Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/25 January 2016

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[11:56] <Fairy27> Electrocution!!! And (repeater) says: PEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEWPEW.... POP!
[11:56] <Fairy27> Not all zombies are defeated though
[11:57] <CoachSDot> C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!
[11:58] <Fairy27> More (octozombie) are coming!
[11:58] <Fairy27> (plants (grapeshot) )
[11:58] <Fairy27> SPLASH Explosion!
[12:01] <Fairy27> Hi, to those who came here~
[12:01] <Fairy27> (plays today's PP)
[12:02] <CitronFire3>
[12:03] <CitronFire3> I just noticed I kinda put the lilacs in a heart shape
[12:03] <CitronFire3> lol
[12:03] <Snapdragon717> What does the brown thing do?
[12:03] <CitronFire3> Cocoa Beans? It shoots smaller versions of themselves which grow and gain more damage overtime
[12:04] <Snapdragon717> On an unrelated note, MS Paint won't allow you to slightly tilt something. It has to be a multiple of 90 degrees...
[12:05] <CitronFire3> wtf
[12:05] <Snapdragon717> Wait a sec...
[12:05] <Snapdragon717> I can invert colors
[12:05] <Snapdragon717> Well I know what I'm doing right now
[12:06] <CitronFire3> ?
[12:06] <CitronFire3> wat r u doing
[12:06] <CitronFire3> :P 
[12:06] <Fairy27> I only got 200 coins and 5 gems overall in today's PP and missed (perfume-shroom) 's costume
[12:09] <Fairy27> Hi~
[12:09] <MyNameIsMyName> I'm back.
[12:12] <Fairy27> For a while, this is a silent chat...
[12:13] <Fairy27> Meh, doing more to get more acchievements...
[12:13] <Fairy27> *Achievements
[12:13] <IMCR8Z> Bak
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Now you can wait for wikiboi or something
[12:14] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> BOW DOWN TO THE PLANTS FROM THE UNDERWORLD.</span>
[12:16] <IMCR8Z> RFM predicted the future!:
[12:16] <Snapdragon717> Didn't we talk about that a day or two ago?
[12:16] <Fairy27> (plays more vasebreaker)
[12:16] <MyNameIsMyName> Like somebody said, 'we can look back and laugh.'
[12:17] <ErnestoAM> They were probably inspired by that plant.
[12:17] <IMCR8Z> (grapeshot) 's almanac entry should have been an RFM reference
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> kek
[12:18] <ErnestoAM> naw
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> He stopped doing the endless zone tactics video :p 
[12:21] <Fairy27> From the PS Vasebreaker Mystery Box I got (nightshade) 's costume
[12:21] <Snapdragon717> How do you even get past the AE Vasebreaker?
[12:22] <ErnestoAM> We need more vasebreaker levels
[12:22] <ErnestoAM> we still have those unused FF and DA ones
[12:23] <Fairy27> AE Vasebreaker? I got lucky there.
[12:23] <ErnestoAM> DA ones being almost the same but with a few differences
[12:23] <Fairy27> But it feels like there should be more Vasebreaker.
[12:23] <Snapdragon717> Imagine the JM one... Dinos coming out of vases.
[12:23] <Fairy27> @Snappy Don't you dare predict that!
[12:24] <Snapdragon717> How would NMT one work?
[12:24] <Fairy27> But more vasebreaker content may be released after MD.
[12:24] <Fairy27> NMT Vasebreaker? Don't know neither.
[12:24] <MyNameIsMyName> Done with the crazy pinata party
[12:24] <IMCR8Z> Special vases changing the current jam, maybe? @Snap
[12:25] <Fairy27> @MNIMN I already played it
[12:25] <Snapdragon717> Would FF have vases containing Power Tiles, or preplanted?
[12:25] <Fairy27> Results: 100 + 100 coins + 200, and 5 gems
[12:25] <Fairy27> @Snap Possibly.
[12:26] <MyNameIsMyName> Oh wait, I have the boosted cabbage but didn't pick it up
[12:26] <Snapdragon717> which pinata party is it?
[12:26] <Fairy27> @MNIMN Wow...
[12:26] <IMCR8Z> I want FF Vasebreaker levels to have a special Gargantuar Prime that's entirely purple and "transforms" from a Garg vase
[12:26] <MyNameIsMyName> Cabbage-Barrel Roller one
[12:26] <Fairy27> I don't have it stored in my Zen Garden.
[12:26] <Snapdragon717> That one is so bad!
[12:27] <MyNameIsMyName> That's right.
[12:27] <Fairy27> And so far, no Yeti level. Of course I have to wait for a while- (sees another glitch)
[12:27] <Fairy27> Rather, remember one.
[12:29] <Fairy27> A glitch that is the fact that my (celerystalker) is on the arcade machine one time.
[12:30] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[12:30] <Fairy27> Hi~
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> bak
[12:32] <PepperToadstool01> (wave) 
[12:32] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[12:32] <Fairy27> Hi~
[12:33] <Fairy27> And I'm currently playing WW Vasebreaker.
[12:33] <PepperToadstool01> (glitter) (glitter) (wat) 
[12:33] <PepperToadstool01> (primalpotato) 
[12:34] <Fairy27> *that explodes
[12:34] <IMCR8Z> (glitter zombie) (glitter) (bikini zombie) (glitter) (weasel hoarder) (glitter) (parasol zombie) FABULOUS!
[12:35] <ErnestoAM> CHA-POOFY!
[12:35] <PepperToadstool01> (peashooter) 
[12:36] <Fairy27> (plants (guacodile) s and (primalpeashooter) s on my lawn here for now)
[12:36] <Snapdragon717>
[12:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Gotta make pvz humanization in xcom2
[12:37] <Insert Your Name Here> It would be ridiculous
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Would assume peashooter would be a ranger or grenadier
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Ranger because he's the hero
[12:38] <Fairy27> This Vasebreaker level (Split Decision) is kinda hard.
[12:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Explosive grenadier based on his GW profile, which has grenades
[12:39] <Insert Your Name Here> I would say shotgun instead of sword ranger
[12:40] <Fairy27> I will go for a while.
[12:41] <Insert Your Name Here> Sunflower would be medic specialist
[12:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Cactus is sniper sharpshooter
[12:47] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[12:57] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:00] <GirlMe86> team plantress 2 LOL
[01:04] <MyNameIsMyName> gtg
[01:09] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:11] <CitronFire3> :O 
[01:29] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[01:30] <IMCR8Z> Dead chat
[01:36] <Insert Your Name Here> ...
[01:42] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[01:43] <Snapdragon717> Watching WWE Royal Rumble right now.
[01:43] <Snapdragon717> dead... Horrah...
[01:44] <Fairy27> Of course it's currently silent!
[01:44] <Snapdragon717> A.K.A: Dead
[01:45] <Fairy27> (plays LC's boss battle and don't know why)
[01:45] <Snapdragon717> Welcome back
[01:46] <MyNameIsMyName> Back.
[01:46] <Fairy27> Hi~
[01:46] <Snapdragon717>
[01:46] <MyNameIsMyName> lol
[01:47] <Fairy27> I'll play GH later, got to deal this first.
[01:49] <Brainulator9> bilo
[01:50] <MyNameIsMyName> I'm listening WW UB for no reason
[01:51] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:51] <Snapdragon717> Well I'm going to play Temple of Bloom now. 
[01:52] <Murabito> should I use stars or puzzle pieces to unlock acid lemon
[01:52] <Murabito> and is it a good plant
[01:53] <Snapdragon717> Doesn't it do massive damage to armor?
[01:54] <Fairy27> dead.
[01:54] <MyNameIsMyName> Only buckets
[01:54] <Fairy27> Nevermind, chat glitched.
[01:55] <Fairy27> I havee to refresh the page.
[01:55] <Fairy27> have
[01:55] <Snapdragon717> I got a premium plant quest in FC.
[01:55] <Fairy27> @Snap My Premium Plant quest was about Chomper...
[01:56] <Fairy27> (plays Greatest Hits now)
[01:58] <IMCR8Z> afk, dinner
[02:01] <Fairy27> ...
[02:02] <Fairy27> Dead much?
[02:03] <Fairy27> And my next set of choices are (spore-shroom) , (spikeweed) , and (tileturnip) . I would choose...
[02:04] <Fairy27> Hold it, the entire wiki is temporarily dead.
[02:04] <Bearjedi> MY LITTLE PONY
[02:04] <Bearjedi> [[Rainbow Dash]]
[02:04] <Snapdragon717> spore'
[02:05] <Fairy27> Okay...
[02:08] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs Bearjedi with warmness
[02:08] <Pinkgirl234> .3.
[02:08] <Fairy27> I hugged everyone.
[02:09] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs Fairy too.
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> (lenny) 
[02:09] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Ernesto, shatp</span>
[02:10] <Pinkgirl234> * stahp
[02:10] <Fairy27> Well, Greatest Hits is getting tougher, like all EZs of course.
[02:10] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:10] <Pinkgirl234> o/ 
[02:10] <Fairy27> Hi~
[02:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Bak
[02:10] <Pinkgirl234> from the dead
[02:10] <Insert Your Name Here> So you met the new guy huh pink
[02:10] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy
[02:10] <MyNameIsMyName> !
[02:10] <Pinkgirl234> I already unlocked JM yesterday
[02:10] <Fairy27> Wait a minute Pink, are you a Visayan user like me? I mean, you are around in a school day, so...
[02:10] <MyNameIsMyName> And now I'm listening to the FC UB
[02:10] <MyNameIsMyName> 
[02:11] <Pinkgirl234> So I had fun planting <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">MNIMN</span> eh I mean Primal Peashooter
[02:11] <Pinkgirl234> @Fairy Nope. I am in Luzn.
[02:11] <Fairy27> I have no class due to IEC
[02:11] <Insert Your Name Here> JM is ridiculously unfair
[02:11] <Pinkgirl234> * Luzon
[02:11] <Pinkgirl234> Seriously. These Dinos fudge everything up.
[02:11] <Fairy27> To be specific, a 1 week no class.
[02:11] <Pinkgirl234> What's worse is we can't murder them.
[02:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Lunar new year vacation coming
[02:12] <Bearjedi> IYNH
[02:12] <Insert Your Name Here> It's 2 weeks of doing nothing
[02:12] <Snapdragon717> God, I'm destroying in Temple of Bloom
[02:12] <Insert Your Name Here> ?
[02:12] <Bearjedi> It's not unfair
[02:12] <Fairy27> But I completed every world. Modern Day? Only part 1.
[02:12] <MyNameIsMyName> You can divert the zombies away from dinos with Garlic
[02:12] <Bearjedi> Don't expect a column of Peashooters to win
[02:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Who said I used peashooter
[02:12] <Bearjedi> Still
[02:12] <Bearjedi> Games require strategy
[02:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Stego can't be blocked by spikeweed anymore
[02:12] <Snapdragon717> Who even uses Peashooter anyway?
[02:13] <Bearjedi> You don't have to win the first time
[02:13] <Pinkgirl234> I do
[02:13] <Fairy27> Snapdragon717 plays Temple of Bloom, I play Greatest Hits. Heh.
[02:13] <Pinkgirl234> Sometimes
[02:13] <MyNameIsMyName> @IYNH Yeah, I said that yesterday
[02:13] <Snapdragon717> Stego counter: (Primal Wall-nut) 
[02:13] <Insert Your Name Here> When you do endless zone, the only way is to win
[02:13] <MyNameIsMyName> Or something
[02:13] <Insert Your Name Here> It's not a counter
[02:13] <Bearjedi> Still
[02:13] <MyNameIsMyName> @Snap Should be (puffshroom) 
[02:13] <Insert Your Name Here> There is no real strat to counter dinos
[02:13] <Bearjedi> You should calculate how long it would take to get your plants out
[02:13] <Snapdragon717> It blocks them, and you can place them down easily
[02:13] <Fairy27> Speaking of (primalwall-nut) , I have it boosted already.
[02:14] <Insert Your Name Here> They just kick the hordes past defense
[02:14] <MyNameIsMyName> WHoops, I thought it was Ankylo
[02:14] <Bearjedi> IYNH, then you're not trying hard enough
[02:14] <Insert Your Name Here> If you are telling me to use infinut
[02:14] <Snapdragon717> Pterodactyl can slightly be countered by backwards attacking plants
[02:14] <MyNameIsMyName> (blover) ?
[02:14] <Snapdragon717> Anky. Good luck with that...
[02:14] <Fairy27> Blover won't work
[02:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh right I was talking about ankyl
[02:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Not stego
[02:14] <Snapdragon717> Wait, WHAT?
[02:14] <MyNameIsMyName> It work actually
[02:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep, the spikeweed vs ankyl thing was fixed
[02:14] <Pinkgirl234> NMT is starting to tick me off
[02:15] <Bearjedi> Ankylo can easily be countered
[02:15] <Snapdragon717> Spikeweed doesn't work anymore?
[02:15] <Fairy27> What's your least favorite dino?
[02:15] <Bearjedi> Again, Garlic.
[02:15] <Bearjedi> Least favorite dino?
[02:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Spikeweed can no longer block ankyl
[02:15] <Bearjedi> T-Rex.
[02:15] <Pinkgirl234> Especially the zombies who push the arcade machines.
[02:15] <MyNameIsMyName> Ankylo
[02:15] <Bearjedi> T-Rex,
[02:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Garlic does not work against garg
[02:15] <Pinkgirl234> And the zombie who stuns the plants with radio music.
[02:15] <Snapdragon717> Well La Brainsa Tarpits is impossible now!
[02:15] <MyNameIsMyName> T-Rex is easy to counter
[02:15] <Insert Your Name Here> And garlic is useless in endless zone
[02:15] <MyNameIsMyName> (puffshroom) 
[02:15] <Snapdragon717> T-rex is the easiest dino
[02:15] <Bearjedi> IYNH
[02:15] <Bearjedi> Prove it.
[02:15] <Insert Your Name Here> It gets eaten in half a second
[02:16] <MyNameIsMyName> All lane has dinos
[02:16] <Bearjedi> You can plant it quickly though
[02:16] <Bearjedi> And besides
[02:16] <MyNameIsMyName> Garlic is useless
[02:16] <Snapdragon717> Garlic has low health, Gargs crush it, dinos can bypass it before the zombies can eat it
[02:16] <Insert Your Name Here> It's all about the endless zone
[02:16] <Bearjedi> Unless you're at the stage where you're crying because a raptor ate one of your Primal Sunflowers, then I give up
[02:16] <Insert Your Name Here> And when you have 4 ankyls, where are you going to divert them to?
[02:16] <Snapdragon717> Besides, in normal levels, there's no time to set up anything
[02:16] <Pinkgirl234> Garlic is hardly any use
[02:16] <Bearjedi> IYNH
[02:16] <Bearjedi> It's called strategy
[02:16] <MyNameIsMyName> It changed to BWB one
[02:16] <Pinkgirl234> What a waste of a seed slot for him tbbh.
[02:16] <Snapdragon717> You have like 3 sun producers, then Ankys comeout
[02:17] <Pinkgirl234> * tbh
[02:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Primal pea stops working at greater amounts of enemies
[02:17] <Insert Your Name Here> I am talking about strats that work against an indefinite amount of enemies
[02:17] <Snapdragon717> Primal Pea + Blover 
[02:17] <IMCR8Z> @Insert: That pretty much applies to every plant, even (laser bean) and (winter melon2) 
[02:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Which is the only way you are going to win endless
[02:17] <Bearjedi> Then don't play it then
[02:17] <Bearjedi> Simple enough
[02:17] <IMCR8Z> ^
[02:17] <Insert Your Name Here> What are you trying to imply
[02:17] <Bearjedi> If you doubt yourself, may as well quit and move onto Frostbite Caves
[02:17] <Snapdragon717> Frostbite Caves is bad too
[02:18] <Snapdragon717> the endless zone
[02:18] <Bearjedi> That's what YOU think.
[02:18] <Insert Your Name Here> ...
[02:18] <Snapdragon717> gets bombarded with frozen zombies
[02:18] <Insert Your Name Here> What are you trying to say
[02:18] <MyNameIsMyName> Not too bad with (coldsnapdragon) 
[02:18] <Bearjedi> Snap
[02:18] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[02:19] <Snapdragon717> Then you have Greatest Hits with its Gargs withjamactive, 2-5 spawning at a time after the first zombie
[02:19] <Bearjedi> Just because you're crying that a Hunter froze one of your plants, doesn't mean the experience is bad for all of us
[02:19] <Snapdragon717> What?
[02:19] <Snapdragon717> Hunters are not the problem
[02:19] <Insert Your Name Here> You are telling me that I should give up because I said that your strat is not viable for higher lvls?
[02:19] <Snapdragon717> They're the easiest to deal with, other than Dodos
[02:20] <Bearjedi> IYNH, you're full of doubt within yourself, anyway. You're not trying strategy.
[02:20] <Snapdragon717> I don't even play the FC endless zone because of how overcrowded it gets
[02:20] <Insert Your Name Here> I am doing strat
[02:20] <Bearjedi> IYNH, you should calculate what would happen once the Ankylo comes on screen
[02:20] <Insert Your Name Here> You are insulting me for not subjugating to your opinion
[02:20] <Bearjedi> There is a way to counter dinos
[02:21] <Bearjedi> You must figure it out, however. Planting one Primal Pea will not do the trick
[02:21] <Snapdragon717> Once the Anky comes around, the probability of you surviving above level 20 is about 0.0 something percent (lol) 
[02:21] <Insert Your Name Here> I never said about primal pea
[02:21] <Insert Your Name Here> You keep assume that I did absolutely nothing
[02:21] <Insert Your Name Here> I did do my research
[02:21] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy (chilibean) !
[02:21] <Bearjedi> IYNH
[02:21] <Bearjedi> Ever heard of Hurrikale?
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> That's what gave me the spikeweed discovery in the first place
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a temporary fix
[02:22] <Snapdragon717> That only affects one lane though
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> It works in defending 2 lanes
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Not 5
[02:22] <Bearjedi> Again
[02:22] <Bearjedi> That's your problem
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> And yes I tried it
[02:22] <Snapdragon717> @Bear list the dino counters, if you say all of them do.
[02:22] <Bearjedi> Even if you can't counter the dinos
[02:23] <Insert Your Name Here> It's an effective plant
[02:23] <Bearjedi> Deal with losing a lawnmower.
[02:23] <Insert Your Name Here> I am talking about the endless zone
[02:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Lawnmowers are not infinte
[02:23] <Bearjedi> So what?
[02:23] <Bearjedi> You lost all your lawnmowers on the first level?
[02:23] <Bearjedi> Congratulations!
[02:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[02:24] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[02:24] <Bearjedi> Reported for abusing your rights
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Stop freaking accusing me of doing nothing
[02:24] <Bearjedi> I'm not calling you a noob for not knowing how to deal with dinos
[02:24] <Bearjedi> I'm saying there's ways to deal with it
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> You are
[02:24] <Bearjedi> And sometimes you have to go the hard way
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> You are assuming that I lost all mowers in the first lvl
[02:25] <Insert Your Name Here> That is enough
[02:25] <Bearjedi> I am simply coming up with scenarios other people at your level would do
[02:26] <Yappat> Oh gosh, I am in a LoL game. Be right back!
[02:28] <ErnestoAM>
[02:29] <Bearjedi> Reported IYNH
[02:30] <Insert Your Name Here> You are just insulting me for not giving up my opnion and following yours
[02:30] <Bearjedi> I was actually trying to help you
[02:30] <Insert Your Name Here> No you weren't
[02:30] <Bearjedi> Yes I was.
[02:30] <Insert Your Name Here> You called me noob, you assumed that I did nothing
[02:30] <Bearjedi> I never called you a noob
[02:30] <Insert Your Name Here> You basically did
[02:31] <Bearjedi> Not directly
[02:31] <Bearjedi> And let me tell you
[02:31] <Bearjedi> I'm a PvZ noob myself
[02:31] <Insert Your Name Here> That's enough
[02:31] <Bearjedi> And I'm actually trying to help here
[02:31] <Ballistic Planet> oh my
[02:31] <Ballistic Planet> what happened here...
[02:31] <Insert Your Name Here> You are not helping others by calling them noob
[02:31] <MyNameIsMyName> IDK
[02:31] <Bearjedi> I didn't directly state it, however
[02:31] <Insert Your Name Here> We were discussing strategies
[02:32] <Insert Your Name Here> But you did
[02:32] <Bearjedi> And I wouldn't risk myself to get blocked by calling someone a noob
[02:32] <Insert Your Name Here> And that's what mattered
[02:32] <Insert Your Name Here> I did not try to insult you
[02:32] <Itsleo20> Hi!
[02:32] <MyNameIsMyName> @PlanetYou changed your avatar?
[02:32] <MyNameIsMyName> 
[02:32] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[02:32] <Bearjedi> I'm not saying you did
[02:32] <MyNameIsMyName> Hi Itsleo!
[02:32] <Insert Your Name Here> But you did
[02:32] <Ballistic Planet> yse
[02:32] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[02:32] <Itsleo20> Did I arrive at a wrong time?
[02:32] <Ballistic Planet> I've been Primal Sunflower for a bit now
[02:32] <MyNameIsMyName> Wow, now I noticed
[02:32] <Bearjedi> So you're saying you insulted me? Which, really, isn't true
[02:32] <Ballistic Planet> Yes
[02:32] <Insert Your Name Here> When I was saying that losing a mower is not the bes course of action in endless
[02:32] <Ballistic Planet> the very wrong time
[02:32] <Ballistic Planet> but
[02:33] <Ballistic Planet> I cuaght a shiny Diglett earlier today
[02:33] <Snapdragon717> I look away for 4 minutes, and this is what I see
[02:33] <Itsleo20> :O 
[02:33] <Itsleo20> DIGLETT kawaii
[02:33] <Insert Your Name Here> You said that I lost every mowers in the first lvl because I did not try anything
[02:33] <Bearjedi> That was a scenario judging from what happened
[02:33] <Ballistic Planet> I wasn't even trying to capture a shiny Diglett either
[02:33] <Insert Your Name Here> That was not a scenario
[02:33] <Ballistic Planet> He kinda just showed up and was like "sup?"
