Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/27 June 2015

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[11:30] <Lolwutburger> I'm going to look for cheap used PS4s now.
[11:31] <Brainulator9> Anyone here know the Titenic?
[11:32] <Starfruity> [[File:Screenshot 2015-06-26-02-17-45.png]] That is the weakest looking Zomboss shrine I've ever seen
[11:32] <Brainulator9> @Starfruity, IKR?
[11:32] <Starfruity> That even beats AE for the smallest one yet
[11:33] <RetroBowser> I remember the pre zomboss days
[11:33] <RetroBowser> when the zomboss podium used to be a giant zombie sphinx
[11:34] <Starfruity> We do not speak of those times
[11:34] <Reapeageddon> Don't forget the EZ shirne
[11:35] <RetroBowser> waiting for lost city part 2
[11:35] <Starfruity> I see someone managed to unpack the OBB
[11:35] <RetroBowser> cuz those trap levels are gonna be my fav levels ever
[11:36] <Cavia porcellus> Well this thing froze
[11:36] <Brainulator9> @Starfruity, they didn't. 1Zulu extracted the files.
[11:36] <UI Gaming> starfruity faked ZeroLand2380360ininchee q q 
[11:36] <RetroBowser> why did they decide to fuck up gold leaf anyways
[11:36] <RetroBowser> world exclusive, slow recharge
[11:37] <RetroBowser> YEA Like saving 1 space totally deserves a slow recharge
[11:37] <RetroBowser> especially when I'm going to plant it where my sunflowers go anyways
[11:37] <RetroBowser> considering imp porters
[11:37] <Cavia porcellus> The Zomboss podium is smaller, but the players house has been getting bigger since bwb
[11:37] <Starfruity> So I guess I was wrong about Day 8 being an exclusive Brain Buster...
[11:37] <RetroBowser> FBC should have had shooting gallery as the brain buster
[11:38] <RetroBowser> tons of slider tiles bringing them sideways across the lawn
[11:38] <RetroBowser> and then they walk down and slide all the way back to the other
[11:38] <Brainulator9> Brainulator Buster
[11:38] <Cavia porcellus> Gold leaf doesnt have a slow recharge
[11:38] <Brainulator9> It has a...
[11:38] <RetroBowser> you get limited amount of sun and magnifying grass in the 3 middle rows
[11:38] <Brainulator9> Slowgish recharge
[11:38] <RetroBowser> BOOM i just thought up a good brain buster
[11:38] <Starfruity> Both player houses and Zomboss shrines have been growing by world until Big Wave Beach when the Zomboss shrines started shrinking
[11:39] <RetroBowser> And I can't believe they didnt give FBC one
[11:39] <Cavia porcellus> World icons dont fit since bwb theyre too wide
[11:39] <Starfruity> Dark Ages has the biggest Zomboss shrine and Lost City has the biggest house
[11:40] <RetroBowser> anyone realize that toadstool is obviously superior to chomper
[11:40] <Brainulator9> No.
[11:40] <RetroBowser> seriously, a 50 sun increase in cost and it becomes 10x better in every other aspect other than chewing time
[11:40] <Brainulator9> (Toadstool) is actually kind of the same quality.
[11:40] <Cavia porcellus> Actually, Gold Leaf was a horrible idea to begin with but whatever
[11:40] <Starfruity> Nope, hadn't noticed that on the slightest
[11:41] <Starfruity> Gold Leaf's transformation is so boring
[11:41] <Starfruity> It glows and suddenly Gold Tile
[11:41] <RetroBowser> I thought he was gonna float to the ground and then melt
[11:41] <Cavia porcellus> Gold Tiles are terribly boring
[11:41] <Starfruity> I thought he would fall on his face and cover the tile, then glow and the Tile would appear
[11:42] <RetroBowser> well im still waiting on part 2
[11:42] <RetroBowser> I mainly want the endless zone
[11:42] <RetroBowser> >.>
[11:42] <Cavia porcellus> Trap tiles are interesting, but they would be annoying in all levels as they would be tedious and would replace plants
[11:43] <Starfruity> Good thing it's a Brain Buster
[11:44] <Cavia porcellus> One of the levels can be beaten using only trap tilrd
[11:44] <Starfruity> NO SPOILERS
[11:44] <Brainulator9> Brain Over Me - PitBUL9 feat. Cleopatrae
[11:44] <Brainulator9> hilo TGN
[11:44] <TheGreenNapalm> hi
[11:44] <Cavia porcellus> How is that a spoiler in any way
[11:45] <Cavia porcellus> And I thought you knew everything since you are openly discussing part two
[11:45] <Starfruity> I stopped going to the thread
[11:46] <Starfruity> I do that when the soft release releases softly
[11:46] <Birdpool> ...?
[11:46] <Brainulator9> Me when a PvZ2 trailer comes out:
[11:47] <Birdpool> WTF LOLOLOL lmao 
[11:47] <Brainulator9> I made a blog about how (Guacodile) should heat plants in Frostbite Caves.
[11:47] <TheGreenNapalm> sup
[11:47] <Brainulator9> [[User blog:Brainulator9/Guacodile and Pitbull]]
[11:48] <Cavia porcellus> Not me
[11:49] <Cavia porcellus> I'm like... yeah where is the dev diarrhea?
[11:50] <Brainulator9> Why are they called Dev Diaries anyway? They should be called sneak peeks.
[11:50] <Cavia porcellus> Well
[11:51] <Cavia porcellus> DA part one and FC part one had unfinished content
[11:51] <Cavia porcellus> Still in development
[11:52] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Bwb part 1 has few unused unfinished levels.
[11:53] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Most of the unused levels in bwb part 1 crash the game.
[11:53] <Pinkgirl234> Did mah user friends miss me? :3
[11:53] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[11:53] <Pinkgirl234> Hello
[11:55] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs Brainulator9 on his shell and greets him "Hi!"
[11:55] <Pinkgirl234> :D 
[11:55] <Birdpool> what?
[11:55] <Pinkgirl234> *shrug*
[11:56] <Birdpool> ...
[11:56] <Brainulator9> hilo
[11:57] <Birdpool> hilo
[11:57] <Pinkgirl234> How are things lately here?
[11:58] <Brainulator9> well
[12:00] <Charmande red321> hi
[12:00] <Brainulator9> hilo Charmande Guarmande and HMC 
[12:08] <HeavenlyMildCone> I'm not a Jew, and I'm certainely NOT a Nazi
[12:08] <HeavenlyMildCone> My dad is a bigot, tho
[12:08] <HeavenlyMildCone> :P 
[12:09] <Pinkgirl234> So where the any other users promoted to staff so far
[12:09] <HeavenlyMildCone> Lily
[12:09] <Pinkgirl234> Because I was off the internet for a certain amount of days
[12:09] <Pinkgirl234> Wait. Lily who?
[12:10] <HeavenlyMildCone> Lily8763cp
[12:10] <HeavenlyMildCone> And Human Centipede 3 confirmed
[12:10] <HeavenlyMildCone> 500 prisoners
[12:10] <Pinkgirl234> Hey ZOmbieNinja
[12:11] <HeavenlyMildCone> ZombieNinja.
[12:11] <Charmande red321> hi ZN
[12:11] <HeavenlyMildCone> Is (Spring bean) a cross dresser or transgender?
[12:11] <ZombieNinja723> hey everyone
[12:12] <ZombieNinja723> I haven
[12:12] <ZombieNinja723> *haven't
[12:12] <ZombieNinja723> been active lately because I play too much Minecraft
[12:12] <HeavenlyMildCone> Is (Rotobaga) a lesbian? :P 
[12:12] <Pinkgirl234> Anyway who likes rainbows?
[12:12] <Birdpool> Not being american makes you a foreigner. >_<_<"> 
[12:12] <HeavenlyMildCone> all 50 state allow Gay marriage, now, so yes. 
[12:13] <Birdpool> OUI
[12:13] <HeavenlyMildCone> I'm straight, tho, and attracted to this gamer chick
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:13] <Charmande red321> great
[12:13] <HeavenlyMildCone> kk
[12:13] <Charmande red321> i was gonna announce it tho
[12:14] <Charmande red321> hi
[12:14] <Pinkgirl234> I heard that Pepsi once mentioned there was a Brainlessguy shipping
[12:14] <Pinkgirl234> Is that a rumor? :/ 
[12:14] <Pinkgirl234> Cuz idk
[12:14] <Charmande red321> *inb4 everyone ships*
[12:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Maybe.
[12:14] <ZombieNinja723> lol I am hacking again
[12:14] <Insert Your Name Here> I am not into homoships
[12:14] <Charmande red321> if it's Brainy
[12:14] <Charmande red321> then it's a rumor
[12:15] <Pinkgirl234> Well almost everyone of use experience getting shipped
[12:15] <HeavenlyMildCone> LilyMidCone.......Heavenlycola45 XD
[12:15] <Pinkgirl234> And speaking of shipping, I got shipped in school! DX
[12:15] <Charmande red321> ooy
[12:15] <HeavenlyMildCone> You and whom :P 
[12:15] <Pinkgirl234> With a Korean Senior High school student
[12:15] <ZombieNinja723> I used a hack in Minecraft and got a lot of hate messages xD
[12:15] <Charmande red321> wat
[12:15] <Agent Andrew martins> Gentlemen.
[12:15] <Pinkgirl234> Who I only treat as a friend
[12:15] <HeavenlyMildCone> Are you a senior?
[12:15] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:16] <HeavenlyMildCone> I'm heading into Sophomore
[12:16] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">wait ships doesn't just mean love each other right?</span>
[12:16] <Pinkgirl234> No I am a Junior
[12:16] <Birdpool> HeavenlyMildCone 
[12:16] <Birdpool> So am I
[12:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Shipping is very simple.
[12:17] <HeavenlyMildCone> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Do you go to my school, Birdpool?</span>
[12:17] <Pinkgirl234> Hey Charm, our admin Psychobilly at the FNAF Wiki has not been around :/ 
[12:17] <Birdpool> Are you in the stupidest state of the US?
[12:17] <Agent Andrew martins> I don't think he can
[12:17] <Pinkgirl234> Things had changed quickly there
[12:17] <Birdpool> That would be Oklahoma
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> I am surprised I'm still out of this shipping mess.
[12:17] <Charmande red321> huh
[12:18] <Charmande red321> also
[12:18] <HeavenlyMildCone> I'm in California
[12:18] <Charmande red321>
[12:18] <Agent Andrew martins> What is it like to be a bird high up in the sky instead of a plane?
[12:18] <HeavenlyMildCone> How is Oklahoma the stupidest state?
[12:18] <Birdpool> Okay.
[12:18] <Birdpool> It's Oklahoma.
[12:18] <Charmande red321> Ohio
[12:18] <Charmande red321> ohayo
[12:18] <Birdpool> The people are religeonist Assholes.
[12:18] <Charmande red321> wb Reap 
[12:18] <Reapeageddon> yeah
[12:18] <Birdpool> It sucks here.
[12:18] <Agent Andrew martins> Purple Scotland is not a real country you are an English man with a dress!
[12:18] <Birdpool> ?
[12:18] <Charmande red321> ~ Andrew
[12:19] <Birdpool> Aaaaaaaanyway...
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Kilts are manly.
[12:19] <Reapeageddon> ihih
[12:19] <Charmande red321> skirts were supposed to be for men
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Well asian men used to wear robes.
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Too bad they weren't suited for mass murdering so we changed.
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Unless you're Altair.
[12:20] <Birdpool> High Heels were, too.
[12:20] <Agent Andrew martins> Asian is not a real country they are English people with address, and an astronaut helmet.
[12:20] <Charmande red321> pink is the main color for ♂s
[12:20] <Birdpool> females wore them to be masculine
[12:20] <Charmande red321> was
[12:20] <HeavenlyMildCone> In the Dark Ages, you're beheaded for being gay. 
[12:20] <Birdpool> then guys stopped wearing them.
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Good luck kicking someone with that.
[12:20] <Pinkgirl234> I heard that :P 
[12:20] <Charmande red321> no one should be gay back then
[12:20] <HeavenlyMildCone> Think about it. the church had absolute power in the Dark Ages, right?
[12:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Maybe
[12:21] <Charmande red321> i
[12:21] <Charmande red321> hi
[12:21] <Pinkgirl234> Wait do people think I am a feminist? :/ 
[12:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Well do you insult man for no reason?
[12:21] <Charmande red321> no
[12:21] <Agent Andrew martins> People no longer wear the suit of armor because of the creation of gunpowder UC armor was fine against arrows spears and swords but not against bullets so no one carried a gun back in the dark ages my friends.
[12:22] <Charmande red321> i dont think so
[12:22] <Insert Your Name Here> So you are not a feminist.
[12:22] <Pinkgirl234> I do not. I just like both genders to be equal and fair
[12:22] <HeavenlyMildCone> WAIt! Was Cabbge here? shit
[12:22] <Charmande red321> why
[12:22] <Agent Andrew martins> What's the matter you don't like him?
[12:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Today's 'radical' feminist ruined ppl's image of feminism
[12:22] <HeavenlyMildCone> I usually talk to him when he's here
[12:23] <HeavenlyMildCone> @Andrew
[12:23] <Charmande red321> mkay
[12:23] <HeavenlyMildCone> He's one of my best wikia friends.
[12:23] <Agent Andrew martins> Well why didn't you say so I should have learned of this long ago?!
[12:23] <Charmande red321> i wish for my irl friends to be in wikia
[12:23] <UI Gaming>
[12:23] <Charmande red321> nice 8bit
[12:23] <Pinkgirl234> @Charm Invite them to become Wikians then?
[12:23] <Charmande red321> nah
[12:24] <Charmande red321> they wont care
[12:24] <HeavenlyMildCone> That 8bit lokks like a Threepeater
[12:24] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[12:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Is that 2 peashooters?
[12:24] <HeavenlyMildCone> I'd invite this gamer chick I like to be here,
[12:24] <Birdpool> can you send me the assets for the 8-bit art you're doing?
[12:24] <UI Gaming> char its for pvz2 ds
[12:24] <Agent Andrew martins> Bird pool is a spy!
[12:24] <Charmande red321> ok
[12:24] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:24] <Charmande red321> no Birdpool is a pool that is bird
[12:25] <Birdpool> I am not.
[12:25] <Birdpool> It's Birdpool Agent Andrew martins.
[12:25] <Birdpool> It's my warrior name.
[12:25] <Birdpool> Spell it right.
[12:25] <Charmande red321> just in case if there's a flame war
[12:25] <Charmande red321>
[12:26] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:26] <HeavenlyMildCone> Can I get banned for saying beer on mainspace?
[12:26] <Charmande red321> <span style="color: transparent;"><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">first Helix fossils, then Mudkips now Praising Flying Slakoths?</span></span>
[12:26] <Pinkgirl234> Because I have have 12 year old friend who I am waiting to become a Wikian next month when she is finally 13
[12:27] <UI Gaming> first Helix fossils, then Mudkips now Praising Flying Slakoths?
[12:27] <Charmande red321> >really necessary to copypaste that
[12:27] <UI Gaming> yes
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> We don't need more pokemon god
[12:28] <Charmande red321> <span style="color: transparent;">read this without highlighting, you highlighted and copy pasted this didn't you</span>
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Dome4life
[12:28] <Charmande red321> hai AWB
[12:28] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[12:28] <Charmande red321>
[12:29] <HeavenlyMildCone> SPONGEBOB, YOU'RE FIRED!
