Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/28 June 2015

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[11:41] <HeavenlyMildCone> Birdpool, guys who jack-off to MLP
[11:41] <Birdpool> yes, so keep it clean
[11:41] <HeavenlyMildCone> are cloppers
[11:41] <Birdpool> are weird
[11:41] <Birdpool> MLP?
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> At least Bug Bot won't be replaced by Z-Mech
[11:41] <Birdpool> major league porn?
[11:41] <Birdpool> XDXDXD
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> Peeps who always jack it to pony pr0n are cloppers
[11:42] <HeavenlyMildCone> My Little Pony
[11:42] <HeavenlyMildCone> Porno. Swearing is allowed
[11:42] <Ballistic Planet> I think egypt is actually mummy
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> I like typing pr0n
[11:42] <Ballistic Planet> in the code
[11:43] <Cavia porcellus> Why do Americans pronounce "pornography" as "pronography"?
[11:43] <HeavenlyMildCone> Porno be something you wish...SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS!
[11:43] <Birdpool> I don't...
[11:43] <Ballistic Planet> I don't...
[11:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Because america
[11:43] <Brainulator9> @Cavia, I don't
[11:44] <Brainulator9> My Little Porny
[11:44] <HeavenlyMildCone> I don't
[11:44] <HeavenlyMildCone> I just say porn
[11:44] <Lolwutburger> I pronounce pr0n as pr-zero-en
[11:44] <Ballistic Planet> So how do I look for levels in the code?
[11:44] <Ballistic Planet> What's the format?
[11:44] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:44] <Birdpool> I say pr0n as prawn
[11:44] <Birdpool> lol
[11:45] <Birdpool> so I just type pron
[11:45] <Birdpool> porn*
[11:45] <Birdpool> XD
[11:45] <Birdpool> (facepalm) 
[11:45] <Birdpool> can someone post the peashooter and level button assets already?!
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> Anyone hyah have a twitter?
[11:46] <Brainulator9> JemCel03
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> I think the peashooter assets are already posted
[11:46] <Insert Your Name Here> According to the manual of styles, are zombies gender neutral?
[11:46] <Birdpool> no for the others
[11:46] <Brainulator9> As for the RD plush Milesprower2 owns, the first few days he had it (and maybe now), he would cuddle with it all day. Hell, he kissed it a few times. He couldn't believe he told me this.
[11:46] <Birdpool> I need repeater, snow pea, flaming pea, etc
[11:46] <Lolwutburger> Conhead can't be a chick
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> There are no girls named Brian
[11:47] <Insert Your Name Here> There are bikini coneheads
[11:47] <Birdpool> ...
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> Disco Zombie can't ne a chick along with his backups
[11:47] <Brainulator9> Brianulator9
[11:47] <Birdpool> ?
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> The cowboys can't be girls
[11:48] <Ballistic Planet> Ok
[11:48] <Ballistic Planet> I found 
[11:48] <Ballistic Planet> what I was looking for
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> It's already stated in their name that they are cowBOYS
[11:48] <Birdpool> lel
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> The adventurers can't be girls
[11:48] <Brainulator9> Bullboy
[11:48] <Brainulator9> @lolwutburger, Dora?
[11:48] <Brainulator9> aDORAble
[11:48] <Lolwutburger> Dora's an explorer
[11:48] <Cavia porcellus> I'm misophonic.
[11:49] <HeavenlyMildCone> Pedos....
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> Most zombies can't be girls
[11:49] <HeavenlyMildCone> bikini
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> Some obviously looks like dudes
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> I said most, didn't I?
[11:49] <Brainulator9> Computadora is Spanish for computer, which Dora the Explorer takes place in. Puta is Spanish for fucking (this game fucking sucks!) and dora...
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> Not all
[11:49] <Lolwutburger> most
[11:49] <Brainulator9> Coincidence? I think NOT! (zee)
[11:50] <Insert Your Name Here> What is dota
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> dawn of the ancients
[11:50] <Lolwutburger> I only know about it because of Rick and Morty
[11:50] <HeavenlyMildCone> Dawn
[11:50] <HeavenlyMildCone> :P 
[11:50] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> hi LWB
[11:50] <CompliensCreator00> I think we need Winter Melon
[11:50] <CompliensCreator00> or something else
[11:50] <Ballistic Planet> I'm gonna try replacing Peashooter with Stallia in BWB Day 3
[11:51] <Lolwutburger> Wasn't Dawn like, the blue-haired girl from Pokemon?
[11:51] <CompliensCreator00> maybe Citron
[11:51] <Lolwutburger> gtg
[11:51] <Brainulator9> @lolwutburger, prairie
[11:51] <Ballistic Planet> Melon-pult is better than Citron tho
[11:51] <CompliensCreator00> a straight-shooter might be preferable, due to surfers
[11:51] <Ballistic Planet> hmm
[11:51] <HeavenlyMildCone> No LWB
[11:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Lobbed shots are terrible against chickens
[11:51] <HeavenlyMildCone> The pale one who likes nature
[11:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Just give like 500 bananas for that lvl.
[11:52] <CompliensCreator00> Citron's slow shooting might not be good for this level though
[11:52] <CompliensCreator00> there are a lot of zombies
[11:52] <CompliensCreator00> we might need a fast shooting or AOE plant
[11:52] <Ballistic Planet> Red Stinger?
[11:52] <CompliensCreator00> Maybe
[11:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Bananas
[11:52] <CompliensCreator00> Red Stinger might be fun in this level
[11:53] <Insert Your Name Here> Coconut cannon
[11:53] <CompliensCreator00> if Red Stinger doesn't work I'll try Banana Launcher
[11:53] <Insert Your Name Here> Or pea pod + torchwood
[11:53] <Ballistic Planet> Time for some expirmentation
[11:53] <CompliensCreator00> I'd replace Guacodile, but this is the level meant to show Guacodile off.
[11:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Who cares about guacodile anyway, it's terrible
[11:54] <Birdpool> NOT AWAY
[11:55] <Ballistic Planet> Guacodile is very bad
[11:55] <DeathZombi> I really want Mitzi in my town
[11:56] <Ballistic Planet> Although he is quite the adorable little bastard
[11:56] <CompliensCreator00> gonna try Winter Melon
[11:56] <CompliensCreator00> Guacodile is okay
[11:56] <CompliensCreator00> his rush attack should be stronger though
[11:56] <CompliensCreator00> and he should work in the water
[11:56] <DeathZombi> Does anypony have Animal Crossing: New Leaf?
