Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/2 July 2017

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[11:46] <VeXJL> 101
[11:53] <Specialedition12> ...who
[11:53] <VeXJL> I was trying to ping both of you
[11:53] <Specialedition12> ...
[11:58] <VeXJL> Ineffective...
[12:00] <Specialedition12> i dont enable chat hacks ya know
[12:01] <VeXJL> ...
[12:01] <VeXJL> Still...
[12:01] <VeXJL> It was worth a shot since you don't have a chat tag
[01:57] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Are you kidding me FANDOM?
[02:15] <MyNameIsMyName> Heyall
[02:16] <MyNameIsMyName> Heyall
[02:18] <MyNameIsMyName> So ded
[02:18] <Specialedition12> So ded
[02:19] <Specialedition12> been a while since the last time i have seen mnimn speak something in this chat
[02:20] <MyNameIsMyName> Yup
[02:21] <MyNameIsMyName> Yesterday I did go on chat but couldn't say anything
[02:21] <MyNameIsMyName> Dunno why
[02:22] <Specialedition12> server problem i assume?
[02:22] <MyNameIsMyName> Maybe...
[02:23] <MyNameIsMyName> So...anything new?
[02:23] <Specialedition12> no
[02:24] <SuperGaming101> ayylo
[02:24] <SuperGaming101> i think i have insomnia 
[02:24] <SuperGaming101> i can't sleep but i feel drowsy
[02:24] <SuperGaming101> :( 
[02:29] <MyNameIsMyName> It's nighttime at your place?
[02:33] <Specialedition12> I don't think so
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> lul
[02:33] <Specialedition12> Assuming he is on Australia
[02:33] <FlurrTheGamerMixel> hi
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Wait
[02:33] <Specialedition12> hi
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Da bug
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> o/ 
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I was mistaken by the bug, dang it
[02:34] <SuperGaming101> its 12:34 PM
[02:34] <MyNameIsMyName> Heya
[02:34] <SuperGaming101> ayylo
[02:34] <Specialedition12> oh
[02:34] <Specialedition12> hmm
[02:34] <MyNameIsMyName> Anyone played today's challenge?
[02:34] <MyNameIsMyName> In Heroes
[02:34] <VeXYBot> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">allow me to be too lazy to get my main account on chat</span>
[02:35] <SuperGaming101> lol
[02:35] <Specialedition12> yes i did
[02:35] <Specialedition12> it was easy tbh
[02:35] <VeXYBot> Eh...
[02:35] <VeXYBot> I mean...
[02:35] <SuperGaming101> also when i get up i get a headache for like 4 seconds 
[02:36] <MyNameIsMyName> No need to rush then
[02:36] <MyNameIsMyName> Thanks @SE
[02:36] <Specialedition12> np
[02:37] <VeXYBot> HOLY SHIT
[02:37] <Specialedition12> what
[02:37] <SuperGaming101> what
[02:37] <Specialedition12> happene
[02:38] <VeXYBot> We created DUPLICATES IN THE CHAT LOG
[02:38] <Stupe> so
[02:38] <VeXYBot> [[Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/2 July 2017?curid=1027073&diff=1801031&oldid=1800986]]
[02:38] <Specialedition12> lmao
[02:38] <Specialedition12> you just realize re-peat-bot is here right?
[02:38] <SuperGaming101> happene
[02:38] <VeXYBot> Ah, shit!!!
[02:38] <VeXYBot> No, I realize it's here
[02:38] <VeXYBot> But I was inactive for a while, so I didn't notice Iama bust in with his bot.
[02:38] <Iamarepeater> :p 
[02:39] <Specialedition12> ^
[02:39] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> @Stupe ???
[02:39] <SuperGaming101> now swearing?
[02:39] <MyNameIsMyName> Nah dude
[02:39] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also gotta remove the badge
[02:39] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Dang it
[02:39] <MyNameIsMyName> You can swear here
[02:39] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I thought the sun Phan made would be better
[02:39] <VeXYBot> Welp... I'll resolve this... BY EXITING CHAT. HAPPY NOW IAMA ?
[02:39] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">nobody get the meme it seem</span>
[02:39] <Iamarepeater> ok
[02:39] <MyNameIsMyName> As long as it does not target any users
[02:39] <Specialedition12> [[File:Screenshot 2017-07-02-07-39-35.png]]
[02:39] <Specialedition12> easy life
[02:39] <Stupe> normies
[02:40] <VeXJL> Ah, finally!
[02:40] <SuperGaming101> ayy
[02:40] <VeXJL> But uh... we can't fix up the chat logs...
[02:40] <VeXJL> I mean not manually
[02:40] <Specialedition12> contact an admin
[02:40] <Stupe> [[File:Tf2.png]]
[02:40] <VeXJL> Plus the bot will create edit conflicts.
[02:40] <MyNameIsMyName> Heya real VeX
[02:40] <Stupe> oh so sad
[02:41] <VeXJL> @MNIMN Oh hi, my bot was here, wasn't it... well, good riddance.
[02:41] <Stupe> hey
[02:41] <Stupe> that's not very nice
[02:41] <SuperGaming101> yeah
[02:41] <VeXJL> Whatever. My bot is not nice to me either.
[02:41] <SuperGaming101> be nice to your bot
[02:42] <SuperGaming101> vexy, i'm gonna kick you now &gt;:( 
[02:42] <SuperGaming101> jk
[02:42] <Stupe> don't be mean to your bit
[02:42] <VeXJL> :O 
[02:42] <VeXJL> My bot deserves everything he got.
[02:42] <VeXJL> Or it?
[02:42] <MyNameIsMyName> <s>VeX killed his own bot
[02:42] <Stupe> owrong
[02:42] <VeXJL> Whatever. <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> insert did you just assume my gender joke</span>
[02:43] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">D... did you just assume my gender?</span>
[02:43] <VeXJL> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-weight:bold;">SIGH</span></span>
[02:43] <Stupe> that meme is dead you normies
[02:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am the simple simple
[02:43] <VeXJL> I guess I can wait until July 2nd or when Re-peat-bot leaves chat so I can edit out the duplicates.
[02:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> *attempting to kill the chat but failed
[02:43] <VeXJL> @Stupe That doesn't mean it's not used
[02:44] <Stupe> you're still DRY
[02:44] <MyNameIsMyName> Btw there are some (assumed) socks out there
[02:44] <SuperGaming101> perhaps
[02:44] <Specialedition12> of course there will be socks lol
[02:44] <Stupe> i hate socks when they are wet
[02:44] <Stupe> ;) 
[02:44] <VeXJL> :O 
[02:45] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Nick for administrator
[02:45] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 100% he will proceed
[02:45] <VeXJL> Uh-huh...
[02:45] <MyNameIsMyName> But no one cares about dem socks these days
[02:45] <VeXJL> Well...
[02:45] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I don't even need to check the thread but I know it
[02:45] <MyNameIsMyName> except for me
[02:45] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Not assuming, but he will sure win without any oppose
[02:45] <Stupe> people only make socks for attention
[02:45] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Right?
[02:45] <Specialedition12> well i dont wear socks so i dont care
[02:45] <Stupe> and i'm not gonna pretend i'm not an attention whore from time to time
[02:46] <SuperGaming101> i wear socks
[02:46] <SuperGaming101> (sock) 
[02:46] <MyNameIsMyName> And yeah, it's going to win by a landslide.
[02:46] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Someone check Nick's thread please
[02:46] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And correct me
[02:46] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ( /owo)/
[02:46] <VeXJL> Eh... I don't really mind if Nick is admin or not.
[02:46] <VeXJL> I got nothing to say about him.
[02:46] <MyNameIsMyName> Just like MA's thread
[02:46] <Stupe> who's ma
[02:47] <VeXJL> Marcia Aeris
[02:47] <Stupe> ew weeb
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Marc too.
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Rage support
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No flaws is said
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (are
[02:47] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">opposed</span>
[02:47] <MyNameIsMyName> Battery level: 6%
[02:47] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I have my own reasons to oppose him
[02:47] <Stupe> i'll oppose nick right now because i can
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Even more for Marc
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am the god of opposing
[02:47] <Specialedition12> go oppose then 8)
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And being opposed
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also, never
[02:48] <Stupe> nah i'm a pussy
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> But someone answer me please? (/owo)/
[02:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Seem like I killed the chat</span>
[02:49] <VeXJL> lol no
[02:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="font-style:italic;"> At not the right moment</span>
[02:49] <VeXJL> your plans have failed! Mwahahaha!
[02:49] <VeXJL> Also, since stretch text is like 6 letters...
