game....
[02:10] <Phantom of Ra> How could you see me?
[02:10] <Iamarepeater> ....
[02:11] <Iamarepeater> What did I miss?
[02:11] <Phantom of Ra> How to upgrade a plant to 5 stars
[02:11] <Phantom of Ra> or 1 moon, or higher?
[02:12] <Iamarepeater> Well, are you back in my account?
[02:13] <Insert Your Name Here>
[02:13] <Insert Your Name Here> suggestion pls
[02:14] <Iamarepeater> I'm logged in as you IYNH
[02:14] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:14] <Phantom of Ra> @Iam No
[02:14] <Phantom of Ra> But I know you have a 1-moon Laser Bean
[02:14] <Iamarepeater> How?
[02:14] <Phantom of Ra> Most of the rest are 5-star
[02:14] <Phantom of Ra> I've been there, and I remember, dude
[02:15] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[02:15] <Phantom of Ra> -_- 
[02:15] <Iamarepeater> So you know I unlocked my 1-moon laser bean?
[02:15] <Phantom of Ra> What do you mean unlocked?
[02:16] <Iamarepeater> Or in this, obtained my 1-moon laser bean
[02:17] <Phantom of Ra> Yeh
[02:17] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Of course Ik dude</span>
[02:17] <Iamarepeater> Firstly you need a 5-star plant
[02:17] <Phantom of Ra> How?
[02:17] <Phantom of Ra> How to have a 5-star plant?
[02:17] <Iamarepeater> Plant puzzle pieces
[02:17] <Phantom of Ra> Oh
[02:17] <Phantom of Ra> So..?
[02:17] <Phantom of Ra> Next
[02:18] <Iamarepeater> Gather 400 of those for a 4-star plant
[02:18] <Iamarepeater> Then, you give them some potion that boost stats (make sure you give them either 1 5 star potion or 5 4-star potion)
[02:19] <Phantom of Ra> What boost?
[02:19] <Phantom of Ra> The oven?
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> Yep
[02:19] <Phantom of Ra> Wait, how many?
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> 5 5-star stat boosting potions
[02:19] <Phantom of Ra> Ooh...
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> Or 25 4-star stat boosting potion
[02:20] <Phantom of Ra> So when the plant is upgraded to V and 5 stars, it instantly got to 1 moon?
[02:20] <Iamarepeater> Not just yet
[02:20] <Iamarepeater> But for this one you need to be a certain level
[02:21] <Iamarepeater> IDK what level could that be
[02:21] <Iamarepeater> But I know you haven't reached it yet Ra
[02:21] <Phantom of Ra> ik
[02:21] <Phantom of Ra> But... I just need all of my plants to be 5 stars for now.
[02:21] <Iamarepeater> Yes
[02:22] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Meanwhile i still can't go further in PvZO
[02:22] <Gargantuar Blitzer> because Adventure Mode being too hard
[02:22] <Iamarepeater> Then you go to elite mode
[02:22] <Gargantuar Blitzer> and i don't get any keys
[02:22] <Iamarepeater> and collect a few red coins
[02:22] <Iamarepeater> @Blitzer: Daily bonus
[02:22] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Daily bonus only gives 1 key
[02:22] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I don't want to wait more than 2 weeks for one level
[02:22] <Iamarepeater> But better than no key right?
[02:22] <Gargantuar Blitzer> still
[02:22] <Phantom of Ra> LOL, Elite Mode is even harder than Normal Mode - next episode
[02:23] <Phantom of Ra> Currently, I have bout 60, 70 keys or something
[02:23] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Because my progress is low</span>
[02:23] <Iamarepeater> I have around 150 keys
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> Then there is also a new mode where you kill other player's team
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> To earn silver tokens
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> Or at least for year 1
[02:24] <Gargantuar Blitzer> urrrgh how to get keys quick
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> You have to play normal mode
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> And beat the next stage
[02:25] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Well obviously
[02:25] <Gargantuar Blitzer> but it's way too hard
[02:25] <Iamarepeater> Levelled up your plants?
[02:26] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I can't get enough of those beans and the levels don't give shit
[02:26] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Aand i can't properly get puzzle pieces because of the damn energy system
[02:26] <Iamarepeater> Used stat boosting potions for the oven?
[02:27] <Phantom of Ra> Wait, NEW MODE?!
[02:27] <Gargantuar Blitzer> When i try to use mine they just give me some message
[02:27] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I only have the weakest ones
[02:27] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I don't get any of the other ones for some reason lol
[02:27] <Iamarepeater> @blitzer: Did you try to use a 1 star potion on a 3 star plant?
[02:28] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[02:28] <Gargantuar Blitzer> All plants i use are at least level 2
[02:28] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I have a level 36 3-star +3 twin sunflower that's stronger than my regular sunflower lol
[02:28] <Gargantuar Blitzer> *2 star
[02:28] <Gargantuar Blitzer> not level 2
[02:28] <Iamarepeater> So did you try sing a 3 star potion on a 2 star plant?
[02:28] <Iamarepeater> *using
[02:28] <Gargantuar Blitzer> That's the problem
[02:28] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I only ever get 1 star potions
[02:28] <Phantom of Ra> Oh... Mine...
[02:28] <Darytyg123123> Hive
[02:29] <Phantom of Ra> The Mine is not new dude
[02:29] <Phantom of Ra> Hi
[02:29] <Iamarepeater> @Blitzer: I can help you
[02:29] <Iamarepeater> Give me your account detai;s
[02:29] <Iamarepeater> *details
[02:29] <Iamarepeater> And I can solve the problem
[02:29] <Iamarepeater> It's like on this wiki, I'm the only person who has cleared every single level in PVZO
[02:29] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Oh wait
[02:29] <Gargantuar Blitzer> OH WAIT
[02:29] <Gargantuar Blitzer> lol
[02:29] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I misunderstood
[02:30] <Iamarepeater> ???
[02:30] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I thought you meant the oven not those purple potion thingies
[02:30] <Phantom of Ra> No, <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> you DIDN'T</span>
[02:30] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I have all of them at least 3 star yeah
[02:30] <Iamarepeater> I said the oven
[02:30] <Gargantuar Blitzer> but wait, how do i use them
[02:30] <Gargantuar Blitzer> oh
[02:30] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> You didn't got to the required level for ESDP - 5-1</span>
[02:30] <Phantom of Ra> :D 
[02:30] <Iamarepeater> Yeah but the wiki?
[02:30] <Gargantuar Blitzer> rip
[02:30] <Iamarepeater> @Blitzer: So you know what to do?
[02:31] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Not really
[02:31] <Iamarepeater> Remember this: The Oven is also used to prepare plants for their rarity upgrade
[02:31] <Gargantuar Blitzer> k
[02:31] <Iamarepeater> After you used potions on them 5 times
[02:31] <Iamarepeater> And they accepted the boost
[02:31] <Gargantuar Blitzer> On the oven i have 84 level 1 potions
[02:31] <Gargantuar Blitzer> but not even a single level 2 or higher potion
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> No level 1 plants right?
[02:32] <Gargantuar Blitzer> nope
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> You know you can hover over those useless 1 star potion right?
[02:32] <Gargantuar Blitzer> When i say level i mean stars btw :P 
[02:32] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Yes i know
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> An option below the potion icon will appear
[02:32] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Yeah i know
[02:32] <Phantom of Ra> Wait, is V the last upgrade for the Oven?
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> Click on it
[02:32] <Gargantuar Blitzer> But idk what to do
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> @Ra: yes
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> Just click on it
[02:32] <Phantom of Ra> Oh
[02:32] <Gargantuar Blitzer> k done that
[02:32] <Gargantuar Blitzer> 3 buttons
[02:33] <Gargantuar Blitzer> which one do i click
[02:33] <Phantom of Ra> So, whenever you got to V, you'll get to the next star or what?
[02:33] <Iamarepeater> Rightmost is cancel
[02:33] <Phantom of Ra> Just the next moon?
[02:33] <Gargantuar Blitzer> yeah i noticed that
[02:33] <Gargantuar Blitzer> @lama
[02:33] <Iamarepeater> Leftmost is convert 5 of the 1 star potion to 1 2 star potion
[02:33] <Gargantuar Blitzer> :O
[02:33] <Gargantuar Blitzer> and the middle
[02:33] <Gargantuar Blitzer> ?
[02:33] <Iamarepeater> Middle is convert ALL your 1 star potion into star potions
[02:33] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Ah
[02:33] <Iamarepeater> As many as you can afford
[02:33] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Then uh i'll do that i guess
[02:34] <Gargantuar Blitzer> noice
[02:34] <Gargantuar Blitzer> thanks
[02:34] <Iamarepeater> You should have 4 1 star potions remaining
[02:34] <Iamarepeater> Np
[02:34] <Iamarepeater> hive PPM
[02:36] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I am getting discussion mod...
[02:36] <PrimitivePotatoMine> IN 12 mins
[02:36] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> wazzup
[02:37] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I just need fuckin keys
[02:37] <Iamarepeater> @blitzer: Can I see which level are you stuck at?
[02:37] <Iamarepeater> Also, you play daily?
[02:37] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> what keys? because i am sure there is some in front of you
[02:38] <Iamarepeater> @HDF0: PVZO
[02:38] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> (If you got the pun...)
[02:38] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:39] <Phantom of Ra> @PPM
[02:39] <Phantom of Ra> [[Thread:741497]]
[02:39] <Gargantuar Blitzer> nah not really
[02:39] <Gargantuar Blitzer> @lama
[02:39] <Phantom of Ra> VOTE PLZ...
