Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/26 March 2017

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[01:27] <Specialedition12> hi
[01:27] <VeXJL> Gosh, people are coming in.
[01:28] <VeXJL> SuperRacist
[01:28] <SuperGaming101> yee
[01:28] <VeXJL> nvm
[01:29] <VeXJL> (troll) 
[01:29] <VeXJL> Try not to send too much links, okay?
[01:29] <VeXJL> I have stupidly bad connection now.
[01:29] <SuperGaming101> ok
[01:29] <VeXJL> :) 
[01:33] <VeXJL> OH hi Iama 
[01:33] <Specialedition12> Hi
[01:34] <Iamarepeater> hive
[01:45] <Alexkiki12> hi
[01:45] <Specialedition12> hi
[01:45] <A Graalian> How do you know that I've been inactive?
[01:45] <Iamarepeater> hi newcomers
[01:46] <Specialedition12> @A Well I have a bad habit
[01:46] <Specialedition12> Look at some random people's talk page when I get bored
[01:46] <VeXJL> :O
[01:46] <VeXJL> Er... I think an introduction is in order for us.
[01:46] <A Graalian> Oh okay
[01:47] <Alexkiki12> i am playing the ds version
[01:47] <VeXJL> Hi. I hail from 2k16, the year of memes.
[01:47] <Specialedition12> cool
[01:47] <Alexkiki12> and i cant beat level 1-4 
[01:47] <VeXJL> And it's almost a year since I've joined this wiki.
[01:47] <VeXJL> Level 1-4 in PvZ?
[01:47] <VeXJL> Isn't that really easy?
[01:47] <A Graalian> Well, late welcome to you :) 
[01:47] <VeXJL> Thanks!
[01:48] <VeXJL> Hi Jack!
[01:48] <Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls> Hi.
[01:48] <Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls> :O A Graalian?
[01:48] <A Graalian> :0
[01:48] <A Graalian> yass
[01:48] <Specialedition12> Hi jack
[01:48] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Something very magical happened.</span>
[01:48] <Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls> Long time. :D 
[01:48] <The Maverick Hunter> Jack?
[01:48] <Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls> Sup, guys?
[01:48] <VeXJL> Sup.
[01:48] <Specialedition12> sup
[01:48] <A Graalian> I know Ive been busy :'( 
[01:49] <Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls> So have I.
[01:49] <The Maverick Hunter> Can u change my chat text: It would be pink and PvZ2C UI
[01:49] <Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls> Link to the UI?
[01:50] <The Maverick Hunter> The PvZ2C UI Phantom use on chat.
[01:50] <A Graalian> Ever since the arguments with the admins and whatnot demotions, I dissolved from this wiki...
[01:50] <VeXJL> Dang.
[01:50] <Iamarepeater> oh hive Jack
[01:50] <VeXJL> Arguments are omnipresent here.
[01:50] <Iamarepeater> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">AKA noob king (troll) </span>
[01:50] <VeXJL> (troll) 
[01:50] <Jackninja5DipperGravityFalls> :O
[01:51] <The Maverick Hunter> 4/10 Puzzle Piece to got (cattail2) 
[01:51] <A Graalian> Yeah lol
[01:51] <A Graalian> Its really not surprising
[01:51] <Alexkiki12> i beat level 1-4 and recieved a shovel.
[01:51] <The Maverick Hunter> and 5/10 Puzzle Piece to get (gatling pea2) 
[01:51] <VeXJL> Oh hi!
[01:52] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[01:52] <The Maverick Hunter> hi
[01:52] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Supback after a long time, A Graalian
[01:52] <Pinacoin> Hi
[01:52] <A Graalian> HEYY
[01:52] <Specialedition12> hi both
[02:16] <Pinacoin> (Infinite mouths)
[02:16] <Specialedition12> @Iamarepeater
[02:16] <Pinacoin> Ok
[02:16] <ErnestoAM> I've been ripping sprites all day
[02:16] <Specialedition12> Iama prepeater
[02:16] <Iamarepeater> ????
[02:16] <Specialedition12> oh wow
[02:16] <Iamarepeater> .....
[02:16] <Specialedition12> your bot left anyway
[02:16] <VeXJL> (impfinite amounts of dots.
[02:16] <Pinacoin> ...