[02:49] <Stupe> oh no
[02:49] <VeXJL> nnnnnnooooooppppppeeeeee
[02:50] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">btw, bold and big tags don't count as spam, same with caps lock spam to a certain extent</span>
[02:50] <VeXJL> Which is weird... Caps spam is spam yet [ big ] spam isn't
[02:50] <Stupe> how do you strikethough
[02:51] <Stupe> i wanna be cool
[02:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> Oh really</span>
[02:51] <VeXJL> It's in the chat commands
[02:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Goddamn it
[02:51] <VeXJL> lol
[02:51] <Stupe> what the fuck is a chat command
[02:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> My custom CSS
[02:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I couldn't see the big command
[02:51] <VeXJL> <span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">CONGRATS PL (clap) </span></span>
[02:51] <SuperGaming101> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> ayy lmao </span>
[02:51] <Stupe> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> succ</span>
[02:51] <SuperGaming101> ayylo
[02:51] <Stupe> i did it
[02:51] <VeXJL> lol my text is bigger than all of yours.
[02:51] <Stupe> are you proud of me youshallnotpass
[02:52] <VeXJL> idk
[02:52] <SuperGaming101> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> really?</span></span></span>
[02:52] <VeXJL> but he's not here...
[02:52] <VeXJL> so...
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> VEXY!
[02:52] <Stupe> i wish he was
[02:52] <SuperGaming101> can't stack [ big ]
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> I CAN'T SEE YOUR TEXT!</span>
[02:52] <Specialedition12> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">oh</span></span></span>
[02:52] <Specialedition12> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">test</span></span></span></span>
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[02:52] <Stupe> <span style="font-size:7pt;"> this text will appear big</span>
[02:52] <SuperGaming101> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> r.i.p </span>
[02:52] <VeXJL> @PL <span style="background-color:white;">lol xd</span>
[02:53] <Specialedition12> <span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="font-size:16pt;"><span style="color:yellow;"><span style="background-color:yellow;">Why are you reading this</span></span></span></span></span>
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Easy
[02:53] <VeXJL> @SE12 Because you piqued my curiosity...
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I disabled the background
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Don't even need highlighting
[02:53] <VeXJL> @PL Nah, nah
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (sadtroll) 
[02:53] <VeXJL> <span style="background-color:black;">How about this?</span>
[02:53] <Stupe> plz
[02:54] <VeXJL> <span style="background-color:black;">CENSORED</span>
[02:54] <Stupe> time to play some cool math games
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Now I can't see
[02:54] <Stupe> run 2 > breath of the wild
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> lul
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> *renable Vexy's background
[02:54] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">shit</span>
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> *replace the background which one more kewler
[02:54] <VeXJL> :O 
[02:55] <VeXJL> <span style="font-weight:bold;">disables PL</span>
[02:55] <VeXJL> (troll) 
[02:55] <VeXJL> Your attempts at killing chat won't work PL, even if you're not replying.
[02:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="font-style:italic;"> Dang it, I am learning</span>
[02:55] <VeXJL> lol
[02:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="font-style:italic;"> Let me, custom only a bitt</span>
[02:56] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am learning...
[02:56] <Stupe> ha
[02:56] <Stupe> look at this
[02:56] <VeXJL> gtg don't kill chat. Promise?
[02:56] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">nvm no promise anyways</span>
[02:56] <Stupe> people still promise
[02:57] <VeXJL> I'll edit chat logs when I come back.
[02:57] <Stupe> why do chat logs
[02:57] <Stupe> it's stupid
[02:57] <Stupe> that's a scam
[02:57] <Stupe> fuck the church
[02:57] <Stupe> here's 69 reasons why
[02:59] <Stupe> oh well i killed chat
[02:59] <Stupe> goodbye
[03:13] <MyNameIsMyName> Back
[03:15] <Specialedition12> and gone
[03:15] <Specialedition12> lol
[03:16] <ErnestoAM> Whoosh
[03:25] <MyNameIsMyName> Dunno what happened there. Chat stopped loading after I said "Back"
[03:26] <MyNameIsMyName> I'm literally using a TV btw.
[03:28] <MyNameIsMyName> Heya
[03:28] <Specialedition12> hey
[03:28] <Specialedition12> wait a sec
[03:28] <Specialedition12> you are accessing this chat using tv?
[03:29] <MyNameIsMyName> yeah?
[03:31] <MyNameIsMyName> My computer's busted, my phone controls itself, so I'm left with this tv.
[03:32] <Specialedition12> lol k
[03:32] <Specialedition12> it's just i haven't seen anyone doing it
[03:34] <MyNameIsMyName> No one would do it, actually
[03:36] <MyNameIsMyName> One major downside of editing with a tv is the lack of copy/paste features
[03:37] <MyNameIsMyName> Heya
[03:37] <The Maverick Hunter> hai
[03:38] <MyNameIsMyName> Wait
[03:39] <MyNameIsMyName> its Meowth from Team Rocket
[03:39] <The Maverick Hunter> yep
[03:51] <MyNameIsMyName> Gtg now. Until next time, folks.
[04:17] <Nick Archer> I see chat's really dead
[04:19] <Specialedition12> it's obvious xd
[04:51] <Phantom of Ra> I feel like my schedule this summer is getting overloaded
[04:51] <Phantom of Ra> Like, srsly
[05:26] <Batty1776> hey Iama 
[05:26] <Batty1776> where is Fonts.css used?
[05:31] <Batty1776> I mean, Iamarepeater 
[07:01] <Marcia Aeris> My mom made a big deal out of not being included in something just to buy game stuff!
[07:01] <Marcia Aeris> My mom one day: Yeah sure, you can go without me.
[07:01] <Marcia Aeris> Next: WHY DIDN'T YOU MAKE ME GO WITH YOU
[07:01] <Captain Leon Rex> Hello.
[07:02] <SuperGaming101> ayylo
[07:02] <Captain Leon Rex> What's going on people?
[07:02] <BoltBlizard> Not a lot.
[07:02] <Captain Leon Rex> I think the Chat is probably dead.
[07:02] <Marcia Aeris> I bought 5 dollars of Steam Wallet and the Alm and Celica amiibo.
[07:03] <Marcia Aeris> And mom is RAGING because she didn't come with us just to buy FRICKING AMIIBOS
[07:03] <Marcia Aeris> We didn't even know if she was going to teach today or not!
[07:03] <BoltBlizard> A bit much. Huh.
[07:03] <Marcia Aeris> She never says her dayoffs ahead of time!
[07:03] <Captain Leon Rex> Oh Fuck! A horrible font. Isn't it? @SoaringSprocket
[07:04] <SuperGaming101> I'm an Amiibo collector.
[07:04] <BoltBlizard> I would say the same, except I don't know the plans at all times.
[07:04] <Captain Leon Rex> By the way, I'm Leon Smith. Nice to meet you people!
[07:05] <SuperGaming101> Eyyo.
[07:05] <Specialedition12> hi
[07:05] <SuperGaming101> BTW: I probably wouldn't reveal my full name if I WAS YOU.
[07:05] <SuperGaming101> Shit whoops
[07:05] <SuperGaming101> caps
[07:05] <BoltBlizard> Huh, friendly greetings! I invert the last part of your message back at you. AKA to you too.
[07:05] <SuperGaming101> sorry excuse the random caps god that sounds rude i'm sos orry
[07:06] <Specialedition12> ...what now
[07:06] <SuperGaming101> [[Thread:1023230]]
[07:06] <Captain Leon Rex> I'm confused right now because of these fonts.
[07:06] <SuperGaming101> now i see what oreo said about cancer
[07:06] <Captain Leon Rex> Help!
[07:06] <Marcia Aeris> How many Amiibos do you have?
[07:06] <Marcia Aeris> Some people have custom CSS, so yeah.
[07:06] <SuperGaming101> I think maybe 5 or 6.
[07:06] <Marcia Aeris> I think I have like 15-17 now.
[07:06] <Captain Leon Rex> Are you talking to me?
[07:06] <Marcia Aeris> My newest ones are Alm and Celica.
[07:06] <BoltBlizard> I have a couple, I think I have like 7....
[07:06] <Marcia Aeris> For the CSS, yes. @Leon
[07:07] <BoltBlizard> But I don't really touch 'em. They're rarely used.
[07:07] <Captain Leon Rex> Okay.
[07:07] <Captain Leon Rex> What's CSS?
[07:08] <SuperGaming101> I forgot what exactly what it stands for, but basically it's custom changes to code and stuff.
[07:08] <BoltBlizard> *proceeds to look it up*
[07:09] <Captain Leon Rex> Awful Fonts you people have.
[07:09] <BoltBlizard> And then there are the 'normals'.
[07:09] <BoltBlizard> Normal is normal, deal with it.
[07:09] <Marcia Aeris> It's better than having an awful background...
[07:09] <BoltBlizard> But the rest - hey, personal preference.
