Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/27 January 2016

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[11:54] <IMCR8Z> (blew zombie) A bomb is a poor choice for close-quarter combat
[11:55] <Insert Your Name Here> The Middle Easterners would like to prove otherwise
[11:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i like Easter
[11:55] <Drek'TharSuperSword> blew zombie?
[11:55] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Blue zombie in Early modern English
[11:55] <CitronFire3> Easter X Food = Chocolate
[11:56] <Snapdragon717> (Qi Gong Zombie)
[11:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Qigongzombie)
[11:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> tip: do not put spaces
[11:56] <Snapdragon717> of course
[11:56] <IMCR8Z> (rotobaga) (asparagus) (blew zombie) You can't say "bomb" in an airport!
[11:56] <CitronFire3> IT WAS PRICELESS
[11:56] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:56] <Birdpool> 54 45 53 54 49
[11:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ plz not spam
[11:57] <IMCR8Z> @Citron: Who's the singer in questino?
[11:57] <IMCR8Z> *question
[11:57] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[11:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> questino, Mario!
[11:57] <Birdpool> spam? where?
[11:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Gente=People on Ptbr
[11:57] <CitronFire3> shawn mendes
[11:57] <CitronFire3> :D 
[11:57] <IMCR8Z> K
[11:57] <Snapdragon717> 1:28 "Hey! Don't say bomb."
[11:57] <Birdpool> I don't see spam anywhere
[11:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> AND u gotta leaving and entering chat
[11:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i got a achievement
[11:58] <Birdpool> @Pumpkin, I still don't see any spam.
[11:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> User who most leave and enter the chat in one hour
[11:58] <Birdpool> Plug what I said into a hex editor and look at the text
[11:58] <IMCR8Z> (blewzombie) Oh my god, JC! A BOMB!
[11:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i dont have
[11:58] <Birdpool> It's not spam
[11:58] <Birdpool> Educate yourself
[11:59] <Birdpool> those are the bytes for "TEST!"
[11:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (facepalm) 
[11:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[11:59] <Birdpool> yes, facepalm that someone saw numbers in pairs with spaces and didn't think to check if it was hex bytes. -__- 
[12:00] <Birdpool> ESPECIALLY on THIS wiki
[12:00] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I Dont have Hex editor ¬¬'
[12:00] <Birdpool> You could have looked it up
[12:00] <Pumpkin Skelhead> cuz it will be useless for me
[12:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well *plays video with lot of people making (facepalm) *
[12:01] <Birdpool> You don't have PvZ2?
[12:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have
[12:01] <Birdpool> So how would hex editor be useless?
[12:01] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i losed it today but i have
[12:02] <Birdpool> Do you have computer access?
[12:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 'cuz i dont see game codes
[12:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yep
[12:02] <Pumpkin Skelhead> it's actually most to see videos and play
[12:02] <Birdpool> "I don't see game codes"
[12:02] <Birdpool> >Spoken as if the string makes sense
[12:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i never see someting related to hex editor except game codes 
[12:03] <SlimeLOLEnder> wut?
[12:03] <Birdpool> please try to make sense
[12:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i will play som PKMN Pinball R&S
[12:04] <SlimeLOLEnder> what is going on m80s
[12:04] <Birdpool> I can't interpret what you're saying
[12:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (facepalm) 
[12:04] <Birdpool> it's random words that have no meaning when in that order
[12:04] <Birdpool> Bro, do you even English?
[12:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> my gosh i never worked with hex codes
[12:04] <Birdpool> :P 
[12:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> OMG I cant stop staring at Chemist Zombie wearing two shoes that PK drew.
[12:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> dammit
[12:05] <Birdpool> You could've just said it that way
[12:05] <Birdpool> and not confused anyone
[12:05] <Birdpool> -___-
[12:05] <Birdpool> I should be fapalming the carp out of you
[12:05] <Birdpool> and V8'ing you
[12:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i made more than 9000 of facepalms 
[12:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> Y u so mean?
[12:05] <ErnestoAM> Stop trying to act smart
[12:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> V8'ING
[12:05] <MyNameIsMyName> Back
[12:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WTF
[12:05] <IMCR8Z> INB4 Carp suddenly comes back somehow. @Birdpool
[12:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> Veight'ing?
[12:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> What is that?
[12:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> Explain to me grammar king
[12:06] <Snapdragon717> Like the drink? V8?
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> then all fault is mine :P 
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well gtg
[12:06] <Snapdragon717> by
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> what is gtg even? xD
[12:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> gotta go
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> gotta go so fast!
[12:06] <Birdpool> None of you have seen ads for the V8 fruit/vegetable drink?
[12:06] <Birdpool> WTF
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NO
[12:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i'm PTBR danm
[12:07] <Snapdragon717> gtb = Got to blast!
[12:07] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[12:07] <Birdpool> gtg=gotta go
[12:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Beeshooter) yehive o/ 
[12:07] <Snapdragon717> @Birdpool I acknowleded it
[12:07] <Birdpool> gtg=got to go
[12:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[12:07] <Snapdragon717> I probably butchered that word
[12:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Those secant curve things are soooooo confusing
[12:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And I got that kinda assignment from my math teacher
[12:07] <ErnestoAM> Okay...
[12:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I need to draw all the curve graphs for trigonometry functions
[12:08] <ErnestoAM> Try Googling for lessons.
[12:08] <Snapdragon717> Sounds fun
[12:08] <Birdpool> I just found how to turn off Dynamic Difficulty >:3
[12:08] <ErnestoAM> That makes your teacher look pathetic.
[12:08] <MyNameIsMyName> Turn off Internet?
[12:08] <ErnestoAM> live_config
[12:08] <ErnestoAM> and or modify the level
[12:08] <Birdpool> liveconfig.json
[12:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Fortunately she didn't give me things like arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, or whatever they are
[12:09] <IMCR8Z> (lost doctor zombie) Thanks ObamaCare!
[12:09] <Birdpool> so yes, you turn off wifi and mod the file
[12:09] <Snapdragon717> @Drek Speak English! 
[12:09] <Birdpool> He is
[12:09] <ErnestoAM> It is
[12:09] <Birdpool> -_- 
[12:09] <Snapdragon717> It's a joke
[12:09] <Birdpool> YOU try learning Math :P 
[12:09] <ErnestoAM> What grade are you in?
[12:09] <Birdpool> :P :P :P 
[12:10] <Snapdragon717> 9th, but I'm taking 10th grade math cause I took Alg in 8th grade
[12:10] <Birdpool> So apparently LBT has been looping UN on card chooser for 30 min
[12:10] <Birdpool> my phone just threatened to sleep
[12:10] <Birdpool> Well, snappy, you'll learn Tangent, Cosine, and Sine next yar in Geometry
[12:10] <IMCR8Z> (zombie fighter) (arbiter-x) (double-cabin aircraft zombie) (missile zombie) ["Ride of the Valkyries" plays]
[12:10] <Birdpool> *year
[12:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> oooooh soooo confusing o_o -_- 
[12:11] <IMCR8Z> Let me fix that:
[12:11] <Birdpool> Infi-nut, Repeater, sun, or Fire PEashooter?
[12:11] <IMCR8Z> (zombie fighter) (arbiter-x) (double-cabin aircraft zombie) ["Ride of the Valkyries" plays]
[12:11] <Ballistic Planet> Infi-nut
[12:11] <Birdpool> k :) 
[12:11] <Birdpool> Hey Ballistic
[12:12] <Birdpool> You should join me in EZ
[12:12] <Birdpool> We can compete
[12:12] <Birdpool> I eed something more to do in PvZ2
[12:12] <IMCR8Z> afk
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> I need a nickname for my Flygon
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> my 2nd of 3 flygons
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> I already named one "Flygon Jim"
[12:13] <Snapdragon717> Flygone? Maybe
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> ehh
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> Flygone would work on the Flygon I already nocknamed
[12:14] <Snapdragon717> I'm not that good at naming things (happy) 
[12:14] <Ballistic Planet> nicknamed*
[12:14] <Ballistic Planet> I have an idea
[12:14] <Ballistic Planet> but I don't know the exact name
[12:15] <Ballistic Planet> It's the opposite of overcast, and a synonym to "Clear sky"
[12:15] <Snapdragon717> Alright, I'm playing (Temple of Bloom) now.
[12:16] <Birdpool> *Turns off Dynamic Difficulty*
[12:16] <Birdpool> >Dinos: Stego and Raptor
[12:17] <Birdpool> >zombies: Imp and three weakest of basic quintrio
[12:17] <Birdpool> thyme to get modding :) 
[12:17] <Itsleo20> back
[12:17] <Birdpool> * &gt;:( 
[12:18] <Birdpool> because it drashed and forced me to reinstall -__- 
[12:18] <Birdpool> still have my playerdata tho, so I guess that's good.
[12:18] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[12:19] <Birdpool> *crashed
[12:19] <Snapdragon717> Garlic, Split Pea, or Potato Mine for Temple of Bloom?
[12:19] <Snapdragon717> I have Primal
[12:19] <Birdpool> Garlic, If you have primal pMine
[12:19] <Snapdragon717> okay
[12:20] <Birdpool> IDK why Split PEa ain't blacklisted outside of WW
[12:20] <Birdpool> and BBB
[12:20] <Snapdragon717> FC and JM
[12:20] <Snapdragon717> FC for sliders
[12:20] <Snapdragon717> JM for Pteros
[12:20] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's funny that my teacher taught us to write cosecant (csc) as cosec, and to write cotangent (cot) as cotan, even though csc and cot are the correct ones.
[12:20] <Snapdragon717> Plus, it can be used for zombies who slip pas defences
[12:20] <Snapdragon717> past
[12:20] <Birdpool> well
[12:21] <Birdpool> If you predict that zombies will pass, then you know your strat sucks
[12:22] <IMCR8Z> And to a lesser extent, Low Tides in BWB and Raiding Parties in Pirate Seas if the Swashbucklers swing onto planked rows.
[12:23] <Birdpool> but it's just a Peashooter if your strat is actually good. -_- 
[12:23] <Birdpool> Learn to use Chard Guard
[12:23] <Birdpool> FC is easier than WW anyway
[12:24] <Birdpool> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">especiallywith my coin economy</span>
[12:25] <Snapdragon717> Anyone thing Phat Beet on the second column is good for Big Bad Butte? It can take out thrown Imps and Prospectors
[12:25] <Birdpool> meh
[12:25] <Birdpool> could be good
[12:25] <Snapdragon717> But minecarts could ruin it
[12:25] <MyNameIsMyName> @Snap Maybe
[12:26] <MyNameIsMyName> I like using Phat Beet in EZ as an Im counter and an early offensive plant
[12:26] <Birdpool> however (chard) (primalsunflower) (chard) (Primalpeashooter) (chard) (wintermelon) combined with blover would be better
[12:27] <Birdpool> if you switch the melon and pea
[12:28] <MyNameIsMyName> @BP That's my strat now
[12:28] <Birdpool> really?
[12:28] <Birdpool> Hmm
[12:28] <MyNameIsMyName> I used the Phat Beet strat until JM
[12:28] <Birdpool> In ToB, without hacking, I use (sun) (as in any sun plant) (wintermelon) (fumeshroom) (chardguard) 
[12:29] <Birdpool> if there's no relichunters
[12:29] <Birdpool> I use
[12:29] <Birdpool> (sun) (wintermelon2) (fumeshroom2) (wintermelon2) (fumeshroom2) (chard) 
[12:31] <Ballistic Planet> Leo is so troll lol
[12:32] <ErnestoAM> LEO I NEED YOU
[12:33] <Birdpool> THER
[12:33] <Birdpool> NO MORE JETPACKS IN TFT
[12:34] <Birdpool> GET AWAY JETPACKS >:|
[12:36] <Snapdragon717> Temple of Bloom Strat: (Primal Sunflower) (Primal Peashooter) (Primal Potato Mine) (Winter Melon2) (Blover2) (Cherry Bomb) (Gold Leaf) 
[12:36] <Snapdragon717> On level 50 something
[12:36] <Itsleo20> back
[12:36] <Ballistic Planet> leo is really troll lmao 
[12:36] <MyNameIsMyName> ?
[12:36] <IMCR8Z> afk, dinner
[12:37] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok.
[12:41] <Fairy27> Hi to all~
[12:42] <Itsleo20> Hi
[12:42] <Itsleo20> Hi
[12:42] <Snapdragon717> God, Primal Pea + Winter Melon + Blover is just carnage
[12:42] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies>
[12:42] <Bearjedi> ARE WE OUT OF THE WOODS YET
[12:42] <Bearjedi> are we in the clear yet in the clear yet
[12:43] <Fairy27> My device has a software update, and I'm waiting for it to finish
[12:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Done with the PP
[12:45] <MyNameIsMyName> And I got Moonflower's costume
[12:45] <Birdpool> Charmed Dinos treat ZombiePet as the Uncharmed treats normal zombies
[12:45] <Fairy27> What is today's PP? My device's having a software update so I can't play yet, MNIMN.
[12:45] <Birdpool> just flipped
[12:45] <MyNameIsMyName> All Garg
[12:46] <MyNameIsMyName> And Kernel-pult
[12:46] <Fairy27> THAT PP. Okay.
[12:46] <Fairy27> Oh hey...I have boosted (kernel-pult) . I think...
[12:47] <MyNameIsMyName> But that PP isn't very hard
[12:47] <MyNameIsMyName> You might get suprised at the Final Wave
[12:49] <Fairy27> Hm....SDU (Software Device Update, as what I call it to myself) is around 80% now.
[12:50] <Birdpool> plis dun cresh
[12:50] <Birdpool> plis dun cresh
[12:50] <Birdpool> plis dun cresh
[12:51] <Birdpool> plis dun cresh plis plis plis plis plis i need mawds
[12:51] <Birdpool> plis dun drash :o 
[12:51] <Birdpool> plis
[12:52] <Birdpool> shit it crashed
[12:52] <Snapdragon717> I'm currently closing my eyes, choosing random plants, and playing with those plants regardless of what they are on LC Day 1
[12:52] <ErnestoAM> Ha
[12:52] <Birdpool> ...
[12:52] <Birdpool> WTF Ernesto -_- 
[12:52] <Fairy27> Software Update complete.
[12:52] <Fairy27> Or not...
[12:53] <Birdpool> no gugs, y cresh?
[12:53] <Birdpool> *bugs
[12:55] <Fairy27> Okay, the update is truly completed.
[12:57] <ErnestoAM> Don't look at us.
[12:57] <MyNameIsMyName> @Snap Like how Crazy Dave chooses them I guess?
[12:57] <Birdpool> GTG
[12:57] <Birdpool> bilo
[12:57] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok.
[12:58] <Snapdragon717> Randomly choosing plants is fun on LC Day 1
[12:58] <Snapdragon717> So is FC Day 1
[12:58] <Fairy27> Hi~
[12:58] <Snapdragon717> Welcome Back
[12:59] <SlimeLOLEnder> o/ 
[12:59] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy LOL!
[01:00] <SlimeLOLEnder> Ded
[01:01] <Fairy27> Hi Anonymous~
[01:02] <Fairy27> What's this? Silent chat?
[01:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> Vanquished chat
[01:02] <Brainulator9> hilo
[01:02] <Bearjedi> Brainulator9 
[01:02] <Fairy27> Hi~
[01:02] <Bearjedi> I've made a decision
[01:02] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy Brain!
[01:02] <Brainulator9> I found something important.
[01:02] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[01:02] <Bearjedi> I guess I'll have my rights back
[01:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> (wat) ?
[01:02] <Snapdragon717> important?
[01:02] <Bearjedi> Because honestly
[01:03] <Bearjedi> I only have homework, tests, and nothing else
[01:03] <Brainulator9> [[User blog:Brainulator9/New PvZ1 Android update]]
[01:03] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok.
[01:03] <Fairy27> I'll play today's PP now.
[01:04] <Fairy27> Unless it's actually NOT ready yet.
[01:04] <Fairy27> I'm connected to my Wifi.
[01:04] <SlimeLOLEnder> Aw man
[01:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> Pet (zombieking) doesn't do anything
[01:05] <Fairy27> Now my PP's ready.
[01:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> Ded again
[01:06] <ErnestoAM> Yeah, I noticed that too BUL9 .
[01:06] <Snapdragon717> If you had a Zombie King pet, that'd actually be expected
[01:07] <ErnestoAM> I was like "woah, a PvZ update".
[01:07] <Brainulator9> @EAM, huh
[01:08] <MyNameIsMyName> If I remember it right, then Pink went amping today right?
[01:08] <ErnestoAM> Huh what?
[01:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> dot
[01:12] <Fairy27> Done with today's PP.
[01:12] <Fairy27> I only got tons of coins.
[01:12] <Fairy27> I missed (tanglekelp) 's costume.
[01:13] <Fairy27> I'll do LC - Day 1 with my eyes closed on the seed selection screen.
[01:13] <MyNameIsMyName> (tanglekelp2) 
[01:14] <Fairy27> (tanglekelp2) 
[01:14] <Fairy27> Oh okay.
[01:14] <Fairy27> You just have to add "2".
[01:14] <MyNameIsMyName> (bambooshoot) 
[01:14] <MyNameIsMyName> (bambooshoot2)
[01:15] <MyNameIsMyName> (bambooshootc)
[01:15] <MyNameIsMyName> (bambooshoot2c)
[01:15] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok. no PvZ2 Bamboo Shoot.
[01:16] <SlimeLOLEnder> Dang it 
[01:16] <SlimeLOLEnder> I want a .rton of ginta's level so much
[01:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> test
[01:19] <Fairy27> HI~
[01:20] <SlimeLOLEnder> (tombstone) Rip in (pepperpult) s (tombstone) 
[01:21] <Fairy27> I have like 4 sun producers in my Zen Garden.
[01:21] <Fairy27> (sunflower2) , (twinsunflower2) , (sun-shroom2) , (sunbean) 
[01:23] <MyNameIsMyName> Then I guess your Zen Garden is full of sunshine
[01:24] <Fairy27> The only Sun Producer that is not there is (moonflower) .
[01:24] <Fairy27> Hi~
[01:24] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy BAM!
[01:24] <SlimeLOLEnder> (toadstool) 
[01:24] <Snapdragon717> And (Primal Sunflower) 
[01:24] <MyNameIsMyName> @Fairy (primalsunflower) 
[01:25] <Fairy27> I don't have (toadstool) . Forgot about (primalsunflower) .
[01:25] <MyNameIsMyName> (goldleaf) Just saying though...
[01:25] <Chilly Bean BAM!> bye
[01:25] <MyNameIsMyName> Ok.
[01:25] <SlimeLOLEnder> Technically not
[01:25] <Fairy27> Ohhh...This is swell. (goldleaf) is not plantable in Zen Garden.
[01:26] <SlimeLOLEnder> Because it creates (goldtile) 
[01:26] <SlimeLOLEnder> The (goldtile) is the sun producer, not (gold leaf) 
[01:26] <Fairy27> (Plays Terror from Tomorrow)
[01:27] <MyNameIsMyName> Technically all plants are sun producers
[01:27] <Fairy27> I do have (sunbean) . I have many Sun producers in my Zen Garden, so might as well use one of them, (sunbean) .
[01:27] <Fairy27> But yet, (primalsunflower) is to be brought.
[01:29] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[01:29] <Fairy27> I guess.
[01:29] <MyNameIsMyName> Because of the Shovel Upgrade
[01:30] <MyNameIsMyName> So are the zombies
[01:30] <MyNameIsMyName> Because of the (sunbean) 
[01:31] <Fairy27> More (sun) !
[01:33] <Fairy27> Heh. Massive destruction there. (Wintermelon2) !
[01:33] <SlimeLOLEnder> (not shy) 
[01:33] <Fairy27> (refreshes due to internet lag)
[01:34] <SlimeLOLEnder> (imp monk)
[02:13] <Fairy27> You are currently planted here.
[02:13] <SecretJaguar913> So I got planted?
