Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/25 September 2015

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[11:51] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> this is what it would do...wizard zap,octopi bind,throw snowballs,react to jams but does special things during jams
[11:51] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> basically any zombie gimmick
[11:51] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> dont ask how i think this is possible.
[11:52] <Birdpool> &gt;:D 
[11:52] <Birdpool> lawl
[11:52] <PuffyMuffins> ATLASES_EVENT_PUFFYPARTY_1536_00_PTX.png
[11:52] <ErnestoAM> lawl PuffyM[[]]uffins
[11:52] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> most part is i want to make custom quest levels
[11:53] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> like HOW is that not awesome?
[11:53] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 
[11:53] <ErnestoAM> Hi Retro[[]]Bowser
[11:53] <PuffyMuffins> yo RB
[11:53] <Birdpool> Mine would be an Arcade, like, a zombie that does the same thing, but destroyuing the zombie stops 8-bit zombies from spawning)
[11:53] <PuffyMuffins> puffy party would be the best thing ever
[11:53] <ErnestoAM> you get to play with PuffyMuffins !
[11:53] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i could make it when i can but i need what you plan 
[11:53] <Birdpool> Birdpool Zombie would have roughly 25 HP and would be Hungry speed
[11:54] <ErnestoAM> PuffyMuffins and Puffy[[]]Muffins
[11:54] <Birdpool> I walk fast >:)
[11:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Birdpool
[11:54] <AWikiBoy521> Me too IRL.
[11:54] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> look i wont spam the chat as much about rton editing like i did the other day XD
[11:54] <Birdpool> It would always spawn 8-bit Zombies, but would spawn them 2x as often, always armoured when 8-bit jam plays
[11:54] <AWikiBoy521> Probably because of my long legs.
[11:54] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i didnt really spam but i kept saying what i plan to do with it
[11:54] <ErnestoAM> I'm like 6ft tall
[11:55] <Birdpool> I just walk fast to get to class and to get to school
[11:55] <Birdpool> why
[11:55] <Birdpool> @Ernesto
[11:55] <ErnestoAM> what
[11:55] <Birdpool> WE NEED HEIGHT
[11:55] <ErnestoAM> lawl
[11:55] <ErnestoAM> no
[11:55] <Birdpool> : o
[11:55] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> "why are you 6ft tall" -birdpool 2015
[11:55] <PuffyMuffins> lolol
[11:56] <Birdpool> *Birdpool
[11:56] <Birdpool> spell it right
[11:56] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> same thing
[11:56] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_muffins
[11:56] <Birdpool> no it's nawt
[11:56] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> not*
[11:56] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> spell it right
[11:57] <Birdpool> I was using slang
[11:57] <Birdpool> you were using Assholeinese
[11:57] <Birdpool> -_____-
[11:57] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> wow that's rude 3:
[11:57] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> i feel offended
[11:57] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and triggered
[11:57] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> (airhorn)
[11:57] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> rekt.
[11:58] <Birdpool> >:3
[11:58] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> no seriously tho
[11:58] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> don't swear to others
[11:58] <PuffyMuffins> i feel violated
[11:58] <PuffyMuffins> ;3
[11:58] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and that's extremely ironic @bp
[11:59] <Birdpool> I feel violated that religious people can't accept gay people
[11:59] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> wait cant you swear at others if its joking?
[11:59] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> he didnt imply that he was joking
[11:59] <RetroBowser> birdpool 
[01:28] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> how do we kill this beast from hell
[01:29] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[01:29] <ErnestoAM> kiwibeast that's how
[01:29] <Lolwutburger> by not buying her insurance
[01:29] <Lolwutburger> eventually she'll become weak
[01:29] <Lolwutburger> and die
[01:29] <Gastlypowerjr> Hey guys,can someone help me with a problem in my PvZ2? My game crashed and when I opened it again I had no gems and billions of coins, when I open the store it says that i have -2.046.871.145 gems and coins!
[01:30] <PuffyMuffins> gtg
[01:30] <PuffyMuffins> zombies want to eat me rn
[01:32] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[01:34] <AWikiBoy521> Back came after chat crashed while I was logging the chat.
[01:34] <ErnestoAM> Welcome to the Dead Chat.
[01:34] <AWikiBoy521> May I record it then? :P 
[01:34] <ErnestoAM> deadchat_boy
[01:34] <ErnestoAM> sure
[01:35] <AWikiBoy521> Thanks!
[01:35] <AWikiBoy521> Activating Chat Log!
[01:35] <AWikiBoy521> [[:Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/25 September 2015%3F|Recorded!]]
[01:35] <AWikiBoy521> Thanks for answering.
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> Dead
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> User
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> In
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> Dead
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> Chat
[01:37] <Lolwutburger> I bet the construction imps will ride on a dinosaur fossil in Mesozoic Marsh
[01:37] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> or a giant bone
[01:37] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> the MM basic looks awesome
[01:38] <Lolwutburger> They already rode on a giant bone in FC
[01:38] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Or even a piece of stone.
[01:38] <Lolwutburger> but what's stopping them from doing it again
[01:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> lwb i've been here for several hours extracting textures
[01:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i finished plants about 20 minutes ago
[01:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> idfk why i've been wasting my goddamn time doing this
[01:42] <ErnestoAM> [[User blog:ErnestoAM/Internal Names for Users on this Wiki]]
[01:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> good to know.
[01:42] <ErnestoAM> Missing Art T_T
[01:43] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Missing Text T_T
[01:43] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> that doesnt exist
[01:43] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> but eh thought i do that
[01:43] <ErnestoAM> I wonder what that missing art actually is
[01:44] <AWikiBoy521> I'm still remembered.
[01:44] <AWikiBoy521> But considering that my avatar is an Iceberg Lettuce, it is correct.
[01:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> T_t
[01:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> did i ask for this?
[01:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i just saw this in the new files
[01:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> im sitting here wondering my life now.
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> Although, I went through different wikis as well like Clash of Clans Wiki, Candy Crush Wiki, and Bejeweled Wiki.
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> AWikiBoy521: pvzwiki_boy
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Ballistic Planet: pvzwiki_balls
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Brainulator9: brain_9
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Starfruity: pvzwiki_star
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Birdpool: pvzwiki_bird
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Piotrek1113: piotrek_1113
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Crazyzombie168: pvzwiki_crazy
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Lolwutburger: pvzwiki_wut
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Rx2MikeyWIKIA: pvzwiki_mickey
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> RetroBowser: bowser_retro
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Andreelikesplantsvszombies: andree
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> ADVENT-UR-TRON: adventurtron
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Reapeageddon: pvzwiki_sammy
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> A a_graalian
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Uselessguy: pvzwiki_useful
[01:45] <ErnestoAM> Pinkgirl234: girl_pink
[01:46] <ErnestoAM> (help) , need moar
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> @ADVENT
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> At least its his weakness is still Magnet-Shroom!
[01:46] <Snarkel> <span class="me-username">* <span>Snarkel</span></span> raises his hand "Pick Me!"
[01:46] <ErnestoAM> ok
[01:46] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> ernesto what if you made those actual zombies in PVZ2 with rton editing? XD
[01:46] <ErnestoAM> lawl
[01:47] <AWikiBoy521> I actually wanted a Glitter Zombie with Magnet-shroom as its weakness since it's semi-OP.
[01:47] <AWikiBoy521> @ErnestoAM 
[01:47] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[01:47] <ErnestoAM> (wat) 
[01:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> if you did my jam would be Punk and i'd ...well do OP things like throw snowballs rapidly(semi_rare), launch zomboss missles(rarely) and throw back projectiles(alljam) XD
[01:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> because im a cruel ass person.
[01:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i take no remorse 
[01:48] <AWikiBoy521> Pepsicola45: cola_pepsi
[01:49] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> >my internal name isn't pvzwiki_valvedrone
[01:49] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> kappa
[01:49] <AWikiBoy521> PuffyMuffins : pvzwiki_puffy
[01:49] <Snarkel> Offtopic does anyone here know how to edit PP.dat?
[01:50] <ErnestoAM> we need (kappa)
[01:50] <AWikiBoy521> Needs more MeeM....
[01:50] <AWikiBoy521> But LaaL will kill him anyway.
[01:50] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> ernesto what do you think of that XD
[01:50] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> what i said above
[01:51] <AWikiBoy521> WintahMhelon18: pvzwiki_Wintah
[01:51] <ErnestoAM> think of what
[01:51] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "if you did my jam would be Punk and i'd ...well do OP things like throw snowballs rapidly(semi_rare), launch zomboss missles(rarely) and throw back projectiles(alljam) XD
[01:51] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> because im a cruel ass person.
[01:51] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i take no remorse "
[01:54] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i don't ever think of anything easy
[01:55] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> so yeah
[01:56] <ErnestoAM> Hi fan of bubbles
[01:56] <Bubblefan123> hey'
[01:56] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:56] <Bubblefan123> anyone succesfully modded IC yet? all i've done actually made him useless :P 
[01:56] <Lolwutburger> guess what I made
[01:56] <Lolwutburger> [[File:ONYOURLA-AWN.png]]
[01:58] <Bubblefan123> i made Garlic great with the help of BP's mod guide tho
[02:00] <ErnestoAM> Bubblefan123: pvzwiki_bubbles
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[02:03] <Bubblefan123> yay
[02:03] <Bubblefan123> (FU) 
[02:03] <Bubblefan123> IG GAMING HAS DAT 2 NU PLANTZ
[02:04] <Bubblefan123> *seed packets (troll) 
[02:05] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[02:07] <AWikiBoy521> @ErnestoAM 
[02:07] <AWikiBoy521> PM
[02:08] <Lolwutburger> what's the diff between Intellectual Games and IG Gaming?
[02:09] <Lolwutburger> Or are they the same?
[02:09] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> i think they're the same?
[02:09] <Bubblefan123> i dunno, but idc, IG Gaming hackedin the new plant seed packets;
[02:09] <Snarkel> IG games is an abbreviation
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> So Intellectual Gaming Games?
[02:10] <Snarkel> Of Intellectual Games
[02:10] <Snarkel> Yeah I guess
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> Huh, sounds like a name I would make, since I'm redundant
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> Flying Flyers
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> You know
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> Redundancy
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> I'm fond of it
[02:11] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> no its just IG Gaming
[02:12] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> meanwhile i can make dino puppets
[02:12] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> thanks to gargantuar333
[02:12] <ErnestoAM> Lolwutburger: pvzwiki_wut
[02:13] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> is it only me that thinks the dino basics look awesome?
[02:13] <Reapeageddon> I always wonder what those color bars in the zombie assets are for
[02:13] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> me too
[02:13] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> probably to color them
[02:13] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> or something
[02:13] <ErnestoAM> separating to prevent confusion over reading the asset data
[02:14] <Reapeageddon> oh
[02:19] <ErnestoAM> voodoo!
[02:19] <Bubblefan123> voodoo?
[02:19] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> [[File:80s Basic.png]]
[02:20] <Reapeageddon> THIS MAKES ME LAUGH
[02:20] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> "We bring new order to Moebius."
[02:21] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:21] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> >moebius
[02:21] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> you are welcome LWB
[02:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Sanic: The New Order
[02:21] <ErnestoAM> (sonic) 
[02:21] <ErnestoAM> ho
[02:22] <AWikiBoy521> Sup: A post by AWikiBoy521
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Wtf
[02:22] <ErnestoAM> huh?
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> The new order thing came from Wolfenstein dammit
[02:23] <ErnestoAM> oh
[02:25] <ErnestoAM> ded
[02:25] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[02:25] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[02:26] <AWikiBoy521> May I heal with my Medic Gun on [[user:Rx2MikeyWIKIA|Pyro]]?
[02:26] <AWikiBoy521> His avatar is Amazing (Pyro)!
[02:26] <RetroBowser> ded
[02:27] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> the proper pyro to go to is [[User:TheRealPyro|here]]
[02:27] <ErnestoAM> Retro[[]]Bowser vs. ModernMario
[02:28] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I better help [[user:Tecku|Engineer]].
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:32] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_bubblefan
[02:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> some how i ran into 8bit zombie
[02:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> WHILE listening to 8bit.
[02:32] <ErnestoAM> lawl
[02:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> is that a coincidence?
[02:32] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> maybe
[02:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> meanwhile i finished all eighties zombies
[02:33] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> cool
[02:33] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> so that entire eighties section can go
[02:33] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I need textures for all side a zombies
[02:33] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> okay almost
[02:33] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i need to make the imp
[02:33] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> so I can make pics
[02:36] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> oh goddamnit i hate these ones that have the eyes put on the head no matter what.
[02:37] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I hate imp textures, so hard, that cupid imp, just... 
[02:38] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_lolwutburger
[02:38] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:40] <ErnestoAM> (sappuddle) 
[02:42] <ErnestoAM> (lavapuddle) 
[02:42] <ErnestoAM> Money Bad emote!
[02:42] <ErnestoAM> Bag
[02:43] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_repea
[02:43] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> deadchat_valvedrone
[02:43] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_king
[02:46] <ErnestoAM> that's Mystery King
[02:47] <Snarkel> here's a laugh
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> lawl...
[02:54] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> ear-piercengly good
[02:55] <ErnestoAM> too bad Jack O' Lantern can't be planted on railcarts
[02:58] <Bubblefan123> y?
[02:58] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:58] <ErnestoAM> it says so in the lawnstrings
[02:58] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:59] <ErnestoAM> and probably cuz of tab problems
[02:59] <ErnestoAM> tap*
[03:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> wait, you have the lawnstrings? 
[03:00] <Bubblefan123> typical PopCap
[03:00] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[03:01] <Slenderman54890> What's the next world do you think is gonna be in pvz 2?
[03:01] <Bubblefan123> Mesozoic Marsh
[03:02] <ErnestoAM> I said too much.
[03:02] <Bubblefan123> lel no
[03:02] <Bubblefan123> you said too little
[03:03] <Bubblefan123> how does Grapeshot's "rubber grapes" work?
[03:03] <Slenderman54890> lolno
[03:03] <ErnestoAM> I said too much that this comment will be so long cuz I want to show Bubblefan123 that I actually said too much this time and will never reveal anything else and love run-ons.