[07:09] <Batty1776> @sg101: XD
[07:09] <Batty1776> your blog is amazing
[07:09] <SuperGaming101> lol thanks
[07:11] <BoltBlizard> Pure. Evil.
[07:11] <BoltBlizard> Nuff said.
[07:12] <Specialedition12> A total of 47 Username have been harmed dring the process of making the blog
[07:12] <BoltBlizard> Ouch.
[07:12] <Specialedition12> Anybody feel like they want to rekt somebody in PvZH?
[07:12] <BoltBlizard> I can try. I dunno.
[07:12] <BoltBlizard> Gimme a sec to ready my device of choice.
[07:12] <BoltBlizard> And probably lose because I am a mushroom main.
[07:13] <Specialedition12> ._.
[07:13] <BoltBlizard> No, I do not use mushroom decks for early game.
[07:13] <BoltBlizard> I tried that before.
[07:13] <BoltBlizard> It failed so bad.
[07:13] <BoltBlizard> For me, personally - but you get the point.
[07:14] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">use healing deck then</span>
[07:15] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">you know, astrovera + pear paradise</span>
[07:15] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">or maybe venus + heartichoke</span>
[07:15] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I have no Astrovera, but I do have a Pairadise. Only one. Also, did I mention who my X10 boost is?</span>
[07:17] <BoltBlizard> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I do have a healing deck, but it still sucks.</span>
[07:17] <BoltBlizard> Wanna die now?
[07:19] <BoltBlizard> ....Dead. OK,
[07:19] <SuperGaming101> yee
[07:19] <BoltBlizard> ...Well then.
[07:19] <BoltBlizard> I see what you did there.
[07:20] <BoltBlizard> You set up your ping names didn't you XD
[07:22] <Specialedition12> hmm
[07:22] <Specialedition12> shiet
[07:22] <Specialedition12> fighting a rank 21 player
[07:23] <BoltBlizard> So, it IS SE12, right? (Just checking before me sends I guess.)
[07:23] <Specialedition12> and it's solar flare wtf
[07:23] <Specialedition12> ye
[07:23] <BoltBlizard> Oh, good luck.
[07:23] <BoltBlizard> OK, me send in juust a sec.
[07:24] <BoltBlizard> Catch.
[07:24] <Specialedition12> saw it
[07:24] <BoltBlizard> You're welcome.
[07:25] <BoltBlizard> I will provide you some time to prepare. I feel generous. :) 
[07:29] <Specialedition12> well at least she isn't healing sf
[07:29] <Specialedition12> using mushroom deck it seem
[07:30] <BoltBlizard> Who the hell plays Solar without Tacos??
[07:30] <BoltBlizard> That's a death wish.
[07:30] <BoltBlizard> I'm talking about Solar overall.
[07:31] <Specialedition12> so i got a quest
[07:31] <BoltBlizard> Yello?
[07:31] <Specialedition12> saying i should play garg
[07:31] <BoltBlizard> Um.
[07:31] <Specialedition12> i mean play 3 gargs
[07:31] <Specialedition12> what hero should i use
[07:31] <BoltBlizard> 3 gargs..
[07:32] <Specialedition12> immortica's garg deck or smash
[07:32] <BoltBlizard> A Hearty hero is a good idea, I'd reckon The Smash will get the job done.
[07:32] <Specialedition12> alright
[07:33] <BoltBlizard> Playing Wall-Knight. Cosmic Nut conjured me a Sportacus. I think it'll die when I place it XD
[07:33] <Specialedition12> rip
[07:34] <BoltBlizard> I think.
[07:34] <BoltBlizard> At least I'm using heal deck.
[07:34] <BoltBlizard> And I have Invasive Species + Flytraplanet (Thanks, Photosynthesiser!)
[07:34] <BoltBlizard> So I'm good!
[07:34] <Specialedition12> rank 13 torchwood
[07:34] <BoltBlizard> UM
[07:35] <BoltBlizard> Maniacal Laughed Cat Lady. Well.
[07:35] <BoltBlizard> Um.
[07:35] <Specialedition12> g
[07:35] <BoltBlizard> I'm glad I have a Squash in my hand. (troll) 
[07:35] <BoltBlizard> OK nevermind, Nurse Garg.
[07:35] <Specialedition12> gg
[07:35] <BoltBlizard> End turn: Doom-Shroom.
[07:35] <BoltBlizard> I think I win XD
[07:37] <BoltBlizard> Hm, 5 more damage and I win...
[07:37] <BoltBlizard> Time to devise a plan. (troll) 
[07:37] <BoltBlizard> /done
[07:37] <BoltBlizard> I win.
[07:37] <BoltBlizard> Um. Now what.
[07:38] <Specialedition12> gg man
[07:38] <Specialedition12> now idk
[07:38] <BoltBlizard> Soo - about that 'battle challenge'...
[07:38] <Specialedition12> wait
[07:38] <BoltBlizard> ?
[07:38] <Specialedition12> until im done with that wood
[07:38] <BoltBlizard> Okie!
[07:40] <BoltBlizard> What the hell.
[07:40] <Specialedition12> what
[07:40] <BoltBlizard> I can't even pick a deck, the challenge thing fades off as soon as it pops up.
[07:40] <Specialedition12> rip
[07:40] <BoltBlizard> Shall I try?
[07:40] <Specialedition12> idk
[07:40] <BoltBlizard> OK nevermind.
[07:40] <Specialedition12> lmao
[07:40] <BoltBlizard> *more waiting*
[07:41] <Specialedition12> he tried to play buff-shroom
[07:41] <Specialedition12> on solar eclipse
[07:41] <Specialedition12> XDDD
[07:41] <BoltBlizard> PFFFF
[07:41] <BoltBlizard> I one time played a Wild Berry on the eclipse environment, thinking it would move away before the environment kicks in.
[07:41] <BoltBlizard> It failed and I laughed.
[07:41] <Specialedition12> lol
[07:42] <Specialedition12> alright im done with him
[07:42] <BoltBlizard> Okie.
[07:42] <Specialedition12> <span style="font-style:italic;">game crashed</span>
[07:42] <Specialedition12> ._.
[07:42] <BoltBlizard> I fear you have stronger cards than I do.
[07:42] <BoltBlizard> And more of them.
[07:43] <BoltBlizard> But it's worth a try.
[07:43] <Specialedition12> hmm
[07:43] <BoltBlizard> Choices, choices...
[07:44] <BoltBlizard> OK, I'm ready XD
[07:44] <Specialedition12> weed
[07:44] <BoltBlizard> PFF
[07:45] <BoltBlizard> Smash, huh..
[07:45] <Specialedition12> ye
[07:45] <BoltBlizard> Alright. Let's do this.
[07:46] <BoltBlizard> Oh god damni t
[07:46] <BoltBlizard> * damn it
[07:47] <Specialedition12> rip lawn
[07:47] <BoltBlizard> That escalated quickly!
[07:47] <BoltBlizard> OK, here we go.. Now the real fight begins.
[07:47] <BoltBlizard> GET OUT.
[07:48] <Specialedition12> <span style="font-style:italic;">sneak in again</span>
[07:48] <BoltBlizard> Noo! He's back!
[07:48] <Specialedition12> i feel bad while doing this
[07:48] <BoltBlizard> Oh joy.
[07:48] <Specialedition12> make that 8 beans
[07:49] <BoltBlizard> Yeah, do spend those 6 brains again.
[07:49] <Specialedition12> talk
[07:49] <BoltBlizard> :) 
[07:49] <BoltBlizard> Many many beanstalks.
[07:49] <Specialedition12> jesus
[07:50] <BoltBlizard> XD
[07:50] <BoltBlizard> I'm sorry, did I upset someone?
[07:50] <Specialedition12> ...shit
[07:50] <BoltBlizard> HA.
[07:50] <BoltBlizard> GO MY PLANTS.
[07:50] <BoltBlizard> Eyy, the 6 hit.
[07:51] <BoltBlizard> ..Oh, nevermind.
[07:51] <BoltBlizard> MORE BEANSTALKS!
[07:51] <BoltBlizard> NOOO
[07:51] <BoltBlizard> XD
[07:51] <BoltBlizard> This is just madness now.
[07:52] <Specialedition12> i lost gg
[07:52] <BoltBlizard> Nightcap. Of death, it seems.
[07:52] <BoltBlizard> :) 
[07:52] <Specialedition12> <span style="font-style:italic;">boi</span>
[07:52] <Specialedition12> what now
[07:52] <BoltBlizard> Um.
[07:52] <BoltBlizard> SIDE SWAP!
[07:53] <Specialedition12> ...ok?
[07:53] <BoltBlizard> :/ 
[07:54] <BoltBlizard> Oh god why Chompzilla.