[02:33] <Itsleo20> I wish I could grab a shiny
[02:34] <Itsleo20> ;-;
[02:34] <Bearjedi> Since you're worried about dinos and what not, that could've happened with someone the same TD level as you
[02:34] <Insert Your Name Here> I never said that I lost all mowers
[02:34] <Ballistic Planet> I have 3 shinies on that save file besides Diglett
[02:34] <Bearjedi> It was an example
[02:34] <Itsleo20> ;-;
[02:34] <Insert Your Name Here> You could make examples for days with that thinking
[02:34] <Itsleo20> Although I did see a shiyn Woobat once
[02:34] <Ballistic Planet> I forgot the first one, but I bred a shiny Quagsire and a Shiny Qwilfish
[02:34] <Itsleo20> But I didn't catch it
[02:34] <Ballistic Planet> RIP
[02:35] <Bearjedi> IYNH, please stop fueling the argument 
[02:35] <Bearjedi> I wanted to stop but you continued it
[02:35] <Ballistic Planet> Once Modern Day ends I'm gonna go back to pokemon avitars
[02:35] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:35] <Bearjedi> Anyway
[02:35] <Ballistic Planet> Let me just say that Pokemon OMega Ruby is gorgeous on the new 3DS
[02:36] <Ballistic Planet> Xl
[02:36] <Bearjedi> I found something that BLACK OUT said
[02:36] <Bearjedi> "Any user who demotes his or herself can get their rights back whenever they want."
[02:36] <Ballistic Planet> yeah
[02:36] <Bearjedi> I demoted myself
[02:36] <Ballistic Planet> That's what Leo did
[02:36] <Bearjedi> So I can get my rights back, right?
[02:36] <Itsleo20> Indeed ^-^
[02:36] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[02:36] <Itsleo20> @BP and BJ
[02:36] <Ballistic Planet> If you want
[02:37] <Ballistic Planet> Leo, we should talk about Pokemon more in Pm
[02:37] <Bearjedi> I wanna talk about Pokemon too...
[02:37] <Bearjedi> cri
[02:37] <Itsleo20> Okay then
[02:39] <Bearjedi> Next month is my demotion anniversary 
[02:39] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[02:39] <MyNameIsMyName> And will you get your rights back?
[02:39] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[02:39] <Bearjedi> I don't know
[02:40] <Itsleo20> Wait
[02:40] <Itsleo20> if your name is your name
[02:40] <Bearjedi> If I can, but I most likely won't want to have them back
[02:40] <Itsleo20> and my name is myname
[02:40] <Itsleo20> then is our name our name>
[02:40] <Itsleo20> ?
[02:40] <Bearjedi> ..
[02:40] <MyNameIsMyName> Yeah I guess
[02:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright gotta calm down
[02:41] <Itsleo20> nuuu
[02:41] <MyNameIsMyName> Let's discuss about something else
[02:42] <Snapdragon717> I've got this strategy for Temple Of Bloom
[02:43] <Bearjedi> 2x speed
[02:43] <Snapdragon717> All Primals, Winter Melon, Blover, Cherry Bomb.
[02:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Blover is one of the rare case
[02:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Usually returning plants are useless in the sequel
[02:44] <Itsleo20> *cough* Snow Pea
[02:45] <Snapdragon717> (Chomper2) 
[02:45] <Itsleo20> That too
[02:46] <Snapdragon717> What's good with Primal Peashooter and Blover is that they actually can kill any zombie, as long as Blover is used whenever a zombie is knocked back
[02:46] <Snapdragon717> So bye bye Gargs!
[02:48] <Snapdragon717> I have so many pictures of my strats.
[02:49] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy!
[02:49] <MyNameIsMyName> 
[02:49] <GirlMe86> who play undertale?
[02:49] <Itsleo20> Lots of people
[02:49] <Itsleo20> and hi
[02:49] <MyNameIsMyName> Not including me
[02:50] <GirlMe86> wait! where's AWikiBoy521?
[02:50] <MyNameIsMyName> He is not here
[02:50] <Itsleo20> ^
[02:50] <MyNameIsMyName> He can't be here 24/24
[02:51] <Itsleo20> .-.
[02:51] <ErnestoAM>
[02:51] <Bearjedi>
[02:51] <Bearjedi> How hilarious hate comments are (WARNING: Viewer discretion is advised)
[02:51] <MyNameIsMyName> wut?
[02:51] <MyNameIsMyName> @EAM
[02:51] <Ballistic Planet> I'M ALIVE
[02:51] <ErnestoAM> Don't worry
[02:51] <ErnestoAM> It's PVZO
[02:52] <Itsleo20> Wow
[02:52] <Itsleo20> such original comments
[02:52] <Ballistic Planet> AWikiBoy died
[02:52] <Itsleo20> UGH
[02:52] <Itsleo20> I hate blind hate
[02:53] <Ballistic Planet> He got eaten by some random Primal Sunflower
[02:53] <Ballistic Planet> named Zach
[02:53] <Ballistic Planet> &gt;:D 
[02:53] <Itsleo20> I could rant about hate comments
[02:53] <Itsleo20> but then I'd get hate
[02:53] <ErnestoAM> In a tragic accident in Texas, Japan.
[02:53] <Itsleo20> No
[02:53] <Itsleo20> it was Shanghai, Russia
[02:53] <Snapdragon717> In Hell, Michigan. (yes, it's a real place)
[02:53] <Itsleo20> :O 
[02:54] <ErnestoAM> Egypt, Mexico
[02:55] <Ballistic Planet> I used to live in USA Jappan
[02:55] <Ballistic Planet> on my old account
[02:55] <Snapdragon717> Jappan? I love that place!
[02:55] <Ballistic Planet> Yappat lives there!
[02:55] <Itsleo20> Ontario, Philipines
[02:56] <Yappat> I don't live in USA Japan.
[02:56] <Yappat> -_- 
[02:56] <Itsleo20> :O 
[02:56] <Yappat> I am an Australian.
[02:56] <Itsleo20> I'm not Austrailian
[02:57] <Ballistic Planet> not Japan
[02:57] <Yappat> Tomorrow is Australia Day!
[02:57] <Ballistic Planet> Jappan
[02:57] <Itsleo20> but I can do the accent
[02:57] <Yappat> STRAYA DAY
[02:57] <Ballistic Planet> two pps
[02:57] <Ballistic Planet> Witherwise, I'm gonna start calling you Yapat
[02:57] <Ballistic Planet> with one p
[02:57] <Itsleo20> Top hat
[02:57] <Itsleo20> Top shelf
[02:57] <Snapdragon717> I can't wait for Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your neighbor's Porch Day! (Yes, this exists)
[02:58] <Itsleo20> Wat
[02:58] <Snapdragon717> Let me find it
[02:58] <Itsleo20> Then again, in Utah it is illegal to have a camel in your bathtub after 9
[02:58] <Ballistic Planet> same
[02:59] <Itsleo20> same?
[02:59] <Yappat> Happy Australia Day!
[02:59] <Itsleo20> : D
[02:59] <Yappat> No, tomorrow.
[02:59] <Snapdragon717> Today, it's Talk like a Grizzled (prospector) day!
[02:59] <Snapdragon717>
[03:00] <MyNameIsMyName> (peanut) (kernelpult) Day
[03:00] <MyNameIsMyName> (kernel-pult) 
[03:00] <Yappat> Maaate, its the day before Australia Day!
[03:00] <MyNameIsMyName> YAS
[03:00] <MyNameIsMyName> 
[03:00] <Snapdragon717> August 8th is Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day!
[03:01] <MyNameIsMyName> What day is Snpdragn Day?
[03:01] <MyNameIsMyName> *Snapdragon
[03:01] <Snapdragon717> Appreciate a Dragon day was the 16th.
[03:01] <Snapdragon717> this month
[03:02] <MyNameIsMyName> OK
[03:03] <MyNameIsMyName> Our wiki has 2499 pages
[03:03] <Snapdragon717> I though it was 2500?
[03:03] <Snapdragon717> thought
[03:03] <Itsleo20> gtg
[03:03] <Itsleo20> need sleep
[03:03] <Snapdragon717> by
[03:03] <ErnestoAM> buy
[03:04] <MyNameIsMyName> It shows 2499 when I go to Spin Dash page
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> Biggest Sex Zombie - Starfruity creation
[03:04] <MyNameIsMyName> Yep, 2499
[03:05] <MyNameIsMyName> So what now?
[03:06] <ErnestoAM> I've been messing around with inspect element in the PvZO website
[03:08] <MyNameIsMyName> I used to play PvZO
[03:09] <MyNameIsMyName> But my computer was lagging so I can't play the boss level of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> I passed that guy, no lawn mowers lost.
[03:09] <MyNameIsMyName> Because there were too many zombies
[03:10] <ErnestoAM>
[03:10] <ErnestoAM> What's the point of this?
[03:10] <MyNameIsMyName> I can't plant quickly to deal with the orde
[03:10] <ErnestoAM> All the slides are the same
[03:10] <MyNameIsMyName> *horde
[03:17] <Snapdragon717> dead
[03:18] <MyNameIsMyName> Korrkt
[03:19] <Yappat> No.
[03:19] <MyNameIsMyName> Seems like Swashbuckler Zombies got nerfed for no reason.
[03:19] <Snapdragon717> How?
[03:20] <MyNameIsMyName> With 4 Snaps attacking, he could have a few bites on my plants
[03:20] <MyNameIsMyName> But now, with 3 Snaps, he lost his head right when he touches the ground
[03:21] <MyNameIsMyName> Plus, Snapdragon got nerfed
[03:21] <MyNameIsMyName> His attack is weaker
[03:21] <Snapdragon717> Does that mean Relic Hunter might have gotten nerfed?
[03:21] <Snapdragon717> (sad) No!
[03:22] <MyNameIsMyName> But that doesn't matter anyway, since we usually blow him away with (blover2) 
[03:22] <MyNameIsMyName> (troll) 
[03:25] <ErnestoAM> Click [[Download|s]]
[03:29] <Birdpool> ZombieGargantuarMechþ‘.…‘€.B{.®GázÄ?‘¬."..aE‘ƒ.#‘…..‘ˆ..‘...‘ž....Size..large‘ .#‘¡."..€¿‘Œ.…‘Å.$.‘Æ.$.‘Ç.[03:35] <GirlMe86> :) Well SOmetime
[03:35] <Bearjedi> There's no such things as Tumblr games
[03:36] <Snapdragon717> There is
[03:36] <Snapdragon717> It's called "roleplaying"
[03:36] <Snapdragon717> (lol) 
[03:36] <Bearjedi> Roleplaying, technically is not a game
[03:36] <GirlMe86> Yep,Is'nt Tumblr Game,PVZA Is Tumblr Drawing
[03:36] <Bearjedi> PVZA is a former game, not a drawing someone made that became a game
[03:36] <Bearjedi> Though PVZA did involve concepts, which is drawing
[03:37] <GirlMe86> But PvzA Is Only Facebook Games Not Drawing
[03:37] <Bearjedi> But multiple people drew it
[03:37] <Bearjedi> ...
[03:37] <GirlMe86> Do YOu HAve Tumblr Account?
[03:37] <Snapdragon717> What's with the random capitalization? 
[03:38] <GirlMe86> I Have Tumblr Account,And Where Is Your Tumblr Account?
[03:41] <ErnestoAM> Alive Hi!
[03:42] <Birdpool> GTG
[03:42] <Snapdragon717> By
[05:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ohai
[05:36] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> search ZombieSummerBasicGroup up
[05:37] <Ilikeduck!> ZombieSummerBasicGroup up 
[05:37] <Ilikeduck!> ?
[05:37] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> search up "ZombieSummerBasicGroup"
[05:37] <Ilikeduck!> Okay
[05:37] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and you are now there
[05:37] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> 2 things to change
[05:37] <Ilikeduck!> Ok
[05:38] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> change the SummerBasicGroup into FutureBasicGroup
[05:38] <Ilikeduck!> Uh wait,,,,, something went wrong...
[05:38] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> what?
[05:38] <Ilikeduck!> Cannot find the text
[05:39] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> are you in mod.section?
[05:39] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> it may be harder
[05:39] <Ilikeduck!> I am on android.section ._,
[05:39] <EpicGamer23468> Hello
[05:39] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hi
[05:39] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[05:40] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> @Ilikeduck well try searching "POPANIM_ZOMBIE_ZOMBIE_SUMMER_IMP"
[05:40] <Ilikeduck!> Okay. Found it.
[05:41] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> change "SUMMER" to FUTURE
[05:41] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> then scroll up, and you should see ZombieSummerImpGroup
[05:42] <Ilikeduck!> Change Summer to Future?
[05:42] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> yeah
[05:42] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and wala, you have changed him into a Bug Bot Imp
[05:43] <Ilikeduck!> I hate that wried texture.
[05:43] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> well you can change it AGAIN!
[05:44] <Ilikeduck!> Well, down there I see beghouled_armor1, what zombie it is?
[05:44] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> now you can use ANY imp except other seasonal ones, imp dragon, lc imp, and impunk, and md imp
[05:44] <Ilikeduck!> Okay
[05:44] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> beghouled_armor1 is just beghouled version of conehead zombie
[05:45] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[05:45] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> you can use that trick for any zombie
[05:45] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> the texture trick
[05:45] <Ilikeduck!> Thanks you.
[05:45] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ect.. Change LC zombie into NMT zombie
[05:45] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> your welcome
[05:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I also found out that 1 sunsprite zombie that spawns the most is modern_allstar
[05:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I changed him to iceage zombie
[05:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> he wears ALL 3 armors
[05:46] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and is fast
[05:47] <Ilikeduck!> All 3 armors?
[05:47] <Ilikeduck!> GAH!
[05:47] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> but he's weak
[05:47] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> about 20 normal damage
[05:47] <Ilikeduck!> Weak?
[05:47] <Ilikeduck!> 20 peas only?
[05:48] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> yeah
[05:49] <Ilikeduck!> GTG bye :'( 
[05:49] <Ilikeduck!> Back soon
[05:49] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> gtg too, gonna go hack stuff
[05:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> When I enter everyone leaves lol.
[05:53] <Ilikeduck!> Level Of The Day Birthday
[05:53] <Ilikeduck!> Oh great, what is the word I just typed?
[06:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o.
[06:06] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> o/ 
[06:06] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[06:06] <Vebros> o/ 
[06:06] <Vebros> Yay, tommorow is big day.
[06:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Why is that?
[06:07] <Vebros> Because i release new version of my mod. Guess what i add.
[06:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh nice.
[06:07] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I have no idea.
[06:08] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Nice.
[06:09] <Murabito> accidentally deleted the original obb file for pvz2 in favor of a different obb file with other stuff
[06:09] <Murabito> is that okay?
[06:12] <Vebros> I don't know about obb's and hacking, in PvZ 2 :P 
[06:12] <Vebros> o/ 
[06:12] <Vebros> Hi ABF!
[06:12] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hi
[06:13] <Vebros> Today i relese new version of mod, i add..WALKING ZOMBIE ANIMATION IN PVZ 2 STYLE@
[06:13] <Vebros> :D 
[06:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> YAY!!!
[06:13] <Vebros> :d 
[06:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I've wanted that in a mod
[06:13] <Vebros> It's so cool
[06:13] <Vebros> Yep i finished your request
[06:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> yeah
[06:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> is imp pvz 2 walking too?
[06:14] <Vebros> No only Zombies :< 
[06:14] <Vebros> Zombie, conehead, buckethead
[06:14] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> flag zombie?
[06:14] <Vebros> oh flag zombie too
[06:14] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> screen door?
[06:14] <Vebros> Eee maybe no ;/
[06:14] <Vebros> Idk
[06:15] <Vebros> maybe zombie.reanim uses to screen door zombie too
[06:15] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> is there a zombie_screendoor.reanim?
[06:15] <Vebros> I think no
[06:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Idk
[06:15] <Vebros> i found a gargantuar and imp
[06:15] <Vebros> only
[06:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> how did you mod them?
[06:17] <Vebros> +I opened reanim with Notepad++
[06:17] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and where can I get notepad++
[06:18] <Vebros> Guess what i add too...
[06:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> nice
[06:18] <Vebros>
[06:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> woah!
[06:19] <Vebros>
[06:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> yay finally someone used REAL pvz 2 snorkel
[06:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> to mod with
[06:20] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I've been waiting for that
[06:20] <Vebros> Zombie walk animation part 1:
[06:20] <Vebros> part 2:
[06:20] <Vebros> Good?
[06:20] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> yes!!
[06:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> not just good,it's AWESOME
[06:21] <Vebros> :D 
[06:21] <Vebros> I'm better than PopCap xDD
[06:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> did you fan make that?
[06:21] <Vebros> Yes
[06:21] <Vebros> It's fan made animation not offical
[06:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> WOW!
[06:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> that's superb for fanmade
[06:22] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'm pretty good at making zombies
[06:22] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> maybe I should try animating them
[06:22] <Vebros>
[06:23] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> just noticed: pvz 2 mower
[06:23] <Vebros> Disco Zombie as.... :
[06:23] <Vebros> Disco Backup as....
[06:23] <Vebros> ^^ CHANGED ANIMATION
[06:23] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> cool!
[06:24] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> so disco is now disco tron
[06:24] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> both have animations changed?
[06:24] <Vebros> Jester as Pole Vaulting! WITH ANIATION
[06:24] <Vebros> yes
[06:24] <Vebros> I changed the music too :P 
[06:24] <Vebros> of disco
[06:24] <Vebros> no
[06:24] <Vebros> wait
[06:24] <Vebros> Pole Vaulting as Jester*
[06:25] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I think you should do... Boombox as Jack in the Box
[06:25] <Vebros> :D 
[06:25] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and change music
[06:25] <Vebros> AND...
[06:25] <Vebros>
[06:26] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> uhh what is it?
[06:26] <Vebros> Peashooter!
[06:26] <Vebros> With animation
[06:26] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> cool!!
[06:26] <Vebros> PVZ 2 Style
[06:26] <Vebros> Almost all of plants and zombies are changed 
[06:26] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> what isn't
[06:27] <Vebros> Now you know about Smart Gaming Mods?
[06:27] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I stopped using his
[06:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> yours are WAY better
[06:28] <Vebros> Now i blocked him on YT , he cant watch my videos
[06:28] <Vebros> So he cant stole my mod 
[06:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> makes sense
[06:28] <Vebros> Because he stole 80% plants -_- 
[06:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I noticed that
[06:29] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I think you should start adding game data to the mod
[06:29] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ect... userdata
[06:30] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> so people who don't wanna restart can play with a good data
[06:30] <Vebros> Oh
[06:30] <Vebros> but..
[06:30] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I had to grab mine from my GOTY version
[06:30] <Vebros> How?
[06:30] <Vebros> you add userdata folder
[06:30] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> no
[06:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I copied my "user1.dat" file to your mod
[06:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and I got my completed data
[06:31] <Vebros> Oh
[06:31] <Vebros> :D 
[06:31] <Vebros> Hey Lava Guava is good for Doom Shroom?
[06:32] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> not the best choice
[06:32] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I'd say nuke cuke from chinese version
[06:33] <Vebros> What if.. PopCap see my videos? He can see my changed animations etc :O xd
[06:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> PopCap doesn't really care about hackers anymore
[06:35] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> you wanna know why we have so much money prems?
[06:35] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ea wasn't getting enough money after lava guava so they made every new plant money
[06:36] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and that was because 1 gem mods
[06:36] <Vebros> :O 
[06:36] <Vebros> My gems are useless now
[06:36] <Vebros> I want only 1 more gemium plant..
[06:37] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> me too
[06:37] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I got like, idk, 2 billion or something
[06:37] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> brb gotta play a pinata
[06:42] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> crap
[06:42] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> my game just crashed
[06:42] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> stupid coconut cannon
[06:43] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ohai
[06:43] <Ilikeduck!> Hi :) 
[06:53] <Ilikeduck!> ...
[08:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'll be probably be reached... next week.
[08:05] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[08:06] <Insert Your Name Here> And finding poofy is still a pain
[08:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Welp.
[08:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> I wore the Kabuki costume my mom made for me and thankfully they got no credit.
[08:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> (my groupmates who did nothing)
[08:10] <Insert Your Name Here> kek
[08:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> But I'm stuck again YET AGAIN for next week for Wayang Kulit based puppets! (sarcastic yay)
[08:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm still waiting for Lloyd or Claire to propose to another or the PVZ Wikian Miis falling in love.
[08:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> I wanna see more love and suspense!
[08:24] <Insert Your Name Here> ded
[08:24] <AWikiBoy521> Top ded
[08:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Well looks like the fairy thing is going to be another girl in the brigade soon enough
[08:26] <AWikiBoy521> Not really
[08:26] <Insert Your Name Here> And life is still bleh to me
[08:26] <AWikiBoy521> Well, you an introvert in life then? :P 
[08:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> Congratulations!
[08:27] <Insert Your Name Here> And we gotta warn her about user shipping before it's too late
[08:27] <Insert Your Name Here> [pepsi's tomodachi intensifies]
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Hige
[08:27] <Higehigebomber> Howdy AWB
[08:28] <AWikiBoy521> Supback^2
[08:28] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">And I didn't summon any of them.</span>
[08:28] <Fazzy bear> Hello
[08:28] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">damn you user shipping</span>
[08:29] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">That</span>
[08:29] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">you are going to ruin the innocence of yet another user</span>
[08:29] <333-blue> 3^2=9
[08:29] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">*That's how it works anyway. Not meant to be real.</span>
[08:29] <AWikiBoy521> Supback^3
[08:29] <Fazzy bear> would anyone be interested in reading a list of top ten plants? It is quite different to ones by milespower2
[08:29] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[08:29] <333-blue> 2^3=8
[08:30] <Fazzy bear> Ok then 
[08:30] <Fazzy bear> I'll be back
[08:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback^4
[08:30] <333-blue> 3^2^2=729
[08:30] <Higehigebomber> It's all up to personal preference, really. But I expect to see an ice plant in that list. :p 
[08:31] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Fazzy bear always does.....</span>
[08:31] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I swear the emotion is 75% real</span>
[08:32] <333-blue> Upgrades are the best, or at least the Imitater, are/isn't they/it?
[08:32] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">now I think of shipping yay</span>
[08:32] <333-blue> Ice plants are snow pea, winter melon, and ice-shroom.