[02:39] <Phantom of Ra> ARGH
[02:39] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I pretty much gave up on the game after i got stuck for almost 2 years
[02:39] <Iamarepeater> So you quit the game?
[02:39] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Now I have to advertise my promotion thread everywhere</span>
[02:39] <Iamarepeater> It's kinda dead now right?
[02:40] <Gargantuar Blitzer> yeah
[02:40] <Gargantuar Blitzer> kinda
[02:40] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I still play it sometimes to see if i can beat it
[02:40] <Gargantuar Blitzer> but
[02:40] <Gargantuar Blitzer> yeah
[02:40] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:40] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Pan!
[02:41] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Phan*!
[02:41] <Phantom of Ra> Pan?
[02:41] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[02:41] <PrimitivePotatoMine> lol
[02:41] <Phantom of Ra> [[Thread:741497]]
[02:41] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I voted a support-neutral on admin and absolute support on content mod.
[02:41] <Phantom of Ra> ok
[02:41] <PrimitivePotatoMine> Discussion mod in 6 minutes...
[02:41] <Nick Archer> No admins here, Peter pan
[02:41] <Nick Archer> Anyways
[02:41] <Nick Archer> Supbacks \o o/ 
[02:42] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:42] <Nick Archer> ...
[02:42] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> ...
[02:42] <PrimitivePotatoMine> ...
[02:42] <Nick Archer> ...
[02:43] <PrimitivePotatoMine> ...
[02:43] <PrimitivePotatoMine> ...
[02:44] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> U made a ... typo~~</span>
[02:44] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:45] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I will consider myself as a discussion mod now in 2 minutes
[02:45] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> You Chainbreaker</span>
[02:45] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> how do you change your posting background?
[02:46] <PrimitivePotatoMine> idk
[02:46] <Nick Archer> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Where's Jack?</span>
[02:46] <Iamarepeater> @Ra: So did you try the stages in PVZO to know what to do?
[02:47] <PrimitivePotatoMine> ONE MINUTE
[02:47] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> how do I change my posting background
[02:47] <Phantom of Ra> LOL
[02:47] <Phantom of Ra> @Iam Nope
[02:48] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I AM A DISCUSSION MOD
[02:48] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> No time</span>
[02:48] <PrimitivePotatoMine> (technically)
[02:48] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> My f*ckin thread is not promoted yet!</span>
[02:48] <Nick Archer> (clap) (clap) 
[02:49] <Nick Archer> No staffs are here right now...
[02:49] <PrimitivePotatoMine> lol
[02:49] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> how I change my posting backround
[02:50] <PrimitivePotatoMine> ask admin/crat'
[02:50] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> ohok
[02:52] <Nick Archer> Dead
[02:53] <PrimitivePotatoMine> lol
[02:53] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> Why is PPM always replying lol?
[02:54] <PrimitivePotatoMine> why no
[02:54] <PrimitivePotatoMine> why not*
[02:54] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:54] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> LOL</span>
[02:55] <PrimitivePotatoMine> I will wake up to my discussion mod rights tomorrow
[02:56] <Phantom of Ra> Gl
[02:56] <HDF0UnofficialAccount> bye guys. you just wasted a few secinds of yr life reading this.
[02:57] <PrimitivePotatoMine> lol
[02:58] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:59] <Phantom of Ra> All right, I'm editing the ZvZA template
[02:59] <Phantom of Ra> Fixing the below bar
[03:00] <Iamarepeater> @Ra: But you will use my account in PVZO to see what plants can be used to clear the stage?
[03:01] <SnappyDragon> Ahoy mateys
[03:01] <SnappyDragon> ah
[03:01] <Iamarepeater> hive snappy
[03:02] <Gargantuar Blitzer> hi
[03:02] <SnappyDragon> [[Thread:739451#36]]
[03:02] <SnappyDragon> :D 
[03:03] <Nick Archer> (laughing) (laughing) 
[03:21] <Strawburst18> This was a bad idea
[03:22] <Darytyg123123> Life :p 
[03:25] <Eugoth> yo
[03:27] <SnappyDragon> Heugoth
[03:28] <Eugoth> 1 hour
[03:28] <Eugoth> I have 1 hour and then i gtg
[03:28] <Eugoth> But no worries
[03:28] <Eugoth> I come back by 5:20 or something
[03:29] <Gargantuar Blitzer> k
[03:29] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Meanwhile i'm just downloading a shitton of minecraft mods
[03:41] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[03:41] <Phantom of Ra> <span class="me-username">* <span>Phantom of Ra</span></span> out!
[03:42] <SnappyDragon> GUESS WHO'S RIGHTEOUS
[03:42] <Gargantuar Blitzer> idk
[03:59] <Gargantuar Blitzer> alright done with my minecraft mod download spree
[04:00] <Gargantuar Blitzer> let's see how much mods are registered by forge
[04:02] <Gargantuar Blitzer> btw Snappy i made the mutant lizard you wanted me to do in spore
[04:02] <Gargantuar Blitzer>
[04:02] <Gargantuar Blitzer> mutant/humanoid
[04:02] <Gargantuar Blitzer> lol
[04:06] <SnappyDragon> GB
[04:06] <SnappyDragon> did u download the KAGIC mod
[04:06] <SnappyDragon> anyway
[04:06] <SnappyDragon> Dreck is a dutch word for poop
[04:06] <SnappyDragon> aka drek = poop too
[04:06] <SnappyDragon> lol
[04:07] <SnappyDragon> lol
[04:07] <SnappyDragon> well
[04:07] <SnappyDragon> drek now knows why his name was banned in pokemon gen 5/6
[04:07] <Gargantuar Blitzer> kagic mod?
[04:07] <Gargantuar Blitzer> huh
[04:07] <SnappyDragon> KAGIC
[04:07] <SnappyDragon> kindergarten and gem incubation/creation
[04:08] <SnappyDragon> The mod I worked on with ideas
[04:08] <SnappyDragon> gewd with the lizard
[04:08] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Well
[04:08] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I'll be honest
[04:08] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I hate SU
[04:08] <SnappyDragon> what
[04:08] <SnappyDragon> the mod is great
[04:09] <Snapdragon717> Ello ello
[04:12] <Darytyg123123> Hi oh wait nvm
[04:13] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[04:13] <Snapdragon717> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Might go to dishcord</span>
[04:13] <Darytyg123123> Is there even a discord for PvZ?
[04:13] <SnappyDragon> yee
[04:13] <SnappyDragon> yeah
[04:13] <Snapdragon717> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> I might be jumping from chat to chat so eggscuse any signs of door spam</span>
[04:13] <SnappyDragon> pvzwiki
[04:13] <SnappyDragon> do u want link
[04:14] <SnappyDragon> PM'D DAR
[04:14] <SnappyDragon> hi prota
[04:15] <Protanly> ey
[04:16] <Protanly> Ay lol. Promoted again boyz
[04:16] <SnappyDragon> me 2
[04:18] <Protanly> lol
[04:18] <Protanly> I just need mah rights
[04:18] <Protanly> But I got a 100% support vote &gt;:D 
[04:23] <Snapdragon717> i see nothing has happened
[04:30] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> ABSOLUTELY NOTHING</span>
[04:30] <Gargantuar Blitzer> nufin
[04:30] <Gargantuar Blitzer> So what now
[04:31] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[04:33] <Snapdragon717> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> can chat be alive cause on discord it's people saying what shit tastes like</span>
[04:34] <SnappyDragon> yee
[04:34] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:34] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[04:34] <Ballistic Planet> Hi Nick!
[04:35] <Nick Archer> Hellos \o o/ 
[04:35] <Ballistic Planet> working on the staff page right now
[04:35] <SnappyDragon> hi bp
[04:35] <Nick Archer> Hi Ballistic :^)
[04:35] <Ballistic Planet> is there anything specific you want me to put there?
[04:35] <Snapdragon717> Okay so who's an active B-crat
[04:35] <Ballistic Planet> At this hour?
[04:35] <Ballistic Planet> Probs nobody
[04:35] <Ballistic Planet> Jack wasn't active today
[04:35] <Snapdragon717> well shit
[04:35] <Ballistic Planet> Maybe Someone456 
[04:35] <Ballistic Planet> maybe
[04:35] <Snapdragon717> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Why did EP have to go</span>
[04:36] <Nick Archer> Didn't see him yet...
[04:36] <SnappyDragon> i feel righteous (troll) 
[04:36] <Snapdragon717> what about Star
[04:37] <Snapdragon717> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> At dish rate I'll never get my rights back</span>
[04:38] <Nick Archer> Seen him xD
[04:39] <Nick Archer> Refer to SO456
[04:39] <Snapdragon717> Gtg
[04:39] <Snapdragon717> skool
[04:39] <Nick Archer> O/ \o 
[04:42] <Nick Archer> Dead, and gtg \o o/ 
[04:43] <Ballistic Planet> rip
[04:43] <Ballistic Planet> \o 
[04:43] <SnappyDragon> HE IS
[04:43] <SnappyDragon> UNBANNED
[04:43] <SnappyDragon> :D 
[04:44] <Darytyg123123> Hi Ballistic
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> It's a Lght Bomber
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> :O
[04:44] <SnappyDragon> Hi elemec
[04:44] <Light Bomber> Hi
[04:44] <SnappyDragon> pumpkin skelhead is unbanend
[04:44] <Light Bomber> I know
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> I promoted people
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> and did css
[04:44] <Ballistic Planet> :3
[04:44] <Light Bomber> BP
[04:44] <SnappyDragon> I don't know what to feel
[04:44] <Light Bomber> Can't you close the thread since i got enough sups?
