Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/3 February 2016

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[02:24] <Mr. Boss-inator> If I get eaten by zombies, this means the revolution has begun :P 
[02:24] <ErnestoAM> nuuuu
[02:24] <Mr. Boss-inator> snapdragon vs garg spam simulator 2016
[02:25] <MyNameIsMyName> Wat now?
[02:25] <Mr. Boss-inator> Let's talk about your name :P 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> His name is his name.
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> I am gonna do something terrible
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Andreelikesplantsvszombies
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Bearjedi
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Crazyzombie168
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Dekagamer7X9
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Fighting Zombies
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Insert Your Name Here
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Fighting Zombies
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Mr. Boss-inator
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> MyNameIsMyName
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Protanly
[02:26] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> (bomb) 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> Hi!
[02:26] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[02:26] <ErnestoAM> \o 
[02:26] <Mr. Boss-inator> Hi
[02:27] <ErnestoAM> (jackfruit) + (tunnelexit) = (jackfruitblockingtunnel) 
[02:28] <Mr. Boss-inator> What does Undertale player whose friends haven't even heard of this game feel?
[02:28] <Mr. Boss-inator> Right, he's feeling BONELY
[02:28] <Mr. Boss-inator> ba-dum tss
[02:29] <ErnestoAM> Never played it before.
[02:29] <Mr. Boss-inator> But I know 3 pleople. who liked Undertale very much, that's a ton
[02:29] <Mr. Boss-inator> SKELE-TON
[02:29] <Mr. Boss-inator> ba-dum tss
[02:29] <ErnestoAM> lol
[02:30] <Mr. Boss-inator> this game can teach you a lot
[02:31] <Mr. Boss-inator> this game is very specific, because id doesn't sound very fun at first, but when you play more of it...
[02:31] <Mr. Boss-inator> it*
[02:31] <Snapdragon717> Back
[02:32] <Mr. Boss-inator> catchy music. amazing plot, unexistance of 4th wall :P 
[02:32] <Snapdragon717> We talking Undertale, I see
[02:32] <Mr. Boss-inator> yep ^_^ 
[02:32] <Snapdragon717> Great game, it's just the fanbase that's bad
[02:32] <Mr. Boss-inator> I've not seen the fanbase
[02:33] <Snapdragon717> I wouldn't say it's FNAF fanbase bad
[02:33] <Snapdragon717> but it's not that good
[02:33] <Mr. Boss-inator> I didn't see the fanbase, why is it wrong?
[02:35] <Mr. Boss-inator> bad*
[02:36] <ErnestoAM> We need Mush-shroom
[02:37] <ErnestoAM> and Cata-pult
[02:37] <ErnestoAM> and Plant
[02:37] <MyNameIsMyName> True
[02:37] <Snapdragon717> (Flower Pot) - Flower =______
[02:38] <MyNameIsMyName> (dave) 
[02:38] <MyNameIsMyName> He is wearing a pot
[02:38] <Snapdragon717> (Buckethead Cowboy) wears one too
[02:38] <MyNameIsMyName> Yeah, right
[02:38] <Snapdragon717> And (threepeater2) with its costume on
[02:38] <MyNameIsMyName> (dave) =(bucketheadcowboy) confirmed
[02:39] <MyNameIsMyName> *(buckethead cowboy)
[02:39] <MyNameIsMyName> *(Buckethead Cowboy)
[02:39] <MyNameIsMyName> What
[02:40] <MyNameIsMyName> (Buckethead Cowboy) 
[02:40] <Snapdragon717> The asterick
[02:45] <Snapdragon717> Ded
[02:46] <MyNameIsMyName> Howdy!
[02:49] <Mr. Boss-inator> Howdy is Flowey's response...
[02:49] <Mr. Boss-inator> NUUUUUUUU
[02:49] <Mr. Boss-inator> BRING BACK MyNameIsMyName! YOU EVIL FLOWER!
[02:50] <MyNameIsMyName> ?
[02:51] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[02:52] <Mr. Boss-inator> ?
[02:54] <Ballistic Planet> i'm
[02:54] <Ballistic Planet> kinda
[02:54] <Ballistic Planet> alive
[02:54] <Ballistic Planet> guys
[02:54] <Ballistic Planet> The Korena Spammers are back
[02:54] <Ballistic Planet> Leo pls
[02:54] <Ballistic Planet> do something
[02:54] <Snapdragon717> Who?
[02:55] <Ballistic Planet> [[User:Aidricanamarie1324]]
[02:55] <Ballistic Planet> Itsleo20 I summon thee!
[02:55] <Itsleo20> Wat
[02:55] <Itsleo20> WHO DARES
[02:55] <Itsleo20> SUMMON LE BRELOOM
[02:55] <Ballistic Planet> block [[User:Aidricanamarie1324]]
[02:55] <Itsleo20> okay
[02:55] <Ballistic Planet> He's a korean spammer
[02:55] <Snapdragon717> "서면안마 밤의*전쟁 강남안마대전안마bamwar10쩜com강남풀사롱서면안마 밤의*전쟁 강남안마대전안마bamwar10쩜com강남풀사롱서면안마 밤의*전쟁 강남안마대전안마bamwar10쩜com강남풀사롱서면안마 밤의*전쟁 강남안마대전안마bamwar10쩜com강남풀사롱서면안마 밤의*전쟁 강남안마대전안마bamwar10"
[02:55] <Mr. Boss-inator> is this House Of Terror?
[02:56] <Mr. Boss-inator> (font)
[02:56] <Ballistic Planet> ty baby &lt;3 
[02:56] <Snapdragon717> That's just 3 lines from the thread he/she posted
[02:56] <MyNameIsMyName> What
[02:56] <Itsleo20> Is infinite ban too much?
[02:56] <Ballistic Planet> nah
[02:56] <MyNameIsMyName> Nope
[02:56] <Ballistic Planet> Infinite is fine
[02:56] <Mr. Boss-inator> too little :P 
[02:56] <ErnestoAM> Too bad I can't close threads
[02:56] <ErnestoAM> Just edit them
[02:57] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[02:57] <Ballistic Planet> You're not a Forum Mod!
[02:57] <ErnestoAM> I can edit them
[02:57] <Mr. Boss-inator> how to use custom font in chat?
[02:57] <Ballistic Planet> ask Leo
[02:57] <Mr. Boss-inator> thnx
[02:57] <ErnestoAM> Leonardo*
[02:58] <Ballistic Planet> A wiki admin has to set it up for you
[02:58] <Titansfan345> Whatsup?
[02:58] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[02:58] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[02:58] <Mr. Boss-inator> I want to use House of Terror too, that fits my style B) 
[02:58] <Mr. Boss-inator> *sup bro
[02:58] <Ballistic Planet> wait
[02:58] <Ballistic Planet> since when is Boss-inator on chat?
[02:58] <Ballistic Planet> I never see you
[02:58] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[02:59] <Mr. Boss-inator> I've not been on chat for months
[02:59] <CompingChomper> Hi does any one know how to figure out how rare something is after bought
[02:59] <Mr. Boss-inator> came by Ernesto's request :P 
[02:59] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[02:59] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[03:00] <ErnestoAM> yup
[03:00] <ErnestoAM> :P 
[03:00] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[03:00] <Mr. Boss-inator> Hi, THP
[03:01] <Itsleo20> So...
[03:01] <Itsleo20> I am bored
[03:01] <CompingChomper> Any one
[03:01] <Ballistic Planet> I've seen times where Snapdragon hasn't been on chat
[03:01] <ErnestoAM> I guess content mod gets partial forum mod too
[03:01] <TheHandsomePlant> It's a miracle guys, I enter and nobody says "Hi"
[03:01] <Mr. Boss-inator> Привет, если ты это перевел, то ты использовал переводчик :P 
[03:01] <ErnestoAM> SPAMMER!
[03:01] <ErnestoAM> KIK NAO!
[03:01] <Itsleo20> Ohai CompingChomper
[03:02] <Itsleo20> I don't believe I've seen you before.
[03:02] <Snapdragon717> So apparently, the MD Zomboss battle, they skip over the Ancient Egypt plants.
[03:02] <Mr. Boss-inator> Leo, I messaged you
[03:02] <ErnestoAM> [[Thread:498656]]
[03:02] <ErnestoAM> See? @Ballisitic Planet
[03:03] <TheHandsomePlant> tset
[03:03] <Itsleo20> I don;'t have a message
[03:03] <Titansfan345> Wow, wikia doesn't work for me anymore.
[03:03] <Ballistic Planet> defending an attack
[03:03] <Ballistic Planet> in BMC
[03:03] <Titansfan345> I can't make edits anywhere.
[03:03] <Mr. Boss-inator> Private message
[03:03] <Ballistic Planet> can't see
[03:03] <Itsleo20> I don't see one
[03:03] <Mr. Boss-inator> then I'll just paste it here
[03:03] <Mr. Boss-inator> Hi, I'd like to know how to use custom font in chat, could you teach me, please?
[03:04] <Itsleo20> I dunno how
[03:04] <Itsleo20> and anyway, I need to go to bed
[03:04] <Itsleo20> cya!
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> buy
[03:04] <Snapdragon717> by
[03:04] <Mr. Boss-inator> Ballistic Planet told that you know :( 
[03:04] <Mr. Boss-inator> boi :( 
[03:05] <Snapdragon717> I have so many photos on my IPad with strategies on PVZ2 levels, but I can't get them on my computer.
[03:05] <Ballistic Planet> ?
[03:06] <Ballistic Planet> I told what?
[03:06] <Ballistic Planet> o/ rawr
[03:06] <Murabito> rawr
[03:06] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[03:07] <Murabito> my mom has spare money on her apple account
[03:07] <Murabito> i asked if i could use $5
[03:07] <Murabito> she said yes
[03:07] <Murabito> now i have csd (oh) 
[03:08] <Mr. Boss-inator> @Ballistic Planet, you told that he knows how to use custpm font
[03:08] <Ballistic Planet> oh yeah
[03:08] <Dekagamer7X9> Just finished putting all info for the unused All Stars plants onto the All Stars concepts page, and deleting their individual pages (Something we had agreed to do a LONG time ago)
[03:08] <Ballistic Planet> nice @Crayon
[03:08] <Ballistic Planet> nice
[03:08] <Ballistic Planet> gj
[03:09] <Murabito> also I updated fotw
[03:09] <Murabito> nhat can stop whining about it
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> "100 sun
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> You just earned the "Peacekeeper" badge Awarded for making 1,000 edits on articles!"
[03:09] <Titansfan345> Does anybody know Ma I'm needing them to appeal a ban for me that happened over three years ago on a different wikia.
[03:09] <Mr. Boss-inator> what is csd?
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> YAY! ME!
[03:09] <Ballistic Planet> noice
[03:09] <Dekagamer7X9> Congrats
[03:09] <Murabito> hurray
[03:09] <Murabito> now ask for admin
[03:09] <Mr. Boss-inator> Congratulations!
[03:10] <Mr. Boss-inator> 
[03:10] <Mr. Boss-inator> 
[03:10] <Mr. Boss-inator> 
[03:10] <Mr. Boss-inator> /
[03:10] <Ballistic Planet> EAM can't go for admin
[03:10] <Murabito> y
[03:10] <Ballistic Planet> He just got Content Mod
[03:10] <Ballistic Planet> you have to wait a month
[03:10] <Murabito> oh
[03:10] <Ballistic Planet> to ask again
[03:10] <Murabito> :( 
[03:10] <Snapdragon717> @Boss CSD = (cold snapdragon) 
[03:10] <Mr. Boss-inator> oh
[03:10] <Murabito> People would've said support blindlessly
[03:10] <Mr. Boss-inator> I hacked everything :P 
[03:11] <Ballistic Planet> same
[03:11] <Murabito> oh
[03:11] <Murabito> ernie
[03:11] <Ballistic Planet> I'm gonna get ER and GB once MD PArt 2 comes out
[03:11] <Murabito> 1 gem mod pls
[03:11] <Mr. Boss-inator> I'll get GB in a fair way
[03:12] <Mr. Boss-inator> also, NO SPOILJADOISADAOAOSHDASOERS
[03:12] <Murabito> er sounds pretty good
[03:12] <Ballistic Planet> ER looks cool
[03:12] <Ballistic Planet> I want him
[03:12] <Snapdragon717> ER?
[03:12] <Murabito> being able to save a winter melon
[03:12] <Mr. Boss-inator> NO SPOILERDSLJJASDHDLSAS
[03:12] <Murabito> escape root
[03:12] <Snapdragon717> Just realized taht
[03:12] <Snapdragon717> that
[03:12] <Mr. Boss-inator> NO SPOILERDASDSPDJASS
[03:12] <Murabito> yes spoilers
[03:13] <Ballistic Planet> Spoilers aren't banned...
[03:13] <Mr. Boss-inator> oh
[03:13] <Mr. Boss-inator> k
[03:13] <Murabito> game is now unhype
[03:13] <Ballistic Planet> we removed that rule a month or two ago
[03:13] <Murabito> spoilers used to be b&
[03:13] <Mr. Boss-inator> I'm so ancient XD
[03:13] <Dekagamer7X9> Escape Root doesn't look so good to me
[03:14] <Murabito> what makes sv so good?
[03:14] <Murabito> 3x3
[03:14] <Snapdragon717> I heard one of the Epic Quest's has a NMT portal on the 2nd column to the house, so basically, they want you to use (Cherry Bomb) to kill (MC Zom-B) 
[03:14] <Murabito> aoe is the key
[03:15] <Ballistic Planet> rawr
[03:15] <Mr. Boss-inator> also that level is MD day 21, so you have to use (Cherry Bomb) on (MC Zom-B) in 2 levelz
[03:15] <Murabito> rawr
[03:15] <Mr. Boss-inator> growl
[03:15] <Ballistic Planet> nah man
[03:15] <Ballistic Planet> Me and Crayon go way back
[03:15] <Murabito> :p 
[03:15] <Mr. Boss-inator> *Gaster interrupts the chat*
[03:15] <Ballistic Planet> ;) 
[03:16] <Mr. Boss-inator> if only I knew how to use fonts, I could expand that with a bunch of wingdings
[03:16] <Mr. Boss-inator> cuz Gaster
[03:16] <Murabito> expand
[03:16] <Murabito> (lenny) 
[03:16] <Ballistic Planet> (lenny) 
[03:17] <Ballistic Planet> lenny is a ninja
[03:17] <Mr. Boss-inator> lol
[03:17] <Ballistic Planet> Lenninja
[03:17] <Murabito> Greninja
[03:17] <Mr. Boss-inator> ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[03:17] <Ballistic Planet> BANNED
[03:17] <Mr. Boss-inator> ?
[03:17] <CompingChomper> Check out my blogs started yesterday 5 hanks
[03:17] <Murabito> B&
[03:18] <CompingChomper> Thanks
[03:19] <Mr. Boss-inator> ) ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°(
[03:19] <Mr. Boss-inator> reverted lenny?
[03:19] <ErnestoAM> ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° Lenny naked
[03:20] <Mr. Boss-inator> ( ͡ ° ͜ ʖ ͡ ° )
[03:20] <Titansfan345> Does anybody know Ma I'm needing them to appeal a ban for me that happened over three years ago on a different wikia.
[03:20] <ErnestoAM> oh that guy
[03:20] <CompingChomper> Check out my blogs please thanks
[03:20] <Mr. Boss-inator> (i ͡c°a ͜nʖw ͡r°i)teinsidelenny
[03:23] <MyNameIsMyName> gtg
[03:23] <ErnestoAM> buy
[03:23] <Snapdragon717> by
[03:23] <ErnestoAM> bye
[03:23] <Mr. Boss-inator> bOI
[03:23] <ErnestoAM> bai
[03:25] <Snapdragon717> There is a "word" that actually rhymes with orange
[03:26] <Mr. Boss-inator> range :P 
[03:26] <Snapdragon717> It's two words. Door hinge
[03:26] <Snapdragon717> Well, according to this site
[03:26] <Mr. Boss-inator> range :P 
[03:26] <Snapdragon717>
[03:26] <Mr. Boss-inator> Oh range ;P
[03:26] <Mr. Boss-inator> :P *
[03:26] <ErnestoAM> Slimies ^^^^^^
[03:27] <Snapdragon717> Nothing rhymes with rascaldom
[03:27] <ErnestoAM> Rose Calm Down
[03:29] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[03:29] <Snapdragon717> Well, I'm going to bed. Goodnight Gents!
[03:29] <ErnestoAM> buy
[03:30] <Ballistic Planet> \o 
[03:30] <Ballistic Planet> gl on chat mod
[03:30] <Snapdragon717> Thanks
[03:30] <ErnestoAM> You going for chat mod
[03:30] <Ballistic Planet> yeah
[03:30] <Ballistic Planet> he is
[03:30] <ErnestoAM> Good Luck!
[03:32] <ErnestoAM> Guess what we celebrate this month!
[03:32] <Ballistic Planet> My Birthday?
[03:32] <ErnestoAM> Black History Month!
[03:32] <ErnestoAM> You selfish guy
[03:33] <ErnestoAM> Today is my B-day.