[12:29] <HeavenlyMildCone> FUCK!
[12:29] <Birdpool> ...?
[12:29] <Birdpool> wtf
[12:30] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[12:30] <AWikiBoy521> wut
[12:32] <Charmande red321> while chat's dead
[12:32] <Charmande red321>
[12:32] <Brainulator9> baby got back
[12:33] <HeavenlyMildCone> Funny comic
[12:34] <HeavenlyMildCone> NOOOOOOOOOO :p 
[12:34] <Brainulator9> 50SoG is kind of like Plumbers Don't W[[electronic Arts|ea]]r Ties
[12:34] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">50 Nights of Freddy's</span>
[12:35] <Brainulator9> Fucking an f
[12:35] <Brainulator9> F'in' an f
[12:35] <Brainulator9> FNAF
[12:35] <Charmande red321> fe-naf
[12:35] <Charmande red321> fnaf
[12:35] <Charmande red321> furry nap
[12:36] <HeavenlyMildCone> Who ya gonna call?
[12:36] <Charmande red321> the phone
[12:36] <HeavenlyMildCone> (Grave Buster) s!
[12:36] <Charmande red321> needs more movie references
[12:37] <HeavenlyMildCone> The Lost City: Jurassic Imps
[12:37] <Birdpool> WTF Heavenly
[12:37] <Birdpool> that was a weird comic
[12:37] <Birdpool> why did I read the whole thing
[12:37] <Birdpool> wtf
[12:37] <HeavenlyMildCone> It's funny, tho
[12:37] <Birdpool> XD
[12:37] <Birdpool> that end tho
[12:37] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> nothing seems wrong here.
[12:38] <Charmande red321> the adventurers raided the pirates
[12:38] <Charmande red321> ya seems legit
[12:38] <Brainulator9> I want to play Pyramid of Doom in Pirate Seas - Day 22
[12:38] <UI Gaming> [[Thread:374093#6]] anyone
[12:38] <Brainulator9> 22! - Taylor Swift
[12:38] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[12:38] <Charmande red321> no DS pl0x
[12:39] <Charmande red321> 2DS naw
[12:39] <Birdpool> ...
[12:39] <HeavenlyMildCone> 3DS
[12:39] <Brainulator9> HDS
[12:39] <UI Gaming> best idea yet
[12:39] <Charmande red321> 3DS is too much eye-hurting for me
[12:39] <Brainulator9> CDS
[12:39] <UI Gaming> Pvz2 on DS
[12:39] <UI Gaming> this will be great
[12:39] <Brainulator9> 2hurt4me @charlemagne
[12:39] <Charmande red321> tho it needs more pixels
[12:40] <Charmande red321> like Minecraft pixels
[12:40] <UI Gaming> if u have a ds emu
[12:40] <UI Gaming> i can give u it now
[12:40] <UI Gaming> i accept ideas
[12:40] <UI Gaming> anything
[12:41] <Charmande red321> DesMume ftw
[12:42] <Charmande red321> i plays too many pokemans
[12:43] <UI Gaming> if u can guess what this does ur a ledgend
[12:44] <Charmande red321> but i want to be myth
[12:44] <UI Gaming> ..
[12:45] <HeavenlyMildCone> Human Centipede 3 confirmed
[12:45] <UI Gaming> ...
[12:45] <Jimmy2004> Is dandelion obtainable every Easter?
[12:45] <HeavenlyMildCone> We won't know until next Easter
[12:46] <HeavenlyMildCone> Ted 2
[12:46] <HeavenlyMildCone> Stoopid movie
[12:46] <Jimmy2004> Hope that sap-fling will gemium one day
[12:46] <UI Gaming>
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> Dead Dead Chat....
[12:51] <UI Gaming> AWikiBoy
[12:51] <UI Gaming> likes....
[12:51] <UI Gaming> banana launchers that can take out a garg
[12:51] <AWikiBoy521> Well, if you have 3 or more....
[12:51] <AWikiBoy521> I think.
[12:52] <UI Gaming> what about a banana launcher that can 1 hit kill a garg
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> Nah, the Garg isn't in full health.
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> After all, the (bananalauncher) 's nds isn't enough to insta-kill a garg.
[12:59] <Brainulator9> What the fuck?
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Idk, flocks?
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Also, sup?
[12:59] <Brainulator9> If I dislike a comment on YT, it won't save it!
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Wat?
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> I'll check....
[01:00] <UI Gaming> this is something u could stare at
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> It doesn't show the dislike counter......
[01:01] <Brainulator9> How. Am. I. Supposed. To. Dislike. Bad. Comments?
[01:02] <Brainulator9> won't let me dislike homophobic comments.
[01:03] <Brainulator9> Love won. :D DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[01:03] <Brainulator9> Bilo/
[01:03] <Brainulator9> /o
[01:03] <Brainulator9> \o 
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> o/ 
[01:04] <CompliensCreator00> help I'm getting too powerful
[01:04] <RetroBowser> no
[01:05] <CompliensCreator00> I made a few plants....
[01:05] <CompliensCreator00> cost less sun to make the game balanced
[01:05] <CompliensCreator00> aside from Laser Bean
[01:05] <CompliensCreator00> he costs more now
[01:07] <PVZBronyGod> hello?
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:09] <RetroBowser> welp
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> I am surprised I'm still out of this shipping mess.
[12:17] <Charmande red321> huh
[12:18] <Charmande red321> also
[12:18] <HeavenlyMildCone> I'm in California
[12:18] <Charmande red321>
[12:18] <Agent Andrew martins> What is it like to be a bird high up in the sky instead of a plane?
[12:18] <HeavenlyMildCone> How is Oklahoma the stupidest state?
[12:18] <Birdpool> Okay.
[12:18] <Birdpool> It's Oklahoma.
[12:18] <Charmande red321> Ohio
[12:18] <Charmande red321> ohayo
[12:18] <Birdpool> The people are religeonist Assholes.
[12:18] <Charmande red321> wb Reap 
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Kilts are manly.
[12:19] <Reapeageddon> ihih
[12:19] <Charmande red321> skirts were supposed to be for men
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Well asian men used to wear robes.
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Too bad they weren't suited for mass murdering so we changed.
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Unless you're Altair.
[12:20] <Birdpool> High Heels were, too.
[12:20] <Agent Andrew martins> Asian is not a real country they are English people with address, and an astronaut helmet.
[12:20] <Charmande red321> pink is the main color for ♂s
[12:20] <Birdpool> females wore them to be masculine
[12:20] <Charmande red321> was
[12:20] <HeavenlyMildCone> In the Dark Ages, you're beheaded for being gay. 
[12:20] <Birdpool> then guys stopped wearing them.
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Good luck kicking someone with that.
[12:20] <Pinkgirl234> I heard that :P 
[12:20] <Charmande red321> no one should be gay back then
[12:20] <HeavenlyMildCone> Think about it. the church had absolute power in the Dark Ages, right?
[12:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Maybe
[12:21] <Charmande red321> i
[12:21] <Charmande red321> hi
[12:21] <Pinkgirl234> Wait do people think I am a feminist? :/ 
[12:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Well do you insult man for no reason?
[12:21] <Charmande red321> no
[12:21] <Agent Andrew martins> People no longer wear the suit of armor because of the creation of gunpowder UC armor was fine against arrows spears and swords but not against bullets so no one carried a gun back in the dark ages my friends.
[12:22] <Charmande red321> i dont think so
[12:22] <Insert Your Name Here> So you are not a feminist.
[12:22] <Pinkgirl234> I do not. I just like both genders to be equal and fair
[12:22] <HeavenlyMildCone> WAIt! Was Cabbge here? shit
[12:22] <Charmande red321> why
[12:22] <Agent Andrew martins> What's the matter you don't like him?
[12:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Today's 'radical' feminist ruined ppl's image of feminism
[12:22] <HeavenlyMildCone> I usually talk to him when he's here
[12:23] <HeavenlyMildCone> @Andrew
[12:23] <Charmande red321> mkay
[12:23] <HeavenlyMildCone> He's one of my best wikia friends.
[12:23] <Agent Andrew martins> Well why didn't you say so I should have learned of this long ago?!
[12:23] <Charmande red321> i wish for my irl friends to be in wikia
[12:23] <UI Gaming>
[12:23] <Charmande red321> nice 8bit
[12:23] <Pinkgirl234> @Charm Invite them to become Wikians then?
[12:23] <Charmande red321> nah
[12:24] <Charmande red321> they wont care
[12:24] <HeavenlyMildCone> That 8bit lokks like a Threepeater
[12:24] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[12:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Is that 2 peashooters?
[12:24] <HeavenlyMildCone> I'd invite this gamer chick I like to be here,
[12:24] <Birdpool> can you send me the assets for the 8-bit art you're doing?
[12:24] <UI Gaming> char its for pvz2 ds
[12:24] <Agent Andrew martins> Bird pool is a spy!
[12:24] <Charmande red321> ok
[12:24] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:24] <Charmande red321> no Birdpool is a pool that is bird
[12:25] <Birdpool> I am not.
[12:25] <Birdpool> It's Birdpool Agent Andrew martins.
[12:25] <Birdpool> It's my warrior name.
[12:25] <Birdpool> Spell it right.
[12:25] <Charmande red321> just in case if there's a flame war
[12:25] <Charmande red321>
[12:26] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:26] <HeavenlyMildCone> Can I get banned for saying beer on mainspace?
[12:26] <Charmande red321> <span style="color: transparent;"><span style="text-decoration: line-through;">first Helix fossils, then Mudkips now Praising Flying Slakoths?</span></span>
[12:26] <Pinkgirl234> Because I have have 12 year old friend who I am waiting to become a Wikian next month when she is finally 13
[12:27] <UI Gaming> first Helix fossils, then Mudkips now Praising Flying Slakoths?
[12:27] <Charmande red321> >really necessary to copypaste that
[12:27] <UI Gaming> yes
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> We don't need more pokemon god
[12:28] <Charmande red321> <span style="color: transparent;">read this without highlighting, you highlighted and copy pasted this didn't you</span>
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Dome4life
[12:28] <Charmande red321> hai AWB
[12:28] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[12:28] <Charmande red321>
[12:29] <HeavenlyMildCone> SPONGEBOB, YOU'RE FIRED!
[12:29] <HeavenlyMildCone> FUCK!
[12:29] <Birdpool> ...?
[12:29] <Birdpool> wtf
[12:30] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[12:30] <AWikiBoy521> wut
[12:32] <Charmande red321> while chat's dead
[12:32] <Charmande red321>
[12:32] <Brainulator9> baby got back
[12:33] <HeavenlyMildCone> Funny comic
[12:34] <HeavenlyMildCone> NOOOOOOOOOO :p 
[12:34] <Brainulator9> 50SoG is kind of like Plumbers Don't W[[electronic Arts|ea]]r Ties
[12:34] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">50 Nights of Freddy's</span>
[12:35] <Brainulator9> Fucking an f
[12:35] <Brainulator9> F'in' an f
[12:35] <Brainulator9> FNAF
[12:35] <Charmande red321> fe-naf
[12:35] <Charmande red321> fnaf
[12:35] <Charmande red321> furry nap
[12:36] <HeavenlyMildCone> Who ya gonna call?
[12:36] <Charmande red321> the phone
[12:36] <HeavenlyMildCone> (Grave Buster) s!
[12:36] <Charmande red321> needs more movie references
[12:37] <HeavenlyMildCone> The Lost City: Jurassic Imps
[12:37] <Birdpool> WTF Heavenly
[12:37] <Birdpool> that was a weird comic
[12:37] <Birdpool> why did I read the whole thing
[12:37] <Birdpool> wtf
[12:37] <HeavenlyMildCone> It's funny, tho
[12:37] <Birdpool> XD
[12:37] <Birdpool> that end tho
[12:37] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> nothing seems wrong here.
[12:38] <Charmande red321> the adventurers raided the pirates
[12:38] <Charmande red321> ya seems legit
[12:38] <Brainulator9> I want to play Pyramid of Doom in Pirate Seas - Day 22
[12:38] <UI Gaming> [[Thread:374093#6]] anyone
[12:38] <Brainulator9> 22! - Taylor Swift
[12:38] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[12:38] <Charmande red321> no DS pl0x
[12:39] <Charmande red321> 2DS naw
[12:39] <Birdpool> ...
[12:39] <HeavenlyMildCone> 3DS
[12:39] <Brainulator9> HDS
[12:39] <UI Gaming> best idea yet
[12:39] <Charmande red321> 3DS is too much eye-hurting for me
[12:39] <Brainulator9> CDS
[12:39] <UI Gaming> Pvz2 on DS
[12:39] <UI Gaming> this will be great
[12:39] <Brainulator9> 2hurt4me @charlemagne
[12:39] <Charmande red321> tho it needs more pixels
[12:40] <Charmande red321> like Minecraft pixels
[12:40] <UI Gaming> if u have a ds emu
[12:40] <UI Gaming> i can give u it now
[12:40] <UI Gaming> i accept ideas
[12:40] <UI Gaming> anything
[12:41] <Charmande red321> DesMume ftw
[12:42] <Charmande red321> i plays too many pokemans
[12:43] <UI Gaming> if u can guess what this does ur a ledgend
[12:44] <Charmande red321> but i want to be myth
[12:44] <UI Gaming> ..
[12:45] <HeavenlyMildCone> Human Centipede 3 confirmed
[12:45] <UI Gaming> ...
[12:45] <Jimmy2004> Is dandelion obtainable every Easter?
[12:45] <HeavenlyMildCone> We won't know until next Easter
[12:46] <HeavenlyMildCone> Ted 2
[12:46] <HeavenlyMildCone> Stoopid movie
[12:46] <Jimmy2004> Hope that sap-fling will gemium one day
[12:46] <UI Gaming>
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> Dead Dead Chat....
[12:51] <UI Gaming> AWikiBoy
[12:51] <UI Gaming> likes....
[12:51] <UI Gaming> banana launchers that can take out a garg
[12:51] <AWikiBoy521> Well, if you have 3 or more....
[12:51] <AWikiBoy521> I think.
[12:52] <UI Gaming> what about a banana launcher that can 1 hit kill a garg
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> Nah, the Garg isn't in full health.
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> After all, the (bananalauncher) 's nds isn't enough to insta-kill a garg.
[12:59] <Brainulator9> What the fuck?
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Idk, flocks?
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Also, sup?
[12:59] <Brainulator9> If I dislike a comment on YT, it won't save it!
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Wat?
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> I'll check....
[01:00] <UI Gaming> this is something u could stare at
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> It doesn't show the dislike counter......
[01:01] <Brainulator9> How. Am. I. Supposed. To. Dislike. Bad. Comments?
[01:02] <Brainulator9> won't let me dislike homophobic comments.
[01:03] <Brainulator9> Love won. :D DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
[01:03] <Brainulator9> Bilo/
[01:03] <Brainulator9> /o
[01:03] <Brainulator9> \o 
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[01:03] <AWikiBoy521> o/ 
[01:04] <CompliensCreator00> help I'm getting too powerful
[01:04] <RetroBowser> no
[01:05] <CompliensCreator00> I made a few plants....
[01:05] <CompliensCreator00> cost less sun to make the game balanced
[01:05] <CompliensCreator00> aside from Laser Bean
[01:05] <CompliensCreator00> he costs more now
[01:07] <PVZBronyGod> hello?