[11:56] <CompliensCreator00> at least against snorkels
[11:56] <CompliensCreator00> his teeth should also pop the fisher zombie's intertube
[11:57] <CompliensCreator00> giving it a reliable counter found within BWB
[11:57] <Brainulator9> hilo
[11:57] <ErnestoAM> Hey a wiki boy
[11:57] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:57] <CompliensCreator00> hey Ernesto
[11:57] <ErnestoAM> Yes?
[11:57] <DeathZombi> BForumGirl125!
[11:58] <Brainulator9> IMO, octopi shouldn't trap (guacodile) s, they should trigger the rush attack, which would be enough to kill a (weaker) (octo) .
[11:58] <AWikiBoy521> RevivePlant!
[11:58] <CompliensCreator00> yeah
[11:58] <TheHandsomePlant> Hiya
[11:58] <ErnestoAM> meh
[11:58] <TheHandsomePlant> Can anyone merge PvZGW branches?
[11:58] <CompliensCreator00> Umbrella Leaf should just be added to BWB
[11:59] <TheHandsomePlant> The thread about it won
[11:59] <Ballistic Planet> Not like we can add this behaviour though
[11:59] <CompliensCreator00> add like, three levels between Days 17 and 18 to introduce it
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> What does Umbrella Leaf even do
[11:59] <Brainulator9> (umbrella) 
[11:59] <Brainulator9> Rihanna song
[12:00] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:01] <CompliensCreator00> It deflects projectiles that hit it
[12:01] <Ballistic Planet> I added Stallia and AKEE to BWB Day 3
[12:02] <CompliensCreator00> it would be a great counter to stuff like Octos and maybe surfers
[12:02] <CompliensCreator00> in this game it should also deflect Imps
[12:02] <Ballistic Planet> What was the BWB Level with Sun Bean?
[12:02] <Ballistic Planet> Day 30?
[12:02] <CompliensCreator00> why couldn't it do that before
[12:02] <CompliensCreator00> Day 31
[12:02] <CompliensCreator00> I think
[12:02] <CompliensCreator00> find it yourself
[12:02] <Insert Your Name Here> It should also deflects imps thrown by gargs because physics
[12:02] <Ballistic Planet> I should make it Gold Leaf instead of Sun Bean
[12:02] <Ballistic Planet> because I think Sun Bean is useless
[12:03] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep.
[12:03] <Birdpool> Test
[12:03] <Birdpool> potato
[12:04] <A plant> hi
[12:04] <Insert Your Name Here> hi
[12:04] <Birdpool> hi
[12:04] <Brainulator9> hilo The zombie
[12:04] <A plant> Any staff member wanna team in Staff vs. Regular
[12:04] <Ballistic Planet> A plant
[12:04] <Ballistic Planet> is A plant
[12:04] <AWikiBoy521> Any regular user wanna team in Staff vs. Regular
[12:04] <Birdpool> what's Staff v Regular?
[12:05] <A plant> lol from 90, staff went to 50
[12:05] <Birdpool> why don't I have any tags on my userpage?
[12:05] <Birdpool> :/ 
[12:06] <ErnestoAM> Because we are regular users.
[12:06] <Birdpool> :| 
[12:06] <Birdpool> I'm a rollback
[12:06] <Ballistic Planet> Ooooh
[12:06] <ErnestoAM> Well in that case ask someone
[12:06] <Birdpool> plus, I requested BUL9 for some
[12:06] <Birdpool> :| 
[12:06] <Birdpool> 
[12:06] <Ballistic Planet> pls no crash
[12:06] <Birdpool> ''8
[12:06] <A plant> So staff members have to count down 1, regular users have to count up 1
[12:06] <AWikiBoy521> I like ping-pong threads....
[12:07] <Ballistic Planet> :o 
[12:07] <Ballistic Planet> No crash
[12:07] <CompliensCreator00> this has been my most succesful attempt yet
[12:07] <Ballistic Planet> so far
[12:07] <Ballistic Planet> to bwb day 3
[12:07] <AWikiBoy521> (troll) 
[12:07] <Birdpool> >:D:D"> 
[12:07] <Birdpool> >:D:D"> 
[12:07] <Birdpool> lol
[12:07] <CompliensCreator00> Should I make a change to Day 3?
[12:07] <Insert Your Name Here> j
[12:07] <Ballistic Planet> I added AKEE and Stallia
[12:07] <Ballistic Planet> it crashed
[12:07] <Ballistic Planet> on day 3
[12:07] <CompliensCreator00> dang
[12:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Akee is horribly unreliable.
[12:08] <Birdpool> :P 
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> I'm the engineer in that game.
[12:08] <Birdpool> ?
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Guess we're stuck with chompers.
[12:08] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> [[Special:NewFiles]]
[12:08] <A plant> Who thinks Gold Leaf will become the most popular plant when it's available on other worlds?
[12:08] <A plant> 
[12:08] <Ballistic Planet> I think I'm doing something wrong
[12:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Not me.
[12:09] <Ballistic Planet> I think it'd be very popular
[12:09] <Ballistic Planet> not the most, but very
[12:09] <A plant> I like Toadstool
[12:09] <Ballistic Planet> It's recharge is atrocious though
[12:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Who am I kidding, Sun Bean could generate more sun.
[12:10] <AWikiBoy521> That forum game is like Control Point from TF2!
[12:10] <A plant> If you hack a Zombot into a level, and make the Zombot a Sun Bean, then Boom, 100,000 sun
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Zombots cannot eat sun bean though
[12:11] <FNAOHGOD> hey
[12:11] <FNAOHGOD> i hacked marigold in
[12:11] <FNAOHGOD> and it spawned in the zen garden
[12:11] <FNAOHGOD> it crashses when i load up
[12:11] <FNAOHGOD> how do i get it out
[12:11] <Ballistic Planet> yup
[12:11] <Ballistic Planet> you just broke your pp.dat
[12:11] <Ballistic Planet> congrats
[12:11] <Birdpool> lol
[12:11] <ErnestoAM> Does anyone know how to break the sun counter
[12:11] <Birdpool> ?