[04:45] <Light Bomber> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I mean, only sups and sup-neutrals</span>
[04:45] <Ballistic Planet> there are still a couple hours left
[04:45] <Ballistic Planet> but I guess so,
[04:45] <SnappyDragon> k I'll oppose
[04:45] <SnappyDragon> jk
[04:45] <SnappyDragon> lol
[04:45] <Ballistic Planet> since there's only like 1 and a half hours left
[04:45] <Light Bomber> Yea
[04:45] <Darytyg123123> The wiki of editing :p 
[04:45] <Light Bomber> I doubt like, 9 people will appear out of nowhere to oppose
[04:46] <Light Bomber> Specially because i'm one of the few Chat Moderators that don't just come here to afk and be at discord 24/7
[04:46] <Light Bomber> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I'm looking at you right now, snappy</span>
[04:47] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[04:48] <Gargantuar Blitzer> hi to everybody who joined wzih
[04:48] <Gargantuar Blitzer> *while i was afk
[04:48] <Darytyg123123> Well snappy is probably too busy on discord Lite :P 
[04:48] <Light Bomber> I know
[04:48] <Light Bomber> But there's like the 2% chance of him actually looking a chat
[04:48] <Light Bomber> And even if he isn't, that increases to my point
[04:48] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[04:49] <Light Bomber> Ok
[04:49] <SnappyDragon> ...
[04:49] <Light Bomber> I'll be a bit less active for the next few minutes
[04:49] <Light Bomber> I'll be making a blog
[04:49] <SnappyDragon> LB
[04:50] <Light Bomber> Like you take more care of Discord than here
[04:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> and be here because potatoes
[04:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> do nothing here
[04:50] <SnappyDragon> hmm
[04:50] <SnappyDragon> IDEA
[04:50] <Protanly> Ay lol
[04:50] <SnappyDragon> wait
[04:50] <Light Bomber> A Chat Moderator should take care more of the OFFICIAL thing
[04:50] <Protanly> Ballistic you are a scrub &gt;:D 
[04:50] <SnappyDragon> I check both
[04:50] <SnappyDragon> T-T
[04:50] <Light Bomber> No
[04:50] <SnappyDragon> I do
[04:50] <Light Bomber> You kinda check Chat
[04:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I remember once a chatmod was here and a spammer attacked
[04:50] <SnappyDragon> !chatlog
[04:50] <Protanly> @Ballistic You are a scrub and you dress funny &gt;:D 
[04:50] <Light Bomber> You STAY at discord
[04:50] <Darytyg123123> #Snappy is Triggered
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> fish
[04:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> That one chatmod was at discord and ignored main chat
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> I have to get the logs
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> WAT
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> OMG WHEN
[04:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> idk
[04:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> No logger was on either
[04:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I forgot which one
[04:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I vaguely remember it
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> I remember spammers from like a week ago
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> I could do nothing
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> T-T
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> #lockedout
[04:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> It was about 2-3 weeks ago
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> ah
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> 2-3 weeks ago
[04:51] <SnappyDragon> idek
[04:52] <Gargantuar Blitzer> So yeah
[04:52] <Light Bomber> Also
[04:52] <Light Bomber> Srsly
[04:53] <Light Bomber> If you checked last time's chat mod inflation
[04:53] <Light Bomber> Most of them weren't even comming to chat, that's worse than comming to pretend you're here
[04:53] <SnappyDragon> LB
[04:53] <SnappyDragon> Where are the chat logs?
[04:53] <Protanly> Lol
[04:54] <Light Bomber> Snappy
[04:54] <SnappyDragon> ye
[04:54] <Light Bomber> I won't link them to you
[04:54] <SnappyDragon> w
[04:54] <Light Bomber> Isn't Discord superior n all? you can log there according to protanly 
[04:54] <SnappyDragon> You can log but idek where it all goes
[04:55] <Zambiealex> Hi
[04:55] <Light Bomber> Again
[04:55] <Light Bomber> I won't link it to you, but this time for a different reason
[04:55] <Light Bomber> Because i have no idea either
[04:55] <Gargantuar Blitzer> How much do you guys wanna bet that at one point people will snap and vote for, instead of discord to be removed, LAWN will be removed and discord will become official chat?
[04:55] <SnappyDragon> wAIT
[04:56] <Light Bomber> That day
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> 0$
[04:56] <Light Bomber> I will leave the wiki
[04:56] <Light Bomber> 100%
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> THAT CAN'T HAPPEN
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> SERIOUSLY
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> wait
[04:56] <Light Bomber> What
[04:56] <Protanly> It can happen
[04:56] <Protanly> It wouldn't be hard
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> it's technically possible
[04:56] <Gargantuar Blitzer> That can't happen? You sure?
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> wait
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> nvm
[04:56] <Gargantuar Blitzer> People already are thinking of that
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> you'll need to put an invite
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> that'll lead into unknown peeps coming into the chat
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> wait
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> Is it me
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> or
[04:56] <SnappyDragon> what I'm saying makes this chat
[04:56] <Light Bomber> Snappy
[04:56] <Ballistic Planet> I don't want Discord to become the official lawn, I want it to be an option for those who want to use it
[04:57] <SnappyDragon> omg
[04:57] <Light Bomber> How does the UT wikia handle that?
[04:57] <SnappyDragon> I made an analogy O.O
[04:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> ""The chat is already dead from Discord, better off to remove the wiki chat and demote all chat mods"" --BF10
[04:57] <Protanly> @Ballistic You are a scrub &gt;:D 
[04:57] <Light Bomber> You guys could copy that if "discord is so superior"
[04:57] <Protanly> Kick me bb
[04:57] <Zambiealex> wat
[04:57] <SnappyDragon> Lawn:Discord::Internet Explorer:Chrome
[04:57] <Ballistic Planet> lmao
[04:57] <Ballistic Planet> you asked for it
[04:57] <Light Bomber> Snappydragon 
[04:57] <SnappyDragon> Lawn is used to get an invite for discord
[04:57] <Light Bomber> No, that is not good
[04:57] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[04:57] <Ballistic Planet> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> ABOOS</span>
[04:57] <SnappyDragon> internet explorer is used to download chrome
[04:57] <Light Bomber> Not a good thing
[04:57] <Ballistic Planet> @Light Bomber refresh
[04:57] <SnappyDragon> omg that analogy isn't good
[04:57] <Light Bomber> Don't even compare it to IE
[04:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> "Lawn is used to get a discord invite link"
[04:57] <Ballistic Planet> you got promoted
[04:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> know what
[04:57] <SnappyDragon> MAKE CHAT GREAT AGAIN
[04:57] <Light Bomber> Ok
[04:58] <Ballistic Planet> der you go
[04:58] <SnappyDragon> WAIT
[04:58] <SnappyDragon> I CAN GET TO THE LOGS
[04:58] <Light Bomber> Good
[04:58] <SnappyDragon> cp wikia has logs link
[04:58] <Light Bomber> But don't spam caps
[04:58] <SnappyDragon> wait
[04:58] <SnappyDragon> my normal text is in caps?
[04:58] <Light Bomber> No
[04:58] <Light Bomber> I saw you using caps lock
[04:58] <TheNameSomething101> CP Wiki??
[04:58] <SnappyDragon> wait
[04:58] <SnappyDragon> wat
[04:58] <Darytyg123123> Playstation is a good console
[04:59] <Darytyg123123> I have to agree
[04:59] <Protanly> Ayy yes
[04:59] <Protanly> MMm
[04:59] <Light Bomber> I can see everything on chat, @Snappydragon
[04:59] <SnappyDragon> oh
[04:59] <SnappyDragon> css off
[04:59] <SnappyDragon> bruh
[04:59] <Light Bomber> Yeah
[04:59] <Light Bomber> Your laggy sightly obnoxious font and bg isn't here
[04:59] <SnappyDragon> LOL
[04:59] <SnappyDragon> sun and moon font
[04:59] <Darytyg123123> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg123123</span></span> senses Tension
[04:59] <Darytyg123123> :P 
[04:59] <Light Bomber> Obnoxious and BIG
[05:01] <Gargantuar Blitzer> fucking hell
[05:01] <Darytyg123123> As long as everyone is happy :P 
[05:01] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Always when somebody is like
[05:01] <Gargantuar Blitzer> DISCORD SUPERIOR
[05:01] <Gargantuar Blitzer> LET'S DESTROY LAWN
[05:01] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I
[05:01] <Gargantuar Blitzer> My brain just explodes
[05:01] <SnappyDragon> nvm
[05:01] <Gargantuar Blitzer> My existance explodes for a few seconds
[05:01] <SnappyDragon> I can't find the lawn
[05:01] <SnappyDragon> i mean
[05:01] <SnappyDragon> logs
[05:01] <Darytyg123123> I prefer the lawn and discord
[05:01] <TheNameSomething101> Club Penguin wiki? what do Plants think of that wiki? 