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:09] <RetroBowser> welp
[01:13] <UI Gaming> hello brony
[01:13] <UI Gaming> god
[01:13] <UI Gaming> PVZBronyGod PM
[01:13] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:14] <1Zulu> more fun with hacking [[File:Pinkps poc.png]]
[01:15] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[01:15] <UI Gaming> corn
[01:15] <1Zulu> why is there a blue banana?
[01:15] <UI Gaming> ice banana
[01:16] <UI Gaming> it freezes zombies like iceberg lettuce in 1x3 area and does 10 damage
[01:16] <1Zulu> lol
[01:16] <UI Gaming> and freeze lasts long time
[01:16] <UI Gaming> 2x 
[01:16] <UI Gaming> and you can also see fire banana
[01:17] <UI Gaming>
[01:17] <UI Gaming> Fire Banana = Insta Kill Garg
[01:17] <UI Gaming> explosion 3x3
[01:18] <UI Gaming> around the 3x3 area is 30 damage but in the middle square of 3x3 is 200 damage
[01:13] <UI Gaming> hello brony
[01:13] <UI Gaming> god
[01:13] <UI Gaming> PVZBronyGod PM
[01:13] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:14] <1Zulu> more fun with hacking [[File:Pinkps poc.png]]
[01:15] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[01:15] <UI Gaming> corn
[01:15] <1Zulu> why is there a blue banana?
[01:15] <UI Gaming> ice banana
[01:16] <UI Gaming> it freezes zombies like iceberg lettuce in 1x3 area and does 10 damage
[01:16] <1Zulu> lol
[01:16] <UI Gaming> and freeze lasts long time
[01:16] <UI Gaming> 2x 
[01:16] <UI Gaming> and you can also see fire banana
[01:17] <UI Gaming>
[01:17] <UI Gaming> Fire Banana = Insta Kill Garg
[01:17] <UI Gaming> explosion 3x3
[01:18] <UI Gaming> around the 3x3 area is 30 damage but in the middle square of 3x3 is 200 damage
[01:18] <Birdpool> UI Gaming
[01:19] <UI Gaming> what
[01:20] <Birdpool> Can you send me the assets to the seed packets and other 8-bit stuff you're doing?
[01:20] <Birdpool> I want to see what I can do.
[01:20] <UI Gaming> sure
[01:20] <UI Gaming> but..
[01:20] <UI Gaming> why?
[01:20] <Birdpool> Put it this way:
[01:20] <Birdpool> I'm an imageholic with Photoshop.
[01:21] <Birdpool> Part of why I'm wwanting the Peashooter (all) assets in PvZ2. Maybe wioth it, I can reanimate my game...
[01:21] <Birdpool> *with
[01:21] <UI Gaming> so you want the retro things
[01:22] <Birdpool> all of them.
[01:23] <UI Gaming> why are u making a retro pvz game
[01:23] <UI Gaming>
[01:26] <Birdpool> The ones for my game? I was talking about the original PvZ2 ones :P 
[01:26] <Birdpool> I meant the assets.
[01:26] <UI Gaming> do u want me to make a sprite sheet
[01:26] <UI Gaming> of all the pvz2 textures
[01:26] <Birdpool> Like the seed packet BG, the plant image, the border of the seed packet, etc.
[01:27] <Birdpool> Sure. For the plants, then the zombies.
[01:27] <Birdpool> can you make them in sections? So I can identify them.
[01:27] <UI Gaming> ok
[01:28] <UI Gaming> im just sorting dis
[01:28] <UI Gaming> can u guess what dis does
[01:30] <Birdpool> Peas in two lanes?
[01:30] <UI Gaming> yes
[01:30] <UI Gaming> :D 
[01:31] <UI Gaming> it does not shoot in its own row
[01:31] <Birdpool> XP
[01:31] <Birdpool> that's...umm...
[01:32] <UI Gaming> its 200 sun tho
[01:32] <UI Gaming> so fare price
[01:33] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> my custom pinata doesnt get imp porters to set up camp *gold tiles are here* me:YES... *imp porter dies when it almost makes the tent* DAMNIT *facedesk's*
[01:33] <UI Gaming> hey advent
[01:34] <UI Gaming> things was sure in-tents
[01:35] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> no this was in-tents 
[01:36] <UI Gaming> i saw
[01:36] <Birdpool> WTF, dark ages?!?!!?!?!?!?
[01:37] <Insert Your Name Here> So the camps can spawn bucketheads
[01:39] <UI Gaming> 25 levels per world
[01:39] <UI Gaming> five plants
[01:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> and cones
[01:39] <UI Gaming> and imps
[01:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> no imps
[01:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> just basics
[01:39] <UI Gaming> it would be horrible if an importer came out of a tent xD
[01:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> and it was the worst level of my life
[01:40] <Insert Your Name Here> They could spawn peasants
[01:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Which could be promoted
[01:40] <Electromario2001> I'm watching a war between homophobes and supporters
[01:40] <Electromario2001> So fun
[01:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> they cant spawn any otheer zombie 
[01:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> other*
[01:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> you cant even change it
[01:41] <Insert Your Name Here> I know
[01:41] <Electromario2001> K gtg
[01:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "We can only use Lost City basics here because of the extra coming-out-of-tent animation..ZombieTypesToSpawn"
[01:41] <UI Gaming> i want a sun magnet in pvz2
[01:41] <UI Gaming> that would be amazing
[01:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Because tapping on sun is so hard.
[01:43] <UI Gaming> i say
[01:43] <UI Gaming> that gold tile in the middle tho
[01:43] <UI Gaming> useless... but tempting 
[01:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Why do I want a frozen banana
[01:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Frozen bananas are not edible
[01:44] <UI Gaming> xDD
[01:44] <UI Gaming> well they pack a chill
[01:44] <Birdpool> Can you UI Gaming send me also a sprite sheet for the 8-bit stuff?
[01:44] <UI Gaming> ok
[01:44] <Birdpool> Thanx!
[01:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Well the reason why frozen banana won't work is because most enemies can't take more than 2 shots
[01:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Gargs can only take 3
[01:45] <UI Gaming> i changed Ice Banana so it does no damage but in a 1x3 area, it will freeze zombies twice as long as iceberg lettuce
[01:46] <Birdpool> Is this a game you're making?
[01:46] <Birdpool> UI?
[01:46] <UI Gaming> yes for DS
[01:46] <Birdpool> Awwwww!
[01:46] <Birdpool> Can you make a pc version?
[01:46] <UI Gaming> ok :) 
[01:46] <UI Gaming> do u still want retro graphics
[01:46] <Birdpool> Thank! It looks really fun.
[01:46] <Birdpool> Yes.
[01:47] <Birdpool> and the PvZ2 graphics.
[01:47] <UI Gaming> best plants
[01:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> how are you making it for ds .-.
[01:47] <UI Gaming> bird pool you will be having fun when i release since.. well you can change game texture by going into files
[01:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> also: Okay then.
[01:48] <UI Gaming> if u have a ds emu
[01:48] <UI Gaming> u can play it on pc
[01:48] <Birdpool> :D 
[01:48] <Birdpool> don't have any
[01:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Like DeSuME
[01:49] <UI Gaming> yeah
[01:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i dont remember the name
[01:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> thats sorta what it was called
[01:49] <UI Gaming> im testing
[01:50] <UI Gaming> theres gonna only be 3 worlds in ds version
[01:51] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> thehandsomeplant PM
[01:51] <UI Gaming> k
[01:53] <UI Gaming> Advent i added something in my game for u
[01:53] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> and that is?
[01:54] <UI Gaming> sun tiles
[01:54] <UI Gaming> with an A
[01:54] <UI Gaming> shape
[01:54] <Birdpool> wat
[01:55] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> ...and whats the point of that?
[01:55] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 
[01:55] <Birdpool> IKR
[01:55] <UI Gaming> cause
[01:56] <UI Gaming> ok well if you dont want respect from your fans
[01:56] <UI Gaming> i guess...
[01:56] <UI Gaming> i add a P for plant
[01:57] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> or why dont you just make it like it normally was
[01:57] <UI Gaming> i like to add little things
[01:57] <UI Gaming> for people
[01:57] <UI Gaming>
[01:57] <Birdpool> :P 
[01:57] <UI Gaming> since im actually giving it to you first
[01:58] <Birdpool> Oh.
[01:58] <Birdpool> like that
[01:59] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> By!
[02:00] <Birdpool> bilo
[02:00] <Birdpool> y is no one here
[02:01] <Insert Your Name Here> Where was I again?
[02:02] <Birdpool> Frozen Banana
[02:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Right.
[02:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Frozen bananas can't freeze anything consistently because of its long cooldown.
[02:02] <Birdpool> CONTINUE
[02:03] <Birdpool> nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[02:03] <Insert Your Name Here> So ppl are finally decomposing the texture
[02:04] <Insert Your Name Here> We are slowly getting there I guess.
[02:05] <UI Gaming> Frozen Bananas
[02:05] <Birdpool> :P 
[02:06] <Birdpool> YUM BURGERS
[02:07] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:07] <UI Gaming> jesus... i made a gif of what the gold tile would look like in game
[02:07] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Will there be a gold leaf?
[02:09] <UI Gaming>
[02:09] <UI Gaming> yes
[02:09] <UI Gaming> gold leaf will be able to use in any world
[02:09] <Insert Your Name Here> If there is one, you should make an unique gold tile texture for tiles created by gold leaf.
[02:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Just to make it easier to differentiate
[02:09] <UI Gaming> ok
[02:10] <UI Gaming> im also adding Rock Leaf and Flame Leaf
[05:58] <AWikiBoy521> Me too
[05:58] <Lolwutburger> It's just blocks
[05:58] <Lolwutburger> No circles
[05:58] <Lolwutburger> No triangles
[05:58] <MysteryKing> FNAF sucks
[05:58] <Lolwutburger> No tetrahedrons
[05:58] <MysteryKing> And so does minecraft
[05:58] <AWikiBoy521> I'm neutral to both though.
[05:59] <Foxtail-alen-james> im not a foxtail
[05:59] <MysteryKing> Foxtail is 9 years old.
[05:59] <Foxtail-alen-james> ^ expect that 
[05:59] <Princess Kitty> Anyway guys
[05:59] <Princess Kitty> do you have Twiiter?
[05:59] <Reapeageddon> Hi!
[05:59] <Foxtail-alen-james> im a wolftail
[05:59] <Reapeageddon> I do! @PK
[05:59] <MysteryKing> Hi reap !
[05:59] <Lolwutburger> I think I have a twitter
[05:59] <Lolwutburger> Lemme check
[05:59] <MysteryKing> I detect underaged user.
[06:00] <Lolwutburger> It seems obvious who it is
[06:00] <AWikiBoy521> @PK
[06:00] <AWikiBoy521> nope
[06:00] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[06:00] <MysteryKing> I detect beep beepp...
[06:00] <Reapeageddon> How are you sure Foxtail is underaged?
[06:00] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hi
[06:00] <MysteryKing> PM.
[06:00] <MysteryKing> Photo proof you want?
[06:00] <ErnestoAM> Sure
[06:00] <Reapeageddon> Hey Foxtail, what is 58 x b?
[06:00] <MysteryKing> I'll upload it
[06:00] <AWikiBoy521> I know the answer......
[06:00] <Lolwutburger> But just in case you see a Jimmy Johnson on Twitter, that's probably me using a fake name
[07:58] <Pengu61151> Now this [[Thread:374485]]
[07:58] <Pengu61151> hi wintah see this [[Thread:374485]]
[07:58] <Pengu61151> hi mk see this [[Thread:374485]]
[07:58] <WintahMhelon18> ok
[07:59] <Salad200> hello wintahmhelon
[07:59] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[07:59] <WintahMhelon18> Hi Salad200
[08:00] <Salad200> there are no aztec zombies in LC
[08:00] <WintahMhelon18> Is this your very first thread?
[08:00] <WintahMhelon18> @Pengu
[08:01] <WintahMhelon18> Hi Reap 
[08:01] <Salad200> Imp Porters trip over sun tiles then the backpack squishes it creating a freakin tent
[08:01] <Reapeageddon> hi
[08:01] <WintahMhelon18> We know
[08:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hiz!
[08:02] <Salad200> im bored
[08:02] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ^
[08:02] <WintahMhelon18> Me too
[08:03] <WintahMhelon18> I just played Turbo Dismount. It's so hilarious!
[08:03] <Uselessguy> My father has just bought a new PC for me as a reward for me passing the examination.
[08:03] <Pengu61151> [[Thread:374485]]
[08:03] <Pengu61151> [[Thread:374486]]
[08:03] <WintahMhelon18> wow
[08:04] <Pengu61151> See the second link for randomness and first for a real thread
[08:04] <Pengu61151> [[Thread:1]]
[08:04] <Pengu61151> [[Thread:0]]
[08:04] <WintahMhelon18> HTTP error :( 
[08:04] <Salad200> anyone realize that when imp porters die, their bag falls off and acts as a tomb stone
[08:05] <Uselessguy> Yes
[08:05] <Pengu61151> And they spawn zombies
[08:05] <Uselessguy> It's not a big problem
[08:05] <WintahMhelon18> @Pengu, HTTP error
[08:05] <Pengu61151> [[Thread]]
[08:05] <Salad200> they spawn zombies when they step on gold tiles
[08:05] <Pengu61151> [[Thread:374485]] This one is real
[08:05] <IMCR8Z> I'm bored...
[08:06] <WintahMhelon18> oh ok
[08:06] <Pengu61151> [[Thread:374485]] go here if bored
[08:06] <Uselessguy> Anyone reached level 100 in ToB?
[08:06] <Uselessguy> Yet?
[08:07] <Lapis Lazulli> i wish soft releases didnt exist
[08:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave> TOB?
[08:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Oh yeah
[08:07] <WintahMhelon18> why not Lapis ?
[08:07] <Uselessguy> Temple of Bloom
[08:07] <Lapis Lazulli> its f***ing unfair
[08:07] <Salad200> who watches ERB
[08:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I don't have soft release :( 
[08:07] <Pengu61151> Can somone show me endless zone podium
[08:07] <WintahMhelon18> I don't have it either
[08:07] <Uselessguy> :( 
[08:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave>
[08:07] <Pengu61151> gargantuar battle and zomboss battle podiums are fucking
[08:07] <Salad200> what does dafuqin Temple of Bloom even look like
[08:08] <Lapis Lazulli> i need to choose my waifu
[08:08] <Lapis Lazulli> marie or octoling
[08:08] <Pengu61151> now gotta see endless podium
[08:08] <Uselessguy> All of you use iOS device?
[08:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> no
[08:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I HATE APPLE
[08:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[08:08] <Pengu61151> an someone show me temple of bloom podium
[08:08] <Lapis Lazulli> i use ios device
[08:08] <Salad200> i want snapple
[08:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> It's terrible!
[08:08] <Pengu61151> I use iPad mini
[08:08] <Lapis Lazulli> rip snapple
[08:08] <Lapis Lazulli> dr crzzy
[08:08] <WintahMhelon18> I'm on Android
[08:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I never want to see one again
[08:08] <Lapis Lazulli> proof that its horrible
[08:08] <Lapis Lazulli> its just the same as an android
[08:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> or I'll smash it to pieces 
[08:08] <Salad200> what world do you think is nexT?