[03:33] <ErnestoAM> and EP's
[03:33] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[03:33] <Ballistic Planet> happy birdday
[03:33] <ErnestoAM> thanks Angry Bird
[03:34] <Mr. Boss-inator> Happy B-Day! I wish you to success with promoting to admin... Nope, success with everything
[03:46] <Phat EA team> Ernesto's birhday ?
[03:46] <ErnestoAM> yup
[03:47] <Phat EA team> HAPPY BIRTHDAY
[03:47] <Phat EA team> I didn't knew
[03:47] <Ballistic Planet> erny are you 16 yet?
[03:47] <ErnestoAM> yes
[03:47] <Ballistic Planet> gj
[03:47] <Ballistic Planet> I'm still 14
[03:48] <Ballistic Planet> :( 
[03:48] <Ballistic Planet> 13 days til I'm 15
[03:48] <Phat EA team> 10 months until my 15 years
[03:49] <Mr. Boss-inator> I'll be 16 on 10th of March :3
[03:50] <Ballistic Planet> 13 days
[03:50] <Ballistic Planet> for ,e
[03:51] <Ballistic Planet> my B-Day is the day before MD part 2 releases
[03:51] <Phat EA team> November 13th
[03:51] <Phat EA team> JM was my ''gift''
[03:52] <Ballistic Planet> MD Part 2 will be mine
[03:52] <Phat EA team> Primal plants are good, but the rest doesn't pleases me
[03:53] <Phat EA team> You're lucky
[03:53] <Phat EA team> Awesome ''gift''
[03:53] <Ballistic Planet> I like CSd and Grapeshot
[03:53] <Phat EA team> same
[03:54] <Ballistic Planet> lets hope the plants in the 4.5 update are good
[03:55] <Phat EA team> gold bloom has a creppy laugh
[03:55] <Phat EA team> :( 
[03:55] <Ballistic Planet> I haven't heard the sounds
[03:55] <Ballistic Planet> of the new plants
[03:55] <Phat EA team> I did
[03:56] <Phat EA team> except Grim Rose
[03:57] <Ilikeduck!> \o 
[03:58] <Phat EA team> Also, looks like gold bloom is the weakest plant ever
[03:58] <Phat EA team> Hi
[03:58] <Ballistic Planet> how much sun does Gold Bloom produce?
[03:58] <Phat EA team> 50 - 125
[03:59] <Ballistic Planet> well then
[03:59] <Phat EA team> His recharge is too slow
[03:59] <Phat EA team> 69 seconds ?
[04:00] <Mr. Boss-inator> Really? I thought it will gove minimum 200 sun
[04:00] <Mr. Boss-inator> give*
[04:00] <Phat EA team> same
[04:00] <Ballistic Planet> I thought it'd give around 300
[04:00] <Ballistic Planet> but I'm crazy
[04:00] <Mr. Boss-inator> I thought as well :P 
[04:00] <Phat EA team> Maybe it changes
[04:01] <Phat EA team> 10%
[04:01] <Phat EA team> pop cap probably wouldn't do something like that
[04:02] <Phat EA team> $}..MinSpread$2 / 24 7D 90 09 4D 69 6E 53 70 72 65 61 64 24 32
[04:02] <Ballistic Planet> i'll check the code
[04:03] <Phat EA team> ok
[04:03] <Ballistic Planet> hmm
[04:03] <Ballistic Planet> I'm not sure
[04:04] <Ballistic Planet> if it has a maximum
[04:04] <Phat EA team> Me neither
[04:04] <Phat EA team> but I can see ''247D''
[04:10] <Mr. Boss-inator> *ded*
[04:12] <Pinkgirl234> Ello peeps
[04:12] <Ballistic Planet> real ded
[04:12] <Pinkgirl234> BPai!
[04:12] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> huggies him
[04:12] <Ballistic Planet> <span class="me-username">* <span>Ballistic Planet</span></span> huggies back!
[04:12] <MyNameIsMyName> Switched to phone now
[04:13] <KamiOfWind> Hi
[04:13] <Pinkgirl234> o/ 
[04:14] <KamiOfWind> I like how the emotes are directly from DeviantArt
[04:14] <Pinkgirl234> Not all.
[04:14] <Pinkgirl234> Some come from this wiki or other wikis
[04:14] <KamiOfWind> I never said all
[04:14] <KamiOfWind> :3
[04:15] <Pinkgirl234> Oh XD
[04:17] <Ballistic Planet> wooh
[04:17] <Phat EA team> I found ''24 D0 0F'' in DuskLobberDefault, does looks like damage, life, recharge or cost, what do you think ?
[04:17] <Ballistic Planet> Been playing BMC
[04:17] <Ballistic Planet> D0 0F?
[04:17] <Phat EA team> yeah
[04:18] <Ballistic Planet> i'm looking for it
[04:18] <MyNameIsMyName> What now?
[04:18] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[04:18] <Ballistic Planet> I don't know
[04:18] <Ballistic Planet> That might be the BeghouledCost for it
[04:18] <Phat EA team> Yeah..
[04:20] <Pinkgirl234> So um
[04:20] <Pinkgirl234> I have to leave again soon.
[04:20] <Pinkgirl234> I gotta get back to class but fist..\
[04:20] <Pinkgirl234> * first
[04:20] <Mr. Boss-inator> D0 0F enshmirtz
[04:21] <Phat EA team> lo, that fits
[04:23] <MyNameIsMyName> The letters are dancing again
[04:23] <Phat EA team> ''3120'' You're probably right @Ballistic Planet
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> I'm sure that Starfruity 's mind will blown in the next day.
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> Or... a few hours later.
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> Hmm... DED. Totally DED.
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> my
[07:19] <Citron Bomb Official> ded
[07:19] <The Magic Star>
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> I'm sure that Starfruity 's mind will blown in the next day.
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> Or... a few hours later.
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> Hmm... DED. Totally DED.
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> my
[07:19] <Citron Bomb Official> ded
[07:19] <The Magic Star>
[07:41] <Vebros> ded
[07:41] <Vebros> ded
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> I'm sure that Starfruity 's mind will blown in the next day.
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> Or... a few hours later.
[06:48] <Phanminhnhat> Hmm... DED. Totally DED.
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> my
[07:19] <Citron Bomb Official> ded
[07:19] <The Magic Star>
[07:40] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hiya
[07:40] <Vebros> Hello!
[07:41] <Vebros> ded
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> Happy Ded Chat!
[08:00] <Vebros> lol that starfruit
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> Happy Ded Chat!
[08:00] <Vebros> lol that starfruit
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> @Vebros
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> Funded Starfruit.
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> *Fun-ded
[08:04] <AWikiBoy521> Ded
[08:02] <AWikiBoy521> Supback Iama
[08:04] <AWikiBoy521> Ded
[08:09] <Crazyzombie168> i mis lwb
[08:09] <Crazyzombie168> gd damit
[08:10] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[08:10] <AWikiBoy521> So, still <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">fishing</span> waiting for him for that game?
[08:09] <Crazyzombie168> i mis lwb
[08:09] <Crazyzombie168> gd damit
[08:10] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[08:10] <AWikiBoy521> So, still <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">fishing</span> waiting for him for that game?
[08:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Nvm</span>
[08:14] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Dangit, I'm playing EP's music box again...</span>
[08:36] <Crazyzombie168> Released some info one of the new worlds in PvZ2.5 ;)
[08:36] <Crazyzombie168> Released some info one of the new worlds in PvZ2.5 ;)
[08:39] <MysteryKing> I NEED HELP
[08:39] <MysteryKing> HELP ME THIS IS ANNOYING
[08:39] <MysteryKing> I CAN'T TAKE IT
[08:41] <Crazyzombie168> *shoots MK*
[08:41] <Crazyzombie168> There you go.
[08:39] <MysteryKing> I NEED HELP
[08:39] <MysteryKing> HELP ME THIS IS ANNOYING
[08:39] <MysteryKing> I CAN'T TAKE IT
[08:41] <Crazyzombie168> *shoots MK*
[08:41] <Crazyzombie168> There you go.
[08:42] <AWikiBoy521> CZ, lawl
[08:44] <AWikiBoy521> @MK
[08:44] <AWikiBoy521> Relax, it fades over time...
[08:48] <MysteryKing> Let me say it again.'
[08:48] <MysteryKing> I arrived at home at 1 PM
[08:48] <MysteryKing> It's been 4 hours
[08:48] <MysteryKing> AND IT'S THE FUCKING SAME
[08:42] <AWikiBoy521> CZ, lawl
[08:44] <AWikiBoy521> @MK
[08:44] <AWikiBoy521> Relax, it fades over time...
[08:48] <MysteryKing> Let me say it again.'
[08:48] <MysteryKing> I arrived at home at 1 PM
[08:48] <MysteryKing> It's been 4 hours
[08:48] <MysteryKing> AND IT'S THE FUCKING SAME
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> Welp....
[08:50] <MysteryKing> WHAT DO I DO
[08:51] <AWikiBoy521> Google it? 
[08:51] <MysteryKing> Wait
[09:22] <MysteryKing> HOW?
[09:22] <MysteryKing> HOW IS IT DANGEROUS?
[09:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It might really hurt, but I'm worried that it's a sign of hearing problem
[09:22] <MysteryKing> It never hurts
[09:22] <MysteryKing> It's just plain annoying
[09:22] <MysteryKing> Like when someone puts his finger in your ear and he refuses to take it off
[09:22] <MysteryKing> So you're annoyed af
[09:22] <WintahMhelon18> @MK, what did you do during your flight?
[09:22] <MysteryKing> Something like that
[09:23] <MysteryKing> But it never hurt one
[09:23] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I run out of ideas. When my hearing is kinda malfunctioning, like when I hear some ringing sounds, pressing the ear with my finger solves it.
[09:23] <The Magic Star> tako
[09:23] <MysteryKing> Now i'm worried.
[09:23] <MysteryKing> I don't want to lose my hearing
[09:24] <MysteryKing> Or undergo painful cures 
[09:24] <The Magic Star> why
[09:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's potentially dangerous, dude.
[09:24] <Crazyzombie168> How to Speed Run Fnaf World:
[09:24] <MysteryKing> What
[09:24] <Crazyzombie168> Step 1: Go to Fixed Party mode
[09:24] <MysteryKing> I will never go to an airplane again
[09:25] <Crazyzombie168> Step 2: Put Fredbear hs first party member
[09:25] <Crazyzombie168> Step 3: Enter
[09:25] <Crazyzombie168> Step 4: Done
[09:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> According to this you have an asymmetric hearing loss.
[09:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And it says
[09:27] <WintahMhelon18> It's kinda scary to be hospitalized :/ 
[09:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> If you experience muffled hearing or a sudden change in hearing in one ear, see an Ear, Nose, and Throat physician immediately. The sooner the sudden hearing loss is treated, the greater likelihood the hearing will return.
[09:27] <WintahMhelon18> I've never been hospitalized before, not even when I was born, cuz I was born in my grandmother's house.
[09:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I've been. Once
[09:28] <WintahMhelon18> What was your condition?
[09:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And that infuse needle.. It hurts so much
[09:28] <WintahMhelon18> We REALLY have to take care of ourselves
[09:29] <Yappat> I have been hospitalized a lot of times.
[09:29] <WintahMhelon18> So how was it Yappat?
[09:29] <Yappat> I got one when I was born because I had a disease.
[09:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I was diagnosed to have a dengue fever, but it was proven that the diagnose was wrong
[09:29] <Yappat> And I would have died if I was born if I wasn't put into Intensive Care for 2 weeks.
[09:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I actually got measles.
[09:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 5 days in the hospital was like.... hell
[09:30] <WintahMhelon18> @Drek, do you remember the day that you were about to die?
[09:30] <Yappat> Measles isn't that bad in general.
[09:30] <Yappat> I swallowed part of a metal pole when I was 3.
[09:31] <WintahMhelon18> Cuz I almost died during my grade 4 times
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> @Drek
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> At least, you have not much to do.
[09:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> hmmmm... I guess when those infuse needles are puncturing me. It hurts so much that I even cried
[09:31] <WintahMhelon18> I almost got bumped by a Coke truck while I was riding my bike too fast
[09:31] <MysteryKing> But
[09:31] <MysteryKing> I am not deaf
[09:32] <MysteryKing> It's just weaker than the right
[09:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Æ æ OE œ
[09:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Those ligatures are cool
[09:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> æro glass
[09:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ærodynamics
[09:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Unfortunately, US keyboards dont have it
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> @Wintah
[09:33] <AWikiBoy521> Similar story, except it's a regular truck.
[09:34] <Yappat> When I was 8, I had 9 of my teeth removed.
[09:34] <Yappat> I forgot why, but it was a terrible experience.
[09:35] <WintahMhelon18> @AWB, oh ok
[09:35] <Yappat> I had some teeth filled with plague so bad, it was left without a choice to remove it.
[09:35] <WintahMhelon18> FUN FACT: Honestly, when I was a kid, I was afraid of the dentist so I pulled my tooth out all by myselff
[09:35] <WintahMhelon18> *myself
[09:35] <Yappat> Good job Wintah!
[09:35] <The Magic Star> me too
[09:36] <Yappat> But, you always need to go to Dentist for checkups and teeth cleaning every six months.
[09:36] <WintahMhelon18> @Yappat, thanks. I just kept licking it until it comes off :) 
[09:36] <Yappat> Really?
[09:36] <WintahMhelon18> Yep
[09:36] <Yappat> I tied my teeth to a door with a string and slammed it hard.
[09:37] <WintahMhelon18> Mr. Bean reference? &gt;:D 
[09:37] <Yappat> I am used to the pain, but I have to use a tissue to stop the bleeding.
[09:37] <Yappat> No, its actually a practice.
[09:37] <WintahMhelon18> Just kidding &gt;:D 
[09:37] <WintahMhelon18> Hence, the troll face
[09:38] <The Magic Star> i don't have a dentist
[09:38] <The Magic Star> i'm serious
[09:41] <Yappat> Anyone want to give me a hand?
[09:41] <Yappat> Never mind, if I called the vote, I should fix it.
[09:47] <Yappat> AWB, I need some help.
[09:47] <Yappat> How do you put a link of a forums thread in HTML code in an article?
[09:47] <Yappat> AWikiBoy521 ?
[09:48] <Yappat> Alright then, I guess I have to find out.
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> Nope
[09:49] <AWikiBoy521> I am busy, sorry for the lateness.
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> Here's how you do it:
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> Copy-paste that bolded part
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> http://[[]]plantsvszombies.wik[[]]<span style="font-weight:bold;">Thread:536865</span>
[09:50] <Yappat> Oh.
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> On the URL
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> And make it like this:
[09:50] <AWikiBoy521> Do that and it turns to this: [[Thread:536865]]
[09:51] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Looking at xcom2 info
[09:51] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Btw, it's a forum game link. Heheheh....</span>
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> It's only 2 days left yay
[09:53] <WintahMhelon18> Man, I'm thinking if I could buy her a chocolate tomorrow or maybe not
[09:53] <Insert Your Name Here> Buy who?
[09:53] <WintahMhelon18> For my cousin. It's her birthday today
[09:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Uh just buy it
[09:54] <Insert Your Name Here> You wait until valentine and people will think it's incest
[09:54] <WintahMhelon18> Since she and her classmate bought a Mars chocolate for my birthday back then
[09:55] <Insert Your Name Here> Just do it
[09:55] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol Krewella's song Dancing with the Devil has a funny part
[09:55] <WintahMhelon18> I'm thinking of Toblerone
[09:55] <Insert Your Name Here> If she asks, just mention the incident
[09:55] <Drek'TharSuperSword> "We are louder than your bullshit" (lol) rofl 
[09:55] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's just ridiculous.
[09:56] <WintahMhelon18> If I could buy it, then I should go to a drug store (no really, they also sell chocolates there) tomorrow if I go to school
[09:56] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And one more interesting part.
[09:56] <Drek'TharSuperSword> "So shut the fuck up, we're about to leave a legacy."
[09:57] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[09:57] <WintahMhelon18> I also must wrap the chocolate with a paper with a message written on it :) 
[09:57] <WintahMhelon18> She'll be very happy
[09:58] <Insert Your Name Here> On the other hand, maybe you could save the chocolate for someone else on valentine
[09:58] <WintahMhelon18> In fact, chocolates can be the key of one's happiness
[09:58] <Insert Your Name Here> Trust me you don't want to get your cousin fat
[09:58] <WintahMhelon18> I'm not buying a big one, lol
[10:00] <WintahMhelon18> And who's that "someone else"?
[10:00] <Insert Your Name Here> It depends
[10:00] <Insert Your Name Here> I can't guess your heart :p 
[10:00] <WintahMhelon18> Although, I'm slightly thinner than her
[10:00] <AWikiBoy521> brb, intense study time for Science exam tomorrow.