[03:03] <Bubblefan123> lels
[03:05] <ErnestoAM> WB'
[03:07] <ErnestoAM> I made Arcade Cabinet, Coin Bag, and Glitter Trail emotes
[03:08] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ErnestoPM
[03:09] <Bubblefan123> (glitter) 
[03:09] <Bubblefan123> (arcade) 
[03:09] <Bubblefan123> (arcademachine)
[03:09] <Bubblefan123> (coinbag)
[03:10] <Bubblefan123> (glittertrail)
[03:10] <Graham02> (tastetherainbow)
[03:12] <ErnestoAM> I haven't told anyone to make them yet.
[03:13] <Graham02> [[User blog:PuffyMuffins/Coming Out]] LGBT war?
[03:15] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[03:15] <Reapeageddon> Puffy is a girL?
[03:15] <ErnestoAM> yes
[03:15] <Lolwutburger> Huh
[03:15] <Lolwutburger> I've been gone for an hour
[03:15] <ErnestoAM> lawl
[03:15] <ErnestoAM> wut
[03:16] <ErnestoAM> burger
[03:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_lolwutburger
[03:16] <Graham02> (wut) (burger)
[03:16] <Graham02> o.
[03:16] <Lolwutburger> Sad there's no HD Neon Zombie
[03:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_cola
[03:16] <Graham02> * o/ 
[03:16] <Lolwutburger> I feel like making one
[03:16] <ErnestoAM> (wut) burger
[03:16] <Lolwutburger> but I'll do it later
[03:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I can get a HD one
[03:17] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I HAVE IT
[03:17] <ErnestoAM> (l[[]]ol) emote is broken :o :/ 
[03:17] <Graham02> :o 
[03:17] <Lolwutburger> Where
[03:17] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> in some almanac textures
[03:17] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I HAVE
[03:17] <ErnestoAM> Ernes[[]]toAM, the master emote breaker!
[03:17] <Lolwutburger> WHERE
[03:17] <Lolwutburger> Oh wait
[03:17] <Lolwutburger> Almanac Textures>
[03:18] <Lolwutburger> Those are too tiny but they'll do
[03:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> no one can have it
[03:18] <Graham02> (len[[]]ny) emote doesn't work and the (oh) emote does
[03:18] <Lolwutburger> I have an apk of the game
[03:18] <Lolwutburger> Eh
[03:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> k
[03:18] <Lolwutburger> I'll be trying to make Zombies on your Lawn now
[03:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> k
[03:19] <Snarkel> If PVZ1 was remade in PVZ2 graphic (With optional new content maybe) would you buy it?
[03:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> yes
[03:19] <Lolwutburger> Yes
[03:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and make some hacked mini games
[03:19] <Graham02> yes
[03:19] <Graham02> yes
[03:19] <Graham02> yes
[03:19] <Graham02> yes
[03:19] <Graham02> more
[03:20] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> maybe
[03:20] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> gtg
[03:20] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[03:20] <Lolwutburger> PvZ2 should be released for Windows 10
[03:20] <Lolwutburger> I mean they made the minions game for windows 10
[03:20] <Lolwutburger> why not PvZ2
[03:20] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and minecraft
[03:20] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> <Missing WORLD_NAME_BYE>
[03:21] <Lolwutburger> That'll give me a reason to get Windows 10
[03:21] <Graham02> idk what window i have
[03:21] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> m8
[03:22] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> how do you not know
[03:22] <Snarkel> I used to not know what kind of android my phone was
[03:26] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ded
[03:26] <Lolwutburger> I'll be taking the HD Neon Zombie from the trailer
[03:26] <Lolwutburger> meh
[03:26] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> k
[03:27] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> so, how good are eyeholes
[03:27] <Lolwutburger> I'm the only one who can have them
[03:27] <Lolwutburger> plus they melt in my mouth
[03:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> WOW, LIKE PUFFCORN
[03:29] <ErnestoAM> gtg sleepy, bye bye!
[03:29] <Graham02> Bye
[03:29] <Graham02> \o 
[03:29] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> bye
[03:29] <Lolwutburger> nvm
[03:29] <Lolwutburger> there's actually an HD Neon Zombie on the wiki
[03:29] <Lolwutburger> and bye
[03:29] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> <Missing BYE>
[03:30] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> I made the HD neon zombie...
[03:30] <Lolwutburger> Thanks brah
[03:30] <Lolwutburger> I'll make it bigger later
[03:31] <Lolwutburger> Still
[03:31] <Lolwutburger> I think they made the blue Boombox Zombie in the trailer on purpose
[03:31] <Lolwutburger> as a reference to the Sea Chicken Shack Spongebob
[03:32] <Lolwutburger> I mean everyone notices the blue Boombox Zombie but nobody cares about the yellow Neon Zombie
[03:32] <Lolwutburger> aaaaaand Chat's DED
[03:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> erm
[03:32] <Graham02> rip
[03:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> its green
[03:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> not yellow
[03:32] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> also ADVENT your codename is adventurtron
[03:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i know...
[03:33] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> even though for the ded chat world you are deadchat_advent
[03:33] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> (original idea by me)
[03:33] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> lol is deadchat_lolwut
[03:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hi, gtg
[03:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> BYE!
[03:34] <CapedCrusader130> yo
[03:34] <Graham02> \o o/
[03:34] <CapedCrusader130> anyone know me?
[03:34] <CapedCrusader130> has anyone heard of the upcoming world?
[03:35] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> everyone has
[03:35] <CapedCrusader130> lol
[03:38] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_superfan
[03:48] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[03:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Ded chat
[03:57] <Snarkel> Probably
[03:58] <Dekagamer7X9> K. I'll probably ask an admin about it tomorrow. Seeya.
[04:02] <Snarkel> GTG Bye guys \o 
[04:03] <Graham02> \o 
[04:06] <TheGreenNapalm> uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hi
[04:25] <Pinkgirl234> Well this is aawkward
[04:26] <Pinkgirl234> The AFKness is in the air
[04:27] <Pinkgirl234> Hmm
[04:32] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> sits on the silent chat alone
[04:33] <Pinkgirl234> 12:33 PM
[04:34] <Pinkgirl234> Soup
[04:34] <AWikiBoy521> *Sup*
[04:34] <AWikiBoy521> Not anymore.
[04:34] <Pinkgirl234> Yup. I believe no more AFKness for now
[04:37] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs AWikiBoy
[04:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> hugs Pinkgirl234 back.
[04:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> then enabled Chat Hacks.
[04:41] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[04:41] <AWikiBoy521> (wat) 
[04:41] <AWikiBoy521> Oh wait, better add (wat) !
[04:42] <Pinkgirl234> Why? :P 
[04:43] <AWikiBoy521> Because, I like it!
[04:43] <AWikiBoy521> I also must edit it to make it transparent.
[04:43] <AWikiBoy521> [[File:Wat-3.png|It's in this wiki.]]
[04:44] <Pinkgirl234> Ooh. :[[]]o
[04:47] <Pinkgirl234> So *clears throat*, how is everyone?
[04:50] <Lolwutburger> Hi diddly ho
[04:50] <Lolwutburger> we can dance if we want to
[04:51] <Ballistic Planet> Hello there
[04:51] <Lolwutburger> we can leave your friends behind
[04:51] <Lolwutburger> cuz your friends don't dance
[04:51] <Lolwutburger> and if they don't dance
[04:51] <Lolwutburger> then they ain't no friends of mine
[04:51] <Ballistic Planet> Let me just say that I really fucking hate where I live
[04:51] <Ballistic Planet> Like, REALLY fucking hate it.
[04:51] <Pepsicola45> I feel laaaaaaazy
[04:52] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Ballistic Planet , Pepsicola, and LWB! o/ 
[04:52] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs the three of them
[04:53] <Lolwutburger> *hugs back*
[04:54] <Pinkgirl234> Morning was awkward earlier
[04:57] <Pinkgirl234> Dead
[04:57] <Pinkgirl234> Let's make chat live! ;-;
[04:57] <Pinkgirl234>
[04:58] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> People call me weird because I listen to game soundtracks....
[04:58] <Pinkgirl234> I don't think that's weird at all
[04:59] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> :/ 
[04:59] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Wtf
[04:59] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Wrong emote.
[04:59] <Bubblefan123> me neither
[04:59] <Pinkgirl234> What?
[04:59] <Bubblefan123> i love listening to game soundtracks
[04:59] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Nevermind.
[05:00] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[Music?file=Plants Vs. Zombies - Zombotany Beta Music %2528Unreleased Track%2529|Music?file=Plants Vs. Zombies - Zombotany Beta Music %28Unreleased Track%29]]
[05:00] <Bubblefan123> especially Geometry Dash :D 
[05:01] <Lolwutburger> I'm remaking Imp in HD right now
[05:01] <Lolwutburger> yay
[05:01] <Pinkgirl234> I don't really play that but actually the Geometry Dash music sounds cool to the ears.
[05:02] <Bubblefan123> yep
[05:03] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[Music?file=Plants vs Zombies Soundtrack. Roof Stage]]
[05:03] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> I love this one.
[05:05] <Pinkgirl234> It's hot in my place
[05:06] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> It's cold here.
[05:06] <Bubblefan123> It's bit too chilly here
[05:06] <Bubblefan123> due to smog
[05:06] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Global Chilling
[05:07] <Bubblefan123> Global Lolling
[05:08] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Global ShIfTiNg
[05:08] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> BADUMM-TSSS
[05:09] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> FC music has voiced in it...
[05:13] <Pinkgirl234> Back
[05:13] <Pinkgirl234> from the dead :P 
[05:16] <Pinkgirl234> Dead chat ;-;
[05:17] <Lolwutburger> I was drawing Imps.
[05:17] <Lolwutburger> So whazzappening?
[05:18] <Pinkgirl234> Chat seemed dead for a while
[05:21] <Lolwutburger> that's because it is
[05:21] <Pinkgirl234> Yah
[05:23] <Pinkgirl234> @LWB No classes in your place?
[05:23] <Lolwutburger> yep
[05:24] <Pinkgirl234> Tako! o/ 
[05:25] <The Magic Star> tako
[05:25] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> o/ 
[05:25] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> tako
[05:25] <The Magic Star> what is mesozoic marsh
[05:26] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Next world.
[05:26] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> :] 
[05:26] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> wtf
[05:26] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> oops
[05:26] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> :) 
[05:26] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> *
[05:26] <The Magic Star> oooh
[05:26] <The Magic Star> yay
[05:29] <Pinkgirl234> Welp
[05:31] <Pinkgirl234> test
[05:32] <Bubblefan123> tets
[05:32] <Bubblefan123> lol MLG typo XDXDXDXDXD
[05:34] <The Magic Star> mesozoic march
[05:34] <The Magic Star> i mean marsh
[05:34] <The Magic Star> omg
[05:34] <The Magic Star> march
[05:35] <The Magic Star> dinonip seems like it's based off catnip
[05:36] <The Magic Star> primal peashooter primal wallnut... how original
[05:37] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> lol
[05:38] <Pinkgirl234> You have no idea what BUL9 did earlier
[05:42] <Bubblefan123> wat he do?
[05:42] <Pinkgirl234> He kissed me in PM
[05:42] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> ....
[05:42] <Bubblefan123> ...
[05:43] <Pinkgirl234> Yeah. That's what happened.
[05:43] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[Music?file=Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Music - Credits Zombie Time%2521 %25E2%2598%25BF HD %25E2%2598%25BF|Music?file=Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Music - Credits Zombie Time%21 %E2%98%BF HD %E2%98%BF]]
[05:45] <Pinkgirl234> Who watches DBZ?
[05:47] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter/If the wiki was a PvZ2 world]]...
[05:47] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> What do you think.
[05:48] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Bubblefan123
[05:48] <Pinkgirl234> Honestly we'd be under full massacre of zombies
[05:48] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> XD
[05:49] <Bubblefan123> XD dat blog
[05:49] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> I added you :P 
[05:49] <Ballistic Planet> uhh
[05:49] <Ballistic Planet> What
[05:49] <Ballistic Planet> Chat pls
[05:49] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> lol
[05:49] <Ballistic Planet> Y U DO DIS TO ME
[05:49] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> o/ 
[05:49] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[05:50] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Bubble.
[05:50] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Comment on it
[05:50] <Pinkgirl234> Ballisitic! o/ 
[05:50] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him
[05:50] <Ballistic Planet> <span class="me-username">* <span>Ballistic Planet</span></span> hugs back
[05:50] <Ballistic Planet> I'm in a better mood now, though I did just lose a game
[05:50] <Pinkgirl234> You are adorable. :3
[05:51] <Ballistic Planet> I'm Raichu, I'm like, one of the most adorable Pokemon
[05:51] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter/If the wiki was a PvZ2 world]]...
[05:51] <Ballistic Planet> I saw
[05:51] <Ballistic Planet> I like it, though I have one issue
[05:51] <Lolwutburger> oh my
[05:51] <Lolwutburger> we got two peashooters here
[05:51] <Ballistic Planet> :O 
[05:51] <Ballistic Planet> 
[05:51] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> XD
[05:52] <Bubblefan123> it has no text
[05:52] <Pinkgirl234> Is Raichu bigger than Pikachu
[05:52] <Pinkgirl234> ?
[05:52] <Ballistic Planet> Yes
[05:52] <Ballistic Planet> Though by not very much
[05:52] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> What has no text?
[05:52] <Bubblefan123> ur blog
[05:52] <Ballistic Planet> [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter/If the wiki was a PvZ2 world...#Ballistic Planet]]
[05:52] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[05:52] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> lol
[05:52] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> XD
[05:53] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> I put random stuff there.
[05:53] <Bubblefan123> ah, now it has text
[05:53] <Ballistic Planet> My problem is, I like Plants more than Zombies
[05:53] <Ballistic Planet> And I'm a Zombie
[05:53] <Ballistic Planet> I'm not heavily conflicted insdie.
[05:53] <Ballistic Planet> inside*
[05:53] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> :\ What would you do as a plant?
[05:53] <Bubblefan123> lol wtf XD
[05:53] <Ballistic Planet> I'm thinking, but it would do something with explosions.
[05:54] <The Magic Star> yay
[05:54] <Bubblefan123> i can't comment XD
[05:54] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> What "yay" ?
[05:54] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Why?
[05:54] <Pinkgirl234> @Bubble Are you on mobile?