[12:11] <Birdpool> no
[12:11] <Ballistic Planet> nope
[12:11] <Birdpool> hack using cheat engine
[12:11] <Ballistic Planet> I know you can
[12:12] <Ballistic Planet> I saw IG doing it
[12:12] <ErnestoAM> But he won't tell us those greedy IG team
[12:12] <Throwkirby> Hallo
[12:12] <ErnestoAM> hola
[12:12] <CompliensCreator00> I think I'm done with fixing up BWB for today
[12:12] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:13] <CompliensCreator00> I fixed 3 levels completely and 1 is sorta fixed
[12:13] <FNAOHGOD> compliens
[12:13] <FNAOHGOD> what about fbc
[12:13] <Throwkirby> CC00 r u done with da avatar
[12:13] <Reapeageddon> fnaohGOD if you put Marigold in the game and then enter your Zen Garden, your'e screwed
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> ^
[12:13] <Reapeageddon> you are NOT supposed to visit Zen Garden after that
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> ^^
[12:13] <Birdpool> :o 
[12:13] <Reapeageddon> otherwise R.I.P obb/pp.dat
[12:13] <Birdpool> :O 
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> pp.dat
[12:13] <Ballistic Planet> is rip
[12:14] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[12:14] <CompliensCreator00> what's in pp.dat
[12:14] <Ballistic Planet> I don't know what I'm doing wrong
[12:14] <Birdpool> how do you fix that?
[12:14] <Reapeageddon> until you delete your game and install it again
[12:14] <Reapeageddon> I heard that even fixing it won't go any good
[12:14] <Birdpool> :o 
[12:14] <Throwkirby> Also can the users in chat that go on the PVZCC wiki go on the pvzcc chat
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> No
[12:14] <AWikiBoy521> I'm busy.
[12:14] <Throwkirby> but I'm bored
[12:14] <CompliensCreator00> BWB is my top priority right now, then I'll fix up Dark Ages some
[12:15] <Throwkirby> can reap and CC00 go on PVZCC chat
[12:15] <CompliensCreator00> I already worked on Jester
[12:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Dork Ages is ok
[12:15] <Ballistic Planet> gooby
[12:15] <Throwkirby> and maybe birdpool
[12:15] <Birdpool> What?
[12:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Jester is counterable in endless
[12:15] <CompliensCreator00> Jester now can take a few lobbed shot attacks
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> [[Thread:369953%23392|Throwkirby, how about playing this since you're bored?]]
[12:15] <Throwkirby> just PLZ I'm SOO BORED
[12:15] <A plant> wat
[12:15] <AWikiBoy521> Why not?
[12:15] <CompliensCreator00> But for now, I'm working on BWB changes
[12:16] <CompliensCreator00> I might try Banana Launcher on Day 18.
[12:16] <CompliensCreator00> Octos are the main problem.
[12:16] <Throwkirby> k just did a comment
[12:16] <Throwkirby> now im bored
[12:16] <AWikiBoy521> Wat?
[12:16] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[12:17] <Brainulator9> hilo Pepsi
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> idk how to fix octos
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> @Throwkirby
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> Thanks!
[12:17] <Throwkirby> k now people are on the pvzcc chat
[12:17] <Throwkirby> bai
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Completely remove their random squid throw could be the first thing
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> But increase their reaction throw range
[12:18] <UI Gaming>
[12:18] <UI Gaming> sorry about earlier
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:19] <Birdpool>
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> It looks terrible
[12:20] <Birdpool> Update
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> The thing crashed on launch.
[12:20] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies>
[12:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Should have stayed at lvl 100
[12:21] <UI Gaming> played thatlevel 4 2 days
[12:21] <UI Gaming> xD
[12:21] <Birdpool> UI can you just post the game so far?
[12:21] <UI Gaming> i posted assets
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> gtg
[12:22] <Birdpool> but...
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> Alt+F4!
[12:22] <Birdpool> gaem
[12:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Eventually the lag just becomes unmanagable
[12:22] <UI Gaming> sorry i cant
[12:22] <Birdpool> why?
[12:22] <UI Gaming> i have hardky done much
[12:22] <UI Gaming> its all buggy
[12:22] <Birdpool> still
[12:22] <Birdpool> IDC
[12:22] <Birdpool> That makes it genuine XD
[12:22] <Birdpool> :P 
[12:22] <Birdpool> plz
[12:22] <Birdpool> I want to play it.
[12:22] <UI Gaming> dude it will crash if u open..
[12:22] <Birdpool> ?
[12:23] <Birdpool> nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> This is why it's not feasible to port the game to DS
[12:23] <Birdpool> we need ice
[12:23] <UI Gaming> insert
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> The game looks straight up terrible
[12:23] <UI Gaming> its 4 pc
[12:24] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:27] <Birdpool> *sigh*
[12:28] <UI Gaming> stallia slows down zombies by 75%
[12:29] <UI Gaming> am i the only one who is more hyped for stallia
[12:30] <UI Gaming> i mean best plant yet
[12:30] <UI Gaming> even for 0 sun
[12:30] <Birdpool> :P 
[12:32] <Birdpool> a zombie was planted? WTF
[12:33] <Birdpool> :P 
[12:33] <UI Gaming> workin
[12:33] <UI Gaming> Izombie confirmed >:D:D"> 
[12:34] <Murabito> Who wants to watch me cry
[12:34] <UI Gaming> not me
[12:34] <Birdpool> nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[12:37] <Birdpool> wat
[12:38] <UI Gaming> oh great...
[12:38] <UI Gaming> now i just made a plant i can stare a all day
[12:40] <Birdpool> ?
[12:40] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[12:40] <UI Gaming>
[12:40] <King Pea> Hey guys
[12:40] <FNAOHGOD> yooo
[12:40] <FNAOHGOD> marigold in pvz2 is snoring
[12:40] <Birdpool> HI!