[08:08] <Pengu61151> i am using my ipad mini right now
[08:09] <Uselessguy> Night world
[08:09] <Pengu61151> A night world confirmed
[08:09] <Lapis Lazulli> dr crzzy if apple and android were races u would be racist
[08:09] <Uselessguy> 1400s
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> what changes in each update @Lap
[08:09] <WintahMhelon18> They said Smog Industries
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ^
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> IT IS REAL
[08:09] <Salad200> i wish to show you guys a powerpoint presentation but i dont know how
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> TRUST ME
[08:09] <Lapis Lazulli> SMOG INDUSTRIES NOT REAL
[08:09] <Lapis Lazulli> I DONUT BELIEVE
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> In the code
[08:09] <WintahMhelon18> oh ok
[08:09] <Lapis Lazulli> PROOF IN CODE?
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> industrial revolution
[08:09] <Pengu61151> Smog industries a lie by (bananacannon)
[08:09] <Uselessguy> ...
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> smog industries = industrial revolution
[08:09] <WintahMhelon18> yup
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> in SI there are turning bolts
[08:09] <IMCR8Z> K
[08:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> in the code
[08:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> it says bolts
[08:10] <Uselessguy> Don't trust him, he just wants to be paid attention
[08:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is that enough proof for you?
[08:10] <Pengu61151> SMOG INDUSTRIES- A lie -By bananacannon
[08:10] <Pengu61151> Dr Crzzy Dave I want a PICTURE
[08:10] <Uselessguy> 1Zulu said there wasn't any new information yet
[08:10] <Uselessguy> In the Obb
[08:10] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[08:10] <Lapis Lazulli> but what if bolts
[08:10] <Pengu61151> 1zulu is a guy that you can trust
[08:11] <Lapis Lazulli> are lightning bolts?
[08:11] <Lapis Lazulli> >.>
[08:11] <Pengu61151> Hmm
[08:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> they're not
[08:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> PENGU, ASK BC
[08:11] <Uselessguy> Hope I will see a night creepy world
[08:11] <WintahMhelon18> In your opinion, what's the coolest game you ever played in your Android/iOS?
[08:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I'm not a guy of the code
[08:11] <Pengu61151> Bc blocked me
[08:11] <Uselessguy> PvZ2
[08:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> you can block people here?
[08:11] <Pengu61151> I know Hungry shark evolution and clash of clans and pvz2
[08:11] <WintahMhelon18> Oh ok. 
[08:11] <Pengu61151> yes by saying /block {{username}}
[08:11] <Lapis Lazulli> lemme try that out by blocking myself
[08:11] <WintahMhelon18> Thanks for the suggestion!
[08:12] <Lapis Lazulli> wait can i unblock people
[08:12] <Pengu61151> lols
[08:12] <Pengu61151> yes by /unblock
[08:12] <Pengu61151> you gotta avail chathacks for it
[08:12] <Pengu61151> ooh
[08:12] <Uselessguy> Anyone here wants a night world about nercomancy?
[08:12] <Pengu61151> i cant block myself
[08:12] <Lapis Lazulli> we already have a night world with necromancy
[08:12] <Pengu61151> Who do I block for testing?
[08:12] <Lapis Lazulli> dark ages
[08:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> well PENGU, I'll ask BC for a screenshot
[08:13] <Dr Crzzy Dave> and also
[08:13] <Dr Crzzy Dave> other people have seen...
[08:13] <Pengu61151> oka
[08:13] <IMCR8Z> K
[08:13] <Pengu61151> /blocksomeone
[08:13] <Pengu61151> /blockPengu61151
[08:13] <IMCR8Z> 70s Fortress is here! [[User blog:IMCR8Z/Plants vs. Zombies 2 World Idea: 70s Fortress (temporary name)]]
[08:14] <Lapis Lazulli> i blocked pengu for a test
[08:14] <Lapis Lazulli> pengu talk
[08:14] <IMCR8Z> And it has not 1, not 2, not 4, but 3 variants of the normal trio of zombies, except they are all different.
[08:14] <Lapis Lazulli> nevermind u wont talk
[08:15] <Pengu61151> Ok
[08:15] <Pengu61151> I am talking lapis 
[08:15] <Lapis Lazulli> ok lemme test again
[08:15] <Lapis Lazulli> try talking
[08:16] <Pengu61151> ok
[08:16] <Lapis Lazulli> oh block doesnt work
[08:16] <Pengu61151> /block: Lapis Lazulli 
[08:16] <Pengu61151> Nah this code doesnt work
[08:16] <Lapis Lazulli> "tutorials are for scrubs"
[08:16] <Pengu61151> yes! I found unblock code /unblock
[08:16] <Pengu61151> idea
[08:17] <MysteryKing> Have you guys tried the android game splashy slime impossible game?
[08:17] <Pengu61151> lapis 
[08:17] <Pengu61151> Say something
[08:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I'm becoming a board
[08:18] <Pengu61151> lapis 
[08:19] <MysteryKing> Something.
[08:20] <Lapis Lazulli> wat
[08:21] <Pengu61151> I was checking if I can block
[08:22] <Dr Crzzy Dave> sso bored
[08:22] <WintahMhelon18> Aim sow board
[08:22] <Pengu61151> Idea
[08:23] <Pengu61151> let me create the page for my secret
[08:24] <WintahMhelon18> Ok
[08:26] <AWikiBoy521> gtg
[08:27] <AWikiBoy521> Alt+F4!
[08:27] <Dr Crzzy Dave> gtg
[08:27] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Biz!
[08:30] <WintahMhelon18> o/ 
[08:32] <Lapis Lazulli> [[File:Reply8.png]]
[08:32] <Lapis Lazulli> woowww
[08:32] <Lapis Lazulli> someone ACTUALLY
[08:32] <Lapis Lazulli> drew andrew
[08:32] <Lapis Lazulli> in a different style
[08:32] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[08:32] <Pengu61151> Test
[08:33] <Pengu61151> See
[08:33] <Lapis Lazulli> i hid as a bush
[08:33] <Lapis Lazulli> and then
[08:33] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[08:33] <Pengu61151> Test
[08:33] <Lapis Lazulli> the shaman
[08:33] <Lapis Lazulli> didnt
[08:33] <Lapis Lazulli> suspect
[08:33] <Lapis Lazulli> the flying bush
[08:40] <Pengu61151> (|-|/-\T died
[08:44] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Biz!
[08:45] <Pengu61151> 
[08:45] <Pengu61151> WintahMhelon18
[08:45] <Pengu61151> Fighting Zombies
[08:46] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[08:46] <Pengu61151> Chat is deaddd
[08:46] <Pengu61151> :d 
[08:46] <Pengu61151> (dead)
[09:28] <Pepsicola45> Yikes.
[09:35] <Charmande red321> the door is officially broken
[09:36] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">akinator, y u no guess Fredbear</span>
[09:43] <MysteryKing> You're the saddest thing to happen to magic.
[09:43] <MysteryKing> Sinc
[09:43] <MysteryKing> e
[09:43] <MysteryKing> The Gathering
[09:44] <MysteryKing> RELEASE THE PINGB...Nevermind.
[09:44] <MysteryKing> ADVENT-UR-TRON
[09:44] <MysteryKing> 
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Ballistic Planet
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Fighting Zombies
[09:44] <MysteryKing> 
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Charmande red321
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Fighting Zombies
[09:44] <MysteryKing> 
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Foxtail-alen-james
[09:44] <MysteryKing> 
[09:44] <MysteryKing> MasterNinja321
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Fighting Zombies
[09:44] <MysteryKing> 
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Pengu61151
[09:44] <MysteryKing> 
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Pepsicola45
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Fighting Zombies
[09:44] <MysteryKing> 
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Reapeageddon
[09:44] <Reapeageddon> wat
[09:44] <Pepsicola45> Yes?
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Nothing nothing.
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Chat is just dead.
[09:44] <MysteryKing> Let us revive it
[09:45] <Pengu61151> Yes
[09:46] <Pengu61151> Lets release ping bomb again
[09:46] <MysteryKing> Revive it
[09:46] <Pengu61151> RELEASE THE PING BOMB
[09:46] <Pengu61151> (ping) (bomb) 
[09:46] <MysteryKing> (ping) (bomb) 
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Mystery king
[09:47] <Pengu61151> ADVENT-UR-TRON
[09:47] <Pengu61151> 
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Ballistic Planet
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Fighting Zombies
[09:47] <Pengu61151> 
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Charmande red321
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Fighting Zombies
[09:47] <Pengu61151> 
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Foxtail-alen-james
[09:47] <Pengu61151> 
[09:47] <Pengu61151> MasterNinja321
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Fighting Zombies
[09:47] <Pengu61151> 
[09:47] <Pengu61151> MysteryKing
[09:47] <Pengu61151> 
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Pepsicola45
[09:47] <Pengu61151> 
[09:47] <Pengu61151> Reapeageddon
[09:47] <Pepsicola45> Bah.
[09:47] <MysteryKing> Pinged.
[09:47] <MysteryKing> Bombed.
[09:47] <MysteryKing> Bah.
[09:48] <Pengu61151> ADVENT-UR-TRON
[09:48] <Pengu61151> 
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Ballistic Planet
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Fighting Zombies
[09:48] <Pengu61151> 
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Charmande red321
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Fighting Zombies
[09:48] <Pengu61151> 
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Foxtail-alen-james
[09:48] <Pengu61151> 
[09:48] <Pengu61151> MasterNinja321
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Fighting Zombies
[09:48] <Pengu61151> 
[09:48] <Pengu61151> MysteryKing
[09:48] <Pengu61151> 
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Pepsicola45
[09:48] <Pengu61151> 
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Reapeageddon
[09:48] <Pepsicola45> Stahp.
[09:48] <Pengu61151> Wait wheres my userblog?
[09:48] <Reapeageddon> W
[09:48] <Reapeageddon> H
[09:48] <Reapeageddon> A
[09:48] <Reapeageddon> T
[09:48] <MysteryKing> Bah!
[09:48] <Reapeageddon> AREN'T
[09:48] <Reapeageddon> Ping bombs
[09:48] <Reapeageddon> banned?
[09:48] <MysteryKing> Maybe?
[09:48] <Pengu61151> sorry I was copy pastin my userblog
[09:49] <MysteryKing> K]
[09:49] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[09:49] <Pengu61151> User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II
[09:50] <MysteryKing> K
[09:51] <Pengu61151> hi pinkgirl 3:19
[09:51] <Pengu61151> Pengu61151
[09:51] <Pengu61151> User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II
[09:51] <Pengu61151> i mean this
[09:51] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> tosses her hair
[09:51] <Pinkgirl234> Hello!
[09:52] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[09:52] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="font-family: Comic Sans MS;">Wazzup?</span>
[09:52] <Pengu61151> Hi awb [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[09:53] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[09:53] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[09:54] <Pinkgirl234> Hi WikiBoy
[09:54] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]] Updated
[09:55] <Foxtail-alen-james> .
[09:55] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm, a thread tutorial may not work and it's not organized.....
[09:55] <Foxtail-alen-james> changed my pic
[09:55] <Pengu61151> Come on! Even the grenadier throws water balloon grenades
[09:55] <Foxtail-alen-james> wolftail shoots diamond spike 
[09:55] <Pinkgirl234> @WikiBoy Are you a creating a forum thread or something?
[09:56] <Foxtail-alen-james> zombie faces :) :( >:(:("> :o 
[09:56] <Foxtail-alen-james> wait
[09:56] <Foxtail-alen-james> :o is not a zombie
[09:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinkgirl234
[09:56] <AWikiBoy521> No, something needs an improvement.....
[09:56] <Pinkgirl234> Is it something on this wiki?
[09:56] <Foxtail-alen-james> zombie face >:(:("> :) :( :'( 
[09:57] <Pengu61151> /o
[09:57] <Pengu61151> o/ 
[09:57] <Pengu61151> :p 
[09:57] <Pengu61151> (XD) 
[09:57] <Foxtail-alen-james> :P 
[09:57] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[09:57] <Foxtail-alen-james> :O 
[09:57] <Foxtail-alen-james> XD
[09:57] <Pengu61151> dX
[09:57] <Pengu61151> :d 
[09:57] <Foxtail-alen-james> >:(:("> 
[09:57] <Foxtail-alen-james> :) 
[09:57] <Pengu61151> /:
[09:57] <Foxtail-alen-james> >:)
[09:58] <Pengu61151> /:)
[09:58] <Foxtail-alen-james> :D 
[09:58] <Pengu61151> >:/:/"> 
[09:58] <Foxtail-alen-james> :@
[09:58] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[09:58] <Pinkgirl234> Now what is everyone doing? (XD) 
[09:58] <Foxtail-alen-james> _jalapeno_ *hj
[09:58] <Charmande red321> spamming emotes
[09:58] <Foxtail-alen-james> *jalapeno*
[09:58] <Charmande red321> so that they will get kicked later
[09:58] <Pinkgirl234> Oh welp
[09:58] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]] comment
[10:00] <AWikiBoy521> Huh?
[10:00] <Foxtail-alen-james> :) 
[10:00] <Foxtail-alen-james> :( 
[10:00] <Foxtail-alen-james> >:(:("> 
[10:00] <AWikiBoy521> Me, updating a template in another wiki.
[10:00] <Foxtail-alen-james> :'( 
[10:00] <Foxtail-alen-james> :D 
[10:00] <Pinkgirl234> Yo Charmande check this again
[10:00] <Foxtail-alen-james> springtrap
[10:01] <AWikiBoy521> (epic) 
[10:09] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:09] <Pinkgirl234> I just came from the bathroom though :P 
[10:09] <RetroBowser> TMI
[10:10] <RetroBowser> TMFI
[10:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Well at least put on some clothes
[10:10] <Reapeageddon> Timeline of Overrated Wiki Things
[10:10] <Reapeageddon> CORN > Ask Plants
[10:10] <Pinkgirl234> Dude I am in clothes
[10:10] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:10] <Reapeageddon> Who the heck would think she's naked?
[10:10] <Reapeageddon> Only a perv obvs
[10:11] <RetroBowser> I don't need to know
[10:11] <Foxtail-alen-james> (springtrap) (freddy)
[10:11] <Iamarepeater> Lol
[10:11] <RetroBowser> when people do their bodily functions
[10:11] <Foxtail-alen-james> (bonnie)
[10:11] <Foxtail-alen-james> (blover) 
[10:11] <Iamarepeater> She is my spare body parts
[10:11] <AWikiBoy521> (wat) 
[10:11] <Iamarepeater> Pinkgirl234
[10:11] <RetroBowser> Roses are grey
[10:11] <RetroBowser> violets are grey
[10:11] <RetroBowser> I'm a dog
[10:11] <RetroBowser> woof
[10:11] <Pinkgirl234> Hm?
[10:11] <Foxtail-alen-james> im a wolftail
[10:12] <Insert Your Name Here> So on all lvl except physical, you are a wolf?
[10:12] <Reapeageddon> how old r u?