[02:13] <Fairy27> Yep.
[02:13] <SecretJaguar913> Okay
[02:14] <SecretJaguar913> What bout when you get eaten by zombies
[02:14] <Fairy27> When you exit the chat.
[02:14] <MyNameIsMyName> @Fairy Yes. That kid stole arts from PvZCC wiki. He claimed Lol's creation as his, even when it has Lol's trademark! Tons of users have been arguingwith him for a long time, they even made a thread about that, they hope he will read it and fix himself, and guess what? He still ignores it and continue the art of stealing arts. And BOOM, he got blocked for 6 months.
[02:14] <Fairy27> @MNIMN That's over? The 6 months?
[02:15] <MyNameIsMyName> Yes.
[02:15] <IMCR8Z> New boss zombie added for those interested in fanon PvZ GW stuff:
[02:16] <Ballistic Planet> rawr
[02:16] <Fairy27> Hi~
[02:16] <Ballistic Planet> I'M ALIVE
[02:16] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:16] <Ballistic Planet> Itsleo20 
[02:16] <Ballistic Planet> I made my team
[02:16] <Itsleo20> k
[02:16] <Fairy27> (plays The Mine Cart from WW Vasebreaker while chatting)
[02:16] <Brainulator9> bilo
[02:17] <Itsleo20> bilo
[02:17] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy Primal Sunflower!
[02:18] <Fairy27> Silent much?
[02:20] <MyNameIsMyName> Yup.
[02:20] <Fairy27> Hi~
[02:20] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[02:20] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy Mr. Snap!
[02:21] <Fairy27> If I break the vase with the (zombiebull) , the Imp flies to the rightmost tile. XD
[02:21] <MyNameIsMyName> The Mine Cart is a hard one
[02:23] <SlimeLOLEnder> Same happens with (arcadezombie) 
[02:23] <SlimeLOLEnder> And probably (troglobite) 
[02:24] <SlimeLOLEnder> ...
[02:24] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[02:24] <Fairy27> Hmmmm....
[02:26] <SlimeLOLEnder> (sappuddle) (sappuddle) (sappuddle) 
[02:26] <IMCR8Z> That's not sap (lenny) 
[02:27] <SlimeLOLEnder> It isn't milk either (lenny) 
[02:28] <Fairy27> Completed it. That Vasebreaker is hard.
[02:29] <Fairy27> I got (stunion) 's costume from the mystery gift.
[02:33] <Snapdragon717> [[File:Bone Thrower/Bully.png]] Someone recolored this picture of mine and asked me to pixelize it on my blog!
[02:33] <Snapdragon717> This was when I sucked in MS Paint
[02:37] <MyNameIsMyName> @Snap It's Molderplz2, the art stealer.
[02:37] <IMCR8Z> (imp monk zombie) (wizard zombie) The Lord of the Onion Rings
[02:38] <Snapdragon717> (Chicken) (Weasel) Chicken Run
[02:38] <Fairy27> I'll practice MS Paint for a while.
[02:39] <IMCR8Z> (starfruit) (zomboni) We could have played PvZ All-Stars before even PvZ 2 came out!
[02:41] <Snapdragon717> What's the PvZ2 font?
[02:45] <IMCR8Z> @Snap: Cafeteria
[02:46] <Snapdragon717> Dang, MS Paint doesn't have it
[02:48] <Fairy27> Still doing more MS Paint on my part and doing my stuff...
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> I have bad news.
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> I got banned for 2 weeks on supermariologan wikia.
[02:52] <Snapdragon717> Okay.....
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> Even doe i kinda read the rules but i got banned XD
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> But i dont care anyways
[02:52] <Snapdragon717> for what?
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> For no reason
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> I guess
[02:52] <Snapdragon717> There has to be a reason
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> Well
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> It says
[02:52] <Inhalemychild12> Why?: no reason given
[02:53] <Inhalemychild12> Just go to
[02:53] <Inhalemychild12> and search inhalemychild12 and click peoples
[02:53] <Inhalemychild12> and look.
[02:53] <Inhalemychild12> i'm banned.
[02:54] <Inhalemychild12> Also, sorry for spam (troll) 
[02:55] <Itsleo20> Why do you think you were banned?
[02:55] <Inhalemychild12> i was banned or i was lying.
[02:55] <Inhalemychild12> If you think i was lying then ill be like
[02:56] <Inhalemychild12> Wot?
[02:56] <Itsleo20> u wot m8
[02:58] <Inhalemychild12> Also
[02:58] <Inhalemychild12> I dont have any garden warfaces
[02:58] <Inhalemychild12> i dont have like, xbox and playstation
[02:59] <IMCR8Z> k
[02:59] <Inhalemychild12> I played playstation 2 a long time, playstation 2 got broked.
[02:59] <Inhalemychild12> so yea
[02:59] <Inhalemychild12> XD
[02:59] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yobak
[02:59] <Snapdragon717> Welcome Back
[02:59] <IMCR8Z> Howdy, Mr. One-Shoe Nitpicker
[02:59] <ErnestoAM> Glitch
[03:01] <Inhalemychild12> HELLO POOTISDREK
[03:01] <Inhalemychild12> (troll) 
[03:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Imcrazy LOL
[03:01] <Fairy27> Hi~
[03:01] <Fairy27> Still doing more MS Paint. It's hardwork.
[03:02] <Inhalemychild12> @drek Can i call you anything?
[03:02] <Inhalemychild12> Like, Pootisdrek'datsupahkek
[03:02] <Snapdragon717> Yeah, it's lengthy, but in the end, it's all worth all.
[03:03] <Inhalemychild12> Oh hey
[03:03] <Inhalemychild12> Im going to do a stupid dead zombie with
[03:03] <Inhalemychild12> LOT OF BLOODS
[03:03] <Inhalemychild12> on paint
[03:03] <MyNameIsMyName> Was playing Piano Tiles. So, what now?
[03:03] <Inhalemychild12> @myname XD
[03:03] <Inhalemychild12> YOUR NAME IS YOUR NAME
[03:04] <Inhalemychild12> I LAUGHED SO HARD
[03:04] <Fairy27> More on MS Paint, it seems, MNIMN.
[03:04] <Fairy27> I am currently doing it.
[03:05] <MyNameIsMyName> @Inhalemychild IKR
[03:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> .
[03:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ugh my net speed is slooooooooow
[03:07] <Inhalemychild12> Hey pootisdrek'datsupahkek
[03:07] <Inhalemychild12> XD
[03:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> shrek is not drek
[03:07] <Inhalemychild12> I know you have many edits than me
[03:08] <Inhalemychild12> Thats because i'm waiting for modern day part 2
[03:08] <Inhalemychild12> FOR PUTTING NEW PAGES OF PLANTS!
[03:08] <Inhalemychild12> AND ZOMBIES!
[03:09] <IMCR8Z> (gunpowderdevil) Bombs away!
[03:11] <MyNameIsMyName> I fought (gunpowderdevil) with (magnifyinggrass) 
[03:11] <Snapdragon717> magnifying grASS (lenny) 
[03:12] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[03:12] <Snapdragon717> by
[03:12] <MyNameIsMyName> OK.
[03:12] <Inhalemychild12> o/ 
[03:12] <Inhalemychild12> you forgot to put \o or o/ 
[03:12] <Inhalemychild12> c:
[03:12] <MyNameIsMyName> o/ 
[03:12] <MyNameIsMyName> \o 
[03:12] <Inhalemychild12> TOO LATE
[03:13] <Inhalemychild12> CUZ IMC JUST LEAVED
[03:13] <MyNameIsMyName> Just testing tho.
[03:13] <Inhalemychild12> (troll) 
[03:13] <MyNameIsMyName> (lenny) 
[03:13] <Inhalemychild12> why testing when theres a emote page?
[03:13] <MyNameIsMyName> Where?
[03:13] <Inhalemychild12> \/ ITS RIGHT THERE!
[03:13] <Inhalemychild12> [[MediaWiki:Emoticons]]
[03:14] <MyNameIsMyName> o rly ?
[03:14] <Inhalemychild12> yes
[03:15] <MyNameIsMyName> Thanks!
[03:15] <Inhalemychild12> no problem (troll) 
[03:16] <Fairy27> (plantfood) 
[03:17] <MyNameIsMyName> So now what?
[03:18] <Fairy27> More on a silent chat.
[03:19] <Inhalemychild12> YES
[03:20] <Fairy27> (agave) (snowcotton) (sunflowersinger) 
[03:21] <Inhalemychild12> thanks for japan plants lel
[03:21] <Inhalemychild12> (toad) I AM TOAD! I WILL ANNOY THE FUCK OUT OF YOU!
[03:23] <MyNameIsMyName> Actualy, it's Chinese. Just saying tho.
[03:23] <Inhalemychild12> oh
[03:26] <Fairy27> (moonflower) , (nightshade) , (shadowshroom) , (shrinkingviolethappy)
[03:27] <Fairy27> (shrinkingviolet) 
[03:28] <Inhalemychild12> fairy
[03:28] <Inhalemychild12> why you keep joining and leaving
[03:28] <Inhalemychild12> >:C
[03:28] <Inhalemychild12> i meant
[03:28] <Inhalemychild12> (angry) 
[03:28] <Fairy27> Because internet lag!
[03:29] <Fairy27> It keeps going on and off!
[03:29] <Fairy27> I had to keep refreshing.
[03:29] <Inhalemychild12> k
[03:34] <Fairy27> Silent much?
[03:34] <Inhalemychild12> YES
[03:34] <Inhalemychild12> XD
[03:35] <Fairy27> Looks like we're the only ones online. XD
[03:35] <Inhalemychild12> Hey
[03:35] <Inhalemychild12> This silent makes me sleep
[03:38] <Inhalemychild12> Anyways
[03:38] <Inhalemychild12> (pirate zombie) YARRR WE WILL FIND SOME FUCKING BOOTYS
[03:38] <Inhalemychild12> yee
[03:38] <Inhalemychild12> i made another fucking pirate
[03:48] <Fairy27> (stallia) 
[03:48] <Fairy27> She stalls him.
[03:49] <Inhalemychild12> anyways.
[03:49] <Inhalemychild12> When i see brony fan
[03:49] <Inhalemychild12> Its ok, i wont hate him/her
[03:49] <Inhalemychild12> I kinda like mlp doe
[03:49] <Inhalemychild12> so yea (troll) 
[03:50] <Fairy27> Nope. (thymewarp) !
[03:52] <Fairy27> Hmmmmm.....Silent wiki, it seems. Not just chat.
[03:52] <Inhalemychild12> ITS JUST A PRANK BRO
[03:52] <Inhalemychild12> I DIDN'T LIEK MLP XD
[03:52] <Inhalemychild12> but even doe
[03:52] <Inhalemychild12> ill be nice to bronys
[03:53] <Fairy27> Okay...
[03:54] <Fairy27> (plants (redstinger) , (akee) , (endurian) 
[03:54] <Fairy27> )
[04:06] <MyNameIsMyName> gtg
[04:13] <ErnestoAM> DEAD
[09:30] <Electric Plants> :P 
[09:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Why?
[09:30] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> EP
[09:31] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> do you have any Atlases of all PvZ2 Trophies?
[09:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> GW2 is all bullshit if they decide to keep [[chemist]] and [[archaeologist]] wear one shoe... -_- 
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> brb
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> Study time
[09:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> k
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> Bot mode on.
[09:32] <Fairy27> Okay.
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> [smallDangit Error 127
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> *<span style="font-size:7pt;">Dangit Error 127</span>
[09:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[09:34] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> I nearly forgot
[09:34] <AWikiBoy521> Switching to bot mode.
[09:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Why did they decide to make Archaeologist wear one shoe
[09:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's all bullshit if they still do it in GW2
[09:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> At least they should give players an option to make zombies wear one or two shoes in GW2's customization
[09:35] <Fairy27> ...?
[09:36] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Back
[09:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> See, he would've looked very nice if he wore two shoes, but the designers decided to make him wear one shoe
[09:36] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> already done
[09:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And that ruins the entire appearance
[09:36] <Mage General Chrysalis> My head hurts...
[09:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> So that's why I told PK to make the drawing of chemist wearing two shoes
[09:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I could've requested her to make Archaeologist wearing two shoes, but I dont wanna annoy her with that request
[09:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Cuz I know it wastes her time
[09:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo pk
[09:37] <Princess Kitty> hi
[09:37] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Musta na
[09:38] <Drek'TharSuperSword> LOL PK suddenly entered the chat after I posted that message above
[09:38] <Princess Kitty> :D 
[09:38] <Mage General Chrysalis> My head also feels kinda hot after 2 hours of sleeping during TLE class because nothing was happening.
[09:38] <Mage General Chrysalis> I was so cold at first a while ago at school and now my head is so hot...
[09:39] <Princess Kitty> Hey Guys!
[09:39] <Princess Kitty> Better see this! :D 
[09:39] <Princess Kitty>
[09:39] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> PK, what language u speak again?
[09:39] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> 
[09:39] <Princess Kitty> kinda English
[09:39] <Mage General Chrysalis> Also, I got 80/90 at my Science 3rd Periodical Exam!
[09:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol nice
[09:39] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> no, when your in home PK
[09:40] <Fairy27> Nice!
[09:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> looks funny when zombos ranted about codex
[09:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> Thanks. I barely studied but I try to listen carefully.
[09:40] <Princess Kitty> Oh... It's waray-waray @ThatMinecrafterDJ
[09:40] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Oh
[09:40] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> i know Waray-Waray
[09:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ?!
[09:40] <Mage General Chrysalis> I was told I was 3rd highest and Cielo told me I got higher than the other smarty-pants students.
[09:40] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> my Step-Aunt is Waray-Waray
[09:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> i mean, he speaks it
[09:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> What's waray-waray?
[09:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> a regional language in the philippines
[09:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I only know Sundanese :( 
[09:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ah, I see. I live in the Philippines but I never heard of it.
[09:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> even Cebuano?
[09:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Bicolano?
[09:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Chavacano?
[09:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Ilocano?
[09:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> I heard of some of them before.
[09:42] <Princess Kitty> @Drek, you know what? Codex seems a little strict to me and Zomboss lol
[09:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> Okay, who made a concept of a talking Pikachu detective?
[09:43] <ThatMinecrafterDJ>
[09:43] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Mage
[09:43] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Code-x
[09:43] <Princess Kitty> @Drek, lol! Xd
[09:43] <Princess Kitty> *XD
[09:43] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And here's for the Sundanese language
[09:43] <Drek'TharSuperSword> basa sunda!
[09:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's weird that Google only makes doodles for dead people
[09:45] <Drek'TharSuperSword> January 27 is also my dad's birthday
[09:45] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 46th birthday
[09:45] <Lolwutburger> yoyoyo whazzup doods
[09:45] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yooooooooooooooooooooooolooooooooooooo XD
[09:45] <Lolwutburger> yolo eh
[09:45] <Princess Kitty> Wow! Happy Birthday to your Dad! :D @Drek
[09:45] <Electric Plants> Hi Mr.Ghosty Burger!
[09:46] <Lolwutburger> you obviously love (octopus) 
[09:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @PK thanks
[09:46] <Fairy27> I'll go now~
[09:46] <Princess Kitty> Hi Lolwut! :D 
[09:46] <Lolwutburger> Hola
[09:46] <Electric Plants> Hi Cavy!
[09:46] <Lolwutburger> So I finally made the girl that I like laugh, that's good, right?
[09:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> I never tried octopus.
[09:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Beatrice Tinsley died at the age of 40, and that's abnormal, so I'm guessing she died due to an accident or disease
[09:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> Well, yeah, LWB.
[09:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Born: January 27, 1941, Chester, United Kingdom
[09:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Died: March 23, 1981, New Haven, Connecticut, United States
[09:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 81-41=40
[09:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> Never really heard of her...
[09:47] <Drek'TharSuperSword> LOL Chester. [[Dr. Chester]] anyone?
[09:47] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Chester is a city in northwest England, founded as a Roman fortress in the 1st century A.D. It's known for its extensive, well-preserved Roman walls made of local red sandstone. In the old city, the Rows is a shopping district distinguished by 2-level covered arcades and Tudor-style half-timbre buildings. A Roman amphitheatre, with ongoing excavations, lies just outside the old city's walls.
[09:47] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[09:47] <Princess Kitty> Hey Drek, I remember how TZO just comment on my "Lex without Glasses" comic
[09:47] <Lolwutburger> It's pretty interesting that January 2016 has the most interactions I've had with her so far.
[09:47] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> I have a half-relative in Waray
[09:47] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Pk
[09:47] <Lolwutburger> Also
[09:47] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> did you know?
[09:47] <Lolwutburger> When I hear the name Chester
[09:48] <Lolwutburger> I think about that kid from the Fairly OddParents
[09:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> Me too.
[09:48] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> ^
[09:48] <Lolwutburger> Chester McBadbat
[09:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Dont care about Dr. Chester wearing one shoe tho. I dont really like his appearance whatsoever
[09:48] <Lolwutburger> Known banjo hater and son of the world's worst baseball player
[09:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Only Chemist and Archaeologist
[09:49] <Princess Kitty> Welp... @ThatMinecrafterDJ, I think I have tagalog relative which they are my mom's sisters
[09:49] <Lolwutburger> welp
[09:49] <Lolwutburger> going to eat mashed potatoes for a while
[09:49] <Lolwutburger> brb
[09:49] <Princess Kitty> Ok! :D 
[09:49] <Cavia porcellus> No school today (bounce) 
[09:50] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> PK, oh really? well i have a relative you is chinese
[09:50] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> you i mean
[09:50] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> that
[09:50] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> not you
[09:50] <Cavia porcellus> Or as I like to call it, ninth circle of hell.
[09:50] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> *PK, oh really? well i have a relative that is chinese
[09:50] <Lolwutburger> lucky you, cavia
[09:50] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> well
[09:51] <Princess Kitty> Yeah...
[09:51] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> I have a chinese ancestor
[09:51] <Princess Kitty> 
[09:51] <Princess Kitty> Hey...
[09:51] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> No Seriously
[09:52] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> and the Founder of the pvzcc, He's my 4th cousin
[09:52] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> believe it or not
[09:52] <Princess Kitty> Why they are 4 notes on my Dr. Zomboss Sketch Doodle on tumblr. While Codex one is 2 notes? What!?
[09:52] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> i just found out yesterday
[09:52] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> he's my 4th cousin
[09:52] <Lolwutburger> Probably because Zomboss is more well known than Codex is
[09:52] <Lolwutburger> I mean, I think Codex only appeared in one game
[09:53] <Lolwutburger> while Zomboss has appeared in a lot
[09:53] <Princess Kitty> I see...
[09:53] <Princess Kitty> PvZ is kinda a OVER Popular game one...
[09:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo
[09:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> PK, Naiintindihan mo itong sinasabi ko?
[09:54] <Princess Kitty> oh hi
[09:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 4:54pm there rite
[09:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Ilikeduck
[09:54] <Ilikeduck!> No "Supback" ? (troll) 
[09:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[09:54] <Ilikeduck!> Yeah 4.54 :) 
[09:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> DTSS, for me, no it's 5:54 PM
[09:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> great i was right
[09:54] <Princess Kitty> @ThatMinecrafterDJ, Sorry... I kinda busy...
[09:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> kden
[09:54] <Ilikeduck!> Oh god almost lunar new year!
[09:55] <Ilikeduck!> I didn't care :) 
[09:55] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> GREAT
[09:55] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> my laptop is heating up
[09:56] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> gtg
[09:56] <Princess Kitty> Ok!
[09:56] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[09:56] <Princess Kitty> O/ 
[09:56] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[09:56] <Ilikeduck!> /o
[09:56] <Ilikeduck!> Oh c'mon (troll) 
[09:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword> shit i accidentally closed the chat
[09:58] <Princess Kitty> I see...
[09:58] <Princess Kitty> BTW, Why my Dr. Zomboss Sketch Doodles has 4 notes on tumblr. While Codex one is 2 notes? What!?