[07:54] <BoltBlizard> This might end badly.
[07:54] <BoltBlizard> Aaand my hand sucks! :( 
[07:54] <Specialedition12> i actually dont think im having strong cards so
[07:54] <Specialedition12> yeah
[07:54] <BoltBlizard> Fair enough, then.
[07:55] <BoltBlizard> Nope.
[07:55] <BoltBlizard> Cards.
[07:55] <BoltBlizard> FOR TWO!
[07:55] <BoltBlizard> I just drew two of the same card XD
[07:55] <Specialedition12> k
[07:55] <BoltBlizard> AND HERE'S ONE OF THEM
[07:57] <BoltBlizard> No, not the peas!
[07:58] <Specialedition12> man...
[07:59] <BoltBlizard> Problem?
[07:59] <Specialedition12> i dont have many cards in my hand rn
[07:59] <BoltBlizard> OK.
[08:00] <BoltBlizard> Shucks.
[08:01] <Specialedition12> rip me
[08:02] <BoltBlizard> XD
[08:02] <BoltBlizard> This escalated too quickly.
[08:02] <BoltBlizard> Triplication, everyone.
[08:02] <Specialedition12> damn
[08:02] <Specialedition12> i messed up
[08:02] <Specialedition12> whatever
[08:02] <BoltBlizard> Oh.
[08:03] <BoltBlizard> To be fair it didn't matter.
[08:03] <Specialedition12> grrrsdbadga
[08:03] <BoltBlizard> XD
[08:03] <Specialedition12> make that 2 fail
[08:03] <BoltBlizard> :p 
[08:03] <BoltBlizard> Now what.
[08:04] <Specialedition12> dunno
[08:04] <BoltBlizard> Well.
[08:04] <BoltBlizard> I don't know either.
[08:06] <Specialedition12> rank 18 sf
[08:06] <Specialedition12> <span style="font-style:italic;">why</span>
[08:07] <BoltBlizard> Life, that's why.
[08:07] <Specialedition12> so i have impfinity's sign power and graveyard enviromment
[08:07] <Specialedition12> and i have 1 brain
[08:07] <Specialedition12> what should i use
[08:07] <BoltBlizard> Hold them off.
[08:08] <Specialedition12> nvm too late
[08:08] <BoltBlizard> Play them both on the next turn, Graveyard after signature.
[08:08] <BoltBlizard> I say AFTER.
[08:08] <Specialedition12> k
[08:08] <Specialedition12> actually i played sign so it doesnt matter xd
[08:09] <BoltBlizard> Oh.
[08:17] <Specialedition12> [[File:Screenshot 2017-07-02-15-14-33.png]]
[08:17] <Specialedition12> gg ez
[08:18] <BoltBlizard> Genius.
[08:18] <BoltBlizard> I love doing that.
[08:18] <BoltBlizard> One time I used it as Neptuna. It proceeded to spawn a Shieldcrusher and a Intergalactic Warlord. My foe then conceded.
[08:18] <BoltBlizard> Hold on, let me find the image...
[08:19] <BoltBlizard> [[File:Screenshot 20170621-181724.png]] :) 
[08:19] <Specialedition12> wow g man
[08:20] <BoltBlizard> The best part - it was in RANKED.
[08:20] <BoltBlizard> :p 
[08:20] <Specialedition12> the zombie behind the grave is starbounty hunter bla bla btw
[08:20] <BoltBlizard> K
[08:18] <BoltBlizard> Genius.
[08:18] <BoltBlizard> I love doing that.
[08:18] <BoltBlizard> One time I used it as Neptuna. It proceeded to spawn a Shieldcrusher and a Intergalactic Warlord. My foe then conceded.
[08:18] <BoltBlizard> Hold on, let me find the image...
[08:19] <BoltBlizard> [[File:Screenshot 20170621-181724.png]] :) 
[08:19] <Specialedition12> wow g man
[08:20] <BoltBlizard> The best part - it was in RANKED.
[08:20] <BoltBlizard> :p 
[08:20] <Specialedition12> the zombie behind the grave is starbounty hunter bla bla btw
[08:20] <BoltBlizard> K
[08:50] <Marcia Aeris> Test.
[09:17] <Nick Archer> Chat is indeed dead...
[09:23] <Batty1776> as always
[09:23] <Batty1776> oops (lenny) 
[09:24] <Specialedition12> urgh
[09:24] <Specialedition12> <span style="font-size:7pt;">oops</span>
[09:26] <Nick Archer> (clap) 
[09:29] <Batty1776> ded for 3 mins
[09:29] <Batty1776> <span style="font-family:monospace;">where is Fonts.css used?</span>
[09:31] <Marcia Aeris> The Alm Amiibo is really good, honestly.
[09:31] <Marcia Aeris> I feel like it's better structured.
[09:31] <Marcia Aeris> But mine has an issue with the face paint job.
[09:32] <Marcia Aeris> It sorta has soulless eyes.
[09:32] <Marcia Aeris> Celica is GORGEOUS.
[09:24] <Specialedition12> urgh
[09:24] <Specialedition12> [small]oops
[09:26] <Nick Archer> (clap) 
[09:29] <Batty1776> ded for 3 mins
[09:29] <Batty1776> [code]where is Fonts.css used?[/code]
[09:31] <Marcia Aeris> The Alm Amiibo is really good, honestly.
[09:31] <Marcia Aeris> I feel like it's better structured.
[09:31] <Marcia Aeris> But mine has an issue with the face paint job.
[09:32] <Marcia Aeris> It sorta has soulless eyes.
[09:32] <Marcia Aeris> Celica is GORGEOUS.
[11:40] <CITRONtanker> Maybe if I become cgat mod, chat might magically come alive.
[11:40] <CITRONtanker> Chat mod, I mean
[11:43] <Specialedition12> hmm
[01:02] <Iamarepeater> test
[01:10] <ValiantSoldier> Do you remember me? 
[01:11] <ValiantSoldier> -x-
[01:11] <Iamarepeater> nope
[01:12] <ValiantSoldier> gesdg
[01:15] <XmaStales> Hello
[01:16] <Iamarepeater> hi
[01:17] <XmaStales> What's up?
[01:18] <Marcia Aeris> I once had a dream where I accidentally swore in the wiki.
[01:21] <XmaStales> Lol
[01:21] <XmaStales> I dreamed about a nuclear war
[01:21] <Stupe> that's sad
[01:22] <Stupe> dreams of the wiki
[01:22] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Hi
[01:22] <Drybones9219> PL. Hi
[01:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ..
[01:24] <Drybones9219> What?
[01:24] <Drybones9219> I Just love being friendly
[01:24] <Stupe> HEY 🅱ry🅱ones9219
[01:24] <Drybones9219> yes?
[01:24] <Stupe> i disagree
[01:24] <ThisUserLikesOreo> [[The Podfather?diff=prev&oldid=1801773]]
[01:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> PodFATHER
[01:25] <Stupe> we all got the pun already
[01:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ...
[01:25] <Drybones9219> Yeah. WE GET IT. 
[01:25] <Specialedition12> Oh boy
[01:25] <Specialedition12> Look what we have here
[01:25] <Specialedition12> A <span style="font-style:italic;">salty</span> user
[01:25] <Stupe> OH YEAH
[01:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> No, you don't get it. @Dry
[01:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I wasn't even talking about that
[01:25] <Stupe> RITE
[01:26] <Specialedition12> (think) 
[01:26] <Drybones9219> But come on.... when was last time that Terry trying to be friendly but instead it turns into Violence
[01:26] <Stupe> terry is terryble
[01:27] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> PL's quote #2
[01:27] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mm.. 
[01:27] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> YEAH
[01:27] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I SUCCEEDED
[01:27] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> !!! Yay ^_^ 
[01:27] <Drybones9219> now when will RUDE users stop? 
[01:27] <Stupe> never
[01:28] <Stupe> this wiki has been rude since 2014
[01:28] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Even an admin became rude toward me
[01:28] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> What do you expect <("0
[01:28] <Stupe> SPORTAFLOP
[01:28] <ThisUserLikesOreo> who?
[01:28] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will never ever tell
[01:28] <Drybones9219> Okay. I thought it was a nicest wiki but k 
[01:28] <Stupe> you're funny
[01:28] <Specialedition12> nice doesnt exist
[01:29] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hint? @Reed
[01:29] <Iamarepeater> hive TULO
[01:29] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hello
[01:29] <Iamarepeater> So you said that the wiki made you cold?