[05:55] <The Magic Star> im a plant
[05:55] <Bubblefan123> no, i just can't comment XD
[05:55] <The Magic Star> the blog u did
[05:55] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> :D 
[05:55] <Ballistic Planet> I explode all Zombies on screen, and any zombies that die to the explosion summon a Potato Mine underneath them, like Spore-shroom. I'd cost 300 Sun and have a Slow recharge
[05:55] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> @-@
[05:55] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Maybe remove the potato thing....
[05:55] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> tickles Ballistic XD
[05:55] <Ballistic Planet> Then I'd just be aDoom-shroom
[05:55] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[05:55] <The Magic Star> also i have an idea
[05:56] <The Magic Star> changes outfits to make different attacks
[05:56] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> <span class="me-username">* <span>Thecoollittlepeashooter</span></span> tickles Pinkgirl234
[05:56] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Ok.
[05:56] <Pinkgirl234> XD
[05:56] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Please write ideas on the blog.
[05:56] <Ballistic Planet> k
[05:56] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> (Comments)
[05:56] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> 
[05:57] <The Magic Star> hmmm
[05:57] <The Magic Star> where does uselessguy fit more
[05:57] <The Magic Star> plants or zombies
[05:57] <Bubblefan123> everytime i access da link tclp gave me, it shows no text
[05:57] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> lol
[05:58] <Lolwutburger> Everytime I access a blog post from chat it shows no text
[05:58] <Bubblefan123> wait, am i instant?
[05:58] <Pinkgirl234> If you can't see any text from the blog
[05:58] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> No.
[05:58] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> You're a normal plant.
[05:59] <Lolwutburger> For those who weren't here earlier
[05:59] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Bubble@
[05:59] <Bubblefan123> oh okay
[05:59] <Lolwutburger> I'm planning on remaking Zombies on your Lawn
[05:59] <Lolwutburger> [[File:ONYOURLA-AWN.png]]
[05:59] <Pinkgirl234> Then go [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter|here]] instead guys ad then click on his recent blog.
[05:59] <The Magic Star> im trying to animate Black Square
[05:59] <The Magic Star>
[05:59] <The Magic Star> how does he look
[06:00] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Cool.
[06:00] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Now I eat.
[06:00] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> o/ 
[06:00] <The Magic Star> wat
[06:00] <The Magic Star> thanks
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> Back
[06:01] <Ballistic Planet> on mobile now 
[06:02] <The Magic Star> bako
[06:02] <Ballistic Planet> mobile is weird
[06:02] <Pinkgirl234> I don't chat on my Samsung phone
[06:02] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Chat on S4 doesn't work.
[06:02] <Pinkgirl234> I just browse some wiki content and I gotta admit:
[06:03] <Ballistic Planet> im on my phone because my comp loses wifi connection after 11
[06:04] <Bubblefan123> mah mouse makes me rage XD
[06:04] <Bubblefan123> 
[06:04] <Ballistic Planet> same
[06:04] <Ballistic Planet> my mouse is just strange
[06:05] <Bubblefan123> mine has it's scroll thingy trolly
[06:05] <Ballistic Planet> Mine just doesn't work randomly
[06:05] <Ballistic Planet> :/ 
[06:06] <The Magic Star> i dont understand how jack o' lantern works
[06:06] <The Magic Star> but he looks cute like GP
[06:07] <Bubblefan123> he's another tap-to-use plant
[06:07] <The Magic Star> oh
[06:08] <The Magic Star> but like forever?
[06:08] <Bubblefan123> yep
[06:09] <The Magic Star> yay
[06:09] <The Magic Star> i can just plant 10 of them then press together
[06:09] <The Magic Star> yay it is not op
[06:10] <Lolwutburger> I updated the HD Imp
[06:10] <Lolwutburger> [[File:ImpHD.png]]
[06:11] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> done
[06:11] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> and updated the page
[06:11] <Bubblefan123> yep, it's definetely not OP
[06:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi
[06:11] <The Magic Star> tako
[06:11] <Lolwutburger> Hi Jackolantern
[06:11] <The Magic Star> jack o' lantern
[06:11] <The Magic Star> yoy
[06:11] <The Magic Star> double tako
[06:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> YAY
[06:11] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Hi Crzzy
[06:11] <Bubblefan123> nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[06:12] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter/If the wiki was a PvZ2 world]]...
[06:12] <Lolwutburger> What would I do if I were there?
[06:12] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> nothing
[06:13] <Lolwutburger> HD-ify plants and zombies?
[06:13] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> ...
[06:13] <Lolwutburger> oh
[06:13] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> lol
[06:13] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> kidding
[06:13] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Dr Crzzy Dave 
[06:13] <Dr Crzzy Dave> <MISSING_SPOILER_ALERT>
[06:13] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yes?
[06:14] <The Magic Star> tako
[06:14] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> My blog...
[06:14] <Lolwutburger> yesssssss
[06:14] <Ballistic Planet> Jacky works like Fir Gourd
[06:14] <Lolwutburger> we got flintstones world
[06:15] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oh
[06:15] <Dr Crzzy Dave> K
[06:15] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> look at it//
[06:15] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> ...
[06:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave> it's not working
[06:16] <Lolwutburger> FLINTSTONES WORLD
[06:16] <Lolwutburger> YAY
[06:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave>
[06:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave> lol
[06:16] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter]] try now
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> :P 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Toughness: Machined
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Speed: Creeper
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Encountered - Day 5
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Dr Crzzy Dave
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Throws Zombified tacos which turn plants into other zombies.
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Toughness: Solid
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Speed: Flighty (Troll) 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Encountered - Day 12
[06:17] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oops
[06:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> SORRY
[06:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> DIDN'T MEAN TO DO DAT
[06:18] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> it's ok
[06:18] <Lolwutburger> wat really
[06:18] <Lolwutburger> they made a Flinstones town builder game like Tapped Out
[06:18] <The Magic Star> Uselessguy: Edits the lawn
[06:19] <The Magic Star> Zombot Agent andrew martins: Kills sunflowers
[06:19] <Dr Crzzy Dave> THAT
[06:19] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Nah.
[06:19] <Dr Crzzy Dave> IS
[06:19] <Dr Crzzy Dave> AMAZING
[06:19] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[06:19] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Boss-inator is the bot
[06:19] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Please comment.
[06:20] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> :p 
[06:20] <Lolwutburger> I love the music in this trailer
[06:20] <Lolwutburger>
[06:20] <Dr Crzzy Dave> commented
[06:22] <Thecoollittlepeashooter>
[06:26] <Dr Crzzy Dave> well, that's something
[06:35] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Wow
[06:35] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Puffy Muffins is a lesbain
[06:35] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *lesbian
[06:36] <Lolwutburger> So why do most of our females begin with the letter P
[06:36] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> ikr
[06:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> lol
[06:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oh meh gawd
[06:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Awikiboy
[06:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Bubblefan
[06:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Citronfire3
[06:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Dr Crzzy Dave
[06:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> O.O
[06:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ABCD
[06:39] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter/If the wiki was a PvZ2 world...#WikiaArticleComments]] updated
[06:39] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> lol
[06:40] <Dr Crzzy Dave> lol
[06:40] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> I added info for day 1
[06:40] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I'm trying to think of some illuminati connection between C and D
[06:40] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[06:40] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> XD
[06:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> if C comes before D
[06:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> then
[06:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> erm
[06:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> THINK
[06:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> WAT DOES THIS MEAN
[06:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> IT HAS TO MEAN SOMETHING
[06:41] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[06:41] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> CD
[06:41] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> DVD
[06:41] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> VCR
[06:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> WAIT
[06:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> FIRE
[06:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> #Iwordgood
[06:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 3
[06:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> there are 4 letters in Dave
[06:43] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 4-3 = 1
[06:43] <Dr Crzzy Dave> HOLY CRAP
[06:43] <Dr Crzzy Dave> JESUS
[06:43] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 1
[06:43] <Dr Crzzy Dave> O.O
[06:43] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> 1 = won
[06:43] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> brb
[06:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> thank god it wasn't 2
[06:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> cos 2 is a couple
[06:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> BUT WAIT
[06:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 1 MEANS COUPLE AS WELL
[06:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> O.O
[06:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> FOR SURE
[06:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> O.O
[06:46] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> gtg
[06:46] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> o/ 
[06:46] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Bye
[06:50] <Inferno Dagger> #(sporeshroom) sucks
[06:50] <Inferno Dagger> what!
[06:52] <Bubblefan123> SS doesn't suck
[06:55] <Lolwutburger> Look what I did
[06:55] <Lolwutburger>
[07:05] <Lolwutburger> ded
[07:06] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> I dare you to try to draw the zombot PvZ2-styled
[07:24] <The Magic Star> tako
[07:24] <The Magic Star> ded
[07:24] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> o/ 
[07:25] <Bubblefan123> gtg bye
[07:34] <The Magic Star> tclp 
[07:35] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> ?
[07:36] <The Magic Star> i got blocked from game create
[07:36] <The Magic Star> create game
[07:36] <The Magic Star> by vstf
[07:36] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> WHAT
[07:36] <Pinkgirl234> Why?
[07:36] <Pinkgirl234> For what?
[07:37] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> no youre not...
[07:37] <The Magic Star> otako
[07:37] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Screenshot please.
[07:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[07:38] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> TMS
[07:38] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Screenshot.
[07:38] <The Magic Star> wat
[07:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Imagine if a war between 80s and future and pirate seas
[07:38] <The Magic Star> ok wait
[07:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Because of a paradox
[07:39] <The Magic Star> wat its gone
[07:39] <The Magic Star> must be a glitch
[07:39] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> k
[07:39] <The Magic Star> probably because of slow wifi
[07:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I miss the lost city sneek peek lawn
[07:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> A mayan mailbox
[07:42] <The Magic Star> mailboxes
[07:42] <The Magic Star> mesozoic marsh
[07:43] <The Magic Star> reminds me of dinosaur marshmallows
[07:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> When i was not in the wiki
[07:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I was suprised that there is a sneek peek
[07:43] <Mr.imp gentlmen> profile change to friday
[07:44] <Pinkgirl234> Boo
[07:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pinkgirl
[07:44] <Mr.imp gentlmen> I WAS TRYING TO LAY DOWN
[07:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> The reuslts for gender of break dancer is boy
[07:44] <The Magic Star> tako
[07:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Eberysating he is a boy
[07:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Everyone
[07:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Forgot what did i say
[07:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Someone revive the dead chat
[07:47] <Pinkgirl234> Me!
[07:47] <The Magic Star> ok
[07:47] <Mr.imp gentlmen> me
[07:48] <Pinkgirl234> Imma pump this chat to revive it!
[07:48] <Mr.imp gentlmen> how?
[07:48] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> pumps it with CPR
[07:48] <Pinkgirl234> Clear!
[07:48] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter/If the wiki was a PvZ2 world]]...
[07:48] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (mabey it will work)
[07:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Legenddemonicderpknight gives chat a highly suger candy
[07:49] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i need to clean my stuff
[07:49] <Mr.imp gentlmen> my comepeter
[07:50] <Mr.imp gentlmen> done cleaning.
[07:50] <Pinkgirl234> I cleared my browsing history
[07:50] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i did.
[07:50] <Mr.imp gentlmen> was fast cleaning
[07:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Roblox oon xbox og god the mercy is here
[07:50] <Mr.imp gentlmen> RUN!
[07:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> On xbox one
[07:50] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (i have a roblox acount is name is deadhead06)
[07:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> You can meet online daters on big screen lol
[07:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> My ac is splendod149
[07:51] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (send me a friend or request or dont or follow me.....)
[07:52] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (also my brother has a roblox acount)
[07:52] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (his name is kilroy08)
[07:52] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (dead chat again)
[07:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Why roblox is getting worser
[07:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> All these immature kids bullying others
[07:53] <Mr.imp gentlmen> BECUSE IS HAVING ODERS 
[07:53] <Mr.imp gentlmen> THAT WHY IS WORST
[07:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep 
[07:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok
[07:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Il party you
[07:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> We are going to the wasteland
[07:54] <Mr.imp gentlmen> alright
[07:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Reamber
[07:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> These rich stupid immature kids are there
[07:55] <Mr.imp gentlmen> yep
[07:55] <Mr.imp gentlmen> sending a party request....
[07:56] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lets go to pvz 2 game
[07:56] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Ever heard of PM?
[07:57] <Mr.imp gentlmen> yep
[07:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wait
[07:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> We forgot
[07:58] <Pepsicola45> Hello
[07:58] <Mr.imp gentlmen> find one! (wave) 
[07:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[07:58] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Pepsi!
[07:58] <Pepsicola45> I'm playing FE12: Shin Monshou no Nazo right now, so... yeah.
[07:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> .Imma try to code the game
[07:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Add the new world
[08:01] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Didnt worked
[08:05] <Legenddemonicderpknight> HI
[08:05] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[08:06] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Electric Plants !
[08:06] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs him tightly
[08:07] <Pinkgirl234> o/ 
[08:07] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[08:09] <Plantpower967> Why is the 8-bit zombies separated from the other variants?
[08:09] <Pepsicola45> Hello
[08:11] <Pinkgirl234> The 8-bit zombie?
[08:11] <Plantpower967> yup
[08:12] <Pinkgirl234> Hmmm
[08:12] <Pinkgirl234> Wait what variants are these?
[08:14] <Plantpower967> like what i mean is all the lost city,frosbite caves,far future zombies, etc. are in one page
[08:14] <Plantpower967> But the 8-bit is separated
[08:16] <DJcraft789> I just saw a dino pinata party teaser
[08:16] <DJcraft789> [[File:DinoTeaserLawn.PNG]]
[08:16] <SnappyDragon> Help!
[08:16] <SnappyDragon> Im stuck on NMT26
[08:16] <DJcraft789> and thats cool!
[08:16] <DJcraft789> [[File:DinoTeaserLawn.PNG]]
[08:17] <SnappyDragon> Help
[08:20] <SnappyDragon> ..
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> ADVENT-UR-TRON
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> AWikiBoy521
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> DJcraft789
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Electric Plants
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Legenddemonicderpknight
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Fighting Zombies
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Mr.imp gentlmen
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Pepsicola45
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Fighting Zombies
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Pinkgirl234
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Plantpower967
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> RetroBowser
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> 
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> VGKing1
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> Fighting Zombies
[08:21] <Plantpower967> What??