[09:58] <Princess Kitty> (wat) 
[09:59] <Princess Kitty> sorry...
[09:59] <Princess Kitty> I just saying...
[09:59] <Ilikeduck!>
[09:59] <Ilikeduck!> Have all version!! :) 
[09:59] <Princess Kitty> Whoa!
[09:59] <Princess Kitty> What are those?
[10:00] <Ilikeduck!> Things needed for install old version of PvZ
[10:01] <Ilikeduck!> Test
[10:02] <Electric Plants> pvz2?
[10:02] <Ilikeduck!> Yes
[10:02] <Ilikeduck!> All version, including 1.4
[10:02] <Ilikeduck!> :) 
[10:03] <Ilikeduck!> About to download 24 APKs :p 
[10:04] <Princess Kitty> WintahMhelon18
[10:04] <Princess Kitty> Hi
[10:04] <WintahMhelon18> Heyyo PK
[10:04] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[10:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bak
[10:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> had to restart my pc cuz it froze
[10:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Back online
[10:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Shit windows 10 has shittons of bugs
[10:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> On the other hand, I'm suffering from all those hang issues
[10:08] <Ilikeduck!> o/ o/ o/ 
[10:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Perhaps I should do a clean install?
[10:08] <Ilikeduck!> Nope.
[10:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[10:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I guess Vietnam google search is
[10:11] <Ilikeduck!>
[10:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ok
[10:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> --> LOL Ernesto should take a look at this
[10:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Sir Ernest Gowers LOL
[10:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> How about Sir Ernesto Gowers?
[10:12] <Ilikeduck!> (LOL) (lmao) 
[10:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword> sea games
[10:13] <Ilikeduck!> Next year ._.
[10:14] <Ilikeduck!> GTG bye
[10:14] <Princess Kitty> Oh hi
[10:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bye
[10:14] <Princess Kitty> Bye @Ilikeduck!
[10:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> See, the only country that hasn't joined ASEAN yet is Timor Leste
[10:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And that country has never been on SEA games before
[10:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Dunno why
[10:15] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[10:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo taa
[10:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword> leapfrogging
[10:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> it's a verb i guess
[10:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> leapfrog leapfrogs leapfrogged leapfrogging
[10:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> All of them are valid in google spell checker
[10:18] <Drek'TharSuperSword> dead silent?
[10:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[10:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Wearing one shoe sucks for him.
[10:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> He's like "Dude, I hate wearing only one shoe like this. Gotta find another one before you take some photos of me"
[10:20] <Drek'TharSuperSword> But it was too late for him
[10:20] <Drek'TharSuperSword> The guy already took a photo of him
[10:22] <Electric Plants> ded
[10:23] <Electric Plants> :O 
[10:23] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ....
[10:23] <Drek'TharSuperSword> everyone LEFT?!!!!!!!!!
[10:23] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[10:23] <Drek'TharSuperSword> wut
[10:24] <Princess Kitty> Well... Wintah just restart the PC
[10:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ok
[10:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> You know what PK, I always stare at your Chemist drawing, which is weird
[10:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I guess I'm addicted to that two shoes!
[10:25] <Princess Kitty> Why?
[10:25] <Princess Kitty> Oh...
[10:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> You're very good at drawing!
[10:27] <Princess Kitty> BTW
[10:27] <Princess Kitty> my one of the watchers made this for me after I upload this
[10:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Looks like it's made using ms paint
[10:28] <Princess Kitty> This drawing belongs to CrazyMagicone
[10:29] <Princess Kitty> Yeah...
[10:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I know
[10:29] <Princess Kitty> Welp... I kinda used to remake that one! :D 
[10:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Hey, it seems like that I can see the dots on your Chemist drawing if I zoom in the picture
[10:29] <Princess Kitty> It's a effect
[10:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Is it some kinda pointillism effect?
[10:30] <Princess Kitty> Yeah from Paint Tool Sai
[10:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's actually better if you shrink the resolution first ;) 
[10:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> So that the effects wont be fully visible
[10:32] <Princess Kitty> Welp...
[10:32] <Princess Kitty> I GTG!
[10:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yobak
[10:32] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[10:32] <Princess Kitty> O/ 
[10:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> kbye
[10:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's weird that PK sometimes stays at the "who's in chat" list even though she already left
[10:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> This doesnt happen in other users
[10:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I guess she's using a different kinda connection than the others
[10:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Refreshing solves it though
[10:35] <Citron Bomb Official> y is my iPad volume softer
[10:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> RAISE IT TO THE TOP
[10:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> !!!
[10:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[10:37] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[10:37] <AWikiBoy521> Back after studying
[10:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword> k
[10:38] <AWikiBoy521> After all, it logged successfully.
[10:39] <Citron Bomb Official> where do I get an ios file explorer
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> Well, sometimes server issues.
[10:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ok
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Citron
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[10:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> But it happened almost all the time
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> Same her, btw
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> *here
[10:39] <Lolwutburger> Since PvZ2 is ending, I hope PopCap makes an Insaniquarium sequel
[10:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> No, make BWA sequel
[10:39] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">That call of Colgatepony.</span>
[10:39] <Lolwutburger> and I hope said sequel is a PAID one
[10:39] <Lolwutburger> instead of freemium crap
[10:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> $999999999?
[10:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[10:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> $0.99
[10:40] <Vebros> o/ 
[10:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yo
[10:40] <Citron Bomb Official> ...
[10:40] <Electric Plants> Hi VEB!
[10:40] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[10:40] <AWikiBoy521> Plot Twist: It has other paid items too.
[10:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> microtrannies?
[10:41] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[10:41] <Vebros> I hate school compiters..
[10:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> damn
[10:41] <Vebros> computers*
[10:41] <Lolwutburger> My opinion is that if a game is paid, the only microtransaction stuff it should have are costumes and alternate skins
[10:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Verbose I guess they still use that shitty Pentium 4 with 512MB RAM :P 
[10:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> With WIndows XP
[10:42] <Vebros> @Drek No. Windows VISTA!
[10:42] <AWikiBoy521> Oh....
[10:42] <AWikiBoy521> Well, that's worse.
[10:42] <Vebros> Shitty windows
[10:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Verbose Vista = 8/8.1
[10:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Atleast 10 > 8/8.1
[10:42] <AWikiBoy521> At least, Vista can run older apps.
[10:43] <Drek'TharSuperSword> But still, 7 > 10
[10:43] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And XP > 7
[10:43] <AWikiBoy521> Windows 7 master race
[10:43] <Drek'TharSuperSword> So
[10:43] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[10:43] <Drek'TharSuperSword> XP > 7 > 10 > 8/8.1 = Vista > ME
[10:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Sadly M$ killed XP
[10:44] <Vebros> M$ killed 8 too.
[10:44] <AWikiBoy521> I still prefer some of Wndows 7 features rather than Win XP.
[10:44] <AWikiBoy521> Plus, it's in their policy.
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> They had to make a new Windows eventually.
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:45] <NightFury299> (spear of justice plays) SPACE!
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> SPACE!
[10:45] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Verbose atleast they still give win8 users an option to upgrade to 8.1
[10:45] <Drek'TharSuperSword> While they dont give winxp users any options
[10:46] <Vebros> Yea
[10:46] <Vebros> I have WinXP on VirtualBox
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> Gonna get WinXP inside VirtualStuff soon.
[10:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> vmware ftw
[10:47] <AWikiBoy521> But, school's killing my free time.
[10:47] <AWikiBoy521> I can always wait
[10:47] <NightFury299> DoEs iT CoNsIdEr GeNoSiDe?
[10:47] <AWikiBoy521> MaYBe
[10:49] <AWikiBoy521> DeD CHaT
[11:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Yeah
[11:05] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's just a misspelling that turned into a real word 
[11:05] <AWikiBoy521> And dinner time for me.
[11:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 7:05pm rite?
[11:05] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[11:06] <AWikiBoy521> Now, going to bot mode again.
[11:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[11:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> thoutube
[11:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ThouTube
[11:12] <Ilikeduck!> Nope :p 
[11:12] <Ilikeduck!> Drek, gimme morE! :) 
[11:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword> LOL
[11:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Thoutube
[11:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Broadcast Thyself
[11:12] <Ilikeduck!> (LOL) 
[11:13] <Drek'TharSuperSword> iamarep, how much AAM's fanfics have you deleted?
[11:13] <Iamarepeater> All of it
[11:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[11:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Fortunately I can still see his fanfics thru deleted user contribs page
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> noooooo
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> At least he has his deviantART still.
[11:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Dont worry, its only available for admins
[11:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And for DA? just report it :P 
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> Why?
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> I need my dose of cringe
[11:15] <TheAnonymousA> Burperking (lol)
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> Whoa
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> AAM has a foot fetish
[11:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> I'm getting confused about his age now
[11:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword> To John Taylor?
[11:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It reads
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> He writes like a kid, he likes Thomas the Tank Engine, yet he has soft porn in his favorites
[11:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> To John Taylor (Halliwell anyone?) the younger to be left at Mr. Millers.
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> the kid has foot porn
[11:17] <NightFury299> 0-0
[11:17] <Iamarepeater> Nightfury?
[11:17] <Drek'TharSuperSword> He is a minor/miner(?!) three bottles at Ranler's(?!) founder eight at the zor(?!) taker of Ranler .
[11:18] <Taylor Halliwell> Wait, John Taylor as in Nigel John Taylor?!
[11:18] <Iamarepeater> Wow
[11:18] <NightFury299> That's pretty weird.
[11:18] <Iamarepeater> Nightfury ignored me
[11:18] <MyNameIsMyName> Whoops, forgot I'm still on chat. So what now?
[11:18] <NightFury299> DUN DUN DUN
[11:18] <Iamarepeater> Hi
[11:18] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Jon Hazzart the Cambridge Carrier that lodges at the three swans in Worksworth(?)
[11:18] <Charmande red321> yoyo
[11:18] <Iamarepeater> *Hive
[11:18] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">quatorse na...</span>
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> No
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Chat is Happy Dead!
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> And I came back after dinner
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:34] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Dinner
[11:34] <AWikiBoy521> Okay, DJ
[11:34] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> yeha
[11:34] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> i already ate my dinner
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> iKnow
[11:35] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> question:
[11:35] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> why do you have a lot of edits
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Because....
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Forum Games!
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> I love forum games.
[11:36] <Mage General Chrysalis> Everyone should know that by now.
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> And also reason; Mainspace edits
[11:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supduck
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> And Supbadck, Taylor
[11:37] <Ilikeduck!> (lmao) 
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> *Supback
[11:37] <Mage General Chrysalis> Why am I watching Genei Iboun Roku FE even though it's weeaboo as it is?
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[11:37] <Mage General Chrysalis> The songs are so catchy...
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">TAA.....</span>
[11:38] <Mage General Chrysalis> SERIOUSLY
[11:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yobak
[11:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bakdisconect
[11:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> Chrysalis, blame Atlus. :P 
[11:39] <Mage General Chrysalis> Damn you Altus!
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Also, Truama Center.</span>
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">If only you get the reference.....</span>
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> SupMyName
[11:40] <Iamarepeater> Which wiki did AAM come from first?
[11:40] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> DTSS
[11:40] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> one more question
[11:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bak
[11:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @TMDJ what question
[11:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> what's Mebili means?
[11:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Never heard of that word
[11:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> oh
[11:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> wait
[11:41] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> do you know how to Indonesian
[11:42] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> or Sundanese only?
[11:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> I don't know, Iama.
[11:42] <Mage General Chrysalis> How many more of his fanfictions did you delete?
[11:42] <Iamarepeater> All of them
[11:43] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> I mean, meuli, DTSS
[11:43] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> what does that mean?
[11:43] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> "meuli"
[11:43] <MyNameIsMyName> Switched to computer
[11:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @TMDJ "Meuli" means "buy"
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:44] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> oh
[11:44] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> k
[11:44] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> thx
[11:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy TAA!
[11:44] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> i knew it was buy
[11:44] <Ilikeduck!> Thanx
[11:45] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> 13 days and 1 month more before my bday
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> DRAT!
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> He's a chat mod there
[11:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[11:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Guess his grammar is horrible there
[11:46] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> what
[11:46] <Ilikeduck!> Waiting for Lunar New Year, 2/8 or 8/02
[11:46] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> that guy is underage
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> Which will be my birthday
[11:47] <Iamarepeater> The Lunar New Year Day 1 is my birthday
[11:47] <MyNameIsMyName> O_O
[11:47] <Ilikeduck!> Oh O_o
[11:47] <Ilikeduck!> o.O
[11:47] <MyNameIsMyName> AAM is a chat mod?
[11:47] <Iamarepeater> Yes
[11:47] <Iamarepeater> On Fnaf RP wiki
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> whoa
[11:48] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> I'd honestly be surprised if AAM became a Beaurocrat in a wiki that wasn't made by him or one of his friends
[11:49] <MyNameIsMyName> Or kill yourself
[11:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Like PvZ Fanfic?
[11:49] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> < does this wiki sucks?
[11:49] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> I adopted it a year ago
[11:50] <Drek'TharSuperSword> dunno
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:51] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> I left my cousin's wiki for some reason
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[11:52] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Because your cousin left that wiki, that's why?</span>
[11:52] <AWikiBoy521> jk
[11:52] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> The PvZCC
[11:52] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> wiki
[11:52] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> the founder of it is my cousin
[11:52] <Ilikeduck!> ?
[11:52] <Ilikeduck!> Oh god~!!!
[11:52] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> just found out yesterday
[11:53] <MyNameIsMyName> Cool!
[11:53] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> believe it or not but idc
[11:53] <MyNameIsMyName> What is his name?
[11:53] <AWikiBoy521> I do believe it, DJ
[11:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> thx
[11:54] <Iamarepeater> What else did AAM do?
[11:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> 1 believer that he is my cousin
[11:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> yay
[11:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> but 
[11:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> brb
[11:54] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> gonna do something stupid
[11:54] <TheAnonymousA> Bye!
[11:55] <Ilikeduck!> (facepalm) 
[11:55] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[11:55] <Ilikeduck!> Never bye -_- 
[11:55] <Ilikeduck!> But, however, o/ -_- 
[11:56] <MyNameIsMyName> Gotta go
[11:56] <Ilikeduck!> Bye o/ 
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> Bye (Race)
[11:57] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword> tan90
[11:58] <TheAnonymousA> Bye!
[11:58] <AWikiBoy521> tan63
[11:59] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[12:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cos69
[12:00] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:00] <Princess Kitty> Hi! O/ 
[12:00] <Iamarepeater> Hive Crazyplantmae
[12:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yobak
[12:01] <AWikiBoy521> Supback^2
[12:01] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[12:01] <Princess Kitty> I was in faculty office of my dad
[12:01] <AWikiBoy521> Both from this wiki and the Bejeweled Wiki, GirlMe.
[12:01] <GirlMe86> Sup AWikiBoy521,And Sup Everyone
[12:01] <Princess Kitty> Hey girl! :D 
[12:02] <GirlMe86> Hey:D
[12:02] <Princess Kitty> Welp... What we talk about?
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> @All users
[12:03] <AWikiBoy521> Played any Inlay games?
[12:03] <GirlMe86> princess,did you talk tumblr to your friends?
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> @awiki: no
[12:03] <Princess Kitty> Yeah! @Awb
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> @Princess kitty: did you check my profile?
[12:03] <TheAnonymousA> No, AWB.
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> I can link it if you want?
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> *.
[12:03] <Princess Kitty> @girlme86, rarely...
[12:03] <TheAnonymousA> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Suddenly I feel like I need to play games more....</span>
[12:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[12:04] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Me too, TAA....</span>
[12:04] <GirlMe86> okay princess kitty,did you play bookworm adventures?
[12:04] <TheAnonymousA> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">But you're the one who knows about all these games...</span>
[12:05] <Princess Kitty> Girlme86, yeah! :D but with cheat... :( because I wanted to get a story
[12:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> solver ftw?
[12:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O OOOOOOO
[12:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[12:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[12:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> oooooh so confusing
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> I might as well do that, Drek. :P 
[12:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[12:07] <Princess Kitty> Brb!
[12:07] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Back
[12:07] <TheAnonymousA> Bye!
[12:07] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> I mean Brb again
[12:07] <Princess Kitty> Move to laptop!
[12:07] <TheAnonymousA> It works, AWB.
[12:08] <Princess Kitty> 'Cause, I'm on tablet
[12:08] <Eugoth> hi
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Test2
[12:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yoooo
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[12:08] <Vebros> I discovered the Chapter 6 in PvZ 1
[12:08] <Vebros> Yo
[12:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Nice, lag
[12:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> So basically, cotangent is the opposite of tangent
[12:09] <Vebros> Look, lvl 6-4.
[12:09] <Vebros> It's really hard
[12:09] <Vebros> All zombies
[12:09] <GirlMe86> kitty,how Bookworm Advs You Played?
[12:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cot(0) is undefined, while cot(90) is 0
[12:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> While tan(0) is 0 and tan(90) is undefined
[12:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Just like sine and cosine
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:10] <GirlMe86> Doh!
[12:10] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Back
[12:10] <Secretpea007> Hi
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> That includes Secretpea
[12:10] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[12:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[12:11] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm...
[12:11] <Princess Kitty> Aww.... Girlme... :/ 
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Internet issues to some users with me included lately?
[12:11] <Iamarepeater>
[12:11] <TheAnonymousA> Brb, have to write something.
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Okay, TAA
[12:11] <Lolwutburger> welp it's dinnertime i guess
[12:11] <Lolwutburger> brb
[12:11] <Lolwutburger> birb
[12:11] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Pk, Nagiinano ka? 
[12:11] <Lolwutburger> bird
[12:11] <Lolwutburger> eh it's time to eat
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Well, that was late.
[12:12] <Eugoth> Okay²
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> nvm
[12:12] <Vebros> Oh god, level 6-15 :O 
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Okay?
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> I just remembered I already ate those nachos and mashed potatoes
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> that's a weird night food
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Okay, Supback?
[12:12] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> AWB521
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> So anyone here know about BentheLooney?
[12:12] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Puydi mo ako buligan?
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> or that guy from Ben Rants
[12:13] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[12:13] <Secretpea007> Who has snow in their country?
[12:13] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> not me
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> soooo...
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> tan(0)=0
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> tan(30)=(1/3 sqrt 3)
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> tan(45)=1
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> tan(60)=(sqrt 3)
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> tan(90)=undefined
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> Supback?
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> @DJ
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> Why?
[12:14] <GirlMe86> Where's Princess Kitty?
[12:14] <Princess Kitty> Man...
[12:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> I want snow, but meh.
[12:14] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Philippines
[12:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> Everyone will freeze to death.
[12:14] <Princess Kitty> Look at this guys:
[12:14] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> no snow
[12:14] <Princess Kitty> my one of the watchers made that for me! :D 
[12:14] <GirlMe86> codex and lex?
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> WHILE
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cot(0)=undefined
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cot(30)=sqrt 3
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cot(45)=1
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cot(60)=1/3 sqrt 3
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cot(90)=0
[12:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> So it's just the opposite of tangent
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Hurrikale
[12:15] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Pk, Hain iton nga lugar? 
[12:15] <Hurrikale> Hi
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> That's why he always wins? :P 
[12:15] <Mage General Chrysalis> Heh heh...
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> It makes some sense anyway. :P 
[12:16] <Princess Kitty> @ThatMinecrafterDJ, Calbayog, Eastern Samar
[12:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Welp, her internet.</span>
[12:16] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> PK, thx
[12:16] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> i mean
[12:16] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> no
[12:16] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> the drawing
[12:17] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Hain iton nga lugar?
[12:17] <Princess Kitty> Oh... From US...
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> @DJ
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> Pinoy Chat again, eh? :P 
[12:17] <Mage General Chrysalis> I wonder how Pink is doing...
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> This time, with some dialects not commonly used in this wiki.