[01:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> @TULO Not even a hint
[01:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> But if you want
[01:29] <Stupe> i'm cold
[01:29] <Stupe> i blame this wiki
[01:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That was in the drama I created
[01:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I have done fault too.. sup
[01:30] <Stupe> oh no
[01:30] <Stupe> u did fault
[01:30] <Stupe> kids don't do fault
[01:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Does that count</span>
[01:30] <Stupe> DED
[01:31] <Stupe> nut big soup rice
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ... I have no clue
[01:31] <ThisUserLikesOreo> It's either me or Marcia, as I don't remember anyone else being involved in that
[01:31] <ThisUserLikesOreo> @Repeat not really
[01:31] <Specialedition12> marcia
[01:31] <Specialedition12> duh
[01:32] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Dang it (facepalm) 
[01:32] <Stupe> AWWWW MAN
[01:33] <Stupe> this is boring i'm going back to overwatch
[01:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> k den
[01:34] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I have no idea what that "dang it" is supposed to mean
[01:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Another one get tricked by me, but yes...
[01:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> If you know, I was trying to prot.. oh man what have I done again
[01:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :| 
[01:39] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Nick
[01:39] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Are you getting 100% support on your thread?
[01:39] <Nick Archer> ?
[01:40] <Nick Archer> Why are you asking that question?
[01:40] <Nick Archer> I'm just ondering
[01:40] <Nick Archer> *wondering
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Just answer
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Have you got any oppose?
[01:40] <Specialedition12> He want to have an oppose
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am collecting some informations
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> *wants
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> WRONG
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (sadtroll) 
[01:40] <Nick Archer> No ;_;
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Better luck next time (sadtroll) 
[01:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay
[01:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I won't ever vote...
[01:41] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">well if mental still is in his original state you would have gotten one right now</span>
[01:41] <Nick Archer> (sadtroll) 
[01:41] <Specialedition12> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">he used to oppose everything yknow</span>
[01:41] <Nick Archer> I think you are being prejudice with me...
[01:42] <Specialedition12> huh
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Nah
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I won't 
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Wait
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Another damn bug.. seriously FANDOM
[01:43] <Nick Archer> Ain't answering you about that @SE12
[01:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also, better luck next time #2 SE12 (sadtroll) 
[01:44] <Specialedition12> ah
[01:44] <Specialedition12> im feeling in 2015/2016 again
[01:44] <Specialedition12> bach when i get bullied a lot online
[01:44] <Specialedition12> *back
[01:45] <Specialedition12> perfect
[01:48] <The Maverick Hunter> Nick
[01:48] <Nick Archer> ?
[01:49] <The Maverick Hunter> hopes you'll become an admin
[01:49] <Nick Archer> thanks
[01:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And you your right wisely.
[01:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also
[01:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I have one wish that
[01:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And the only wish
[01:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That no one will ever bring me any question about coding to me
[01:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Why?
[01:50] <The Maverick Hunter> if Nick becomes an admin = Zambiealex is "last content mod" of this wiki
[01:50] <Nick Archer> I don't midn really much when it got opposed
[01:50] <Nick Archer> *mind
[01:50] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> You treat the opposes too easy (sadtroll) 
[01:50] <Nick Archer> Yeah, that's my lack self-esteem
[01:51] <The Maverick Hunter> btw, can you edits Intensive Carrot/Gallery
[01:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Nick or me?
[01:51] <The Maverick Hunter> nick
[01:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I can edit because I have the beta.
[01:51] <Nick Archer> @PL I humiliated myself already
[01:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> So.. gg
[01:51] <Zambiealex> Who dares SUMMON ME.
[01:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also
[01:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Opposes mean to me a lot
[01:52] <Nick Archer> I suck at editing codings
[01:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> You can never understand
[01:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Everyone is so
[01:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That's why I haunt around the dev wiki
[01:52] <The Maverick Hunter> adds this file: [[File:PumpkinWitchGhost.PNG]] to Intensive Carrot/Gallery
[01:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> If I had the right I would <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> rape </span> manage the CSS and JS better.. but I will never
[01:52] <Nick Archer> sometimes it disallows me to edit coding pages
[01:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I swear
[01:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will never use my hand to touch the CSS/JS
[01:53] <ThisUserLikesOreo> weird fetish you have there
[01:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And I can never use my hand to touch CSS/JS
[01:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (sadtroll) 
[01:54] <Nick Archer> @TMH done
[01:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That's the truth, bro
[01:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay
[01:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Time to get the scrollbar customized
[01:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I want to pass Uselessguy :P 
[01:59] <Twisted melon> hi
[01:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yay
[02:00] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I did it!
[02:00] <Twisted melon> did what?
[02:00] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I really did it! ^_^ 
[02:00] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[02:01] <Twisted melon> ok
[02:01] <Twisted melon> the site shows a background for you and I like this parasitic one
[02:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ..
[02:05] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[02:05] <VeXJL> PL really did kill chat
[02:05] <Twisted melon> i saw this ripoff pvz thing at the arcade yesterday
[02:05] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yay I won
[02:05] <Twisted melon> won what?
[02:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> In killing the chat
[02:08] <Fancyplanty> Howdy
[02:08] <Iamarepeater> hive
[02:09] <VeXJL> I'm gonna remove the duplicates from chat logs.
[02:09] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[02:09] <The Maverick Hunter> bye
[02:13] <Marcia Aeris> Sonic Generations finally finished downloading!
[02:15] <Twisted melon> yay
[02:15] <Twisted melon> wish i had a background
[02:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> @Marcia
[02:16] <Twisted melon> ???
[02:16] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> @MarciaAeris
[02:16] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Come out and help him
[02:16] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I can only make personal backgrounds only, not global background
[02:16] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> So jump out from the darkness
[02:16] <Twisted melon> ok
[02:17] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I'm still sad that I'm not able to go to Anime Expo.
[02:18] <Twisted melon> so its a website?
[02:18] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Even though I only care about one anime, I still wanted to go there
[02:18] <ThisUserLikesOreo> It's a real life event
[02:22] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> #NoReply.exe
[02:24] <Nick Archer> Welp... We're gonna lose another chat mod...
[02:24] <Nick Archer> [[User talk:Phantom of Ra?diff=1801928&oldid=1798788]]
[02:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Normal
[02:25] <Nick Archer> ...
[02:25] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> But wait lol
[02:25] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> SE12 demoting? Nah 
[02:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> oh rip, he now has a default profile pic
[02:25] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> He won't retire like me
[02:28] <Nick Archer> Had you noticed this? @TULO
[02:28] <Nick Archer>
[02:28] <Nick Archer> Typically problem from theo
[02:28] <Marcia Aeris> Sorry, but I was busy playing Sonic Generations.
[02:28] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Twistedmelon wanted a background -_- 
[02:29] <ThisUserLikesOreo> oh yeah, I noticed that
[02:29] <Marcia Aeris> What BG?
[02:29] <Nick Archer> He didn't explain what bg he wanted to display @PL
[02:29] <Marcia Aeris> I can do it in a snap if you still want me to.
[02:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Background for this chat -_- 
[02:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And none of the admin was on
[02:29] <Marcia Aeris> His Wikia chat background for everyone to see?
[02:29] <Marcia Aeris> Sorry, I'm busy...
[02:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yeah.
[02:30] <Marcia Aeris> Give me the background and I'll do it.
[02:30] <ThisUserLikesOreo> *cough* *cough* I was @PL
[02:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Didn't have the link
[02:31] <Nick Archer> Then it's irrelevant @PL
[02:31] <Nick Archer> Unless he shows the link of that bg
[02:31] <Marcia Aeris> I'll wait.
[02:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> k, just let him request
[02:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Staffs need to do so
[02:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I ain't anymore
[02:32] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[02:32] <Cavia porcellus> Chat feels empty without ThisBotLikesOreo (oh) 
[02:32] <Nick Archer> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">keep mocking him and you'll feel the pain from him</span>
[02:33] <ThisUserLikesOreo> lol what?
[02:33] <Cavia porcellus> Isn't your bot usually here as well?
[02:33] <Marcia Aeris> I'll go back to playing, don't expect me to come alt+tabbing often.
[02:34] <Marcia Aeris> Sorry for lowering MS activity, I kinda want to spend time with life as well.
[02:34] <Marcia Aeris> And nothing much is happening worth of my say...
[02:34] <ThisUserLikesOreo> my bot is here in the evening/night for me
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Size it
[02:34] <Cavia porcellus> I don't think MS can be helped even if the entire wiki mobilizes.
[02:34] <Nick Archer> Re-peat-bot's here, and we don't want duplicate logs to happen
[02:34] <Cavia porcellus> *is mobilized
[02:34] <VeXJL> Yup
[02:34] <VeXJL> Re-peat-bot's here for basically half the day.
[02:34] <Cavia porcellus> I think my English skills are dying.