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> HEELP
[08:21] <SnappyDragon> IM STUCK ON NMT DAY 26
[08:21] <Pinkgirl234> Whoah
[08:21] <Pinkgirl234> That's a long text wall dued..
[08:22] <Pepsicola45> Walls of text are banned at this point, am I right?
[08:22] <SnappyDragon> (Conehead) ate my (sporeshroom) 
[08:22] <Pepsicola45> Also pings aren't working.
[08:22] <SnappyDragon> Wat daaaaa
[08:22] <SnappyDragon> srry den
[08:22] <SnappyDragon> more than 10 people that I like my crush
[08:22] <Pepsicola45> Next time you try to do a wall of text...
[08:22] <SnappyDragon> lol
[08:23] <Pinkgirl234> @Pepsi I now how you can get yourself chat hacks and options
[08:23] <SnappyDragon> *turns of topic randomizer*
[08:23] <SnappyDragon> okay
[08:23] <SnappyDragon> Back to what I was asking
[08:23] <SnappyDragon> HELP ME WITH NMT26
[08:23] <Pepsicola45> Sorry, I can't.
[08:23] <Pepsicola45> How, Pinkgirl?
[08:24] <SnappyDragon> okay
[08:24] <SnappyDragon> we need a 2 star world soon
[08:24] <Pinkgirl234> @Pepsi Look at my list of blogs and look on the recent one I made
[08:24] <Pinkgirl234> * at the
[08:24] <SnappyDragon> dino needs to be 3 stars
[08:24] <SnappyDragon> jalapeño*
[08:24] <Pepsicola45> Mmkay.
[08:24] <Pepsicola45> Thanks.
[08:25] <SnappyDragon> Pepsi
[08:25] <SnappyDragon> How do I stop a fake rumour from spreading
[08:25] <SnappyDragon> one of my friends told that I like a girl (not my crush)
[08:26] <SnappyDragon> I gotta stop it or the truth clashes with false and the world is gonna be full of hypno shrooms
[08:26] <Pinkgirl234> @Snappy Ow dang that sucks
[08:26] <SnappyDragon> And the fake rumor came his way-
[08:27] <SnappyDragon> my friend was teasing me that u got friendzoned
[08:27] <SnappyDragon> a girl heard it
[08:27] <SnappyDragon> she asked the name
[08:27] <Plantpower967> The feels
[08:27] <Plantpower967> Experienced that
[08:27] <SnappyDragon> he said the fake name
[08:27] <SnappyDragon> Dayum
[08:27] <Pepsicola45> Thanks much, Pinkgirl!
[08:27] <Pinkgirl234> @Pepsi You are welcome ya lovely ladeh!
[08:28] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs Pepsi
[08:28] <SnappyDragon> I gotta get it straight tomorow when I go to school
[08:28] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[User blog:Thecoollittlepeashooter/If the wiki was a PvZ2 world...#WikiaArticleComments]]
[08:28] <Pepsicola45> Eeee, hee hee.
[08:28] <SnappyDragon> when she teases me with fake name
[08:28] <Pepsicola45> I'm gonna log in Eliwood so he can log chat
[08:28] <SnappyDragon> She = the girl that heard my friend saying that i got friendzoned
[08:28] <Pinkgirl234> Guys something weird happened this morning
[08:29] <Pepsicola45> Hmm?
[08:29] <Pepsicola45> Okay, Snappy.
[08:29] <Pinkgirl234> Well BUL9 and I were simply talking in PM and suddenly..
[08:29] <Pinkgirl234> he kissed me....
[08:30] <Pepsicola45> Really?
[08:30] <Pinkgirl234> Y-Yes..
[08:30] <SnappyDragon> Okay
[08:30] <Pepsicola45> Ooooh....
[08:30] <SnappyDragon> I think this is my hallucination
[08:31] <SnappyDragon> Wait.... 
[08:31] <Plantpower967> I edited upcoming content, gave the upcoming plants a short description
[08:31] <Plantpower967> For cold snapdragon I have no info about him for now
[08:31] <Plantpower967> sorry limited sources
[08:31] <SnappyDragon> Im the Snappydragon lol
[08:31] <Pepsicola45> What did he say, Pinkgirl?
[08:31] <SnappyDragon> (snapdragon) : Where's my brother now?
[08:32] <Plantpower967> Cold Snapdragon did not appear in IG gaming's vid couldn't add info
[08:32] <Pepsicola45> I-it's okay if you don't want to tell.
[08:33] <Pinkgirl234> Well I asked what kind of kiss was it, he said it was the lips-to-cheek
[08:33] <SnappyDragon> Okay
[08:33] <Pinkgirl234> only to say "Although" before lipkissing me >.>
[08:33] <SnappyDragon> lol cute
[08:34] <Pinkgirl234> I'd call it awkward tbh
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> Back Came
[08:35] <DJcraft789> is swear is still allowed
[08:35] <Pepsicola45> Okay...
[08:35] <Pepsicola45> I DON'T EVEN KNOW! *FLIPS THE SCALES*
[08:35] <Pinkgirl234> DJ eh it is
[08:35] <DJcraft789> Yey! now i could swear
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> @DJcraft789
[08:35] <AWikiBoy521> Only in chat and it is not allowed if used as an insult.
[08:36] <DJcraft789> meh...
[08:36] <DJcraft789> oh
[08:36] <DJcraft789> ok
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> So, take note of that.
[08:36] <DJcraft789> ok
[08:36] <DJcraft789> Well thatsux
[08:36] <AWikiBoy521> Now, I'm seeing two Pinkgirl234's avatars.
[08:37] <DJcraft789> today is me lucky day
[08:37] <DJcraft789> 1 - Won on the furum game on pvzcc
[08:37] <DJcraft789> 2 - i just became a rollback on pvzcc
[08:38] <DJcraft789> 3 - i'm being awesome
[08:38] <DJcraft789> I wanna be a billionaire so fucking bad
[11:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Hahaha.
[11:54] <Gaming Center> i hope that lamearepeater is uploading obb now
[11:55] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't think that a personal wiki is useful
[11:55] <Pinkgirl234> And which reminds me
[11:55] <PuffyMuffins> ;3
[11:55] <Insert Your Name Here> To me personal wiki means a waste of bandwidth for wikia
[11:56] <Pinkgirl234> I have been kissed by [[User:Brainulator9|him]] in PM
[11:56] <Pinkgirl234> It's not a personal wiki. It's a wiki open for all actually.
[11:56] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[11:56] <Insert Your Name Here> What does it document then
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> @IYHH
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> Money too.
[11:57] <Pinkgirl234> Eh only safe and good stuff are allowed. Basically anything.
[11:57] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Back Came.
[11:57] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[11:57] <AWikiBoy521> And Sup.
[11:57] <Pepsicola45> Hello
[11:57] <Pepsicola45> Uh-oh...
[11:57] <Pinkgirl234> AWikiBoy you gonna get rekt :P 
[11:57] <Pinkgirl234> What is it Pepsi?
[11:58] <Pepsicola45> He came just when you said... that/
[11:58] <PuffyMuffins> yo reapy
[11:58] <AWikiBoy521> @Pepsicola45
[11:58] <AWikiBoy521> Huh?
[11:58] <AWikiBoy521> Oh, ok.
[11:58] <Pinkgirl234> Doubt it he won't scroll up to see that
[11:58] <AWikiBoy521> He will.
[11:58] <Insert Your Name Here> Ooooh
[11:58] <Pinkgirl234> Unless..
[11:58] <Pepsicola45> He probably already saw it.
[11:59] <Pinkgirl234> He can see it
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> See?
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> This must be a dating site then
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> Nah.
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> We have straight, trans, schoolgirl lesbians
[11:59] <Pinkgirl234> Can he even see it when he scrolls up then?
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> Also a shipping site.
[11:59] <Pepsicola45> It depends on the RNG Goddess.
[12:00] <Insert Your Name Here> Let's really hope that none of us go through the schoolgirl lesbian phase...
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> Yea
[12:00] <Reapeageddon> Woaaaaah Pinkgirl is a unicorn now!
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> Unless, that happened.
[12:00] <Pinkgirl234> Yah 
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> @Reap
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah, another OC one.
[12:00] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> My post is original too.
[12:00] <Pinkgirl234> It is the alternate version of the past avatar I made
[12:01] <AWikiBoy521> If there's a good, there's always a bad.
[12:01] <Lolwutburger> damn it
[12:01] <Lolwutburger> I go away to brush my teeth
[12:01] <Lolwutburger> and now you're talking about lesbians, trans and straight people
[12:01] <Pepsicola45> Reap, when are you going to post the new comics?
[12:01] <Lolwutburger> kk
[12:01] <PuffyMuffins> I find it funny that my birthday is on my least favorite holiday ;3
[12:01] <AWikiBoy521> Basically, must of Pinkgirl's OCs.
[12:01] <Lolwutburger> I knew I should be finishing my Donald Trump model
[12:01] <Pinkgirl234> Yah. AN alicorn.
[12:01] <AWikiBoy521> @PuffyMuffins
[12:01] <AWikiBoy521> Funny coincidence.
[12:01] <Reapeageddon> The most favorite thing that Penny has ever said was "Yarbs!"
[12:01] <Pinkgirl234> And she can offer free rides. :3
[12:02] <Reapeageddon> I'm scared
[12:02] <Pinkgirl234> And you will never fall. No saddle needed.
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> For only 19.99!
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> Zerilion Dollars!
[12:02] <PuffyMuffins> *Zombucks
[12:02] <Pinkgirl234> LOL no
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> No, it's FREE!
[12:02] <Pinkgirl234> The rides are for free :P 
[12:02] <Pinkgirl234> Danggit I was gonna say that!
[12:03] <Pepsicola45> Let's just see about that.
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> Uuuh
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> Pay only $0,000,000,000,000,000!
[12:03] <Reapeageddon> I'm afraid
[12:03] <Pinkgirl234> Guys what if I told you
[12:03] <Pinkgirl234> one suer here
[12:03] <Pinkgirl234> * user
[12:03] <Pinkgirl234> is my father?
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> I'm a ninja. Get Ninrekt!
[12:04] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[12:04] <AWikiBoy521> Then, he is Pilipino Phoenix Wright.
[12:04] <AWikiBoy521> Sup you too.
[12:04] <PuffyMuffins> yo squiddos
[12:04] <Reapeageddon>
[12:04] <Reapeageddon> Yes I do love Yokai Watch
[12:05] <Magnet Plant> BURRRRR
[12:05] <Magnet Plant> Hi
[12:05] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:05] <AWikiBoy521> Great, I keeled Pinkgirl.
[12:05] <AWikiBoy521> And Gaming Center.
[12:06] <PuffyMuffins> why awb
[12:06] <RetroBowser> Femnist world: For every 100 sun you collect, you only get 79 &gt;:D 
[12:06] <Magnet Plant> I can keel everybodeh
[12:06] <Reapeageddon> When a male plant hits a Feminist Zombie, the Feminist Zombie will complain about the patriarchy!
[12:07] <RetroBowser> &gt;:D good one 
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> @PuffyMuffins
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> Cuz, eaten by the zombies.
[12:07] <RetroBowser> when a plant hits a zombie (all plants are considered males and all zombies considered females)
[12:07] <RetroBowser> your plant gets sent to plant prison for abuse and assault
[12:07] <RetroBowser> even tho the zombie was bout to murder u
[12:07] <RetroBowser> &gt;:D 
[12:07] <PuffyMuffins> Zombot Feminazi-Tron 3000
[12:08] <RetroBowser> I swear.. I wouldn't be able to take that world
[12:08] <Reapeageddon> My classmate: What is those
[12:08] <RetroBowser> Egalitarianism > Feminism
[12:08] <Reapeageddon> Me on the outside: *ignore*
[12:08] <RetroBowser> Egalitarianism > Masculinism
[12:08] <Reapeageddon> Me on the inside: THANKS FOR MAKING A BAD MEME INTO AN EVEN WORSE ONE YOU NORMIE.
[12:09] <RetroBowser> also
[12:09] <Magnet Plant> Inisim-inism > anything
[12:09] <Magnet Plant> @Retro
[12:09] <Magnet Plant> (troll) 
[12:09] <RetroBowser> feminist world: plants cant use costumes because they are offensive and sexist so u must not use costumes on any plants
[12:09] <Reapeageddon> Feminist Zombie: *looks at Peashooter* THAT PEASHOOTER IS RAPING ME!!!!!111eleven
[12:10] <Reapeageddon> test
[12:10] <PuffyMuffins> Feminazi Commander Zombie - Can lead large groups of Feminazi Zombies, who run and jump over your lawn mowers.
[12:11] <RetroBowser> Anyways
[12:11] <RetroBowser> Feminism < Egalitarianism
[12:11] <Reapeageddon> but Feminazis are fat and have red dyed hair
[12:11] <PuffyMuffins> gtg
[12:11] <PuffyMuffins> bai
[12:11] <Reapeageddon> bai
[12:11] <Pepsicola45> Just wait until they see that.
[12:11] <Pepsicola45> See ya.
[12:12] <RetroBowser> Egalitarian doctrines maintain that all humans are equal in fundamental worth or social status. It is a political doctrine that all people should be treated as equals and have the same political, economic, social, and civil rights.
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:15] <Lolwutburger> AAAAAND
[12:15] <Lolwutburger> I just made a full Donald Trump model
[12:15] <Lolwutburger> I have no idea why
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> WinU
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> Keeled GC again....
[12:16] <Reapeageddon> [[File:IMG 20150923 223024.jpg]]
[12:16] <Reapeageddon> Looks like Arcade Zombie is pushing a tile
[12:16] <AWikiBoy521> ~Let it Go!~
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:17] <The Magic Star> tako
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> TRIPLE KEEL
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Sup
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> arcade zombie confirmed to be ice person
[12:18] <The Magic Star> Taco is in me forever
[12:18] <The Magic Star> i ate him
[12:18] <Mr.imp gentlmen> hi
[12:19] <The Magic Star> tako
[12:19] <RetroBowser> just wanted to say that I love you guiz ;-;
[12:19] <RetroBowser> Gotta go for the school day
[12:20] <Lolwutburger> test
[12:20] <Lolwutburger> icles
[12:21] <The Magic Star> tako
[12:22] <Gaming Center> cmon lamearepeater
[12:23] <The Magic Star> [[User:The Magic Star#The Taco of Taconess]]
[12:23] <Lolwutburger> buckle up buckaroo
[12:26] <Mr.imp gentlmen> when people know your watching a video.