[12:18] <Mage General Chrysalis> My plan of shipping mini Pink and mini Wintah failed. Mini Pink's dating Len Kagamine...
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> So, technically, this is Pinoy Chat now. :P 
[12:18] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> AWB521
[12:18] <Drek'TharSuperSword> istimewa dan berelasi dalam trigonometri. sudut - sudut istimewa ialah sudut yang sering dipakai atau umum, sudut - sudut istimewa terdiri dari 0,30,45
[12:18] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[12:18] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> we're speaking waray-waray, not tagalog/filipino
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> @DJ
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> I wrote "why?", didn't I?
[12:18] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> oops
[12:18] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> wait
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> I know,
[12:18] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> sorry
[12:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> didn't saw that
[12:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> cuz
[12:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> lag
[12:19] <AWikiBoy521> Yay....
[12:19] <AWikiBoy521> Lag.....
[12:19] <Mage General Chrysalis> That sucks.
[12:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> and then, DTSS is speaking Sundanese
[12:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[12:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> tong kitu maneh :P 
[12:20] <Mage General Chrysalis> I prefer English.
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> Me too, Chrysalis
[12:20] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Ambot ha imo!
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Although, I wanted to learn more Tagalog</span>
[12:20] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatMinecrafterDJ</span></span> started to speak british english
[12:21] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Sundanese and Indonesian are mostly different
[12:21] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Who wants to throw a rubbish on my face?
[12:21] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> DTSS, i know
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> Make sure to have your favourites selected.
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> Because you need them.
[12:21] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> AWB521, you eat Crisps?
[12:21] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Sundanese also uses the accented E letter sometimes
[12:21] <Drek'TharSuperSword> While Indonesian never uses it
[12:21] <Secretpea007> Imagine world without lag
[12:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> such as "téh"
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> @DJ
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> I tried Lays, does it count?
[12:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> kecap = word = kata
[12:22] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Lays?
[12:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> While in Indonesian, kecap = soy sauce = kécap
[12:22] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> oh
[12:24] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatMinecrafterDJ</span></span> Farted
[12:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Babasan teh nyaeta pakeman basa anu ungkarana jeung hartina geus matok. Babasan ungkarana parondok, umumna ngan diwangun ku dua kecap sarta ngandung harti siloka (kiasan). Babasan lolobana ngagambarkeun pasipatan jalma.
[12:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[12:25] <Princess Kitty> ...
[12:25] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> ...
[12:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol no one understands
[12:26] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Expression is ungkarana Rule language and means have stock. Ungkarana parondok expression, generally only consists of two words and means siloka (figuratively). Most expression describes those properties.
[12:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> TLDR "babasan" means "idiom"
[12:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> NOT expression
[12:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> and Google cant translate SUndanese correctly
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> You ruined Pinoy chat. :P 
[12:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol 
[12:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> An idiom (Latin: idioma, "special property", from Greek: ἰδίωμα – idíōma, "special feature, special phrasing, a peculiarity", f. Greek: ἴδιος – ídios, "one's own") is a phrase or a fixed expression that has a figurative, or sometimes literal, meaning. An idiom's figurative meaning is different from the literal meaning.
[12:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Idk if it is a good idea to:
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> Bookworm of the Day: Drek</span>
[12:28] <Princess Kitty> Other Theory:
[12:28] <Princess Kitty> (NOTE: Please, ignore the Ponified or errors)
[12:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat (wat) 
[12:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @AWB
[12:28] <AWikiBoy521> lol
[12:28] <Lolwutburger> beavis and butthead kick ass
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> I played Portal 2.
[12:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> awas sebelah! (looks at Chemist's picture
[12:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> SEBELAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) 
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> But not BA2 yet.
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Welp</span>
[12:29] <Princess Kitty> Drek...
[12:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> what
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Not that theme again....</span>
[12:29] <Vebros> Do you know? PvZ 1 have a chapter 6 in code, and it's "Extreme Mode"
[12:29] <TheAnonymousA> Uh...does anyone understand him?
[12:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> What I said in English:
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> @Vebros
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[12:30] <Vebros> Im uploading video of walkthrough lvl 6-15. 
[12:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (kinda litrally)
[12:30] <TheAnonymousA> No, Vebros . Sounds interesting.
[12:30] <Vebros> lvls 6-1 to 6-14 can't be played :c
[12:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> don't wear one shoe! (looks at that Chemist pic
[12:30] <Vebros> and.. the chapter have over 100 levels! :D 
[12:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> WHY DO YOU WEAR ONE SHOEEEEEEE?!
[12:30] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, DJ
[12:30] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> GTG
[12:30] <AWikiBoy521> Drek ranting for one shoe.
[12:30] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> sorry
[12:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol yeah
[12:30] <AWikiBoy521> Bye, DJ
[12:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[12:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Chemist wearing two shoes FTW!
[12:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> YAY!!!! you no longer wear one shoe!
[12:31] <Eugoth> lel
[12:31] <AWikiBoy521> I prefer one shoe, btw. :P 
[12:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> kamu gak sebelah lagiiiiiiii!
[12:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[12:31] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">So, please don't keel me.......</span>
[12:31] <Princess Kitty> ...
[12:31] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[12:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WAT 2 SHOES YASSSS
[12:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> gak boleh sebelah!
[12:32] <TheAnonymousA> I prefer barefoot. (silly) 
[12:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> awas sebelah! gak boleh sebelah!
[12:32] <Princess Kitty> Will you stop overreacting anything?
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> @TAA
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> Barefoot Zombies? :P 
[12:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[12:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's just interesting that they decided to make some zombies in GW2 wear no shoes
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> Let them enjoy their happiness over video logic.....
[12:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> like the Moto X star
[12:32] <Vebros>
[12:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :D 2 Shoes are cool
[12:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> and the Roadie Z Engineer
[12:32] <Princess Kitty> Oh....
[12:32] <Princess Kitty> Ok..
[12:32] <Vebros> - Walkthrough of level 6-15 in PvZ 1.
[12:32] <AWikiBoy521> Some of the users here done something like that beofre anyway.
[12:33] <Princess Kitty> So? AWB...
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> *before
[12:33] <Princess Kitty> DId you get the headcannon of my DA watcher?
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> Wait, Headcannon?
[12:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I can do some high-pitched voice without any sound editors
[12:33] <Princess Kitty> This Headcannon:
[12:33] <Princess Kitty> @AWB521
[12:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Yeah toast!
[12:34] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:34] <AWikiBoy521> I saw that but I haven't played BA2 yet.
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> Although, I played and completed Portal 2 before.
[12:35] <Princess Kitty> Well... How about watch the last gameplay of BWA2 to get the ending
[12:35] <TheAnonymousA> Brb.
[12:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> i have it
[12:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> Welp
[12:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but dunno if i can give some dropbox link to you
[12:35] <AWikiBoy521> Spoilers
[12:36] <Princess Kitty> What....?
[12:36] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Test</span>
[12:36] <AWikiBoy521> Okay, ChatTags still work.
[12:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I have both BWA and BWA2 installers
[12:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> In my Setup files folder
[12:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[12:36] <AWikiBoy521> I installed BWA :P 
[12:37] <Princess Kitty> I have both of them!
[12:37] <AWikiBoy521> But, not BA2 yet.
[12:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf BWA
[12:37] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[12:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I had DS version of Bookworm.</span>
[12:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YEAH TOAST
[12:37] <Princess Kitty> I have that one! :D But, emulator...
[12:37] <AWikiBoy521> @Pumpkin
[12:37] <AWikiBoy521> Engineer!
[12:38] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:38] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[12:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> DeSmuMe
[12:38] <AWikiBoy521> Still, at least you played it.
[12:38] <AWikiBoy521> And the music quality if just not much great, to me at least.
[12:39] <Princess Kitty> Another BWA theory: It seems that Magic Pen's talking is actually Codex
[12:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well DS lags here
[12:39] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">At least, the DS music quality was sort of fixed in PvZ and almost perfectly fixed in Zuma's Revenge and Bejeweled 3.</span>
[12:39] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:39] <AWikiBoy521> Wait, what?
[12:40] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">What if that pen tried imitating his voice?</span>
[12:40] <Princess Kitty> DId you read the headcannon?
[12:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> Nope.
[12:41] <Princess Kitty> at the description?
[12:41] <Mage General Chrysalis> Sorry, but I didn't read it yet.
[12:41] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:41] <AWikiBoy521> Unfortunately, spoilers. Although, I read the early sentences.
[12:42] <Princess Kitty> I guess that BWA3 idea seems a little too unwell...
[12:42] <AWikiBoy521> It is possible.
[12:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay first SoS of PS completed, now i need my toast
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> Yet, it's still possible for that game to be real.
[12:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> uh...
[12:43] <Princess Kitty> But, what if it is Shadow Codex instead of real Codex?
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Like Bejeweled 2 and Bejeweled 3...</span>
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:43] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[12:43] <Princess Kitty> for the BWA3?
[12:44] <AWikiBoy521> It could be possible...
[12:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> imagine giving BWA to a person that is not english xD
[12:44] <AWikiBoy521> Like the "return" of him.
[12:44] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:44] <Princess Kitty> oh hi
[12:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[12:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Fun Fact: Spikeweed has the normal and grayish spikes on PvZ2C, he change like Idle animation
[12:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> brb
[12:45] <Princess Kitty> So?
[12:45] <Princess Kitty> Where are we talk about?
[12:45] <AWikiBoy521> Well, me about to play Restaurant City 2016.
[12:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf is this
[12:46] <AWikiBoy521> @Pumpkin
[12:46] <AWikiBoy521> What do you mean?
[12:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> generic kitchen game?
[12:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> or village like game?
[12:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> A fan-made reupload of Restaurant City.
[12:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well idk either
[12:47] <Princess Kitty> Do you remember Alice Greenfingers?
[12:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's basically another social restaurant game where you don't worry about spoiling dishes.
[12:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> n :P 
[12:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> Never heard of her.
[12:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> \brb
[12:47] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:47] <AWikiBoy521> I haven't played nor knew about it before.
[12:47] <AWikiBoy521> That game itself
[12:47] <AWikiBoy521> *The
[12:47] <Princess Kitty> Well... It's one of PopCap published games
[12:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wat
[12:48] <PVZBronyGod> hey
[12:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> heyyo
[12:48] <Princess Kitty> hi
[12:49] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Heavy Weapon xD
[12:49] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[12:49] <Princess Kitty> Talismania?
[12:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Pumpkin
[12:49] <AWikiBoy521> I'm about to play that someday.
[12:49] <Princess Kitty> Oh hi! TAA
[12:49] <Iamarepeater> Is Lolwutburger here?
[12:50] <Lolwutburger> mkay
[12:50] <Lolwutburger> who pinged me
[12:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i had pirate BWA1 & 2 and Insaniquarium and Bejeweled 3 :) 
[12:50] <Iamarepeater>
[12:50] <Iamarepeater> Me lolwut
[12:50] <Iamarepeater> Here
[12:50] <Lolwutburger> I was drawing one of my old OCs
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> @Pumpkin
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> You are a pirate! :P 
[12:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i hate casino games xD
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> Not yet
[12:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> too much the same
[12:51] <Princess Kitty> Hey Guys!
[12:51] <Princess Kitty> You better see this: 
[12:51] <Princess Kitty>
[12:51] <Iamarepeater> Sorry Lolwut. Small update
[12:52] <Princess Kitty> so?...
[12:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[12:52] <Lolwutburger> that song's beautiful
[12:52] <Iamarepeater> I also idk
[12:52] <Lolwutburger> gotta show the martins now
[12:52] <Iamarepeater> Thanks Lolwut
[12:53] <Iamarepeater> Ok
[12:53] <Princess Kitty> Oh well....
[12:53] <Iamarepeater> Tell me his reaction
[12:53] <Iamarepeater> As soon as possible
[12:53] <Princess Kitty> Hello?
[12:53] <Iamarepeater> Yes?
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm..
[12:54] <Iamarepeater> Anyone wants to ask me anything?
[12:54] <Pumpkin Skelhead> dat moment when (Parrot) caughts SoS plant
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[12:54] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[12:54] <Lolwutburger> Aaaaaaaand told AAM
[12:54] <Lolwutburger> :D 
[12:55] <Iamarepeater> Wait to see his reaction
[12:55] <Iamarepeater> When is he active usually?
[12:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Pumpkin Skelhead - Trying to discover who is AAM 
[12:55] <Iamarepeater> Agent Andrew martins
[12:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> who tah heck
[12:55] <Princess Kitty> Welp...
[12:55] <Princess Kitty> Guys
[12:55] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:55] <AWikiBoy521> I wonder if a crossover happened...
[12:56] <Iamarepeater> What is his name on DA?
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> Eh, I requires an account.
[12:56] <Princess Kitty> Lol that would be on PopCap Popstrip comics
[12:56] <Princess Kitty> @AWB
[12:56] <Iamarepeater> Use your facebook
[12:56] <Iamarepeater> @awiki
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> Maybe....
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Well, that never happened in a PopStrip.
[12:57] <Vebros> Repeater as (cattail) :D :D :D
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> What an idea indeed....
[12:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> as non water Cattail? lol
[12:58] <Lolwutburger> Apparently AAM was online 2 hours ago
[12:58] <Lolwutburger> Hmmmm
[12:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Homing Thistle why 
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> @Vebros
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> Homing Peas :P 
[12:58] <Vebros> xD
[12:59] <Iamarepeater> When he finds out that I made it, he's so gonna rage
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> I wonder if Gatling Pea shot Homing Peas.... :P 
[12:59] <PVZBronyGod>
[12:59] <Princess Kitty> @AWB, no... I meant OUR fan PopCap Comics
[12:59] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bak
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> *Official
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Sorry, I forgot to add that.
[01:00] <Iamarepeater> @drek: See this nice song about AAM
[01:00] <Iamarepeater>
[01:00] <Iamarepeater> I made it
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> I wrote "What an idea indeed....", didn't I, PK?
[01:01] <PVZBronyGod>
[01:01] <PVZBronyGod> The paranormal is REAL
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep lolwut
[01:01] <Princess Kitty> @AWB, Oh... I see...
[01:01] <Drek'TharSuperSword> NOT lolwutburger
[01:01] <Lolwutburger> still pings me though
[01:01] <Iamarepeater> All swear words were censored
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> Yet, Lol[[]]wutburger :P 
[01:01] <Iamarepeater> But you can guess what are they
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> Who about some odd alternatives? :P 
[01:03] <Iamarepeater> Like what?
[01:03] <PVZBronyGod> Aliens
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I just did Alien!</span>
[01:03] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ayy lmao 
[01:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[01:04] <Princess Kitty> Hey guys
[01:04] <Princess Kitty> Look what my deviantArt watchers made for me! :D
[01:04] <PVZBronyGod> cool
[01:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> My PvZ2C strategy: Sun Shroom as Sun Producing, Acid Lemon to attacker, Freeze Mushroom to slow, Tall-Nut to defensive, then another ones like Spring Bean and Instakills
[01:05] <Iamarepeater> @pumpkin: Tell me how will you grab them?
[01:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ?
[01:05] <Iamarepeater> I discovered a glitch in PVZ2C Iso 1.7.0
[01:05] <Iamarepeater> Btw
[01:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well mine is Android
[01:06] <Vebros> iso?
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> So yours is 1.6.7
[01:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> grab=Vigorous Broccoli?
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> Sorry
[01:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yep
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> Ios
[01:06] <Vebros> oh
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> Anyway
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> Here is the glitch
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> You play PvP town mode
[01:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no i dont have PvP :( 
[01:06] <Princess Kitty> Hey...
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> Choose any enemy building. Make sure you win the fight
[01:07] <Princess Kitty> did you guys also play PvZ All Stars?
[01:07] <Iamarepeater> @PK: I do
[01:07] <Princess Kitty> there's any new?
[01:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i played once but AE - Day 25 is hard as s***
[01:07] <Iamarepeater> It was updated with IDK
[01:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Theres FF and DA now
[01:07] <Iamarepeater> I'm at WW Day 17
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> Haven't play it yet.
[01:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> last time was on Viking one
[01:07] <Iamarepeater> Don't complain how hard it is
[01:07] <Princess Kitty> how about PvZ Chinese Online?
[01:08] <Iamarepeater> No change for me PK
[01:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i played buteh, too glitched
[01:08] <Iamarepeater> I'm waiting for an event to come
[01:08] <Princess Kitty> Ok!
[01:08] <Princess Kitty> THanks for telling! :D 
[01:08] <Iamarepeater> Where winning an adventure mode level awards an item
[01:08] <Iamarepeater> Then I will cash in my energy to grab some points
[01:09] <Princess Kitty> Wow... there's a final boss of FNAF World?
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama+PK
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> Welp, Frozen account
[01:09] <Iamarepeater> Which are then used to buy Adventure mode puzzle pieces
[01:09] <Iamarepeater> @awiki: How?
[01:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Theres
[01:09] <Lolwutburger> I'm pretty sure the final boss of FNaF world is CHIPPER
[01:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Scott Cawthon
[01:09] <Lolwutburger> also there's going to be something called Detective Pikachu
[01:09] <Lolwutburger> looks pretty cool
[01:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Scott Cawthon final boss 
[01:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hard mode only
[01:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> normal mode is Security
[01:10] <Iamarepeater> @PK: if you are playing PVZO, i'm on server 7
[01:10] <Lolwutburger> what's wrong with his voice though
[01:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel
[01:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> MACH VOWCE
[01:10] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[01:10] <AWikiBoy521> It kept on "freezing" my accounts since I don't use them much.
[01:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> omg why (Cowboyconehead) and (Chickenwrangler) are always level 2? &gt;:( 
[01:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Coneheadcowboy) 
[01:11] <Iamarepeater> By then
[01:12] <Princess Kitty> @Iama.. Nope...
[01:12] <Iamarepeater> You should at least one level 2 plant
[01:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[01:12] <Iamarepeater> @PK: Oh. I thought you did
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> Cool
[01:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have only 3 or 4 level 2
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> I'm in a group picture with most of the South Park fandom
[01:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> buteh i have (Acidlemon) 
[01:12] <Princess Kitty> Welp....
[01:12] <Iamarepeater> What are they?
[01:12] <Lolwutburger>
[01:12] <Princess Kitty> I gonna go!
[01:12] <Iamarepeater> Bive
[01:12] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[01:12] <Princess Kitty> O/ 
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> It's getting quite late
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> 9:12
[01:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> beeyehive o/ 
[01:12] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> I gtg too I guess
[01:13] <Lolwutburger> but I might be here quite early tomorrow.
[01:13] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[01:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Iama Pump Witch Iceberg Lettuce and Potato Mine
[01:13] <Iamarepeater> Bive
[01:13] <AWikiBoy521> Bye^2
[01:13] <Lolwutburger> School's having an event I don't plan on participating in
[01:13] <Lolwutburger> so bye
[01:13] <Iamarepeater> Bring them
[01:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[01:14] <Iamarepeater> Use them wisely
[01:14] <Iamarepeater> Iceberg for chicken wrangler
[01:14] <Iamarepeater> You must kill them quick while they are frozen
[01:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well (Acidlemon) 
[01:14] <Iamarepeater> Then the chickens?
[01:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> omg i forgot (Lightningreed) 
[01:15] <Iamarepeater> You need (magnifying grass) as well
[01:15] <Iamarepeater> As power attacker
[01:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont have it
[01:15] <Iamarepeater> Then do Zomboss's mission
[01:15] <Iamarepeater> Everyday
[01:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i already do
[01:15] <Iamarepeater> If the puzzle pieces are offered
[01:15] <Iamarepeater> Do those
[01:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont do garg(2hard4me)
[01:15] <Iamarepeater> Level 1?
[01:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yep .-.