[02:35] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Thanks for reminding me, I saw that there are duplicate logs I need to remove @Nick
[02:35] <Marcia Aeris> [[Thread:1026638#16]] Everything is becoming ridiculous steps at a time...
[02:36] <Nick Archer> Unless Iama and Re-peat leaves the chat @TULO
[02:36] <VeXJL> lol people are only supporting because he's active. They didn't even list any other reasons
[02:36] <Marcia Aeris> I'm going to laugh when the "content mod shortage" thread comes out and people say "mainspace is too boring".
[02:36] <VeXJL> @Nick Trust me, Re-peat-bot and Iama will be here a while...
[02:36] <Marcia Aeris> I know I said it once, but I have to say it agian.
[02:36] <Nick Archer> Few hours later @VeXY
[02:36] <VeXJL> lol xd mainspace is boring
[02:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Say it
[02:36] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I'm safe, as his next log will be at 42 minutes
[02:37] <VeXJL> @Nick Basically it.
[02:37] <Nick Archer> He lives with a same timezone with me
[02:37] <Nick Archer> Bascially, it's 10.37 PM here
[02:37] <Nick Archer> and so does Iama 
[02:37] <Cavia porcellus> Someone should make a "Should we delete MS?" thread, amirite?
[02:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am active all the time
[02:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> But I will never achieve like that
[02:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And I accept
[02:38] <Nick Archer> nah
[02:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[02:39] <Nick Archer> I included a humiliating cons too @VeXY
[02:39] <VeXJL> cool
[02:39] <Nick Archer> I guess that didn't affect much on my promotion...
[02:40] <Nick Archer> or maybe not
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay
[02:40] <Nick Archer> Some of you guys will most likely oppose it
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> People vote for activity
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Not for cons/pros
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I say so.
[02:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> And people support for being friends with them.
[02:41] <Nick Archer> Normal
[02:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo> They just found a way to sneak it in
[02:41] <Nick Archer> Even CITRONtanker's promotion thread
[02:42] <VeXJL> Eh... I opposed Citron's thread.
[02:47] <DeathZombi> Oh... okay good sir 
[02:47] <Iamarepeater> welp
[02:47] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[02:47] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[02:47] <DeathZombi> See ya 
[02:47] <VeXJL> :O 
[02:47] <VeXJL> TULO, you can get your bot here. :P 
[02:47] <Nick Archer> Bye Alicorn
[02:47] <Nick Archer> yup it's time @TULO
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> nu my turn</span>
[02:48] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[02:48] <Nick Archer> (clap) 
[02:48] <DeathZombi> ThisBotHatesAmos has entered the lawn. 
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will still send my bot here
[02:48] <ThisUserLikesOreo> why..?
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Without chat hack enabled (sadtroll) 
[02:49] <DeathZombi> And there is no food in the house and I am starving. 
[02:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Is anyone gonna correct me?
[02:49] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also... I am right again
[02:50] <DeathZombi> Send Ms. Chase in here if you desire. 
[02:50] <VeXJL> ...
[02:50] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Playing Bejeweled Stars
[02:50] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will send when I am out of lives
[02:50] <VeXJL> I got a glitch... now I can't edit articles...
[02:50] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yay
[02:50] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> FANDOM
[02:50] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I knew it
[02:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Am I the only person on this wiki who had a talk with staffs not through S:C?
[02:51] <DeathZombi> First Sniper and now you 
[02:51] <DeathZombi> S:C?
[02:51] <VeXJL> ^
[02:51] <VeXJL> It's for articles, and it's not from a virus.
[02:52] <VeXJL> I fixed it now, so don't worry
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Special:Contact
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I talked with them on Developer Wiki's Discord
[02:52] <DeathZombi> Oh right. 
[02:52] <VeXJL> @PL idk maybe
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Staffs are Rappy and FishTank
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Admins, ready to say bye-bye to the GiveChatMod button :) 
[02:53] <DeathZombi> Huh why? 
[02:53] <DeathZombi> What happened?
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Cuz it is gonna removed
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[02:53] <DeathZombi> By? 
[02:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> FANDOM
[02:53] <VeXJL> GiveChatMod button? Wha?
[02:53] <VeXJL> Since when was that a thing?
[02:54] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">i mean considering i have never been admin... of course i don't know.</span>
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Promote people instantly in chat
[02:54] <DeathZombi> Oh
[02:54] <VeXJL> Why is it removed?
[02:54] <VeXJL> Or gonna be removed
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I don't know
[02:54] <DeathZombi> I thought they were removing the right entirely. 
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> But I found to script to add it back
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[02:55] <Marcia Aeris> I have a ton of M&M's in the house but my parents are afraid that I'll just end up growing and growing and all.
[02:55] <Marcia Aeris> I still have the problem of starving super easily though.
[02:55] <Marcia Aeris> How much is against Wikia's ToU? It sort of feels ridiculous.
[02:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Since hanging out with the real FANDOM staffs
[02:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> The destruction
[02:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That's
[02:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Nothing 
[02:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[02:57] <Nick Archer> Welp time to go
[02:57] <Nick Archer> So yeah, bye
[02:57] <VeXJL> ok
[02:57] <Nick Archer> Hate going to school tomorrow -__
[02:59] <Phantom of Ra> damnit, extra classes tomorrow (I mean, I have extra classes almost every day except Friday but Monday and Wednesday are the ones I hate the most)
[02:59] <DeathZombi> I need nourishment! 
[02:59] <Phantom of Ra> Also, someone would like to fix this page: [[Sumo Muskmelon]]
[02:59] <VeXJL> ...
[02:59] <Phantom of Ra> New plant
[02:59] <Phantom of Ra> Chinese
[02:59] <DeathZombi> There is a diner 20 minutes away but I am tired 
[02:59] <VeXJL> @Ra-men If it's Chinese then I don't think anyone will care
[02:59] <Phantom of Ra> Anyway, Im thinking of an idea
[03:00] <Phantom of Ra> Like a quiz for events
[03:00] <Phantom of Ra> But not part of the wiki
[03:00] <Marcia Aeris> I don't have school tomorrow!
[03:00] <DeathZombi> I really want to play Chinese PVZ2
[03:00] <Phantom of Ra> Its about the plants' Almanac
[03:00] <Phantom of Ra> Like, which plant has these or whatever
[03:03] <Marcia Aeris> Someone found a video of Lily and her dog when Lily was like 9.
[03:03] <Marcia Aeris> As in the wiki's Lily.
[03:05] <Phantom of Ra> lol
[03:06] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[03:08] <Marcia Aeris> As in her entire YT channel when she was like 8 until she was 13.
[03:08] <Marcia Aeris> Alongside that video.
[03:08] <VeXJL> ...
[03:08] <VeXJL> What
[03:08] <Marcia Aeris> Which reminds me.
[03:08] <Marcia Aeris> I have so many regrets on my old channels.
[03:08] <Drybones9219> 2016 called... TheNameSomething101 is back now
[03:09] <VeXJL> You don't have to say that.
[03:09] <VeXJL> There may be some things that Lily wants private
[03:10] <Drybones9219> oh yeah. the Real Me is back. 
[03:10] <VeXJL> Hi
[03:10] <Drybones9219> Hi
[03:11] <Marcia Aeris> I won't say the channel name.
[03:11] <Razpup09> hello
[03:11] <Marcia Aeris> But yeah, I'm becoming creepy.
[03:11] <Marcia Aeris> Hey Jeff.
[03:11] <DeathZombi> Hi
[03:11] <Razpup09> I have regrets on my channel as well
[03:12] <VeXJL> hmm
[03:12] <Razpup09> just because I was young
[03:12] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> My channel is only used to comment</span>
[03:12] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> pretty much like my FB account rite now</span>
[03:12] <Drybones9219> 2017 called. They wants their Rudeness/Meanest back. 
[03:12] <Phantom of Ra> You can never find my FB account, EVER
[03:12] <Phantom of Ra> Like, no one had ever found it thru search so...
[03:12] <Phantom of Ra> :P 
[03:12] <Razpup09> You set it on private?
[03:13] <Marcia Aeris> Now my sanity is: "Am I pure, or a f*cking bitch?"
[03:13] <Razpup09> (grand dad) 
[03:13] <Marcia Aeris> I listen to MASA for Christ's sake.
[03:13] <Marcia Aeris> Yet people call me a cinnamon roll in school...
[03:13] <Razpup09> I don't get why people describe HUMANS with food
[03:14] <Phantom of Ra> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Humans eat food tho</span>
[03:14] <Razpup09> It supports CANNIBALISM
[03:14] <Razpup09> oh no
[03:14] <Razpup09> i think i mispelled that
[03:15] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I think that I dislocated my muscle my throwing a ball too hard.