[10:01] <WintahMhelon18> Good luck for that AWB
[10:02] <WintahMhelon18> My chances are low to buy chocolate tomorrow. I can't believe I forgot her birthday today
[10:04] <WintahMhelon18> We always smile at each other :) 
[10:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Look, it takes more than smile to get snu snu
[10:04] <AWikiBoy521> Not all gifts are physical, give her a good moment on her special day!
[10:04] <WintahMhelon18> @Insert, wut
[10:04] <WintahMhelon18> @AWB, woah, slow down man
[10:05] <WintahMhelon18> But still you're right
[10:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Gotta make some custom characters in xcom2
[10:05] <WintahMhelon18> My cousin's friend also gave me chocolate for my birthday so I have to buy chocolate again in October
[10:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Maybe some dudes from final fantasy or something
[10:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Pvz humanization could be cool
[10:07] <WintahMhelon18> Does a chocolate-flavoured biscuit counts?
[10:07] <WintahMhelon18> I mean, it has to be C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E-S
[10:07] <WintahMhelon18> 
[10:08] <Insert Your Name Here> And maybe make human characters of you guys
[10:08] <WintahMhelon18> Welp, gotta continue playing Undertale
[10:08] <WintahMhelon18> Oh wait, maybe later
[10:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Character customization is a real thing
[10:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Finally I can send you guys to die from alien plasma or something
[10:09] <WintahMhelon18> Lawls
[10:09] <WintahMhelon18> WB MGC 
[10:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey.
[10:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm might wanna tell everyone to sign up or something
[10:09] <AWikiBoy521> Noice Keel, <span style="font-weight:bold;">Win</span>tah.
[10:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> *insert Chocolate with Nuts reference here*
[10:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyone who wants their face in xcom2, gimme a name and a nickname
[10:10] <WintahMhelon18> Lawls
[10:10] <AWikiBoy521> You just made Chrysalis not appear on the "user's online" list.
[10:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> I made a freaking Sunflower-based idol singer a while ago because of SMT X FE crap.
[10:10] <AWikiBoy521> At least to me.
[10:10] <WintahMhelon18> My other wikia username is Wikiwowsy7
[10:10] <AWikiBoy521> Chrysalis, you're a ghost. :P 
[10:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> The one with Super Saiyan Marth is stuck in my head!
[10:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ha ha ha.
[10:11] <Insert Your Name Here> And apparently Chryssalid is an alien face hugger with giant claws' or something 
[10:11] <Lolwutburger> heheheyyo
[10:11] <Yappat> LOOK.
[10:11] <Yappat> ITS MOLDER
[10:11] <Yappat> :P .
[10:12] <Lolwutburger> oh puh-lease
[10:12] <Lolwutburger> do I look like a crappily photoshopped chinese knockoff to you
[10:12] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> keels self.
[10:12] <Yappat> Your art looks similar.
[10:13] <WintahMhelon18> Should I play Undertale or Minecraft today?
[10:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Uh minecraft
[10:13] <Yappat> None.
[10:14] <Yappat> Play something different.
[10:14] <WintahMhelon18> I mean, in Undertale, I have to finish the story while Minecraft, I need to test more mods
[10:14] <WintahMhelon18> Hmmmm
[10:14] <WintahMhelon18> Oh, visitors are here
[10:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Now which characters should I make
[10:15] <Yappat> Gotta go, I want to play some Clash Royale.
[10:15] <WintahMhelon18> I'm trying to solve Rfm767's minecraft secret
[10:15] <Vebros> Back
[10:16] <WintahMhelon18> Like even though levers are too far away, it can still activate dispensers from afar
[10:16] <WintahMhelon18> Like more than 15 blocks
[10:17] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[10:19] <WintahMhelon18> Now playing Undertale
[10:19] <WintahMhelon18> AFK
[10:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[10:22] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright...
[10:22] <Insert Your Name Here> List of ppl to make
[10:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Overtale
[10:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[10:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> OMG PvZ looks small in 2049x1152, windowed mode
[10:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> How about 4K monitor then?
[10:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> And things also look pixilated in full screen
[10:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Check this
[10:32] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:32] <Insert Your Name Here> You haxed for upgrade plant huh
[10:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah
[10:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> zen garden hack ftw
[11:28] <NightFury299> Poot
[11:29] <JohnTheKiller2001> Hello
[11:29] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I finally got another ship I wanted, and I had to abuse a lot of travel tickets just to make these two best buds.
[11:29] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey...
[11:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Close enuff
[11:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Brb dinner
[11:30] <Mage General Chrysalis> Mini IYNH is still single.
[11:30] <Mage General Chrysalis> Marth and Caeda aren't loving each other.
[11:30] <Mage General Chrysalis> So are Eliwood and Ninian, who barely know each other.
[11:30] <NightFury299> I'm about to record a video of the guide fight
[11:33] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[11:33] <Snapdragon717> Oh boy, dead...
[11:35] <NightFury299> I-i-i-i'm Hh--h-h-here...
[11:37] <Dogecoin> nope
[11:38] <Snapdragon717> This is fun
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> GW2 has some cool medieval music
[11:41] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[11:41] <Phanminhnhat> I don't like those games much...
[11:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I. Just. Want. DnB. And. Battlefield. 2. Modern. Combat. Music. In. GW2
[11:44] <Phanminhnhat> Hi! Iam!
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[11:44] <Phanminhnhat> Do ya play PvZO?
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Yes
[11:44] <Phanminhnhat> Why don't you make PvZO level pages?
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Just quit it a while ago
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> I would
[11:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> But can you help with something?
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> *me
[11:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Chat is evolving
[11:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> cuz PvZGW2 reason
[11:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[11:46] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam I'm helping.
[11:46] <Phanminhnhat> I created some of the level pages you know.
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> I started by adding the ability of plants in Adventure mode
[11:47] <Iamarepeater> Starting from Peashooter
[11:49] <Phanminhnhat> Oh, and can you please create a template...
[11:49] <Iamarepeater> For ...
[11:49] <Phanminhnhat> ...about the levels in Adventure Mode?
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> I ate three slices of pizza
[11:49] <Iamarepeater> Ok.
[11:49] <Phanminhnhat> I ate an omelete.
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> I also ate a salad
[11:49] <Iamarepeater> But let me add the abilities first
[11:49] <Phanminhnhat> Just like Template:PvZOlevels.
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> Cuz I'm eating suring my grandmother's birthday today
[11:50] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Of course, as you wish.
[11:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wheres CiTS and FF zombot on China?
[11:50] <WintahMhelon18> We're having a party
[11:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> thats weird
[11:50] <WintahMhelon18> *during
[11:50] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Oh, and also, the name of the first level is Zphinx - Day 1.
[11:50] <WintahMhelon18> Pizza is good
[11:50] <Iamarepeater> I saw it
[11:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[11:51] <Phanminhnhat> Now, it's time to play an another PvZ2C level and create a new page about it!
[11:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wheres Lion Dancer Zombie and God of Wealth(excluding the "ad")
[11:51] <Iamarepeater> Also, each zombie should its stats shown
[11:51] <CitronFire3> w
[11:51] <CitronFire3> t
[11:51] <CitronFire3> f
[11:51] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[11:51] <Iamarepeater> *have
[11:51] <Phanminhnhat> Hi!
[11:51] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam I have no idea.
[11:51] <Phanminhnhat> what are they.
[11:51] <CitronFire3> Some dumbo uploaded a file called Gold_Bloom23 and its not even gold bloom
[11:51] <Iamarepeater> Oh god
[11:52] <CitronFire3> It has NOTHING to do with Gold Bloom
[11:52] <Iamarepeater> Let me screenshot it
[11:52] <CitronFire3> And now its on everyones userpage
[11:52] <CitronFire3> ell
[11:52] <CitronFire3> that had gold bloom 2
[11:52] <Iamarepeater> What?
[11:52] <The Magic Star> wat
[11:52] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[11:52] <CitronFire3> *Gold_Bloom2
[11:35] <NightFury299> I-i-i-i'm Hh--h-h-here...
[11:37] <Dogecoin> nope
[11:38] <Snapdragon717> This is fun
[11:39] <Snapdragon717> Well, I have to leave anyway
[11:40] <Snapdragon717> Goodbye to the Dead Chat (Tombstone) , may you become alive some time soon.
[11:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> bak
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> GW2 has some cool medieval music
[11:41] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[11:41] <Phanminhnhat> I don't like those games much...
[11:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I. Just. Want. DnB. And. Battlefield. 2. Modern. Combat. Music. In. GW2
[11:44] <Phanminhnhat> Hi! Iam!
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[11:44] <Phanminhnhat> Do ya play PvZO?
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Yes
[11:44] <Phanminhnhat> Why don't you make PvZO level pages?
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> Just quit it a while ago
[11:44] <Iamarepeater> I would
[11:45] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> But can you help with something?
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[11:45] <Iamarepeater> *me
[11:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Chat is evolving
[11:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> cuz PvZGW2 reason
[11:46] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[11:46] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam I'm helping.
[11:46] <Phanminhnhat> I created some of the level pages you know.
[11:46] <Iamarepeater> I started by adding the ability of plants in Adventure mode
[11:47] <Iamarepeater> Starting from Peashooter
[11:49] <Phanminhnhat> Oh, and can you please create a template...
[11:49] <Iamarepeater> For ...
[11:49] <Phanminhnhat> ...about the levels in Adventure Mode?
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> I ate three slices of pizza
[11:49] <Iamarepeater> Ok.
[11:49] <Phanminhnhat> I ate an omelete.
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> I also ate a salad
[11:49] <Iamarepeater> But let me add the abilities first
[11:49] <Phanminhnhat> Just like Template:PvZOlevels.
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> Cuz I'm eating suring my grandmother's birthday today
[11:50] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Of course, as you wish.
[11:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wheres CiTS and FF zombot on China?
[11:50] <WintahMhelon18> We're having a party
[11:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> thats weird
[11:50] <WintahMhelon18> *during
[11:50] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Oh, and also, the name of the first level is Zphinx - Day 1.
[11:50] <WintahMhelon18> Pizza is good
[11:50] <Iamarepeater> I saw it
[11:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ok
[11:51] <Phanminhnhat> Now, it's time to play an another PvZ2C level and create a new page about it!
[11:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wheres Lion Dancer Zombie and God of Wealth(excluding the "ad")
[11:51] <Iamarepeater> Also, each zombie should its stats shown
[11:51] <CitronFire3> w
[11:51] <CitronFire3> t
[11:51] <CitronFire3> f
[11:51] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[11:51] <Iamarepeater> *have
[11:51] <Phanminhnhat> Hi!
[11:51] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam I have no idea.
[11:51] <Phanminhnhat> what are they.
[11:51] <CitronFire3> Some dumbo uploaded a file called Gold_Bloom23 and its not even gold bloom
[11:51] <Iamarepeater> Oh god
[11:52] <CitronFire3> It has NOTHING to do with Gold Bloom
[11:52] <Iamarepeater> Let me screenshot it
[11:52] <CitronFire3> And now its on everyones userpage
[11:52] <CitronFire3> ell
[11:52] <CitronFire3> that had gold bloom 2
[11:52] <Iamarepeater> What?
[11:52] <The Magic Star> wat
[11:52] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[11:52] <CitronFire3> *Gold_Bloom2
[11:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf
[11:52] <The Magic Star> report
[11:52] <CitronFire3> gtg
[11:52] <CitronFire3> crap
[11:52] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[11:52] <Iamarepeater> Oh great
[11:52] <CitronFire3> PUMPKIN
[11:52] <CitronFire3> Did u see the PVZDS update
[11:52] <Iamarepeater> No wait
[11:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> no
[11:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :) 
[11:53] <CitronFire3> Huge update
[11:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> I will see
[11:53] <CitronFire3> new plants and stuff
[11:53] <CitronFire3> and images
[11:53] <CitronFire3> Agave got a pic
[11:53] <CitronFire3> k gtg bye
[11:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Candy Dimension?
[11:53] <Lolwutburger> PvZDS?
[11:53] <Iamarepeater> Sorry Phan
[11:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> PvZ Dimension Suspension
[11:53] <Iamarepeater> I have to wait
[11:53] <Iamarepeater> Until I have 5 energy
[11:53] <Iamarepeater> Hi
[11:53] <The Magic Star> can i see
[11:53] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[11:53] <Iamarepeater> What?
[11:54] <Lolwutburger> test
[11:55] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam ...
[11:55] <Phanminhnhat> I'm never out of energy.
[11:55] <Pumpkin Skelhead> PvZDS is on 2.4 mario.gif 
[11:55] <Iamarepeater> Blue gem balance?
[11:55] <Phanminhnhat> No, because I play only 2 levels per day...
[11:55] <Phanminhnhat> (troll) 
[11:55] <Iamarepeater> Currently there is an event
[11:56] <Iamarepeater> That encourages using all your energy
[11:56] <Lolwutburger> test
[11:56] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam I have no idea about it...
[11:56] <Iamarepeater> Quickly
[11:57] <Iamarepeater> The event has some puzzle pieces that cannot be obtained otherwise
[11:57] <Iamarepeater> Such as pomegranate-pult puzzle pieces
[11:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo>
[11:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo> i got this again :( 
[11:58] <Iamarepeater> Lol
[11:58] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Wait, I just thought that it can be obtained through QSHM?
[11:58] <Phanminhnhat> Oh, it's the plant, not the PP.
[11:58] <Iamarepeater> I'm talking about in Adventure Mode
[11:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wow full Gold Bloom 
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> For the seed packet, yes. it can be obtained in QSHM
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Back online
[11:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> Welcome back.
[12:00] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:01] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyway I'm going to make human characters of you guys in xcom2 or something
[12:01] <Insert Your Name Here> (it's a game about shooting aliens)
[12:01] <Iamarepeater> Me included?
[12:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Well give me a name, nick name and a pic of what you want to look like
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> Anyone interested?
[12:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Idk if I should throw down a silly blog or something
[12:02] <Phanminhnhat> Oh and Iam, do you play PvZ2C?
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> I do Phan
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> Collecting zombucks is easy
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> They basically hand it to you for free
[12:03] <Insert Your Name Here> Interested pepsi?
[12:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yea
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> I hardly spend it
[11:55] <Iamarepeater> Blue gem balance?
[11:55] <Phanminhnhat> No, because I play only 2 levels per day...
[11:55] <Phanminhnhat> (troll) 
[11:55] <Iamarepeater> Currently there is an event
[11:56] <Iamarepeater> That encourages using all your energy
[11:56] <Lolwutburger> test
[11:56] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam I have no idea about it...
[11:56] <Iamarepeater> Quickly
[11:57] <Iamarepeater> The event has some puzzle pieces that cannot be obtained otherwise
[11:57] <Iamarepeater> Such as pomegranate-pult puzzle pieces
[11:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo>
[11:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo> i got this again :( 
[11:58] <Iamarepeater> Lol
[11:58] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Wait, I just thought that it can be obtained through QSHM?
[11:58] <Phanminhnhat> Oh, it's the plant, not the PP.
[11:58] <Iamarepeater> I'm talking about in Adventure Mode
[11:58] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wow full Gold Bloom 
[11:59] <Iamarepeater> For the seed packet, yes. it can be obtained in QSHM
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Back online
[11:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> Welcome back.
[12:00] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:01] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyway I'm going to make human characters of you guys in xcom2 or something
[12:01] <Insert Your Name Here> (it's a game about shooting aliens)
[12:01] <Iamarepeater> Me included?
[12:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Well give me a name, nick name and a pic of what you want to look like
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> Anyone interested?
[12:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Idk if I should throw down a silly blog or something
[12:02] <Phanminhnhat> Oh and Iam, do you play PvZ2C?
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> I do Phan
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> Collecting zombucks is easy
[12:02] <Iamarepeater> They basically hand it to you for free
[12:03] <Insert Your Name Here> Interested pepsi?
[12:03] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yea
[12:03] <Iamarepeater> I hardly spend it
[12:04] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Wait PvZ2C has Zombucks?
[12:04] <Iamarepeater> Those purple coins?
[12:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yeah
[12:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> they are zombucks
[12:04] <Phanminhnhat> Oh...
[12:04] <Iamarepeater> Well, if you can think of a better name for them
[12:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> uh theres some missing China Levels huh
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:05] <Iamarepeater> Such as far future day 30
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Gotta test squash pf
[12:05] <Phanminhnhat> Yeah, I'm creating the next level.
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well entire BWB except 3 
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 1, 8 and 14 have .-.
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Iama i'm saying on the wiki .-.
[12:06] <Phanminhnhat> I'm about to create LAL levels for WW.
[12:06] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[12:06] <Phanminhnhat> And SOS to.
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> the page says
[12:07] <Phanminhnhat> what?
[12:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> FF-Day 26/27/28/29 (Chinese Version) but theres no International version of these levels lol
[12:04] <Phanminhnhat> @Iam Wait PvZ2C has Zombucks?
[12:04] <Iamarepeater> Those purple coins?
[12:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yeah
[12:04] <Pumpkin Skelhead> they are zombucks
[12:04] <Phanminhnhat> Oh...