[01:16] <Iamarepeater> I have a strategy that will work
[01:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i need a thing like (Magicmushroom) level 2(it worked all times)
[01:16] <Iamarepeater> You need this. (cabbage-pult2) (cabbage-pult2) (cabbage-pult2) (snapdragon) 
[01:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[01:16] <Iamarepeater> For each lane
[01:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have them
[01:16] <Iamarepeater> When the gargs come
[01:17] <Iamarepeater> Wait until the garg reaches snapdragon's plantfood area
[01:17] <Iamarepeater> Then unleash the havoc
[01:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok thx
[01:17] <Iamarepeater> 2500 sun
[01:17] <Iamarepeater> 100 x3 +150= 450 sun
[01:18] <Iamarepeater> Times 5 to get 2250 sun
[01:18] <Iamarepeater> You have 250 sun left
[01:18] <Iamarepeater> Spend it on power lily
[01:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[01:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> buteh
[01:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont have :( 
[01:18] <Iamarepeater> No power lily?
[01:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no
[01:18] <Iamarepeater> Then you don't have what?
[01:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wait
[01:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i dont have
[01:19] <Iamarepeater> what?
[01:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Bananalauncher) (Horsebean) (Bonkchoy) the Bamboo Shoot
[01:19] <Iamarepeater> :/ 
[01:19] <Iamarepeater> You don't need them now
[01:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Magnifying, Guacodile, Fume shroom, Infinut
[01:19] <Iamarepeater> Why do you want to bring them?
[01:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Puff Shroom Hot Potato Small Lotus Repeater
[01:20] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Iamarep it's just weird that I hardly make any fanfics now
[01:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Saucer Heavenly Peach Power Lily Acespearagus
[01:20] <Iamarepeater> Now I'm making the fanfics
[01:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Tangle Kelp Winter Melon Turnip Missile Coffee Bean
[01:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Sunflower Singer
[01:20] <Iamarepeater> I added that song since no PVZ characters
[01:20] <Iamarepeater> in the blog
[01:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Grass Lanter Snow Cotton Hurrikale Agave
[01:20] <Iamarepeater> @pumpkin: what?
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Lord Bamboo Lily Pad Plantern Sun Bean
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> plants that i dont have
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Tile Turnip EM Peach Blover and Imitater
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> thats all
[01:21] <Hurrikale> I get pinged every time someone says Hurrikale
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> today i get more
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> '0'
[01:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> sorry
[01:22] <AWikiBoy521> @Hurrikale
[01:22] <AWikiBoy521> Because it's referenced by some users sometimes.
[01:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> so i spend 250 sun in Wall Nutty?
[01:22] <Iamarepeater> What?
[01:22] <Iamarepeater> No
[01:22] <Iamarepeater> Power lily
[01:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> buteh i dont have :( 
[01:23] <AWikiBoy521> And too bad there's no blacklist feature in the "Ping Phrases" feature.
[01:23] <Iamarepeater> You know that is this button?
[01:23] <Iamarepeater> No wait
[01:23] <Iamarepeater> Pumpkin, open your game first
[01:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have 3/10 puzzle pieces
[01:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its opened already
[01:23] <Iamarepeater> So you're in it?
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> Where are you now?
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Almanac
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> Can you leave it?
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> to see what plants i dont have
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yep
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> Ok. Now what do you see?
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WW map
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> Anything else?
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ! 
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i see ! and the buttons
[01:24] <Iamarepeater> Hint: look at the left side of the screen
[01:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Garg is with a !
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> You see a peashooter head?
[01:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yep
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> Tap on it
[01:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> What do you see?
[01:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> im already makin Power Lily Puzzle Pieces if u want to know
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[01:25] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> How many stars in PS?
[01:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wait
[01:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 10
[01:25] <Iamarepeater> Do the 38 star challenge
[01:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wat
[01:26] <Iamarepeater> Complete the area 100%
[01:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> .-. ok
[01:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i will start for day 1
[01:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok do not use more than 1750 sun '-'
[01:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> here we go Acid Lemon
[01:27] <Iamarepeater> wait.
[01:27] <Eugoth> Hi
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wait
[01:27] <Iamarepeater> Did you clear AE 100%?
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> is produce at leats 1750 sun
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Nop
[01:27] <Iamarepeater> Do that first
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> .-.-.-.
[01:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i have 18/40 .-.
[01:27] <Iamarepeater> Then PS is much easier
[01:27] <Eugoth> Why clear 100%
[01:27] <Iamarepeater> Just do it!
[01:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[01:28] <Iamarepeater> Then you can grab Bonk Choy
[01:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> useless
[01:28] <Iamarepeater> Very helpful for pirate seas
[01:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i preefer Agave
[01:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> tomorrow i win Agave
[01:28] <Eugoth> lel
[01:28] <Eugoth> Agave is not that good
[01:28] <Eugoth> I'm at far future, so boring
[01:28] <Iamarepeater> I'm at dark age
[01:28] <Iamarepeater> A nightmare
[01:29] <Iamarepeater> Even with my level 4 (magnifying grass) 
[01:29] <Eugoth> I hope pumpkin is ready
[01:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no im not
[01:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> but i can already kill level 2 zombies
[01:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Acidlemon) forevah
[01:30] <Eugoth> Are you ready?
[01:30] <Eugoth> FOR JOHN CENA!!
[01:30] <Eugoth> Just kidding.
[01:30] <Eugoth> Pumpkin, what's your chinese account name?
[01:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[01:31] <Eugoth> :P 
[01:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> My Acid Lemon is good at Coneheads :) 
[01:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i love it
[01:31] <Eugoth> same lvl 2
[01:31] <Iamarepeater> @pumpkin: what is its level?
[01:31] <Eugoth> i wonder if it can melt robo-cones
[01:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Magic Mushroom and Acid Lemon are my fav china plants
[01:31] <Iamarepeater> It can't
[01:31] <Eugoth> brb
[01:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Iama AE 1 :P 
[01:41] <Electric Plants> Nope@Pumpy
[01:41] <Iamarepeater> SA
[01:41] <Iamarepeater> TC
[01:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Acidlemon) (Cherrybomb) (Melonpult) Trio Fruit?
[01:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[01:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Pada kuadran I (0 – 90) , semua nilai sin, tan dan cos bernilai positif —> “semua”
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Pada kuadran II (90 – 180) , hanya sin bernilai positif —> sin dibaca “sindikat”
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Pada kuadran II (180 – 270) , hanya tan bernilai positif —> tan dibaca “tangan”
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Pada kuadran II (270 – 360) , hanya cos bernilai positif —>cos dibaca “kosong”
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Jadi, untuk mengingat gambar diatas hafalkan kalimat : “Semua Sindikat Tangannya Kosong”
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[01:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> stop sending other languages(except china) things plz
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lolwhy
[01:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> that seems a text wall
[01:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cuz I forgot to remove that extra line breaks -_- 
[01:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (wat) 
[01:43] <Iamarepeater> I thought it was secant?
[01:43] <Ilikeduck!> Did you installed it @EP?
[01:43] <Iamarepeater> How I derive whether that particular trigonometry function: Using CAST rule
[01:44] <Iamarepeater> This is funny:
[01:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well my level 1 (Acidlemon) melt a Buckethead
[01:44] <Electric Plants> (wat) ?
[01:44] <Ilikeduck!> You asked me for Sumer Night OBB?
[01:44] <Electric Plants> O yah
[01:45] <Electric Plants> dowloaded thanks
[01:45] <Ilikeduck!> MEGA sucks -_- 
[01:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NO IT DOENST
[01:45] <Ilikeduck!> Itss download speed -_- 
[01:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its faster
[01:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Nu
[01:46] <Electric Plants> o rly 
[01:46] <Electric Plants> hi
[01:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yes really
[01:46] <Ilikeduck!> With me, my download speed is 180 kb/s but when in MEGA,, it slow down to 179kb/s :p 
[01:46] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[01:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[01:47] <Eugoth> o/ 
[01:47] <Electric Plants> my speed is from 5 to 80 -_- 
[01:47] <Ilikeduck!> 5 MB to 80 MB? (troll) 
[01:47] <SnappyDragon> Yo
[01:47] <Electric Plants> kb
[01:48] <Ilikeduck!> Oh ****
[01:48] <Ilikeduck!> I don't think your internet is bad like that...
[01:48] <Ilikeduck!> So download MEGA
[01:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Yo Moda Foca Bro Jo
[01:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hmm i will fight garg
[01:51] <Ilikeduck!> (giga-garantuar)
[01:51] <Ilikeduck!> (epic2) fail
[01:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Gigagargantuar) 
[01:52] <Ilikeduck!> This creature cannot be defeat on Android -_- 
[01:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> why?
[02:29] <Electric Plants> :O 
[02:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> beating the rice outta tin sley
[02:31] <Electric Plants> k
[02:37] <Eugoth> hi4
[02:37] <Electric Plants> HI5
[02:38] <Eugoth> Ancient egypt day 2: Complete the level with only 2 moonflowers and with shadoshrooms
[02:38] <Drek'TharSuperSword> .
[02:38] <Electric Plants> ..
[02:39] <Eugoth> and also hurrikale
[02:39] <IMCR8Z> (pomegranate-pult) (narcissus) (pineapple cannon) (ganoderma) (banana tree) (nitration mushroom) (bubble flower) (electric anemone) Attack of the Clones
[02:40] <Electric Plants> Oh no o.o
[02:40] <Electric Plants> :P 
[02:40] <Electric Plants> Let's see
[02:40] <Electric Plants> (pomegranate-pult) (acid lemon) 
[02:40] <Electric Plants> (narcissus) (peashooter) 
[02:40] <Eugoth> (whirlwind acorn) (oak archer) 
[02:41] <Eugoth> clones of: (bloomerang) and (peashooter) 
[02:41] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> What's up my niggas!I am black so it sn't racist.
[02:41] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[02:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> wtf
[02:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> racist!!! KICK!
[02:42] <AWikiBoy521> No need to shout it, Drek.
[02:42] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> It's ot racist if I am black...
[02:42] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> *not
[02:42] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> An I am black
[02:42] <Drek'TharSuperSword> dammit stop
[02:42] <Eugoth> Ok then.
[02:43] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but if you say that kinda word again ill ban you
[02:43] <Eugoth> Chill
[02:44] <AWikiBoy521> gtg
[02:44] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> BUT WHY
[02:44] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> WHY IS IT RACIST?
[02:44] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I am black
[02:44] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> It's not racist
[02:44] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I never get offended by that
[02:44] <Drek'TharSuperSword> cuz it's globally an offensive word,
[02:44] <Vebros> Back
[02:45] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[03:20] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *You
[03:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[03:21] <Eugoth> ok
[03:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Starshine pfff, fake
[03:21] <Eugoth> Once he logs out, he's never coming back
[03:21] <Eugoth> Unless he can remember his username
[03:21] <Eugoth> -_- 
[03:21] <Vebros> New plant : Weedflower
[03:21] <Vebros>
[03:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i see it one time and it come back
[03:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol
[03:22] <Eugoth> o/ 
[03:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[03:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:22] <Vebros> o/ 
[03:22] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[03:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> letsa play the next to post?
[03:22] <Electric Plants> hi
[03:22] <Eugoth> Look at this rare camel zombie i found tulo .
[03:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (Moonflower) + anymushroom = ?
[03:23] <Electric Plants> lol
[03:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Shadowshroom?
[03:23] <Eugoth> Just kidding, but it would be interesting
[03:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pumpkin correct.
[03:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> that was eazy
[03:23] <ThisUserLikesOreo> lol
[03:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Give eugoth money.
[03:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> .-.
[03:23] <Eugoth> The rare camel is fake, but would be better if it was true
[03:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> K.
[03:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yummy hot dog
[03:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hot dog (lenny) sausage (lenny) 
[03:24] <Vebros> Hot Dog with sause 1000 islands &lt;3 
[03:24] <Eugoth> in the middle of a bun (lenny) 
[03:25] <Eugoth> Time to make rare pepes
[03:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> bunda
[03:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> With a yellow mustard (lenny) 
[03:25] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> This dude is a light versio of HowToBasic.
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> .-.
[03:26] <Eugoth> what is it?
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> he comes back
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> maybe Samantha
[03:26] <Vebros>
[03:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> HowToBasic is my bæ
[03:26] <Vebros> level 6-15
[03:26] <Eugoth> maybe saitama
[03:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Tho haven't watched him in a year
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Satana
[03:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Howtobasic taught me how to play guitar and i was a bro.
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[03:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Joking.
[03:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> those legs (lenny) 
[03:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> *Pro
[03:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> You see they rolling, they hate him.
[03:27] <ThisUserLikesOreo> HTB is the teacher of life
[03:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no
[03:27] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I wouldn't be a alive if not him
[03:27] <Eugoth> wow vebro's mod has 10k views already
[03:27] <Vebros> :O 
[03:27] <Vebros> OMG
[03:27] <Vebros> 10k views
[03:27] <Vebros> everyday i got 500-700 views
[03:28] <Eugoth> a step closer to 1 million
[03:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Techrax vs howtobasic.
[03:28] <Vebros> And i have over 112 subs
[03:28] <Eugoth> Blendtec vs everything
[03:29] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> AY IFO O MODER DAY PART 2
[03:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Blendtech wins.
[03:29] <Vebros> @Nby STOP PLEASE.
[03:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Will it blend vebros .
[03:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Nby NO U SON OF
[03:29] <Eugoth> guys
[03:29] <Eugoth> stop
[03:29] <Eugoth> don't feed the troll
[03:29] <Eugoth> The more you rage, the tougher it gets
[03:30] <Vebros> @Eugoth i have 10 322 views and a 75 (y) , 3 (n) :'( 
[03:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> One thing.
[03:30] <Eugoth> Dislikers must be 3 alternate accs of smartgaming4
[03:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ^
[03:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> imagine smart gaming commenting you copied my mod.
[03:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ...
[03:31] <Vebros> I spend almost 2 months to create this mod, and all plants has been stolen...
[03:31] <Vebros> FUCK YOU SMART GAMING
[03:31] <Vebros> Shit Gaming (troll) 
[03:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> we will talk to YT to remove its channel(Aruan Felix)
[03:32] <Eugoth> Hmmm who's aruan?
[03:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> U KNOW EUGOTH 
[03:33] <Eugoth> could you tell again for our fellow chatters?
[03:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> OK
[03:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Aruan Felix is a YT channel of Minecraft
[03:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> he break the silver replay button of YT
[03:33] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> I am nazi.
[03:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> But I won't offend people.
[03:34] <Eugoth> oh
[03:34] <Eugoth> Minecraft
[03:34] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Just so you know.
[03:34] <Eugoth> Then his channel should burn to hell
[03:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> he win a competition of gamers, but on the rules say: no gamers who only play 1 game
[03:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> thats story
[03:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and he makes vlogs
[03:34] <Vebros> Imagine if i can get the silver YT Button
[03:34] <Vebros> OMG
[03:34] <Eugoth> Playing only 1 game is so boring
[03:34] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :) 
[03:34] <Eugoth> :) 
[03:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> true @Eugoth
[03:35] <Eugoth> @vebros for president
[03:35] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Hail hitler
[03:35] <NbyTupsjftTvdlt> Bye
[03:35] <Eugoth> Because when you play only 1 level
[03:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> YES
[03:35] <Eugoth> 1 game*
[03:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[03:35] <Eugoth> It becomes boring over time and you need different experiences
[03:36] <Eugoth> I told you @pumpkin
[03:36] <Eugoth> Never feed a troll
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ?
[03:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> The FNAF World Problem...
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> watz problem?
[03:36] <Drek'TharSuperSword> watch the video
[03:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lazy
[03:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> im lazy
[03:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> that video stinks, seriously
[03:37] <Eugoth> ^
[03:37] <Eugoth> Not the stink part
[03:37] <Vebros> Idk, this is good music for PvZ Underwater xD
[03:37] <Eugoth> I'm lazy
[03:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Jumpscares
[03:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pumpkin Skelhead</span></span> die
[03:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Back
[03:39] <Eugoth> Hi
[03:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I WIN A GEM WTF
[03:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[03:39] <Eugoth> The "troll" is gone @legend
[03:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> How.
[03:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i think i'm playing Survival: Endless but idk that
[03:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> maybe is survival easy pool
[03:40] <Pumpkin Skelhead> or hard pool
[03:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Tell me what happned.
[03:40] <Eugoth> Ok so he was saying he was nazi
[03:40] <Eugoth> and stuff like linking to videos
[03:40] <Eugoth> Then we didn't give a shit
[03:40] <Eugoth> he said "hail hitler" then "bye"
[03:40] <Eugoth> and left
[03:41] <Bearjedi> [[Thread:541513]]
[03:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ih.
[03:41] <Electric Plants> Hi
[03:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[03:41] <Xenons> Hi
[03:42] <Eugoth> hi
[03:42] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Hi Hi Bighi ha ha ho ho Bighi hi
[03:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pumpkin you play my singing monsters?
[03:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Yes
[03:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> not more but it is on my tab
[03:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I played it then i deleted it was an ok game.
[03:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pumpkin pm.
[03:44] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[03:45] <Vebros> Dafuq? Lilypad have levels?
[03:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ah nop
[03:47] <PnFforever> 'ello
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> is my Zen Garden on JttW
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hi hi Bighi ha ha ho ho Bighi hi
[03:47] <Vebros> I'm on Roof level 3 in JTTW
[03:47] <Xenons> Hey
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i'm playing an survival but idk what its pool
[03:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> maybe easy
[03:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> nop
[03:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its hard one
[03:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 2 flags
[03:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> survival pool hard
[03:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi.
[03:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i unlocked all plants playing it :P 
[03:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> all PvZ1 plants*
[03:49] <Eugoth> @vebros , if you made another mod, would it get as many views as the first?
[03:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> making money for 9th seed slot
[03:49] <PnFforever> I listened to Flowey's boss theme from the Nuetral was amazing
[03:49] <Xenons> I agree.
[03:49] <Vebros> @Eugoth idk maybe no. I think i get these views because "PVZ 2 and PvZ 1" is in title. So when you watch any video, with PVZ 2 title, you can see my video, next.
[03:50] <Eugoth> hmm ok
[03:50] <Vebros> WB
[03:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> CATAPULT ZOMBIE WAT
[03:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well Spikeweed
[03:51] <Eugoth> I wish there was a plant which's sole purpose is to handle gargantuar smashes and rolling objects
[03:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Shrinkingviolet) 
[03:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol
[03:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well Spikeweed
[03:51] <Eugoth> I wish there was a plant which's sole purpose is to handle gargantuar smashes and rolling objects
[03:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Shrinkingviolet) 
[03:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol
[03:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Garg goes crazy trying to smash
[03:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol Pumpkin on Spikeweed
[03:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> R.I.P. Fat Shape Digger-Catapult-King
[03:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WTF GAME CRASH
[03:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I LOSE MY WATER CAN NO
[03:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> STUPID WORLD!
[04:01] <HomingThistleRoblox> Hey
[04:01] <Eugoth> @pumpkin chinese daily quests reset
[04:01] <Eugoth> hello
[04:02] <HomingThistleRoblox> chat is deeed
[04:03] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[04:06] <HomingThistleRoblox> ey
[04:07] <IMCR8Z> Ded chat
[04:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ...
[04:08] <TheAnonymousA> So '...' is the new way of saying how el
[04:08] <TheAnonymousA> *hello?
[04:08] <TheAnonymousA> (silly) 
[04:09] <HomingThistleRoblox> wat
[04:10] <IMCR8Z> Howdy! Welcome to the vanquished chat
[04:11] <TheAnonymousA> Chat was vanquished by a Silencer Pea using the weapon: Ded Chat-er.
[04:12] <IMCR8Z> Seeing as how Conehead Zombies and Buckethead Zombies can now use Flags, Screen Doors, Coffins, and Outhouses in GW2, it's bound to get annoying when you spawn a Flag Zombie expecting a Buckethead only for the RNG to give you a regular hatless Flag Zombie instead.
[04:14] <IMCR8Z> At least that's what I assume.