[03:15] <Razpup09> ok then
[03:15] <ThisUserLikesOreo> It hurt so freaking much
[03:15] <Marcia Aeris> How throwing too hard?
[03:16] <ThisUserLikesOreo> And it felt like the muscle went back to its place after like two minutes
[03:16] <ThisUserLikesOreo> what do you mean?
[03:18] <Cavia porcellus> I recently had a cramp in my throat like that. Couldn't breathe for a few seconds.
[03:19] <Marcia Aeris> How hard did you throw it or something?
[03:19] <Marcia Aeris> Damn does it feel like injuries/sicknesses are coming left and right recently.
[03:19] <Marcia Aeris> I couldn't go to school for two days due to a foot injury from jumping ad now my brain doesn't feel in school focus.
[03:19] <Marcia Aeris> I don't have school for 5 days in a row because of that and because of a long weekend this week...
[03:23] <Marcia Aeris> Also why do people run for staff during their vacations or when their vacations are about to start? (Not school breaks, as in they're going somewhere far and can't normally access the wiki
[03:23] <VeXJL> idk
[03:27] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I don't really know. I just know it was way too hard for my hand to handle @Marcia
[03:27] <Marcia Aeris> Damn, I see...
[03:27] <VeXJL> TULO?
[03:27] <Marcia Aeris> Also crap, I'm forced to pick a job by September but I still have no dreams.
[03:28] <Marcia Aeris> No one wants traditional animations anymore, at least people who can make profit.
[03:28] <Marcia Aeris> Plus I'm too slow and too forgetful.
[03:29] <Marcia Aeris> I'm becoming too paranoid with fricking life decisions at this rate but I see almost nothing successful and I don't want to leech.
[03:29] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ? @VeX
[03:29] <Marcia Aeris> I sort of want to make a tactics game but I have no money for it...
[03:29] <VeXJL> Pretty sure it's 2 weeks since I've started being active...
[03:30] <VeXJL> May I be re-promoted?
[03:30] <ThisUserLikesOreo> sure
[03:30] <VeXJL> Thanks.
[03:31] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I miss my rollback rights...</span>
[03:37] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Done btw
[03:38] <ThisUserLikesOreo> @Marc are people immune from evaluation after or you can leave critiques straight away?
[03:40] <DeathZombi> two weeks
[03:40] <Marcia Aeris> Two weeks no matter what.
[03:40] <Zambiealex> ...and VeX is now a Discussion mod...
[03:40] <VeXJL> Oh ok
[03:40] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">yay i'm immune to evaluations for now</span>
[03:41] <Zambiealex> K so Nick is a Lucky Blover Magnet.
[03:42] <VeXJL> Did he get another?
[03:42] <Zambiealex> Via blog.
[03:43] <VeXJL> ...
[03:43] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[03:46] <VeXJL> It feels weird seeing my username in purple...
[03:46] <VeXJL> It doesn't look right...
[03:47] <Marcia Aeris> I still feel weird with my name with cyan.
[03:49] <DeathZombi> At least it ain't your lips
[03:50] <Marcia Aeris> Yeah, I guess...
[03:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Wait, so VeX is immune until 16th or 17th?
[03:51] <VeXJL> Hmm
[03:52] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Death, y u necrobump
[03:52] <Marcia Aeris> 17th, I guess.
[03:53] <Marcia Aeris> It would be the 16th if he got it back yesterday.
[03:53] <VeXJL> Yeah...
[03:53] <VeXJL> Probably should've done it yesterday I guess
[03:53] <DeathZombi> Wait where is se12?
[03:54] <Marcia Aeris> SE12's demoted.
[03:54] <DeathZombi> For what reason did he state? 
[03:55] <Marcia Aeris> Nothing.
[03:55] <Marcia Aeris> He just said "demote me"
[03:55] <VeXJL> What's up with the demotions lately?
[03:56] <Zambiealex> We are losing staff, yay...
[03:56] <Zambiealex> (Sarcasm)
[03:56] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">yay</span>
[03:57] <Marcia Aeris> I might spend time on PvZW Emblem again someday.
[03:57] <Marcia Aeris> It's going to be Elibe based because it's the one I'm most familiar with but with more features... IF I COULD ACTUALLY CODE
[03:57] <Zambiealex> I shall be the last content mod in PvZ eggsistance.
[03:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Obviously people are demoting themselves because of me.</span>
[03:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">At least that's what I've heard</span>
[03:57] <VeXJL> I don't really get it though...
[03:57] <VeXJL> Ah well...
[03:58] <Zambiealex> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">You are not Cracking this nut.</span>
[03:58] <Marcia Aeris> I didn't realize THIS MANY people hoped that a staff position isn't pressuring... -__- 
[03:59] <Zambiealex> Tanks alot
[03:59] <VeXJL> I mean... Snap and A Graalian were pretty inactive already...
[03:59] <VeXJL> But SE12?
[03:59] <Zambiealex> Now you realized how sinister this is.
[04:00] <Zambiealex> Thanks to this thing, we will have about <span style="font-weight:bold;">2</span> admins.
[04:00] <DeathZombi> If you need a wholesome subreddit
[04:00] <DeathZombi> There is r/PeopleFuckingDying 
[04:00] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What would happen if I demoted inactive users like Snappy without a vote?
[04:00] <DeathZombi> Not to be confused with r/watchpeopledie 
[04:00] <DeathZombi> "YOU ARE A DICTATOR!" 
[04:00] <Marcia Aeris> I don't think anyone cares about Snappy.
[04:00] <DeathZombi> "YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" 
[04:00] <Zambiealex> @TULO They will be repromoted.
[04:01] <Zambiealex> Then we have a vote to demote them.
[04:01] <Marcia Aeris> I don't mind if the wiki has 2 or 3 admins as long as they're GOOD.
[04:01] <Zambiealex> No actually, there will be on. The one who made that system.
[04:01] <VeXJL> Snappy already said through a conversation with SE12 that he doesn't care anymore and he wonders why he isn't demoted yet
[04:01] <Zambiealex> *One
[04:02] <DeathZombi> You are good Sprocket 
[04:02] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Whenever I see a demotion thread, and there are inactive users, in the middle of the thread somebody demotes the user.
[04:02] <ThisUserLikesOreo> That always happens
[04:02] <Marcia Aeris> And damn do I have no consensus to make about the retired staff page. I have to make a Part 2 vote at some point.
[04:02] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Because (nike) 
[04:02] <Marcia Aeris> Or one of the users comes back, tells everyone they're not dead, leaves, and everyone starts opposing the vote to demote that user. (teehee) 
[04:03] <Zambiealex> The way I see this is that all of the admins are on a boat and Marcia just pushed them all overboard to drown to death.
[04:03] <Marcia Aeris> I didn't do this to sabotage, I did this so our staff actually, I don't know, works...?
[04:03] <VeXJL> :O 
[04:04] <Zambiealex> The boat is this wiki and the push is this Staff Evaluation system.
[04:05] <VeXJL> Hmm
[04:05] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">force x distance</span>
[04:05] <Marcia Aeris> The people on board have to work with it with their on force, then. Otherwise slacking off will just push them away.
[04:05] <Marcia Aeris> *own force
[04:05] <Zambiealex> It is like Unleashing a Kernel Corn on 5 gargantuars
[04:05] <Zambiealex> Or a Sour Grape on A Troop of dancing zombie.
[04:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">If we kick Andree from the chat, it will only contain staff members</span>
[04:06] <VeXJL> Eh...
[04:06] <Marcia Aeris> Andree's mostly there to do nothing but say "Hi!"
[04:06] <Zambiealex> We only have 3 Chat Mods which will be 3 then 3
[04:07] <Zambiealex> And then the only B-Crat that will live will be TULO.
[04:07] <Zambiealex> This is (crazy) 
[04:07] <Marcia Aeris> There's still a deliberation vote, Zambie.
[04:08] <Zambiealex> a wat.
[04:08] <Marcia Aeris> People still have to vote if they stay or not for a week before they're even demoted.
[04:08] <VeXJL> When's the deliberation again?
[04:08] <Marcia Aeris> The last week before the new season of staff evaluations start.
[04:08] <Marcia Aeris> August 25 - August 31.
[04:08] <VeXJL> Oh.
[04:08] <Marcia Aeris> The new season starts September 1.
[04:09] <Zambiealex> This is like PvZH where is is every man for themselves in Ranked Mode then the seasons reset.
[04:10] <Zambiealex> Hello Gzorich
[04:11] <VeXJL> Hi...
[04:12] <Zambiealex> Welcome to The Plants Vs. Zombies Wiki!
[04:12] <VeXJL> Where everything is shit
[04:12] <Gzorich> can someone help me? I was replaying the portal combat minigame, but when it was relocating the portals, my game crashed!