[10:12] <Insert Your Name Here> (heists)
[10:12] <Reapeageddon> (troll) 
[10:12] <Foxtail-alen-james> (trollface)
[10:12] <RetroBowser> Bitch pls
[10:12] <Foxtail-alen-james> (troll) 
[10:12] <RetroBowser> Guys
[10:12] <Reapeageddon> BUM
[10:12] <RetroBowser> stop fucking swearing
[10:12] <Reapeageddon> I'm in loove with the coco
[10:12] <RetroBowser> it's not fucking cool when you fucking swear
[10:12] <RetroBowser> >:D:D"> 
[10:12] <Foxtail-alen-james> (facepalm) (palmface)
[10:12] <Reapeageddon> So stop fucking swearing
[10:12] <AWikiBoy521> (palmface)
[10:12] <Reapeageddon> look at me
[10:12] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:12] <RetroBowser> you stop fucking swearing
[10:12] <Reapeageddon> I don't fucking swear
[10:12] <Reapeageddon> (troll) 
[10:13] <RetroBowser> yea you do fucking swear
[10:13] <RetroBowser> I'm the one who doesn't fucking swear
[10:13] <Iamarepeater> If pinkgirl234 does not take this test, I wonder why.
[10:13] <Charmande red321> all of us motherducking swear
[10:13] <AWikiBoy521> Ironic
[10:13] <AWikiBoy521> Isn't it?
[10:13] <Foxtail-alen-james>
[10:13] <Reapeageddon> Scratch ain't a good animating thing
[10:13] <Reapeageddon> use Flash
[10:13] <Reapeageddon> Scratch is scrap
[10:14] <Insert Your Name Here> wtf
[10:14] <Reapeageddon> Flash is the Bash
[10:14] <Foxtail-alen-james> i don't need flash :\
[10:14] <AWikiBoy521> Flash crashes sometimes.
[10:14] <RetroBowser> dat sweet potato drawing
[10:14] <RetroBowser> is on point
[10:14] <Reapeageddon> Still better than Scratch tho
[10:14] <Charmande red321> Scratch is a thing for other wikians
[10:14] <Charmande red321> while they rarely use Flash
[10:14] <Foxtail-alen-james> press space to change sweet potato
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> Don't worry Imarepeater I took that test before
[10:14] <Pinkgirl234> But sadly I think I got AJ or Rarity? Idk.
[10:15] <Iamarepeater> You still have the link?
[10:15] <Iamarepeater> It's ok
[10:15] <Iamarepeater> I got applejack
[10:15] <Foxtail-alen-james> umm the black faced evil gloom shroom's name is 
[10:15] <Foxtail-alen-james> tesla-shroom
[10:15] <Pinkgirl234> But whatever! My personality is like Pinkie Pie
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:15] <Insert Your Name Here> So you are pink?
[10:16] <Pinkgirl234> If you also include her crazy half side as well. >:D:D"> 
[10:16] <Iamarepeater>
[10:16] <Iamarepeater> That what my boss did
[10:16] <Foxtail-alen-james> he can charge if he full charged his face is blue and BLASTS lazer anywhere
[10:16] <Iamarepeater> *was
[10:16] <Iamarepeater> to cheat Applejack out of her apples and money
[10:16] <Pinkgirl234> Anyone saw my thread "Rekt The User Above You" yet?
[10:17] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[10:17] <Foxtail-alen-james> thick lazer [100% full charge] normal lazer [50% middle charge] thin lazer [0% charge]
[10:18] <Iamarepeater>
[10:18] <Iamarepeater> I suppose that would be why
[10:18] <Foxtail-alen-james> tesla-shroom is an upgrade of lazer shroom
[10:18] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:18] <Iamarepeater> Rainbow dash could be a guy
[10:18] <RetroBowser> why are some of those drawings on point
[10:18] <Foxtail-alen-james> (mountaindew)
[10:18] <AWikiBoy521> Well, maybe.
[10:18] <Foxtail-alen-james> (doritos)
[10:18] <Foxtail-alen-james> (illuminati)
[10:18] <Iamarepeater> And pinkgirl234, wanna be my friend?
[10:19] <Foxtail-alen-james> (springtrap)
[10:19] <Pinkgirl234> Oh yeesee essee why not? :3
[10:19] <Pinkgirl234> In fact we already are anyway
[10:19] <Iamarepeater> Let me check yours
[10:19] <Pinkgirl234> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Since the day RetroBowser was born</span>
[10:20] <Insert Your Name Here> You two have ponies for avatar
[10:20] <RetroBowser> guys
[10:20] <RetroBowser> the day I was born was a blessing for the earth
[10:20] <Charmande red321> orly
[10:20] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:20] <Charmande red321> what if i travel back in time
[10:20] <Foxtail-alen-james> im a philipines
[10:20] <Pinkgirl234> Oh yeah? 
[10:20] <AWikiBoy521> We are all blessed then.
[10:20] <Charmande red321> and make sure you didnt exist
[10:20] <Iamarepeater> Then I don't know what is this: [[User:Pinkgirl234]]
[10:20] <RetroBowser> charmande 
[10:20] <Iamarepeater> My name is not listed in it
[10:20] <RetroBowser> you couldnt go back in time to make sure I didnt exist
[10:20] <RetroBowser> because by going back in time and making me not exist
[10:21] <Charmande red321> i just said if
[10:21] <RetroBowser> you lose the motive to go back in time in the first place
[10:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh god where is the mute button
[10:21] <RetroBowser> therefore it would be impossible for you to do so
[10:21] <Insert Your Name Here> And pinkgirl's userpage cannot fully display my name.
[10:21] <Pinkgirl234> >inb4 adds the >:D:D"> emote
[10:21] <Iamarepeater> Princess Celestia got arrested because
[10:21] <Foxtail-alen-james> 41TOL is infinite plant wire stemed and shockable to zombies when they bite/crush him
[10:21] <Iamarepeater> She tried to kill Hitler when he was a baby
[10:22] <RetroBowser> >:D:D"> 
[10:22] <Charmande red321> >was actually waiting for that emote
[10:22] <RetroBowser> no but I'm absolutely serious
[10:22] <Foxtail-alen-james> 41TOL -> triple 41TOL -> hexTOL [note: hexTOL's head is 6]
[10:22] <RetroBowser> If you went back in time to prevent me from being born, the timeline without me would take dominance
[10:23] <RetroBowser> and you would never have the motive to go back in time to prevent me from being born
[10:23] <Iamarepeater> Does anyone wants to hear a nice story?
[10:23] <Charmande red321> Dialga denies that logic
[10:23] <Foxtail-alen-james> (blover) -> four leafed blover -> fan blover
[10:23] <Insert Your Name Here> no
[10:23] <Fomok Games> Why on certain channels on YouTube does not have this bar?
[10:23] <Iamarepeater> Why?
[10:23] <Charmande red321> Akinator can guess who Reap is
[10:23] <Charmande red321> hai
[10:24] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Reap the X</span>
[10:24] <Lolwutburger> yeeyeah
[10:25] <Iamarepeater> I wonder why?
[10:25] <AWikiBoy521> (wat) 
[10:25] <Lolwutburger> I gotta admit, I'll miss Phineas and Ferb
[10:25] <Foxtail-alen-james> no bad words allowed
[10:25] <Fomok Games> wtf? no bar
[10:25] <Foxtail-alen-james> (diglet)
[10:25] <Lolwutburger> Phineas and Ferb isn't a bad word.
[10:25] <RetroBowser> It is
[10:25] <Lolwutburger> Fuck, for instance IS a bad word.
[10:25] <RetroBowser> no
[10:25] <RetroBowser> phineas and ferb is a bad word
[10:26] <Lolwutburger> Along with shithole mcspazzcunt
[10:26] <Foxtail-alen-james> (pikachu)
[10:26] <Lolwutburger> mcgee
[10:26] <Foxtail-alen-james> (weegee)
[10:26] <Lolwutburger> MCGEE IS A BAD WORD EVERYONE
[10:26] <Foxtail-alen-james> (rabbit)
[10:26] <Foxtail-alen-james> (bunny)
[10:26] <Foxtail-alen-james> (cattail) 
[10:27] <RetroBowser> lolwutburger
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> yes
[10:27] <RetroBowser> did you say mcspazzc*nt
[10:27] <RetroBowser> ??
[10:27] <Charmande red321> wat
[10:27] <Iamarepeater> I once managed to steal Pinkgirl234's magic but she ate mine
[10:27] <RetroBowser> I'm telling on you
[10:27] <RetroBowser> your mom is gonna be so mad
[10:27] <Charmande red321> who here is pink
[10:27] <RetroBowser> >:D:D"> 
[10:27] <Iamarepeater> It wasn't funny
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> dududun
[10:28] <RetroBowser> why ya gotta be so rude
[10:28] <Foxtail-alen-james> server was lieing it said i got eaten by zombies
[10:28] <Foxtail-alen-james> wolftail immunes to zombie bites
[10:30] <RetroBowser> yea
[10:30] <RetroBowser> but you arent immune to peas >:D:D"> 
[10:30] <Charmande red321> and peas are dangerous
[10:30] <RetroBowser> I'm daring him to say he's not
[10:30] <Foxtail-alen-james> wolftail shoots diamond spikes at zombies
[10:30] <RetroBowser> if he says he's immune to peas
[10:31] <RetroBowser> i'LL TEST THE THEORY
[10:31] <Charmande red321> ok
[10:32] <Foxtail-alen-james> mousetail smashes his tail cheese to zombies [cheese bounce on zombie and zombie ate the cheese and all zombies said YUCK!! and the zombie farts]
[10:32] <RetroBowser> hey charmande 
[10:32] <Charmande red321> what
[10:32] <RetroBowser> girl once said if you don't remember, then it's rape
[10:32] <Foxtail-alen-james> (springtrap)
[10:32] <RetroBowser> I told her that I once woke up with a half eaten burrito beside me
[10:32] <RetroBowser> no memory of said purchase of burrito
[10:32] <RetroBowser> nor eating it
[10:32] <Charmande red321> hm
[10:32] <RetroBowser> my shirt was grease stained
[10:33] <RetroBowser> ergo I was forced to eat a burrito 
[10:33] <RetroBowser> >:D:D"> 
[10:33] <Foxtail-alen-james> (pizza)
[10:33] <Charmande red321> interesting...
[10:33] <Foxtail-alen-james> (troll) 
[10:33] <Foxtail-alen-james> (cattail) 
[10:33] <RetroBowser> and I only make that joke because I hate how much people try to expand the word of rape nowadays
[10:33] <RetroBowser> and I like dark humour
[10:33] <Charmande red321> >likes dark-types
[10:33] <RetroBowser> I don't think rape is funny nor do I support it
[10:34] <RetroBowser> charmande is my hoe
[10:34] <Lolwutburger> mcspazzcunt
[10:34] <RetroBowser> and the Ho-Oh's me cash
[10:34] <RetroBowser> >:D:D"> 
[10:34] <Charmande red321> inb4 Boosted Stone Edge
[10:35] <RetroBowser> that pun was clever
[10:35] <RetroBowser> cmon now
[10:36] <RetroBowser> now excuse me while I continue to watch the simpsons season 1
[10:36] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Remember AWB, Believe in the Peeko</span>
[10:36] <Lolwutburger> Yee
[10:36] <Lolwutburger> Season 1 simpsons
[10:37] <Lolwutburger> Season 20 simpsons sucks
[10:37] <RetroBowser> the old stuff was better
[10:37] <Lolwutburger> My 6th grade teacher hated my artwork
[10:37] <Lolwutburger> Because it always had Milhouse in them
[10:37] <Charmande red321> hai
[10:38] <MysteryKing> I have returned.
[10:38] <RetroBowser> my teacher hated my artwork
[10:38] <RetroBowser> because it was some pretty dank hentai
[10:38] <RetroBowser> >:D:D"> 
[10:38] <Charmande red321> 19
[10:38] <RetroBowser> more importantly yaoi hentai
[10:38] <RetroBowser> >:D:D"> 
[10:38] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">guess the user with a nsfw avatar</span>
[10:40] <Lolwutburger> me
[10:40] <Lolwutburger> because South Park is NSFW
[10:40] <Lolwutburger> You shouldn't watch South Park at work ever
[10:40] <Lolwutburger> Especially "Go God Go"
[10:41] <RetroBowser> hey burger
[10:41] <RetroBowser> ur the stupidest bundle of sticks I've ever seen
[10:41] <RetroBowser> >:D:D"> 
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> yay
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> I'm a fag
[10:42] <RetroBowser> its ok
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> I was always a fag
[10:42] <RetroBowser> i luv u bro
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> deal with it
[10:42] <RetroBowser> <3 
[10:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Bowser is at it again.
[10:43] <RetroBowser> shut up
[10:43] <RetroBowser> I'm not crack kid
[10:43] <RetroBowser> I'm so fire, basketballs are afraid to come near me
[10:43] <RetroBowser> 8)
[10:43] <RetroBowser> 8D
[10:46] <Insert Your Name Here> ...
[10:48] <MasterNinja321> Bowser is at it again? Better call Mario and Luigi!
[10:49] <Lolwutburger> les get redy 2 rumbol
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here>
[10:51] <Foxtail-alen-james> (weed) 
[10:51] <Foxtail-alen-james> (spikeweed) 
[10:51] <Foxtail-alen-james> (weed) 
[10:52] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> ayyyyyyyyyyyyy
[10:52] <Insert Your Name Here> yey
[10:52] <Foxtail-alen-james> (smoke) (weed) (everyday)
[10:52] <Foxtail-alen-james> weed = (weed) 
[10:52] <Foxtail-alen-james> (spikerock) 
[10:52] <Foxtail-alen-james> (rock) 
[10:53] <Foxtail-alen-james> (((((((((((((((((((((blover))))))))))))))))))))))
[10:53] <Foxtail-alen-james> (((((((((((((((((((((((((( (blover) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
[10:53] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Please stop spamming
[10:53] <Foxtail-alen-james> im not spamming
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> Yes, you are.
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> zip
[10:53] <AWikiBoy521> Came back
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> WB
[10:54] <Foxtail-alen-james> im not spamming you lier!
[10:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Charmande
[10:54] <AWikiBoy521> Nope.avi
[10:54] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> ...
[10:54] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> [[Foxtail]]
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes you are
[10:54] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Related?
[10:54] <AWikiBoy521> Sort of
[10:54] <Foxtail-alen-james> wolves do not spam .-.
[10:54] <Lolwutburger> *liar
[10:54] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> You are a fox
[10:54] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Foxes spam
[10:54] <AWikiBoy521> @Foxtail-alen-james
[10:54] <AWikiBoy521> Irony
[10:54] <Foxtail-alen-james> so wolftail is a fox
[10:54] <Charmande red321> i dont think foxes are related to wolves nor dogs
[10:55] <Insert Your Name Here> It's like that foxtail is created with ms paint.
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> If you are a wolf, y is thy username Foxtail?
[10:55] <Foxtail-alen-james> just kidding wolftail is a wolf
[10:55] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Anyways, no spam
[10:55] <Foxtail-alen-james> i accidentally type it :\
[10:55] <Foxtail-alen-james> (mlg)
[10:56] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> (facepalm) 
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> You are spamming.
[10:56] <Foxtail-alen-james> no
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> Thy shalt not spam
[10:57] <Foxtail-alen-james> (((((((((((((((((((((((((( <-- not spamming it supose to be [word word word word word word word]
[10:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Fool me once, I'm calling the mod.
[10:57] <Lolwutburger> That's called spam.
[10:58] <Foxtail-alen-james> im afk
[10:58] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> (banhammer) shall come
[10:58] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> jk
[10:58] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Wow,
[10:58] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> The fox retreated
[10:59] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:00] <Lolwutburger> Hiya
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:CattailO.png]]
[11:00] <Pengu61151> Mor mor mor
[11:00] <Pengu61151> Orge Os
[11:00] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm surprised that china actually made a good design for Cattail.