[12:29] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> gaming center
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok, I am now trying to get mr puffmuffin to watch pr0n
[12:30] <Lolwutburger> I actually made an Imp model
[12:30] <Lolwutburger> should I do Garg when I get home tomorrow?
[12:30] <The Magic Star> wot
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> This is serious.
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> I need to figure out her current sexual situation
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> She clearly stated that she does not identify herself to be lesbian sexually
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> So I am afraid that she is failing to understand what lesbian is
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> And instead came to japanese anime for suggestion
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> Just doing the Super Mario Maker.
[12:32] <Pepsicola45> Uh...
[12:33] <Gaming Center> seems like everyone forget about beta 4.1.1 download
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Look at the blog comment
[12:33] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> IYNH thats the most fucked up thing i ever seen.
[12:33] <Pepsicola45> Chat isn't PVZ related all the time.
[12:33] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> on this chat nonetheless
[12:33] <Magnet Plant> There is 4.1.1 obb or apk?
[12:33] <Magnet Plant> @Gaming Center
[12:33] <Pepsicola45> We talk about other games and life too, y'know.
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> But, this is mature talk.
[12:34] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> gamingcenter im trying to download the damn obb
[12:34] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> but it wont let me
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> "Also just to clarify, I'm not the s*xual type of lesbian. I won't do anything like that. I'm just more comfortable around women, and women are way cuter ;3"
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> This is proof that something is wrong.
[12:35] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> cant you just respect the damn thing and move the fuck on?
[12:35] <Insert Your Name Here> CZ suggested blatantly when I meet him that he is gay and wanted to go trans
[12:35] <Insert Your Name Here> This is a serious decision.
[12:35] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> but nobody here GIVES A SHIT XD
[12:35] <Gaming Center> @Magnet there is sorta
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> I do.
[12:35] <Magnet Plant> :o 
[12:35] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i allutcy dude
[12:35] <Magnet Plant> link
[12:35] <Magnet Plant> naow
[12:35] <Gaming Center> obb bera 4.1.1 
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> Take note of that.
[12:35] <Gaming Center> *beta
[12:36] <Gaming Center> it works
[12:36] <Gaming Center> but
[12:36] <Insert Your Name Here> And you are swearing now.
[12:36] <Gaming Center> we need someone who has baidu account
[12:36] <Magnet Plant> wat why
[12:36] <Gaming Center> because it is posted on baidy
[12:36] <Gaming Center> *baidu
[12:36] <Insert Your Name Here> This is not simple
[12:36] <Magnet Plant> since when do you need baidu acc to download stuff from it
[12:36] <Magnet Plant> i managed to do it a lot
[12:36] <Pepsicola45> She needs a lot of help.
[12:36] <Phanminhnhat> What's Baidu?
[12:36] <Gaming Center> and download requires baidu
[12:36] <Magnet Plant> lin
[12:36] <Magnet Plant> *link
[12:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Many true women who 'came out' faced serious consequenses
[12:36] <Pepsicola45> And now the conversation has been derailed. Fan-tastic.
[12:37] <Insert Your Name Here> So I don't want her to suffer now because of some non sexual misunderstand
[12:37] <Phanminhnhat> What's Baidu?
[12:37] <Pepsicola45> Something. Baidu is something.
[12:37] <Insert Your Name Here> A chinese service
[12:38] <Phanminhnhat> Oh. What do you use it for? Download chinese games?
[12:38] <Pepsicola45> For things.
[12:38] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[12:39] <Gaming Center> password: 7bwz
[12:39] <Pepsicola45> Read it here
[12:39] <Pepsicola45> Hello
[12:39] <Gaming Center> beta obb
[12:39] <Phanminhnhat> Hello, watever! (hi) \
[12:39] <Gaming Center> rly? nobody cares even through it is new pvz2 update
[12:40] <Phanminhnhat> ???
[12:40] <Phanminhnhat> Prehistoric? Dino? PvZ2?
[12:40] <Phanminhnhat> (sad) 
[01:25] <Gaming Center> lol everbody pms you
[01:25] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> gonna be in for a good time with texture making aint i?
[01:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (sporeshroom) + (tileturnip) = ?
[01:25] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[01:25] <Uselessguy> Hi EP o/ 
[01:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[01:25] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> (intensivecarrot) ?
[01:25] <Electric Plants> World of Spore-shrooms!
[01:25] <GarlicGreen1999> hey
[01:26] <Phanminhnhat> Hi! We miss you so much!
[01:26] <Phanminhnhat> The chat is BACK!
[01:26] <Electric Plants> Hi
[01:26] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> legend (intensivecarrot) ?
[01:26] <Electric Plants> Hi
[01:26] <Electric Plants> Hi
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Nope
[01:26] <Magnet Plant> hi
[01:26] <Phanminhnhat> Hi! Everbody!
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I was meaning that old shroom from pvz 
[01:26] <Iamarepeater> hive
[01:26] <GarlicGreen1999> i dont even use intensive carrot :| 
[01:26] <Phanminhnhat> Me too.
[01:26] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> (scardeyshroom)?
[01:26] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 
[01:26] <Phanminhnhat> As I didn't unlocked NMT.
[01:26] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Nah
[01:26] <Phanminhnhat> Hi! TULO !
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I forgot the name of it
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Its like ohatbeet
[01:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hello
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Phatbeet
[01:26] <GarlicGreen1999> i just love my spore shroomz
[01:26] <GarlicGreen1999> thats it
[01:26] <Magnet Plant> Gloom Shroom
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Just forogt the question
[01:26] <Phanminhnhat> Phat Beet!
[01:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> It made me lost it
[01:27] <GarlicGreen1999> i like how my Aracde zombeis stand still if i thyme warp them
[01:27] <GarlicGreen1999> its a glitch
[01:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Answere was phatbeet
[01:27] <GarlicGreen1999> so i can listen to HD Arcade music 
[01:27] <Phanminhnhat> (Phat Beet) : I won! I won! I won! Wait, me won?
[01:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (breakdancer) :Yep
[01:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Not rp
[01:28] <IMCR8Z> (wizard zombie) AVADA KERDAVA! (wizard zombie) 
[01:28] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:28] <Phanminhnhat> The chat is finally BACK! After all these days...
[01:28] <AWikiBoy521> Does anyone have a favorite emote?
[01:28] <GarlicGreen1999> so looks like next world zombies are using frostbite caves zombies
[01:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (breakdancer) U mad (breakdancer) 
[01:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (breakdancer) and (phatbeet) are fave meote
[01:28] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm...
[01:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Emote
[01:28] <GarlicGreen1999> Magnetty Plantty PM
[01:28] <AWikiBoy521> How about others?
[01:28] <Phanminhnhat> Me don't have one.
[01:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Well glitter zombie total bad
[01:29] <Phanminhnhat> Totally...
[01:29] <Phanminhnhat> I HATE HER
[01:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Totally
[01:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Me too
[01:29] <Phanminhnhat> Did you answer in rp?
[01:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep
[01:30] <Reapeageddon> Hey guys
[01:30] <AWikiBoy521> Is it a good idea if you show your favorite emote that isn't the mainspace plant or zombie in your userpage?
[01:30] <Reapeageddon> I made a LC Zomboss podium in the old Zomboss podium style!
[01:31] <IMCR8Z> K
[01:31] <Phanminhnhat> @Legend No. I mean I replied your previous reply. Your reply just now...
[01:31] <Phanminhnhat> Please reply.
[01:31] <IMCR8Z> @Iam: Why do you want me to switch bodies with Pinkgirl? Creep.
[01:32] <Phanminhnhat> He's totally a man and she's totally a girl. SImple reason.
[01:32] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[01:33] <Iamarepeater> Hint: Username template
[01:33] <IMCR8Z> Oh...
[01:33] <IMCR8Z> Got me...
[01:33] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> is it only me or does the background look brighter on the wiki...
[01:34] <Iamarepeater> Gaming center?
[01:34] <Phanminhnhat> It just you @Advent
[01:34] <Iamarepeater> So Pinkgirl would find that wish weird
[01:35] <IMCR8Z> (arcade zombie) Cue the idiots saying PopCap ripped off the movie "Pixels"! (8-bit zombie) 
[01:36] <PnFforever> hi xenons o/ 
[01:36] <Xenons> Hi there!
[01:36] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:36] <Reapeageddon> [[File:If Lost City had an Classic Zomboss podium.png]]
[01:36] <Reapeageddon> Whaddya think guys?
[01:37] <Xenons> I like it.
[01:37] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i hate it
[01:37] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> ...nah jk
[01:37] <IMCR8Z> In Garden Warfare 2, Dr. Zomboss wants to eclipse the sun Mr. Burns style. Why can't he just do what Mental did in Serious Sam 3 and blow up Earth by smashing the moon into it?
[01:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> its good.
[01:38] <Magnet Plant> not bad reap
[01:38] <Xenons> Hi, Pinkgirl!
[01:38] <Phanminhnhat> @Reapeageddon Nice!
[01:38] <Pinkgirl234> Aaand the whole chat gang is hear
[01:38] <Pinkgirl234> o/ 
[01:38] <Iamarepeater> Pinkgirl?
[01:38] <PnFforever> yes
[01:38] <Pinkgirl234> Ya?
[01:38] <Iamarepeater> You know the be careful of what you wish for?
[01:38] <Phanminhnhat> Yeah. Notice the swapping bodies wish?
[01:38] <Pinkgirl234> Ya
[01:38] <Reapeageddon> A WHOLE WHOPPING 18 USERS!
[01:38] <Pinkgirl234> I saw that wish
[01:38] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[01:38] <Reapeageddon> NOW 19!
[01:38] <Xenons> Legend's here too
[01:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Back
[01:39] <Phanminhnhat> Tip: NEVER swap body between a boy and a girl.
[01:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[01:39] <Reapeageddon> NOW 18 again
[01:39] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[01:39] <IMCR8Z> All we need now is DeathZombi , Miles, and Brainy, THEN we have the chat gang.
[01:39] <Phanminhnhat> @Legend HI!!!
[01:39] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Electric Plants ! *hugs him while wearing an anti-electric suit*
[01:39] <Electric Plants> lel
[01:39] <Phanminhnhat> I also need ErnestoAM ...
[01:39] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:39] <Xenons> ^
[01:39] <Pinkgirl234> TIming :P 
[01:40] <AWikiBoy521> I'm now "reviving" the Cookie and KFC "templates".
[01:40] <Phanminhnhat> Timing wat?
[01:40] <Pinkgirl234> I am planning to surprise BUL9 maybe tomorrow
[01:40] <Reapeageddon> I'm just suprised BLACK OUT spoke in a thread recently
[01:40] <Phanminhnhat> Oh...
[01:40] <Phanminhnhat> Brainulator9 ...
[01:40] <Reapeageddon> Wait why am I on the sky?
[01:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Awiki well have a upset face
[01:40] <Reapeageddon> Announcer: We had to sell your land due to budget cuts
[01:40] <Pinkgirl234> Ya I got a surprise for BUL9 
[01:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[01:40] <Pinkgirl234> (oh) 
[01:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Reap
[01:41] <AWikiBoy521> It's been a while.
[01:41] <Pinkgirl234> Hee hee
[01:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Legenddemonicderpknight
[01:41] <AWikiBoy521> Why?
[01:41] <Phanminhnhat> WAT?
[01:41] <Pinkgirl234> I'm just gonna repay his favor
[01:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Idk
[01:41] <Reapeageddon> TEST
[01:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Good news i wanna play metal slug.
[01:42] <Phanminhnhat> ??? IDK
[01:42] <Reapeageddon> OH No
[01:42] <Pinkgirl234> Good news I havne't taken a bath yet
[01:42] <Pinkgirl234> * haven't
[01:42] <Reapeageddon> My land has been sold due to budget cuts
[01:42] <Reapeageddon> and I'm on the air
[01:42] <Phanminhnhat> I took a shower already...
[01:42] <Reapeageddon> I'm going to fall in
[01:42] <Reapeageddon> hmm.
[01:42] <Phanminhnhat> into what?
[01:42] <Iamarepeater> Did you see my wish: I wish ... swapped bodies with pinkgirl234?
[01:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Due to my nature habitit i tooked a shower in the swamp
[01:42] <Reapeageddon> woah, I might float here for a *falls* 
[01:42] <Reapeageddon> EEEEEEEEEEEEEH
[01:42] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam, yeah...
[01:42] <Phanminhnhat> Totally
[01:43] <Pinkgirl234> Iama let me guess
[01:43] <Phanminhnhat> (sad) 
[01:43] <Pinkgirl234> did you use a USERNAME template?
[01:43] <Iamarepeater> I'm asking Pinkgirl
[01:43] <Iamarepeater> Yes
[01:43] <Pinkgirl234> I knew it! >[[]]:D
[01:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I repliied to the thread
[01:43] <Iamarepeater> So to you, it would look weird
[01:43] <Phanminhnhat> I saw your reply.
[01:44] <Pinkgirl234> You see? I am magical. I can unlock such magical secrets.
[01:44] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[01:44] <AWikiBoy521> Using the computer the whole day?
[01:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Due to nature glitter is a food
[01:44] <Pinkgirl234> Yes :P 
[01:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> If you finde a blone roller dkates girl eat her
[01:44] <Pinkgirl234> I read dkates as danke
[01:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Skates
[01:44] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[01:44] <AWikiBoy521> You Computer addict. :P 
[01:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Sorry im on ipad
[01:44] <Gaming Center> @lameare what is it(you said Gaming Center(
[01:44] <Gaming Center> *(
[01:45] <Gaming Center> *)
[01:45] <Pinkgirl234> @AWikiBoy You Forum Game addict! :P 
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[01:45] <AWikiBoy521> You Chat addict! :P 
[01:45] <Iamarepeater> I know Pinkgirl like giving (Brainulator) pleasure
[01:45] <Pinkgirl234> You lettuce addict!