[12:04] <Iamarepeater> Well, if you can think of a better name for them
[12:05] <Pumpkin Skelhead> uh theres some missing China Levels huh
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:05] <Iamarepeater> Such as far future day 30
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Gotta test squash pf
[12:05] <Phanminhnhat> Yeah, I'm creating the next level.
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well entire BWB except 3 
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> 1, 8 and 14 have .-.
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> @Iama i'm saying on the wiki .-.
[12:06] <Phanminhnhat> I'm about to create LAL levels for WW.
[12:06] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[12:06] <Phanminhnhat> And SOS to.
[12:06] <Pumpkin Skelhead> the page says
[12:07] <Phanminhnhat> what?
[12:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> FF-Day 26/27/28/29 (Chinese Version) but theres no International version of these levels lol
[12:07] <Pumpkin Skelhead> [[Far Future - Day 30 %28Chinese version%29|Far Future - Day 30 (Chinese version)]] :P 
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> OK squash does not prioritize stronger enemies
[12:08] <Pumpkin Skelhead> :P 
[12:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[12:09] <Dont let go> Haiyu
[12:09] <Pumpkin Skelhead> wtf is this pic
[12:09] <Dont let go> This 
[12:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright gotta write squash
[12:10] <Phanminhnhat> (wave2) 
[12:10] <Phanminhnhat> Bye!
[12:10] <Dont let go> Whatever do you mean? 
[12:10] <Dont let go> Bye. 
[12:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[12:10] <Pumpkin Skelhead> -_- 
[12:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> COWARD
[12:11] <Dont let go> Is this chat dead. 
[12:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> SOM GUY GO OFF THE GAME CUZ LOSING
[12:11] <Dont let go> I bet. 
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Goddammit ff9 is coming to phone
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Yaaay
[12:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> NOOOOO
[12:11] <Dont let go> Brb
[12:11] <AWikiBoy521> Yay.....
[12:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> that was a fake no -_- 
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Too bad they are not going to remove the final boss
[12:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i never played Final Fantasy :P 
[12:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i preefer Paper Mario 64
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> FYI, the final boss of ff9 ruins the otherwise incredibly good story
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Because it's a giant space flea from nowhere
[12:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> in other words: Generic?
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> The final boss is completely irrelevant to the story
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol dafuq
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> They just put it in while having no idea what it does
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> .-.
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> It's so bad
[12:13] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Square+Capcom=Traitors Team
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WB
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> why Sony why -_- 
[12:14] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i hope Coleco Chameleon kill u(1% of this happen :P )
[12:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Little Big Planet for PSP have 1.2GB .-.
[12:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Squash detection range is 1 tile forward, 2 tile backward
[12:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> .-.
[12:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> is used for kill zombies that will reach ur house
[12:16] <Insert Your Name Here> The backward detection range is important because it's a giant curse for squash
[12:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> btw
[12:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> bye
[12:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yea
[12:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[12:16] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:17] <GirlMe86> sup
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> And gotta test if squash deals 75 or 90 damage
[12:17] <GirlMe86> it's valenbrainz!
[12:18] <Iamarepeater> Check if Gargantuar needs 2 squashes 
[12:18] <Iamarepeater> or 3
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> I've decided that in my life I will be antisocial to the people around me
[12:18] <GirlMe86> Iamreapeater,I'm Here
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> only those who cockblock me by always coming in my room though
[12:18] <Iamarepeater> @girl: ok
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright
[12:19] <GirlMe86> lolwut,which plant duo do you like?
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> I do think that lwb is a bit oblivious
[12:19] <Lolwutburger> twin sunflower
[12:19] <Lolwutburger> but I usually use Moonflower with Imitater
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> You don't pay much attention to others
[12:20] <GirlMe86> who is better final boss codex or zomboss?
[12:21] <Insert Your Name Here> I doubt you are even paying attention to what I say
[12:22] <GirlMe86> Yes
[12:23] <Lolwutburger> i have my right to hate anyone who prevents me from pleasuring myself
[12:23] <Lolwutburger> which in this case, is everybody in my real life
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> I would say that keeping life closed will prevent you from getting much opportunity
[12:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Any MLG PvZGW videos guys?
[12:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> like this
[12:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> quickscope, hitmarker, etc in PvZGW
[12:24] <Lolwutburger> dammit, instead of Flash crashing, Chrome did
[12:24] <Lolwutburger> even chrome's preventing me from pleasuring myself
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> I read that as MLP PvZGW videos
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> pony warfare
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> that's cool
[12:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> MLG dude
[12:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh looks like I'll be having lots to talk about soon
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> Yep, just like before....
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> @GirlMe86
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> I prefer Zomboss though.
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> well shiyeet
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> There was a Zomburger in one of the GW2 trailers
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> that's pretty cool
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> So, wanna be that Chomper? :P 
[12:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Goddammit why do I have to field test everything
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">]Also, make yourself a Lolwutzomburger!</span>
[12:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but what if the chemyzt zombeh was not kill?
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> No one ever tested how much damage a "insta kill" deals
[12:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (monsta holdin on skrillex & nero mix plays)
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> This is stupid
[12:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> BUT MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE
[12:28] <Iamarepeater>
[12:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (beat drop, quickscopes a Sun Pharaoh)
[12:28] <GirlMe86> Geddan
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Why the eff does no one ever test that
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> This is bullsheet
[12:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> then the wombo combo "oh oh oh!" sound plays
[12:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> and whatnot.
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> No one fucking tested it and I have to do everythin
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Why the fuck does no one do it
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> What the fuck are they thinking
[12:29] <Iamarepeater> I saw it does target the strongest zombie (usually)
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> It was in PVZ2C zombot level 3 challenge
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> How many damage does an instant goddamn do in pvz1
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> 90
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> No that was what I wrote on the wiki
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> Otherwise, the gargs
[12:31] <Iamarepeater> Shouldn't die in 2 instants
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Because I freaking knew that 90 is the dmg in pvz2
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Garg only had 150hp then
[12:31] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[12:31] <GirlMe86> @AWB Lol It's SnapCharizard
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> What the fuck
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> [[User blog:Iamarepeater/The song of Agent Andrew martins 2]] So no one else wants to comment on it right?
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> What the fuck were the testers thinking
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> I know
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> IYNH
[12:33] <Iamarepeater> Use one cherry bomb on a garg
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> And I have to fucking test everything
[12:33] <Iamarepeater> Then use a lot of ice-shroom
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> And squash does not prioritize stronger enemies btw
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Tested it
[12:34] <Iamarepeater> Nearest zombie right?
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> It's just completely random
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Blueberry at least had priority
[12:34] <GirlMe86> How About Pvz In Nutshell
[12:35] <Lolwutburger> ooooh lordy, they're putting Teen Titans Go on the Kid's Choice Awards
[12:36] <Lolwutburger> The KCA's rigged to have Spongebob win though
[12:36] <Insert Your Name Here> At least sonic boom had a new shippable character
[12:37] <GirlMe86> Cocktus
[12:37] <GirlMe86> Is This Funny Plants?
[12:40] <GirlMe86> (Pirate Zombie) :Swiggity Swooty I'm Coming For Booty!
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> @girl: any comments on my song? [[User blog:Iamarepeater/The song of Agent Andrew martins 2]]
[12:41] <GirlMe86> Yes
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> Well?
[12:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:43] <Iamarepeater>
[12:43] <Lolwutburger> welp chat seems ded and stuff
[12:43] <Lolwutburger> nighty night, yo's
[12:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Squash could be considered a better potato mine in the first game or something
[12:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Well there is something to discuss to some ppl
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> I came back
[12:50] <Dont let go> School bye
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> And bye.
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Now that I remember it
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Meanwhile in my other place......Real Life PM.</span>
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Nah screw it
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh now to write strategy part
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Writing strategy has always been the most painful part of a page
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> The usual strategy is like "uh the plant is godlike use it"
[12:53] <Iamarepeater> [[User:Iamarepeater]]
[12:53] <Iamarepeater> Anyone wants to enter my profile?
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> Meh, the sources aren't much stable.
[12:56] <Iamarepeater> ???
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, I may edit them due to some source issues in the future.
[12:57] <Insert Your Name Here> And I still have to hunt for poofy or something
[12:57] <Iamarepeater> Provided it does not mess up my userpage, I'm fine
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Good, going to do the thing that I do yet again.
[12:57] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm pretty sure that she conveniently appeared this morning when I accidentally left the computer on
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> Heheheheh....
[12:58] <Insert Your Name Here> And that's the only time in the recent days the gal decided to show her face
[12:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Damn, the sound combo.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Meanwhile in another dimension, the opposite happened.</span>
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:59] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[12:59] <Insert Your Name Here> And yes I have been neglecting the wiki recently
[12:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Because gaems
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Same here except School.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Although, I'm still working on other wiki stuff.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> But, I had to do them one at the time.
[12:59] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">at least you convienently don't have someone anyway</span>
[01:00] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">or maybe you do</span>
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well, my classmates.</span>
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">A few of my classmates are so convenient that they played Atomica before I even get to play it!</span></span>
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Man, I just missed those moments in Atomica.</span></span>
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Colgate, where are you?</span></span>
[01:02] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">now remember the day when pk were looking for you to ask opinion about her avatar or something</span>
[01:04] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:04] <Insert Your Name Here> And I have some hot intels about the new ships happening here
[01:05] <Iamarepeater> I made a stupid typo in hashtags here.
[01:05] <Iamarepeater> Now I can't edit the tweet
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Speaking of intels, a Dragon bracelet for "intelligence".</span>
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> Also, no preview
[01:07] <Iamarepeater> So no way to tell if you got it correct
[01:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> What ships?
[01:07] <Insert Your Name Here> The latest one
[01:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> Lemme see!
[01:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Chrysalis, please try again later. :P 
[01:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright so squash strategy is stupid
[01:09] <Insert Your Name Here> So I just delete all of it
[01:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> :( I must know!
[01:09] <Insert Your Name Here> "The Vasebreaker levels Vasebreaker Endless and Ace of Vase almost absolutely require that you use the Squash, due to the presence of Gargantuars. Whenever you see a Gargantuar, hit it with two Squashes as quick as you can. Don't forget you can even plant the Squashes directly under the Gargantuar, and it will hit it before it has a chance to react. You may also use extra Squashes for the Buckethead Zombies. Squashes also appear on other Vasebreaker levels, but they are unnecessary."
[01:09] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> The paragraph is just common sense, it does not add anything
[01:10] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:10] <PVZBronyGod> hi
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> I just reduce everything to one paragraph
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> "Squash can be considered to be an upgraded version of [[Potato Mine]] for one main reason: Unlike Potato Mine, Squash does not suffer from a lengthy arming time which would normally prevent Potato Mine from being used in the late levels. The faster recharge rate, cheap price and smaller area of effect compared to [[Cherry Bomb]]'s and [[Doom-shroom]]'s mean that Squash will be more suited to eliminating high-threat targets, instead of large crowds of lower health ones."
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Good right?
[01:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yeah.
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> I would prefer to add tactical information in the strat section
[01:17] <PVZBronyGod> V/H/S movie is terrifying
[01:17] <Perfecto Incognito> Second slip-pu of the day
[01:18] <PVZBronyGod> who r u
[01:18] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:18] <AWikiBoy521> @PVZBronyGod
[01:18] <AWikiBoy521> He's the Perfecto Incognito. :P 
[01:19] <PVZBronyGod> Sigh
[01:20] <PVZBronyGod> I'm Ben, speaking from equestria
[01:20] <PVZBronyGod> i'm just using PVZBrony's account
[01:21] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:21] <PVZBronyGod> last night i went on a date
[01:21] <PVZBronyGod> with gilda
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> And got her
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> ...
[01:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Is PVZBronyGod a Pinoy?</span>
[01:22] <Insert Your Name Here> "Compared to the version in the first game, Squash has been hit with a severe reduction in its usefulness. The increased detection radius is a blessing on paper, but actually a curse in practice, as this means Squash will always prioritze the target behind it regardless of the player's intention. In other words, there will be situations when Squash will target the headless corpse one tile behind it, instead of the Gargantuar right next to it and potentially cause the level to be lost. Squash also faces great competition for its task, due to the advent of other low cooldown and cheap instant-use plants such as [[Lava Guava]] and [[Ghost Pepper]]."
[01:22] <Insert Your Name Here> That's done
[01:23] <Insert Your Name Here> I just convey my hatred of pvz2 squash into a funcional paragraph
[01:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[01:23] <Insert Your Name Here> It always hit the headless corpse 5 meters away instead of the garg right in front of it
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[01:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> BUT MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE
[01:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[01:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> mlg
[01:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but what if rofus blanch-hard is not kill
[01:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (og gaming intro plays as well as holdin on song)
[01:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (rufus smokes weed) "SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY"
[01:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (pulls gun)
[01:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> BUT MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE (beat drop, and shoots gun following the beat)
[01:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (he shoots the gun, but hitmarkers on zomboss's feet)
[01:29] <IMCR8Z> Question: Who here is getting GW2 on PlayStation 4? Because I was thinking about getting a PS4 for my birthday, as much as it would break my loyalty to Xbox.
[01:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (zomboss runs, and rufus follows him, still shooting following the beat)
[01:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> BUT MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE (pull out intervention, then shoots at zomboss's head) (a loud kid scream plays, wombo combo scream plays as well as mlg, doritos and mt. dew appearing and rotating in the background)
[01:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That's Rufus vs. Zomboss MLG edition right there 8/8 3mlg5me m8
[01:33] <Perfecto Incognito> I'm me
[01:33] <Perfecto Incognito> Not a JAR, if you're wondering
[01:33] <Insert Your Name Here> [[Squash?diff=1051883&oldid=1045964]]
[01:34] <Insert Your Name Here> And I mercilessly butchered the page
[01:34] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm gonna start scanning the long finished requests soon.
[01:34] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's been 2 months.
[01:36] <Hunter5897> Hello
[01:37] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[01:37] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:40] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:41] <Hunter5897> Hello
[01:42] <ErnestoAM> hi
[01:43] <Wynaut821> hai
[12:11] <Pumpkin Skelhead> that was a fake no -_- 
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Too bad they are not going to remove the final boss
[12:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i never played Final Fantasy :P 
[12:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> i preefer Paper Mario 64
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> FYI, the final boss of ff9 ruins the otherwise incredibly good story
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Because it's a giant space flea from nowhere
[12:12] <Pumpkin Skelhead> in other words: Generic?
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> The final boss is completely irrelevant to the story
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> lol dafuq
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> They just put it in while having no idea what it does
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> .-.
[12:13] <Insert Your Name Here> It's so bad
[12:13] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Square+Capcom=Traitors Team
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> WB
[12:13] <Pumpkin Skelhead> why Sony why -_- 
[12:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Little Big Planet for PSP have 1.2GB .-.
[12:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:15] <Insert Your Name Here> Squash detection range is 1 tile forward, 2 tile backward
[12:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> .-.
[12:15] <Pumpkin Skelhead> is used for kill zombies that will reach ur house
[12:16] <Insert Your Name Here> The backward detection range is important because it's a giant curse for squash
[12:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> btw
[12:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> bye
[12:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> yea
[12:16] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[12:16] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[12:17] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:17] <GirlMe86> sup
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> And gotta test if squash deals 75 or 90 damage
[12:17] <GirlMe86> it's valenbrainz!
[12:18] <Iamarepeater> Check if Gargantuar needs 2 squashes 
[12:18] <Iamarepeater> or 3
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> I've decided that in my life I will be antisocial to the people around me
[12:18] <GirlMe86> Iamreapeater,I'm Here
[12:18] <Lolwutburger> only those who cockblock me by always coming in my room though
[12:18] <Iamarepeater> @girl: ok
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright
[12:19] <GirlMe86> lolwut,which plant duo do you like?
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> I do think that lwb is a bit oblivious
[12:19] <Lolwutburger> twin sunflower
[12:19] <Lolwutburger> but I usually use Moonflower with Imitater
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> You don't pay much attention to others
[12:20] <GirlMe86> who is better final boss codex or zomboss?
[12:21] <Insert Your Name Here> I doubt you are even paying attention to what I say
[12:22] <GirlMe86> Yes
[12:23] <Lolwutburger> i have my right to hate anyone who prevents me from pleasuring myself
[12:23] <Lolwutburger> which in this case, is everybody in my real life
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> I would say that keeping life closed will prevent you from getting much opportunity
[12:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Any MLG PvZGW videos guys?
[12:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> like this
[12:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> quickscope, hitmarker, etc in PvZGW
[12:24] <Lolwutburger> dammit, instead of Flash crashing, Chrome did
[12:24] <Lolwutburger> even chrome's preventing me from pleasuring myself
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> I read that as MLP PvZGW videos
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> pony warfare
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> that's cool
[12:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> MLG dude
[12:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh looks like I'll be having lots to talk about soon
[12:25] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> Yep, just like before....
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> @GirlMe86
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> I prefer Zomboss though.
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> well shiyeet
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> There was a Zomburger in one of the GW2 trailers
[12:27] <Lolwutburger> that's pretty cool
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> @Lolwut
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> So, wanna be that Chomper? :P 
[12:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Goddammit why do I have to field test everything
[12:27] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">]Also, make yourself a Lolwutzomburger!</span>
[12:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but what if the chemyzt zombeh was not kill?