[11:01] <AWikiBoy521> I like this!
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> Yepyep
[11:01] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> China usually sucks but this time they done something good
[11:01] <AWikiBoy521> The dpi is lower though.
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> We should replace Homing Thistle with that cattail design.
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> Like how I made a zombie version of Bonk Choy
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> [[File:Fighter.png]]
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> For the lulz
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[11:02] <Pengu61151> Homing thistle is flower
[11:02] <AWikiBoy521> lawl
[11:02] <Pengu61151> (stallia)
[11:02] <Pengu61151> rly
[11:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Who cares about thistle. Cattail is cuter.
[11:02] <Pengu61151> THISTLE IS FLOWER
[11:02] <Pengu61151> FLOWER HAS POWER
[11:02] <Thecoollittlepeashooter> Me is gone
[11:03] <Pengu61151> BRB
[11:03] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:Cattail's Costume 1.png]]
[11:03] <Insert Your Name Here> Meow.
[11:04] <Lolwutburger> Homing Thistle should've had a cuter face or something if they're going to make it a Cattail ripoff
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes.
[11:04] <Pengu61151> homing thistle needs to be spiny
[11:04] <Pengu61151> its a thistle
[11:04] <RetroBowser> there is more than 1 type of thistle
[11:05] <Pengu61151> [[User blog:Pengu61151/Z war II]]
[11:05] <Foxtail-alen-james>
[11:06] <Pengu61151>
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Homing Thistle looks more like a cactus
[11:07] <Pengu61151> Then why is it not Homing cacti?
[11:07] <Pengu61151> its just a thustle
[11:08] <Pengu61151> thistle
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Who knows
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> *cue fanfare*
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> yee
[11:13] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[11:14] <UI Gaming> hey there
[11:14] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[11:14] <UI Gaming> k
[11:15] <UI Gaming> o/ 
[11:15] <Charmande red321> ohey
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> MODEL V1 IS OUT
[11:16] <Lolwutburger>
[11:17] <Iamarepeater> Princess Kitty has Twitter
[11:17] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:17] <Lolwutburger> I have one too.
[11:17] <Lolwutburger> @Lolwutburger
[11:18] <Lapis Lazulli> hi guys
[11:18] <Lapis Lazulli> someone respond
[11:18] <UI Gaming> hey there lapis 
[11:18] <Iamarepeater> I would join but using Twitter gets me in the IDK state
[11:18] <Iamarepeater> hive Revern 
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> Hiya pencil
[11:18] <Lapis Lazulli> foxtail-alen thing is underaged
[11:18] <Lapis Lazulli> should we make a thread
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> It's obvious
[11:19] <Lolwutburger> HE'S 9
[11:19] <Lapis Lazulli> k ill post this image [[File:UNDERAGEDDETECTED.png]]
[11:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Yay
[11:20] <Lapis Lazulli> i chose marie to be my waifu
[11:20] <Lapis Lazulli> white ink (lenny) 
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Callie
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> It's on now.
[11:22] <UI Gaming> hey there fomok :D 
[11:23] <Fomok Games> hi :>
[11:23] <Fomok Games> How to do that on my profile was playing music?
[11:23] <Lolwutburger> Hi
[11:23] <UI Gaming> im working on pvz2ds
[11:23] <Fomok Games> :D 
[11:23] <Lapis Lazulli> CHOOSE YOUR WAIFUS
[11:23] <Lapis Lazulli> 
[11:23] <Lapis Lazulli> *choose your waifus theme*
[11:24] <Lapis Lazulli>
[11:24] <Lapis Lazulli> also i found this on watch it again
[11:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Boxart female inkling
[11:24] <Lapis Lazulli> I CHOOSE YOU
[11:24] <Lapis Lazulli> MARIE
[11:24] <Reapeageddon> NOOOOO
[11:24] <Reapeageddon> I wanted Marie
[11:24] <Lapis Lazulli> we both can have waifus
[11:25] <Lapis Lazulli> (lenny) 
[11:26] <Lapis Lazulli> theres a guy on transformice called marieghost (lenny) 
[11:26] <UI Gaming> your welcome i got u addicted to this music
[11:27] <Lapis Lazulli> it doesnt look very addicting
[11:27] <UI Gaming> sounds*
[11:27] <UI Gaming> ;) 
[11:27] <Lolwutburger> Found Foxtail's costume
[11:27] <Lolwutburger> [[File:Foxygrandpatail.png]]
[11:27] <UI Gaming> and then u relise your sound is of
[11:27] <Lapis Lazulli> meh its not addicting
[11:27] <UI Gaming> and your lookin at a picture
[11:28] <Lapis Lazulli> it sucks
[11:28] <UI Gaming> sure
[11:28] <Fomok Games> catchy music xD
[11:29] <Lapis Lazulli> see both weird people like the music
[11:29] <Lapis Lazulli> therefore
[11:29] <Lapis Lazulli> they are the same
[11:29] <UI Gaming> k
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> Gtg
[11:29] <Lapis Lazulli> ig gaming wannabes
[11:29] <AWikiBoy521> Alt+F4
[11:29] <Pepsicola45> I did it.
[11:30] <Pepsicola45> I put a rainbow filter over my profile picture at Facebook.
[11:30] <Iamarepeater> Guys:
[11:30] <Iamarepeater> Can anyone tell me what would be a good title for that fan fic?
[11:31] <UI Gaming> 30 mins in
[11:32] <Fomok Games> :O 
[11:33] <Pepsicola45> I will eventually put a rainbow filter on top of this avvie.
[11:33] <Pepsicola45> Be prepared. Can't stop me now, folks.
[11:34] <Lapis Lazulli> ITS SADNESS
[11:34] <Fomok Games> Found City
[11:35] <Lapis Lazulli> HI SADNESS
[11:35] <Foxtail-alen-james> bye
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> Oh hey, it's that blue girl from that new Pixar movie I haven't watched yet
[11:35] <Lolwutburger> coolio
[11:35] <Hunter5897> <span style="font-size: 16pt;"><span style="color: red;">Hello</span></span>
[11:35] <Foxtail-alen-james> server is lieing if i got eaten by zombie
[11:36] <Lapis Lazulli> foxtail is scared >.>
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> [[File:Foxygrandpatail.png]]
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> I made a better version of his icon
[11:37] <Hunter5897> What does the foxtail say..?
[11:37] <UI Gaming> bruv bruv
[11:37] <Lolwutburger> MY SIDES
[11:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Ok, that looks even more MS Paint.
[11:37] <Pepsicola45> Finished.
[11:37] <Hunter5897> [[User:Hunter5897|Test]]
[11:37] <Pepsicola45> I did it.
[11:38] <UI Gaming> pvz2 ds
[11:38] <UI Gaming> get ready to
[11:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Lol Ricken.
[11:38] <UI Gaming> sit on your plants
[11:38] <Fomok Games> PvZ Garden Warfare 2 DS
[11:38] <Lapis Lazulli> pvz2 ds looks horrible xD
[11:38] <Lapis Lazulli> it should be pvz2 3ds
[11:38] <Lapis Lazulli> why do people know about ds more than 3ds these days
[11:38] <Lapis Lazulli> 3ds is more popular
[11:38] <Insert Your Name Here> The DS is not powerful enough.
[11:38] <Hunter5897> [[User:Hunter5897/Secret|Test]]
[11:38] <UI Gaming> im sure u could do better lapis ;) 
[11:38] <UI Gaming> xD 
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> Oh good lord
[11:38] <Pepsicola45> Because the DS can be emulated.
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> I can't stop laughing
[11:38] <Lapis Lazulli> yeh of course i could do better
[11:38] <UI Gaming> lies
[11:39] <Lapis Lazulli> o really
[11:39] <UI Gaming> do it then
[11:39] <Lapis Lazulli> you want me to do it
[11:39] <Lapis Lazulli> fine
[11:39] <Lapis Lazulli> pvz2 3ds?
[11:39] <UI Gaming> sure
[11:39] <Pepsicola45> Except, how?
[11:39] <UI Gaming> we will have a comp
[11:39] <UI Gaming> 3ds has no emu
[11:39] <UI Gaming> ds has
[11:39] <Lapis Lazulli> bcuz emus are illegal >.>
[11:39] <UI Gaming> not if u have a ds
[11:39] <Pepsicola45> Yet the rest of the world is doing it.
[11:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Who cares if they are illegal.
[11:40] <Pepsicola45> Heck, you might be secretly doing it.
[11:40] <Lapis Lazulli> xD im not
[11:40] <Pepsicola45> Trust no one.
[11:40] <UI Gaming> if you have a ds i count it as fine
[11:40] <Lapis Lazulli> ready set go
[11:40] <Lapis Lazulli> make fake screenshots of pvz2 3ds
[11:40] <UI Gaming> since you can use pvz2 ds on the emu
[11:40] <Lapis Lazulli> but that would still be illegal
[11:40] <Lapis Lazulli> if you dont have the game
[11:41] <UI Gaming> but its my game
[11:41] <UI Gaming> and its free
[11:41] <Pepsicola45> Would the police be smart enough to bother?
[11:41] <Lapis Lazulli> you cant have a game that is free xD
[11:41] <Lapis Lazulli> unless it sucks
[11:41] <Insert Your Name Here> The police is too busy beating people up and fending off riots
[11:41] <UI Gaming> your sayin pvz2 sucks
[11:41] <Lapis Lazulli> no
[11:41] <Lapis Lazulli> i didnt even say pvz2 sucks >.>
[11:41] <Lapis Lazulli> i said a game that is free sucks
[11:41] <UI Gaming> you cant have a game that is free xD
[11:41] <UI Gaming> unless it sucks <--- look what u said
[11:42] <UI Gaming> xD
[11:42] <Insert Your Name Here> It's simply not feasible to port the game to DS
[11:42] <Lapis Lazulli> ^
[11:42] <Hunter5897> PvZ2 sucks at being bad. 
[11:42] <Lapis Lazulli> its like 600 mb
[11:42] <Lapis Lazulli> you cant port that to a ds
[11:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Pvz1 can barely run on that thing.
[11:42] <Insert Your Name Here> The port I mean
[11:42] <UI Gaming> pvz2 is free
[11:42] <UI Gaming> ur sayin it sucks
[11:42] <Lapis Lazulli> no not mobile games
[11:42] <Lapis Lazulli> ui ur being so annoying right now
[11:42] <UI Gaming> also im coding this game, to work on ds
[11:42] <Lapis Lazulli> o rly
[11:42] <UI Gaming> ill usb it and everything
[11:42] <Pepsicola45> Get ready for a flame war.
[11:42] <Lapis Lazulli> i bet you cant do it
[11:43] <Lapis Lazulli> you'll just change textures of pvz1 ds
[11:43] <UI Gaming> dude
[11:43] <Hunter5897> [[File:Doesitlooklikeicare.jpg|uh..]]
[11:43] <UI Gaming> ...
[11:43] <Pepsicola45> Got any defense?
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Yes, Wall-nuts.
[11:44] <Pepsicola45> Or burn heals?
[11:44] <UI Gaming> i bet u didnt even see my screenshot
[11:44] <Lapis Lazulli> you just ms painted that
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Or Infi-nuts
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Or Tall-nuts
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Or Endurians
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> Or Pea-nuts
[11:44] <Pepsicola45> You better have Phoenix Wright on the phone.
[11:44] <UI Gaming> Lapis xD its a working game
[11:44] <AWikiBoy521> But I don't have one.
[11:44] <Lapis Lazulli> but it only has lost city
[11:45] <UI Gaming> yes i know
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> It looks 8 bit
[11:45] <UI Gaming> but lost city is good world
[11:45] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, if I had one, my ringtone would be Godot's theme.
[11:45] <Lapis Lazulli> the sprites look terrible
[11:45] <Lapis Lazulli> [[File:Pvz2 for DS.png]]
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> 8 bit is an excuse for game developers to not care about the graphics
[11:45] <AWikiBoy521> Sup, also.
[11:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Because duh retro
[11:45] <Hunter5897> Ice banana? noice
[11:45] <Lapis Lazulli> it looks like the background was just pixelated by
[11:45] <UI Gaming> -_- 
[11:46] <UI Gaming> i had to shrink it to fit ds size
[11:46] <AWikiBoy521> @Lapis
[11:46] <AWikiBoy521> More like 16-bit, not the re-cropped DS version.
[11:46] <UI Gaming> i have layers
[11:46] <Lapis Lazulli> its not good enough to be a ds player though
[11:46] <Pepsicola45> Fight. fight. fight.
[11:46] <Lapis Lazulli> game*
[11:46] <Hunter5897> (flame) war
[11:46] <AWikiBoy521> Also, wrong resolution.
[11:46] <Lapis Lazulli> the shading is off
[11:46] <Lapis Lazulli> the sprites are off
[11:46] <Lapis Lazulli> almost everything is off
[11:46] <UI Gaming> so what
[11:46] <Lapis Lazulli> if its a real working game
[11:47] <Lapis Lazulli> then show me a video
[11:47] <Lapis Lazulli> i know you got a youtube channel
[11:47] <UI Gaming> ok
[11:47] <UI Gaming> i only have sunflower working tho and redstinger
[11:47] <Lapis Lazulli> that means its a bad game
[11:47] <UI Gaming> lapis 
[11:47] <UI Gaming> please stop 
[11:47] <Lapis Lazulli> why would u have fire banana and ice banana if they dont work
[11:48] <Lapis Lazulli> oh im gonna stop
[11:48] <UI Gaming> cause i have to code them...
[11:48] <Lapis Lazulli> once you show me gameplay
[11:48] <Hunter5897> Unfinished game.
[11:48] <Pepsicola45> Oh, my.
[11:48] <AWikiBoy521> More like a concept.
[11:49] <AWikiBoy521> Pepsicola45 is back to her old self, again.
[11:49] <Pepsicola45> And, how can you even do that at 5 minutes?
[11:49] <Lapis Lazulli> plus
[11:49] <Lapis Lazulli> the only screenshot
[11:49] <Hunter5897> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Why did i get into the flame war</span>
[11:49] <Lapis Lazulli> is the screen selection
[11:49] <Lapis Lazulli> with peashooter
[11:49] <Lapis Lazulli> selected
[11:49] <Pepsicola45> I'm trying to be more mature.
[11:49] <Pepsicola45> It's too hard for me.
[11:49] <UI Gaming> i need to add zombies
[11:50] <Lapis Lazulli> if it really is a game
[11:50] <Lapis Lazulli> then what program did you use
[11:50] <Pepsicola45> Good luck having good defenses.
[11:50] <Lapis Lazulli> to program it
[11:50] <Hunter5897> (wallnut) 
[11:50] <Pepsicola45> And, good luck being a prosecutor.
[11:50] <Iamarepeater> Pepsicola45 is getting less amture?
[11:50] <Iamarepeater> *mature
[11:50] <UI Gaming> i use my own engine
[11:50] <Lapis Lazulli> what is it then?
[11:50] <Lapis Lazulli> what emulator do you use?
[11:50] <Pepsicola45> ...Ye.....n...maybe.
[11:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">I'm an attorney.</span>
[11:50] <Lapis Lazulli> show me gameplay or fake
[11:51] <UI Gaming> if u dont want it for DS
[11:51] <UI Gaming> ill make it for PC then
[11:51] <AWikiBoy521> Snoopy is also an attorney.