[04:16] <HomingThistleRoblox> k
[04:17] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[04:18] <ThisUserLikesOreo> dedness is real tho
[04:19] <TheAnonymousA> Well, this is the chat of a Wiki where a lot of the articles are about dead people, aka zombies.
[04:19] <IMCR8Z> What, like regular Wikipedia?
[04:19] <Eugoth> :o 
[04:20] <Eugoth> Funny how pvz2 chinese says "HD" but is not HD
[04:22] <IMCR8Z> Lol
[04:23] <IMCR8Z> (frisbee) test
[04:24] <IMCR8Z> (archmage zombie) seems to carry the Necronomicon.
[04:26] <Electric Plants> IMCR8Z 
[04:26] <Electric Plants> Which chinese plant is your fav?
[04:26] <IMCR8Z> None
[05:50] <PnFforever> test
[05:52] <Brainulator9> hilo
[05:56] <PnFforever> o/ 
[06:02] <PnFforever> hi o/ 
[06:02] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[06:10] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[06:10] <Xenons> Hi
[06:11] <BLACK OUT> Hi.
[06:11] <PnFforever> hi o/ 
[06:14] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[06:15] <Koopsgamer> Super guys
[06:16] <IMCR8Z> Howdy
[06:16] <IMCR8Z> (zombie fighter) (blew zombie) Can't say "bomb" in an airport!
[06:16] <Koopsgamer> XD
[06:17] <PnFforever> (mczomb) > (jackinabox)
[06:17] <PnFforever> * (jack)
[06:17] <Xenons> I agree.
[06:18] <Xenons> Jacks were the ones that killed me (and many others) in Survival Endless.
[06:19] <PnFforever> While MC ZomB is technically more dangerous, they're much easy to handle with Winter Melons
[06:20] <IMCR8Z> (gloom-shroom) (gloom-shroom) (gloom-shroom) (garlic) This will definitely stop Jack in the Box Zombies!
[06:20] <IMCR8Z> (sarcasm
[06:20] <Brainulator9> hilo
[06:20] <Xenons> I also hate them because they're the only ones that can unexpectedly kill Glooms.
[06:21] <Brainulator9> ^
[06:21] <Brainulator9> Honestly, I don't bother with filling the pool with (gloom) s.
[06:21] <IMCR8Z> ^
[06:21] <Brainulator9> I do use SOME (gloom) s though.
[06:21] <Brainulator9> But more often than not, I just let (cob) s do all the dirrty work.
[06:22] <Brainulator9> Did I really type two r's in "dirty"?
[06:22] <Xenons> I actually liked using that strategy even though it's risky. I try to keep a circle of Cobs and instant kills in the lanes near Gloom in levels with Jacks.
[06:22] <Brainulator9> That's not pirate, it seems.
[06:23] <Koopsgamer> Modern day hype
[06:25] <PnFforever> I'm surprised there are still no spoilers for MD Pt2 yet
[06:25] <Koopsgamer> Exactly
[06:25] <IMCR8Z> Because there's almost ZERO content for MD Part 2 in the files.
[06:26] <Koopsgamer> I hope they don't bring back Bungee
[06:26] <IMCR8Z> ^
[06:26] <IMCR8Z> (zombie parrot) is already a good enough (bungee zombie) replacement
[06:26] <Brainulator9> I do.
[06:26] <Brainulator9> Because (umbrellaleaf) 
[06:27] <Eugoth> back
[06:27] <Xenons> I hope they bring Catapult for that.
[06:27] <PnFforever> (catapult) 
[06:27] <PnFforever> yes
[06:27] <IMCR8Z> PopCap will find a way to make (umbrella leaf) useless in PvZ 2, I guarantee it.
[06:28] <Xenons> Well, Cactus got an improvement, so maybe there's a chance?
[06:28] <Koopsgamer> At least bring back cob Cannon
[06:28] <Koopsgamer> Oh wait
[06:28] <Koopsgamer> Banana launcher
[06:29] <IMCR8Z> @Xenons: But look what happened to (garlic2) 
[06:29] <IMCR8Z> Nobody even asked for Garlic in PvZ 2 besides ProcastinatorMan
[06:29] <Xenons> And me.
[06:29] <Brainulator9> and Milesprower2 .
[06:29] <Xenons> It could've been a lot better even if there are zombies that don't chew on him.
[06:30] <Brainulator9> And RetroBowser/Protanly
[06:30] <Brainulator9> Or if it actually HAD health.
[06:30] <PnFforever> Garlic's not that bad to me
[06:30] <Xenons> After all, do these respective zombies even chew on other defensive plants?
[06:30] <PnFforever> It's just that there are a lot of zombies that can crush/are immune to him
[06:31] <Xenons> A Fast recharging Garlic with Char Guard health and Zombies that only bite him once would've been decent.
[06:32] <PnFforever> I hope he is patched being being able divert zombies after one bite
[06:32] <SlimeLOLEnder> o/ 
[06:32] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[06:32] <Koopsgamer> Hope they don't bring Zombotany back
[06:32] <Brainulator9> I'm pretty sure the zombies biting more than once thing is an error.
[06:32] <Brainulator9> Hilo Slime.
[06:33] <Vebros> Back
[06:33] <Brainulator9> (garlic) + (shrinkingviolet) = please fix
[06:33] <SlimeLOLEnder> What happens? :V
[06:33] <Brainulator9> hilo ErnestoAM ... I mean Vebros 
[06:33] <Koopsgamer> Welcome back
[06:33] <Brainulator9> @Slime, it accentuates the biting (Garlic) more than once error.
[06:33] <Vebros> My favorite zombie is (lostpilotzombie) now :3
[06:33] <Vebros> And i updated my icon 
[06:34] <Cavia porcellus> Jack-in-the-Box Zombie would be easy in PvZ2.
[06:34] <SlimeLOLEnder> (lost pilot zombie) 
[06:34] <Cavia porcellus> PvZ2 is played way more aggressively than 1.
[06:34] <SlimeLOLEnder> And (hypnoshroom2) will make it a walking (Cherry bomb2) 
[06:34] <IMCR8Z> afk
[06:34] <PnFforever> If he does return, I hope Iceberg Lettuce can be a counter to him, like (blewzombie) 
[06:35] <Cavia porcellus> PvZ2 has combos that easily deal with wave 2 Gargantuars.
[06:35] <SlimeLOLEnder> I don't think so
[06:35] <SlimeLOLEnder> Cuz that is a bomb
[06:35] <SlimeLOLEnder> This is a jack-in-the-box
[06:36] <Brainulator9> @slime, never.
[06:36] <PnFforever> How to kill Newspaper Zombie in PvZ2:
[06:36] <PnFforever> (primalpotatomine), (shadowshroom) 
[06:36] <Brainulator9> In Minecraft, you don't need to use the bathroom.
[06:37] <Brainulator9> (newspaperzombie) isn't too hard to kill in PvZ2.
[06:37] <SlimeLOLEnder> (fumeshroom2) (laserbean) (spikeweed) (spikerock2) 
[06:37] <Koopsgamer> It depends
[06:37] <Brainulator9> You just need to be careful.
[06:37] <SlimeLOLEnder> (spikeweed2) *
[06:37] <Cavia porcellus> Shadow-shroom is really bad actually.
[06:37] <Cavia porcellus> Just use Squash.
[06:37] <Brainulator9> Kind of like (dodorider) .
[06:37] <Koopsgamer> He's harder if he's in a group of zombies
[06:38] <SlimeLOLEnder> (newspaperzombie2)
[06:39] <SlimeLOLEnder> aw man
[06:39] <Cavia porcellus> I want an good AoE shadow plant in Part 2 or I'm writing off all MD unlockables.
[06:39] <Cavia porcellus> *a good
[06:40] <Cavia porcellus> Shadow-shroom proves that half-instant shadow plants suck.
[06:41] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[06:42] <SlimeLOLEnder> (tombstone) 
[06:43] <Vebros> (tombstone) 
[06:44] <Koopsgamer> (Grave) 
[06:44] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[06:44] <Vebros> No! He eat my tombstone.
[06:44] <SlimeLOLEnder> That grave buster is a spy
[06:44] <Koopsgamer> XD
[06:45] <Koopsgamer> (Phat beet) 
[06:45] <Eugoth> o/ 
[06:45] <Koopsgamer> Hello
[06:47] <SlimeLOLEnder> (tombstone) (portal5) 
[06:47] <Vebros> Rate my icon. From 0 to 10
[06:48] <Koopsgamer> 7
[06:48] <Koopsgamer> 7 and 8
[06:48] <Vebros> Ok
[06:48] <Vebros> - Rate my PvZ 1 Mod from 0 to 100.
[06:48] <Vebros> xD
[06:49] <Koopsgamer> (Primal Peashooter) beats (Gargantuar) 
[06:49] <SlimeLOLEnder> Infinite/100
[06:49] <Vebros> ^
[06:50] <Koopsgamer> Nice mod
[06:51] <Vebros> ^
[06:51] <Vebros> I spend whole 2 months to creating this mod.
[06:52] <SlimeLOLEnder> You should make (lost pilot zombie) as (bungee zombie) 
[06:52] <Vebros> Yep.
[06:55] <Eugoth> lel
[06:55] <Eugoth> true
[06:55] <Vebros> I give up with my mod.
[06:56] <CitronFire3> Brb
[06:56] <CitronFire3> VEBROS 
[06:56] <CitronFire3> WAT
[06:56] <Vebros> Oh hi 
[06:56] <Vebros> o/ 
[06:57] <Brainulator9> Damn it Vebros , I wanted to see peashooters use their PvZ2 animations.
[06:58] <Vebros> Idk maybe i will upload my last version of mod 
[06:59] <IMCR8Z> Bak
[06:59] <Vebros> Howdy
[07:01] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[07:02] <PnFforever> ded chat
[07:02] <CitronFire3> is DCD ded o-O
[07:02] <CitronFire3> He hasn't been in chat for like
[07:02] <CitronFire3> 3 days
[07:02] <IMCR8Z> (wat) 
[07:02] <CitronFire3> [[User:Dr Crzzy Dave]]
[07:03] <Vebros> CF3 
[07:03] <Vebros>
[07:03] <Vebros> I discovered that glitch
[07:04] <CitronFire3> O
[07:04] <CitronFire3> LOLOLOL
[07:04] <Vebros> Nah, it's hack :P 
[07:04] <Vebros> Check the flying peas
[07:04] <IMCR8Z> @Citron: I know that, but why did you assume he's dead by not being in chat for only THREE DAYS?
[07:04] <CitronFire3> Cattail XD
[07:04] <Vebros>
[07:05] <CitronFire3> Ok IMCR
[07:05] <CitronFire3> Im fucking joking
[07:05] <CitronFire3> God
[07:05] <CitronFire3> i dont actually think hes ded
[07:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> Lolwut
[07:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> Kattail confirmed
[07:05] <IMCR8Z> k
[07:05] <CitronFire3> Cattail-Butter
[07:05] <CitronFire3> Cattail Corn
[07:05] <CitronFire3> variant in GW2 confirmed
[07:05] <Eugoth> You don't actually know if he's dead*
[07:06] <CitronFire3> true
[07:06] <CitronFire3> TBH I'm wrorried
[07:06] <Vebros> uhh i have headache :'( 
[07:06] <Eugoth> wtf
[07:06] <Eugoth> Just think he's having fun.
[07:06] <Eugoth> in a better place than here
[07:06] <CitronFire3> Yeah oooooookk
[07:07] <Vebros> Unicorn Chomper doing a... (lenny)
[07:08] <IMCR8Z> K
[07:08] <CitronFire3> OH OK
[07:08] <CitronFire3> dANG THAT Butter is OP
[07:08] <Vebros> ^
[07:09] <Eugoth> how did you do it
[07:09] <Vebros> I changed the damage from 04 to 23
[07:09] <CitronFire3> lolol
[07:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[07:09] <CitronFire3> :O 
[07:09] <CitronFire3> I WANT IT
[07:09] <Vebros> Check the Flying Peas 
[07:09] <CitronFire3> WHAT DOES IT COST?
[07:09] <Eugoth> It's premium (troll) 
[07:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> (moonflower) boost is IDK
[07:09] <CitronFire3> IS IT F-
[07:09] <CitronFire3> OH NOO
[07:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> Just magento hacks!!!
[07:09] <CitronFire3> HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?
[07:10] <Eugoth> FOR 9.99
[07:10] <CitronFire3> o
[07:10] <CitronFire3> O
[07:10] <CitronFire3> O
[07:10] <CitronFire3> O O O O O 
[07:10] <CitronFire3> FUCK IT IM BUYING IT
[07:10] <SlimeLOLEnder> I EDITED IT M8
[07:10] <SlimeLOLEnder> IT COSTS 1 GEM
[07:10] <CitronFire3> op butter
[07:10] <CitronFire3> *buys*
[07:10] <CitronFire3> *actually does nothing*
[07:11] <CitronFire3> *throws phone out a window and jumps into a volcano*
[07:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> EA: No refunds! *throws various smoke bombs and disappears*
[07:11] <Eugoth> *throws phone into a volcano and jumps out a window
[07:11] <CitronFire3> lol
[07:12] <CitronFire3> Bitch its magic
[07:12] <Eugoth> lol
[07:12] <Eugoth> next is: Flying stars
[07:12] <Vebros> :O 
[07:12] <Vebros> K
[07:12] <Eugoth> from starfruit
[07:12] <SlimeLOLEnder> Another premium pant
[07:12] <SlimeLOLEnder> plant*
[07:12] <Eugoth> i'm just kidding :o 
[07:13] <Vebros> PANT
[07:13] <Vebros> PANTS
[07:13] <SlimeLOLEnder> Premium Pants
[07:13] <Vebros> PREMIUM PANTS lmao 
[07:13] <Eugoth> all pants are premiums
[07:13] <Eugoth> u never get pants for free
[07:13] <Eugoth> do you?
[07:13] <Brainulator9> I get shorts for free.
[07:13] <Brainulator9> [[File:Liarliarpantsonfire.png]]
[07:13] <Brainulator9> Liar liar plants for hire
[07:14] <Vebros> - LOOK AT THE 0:52 MINUTE CF3 Eugoth 
[07:14] <Vebros> Jalapeno
[07:14] <Eugoth> jalapeno OP
[07:14] <IMCR8Z> @Slime: How about flying spores or fumes?
[07:14] <CitronFire3> wtf
[07:14] <CitronFire3> Ja-
[07:14] <CitronFire3> Wtf
[07:14] <CitronFire3> Wtf wtf wtf
[07:15] <Eugoth> flying pants (ghost pepper) (rotobaga) 
[07:15] <Vebros> I'm creating amazing things. 
[07:15] <IMCR8Z> K
[07:15] <Vebros> :3
[07:16] <Eugoth> welp
[07:16] <IMCR8Z> I want (puff-shroom) modded to shoot homing spores.
[07:16] <SlimeLOLEnder> Dat Puff-shroom is a hacker
[07:16] <SlimeLOLEnder> He uses aimbot hax
[07:16] <Vebros> I can't change the puff-shroom projectile.
[07:16] <Eugoth> :o 
[07:16] <Eugoth> why
[07:16] <Vebros> idk
[07:17] <IMCR8Z> @Vebros: Yet you can change kernel, butter, and ice peas?
[07:17] <Eugoth> Vebros 
[07:17] <Vebros> Yep, but all shroom plants can't be changed. I tryed with puff shroom.
[07:17] <Eugoth> You changed your profile pic :o 
[07:17] <Vebros> Not working :c
[07:17] <Vebros> Yep
[07:18] <Vebros> To Lost Pilot Zombie icon :3
[07:18] <Eugoth> maybe it has to do with the sleeping thing
[07:19] <Eugoth> Nao wat?
[07:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> Now
[07:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> idk
[07:19] <Eugoth> Spam mapS
[07:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> [[File:Ankylofootball.png]]
[07:20] <Eugoth> who made this?
[07:20] <SlimeLOLEnder> me :P 
[07:20] <Vebros> como
[07:20] <Eugoth> *slow claps*
[07:20] <Eugoth> (claps)
[07:20] <Vebros> (claps)
[07:20] <Eugoth> (clap) 
[07:21] <Eugoth> i think there should be more plants that can use symbiosis
[07:21] <Eugoth> Or can be good together
[07:22] <Eugoth> Like (peashooter) + (torchwood) 
[07:22] <Eugoth> Or (moonflower) + (nightshade) 
[07:22] <Eugoth> with already existing plants
[07:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[07:23] <Vebros> o/ 
[07:24] <Vebros> Hi powerful pumpkin
[07:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 1.7?
[07:24] <Vebros> huh?
[07:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 1.7.0 released in dah site?
[07:24] <Vebros> LC isn't release yet :| 
[07:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf
[07:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i'm bored with CiTS icon
[07:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay 3 WW keys
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> not big suprise
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i won Bonk Choy :P 
[07:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Plants i get most: Pump Witch and Eletric Blueberry
[07:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i want (Horsebean) 
[07:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay i have all money plants :D 
[07:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[07:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> bye
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:32] <Vebros> o/ 
[07:33] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[07:34] <IMCR8Z> :o 
[07:34] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[07:35] <Ballistic Planet> we need a plant that's better than Intensive Carrot
[07:35] <Ballistic Planet> to revive chat
[07:35] <Ballistic Planet> so literally almost any other plant
[07:35] <CitronFire3> Intensive Carrot GW2 edition (troll) 
[07:36] <SlimeLOLEnder> GW sunflower
[07:36] <Ballistic Planet> GW Primal Suflower
[07:36] <Ballistic Planet> owait
[07:36] <Ballistic Planet> ;( 
[07:36] <CitronFire3> :( 
[07:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i'm bored with CiTS icon
[07:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay 3 WW keys
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> not big suprise
[07:28] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i won Bonk Choy :P 
[07:29] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Plants i get most: Pump Witch and Eletric Blueberry
[07:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i want (Horsebean) 
[07:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yay i have all money plants :D 
[07:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[07:32] <Pumpkin Skelhead> bye
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:32] <Vebros> o/ 
[07:33] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[07:34] <IMCR8Z> :o 
[07:34] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[07:35] <Ballistic Planet> we need a plant that's better than Intensive Carrot
[07:35] <Ballistic Planet> to revive chat
[07:35] <Ballistic Planet> so literally almost any other plant
[07:35] <CitronFire3> Intensive Carrot GW2 edition (troll) 
[07:36] <SlimeLOLEnder> GW sunflower
[07:36] <Ballistic Planet> GW Primal Suflower
[07:36] <Ballistic Planet> owait
[07:36] <Ballistic Planet> ;( 
[07:36] <CitronFire3> :( 
[07:39] <CitronFire3> Im upset :/ 
[07:39] <Ballistic Planet> are you?
[07:39] <Ballistic Planet> Are you really?
[07:39] <CitronFire3> yes
[07:40] <Ballistic Planet> and why are you upset?
[07:41] <CitronFire3> Because, my ex-bf, well I found out his true opinion on me
[07:41] <CitronFire3> And it sucks
[07:41] <CitronFire3> Because I miss his friendship
[07:41] <Ballistic Planet> well rip
[07:41] <CitronFire3> and Ill probably never receive it
[07:41] <CitronFire3> L*
[07:41] <CitronFire3> * :( 
[07:41] <Eugoth> Ok.
[07:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok 1 puzzle piece left for (Horsebean) 
[07:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and for the meh Magnifying Grass and Banana Laucher too
[07:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> theres som plants that i dont even have puzzle pieces
[07:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i the case
[07:47] <Brainulator9> fun fact:
[07:47] <Brainulator9> (intensivecarrot) does not create conservations.