[01:46] <Pinkgirl234> Iama WTH?
[01:46] <Iamarepeater> If you know what I mean
[01:46] <Phanminhnhat> And me a circus addict!
[01:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Whats taco cat back wards
[01:46] <Phanminhnhat> IDK.
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234 and other Bronies (with no offense)
[01:46] <AWikiBoy521> You MLP addict! :P 
[01:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mlp
[01:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Is dead
[01:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Victory sound
[01:46] <Reapeageddon> tac ocat
[01:46] <Pinkgirl234> @AWikiBoy You Clash of Clans addict!
[01:46] <Xenons> ^^^ unlikely
[01:47] <Reapeageddon> You rebel scum!
[01:47] <AWikiBoy521> Xenons is correct.
[01:47] <Pinkgirl234> MLP is still live like a baws
[01:47] <Phanminhnhat> @Legend Replied. It's not that I hate you or anything like that. It just I just want to have a battle, as Glitter Zombie always loses.
[01:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Awiki likes to nuke you
[01:47] <AWikiBoy521> It's unlikely although I came that wiki for Forum Games.
[01:47] <Iamarepeater> Pinkgirl, you tried guess what I meant?
[01:47] <Pinkgirl234> Kinda yeah Iama
[01:48] <Pinkgirl234> I make BUL9 happy with hugs!
[01:48] <Iamarepeater> No
[01:48] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[01:48] <Iamarepeater> You're wrong
[01:48] <Pinkgirl234> What?
[01:48] <Phanminhnhat> @IMCR8Z Nothing...
[01:48] <Pinkgirl234> @AWikiBoy You rekting skrubs addict. (oh) 
[01:48] <Iamarepeater> I better not say
[01:48] <Iamarepeater> Unless....
[01:49] <Phanminhnhat> @Pinkgirl234 You're a pink girl addict
[01:49] <Iamarepeater> Good
[01:49] <Reapeageddon> Pinkgirl should NEVER MET Pink Guy
[01:49] <Pinkgirl234> @Phan You are a Phan hat addict (oh) 
[01:49] <Phanminhnhat> Mission: Let Gliiter Zombie wins once - Completed
[01:49] <Xenons> There's no Pink Guy.
[01:49] <Iamarepeater> Soon, I will be able to give the data to Gaming centre
[01:49] <Phanminhnhat> @Pinkgirl You're a pony addict
[01:49] <Pinkgirl234> Oh I already saw another user in FNaF RP chat named Pink guy fnaf
[01:49] <Reapeageddon>
[01:49] <Xenons> Unless you count BUL9 
[01:49] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Wat?
[01:49] <Reapeageddon> Oh yes there is
[01:49] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[01:50] <Iamarepeater> He asked me to download some info
[01:50] <Iamarepeater> He can't
[01:50] <Iamarepeater> So I'm doing it for him
[01:50] <Phanminhnhat> progress? PvZ2?
[01:50] <Phanminhnhat> Or wat info?
[01:50] <Pinkgirl234> Everyone here is a PvZ addict!
[01:50] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[01:50] <AWikiBoy521> You queen of Magic! :P 
[01:50] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[01:50] <Xenons> Not really.
[01:50] <AWikiBoy521> Hey, it rhymes!
[01:50] <Iamarepeater> (it needed a QQ account to access the PVZ info)
[01:50] <Reapeageddon> Yes there is Xenons 
[01:50] <Reapeageddon> yes... there is ;-;
[01:51] <Phanminhnhat> (sad) 
[01:51] <Xenons> I used to be addicted to it though. One of my few addictions that didn't cause me problems.
[01:51] <Iamarepeater> Xenons took drugs?
[01:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Replied
[01:51] <Phanminhnhat> I don't really like PvZAS because...
[01:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Reaplied
[01:51] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lol
[01:51] <Phanminhnhat> ...can't create Gamescom account.
[01:51] <Xenons> What?
[01:51] <Phanminhnhat> OK. Legend.
[01:52] <Iamarepeater> I thought you didn't need
[01:52] <Phanminhnhat> What what?
[01:52] <Xenons> I was talking about PvZ.
[01:52] <Phanminhnhat> I don't play PvZ
[01:52] <Iamarepeater> Gaming center?
[01:52] <Phanminhnhat> As I'm a late PvZ gamer.
[01:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi both
[01:52] <Iamarepeater> What was the data you gave me again?
[01:52] <Iamarepeater> PVZ2 or PVZ2C?
[01:53] <Iamarepeater> 1000000/1000 = 1000
[01:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pvz c 3
[01:53] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> silently asks who has abs
[01:53] <Iamarepeater> God
[01:53] <Iamarepeater> 1000 seconds
[01:53] <Pepsicola45> No one
[01:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Legenddemonicderpknight stays from pinkgirl234 And runs away.
[01:54] <Xenons> (Octo) 
[01:54] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[01:54] <Xenons> (Troglobite) 
[01:54] <Pinkgirl234> What?
[01:54] <IMCR8Z> (arcade zombie) 
[01:54] <IMCR8Z> Ha! (ninja) 'd!
[01:54] <Xenons> Them
[01:54] <Pinkgirl234> I just asked who has abs,
[01:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Glitter zombie &gt;:D 
[01:55] <AWikiBoy521> (wat) 
[01:55] <Pinkgirl234> Noh
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> (bikini) 
[01:55] <Pinkgirl234> Legend zombie &gt;:D 
[01:55] <AWikiBoy521> Huh.
[01:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No
[01:55] <AWikiBoy521> Wat is now some users.
[01:55] <AWikiBoy521> (wot) 
[01:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Legenddemonicderpknight beats up pinkgirl23; with a pot
[01:55] <IMCR8Z> (wat) 
[01:56] <Legenddemonicderpknight> This is how we cook
[01:56] <Pinkgirl234> Wat does the fox say?
[01:56] <Iamarepeater> SPARTA! (troll) 
[01:56] <Xenons> *screeeee*
[01:57] <IMCR8Z> @Pink: He says "This song is goddamn cancer stop it already."
[01:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Alluh akbar!!!!
[01:57] <Iamarepeater> <span class="me-username">* <span>Iamarepeater</span></span> kicks Pinkgirl234 into the pit of doo, yelling THIS IS SPARTA!
[01:57] <Iamarepeater> *doom
[01:57] <Pinkgirl234> Guys
[01:57] <Xenons> IMO, the song never gets old.
[01:57] <Pinkgirl234> this is
[01:57] <Pinkgirl234> PINKA!
[01:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No this is patrick
[01:58] <AWikiBoy521> This is....WIKIA!
[01:58] <Pepsicola45> Now chat is random while I play Gheb FE.
[01:58] <Magnet Plant> Userbob, did the obb for 4.1.1 work for you?
[01:58] <Pepsicola45> There should seriously be a tactical RPG based on this wiki
[01:58] <Pinkgirl234> Noh
[01:58] <IMCR8Z> @Xenons: Xenons confirmed to have no taste in music
[01:58] <Pinkgirl234> this is HECKA!
[01:58] <Pepsicola45> It would be really great and really cheesy.
[01:59] <Iamarepeater> I have Pepsicola45 (as Joan of Arc) vs Pinkgirl234 (as Miley Cyrius)
[01:59] <Iamarepeater> Pepsicola45 would win
[01:59] <IMCR8Z> GTG
[01:59] <Xenons> I didn't say I'm in love with the song, just that it makes me laugh whenever I watch it. Basically, it's so bad, it's good.
[01:59] <Pinkgirl234> Rap battles actually
[01:59] <Iamarepeater> Yes
[02:00] <Iamarepeater> And you would pretty much lose to her
[02:00] <Pinkgirl234> Yo Xenons , if you were to rap against a chat mod, who would you challnge?
[02:00] <Iamarepeater> in rapping
[02:00] <Pinkgirl234> test
[02:01] <Xenons> DZ would kick my ass, I don't know Deka all that much. I'll go with Ernesto.
[02:01] <Pinkgirl234> Dang (wat) 
[02:02] <Gaming Center> UG got the obb beta! Now let's pray it works.
[02:02] <Pinkgirl234> I always like to imagine a Brainulator9 vs Someone456 rap battle.
[02:02] <Uselessguy> Wow
[02:02] <Uselessguy> (oh (troll) 
[02:02] <Pepsicola45> How will the prosecution say about that?
[02:02] <Gaming Center> I DOESN'T WORKS?!
[02:02] <Gaming Center> *IT
[02:03] <Pinkgirl234> Admin rap battle: Uselessguy vs (insert admin name)?
[02:03] <Magnet Plant> He trolled ya
[02:03] <Magnet Plant> @GC
[02:03] <Gaming Center> -_- 
[02:03] <Xenons> C'mon, we all want Wckd vs. Vectorgreg.
[02:03] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> no but mine is
[02:04] <Pepsicola45> Wckd deserves his rightful throne with his zilchness!
[02:04] <Uselessguy> We need apk though
[02:04] <Pepsicola45> With his special Dark Magic tome, Zilch!
[02:04] <Uselessguy> Obb only saves rton files and sprite assets
[02:04] <Pinkgirl234> Uselessguy vs Electric Plants rap then?
[02:04] <Pinkgirl234> :P 
[02:04] <Uselessguy> I'm asking Lhl to give me the apk if possible
[02:04] <Gaming Center> but how did lhl used obb
[02:04] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[02:04] <AWikiBoy521> Brainulator?
[02:04] <Pepsicola45> Uselessguy is OP
[02:04] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[02:04] <Electric Plants> Test
[02:05] <Pepsicola45> Nerf (Insert This Wiki's Jeigan)
[02:05] <AWikiBoy521> Pinkgirl234 deserves a cookie.....
[02:05] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> damn group got me pissed
[02:05] <Pinkgirl234> @AWikiBoy He may be battling against Someone456 instead
[02:05] <Pinkgirl234> Cuz bcrat vs bcrat
[02:05] <AWikiBoy521> Well, he is also an admin.
[02:05] <AWikiBoy521> By Wikia.
[02:06] <Pinkgirl234> :P 
[02:06] <AWikiBoy521> He is listed with "sysop".
[02:06] <Pepsicola45> We can just strip their rights temporarily in the battle.
[02:06] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> gaming center LHL has APK thats WHY he was ABLE to play it.
[02:06] <Gaming Center> huh
[02:06] <Pepsicola45> There, thy shall be even!
[02:06] <Gaming Center> he answers slowly
[02:06] <Gaming Center> one more day of waiting
[02:06] <Pinkgirl234> For Forum Mod: RetroBowser vs Lily
[02:06] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> the obb is DOWNLOADED from the APK
[02:07] <Gaming Center> or maybe he won't even give it
[02:07] <Pinkgirl234> Rollback: WIntah vs. (insertrollback)
[02:07] <Pepsicola45> Reap
[02:07] <Uselessguy> :/ 
[02:07] <Uselessguy> Then this obb is useless
[02:08] <Pinkgirl234> For regular user:
[02:08] <Gaming Center> how do you know @ADVENT
[02:08] <Pinkgirl234> Pinkgirl234 vs (insert regular user)
[02:08] <Gaming Center> did he used to have beta before
[02:08] <Xenons> Pinkgirl vs Cavia
[02:09] <Gaming Center> oh rly
[02:09] <Pinkgirl234> Cavia? :P 
[02:09] <Gaming Center> DAMN IT
[02:09] <Xenons> Not really, since he's the most OP regular user.
[02:09] <Pinkgirl234> Hmmm (oh) 
[02:10] <Pinkgirl234> ...
[02:10] <Electric Plants> <span class="me-username">* <span>Electric Plants</span></span> hides before Advent kills him
[02:10] <Uselessguy> What a trolly troll :/ 
[02:11] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> dies
[02:11] <Uselessguy> Or maybe that's the beta again?
[02:11] <Iamarepeater> @Pinkgirl234: I think me vs you
[02:11] <Pepsicola45> OOOOOOOOOOOOOH
[02:11] <Uselessguy> I have seen IG Gaming having beta things since 3.6.1 update
[02:11] <Pepsicola45> I'm placing my bets on "vs"!
[02:12] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> why the fuck do i bother explaining shit when i finally explain things right people ignore it
[02:12] <Gaming Center> @ADVENT i am on this wikia like week before 3.8.1 leaks
[02:12] <Pinkgirl234> peater please I doubt you have the watch to win the crown
[02:12] <Pinkgirl234> I rekt rapping admins one time. Now I'll bring you down
[02:12] <Gaming Center> i never was on this wiki before
[02:12] <Pinkgirl234> &gt;:D 
[02:12] <Pepsicola45> I guess you just have to deal with with, Advent.
[02:13] <Iamarepeater> Really?
[02:13] <Iamarepeater> Prove it to me
[02:13] <Pepsicola45> DO IT
[02:13] <Pepsicola45> JUST DO IT!
[02:13] <AWikiBoy521> JUST....
[02:13] <AWikiBoy521> PROVE IT!
[02:13] <Pinkgirl234> With the power of my words and the powers of my magic
[02:13] <Pinkgirl234> I will literally make sure that your fate would go tragic
[02:13] <Gaming Center> old times... when everything was avalible to everyone
[02:14] <Gaming Center> then Marktomato and IG Gaming appeared
[02:14] <Iamarepeater> That's it?
[02:14] <Pepsicola45> It's either now to wait, or to be executed.
[02:14] <Uselessguy> The most skillful hackers :/ 
[02:14] <Pinkgirl234> Dude
[02:14] <Pepsicola45> Thy shall follow the commands of EA!
[02:14] <Magnet Plant> ***Johnnytuan
[02:14] <Magnet Plant> How many times do i have to tell you, JOHNNYTUAN IS NOT IG GAMING ANYMORE.
[02:14] <Magnet Plant> @GC
[02:14] <Gaming Center> @UG huh not really
[02:14] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> oh shit i remembered
[02:14] <Gaming Center> thy are team
[02:14] <Pinkgirl234> give me a comeback &gt;:D 
[02:14] <Magnet Plant> Dude
[02:14] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> marktomato is the one that never shares the RSB
[02:14] <Gaming Center> *they
[02:15] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> not lhl
[02:15] <Magnet Plant> IG Gaming himself said that he has own life and pretty much left it
[02:15] <Insert Your Name Here> This wiki now feels like a wiki for growing adults
[02:15] <Gaming Center> IGG is tean
[02:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Than a wiki for kids.