[05:01] <Darytyg123123> I mean who can hate the lawn :P 
[05:01] <Zambiealex> It is a test
[05:01] <Light Bomber> abuse
[05:01] <Light Bomber> no
[05:01] <Light Bomber> Ok
[05:01] <Light Bomber> I'm writting a story guys
[05:01] <SnappyDragon> link da logs
[05:02] <Zambiealex> Wow, I can't announce... LOL
[05:02] <SnappyDragon> wut
[05:02] <Ballistic Planet> a stroy
[05:02] <Ballistic Planet> :o\
[05:02] <Ballistic Planet> story*
[05:02] <SnappyDragon> mr admin
[05:02] <SnappyDragon> link to the logs plz
[05:02] <Iamarepeater> @Zambiealex: SO how's my Discord server (lenny) ?
[05:03] <Zambiealex> Very good!
[05:03] <Iamarepeater> :D 
[05:03] <Light Bomber> Yeah bp
[05:03] <Light Bomber> A story
[05:03] <Protanly> Still waiting on my sexay rites
[05:03] <Ballistic Planet> :o
[05:03] <Zambiealex> Wat...
[05:03] <Darytyg123123> Also Zam you are a Community COuncil now
[05:04] <SnappyDragon> the intern who was at cp is now the CEO
[05:04] <Zambiealex> Yee
[05:04] <Darytyg123123> Nice
[05:04] <Zambiealex> @Dary
[05:04] <Light Bomber> Snappydragon 
[05:04] <SnappyDragon> yee
[05:04] <Light Bomber> If your analogy of ie = lawn and chrome = discord
[05:04] <Light Bomber> Then who is firefox?
[05:04] <Zambiealex> Finally, people are getting promoted.
[05:04] <Iamarepeater> Community coucil?
[05:04] <Iamarepeater> *council
[05:05] <Zambiealex> It is your Turn to Babysit Chat BP!
[05:05] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[05:05] <Light Bomber> Community council = Useless right to test stuff
[05:05] <Ballistic Planet> alright
[05:05] <Darytyg123123> BP is a pokemon
[05:05] <Zambiealex> It is not useless..
[05:05] <SnappyDragon> forums
[05:05] <Light Bomber> It is useless
[05:05] <Light Bomber> Snappy
[05:05] <Zambiealex> How.
[05:05] <Protanly> How can chrome be discord
[05:05] <SnappyDragon> inb4 we get reddit for forums :D 
[05:05] <Protanly> When Chrome is just a mediocre browser in a nice shiny wrapper
[05:05] <Light Bomber> You don't need to go to lawn to get to the forums
[05:05] <Light Bomber> Protanly 
[05:05] <Protanly> Like those chocolates u get in the assorted box
[05:05] <Protanly> that look nice
[05:05] <SnappyDragon> hmm
[05:05] <Light Bomber> That's exactly what discord is
[05:05] <Protanly> But are like filled with disgusting orange shit
[05:06] <SnappyDragon> OH
[05:06] <SnappyDragon> 
[05:06] <TheNameSomething101> SnappyDragon ? 
[05:06] <Light Bomber> A mediocre chat in a nice shiny new skin
[05:06] <Zambiealex> 1.Community Council is not a useless right.
[05:06] <Light Bomber> 1- Yes it is
[05:06] <Protanly> Discord isn't something new I'm defending because of the wiki
[05:06] <Zambiealex> 2. Tests admin stuff...
[05:06] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Here's my honest opinion
[05:06] <Ballistic Planet> what even makes a chat mediocre anyways?
[05:06] <Protanly> I've used Discord for developer things long before it came here
[05:06] <Zambiealex> 3.Global Right
[05:06] <Gargantuar Blitzer> fok lawn, fok discord, fok skype, fok every chat system
[05:06] <Gargantuar Blitzer> hamachi for the win
[05:06] <Ballistic Planet> lmao
[05:06] <Ballistic Planet> Hamachi boyz
[05:06] <Light Bomber> 3 - Useless if is just for testing
[05:06] <Darytyg123123> In that respect BP then no chat is mediocre lol
[05:06] <Light Bomber> 2- You can't block, so no use
[05:07] <Ballistic Planet> because I haven't seen a mediocre chat
[05:07] <Light Bomber> You have saw
[05:07] <Light Bomber> It's Discord
[05:07] <Ballistic Planet> there can be chats that are toxic to the community, yes
[05:07] <Gargantuar Blitzer> "You can't block, so no use" you don't have to have blocking rights to make it a good rank
[05:07] <Gargantuar Blitzer> @Elemec
[05:07] <Light Bomber> GB
[05:07] <Light Bomber> I mean
[05:07] <Light Bomber> There's no use to test admin stuff
[05:07] <Light Bomber> If you can't block or really do anything useful
[05:07] <Iamarepeater> @Zambiealex: that means you a burcreat in a way right?
[05:07] <Ballistic Planet> but I've never seen a chat that was specifically mediocre
[05:07] <Gargantuar Blitzer> oh
[05:07] <Gargantuar Blitzer> @elemec
[05:07] <Light Bomber> Like, it would be like giving you a gun you can test but never really shoot
[05:07] <Darytyg123123> I have seen many bad chats lol
[05:07] <Ballistic Planet> except maybe on PokemonShowdown
[05:07] <Zambiealex> Yeah lets make fun if a Community Counciller,,,,
[05:07] <TheNameSomething101> well, Club Penguin Wiki is full of nice users... but do you know who is Watatsuki? @Snappydragon
[05:08] <SnappyDragon> yee
[05:08] <SnappyDragon> a crat
[05:08] <TheNameSomething101> Have He ever discovered our wiki? @SnappyDragon
[05:08] <Protanly> Well
[05:08] <SnappyDragon> idek
[05:09] <Protanly> I hope I'll get mah rights later
[05:09] <Protanly> I'll be back latah
[05:09] <Zambiealex> You will
[05:09] <Ballistic Planet> wait
[05:09] <Ballistic Planet> Prtonaly
[05:09] <Zambiealex> Of cource.
[05:09] <Ballistic Planet> dammmit
[05:09] <Zambiealex> And he left....
[05:09] <Light Bomber> Finished the story
[05:10] <Zambiealex> But Srsly, Elem, Community Counciller is just a right.
[05:10] <Light Bomber> [[User blog:Light Bomber/The Lawn%27s Desolation|User blog:Light Bomber/The Lawn's Desolation]]
[05:10] <Darytyg123123> It happens :p 
[05:10] <Light Bomber> Zambiealex 
[05:10] <Light Bomber> I feel that worse than rollback and rollback is just 2 buttons
[05:10] <SnappyDragon> uh
[05:10] <SnappyDragon> LINK ME THE LOGS PLZ t-t
[05:10] <Light Bomber> No
[05:10] <Light Bomber> Isn't Discord so superior?
[05:10] <Zambiealex> Wat...
[05:10] <Light Bomber> You don't need the logs here then.
[05:11] <Ballistic Planet> [[Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs]]
[05:11] <SnappyDragon>
[05:11] <Ballistic Planet> I'm tired of this
[05:11] <SnappyDragon> thanks bp
[05:11] <SnappyDragon> :d 
[05:11] <SnappyDragon> oh
[05:11] <SnappyDragon> i missed a "."
[05:11] <SnappyDragon> in the link
[05:11] <SnappyDragon> next to vs
[05:11] <Ballistic Planet> lmao
[05:11] <Darytyg123123> The lawn has its benefits
[05:11] <Zambiealex> LOL
[05:12] <SnappyDragon> check dat link ;) 
[05:12] <Darytyg123123> And discord has its benefits can't we agree on that :p 
[05:12] <Light Bomber> Snappy
[05:12] <Gargantuar Blitzer> discord benefits = features nobody even uses YAY
[05:12] <Light Bomber> I'm not going to fix that error
[05:12] <Ballistic Planet> @Dartyg I do
[05:12] <SnappyDragon> umwai
[05:12] <Darytyg123123> Yay!
[05:12] <Light Bomber> 1- You ignored the point of the story
[05:12] <SnappyDragon> no 
[05:12] <Ballistic Planet> I can't say anything right now
[05:12] <SnappyDragon> I'm reading it
[05:12] <Light Bomber> 2- You sent a whole screenshot rather than just saying
[05:12] <Ballistic Planet> I'm just gonna get into another arguement
[05:12] <SnappyDragon> T-T
[05:12] <SnappyDragon> me sorry elemec
[05:13] <Zambiealex> Wow, jeeze Elem
[05:13] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I like how there was a feature that admins wanted to fix
[05:13] <Gargantuar Blitzer> pretty much literally because
[05:13] <Gargantuar Blitzer> DISCORD SUPERIOR
[05:13] <Darytyg123123> So much tension :P 
[05:13] <Gargantuar Blitzer> *that admins didn't want to fix
[05:13] <Zambiealex> It was just an error Snappy was pointing out,
[05:13] <Light Bomber> Pointing out with a wink and a link
[05:13] <SnappyDragon> T_T 
[05:13] <SnappyDragon> me sorry elemec
[05:13] <Light Bomber> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">That even rhymed</span>
[05:13] <Light Bomber> It's okay snappy
[05:13] <Gargantuar Blitzer> The crappy thing is
[05:13] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Discord doesn't just kill the chat
[05:13] <SnappyDragon> thnk u
[05:13] <Gargantuar Blitzer> It also kills the main wiki
[05:13] <Light Bomber> Yeah garg
[05:13] <Darytyg123123> Perhaps the two are equal?
[05:13] <Light Bomber> Darty
[05:14] <Light Bomber> Discord has useless features for more lag
[05:14] <Light Bomber> Lawn has less useless features for less lag and more useful ones
[05:14] <Zambiealex> Srsly, Could some one fix my staff photo please?