[08:32] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Yay</span>
[08:33] <333-blue> Who?
[08:33] <333-blue> Why are there zombies is this chat.
[08:33] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">uh i can't think of a ship yet since fairy's new</span>
[08:34] <Higehigebomber> In all of PvZ 2, my favorites would have to be: 1. Wintermelon, 2. Sun-Shroom, 3. Iceberg Lettuce, 4. Imitater, 5. Power Lily, 6. Cherry Bomb, 7. Infi-Nut, 8. Sap-Fling, 9. Snapdragon, 10. Magnet-Shroom.
[08:34] <Higehigebomber> If I bothered to make an actual top 10 list, I would probably look through this a bit better. But I use these guys the most, whether it be endless or a regular level.
[08:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Right tear llist
[08:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Gotta make one
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> Welcome back
[08:35] <Yappat> I have a terrible announcement to make!
[08:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Unlike silly common people who use standard tier rating
[08:35] <Insert Your Name Here> I have my own name for tiers
[08:36] <Yappat> Never mind I don't.
[08:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Almost all projectile plants are at the bottom tier because they are projectiles they can't do sheet
[08:36] <Higehigebomber> @Yappat Deez (wallnut2) s is becoming an old meme? :( 
[08:36] <Higehigebomber> If not, then it isn't a big deal.
[08:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Asking for most projectile plants to fend for themselves in higher endless lvl is like asking a baby to change his own diaper
[08:37] <Insert Your Name Here> And I mostly care about the endless zone
[08:37] <Higehigebomber> It's a bit sad that we keep getting straight-firing plants, in a world where everything has more health than a cone-head.
[08:37] <Yappat> No.
[08:37] <Yappat> But in two days, I may leave this wikipedia forever.
[08:37] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, MK
[08:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Why then
[08:37] <Higehigebomber> Oh, why's that?
[08:38] <Higehigebomber> Well you just said the reason. :p That's unfair that they're taking (I assume) everything related to online access from you. :( 
[08:37] <Higehigebomber> It's a bit sad that we keep getting straight-firing plants, in a world where everything has more health than a cone-head.
[08:37] <Yappat> No.
[08:37] <Yappat> But in two days, I may leave this wikipedia forever.
[08:37] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, MK
[08:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Why then
[08:37] <Higehigebomber> Oh, why's that?
[08:38] <Yappat> I don't know. My parents are cracking down on my video game addiction.
[08:38] <Yappat> Its making me insanely addicted and I almost failed my exams because I edited this wiki instead of doing study.
[08:38] <Higehigebomber> Well you just said the reason. :p That's unfair that they're taking (I assume) everything related to online access from you. :( 
[08:39] <Yappat> I will come back in ten weeks time, but if I attempt to, I might end up coming here only for short chats.
[08:40] <AWikiBoy521> @Yappat
[08:40] <AWikiBoy521> Wikis are less important than school anyway.
[08:40] <AWikiBoy521> And I feel ya.
[08:40] <Yappat> NO.
[08:41] <Yappat> I can't live without computers.
[08:41] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Like that time I worked for two hours improving a template and not doing my HW back then.</span>
[08:41] <Yappat> Ever since I was three, I loved computers.
[08:41] <AWikiBoy521> Still, there's got to be a way.
[08:41] <AWikiBoy521> But right now, you need to find alternatives.
[08:42] <Yappat> Sometimes, my parents had to shut the door since I could not reach it.
[08:42] <Yappat> I don't know.
[08:42] <AWikiBoy521> Me either
[08:42] <Yappat> I can't even do sport.
[08:43] <Yappat> I am terrible at running and I find self control hard.
[08:43] <Higehigebomber> Sports are only for people that take interest in that sort of thing.
[08:43] <AWikiBoy521> Why not try to do something different?
[08:43] <Yappat> I don't know anything to do.
[08:43] <AWikiBoy521> @Hige
[08:43] <AWikiBoy521> Same thing for Media, wikis, and the other stuff.
[08:43] <Higehigebomber> I despise sports, I do exercise on my own without the need of worrying about a ball hitting my forehead, thank you very much.
[08:43] <Insert Your Name Here> I do skating and martial arts
[08:43] <Yappat> I am very sensitive.
[08:44] <Yappat> I did Taekwondo a few years back, but I didn't even grow muscles off it.
[08:44] <AWikiBoy521> Nor enough benefits for you, in my point of view.
[08:44] <Yappat> All I know is self defence, but I would never punch anybody unless its my brother being hurt.
[08:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Reading about synthetic diamond
[08:45] <Insert Your Name Here> I can't wait for the day we have actual diamond pickaxe
[08:45] <Yappat> Isn't that already?
[08:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[08:46] <Insert Your Name Here> We just have foam replica
[08:46] <Yappat> I feel so bored.
[08:46] <Yappat> The only thing I can do, is think of my existance.
[08:47] <Yappat> I don't know how a tiny sperm cell, turns into a human that is smarter than any other animal.
[08:47] <Yappat> I just want to know what happens when we die.
[08:47] <AWikiBoy521> Idk...
[08:48] <Higehigebomber> We respawn at level 1.
[08:48] <Yappat> I want to know the meaning of life.
[08:48] <Higehigebomber> To reach level 100
[08:48] <Yappat> I just can't find a way to ask that question.
[08:48] <Insert Your Name Here> And one random thin man critted us from full cover and we die
[08:48] <Yappat> How was the alphabet made if we could speak?
[08:49] <Yappat> Were we somebody else before our existance?
[08:49] <Yappat> Why was I born on the 2000s instead of another time period
[08:49] <Yappat> I don't know.
[08:49] <Higehigebomber> Because you are the chosen one, who will make flying cars a reality
[08:49] <Higehigebomber> Oh wait, we have air planes. 
[08:50] <Yappat> I don't think I am the chosen one.
[08:50] <Yappat> I don't know why I was born on Earth.
[08:51] <Yappat> I want to be born elsewhere.
[08:51] <Yappat> I don't think earth fits me.
[08:52] <Yappat> Would you agree AWB?
[08:53] <Yappat> I feel so confused.
[08:53] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm..
[08:53] <AWikiBoy521> (Finally, it's didn't lag!)
[08:54] <Yappat> Would there be anybody else that asks the same question as us?
[08:54] <AWikiBoy521> You have yet to fond your purpose.
[08:54] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[08:54] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Probably Insert.</span>
[08:54] <Higehigebomber> I'm sure everyone has asked questions about existence at one point or another 
[08:54] <Higehigebomber> At least we're all capable of such thinking
[08:54] <Yappat> I want to know why I lost my memory.
[08:55] <Yappat> I can't remember anything when ai was younger.
[08:56] <Higehigebomber> Brain wasn't developed enough, or our body was in auto-pilot until we found ourselves
[08:56] <333-blue> Click "Memory View" to cheat.
[08:56] <Yappat> No.
[08:57] <Yappat> I wish I had.
[08:57] <333-blue> Can't?
[08:57] <333-blue> I don't have a cheat engine, too.
[08:57] <333-blue> Tennis.
[08:59] <Higehigebomber> Ask the game genie to restore your lost save files.
[09:02] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[09:02] <MysteryKing> YAPPAT
[09:02] <MysteryKing> SAME FEELING
[09:02] <MysteryKing> I READ IT ALL
[09:02] <MysteryKing> You hate sports, you can't live without the computer, your parents are trying to get your addiction off
[09:02] <MysteryKing> IT'S ALL THE SAME FOR ME
[09:06] <Yappat> I need to find answers.
[09:09] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> My parents want me to have more friends, and now my brother and his mastermind Lester want me to join a community service club.
[09:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> Sports aren't even all that fun.
[09:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> Especially if you get hit by a ball.
[09:10] <MysteryKing> But
[09:10] <MysteryKing> My parents gave up trying to remove my addiction
[09:10] <MysteryKing> Instead they are actually encouraging me
[09:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> Oooh..
[09:10] <MysteryKing> To have computer-related courses in collehe
[09:10] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[09:10] <AWikiBoy521> Yet, you have internet friends.
[09:10] <MysteryKing> *college
[09:10] <MysteryKing> AND I LIKE IT
[09:10] <MysteryKing> Look.
[09:11] <MysteryKing> All of us here are at least partially an introvert, and a weaksauce sports-hater.
[09:11] <Higehigebomber> :p 
[09:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ah, I see. And AWB, my mom treats like they don't count.
[09:11] <Higehigebomber> I don't like sports because I do just fine training on my own, I don't want to play a game where balls are going to hit my face.
[09:11] <Higehigebomber> And regular weight lifting is more fun
[09:11] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[09:11] <AWikiBoy521> So, hence your wish to met them IRL?
[09:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep.
[09:12] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[09:12] <MysteryKing> Fuck sports so much.
[09:12] <MysteryKing> I might be smart, but i'm no sports fan.
[09:13] <MysteryKing> Always failing in those practical tests involving sports.
[09:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> I get hit by balls even though I'm the best benchwarmer in the whole world.
[09:13] <AWikiBoy521> @MK
[09:13] <AWikiBoy521> I played Sport Video games anyway. :P 
[09:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> Since I do absolutely nothing at PE.
[09:13] <MysteryKing> Well at least this 4th quarter there aren't any sports anymore.
[09:13] <MysteryKing> Now we have a new PE thing
[09:13] <MysteryKing> DANCES
[09:13] <MysteryKing> DUN DUN DUN
[09:13] <AWikiBoy521> Like Proms.
[09:13] <MysteryKing> And i hate dance as well.
[09:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> Last quarter we did square dancing and I PREDICTED IT.
[09:14] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[09:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Because Lily Pads</span>
[09:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> Now we're playing some old Filipino games.
[09:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Like Games of the Generals!</span>
[09:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> I had to partner up with Cielo and my teacher doesn't even know we exist.
[09:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I still have that board game.</span>
[09:14] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[09:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> Not that, games that feature running. My classmates used to play that before though.
[09:15] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[09:15] <Citron Bomb Official> heello
[09:15] <Higehigebomber> Dancing for PE? Sounds blegh. I had to do it, I did enough to get an A. I like dancing, but the PE dancing is so... Boring.
[09:15] <Yappat> PE dancing is great fun.
[09:15] <Higehigebomber> Oh, and hello peoples. 
[09:15] <Citron Bomb Official> hello lawn
[09:15] <Yappat> I requested the DJ to play John Cenas theme song as a dance song.
[09:16] <Electric Plants> Hi
[09:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> I hate partner work!
[09:16] <Yappat> It was very funny.
[09:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> I don't want to hold hands or do stuff with just one other person. Especially if that person is a burden.
[09:17] <Yappat> Also Electric Plants , do you play League of Legends?
[09:17] <Electric Plants> Nope
[09:17] <Yappat> I thought you did.
[09:17] <333-blue> Yuck! Go to the stuff of legends!
[09:17] <Yappat> You had a picture of Maokai.
[09:18] <Yappat> Maokai is one of the champions in the game.
[09:18] <Electric Plants> IK
[09:18] <Yappat> 333-blue. Mate, have you even played it?
[09:18] <Electric Plants> Dr crzzy gave it to me
[09:18] <Electric Plants> :P 
[09:19] <Higehigebomber> I've played League/Dota, it's an acquired taste to play those games. I prefer Chess, or other video games.
[09:19] <Yappat> I am Gold IV.
[09:20] <Yappat> I main support.
[09:20] <Yappat> Support is the greatest role, it teaches responsibility with protecting your carry.
[09:20] <Mage General Chrysalis> Tomodachi Life, now with 100% more cheese!
[09:21] <Mage General Chrysalis> Never really cared about mainstream games that make Filipinos fight for internet cafe seats.
[09:22] <Yappat> Dammit, I made a mistake with the Dandelion.
[09:23] <MysteryKing> I hate dancing and sports.
[09:23] <MysteryKing> All i want is something having to do with academics.
[09:23] <MysteryKing> Because that's what i'm good at.
[09:23] <MysteryKing> Not useless fucking body movements
[09:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> Too bad, the school loves to torture innocent fricks.
[09:30] <Higehigebomber> [[Dandelion (PvZO)]] Does anyone else see an empty page, or is it just me?
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> @Hige
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> It's just you.
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> Refresh it.
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> I fixed it, again.
[09:31] <Higehigebomber> Okay, why does it do that?
[09:31] <Higehigebomber> Hello
[09:33] <Mage General Chrysalis> It tends to happen in the Adventure Time Wiki for me back then.
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> @Hige
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> You know, server cache problems.
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> Supback again
[09:34] <Fairy27> Hi~
[09:34] <Fairy27> Back!
[09:35] <Fairy27> ...From the long brownout.
[09:35] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:35] <Fairy27> Plus a heavy rain
[09:35] <Electric Plants> Helo Fairy
[09:35] <Fairy27> The brownout lasted for around 6 hours.
[09:36] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I wonder what would Fairy sound like when she said "Hi" as her avatar.....</span>
[09:36] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">It's probably higher pitch. :[[]]P</span>
[09:37] <Fairy27> Now what did you say, AWB?
[09:37] <Fairy27> (Only 4 people are online, 5 if I count, of course)
[09:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Oh come'on.</span>
[09:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Pink made her <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">horrible</span> singing thingy.</span>
[09:41] <Mr.imp gentlmen> @inhale
[09:41] <Electric Plants> Dance over the table?
[09:41] <Electric Plants> :P 
[09:41] <Mr.imp gentlmen> is that battle cats on your profile?
[09:41] <Inhalemychild12> yes
[09:41] <Mr.imp gentlmen> so do me
[09:41] <Inhalemychild12> now we know battle cats
[09:41] <Inhalemychild12> lol
[09:41] <Lolwutburger> so like
[09:42] <AWikiBoy521> Now.
[09:42] <Lolwutburger> there's this guy drilling into the wall of my room
[09:42] <AWikiBoy521> Me on bot mode.
[09:42] <Lolwutburger> and in other news
[09:42] <AWikiBoy521> brb
[09:44] <Lolwutburger> also
[09:44] <Lolwutburger> heheh
[09:44] <Lolwutburger> grow a pot
[09:45] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[09:46] <Electric Plants> Mr. Burger Ghost
[09:47] <Electric Plants> Can I ask u a question?
[09:49] <Lolwutburger> ask away
[09:51] <Fairy27> Chat's silent?
[09:52] <Electric Plants> *Chat's death
[09:55] <Fairy27> (Rap jam plays)
[09:57] <Electric Plants> *Ballad jam plays
[09:58] <Fairy27> (Punk jam plays and (punkzombie) s appear)
[09:58] <Electric Plants> R u playing PvZ2?
[09:59] <Fairy27> No, what I meant is this chat lawn!
[09:59] <Electric Plants>
[09:59] <Fairy27> Hi~
[09:59] <Electric Plants> R.I.P.
[09:59] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[09:59] <Fairy27> (Although the endless zone I am is Greatest Hits, so yeah...)
[10:01] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[10:02] <Electric Plants> Hi
[10:02] <Citron Bomb Official> Heellloo
[10:02] <Fairy27> Hi~
[10:02] <Electric Plants> Guys
[10:03] <Citron Bomb Official> what
[10:03] <Fairy27> What?
[10:03] <Electric Plants> How does this fusion look
[10:03] <Electric Plants>
[10:03] <Electric Plants> ?
[10:03] <Citron Bomb Official> patturns
[10:03] <Citron Bomb Official> so if that thing explodes a plant will get revived
[10:04] <TheAnonymousA> Maybe replace the leaves with the antenna?
[10:04] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:04] <TheAnonymousA> Hi IYNH!
[10:04] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:04] <Citron Bomb Official> hello
[10:04] <Electric Plants> I won't give t ability
[10:04] <Electric Plants> Just the look
[10:04] <Citron Bomb Official> (portal11)
[10:05] <Electric Plants> o rly 
[10:05] <Citron Bomb Official> Orly
[10:05] <Citron Bomb Official> pronounce or-li
[10:05] <Electric Plants> or lie?
[10:05] <Fairy27> Intensive Carrot + Potato Mine?
[10:05] <Fairy27> Fusion?
[10:05] <Citron Bomb Official> Intensive mine
[10:05] <Electric Plants> Yup
[10:05] <Electric Plants> Is it good?
[10:05] <Citron Bomb Official> Intensive Rootcrop Mine
[10:06] <Citron Bomb Official> that's the name
[10:06] <Fairy27> An O.K. one.
[10:07] <Fairy27> What about Stallia + Peashooter? That's...
[10:07] <Electric Plants> ded
[10:08] <Citron Bomb Official> ded
[10:08] <Citron Bomb Official> Peastaller
[10:08] <Electric Plants> I am doing requests Fairy
[10:08] <Fairy27> Then try.
[10:08] <Citron Bomb Official> (snap) 
[10:08] <Electric Plants>
[10:08] <Citron Bomb Official> (snap) + (coldsnap) 
[10:09] <Electric Plants> Someone requested that
[10:10] <Citron Bomb Official> oh
[10:10] <Fairy27> Hi~
[10:10] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:10] <Citron Bomb Official> hello
[10:10] <Electric Plants> +++=2+
[10:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Dinner
[10:11] <Electric Plants> k
[10:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[10:13] <Lolwutburger> I've thought of making a concept about a work of fiction that involves a band
[10:13] <Lolwutburger> but said band has Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Joe Stalin and Kim Jong Il as the members
[10:13] <Lolwutburger> and Eva Braun is their groupie
[10:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Going to hang out with the skating guys tonight
[10:14] <Fairy27> Hi~
[10:14] <Electric Plants> hi
[10:15] <Electric Plants> did
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Boiling water is too important in the winter
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Next time I should bring a container
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Currently I only have an electric kettle
[10:15] <Mage General Chrysalis> I want to experience Winter!
[10:16] <Mage General Chrysalis> But meh, people might die.
[10:16] <DatDramaPlant> Sometimes I open chat then forgot that I opened it.
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Winter is about being unable to wake up because of the warm blanket
[10:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Freezing hand while typing
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Staying in room all day because you are a popsicle if you go outside
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> At least christmas worked for me this year
[10:17] <Insert Your Name Here> *last year
[10:18] <WintahMhelon18> Man, lots to do
[10:19] <Insert Your Name Here> And now it's still panic mode on valentine
[10:19] <Fairy27> I'm going to eat dinner, so I'll come back for a while!
[10:20] <Mage General Chrysalis> Valentine's is a BS holiday anyway.
[10:20] <Lolwutburger> chat be ded arr
[10:21] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's not like people are gonna make wiki fanfiction out of it.
[10:21] <Mage General Chrysalis> But I do know your current situation.
[10:21] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a day when every damn lovestruck boy on the earth (and maybe in space stations) struggle
[10:21] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i know what you are doing pepsi</span>
[10:22] <Electric Plants> Is there a way to add a picto an article without uploading it?
[10:23] <Citron Bomb Official> yes
[10:23] <Citron Bomb Official> imgur is your friend
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[10:23] <Electric Plants> How?
[10:23] <Citron Bomb Official> idk
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> There is a template for external images...
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> If I'm not wrong
[10:23] <Citron Bomb Official> they do that for the fnaf wiki
[10:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'll get murdered for another shipping photo!
[10:23] <Electric Plants> IK
[10:23] <Electric Plants> U rn't wrong
[10:24] <Electric Plants> But what is the template?
[10:24] <TheAnonymousA> Hi Wintah!
[10:24] <WintahMhelon18> Yo TAA
[10:24] <Mage General Chrysalis> I just want Lloyd to propose to Claire and for me to get my couples.
[10:24] <Citron Bomb Official> @EPlants
[10:24] <Citron Bomb Official> try typing "image" or "external" or "imgur" on the template search box
[10:24] <Electric Plants> (ohai) 
[10:25] <Citron Bomb Official> my breath is cold
[10:25] <Citron Bomb Official> even though I didn't eat mint
[10:25] <Electric Plants> k
[10:31] <Fairy27> Hi~ (again)
[10:31] <TheAnonymousA> I think it's just put the image link in the source, EP.
[12:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hmm seems awful
[12:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> I was talking about the mini PVZ Wikian Mii-lookalikes.
[12:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> I should make their QR codes available soon.
[12:48] <Electric Plants> gtg
[12:48] <The Zombie O.O> Who are the Mii-lookalikes for now
[12:48] <Electric Plants> *Have a lesson*
[12:48] <Electric Plants> Bye
[12:48] <Electric Plants> o/ \o 
[12:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> BEEYEHIVE o/ 
[12:49] <Fairy27> Bye~
[12:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[12:49] <Fairy27> And me, too.
[12:49] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[12:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Chomper2) --> (Starfruit2) 
[12:50] <Lolwutburger> gtg
[12:50] <Ilikeduck!> ~~~
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> Bye^4
[12:50] <Lolwutburger> test
[12:50] <Ilikeduck!> You Gtg
[12:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> The island's full, so I really can't add any more, but Someone, UG, TULO , Lily, Pink, Wintah, PK, MGC , Puffy, IYNH, DZ, Wintah, AWB, Hige, Carp, Char, and some others who I might have forgotten.
[12:50] <Ilikeduck!> (rareguy)
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> ded
[12:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i dont have any CD Nintendo System
[12:50] <The Zombie O.O> ah k den
[12:50] <Lolwutburger> test
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> I screwed the Steven Universe fandom again
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[12:51] <The Zombie O.O> Define "screw"
[12:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What island?
[12:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm just playing matchmaker and I'm waiting for Usagi to join in and set up mini MGC and mini DZ.
[12:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> Elibe Island, my Tomodachi Life island.
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> I'm most likely the first person to make crossover fanart involving Steven Universe and Beavis and Butthead
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> IT WAS WORTH IT
[12:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Ah, okay
[12:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> And Serra became sweethearts with Shigeru Miyamoto.
[12:51] <The Zombie O.O> GOOD JOB EH LWB
[12:51] <Lolwutburger>
[12:51] <The Zombie O.O> THAT FRANCHISE WAS GOOD
[12:51] <Ilikeduck!> Why did you PM with me TULO (troll) 
[12:51] <The Zombie O.O> MGC x DZ? Lol
[12:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's canon...
[12:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @LWB awesome!
[12:52] <Lolwutburger> welp I gtg
[12:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:52] <Princess Kitty> hi!