[02:15] <Iamarepeater> Your rhymes are so pinky, you couldn't give me a linky
[02:15] <Insert Your Name Here> That is something I begin to realize.
[02:15] <Gaming Center> and even Marktomato has a team?! (on one of his videos when someone asked him how to do something)
[02:15] <Pepsicola45> Well, I'd rather have a wiki for growing adults.
[02:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[02:16] <Iamarepeater> Slice you up like I did to Discord
[02:16] <Gaming Center> he said: We have smart Russian.
[02:16] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Akee is op in nmt
[02:16] <Pepsicola45> Having someone to help you and talk with is a lot better that a wiki filled with derpy fugutives.
[02:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> \If you feed him power plant
[02:16] <Gaming Center> IGG and Marktomato are damn teams
[02:16] <Legenddemonicderpknight> He destroys the arcade
[02:16] <Iamarepeater> Imprison you with drug on INK
[02:16] <Iamarepeater> Place you right on the blink
[02:16] <Pinkgirl234> peater well your rhymes kinda suck like a leach from the sea
[02:16] <Pinkgirl234> Now sit down and relax, watch sting you like a bee
[02:17] <Insert Your Name Here> You guys are beginning to deal with sexuality and school problem more seriously
[02:17] <Uselessguy> Well, I got Grapeshot's texture anyways
[02:17] <Pinkgirl234> * watch me
[02:17] <Gaming Center> we need data of 4.1.1
[02:17] <Pinkgirl234> @Insert I kinda notice that
[02:17] <Magnet Plant> Back then:
[02:17] <Magnet Plant> "Oh oh oh! Guys i found this, here! :D **link**"
[02:17] <Magnet Plant> Now:
[02:17] <Iamarepeater> Then I float like a butterfly and crash you down like the 2004 Indonesian tsunami
[02:17] <Userbob111> Well, I couldn't download the 109 file
[02:17] <Pepsicola45> Well, we're teens here.
[02:17] <Insert Your Name Here> And start enforcing maturity and professionality
[02:18] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[02:18] <Gaming Center> yup Magnet
[02:18] <Gaming Center> truth
[02:18] <Pepsicola45> And wikis are the best place to practice maturity and professionality.
[02:18] <Insert Your Name Here> In wiki editing at least.
[02:18] <Iamarepeater> Watcha gonna do? You family got lost! I was unaffected casual-ity
[02:18] <Gaming Center> now everyone has a team and everyone is selfish
[02:18] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[02:18] <AWikiBoy521> Your rhymes are bad like a bad flock.
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> Even an Iceberg lettuce would melt at the sight of you
[02:19] <Pinkgirl234> peater don't make me come at you like a monster [[Chomper]]
[02:19] <Pinkgirl234> The victory will be mine, I'll make sure that you get hampered
[02:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Ew, lewd.
[02:19] <Iamarepeater> Then I will show you what's it's like to deal with the power of harmony
[02:20] <Iamarepeater> Prepare to meet the Hades at his door step
[02:20] <Magnet Plant> Back then:
[02:20] <Magnet Plant> "*searches intensively* I found it.. finally!"
[02:20] <Magnet Plant> Nowadays:
[02:20] <Magnet Plant> "*has a hacking group which hacks it straight from Popcap's security systems* MAWAAHAHA I HAVE A GANG WHICH CAN FUCK YOU ALL UP AND GET UP EVERYTHING, NOW GET LOST ALL OF YOU"
[02:20] <Iamarepeater> While I do some dubstepping beat
[02:20] <Pinkgirl234> While I shine like the [[Sun]] you will rot in your [[Grave]]
[02:20] <Pinkgirl234> Soon I'll claim this battle's [[Trophy]] since I stand as brave
[02:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Well maturity means learning about 'profit'
[02:21] <Iamarepeater> Brave? Come on!
[02:21] <Iamarepeater> You got that?
[02:21] <Userbob111> If anyone else wants to try downloading the 109 obb from here:
[02:21] <Iamarepeater> I thought you were lion-ing
[02:21] <Electric Plants> UG PM
[02:21] <Insert Your Name Here> We are no longer innocent butterflies
[02:22] <Iamarepeater> Even a chicken's much better than you
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> We all act for a purpose now.
[02:22] <Pinkgirl234> @Insert Kinda true
[02:22] <Insert Your Name Here> IG acts for his channel's benefit.
[02:23] <Xenons> gtg
[02:23] <Pepsicola45> See ya.
[02:23] <PnFforever> bye o/ 
[02:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Bye
[02:23] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[02:23] <Pinkgirl234> @peater A chicken's better than me? Well an ant's better than you
[02:23] <Pinkgirl234> That's right I hecka fight your chances are screwed
[02:23] <Pepsicola45> I just hope this era is a bright era.
[02:23] <AWikiBoy521> Only for some of us.
[02:23] <Magnet Plant> You know, that he hacked Popcap and got NMT from that hacking, and breeched their securities, right?..
[02:23] <Magnet Plant> ..Right?
[02:23] <Magnet Plant> 
[02:23] <Magnet Plant> You know that he can go to jail for that, too. Right...?
[02:23] <Magnet Plant> @IYNH
[02:23] <Iamarepeater> Then I can lift the whole world up when I summon killer ants
[02:24] <Magnet Plant> Killer ants? Seeeeems leeeggiiittt.
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> I clog you up like how the Berry ants did to the US equipments
[02:24] <Uselessguy> It would be better if there were a way that we could get the apk via the obb ;( 
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> We all know that he is willing to go the extra mile.
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> Make you blow up with my words
[02:24] <Magnet Plant> Yep. But i would never go so far to the point that i could go to jail for doing it and ruin a big company.
[02:24] <Magnet Plant> @IYNH
[02:25] <Insert Your Name Here> He can't stop now.
[02:25] <Pinkgirl234> Equipments? Ants? Tell me where's the rhyme in that
[02:25] <Pinkgirl234> You are gonna explode like a [[Cherry Bomb|bomb]] cu you are totes tad fad
[02:25] <Gaming Center> i wish it stops @IYNH
[02:25] <Pinkgirl234> test
[02:25] <Gaming Center> IGG is a pvz devil
[02:25] <Insert Your Name Here> If he did all those things, he is not going to stop.
[02:25] <Pinkgirl234> * cuz
[02:26] <Iamarepeater> Them? please. I tie them up like dave would
[02:26] <Gaming Center> but guess what: people are dumb. because of his dumb fandom we can expect new plants beta gameplay soon
[02:26] <Iamarepeater> Now suffer the wrath of the star
[02:26] <Pinkgirl234> Which is why hacking guides are not allowed in this wiki I believe?
[02:27] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:27] <Iamarepeater> It wouldn't look nice
[02:27] <Pinkgirl234> Hi Graham-
[02:27] <Pinkgirl234> crackers :P 
[02:27] <Gaming Center> and with desctiption: Sorry I can't share apk so enjoy s***ing my d**k
[02:27] <Iamarepeater> With a single touch, I wipe you out
[02:27] <Graham02> lol
[02:27] <Gaming Center> people: thanks IG
[02:27] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:28] <Graham02> Why is sucking censored? @GC
[02:28] <Pinkgirl234> Wait what does APK stand for?
[02:28] <Gaming Center> people: popcap gave him apk because he is special
[02:28] <Gaming Center> people: maybe to grow up hype
[02:28] <Gaming Center> i sae these in comments really
[02:28] <Gaming Center> *saw
[02:28] <Uselessguy> That was just a moment of hacking PopCap's secret sites :/ 
[02:28] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:29] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yay new background!
[02:29] <Pinkgirl234> HI TULO !
[02:29] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hai
[02:29] <Gaming Center> IG: *lies like a hell
[02:30] <Electric Plants> Did you like it?@TULO
[02:30] <Uselessguy> Well, he is very well-trusted anyways, since he always uploads real content
[02:30] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Background? @EP
[02:30] <Electric Plants> Yes
[02:30] <Gaming Center> yup i didn't meant that @UG
[02:30] <Uselessguy> Really pink-ish :P 
[02:30] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yes. I like it :p 
[02:30] <Gaming Center> he mentonied Johnny leving before
[02:31] <Electric Plants> :P 
[02:31] <Gaming Center> but
[02:31] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:31] <Uselessguy> I AM FEELING LIKE I'M GAY, lol xD
[02:31] <Pinkgirl234> Did someone say
[02:31] <Gaming Center> recently IG said on wiki: Johnny hacks everything on his own and team is just thing to avoid questions. (such a lie)
[02:31] <Pinkgirl234> pink? :P 
[02:31] <Iamarepeater> No
[02:31] <Graham02> pink
[02:31] <Graham02> pinl
[02:32] <Graham02> pink
[02:32] <Graham02> *pink
[02:32] <Gaming Center> IGG has damn jack o' lantern in game
[02:32] <Pinkgirl234> ;-;
[02:33] <Gaming Center> it was in his video (but half hidden for slow torture(
[02:33] <Gaming Center> *)
[02:33] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:33] <Electric Plants> Yes@PinkGirl
[02:33] <Electric Plants> The new background
[02:33] <Electric Plants> Hi
[02:33] <Iamarepeater> Too late
[02:33] <Graham02> Pink
[02:33] <Graham02> pink
[02:33] <Graham02> pink
[02:33] <Graham02> pikn
[02:33] <Graham02> purpl
[02:34] <Pinkgirl234> Background for the wiki?
[02:34] <Uselessguy> Gaming Center, you are doomed :O 
[02:34] <Pinkgirl234> Then I better check it?
[02:34] <Pinkgirl234> * .
[02:34] <Uselessguy> Jack O' Lantern's sound is spoiled
[02:34] <Iamarepeater> Well, Pinkgirl stopped rapping
[02:34] <Gaming Center> yup i know
[02:34] <Gaming Center> that is video i was talking about
[02:34] <Gaming Center> DIE B**CH
[02:35] <Gaming Center> @IG Gaming
[02:35] <Uselessguy> He got you XD
[02:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok, that was an insult.
[02:35] <Gaming Center> censured
[02:35] <PnFforever> gtg
[02:35] <Pinkgirl234> :/ 
[02:35] <Uselessguy> Bye PnF O/ 
[02:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Insult in general is not tolerated.
[02:35] <PnFforever> bye o/ 
[02:35] <Gaming Center> k
[02:35] <Graham02> Bye
[02:36] <Insert Your Name Here> I feel tired after 2 hours of dancing
[02:36] <Iamarepeater> I can continue though
[02:36] <Uselessguy> He is confirmed to have the "beta" update anyways
[02:37] <Electric Plants> Test
[02:38] <Insert Your Name Here> The entire university will be a giant dance party tomorrow
[02:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Aka NMT
[02:38] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> admins to have been kissed by a bcrat here in PM..
[02:38] <Gaming Center> i'll ask lhl for apk but i don't expect anything to happen
[02:38] <Pinkgirl234> * admits
[02:38] <Insert Your Name Here> I should rest soon
[02:39] <Iamarepeater> <span class="me-username">* <span>Iamarepeater</span></span> thinks that Pinkgirl234 stopped rapping
[02:39] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[02:39] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[02:39] <Pinkgirl234> Haven't talken a bath yet
[02:39] <Graham02> Bye
[02:39] <Pinkgirl234> I need to go to
[02:39] <Electric Plants> Bye
[02:39] <Graham02> Bye
[02:39] <Electric Plants> gtg too
[02:39] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Bye
[02:39] <Electric Plants> Bye
[02:40] <Electric Plants> o/ 
[02:40] <Magnet Plant> bai
[02:40] <Graham02> Byue
[02:41] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[02:41] <AWikiBoy521> Pi
[02:41] <AWikiBoy521> 3.141592654
[02:41] <Graham02> (pie) 
[02:41] <AWikiBoy521> @Graham02
[02:41] <AWikiBoy521> Get ZFC Rekt!
[02:42] <Pinkgirl234> Imma wait for Brainpai soon
[02:42] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[02:42] <AWikiBoy521> You seriously going to sleep late just for you to PK Brainpai?!?
[02:42] <Pinkgirl234> What no?
[02:43] <Graham02> lolwut
[02:43] <Pinkgirl234> I mean in the morning
[02:43] <Pinkgirl234> But then again. It's Friday. I stay up late if I like to. :P 
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> Then,
[02:43] <AWikiBoy521> You seriously going to wake up early just for you to PK Brainpai?!?
[02:43] <Gaming Center> what's the number of 4.0.1 obb
[02:43] <Gaming Center> 107?
[02:44] <AWikiBoy521> 4.0.1 is the number.
[02:44] <AWikiBoy521> You already said it, didn't you?
[02:44] <Pinkgirl234> @AWikiBoy Nah not really
[02:45] <Gaming Center> 4.0.1 is version
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:45] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:45] <Pinkgirl234> Hold on guys I need to take a bth
[02:45] <Magnet Plant>
[02:45] <Magnet Plant> Woof
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> 4.0.1 is also a number.
[02:45] <Gaming Center> but what is the number
[02:45] <Pinkgirl234> * bath
[02:45] <Gaming Center> of obb
[02:45] <Graham02> Wat iz a bth
[02:45] <Graham02> lol
[02:45] <Magnet Plant> oops, misspelled 3.1 at the bottom right
[02:45] <Pinkgirl234> When I come back I'll smell like roses.
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> There you go!
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[02:45] <Gaming Center> main.___.ea
[02:45] <Pinkgirl234> :P 
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> Stinkygirl :P 
[02:46] <Magnet Plant> There, fixed. (DA 3.1 teaser)
[02:46] <Pinkgirl234> Brainpai calls me a Stinkpearl12345 in his userpage LOL
[02:47] <Graham02> o/ o/ 
[02:47] <Someone456> o/ 
[02:47] <Pinkgirl234> :O 
[02:47] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:47] <Pinkgirl234> [[User:Someone456|Somepaiii!]]
[02:47] <AWikiBoy521> @Magnet Plant
[02:47] <AWikiBoy521> GANG!