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> No one ever tested how much damage a "insta kill" deals
[12:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (monsta holdin on skrillex & nero mix plays)
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> This is stupid
[12:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> BUT MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE
[12:28] <Iamarepeater>
[12:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (beat drop, quickscopes a Sun Pharaoh)
[12:28] <GirlMe86> Geddan
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Why the eff does no one ever test that
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> This is bullsheet
[12:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> then the wombo combo "oh oh oh!" sound plays
[12:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> and whatnot.
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> No one fucking tested it and I have to do everythin
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Why the fuck does no one do it
[12:29] <Insert Your Name Here> What the fuck are they thinking
[12:29] <Iamarepeater> I saw it does target the strongest zombie (usually)
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> It was in PVZ2C zombot level 3 challenge
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> How many damage does an instant goddamn do in pvz1
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> 90
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> No that was what I wrote on the wiki
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> Otherwise, the gargs
[12:31] <Iamarepeater> Shouldn't die in 2 instants
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Because I freaking knew that 90 is the dmg in pvz2
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Garg only had 150hp then
[12:31] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[12:31] <GirlMe86> @AWB Lol It's SnapCharizard
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> What the fuck
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> [[User blog:Iamarepeater/The song of Agent Andrew martins 2]] So no one else wants to comment on it right?
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> What the fuck were the testers thinking
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> I know
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> IYNH
[12:33] <Iamarepeater> Use one cherry bomb on a garg
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> And I have to fucking test everything
[12:33] <Iamarepeater> Then use a lot of ice-shroom
[12:33] <Insert Your Name Here> And squash does not prioritize stronger enemies btw
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Tested it
[12:34] <Iamarepeater> Nearest zombie right?
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> It's just completely random
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Blueberry at least had priority
[12:34] <GirlMe86> How About Pvz In Nutshell
[12:35] <Lolwutburger> ooooh lordy, they're putting Teen Titans Go on the Kid's Choice Awards
[12:36] <Lolwutburger> The KCA's rigged to have Spongebob win though
[12:36] <Insert Your Name Here> At least sonic boom had a new shippable character
[12:37] <GirlMe86> Cocktus
[12:37] <GirlMe86> Is This Funny Plants?
[12:40] <GirlMe86> (Pirate Zombie) :Swiggity Swooty I'm Coming For Booty!
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> @girl: any comments on my song? [[User blog:Iamarepeater/The song of Agent Andrew martins 2]]
[12:41] <GirlMe86> Yes
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> Well?
[12:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:43] <Iamarepeater>
[12:43] <Lolwutburger> welp chat seems ded and stuff
[12:43] <Lolwutburger> nighty night, yo's
[12:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Squash could be considered a better potato mine in the first game or something
[12:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Well there is something to discuss to some ppl
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> I came back
[12:50] <Dont let go> School bye
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> And bye.
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Now that I remember it
[12:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Meanwhile in my other place......Real Life PM.</span>
[12:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Nah screw it
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh now to write strategy part
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Writing strategy has always been the most painful part of a page
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> The usual strategy is like "uh the plant is godlike use it"
[12:53] <Iamarepeater> [[User:Iamarepeater]]
[12:53] <Iamarepeater> Anyone wants to enter my profile?
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[12:56] <AWikiBoy521> Meh, the sources aren't much stable.
[12:56] <Iamarepeater> ???
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, I may edit them due to some source issues in the future.
[12:57] <Insert Your Name Here> And I still have to hunt for poofy or something
[12:57] <Iamarepeater> Provided it does not mess up my userpage, I'm fine
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> @Iama
[12:57] <AWikiBoy521> Good, going to do the thing that I do yet again.
[12:57] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm pretty sure that she conveniently appeared this morning when I accidentally left the computer on
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:58] <AWikiBoy521> Heheheheh....
[12:58] <Insert Your Name Here> And that's the only time in the recent days the gal decided to show her face
[12:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Damn, the sound combo.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Meanwhile in another dimension, the opposite happened.</span>
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:59] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[12:59] <Insert Your Name Here> And yes I have been neglecting the wiki recently
[12:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Because gaems
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Same here except School.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> Although, I'm still working on other wiki stuff.
[12:59] <AWikiBoy521> But, I had to do them one at the time.
[12:59] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">at least you convienently don't have someone anyway</span>
[01:00] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">or maybe you do</span>
[01:00] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well, my classmates.</span>
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">A few of my classmates are so convenient that they played Atomica before I even get to play it!</span></span>
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Man, I just missed those moments in Atomica.</span></span>
[01:02] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Colgate, where are you?</span></span>
[01:02] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">now remember the day when pk were looking for you to ask opinion about her avatar or something</span>
[01:04] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:04] <Insert Your Name Here> And I have some hot intels about the new ships happening here
[01:05] <Iamarepeater> I made a stupid typo in hashtags here.
[01:05] <Iamarepeater> Now I can't edit the tweet
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Speaking of intels, a Dragon bracelet for "intelligence".</span>
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> Also, no preview
[01:07] <Iamarepeater> So no way to tell if you got it correct
[01:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> What ships?
[01:07] <Insert Your Name Here> The latest one
[01:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> Lemme see!
[01:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Chrysalis, please try again later. :P 
[01:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright so squash strategy is stupid
[01:09] <Insert Your Name Here> So I just delete all of it
[01:09] <Mage General Chrysalis> :( I must know!
[01:09] <Insert Your Name Here> "The Vasebreaker levels Vasebreaker Endless and Ace of Vase almost absolutely require that you use the Squash, due to the presence of Gargantuars. Whenever you see a Gargantuar, hit it with two Squashes as quick as you can. Don't forget you can even plant the Squashes directly under the Gargantuar, and it will hit it before it has a chance to react. You may also use extra Squashes for the Buckethead Zombies. Squashes also appear on other Vasebreaker levels, but they are unnecessary."
[01:09] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> The paragraph is just common sense, it does not add anything
[01:10] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:10] <PVZBronyGod> hi
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> I just reduce everything to one paragraph
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> "Squash can be considered to be an upgraded version of [[Potato Mine]] for one main reason: Unlike Potato Mine, Squash does not suffer from a lengthy arming time which would normally prevent Potato Mine from being used in the late levels. The faster recharge rate, cheap price and smaller area of effect compared to [[Cherry Bomb]]'s and [[Doom-shroom]]'s mean that Squash will be more suited to eliminating high-threat targets, instead of large crowds of lower health ones."
[01:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Good right?
[01:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yeah.
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> I would prefer to add tactical information in the strat section
[01:17] <PVZBronyGod> V/H/S movie is terrifying
[01:17] <Perfecto Incognito> Second slip-pu of the day
[01:18] <PVZBronyGod> who r u
[01:18] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[01:18] <AWikiBoy521> @PVZBronyGod
[01:18] <AWikiBoy521> He's the Perfecto Incognito. :P 
[01:19] <PVZBronyGod> Sigh
[01:20] <PVZBronyGod> I'm Ben, speaking from equestria
[01:20] <PVZBronyGod> i'm just using PVZBrony's account
[01:21] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:21] <PVZBronyGod> last night i went on a date
[01:21] <PVZBronyGod> with gilda
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> And got her
[01:21] <Iamarepeater> ...
[01:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Is PVZBronyGod a Pinoy?</span>
[01:22] <Insert Your Name Here> "Compared to the version in the first game, Squash has been hit with a severe reduction in its usefulness. The increased detection radius is a blessing on paper, but actually a curse in practice, as this means Squash will always prioritze the target behind it regardless of the player's intention. In other words, there will be situations when Squash will target the headless corpse one tile behind it, instead of the Gargantuar right next to it and potentially cause the level to be lost. Squash also faces great competition for its task, due to the advent of other low cooldown and cheap instant-use plants such as [[Lava Guava]] and [[Ghost Pepper]]."
[01:22] <Insert Your Name Here> That's done
[01:23] <Insert Your Name Here> I just convey my hatred of pvz2 squash into a funcional paragraph
[01:23] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[01:23] <Insert Your Name Here> It always hit the headless corpse 5 meters away instead of the garg right in front of it
[01:24] <Pumpkin Skelhead> ded
[01:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> BUT MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE
[01:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lel
[01:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> mlg
[01:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> but what if rofus blanch-hard is not kill
[01:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (og gaming intro plays as well as holdin on song)
[01:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (rufus smokes weed) "SMOKE WEED EVERYDAY"
[01:26] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (pulls gun)
[01:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> BUT MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE (beat drop, and shoots gun following the beat)
[01:27] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (he shoots the gun, but hitmarkers on zomboss's feet)
[01:29] <IMCR8Z> Question: Who here is getting GW2 on PlayStation 4? Because I was thinking about getting a PS4 for my birthday, as much as it would break my loyalty to Xbox.
[01:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (zomboss runs, and rufus follows him, still shooting following the beat)
[01:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> BUT MY HOPE WILL NEVER DIE (pull out intervention, then shoots at zomboss's head) (a loud kid scream plays, wombo combo scream plays as well as mlg, doritos and mt. dew appearing and rotating in the background)
[01:31] <Drek'TharSuperSword> That's Rufus vs. Zomboss MLG edition right there 8/8 3mlg5me m8
[01:33] <Perfecto Incognito> I'm me
[01:33] <Perfecto Incognito> Not a JAR, if you're wondering
[01:33] <Insert Your Name Here> [[Squash?diff=1051883&oldid=1045964]]
[01:34] <Insert Your Name Here> And I mercilessly butchered the page
[01:34] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm gonna start scanning the long finished requests soon.
[01:34] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's been 2 months.
[01:36] <Hunter5897> Hello
[01:37] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[01:37] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:40] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:41] <Hunter5897> Hello
[01:42] <ErnestoAM> hi
[01:43] <Wynaut821> hai
[01:56] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey guys, the screen of my service unit broke!
[01:56] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[01:56] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[01:56] <AWikiBoy521> Yet another replace?
[01:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> They'll probably make me pay for it too...
[01:57] <Mage General Chrysalis> God damn it Veritas, just give me books!
[01:58] <IMCR8Z> bak
[01:58] <AWikiBoy521> @Chrysalis
[01:58] <AWikiBoy521> Books are better than e-books.....sometimes.....
[01:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> Do I really need the worst luck for Chromebooks?
[01:59] <AWikiBoy521> No?
[02:00] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:00] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[02:00] <Iamarepeater> (wave) 
[02:01] <Mage General Chrysalis> And my classmates probably don't care that my service unit is broken...
[02:01] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> So....
[02:02] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Hi.
[02:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hey.
[02:02] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> This is your normal everyday walking, talking fox with a Top Hat and Bow Tie. </span>
[02:02] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> oh yeah and a microphone too</span>
[02:03] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Also, I'm wondering.
[02:03] <ErnestoAM> gtg
[02:03] <ErnestoAM> school
[02:03] <TheAnonymousA> So you're from the zoo/circus?
[02:03] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> What does the phrase "The end of the Beginning" mean?
[02:03] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> As ironic as it is, instead of escaping to the Circus, I escaped from it.</span>
[02:03] <TheAnonymousA> The beginning is over, now the next part 
[02:04] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> I mean.
[02:04] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Let me show you a picture.
[02:04] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[02:04] <AWikiBoy521> The start is the end too!
[02:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[02:04] <AWikiBoy521> @Foxtail Firepaw Flames
[02:04] <Insert Your Name Here> There's something I am proud to think of
[02:04] <Insert Your Name Here> "For shooting with the Law Pea, the player may wish to bind the fire key to the mousewheel and another button on the keyboard - the mouse wheel will allow the player to release all six bullets very quickly, while the keyboard is reserved for more precise shooting and Gatling Pea."
[02:04] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Just like in the Legend of Zelda....</span>
[02:04] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Maybe he is talking about Part 2, but I feel like he's playing with us :P 
[02:05] <AWikiBoy521> @Foxtail Firepaw Flames
[02:05] <AWikiBoy521> Nope. Part 2 first.
[02:05] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> I know
[02:05] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> When you see this, I will question what he means
[02:05] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> [[File:9IScWet.png]]
[02:05] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Eh, maybe he's talking about Part Two.
[02:06] <IMCR8Z> ^
[02:06] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Though, I don't see how that really connects to Part Two.
[02:06] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> The portals ALREADY appear
[02:06] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> The only new zom zoms in Part Two is the All-Star and his Imp.
[02:06] <IMCR8Z> @Foxtail: We haven't seen a Wild West portal in MD (ww)
[02:06] <IMCR8Z> (wildwest) 
[02:07] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Well, no offense, but would PvZ really post about such a technical feature?
[02:07] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Well, nevermind.
[02:07] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> They're Popcap. They can screw, unscrew whatever they want.
[02:08] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> I'm still wondering what that other reply was referring to.
[02:08] <TheAnonymousA> (swayze) mode!
[02:09] <IMCR8Z> Nao wot?
[02:09] <Insert Your Name Here> [[Shrinking Violet?diff=1051951&oldid=1051839]]
[02:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Done
[02:11] <PnFforever> hi
[02:11] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> everyone</span>
[02:11] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> pretend PnFforever doesnt exist so he leaves</span>
[02:11] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> Oh hi.
[02:11] <Foxtail Firepaw Flames> I don't think we've met.
[02:11] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Game project
[02:44] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[02:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Too bad lwb is painfully oblivious
[02:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I have also been on a game project with MP.</span>
[02:44] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah, Insert
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, just taking a break here before I sleep.
[02:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Better inform cz or something
[02:45] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[02:45] <Insert Your Name Here> The two have been consistently succeeding in failing to catch others
[02:46] <AWikiBoy521> Since your point of view is good during that "part".
[02:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, TULO 
[02:46] <AWikiBoy521> Supback^2
[02:46] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[02:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Chat is ded
[02:46] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">TAA is probably bad internet again.</span>
[02:46] <Insert Your Name Here> And I'm on editing mode
[02:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Uh 6 big edits today
[02:47] <Insert Your Name Here> That is enough right?
[02:47] <AWikiBoy521> Yeah
[02:47] <ThisUserLikesOreo> today is deleting n' renaming day for me
[02:47] <ThisUserLikesOreo> sure
[02:47] <Insert Your Name Here> I gain ms edits rather slowly compared to you :p 
[02:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I still blame TULO and myself.</span>
[02:48] <ThisUserLikesOreo> why? @AWB
[02:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Failed purpose of page.</span>
[02:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">*pages</span>
[02:48] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="font-size:7pt;">redirects?</span>
[02:48] <Insert Your Name Here> I guess gotta make up quantity with something else
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Yep</span>
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> Be like Drek and Pink.
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> :P 
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> What do they do
[02:49] <AWikiBoy521> They both placed some pics and files in this wiki.
[02:50] <ThisUserLikesOreo> <span style="font-size:7pt;">and i remove some of Insert's images</span>
[02:50] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Then, I delete template on your low quality images, TU[[]]LO. :[[]]P</span>
[02:50] <Insert Your Name Here> I always forget to remove the cool but not released costumes
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[02:50] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[02:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> [small
[02:51] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh
[02:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> dang it
[02:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> <span style="font-size:7pt;"> ?</span>
[02:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> what template? @AWB
[02:52] <ThisUserLikesOreo> [[Template:HQ]]
[02:52] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ?
[02:53] <Insert Your Name Here> What page should I edit next...
[02:53] <AWikiBoy521> @TULO
[02:53] <AWikiBoy521> I meant, [[Template:Delete]]
[02:55] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ok
[02:55] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> 
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> (aka nothing)
[02:56] <Insert Your Name Here> I should stop editing now
[02:57] <AWikiBoy521> I should stop keel myself now.
[02:57] <AWikiBoy521> *stop chatting and keel
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">And stop keeling other users too every time I wanted to keel myself.</span>
[02:58] <AWikiBoy521> Alt+F4!
[02:59] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[02:59] <Insert Your Name Here> I might not be able to break 1k edits soon
[02:59] <Insert Your Name Here> Given my progress and preferrence for more complicated edits
[03:00] <Ilikeduck!> Hey
[03:09] <Insert Your Name Here> dded
[03:22] <Phanminhnhat> Hi hi hi hi hi. Every single Hi is every single time Dat chat iz ded.
[03:23] <Phanminhnhat> Hmmm... TULO ?
[03:23] <Phanminhnhat> Are you here?
[03:24] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[03:24] <Phanminhnhat> Totally ded.
[03:24] <Phanminhnhat> Anyway, hi!
[03:25] <Phanminhnhat> I've just decided to talk about FotD here...
[03:25] <Phanminhnhat> Oops, I mean FotW.
[03:26] <Phanminhnhat> Huh, I know this will happen.
[03:26] <Phanminhnhat> (sad) 
[03:27] <Phanminhnhat> When life gives you lemons...
[03:27] <Phanminhnhat> Hi...?
[03:27] <PnFforever> hi Xenons o/ 
[03:27] <Phanminhnhat> Oh.... Xenons .
[03:29] <Xenons> Hi
[03:30] <Phanminhnhat> Remember FotW?