[05:14] <Light Bomber> Zambie
[05:14] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Sure you can use discord if you wanted to
[05:14] <Light Bomber> Ballistic Planet can
[05:14] <Gargantuar Blitzer> but please don't abandon everything in favour of it
[05:14] <Ballistic Planet> sigh
[05:14] <Ballistic Planet> you people are so stubborn
[05:14] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[05:14] <Darytyg123123> What is your avatar of BP?
[05:14] <Light Bomber> Thanks a lot for feed back
[05:14] <Gargantuar Blitzer> lol i'm just saying my opinion
[05:14] <Light Bomber> Would totally need it again
[05:14] <Ballistic Planet> a Pokemon
[05:14] <Zambiealex> No, I can do it!
[05:15] <Zambiealex> Wait
[05:15] <Darytyg123123> Ah ok
[05:15] <Zambiealex> It is Wielded to infinite 
[05:15] <Light Bomber> Zambie you can't
[05:15] <Light Bomber> I tried editing mine once
[05:15] <Light Bomber> It just shows "See source"
[05:15] <Light Bomber> 
[05:15] <Ballistic Planet> on the staff page?
[05:15] <Light Bomber> Yeah
[05:15] <Darytyg123123> Although Discord can suck the life out of wikis I have to admit that
[05:15] <Ballistic Planet> waht to do you need?
[05:15] <Light Bomber> I don't need
[05:16] <Light Bomber> Zambie needs
[05:16] <Light Bomber> He wants you to fix his pic there or something
[05:16] <Ballistic Planet> that was generally directed
[05:16] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[05:16] <Light Bomber> But
[05:16] <Light Bomber> If you could fix mine too
[05:16] <Ballistic Planet> @Zambie
[05:16] <SnappyDragon>
[05:16] <Light Bomber> I would like
[05:16] <SnappyDragon> omg
[05:16] <SnappyDragon> nvm
[05:16] <Light Bomber> @BP
[05:16] <Ballistic Planet> do you have the picture
[05:16] <SnappyDragon> ignore it
[05:17] <Zambiealex> Please put the Trickster from PvZ H
[05:17] <SnappyDragon> the screenshot says discord is dead atm
[05:17] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[05:17] <SnappyDragon> but if you check bot abuse
[05:17] <Light Bomber> Yes BP
[05:17] <Light Bomber> I can send you it on PM
[05:17] <SnappyDragon> pumpkin skelhead and drek are having fun with UB3R
[05:17] <Ballistic Planet> ok
[05:17] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I like how everyone acts like this wiki (okay i'll admit i'm a hypocrite) is a social platform even though it's an encyclopedia (or however you spell i t)
[05:17] <Ballistic Planet> I'll work on it
[05:17] <Iamarepeater> I feel exhausted
[05:17] <Darytyg123123> Sleep Iam :p 
[05:18] <Iamarepeater> Yeah
[05:18] <Zambiealex> Night
[05:18] <Light Bomber> The worst argument i saw against removing discord was
[05:18] <Iamarepeater> It's almost 1:20 am here
[05:18] <Light Bomber> "Hey, we didn't remove the facebook chat"
[05:18] <Ballistic Planet> done
[05:18] <Darytyg123123> Steal a pokemon :P 
[05:18] <Light Bomber> Considering facebook chat is prett much NEVER alive
[05:18] <SnappyDragon> wait
[05:18] <SnappyDragon> there's a facebook chat?!?!
[05:18] <Gargantuar Blitzer> wait there's a facebook chat
[05:18] <Gargantuar Blitzer> what
[05:18] <Gargantuar Blitzer> since when
[05:18] <Ballistic Planet> yeah
[05:18] <Ballistic Planet> there is
[05:18] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[05:18] <SnappyDragon> I heard of it
[05:18] <Zambiealex> Yee, thanks BP
[05:19] <Darytyg123123> We are horrible at locating the social sights
[05:19] <SnappyDragon> but I thought it was like some unofficial thingy
[05:19] <Ballistic Planet> ^~^
[05:19] <Ballistic Planet> now to fix my crappy font color
[05:19] <Light Bomber> Snappy
[05:19] <Light Bomber> Discord IS unofficial
[05:19] <SnappyDragon> ye
[05:19] <Ballistic Planet> I've done my so much stuff for others that I should get to working on this myself
[05:19] <Light Bomber> And so is facebook chat
[05:19] <Darytyg123123> Your colour is not that bad BP
[05:19] <Iamarepeater> Yep
[05:19] <Iamarepeater> I'm gonna sleep now
[05:19] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[05:19] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[05:55] <BoltBlizard> Precision blast. Zombie in middle is unable to be hurt. Gosh, so many dumb players today..
[05:57] <Darytyg123123> How are you LB?
[05:58] <Zambiealex> Photons
[05:58] <Light Bomber> Oh
[05:58] <Ballistic Planet> Photon Bomber
[05:58] <Light Bomber> I'm fine @Darty
[05:58] <Darytyg123123> Good cause you were screaming earlier o.O
[05:59] <Zambiealex> Photons= Millions of Light.
[05:59] <Zambiealex> Historian and Scientist!
[05:59] <Light Bomber> Oh
[05:59] <Light Bomber> I did that as a sorta joke since you mentioned discord
[05:59] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[05:59] <Light Bomber> Also, dat bot toke a bit long to come eh
[05:59] <Ballistic Planet> should I promote Zam-Bot to Chat Mod?
[05:59] <Zambiealex> Yee
[05:59] <Light Bomber> BP, not sure
[05:59] <Light Bomber> I don't think bots need chat mod rights
[05:59] <Ballistic Planet> I know
[06:00] <Light Bomber> My bot for example has nothing
[06:00] <Ballistic Planet> but I don't think it'd hurt anything eithre
[06:00] <BoltBlizard> It'd make sense.
[06:00] <Zambiealex> Drek said when I get Chat mod rights..
[06:00] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[06:00] <Ballistic Planet> well
[06:00] <Light Bomber> BP
[06:00] <Light Bomber> Can you promote my bot to "bot" again?
[06:00] <Ballistic Planet> if Drek said your bot can have Chat mod rights when you got them, then I can fulfill tjat
[06:00] <Ballistic Planet> I don't think I can
[06:00] <Ballistic Planet> since I can only do Chat Mod and Disc Mod
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> bloop
[06:01] <Light Bomber> rip
[06:01] <Zam-Bot> Hi
[06:01] <Light Bomber> My bot is still named elemec btw
[06:01] <Light Bomber> [[User:ElemecBot]]
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> Heman bot
[06:01] <Darytyg123123> BP you ruined our thread :O
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> you should keep it like that lol
[06:01] <Zambiealex> Photon Bot
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> :O
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> I did
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> (devil) 
[06:01] <Light Bomber> Yes, heman
[06:01] <Darytyg123123> :P 
[06:01] <Light Bomber> I need a heman pic
[06:02] <Light Bomber> I'll go search for it right now
[06:02] <Darytyg123123> Just have to wait for archer to make a new one now
[06:04] <Zambiealex> Wow, Pump is nicer now.
[06:04] <BoltBlizard> A captain combustible.. I have high doubts I'm in a chat room with said player..
[06:04] <Darytyg123123> So should have waited for another admin to crash our thread
[06:05] <Light Bomber> Pump is on discord only apparently now so...
[06:05] <Light Bomber> Meh
[06:06] <Ballistic Planet> I'd really like to play PVZ2's new update :/ 
[06:07] <Darytyg123123> PvZ2 is so big lol
[06:07] <Ballistic Planet> I'd like to play with Apple Mortar
[06:07] <Ballistic Planet> so I can decide wether or not it's really that good for myself
[06:08] <Darytyg123123> Then play with him :P 
[06:08] <Ballistic Planet> I can't
[06:08] <Ballistic Planet> nobody has the update for my version
[06:08] <Zambiealex> OMG....
[06:08] <Darytyg123123> Oh
[06:08] <Light Bomber> ? @Zamb
[06:08] <Ballistic Planet> you see for PVZ2, there are two versions. ROW, and NA
[06:08] <Zambiealex> I can block a founder?
[06:08] <Zambiealex> WAT?
[06:08] <Light Bomber> op
[06:08] <Ballistic Planet> NA versions are specifically for us users in North America, while ROW is for everyone else
[06:09] <Zambiealex> TrickShaw Promoted me to Admin
[06:09] <Ballistic Planet> The version I have is for ROW users, but my device only works with NA versions
[06:09] <Darytyg123123> Oh
[06:09] <Zambiealex> and He deomeoted himself...
[06:09] <Ballistic Planet> huh?
[06:10] <BoltBlizard> Strange.
[06:10] <Zambiealex> He reminds me of Faze Amaze...
[06:10] <Zambiealex> Should I....
[06:10] <Zambiealex> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Block him?</span>
[06:10] <Darytyg123123> They had to make a NA version
[06:10] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yes.</span>
[06:10] <Zambiealex> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Or should I</span>
[06:11] <Zambiealex> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> "Spare him"</span>
[06:11] <Ballistic Planet> yeah
[06:11] <Ballistic Planet> so I can't use the one I was given
[06:11] <Ballistic Planet> which is sad
[06:11] <Ballistic Planet> :( 
[06:11] <Light Bomber> IDK why there's the NA/ROW thing
[06:11] <Darytyg123123> Very sad
[06:11] <Zambiealex>
[06:11] <Light Bomber> Isn't it easier to justmake it WOW
[06:11] <Light Bomber> WW*
[06:11] <Light Bomber> Whole World
[06:11] <Zambiealex> A Page was Created
[06:12] <Darytyg123123> Funny fact the Creators of PvZ live in the state right below BP
[06:12] <Darytyg123123> *PvZ2
[06:12] <Darytyg123123> Sorry not PvZ
[06:13] <Ballistic Planet> yeah
[06:13] <Ballistic Planet> they live in Seattle
[06:13] <Darytyg123123> They live in the state above lol
[06:13] <Ballistic Planet> but they also have stakes in china
[06:14] <Zambiealex> uh....