[12:40] <FNAOHGOD> how do i wake her up
[12:40] <King Pea> Hey Birdpool
[12:40] <Birdpool> kill her
[12:41] <Birdpool> what
[12:41] <King Pea> Yeah kill her, she won;t do the wierd sleepy thing in PVZ O
[12:41] <Birdpool> lol
[12:41] <ErnestoAM> Hey King Pea
[12:41] <Birdpool> what??
[12:41] <Birdpool> King
[12:41] <Birdpool> Pea
[12:41] <King Pea> Yes
[12:41] <Birdpool> King Pea
[12:41] <Birdpool> what u want
[12:41] <FNAOHGOD> how do i wake her up IN PVZ2
[12:41] <King Pea> Hey Ernesto, did Tran reply>
[12:41] <King Pea> Dunno, dig her up and plant again.
[12:42] <King Pea> Just here to chat
[12:42] <ErnestoAM> Haven't been able. :( 
[12:42] <King Pea> Ok
[12:42] <UI Gaming> FUCK FUK FUCK
[12:42] <ErnestoAM> I will try tonight
[12:42] <UI Gaming> I JUST DELETED MY GAME
[12:42] <UI Gaming> HOLY SHIT
[12:42] <UI Gaming> NOOOO
[12:42] <Birdpool> what
[12:42] <ErnestoAM> Meh
[12:42] <Birdpool> ...
[12:42] <King Pea> My progress in PVZ 2 got deleted and I flipped
[12:42] <FNAOHGOD> its not even a game ui\
[12:53] <Pinkgirl234> Okay, anyone link to me the staff page though?
[12:54] <ErnestoAM> And "do not disturb a discussion or get a warning" now that's just a little strict
[12:54] <Pinkgirl234> Link to the page please?
[12:54] <Brainulator9> [[Project:Staff]]
[12:55] <Pinkgirl234> Thank you
[12:55] <ErnestoAM> Or just click the staff tab on the top of the wiki nav bar.
[12:55] <Birdpool> wtf
[12:56] <ErnestoAM> [[Special:NewFiles]]
[12:56] <ErnestoAM> Did ya'll see the seed packets I put together
[12:56] <Birdpool> I have 173 edits!
[12:56] <Birdpool> yes.
[12:56] <Birdpool> the Sap-fling looks glitched...
[12:56] <ErnestoAM> That's how it is.
[12:57] <ErnestoAM> I should tweak
[12:57] <Pinkgirl234> "Why does he always come here? We guess we'll never know..."
[12:57] <Pinkgirl234> WHo made that description about Brainulator9 ?
[12:57] <ErnestoAM> Who?
[12:57] <Pinkgirl234> Idk. But that is a part of the description about him.
[12:58] <Brainulator9> I made those descriptions in the lieu of PvZ's almanc entries.
[12:58] <Brainulator9> I hate how seed packet images don't fit.
[12:59] <Brainulator9> Also, that is indeed a Muppet Show reference.
[12:59] <ErnestoAM> Huh?
[01:00] <Brainulator9> Bilo
[01:00] <Pinkgirl234> Can I be a tree? (treeawisdom)
[01:00] <FNAOHGOD> anyone know how to edit the obb to be able to plant gold leaf in other worlds?
[01:01] <FNAOHGOD> BU9 how much do you want another night world?
[01:01] <ErnestoAM> Yes
[01:01] <FNAOHGOD> ernesto could you tell me
[01:01] <Birdpool>
[01:02] <Birdpool> damn it!
[01:02] <Birdpool> Oy
[01:02] <FNAOHGOD> why is popcap twice
[01:02] <The Zombie O.O> What
[01:02] <FNAOHGOD> in the star
[01:02] <FNAOHGOD> *start
[01:02] <Pinkgirl234> (treeofwisdom)
[01:05] <FNAOHGOD> ernesto
[01:05] <FNAOHGOD> how do you make it so gold leaf is plantable in other worlds
[01:07] <Birdpool> nullify validstages.
[01:07] <FNAOHGOD> which line?
[01:07] <FNAOHGOD> and how many spaces right
[01:08] <Birdpool> I dunno
[01:08] <Birdpool> Just nullify it.
[01:08] <Birdpool> ask around
[01:08] <Birdpool>
[01:10] <Birdpool> hi
[01:10] <FNAOHGOD> testing testing 123
[01:11] <FNAOHGOD> also birdpool you could go ahead and put only the disclaimer but not popcap twice
[01:11] <Birdpool> can't
[01:11] <Birdpool> that would require too much editing to be really worth it; you can just read the one that's in the popup
[01:11] <Birdpool> GameGuide
[01:11] <Birdpool> whatevermajig
[01:14] <ErnestoAM> Hey MK
[01:14] <MysteryKing> Hi!
[01:15] <MysteryKing> So?
[01:15] <ErnestoAM> Dead caht
[01:15] <ErnestoAM> chat
[01:16] <Birdpool>
[01:20] <FNAOHGOD> mystery
[01:22] <FNAOHGOD> mysteryking what address do i nullify do get gold leaf plantable in all worlds
[01:22] <ErnestoAM> ValidStage
[01:22] <MysteryKing> ValidStages
[01:22] <FNAOHGOD> i know that
[01:22] <Birdpool> Likme I said
[01:23] <FNAOHGOD> but i dont know which 01 to change to 00
[01:23] <FNAOHGOD> also about marigold
[01:23] <Murabito> Who wants to watch me cry
[01:23] <Birdpool> I think its a group of them that you change...
[01:23] <Birdpool> i don't
[01:23] <Birdpool> wht yu ask
[01:23] <Murabito> Bc im doing Mother 3 playthrough
[01:23] <Murabito> and you can watch me cry
[01:23] <ErnestoAM> meh
[01:24] <Murabito> its a great game if you like to cry.
[01:24] <FNAOHGOD> MysteryKing theres 4 01's
[01:24] <FNAOHGOD> which one do i change
[01:25] <FNAOHGOD> well?
[01:25] <FNAOHGOD> i want to watch you cry murabito 
[01:27] <Birdpool> hi peachesssss!