[03:30] <Phanminhnhat> Fct of the Week?
[03:30] <Phanminhnhat> Hi!
[03:30] <Xenons> Yeah?
[03:30] <Phanminhnhat> I've just thought out of a template which changes every week...
[03:31] <Phanminhnhat> But it's hard to make admins accept it...
[03:31] <Phanminhnhat> Since I'm NOT an admin.
[03:31] <Phanminhnhat> And I don't even know wat facts will be there next!
[03:32] <Dogecoin> back
[03:33] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I can edit the protected pages/main page
[03:33] <ThisUserLikesOreo> if you need smth
[03:33] <Xenons> Well, I see you suggested the idea and now you have to wait a week to see if it'll work.
[03:37] <Vebros> :( 
[03:37] <Phanminhnhat> @Xenons Yeah, I'm sure that Starfruity will wait...
[03:38] <Phanminhnhat> But he asks me to explain to him about the CotD template because my idea is almost the same as that template...
[03:38] <Phanminhnhat> But I'm afraid that his mind will be loan up.
[03:39] <Phanminhnhat> I mean blown up.
[03:41] <Phanminhnhat> Hi.
[03:43] <Xenons> Pretty sure he'll understand. After all, he knows stuff like this.
[03:43] <Phanminhnhat> Oh...
[03:43] <Phanminhnhat> Not the #switch, I mean the #time.
[03:44] <Phanminhnhat> 'Cause it's new.
[03:44] <Phanminhnhat> to him.
[03:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> :P 
[03:46] <Phanminhnhat> I don't see anything special...
[03:46] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i changed it to be a trog.
[03:47] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[03:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> from using the textures
[03:47] <Phanminhnhat> I don't see that he's look like a frog.
[03:47] <Phanminhnhat> I mean Trong.
[03:47] <Phanminhnhat> Oh man!
[03:47] <Phanminhnhat> trog.
[03:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> face. 
[03:47] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[03:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> arms.
[03:48] <Phanminhnhat> I mean the face. No changes.
[03:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON>
[03:48] <Ilikeduck!> o/ 
[03:48] <Phanminhnhat> Loading the picture...
[03:49] <Ilikeduck!> I can rest from tofday :) 
[03:49] <Phanminhnhat> @Advent Oh, so it's actually because of the helmet, which covers trog ' stop.
[03:50] <Phanminhnhat> trog's top.
[03:50] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> yeah.
[03:50] <Phanminhnhat> Which makes me think it's a normal zombie.
[03:50] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> without however
[03:50] <Phanminhnhat> @ILD Me too. I'm free!
[03:50] <Ilikeduck!> I can only free from today -_- 
[03:51] <Ilikeduck!> But I cannot rest tommorow -_- 
[03:51] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[03:51] <Ilikeduck!> My class are giong too gift every teacher in the school ...
[03:51] <Phanminhnhat> I can rest for this week and the week after that.
[03:51] <Ilikeduck!> Yeah, 12 days
[03:52] <Phanminhnhat> also, I still don't understand what does the sentence when life gives you lemons means.
[03:52] <Ilikeduck!> Đi tết thầy cô giáo :V
[03:53] <Dogecoin> sour/bad times of your life=lemons
[03:53] <Dogecoin> if the lfie give you (acidlemon) ,make a lemonade 
[03:53] <Ilikeduck!> ÃIT-LY
[03:53] <Ilikeduck!> AXIT-LY
[03:53] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> make lemonade = make it better
[03:53] <Dogecoin> ^^
[03:53] <Dogecoin> 
[03:54] <Phanminhnhat> @Ilikeduck You should switch your keyboard.
[03:54] <Phanminhnhat> into the English mode.
[03:54] <Phanminhnhat> Hi! Anonymous!
[03:54] <Ilikeduck!> Okay
[03:55] <Phanminhnhat> @Doge ion But in your case, which is a (Acid Lemon) 
[03:55] <Phanminhnhat> When life gives you lemon, say thank you and return it back 'cause that's not what you want to drink.
[03:55] <Wynaut821> hai
[03:55] <Phanminhnhat> Hi!
[03:55] <Wynaut821> popcap noticed me
[03:55] <Phanminhnhat> Hey, you've just eaten your pizza too?
[03:55] <Dogecoin> i like lemonade
[03:55] <Phanminhnhat> Me too.
[03:56] <Wynaut821> i just made 2 new pizzas and i love lemonad
[03:56] <Phanminhnhat> But not acid lemonade...
[03:56] <Wynaut821> lemonade
[03:56] <Wynaut821> not limenade
[03:56] <Phanminhnhat> @Wynaut what are they?
[03:56] <Phanminhnhat> The pizzas?
[03:56] <Dogecoin> (acidlemon) is just a common lemon
[03:56] <Dogecoin> but too big
[03:57] <Dogecoin> then the acidic effect is bigger
[03:57] <Phanminhnhat> Oh yeah, I forgot. every lemons have acid...
[03:57] <Dogecoin> ok
[03:57] <Dogecoin> pour lemon juice on you hand
[03:57] <Dogecoin> then stay on the sun
[03:57] <Phanminhnhat> That's why it tastes...
[03:58] <Dogecoin> now you have a big trouble with your hand!
[03:58] <Phanminhnhat> wait, what does that taste call!
[03:58] <Phanminhnhat> ?
[03:58] <Phanminhnhat> @Dogecoin Yes! That's right!
[03:58] <Phanminhnhat> Acid will EAT
[03:58] <Phanminhnhat> your...
[03:59] <Bearjedi> omg
[03:59] <Bearjedi> guys
[03:59] <Phanminhnhat> wait, does acid really eat hands or I'm got mistaken?
[03:59] <Bearjedi> for scientist
[03:59] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[03:59] <Dogecoin> ok
[03:59] <Phanminhnhat> No idea about it.
[03:59] <Dogecoin> it got a nerf?
[03:59] <Phanminhnhat> You again?
[03:59] <Wynaut821> Back,
[04:00] <Wynaut821> we had geasts
[04:00] <Wynaut821> guests
[04:00] <Phanminhnhat> Should I sleep or continue awake?
[04:00] <Phanminhnhat> It's 23:00 in my country.
[04:00] <Wynaut821> here
[04:00] <Ilikeduck!> No sleep :) 
[04:00] <Phanminhnhat> And everyone else are sleeping.
[04:00] <Wynaut821> go to the comments
[04:01] <Phanminhnhat> @ILD My father usually force me to sleep before 22:00.
[04:01] <Bearjedi> Wynaut
[04:01] <Bearjedi> Chick Pea?
[04:01] <Bearjedi> Would be a great variant :p 
[04:01] <Bearjedi> Primary Weapon: Boiled Eggs
[04:02] <Wynaut821> i know
[04:02] <Phanminhnhat> Very great.
[04:02] <Wynaut821> and they responded to it
[04:02] <ThisUserLikesOreo> chick pea? (lenny) 
[04:02] <Wynaut821> AND Gary Clay liked it
[04:02] <Dogecoin> chick pea?
[04:02] <Phanminhnhat> Wow, you're a genius!
[04:02] <Bearjedi> If they do another Peashooter contest
[04:02] <Bearjedi> I bet devs are going to be allowed to vot
[04:02] <Bearjedi> e
[04:02] <Phanminhnhat> You may have won.
[04:02] <Phanminhnhat> that contest.
[04:03] <Dogecoin> better than goop pea 100/10 needs more KFC ~IGN
[04:03] <Wynaut821> @Thisuserlikesoreos
[04:03] <ThisUserLikesOreo> k
[04:03] <Wynaut821> i want to see another contest]
[04:03] <ThisUserLikesOreo> nice job anyways (y) 
[04:03] <Bearjedi> Wynaut
[04:03] <Wynaut821> yes
[04:03] <Bearjedi> It could be legendary
[04:03] <Phanminhnhat> Where's Starfruity now?...
[04:03] <Bearjedi> What would its special Legendary ability be
[04:03] <Bearjedi> If it was a Legendary variant
[04:03] <Wynaut821> flying
[04:04] <Phanminhnhat> Egg Splash?
[04:04] <Wynaut821> ?
[04:04] <Phanminhnhat> ...
[04:04] <Bearjedi> Chickens don't really fly
[04:04] <Wynaut821> i dont know
[04:04] <Bearjedi> Maybe it can lay eggs every once in a while?
[04:04] <Wynaut821> im not a chicken researcher
[04:04] <Phanminhnhat> Exploding egg?
[04:04] <Bearjedi> They could be like Potato Mines
[04:04] <Bearjedi> OH WAIT
[04:04] <Bearjedi> WHAT ABOUT THIS
[04:04] <Phanminhnhat> Like Matilda in AB?
[04:04] <Bearjedi> Cluck Mode
[04:04] <Wynaut821> oh snap
[04:04] <Phanminhnhat> !!!
[04:04] <Bearjedi> Feathers surround it, increasing its defense and speed
[04:05] <Phanminhnhat> Yeah, forgot about its own weapon but the egg.
[04:05] <Phanminhnhat> And the beak too.
[04:05] <Bearjedi> What do you think Wynaut
[04:05] <Wynaut821> and makes a clucking sound after defeating a zombie
[04:05] <Phanminhnhat> Brilliant.
[04:05] <Wynaut821> i know
[04:05] <Bearjedi> In Cluck Mode
[04:06] <Phanminhnhat> OK, I have to check the forum now...
[04:06] <Bearjedi> You can summon chicken minions
[04:06] <Phanminhnhat> See ya.
[04:06] <Bearjedi> 1-2 every 5 seconds
[04:06] <Wynaut821> i have crazy dreams seeing variants
[04:06] <Phanminhnhat> (Wave2) 
[04:06] <Bearjedi> The chickens are a one-hit vanquish
[04:06] <Ilikeduck!> \o 
[04:06] <Wynaut821> this is one of the outcomes
[04:06] <Phanminhnhat> @Wynaut I don't have dreams these days...
[04:06] <Wynaut821> bai
[04:06] <Wynaut821> i know
[04:06] <Bearjedi> Wynaut
[04:06] <Wynaut821> yes
[04:06] <Bearjedi> Can you make Basketball Star?
[04:06] <Phanminhnhat> bye bye!
[04:07] <Wynaut821> yea, ill also make a soccer star
[04:07] <Phanminhnhat> Goodbye
[04:07] <Bearjedi> For some reason the GW team never did that
[04:07] <Wynaut821> i hate soccer
[04:07] <Ilikeduck!> 11.077
[04:07] <Bearjedi> Actuall
[04:07] <Wynaut821> the only sport in my school is soccer
[04:07] <Bearjedi> There's already a Soccer All-Star
[04:07] <Wynaut821> where?
[04:07] <Phanminhnhat> Guốc bay giày bay dép bay.
[04:07] <Phanminhnhat> Goodbye.
[04:08] <Ilikeduck!> Nhà bay.
[04:08] <Ilikeduck!> :V
[04:08] <Phanminhnhat> Lon bay.
[04:08] <Bearjedi> Wait, nevermind
[04:08] <Bearjedi> Also
[04:08] <Ilikeduck!> Người bay.
[04:08] <Bearjedi> Can the Basketball Star wear a headband and a basketball uniform?
[04:08] <Wynaut821> sure
[04:08] <Bearjedi> And it has a beard surrounding the back of its head and mouth
[04:08] <Wynaut821> you got it
[04:09] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> what about a trogstar bearjedi
[04:09] <Phanminhnhat> Ben pvz wiki chat tieng Viet ma active mot cai chắc vui lam.
[04:09] <Ilikeduck!> Kick :) 
[04:09] <Phanminhnhat> (Ưave
[04:10] <Wynaut821> welp
[04:10] <Phanminhnhat> (wave) 
[04:10] <Wynaut821> ive got nothing to do
[04:11] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 
[04:11] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Vui lòng nói tiếng Anh *google translate ftw >.>*
[04:13] <Ilikeduck!> :V
[04:14] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> :P 
[04:14] <Ilikeduck!> But wait, it is ture and has meaningg in English XD
[04:14] <Ilikeduck!> *true
[04:20] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[04:21] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[04:22] <Snapdragon717> I see we're still dead
[04:23] <Snapdragon717> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> test</span>
[04:25] <Snapdragon717> Time to start engraving tombstones again
[04:26] <Snapdragon717> (tombstone) RIP Chat 2016 - 20XX It's dead
[04:26] <Wynaut821> hello
[04:27] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[04:27] <Wynaut821> going to work on basketball star
[04:28] <Snapdragon717> (Intensive carrot) 
[04:29] <Snapdragon717> revive chat!
[04:29] <Snapdragon717> erm
[04:29] <Snapdragon717> Alive Hi?
[04:29] <Snapdragon717> ah f*** it, I got to leave anyway
[04:40] <Phanminhnhat> Zphinx - Day 1
[04:40] <Phanminhnhat> Our wiki's first RPG level page!
[04:40] <Phanminhnhat> Wait, DED?!
[04:40] <Phanminhnhat> It's not even an hour yet!
[04:41] <Phanminhnhat> Oh well, it's my bedtime now, however.
[04:45] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[04:58] <IMCR8Z> Welcome to the vanquished chat!
[04:58] <Vebros> How D!
[04:58] <XXMariospartabroXx> Hi
[04:59] <XXMariospartabroXx> If you like gaming, plz answer the survey in the link below.
[05:00] <XXMariospartabroXx>
[05:00] <Eugoth> Hi
[05:01] <Vebros> 22k views
[05:03] <Eugoth> nice
[05:05] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[07:11] <CitronFire3> Thats a little disappotning
[07:11] <Vebros> I want mixed AE + PS zomboss
[07:11] <CitronFire3> *disappointing 
[07:12] <CitronFire3> I wish you could fight WW, PS, and AE zomboss all at once
[07:12] <CitronFire3> It would be like Hydra XD
[07:20] <CitronFire3> "I am telling the truth, you insane Dave Person!
[07:21] <CitronFire3> OH
[07:21] <CitronFire3> MY
[07:21] <CitronFire3> GOD
[07:21] <CitronFire3> DAVE IS AN IDIOT
[07:21] <CitronFire3> HE DOESN'T EVEN REALIZE
[07:21] <CitronFire3> HES DETROYING TIME
[07:21] <Vebros> Stupid CD
[07:22] <CitronFire3> wow
[07:22] <CitronFire3> Zomboss is the hero of the game
[07:22] <CitronFire3> I almost don't want to play anymore now that i realize what were doing XD
[07:22] <Vebros> Wait, how did you know?
[07:22] <CitronFire3> omg
[07:23] <CitronFire3> the dialogue
[07:23] <CitronFire3> DAY 19
[07:23] <CitronFire3> DAY 19 GAMEPLAY AAHHH!
[07:23] <CitronFire3> Nvm
[07:23] <CitronFire3> He doesn't use Escape Root
[07:23] <CitronFire3> LOL ALL-STARS WALK
[07:24] <Vebros> Unfinished
[07:24] <Vebros> The All-Stars zombie walking animation it's a from PVZ 1 ithink.
[07:24] <CitronFire3> Hm
[07:25] <CitronFire3> Wait
[07:25] <CitronFire3> He used M-C Zom-b's walk
[07:35] <Dogecoin> dead?
[07:38] <Vebros> ded
[07:23] <CitronFire3> Nvm
[07:23] <CitronFire3> He doesn't use Escape Root
[07:23] <CitronFire3> LOL ALL-STARS WALK
[07:24] <Vebros> Unfinished
[07:24] <Vebros> The All-Stars zombie walking animation it's a from PVZ 1 ithink.
[07:24] <CitronFire3> Hm
[07:25] <CitronFire3> Wait
[07:25] <CitronFire3> He used M-C Zom-b's walk
[07:35] <Dogecoin> dead?
[07:38] <Vebros> ded
[08:03] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[08:03] <Snapdragon717> God dang it it's dead again!
[08:03] <Snapdragon717> Holy Shr I.M.P
[08:04] <Snapdragon717> Dead for a half hour???
[08:06] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:06] <Snapdragon717> To the SUPER DEAD CHAT
[08:06] <Snapdragon717> 
[08:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[08:06] <Snapdragon717> Inactive for a half hour!
[08:07] <ThisUserLikesOreo> :[[]]o
[07:24] <Vebros> The All-Stars zombie walking animation it's a from PVZ 1 ithink.
[07:24] <CitronFire3> Hm
[07:25] <CitronFire3> Wait
[07:25] <CitronFire3> He used M-C Zom-b's walk
[07:35] <Dogecoin> dead?
[07:38] <Vebros> ded
[08:03] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[08:03] <Snapdragon717> God dang it it's dead again!
[08:03] <Snapdragon717> Holy Shr I.M.P
[08:04] <Snapdragon717> Dead for a half hour???
[08:06] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:06] <Snapdragon717> To the SUPER DEAD CHAT
[08:06] <Snapdragon717> 
[08:06] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[08:06] <Snapdragon717> Inactive for a half hour!