[11:51] <UI Gaming> but i will have to change everything
[11:51] <Lapis Lazulli> i thought people are already making pvz2 pc
[11:51] <Lapis Lazulli> aka pvzo
[11:51] <Charmande red321> aka internet
[11:52] <Hunter5897> aka (akee) 
[11:52] <AWikiBoy521> Deleted image...
[11:52] <Charmande red321> evil..
[11:53] <Charmande red321> 4 people guessed who Reapeageddon is
[11:53] <Hunter5897> (hazelnut) another deleted image.
[11:53] <Charmande red321> from Akinator
[11:53] <AWikiBoy521> @Pepsicola45 
[11:53] <AWikiBoy521> Just three more edits....
[11:53] <AWikiBoy521> Ok, you're already lucky.
[11:54] <Hunter5897> [[Parrot Pal|Drone's clone?]]
[11:55] <Lolwutburger> I'm starting to be one of the early birds (or Parrot Pals) when adding GW2 images
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Hunter5897
[11:56] <AWikiBoy521> At least it's way better.
[11:57] <Pepsicola45> Say something.
[11:57] <Lapis Lazulli> see ui is not giving me gameplay
[11:57] <Lapis Lazulli> that my friends
[11:57] <Lapis Lazulli> is stubborness
[11:57] <Lolwutburger> something
[11:57] <Hunter5897> lol
[11:58] <Charmande red321> something.
[11:59] <Hunter5897> Goat is playable...
[11:59] <UI Gaming> if it makes u feel better ill do it for PC and call it something like Pvz2 Retro
[11:59] <Pepsicola45> Okay, something has been said.
[11:59] <Charmande red321> ui
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> I'll give it....
[11:59] <Pepsicola45> But nothing has been answered.
[11:59] <Charmande red321> try to post screenshots of gameplay
[11:59] <AWikiBoy521> ...up on you....
[12:00] <Charmande red321> i think he will be satisfied
[12:00] <Lolwutburger> Goat should be a seperate class though
[12:00] <UI Gaming> screenshots of gameplay ?
[12:00] <Charmande red321> no not that song
[12:00] <UI Gaming> oh ok
[12:00] <Lolwutburger> It could work like the Chomper, eating plants whole
[12:00] <UI Gaming> i had to let that sink in
[12:00] <Lolwutburger> But weaker
[12:00] <Pepsicola45> Oh, no.
[12:00] <UI Gaming> i dont have any zombies tho so its just plants
[12:00] <Hunter5897> [[File:Playablegoat.png|Goat simulator in GW2]]
[12:00] <Charmande red321> use pvz1 DS zombies sprites for now
[12:01] <UI Gaming> ok
[12:01] <AWikiBoy521> WOOHOO!
[12:01] <Charmande red321> Goat Simulator
[12:01] <Charmande red321> wow
[12:01] <Charmande red321> for PvZGW2
[12:01] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">k now i want a PS4 badly</span>
[12:01] <Lolwutburger> Me too
[12:01] <Lolwutburger> I'm just waiting for the PS4 Slim and a couple of months after GW2's release
[12:02] <UI Gaming> what plants shall i choose
[12:02] <Lolwutburger> Because there won't be much people on if it's new
[12:02] <Hunter5897> Why not PC? 
[12:02] <AWikiBoy521> How needs a PS4 when you have a PC?
[12:02] <Charmande red321> becuase
[12:02] <Charmande red321> PC means anything
[12:02] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">neither Personal Computers nor Pokeman Centers</span>
[12:03] <Hunter5897> Be right bag
[12:03] <UI Gaming> witch 6 plants should i choose also this is screenshot on a sprite sheet
[12:03] <Hunter5897> Why is there twin peashooter
[12:03] <UI Gaming> its shoots in 2 lanes
[12:03] <TheHandsomePlant> GREAT NEWS!
[12:04] <Lapis Lazulli> wait sprite sheet?
[12:04] <Lapis Lazulli> but give me VIDEO gameplay
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> PvZ1 will be FREE on X360 from July 1 to July 15!
[12:04] <Lapis Lazulli> like record
[12:04] <Lapis Lazulli> with bandicam
[12:04] <Charmande red321> ice banana,sunflower,redstinger,twin,regular banana
[12:04] <Charmande red321> ohai
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> Get it? FREE!
[12:04] <Charmande red321> Free PvZ1 for Xbox360?
[12:04] <Lolwutburger> I want a PS4 to play with my cous
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> And forever to play!
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> YES!
[12:04] <Lapis Lazulli> xbox360?
[12:04] <Charmande red321> so basically
[12:04] <Lolwutburger> to play GW2 with my cous
[12:04] <Lapis Lazulli> that was like 5 years ago
[12:04] <Charmande red321> Xbox360
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> FOR FREE
[12:04] <Charmande red321> and already has
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> Yesh
[12:04] <Charmande red321> PvZ1
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> FOREVER
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> PvZ!
[12:04] <TheHandsomePlant> PvZ1
[12:04] <Charmande red321> ok then
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> For free
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> FOREVER
[12:05] <Lapis Lazulli> not forever
[12:05] <Charmande red321> i believe that
[12:05] <Lapis Lazulli> just 14 days
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> Once you buy it
[12:05] <Charmande red321> THP
[12:05] <Charmande red321> believes in the peeko
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> Nope
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> It's free for 15 days
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> But once you install it
[12:05] <Lolwutburger>
[12:05] <Lolwutburger> twitta account set up
[12:05] <Lolwutburger> yee
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> You have it forever
[12:05] <Charmande red321> so if you can manage to get that event
[12:05] <Charmande red321> you can have it
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> Yup
[12:05] <Charmande red321> for lifetime
[12:05] <Lapis Lazulli> i see you used your hank hill almanac entry
[12:05] <TheHandsomePlant> But you need Xbox Live Gold
[12:06] <Hunter5897> bag
[12:06] <Charmande red321> here
[12:06] <Charmande red321> have a cat
[12:06] <Lolwutburger> Callbacks rule
[12:06] <Hunter5897> Bag of cats
[12:06] <TheHandsomePlant> Too happi
[12:06] <Lolwutburger> pippo
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> Too expensive....
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> For me.
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> Pepsicola45 is.....
[12:07] <UI Gaming> back
[12:07] <Pepsicola45> Supporting LGBT.
[12:07] <UI Gaming> i will choose them plants
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> Yes.
[12:07] <Pepsicola45> I'm not lesbian for anyone.
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> She's back!
[12:07] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> And now, she's ready for some action!
[12:07] <Lolwutburger> I just can't wait for the PS4 Slim and GW2 to have a price drop
[12:07] <Pepsicola45> Get ready.
[12:07] <Pepsicola45> I'm going to go all out.
[12:08] <Lolwutburger> greed intensifies
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> (lenny) 
[12:08] <Charmande red321> ok
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight: bold;">Girl's win!</span>
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Coming soon.....
[12:08] <Charmande red321> what just happened
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> In a theater near you.....
[12:08] <Charmande red321> i was talking to ♀ Char on Facebook
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Char is both\
[12:08] <Lolwutburger> I secretly want to be a chick
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Pepsi is too absorbed in the gender war.
[12:08] <Charmande red321> ye
[12:08] <Lolwutburger> But I don't want to have an operation because no
[12:08] <TheHandsomePlant>
[12:08] <Charmande red321> s
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> Ikr
[12:09] <TheHandsomePlant> Golden life
[12:09] <Charmande red321> Char is 2 people
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> She's back the way has previously was......
[12:09] <AWikiBoy521> Just like one year and a few months ago.....
[12:09] <Lolwutburger> I'm 3 people
[12:09] <Lolwutburger> Me, left hand and right hand
[12:09] <UI Gaming> charmande 
[12:10] <UI Gaming> what level
[12:10] <UI Gaming> theres 25
[12:10] <Pepsicola45> Post now, don't be shy.
[12:10] <Charmande red321> hmm
[12:10] <Lolwutburger> test
[12:10] <Charmande red321> failed
[12:11] <Lolwutburger> test
[12:11] <Charmande red321> stupid random number generator
[12:11] <Pepsicola45> I'm becoming more activo.
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> @Pepsicola45
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Saving up some sun!
[12:11] <Pepsicola45> RNG can kill you.
[12:11] <Charmande red321> Rasengan?
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> You gotta please the random number god (lenny) 
[12:11] <Pepsicola45> Random Number Generator
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Roasted
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Nugget
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Games
[12:11] <Lolwutburger> rngggggg
[12:11] <Lolwutburger> the one rng
[12:11] <Pepsicola45> It can kill you in a second.
[12:11] <Hunter5897> Roasted Cat
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> lorde of da rngs
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> redneck guy
[12:12] <Pepsicola45> With a critical hit chance of 104%!
[12:12] <Charmande red321> UI
[12:12] <Charmande red321> try level 8
[12:12] <UI Gaming> ok
[12:12] <Charmande red321> hi Peachy
[12:12] <UI Gaming> My fave level :) 
[12:12] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[12:12] <EMPeachy4> Hello
[12:12] <Charmande red321> thx RNG
[12:12] <Hunter5897> Roasted Hunter
[12:12] <EMPeachy4> I wish the RSB was editable like the OBB
[12:13] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[12:13] <MasterNinja321> It is, Zulu released an update for OBBPatcher which supports RSBs
[12:13] <MasterNinja321> @Peachy
[12:14] <Hunter5897> : o
[12:14] <UI Gaming> char
[12:14] <UI Gaming> sun tiles arent workin
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:14] <UI Gaming>
[12:15] <UI Gaming> see they arent lighting up
[12:15] <Charmande red321> dem bugs
[12:15] <UI Gaming> ;( 
[12:15] <Lapis Lazulli> hmm
[12:15] <Lapis Lazulli> suspicious
[12:15] <Lapis Lazulli> all the sunflowers
[12:15] <Lolwutburger> twitter seems cool enough
[12:15] <Lapis Lazulli> are in their idle frame
[12:15] <Lapis Lazulli> 3 frames
[12:15] <Lapis Lazulli> seems fake
[12:15] <Pepsicola45> If I were you, I would stop trying to challenge Lapis .
[12:15] <Lapis Lazulli> also people debunked that it was fake on ur thread
[12:15] <Pepsicola45> Because, squid.
[12:15] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[12:15] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[12:15] <Hunter5897> Squidy
[12:15] <UI Gaming> Lapis sunflower has 6 frames
[12:15] <Lapis Lazulli> just look at your thread
[12:15] <Pepsicola45> You're a kid, you're a squid times infinity.
[12:16] <Hunter5897> Squishy squidy
[12:16] <UI Gaming> i dont even care anymore
[12:16] <Lolwutburger> pippo
[12:16] <Charmande red321> Squid Girl
[12:16] <Hunter5897> [[User:Hunter5897/Secret|k]]
[12:16] <Lapis Lazulli> squid kid
[12:16] <Lapis Lazulli> kid squid
[12:16] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">is an inkling</span>
[12:16] <Lapis Lazulli> octoling
[12:16] <AWikiBoy521> You're a kid, you're a squid!
[12:16] <Hunter5897> Cuttling
[12:16] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Nintendo is related to Anime confirmed</span>
[12:16] <Lapis Lazulli> you're a teenager you're an octopus
[12:16] <Hunter5897> You're a kid
[12:16] <Hunter5897> You're a cuttlefish
[12:16] <Pepsicola45> You're a blart.
[12:17] <Charmande red321> You're a user.
[12:17] <Pepsicola45> You're a squart.
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> You're a staff.
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> You're a user.
[12:17] <Hunter5897> You're a potato
[12:17] <Hunter5897> JUST INK IT
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> Sup?
[12:18] <Charmande red321> yo
[12:18] <Charmande red321> can you even ink this? [[User:User]]
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> pepes are cool
[12:18] <Lapis Lazulli> can you ink this [[User:0]]
[12:19] <OreoBoy> Hunter5897 please shut up :) 
[12:19] <Hunter5897> (okay) 
[12:19] <Lapis Lazulli> who are you
[12:19] <Lapis Lazulli> are you...
[12:19] <VGKing1> im in a pretty good mood these days
[12:19] <Lapis Lazulli> that guy i forgot his name
[12:19] <Lapis Lazulli> oh yeah
[12:19] <Pepsicola45> It has the best ink of all, Rainbow Ink.
[12:19] <Lapis Lazulli> echoson
[12:19] <VGKing1> because my Pulsen DLC pack is finally going to be released
[12:19] <Charmande red321> Inkay
[12:20] <VGKing1> Ohhhhh, like the Pokemon? #686?
[12:20] <Pepsicola45> Bah, Echoson edited 2 days ago.
[12:20] <OreoBoy> Lapis Lazuli Shut up Bitch :) 
[12:20] <Pepsicola45> Get ready.
[12:20] <VGKing1> uhhhhhhh...
[12:20] <Hunter5897> rude
[12:21] <UI Gaming> should i add bluetiles
[12:21] <UI Gaming> Frost Tiles
[12:21] <Lapis Lazulli> rude
[12:21] <Pepsicola45> One week.
[12:21] <Lapis Lazulli> i think we should report to forum
[12:21] <Hunter5897> What will blue/frost tiles do?
[12:21] <VGKing1> @UI Gaming That reminded me of a plant idea that worked like Tile Turnip that would plant ice floes.
[12:21] <Hunter5897> @UI
[12:21] <TheHandsomePlant> Is it possible to check history of deleted pages?
[12:21] <UI Gaming> well
[12:22] <Charmande red321> no
[12:22] <Charmande red321> admins only
[12:22] <TheHandsomePlant> meh
[12:22] <UI Gaming> when planted on
[12:22] <VGKing1> Floe Fruit?
[12:22] <TheHandsomePlant> Can't they show it to other users?
[12:22] <UI Gaming> in a 3x3 area it would ice berg lettuce zombies
[12:22] <Charmande red321> dunno
[12:22] <Charmande red321> probably not
[12:22] <Lolwutburger> vivillon is evil
[12:22] <Hunter5897> Oh
[12:22] <TheHandsomePlant> I honestly want the Level History of Pinata Party back ;( 
[12:22] <UI Gaming> and the tile will dissapear
[12:22] <VGKing1> Sounds useful against (explorer zombie) 
[12:22] <Charmande red321> Vivillon is Giratina's right-handed minion
[12:22] <VGKing1> That makes sense.
[12:22] <Hunter5897> I love trap tiles <3 
[12:22] <VGKing1> Because Vivillon is #666.
[12:23] <Lolwutburger> EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL!