[01:28] <Birdpool> I WILL EAT THE PEACH
[01:28] <ErnestoAM> (heavenlypeach) 
[01:28] <Birdpool> :P 
[01:28] <Birdpool> :p 
[01:28] <Birdpool> OMFG
[01:28] <Murabito> The guy who's allergic to himself
[01:29] <Murabito> (troll) 
[01:29] <FNAOHGOD> MysteryKing theres 4 01's
[01:29] <FNAOHGOD> which one do i change
[01:29] <Birdpool> ???
[01:29] <Murabito> >EMP
[01:29] <ErnestoAM> You make this too complicated FNOAHGOD
[01:29] <Murabito> >he's allergic to (princesspeach) es
[01:30] <FNAOHGOD> well WHICH ONE DO i change
[01:30] <ErnestoAM> Just go to ValidStage and nullify it
[01:30] <Birdpool> all of them
[01:30] <ErnestoAM> ALL
[01:31] <TheHandsomePlant> AHHHHHHHHHH!
[01:31] <Murabito> Yay you wasted an hour
[01:31] <Birdpool> LOL
[01:31] <Birdpool> omfg
[01:32] <Murabito> Get some sleep
[01:32] <FNAOHGOD> murabito 
[01:32] <FNAOHGOD> i want to see yoo cry
[01:32] <Murabito> Oh kay
[01:32] <Murabito> wait
[01:33] <Murabito> i'll need to get this goddamn laptop of mine fixed
[01:33] <Murabito> since I need an emulator to play Mother 3 and to record
[01:33] <TheHandsomePlant> I think it's good idea
[01:33] <FNAOHGOD> erm
[01:33] <TheHandsomePlant> PvZ1 will be free from July 1 on X360
[01:34] <FNAOHGOD> i change all 4 01's to 00's
[01:34] <FNAOHGOD> and when i opened the level
[01:34] <TheHandsomePlant> I'll sleep happily
[01:34] <FNAOHGOD> it crashed
[01:34] <Murabito> Dude nice
[01:34] <Murabito> @THP
[01:34] <Murabito> considering Xbox 360 is going on hiatus.
[01:35] <TheHandsomePlant> I hate dat fact
[01:35] <TheHandsomePlant> Now they want everyone to spent 1000 bucks on new consoles
[01:35] <Murabito> I want a GameCube
[01:35] <TheHandsomePlant> The worse is PvZGW2 is not coming for X360
[01:35] <TheHandsomePlant> I'm mad
[01:36] <Murabito> Lol it should release for Xbox One
[01:36] <TheHandsomePlant> Only if exchange from X360 to X1 would be free
[01:37] <Murabito> Im not a fan of Xbox anyway, so...
[01:37] <Murabito> meh
[01:37] <Murabito> Don't Care
[01:37] <TheHandsomePlant> eh
[01:37] <Murabito> (lol EarthBound reference)
[01:37] <Murabito> hi (redstinger) 
[01:37] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[01:38] <ErnestoAM> That (redstinger) Alliance is old
[01:38] <TheHandsomePlant> At least I'll keep playing GW1
[01:38] <Murabito> Yes
[01:38] <TheHandsomePlant> on X360
[01:38] <Murabito> it is old
[01:38] <Murabito> GW is still good
[01:38] <Murabito> rip PS3
[01:38] <TheHandsomePlant> meh
[01:38] <TheHandsomePlant> One week after release of GW2 = Empty servers in GW1 everywhere
[01:38] <Murabito> and its Microsoft quivalent
[01:39] <ErnestoAM> yup
[01:39] <TheHandsomePlant> Even now most Gnome Bomb/Suburbination servers on PC are dead now.
[01:39] <Murabito> and its Nintendo equivalent (lol Wii is not ded)
[01:39] <Murabito> Nintendo makes grammar weird.
[01:40] <Murabito> we say "wii is a console" and "wiis are consoles"
[01:40] <TheHandsomePlant> we is a console
[01:42] <Murabito> Hi Shyguy
[01:42] <Pinkgirl234> Who is SHyguy?
[01:53] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[01:53] <FNAOHGOD>
[01:54] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies>
[01:54] <ErnestoAM> FNAOHGOD How did you know about that?
[01:54] <Pinkgirl234> Ha ha ha ha!
[01:54] <Murabito> Lol
[01:54] <ErnestoAM> Wait, I can't click all the links at once
[01:54] <FNAOHGOD> from the pvz2 prerelease and hexvetists group
[01:54] <FNAOHGOD> on google+
[01:55] <ErnestoAM> What's your G+ name?
[01:55] <FNAOHGOD> Ethan Bland
[01:55] <FNAOHGOD> is my G+
[01:55] <ZombieNinja723> ....
[01:55] <Birdpool>
[01:56] <RetroBowser>
[01:56] <AWikiBoy521> DEAD CHAT
[01:56] <AWikiBoy521> WOOHOO!
[01:56] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Sup.
[01:56] <ErnestoAM> Why do you keep posting the link to your game, it's like the 13th time
[01:56] <ZombieNinja723> I hate how I don't have an Android tablet
[01:57] <FNAOHGOD> so ernesto
[01:57] <FNAOHGOD> on your hacking guide
[01:57] <FNAOHGOD> answer me question
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> You have to search ValidStages, from there nullify it with zeroes
[01:58] <RetroBowser>
[01:58] <RetroBowser> :3
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> just like IsZenGardenTreasurePlant
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> 
[01:58] <FNAOHGOD> i dont know which 01 to nulligy
[01:58] <RetroBowser> what does nulifying valid stages do?
[01:58] <FNAOHGOD> *nullify
[01:58] <ZombieNinja723> Users made the LC Part 2 pages WAY TOO early
[01:59] <RetroBowser> does it let you replay the tutorial levels?
[01:59] <FNAOHGOD> nope
[01:59] <RetroBowser> why do you say that ZN?
[01:59] <ZombieNinja723> I just do
[01:59] <FNAOHGOD> lets you use all *unable to use plants on this level* liek gold leaf
[01:59] <ErnestoAM> yes
[01:59] <ZombieNinja723> I vomited when i heard Gold Leaf can't be used outside of LC
[01:59] <Murabito> Why are there spoilers on this wiki
[02:00] <ZombieNinja723> Exactly Murabito 
[02:00] <AWikiBoy521> Aggre!
[02:00] <ZombieNinja723> They're making the pages too early
[02:00] <ErnestoAM> Cuz we like spoilers
[02:00] <AWikiBoy521> *Agree!