[12:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> This is Luka and Mr. Iwata all over again!
[12:53] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I didn't? @Duck
[12:53] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:53] <Ilikeduck!> I live in countryside, so I can ẹnoy this everytime :) 
[12:53] <Princess Kitty> Hey, AWB, have you saw another Speed Paint I upload while ago?
[12:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> music PvZ2. NMT > KFW > ALL > WW
[12:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[12:53] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:53] <Ilikeduck!> TULO , 1 week ago (troll) 
[12:53] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[12:53] <Princess Kitty> Welp...
[12:53] <Princess Kitty> Hey Guys!
[12:53] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:53] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[12:53] <Mage General Chrysalis> All the Nintendo staff are getting sweethearts!
[12:53] <Princess Kitty> See this:
[12:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Mage u prob dead
[12:54] <Mage General Chrysalis> If THEY find out.
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> Now, you mean them weirder. :P 
[12:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yeah if they find this u dead
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> *made
[12:54] <PnFforever> @PK Have you heard of Undertale?
[12:54] <Ilikeduck!> I did gave you money
[12:54] <Ilikeduck!> Wrong sentence -_- 
[12:54] <Princess Kitty> @PnFF, yes
[12:54] <Mage General Chrysalis> Actually majority of the people I added are OCs and real peeps don't care maybe except some.
[12:55] <The Zombie O.O> Under-fail
[12:55] <The Zombie O.O> Not Undertale (troll) 
[12:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[12:55] <ThisUserLikesOreo> K @duck
[12:55] <Mage General Chrysalis> "Miyamoto is nicer to me than anyone else!" You only became official minutes ago!
[12:55] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Duk, quack!</span>
[12:55] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">*Duck</span>
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> I hate you (troll) 
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> QUACK QUACK :V
[12:55] <Ilikeduck!> Cạp cạp (troll) 
[12:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YEA WALL NUTTY
[12:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> Quackity quackity quacky quack quack! *gets kicked*
[12:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Wally-Nutty?
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> re-unkicked Chrysalis.
[12:56] <Ilikeduck!> I didn't foul (troll) 
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> Duck, you Duck!
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Duck chat!</span>
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> I made the chat crazy (challengeacepted)
[12:57] <Ilikeduck!> (troll) 
[12:57] <The Zombie O.O> It's not crazy yet you fool
[12:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> AWikiBoy, what personality here suits you best? I'm fine-tuning the Mii look-alike personalities.
[12:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes I got guppy
[12:57] <The Zombie O.O> You should have seen the chats near Christmas
[12:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I WANT CitS MUSIC
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> In Insaniquarium?
[12:57] <The Zombie O.O> AWB you archived them didn't you
[12:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WB
[12:58] <Insert Your Name Here> Isaac
[12:58] <Ilikeduck!> I haven't beeen played Isaniaquarium 1 yet _.
[12:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Close enough.
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> @TZO
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> Tell that to Colgatepony.
[12:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> OMG NOW WILL START THE AWFUL (Starfruit) BABY FROM JttW
[12:58] <The Zombie O.O> @AWB
[12:59] <The Zombie O.O> Wait, what
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, according to him, a Rare Fish in a Leap Day!
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[01:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> Again, AWikiBoy, what personality here suits you best? I'm fine-tuning the Mii look-alike personalities. Your Mii is currently an Independent Artist and I don't really find it accurate.
[01:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> u woundlt pick my baby Seagull Imp
[01:01] <Ilikeduck!> I have to dowwnload 2,5 GB off OBB lefft (facepalm) 
[01:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I only notice the new layout now..
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis 
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> Okay, I'm still thinking....
[01:02] <Ilikeduck!> GTG my internet doesn't allow me ._.
[01:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> And Supback
[01:03] <TheAnonymousA> Test
[01:03] <TheAnonymousA> I just left this on and went to sleep. Great.
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah :P 
[01:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> AE? wow
[01:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Take your time.
[01:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> I see, Anon.
[01:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> AE music playing on NMT now instead of Ballad
[01:04] <TheAnonymousA> Really?
[01:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no
[01:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> &gt;:D 
[01:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> is my SD card w/ PvZ and Terraria musics
[01:05] <TheAnonymousA> That would be Chinese NMT. (silly) 
[01:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :P 
[01:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i we got it
[01:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> I hope Pink's happy that her Mii-lookalike is going around in a swimsuit in public. She shamelessly wears her battle gear all around anyway!
[01:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> maybe not cuz focuses on american 80s
[01:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Wall-Nut Bowling :) 
[01:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Pink has zero decency whatsoever
[01:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Good thing no tentacle monsters are there
[01:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wheres Vebros i want see his PvZ1 PvZ2 zombie walking animation
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">How about sushi?</span>
[01:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> She freaking table dances on a supposedly kid-friendly chatroom!
[01:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> Her Mii's Worst Ever Food is Sashimi. :P 
[01:07] <Insert Your Name Here> I know that game
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hmm Zen Garden is before Roof on JttW? i winned a fertilizer
[01:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> And Chat is Mii random again.
[01:08] <ErnestoAM> hi
[01:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Hey, I ever found this Doom-shroom explosion animation modded to look like a real mini-nuclear explosion but I couldnt seem to find it anymore on youtube
[01:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> Have you decided yet, AWB?
[01:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Probably the guy who uploaded it has made the video private, or removed that video
[01:09] <WintahMhelon18> GTG o/ 
[01:09] <TheAnonymousA> Bye!
[01:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> Independent Thinker
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> Bye Wintah
[01:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i winned another (Fertilizer)
[01:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> Got it. I changed your Mii's personality.
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> I wonder if pink actually enjoys it
[01:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wow Potato Mine is ugly
[01:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> Maybe she just wanna charms her senpais...
[01:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> Mini AWB keeps removing his earmuffs!
[01:12] <AWikiBoy521> Well, it's so hot.
[01:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Senpai is actually Without Father in PTBR
[01:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Sem Pai
[01:12] <Insert Your Name Here> I swear she enjoys it
[01:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> He's living in a winter wonderland without shelter, in a bedroom, at least.
[01:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> He's living in a Winter room with only earmuffs and an outfit with a peacoat.
[01:13] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[01:13] <AWikiBoy521> If mini Me Mii dislike earmuffs, then let him be.
[01:13] <AWikiBoy521> Since my mini Mii can be without them anyway.
[01:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> That was with his previous personality though, and okay.
[01:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> But when I give the QR codes, he's gonna be forced to wear 'em.
[01:14] <AWikiBoy521> Just in case he still dislikes it after that change though.
[01:14] <AWikiBoy521> Keep the earmuffs.
[01:15] <PVZBronyGod> Hello?
[01:15] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i winned now more thing of Zen Garden and 450 coins
[01:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:15] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[01:15] <PVZBronyGod> this is Ben, speaking from equestria
[01:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well now died
[01:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> strong as hell
[01:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> like more than (Football) zombie health
[01:16] <AWikiBoy521> And Ben is ded. Teh End.
[01:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I winned Flower Pot in Day 6? ahn
[01:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and a spray
[01:17] <Mage General Chrysalis> Welp, he doesn't like them very much, but the past him didn't really like it at all.
[01:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf ded
[01:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Snaw Peaw!
[01:18] <TheAnonymousA> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">While currently, AWB's avatar is wearing them. (silly) </span>
[01:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Zen Garden? wtf
[01:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and down theres upgrade plants spoilers
[01:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wow theres more space
[01:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> uh
[01:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> whats this Gold Magnet
[01:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok JttW is weird
[01:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ ded
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> hive
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> Drek?
[01:21] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[01:21] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep yo
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> Can I delete this fanfic?
[01:21] <Drek'TharSuperSword> OK.
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> 4 people says yes
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:21] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[01:22] <Coolyoyo33> hilo
[01:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep ok done
[01:22] <TheAnonymousA> Hi Yoyo!
[01:22] <ErnestoAM> Soup
[01:22] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[01:22] <Iamarepeater> I will refresh
[01:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep, why don't you just delete it yourself? You have the admin privileges so you can do that
[01:22] <Iamarepeater> I was about to
[01:22] <Iamarepeater> Then you deleted you
[01:23] <Iamarepeater> *it
[01:23] <Princess Kitty> I GTG!
[01:23] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[01:23] <Iamarepeater> Bive
[01:23] <Princess Kitty> O/ 
[01:23] <TheAnonymousA> Bye!
[01:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[01:23] <PnFforever> bye o/ 
[01:23] <Coolyoyo33> hmmm
[01:24] <Coolyoyo33> could 10 beetles kill one snake?
[01:24] <PVZBronyGod> Idk
[01:24] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> maybe
[01:24] <PVZBronyGod> so this is Ben speakking from Equestra
[01:24] <PVZBronyGod> Equestria
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[01:24] <Coolyoyo33> #Food4Thought
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> Join me in MLP
[01:24] <PVZBronyGod> I'm Banned there
[01:24] <Coolyoyo33> MLP
[01:24] <Coolyoyo33> 
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> For swearing?
[01:24] <Coolyoyo33> ?
[01:25] <Eugoth> Master League of Pokemon?
[01:25] <PVZBronyGod> nope for telling them about Rainbow Dash's dreams about Pinkie killing her and turning her into cupcakes
[01:25] <Coolyoyo33> think up weird questions
[01:25] <Coolyoyo33> idk why I'm doing it
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> I mentioned Cupcakes
[01:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> uh i will need (Cherrybomb) or another instakill every level cuz seagull imp
[01:25] <PVZBronyGod> no My Little Pony
[01:25] <Coolyoyo33> *thinking
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> They told me not to go deep in it
[01:25] <PVZBronyGod> Well they banned me for it
[01:25] <Coolyoyo33> Marine Legion of Pelicans
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> You went too far
[01:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> MLP=Master League of Pokemon everyone knows
[01:25] <Coolyoyo33> Nailed it
[01:25] <TheAnonymousA> Why is Cool asking weird questions? (silly) That's my silly question.
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> *too
[01:26] <Coolyoyo33> xD
[01:26] <Iamarepeater> Nvm
[01:26] <Coolyoyo33> Can a winged beetle fly faster or a winged cockroach?
[01:26] <Coolyoyo33> I'd put my bets on the beetle
[01:26] <Iamarepeater> I really want to shred all of Agent Andrew Martins's fanfic
[01:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Anyone knows if Seagull Imp from PvZ JttW is killed by (Potatomine) ?
[01:26] <Iamarepeater> I'm tempted too
[01:26] <Coolyoyo33> JttW?
[01:26] <Iamarepeater> *to
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Journey to the West '-'
[01:27] <Coolyoyo33> I know what JTTW is
[01:27] <Coolyoyo33> lma[[]]o
[01:27] <Eugoth> seagull imp?
[01:27] <Eugoth> (wat) 
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes
[01:27] <Coolyoyo33> It's just such a satanic game
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> the villian
[01:27] <Coolyoyo33> I didn't know people play it
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> the with only Underwear (lenny) 
[01:28] <Eugoth> Undertale then (lenny) 
[01:28] <PVZBronyGod> Repeater PM
[01:28] <PVZBronyGod> 
[01:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol it catches Baby Starfruit
[01:28] <Eugoth> why
[01:28] <Eugoth> Does he eats babies?
[01:29] <Coolyoyo33> Who eats babies?
[01:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[01:29] <Iamarepeater> Hands up who wants this fanfic deleted?
[01:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I
[01:30] <Iamarepeater> Anyone else?
[01:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel i'm kidding
[01:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont like when people put himself on a fanfiction
[01:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> like
[01:31] <Eugoth> the seagull imp steals baby starfruit so he can eat it
[01:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Bonnie: OMG ITS ANDREW MARTINS THEN HUGS HELP
[01:31] <Eugoth> i think
[01:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> here a example :P 
[01:31] <Coolyoyo33> they were gonna add a column like you see em minigame in FF?
[01:31] <Coolyoyo33> GDI
[01:31] <Iamarepeater> So no one wants this fanfic deleted? Hands u
[01:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Prob no
[01:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep sorry
[01:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I was AFK
[01:33] <Eugoth> there's going to be modern backyard?
[01:33] <Mage General Chrysalis> Keep it for hilarity!
[01:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I WANT
[01:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i want
[01:33] <PVZBronyGod> OK no one is listening to me goodbye
[01:33] <Iamarepeater> So keep this fanfic? Hands u
[01:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Modern Night, Backyard, Backyard Night and Roof
[01:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep ok doen
[01:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *done
[01:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> do not delete but not keeps
[01:34] <Mage General Chrysalis> I copied it for the sake of the people who want to see his "masterpiece".
[01:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Put it on trollpasta (troll) 
[01:35] <Iamarepeater> @mage: can you copy all his fanfics?
[01:35] <Iamarepeater> I'm going to do a massive shredding there
[01:36] <TheAnonymousA> Yum-Yum, Pasta! (silly) 
[01:36] <Mage General Chrysalis> Where are the rest of his crap?
[01:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> mass-deletion?
[01:36] <Iamarepeater> Yes
[01:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Purge.
[01:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> The Trollpasta Wiki admins call it "purge"
[01:36] <Iamarepeater> What's better? Once I delete that page, all his contribution is gone.
[01:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> delete so? maybe
[01:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok delete
[01:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol i was searching PF on JttW
[01:40] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:40] <Eugoth> k den
[01:40] <Eugoth> o/ 
[01:40] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[01:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo
[01:41] <Iamarepeater> IMCr8Z ?!
[01:41] <Iamarepeater> You want to protect this fanfic of yours?
[01:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> Should I put AAM's "masterpiece" on my
[01:41] <Iamarepeater> Sure
[01:42] <Iamarepeater> IMCr8Z ?
[01:43] <Iamarepeater> You know if I'm on chat and you need me to do something only admins can do on that wiki, I can do it right away.
[01:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay on mozilla firefox now i have a direct link to PvZ:DS
[01:44] <IMCR8Z> @Iam: Yes
[01:44] <Iamarepeater> I expected you to say that
[01:44] <Iamarepeater> Tell me again if you want to edit it
[01:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> well, I can do that too.
[01:45] <Mage General Chrysalis> put it here and added a little note in the bottom questioning it's existence.
[01:45] <IMCR8Z> It definitely needs protecting, since I haven't updated it in awhile.
[01:45] <Fairy27> Back...?
[01:45] <Drek'TharSuperSword> But I mostly focus on CSS stuff and maybe JS
[01:45] <Iamarepeater> Let me do it
[01:45] <Mage General Chrysalis> AAM's clutter is in my forever. :P 
[01:45] <Iamarepeater> Can you link it?
[01:46] <IMCR8Z> PvZ Begins is gonna be the Half-Life 3 of fanfictions, isn't it?
[01:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> I put a link above.
[01:46] <Iamarepeater> Perhaps
[01:46] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:46] <Fairy27> Hi~
[01:46] <Vebros> Hi
[01:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[01:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's suck here forever! :P 
[01:47] <Iamarepeater> Mage, can you copy this as well?
[01:47] <Iamarepeater> @drek: Let mage copy it first
[01:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> today is the day of PvZ1 PvZ2 zombie walking animation :) :) 
[01:48] <IMCR8Z> (wat) 
[01:48] <Iamarepeater> This crappy fanfic should be persevered to shame AAM
[01:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Fail of the year :P 
[01:49] <Iamarepeater> Mage?
[01:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> There's a Fail of the Month category in Trollpasta Wiki
[01:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Sonic.exe and Jeff the Killer fall into it
[01:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> Okay.
[01:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> Wait...
[01:50] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> Copied!
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> My turn to act now
[01:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> I added it uncensored. :P 
[01:52] <Mage General Chrysalis> Damn, I'm using that emote a lot.
[01:52] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:52] <Iamarepeater> Hive zombie
[01:54] <IMCR8Z> (fisherman zombie) Mortal Zombat (hunter zombie) 
[01:55] <Eugoth> what
[01:56] <Eugoth> one question
[01:56] <The Zombie O.O> Zowdy
[01:56] <Eugoth> Can pushing zombies push plants into minecart rails?
[01:56] <Iamarepeater> Zombie?
[01:56] <The Zombie O.O> Iama, I'll try to eh do that when I got le time.
[01:56] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[01:57] <Eugoth> hiyo
[01:57] <The Zombie O.O> The zombies in PvZ2C / PvZO were good concepts, too bad they were made OP by the drunk Chinese developers
[01:57] <ErnestoAM> Drink Zombie
[01:57] <Coolyoyo33> I just
[01:57] <The Zombie O.O> That as well
[01:58] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:58] <Vebros> Ok i want to show my PvZ 2 walking animation zombie in PvZ 1.. uploading to YouTube.. 1% -_- 
[01:58] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: Sounds like Trump
[01:58] <Eugoth> ha k
[01:58] <Coolyoyo33> lma[[]]oo
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> You could just make like a 15 second video of it
[01:58] <Drek'TharSuperSword> shit i need this kind of field task locations map for battlefield 2 modern combat but i couldnt seem to find it anywhere :| 
[01:58] <IMCR8Z> (fisherman zombie) FINISH HIM! (hunter zombie) 
[01:58] <Iamarepeater> Everyone, AAM is going to spam me
[01:58] <Eugoth> @IMC that pings me]
[01:58] <Iamarepeater> when he gets unblocked
[01:59] <The Zombie O.O> Unblocked? By when lol
[01:59] <Iamarepeater> When he's 13
[01:59] <Drek'TharSuperSword> i guess the game wasnt popular enough so that no one makes them yet.
[01:59] <ErnestoAM> That's in like, idk 2 years
[01:59] <Drek'TharSuperSword> OMG, this game is 10 yrs old and no one have made it yet
[01:59] <Iamarepeater>
[01:59] <The Zombie O.O> 12 years, thoust fool
[01:59] <Iamarepeater> Check his block log
[02:00] <The Zombie O.O> In 12 years like nobody would go on this wiki anymore
[02:01] <Dogecoin> lol
[02:01] <The Zombie O.O> Also I predict about 75% of the users in chat right now are Pinoys.
[02:01] <The Zombie O.O> Or Indons
[02:01] <Eugoth> pinoys?
[02:01] <Dogecoin> 12 years blocked
[02:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel indon
[02:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That's kinda racist ya know
[02:01] <Coolyoyo33> probably @TZ
[02:02] <The Zombie O.O> Don't judge, I mix up the two names at times
[02:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but Justin Bieber was right: Indonesia is some random country
[02:02] <IMCR8Z> (wat) 
[02:02] <Iamarepeater>
[02:02] <The Zombie O.O> For some reason I think IMCR8Z 's from America lel
[02:02] <Iamarepeater> Look at his contribution page
[02:02] <Eugoth> he isn't?
[02:03] <Eugoth> :o 
[02:03] <Iamarepeater> Almost no mainspace edits
[02:03] <The Zombie O.O> @Eugoth
[02:03] <The Zombie O.O> I said "I think"
[02:03] <The Zombie O.O> Not "I thought"
[02:03] <Eugoth> oh ok
[02:03] <Eugoth> gotta lunch brb
[02:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Lunch? It's 9pm!
[02:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[02:04] <Iamarepeater> Different time zone
[02:04] <Dogecoin> time zones
[02:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ikr
[02:05] <The Zombie O.O> TIMEZONES
[02:05] <The Zombie O.O> THOUST FOOL
[02:05] <The Zombie O.O> So Eugoth is UTC+1
[02:05] <The Zombie O.O> Now what countries are there with that timing
[02:05] <IMCR8Z> (arcade zombie) You can't see me!
[02:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> youst?
[02:05] <The Zombie O.O> "Thoust"
[02:05] <The Zombie O.O> It sounds kinda medievaly so
[02:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> thou=you
[02:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> st=?
[02:06] <The Zombie O.O> I just add the st to make it more Medieval-like
[02:07] <Iamarepeater> IMCr8Z ?
[02:08] <Iamarepeater> You want protection of that fanfic?
[02:08] <The Zombie O.O> Goddamn, going down my memory lane of PvZ Wiki can be rather horrible at times
[02:08] <IMCR8Z> @Iam: I guess.
[02:08] <The Zombie O.O> Because most of the times I end up looking at my comments on vandalisers and stuff
[02:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> TIL that "you" is a misspelling of "þou" which is pronounced as "thou"
[02:08] <Iamarepeater> You want me to protect all your fanfics IMCr8Z ?
[02:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That "þ" (thorn letter) looks like the letter Y in handwritings
[02:08] <IMCR8Z> @Iam: Yes
[02:09] <The Zombie O.O> "THOU"
[02:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[02:09] <The Zombie O.O> Ohey, look at what Andrew drew
[02:09] <The Zombie O.O>
[02:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> See what I mean with the letter thorn looking like Y?
[02:09] <IMCR8Z> GW2 should have a "Classic" Imp (Imp variant that wears his 2009 red shirt and blue pants). Instead of summoning a mech he summons GARGANTUAR
[02:09] <Iamarepeater> I just deleted that
[02:09] <The Zombie O.O> IMCR8Z , that's what I did on the Garden Warfare Variant Idea Wiki thing lel
[02:09] <IMCR8Z> (wat) 
[02:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And "ye" (like in ye olde) is a misspelling of þe olde, and the thorn letter also looks like Y
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> GTG to Hai Skull 
[02:09] <The Zombie O.O> Blame crazyzombie168 
[02:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> so it should be "the olde"
[02:09] <The Zombie O.O> WOOO
[02:10] <IMCR8Z> @The Zombie: Where is it?
[02:10] <The Zombie O.O>
[02:10] <IMCR8Z> No, I don't mean the Classic Imp use Gargantuar Prime, I mean he summons an ACTUAL GARGANTUAR
[02:10] <IMCR8Z> O
[02:10] <The Zombie O.O> I know
[02:10] <The Zombie O.O> I did something similar
[02:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> me on PvZFF wiki while writing articles:
[02:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 1% fanfics related to pvz
[02:11] <IMCR8Z> But I was thinking that the Garg would have explosives attached to his trash can and could only use a melee pole slam.
[02:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 99% fanfics that are completely unrelated
[02:11] <The Zombie O.O> Ah.