[02:19] <A Graalian> I just love how the trend continues. : D
[02:19] <VeXJL> lol k
[02:19] <Specialedition12> Xd
[02:21] <ErnestoAM> huh
[02:22] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">The "huh" of Death</span>
[02:23] <VeXJL> huh
[02:23] <AWikiBoy521> huh
[02:24] <Pinacoin> Kek
[02:24] <The Maverick Hunter> (topkek
[02:25] <VeXJL> lol
[02:25] <VeXJL> (topkek) 
[02:25] <The Maverick Hunter> VeXY <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">SeXY</span>
[02:25] <VeXJL> Yes?
[02:25] <The Maverick Hunter> I call ur nickname
[02:26] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">The Maverick Hunger</span>
[02:26] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Because he wanted some (topkek) to eat</span>
[02:26] <The Maverick Hunter> AWikipediaBoy521
[02:28] <The Maverick Hunter> VeXY's bar.
[02:28] <VeXJL> hmm?
[02:29] <The Maverick Hunter> It's joke
[02:32] <ErnestoAM> ha
[02:34] <ErnestoAM> Welcome.
[02:34] <A Graalian> 
[02:35] <Putucup> hi
[02:35] <A Graalian> hihi
[02:36] <ErnestoAM> ih
[02:42] <Putucup> editing Jorney to the west things
[02:28] <The Maverick Hunter> VeXY's bar.
[02:28] <VeXJL> hmm?
[02:29] <The Maverick Hunter> It's joke
[02:32] <ErnestoAM> ha
[02:34] <ErnestoAM> Welcome.
[02:34] <A Graalian> 
[02:35] <Putucup> hi
[02:35] <A Graalian> hihi
[02:36] <ErnestoAM> ih
[02:42] <Putucup> editing Jorney to the west things
[02:49] <The Magic Star> heya
[02:49] <Specialedition12> hi\
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> o/ 
[02:59] <A Graalian> ..
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> My background
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Isn't it changed yet?
[02:59] <Specialedition12> nope apparently
[02:59] <Specialedition12> ping jack
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Can't troll AWB. *sigh
[03:02] <A Graalian> What was the hack for making Marigold usable in PvZ2?
[03:02] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I forgot lol
[03:02] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> BP has the idea
[03:03] <A Graalian> h
[03:03] <A Graalian> oh
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> RIP Reap
[03:04] <Specialedition12> hi
[03:04] <YammaYamer21> hailo
[03:04] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Why don't you use the emote o/ </span>
[03:04] <YammaYamer21> moar hailos
[03:05] <YammaYamer21> ;( 
[03:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> <span style="color:red;"> <span style="font-weight:bold;"> And then is the death of the chat, indeed.</span></span></span>
[03:06] <YammaYamer21> Well, what do we talk about?
[03:06] <YammaYamer21> GW2 sucks, PvZ2 is boring, and PvZH is broken asf
[03:06] <YammaYamer21> done
[03:12] <A Graalian> .
[03:13] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Dead.
[03:13] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Ded.
[03:13] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Killed the "A"</span>
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> true
[03:16] <Putucup> ...
[03:20] <A Graalian> I really need marigold
[03:20] <A Graalian> ;) 
[03:20] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Go to BP's blog
[03:20] <ErnestoAM> In what game?
[03:22] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> PvZ 2
[03:22] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ez
[03:23] <Putucup> (face palm)
[03:23] <Putucup> is this some knd of Wikia Bug?
[03:23] <ErnestoAM> Palm Face
[03:24] <Putucup> that i dont get mainspace edits? recently i edited Joureney to the west pages 4 pages 4 times but
[03:24] <Putucup> i shold have 15 mainspace
[03:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> It isn't.
[03:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> You got 1 ms from 4 edits on JTTW nly
[03:24] <Putucup> look at the recent wikia activity
[03:25] <Putucup> oh
[03:33] <ErnestoAM> heh
[03:50] <Brainzzwhatevzz> looks like i missed all the fun
[03:50] <Brainzzwhatevzz> again.
[03:52] <Specialedition12> Xd
[03:52] <VeXJL> gtg. :( 
[03:52] <VeXJL> See ya!
[03:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> o/ 
[03:53] <Specialedition12> bye and hi
[03:58] <CZAzure> lol
[03:58] <CZAzure> (agave) !
[03:58] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ?