[02:00] <ErnestoAM> Most of us that is
[02:00] <Murabito> I h8 spoilers
[02:00] <FNAOHGOD> ernesto
[02:00] <Murabito> sorry m8
[02:00] <FNAOHGOD> which 01 do i nullify
[02:00] <Birdpool> what evahr
[02:00] <ZombieNinja723> I think they should make the page when they release the full update, not the soft update
[02:00] <Murabito> Ur mother B) 
[02:01] <RetroBowser> why dont soft release stuff
[02:01] <RetroBowser> just got on the concept page
[02:01] <RetroBowser> cuz technically a soft release isn't official
[02:01] <Murabito> should I make a vote for "spoilers go to concepts page'
[02:01] <RetroBowser> thatd be like sticking any "beta" feature with the actual featurews
[02:01] <Birdpool> AbsoluteOppose!!!!!
[02:01] <Murabito> (I made once before; everybody Opposed)
[02:01] <FNAOHGOD> yo
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> What 01, NULLIFY (cancel out) ValidStages with 0s
[02:02] <Birdpool> wat
[02:02] <AWikiBoy521> Support!
[02:02] <ZombieNinja723> and I don't understand how Cavia has so many edits
[02:02] <FNAOHGOD> vasebreaker dark ages and far future packs are confirmed
[02:02] <ErnestoAM> Where
[02:02] <ZombieNinja723> SUpport Murabito 
[02:02] <Murabito> should I make i
[02:02] <Murabito> *it
[02:03] <ErnestoAM> And just because they are in the game doesn't mean they are cofirmed, they may be removed.
[02:03] <FNAOHGOD> well
[02:03] <FNAOHGOD> conceptual confirmation
[02:03] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:03] <FNAOHGOD> so just make the ValidStages into 00s?
[02:03] <Lolwutburger> Customization stuff won't transfer to GW2, unfortunately
[02:04] <ErnestoAM> YES!
[02:04] <Reapeageddon> I heard that new classes are paid
[02:04] <Lolwutburger> No, I think Miles explained that we have to pay for a new game just for the new classes
[02:05] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> I was already here
[02:06] <ErnestoAM> My chat glitched
[02:06] <AWikiBoy521> Hiccup internet
[02:06] <ZombieNinja723> Murabito , you should make that thread
[02:06] <ZombieNinja723> Oh he left :P 
[02:07] <FNAOHGOD> cmon pls work game
[02:07] <FNAOHGOD> pls not crash
[02:07] <FNAOHGOD> pls
[02:07] <FNAOHGOD> cmon
[02:07] <FNAOHGOD> yoo can do eet
[02:08] <FNAOHGOD> yey it loaded
[02:08] <FNAOHGOD> far future level 1 is " grass fed "
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:09] <FNAOHGOD> magnifying grass is there
[02:09] <FNAOHGOD> da heck
[02:10] <Reapeageddon> When LWB's hyperlink won't work
[02:10] <FNAOHGOD> omg
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> wut
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> You mean this?
[02:10] <Lolwutburger>
[02:10] <FNAOHGOD> these are actually very difficult
[02:11] <PvzLover781> hi
[02:11] <ZombieNinja723> LC Part 2 looks hard 0_0
[02:11] <PvzLover781> nope
[02:11] <PvzLover781> jk
[02:11] <PvzLover781> it is
[02:11] <ZombieNinja723> FFFFFFFFFFFFF
[02:11] <ZombieNinja723> 
[02:11] <ZombieNinja723> UUUCCCKKKKK YOU EA
[02:11] <Lolwutburger> Other than the level where all tiles are trapped
[02:12] <PvzLover781> i have a question
[02:12] <PvzLover781> if you havent played gw1 will u still get the old plants and characters in gw2?
[02:12] <ZombieNinja723> Excavators suck
[02:12] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[02:13] <ZombieNinja723> This world is probably gonna have plenty of sins....
[02:13] <Murabito> [[Thread:375904]]
[02:13] <Lolwutburger> Hyperlink works now
[02:13] <Murabito> @ZN, let me guess, an Everything Wrong With parody?
[02:13] <PvzLover781> nope
[02:14] <ZombieNinja723> yep
[02:14] <ZombieNinja723> I'm at 120 now
[02:14] <PvzLover781> wut m8
[02:14] <PvzLover781> d0n1 und3rs1and
[02:15] <Murabito> Random guy with the 1337 kicking in
[02:15] <Lolwutburger> Since customization stuff won't transfer, at least our old variants will still be there.
[02:15] <Lolwutburger> I wonder if there'll be an ice citron
[02:16] <PvzLover781> fp
[02:17] <PvzLover781> whos still in rainbows
[02:18] <Murabito> Bully9.
[02:18] <PvzLover781> ?
[02:19] <ZombieNinja723> LC Part 2 is probably going to be crap
[02:19] <PvzLover781> nah
[02:19] <Murabito> They were seriously rushed.
[02:19] <PvzLover781> ?