[06:14] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[06:14] <Ballistic Planet> hence the Chinese myriad
[06:14] <Zambiealex> Hi Suspicious User!
[06:14] <Light Bomber> [[User:Gelly44]]
[06:14] <Zambiealex> Oh he/she left
[06:14] <BoltBlizard> 9/6 Exploding Imp. (troll) 
[06:15] <BoltBlizard> Brute Strength + Rock Wall.
[06:15] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Exploding Imp is a masochist
[06:15] <Gargantuar Blitzer> He likes hurting himself, he's obviously not hurt by the bomb :P 
[06:16] <BoltBlizard> Pfft
[06:16] <Light Bomber> Zamb
[06:16] <BoltBlizard> Maybe because he IS the bomb.
[06:16] <Light Bomber> Pparently that person was fem
[06:16] <Zambiealex> LOL
[06:16] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Pparently
[06:16] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Parently? :P 
[06:16] <Darytyg123123> Cherry Bomb is the Bomb
[06:17] <Darytyg123123> It's in his name literally
[06:17] <Gargantuar Blitzer> haha lol that was so lustig
[06:17] <Zambiealex> Finally, another person from my country
[06:17] <Zambiealex> I have about 32 penpals.
[06:17] <Darytyg123123> I am the lone South African
[06:17] <Darytyg123123> <span class="me-username">* <span>Darytyg123123</span></span> plays sad music
[06:19] <BoltBlizard> Sad violin, much.
[06:19] <Zambiealex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Zambiealex</span></span> thinks like a tree...
[06:20] <Darytyg123123> At least we have lots of Fillipinos
[06:20] <Light Bomber> I'm south american
[06:20] <BoltBlizard> I feel like an odd one out anyways. The unlucky one.
[06:21] <Darytyg123123> Why?
[06:21] <BoltBlizard> Oh, you know - life accidents.
[06:21] <BoltBlizard> I mean serious ones.
[06:21] <BoltBlizard> Yet I'm still alive from 'em.
[06:22] <BoltBlizard> Unlucky to get in, lucky to get out. IDK how it works.
[06:22] <Zambiealex> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I the Great Papisis!</span>
[06:22] <Darytyg123123> This chat and the other chat thing is dead
[06:22] <Darytyg123123> What a record :P 
[06:23] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yeah, death!! ..Sorry, wrong timing.</span>
[06:23] <Zambiealex> Can someone just promote Protan,
[06:23] <Darytyg123123> I don't want to mention the other chats name cause LB
[06:23] <Darytyg123123> And he will kill me if I do
[06:23] <Light Bomber> Thanks
[06:23] <Protanly> Lol wut
[06:23] <BoltBlizard> He knows anyways. At least it's not directly mentioned?
[06:24] <Zambiealex> (∩ ಠ ᨎ ಠ )⊃━☆゚.*
[06:24] <Darytyg123123> I know lol
[06:24] <Darytyg123123> But last time I said it he screamed
[06:24] <BoltBlizard> Oh yeah..
[06:24] <Zambiealex> You Fairy <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">gay</span> godmother... (lenny) 
[06:24] <Zambiealex> *Your
[06:25] <Zam-Bot> (∩ ಠ ᨎ ಠ )⊃━☆゚.*
[06:26] <Darytyg123123> I have to mute my sound every time I go on BP's profile
[06:26] <Ballistic Planet> lmao
[06:26] <Ballistic Planet> I'm gonna change the music soon
[06:26] <Zambiealex> LOL, I got Rugby Tommorow.
[06:26] <Ballistic Planet> dw
[06:26] <Darytyg123123> Not saying the music is bad
[06:26] <Zambiealex> Why Soundcloud
[06:26] <Ballistic Planet> soundcloud is the only ne that works
[06:26] <Ballistic Planet> one*
[06:26] <Ballistic Planet> youtube doesn't play automatically
[06:27] <Darytyg123123> Or there can be no music
[06:27] <Zambiealex> I don't want my parents to hear...
[06:27] <Darytyg123123> Why?
[06:28] <Darytyg123123> It's Nice,ok,nice music
[06:28] <Ballistic Planet> Idc if you think my music choices is bad :P 
[06:28] <Ballistic Planet> choices is
[06:28] <Ballistic Planet> pls
[06:29] <Darytyg123123> Well I said nice so eh
[06:29] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Technically it's "choices are", but OK.</span>
[06:29] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[06:30] <Zambiealex> Wow BUL9 real name is Danny
[06:30] <Darytyg123123> You never knew that..
[06:30] <Zambiealex> Nope
[06:30] <Darytyg123123> It's on his profile
[06:30] <Ballistic Planet> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> what's my real name</span>
[06:30] <Ballistic Planet> :P 
[06:31] <Darytyg123123> I am guessing Zach
[06:32] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">You cheated! You looked on his user page!</span>
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> :P 
[06:32] <Darytyg123123> Guess my name :P 
[06:32] <Light Bomber> Trisha
[06:33] <Light Bomber> Edvard
[06:33] <Darytyg123123> Hint it's after Aka
[06:33] <BoltBlizard> No idea.
[06:33] <Darytyg123123> My name is Darryn
[06:33] <BoltBlizard> Oh.
[06:33] <Darytyg123123> :P 
[06:34] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Learned about internet safety yet?</span>
[06:34] <Darytyg123123> Now you all know
[06:34] <Darytyg123123> I know internet safety
[06:34] <Eugoth> My name is Donald Trump and i want to make america great again
[06:34] <BoltBlizard> Just sayin'.
[06:34] <BoltBlizard> LOL
[06:34] <Darytyg123123> Don't Eugoth 
[06:34] <Light Bomber> Ok
[06:34] <Light Bomber> Now, what is me name
[06:34] <Darytyg123123> Sigh Donald Trump
[06:34] <Eugoth> Your name is gabriel
[06:35] <Darytyg123123> Ernesto :P 
[06:35] <Light Bomber> gg
[06:35] <Eugoth> Don't you wanna listen to my sad life story?
[06:35] <Light Bomber> @Eugoot
[06:35] <Eugoth> All started when my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars
[06:35] <Darytyg123123> Pedro, Sanchez :p 
[06:35] <Zambiealex> My name?
[06:35] <BoltBlizard> This has gotten interesting..
[06:35] <Eugoth> And i went off to pick terrains in manhattan
[06:36] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">It's Alex, isn't it?</span>
[06:36] <Zambiealex> Can anyone guess my bame?
[06:36] <Zambiealex> *name
[06:36] <Eugoth> Then i funded and managed my dad's company
[06:36] <Eugoth> And now i'm a rich billionarie candidating to be a president
[06:36] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Do I win now? I assume not.</span>
[06:36] <Zambiealex> Ballistic with a Side of Salt.
[06:36] <Darytyg123123> Probs
[06:37] <Eugoth> So many names, so many countries
[06:37] <Zambiealex> The battle of Exploding Admins
[06:37] <Eugoth> It's almost impossible to guess without some information
[06:37] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Now try guess mine! IF YOU CAN.</span>
[06:38] <Darytyg123123> Eugoth just divide the users from America, Europe, and Asia and Africa and Oceania
[06:38] <Darytyg123123> That makes it easier
[06:39] <Eugoth> Common american names: Bob, john, kevin, alan, jennifer...
[06:39] <Eugoth> And by america i mean the USA
[06:39] <Eugoth> Because i watch movies and TV
[06:39] <Darytyg123123> Isn't Zach, Bill and Tim common too
[06:40] <Eugoth> And pretty much 95% of it is from the allmighty rich and powerful country that doesn't use metric system even tho it's easier and makes more sense
[06:40] <Eugoth> Bill is fine
[06:40] <Eugoth> Look
[06:40] <Eugoth> They are such a capitalist country that even their children are named after money
[06:40] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[06:41] <Eugoth> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Sorry if you're named bill pls don't take this as offense</span>
[06:41] <Darytyg123123> Glad there are no Americans on the chat now oh wait nvm
[06:42] <Light Bomber> Gold Bill
[06:42] <Gargantuar Blitzer> I'm german :3
[06:42] <Eugoth> And some names can be directly translated
[06:42] <Light Bomber> Gold bill dollar
[06:42] <Eugoth> John > João
[06:42] <Darytyg123123> I am South African
[06:42] <Darytyg123123> I heard of one person known as Rich Eugoth 
[06:43] <Eugoth> Oh that's also an american name
[06:43] <Eugoth> isn't that ironic?
[06:43] <Light Bomber> YES
[06:43] <Light Bomber> Yes*
[06:43] <Darytyg123123> Rich cause $$?
[06:43] <Darytyg123123> 
[06:43] <Eugoth> i gtg now excuse me for my lack of commas
[06:43] <Darytyg123123> Germany is a nice country Garg
[06:44] <Gargantuar Blitzer> It generally is
[06:44] <Gargantuar Blitzer> But with the atrocity of a Merkel we have, it's slowly breaking
[06:44] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[06:45] <Darytyg123123> Garg you ever been on discord?