[07:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> EM peach, Agave, Snow Cotton, Sunflower Singer, Missile Turnip, Grass Lantern, Imitater, Blover, Plantern, Hurrikal, Lord Bamboo, Tile Turnip Sun Bean Lily Pad and Coffee Bean
[07:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> theres who i dont have any pieces
[07:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> bye :( 
[07:50] <IMCR8Z> afk
[07:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> dedchat
[07:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> dededed
[07:56] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Ded, Ed and Dded
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Suprise Motherfu****
[07:57] <IMCR8Z> bak
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> omg so many level 2 zombies
[07:57] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Conehead, 3 Ponchos and a Prospector
[07:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well now u need to fight my new army
[07:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Magic Mushroom level 2 xD
[08:06] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[08:10] <SlimeLOLEnder> Chat is sitll ded
[08:10] <SlimeLOLEnder> still
[08:10] <DeathZombi> For once I see BUL9 here
[08:13] <SlimeLOLEnder> ...
[08:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[08:14] <Hurrikale> R.I.P
[08:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i will sell my (Hurrikale) that is on Zen Garden
[08:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> thats a Silent West
[08:16] <SlimeLOLEnder> Silent Chat
[08:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> Difficulty: Demon 10 stars
[08:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 10 jalapeños*
[08:17] <Hurrikale> And then everyone died 
[08:17] <Hurrikale> The end.
[08:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> Only some people will get it.
[08:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 1. Hackers
[08:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 2.Pros
[08:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 3.EAM
[08:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> ummm, no
[08:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> GD players
[08:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WTF IS GD
[08:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> Geometry Dash
[08:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ¬¬' Gamescist
[08:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> ?
[08:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Racism of someone that not plays that games or that plays that game
[08:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[08:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> uh no?
[08:19] <Hurrikale> \o o/ 
[08:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> why?
[08:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> im just telling a joke
[08:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> no need to be mad
[08:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> is not jokied
[08:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wait
[08:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ignore jokied
[08:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> put a joke
[08:19] <FNAOHGOD> Apparently the 1.7.0 apk is out? Is it?
[08:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> its racism to who not play
[08:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NO it inst for Android
[08:19] <Vebros> Back
[08:19] <Vebros> @FNAH not yet.
[08:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> PopCap Shangai Lazy
[08:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> Racism is insulting
[08:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well u insult me
[08:20] <SlimeLOLEnder> I'm not insulting you.
[08:20] <SlimeLOLEnder> .-.
[08:20] <Vebros> Today is release date for Android, but i think PopCap China release 1.7.0 tommorow
[08:20] <Vebros> :( 
[08:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pumpkin Skelhead</span></span> goes crazy
[08:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well ded
[08:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> today i will release...
[08:22] <Pumpkin Skelhead> me goes blank
[08:24] <Vebros> o/ 
[08:26] <Protanly> god damn. Exams start tomorrow
[08:29] <TheHandsomePlant> oh my, holidays start tommorow!
[08:29] <TheHandsomePlant> And an exam...
[08:29] <Protanly> I just need to survive exams
[08:30] <TheHandsomePlant> I have one from Chemistry
[08:30] <Protanly> I have English, World Religions, Functions, and Biology exams this semester
[08:30] <Vebros> Oh god
[08:31] <TheHandsomePlant> This semester?
[08:31] <Eugoth> back
[08:31] <TheHandsomePlant> But semester lasts like... 5 months if you substract the free days
[08:31] <TheHandsomePlant> And we are getting tons of exams during these 5 months
[08:31] <Protanly> yea and then I got English, Advanced Chemistry, Advanced Physics, and programming exams next semester
[08:31] <Protanly> 8 exams this year :p 
[08:32] <TheHandsomePlant> still not impressed
[08:32] <TheHandsomePlant> We get like six exams weekly
[08:32] <TheHandsomePlant> WAIT
[08:32] <TheHandsomePlant> NO
[08:32] <Protanly> Meh. When I say exams I mean the final exams
[08:32] <TheHandsomePlant> monthly
[08:32] <Protanly> worth 20% of your final mark
[08:33] <TheHandsomePlant> We'll get them once we finish the middle school
[08:33] <ErnestoAM> I get 4
[08:33] <ErnestoAM> entire year
[08:33] <TheHandsomePlant> We'll be having from Polish, History, English, Geography, Maths...
[08:33] <TheHandsomePlant> Sure there are more
[08:33] <TheHandsomePlant> I just need to remember
[08:34] <TheHandsomePlant> Chemistry
[08:34] <TheHandsomePlant> And that's it, I think
[08:35] <Eugoth> ok
[08:35] <Eugoth> Dead
[08:35] <Eugoth> (lost doctor) (lost guide) (jackfruit) (agave) 
[08:36] <Protanly> At least my activity will pick back up once this semester is done
[08:36] <Eugoth> (lost doctor zombie) (lost guide zombie) (jackfruit) (agave) 
[08:38] <CoachSDot> Yeah school is rough, but we all need it.
[08:38] <CoachSDot> Art by call me fantasy
[08:40] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[08:41] <ErnestoAM> (lostdoctorzombie) (lostguidezombie) 
[08:43] <SlimeLOLEnder> (intensivecarrot) (lostdoctorzombie) 
[08:46] <ErnestoAM> hi
[08:46] <SlimeLOLEnder> impossible
[08:49] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[08:54] <SlimeLOLEnder> dot
[08:56] <Brainulator9> .
[08:56] <Brainulator9> hilo DeayjZombi
[08:56] <Brainulator9> *deathzombi
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> LifePlant
[08:57] <Protanly> ded
[08:58] <ErnestoAM> alive
[08:58] <SlimeLOLEnder> undead
[08:58] <Protanly> reded
[08:59] <ErnestoAM> un-alive
[08:59] <ErnestoAM> Alive Hi!
[09:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[09:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> (tombstone) 
[09:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> lolwut
[09:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> 2muchdoors
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> Dead]
[09:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> deeead
[09:10] <Dogecoin> alive
[09:10] <ErnestoAM> Dead Hi
[09:11] <ErnestoAM> gtg
[09:13] <Brainulator9> hilo fruity or starness
[09:13] <Starfruity> Swello
[09:17] <Pumpkin Skelhead> dided
[09:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> what month BWB pt 2 was released?
[09:18] <Eugoth> DEdad
[09:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> of 2014 or 2015
[09:18] <Starfruity> November
[09:19] <Starfruity> 2014
[09:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> On March of 2014 PopCap fired a lot of employes
[09:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no know reason
[09:19] <Starfruity> Far Future wasn't difficult enough?
[09:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> maybe
[09:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i wasn't
[09:19] <Pumpkin Skelhead> it
[09:20] <Starfruity> It would explain Dark Ages and Big Wave Beach's difficulty spike
[09:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yep
[09:20] <Brainulator9> I thought they fired a bunch of employees BEFORE PvZ2 came out.
[09:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> then fired someone and maked FC that is really easy?
[09:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> A space mainspace xD
[09:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> someone missed a space
[09:23] <Eugoth> i think they made FC easy because of the complaints about BWB's hardness
[09:23] <Starfruity> Maybe they're constantly firing employees
[09:24] <Eugoth> I hope there's a world harder than bwb4
[09:24] <Starfruity> Maybe that's why PvZ2 has so many inconsistencies!
[09:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yeah
[09:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wat i think the time rift is
[09:25] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Final Zomboss Battler or
[09:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> all PvZ1 levels :P 
[09:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Who comes first: PvZ2 Dandelion, PvZ2C Dandelion, PvZ JttW Dandelion or PvZO Dandelion? &gt;:D 
[09:29] <CitronFire3> PVZ2C
[09:29] <Starfruity> Don't forget PvZGW2 Dandelion
[09:29] <Brainulator9> PvZO Dandelion came out first.
[09:29] <Starfruity> Geez PopCap get some consistency!
[09:29] <Brainulator9> Then PvZ2C Dandelion.
[09:30] <Brainulator9> then (dandelion) as we know it.
[09:30] <Brainulator9> Then Journey to the West dandelion.
[09:30] <Brainulator9> Then Garden Warfare 2 Dandelion.
[09:30] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hm
[09:31] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Dandelion PvZO is technically a multi-use weaker Cherry Bomb
[09:32] <Starfruity> Aka Gloom-shroom aka Phat Beat
[09:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Dandelion seems better than (Gloomshroom) 
[09:35] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[09:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[09:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> mario.gif 
[09:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (sonic) test
[09:35] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf recharge
[09:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel recharging Sonic should be the one for PvZ plants
[09:36] <IMCR8Z> Speaking of Dandelion, I thought the Dandelion in Garden Warfare 2 would be the plant equivalent of the Berserkers/Blitzers: A high health Ops-only enemy that charges at zombies.
[09:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Knuckles) like this
[09:36] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well idk wat Berserkers/Blitzers do
[09:37] <IMCR8Z> Berserkers are black-armored and un-armed All-Star Zombies. In 
[09:37] <IMCR8Z> In GW2 they're called Blitzers
[09:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hm id like to be one
[09:37] <Pumpkin Skelhead> thinking how i make that
[09:38] <IMCR8Z> They're non-playable enemies that only appear in Garden Ops, usually during boss waves and they even have their own special wave.
[09:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> hm
[09:38] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i never see one
[09:38] <IMCR8Z> Try a harder difficulty
[09:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well its on my normal PC and it exploded
[09:39] <Pumpkin Skelhead> and takes 1 entire day to install
[09:40] <IMCR8Z> Screw it, here's an image of one:
[09:40] <Dogecoin> cute enemies!
[09:41] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[09:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[09:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel
[09:41] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[09:41] <Dogecoin> hi
[09:41] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (Gigafootball) reappears again
[09:42] <IMCR8Z> But I think GW2 should have an All-Star variant based on the Blitzer called "Quarterback Star". He still has the Football Cannon though.
[09:43] <Dogecoin> reinforced footbalsl machine gun?
[09:43] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[09:43] <Dogecoin> or +hp and -speed
[09:44] <IMCR8Z> @Doge: Both
[09:45] <Dogecoin> we need a new sport for all star
[09:45] <Dogecoin> hmm
[09:45] <Dogecoin> basket?
[09:45] <Snapdragon717> Soccer.
[09:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> SOCCER
[09:46] <CitronFire3> Is there a Soccer Star in GW?
[09:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> that woulb be so BR
[09:46] <Snapdragon717> Kickball (troll) 
[09:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lel
[09:46] <IMCR8Z> I want some kind of fictional sport invented by the zombies in GW2 for an All-Star variant
[09:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[09:46] <Snapdragon717> Zomball.
[09:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Kickyourballs
[09:46] <CitronFire3> O
[09:46] <CitronFire3> my
[09:47] <CitronFire3> no
[09:47] <Pumpkin Skelhead> (wat) 
[09:48] <IMCR8Z> Or, seeing as how EA owns the publishing rights to Star Wars games now, why not a Podrace-Star variant?
[09:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> idk
[09:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> imagine
[09:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> a Star Wars PvZ xD
[09:50] <IMCR8Z> Yes please
[09:51] <IMCR8Z> IMPerial Officer with AT-ZT mech
[09:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i never watched Star Wars
[09:53] <IMCR8Z> k
[09:53] <Snapdragon717> brb dinner
[09:55] <PVZBronyGod> hey
[09:56] <PVZBronyGod> ??
[09:56] <Brainulator9> hilo
[09:57] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[09:57] <IMCR8Z> Nao waT?
[09:57] <PVZBronyGod> idk
[09:59] <PVZBronyGod> Back
[09:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[09:59] <Pumpkin Skelhead> not big suprise
[10:00] <PVZBronyGod>
[10:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm staying home today, I have fever! :D 
[10:01] <Starfruity> Sickness is bad for your soul
[10:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> I want to stay home...
[10:01] <Brainulator9> Oh please, MGC has no soul.
[10:01] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ha, that SpongeBob reference.
[10:02] <Brainulator9> yup
[10:02] <Brainulator9> I have school off today.
[10:02] <Brainulator9> And tomorrow.
[10:02] <Brainulator9> And Friday/
[10:02] <Brainulator9> And Monday.
[10:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> But then again, sickness only makes me happy at times because I get freedom from school.
[10:02] <Brainulator9> Because snow.
[10:02] <Dogecoin> is (hurrikale) useful for MD?
[10:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ah, I see.
[10:02] <PVZBronyGod> What? 
[10:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ playing and seeing videos
[10:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Tomorrow's the distribution of cards and hopefully I get nothing line of 7.
[10:03] <Brainulator9> @dogecoin, of course!
[10:03] <PVZBronyGod> how did you summon demonic backgroun d
[10:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> My PE teacher never even calls me for crap.
[10:03] <Brainulator9> type slashannounce (text)
[10:03] <Brainulator9> replace slash with /
[10:03] <Brainulator9> so /announce
[10:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Except it's only for chat mods and above, I guess.
[10:03] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat m80s? (arr) 
[10:04] <Brainulator9> I haven't czeched.
[10:04] <PVZBronyGod> /announce DIE ALL BRONY HATERS
[10:04] <IMCR8Z> /announce just making sure only chat mods and higher can use it
[10:04] <PVZBronyGod> Dang
[10:04] <Brainulator9> confirmed
[10:04] <Brainulator9> :3
[10:04] <Starfruity> It even has your background thingy
[10:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep.
[10:05] <PVZBronyGod> illuminati
[10:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well
[10:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> theres some gays on the world
[10:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> there are called
[10:06] <PVZBronyGod> holy shit they're making Inside Out 2
[10:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm still waiting for Bigley's Revenge to come back to see how the criticisms go.
[10:06] <PVZBronyGod> Disney is starting to go into stuff that is inappropriate for kids
[10:06] <Brainulator9> @PVZBRonyGod, unconfirmed.
[10:06] <Dogecoin> why?
[10:07] <Dogecoin> do you even proof?
[10:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Cspojft(see with the letter before the letter on this "word")
[10:07] <PVZBronyGod>
[10:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> like C=B
[10:07] <IMCR8Z> @PVZ: That's a parody tho
[10:07] <PVZBronyGod> No
[10:07] <Brainulator9> Bronies
[10:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> some people need die, they are Cspojft
[10:08] <Brainulator9> So you're saying that bronies are gay?
[10:08] <Brainulator9> And they need to die?
[10:08] <PVZBronyGod> OMG i had no idea
[10:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well offense of announce
[10:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> afk dinner
[10:08] <Brainulator9> Also, PVZBronyGod , that trailer is fake.
[10:08] <PVZBronyGod> I just realized that
[10:08] <Brainulator9> It's clearly non-serious.
[10:09] <Brainulator9> I doubt you're THAT gullible.
[10:09] <PVZBronyGod> @Pumpkin not all bronies are gay
[10:09] <Dogecoin> its a ytpoop
[10:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> The president of Pixar pretty much said that there's no plans yet.
[10:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> Mom's forcing me to eat pandesal for breakfast... :( 
[10:10] <PVZBronyGod> meh
[10:10] <Dogecoin> its breakfest
[10:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> She always wants me to eat a lot for breakfast.
[10:10] <Cavia porcellus> Sorry, had to refresh.
[10:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> And yet I only eat one piece of food because I fall asleep at the table.
[10:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> No problem.
[10:11] <PVZBronyGod>
[10:12] <Brainulator9> hilo
[10:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> When will the next thread for the demotion list happen? I'm still curious about it.
[10:12] <PVZBronyGod> Command block!
[10:12] <Brainulator9> hilo
[10:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey.
[10:12] <VGKing1> who else here hates when ankylosaurus appears in la brainsa tarpits and tries to charm ankylosaurus as soon as possible?
[10:12] <Brainulator9> Me
[10:13] <VGKing1> an-kylo ren-saurus
[10:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> back
[10:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i do not hate
[10:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i hate it today
[10:13] <VGKing1> because hes cute?
[10:13] <Cavia porcellus> Ankylosaurus is also non-responsive to charming at certain points in its animation.
[10:13] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[10:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> is cuz now its a horse
[10:13] <Mage General Chrysalis> Mom says that I should go to school if anything important is happening today at school, when after hours my symptoms of fever comes back!
[10:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[10:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> Plus, nothing special is going to happen today.
[10:14] <VGKing1> honestly i prefer t rex over ankylosaurus because zombies can be slowed down with (cold snapdragon) 
[10:14] <PVZBronyGod> WTF
[10:15] <Cavia porcellus> Wet Dreamland confirmed for 12th world (oh) 
[10:15] <Cavia porcellus> Contains "dream plants" and "wet zombies"
[10:15] <IMCR8Z> @VG: [An-kylo ren-saurus starts smashing up the zombie side of the lawn]
[10:15] <PVZBronyGod> I doubt that
[10:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> PvZ2 pass right after PvZ1 right? If yes, we are going to kill everything again?
[10:16] <Brainulator9> I have proof of what Cavia said.
[10:16] <Brainulator9>
[10:16] <Cavia porcellus> Ankylosaurus and raptor bang zombies in their ass.
[10:16] <PVZBronyGod> I dont believe you
[10:16] <Brainulator9> RAPtor kicks zombies.
[10:17] <Brainulator9> So does (breakdancer) during the RAP jam.
[10:17] <Cavia porcellus> Coinkyink?
[10:17] <Brainulator9> Also, (raptor) says "whoa" all the time.
[10:17] <Cavia porcellus> I think NOT.
[10:17] <Brainulator9> Kind of like Christina Aguilera
[10:17] <PVZBronyGod> You lie
[10:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> DREAMLAND?
[10:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol
[10:18] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Ad by: Dreamworks
[10:18] <IMCR8Z> (zombie bull) (breakdancer zombie) (breakdancer zombie) (raptor) Hi, I'm Zombie Bull Rider and welcome to Jackass!
[10:18] <Cavia porcellus> Wet Dreamland will have π Jalapenos of difficulty.
[10:19] <PVZBronyGod> Shad ap
[10:19] <Cavia porcellus> *shut up
[10:20] <Cavia porcellus> Why not shut down?
[10:20] <Cavia porcellus> Or open up?
[10:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> will have what of dificulty?
[10:20] <Snapdragon717> Back
[10:20] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[10:21] <PVZBronyGod> BE QUIET LIAR
[10:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Wet Dreamland will pass on what time
[10:21] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WTF
[10:23] <PVZBronyGod> ok
[10:23] <Ballistic Planet> fucking
[10:23] <Ballistic Planet> 155 turn poekmon battle
[10:24] <Ballistic Planet> are you kidding me
[10:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> '-'
[10:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i will play som Pokemon Sapphire later
[10:24] <Snapdragon717> [[File:NMT concepts.jpg]] The top picture shows the Garg might have acted like Disco Zombie, spawning backup dancers (maybe, might be basic zombie drafts). Also, I like how Boombox could
[10:24] <Snapdragon717> Well dang it
[10:24] <Snapdragon717> I pressed enter mid sentence
[10:25] <Snapdragon717> Anyway, Boombox might of held the boombox differently, thus giving it new animations. But then they thought, "Hey! Let's save animation and make him hold it like Turquoise Skull!"
[10:26] <HDMaster> I hear a user's been talking crap about me
[10:26] <Pumpkin Skelhead> will be Zomboss G.A.Y?
[10:27] <Pumpkin Skelhead>
[10:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> Back from breakfast.
[10:30] <PVZBronyGod> bored
[10:31] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[10:31] <HDMaster> Has a user been talking crap about me?
[10:32] <Snapdragon717> Board
[10:32] <Snapdragon717> Also, I have no idea @HDMaster
[10:33] <HDMaster> I was told that someone was...
[10:33] <HDMaster> Someone named Narckson?
[10:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well idk but
[10:33] <Pumpkin Skelhead> KILL IT
[10:34] <Snapdragon717> Try searching the user.
[10:37] <IMCR8Z> ded
[10:39] <Cavia porcellus> BrownieGod left.
[10:41] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[10:44] <Snapdragon717> Population:12 (now)
[10:46] <Snapdragon717> Make that 11
[10:46] <Itsleo20> Hello!
[10:46] <Snapdragon717> Never mind
[10:46] <ErnestoAM> hi
[10:46] <Snapdragon717> Back to 12!
[10:46] <Itsleo20> MACH PWNCH
[10:49] <VGKing1> Wait. A Dreamland?