[02:19] <ZombieNinja723> Excavators are shitty
[02:19] <Murabito> Coming out about under one month since Part 1's release
[02:19] <PvzLover781> shut the fa* up
[02:19] <Murabito> you stfu
[02:19] <PvzLover781> imposible quiz master
[02:19] <Murabito> hey
[02:20] <Murabito> Darude 
[02:20] <ZombieNinja723> don't be rude
[02:20] <PvzLover781> not u murabito 
[02:20] <Murabito> Plus, you're talking to a bureaucrat
[02:20] <PvzLover781> CUS EXELATERS ARE 
[02:20] <Murabito> Wtf are exelaters
[02:21] <Murabito> I only know "excavator"
[02:21] <Murabito> (Troll) 
[02:21] <PvzLover781> Excavators*
[02:21] <PvzLover781> EXCAVATORS FTW
[02:21] <PvzLover781> yay
[02:21] <PvzLover781> *claps hard
[02:21] <Murabito> Excavators are too op
[02:21] <PvzLover781> yeh
[02:22] <Murabito> (akee) s are a tad bit UP
[02:22] <Murabito> (redstinger) needs slight buff
[02:22] <PvzLover781> the impossible quiz master: boo EXCAVATORS SUCK
[02:22] <Murabito> (endurian) is F- tier
[02:22] <PvzLover781> Me: why
[02:22] <Murabito> (Stallia) is useless in some sort
[02:23] <PvzLover781> theimpossible quiz master: THEY ARE TOO OP
[02:23] <ZombieNinja723> Fuck LC
[02:23] <Murabito> ZN
[02:23] <PvzLover781> akee
[02:23] <ZombieNinja723> the plants are crap
[02:23] <PvzLover781> (akee) 
[02:23] <PvzLover781> I LUV AKEE
[02:23] <Murabito> - BUL9 
[02:23] <PvzLover781> (goldtileturnip
[02:23] <PvzLover781> (goldtileturnip)
[02:24] <Murabito> (Goldleaf) 
[02:24] <PvzLover781> (sunpod)
[02:24] <Murabito> you see what I said
[02:24] <PvzLover781> nope
[02:24] <Murabito> Let's see
[02:24] <Murabito> (relichunterzombie)
[02:24] <Murabito> thank god
[02:24] <PvzLover781> hahahahaha yay
[02:24] <ZombieNinja723> LC Part 2 is crap
[02:24] <Murabito> ZN, can you remove Stallia and Gold Leaf emotes?
[02:24] <PvzLover781> NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
[02:24] <Murabito> they aren't supposed to have one
[02:24] <Murabito> until their release
[02:24] <PvzLover781> there are from lc p2
[02:24] <Iamarepeater> Guys?
[02:25] <Murabito> Yez?
[02:25] <PvzLover781> I AHVE LC PART 2
[02:25] <Iamarepeater> Click here for free cookies.
[02:25] <PvzLover781> wh t u man
[02:25] <PvzLover781> thanks
[02:25] <ErnestoAM> PvzLover781 Naw, it's been out for like a day now.
[02:25] <Murabito> ZN?
[02:25] <PvzLover781> yeah
[02:25] <Iamarepeater> So who clicked on that?
[02:25] <PvzLover781> ME
[02:25] <Birdpool> fgnvbc
[02:25] <ZombieNinja723> yas
[02:25] <PvzLover781> ME
[02:25] <PvzLover781> MELMELM
[02:26] <Murabito> Remove Stallia and Gold Leaf emotes?
[02:26] <PvzLover781> I DID CLICK
[02:26] <Iamarepeater> How was it?
[02:26] <Murabito> @ZN
[02:26] <ZombieNinja723> I am
[02:26] <PvzLover781> ITS PINKIE
[02:26] <Pengu61151> Purple guy = springtrap
[02:26] <Murabito> Oh kay
[02:26] <Murabito> Springtrap is old news
[02:26] <PvzLover781> (goldtile)
[02:26] <Iamarepeater> Oh no. Gtg
[02:26] <ZombieNinja723> Murabito , removed them
[02:26] <ZombieNinja723>
[02:26] <Pengu61151> Click for pie
[02:27] <PvzLover781> nooooo
[02:27] <Murabito> Ty
[02:27] <Murabito> Those spoilers are ruining me
[02:27] <Murabito> test
[02:27] <Murabito> (stallia) 
[02:27] <Murabito> yay
[02:27] <Pengu61151> free pies :3
[02:27] <Murabito> Oh look, this chat is getting bronified.
[02:27] <ZombieNinja723> Murabito , if the emotes are still there, reload your page
[02:27] <PvzLover781> whos a pegasister or a brony here
[02:28] <Pengu61151> not mr
[02:28] <ZombieNinja723> I am a brony
[02:28] <Pengu61151> not me
[02:28] <PvzLover781> I LUV MLP
[02:28] <Murabito> @ZN, I did, and it's gone.
[02:28] <PvzLover781> YEAHHHHHHHH
[02:28] <Murabito> >im a brony
[02:28] <ZombieNinja723> Fav pony = RD
[02:28] <PvzLover781> (gold leaf) 
[02:28] <ZombieNinja723> 2nd Fav = TS
[02:28] <PvzLover781> HEY
[02:28] <Pengu61151> apple jack is better
[02:28] <ZombieNinja723> 3rd = Pinkie
[02:28] <ZombieNinja723> 4th = FS
[02:28] <Murabito> AJ is kinda boring
[02:28] <ZombieNinja723> 5th = Rarity
[02:28] <PvzLover781> FAV PONY:RD
[02:28] <ZombieNinja723> 6th = AJ (I HATE HER!!!!! >:O:O"> )
[02:28] <PvzLover781> say me if u hate trixy
[02:28] <Murabito> Why do people h8 Rarity
[02:29] <PvzLover781> nope
[02:29] <Murabito> Trixie Lulamoon is decent.
[02:29] <ZombieNinja723> Rarity is kinda boring
[02:29] <ZombieNinja723> Diamond Tiara is an a-hole
[02:29] <PvzLover781> im back
[02:29] <PvzLover781> (gold leaf) 
[02:29] <PvzLover781> NOOOOOOOOOOO
[02:29] <Murabito> Lol you just realized
[02:29] <PvzLover781> *crys*
[02:29] <Lolwutburger> Best pony is obviously Pinkie Pie
[02:29] <PvzLover781> i reload the page
[02:30] <Pengu61151> Awesome plantable flowers (sunflower) (bloomerang) (snapdragon) (powerlily) (homingthistle) (dandelion) (redstinger) (stallia) XD!
[02:30] <PvzLover781> THEN NO MORE EMOJIES
[02:30] <Murabito> Pinkie is kewl
[02:30] <PvzLover781> (toadstoal)
[02:30] <ZombieNinja723> Applejack is crap
[02:30] <Murabito> * (toadstool) 
[02:30] <PvzLover781> how?.
[02:30] <Murabito> You misspelled it
[02:30] <Murabito> lol
[02:30] <PvzLover781> such wow
[02:30] <ZombieNinja723> I play too much CS: GO and Minecraft
[02:31] <Birdpool> .
[02:31] <PvzLover781> BRING BACK LC2 PLANTS
[02:31] <Birdpool> not away!
[02:31] <Pengu61151> Counter strike go?