[02:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but I always put some PvZ characters like Zomboss to make it look related
[02:11] <The Zombie O.O> So the trash can pretty much is the ranged weaponry for Garg
[02:11] <Iamarepeater> I trust what he's doing
[02:11] <IMCR8Z> @The Zombie: No, the trash can explodes when Imp uses Explosive Escape
[02:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Omg the cold
[02:12] <The Zombie O.O> @IMCR8Z: Oh.
[02:12] <IMCR8Z> Primary "Weapon": The Garg just smashes the ground with his pole, can be charged for a bigger smash radius.
[02:12] <Insert Your Name Here> I can literally see the steam when I hang the washed clothes
[02:12] <The Zombie O.O> In that case the Garg needs higher speed than regular Z-Mechs
[02:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> me on PvZFF wiki while writing articles:
[02:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 1% fanfics related to pvz
[02:11] <IMCR8Z> But I was thinking that the Garg would have explosives attached to his trash can and could only use a melee pole slam.
[02:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 99% fanfics that are completely unrelated
[02:11] <The Zombie O.O> Ah.
[02:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but I always put some PvZ characters like Zomboss to make it look related
[02:11] <The Zombie O.O> So the trash can pretty much is the ranged weaponry for Garg
[02:11] <Iamarepeater> I trust what he's doing
[02:11] <IMCR8Z> @The Zombie: No, the trash can explodes when Imp uses Explosive Escape
[02:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Omg the cold
[02:12] <The Zombie O.O> @IMCR8Z: Oh.
[02:12] <IMCR8Z> Primary "Weapon": The Garg just smashes the ground with his pole, can be charged for a bigger smash radius.
[02:12] <Insert Your Name Here> I can literally see the steam when I hang the washed clothes
[02:12] <The Zombie O.O> In that case the Garg needs higher speed than regular Z-Mechs
[02:13] <IMCR8Z> Ability 1: Same as the charge attack the Gargantuar boss has
[02:13] <IMCR8Z> But it's my idea, so don't edit yours to fit mine.
[02:13] <The Zombie O.O> Ik
[02:13] <The Zombie O.O> Lel
[02:13] <IMCR8Z> Ability 2: Gargantuar roars, stunning all plants in a short area in front of him.
[02:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Gotta eat to fight the cold
[02:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol I was randomly searching "222222222" and I found this GTA SAMP video
[02:14] <Iamarepeater>
[02:16] <IMCR8Z> After I'm done with Invasion of the Brain Snatchers, I might do a regular DLC pack with no theme to it. All that I can say is that it will have a new mode that uses it's own special map.
[02:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> On the other hand, if you look at the deleted user contribs...
[02:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[02:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> For those of you who cant see it due to permissions errors
[02:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> gonna take a screenshot of it
[02:16] <IMCR8Z> k
[02:17] <Vebros> OK MY ANIMATION IS HERE!!
[02:17] <Vebros> Sneek Peek of my new version
[02:17] <IMCR8Z> @Vebros: How did you do that?
[02:17] <Drek'TharSuperSword> --> deleted user contribs of AAM pt 1
[02:17] <Vebros> @IMCR8Z reanim files
[02:17] <Vebros> Hi Eugoth o/ 
[02:17] <IMCR8Z> @Vebros: I wanna see you try doing that with the regular PvZ 1 artstyle zombie, for shits and giggles.
[02:17] <Eugoth> back
[02:18] <Drek'TharSuperSword> --> AAM's deleted user contribs pt 2
[02:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Good thing they sell instant porridge
[02:18] <Drek'TharSuperSword> --> AAM's deleted user contribs pt 3
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> Drek?
[02:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah
[02:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> what?
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> Why does it say April 2015?
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> I just deleted them
[02:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Cuz those are comments from deleted articles
[02:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> and contributions from deleted articles
[02:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> --> AAM's deleted user contribs pt 4
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[02:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[02:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> say waaaaaaaaaaaat
[02:20] <Drek'TharSuperSword> There's too many of them, but @Iamarep here's the link for all his deleted contribs
[02:20] <Dogecoin> minecraft edu,already used in many schools around the planet
[02:20] <Eugoth> wat
[02:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> upcoming that say
[02:20] <Eugoth> So playing minecraft teaches you what?
[02:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[02:21] <Vebros>
[02:21] <Dogecoin> teamwork
[02:21] <Dogecoin> math
[02:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i think Terraria is better for that cuz its bigger
[02:21] <Eugoth> How to survive in a cube world without gravity except for the sand an gravel?
[02:21] <Vebros> I'm posting than again.
[02:21] <Vebros> EP!!!
[02:21] <Vebros> HI
[02:21] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yobak
[02:21] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[02:21] <Dogecoin> huh,sword fighting?
[02:21] <Vebros> EP look
[02:21] <Vebros> :D 
[02:21] <Electric Plants> Wat?
[02:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[02:22] <Vebros> I changed animation of zombie 
[02:22] <Electric Plants> (clap) 
[02:22] <Eugoth> Jolly good show
[02:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Congratz
[02:22] <Eugoth> Jolly good show indeed!
[02:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> zombies killed flowers lel
[02:22] <Electric Plants> Your lemon ate a shrinking violet
[02:22] <Electric Plants> xd
[02:22] <AWikiBoy521> @Vebros
[02:22] <AWikiBoy521> (y) 
[02:23] <Eugoth> Now smart gaming will steal that too
[02:23] <Eugoth> Or not
[02:23] <Eugoth> he's blockd
[02:23] <Electric Plants> Yup
[02:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> OMG ITS A MIRACLE
[02:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol now imagine Cowboy Zombie/Ra Zombie eating style on PvZ1 XD
[02:24] <Iamarepeater>
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> This user swored
[02:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Eugot is here(without h cuz ping)
[02:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf is that
[02:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lolwut @iamarep
[02:25] <Iamarepeater> Those stars were edited by me
[02:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> --> cool zoom blur effect while hotswapping in bf2 modern combat
[02:25] <Eugoth> lolwut @pumpkin
[02:25] <Iamarepeater> To censor those swears
[02:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :P i found when i watched Vebros 's video
[02:26] <Eugoth> Stop jokin -_- 
[02:26] <Vebros> Huh?
[02:26] <Vebros> LOOK'
[02:26] <Vebros> and this
[02:26] <Iamarepeater> Level 5?
[02:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT NO PLZ NO HELP ME
[02:26] <Vebros> Ignore that
[02:26] <Eugoth> level 5 ice pianist
[02:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> IT IS MODERN DAY FOR PVZ2C?
[02:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wait
[02:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Zomboni?
[02:27] <Eugoth> Pianoni
[02:27] <Eugoth> xd
[02:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well Zomboni will be PvZ2C only? ;( 
[02:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and level 5 wut
[02:27] <Eugoth> it's not zomboni
[02:28] <Vebros> THIS IS MY MOD!
[02:28] <Eugoth> it's vebros mod
[02:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ah
[02:28] <Vebros>
[02:28] <Vebros> xd
[02:28] <Specialedition12> What is everyone talking?
[02:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ij
[02:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but why level 5?
[02:28] <Vebros> Ignore that..
[02:28] <Vebros> ^
[02:28] <IMCR8Z> Seriously, I can't be the only one who wants a "Classic Imp" variant in GW2 DLC.
[02:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> not you inst
[02:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no*
[02:28] <Eugoth> Well, there are millions of GW players
[02:28] <Vebros>
[02:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i want too 
[02:29] <Dogecoin> classic imp?
[02:29] <Eugoth> what
[02:29] <Eugoth> (prospector zombie) 
[02:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol
[02:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> When they wear one shoe, it ruins their entire appearance, especially those mentioned above
[02:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Y) ? this is a a**?
[02:30] <Dogecoin> use all star
[02:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I even requested PK to make a drawing of Chemist wearing two shoes
[02:30] <IMCR8Z> @Doge: "Classic Imp" as in the playable Imp in Garden Warfare 2 wearing the usual modern day Imp costume.
[02:30] <Eugoth> no
[02:30] <IMCR8Z> @Drek: Son, that's called "nitpicking"
[02:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> a(Y) this is a a**(ignore the a)
[02:30] <Eugoth> the Y means another thing
[02:30] <Dogecoin> playable classic imp? interesting
[02:30] <Eugoth> BOOT + Y = booty
[02:30] <Eugoth> ¬¬
[02:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> butty?
[02:31] <Dogecoin> (oldmanbooty)
[02:31] <Eugoth> BOOTY
[02:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Should I request this thing to PopCap so that they can make it for me?
[02:31] <Eugoth> (dead man's booty) 
[02:31] <Dogecoin> looty booty 
[02:31] <IMCR8Z> @drek: (n) 
[02:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> There should be an option to choose between wearing no, one or two shoes.
[02:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Big Bad Butty?
[02:31] <Iamarepeater> Most likely reaction: NO!
[02:31] <Dogecoin> ok i am gonana stop with booty jokes
[02:31] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[02:31] <Eugoth> not butty
[02:31] <Eugoth> booty
[02:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Shit, no one agrees ;( 
[02:31] <Eugoth> (dead man's butte)
[02:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I just want the Chemist and Archaeologist to wear two shoes in GW2
[02:32] <Eugoth> (dead man's booty) 
[02:32] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[02:32] <AWikiBoy521> Hey, at least you tried.
[02:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :( 
[02:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (dead man's butty)
[02:32] <Eugoth> (big bad butte) 
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> See Drek? Popcap says no
[02:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> wtf lol
[02:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Piramidyofdoom)
[02:32] <AWikiBoy521> wut
[02:32] <Dogecoin> maybe they make the 2 shoe a cosmetic
[02:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Piramid of doom)
[02:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I wasnt even requested them ye
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> To your two shoe idea
[02:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *yet
[02:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WHERE IT IS
[02:32] <IMCR8Z> (parasol zombie) must have a big bad butte under that dress. (lenny) 
[02:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep wtf
[02:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (lenny) 
[02:32] <Iamarepeater> If you bring that idea to Popcap
[02:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Can someone gimme a link to the official GW2 fanpage?
[02:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well actually (Diggerzombie) of PvZGW haves (lenny) 
[02:33] <Iamarepeater> wanting two shoes as an option, they will most likely reject it
[02:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[02:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> But they can make it appear in the "customize" section you know :( 
[02:33] <Dogecoin> it would ruin the sense of being a zombie
[02:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[02:33] <Dogecoin> well,maybe this happen
[02:33] <Eugoth> What's the problem of having one shoe?
[02:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It ruins the entire appearance for me ;( 
[02:34] <Eugoth> does it bothers your OCD?
[02:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Yeah
[02:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but i want wearing 2 shoes and without (Diggerzombie) showing the b***
[02:34] <Brainulator9> hilo
[02:34] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:34] <Eugoth> o/ 
[02:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[02:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo bul9 
[02:34] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[02:34] <Brainulator9> shi drek
[02:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Theres a Bull on Banjo-Kazooie called Bigbutt
[02:35] <Dogecoin> (lenny) 
[02:35] <Brainulator9> I'm BUL9 .
[02:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It should look like this
[02:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[02:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Customize...
[02:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Shoes... --> Left only (default)
[02:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> None
[02:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Right only
[02:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Both
[02:35] <Brainulator9> I like Bigbutts and I cannot lie
[02:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no u inst u need to proof
[02:35] <Vebros> I CHANGED SUN VALUE IN PVZ 2!
[02:35] <Vebros> IN PVZ 1 *
[02:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YES
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> (oh) 
[02:35] <Vebros> NOW, SUNFLOWER GIVES 50 NOT 25
[02:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YES
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> make em all 0 (lenny) 
[02:35] <Iamarepeater> @brain: I think pinkgirl has big booty
[02:35] <AWikiBoy521> (youhavegottobekidding)
[02:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (thisisstupid) test
[02:36] <Brainulator9> @vebros, how?
[02:36] <Vebros> *oh)
[02:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> how? howing
[02:36] <Vebros> (oh) 
[02:36] <Vebros> I can't tell through.
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Vebros
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> Yay! (oh) 
[02:36] <Dogecoin> booty jokes intensifies
[02:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WB
[02:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> butt
[02:36] <Brainulator9> fun fact:
[02:36] <Vebros> [SUNFLOWER_SUN] 00 00 50 00 00
[02:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wow
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Yeah, join the oh force!</span>
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:36] <Vebros> [SKY_SUN] 00 00 50 55 00 00
[02:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Beehive o/ 
[02:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright gotta follow up the demotion thingy
[02:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> imagine Sky giving less sun than Sunflower
[02:37] <Brainulator9> (Primalpotatomine) 's watering animation removes the glasses costume.
[02:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> What I want:
[02:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Chemist wearing two shoes
[02:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Archaeologist wearing two shoes
[02:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Computer Scientist wearing two shoes (OMG this zombie is almost perfect but IRRITATINGLY HE ONLY WEARS ONE FUCKING SHOE!!!!!1111)
[02:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> An ability to choose between wearing no, one, or two shoes
[02:37] <Brainulator9> Not sure about the other one.
[02:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Maybe he took off his glass
[02:37] <Vebros> I changed the all pea animation too 
[02:37] <Vebros>
[02:37] <Vebros> (ih)
[02:37] <Vebros> (oh) 
[02:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Vebros your PvZ2 mod for PvZ1 will really make game easier
[02:37] <Vebros> ^^
[02:38] <Brainulator9> @vebros, how did you increase sun values?
[02:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Got a lot of paperwork to do tonight...
[02:38] <Brainulator9> PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!
[02:38] <Iamarepeater> @drek: this user made this thread:
[02:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but its a idea of genius
[02:38] <Vebros> reanim.
[02:38] <Iamarepeater>
[02:38] <Vebros> and compiled
[02:38] <Brainulator9> huh
[02:38] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep IKR
[02:38] <Vebros> reanim and compiled files
[02:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Tbh if you increase sun value, you also have to double all zombie speed
[02:38] <AWikiBoy521> @Brainulator
[02:38] <AWikiBoy521> Same reaction as me when I needed those samples from PvZ2 instruments.
[02:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> The question right now is:
[02:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Why do most of the zombies in GW and GW2 wear one shoe while most of the zombies in PvZ1 and PvZ2 wear two?
[02:39] <Insert Your Name Here> The increased sun value did not come for free
[02:39] <AWikiBoy521> Except, not to Vebros .
[02:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Are the design teams for those games different?
[02:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> it will be weird, it will look Fast Foward @IYNH
[02:39] <IMCR8Z> @Drek: You're the only one who cares.
[02:39] <Insert Your Name Here> idk
[02:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Drek yes it is
[02:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Atleast... Balloon Zombie now wears TWO shoes in PvZ2!
[02:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YAY
[02:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Maybe the shoe puts additional weight on the gear
[02:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And Snorkel Zombie too
[02:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Insert Weight reduction bro!
[02:39] <Iamarepeater> AKA perverted zombie
[02:39] <IMCR8Z> @Drek: Too bad no one gives a shit but you.
[02:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wat my least fav zombie on PvZ2 is (Prospector) 
[02:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Or zomboss is too stingy to issue another shoe
[02:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">At least, I do.</span>
[02:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> If I ever wanna make a PvZ animation I'll make those zombies wear two shoes.
[02:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Or a PvZ fangame
[02:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^^
[02:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^*
[02:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">PvZ fangame is better.</span>
[02:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^ lel
[03:02] <IMCR8Z> @Eugoth: And?
[03:02] <Eugoth> In the year of 2008, crazy dave and penny encounter with themselves a year before the zombie outbreak
[03:03] <Dogecoin> lol?
[03:04] <IMCR8Z> PvZ: Origins
[03:04] <Eugoth> what are the worst plants in your opinions other than dandelion, bowling bulbs, peanut, chomper and twin sunflower?
[03:04] <Eugoth> and chinese
[03:04] <Brainulator9> (springbean) 
[03:04] <Eugoth> 2 more
[03:05] <Dogecoin> i actually use boosted spring bean+blover
[03:05] <IMCR8Z> (snapdragon) 
[03:05] <Eugoth> 1 more useless plant
[03:05] <Dogecoin> (bamboobrother) 
[03:05] <Iamarepeater> Chat crashed
[03:05] <Eugoth> *cough* except chinese
[03:05] <IMCR8Z> (repeater2) 
[03:06] <Eugoth> k thanks
[03:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright I got the rollback explanation thing ready
[03:06] <Dogecoin> sadly,(endurian)
[03:06] <Insert Your Name Here> "Rollback is capable of reverting a chain of edits made by the last editor in a certain thread, and erases all mentions of the activity on [[Special:WikiActivity]]. Although the Rollback right is designed to combat vandalism by reverting the damage quickly and covertly, its connection to the mainspace also means that the title holder is also obliged to make quality edits in normal times."
[03:06] <Dogecoin> * (endurian) 
[03:06] <Brainulator9> where's that?
[03:06] <Brainulator9> @IYNH
[03:06] <Insert Your Name Here> *not thread, but mainspace page
[03:06] <Insert Your Name Here> I wrote the damn thing myself
[03:07] <Dogecoin> so they are counter vandalists?
[03:07] <IMCR8Z> (repeater2) was useless in PvZ 2 since v1.0 thanks to (bloomerang) , later updates: (laser bean) and (primal peashooter) 
[03:07] <Brainulator9> Yeah, um, Insert?
[03:07] <Insert Your Name Here> ?
[03:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Any suggestion?
[03:07] <Dogecoin> (potatomine) was good,then (primalpotatomine) too its place
[03:07] <Brainulator9> May I correct your grammar when you put that out>
[03:07] <Brainulator9> *?
[03:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes
[03:08] <Insert Your Name Here> I do need a proofreader
[03:08] <IMCR8Z> @Doge: And before Jurassic Marsh: (chili bean) 
[03:09] <IMCR8Z> (newspaper zombie) Back in my day, Squash was the only plant who could replace Potato Mine. (newspaper zombie) 
[03:10] <Eugoth> lel
[03:11] <Eugoth> AE is so easy
[03:11] <Eugoth> that i can use the shittiest plants and still win
[03:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Brain
[03:11] <Brainulator9> yes?
[03:11] <Eugoth> (brain) 
[03:11] <IMCR8Z> They're still better than every Neon Mixtape Tour plant. @Eugoth
[03:12] <Insert Your Name Here> For the thread, should I put the "votes without a proper reason will be disqualified" thingy?
[03:12] <Iamarepeater>
[03:12] <Dogecoin> intensive carrot actually has a use
[03:12] <Brainulator9> Yes
[03:12] <Dogecoin> and (phatbeet) 
[03:12] <Eugoth> Ok i will do with NMT plants
[03:12] <Eugoth> still AE becuz i need quest log
[03:12] <IMCR8Z> Intensive Carrot is tacked on. Phatbeet is just crappy Gloom-shroom.
[03:13] <Brainulator9> I thought you thought (gloom) was already crap.
[03:13] <IMCR8Z> I did
[03:13] <Insert Your Name Here> The main thing was that gloom was not nmt :p 
[03:13] <IMCR8Z> But Phatbeet is crappier
[03:13] <Insert Your Name Here> And we all know how yandere imcr is
[03:13] <IMCR8Z> Shut up.
[03:13] <Dogecoin> phatbeet actually has a use,different from (bamboobrother) 
[03:14] <Insert Your Name Here> And I do agree that phatbeet is meh
[03:14] <Dogecoin> yes
[03:15] <IMCR8Z> @Insert:
[03:15] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">pls senpai won't notice you</span>
[03:15] <Vebros> I changed the almanac texture
[03:15] <Vebros> Ignore the "HWDDHUVEU" text and a some weird plants. These plants are my BETA plants
[03:16] <IMCR8Z> @Insert: Enough
[03:16] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[03:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[03:16] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[03:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Now I still have paperwork to do
[03:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> weird plants? where?
[03:17] <Vebros> Nvm
[03:17] <Dogecoin> pvz2 styled plants aren't weird,they look more professional
[03:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[03:18] <Vebros> My Night Lawn in pvz 2 fan-mad
[03:18] <Vebros> I use that in my mod
[03:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wat
[03:19] <Eugoth> done with NMT plants
[03:19] <Eugoth> hopefully sarc zombies didn't appear on garlic rows
[03:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Crazy Dave when zombies reach him
[03:20] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[03:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel
[03:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Cuz i'm crazy
[03:21] <Electric Plants> R u in love with cd?
[03:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Cuz=Cus=Cu=A** on PTBR?
[03:21] <Electric Plants> xd
[03:22] <Electric Plants> Nice one eugoth 
[03:22] <Eugoth> ty
[03:22] <Vebros> My desktop
[03:22] <Vebros> Find something strange
[03:22] <Coolyoyo33> I found rl sans
[03:23] <Eugoth> "sexy stuff" (lenny) 
[03:23] <Insert Your Name Here> I think I will need to do a tabber
[03:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Cherry Bomb Left and... Explode things?
[03:23] <Insert Your Name Here> This damn thread is insaneeeely long
[03:23] <Dogecoin> who likes to eat garlic here!?
[03:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WARIO LIKES!
[03:24] <Vebros> @Eugoth Actually, in the "sexy stuff" folder i have a naked Crazy Dave. Seriously.
[03:24] <Coolyoyo33>
[03:24] <Vebros> (oh) 
[03:24] <Eugoth> (garlic1) (garlic2) (garlic3) garlic trio
[03:24] <Coolyoyo33> wtf @vebros
[03:24] <Coolyoyo33> I just
[03:24] <Coolyoyo33> whyu
[03:24] <Eugoth> Weird because the file has nothing
[03:24] <Coolyoyo33> WHY
[03:24] <Coolyoyo33> 
[03:24] <Eugoth> the folder shows no papers in it
[03:25] <Vebros>
[03:25] <Dogecoin> naked crazy dave? wtf
[03:25] <Eugoth> now it shows
[03:25] <Coolyoyo33> Wait 
[03:25] <Coolyoyo33> you have pvz 2?
[03:25] <Coolyoyo33> who even plays that game
[03:25] <Coolyoyo33> lmfao
[03:25] <Eugoth> ^
[03:26] <Eugoth> pvz2 is so old
[03:26] <Eugoth> play pvz3 bro
[03:26] <Dogecoin> i play pvz30
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel i'm playing real PvZ3 now
[03:26] <Coolyoyo33> pvz 2 got ranked worst game of the year for 2017
[03:26] <Electric Plants> o rly 3
[03:27] <Coolyoyo33> reason
[03:27] <Eugoth> (o rly) 2
[03:27] <Eugoth> (o rly) 1
[03:27] <Dogecoin> o rly 0
[03:27] <Coolyoyo33> "2 many micro transectins, need more gemplay"
[03:27] <Dogecoin> tru
[03:27] <Dogecoin> we need moar gemplay!