[08:07] <ThisUserLikesOreo> :[[]]o
[08:07] <Snapdragon717> I just joined a few minutes ago
[08:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> everyone are so afk
[08:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> i wonder why
[08:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> (lenny) 
[08:16] <CitronFire3> WELL
[08:16] <CitronFire3> IM PISSED AT MY PARENTS
[08:07] <Snapdragon717> I just joined a few minutes ago
[08:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> everyone are so afk
[08:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> i wonder why
[08:08] <ThisUserLikesOreo> (lenny) 
[08:16] <CitronFire3> WELL
[08:16] <CitronFire3> IM PISSED AT MY PARENTS
[08:16] <Snapdragon717> Y?
[08:16] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[08:17] <CitronFire3> because
[08:17] <CitronFire3> They chose
[08:17] <CitronFire3> the WORST week
[08:17] <CitronFire3> to go to florida
[08:17] <CitronFire3> They leave tomorrow
[08:17] <CitronFire3> and come back on thursday next week
[08:17] <CitronFire3> and thursday next week is the ONE dance I wanted to go to
[08:17] <CitronFire3> But nope
[08:17] <CitronFire3> They are coming back that night
[08:17] <CitronFire3> And I still cant go
[08:17] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[08:17] <CitronFire3> So fucking frig them
[08:17] <Snapdragon717> That sounds bad
[08:18] <IAmASeagull> Well dood why did they go to Florida?
[08:18] <Eugoth> back
[08:18] <Eugoth> everyone is... festive
[08:18] <Eugoth> or... pink
[08:19] <Snapdragon717> Pink because
[08:19] <CitronFire3> i dont know
[08:19] <Snapdragon717> Love is in the air! <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> It's toxic!</span>
[08:19] <CitronFire3> They HAD to choose THIS WEEK to go
[08:19] <Eugoth> ok
[08:19] <Eugoth> I'm not celebrating it
[08:19] <Eugoth> Because
[08:19] <Eugoth> Here, we literally don't celebrate it now
[08:20] <Snapdragon717> I don't celebrate valentines day either (happy) 
[08:20] <IAmASeagull> Whoa Blue *stares wide-eyed at screen*
[08:20] <Eugoth> so i will delay this "valentines" thing for like, 4 months
[08:21] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:21] <ErnestoAM> Alive Hi
[08:21] <Eugoth> Hello
[08:21] <IAmASeagull> Yo
[08:22] <Eugoth> it seems like now i can't turn on wifi because it will delete my pp.dat
[08:22] <Snapdragon717> Chat was inactive for a half an hour when i got here
[08:22] <Eugoth> so theorically i can't play pinatas for now
[08:22] <Eugoth> it may fix in the next obb
[08:22] <Snapdragon717> Just when Valenbrainz had unique pinata parties
[08:22] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:22] <IAmASeagull> Wassup *continues eating sandwich*
[08:23] <Eugoth> ;-;
[08:23] <Eugoth> Is it ham sandwhich?
[08:24] <CitronFire3> OH
[08:24] <IAmASeagull> Turkey, but its ok because I haz Mountain Dew *slurp*
[08:24] <CitronFire3> MY GOD
[08:24] <CitronFire3> YESSSS
[08:24] <CitronFire3> I found out I CAN GO
[08:24] <Snapdragon717> Good for you!
[08:24] <CitronFire3> My parents are getting home around 3 or 4
[08:24] <IAmASeagull> Nice *slurps again*
[08:24] <CitronFire3> So I can go
[08:24] <CitronFire3> THANK FRIGGIN GOD
[08:24] <Eugoth> go what?
[08:24] <Snapdragon717> To some dance
[08:24] <Eugoth> 4 am?
[08:25] <CitronFire3> pm
[08:25] <ErnestoAM> Pee Em
[08:25] <Eugoth> Pee Am
[08:26] <IAmASeagull> Pee pee *big slurp*
[08:26] <Eugoth> I will never taste the taste of mountain dew
[08:26] <IAmASeagull> LOL
[08:27] <Eugoth> Is it lemon or like, fanta?
[08:28] <IAmASeagull> Do you know what mountain dew is? *finishes sandwich*
[08:29] <Eugoth> It's a soda?
[08:29] <ErnestoAM> Basically A Lemon-Lime soda drink.
[08:29] <Eugoth> k
[08:30] <IAmASeagull> *Slurps awkwardly*
[08:31] <SlimeLOLEnder> o/ 
[08:31] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[08:31] <Eugoth> o/ 
[08:31] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[08:31] <ErnestoAM> hi LOLy
[08:31] <IAmASeagull> Yo *continues slurping*
[08:32] <Eugoth> <span style="color:brown;"> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> <span style="font-family:smelltheroses;"> [ WELCOME TO THE CHAT, <span style="font-family:desoto;"> SlimeLOLEnder <span style="font-family:smelltheroses;"> !</span></span></span></span></span>
[08:32] <Snapdragon717> I swear I've seen that font before
[08:32] <Snapdragon717> the robotic one
[08:32] <IAmASeagull> Yeah it's called red.
[08:33] <Eugoth> red is a color dude
[08:33] <IAmASeagull> XD *chokes on Mountain Dew*
[08:33] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[08:33] <Eugoth> And that is brown
[08:33] <Eugoth> <span style="color:red;"> Red <span style="color:brown;"> brown</span></span>
[08:34] <IAmASeagull> M'bad *Dunks the mountain dew into trash can*
[08:34] <Snapdragon717> I'll be back later, homework, ugh.
[08:34] <SlimeLOLEnder> YouAreA (seagull) 
[08:35] <Eugoth> Hello, wikia members
[08:35] <Ballistic Planet> woaw
[08:35] <IAmASeagull> Howya doin
[08:35] <Ballistic Planet> I'm alive
[08:35] <TerraVortexBlaze> Hi,I Am New
[08:35] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:35] <IAmASeagull> *Waving emoji*
[08:35] <SlimeLOLEnder> Welcome o/ 
[08:35] <SlimeLOLEnder> It's o /
[08:35] <SlimeLOLEnder> Without the spaces
[08:35] <Eugoth> <span style="font-family:smelltheroses;"> <span style="color:brown;"> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> Welcome to the chat, TerraVortexBlaze!</span></span></span>
[08:35] <IAmASeagull> Oh, no wait, o/ 
[08:35] <Ballistic Planet> Where are the roses Eugoth ?
[08:36] <IAmASeagull> P.S. That is Brown. Correct! 100 Points!
[08:36] <TerraVortexBlaze> how do you do emojis on this website
[08:36] <Eugoth> @BP they're DLC
[08:36] <IAmASeagull> p /
[08:36] <IAmASeagull> r /
[08:36] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[08:36] <IAmASeagull> f /
[08:36] <IAmASeagull> crap
[08:36] <IAmASeagull> that didn't work
[08:36] <Ballistic Planet> o / is the waving emoji
[08:36] <SlimeLOLEnder> Roses DLC: Only $6.99
[08:36] <Ballistic Planet> without the space
[08:36] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:36] <SlimeLOLEnder> Without the spaces
[08:36] <TerraVortexBlaze> o
[08:36] <TerraVortexBlaze> ???????????
[08:36] <IAmASeagull> I know just looking for other ones
[08:36] <Eugoth> But you can have a free trial for 10 secs
[08:36] <Ballistic Planet> without the space
[08:37] <IAmASeagull> o/ 
[08:37] <Eugoth> <span style="font-family:smelltheroses;"> [ ] { } </span>
[08:37] <SlimeLOLEnder> [[MediaWiki:Emoticons]]
[08:37] <IAmASeagull> f/
[08:37] <Ballistic Planet> type "o /" without the space or quotes
[08:37] <SlimeLOLEnder> Full list of emotes
[08:37] <IAmASeagull> nope
[08:37] <IAmASeagull> thanks &gt;:( 
[08:37] <IAmASeagull> o/ 
[08:38] <IAmASeagull> (batman) 
[08:38] <Eugoth> A huge wave of emoctions is coming...
[08:38] <Eugoth> Final wave
[08:38] <Mr. Boss-inator> hI
[08:38] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:38] <Mr. Boss-inator> hI*
[08:38] <Eugoth> Hi o/ 
[08:38] <TerraVortexBlaze> P( 
[08:38] <SlimeLOLEnder> <span style="font-family:pusab;">Level Complete! GG</span>
[08:38] <TerraVortexBlaze> 
[08:38] <TerraVortexBlaze> YAY
[08:38] <TerraVortexBlaze> 
[08:38] <IAmASeagull> (confused) (books) o/ (batman) 
[08:38] <Eugoth> you don't need to use ALL emotes
[08:39] <IAmASeagull> USE ALL THE EMOTES!!!
[08:39] <IAmASeagull> *Grabs another mountain dew*
[08:39] <Ballistic Planet> let's not!
[08:39] <Eugoth> Sodas arent healthy
[08:39] <ErnestoAM> huh
[08:39] <IAmASeagull> It's a medical condition
[08:39] <SlimeLOLEnder> idk how mtn dew tastes
[08:39] <Eugoth> ^
[08:39] <SlimeLOLEnder> it's not in my country
[08:40] <ErnestoAM> Using lots of emotes is considered spam
[08:40] <Eugoth> ^
[08:40] <ErnestoAM> We will keel you and kick.
[08:40] <Eugoth> (downvote) 
[08:40] <IAmASeagull> Sorry :C
[08:40] <TerraVortexBlaze> (poncho) 
[08:40] <TerraVortexBlaze> 
[08:40] <Ballistic Planet> I will double kill you!
[08:41] <SlimeLOLEnder> (greenpowertile) P +50 Double Kill
[08:41] <SlimeLOLEnder> (greenpowertile) P +420 Noscope
[08:41] <Eugoth> Let's talk about <span style="font-size:7pt;"> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"> Pvz2 spoilers </span> </span> </span> Valenbrainz
[08:41] <Eugoth> (blooming heart)
[08:42] <Eugoth> ...
[08:42] <IAmASeagull> Blooming Heart!!!!
[08:42] <IAmASeagull> OP
[08:42] <Eugoth> It sux
[08:42] <TerraVortexBlaze> (Dance) (Dance) 
[08:42] <IAmASeagull> Yeah, I know right. *Shys away*
[08:42] <SlimeLOLEnder> It sucks
[08:42] <Eugoth> Before release everyone says it sucked, and after some said it was OP
[08:42] <Eugoth> I still think it sucks.
[08:42] <Ballistic Planet> I don't understadn
[08:42] <SlimeLOLEnder> It's a 6.99 cabbage pult that bugs the game
[08:42] <Eugoth> Max damage isn't even high
[08:42] <Ballistic Planet> why they buffed Dusk Lobber
[08:43] <Eugoth> And they can make zombies unbeatable
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> Seriously
[08:43] <IAmASeagull> True.
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> They buffed Dusk Lobber
[08:43] <ErnestoAM> and lowered the sun cost
[08:43] <SlimeLOLEnder> ???
[08:43] <ErnestoAM> by 25
[08:43] <SlimeLOLEnder> (pepper-pult) upgrade confirmed
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> Dusk Lobber costs 150 now
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> not 175
[08:43] <Eugoth> It's just a mix of (pult-shroom) and (sap-fling) 
[08:43] <Eugoth> what
[08:43] <Eugoth> when did this happen?
[08:44] <Ballistic Planet> a couple days ago
[08:44] <Eugoth> after release: 250 (troll) 
[08:44] <IAmASeagull> I thought it was still 175! This changes EVERYTHING!!!! *heavy breathing*
[08:44] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[08:44] <IAmASeagull> Tell the presses! We must reach the people!
[08:44] <Eugoth> escape root is OP
[08:44] <Eugoth> Grimrose not OP
[08:45] <SlimeLOLEnder> grimrose:
[08:45] <SlimeLOLEnder> the coolest design
[08:45] <Ballistic Planet> I want to see the new plants in action
[08:45] <SlimeLOLEnder> but the crappiest ability
[08:45] <Ballistic Planet> :( 
[08:45] <SlimeLOLEnder> same
[08:45] <Eugoth> Popcap logic: Or it's OP or it SUCKS
[08:45] <TerraVortexBlaze> (lenny) 
[08:45] <TerraVortexBlaze> lol
[08:45] <TerraVortexBlaze> INCOMING BATTLE
[08:45] <IAmASeagull> Will you like drag plants together using Escape Root? In that case, it would be pretty OP.
[08:45] <Eugoth> YES
[08:45] <Ballistic Planet> ER swaps positions
[08:45] <Ballistic Planet> with other plants
[08:46] <Eugoth> You can literally swap places with other plants
[08:46] <Eugoth> and change the whole field
[08:46] <Eugoth> In some time
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> I think it can swap places with endagered plants
[08:46] <SlimeLOLEnder> And it transforms into (cherrybomb2) (potatomine2) (primalpotatomine) (grapeshot) randomly?
[08:46] <Eugoth> And it explodes
[08:46] <Ballistic Planet> but don't quote me on that\
[08:46] <SlimeLOLEnder> WOW
[08:46] <SlimeLOLEnder> Its op as heck
[08:46] <Eugoth> YOU SEE
[08:46] <SlimeLOLEnder> Popcap pls nerf
[08:46] <IAmASeagull> Nice *drags threepeater* MWAHAHA!!!
[08:46] <Eugoth> or a cherry bomb or PPM
[08:47] <Eugoth> <span style="font-size:7pt;"> or crappy potato mine</span>
[08:47] <SlimeLOLEnder> lel
[08:47] <Ballistic Planet> If you get PM from Escape Root
[08:47] <Ballistic Planet> you have bad luck
[08:47] <TerraVortexBlaze> (king) (mc) (Dance)
[08:47] <Eugoth> Still 3/4 chance of getting a 3x3 boom for 50 sun
[08:47] <IAmASeagull> Escape Root + Split Pea...
[08:47] <TerraVortexBlaze> (king) (mc) (Dance)
[08:47] <TerraVortexBlaze> ??????
[08:47] <Eugoth> No split pea
[08:47] <Eugoth> Maybe celery stalker
[08:47] <IAmASeagull> Oh yes
[08:48] <TerraVortexBlaze> (king) (mc) (dance)
[08:48] <Eugoth> (dance) 
[08:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> Escape Root plays lottery daily
[08:48] <Ballistic Planet> I think PopCap has a few plants that are perfectly balanced in PVZ2
[08:48] <Ballistic Planet> not op, but not bad
[08:48] <Eugoth> example?
[08:48] <IAmASeagull> Escape Root is not one.
[08:48] <Eugoth> Squash i guess
[08:48] <Ballistic Planet> (Magnifying Grass) and (Celery Stalker) come to mind
[08:49] <Eugoth> (sun bean) 
[08:49] <Eugoth> Sometimes
[08:49] <Ballistic Planet> ehh
[08:49] <Ballistic Planet> I don't like using Sun Bean
[08:49] <Eugoth> But it's balanced
[08:49] <Eugoth> I guess gold bloom will be balanced
[08:50] <Ballistic Planet> hopefully
[08:50] <IAmASeagull> Primal Sunflowers are really good though. In the JM updates there was a glitch you could use them on "Plan your defense" levels.
[08:50] <Ballistic Planet> yup
[08:50] <Eugoth> All plants in JM are OP
[08:50] <Ballistic Planet> Primal Sunflowre is my favorite plant for a reason
[08:50] <Eugoth> Except perfumeshroom
[08:50] <Ballistic Planet> Sunflower*
[08:51] <Eugoth> (electric blueberry) is the opposite of balance
[08:51] <IAmASeagull> I literally use Primal Peas every time I battle.
[08:51] <ErnestoAM> I posted some texture mod videos on my gaming channel
[08:51] <Eugoth> extreme damage for extreme recharge
[08:51] <ErnestoAM> and people are asking for links
[08:52] <ErnestoAM> well
[08:52] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[08:52] <Eugoth> With low cost hitting "random" zombies
[08:52] <ErnestoAM> there is not a link to everything on the internet
[08:52] <IAmASeagull> It one-shots gargantuar! Now THAT is pretty good.
[08:52] <Eugoth> But there's a zelda
[08:52] <Eugoth> Not all gargs
[08:52] <IAmASeagull> Yeah, but still REALLY useful in large groups.
[08:53] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[08:53] <Eugoth> ...
[08:53] <Eugoth> EB is for single, high health zombies
[08:53] <SlimeLOLEnder> Ernesto what do u use to record?
[08:53] <IAmASeagull> Yeah, but if you have a lot, pretty much shreks everything. One level I had 20 EBs. 
[08:53] <Eugoth> k
[08:54] <Eugoth> on Last stands
[08:54] <Eugoth> o/ 
[08:54] <TerraVortexBlaze> I Need Some Help
[08:54] <IAmASeagull> What's your problem?
[08:54] <Eugoth> ^
[08:55] <TerraVortexBlaze> How Can I Join the Wiki If I Don't Have The "Sign Up" Button In The Top Right Corner
[08:55] <IAmASeagull> Uhh... *Slurps Mountain Dew Nervously*
[08:55] <TerraVortexBlaze> And How Can A Zombie eat A Hurrikale
[08:55] <SlimeLOLEnder> Umm...