[10:49] <VGKing1> 
[10:49] <VGKing1> Dreamland... Kirby's Dreamland?
[10:50] <Brainulator9> hilo
[10:50] <ErnestoAM> (jackfruitblockingtunnel) 
[10:50] <VGKing1> BUL9 is it true?
[10:51] <VGKing1> This Dreamland world? I'm not to sure but the fact that there's Lost City might make it truw.
[10:51] <Itsleo20> Dreamland?
[10:51] <Itsleo20> : O
[10:51] <Brainulator9> no
[10:52] <VGKing1> Wait BUL9 is it true?
[10:52] <VGKing1> Is the Dreamland world real?
[10:52] <Brainulator9> No, I said
[10:52] <VGKing1> Oh. Someone edited the code?
[10:52] <Brainulator9> I did.
[10:52] <Brainulator9> It's fake.
[10:52] <VGKing1> Oh.
[10:53] <ErnestoAM> You can easily fake that.
[10:53] <Cavia porcellus> Bad timing
[10:54] <Itsleo20> D:
[10:54] <Itsleo20> So is PvZ2 over?
[10:54] <Itsleo20> after Modern Day?
[10:54] <ErnestoAM> Who knows.
[10:54] <ErnestoAM> Maybe.
[10:54] <Itsleo20> I'd say probably
[10:55] <Itsleo20> So any news on Part 2?
[10:55] <Snapdragon717> Nope
[10:55] <Itsleo20> So many ded
[10:55] <Cavia porcellus> Didn't someone say Part 2 is in March?
[10:56] <Snapdragon717> So is there going to be a Valenbrainz update or what?
[10:56] <Itsleo20> How much money did we pay for coffins?
[10:56] <Itsleo20> :P 
[10:56] <Snapdragon717> 10000 coins, roughly 100000 zombucks
[10:56] <Itsleo20> How are we going to cover our expenses?!
[10:57] <Snapdragon717> We grind...
[10:57] <Itsleo20> Hell no..
[10:57] <Snapdragon717> Defeat Yetis
[10:57] <Cavia porcellus> The Valenbrainz update is the current update methinks.
[10:57] <ErnestoAM> btw
[10:57] <ErnestoAM> there are unused caskets in v2.4.1
[10:57] <Snapdragon717> Really?
[10:57] <ErnestoAM> We could use those
[10:57] <Itsleo20> Caskets for what?
[10:57] <Cavia porcellus> Idk if the lawn is in 4.4.
[10:57] <ErnestoAM> Dark Ages
[10:58] <ErnestoAM>
[10:58] <Itsleo20> Interesting
[10:58] <Snapdragon717> Hmmm... Shapes on the coffins...
[10:59] <Snapdragon717> Possibly an early Brain Buster idea?
[10:59] <ErnestoAM> Who knows.
[10:59] <Itsleo20> Like the camel one
[11:00] <Cavia porcellus> Holy fuck, whoever writes these English textbooks is retarded.
[11:00] <Snapdragon717> *are
[11:00] <Itsleo20> the irony
[11:01] <Itsleo20> also, retardation should not be use as an insult
[11:01] <Snapdragon717> Or as I like to call it, the "Iron E"
[11:01] <Snapdragon717> like Brownie is "Brown E"
[11:01] <Itsleo20> punz
[11:01] <IMCR8Z> @Snap: I think zombies would have been able to "teleport" between two caskets of the same symbol.
[11:01] <Brainulator9> how so? @cavias
[11:01] <Itsleo20> to reiterate, retardation should not be use as an insult
[11:02] <Itsleo20> used*
[11:02] <Cavia porcellus> I'm still going to use it.
[11:02] <Itsleo20> .-.
[11:02] <Itsleo20> as an insult?
[11:02] <Cavia porcellus> @B9, the examples are reaaally dumb
[11:02] <Snapdragon717> One time my biology teacher said he had a brownie in a little box, so a girl asked if she could have it. He agreed and when she opened it up, it was a Brown "E".
[11:02] <Brainulator9> like?
[11:02] <Itsleo20> Hey B9,
[11:03] <Itsleo20> wait
[11:03] <Itsleo20> lost train of thought
[11:03] <Cavia porcellus> Well, I can take a picture, but I'm lazy. There are just some really dumb situations that never happen IRL.
[11:03] <Itsleo20> but don't call it retarded
[11:03] <Snapdragon717> Like in math questions when people buy 80 watermelons
[11:03] <Starfruity> Mental retardation is no longer an official term
[11:03] <Itsleo20> Oh
[11:03] <Brainulator9> @cavia, just type them roughly
[11:03] <Itsleo20> @snapdragon
[11:04] <Starfruity> So we can use it as an insult all we want technically
[11:04] <Itsleo20> also when kangaroos need to arrange prime numbers
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> i'm
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> alive
[11:04] <Itsleo20> @Starfruity, okay then
[11:04] <Itsleo20> : O
[11:04] <Itsleo20> IT'S ALIVE
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> is it though
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> I improved my ninjask team btw
[11:04] <Snapdragon717> I was just about to type that @Itsleo
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> It's actually good now
[11:04] <Itsleo20> Okay
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> hop on showdown boi
[11:04] <Itsleo20> fite me me8
[11:05] <Ballistic Planet> ill fite u
[11:05] <Ballistic Planet> come at me
[11:05] <ErnestoAM> ItsLeo wins automatically
[11:05] <ErnestoAM> Primal Sunflower does no damage at all
[11:06] <Snapdragon717> But it can generate sun to plant reinforcements
[11:06] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[11:06] <Cavia porcellus> 'Retardation' literally means 'slowing down'.
[11:06] <ErnestoAM> Why do people use it as an insult.
[11:07] <Snapdragon717> "the world may never know..."
[11:08] <Itsleo20> I hate it when people use gay and autism as insults
[11:08] <ErnestoAM> Americans started it
[11:08] <Itsleo20> I know
[11:09] <Itsleo20> DAMN YOU AMERICA
[11:09] <IMCR8Z> @Itsleo20: Took the words outta my mouth with the "gay and autism as insults"
[11:09] <Cavia porcellus> I doubt they did. America didn't invent discrimination.
[11:09] <Snapdragon717>
[11:10] <ErnestoAM> Of course they didn't
[11:10] <ErnestoAM> It was the (dino) people
[11:10] <IMCR8Z> afk
[11:12] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:12] <Snapdragon717> (jurassic bully) (Troglobite) such an adaptation
[11:12] <Cavia porcellus> I think the USA is one of the less discriminatory places. Ironically, the more you give people equality, they only become worse.
[11:12] <Itsleo20> evolution
[11:12] <Itsleo20> @snap
[11:13] <Snapdragon717> Right
[11:13] <IMCR8Z> (swashbuckler zombie) Bla bla bla power something something something responsibility (relic hunter zombie) 
[11:13] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:14] <Itsleo20> Hi dere
[11:14] <FNAOHGOD> Yo, imcr8z , did you find a 1.7.0 apk?
[11:14] <IMCR8Z> Nope
[11:15] <Itsleo20> Are you a FNAF hater?
[11:15] <ErnestoAM> I already completed chinese LC.
[11:15] <Snapdragon717> (Turquoise Skull Zombie) - "I curse my great great great great relative with the uncanny feeling to hold somethin'" (Boombox Zombie) - "I want to hold this forever..."
[11:15] <ErnestoAM> The first on the wiki to do so.
[11:15] <ErnestoAM> :D 
[11:16] <FNAOHGOD> Lil bit.
[11:16] <FNAOHGOD> Ernesto, APK, or IOS?
[11:16] <ErnestoAM> (facepalm) 
[11:16] <IMCR8Z> @Snap: Now for one involving the muscular zombies.
[11:16] <ErnestoAM> It's iOS exclusive now.
[11:18] <Snapdragon717> (Octo Zombie) - "I want my relative to have a hobby like me..." (Arcade Zombie) - "Mom! Can I borrow some quarters?"
[11:19] <IMCR8Z> @Snap: Not good enough, need Jurassic Bully and Troglobite too
[11:21] <Snapdragon717> (Jurassic Bully) - "My great great great great... urm... ancestor better have somethin better to do with his/her life! Wait, what did I say?" (Troglobite) - "Man,I love pushing stuff, but I hope my great great great great... whatever, has a better hobby..."
[11:22] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[11:22] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[11:22] <IMCR8Z> afk
[11:23] <Birdpool> Hey Ballistic Planet 
[11:23] <Birdpool> Can I get some help please?
[11:24] <Lily8763cp> Sup
[11:24] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[11:24] <ErnestoAM> Who uses (rafflesia) anyways?
[11:25] <Lily8763cp> Nobody
[11:25] <Lily8763cp> Just a more expensive (carrotlauncher) 
[11:25] <Snapdragon717> Or (Sun Bean) 
[11:25] <Lily8763cp> Not that
[11:25] <Lily8763cp> The PvZO Carrot Launcher
[11:25] <Lily8763cp> but worse
[11:25] <ErnestoAM> Yeah
[11:25] <Birdpool> Peaople with (rafflesia) and no better plants.
[11:25] <Lily8763cp> The sun cost for that is justicfied
[11:25] <Lily8763cp> But Rafflesia's isn't
[11:25] <Birdpool> that's who.
[11:26] <Birdpool> Ballistic Planet 
[11:26] <Birdpool> ...
[11:26] <Birdpool> |:
[11:26] <Lily8763cp> Get me bored with a set of comic pages and this will happen --->
[11:26] <Lily8763cp> I had to :P 
[11:27] <Lily8763cp> Also Birdpool , BP is currently AFK
[11:27] <Lily8763cp> Just letting ya know :3
[11:27] <Birdpool> |:
[11:27] <Birdpool> I know
[11:27] <ErnestoAM> Jackfruit is a defensive plant when stuck on the tunnel.
[11:27] <Birdpool> Why do you think I keep pinging him?
[11:27] <ErnestoAM> (jackfruitblockingtunnel) 
[11:27] <Birdpool> (ping) :3
[11:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ah, my head kinda hurts a bit.
[11:27] <Lily8763cp> Seriously? :P 
[11:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> But it's worth it to be sick and stay away from school...
[11:28] <Lily8763cp> There's an emoticon for that?
[11:28] <Lily8763cp> Wow
[11:28] <Lily8763cp> The lag for the post
[11:28] <Lily8763cp> Made that sound so awkward
[11:28] <Lily8763cp> Hope your head gets better mage
[11:28] <Lily8763cp> :3
[11:28] <ErnestoAM> (lostguidezombie) (tunnelexit) <- (tunnelentrance) (lostguidezombie) 
[11:29] <Snapdragon717> Can other zombies use the steps
[11:29] <Lily8763cp> Sup insert
[11:29] <ErnestoAM> Yes
[11:29] <Lily8763cp> Yes @(snapdragon)
[11:29] <Mage General Chrysalis> I wanna stay at home for longer, and tomorrow's the distribution of report cards, but thanks.
[11:29] <Lily8763cp> Fail XD
[11:29] <ErnestoAM> Even Bug Zombies
[11:29] <Snapdragon717> Imagine that in the international version...
[11:29] <ErnestoAM> There is also a glitch in the tunnel
[11:29] <Lily8763cp> They just duck in I assume
[11:29] <Birdpool> Imagine ToB
[11:29] <Birdpool> &gt;:D 
[11:30] <Lily8763cp> and anyone else notice (tunnelentrace) is like the unused teleport graves?
[11:30] <ErnestoAM> When a tunnel disapears and the zombie is about to enter and does, it will stay invisible
[11:30] <ErnestoAM> disappears 
[11:30] <Snapdragon717> ToB is so easy with Primal Pea and Winter Melon
[11:30] <Lily8763cp> Spelt it wrong probably XD
[11:30] <Birdpool> @Lily
[11:30] <ErnestoAM> I totally said it wrong :/ 
[11:30] <Lily8763cp> (tunnelentrance) + (tent) = Chaos
[11:30] <Lily8763cp> No emote for the tents?
[11:30] <Lily8763cp> and yes Birdpool ?
[11:31] <ErnestoAM> nope
[11:31] <Birdpool> The teleport tombstones as reskined are more likely the portals
[11:31] <Birdpool> if that makes any sense
[11:31] <Birdpool> :T
[11:31] <ErnestoAM> When a zombie is about to enter a tunnel but disappears during when the zombie fades away to enter the other side, the zombie will stay faded until defeated.
[11:31] <Birdpool> The tunnels are more just movement than spawning
[11:32] <Lily8763cp> The teleport tombstones allowed any zombie that touched them to teleport (I think)
[11:32] <Birdpool> oh
[11:32] <ErnestoAM> No
[11:32] <Lily8763cp> Didn't fully read it though
[11:32] <Birdpool> I thought zombies would spawn from them like the prtals
[11:32] <Lily8763cp> Well, teleport to a further location
[11:32] <ErnestoAM> It makes zombies spawn from the gravestone instead of all the way on the back
[11:33] <Lily8763cp> Oh, my bad :P 
[11:33] <Lily8763cp> The [[Mr. Toxic]] bot's attack is apparently Toxic Pea Cannon
[11:33] <ErnestoAM> Like if there is a column of those gravestones on the 6th column, the zombies would start from there
[11:33] <Lily8763cp> So is it a plant robot in disguise? :P 
[11:34] <ErnestoAM> Dark Ages has the most unused stuff
[11:34] <Birdpool> so I was right
[11:34] <ErnestoAM> 8 unused DA plants
[11:34] <Lily8763cp> Like all them mushrooms
[11:34] <Lily8763cp> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> There's too many </span>
[11:34] <Birdpool> Portals are closer to the teleport tombstones than the tunnel
[11:34] <Starfruity> I'm still trying to solve the mystery of pre-1.7 Far Future
[11:34] <ErnestoAM> Evil-shroom Speed and Evil-shroom Toughness
[11:34] <Birdpool> WTF Evil-shroom lol
[11:34] <Birdpool> like
[11:34] <Lily8763cp> Why would the potions be called an evil-shroom?
[11:34] <Birdpool> them sounds tho
[11:34] <ErnestoAM> "Evil-shroom Speed is an unused plant which was simply a placeholder test for the orange evil potion. When eaten, it increases the speed of the zombie who ate it. Its cost was 50 sun, and had a sluggish recharge."
[11:34] <ErnestoAM> 
[11:34] <ErnestoAM> "Evil-shroom Toughness is an unused plant which was simply a placeholder test for the purple evil potion. When eaten, it increases the toughness of the zombie who ate it. Its cost was 50 sun, and had a sluggish recharge."
[11:35] <Lily8763cp> Were they originally going to be traitor mushrooms?
[11:35] <ErnestoAM> idk
[11:35] <Lily8763cp> Imagine a plant that only appeared in conyeveor belt levels
[11:35] <Lily8763cp> *conveyor* 
[11:35] <Snapdragon717> *Trying not to make a Star Wars traitor joke*
[11:35] <Lily8763cp> and would only harm the player.
[11:35] <Birdpool> maybe normal mushroom plants that had those abilities on the zombies when eaten?
[11:35] <Lily8763cp> But they'd eventually have to use them to make space for more plants?
[11:36] <Lily8763cp> That'd be evil >:)
[11:36] <ErnestoAM> and this
[11:36] <ErnestoAM> NonDarkPlantSlowCooldown is an unused gimmick which would double the recharge speed of plants except plants obtained in Dark Ages.
[11:36] <Lily8763cp> But they've done tons of other evil things too *cough* (octozombie) *cough* (wizardzombie) 
[11:36] <Lily8763cp> With only 5 plants given
[11:36] <Lily8763cp> Would (hypnoshroom) and (peanut) count?
[11:37] <Lily8763cp> As DA plants?
[11:38] <Brainulator9> yes
[11:38] <Brainulator9> wait... no?
[11:38] <Cavia porcellus> They weren't there then..
[11:38] <Brainulator9> I don't know.
[11:38] <Brainulator9> I don't think so.
[11:38] <Lily8763cp> That awkward silence though :P 
[11:38] <Brainulator9> But per Cavia
[11:39] <Cavia porcellus> DA was a lackluster, especially part 2.
[11:39] <Lily8763cp> I honestly feel like China cares more for PvZ2 than Popcap
[11:39] <Lily8763cp> Look how much stuff they added to the game.
[11:39] <Cavia porcellus> The slower cooldown wouldn't have been detrimental considering the old plants would've been good.
[11:39] <Lily8763cp> That isn't in PvZ2
[11:39] <Cavia porcellus> Low
[11:39] <Cavia porcellus> Quality
[11:39] <Cavia porcellus> Stuff
[11:39] <Birdpool> but look at how much of the Chinese content is PvZCC-esque
[11:39] <Lily8763cp> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> and (dandelion) is somewhat inspired by their dandelion </span>
[11:41] <Cavia porcellus> I'll say it: PvZ2 China is objectively bad. REALLY bad. In all parameters of quality.
[11:41] <Brainulator9> ^
[11:42] <Lily8763cp> Yes, they're getting kinda bad
[11:42] <Lily8763cp> (roseswordsman) (agave) Two worse (bonkchoy) clones
[11:42] <Cavia porcellus> They became bad with that god awful level system.
[11:42] <Lily8763cp> How do you make 2 Bonk Choy copies which are worse?
[11:42] <Cavia porcellus> I'm even willing to disregard the graphics and soun quality.
[11:42] <Cavia porcellus> *sound
[11:43] <Birdpool> lol
[11:43] <Cavia porcellus> Also, their original content is almost all bad. I don't want any plant that's exclusive to them.
[11:43] <Birdpool> Caviar, (yes, caviar) your profile pic makes all of your criticism hilarious
[11:43] <Birdpool> just look. :P 
[11:43] <Lily8763cp> Apparently (endurian) is a monthly special plant
[11:43] <Birdpool> WTF?!
[11:44] <Lily8763cp> And wasn't moved to Lost City when it was released
[11:44] <Lily8763cp> Out of all of them, why did they chose the worst one? &gt;_&lt; 
[11:44] <Snapdragon717> (rotobaga) was a monthly special, but moved it to Castle in the Sky
[11:44] <Lily8763cp> At least they moved it to a world that made (slightly) more sense
[11:45] <ErnestoAM> Agave's PF is awesome with costume
[11:45] <Cavia porcellus> Yes, my avatar was exclusively chosen for bitching. It's what I'm good at.
[11:46] <Lily8763cp> Lawl :P 
[11:47] <Lily8763cp> But PvZO is worse
[11:47] <ErnestoAM> Red Stinger's PF costume is just a double beam
[11:47] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hey, is the t-rex supposed to make tail waging sounds in pvz2?
[11:47] <Lily8763cp> 2 Peashooter clones in the same world
[11:48] <Lily8763cp> Why T_T
[11:48] <Snapdragon717> PvZO is just Peashooter Clones vs. Zombies onPC
[11:49] <Fairy27> Hi to all~
[11:49] <Lily8763cp> Sup
[11:49] <ErnestoAM> (ganoderma) 
[11:49] <Birdpool> I am never away
[11:50] <Lily8763cp> (digestmushroom) 
[11:50] <Fairy27> I'll play today's PP now.
[11:50] <Lily8763cp> What's it called now Nitration Mushroom?
[11:50] <ErnestoAM> or that really long name that was given to him
[11:51] <ErnestoAM> Okay
[11:51] <ErnestoAM> So
[11:51] <Snapdragon717> saltpepperconvertmushroom or something
[11:51] <ErnestoAM> Let's think of the worst translation for (chestnut) 
[11:51] <Lily8763cp> Gangster Bush
[11:51] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Oh gosh, I got FNaF World!
[11:51] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> And I didn't have to pay.
[11:52] <Lily8763cp> Or whatever the one guy renamed it to once
[11:52] <Snapdragon717> Spiky Bush 
[11:52] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> Neither did I have to... pirate it-up.
[11:52] <ThatGuyThatHasCaspa> e_e
[11:52] <ErnestoAM> Just because it did something gangster-like
[11:52] <ErnestoAM> (facepalm) s to him