[03:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol PvZ2 have been Tower Defense GOTY in 2013 but now almost full it inst xD
[03:27] <Eugoth> "micro transectins" (lenny) 
[03:28] <Coolyoyo33> *isn't
[03:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (lenny) 
[03:28] <Dogecoin> EA ruined it
[03:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NO
[03:28] <Dogecoin> well,pvz 2 is in the final phase
[03:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o rly -1
[03:28] <Dogecoin> so,lets go ahead GW2
[03:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> with Tencent and EA, PvZ is better
[03:28] <Coolyoyo33> because that <span style="font-size:16pt;"> thyme </span> there weren't muchas micro transactas
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> BEET THAT!
[03:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> microtransexyons
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :O 
[03:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Yea I have only 2 rollbacks for now
[03:29] <Coolyoyo33> The only upgrade EA could give to PVz was better graphics
[03:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[03:29] <Coolyoyo33> just like they give to every other game
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well and music is better
[03:29] <Coolyoyo33> cause they're useless priks
[03:29] <Dogecoin> everyone agree with cool
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> moar plants
[03:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> gotta sleep bye
[03:29] <Insert Your Name Here> One minute...
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> moar zombies
[03:29] <Dogecoin> please
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> moar areas
[03:29] <Coolyoyo33> I love the music of the first game way more than the second
[03:30] <Dogecoin> moar premium thingys
[03:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> without EA and Tencent PvZ was nothing
[03:30] <Coolyoyo33> it's memorable and catchy, you don't get bored of the loops even
[03:30] <Coolyoyo33> especially roof
[03:30] <Coolyoyo33> and brain busters
[03:30] <Dogecoin> sadly,EA makes games better and worse
[03:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well Roof is the better but the others, i dont remember more
[03:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> even day i dont remember
[03:30] <Brainulator9> Brain Busters don't exist in PvZ1.
[03:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[03:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> only Minigames and Roof i remember
[03:30] <Dogecoin> just minigames
[03:30] <Coolyoyo33> Whatever they're called
[03:30] <Insert Your Name Here> I feel a bit conflicted about advent
[03:30] <Coolyoyo33> Minigames
[03:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and Roof is being replaced by MD one now
[03:31] <Coolyoyo33> MD one is eh
[03:31] <Coolyoyo33> compared to original roof
[03:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Minigames is cuz i see a video with it 
[03:31] <Dogecoin> roof on MD?
[03:31] <Dogecoin> cool
[03:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YES
[03:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Mid Wave B
[03:31] <Vebros> Should i use this in my mod? 
[03:32] <Coolyoyo33> I keep the music when I play Pvz 2 at a minimum of mute
[03:32] <Vebros> (PvZ 1 Game Complete trophy)
[03:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NO
[03:32] <Dogecoin> MD themes in overall are pieces of art
[03:32] <Coolyoyo33> Have you ever grown wings and flown to the sun?
[03:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and Starfruit with vines
[03:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf
[03:33] <Coolyoyo33> the starfruit one looks v fake
[03:33] <Coolyoyo33> lel
[03:33] <Coolyoyo33> so nah
[03:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i put JttW/PvZ1 music on mute and put PvZ2 music instead
[03:33] <Dogecoin> everyone explain
[03:33] <Coolyoyo33> it's just a prank bro @Pumpkin
[03:33] <Dogecoin> how this could happen?
[03:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT
[03:34] <Coolyoyo33> lma[[]]o doge
[03:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lmao 
[03:34] <Vebros> 
[03:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 1mao Imao wtf
[03:34] <Eugoth> Pirate seas with NMT plants:
[03:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> it is facing another side
[03:35] <Coolyoyo33> what if 
[03:35] <Coolyoyo33> the true boss of the game isn't Dr. Zomboss
[03:35] <Coolyoyo33> but actually sunflower's petal?
[03:35] <Eugoth> Next: Wild west with NMT plants
[03:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> plz no WW sucks
[03:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol make it
[03:35] <Eugoth> Wild. sucks
[03:36] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> tablet 96% :) 
[03:36] <Dogecoin> if plants are actually evil and doctor zomboss is good?
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> No
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Taco is good
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Bacon is life
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> so no
[03:36] <Coolyoyo33> But actually we're the protagonist
[03:36] <Coolyoyo33> the protagonist is a taco
[03:36] <Coolyoyo33> the taco is eternal
[03:37] <Eugoth> finding a wild west level is hard
[03:37] <Eugoth> all of them have challenged
[03:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WW level 1?
[03:37] <Coolyoyo33> it is eternally existant in space time 
[03:37] <Eugoth> like don't waste more than x sun
[03:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> why u make this?
[03:37] <Eugoth> no, WW 1 is too easy
[03:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no it inst
[03:37] <Coolyoyo33> are yoiu playing all worlds with NMT plants? @Eugoth
[03:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> isnt*
[03:37] <Eugoth> yep
[03:37] <Eugoth> to show they're good
[03:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> so play NMT with NMT plants
[03:37] <Eugoth> ( lmao )
[03:37] <Coolyoyo33> I believe they're good
[03:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Well, THEY'RE GOOD
[03:38] <Insert Your Name Here> [[Thread:540296]]
[03:38] <Insert Your Name Here> And it's online
[03:38] <Eugoth> ok i found perfect level
[03:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> speccialy (Sporeshroom) and (Intensivecarrot) 
[03:39] <Bearjedi> [[Thread:539966]]
[03:39] <Insert Your Name Here> [[Thread:540296]]
[03:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ &gt;:( 
[03:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Time to sleep
[03:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Bye
[03:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[03:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> piece of crap trash can
[03:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> why this happened
[03:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Laserbean) was hardly nerfed
[03:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> now it gives 0.25nds and only shoot one tile in front of it each 5 seconds
[03:41] <Eugoth> wow wild west is hard with NMT plants
[03:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ik
[03:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> cuz this WW sucks
[03:41] <Eugoth> Or maybe i'm just getting rekt by prospectors and bulls (oh) 
[03:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well prospector its just put 9Phat
[03:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Phatbeet) on 2nd collunm
[03:42] <Eugoth> nvm i'm fine now
[03:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> who planted?
[03:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well hes now dead
[03:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> brb bathroom
[03:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hmm wat is that
[03:44] <Eugoth> Wild west with NMT plants.
[03:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Someone translate that for me: Vomitar, Cagar, Mijar.
[07:01] <Electric Plants> <span class="me-username">* <span>Electric Plants</span></span> clicks the link and mutes the sound
[07:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (facepalm) 
[07:01] <Vebros> hmmm
[07:02] <Vebros> it's not scary
[07:02] <Vebros> you know...
[07:02] <Electric Plants> tatical (facepalm) 
[07:02] <Vebros> that this without sound is not scary at all?
[07:02] <Electric Plants> O rly 
[07:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i remember that i put or something like that
[07:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well do not click
[07:02] <Vebros> [[User:MelonPult16]]
[07:03] <Vebros> ^^^^
[07:03] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[07:03] <Vebros> X-rider.. i remember that too
[07:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[07:03] <Vebros> Hi o/ 
[07:03] <Electric Plants> What is that?
[07:03] <Vebros> Another jumpscare
[07:03] <Electric Plants>
[07:03] <Vebros> ^^ CUTE
[07:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i think TULO clicked the link
[07:03] <Vebros> &lt;3 
[07:03] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hi
[07:03] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[07:03] <ThisUserLikesOreo> why do u think so
[07:04] <Vebros>
[07:04] <Vebros> TACO CRAZY
[07:04] <Vebros> :
[07:04] <Vebros> :3
[07:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well (Starfruit) is dumb cuz everythyme a seagull imp caught she
[07:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[07:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i found a e-mail
[07:04] <ThisUserLikesOreo> bruh speak english
[07:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> [email protected]
[07:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[07:05] <Eugoth> Modern day with NMT plants
[07:05] <Eugoth>
[07:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> what happen if u reply for a e-mail that says &gt;:D 
[07:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh stomach issue
[07:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> so die
[07:06] <Eugoth> Don't breath this
[07:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Shouldn't have eaten before sleeping
[07:07] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Sunglower isn't a NMT plant (oh) @Eugoth
[07:07] <Insert Your Name Here> But did it blend?
[07:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> SUNGLOWER?
[07:07] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Sunflower*
[07:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WRONG SPELL ALERT
[07:07] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Shh ;[[]])
[07:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes it blends!
[07:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @TULO country?
[07:07] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Shello!
[07:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[07:08] <Eugoth> I said
[07:08] <Eugoth> Modern day with NMT plants
[07:08] <Eugoth> With them, not only them. sorry.
[07:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[07:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Top logic
[07:08] <Insert Your Name Here> I like it
[07:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> My country?
[07:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yeah
[07:08] <Electric Plants> China?
[07:09] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[07:09] <Eugoth> bye o/ 
[07:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> prepare for a nuclear bomb liar
[07:09] <Electric Plants> bye
[07:10] <Eugoth> i finally got out of the hell called kung fu world
[07:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have 20 stars :P 
[07:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Eugoth YESSSSSXXXX
[07:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> now suprise FF
[07:10] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Eugoth .
[07:10] <Eugoth> @pumpkin have you reached it?
[07:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no
[07:10] <Eugoth> yes?
[07:10] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> That's-a so nice!
[07:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i'm on AE/PS
[07:10] <Eugoth> Thanks
[07:10] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> (mario) 
[07:10] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Guess @Pumpkin
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Oreoland
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[07:11] <EpicGamer23468> Hai
[07:11] <Eugoth> Hi o/ 
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Español
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Polish
[07:11] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Nops
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Portugal
[07:11] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Emm...
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Canadian
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> USA
[07:11] <Electric Plants> Italy?
[07:11] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Eso es raro. (???)
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> China
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Germany
[07:11] <Eugoth> Could you say the continent at least?
[07:11] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I swear that you were reading my userpage...
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> French
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no im no
[07:11] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Europe
[07:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> itely
[07:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> neterlands
[07:12] <Eugoth> Belgium?
[07:12] <EpicGamer23468> I'm European
[07:12] <EpicGamer23468> UK
[07:12] <Vebros> Poland here :P 
[07:12] <Vebros> You may know.. i hate poland.
[07:12] <Vebros> xD
[07:12] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> I curse that you were-
[07:12] <ThisUserLikesOreo> No
[07:12] <Electric Plants> (portal1) ian me
[07:12] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> oknoillshutup.
[07:13] <Electric Plants> ;) 
[07:13] <Eugoth> @pumpkin for the sake of sanity, unlock wild west before kung fu.
[07:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes i will
[07:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> another time i unlocked KFW first xD i stucked
[07:13] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Baltic country
[07:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Can polan into space?
[07:14] <Eugoth> Greece?
[07:14] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> (portal2) 
[07:14] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Uh.
[07:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i give up
[07:14] <Eugoth> Not sure if i unlock far future or dark ages (fry)
[07:14] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> I wanted it to be orange. (okno)
[07:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Lithuania? &gt;:D prob not
[07:14] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Ye
[07:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WTF
[07:14] <Eugoth> <span style="color:orange;"> Uh.</span>
[07:14] <Electric Plants> lol
[07:14] <Electric Plants> Guess mine
[07:14] <ThisUserLikesOreo> From when Greece is a baltic country
[07:15] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Egypt
[07:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Hello There, Demon!
[07:15] <Electric Plants> I said above
[07:15] <Electric Plants> lol
[07:15] <Electric Plants> :P 
[07:15] <Eugoth> Just a random guess
[07:15] <CitronFire3> O
[07:15] <CitronFire3> H
[07:15] <CitronFire3> MY
[07:15] <CitronFire3> GOD
[07:15] <Vebros> o/ 
[07:15] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What
[07:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT
[07:15] <Eugoth> what
[07:15] <Vebros> CF3 
[07:15] <CitronFire3> GW2
[07:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> BEEHIVE O/ 
[07:15] <CitronFire3> ACHIEVEMENTS 
[07:15] <CitronFire3> MIGHT 
[07:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT SAY I LOVE PVZDS
[07:15] <Eugoth> old news
[07:15] <CitronFire3> REVEAL SOMETHING
[07:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> oh
[07:15] <CitronFire3> STORY MODE
[07:15] <CitronFire3> :p 
[07:15] <Eugoth> interesting
[07:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idc
[07:15] <ThisUserLikesOreo> K
[07:15] <Vebros> CF3 LOOK AT THAT
[07:15] <CitronFire3> I hope theres a story mode
[07:16] <CitronFire3> K
[07:16] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Guess what's my favourite shroom? (puffshroom) 
[07:16] <Eugoth> iwon'tplayitanywaysoyeah.
[07:16] <Eugoth> Puffshroom is good
[07:16] <Eugoth> (yes) 
[07:16] <Vebros> I mod Zombie animation :3
[07:16] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> * Guess who's my favourite shroom. (puffshroom) 
[07:16] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> It's not Puff-shroom.
[07:16] <CitronFire3> NOICE
[07:16] <Eugoth> @vebros far future or dark ages?
[07:16] <Vebros> Huh?
[07:16] <Eugoth> I have sunshroom unlockd
[07:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lawn duh
[07:17] <Eugoth> Do you think far future is easier than DA in china version?
[07:17] <Vebros> I have a naked CD
[07:17] <Vebros> (lenny) 
[07:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i dont played yet
[07:17] <CitronFire3> Vebros u should do plants next
[07:17] <Vebros> in the "sexy stuff" folder.
[07:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Vebros can i see?
[07:17] <Vebros> Noo (lenny) 
[07:17] <Eugoth> (oh) 
[07:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> censor
[07:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> or i will hack u pc
[07:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol kidding
[07:18] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> I have some CP.
[07:18] <Eugoth> lel i unlocked FF
[07:18] <Electric Plants> Show us vebros 
[07:18] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> In case you want. (lenny) (?)
[07:18] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[07:18] <Vebros> Nah im kidding (lenny) 
[07:18] <Vebros> xD
[07:18] <Vebros> but...
[07:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> TELL US TRUTH!
[07:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Naked Snake
[07:18] <Vebros> wait i had a weird page..
[07:18] <Eugoth> taco's pin?
[07:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :O Taco's Pingas!
[07:19] <Vebros> no
[07:19] <Vebros> Naked CD
[07:19] <Vebros> xd
[07:19] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> I have...
[07:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> show us
[07:19] <Electric Plants> SHOW US
[07:19] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> <span style="font-size:16pt;">Naked CP.</span>
[07:19] <Eugoth> Caspa
[07:19] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> (lenny) 
[07:19] <Eugoth> what's CP?
[07:19] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Child Porn.
[07:19] <Eugoth> oh
[07:20] <Eugoth> brb calling fbi
[07:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> OMG U BANNED NOW -Crzzy
[07:20] <Eugoth> xD
[07:20] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Lelz.
[07:21] <Vebros>
[07:21] <Vebros> ^^ (lenny) 
[07:21] <Vebros> It's not a jumpscare, trust me im not Cyan.
[07:21] <Vebros> It's just a... naked granpa ( CD )
[07:21] <Eugoth> "grandpa no clothes" ?
[07:22] <Eugoth> (wat) 
[07:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well if is u banned
[07:22] <Electric Plants> lol
[07:22] <Vebros> Click the censor (lenny) 
[07:22] <Brainulator9> hilo icy cabbage blover.
[07:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf
[07:22] <Vebros> xDDD
[07:22] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Dat moment when you are banned...
[07:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I WAS JUMPSCARED
[07:23] <Vebros> ....
[07:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol kidding
[07:23] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Shello [[]]Hurrikale! o/ 
[07:23] <Vebros> I was kicked 5 months ago on this chat
[07:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> so kick it again i was jumpscared
[07:23] <Electric Plants> y?
[07:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> im kidding danm
[07:24] <Hurrikale> \o 
[07:24] <Vebros> --_-
[07:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> what is first m or n?
[07:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (beeshooter) hive o/ 
[07:24] <Eugoth> kicked for what
[07:24] <Vebros>
[07:24] <Vebros> My chinese friend mod
[07:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :) 
[07:24] <Vebros> Including a some textures and animations from my mod
[07:25] <Eugoth> -made in china
[07:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i dont have PvZ1
[07:25] <Eugoth> o/ 
[07:25] <Electric Plants> Helo!
[07:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[07:25] <Xenons> Hi
[07:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[07:25] <Vebros> Pumpkin PvZ 1 is here. 
[07:25] <Vebros>
[07:25] <Vebros> my mod and free PvZ 1 xd
[07:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok how i put the mod?
[07:26] <Vebros> (facepalm) 
[07:26] <Vebros> Download, unpack, and run PvZ.EXE
[07:27] <Chilly Bean BAM!> Oreo, do you want to be friends with me?
[07:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> oh
[07:27] <Eugoth> or you can unzip (lenny) 
[07:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its installed on PvZ1 already so? xD
[07:27] <Brainulator9> hilo
[07:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WB
[07:28] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I don't even know you...
[07:28] <Brainulator9> hilo
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> MAN TABLET BATTERY IS FAST AS SHIT
[07:28] <Eugoth> That's what i said.
[07:28] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> ^^vv<><> B A.
[07:28] <Eugoth> konami code
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> OMG IM GLITCHING HELP
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i will die by glitchs
[07:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> blargh
[07:29] <Vebros> @Pumpkin yep it's installed PVZ 1 already.
[07:29] <Chilly Bean BAM!> No no no no, ThisUserLikesOreo . Do you want to become friends with me? Please? If not, then okay.
[07:29] <Vebros> Back 
[07:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> We found Pumpkin Skelhead dead on your house
[07:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Rip
[07:29] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> [[]]TULO.
[07:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> theres a last will here: Blargh
[07:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> theres a death note here: Blargh
[07:29] <Eugoth> (blargh)
[07:29] <Insert Your Name Here> May his soul find a girlfriend
[07:30] <Eugoth> death note, the anime?
[07:30] <Insert Your Name Here> And peace
[07:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Pumpkin Skelhade's role was Blargh
[07:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NO PLZ NO ANIMES NO
[07:30] <Eugoth> but you said deathnote
[07:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> as well as mafia
[07:30] <Eugoth> weren't you dead?
[07:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i'm a ghost
[07:31] <Eugoth> OMG MY SUN IS GLITCHING
[07:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> dont see the bones?
[07:31] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I don't then. @Chilly
[07:31] <Eugoth>
[07:31] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What? @Caspa
[07:31] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Bye.
[07:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wat
[07:31] <Eugoth> bye
[07:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[07:32] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> I was just saying your name and not using the emote.
[07:32] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Just to show off. (?)
[07:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i win one moar plant!
[07:32] <ThisUserLikesOreo> k lol
[07:32] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Byebye! (Gonna play some Portal)
[07:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Can't sleep
[07:32] <Chilly Bean BAM!> k
[07:32] <Eugoth> (portal2) 
[07:33] <Eugoth> ^
[07:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its PS portal
[07:33] <Eugoth> hover the mouse over it
[07:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well we have all portals but not basic zombie 2 and Troglo Ice Block
[07:34] <Electric Plants> IYNH
[07:34] <Electric Plants> Y?
[07:34] <Electric Plants> :o 
[07:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes i protected dumb Baby (Starfruit) 
[07:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Stomach issue
[07:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hmmm
[07:35] <Eugoth> baby starfruit is ugly.
[07:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have a power up on PvZ JttW called anti Crazy Dave
[07:35] <Eugoth> wat
[07:36] <Eugoth> nice
[07:36] <Eugoth> i'm playing that chinese pvz minigame on FF
[07:36] <Eugoth> the other that is not like i, zombie
[07:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> theres a simble that is Anti and is CD on the middle
[07:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> All by Oneself?
[07:37] <Eugoth> yes
[07:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> like the console only minigame that replaces its raining seeds
[07:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its a good replacement cuz no mouses
[07:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well PvZ1 Downloaded
[07:38] <Eugoth> lol it's easy
[07:38] <Eugoth> 2 minutes tops
[07:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Good luck doing endless on console
[07:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> umpacking
[07:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> FUCK U AVAST NOW I CANT PLAY THE MOD
[07:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> or maybe i can
[07:40] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Avast?
[07:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well its not my computer
[07:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Gtg bye
[07:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but part is mine
[07:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[07:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> it doenst unnistalled
[07:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Bye
[07:41] <Eugoth> it's an avirus
[07:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[07:41] <Eugoth> bye
[07:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Oh
[07:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[07:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Avast deleted a china PvZ1
[07:42] <SlimeLOLEnder> o/ 
[07:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (beeshooter) hive o/ 
[07:42] <Eugoth> Hoeslo m8.
[07:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> brb 
[07:44] <Eugoth> why zomboss has always to be sphinx?
[07:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ?
[07:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> cuz u playing on level 1
[07:45] <Vebros>
[07:46] <Vebros> hahaha xD
[07:49] <Eugoth> It's because it's from an unknown source
[07:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WTF IS THAT
[07:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> sorry but is demon
[07:50] <Eugoth> because logic
[07:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WTF LOGIC
[07:51] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[07:51] <CitronFire3> LOL
[07:51] <CitronFire3> LOGIC
[07:51] <Electric Plants> lel
[07:51] <Vebros> @Pumpkin My mod? Demon? xD
[07:51] <Vebros> It's not my mod
[07:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ik that inst
[07:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but that thing u send is reakky demon
[07:52] <Vebros> :O 
[07:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i knowed that inst u
[07:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but that :/ 
[07:52] <Vebros> PvZ 666
[07:52] <SlimeLOLEnder> confirmed
[07:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> u seeing now
[07:53] <Vebros> post a screenshot of "demon" PvZ mod
[07:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well RFM has PvZGW2 beta
[07:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well wait
[07:53] <Vebros> "植物大战僵2byVebros%Shou"
[07:53] <Vebros> shou...
[07:53] <Vebros> hmmm
[07:53] <Vebros> shafou (oh) 
[07:53] <Eugoth> show
[07:54] <Eugoth> letitsnow
[07:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> searching cuz i deleted
[07:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hmmm i dont find :O 
[07:55] <Vebros> ARE U sure that this is demon? xd
[07:55] <Vebros> It's my zobie.