[03:59] <CZAzure> It means hi 
[03:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ik
[04:07] <The Magic Star> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">defeat zombot dark dragon with only magnet shroom</span>
[04:08] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">is it possible? hmm...</span>
[04:08] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">(thinking)</span>
[04:08] <The Magic Star> well that is the basis of my level idea
[04:08] <Specialedition12> then again
[04:09] <Specialedition12> pre-boosted seed packet being broken 
[04:09] <The Magic Star> it isn't broken anymore
[04:09] <The Magic Star> for me
[04:09] <Specialedition12> huh
[04:09] <The Magic Star> fixed in the new update i think
[04:09] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Finally ik know to mess up the plant leveling system
[04:09] <Specialedition12> lemme try
[04:09] <The Magic Star> [[User blog:The Magic Star/Level Idea (by TMS)]]
[04:09] <The Magic Star> can someone check the last one
[04:10] <The Magic Star> wb
[04:12] <The Magic Star> rip
[04:12] <The Magic Star> am i a chat killer
[04:14] <The Magic Star> ded chat
[04:14] <ErnestoAM> :( 
[04:23] <The Magic Star> wat did i miss
[04:24] <SuperGaming101> ayy!
[04:24] <SuperGaming101> lo.
[04:24] <The Magic Star> heya
[04:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> o/ 
[04:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :| 
[04:43] <ErnestoAM> ha
[04:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ?
[04:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> o/ 
[04:33] <Specialedition12> Hi
[04:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Where had you gone?
[04:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> o/ 
[04:42] <A Graalian> Chat is dead like Michael Jackson.
[04:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :| 
[04:43] <ErnestoAM> ha
[04:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ?
[04:55] <The Magic Star> metal
[04:55] <The Magic Star> kwhat did i just send
[04:57] <The Magic Star> the death of a chat
[04:59] <The Magic Star> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">shameless advertising</span>
[05:00] <Specialedition12> gg
[05:00] <The Magic Star> buy oxy-clean for only $8.99
[05:00] <The Magic Star> wait no
[05:00] <The Magic Star> buy electric blueberry for only $7.99
[05:00] <The Magic Star> bUT WAIT THERE'S MORE
[05:00] <The Magic Star> for every electric blueberry you buy, you get a free grapeshot seed packet
[05:01] <The Magic Star> disclaimer: you need 1000 grapeshot seed packets to do something useful
[05:01] <The Magic Star> buy now!
[05:02] <Specialedition12> Xd
[05:02] <ErnestoAM> XD
[05:03] <The Magic Star> ea in a nutshell
[05:03] <The Magic Star> er...
[05:03] <The Magic Star> ea in an explode-o-nut
[05:03] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Blooming Heart costs more than 5 dollar</span>
[05:04] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">buy now !!!111</span>
[05:05] <The Magic Star> great deals
[05:07] <The Magic Star> where is that to-do list thing
[05:07] <The Magic Star> for the wiki
[05:07] <A Graalian> bored to death
[05:08] <Specialedition12> Wait what to do list?
[05:08] <The Magic Star> oh wait it's the community page
[05:09] <Specialedition12> Xd
[05:09] <The Magic Star> i'll do some level upgrade stuff for dark ages
[05:10] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No new background
[05:10] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yet
[05:10] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I want to troll AWB :( 
[05:24] <The Magic Star> i need help
[05:25] <Specialedition12> for what
[05:49] <Specialedition12> hi
[05:51] <Ballistic Planet> so, I assume nothing interesting has happened?
[05:51] <The Magic Star> yea
[05:51] <Specialedition12> ofc
[05:54] <Ballistic Planet> oh sweet
[05:54] <Ballistic Planet> reverting the 5.8 zombie changes
[05:54] <Ballistic Planet> hell yes
[05:54] <The Magic Star> why am i both narcissistic and inferior
[06:00] <ErnestoAM> idk
[06:00] <VeXJL> hi
[06:01] <VeXJL> So... yay?
[06:08] <VeXJL> ;-;
[06:12] <VeXJL> Hah, what's the point of moderating chat when there's no chat to moderate?
[06:12] <VeXJL> also gtg
[06:12] <VeXJL> bye
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Isn't it changed yet?
[02:59] <Specialedition12> nope apparently
[02:59] <Specialedition12> ping jack
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Can't troll AWB. *sigh
[12:05] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Ayyy dead
[12:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :| 
[12:48] <Alexkiki12> I BEEN PLANTED?
[12:51] <Alexkiki12> HA
[12:52] <Alexkiki12> chat hacks are enabled
[12:52] <Alexkiki12> :) 
[12:52] <Alexkiki12> 
[12:52] <Alexkiki12> og
[12:53] <Alexkiki12> oh man i love plants vs zombies
[12:54] <Alexkiki12> POPCAP
[12:58] <Alexkiki12> Bye and the zombies gonna eat me.
[01:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ...
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Done.
[02:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Things get more fun now :D 
[02:50] <JungleStalker0101> Poof