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> yes
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> i was
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> and i disliked it
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> hamachi is best
[06:45] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> no seriously
[06:45] <Darytyg123123> That will make LB happy man
[06:46] <Darytyg123123> Very happy
[06:46] <Gargantuar Blitzer> it doesn't just have a chat function
[06:46] <Gargantuar Blitzer> it also has port forwarding so you can play mp games easier
[06:46] <Darytyg123123> Nice
[06:46] <Darytyg123123> Sounds better than Discord
[06:46] <Gargantuar Blitzer> yeah
[06:46] <Gargantuar Blitzer> it is
[06:46] <Gargantuar Blitzer> The chat isn't overly complicated, just a basic one
[06:46] <Gargantuar Blitzer> but the port forwarding thing just makes it so good
[06:46] <Darytyg123123> Less people on wikia chat now
[06:46] <Darytyg123123> It's sad
[06:46] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Less people on general wiki
[06:47] <Darytyg123123> Yes
[06:47] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Discord made some users not just not go on chat anymore
[06:47] <Gargantuar Blitzer> discord made some people just straight up leave the wiki
[06:47] <Darytyg123123> Oh my
[06:47] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Both people that like discord left wikia for discord
[06:47] <Gargantuar Blitzer> and people who hated discord and left wikia because it's dead thanks to it
[06:47] <Darytyg123123> Well then at least they are in another place
[06:48] <Darytyg123123> And still are with it
[06:48] <Darytyg123123> I mean isn't PVZ a information site anyway
[06:48] <Gargantuar Blitzer> It is
[06:48] <Gargantuar Blitzer> People are all acting like it's a social platform like facebook or twitter
[06:48] <Gargantuar Blitzer> nope, it's an encyclopedia
[06:48] <Darytyg123123> It isn't though
[06:49] <Darytyg123123> It's a encyclopedia
[06:49] <Gargantuar Blitzer> lol i just said that
[06:49] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[06:49] <Light Bomber> Garg
[06:49] <Light Bomber> Remember CR?
[06:49] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Cyborg Ranger? yeah
[06:50] <Light Bomber> no
[06:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> huh
[06:50] <Light Bomber> Clash Royale
[06:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Oh
[06:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> lol
[06:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> yeah i do
[06:50] <Light Bomber> So, they added an update with leggie chests, drop anywhere
[06:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> leggie chest?
[06:50] <Light Bomber> They give you a leggie from any arena, even if you like level 1 at goblin arena
[06:50] <Light Bomber> Legendary chest
[06:50] <Light Bomber> Gives a legendary card
[06:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> that's
[06:50] <Light Bomber> Like Ice Wizard
[06:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> pretty nice
[06:50] <Light Bomber> Yes
[06:50] <Gargantuar Blitzer> how do you get em tho
[06:51] <Light Bomber> Drop like a normal chest
[06:51] <Darytyg123123> LB where did all the users go?
[06:51] <Light Bomber> Or buy for 500 gem
[06:51] <Ballistic Planet> afk
[06:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> also wait since when does arena 1 have a legendary
[06:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> or does it just give any from any arena
[06:51] <Light Bomber> Garg any arena
[06:51] <Ballistic Planet> waiting for someone to upload the correct version of pvz2
[06:51] <Gargantuar Blitzer> kk
[06:51] <Light Bomber> It appears in any rena
[06:51] <Light Bomber> And gives a legendary from any arena
[06:51] <Light Bomber> So you can like, be level 1 and have sparky
[06:51] <Light Bomber> My dad got one ysterday
[06:51] <Light Bomber> Very happy to discover what's inside
[06:52] <Darytyg123123> Just get the correct one BP
[06:52] <Gargantuar Blitzer> That's pretty nice
[06:52] <Ballistic Planet> I can't
[06:52] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Wanna bet it's the last chest you get in the cycle?
[06:52] <Ballistic Planet> I need someone to give it to me
[06:52] <Darytyg123123> Oh
[06:53] <Ballistic Planet> someone gave me a link to the one I have, but it's the wrong one
[06:53] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[06:54] <Light Bomber> Garg, i think is more of a % chest like smc
[06:54] <Light Bomber> But still
[06:54] <Light Bomber> It's a nice find
[06:54] <Light Bomber> Also they added epic chests
[06:54] <Darytyg123123> Why give you the wrong one
[06:54] <Light Bomber> Gives 10 epics, from your arena and below, good since you might need to stock on them
[06:54] <Gargantuar Blitzer> noice
[06:54] <Ballistic Planet> because he didn't give it ot me specifically
[06:54] <Ballistic Planet> he gave it to a bunch of people at once
[06:54] <Darytyg123123> Oh
[06:54] <Light Bomber> Btw
[06:54] <Light Bomber> Guise
[06:54] <Light Bomber> I must ze go
[06:54] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Suddenly i feel like coding a clash-royale like pvz fangame lol
[06:54] <Light Bomber> I have swimmin' class and snack to eat
[06:54] <Gargantuar Blitzer> bye
[06:55] <Light Bomber> I'll be back later
[06:55] <Light Bomber> o/ 
[06:55] <Darytyg123123> Bye Lightning
[06:55] <Ballistic Planet> \o LB
[06:55] <Light Bomber> See you all
[06:55] <Darytyg123123> Garg lets talk about that other thing you mentioned
[06:55] <Gargantuar Blitzer> what other thing
[06:56] <Darytyg123123> Hitchsomething
[06:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yawn
[06:56] <Gargantuar Blitzer> hi cyan
[06:56] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[06:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hi?
[06:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> huh
[06:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> @dary
[06:57] <Darytyg123123> The better version of discord
[06:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> oh
[06:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> hamachi
[06:57] <Darytyg123123> Another Brazilian :p 
[06:57] <Darytyg123123> Yes
[06:58] <Gargantuar Blitzer> what about it
[06:58] <Darytyg123123> Wait I think Pumpkin is Brazilian but idk
[06:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i am
[06:58] <Darytyg123123> What does it do Garg:?
[06:58] <Darytyg123123> Oh then I am correct
[06:58] <Darytyg123123> Can you speak Spanish Pump?
[06:58] <Gargantuar Blitzer> First
[06:58] <Gargantuar Blitzer> It's main purpose is
[06:59] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Normally multiplayer games require you to port forward, set everything up, make out your ip adress, blah blah blah
[06:59] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Hamachi does all that for you
[06:59] <Darytyg123123> Nice
[06:59] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Aand
[06:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> spanish?
[06:59] <Gargantuar Blitzer> It has a chat feature
[06:59] <Gargantuar Blitzer> yeah
[06:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wut
[06:59] <Gargantuar Blitzer> that's pretty much it
[06:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i do have hamachi :3
[07:00] <Ballistic Planet> test
[07:00] <Darytyg123123> Oh wait you speak Portuguese Pump right
[07:00] <Zambiealex> I am making a Bonetroulse Remix
[07:01] <Ballistic Planet> test
[07:01] <Ballistic Planet> hmm not bad
[07:01] <Ballistic Planet> maybe I should pick a different color though
[07:02] <Ballistic Planet> and I gotta have a nice blackbackground too
[07:02] <Darytyg123123> Nothing is wrong with that pink
[07:02] <Ballistic Planet> I changed
[07:02] <Ballistic Planet> it's not Pink anymore
[07:02] <Darytyg123123> Also do you think you can make my text blue?
[07:02] <Ballistic Planet> ofcourse I can!
[07:02] <Ballistic Planet> 
[07:02] <Ballistic Planet> all you have to do is ask
[07:03] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Remember the times 
[07:03] <Darytyg123123> Ah ok
[07:03] <Gargantuar Blitzer> when postnames, font/colour changes of the text, etc.
[07:03] <Gargantuar Blitzer> all of that
[07:03] <Gargantuar Blitzer> didn't exist?
[07:03] <Ballistic Planet> that was a while ago
[07:03] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:03] <Darytyg123123> I would appreciate it if you made it the same colour as the text behind Garg username thank you
[07:03] <Ballistic Planet> woooh
[07:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yea pt
[07:03] <Ballistic Planet> that's a much nicer green
[07:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ptbr
[07:04] <Ballistic Planet> I can work with that
[07:04] <Ballistic Planet> alright @Dartyg
[07:06] <Ballistic Planet> done
[07:06] <Ballistic Planet> try refreshing
[07:07] <Darytyg123123> Thank you
[07:07] <Ballistic Planet> np ^^
[07:07] <Darytyg123123> Monkey in command :P 
[07:07] <Ballistic Planet> ye\
[07:09] <Zambiealex> Tralala, we should add pagey-page for the Trials! Trololol! 
[07:12] <Ballistic Planet> test
[07:12] <Zambiealex>
[07:14] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[07:14] <Ballistic Planet> we Christmas themed bow
[07:14] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:15] <Ballistic Planet> now*
[07:15] <Darytyg123123> #Ihatemyinternet
[07:16] <Ballistic Planet> rip
[07:17] <Itsleo20> hello
[07:17] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:17] <Zambiealex> Hi
[07:17] <Darytyg123123> Hello
[07:18] <Gargantuar Blitzer> hi
[07:18] <Itsleo20> wow ded
[07:18] <Itsleo20> and cam opposed pink
[07:18] <Itsleo20> over a reason that should be obvious
[07:18] <Itsleo20> <span style="font-style:italic;">despite the fact he said that no one should ever bring up that issue again</span>
[07:19] <Zambiealex> It is Irrelevant, Leo...