[12:24] <Charmande red321> so Dawn keeps Giratina
[12:24] <Hunter5897> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Gabe: It's E in the morning</span>
[12:24] <Charmande red321> Lucas can keep Dr. Who
[12:24] <Charmande red321> and Barry can keep Dino Flumpty
[12:25] <UI Gaming> frost tile on the board
[12:25] <UI Gaming> it wont be in LC tho
[12:25] <UI Gaming> i dunno where to put it
[12:26] <Charmande red321> when i see LC
[12:26] <Charmande red321> i think of Little Cup
[12:26] <Lapis Lazulli> it doesnt look like frost tile
[12:26] <Charmande red321> it doesnt have to
[12:26] <Lapis Lazulli> it looks more like satanic blue tile
[12:27] <UI Gaming> i dont know how to make snowflake
[12:27] <Hunter5897> UI find snowflake image and shrink it. (epic) 
[12:28] <Charmande red321> or use 8bit/16bit snowflake sprites of smth
[12:28] <Charmande red321> Gaia Orb
[12:28] <Lapis Lazulli> like club penguin ds snowflake
[12:28] <Charmande red321> i am guessing Primal Regigigas
[12:29] <Hunter5897> 1v1 me at club penguin 
[12:29] <Lapis Lazulli> ok
[12:29] <Lapis Lazulli> i got all clothes in club penguin
[12:29] <Lapis Lazulli> i got membership
[12:29] <Lapis Lazulli> i got stamps
[12:29] <Lapis Lazulli> i got epf badgwe
[12:29] <Hunter5897> I got snowballs
[12:29] <Lapis Lazulli> want to 1v1 me now
[12:29] <Pepsicola45> Just play mancala.
[12:29] <Lapis Lazulli> i got giant snowballs
[12:29] <Hunter5897> Yes
[12:29] <UI Gaming> -_- what u shooting at 
[12:30] <Pepsicola45> Let's see who wins.
[12:30] <Hunter5897> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hunter5897</span></span> used hax
[12:30] <Lapis Lazulli> one of the peas are not in the middle
[12:30] <Lapis Lazulli> therefore
[12:30] <Lapis Lazulli> fake
[12:30] <Charmande red321> um
[12:30] <Charmande red321> it is a fanon of pvz
[12:30] <Lapis Lazulli> you tried
[12:30] <Pepsicola45> Yer trying too hard to defend yourself, UI.
[12:30] <Charmande red321> and its not a legit plant
[12:30] <Hunter5897> like fire banana and ice banana
[12:31] <Charmande red321> its Twin Peashooter tho
[12:31] <Lapis Lazulli> BUT WAIT
[12:31] <UI Gaming> what do u mean one of peas arent in middle
[12:31] <Charmande red321> basically
[12:31] <Lapis Lazulli> UI SAID
[12:31] <Charmande red321> the weaker Threepeater
[12:31] <Lapis Lazulli> AND SOME OTHER WEIRD PLANT
[12:31] <Lapis Lazulli> I THINK RED STINGER
[12:31] <Lapis Lazulli> and coding
[12:31] <Lapis Lazulli> takes like
[12:31] <UI Gaming> i just programmed it -_- 
[12:31] <Lapis Lazulli> 5 hours
[12:31] <Charmande red321> um
[12:31] <Charmande red321> depends on yor skills
[12:31] <Hunter5897> Revern plz don't start flame war
[12:31] <Charmande red321> also agree with Hunter
[12:32] <UI Gaming> its not even supposed to shoot in middle row
[12:32] <Lapis Lazulli> UI JUST ADMIT ITS FAKE
[12:32] <UI Gaming> its shoots at the sides
[12:32] <Lapis Lazulli> not at the middle
[12:32] <Lapis Lazulli> the middle of the tile
[12:32] <UI Gaming> its weak threepeater
[12:32] <Charmande red321> Lapis 
[12:32] <UI Gaming> it dosnt shoot in its own row
[12:32] <Charmande red321> its not a canon plant
[12:32] <Pepsicola45> ...
[12:33] <Pepsicola45> Just stop, please. You just have to surrender.
[12:33] <Hunter5897> @UI does sun/gold tiles work?
[12:33] <UI Gaming> no
[12:33] <Pepsicola45> It's easier than all of this.
[12:33] <UI Gaming> i cant fix them
[12:33] <Hunter5897> k
[12:33] <Charmande red321> try asking Orbacal
[12:33] <Charmande red321> i think he knows
[12:33] <Lolwutburger> I don't get this at all.
[12:33] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">if he's online that is</span>
[12:33] <UI Gaming> OMG
[12:34] <UI Gaming> i will try add plantfood
[12:34] <Charmande red321> ohey Night Furry
[12:35] <Hunter5897> Hello Furry
[12:35] <UI Gaming> whats gif cam
[12:35] <Charmande red321> self-explanatory
[12:35] <NightFury299> NIGHT FURRY? IM OUT
[12:35] <Charmande red321> k thx bai
[12:35] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[12:35] <Pepsicola45> And, goodbye.
[12:36] <UI Gaming> i cant do plantfood
[12:36] <Charmande red321> when
[12:36] <Charmande red321> did people get this so called "Charlie Charlie" challenge
[12:36] <Hunter5897> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Charmande Charmande </span>
[12:36] <Hunter5897> failed (okay) 
[12:36] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[12:37] <Pepsicola45> The Charlie Charlie challenge came from advertisements.
[12:37] <Charmande red321> yo
[12:37] <UI Gaming> i take fan ideas for the game
[12:37] <UI Gaming> plants
[12:37] <UI Gaming> worlds
[12:37] <UI Gaming> zombies
[12:37] <Charmande red321> also UI
[12:37] <Charmande red321> inb4 Lapis = Fake
[12:37] <Hunter5897> I will burn down your house with lemons
[12:37] <Charmande red321> but will Ho-Oh unburn the house
[12:38] <Charmande red321> hi Cavia r
[12:38] <Cavia porcellus> Now THIS is what I call mssing a lucky blover!
[12:38] <UI Gaming> no thanks char
[12:38] <UI Gaming> i cant point me camera at my pc if its built in my pc
[12:38] <Charmande red321> k
[12:38] <AWikiBoy521> Lol
[12:38] <Charmande red321> but
[12:38] <Charmande red321> its a program
[12:38] <Charmande red321> not an actual camera
[12:39] <Cavia porcellus> 1 freaking second.
[12:39] <Charmande red321> it basically acts like a mini-video recorder
[12:39] <UI Gaming> ill stick to making five-peater
[12:39] <Hunter5897> There is already five-peater
[12:39] <Hunter5897> (peapod) 
[12:39] <UI Gaming> thats peapod >:D:D"> 
[12:39] <UI Gaming> not five peater
[12:39] <Hunter5897> (okay) 
[12:39] <Charmande red321> can be considered as a fivepeater
[12:39] <UI Gaming> five peater will shoot in 5 rows
[12:39] <Charmande red321> or quintipeater...
[12:40] <Hunter5897> Do 9 million peashooter
[12:40] <Charmande red321> lol
[12:40] <UI Gaming> k
[12:40] <Pepsicola45> I don't even know the topic anymore.
[12:40] <Charmande red321> intense
[12:40] <Charmande red321> @UI
[12:40] <Hunter5897> Shoot 1 pea then vanish
[12:40] <Charmande red321> wrong link
[12:40] <Charmande red321>
[12:40] <UI Gaming> i feel like adding well
[12:40] <UI Gaming> fire threepeater
[12:40] <Hunter5897> Element Pea
[12:41] <Hunter5897> Do peeshooter
[12:41] <Charmande red321> is Hunter associated with Ice?
[12:41] <Charmande red321> Yes
[12:41] <Charmande red321> No
[12:41] <Charmande red321> He eats tacos
[12:41] <Hunter5897> No
[12:41] <Pepsicola45> With.
[12:41] <Hunter5897> I eats cake
[12:41] <Lapis Lazulli> Yes
[12:41] <Charmande red321> Answer: Hunter is associated with Balloon Boy
[12:41] <UI Gaming> i should add china plants
[12:41] <UI Gaming> and upgrades >:D:D"> 
[12:41] <Pepsicola45> Yer trying too hard.
[12:41] <Charmande red321> New Scott Teaser is Balloon Boy
[12:41] <Hunter5897> Goddammit Char
[12:42] <Hunter5897> That's so true
[12:42] <Pepsicola45> If you can't, then you don't have to force yourself.
[12:42] <UI Gaming> ok
[12:42] <Charmande red321> the kid which is boy that was holding the balloon
[12:42] <Charmande red321> is definitely a kid
[12:42] <Hunter5897> BB is adorable (lenny) 
[12:43] <Charmande red321> BBCode?
[12:43] <Hunter5897> Yes
[12:43] <Charmande red321> Birthday Boy Blam ftw
[12:43] <Hunter5897> <3 
[12:43] <Charmande red321> much spookier
[12:43] <Hunter5897> Birthday boy blam x BB <3 
[12:43] <Charmande red321> wait
[12:43] <Hunter5897> (lenny) 
[12:43] <Charmande red321> why Mike X Olaf?
[12:44] <Lolwutburger> I should totally write my own 2007-2012 era esque flash animation series
[12:44] <Lolwutburger> Before HD was made
[12:44] <Lolwutburger> In a small screen
[12:45] <UI Gaming> if i was to add fire pea
[12:45] <UI Gaming> old design
[12:45] <MysteryKing> Hello.
[12:45] <UI Gaming> or newest
[12:45] <Lapis Lazulli> wat old design
[12:45] <Hunter5897> UI add peeshooter
[12:45] <Lapis Lazulli> fire pea doesnt have an old design
[12:46] <Lapis Lazulli> fire pea doesnt even exist (only in pvzgw universe)
[12:46] <UI Gaming> it does lapis 
[12:46] <Charmande red321> fire peashooter
[12:46] <MysteryKing> I'm gonna speak in random lines now.
[12:46] <Charmande red321> fire pea is both that and a projectile
[12:46] <UI Gaming> old or new design
[12:46] <Hunter5897> Old
[12:46] <Lolwutburger> I miss pre-2012
[12:46] <Charmande red321> i prefer old
[12:46] <MysteryKing> Do you ever get the feeling of an egg ticking you while you're watching a dolphin poop rainbows?
[12:46] <Lolwutburger> Everything was fine then
[12:46] <Charmande red321> cuz red peashooter
[12:46] <UI Gaming> ok
[12:47] <Hunter5897> UI add peeshooter plz
[12:47] <Lolwutburger> Before most of today's shit came along
[12:47] <Hunter5897> shoot pee then vanish after 3 sec
[12:47] <Lolwutburger> There were no hashbrowntags back then, nor was that Em-el-gee shit
[12:47] <Lolwutburger> And there sure weren't a lot of teenage girls on the internet other than myspace
[12:48] <Lolwutburger> and when they actually were on myspace, most of them are emos instead of people taking pictures of themselves.
[12:48] <Hunter5897> Do you want to..
[12:48] <Hunter5897> build a snowman?
[12:49] <Lolwutburger> TV animation was crap so people back then had to make their own flash series
[12:49] <Lolwutburger> And they put them on the internet for all to see
[12:49] <Lolwutburger> Flash games were crappy back then too
[12:49] <Lapis Lazulli> tell me what is the meaning of christmas
[12:49] <Lolwutburger> There weren't much details, you can just make a box green and then it would be land
[12:49] <Hunter5897> Christmas mean christmas
[12:50] <Lolwutburger> INSTEAD OF THE WRECK IT IS NOW
[12:50] <UI Gaming>
[12:50] <UI Gaming> ?
[12:50] <UI Gaming> good
[12:50] <Hunter5897> Yes
[12:50] <Lapis Lazulli> did you make that in
[12:50] <UI Gaming> no
[12:50] <Pepsicola45> Wow.
[12:50] <UI Gaming> Gimp
[12:50] <Pepsicola45> Someone called me a fool at KidzWorld.
[12:50] <Iamarepeater> Hey mysteryking 
[12:50] <Iamarepeater> You around?
[12:51] <MysteryKing> Why?
[12:51] <Iamarepeater> You want a ride?
[12:51] <Hunter5897> When someone called me noob.. i say "Thx"
[12:51] <Pepsicola45> He's willing to start a flame war.
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> Before 2012 years were the golden years of the internet
[12:52] <Lolwutburger> Now everything's gone to shit
[12:52] <Lapis Lazulli> ^
[12:52] <Lapis Lazulli> including minecraft
[12:52] <Hunter5897> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">UI i think you should make wall-nut.. to defend Lapiz</span>
[12:52] <Iamarepeater> MysteryKing?
[12:52] <Lapis Lazulli> it has gone to sh*t because of stampy and thediamondminecart and other pathetic youtubers
[12:53] <Hunter5897> Back then when there is no CoD and MLG stuff.
[12:53] <Lapis Lazulli> back then plants vs. zombies were an oldschool games
[12:53] <Lapis Lazulli> game*
[12:53] <Lapis Lazulli> no sequels
[12:53] <Lapis Lazulli> that was the best of the internet
[12:53] <Pepsicola45> Now it's all about the money.
[12:54] <MasterNinja321> Back then:
[12:54] <MasterNinja321> " yay pvz wow awaiting for pvz2 memes are funny minecraft is meh "
[12:54] <MasterNinja321> today:
[12:54] <Pepsicola45> Look at Ninja Warz II, now they did a money hungry update called "Punishment".
[12:54] <Hunter5897> Yea..
[12:54] <Hunter5897> Those mlg stuff ruined almost everything.
[12:54] <MasterNinja321> You're getting punished for... playing.. this game.. i guess?
[12:54] <MasterNinja321> @Pepsi
[12:54] <Lapis Lazulli> now the internet is like
[12:55] <Pepsicola45> Every time a Ninja dies, they get demoted.
[12:55] <Lapis Lazulli> "ooh this video has b00bs in it im gonna watch it"
[12:55] <Pepsicola45> And people used real money on their Ninjas.
[12:55] <Hunter5897> Commenters..
[12:55] <Iamarepeater> Hey lapis 
[12:55] <Hunter5897> Tumblr
[12:55] <Lapis Lazulli> wat is it my apartment bill
[12:55] <Hunter5897> and etc.
[12:55] <Pepsicola45> One person claimed that one of their Ninjas was a red belt, but due to this corrupt system, he went all the way to a Green Belt.
[12:56] <Pepsicola45> One of my green belts turned all the way down to Level 6.
[12:56] <Pepsicola45> I'm surprised that they don't turn back into white belts.
[12:56] <Hunter5897> <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Back then when there is no color only black and white</span>
[12:56] <Lolwutburger> This was one of the most popular videos of the internet back then
[12:56] <Lolwutburger>
[12:57] <Pepsicola45> But due to the cheap rates of Ninja Belts now, I have 3 Red Belts.
[12:58] <Hunter5897> Good ol' days
[12:58] <Pepsicola45> Now it's all about smoking weed.
[12:58] <Hunter5897> I remember when i first discovered internet.
[12:59] <Iamarepeater> Who wants this?
[12:59] <Lapis Lazulli> not me
[12:59] <Hunter5897> This song <3
[12:59] <Pepsicola45> Oh god.
[12:59] <Lapis Lazulli> i dont want pr0n
[12:59] <Lapis Lazulli> hunter
[12:59] <Lapis Lazulli> i know that is rick roll
[12:59] <Lapis Lazulli> or troll song
[01:00] <Hunter5897> It's not..
[01:00] <Pepsicola45> Passenger: Let Her Go.
[01:00] <Lapis Lazulli> wow iamarepeater actually is the first person to say s*x tape
[01:00] <Lolwutburger> The internet used to be cool, when there weren't a lot of fantards on the net
[01:00] <Lapis Lazulli> im the second
[01:00] <MasterNinja321> Internet TODAY and internet BACK THEN
[01:00] <Pepsicola45> Now it's about Tumblr idiots.
[01:01] <Lapis Lazulli> and pr0n
[01:01] <Iamarepeater> But it was censored
[01:01] <Lapis Lazulli> and hentai
[01:01] <Lapis Lazulli> and senpai
[01:01] <Pepsicola45> And lewds.
[01:01] <Iamarepeater> So not counted