[02:31] <ZombieNinja723> AWP! Headshot
[02:31] <PvzLover781> (gold leaf) 
[02:31] <Pengu61151> (toadstool) (stallia) (goldleaf) 
[02:31] <PvzLover781> (akee) 
[02:31] <PvzLover781> see
[02:31] <PvzLover781> no more gold leaf ans stallia
[02:31] <ZombieNinja723> I play CounteStrike
[02:31] <ZombieNinja723> *ounter
[02:31] <ZombieNinja723> *counter
[02:31] <ZombieNinja723> stupid keyboa
[02:31] <ZombieNinja723> *keyboard
[02:31] <PvzLover781> hey zombie ninja
[02:31] <PvzLover781> hey zombieninja
[02:32] <ZombieNinja723> wu
[02:32] <Murabito> Counter is such a fucking broken move
[02:32] <ZombieNinja723> *wut
[02:32] <PvzLover781> please bring back lost city part w
[02:32] <PvzLover781> 2 plants
[02:32] <PvzLover781> Emojies
[02:32] <ZombieNinja723> No
[02:32] <Murabito> *counters a reverse Warlock Punch*
[02:32] <PvzLover781> WHYYYYYY
[02:32] <Murabito> *tfw OHKO*
[02:32] <PvzLover781> 🌚
[02:32] <Pengu61151> (Stallia) (goldleaf) 
[02:32] <PvzLover781> 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚
[02:33] <PvzLover781> molester
[02:33] <PvzLover781> moon
[02:33] <Murabito> Roy needs buff on his falling speed.
[02:33] <PvzLover781> bye
[02:33] <PvzLover781> im leaving this wikiua
[02:33] <PvzLover781> wikia
[02:33] <Pengu61151> 8:02
[02:33] <Pengu61151> PvzLover781
[02:33] <Pengu61151> 🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚🌚
[02:33] <Murabito> Okay
[02:33] <Murabito> Bye
[02:33] <PvzLover781> -1 member hahahahaha
[02:33] <Murabito> no one miss u
[02:33] <Murabito> (troll) 
[02:33] <Pengu61151> Bye
[02:33] <Pengu61151> Wont miss ya
[02:34] <Murabito> ^
[02:34] <Murabito> correction: Roy needs jump buffs
[02:34] <Murabito> and upB distance buff
[02:35] <Murabito> but nerf its knockback and damage
[02:35] <Murabito> that would balance him
[02:35] <Murabito> Roy = top tier
[02:36] <Murabito> Ryu = top tier
[02:36] <Murabito> Lucas = low tier
[02:36] <Murabito> :( 
[02:37] <Murabito> my main is low tier
[02:41] <Birdpool> wtf
[02:42] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:43] <Birdpool> (: :) 
[02:43] <Birdpool> XDXDXD
[02:43] <Birdpool> :| 
[02:43] <Birdpool> :| -_- :) (: :( ): >:D:D"> 
[02:43] <Birdpool> I'm loving this
[02:43] <Birdpool> (Zombie) 
[02:44] <Insert Your Name Here> (cuke)
[02:45] <Birdpool> wtf
[02:45] <Birdpool> (tacticalcuke)
[02:45] <Birdpool> (cake)
[02:45] <Birdpool> (cke)
[02:45] <Birdpool> (c_ke)
[02:45] <Birdpool> why
[02:46] <Insert Your Name Here> (doom) 
[02:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Better.
[02:46] <Birdpool> (nuclearcuke)
[02:46] <Birdpool> FORK!!!!!
[02:46] <Insert Your Name Here> (nuke)
[02:46] <Birdpool> fuck how
[02:46] <Birdpool> do
[02:46] <Birdpool> you do 
[02:46] <Murabito> (bowlingbulb) 
[02:46] <Birdpool> the damn cuke shit
[02:46] <Birdpool> ?!?
[02:48] <Murabito> (Whispywoods)
[02:48] <AWikiBoy521> (kirby)
[02:48] <Murabito> damn it!!!!1!1!!!!1
[02:48] <Murabito> (link)
[02:48] <Murabito> (zelda)
[02:48] <Murabito> (pikachu)
[02:48] <Murabito> how do they not have those
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> <('-')>
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> I agree. We need a Marth emoticon.
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> (mario) 
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> And Shulk
[02:49] <Murabito> (Luigi) 
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> At least there's mario.
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> (peach)
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> (toa)
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> (imreallyfeelingit)
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Damn
[02:49] <Murabito> (Princesspeach) 
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> (toad) 
[02:49] <Murabito> (ifightformyfriends)
[02:50] <Murabito> goddamn
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> (lol) 
[02:50] <A Graalian> .
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> Sup creator
[02:50] <Insert Your Name Here> (timetotipthescales)
[02:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[02:50] <A Graalian> creator
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> (smile)
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> (sad) 
[02:51] <Murabito> (Thefutureisnotwritten)
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> (happy) 
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> (thinking) 
[02:51] <Insert Your Name Here> (shulktime)
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> (shrek) 
[02:51] <Murabito> (bokuwamakenai)
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> (Meh)
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> (wat) 
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> (epicface) 
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> (bye)
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> (hi) 
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> Wait, wat?
[02:52] <A Graalian> k
[02:52] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:PBwCv3t.png]]
[02:52] <Pengu61151> :D |;) :) :) :) 
[02:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Kirby
[02:53] <A Graalian> qǝʇ ʎno ɔɐu,Κ‡ ɹǝɐp Κ‡Ι₯Δ±sΛ™ :( Hi! 
[02:53] <A Graalian> Can't read my text?
[02:54] <A Graalian> What a shame
[02:54] <Pengu61151> bet you can't read this
[02:54] <A Graalian> ^
[02:54] <Murabito> Try to expand THIS dong
[02:55] <Pengu61151> :::::f:::::::::uddhneneUsjnsne;;;;;;;;c))))):β‚Ή3β‚Ή3β‚Ή3&28β‚Ή:K
[02:55] <Insert Your Name Here> (expanddong)
[02:55] <Pengu61151> aee what have i written secretly
[02:55] <A Graalian> Okay Κ‡Ι₯Δ±s Δ±s ǝuΙ”ΙΉΚŽdʇǝpΒ‘
[02:55] <Murabito> (7.8/10noknee)