[07:19] <Gargantuar Blitzer> exactly, zambie
[07:19] <Ballistic Planet> test
[07:19] <Zambiealex> Rivalry votes are not allowed.
[07:19] <Ballistic Planet> hmm
[07:19] <Ballistic Planet> :O
[07:19] <Itsleo20> zambie
[07:20] <Itsleo20> your second statement agrees with what I said
[07:20] <Itsleo20> yet your first does not
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> can someone refresh and tell me if my background works?
[07:20] <Itsleo20> it's black
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> good
[07:20] <Zambiealex> The vote is irrelevent.
[07:20] <Itsleo20> ah
[07:20] <Itsleo20> thank you for the clarification
[07:21] <Zambiealex> Yeah...
[07:21] <Darytyg123123> It does
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> awesome!
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> thanks
[07:21] <Itsleo20> I assumed by the fact you put the ellipses and my name that you were disagreeing
[07:22] <Darytyg123123> Welcome
[07:22] <Zambiealex> LOLwut...
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> alright
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> I'm done messing with my chat css now
[07:22] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:23] <Zambiealex> "I THE GREAT PAPYRUS will capture you and bring you to Undyne!"
[07:23] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[07:24] <InsertSun> Good
[07:24] <Itsleo20> are you laughing at your own joke?
[07:24] <InsertSun> rights back
[07:24] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:24] <InsertSun> hello bou
[07:24] <InsertSun> boi
[07:24] <Itsleo20> hello "bou"
[07:24] <Ballistic Planet> bio
[07:24] <Zambiealex> Wat...
[07:24] <Itsleo20> biology
[07:24] <InsertSun> bou
[07:24] <InsertSun> Who is
[07:24] <InsertSun> darty
[07:24] <Ballistic Planet> idk, but he's not Octo
[07:24] <Itsleo20> who knows
[07:25] <Darytyg123123> Darytyg is a user who has been here since 2015 November
[07:25] <Itsleo20> but he's been here for a year
[07:25] <Ballistic Planet> ^
[07:25] <Darytyg123123> And the Chomper fan :P 
[07:25] <Zambiealex> Guess who got promoted!
[07:25] <InsertSun> Referring to yourself in 3rd person
[07:25] <InsertSun> sounds weird
[07:25] <InsertSun> :\
[07:25] <Itsleo20> *elmo flashbacks*
[07:26] <InsertSun> "the monkey in command"(Lenny)
[07:26] <Zambiealex> Insert did! Well done!
[07:26] <InsertSun> (Lenny) 
[07:26] <Ballistic Planet> there we go
[07:26] <InsertSun> @Zambie repromoted
[07:26] <Zambiealex> I have a slow memory.
[07:26] <Darytyg123123> Do you now? :p 
[07:27] <Ballistic Planet> wait
[07:27] <InsertSun> I wanna be the Monkey in Command (Lenny) 
[07:27] <Ballistic Planet> uh
[07:27] <Ballistic Planet> no
[07:27] <Ballistic Planet> only I can
[07:27] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:27] <Zambiealex> Lmao
[07:27] <Darytyg123123> You can be the second monkey Insert
[07:28] <Zambiealex> The slower I go
[07:28] <Ballistic Planet> hey guys
[07:28] <Zambiealex> The better I get...
[07:28] <Ballistic Planet> since the SR for Apple Mortar is out, shouldn't someone make the page?
[07:28] <Ballistic Planet> that's what I did with Bombegranate
[07:28] <Darytyg123123> Getting better for being slower? 
[07:28] <Ballistic Planet> and I'll make it again for Apple mortar
[07:29] <Darytyg123123> What is this world comming to
[07:29] <InsertSun> uh
[07:29] <Zambiealex> Hi Insert!
[07:29] <InsertSun> a better place
[07:29] <InsertSun> hello
[07:29] <Zambiealex> Long time no see!
[07:29] <Darytyg123123> Lol
[07:30] <Itsleo20> well bored
[07:30] <Itsleo20> cyall
[07:30] <Darytyg123123> Bye
[07:30] <Darytyg123123> #life
[07:30] <InsertSun> #sucks
[07:31] <Darytyg123123> Thanks for adding to my #
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> I'm working on the Apple Mortar page now
[07:32] <InsertSun> @BP hint
[07:32] <InsertSun> copy and paste another plant page
[07:32] <InsertSun> and change stuff
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> I'm taking the data from the upcmoing ocntent page
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> and felshing it out
[07:35] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[07:35] <Darytyg123123> Goodday
[07:36] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:38] <Darytyg123123> Sigh
[09:08] <Ballistic Planet> no
[09:08] <Ballistic Planet> Insert....
[09:08] <Ballistic Planet> don't always assume that some new user is a sockpuppet
[09:08] <Ballistic Planet> it's rude and it scares them off
[09:08] <Eugoth> Yeah that's rude
[09:09] <Eugoth> "Look, a new user, it must be a sock!"
[09:09] <Eugoth> For gemiums i recommend getting hurrikale
[09:09] <Eugoth> But you should keep your gems for the halloween exclusive gemium, ghost pepper
[09:09] <InsertSun> no
[09:09] <InsertSun> I don't mean him
[09:11] <InsertBot> Can you block
[09:11] <InsertBot> this guy
[09:11] <InsertBot> [[User:InsertBackup]]
[09:11] <InsertBot> But turn off auto block
[09:11] <InsertBot> it was a bavkup
[09:12] <InsertBot> but I can use this a backup now
[09:12] <InsertBot> Ballistic Planet 
[09:12] <Ballistic Planet> working on it
[09:12] <InsertSun> turn of auto block
[09:12] <InsertSun> off
[09:12] <Ballistic Planet> wait
[09:12] <InsertBot> backup
[09:12] <Ballistic Planet> it wants me to block you
[09:12] <InsertBot> no
[09:12] <Ballistic Planet> not youre backup
[09:12] <Ballistic Planet> for some reason
[09:12] <InsertBot> [[User:InsertBackup]]
[09:12] <InsertBot> not my main
[09:12] <Ballistic Planet> yeah
[09:12] <InsertBot> ^^
[09:13] <Ballistic Planet> I clicked block there
[09:13] <Ballistic Planet> and it wants me to block your main'
[09:13] <InsertBot> screenshit
[09:13] <InsertBot> *shot
[09:13] <Ballistic Planet>
[09:13] <InsertBot> set username to "InsertBackup"
[09:13] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[09:13] <InsertBot> hoi
[09:14] <Protanly> Zooboo
[09:14] <Ballistic Planet> k
[09:14] <Ballistic Planet> got it
[09:14] <InsertBot> ok
[09:14] <InsertBot> also promote to bot
[09:14] <InsertBot> promote this acc to bot
[09:14] <Ballistic Planet> I can't promote to bot
[09:14] <Ballistic Planet> only Chat or Disc mod
[09:15] <InsertBot> :\
[09:15] <InsertSun> Well I'll just let it log
[09:17] <Protanly> Ballistic
[09:17] <Protanly> You can't do content mod rights
[09:17] <Light Bomber> Insertsun 
[09:17] <Protanly> But you can help with the rest of my rights?
[09:17] <InsertSun> yes
[09:17] <Light Bomber> I got
[09:17] <InsertSun> ye?
[09:17] <Light Bomber> (On my dad's account)
[09:17] <Light Bomber> Sparky!
[09:17] <InsertSun> wanna play tf2
[09:17] <InsertSun> cool
[09:17] <InsertSun> is it gud
[09:17] <Light Bomber> Behold the 1.3k damage shot
[09:17] <InsertSun> lol
[09:17] <Light Bomber> Yes
[09:17] <InsertSun> wanna play tf
[09:17] <InsertSun> ok
[09:17] <Light Bomber> Kills anything that is grond
[09:17] <Light Bomber> Ok
[09:18] <Light Bomber> Wud do you want
[09:18] <Light Bomber> plr
[09:18] <InsertSun> eugoth is on
[09:18] <Light Bomber> prophunt
[09:18] <Light Bomber> x10?
[09:18] <Eugoth> I play casual mr
[09:18] <InsertSun> I'll invite him too
[09:18] <InsertSun> Eugoth prophunt>
[09:18] <InsertSun> we can do a party
[09:18] <Eugoth> Never played that
[09:18] <Eugoth> but ok
[09:18] <Light Bomber> Eugoth 
[09:18] <InsertSun> it's fun
[09:18] <Light Bomber> Prophunt is basically hide n seek with props
[09:18] <Light Bomber> You can like be a barrel
[09:18] <Light Bomber> And you gotta hide from enemy team
[09:19] <Light Bomber> Each round it changes your team
[09:19] <Light Bomber> So you're one time searching, other hiding
[09:19] <Light Bomber> You also can mlg tractor strat
[09:20] <InsertBot> elemec
[09:20] <InsertBot> invite me
[09:20] <Light Bomber> Ok wait
[09:20] <Eugoth> Ok
[09:20] <Light Bomber> I'll have to leave chat to prevent me getting 999 ping since internet
[09:20] <Light Bomber> I'll talk with ye in steem
[09:20] <Light Bomber> (kabloom) 
[09:20] <Eugoth> Playing with democaber is hilarious
[09:21] <Eugoth> I was in degroot keep and there were like 5 people packed together at the top of the castle
[09:21] <Eugoth> didn't kill anyone tho
[09:21] <Eugoth> anyway