[02:48] <GarlicGreen1999> i hacked pvz 2 so when you plant a peashooter it spawns an arcade
[02:48] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> runs over to hug him
[02:48] <GarlicGreen1999> machine
[02:48] <AWikiBoy521> ...NAM Style.
[02:48] <Pinkgirl234> Ew did my dog just puke?
[02:48] <GarlicGreen1999> ....
[02:48] <Graham02> lol
[02:48] <GarlicGreen1999> i fuken hope nut xD
[02:48] <Pinkgirl234> Danggit! &gt;_&lt; 
[02:49] <Graham02> &g[[]]t;[[]]_[[]]&[[]]lt;
[02:49] <GarlicGreen1999> it xix
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> That's what you get for being a Stinkygirl.
[02:49] <Pinkgirl234> Ni-hao! Someone456 how are you? ^^
[02:49] <Pepsicola45> Hello
[02:49] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> is happy cuz senpai is here
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> Your dog probably puked because of your stinkiness.
[02:50] <Reapeageddon> [[File:If Neon Mixtape Tour had an Classic Zomboss podium.png]]
[02:50] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:50] <Pinkgirl234> AWikiBoy it may be something that he ate
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:50] <Graham02> or u r stinky like Awikiboy said
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[02:51] <PepperToadstool01> Hi guys!
[02:51] <Pinkgirl234> LOL nope
[02:51] <Graham02> LOL yes
[02:51] <GarlicGreen1999> i still cant belive crazy dave222... told me he cant wait for pvz2 to come out last week
[02:51] <GarlicGreen1999> i was like...
[02:51] <GarlicGreen1999> ITS BEEN OUT FOR 2 YEARS
[02:51] <GarlicGreen1999> and he was like
[02:51] <GarlicGreen1999> .-.
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:52] <GarlicGreen1999> hes with other zombies
[02:52] <GarlicGreen1999> and that is a machine
[02:52] <GarlicGreen1999> a music machine
[02:52] <PepperToadstool01> I guess his speakers are machines.
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> @PepperToadstool01
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> There is a machine.
[02:53] <AWikiBoy521> His "stage"!
[02:53] <Pinkgirl234> Cookie rekts and KFc rekts please
[02:53] <Pinkgirl234> :P 
[02:53] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[02:53] <AWikiBoy521> My rekt is valid since you quoted it.
[02:54] <Graham02> darnut i fdailed the ZFC rekt template
[02:54] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> flips the tables
[02:54] <PepperToadstool01> That's like a machine because it's the thing with health DUH!!
[02:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Graham02
[02:54] <AWikiBoy521> Again, it's not a template.
[02:54] <Graham02> idc
[02:54] <Graham02> i want Zfc :P 
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> Get another ZFC FREE!
[02:56] <PepperToadstool01> Did anyone notice they changed the laser light texture in the NMT Side B update?
[02:56] <Graham02> yas Vaka-Waka iz winning
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> @PepperToadstool01
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> Not me.
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> I keeled him.
[03:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> Spoiler avatars, we can't do anything about them.
[03:02] <Graham02> 6
[03:03] <Graham02> *^
[03:03] <Dr Crzzy Dave> hehe
[03:03] <Dr Crzzy Dave> (blush) 
[03:03] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> WTF
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> WTF
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> WTF
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> WTF
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> WTF
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> :o 
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> Ok i killed an arcade zombie as the arcade went over my spore shroom
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> but when i got rid of the acrade
[03:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> CF3 introuduced me to Skylanders
[03:04] <GarlicGreen1999> ...
[03:04] <AWikiBoy521> (wat) (torthwood) (fire)
[03:05] <Dr Crzzy Dave> it's actu\ally I pretty good game
[03:05] <Graham02> (torthwood)
[03:05] <GarlicGreen1999> 8bit spore shroom
[03:05] <GarlicGreen1999> crzzy dave
[03:05] <AWikiBoy521> (trothwood)
[03:05] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[03:05] <AWikiBoy521> (wu)
[03:05] <GarlicGreen1999> my stupid parents bought be a skylanders disc without skylanders...........
[10:25] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> It will come from the mud tiles that act like planks but it can be placed everywhere.
[10:25] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Like gravestones in pvz2.
[10:26] <PVZBronyGod> cool
[10:27] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> But it will probably not be in the game.
[10:27] <PuffyMuffins> brb dinner
[10:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight>
[10:29] <PVZBronyGod> meh
[10:30] <Snarkel> I'm going to assume you guys have already seen this but if not, here it is Jack-O-Lantern Sounds
[10:30] <PVZBronyGod> ok
[10:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> <Missing GUESS_WHO'S_BACK>?
[10:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[10:32] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hive (wave) 
[10:32] <Magnet Plant> Hi
[10:32] <Magnet Plant> hi
[10:32] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:32] <AWikiBoy521> Sup too.
[10:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[10:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> :O 
[10:35] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[10:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> :o 
[10:35] <ErnestoAM> C-C-COMBO BREAKER
[10:35] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> Because IMCR8Z !
[10:36] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> just had too
[10:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok software
[10:36] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> im trying to make a buff basic zombie
[10:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> All i got on releated sof ware how to destroy your pc
[10:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> intersting
[10:36] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:36] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: INB4 Time Twister is released and it features a Basic Zombie with the buff body.
[10:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Rx2MikeyWIKIA
[10:37] <AWikiBoy521> More like Super Brainz in Disguise.
[10:37] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> but...
[10:37] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> time twister won't be released... @imcr8z
[10:37] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> (is joke)
[10:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> They should add kermit emote
[10:38] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: The game has to end eventually...
[10:38] <Magnet Plant> There are endless games
[10:38] <Magnet Plant> Spore for example
[10:39] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> yeah, but it might be with a different world
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> Reload....
[10:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[10:39] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> that's not time twister
[10:39] <IMCR8Z> Connection derped
[10:39] <Magnet Plant> Once you reach the Galactic Core (which is considered the final task) in Spore, you can still continue forever
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Magnet Plant
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> I wonder what else Spore-shroom has throw....
[10:39] <Magnet Plant> lol
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> More Spores from Spore?
[10:39] <Magnet Plant> I'm talking about the game
[10:39] <IMCR8Z> I wonder if at some point during GW2's development, Super Brainz was originally going to be either Octo Zombie or Troglobite, but then he was changed into what he is now.
[10:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> If pvz 2 ends now
[10:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I well point the gun at popcap and tel lthem to release pvz 3 about gaming
[10:40] <ErnestoAM> Basic Butt Scratcher Zombie: Sratches his butt which invading your house.
[10:40] <AWikiBoy521> @IMCR8Z
[10:40] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, he is better if he is like that.
[10:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 10 year old zombie screams at plants
[10:41] <IMCR8Z> @Wiki: Y?
[10:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Just an funny zombie alamnic
[10:42] <AWikiBoy521> @IMCR8Z
[10:42] <AWikiBoy521> He looks better that way. After all, he is better is he is a superhero IMO.
[10:42] <Ballistic Planet> I'm alive, but not for long
[10:43] <IMCR8Z> Connection derped
[10:43] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[10:43] <ErnestoAM> NO
[10:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> ?
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> 
[10:43] <ErnestoAM> Balls, you can't die!
[10:43] <ErnestoAM> or dye, or dai
[10:43] <ErnestoAM> WB o/ 
[10:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> Well, I'm going to dye my hair in the near future
[10:43] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:43] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Imagne if pinkgirl was a zombie
[10:44] <ErnestoAM> Pinkzombie
[10:44] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[10:44] <ErnestoAM> Pinkzombie168
[10:44] <ErnestoAM> 234
[10:44] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[10:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> The wooohooo rp thread is dead
[10:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> No more alive
[10:46] <PuffyMuffins> back
[10:46] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> @IMCR8Z
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> Boring stuff like documentation of Support, Neutral, Oppose, and other voting templates in this wiki.
[10:46] <PuffyMuffins> o\
[10:46] <PuffyMuffins> \o 
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> o/ Race
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> Dead
[10:47] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (bikini) + (octozombie) + (glitter) + (arcade) = Ultra triggered
[10:47] <PuffyMuffins> (bikini) x (tanglekelp) 
[10:48] <PuffyMuffins> confirmed to happen someday or another
[10:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> It well be like a monstere
[10:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Has muscles with 2 girls head
[10:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ohh man this would be sick!!!
[10:49] <IMCR8Z> Connection derped
[10:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[10:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (troglobite) + (arcade) + (octozombie) = Ultra monster mega tron
[10:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Gtg
[10:50] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[10:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bye m8"s o/ 
[10:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wish you lick
[10:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Luck
[10:55] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> (parasol) is alone.
[10:55] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> Connection derped
[10:55] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[10:56] <PuffyMuffins> billy madison :o 
[10:56] <IMCR8Z> (octo zombie) + (troglobite) + (arcade zombie) = (gargantuar) 
[10:56] <IMCR8Z> 
[10:56] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Gotta brush my teeth.
[10:58] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[10:59] <PuffyMuffins> hue
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[11:00] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[11:00] <IMCR8Z> Ded chat is ded
[11:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> who has a good windows screen recorder
[11:00] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_imcr8zy
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> Uh for what?
[11:01] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> 1zulu: "creatures."
[11:01] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> For dinos.
[11:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> <Missing ZOMBIE_DINO>
[11:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> ^
[11:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> current text
[11:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Fraps is kinda too old now, so it's not usable
[11:02] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> <Missing DINO_RAPTOR>
[11:02] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Might be the current text for raptor zombie.
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyone know d3dgear?
[11:04] <Lolwutburger> psst
[11:05] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> It's 43$ on steam
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> bros
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> I won't be here today until later
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> so if anyone asks where I am
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> tell them I died
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> kay
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> I already told the others last night
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> just reminding yall
[11:06] <PuffyMuffins> a b c d e f GUY, h i j k l m n o BUDDY, q r s, t u FWIEND, w x, EY and PBFFT
[11:06] <PuffyMuffins> these are the canadian ABC's
[11:06] <PuffyMuffins> Sally likes hairy balls whuduyathink of these
[11:06] <ErnestoAM> huh
[11:06] <PuffyMuffins> south park reference
[11:07] <ErnestoAM> don't watch it
[11:07] <PuffyMuffins> >:c
[11:07] <ErnestoAM> i don't have cable
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[11:07] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:07] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[11:07] <IMCR8Z> (imp) We're hi-jacking this chat! (imp) 
[11:07] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[11:07] <ErnestoAM> nope
[11:07] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> I can hope for a t-rex zombie mech, not just a boss.
[11:08] <Kaijuju> hi ernesto
[11:08] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:08] <Kaijuju> hi
[11:08] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> It will be a stone catapult
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> We all know zombot is no longer a bot
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> The last 2 were an aircraft and a stage
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> And zomboss took matters into his own hands last time
[11:09] <IMCR8Z> The Gargantuar obviously has to be a T-Rex
[11:09] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> No.
[11:09] <Kaijuju> whats the 2 unused prehistoric plants names?
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> I wouldn't be surprised if he actively tries to smash plants this time
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> With a club
[11:09] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> The gargantuar has to look like the other primal zombies.
[11:09] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> And I want the imp just to be muddy.
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Probably an imp in a dino costume
[11:11] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan>
[11:12] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> does it need work
[11:12] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> I wanna a zombot that is made of bones and it will might stand here.
[11:14] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Well i was just told there's meteor rain?
[11:14] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan>
[11:14] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> :O 
[11:15] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[11:15] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> the deadchat world
[11:15] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> let's think of codenames for zombies!
[11:15] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat
[11:15] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_armor1
[11:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_armor2
[11:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_flag
[11:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_imp
[11:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_gargantuar
[11:17] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> NO DEADCHAT WORLD ALREADY.
[11:17] <ErnestoAM> that's mine
[11:17] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_ernesto
[11:17] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_andree
[11:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_pvzwiki_wikiboy
[11:18] <ErnestoAM> [[User blog:ErnestoAM/Dead Chat World]]
[11:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_abfan
[11:18] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_snarkel
[11:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_starfruity
[11:19] <IMCR8Z> deadchat_zombotcr8ztrain
[11:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_imcr8z
[11:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_bul9
[11:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_retrobrowser
[11:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadchat_demonderp
[11:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> zombossmech_deadchat
[11:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> Pinata Event Only!
[11:22] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadtea_advent
[11:22] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadtea_gamer
[11:22] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadtea_impunk
[11:22] <IMCR8Z> The Zombot is the "Zombot CR8Z Train"
[11:22] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadtea_8bit
[11:23] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> Zombot CR8Z Train Mark 2
[11:25] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[11:25] <IMCR8Z> What's the Zombot CR8Z Train Mark 2's special?
[11:26] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> Special: Can spawn zombies from Dark Ages, Big Wave Beach, Frostbite Caves, Lost City, Neon Mixtape Tour, and Mesozoic Marsh
[11:26] <IMCR8Z> But why not the zombies from Ancient Egypt, Pirate Seas, Wild West, and Far Future?
[11:27] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> because those aren't a good challenge
[11:27] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> but
[11:27] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> Special: Also spawns Seasonal Zombies
[11:27] <IMCR8Z> How does it attack?
[11:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> By making plants AFK via a missile
[11:28] <Brainulator9> Is there a deadchat_cavia?
[11:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> yes, but for teaser only
[11:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> the zombot can spawn the teaser zombiesa
[11:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> *zombies
[11:28] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadtea_cavia
[11:29] <IMCR8Z> What's the special mechanic for Dead Chat?
[11:29] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> Has been eaten by the zombies
[11:30] <IMCR8Z> And...?
[11:30] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> The plants can die when deadchat_chatmod kicks them
[11:30] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> and sometimes they just have the ballad effects
[11:31] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> that's when Zombot CR8ZY Train spawns a Boombox Zombie
[11:32] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hi
[11:32] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:32] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> deadtea_useful
[11:32] <Uselessguy> Accidentally entered the chat
[11:33] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:33] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> well we are talking about the deadchat world
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Good bye Uselessguy.
[11:33] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> What will the mm music sound like?
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> In advance.
[11:33] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> maybe a remix of FBC
[11:33] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> No.
[11:34] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:34] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> How about a remix of pool.
[11:34] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan>
[11:35] <IMCR8Z> (boombox) 
[11:35] <IMCR8Z> (boombox) looks like a pedophile.