[07:55] <Vebros> zombie*
[07:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no no our zombies no demon
[07:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> sound it
[07:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> wow
[07:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> found
[07:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> argh
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> waiting
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> STOP BIRDPOOL 
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well it inst open moar sorry
[07:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> it doenst open but its working wtf
[07:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i will need to restart pc :( 
[07:58] <Vebros> why?
[07:59] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[08:00] <Eugoth> Hi gentleman.
[08:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> (tombstone) Rip in pepperpults (tombstone) 
[08:02] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:02] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> o/ 
[08:02] <Vebros> Hi Ballistic
[08:02] <Snapdragon717> To the dead chat! (tombstone) 
[08:02] <Snapdragon717> Welcome back
[08:03] <Snapdragon717> Welcome back, again
[08:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok it dint work now too so i cant show us 
[08:03] <Electric Plants> HIHI
[08:03] <Ballistic Planet> welp
[08:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i cant show even MD pt 3
[08:03] <Vebros> @Ballistic
[08:03] <Ballistic Planet> time ti go back to getting all the fully evolved pokemanz
[08:04] <Snapdragon717> @Vebros Holy ****, that's good!
[08:04] <Ballistic Planet> I'm very happy after getting my Shiny Diglett yesterday
[08:04] <Vebros> Thanks
[08:04] <Ballistic Planet> ooom
[08:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> worst type of pokemon: Shiny. so overrated and so useless
[08:04] <Ballistic Planet> nice
[08:04] <Eugoth> I wonder
[08:05] <Eugoth> If someone would be able to capture all shiny pokemons
[08:05] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What pokemon game do you play? @Ballistic
[08:05] <Snapdragon717> If you hack, you probably could (troll) 
[08:05] <Ballistic Planet> I'm playing Omega Ruby right now
[07:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> argh
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> waiting
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> STOP BIRDPOOL 
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well it inst open moar sorry
[07:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> it doenst open but its working wtf
[07:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i will need to restart pc :( 
[07:58] <Vebros> why?
[07:59] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[08:00] <Eugoth> Hi gentleman.
[08:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> (tombstone) Rip in pepperpults (tombstone) 
[08:02] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:02] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> o/ 
[08:02] <Vebros> Hi Ballistic
[08:02] <Snapdragon717> To the dead chat! (tombstone) 
[08:02] <Snapdragon717> Welcome back
[08:03] <Snapdragon717> Welcome back, again
[08:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok it dint work now too so i cant show us 
[08:03] <Electric Plants> HIHI
[08:03] <Ballistic Planet> welp
[08:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i cant show even MD pt 3
[08:03] <Vebros> @Ballistic
[08:03] <Ballistic Planet> time ti go back to getting all the fully evolved pokemanz
[08:04] <Snapdragon717> @Vebros Holy ****, that's good!
[08:04] <Ballistic Planet> I'm very happy after getting my Shiny Diglett yesterday
[08:04] <Vebros> Thanks
[08:04] <Ballistic Planet> ooom
[08:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> worst type of pokemon: Shiny. so overrated and so useless
[08:04] <Ballistic Planet> nice
[08:04] <Eugoth> I wonder
[08:05] <Eugoth> If someone would be able to capture all shiny pokemons
[08:05] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What pokemon game do you play? @Ballistic
[08:05] <Snapdragon717> If you hack, you probably could (troll) 
[08:05] <Ballistic Planet> I'm playing Omega Ruby right now
[08:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Gud4u
[08:06] <Ballistic Planet> I found a Shiny Diglett yesterday when I as tryingm to capture a Diglett
[08:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Nais
[08:06] <Ballistic Planet> My brothers second favorite Pokemon is Diglett
[08:07] <Ballistic Planet> I'm gonna give him the Diglett after I'm done with it
[08:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Zomboni on MD pt 3!
[08:07] <SlimeLOLEnder> (wat) 
[08:08] <Snapdragon717> part 3?
[08:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well beeyehive o/ 
[08:08] <Electric Plants> o rly 
[08:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wait a sec
[08:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> k
[08:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i will wait till Birdpool comes
[08:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> waht's with that door Birdpool 
[08:10] <Electric Plants> deeeed
[08:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Birdpool STOP THAT U SPAMMER U WILL DIE AND BEING BANNED
[08:11] <Snapdragon717> correction. DEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAADDDDD
[08:12] <Snapdragon717> What?
[08:12] <Electric Plants> birdpool u will be banned
[08:13] <Snapdragon717> Well that was something, wasn't it?
[08:13] <Electric Plants> ya
[08:13] <Yappat> Somebody! Help me revive this voting thread!
[08:13] <Electric Plants> :O 
[08:13] <Yappat> [[Thread:537948]]
[08:13] <Snapdragon717> And chat just received an epidemic
[08:13] <Vebros> O.O
[08:14] <Snapdragon717> Doge Zombie?
[08:14] <Snapdragon717> (troll) 
[08:14] <Vebros> Yep it's unused Zombie in PVZ 1.
[08:14] <Eugoth> lmao 
[08:14] <Snapdragon717> Welcome Back
[08:15] <Eugoth> hi
[08:15] <Vebros> special power huh?
[08:18] <Brainulator9> @vebros, which reanim file is that?
[08:19] <Brainulator9> I don't need the folder
[08:19] <Vebros> i found this on internet
[08:19] <Vebros> but the file is named "dog_zombie.reanim.compiled"
[08:19] <Electric Plants> Which world Shall I add its music now?
[08:20] <Electric Plants> PS-AE-WW-DA-JM
[08:20] <Snapdragon717> Umm... DA?
[08:21] <Electric Plants> k
[08:31] <Hurrikale> R.I.P
[08:32] <Electric Plants> lYup
[08:33] <ErnestoAM> Door spam!
[08:33] <ErnestoAM> Ban him next time!
[08:33] <ErnestoAM> 
[08:33] <Electric Plants> Ok
[08:33] <Yappat> Do you question existance Vebros 
[08:33] <Electric Plants> EAM
[08:33] <Yappat> ?
[08:33] <Electric Plants> We'll see who will ban him
[08:34] <Electric Plants> (challengeaccepted) 
[08:34] <Snapdragon717> Birdpool , why do you keep entering and exiting?
[08:34] <Electric Plants> Done
[08:34] <Vebros> (oh) 
[08:34] <Hurrikale> (unicorn) 
[08:34] <Electric Plants> (wat) with u vebros ?
[08:35] <Vebros> The chat dancing xd
[08:35] <Electric Plants> :P 
[08:35] <ErnestoAM> AFK SPAM!
[08:35] <Electric Plants> I banned Birdpool right?
[08:35] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[08:35] <Eugoth> :o 
[08:35] <Eugoth> HI
[08:35] <MLG Doge> Hello i'm Doge
[08:35] <Hurrikale> \o o/ 
[08:35] <MLG Doge> And hello to you all
[08:36] <MLG Doge> Lewl this is my first time on the Lawn. (Chat)
[08:36] <Eugoth> Ok.
[08:36] <Vebros> Birdpool (angry) 
[08:36] <MLG Doge> Hi Birdpoll
[08:37] <Snapdragon717> Birdpole
[08:37] <Electric Plants> ErnestAM
[08:37] <Electric Plants> Ban him
[08:37] <MLG Doge> BirdPill?
[08:37] <Electric Plants> I can for some reason
[08:37] <Snapdragon717> ok that's enough
[08:37] <MLG Doge> Beanpin?
[08:37] <Eugoth> Is birdpool 's door spam an accident or just trolls?
[08:37] <Eugoth> Because he says nothing.
[08:37] <Electric Plants> We don't know but this is about the 10th time
[08:37] <Eugoth> -_- 
[08:37] <Electric Plants> He does this
[08:37] <Snapdragon717> And he did it again...
[08:37] <MLG Doge> Rip birdpill
[08:37] <Yappat> Ernesto, could you help me vote on my voting thread about merging primary weapons?
[08:37] <Electric Plants> I will ban him using another way
[08:37] <Electric Plants> >:)
[08:37] <MLG Doge> Ban who?
[08:37] <Eugoth> :o 
[08:37] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[08:37] <Yappat> Me!
[08:38] <Eugoth> what
[08:38] <Yappat> Never mind, I don't want to experience it.
[08:38] <MLG Doge> (Shoop)
[08:38] <MLG Doge> Nooooooo
[08:38] <Eugoth> (mario) 
[08:38] <Electric Plants> Banned
[08:39] <MLG Doge> Rip
[08:39] <Snapdragon717> (luigi) @Eugoth
[08:39] <Eugoth> (sonic) ironic how sonic image charges slowly
[08:39] <Eugoth> sometimes
[08:39] <Yappat> Electric Plants , a former decorated member of the USA Marine Corp needs your support!
[08:39] <Eugoth> (luigi) = green (mario) 
[08:39] <Electric Plants> I don't vote on PvZGW forums
[08:39] <Yappat> Okay.
[08:39] <MLG Doge> Anyway i'm gonna go use my alt acount. It's a stupid OC
[08:39] <Electric Plants> ErnestoAM 
[08:39] <Electric Plants> I need u now
[08:39] <Eugoth> OC?
[08:40] <Yappat> ErnestoAM I need your help to necro this thread back back from the dead!
[08:40] <Snapdragon717>
[08:40] <Pezshoeter> The thread is ded?
[08:40] <Pezshoeter> It's suprizing
[08:40] <Yappat> I need help to revive this.
[08:40] <Yappat> [[Thread:537948]]
[08:40] <Pezshoeter> Anyways this is my crappy OC.
[08:40] <Yappat> It is a needed change, but nobody seems to care about me.
[08:40] <Snapdragon717> Surprizeing
[08:40] <Pezshoeter> Well....
[08:41] <Pezshoeter> Let's say...
[08:41] <Electric Plants> nvm
[08:41] <Eugoth> say what
[08:41] <Pezshoeter> Hey guys do you have a emoji list page?
[08:41] <Snapdragon717> Yep
[08:41] <Eugoth> yes
[08:41] <Pezshoeter> What's it called?
[08:41] <Eugoth> find it (troll) 
[08:41] <Pezshoeter> FUUUUUU
[08:41] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:41] <Eugoth> o/ 
[08:41] <FNAOHGOD> hmm
[08:41] <FNAOHGOD> anyone find a 1.7.0 apk for pvz2 china?
[08:42] <Vebros> (facepalm) 
[08:42] <Vebros> Wait until 28 January.
[08:42] <Eugoth> ^x2
[08:42] <Vebros> It's not relesed on Android hyet.
[08:42] <Vebros> yet*
[08:42] <Snapdragon717> Bored. <span style="font-size:16pt;"> BLENDTEC, UNBORE ME! <span style="font-size:7pt;"></span></span>
[08:42] <Eugoth> lel blendtec
[08:43] <Eugoth> I want to see a new video blendtec
[08:43] <Eugoth> tom works once a month fuck
[08:43] <Eugoth> he probably loves his job
[08:43] <Pezshoeter> I can't find it you scurbs hecking lied &gt;:( 
[08:44] <Eugoth> 1. Tom is always smiling when he's blending stuff
[08:44] <Eugoth> calm down.
[08:44] <Vebros> Tom doing a poop (oh) 
[08:44] <Vebros>
[08:44] <Eugoth> 2. Tom has the chance to blend almost anything
[08:44] <Snapdragon717> @Pez Go to general and then hotlinks, then emotioncons
[08:44] <Vebros> 
[08:44] <Vebros> lmfao
[08:44] <Eugoth> 3. Tom can make jokes.
[08:44] <Eugoth> 4. Tom has a catchphrase
[08:45] <Yappat> I noticed I forgot USA Grammar makes your numbers set out in commas.
[08:45] <Eugoth> 5. Tom earns a lot of money by blending things
[08:45] <Yappat> In Australian Grammar, we space numbers.
[08:45] <Yappat> Like 1 000
[08:45] <Eugoth> 6. It's a fun job to blend stuff.
[08:45] <Pezshoeter> Cool
[08:45] <Pezshoeter> omfg
[08:45] <Eugoth> so in USA it is 1,000?
[08:46] <Eugoth> I separate with a point 1.000
[08:46] <Eugoth> or i could just say 1000
[08:46] <Pezshoeter> The Skrubs on my wiki don't put spaces after there sentance
[08:46] <Snapdragon717> They did a whole scientific investigation on flushing a chocolate cake... A CHOCOLATE CAKE!!!
[08:46] <FNAOHGOD> has anything about modern day part 2 been found out yet?
[08:46] <Pezshoeter> DISGRACEFUL
[08:46] <Pezshoeter> 
[08:46] <Eugoth> -_- 
[08:46] <Eugoth> no
[08:46] <Snapdragon717> Other than All-star and escape root,no
[08:47] <Pezshoeter> 
[08:47] <Eugoth> ffs, nothing more will be found about MD part 2 until the next update
[08:47] <Eugoth> it's not like they add new code to it everyday
[08:47] <Pezshoeter> Therez ah zombee on ur lawn
[08:47] <Pezshoeter> I no ur type
[08:48] <Eugoth> Only 2 things exist for now. Escape root, that's referenced in a banner ONLY and All star zombies, but it's unknown what it is
[08:48] <Pezshoeter> Anyways guys what's your least fav world?
[08:48] <Snapdragon717> Big Wave B**ch
[08:48] <Pezshoeter> Mine is BWB BY FAR.
[08:48] <Eugoth> uhm
[08:48] <Eugoth> jurassic marsh
[08:48] <Pezshoeter> I used to think wild west war hard....
[08:49] <Pezshoeter> Oh god was I wrong...
[08:49] <Pezshoeter> Ok....
[08:49] <Pezshoeter> Tons of people went AFK
[08:50] <Eugoth> bwb can be hard, but it is fun
[08:50] <Pezshoeter> It can I guess
[08:50] <Eugoth> Jurassic marsh is annoying
[08:50] <Pezshoeter> I hate those dinosaurs
[08:50] <Eugoth> All dinos do the same thing and the lack of zombies is just silly
[08:50] <Snapdragon717> I never play any level of BWB. I just click one and remember, "Oh yeah, this one stinks"
[08:50] <Pezshoeter> I don't care if I have a purfume shroom.
[08:50] <Snapdragon717> Except the Zomboss Battle
[08:50] <Snapdragon717> That's good
[08:51] <Pezshoeter> Anyways I used to use Bonk Choys on BWB
[08:51] <Pezshoeter> Then I Used Snapdragons
[08:52] <Pezshoeter> Then I used Fume Shroom
[08:52] <Pezshoeter> Then I couldn't get past some levels
[08:52] <Pezshoeter> Ok everyones Afk Now.
[08:53] <Snapdragon717> The problem is those are cheap plants, which lack range, which you need (Surfers come in quick, Octos are slow as heck, Fishermen stay on first column). And projectile based ones are hard to immediately place down
[08:53] <Eugoth> wat
[08:53] <Eugoth> you pinged me xD
[08:53] <Snapdragon717> Fishermen? Maybe
[08:53] <Eugoth> yes
[08:53] <Snapdragon717> Ah
[08:53] <Eugoth> weird
[08:53] <Eugoth> in my ping phrases
[08:54] <Eugoth> i put fisherman, not fishermen
[08:54] <Itsleo20> Hello peoples
[08:55] <ErnestoAM> SPAM
[08:55] <ErnestoAM> wait
[08:55] <ErnestoAM> I think it is the glitch
[08:55] <Itsleo20> What glitch?
[08:55] <Itsleo20> HOLY
[08:55] <ErnestoAM> the huge space glitch
[08:55] <Itsleo20> WHAT
[08:55] <Eugoth> i don't see huge space
[08:55] <Itsleo20> what the heck
[08:55] <ErnestoAM> which seems like someone is spamming
[08:55] <Snapdragon717> I see it
[08:55] <Itsleo20> Why is this happening?
[08:55] <Eugoth> i don1t -_- 
[08:56] <Snapdragon717> Did you change anything? Like Postname or something?
[08:56] <Itsleo20> I did
[08:56] <ErnestoAM> I thought that Fire Peashotter guy spammed, but it was the glitch.
[08:56] <Itsleo20> I'll fix it
[08:57] <Electric Plants> U banned him for that?
[08:57] <Vebros> I had this "glitch" too.
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> NO
[08:57] <Vebros> When EP change my postname
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> just kicked
[08:57] <Electric Plants> Poor fire pea
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> I felt bad
[08:58] <ErnestoAM> ;( 
[08:58] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[08:58] <Eugoth> ;( 
[08:58] <Eugoth> He's dead now, jim.
[08:59] <Snapdragon717> On an unrelated note, this is like the fourth time I posted this in chat ever. But who cares? (happy) 
[08:59] <ErnestoAM> what is it?
[08:59] <ErnestoAM> school PCs prevent me from watching some YT videos
[09:00] <Snapdragon717> It's just a remix of Thomas the Tank Engine theme and Ravioli Ravioli Give Me the Formuoli.
[09:00] <Snapdragon717> Yes there are such amazing things on the interweb!
[09:00] <Electric Plants> @EAM
[09:00] <Electric Plants> our school prevents us from chatting
[09:00] <ErnestoAM> Whoa
[09:00] <ErnestoAM> That's even harsher.
[09:01] <ErnestoAM> :( 
[09:01] <Electric Plants> My school sucks
[09:01] <Itsleo20> Hi
[09:01] <Snapdragon717> Mine doesn't restrict that!
[09:01] <Itsleo20> Does it work now?
[09:01] <ErnestoAM> Hi
[09:01] <Vebros> No
[09:01] <Itsleo20> GODDAMIT IT DOESNT
[09:01] <ErnestoAM> Nope.
[09:01] <Vebros> HOLE MOLY
[09:01] <Electric Plants> Tu use computer for half an hour pay 1 pound
[09:01] <Electric Plants> -_- 
[09:01] <ErnestoAM> Spammity spam.
[09:01] <ErnestoAM> I can use it for free.
[09:01] <ErnestoAM> Wow, it does suck. :( 
[09:01] <Snapdragon717> I have my own computer for school (happy) 
[09:02] <Snapdragon717> They gave everyone computers
[09:02] <ErnestoAM> Naw
[09:02] <Electric Plants> Lucky
[09:02] <ErnestoAM> I didn't want to get one.
[09:02] <Electric Plants> I have 55 student in my class
[09:02] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[09:02] <ErnestoAM> Since I don't wanna be responsible for anything with it.
[09:02] <ErnestoAM> I have my own PC anyways
[09:03] <Electric Plants> I wish If I can take my tablet to my school
[09:03] <Eugoth> I have my own PC now.
[09:03] <Snapdragon717> You can't even bring your own electronics?
[09:03] <Snapdragon717> harsh
[09:03] <Electric Plants> But I bring my phone
[09:03] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[09:03] <Electric Plants> I can but it might be stolen
[09:03] <Eugoth> Can you bring phones to bathroom? (lenny) 
[09:04] <Electric Plants> o rly 
[09:04] <ErnestoAM> That's the best idea.
[09:04] <Snapdragon717> You can if you try (lenny) 
[09:04] <Electric Plants> Well I can (lenny) 
[09:04] <Eugoth> You know why (lenny) 
[09:04] <Vebros> De hell 
[09:04] <Vebros>
[09:05] <ErnestoAM> Have you tried them?
[09:05] <Vebros> No
[09:05] <Electric Plants> The game will crash.
[09:05] <Electric Plants> IK y@eufgoth
[09:05] <Vebros> But...
[09:05] <Eugoth> Crash bandicoot
[09:05] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[09:05] <Vebros> dog zombie in action
[09:05] <ErnestoAM> Bikini Zombie class (lenny) Best creation ever
[09:05] <Eugoth> I don't know if you have a limit of time to stay in the bathroom in your school
[09:06] <Electric Plants> Nah
[09:06] <Eugoth> but if there isn't (lenny) 
[09:06] <Electric Plants> I can stay there for a whole year
[09:06] <Eugoth> You can
[09:06] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[09:06] <Eugoth> you can cheat on a test
[09:06] <Vebros> (lenny) 
[09:06] <Electric Plants> even in exams days during the exam
[09:06] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[09:06] <Snapdragon717> I could probably use the bathroom for a whole school year and no one would notice.
[09:06] <Electric Plants> I don't cheat
[09:06] <Electric Plants> ;) 
[09:06] <Itsleo20> Is it fine now?
[09:06] <Snapdragon717> Nope
[09:07] <Eugoth> good to know
[09:07] <Itsleo20> D:
[09:07] <Eugoth> :) 
[09:07] <Eugoth> Rekt
[09:07] <Snapdragon717> I don't study, but I still do well somehow...
[09:07] <Eugoth> ^
[09:07] <Vebros> I CAN GET ANOTHER F
[09:07] <Vebros> :'( 
[09:07] <Eugoth> F = 0?
[09:07] <Vebros> My fifth F from math..
[09:07] <Vebros> 1
[09:07] <Itsleo20> Back
[09:07] <Electric Plants> I don't study but I always get high marks
[09:07] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[09:07] <Eugoth> and what is 0?
[09:07] <Vebros> idk
[09:07] <Itsleo20> It still doesn't work ;-;
[09:07] <Itsleo20> Oh wait
[09:07] <Vebros> ;-
[09:07] <Itsleo20> nvm
[09:08] <Itsleo20> :D It works!
[09:08] <Eugoth> Why is doge zombie a backwards badass lawmower mowing slowly?
[09:08] <Vebros> back
[09:08] <Vebros> Yay work
[09:08] <Vebros> "MACH PWNCH"
[09:08] <Itsleo20> MACH PAWNCH
[09:08] <Itsleo20> : D 
[09:08] <Brainulator9> damnit itsleo
[09:08] <Snapdragon717> Okay, I see it now
[09:09] <Electric Plants> Soo?
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> It is Leo 20
[09:09] <Itsleo20> Indeed
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> It's fixed
[09:09] <Snapdragon717> It is Leo Twenty
[09:09] <Itsleo20> yay!
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> though the imagine is kinda big
[09:09] <Itsleo20> Oh
[09:09] <Snapdragon717> the imagine
[09:09] <Eugoth> Kinda big (lenny) 
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> Imagine
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> wtf
[09:09] <Electric Plants> (strawburst) - Big is good.