[04:13] <VeXJL> Hmm...
[04:13] <DeathZombi> Welcome to PvZ
[04:13] <VeXJL> Did you try replaying the minigame again?
[04:13] <DeathZombi> 10% about some plants and zombies
[04:13] <DeathZombi> 8.8% salt
[04:14] <Gzorich> Yes, but it still crashed 
[04:14] <DeathZombi> 1.2% decency
[04:14] <DeathZombi> and 80% what you see on FOX shows: Drama 
[04:14] <VeXJL> Well, idk
[04:15] <Gzorich> ok 
[04:15] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">People still play PvZ?</span>
[04:15] <VeXJL> Well, I guess so...
[04:16] <Gzorich> well i Was not connected to wifi at the time, so maybe it will work now that I am.
[04:16] <Gzorich> Im gonna go try it... 
[04:16] <Marcia Aeris> Which user here would make a decent cavalier in FE...?
[04:16] <DeathZombi> TULO? Cause he carries the wiki? 
[04:17] <VeXJL> ...
[04:17] <VeXJL> idk
[04:17] <DeathZombi> What game are you taking your class basis? FE7? Aka the 2nd best game in the series? 
[04:17] <Marcia Aeris> I see TULO as one of the main Lords or a promoted class, probably third tier.
[04:17] <Marcia Aeris> FE7.
[04:17] <VeXJL> oh
[04:18] <Marcia Aeris> (Well, if the game I'm thinking of making ever has third tier, but second tier if it's Elibe)
[04:18] <DeathZombi> I call Mercenary. 
[04:18] <VeXJL> For TULO?
[04:18] <DeathZombi> Not for TULO. 
[04:19] <VeXJL> Who then?
[04:20] <Marcia Aeris> I see most admins, bcrats and some content/discussion mods as second tier (admins and bureaucrats for third tier if it exists in PvZ FE universe)
[04:20] <Zambiealex> For Death...
[04:20] <DeathZombi> Me. Cause I love Mercenary and sword units. 
[04:20] <VeXJL> Oh I love Mercenaries
[04:20] <DeathZombi> Mercenaries are at their best in Gaiden and Shadows of Valentia. 
[04:20] <DeathZombi> Cause DREAD FIGHTAS! 
[04:21] <VeXJL> lol
[04:21] <DeathZombi> And 7 Move. 
[04:21] <DeathZombi> Pretty much the best class on Celica's Route. 
[04:22] <Marcia Aeris> I can buy Shadows of Valentia by August.
[04:22] <Marcia Aeris> I don't get allowance daily anymore, only weekly at this rate and sometimes I get emergency money.
[04:22] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I have no idea what's going on right now
[04:22] <Marcia Aeris> Fire Emblem PvZW brainstorming.
[04:22] <DeathZombi> Fried Emblem, Amos. 
[04:22] <Gzorich> Well that did not work.... still crashed... (sorry if i already said this, i cant see if i did on my screen...)
[04:23] <Marcia Aeris> I have to do community service on my birthday, too...
[04:23] <Marcia Aeris> I think.
[04:23] <DeathZombi> Do you get why I call you Amos, sir TULO? 
[04:23] <VeXJL> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">TULO could be... oh nvm</span>
[04:23] <ThisUserLikesOreo> No, I don't know what/who that is.
[04:24] <VeXJL> TULO's not a die-hard FE fan. :P 
[04:24] <Marcia Aeris> Amos is a prophet, according to Google.
[04:24] <ThisUserLikesOreo> You should ask that in [[Board:Plants vs. Zombies]] as more people hang out there. @Gzorich
[04:24] <ThisUserLikesOreo> By there I mean forums
[04:24] <Marcia Aeris> But they're also cookies.
[04:24] <DeathZombi> Have you ever heard of the tragedy of Darth Plageius the ... I mean have you ever heard of Amo's cookies? 
[04:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> nop
[04:26] <DeathZombi> Amo's Cookies are Cookies 
[04:27] <ThisUserLikesOreo> basically chocolate chip cookies?
[04:27] <Marcia Aeris> Back then I thought of Snappy and Snap to be the Christmas cavaliers. Now I don't really know a better pair....
[04:28] <Marcia Aeris> Basically, it seems. @TULO
[04:28] <DeathZombi> Yep.
[04:28] <Zambiealex> FE? eww...
[04:28] <Marcia Aeris> I kinda see Someone456 as the lead of all and Pinkgirl as his closest retainer and cliched childhood friend.
[04:29] <Marcia Aeris> Huh.
[04:29] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">yay, all staff chat</span>
[04:30] <Marcia Aeris> Yaaay>
[04:30] <Marcia Aeris> *?
[04:30] <ThisUserLikesOreo>
[04:30] <ThisUserLikesOreo> did we all leave at the same time?
[04:30] <Marcia Aeris> Pretty much!
[04:31] <DeathZombi> Zambie, old FE
[04:32] <DeathZombi> not modern waifu FE
[04:32] <DeathZombi> Includes pre awakening and FE15 
[04:34] <Marcia Aeris> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I honestly see Zambie as a villain if he ever gets a role in the plot...</span>
[04:35] <Zambiealex> If you want to be a villian Number one!
[04:35] <Zambiealex> *Villain
[04:35] <ThisUserLikesOreo> no
[04:35] <ThisUserLikesOreo> not that shitty meme
[04:35] <ThisUserLikesOreo> please no
[04:36] <Zambiealex> :O 
[04:36] <Zambiealex> We Are Number One will never die!
[04:37] <Marcia Aeris> I THOUGHT HE WAS EATEN
[04:38] <ThisUserLikesOreo> that shit meme made a comeback to /r/dankmemes
[04:38] <ThisUserLikesOreo> and now it's everywhere again
[04:39] <Marcia Aeris> Stefan's terminal now, so... yeah.
[04:39] <Zambiealex> Yay!
[04:40] <Zambiealex> Stefan may Die but Robbie Rotten will live on.
[04:40] <Zambiealex> He is my childhood villain
[04:40] <ThisUserLikesOreo>
[04:40] <DeathZombi> I am so sad...
[04:40] <Marcia Aeris> Why...?
[04:41] <DeathZombi> Even worse cause it was pancreatic cancer... and my Physio teacher (who is a huge Lazytown fan) predicted it was the cancer he was gonna get 
[04:41] <Zambiealex> Stefan Carl shall not die!
[04:41] <Zambiealex> He can't
[04:41] <Zambiealex> Well soon..
[04:41] <Zambiealex> But he can't RN
[04:41] <ThisUserLikesOreo>
[04:42] <Marcia Aeris> DAMN I'M BEING CALLED
[04:42] <Marcia Aeris> GTG
[04:42] <ThisUserLikesOreo> this article is a thing
[04:42] <ThisUserLikesOreo> and it's incorrect now
[04:44] <DeathZombi> I only like Buzzfeed'
[04:44] <DeathZombi> s Worth it Series 
[04:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I only like Try Guys
[04:47] <DeathZombi> Worst betrayal ever: XY131 
[04:48] <ThisUserLikesOreo> wut
[04:50] <DeathZombi> The 131st episode of the XY series 
[04:50] <ThisUserLikesOreo> what happened there?
[04:50] <DeathZombi> "Kalos League Victory! Ash's Ultimate Battle!" 
[04:55] <Zambiealex> I did this for some reason.
[04:58] <DeathZombi>
[04:58] <DeathZombi> Please sign this 
[05:01] <Zambiealex> Done
[05:02] <DeathZombi> Also I back out of your link cause I saw Undertale art
[05:02] <Zambiealex> Omg seriosuly...
[05:03] <Zambiealex> It is just undertale
[05:04] <DeathZombi> Watching people die does not scar me 
[05:04] <DeathZombi> Meanwhile the undertale tag does 
[05:06] <DeathZombi> on tumblr 
[05:14] <ThisUserLikesOreo> definitely changes shit
[04:58] <DeathZombi>
[04:58] <DeathZombi> Please sign this 
[05:01] <Zambiealex> Done
[05:02] <DeathZombi> Also I back out of your link cause I saw Undertale art
[05:02] <Zambiealex> Omg seriosuly...
[05:03] <Zambiealex> It is just undertale
[05:04] <DeathZombi> Watching people die does not scar me 
[05:04] <DeathZombi> Meanwhile the undertale tag does 
[05:06] <DeathZombi> on tumblr 
[05:14] <ThisUserLikesOreo> definitely changes shit
[05:28] <ThisUserLikesOreo> [[Thread:1023885#95]]
[05:28] <ThisUserLikesOreo> this guy constantly wants to put genders into infoboxes
[05:31] <ThisUserLikesOreo> [[Thread:680622]]
[05:31] <ThisUserLikesOreo> oh damn