[09:09] <Eugoth> (oh) oops i did it again
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> what I do :( 
[09:10] <Electric Plants> (wat) 
[09:10] <ErnestoAM> sheesh, I can't tell the different between "image" and "imagine", I iz sed. :( 
[09:10] <Itsleo20> How big?
[09:10] <Itsleo20> is it too big?
[09:10] <Electric Plants> image a picture
[09:10] <Electric Plants> imgaine a picture in your head
[09:10] <Electric Plants> dude
[09:10] <Vebros> Itsleo
[09:10] <Snapdragon717> I'd say on a computer screen, 2 inches to 2 inches
[09:11] <Eugoth> imagine dragons
[09:11] <Eugoth> image dragons
[09:11] <Electric Plants> Lea r u an admin?
[09:11] <Brainulator9> Sorry, I was looking at your old chat window.
[09:11] <Itsleo20> ah
[09:11] <Itsleo20> thx
[09:11] <Itsleo20> Who's Lea? :P 
[09:11] <Brainulator9> Princess Leia
[09:12] <Electric Plants> Leo?
[09:12] <Electric Plants> lol
[09:12] <ErnestoAM> ItsLeo20 is an admin here on the Wizards 101 wiki
[09:12] <Itsleo20> Legit
[09:12] <Vebros> Did you see something (lenny) here?
[09:12] <ErnestoAM> Who does stuff on Sesame Street wiki
[09:12] <Itsleo20> I'm not as active as I once was however
[09:13] <Itsleo20> brb
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> He wanted to become admin again just to edit emotes.
[09:13] <Eugoth> @vebros the boy is about to have a rid to the hospital?
[09:13] <Vebros> no 
[09:13] <Eugoth> @vebros the bicycle's back wheel is farting?
[09:13] <Brainulator9> @EAM, there's no Sesame Street Wiki.
[09:13] <Itsleo20> Sup
[09:13] <Vebros> no
[09:13] <Vebros> look
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> gtg
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> school bell
[09:13] <Eugoth> @vebros he only has 2 teeth?
[09:13] <Brainulator9> Muppet Wiki though exists.
[09:13] <Vebros> o/ 
[09:14] <Snapdragon717> By
[09:14] <Itsleo20> o/ 
[09:14] <Eugoth> OH
[09:14] <Eugoth> He has 3 fingers
[09:14] <Vebros> NO
[09:14] <Eugoth> 4*
[09:14] <Vebros>
[09:14] <Vebros> look
[09:14] <Vebros> what you see
[09:14] <Vebros> (lenny) 
[09:14] <Eugoth> He's not sitting on the bike?
[09:14] <Itsleo20> I see a potato
[09:14] <Snapdragon717> Okay, we get it, it's a p***s
[09:14] <Itsleo20> Hi!
[09:15] <Vebros> @Eugo no, this is looks like pen**. 
[09:15] <Vebros>
[09:15] <Vebros> xDD
[09:15] <Snapdragon717> I'll circle it if you don't see it
[09:15] <Eugoth> Pen...
[09:15] <Eugoth> Penny
[09:15] <Eugoth> o_o
[09:15] <Itsleo20> Penny is pen15 confirmed
[09:15] <Itsleo20> brb
[09:15] <Eugoth> I don't see penny in the picture
[09:16] <Eugoth> OH
[09:16] <Electric Plants> I see a picture
[09:16] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[09:16] <Eugoth> There are 3 pennies at the wheel thing
[09:16] <Eugoth> gtg
[09:16] <Snapdragon717> by
[09:16] <Electric Plants> buy
[09:16] <Brainulator9> penis?
[09:17] <Electric Plants> ?
[09:17] <Itsleo20> cya
[09:17] <Vebros> Oh god i found my old X-ray while i broken my hand
[09:17] <Vebros> O_O
[09:17] <Itsleo20> brb
[09:17] <Itsleo20> again
[09:17] <Eugoth> back
[09:17] <Snapdragon717> There's the p***s
[09:17] <Electric Plants> o rly 
[09:17] <Electric Plants> I never brock a bone
[09:17] <Electric Plants> (lenny) 
[09:18] <Itsleo20> same ^
[09:18] <Itsleo20> Can anyone even tell what is going on in my samll icon?
[09:18] <Eugoth> Pensy
[09:18] <Eugoth> In pensylvania, USA.
[09:18] <Electric Plants> IDK
[09:18] <Electric Plants> Too lazy to refresh
[09:19] <Snapdragon717> There's an actual place called Hell in Michigan
[09:19] <Eugoth> Wait
[09:19] <Snapdragon717> Sadly, it isn't in New Jersey
[09:19] <Eugoth> I know the word, snapdragon
[09:19] <Brainulator9> There's also Fucking, Austria
[09:19] <Eugoth> ponys
[09:19] <Itsleo20> @B9 I've heard of that
[09:19] <Eugoth> it's gramatically incorrect tho
[09:19] <Snapdragon717> f***in Austria!
[09:19] <Electric Plants> BOARD
[09:20] <Eugoth> should be ponies
[09:21] <Vebros> o/ 
[09:21] <TheHandsomePlant> oh all the old-stars!
[09:21] <Eugoth> (fume-shroom) (snake) (badger)
[09:21] <Eugoth> o/ 
[09:21] <Itsleo20> o/ 
[09:21] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[09:21] <Itsleo20> Get mach pwnched, THP
[09:21] <Vebros> Hi the "Pea Lover" (oh) 
[09:21] <TheHandsomePlant> It's not how you speak it
[09:21] <Snapdragon717> There's a place called Penistone. I think it's pronounced Peni Stone
[09:22] <TheHandsomePlant> Penny Stone?
[09:22] <Eugoth> Pen is tone
[09:22] <Vebros> Pen is. Penis
[09:22] <Eugoth> Deal with it
[09:22] <Snapdragon717> There's a place called Bitchfield
[09:22] <Snapdragon717> And a place called D**k Lick Springs
[09:22] <Eugoth> Bit chfield
[09:22] <Eugoth> Duck lick springs
[09:23] <Eugoth> Deck?
[09:23] <Eugoth> Dock.
[09:23] <Snapdragon717> Fu*k Lick Springs
[09:23] <TheHandsomePlant> There's a man who's called Hubert Blaine Wolfe­schlegel­stein­hausen­berger­dorff, Sr.
[09:23] <Eugoth> Dock lick springs.
[09:23] <Snapdragon717> Oh wait
[09:23] <TheHandsomePlant> Seriously look it up
[09:23] <Snapdragon717> wrong swear
[09:23] <TheHandsomePlant> And that's not even half of his real name
[09:23] <TheHandsomePlant> He has 666 surnames
[09:23] <TheHandsomePlant> It's about time, ADVENT
[09:23] <Eugoth> o/ 
[09:24] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[09:24] <Eugoth> I don't get it snap
[09:24] <Snapdragon717> D i c k L i c k S p r i n g s
[09:24] <Snapdragon717> that
[09:24] <Snapdragon717> is the name
[09:24] <Eugoth> :o (oh) (allears) 
[09:24] <Electric Plants> o rly ya rly 
[09:24] <Eugoth> Searching in google
[09:25] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[09:25] <Snapdragon717> Also a place called dil dough (you know the real word)
[09:25] <Vebros> There are place in North Zeland called Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateapokaiwhenuakitanatahu
[09:25] <Itsleo20> .-.
[09:25] <Itsleo20> this
[09:25] <Itsleo20> is
[09:25] <Itsleo20> just
[09:25] <Itsleo20> please no more s3x jokes
[09:25] <Eugoth> Dil cough?
[09:25] <TheHandsomePlant> Damn it
[09:25] <TheHandsomePlant> I just wanted to say it
[09:25] <TheHandsomePlant> Let's climb the Taumatawhakatangi­hangakoauauotamatea­turipukakapikimaunga­horonukupokaiwhen­uakitanatahu!
[09:25] <Itsleo20> Okay
[09:25] <Itsleo20> how do you say that?
[09:25] <TheHandsomePlant> Or let's go to Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch!
[09:25] <Eugoth> And i can't speak arnold schawzerneggar
[09:26] <Eugoth> ..a
[09:26] <Itsleo20> I think I can sing
[09:26] <Itsleo20> decently
[09:27] <Eugoth> llan fair pwl GW yng yll go gery chwy rn drop bwlll lanty sili o go go goch
[09:27] <TheHandsomePlant> GW?
[09:27] <TheHandsomePlant> Garden Warfare?
[09:27] <Eugoth> yep you said that
[09:27] <Vebros> OMG
[09:27] <Vebros>
[09:27] <Vebros>
[09:27] <Vebros> NEW PVZ ALL STARS ICON
[09:27] <Vebros> NEW DA
[09:27] <Snapdragon717> Rhode Island School of Design has the best mascot ever... SCROTIE THE NADS!
[09:27] <TheHandsomePlant> oh hi derp mage
[09:28] <Snapdragon717> The person dresses up as a p***s!
[09:28] <Snapdragon717> I feel so bad for them
[09:28] <Eugoth> @Snapdragon what if you could dress up as a penis and do whatever you want without anyone knowing you?
[09:28] <TheHandsomePlant> You just posted NSFW content without warning
[09:28] <Eugoth> :o 
[09:29] <Vebros> :( gtg o/ 
[09:29] <Eugoth> Snapdragon is a cool guy
[09:29] <Eugoth> bye
[09:29] <Snapdragon717> by
[09:30] <Itsleo20> bye den
[09:30] <Snapdragon717> Have you ever heard of Moe Lester? Real person's name
[09:30] <Itsleo20> Wow
[09:30] <Electric Plants> Nope
[09:30] <Itsleo20> rly
[09:31] <Snapdragon717> Or Jack Goff?
[09:31] <Eugoth> "i love Jack Goff" - His girlfriend, probably
[09:31] <Snapdragon717> Batman Bin Suparman? (not a grammatical error)
[09:31] <Itsleo20> Wow
[09:31] <Itsleo20> just
[09:32] <Itsleo20> wow
[09:32] <Snapdragon717> Someone called Bud Light
[09:32] <Itsleo20> You need a mach pwnch
[09:32] <Eugoth> mach 1.
[09:32] <Eugoth> Mach 2.
[09:32] <Itsleo20> mach 57
[09:32] <Eugoth> Mach 3 Mach 4 Mach 5 Mach 6 Mach 7 Mach 8
[09:32] <Itsleo20> 2 YOUR FAIZ
[09:32] <Snapdragon717> Airwrecka Mcbride
[09:32] <Eugoth> mach 57 u wot
[09:33] <Snapdragon717> these are real names, people!
[09:33] <Itsleo20> I do wot
[09:33] <Eugoth> wot
[09:33] <Eugoth> (wat) 
[09:33] <Eugoth> wet (lenny) 
[09:33] <Snapdragon717> Saeid Mohammadpourkarkaragh
[09:33] <Eugoth> wit (oh) 
[09:33] <Snapdragon717> Real name
[09:33] <Eugoth> wut -_- 
[09:33] <Eugoth> ok
[09:34] <Eugoth> Wanna waste your time?
[09:34] <Eugoth> Count how many fs are here fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
[09:34] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[09:34] <Eugoth> o/ 
[09:34] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[09:34] <Itsleo20> Hi
[09:34] <Itsleo20> I sahll not count
[09:34] <Eugoth> Then don't -_- 
[09:34] <Snapdragon717> I'm listing some stupid names of real people!
[09:34] <Snapdragon717> Like Jack Mehoff!
[09:34] <Eugoth> What about not-real people.
[09:35] <Snapdragon717> Or Saeid Mohammadpourkarkaragh
[09:35] <Eugoth> I wonder
[09:35] <Eugoth> In our reality we get crazy dave
[09:35] <Snapdragon717> "Beezow Doo-Doo Zopittybop-Bop-Bop arrested".
[09:35] <Electric Plants> Arabian name 
[09:35] <Eugoth> In othe realities they get lazy dave?
[09:35] <Electric Plants> Which I KNOW@SNAPY
[09:36] <Snapdragon717> Phat Ho. A.K.A: (Phat Beet) 
[09:36] <Electric Plants> Wait
[09:36] <Electric Plants> Nah I don't
[09:36] <Eugoth> m1 lise
[09:37] <IMCR8Z> @Eugoth: And other realities get a stoner version named Hazy Dave
[09:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[09:37] <Eugoth> lol
[09:37] <Eugoth> o/ 
[09:37] <Itsleo20> o/ 
[09:37] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[09:37] <Snapdragon717> Sue H. Yoo. Occupation: Lawyer. The Iron "E" hurts
[09:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[09:37] <Eugoth> Actually our crazy dave is actually pretty stoned.
[09:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> theres a thing called PvZO that doenst have (Bigbadbutte) cuz why reason?
[09:38] <Eugoth> Except his eyes aren't red.
[09:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Bigbadbutte) = WW
[09:38] <Eugoth> because PVZ online sucks.
[09:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok true
[09:38] <Eugoth> No offense
[09:38] <IMCR8Z> And there's a puzzle enthusiast named Mazyy Dave
[09:38] <IMCR8Z> *Mazey
[09:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but is a bit cool in the RPG on turns mode
[09:39] <Snapdragon717> Ben Dover
[09:39] <Snapdragon717> is a real name
[09:39] <Eugoth> @IMC Mazey dave is in Plants vs zombies chinese
[09:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok someone can help me?
[09:39] <Eugoth> He forces us to get puzzle pieces
[09:39] <IMCR8Z> @Eugoth: K
[09:39] <Snapdragon717> Mike Hawk
[09:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wait, i will see if someone picked my PvZ: World Tour idea
[09:39] <Eugoth> lots of people
[09:39] <Eugoth> Pvz: Around the world
[09:40] <Eugoth> Imitater is somehow going to be in france
[09:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> theres RV world tour but i seed that is a Island tour
[09:40] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> This is a meme now.</span>
[09:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well World Tour is a Total Drama reference xD
[09:41] <Eugoth> okay.
[09:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> PvZ: The revenge of the House
[09:41] <Eugoth> wat
[09:41] <Eugoth> Drugs
[09:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> actually my idea is not on continents
[09:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its on countrys but only the 30 best ones
[09:42] <Eugoth> why not all of them?
[09:42] <Eugoth> 194 worlds
[09:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> OMG
[09:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol ok i will pick at least 50, anothers are DLCs
[10:51] <Snapdragon717> that need to wait 116600 hours to boost
[10:52] <Snapdragon717> I messed around with the clock on other apps without closing PvZ2 and that happened
[10:52] <Snapdragon717> I could easily go fix it.
[10:52] <Itsleo20> HAX FTW
[10:52] <Snapdragon717> But I'm too lazy! (happy) 
[10:52] <Itsleo20> .-.
[10:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> back
[10:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> now making a PvZCC page:)
[10:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> for now no images :( but i will add some content right now
[10:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hmmm how i create that
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[10:56] <ErnestoAM> hizers
[10:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> The Mach Pawnch
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> tho
[10:56] <Snapdragon717> Okay. My Temple of Bloom strat is now all primals, (Winter melon2) , (Gold Leaf) , and (Blover2) . Sometimes (Cherry Bomb2) replaces Primal Wall-nut or Blover if it isn't needed. (tile turnip) is used when Blover and Primal Wall-nut isn't needed
[10:56] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[10:57] <Electric Plants> eam pm
[10:57] <ErnestoAM> (shadow) 
[10:58] <ErnestoAM> (shadowboost)
[10:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> someone help me making a page help
[10:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (shadowshroomboosted)
[10:58] <HDMaster> I swear this chat is in a constant state of SPAM due to the postnames and text
[10:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> I don't see it
[10:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> postnames
[10:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but how i make ?
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> like, it doesn't feel like spam to me
[10:59] <HDMaster> It does to me
[11:00] <Snapdragon717> @Pumpkin I think it automatically does it, as long as you use the headers and stuff
[11:00] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT
[11:00] <Snapdragon717> Someone correct me if I'm wrong
[11:00] <HDMaster> You're not
[11:01] <HDMaster> Though you can remove it with a code
[11:01] <HDMaster> I forgot the code though
[11:01] <HDMaster> You can also make the ToC appear to the right
[11:01] <HDMaster> but... IDK the code either
[11:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok...
[11:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> there is Template Game?
[11:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> where*
[11:02] <HDMaster> IDK
[11:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay i found it
[11:03] <ErnestoAM> (tunnelentrance)
[11:03] <ErnestoAM> damn
[11:04] <ErnestoAM> HI!
[11:04] <Snapdragon717> Ello Madame
[11:04] <ErnestoAM> Isn't it Madam
[11:04] <Snapdragon717> Might be
[11:05] <ErnestoAM> or for lazy people "Ma'am"
[11:05] <ErnestoAM> but then, how can it be lazy if you write the same number of characters
[11:05] <Electric Plants> back
[11:05] <Snapdragon717> Jeez, every level in Temple of Bloom that has Relic Hinter A.K.A Indiana Jones, also has the Lost Pilot
[11:05] <Snapdragon717> hunter
[11:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> how i put a link but change name? Like theres a link to Magnet Shroom page, it is a normal link, but how i change it to "Magnet-Shroom"? Or is automatic?
[11:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> or a thing saying better than "this one" where theres a link to Gold Magnet page?
[11:09] <Electric Plants> (gold lock) 
[11:09] <Electric Plants> (pinata) 
[11:09] <Electric Plants> (senor pinata) 
[11:10] <Snapdragon717> (money bag) 
[11:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok i will pick a game template to see how he made that
[11:10] <Snapdragon717> (money bag2)
[11:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Moneybag2)
[11:11] <Snapdragon717> I feel like my arm is getting a workout having to constantly place Blovers down in Temple Of Blom
[11:11] <Electric Plants> (coin)
[11:11] <Snapdragon717> (coins)
[11:11] <Snapdragon717> (money)
[11:11] <Electric Plants> (how about a kiss for luck) 
[11:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay i did it!
[11:11] <Electric Plants> (jackfruit blocking tunnel)
[11:11] <Electric Plants> (shadowboost)
[11:12] <Electric Plants> (tunnel exit)
[11:12] <Cletus16> Hi
[11:12] <Electric Plants> (tunnel entrance)
[11:12] <Electric Plants> Done
[11:12] <Snapdragon717> (Hammer Zombie)
[11:12] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[11:12] <Snapdragon717> Still no chinese zombies
[11:12] <Cletus16> @Electric Plants: What's up?
[11:12] <Electric Plants> Hi
[11:12] <Cletus16> I noticed that this wiki has users who are currently blocked for being underage
[11:12] <Cletus16> Sorry for talking about that.
[11:12] <Cletus16> I'll change the subject.
[11:13] <HDMaster> I know you
[11:13] <Cletus16> @The Master Approaches: You know me?
[11:13] <HDMaster> My name isn't The Master Approaches
[11:13] <HDMaster> It's HDMaster
[11:13] <HDMaster> is that more familiar?
[11:13] <HDMaster> Oh
[11:15] <Itsleo20> Stuffy stuff back
[11:16] <Snapdragon717> Okay, Level 49 of TOB. I'll stop there for now
[11:12] <Cletus16> I'll change the subject.
[11:13] <HDMaster> I know you
[11:13] <Cletus16> @The Master Approaches: You know me?
[11:13] <HDMaster> My name isn't The Master Approaches
[11:13] <HDMaster> It's HDMaster
[11:13] <HDMaster> is that more familiar?
[11:13] <HDMaster> Oh
[11:15] <Itsleo20> Stuffy stuff back
[11:16] <Snapdragon717> Okay, Level 49 of TOB. I'll stop there for now
[11:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Templeofbloom) 
[11:16] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[11:16] <Ballistic Planet> (newspapee2)
[11:17] <Snapdragon717> "Gamers in a game? Too meta!" - Defeat Arcade Zombies!
[11:17] <Ballistic Planet> (newspaper2)
[11:17] <Ballistic Planet> k
[11:18] <Ballistic Planet> rip
[11:18] <Snapdragon717> Frostbite Caves Day 1 is one of my favorite levels just because of the strategies you can set up. Plus it's easy.
[11:18] <Electric Plants> If someone gave me a code for newspaper and balloon zombies I will add them
[11:19] <Electric Plants> (car) 
[11:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wheres Troglo Ice Block
[11:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beehive o/ 
[11:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wow making a page its hard
[11:22] <Electric Plants> gtg
[11:22] <Electric Plants> Good night
[11:22] <Electric Plants> o/ \o 
[11:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[11:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> how i make that
[11:23] <Snapdragon717> Plot... (lenny) 
[11:23] <HDMaster> Hit Caption
[11:23] <HDMaster> No
[11:23] <Snapdragon717> by
[11:23] <HDMaster> yeah
[11:23] <HDMaster> No
[11:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :( idk how to make that :( 
[11:28] <Snapdragon717> I'm just replaying FC Day 1 to see how many strategies I can do
[11:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have no idea how to start the page :( 
[11:29] <Snapdragon717> I just beat it using Lightning Reed, Celery Stalker, Staia, Sun Bean, Primal Wall-nut, Cherry Bomb, and Intensive Carrot
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> lmao 
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> I got a Lucky Blover for logging chat
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> kek
[11:30] <Snapdragon717> Also, doing LC Day 1 is fun too, just close your eyes, pick some plants, then press let's rock. Even without a sun producer, it's still easy
[11:30] <Snapdragon717> lol
[11:34] <Snapdragon717> You're kidding me
[11:34] <Snapdragon717> I just beat FC Day 1
[11:34] <Snapdragon717> Only using Ghost Pepper and 2 Magnet-shrooms
[11:34] <Snapdragon717> Plant Food used
[11:35] <Snapdragon717> I placed Chard Guards, but they were never used
[11:41] <Snapdragon717> Dead
[11:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> BACK
[11:44] <Snapdragon717>
[11:45] <Fairy27> ...?
[11:45] <Fairy27> (plays today's PP)
[11:49] <Fairy27> 750 coins + 100 coins and a single sprout as a result
[11:53] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> SUPER DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!</span>
[11:53] <Snapdragon717> I would just go to MS Paint right now, draw a cape on a zombie, add a mask, etc., and just post it every time this happens
[11:54] <Fairy27> I am out now!