[08:55] <SlimeLOLEnder> You just joined
[08:55] <IAmASeagull> A lot of hard work, dedication, and hot sauce.
[08:55] <SlimeLOLEnder> You have to join to enter chat
[08:56] <TerraVortexBlaze> 
[08:56] <TerraVortexBlaze> And Tacos
[08:56] <TerraVortexBlaze> lol
[08:56] <IAmASeagull> XD
[08:56] <IAmASeagull> 
[08:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> And vitamins
[08:56] <TerraVortexBlaze> HOW
[08:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> Vitamins and sorcery
[08:56] <SlimeLOLEnder> jk :v
[08:56] <IAmASeagull> And Mountain Dew
[08:56] <IAmASeagull> *slurp*
[08:56] <Eugoth> When you leave, zombies eat you
[08:56] <IAmASeagull> Sorry bros I gotta go. Save my corpse!
[08:57] <Eugoth> I will put in the "waiting" file
[08:57] <ErnestoAM> no
[08:57] <TerraVortexBlaze> Sorry
[08:57] <TerraVortexBlaze> A New Plant?
[08:57] <TerraVortexBlaze> NICE
[08:58] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Hi peeps
[08:58] <Eugoth> -_- 
[08:58] <Eugoth> o/ 
[08:58] <Eugoth> User
[08:58] <SlimeLOLEnder> When you enter the chat
[08:58] <SlimeLOLEnder> It will show up like
[08:58] <SlimeLOLEnder> "X has been planted on the lawn"
[08:59] <TerraVortexBlaze> Lol
[08:59] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[08:59] <TerraVortexBlaze> Nice
[08:59] <TerraVortexBlaze> clever
[09:00] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Lol for me is " Welcome to the chat, X "
[09:00] <BrawlerTheHedgie> but in Brazilian
[09:00] <TerraVortexBlaze> ???????????????????????????????????????????
[09:00] <TerraVortexBlaze> ??????????????????
[09:00] <TerraVortexBlaze> ??????????????
[09:00] <TerraVortexBlaze> ??????????????????????????
[09:00] <TerraVortexBlaze> ???????????
[09:01] <Eugoth> Many interrogations and no letters
[09:01] <Eugoth> must be a tough question
[09:01] <BrawlerTheHedgie> yep
[09:01] <BrawlerTheHedgie> maybe he don't know that i'm Brazilian
[09:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[09:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> (tombstone) 
[09:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> (gravestonePlantFoodOnDestruction)
[09:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> fail
[09:03] <BrawlerTheHedgie> ( Fume-Shroom )
[09:03] <BrawlerTheHedgie> fail ²
[09:03] <SlimeLOLEnder> (fume-shroom) 
[09:04] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Lol
[09:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded once again
[09:06] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Idiot question: Did you know that PvZ was supposed to be called Lawn Of The dead? HURR DURR HURR
[09:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> every1 knows m90
[09:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> m80s*
[09:07] <BrawlerTheHedgie> yep
[09:07] <SlimeLOLEnder> M (eighties) 
[09:07] <Eugoth> m80s?
[09:08] <Eugoth> Hmmm
[09:08] <Eugoth> New world confurmed
[09:08] <BrawlerTheHedgie> What?!
[09:08] <Eugoth> Swaggy zombie, swaggy conehead
[09:08] <SlimeLOLEnder> Swaggy Buckethead
[09:08] <SlimeLOLEnder> Swaggy Flag Zombie
[09:08] <Eugoth> swaggy buckethead, pimp
[09:08] <SlimeLOLEnder> Pimp
[09:08] <SlimeLOLEnder> 3.14mp
[09:08] <SlimeLOLEnder> Noscoping Gargantuar
[09:09] <Eugoth> MLG zombie
[09:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> Special: Uses dorito rifle to noscope plants
[09:09] <Eugoth> YOLO zombie: gets on plants, yells yolo and dies
[09:09] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Xxx_MLG Zombot_xxX
[09:09] <SlimeLOLEnder> yup
[09:10] <Eugoth> Zombot bronymaster
[09:10] <SlimeLOLEnder> 9gagger Meme Zombie
[09:10] <Eugoth> faggot zombie
[09:10] <SlimeLOLEnder> Special: Hatches memes when damaged
[09:10] <ErnestoAM> (lenny) 
[09:11] <ErnestoAM> ?
[09:11] <ErnestoAM> /
[09:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> Facebook Meme Zombie
[09:11] <Eugoth> the m80s also feature a modifier
[09:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> Special: Hatches weaker memes when damaged
[09:11] <Eugoth> Hashtags
[09:11] <BrawlerTheHedgie> LoL Z0mbi3:it Laughs ALOT
[09:11] <Eugoth> Hashtags are tiles that buff special zombies
[09:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> Facebook Meme: A weak, stolen meme
[09:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> 9gag Meme: A strong meme
[09:12] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Special: dodges non-lobbed attacks
[09:12] <Eugoth> k
[09:12] <SlimeLOLEnder> (screendoorzombie) 
[09:12] <Eugoth> Minecraft zombie: A regular zombie except squarier and childish
[09:13] <Eugoth> One of his growls says: lol fag
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> gtg
[09:13] <ErnestoAM> school
[09:13] <Eugoth> bye schooler
[09:13] <SlimeLOLEnder> bie
[09:13] <Eugoth> School new world confurmed
[09:14] <Eugoth> Student zombie student conehead
[09:14] <SlimeLOLEnder> Bully Gargantuar
[09:14] <SlimeLOLEnder> Nerdimp
[09:14] <Eugoth> student buckethead
[09:14] <BrawlerTheHedgie> 64 Zombie (K): Opens a Box and yell NINTENDO 64!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
[09:14] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Special:Explodes
[09:14] <Eugoth> Teacher, homework zombie.
[09:15] <Eugoth> rich kid
[09:15] <Eugoth> k den.
[09:16] <Eugoth> New world new world confurmed
[09:16] <BrawlerTheHedgie> New World ZOMBIE
[09:16] <Eugoth> k
[09:16] <BrawlerTheHedgie> NEW WORLD BUCKET AND CONE HEADs
[09:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> Spoiler Zombie
[09:17] <Eugoth> If you guys know history, the "new world" is the american continent
[09:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> Special: Spoils about the new world
[09:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> (Wat) 
[09:18] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Slow Zombies
[09:18] <Eugoth> Zackscott zombie
[09:18] <BrawlerTheHedgie> 
[09:18] <BrawlerTheHedgie> Comes to yell That The New world has come
[09:18] <Eugoth> Wastes time, money and supporters
[09:19] <Eugoth> There's a 0.00001% chance of zackscott zombies to drop a world key
[09:19] <Eugoth> They're weak
[09:19] <Eugoth> Because they suck
[09:19] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[09:19] <Eugoth> transforms into chicken upon death]
[09:20] <SlimeLOLEnder> (chicken) 
[09:21] <BrawlerTheHedgie> New VIDEOGAME WURLD CUFURMED!
[09:22] <Soft-drinks 2> hi
[09:23] <BrawlerTheHedgie> hi
[09:23] <Soft-drinks 2> Is Soft-drinks good or bad
[09:23] <BrawlerTheHedgie> depends
[09:24] <BrawlerTheHedgie> what tastes like?
[09:27] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[09:27] <BrawlerTheHedgie> ( Gargantuar )
[09:28] <SlimeLOLEnder> without caps or spaces
[09:28] <SlimeLOLEnder> (gargantuar) 
[09:28] <BrawlerTheHedgie> ohhh
[09:28] <BrawlerTheHedgie> (gargantuar) 
[09:28] <BrawlerTheHedgie> TADAHHHH
[09:40] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[09:41] <SlimeLOLEnder> wow
[09:41] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[09:41] <SlimeLOLEnder> still ded
[09:42] <SlimeLOLEnder> ...
[09:44] <SlimeLOLEnder> board
[09:47] <Murabito> is anybody here
[09:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> me
[09:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> but nobody else probably
[09:50] <Murabito> I just want balls plant to be on :( 
[09:50] <Murabito> let's ping him
[09:50] <Murabito> Ballistic Planet 
[09:47] <Murabito> is anybody here
[09:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> me
[09:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> but nobody else probably
[09:50] <Murabito> I just want balls plant to be on :( 
[09:50] <Murabito> let's ping him
[09:50] <Murabito> Ballistic Planet 
[10:00] <Brainulator9> hilo
[10:00] <Brainulator9> pingas
[10:02] <Ballistic Planet> im no longer afk
[10:02] <Ballistic Planet> supposedely
[10:03] <Murabito> yay
[10:03] <Murabito> rawr
[10:04] <PVZBronyGod> hi
[10:04] <CitronFire3> FLMANGO
[10:04] <CitronFire3> FLAMANGO
[10:04] <CitronFire3> :3
[10:04] <Murabito> what
[10:04] <PVZBronyGod> wtf
[10:04] <CitronFire3> Flamango :3
[10:04] <PVZBronyGod> I got CADABLE
[10:04] <Brainulator9> hilo
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> I'm here
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> chat is glitchy
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> as heck
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> also
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> I don't have any pings
[10:05] <Murabito> 
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> because I log chat
[10:05] <Murabito> oh
[10:06] <Murabito> oh look 4 people visited my userpage
[10:06] <PVZBronyGod> ok
[10:06] <Ballistic Planet> lel
[10:07] <Murabito> 0 people ships moonflower and table
[10:07] <Murabito> except me
[10:07] <Murabito> hecko
[10:07] <Ballistic Planet> rip
[10:07] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[10:08] <Murabito> I even made the page for Table and everything
[10:08] <CitronFire3> aw
[10:08] <PVZBronyGod> ok
[10:08] <PVZBronyGod> table?
[10:08] <Murabito> [[User:Murabito/Table]]
[10:08] <Murabito> I put love music in it because wynaut
[10:09] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:09] <Ballistic Planet> just 4 months ago I had only 2k edits
[10:09] <Brainulator9> hilo
[10:09] <Ballistic Planet> now I have almost 4.5
[10:09] <Ballistic Planet> k
[10:09] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[10:09] <PVZBronyGod> meh
[10:09] <PVZBronyGod> gtg
[10:09] <Brainulator9> bilo
[10:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> wat
[10:12] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:13] <SlimeLOLEnder> ummm
[10:13] <SlimeLOLEnder> (wat) 
[10:13] <SlimeLOLEnder> why do i get ads while watching pages as i wasn't logged in?
[10:15] <SlimeLOLEnder> ded
[10:16] <SlimeLOLEnder> hmm
[10:16] <SlimeLOLEnder> how about i try moving HTTDR to 4,4.1
[10:19] <Brainulator9> @Slimelol, that always happens.
[10:19] <Brainulator9> Anons MUST look at ads.
[10:19] <Brainulator9> You can even turn them ON when registered.
[10:20] <Inhalemychild12> eey (troll) 
[10:21] <Inhalemychild12> ...
[10:21] <Inhalemychild12> no one talking
[10:21] <Inhalemychild12> Oh my god, why
[10:21] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[10:22] <Inhalemychild12> Hi.
[10:22] <Inhalemychild12> So i heard someone is mostly brb or afk
[10:25] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:25] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat m80s? (arr) 
[10:26] <SlimeLOLEnder> m (eighties) 
[10:27] <Inhalemychild12> So hey
[10:27] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[10:27] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:28] <Inhalemychild12> I know theres been many admins oh my god.
[10:28] <Inhalemychild12> MOSTLY Admins on that chat.
[10:29] <PVZBronyGod> watching poo videos
[10:29] <Inhalemychild12> You mean
[10:29] <Inhalemychild12> mark's slime rancher poop?
[10:29] <SlimeLOLEnder> y so pingy
[10:30] <PVZBronyGod> no real poop
[10:30] <Inhalemychild12> Oh
[10:30] <Inhalemychild12> Ok.
[10:31] <Inhalemychild12> I downloaded a poison zombie
[10:32] <PVZBronyGod> cool
[10:32] <Inhalemychild12> so where to put it on for?
[10:33] <SlimeLOLEnder> (shadowshroom) 
[10:34] <Inhalemychild12> Shadow shroom i should put?
[10:34] <SlimeLOLEnder> just testing emoticons
[10:35] <Inhalemychild12> alright
[10:35] <Inhalemychild12> uploaded the file.
[10:36] <Inhalemychild12> might going to put it at shadow shroom gallery
[10:36] <Inhalemychild12> hmmm?
[10:36] <PVZBronyGod> hmm
[10:36] <Mr. Boss-inator> Who can help me to get custom fint on chat?
[10:36] <Mr. Boss-inator> font*
[10:36] <Inhalemychild12> not me.
[10:36] <Inhalemychild12> im lazy.
[10:37] <Inhalemychild12> all these poisons
[10:37] <Inhalemychild12> help
[10:38] <PVZBronyGod> bored
[10:38] <Inhalemychild12> also, dont ban me.
[10:38] <Inhalemychild12> i realize theres a image here
[10:38] <Inhalemychild12> so DOES that means im banned or...
[10:39] <PVZBronyGod> bored
[10:39] <Inhalemychild12> me too.
[10:40] <Mr. Boss-inator> Гугл переводчик использовал? Я знал &gt;:D 
[10:40] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:40] <Mr. Boss-inator> hOi!
[10:41] <Inhalemychild12> undertale is all over again.
[10:42] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[10:42] <Inhalemychild12> Whats wrong?
[10:43] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> imcr8z hates undertale
[10:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> for some reason
[10:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> now he's gonna go on a pointless rant about how its just "memes"
[10:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and a hipster game
[10:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> or something
[10:44] <IMCR8Z> They're true tho
[10:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> no its not?
[10:45] <Mr. Boss-inator> Why do you hate Undertale?
[10:45] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> its actually a very fun game that is enjoyable
[10:45] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> maybe you should try it
[10:45] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> but you wouldn't because you're so narrow-minded
[10:45] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> :^)
[10:46] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> it actually made me draw stuff again more
[10:46] <SlimeLOLEnder> well
[10:46] <SlimeLOLEnder> i haven't played it and probably won't
[10:46] <SlimeLOLEnder> but i don't call it shit and respect every1 who like it
[10:46] <IMCR8Z> Nope, just another "retro throwback". I can just play some actual retro games and get the same experience.
[10:46] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> its not really a retro throwback
[10:46] <PVZBronyGod> ?
[10:46] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> just because it has pixel graphics and chiptune music doesnt mean its a retro throwback
[10:47] <IMCR8Z> That's exactly what makes a retro throwback
[10:47] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> is terraria a retro throwback?
[10:47] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> is minecraft a retro throwback?
[10:47] <SlimeLOLEnder> i was just gonna say that
[10:47] <SlimeLOLEnder> lol
[10:47] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> is the binding of isaac rebirth a retro throwback?
[10:47] <IMCR8Z> Yes to all
[10:48] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> iiiiiiisss pixel piracy a retro throwback
[10:48] <Lolwutburger> ooooh shit
[10:48] <Lolwutburger> oooooooooh shit
[10:48] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> whaaaat
[10:48] <Lolwutburger> AAM commented on my Sea-shroom
[10:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> AAM?
[10:48] <IMCR8Z> @Lolwut: Let me see
[10:48] <Lolwutburger> (plus I saw him spell Jurassic Marsh as Jarassic Marsh in someone else's art)
[10:48] <IMCR8Z> @Slime: Agent Andrew Martians
[10:48] <PVZBronyGod> gah
[10:48] <SlimeLOLEnder> Amolder Aplz Mtwo
[10:48] <Lolwutburger> (the bringer of lulz is back)
[10:48] <IMCR8Z> He was an underage user on this wiki who had a Sunflower fetish and got banned.
[10:49] <Lolwutburger> check the comments
[10:49] <SlimeLOLEnder> ik
[10:49] <Lolwutburger>
[10:49] <PVZBronyGod> bye
[10:49] <Protanly> lol that guy?
[10:49] <Lolwutburger> looks like he's back
[10:49] <Lolwutburger> in the PvZ fandom
[10:49] <Protanly> i remember da sunflower fetish guy
[10:49] <SlimeLOLEnder> what
[10:49] <SlimeLOLEnder> the
[10:49] <SlimeLOLEnder> (Wat) 
[10:50] <Inhalemychild12> "da sunflower feish guy"
[10:50] <Inhalemychild12> wot?
[10:50] <CompingChomper> Check out my blogs please thanks
[10:50] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> explain how minecraft is a retro throwback @Imcr8z
[10:50] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: A lot of ways, really. I'd need about as many pages as a Minecraft guide book to explain.
[10:51] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> n o but 
[10:51] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> briefly
[10:51] <Protanly> Minecraft is blocky
[10:51] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> o right
[10:51] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and has pixels
[10:51] <ErnestoAM> hi
[10:51] <Protanly> but you can use like 1028 x 1028 texture packs tho
[10:51] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> 'bleep bloop' noises
[10:51] <Protanly> XD so pixelly is irrelevant
[10:51] <Protanly> since everyone should be using texture packs anyways
[10:52] <SlimeLOLEnder> come on....
[10:52] <IMCR8Z> And it doesn't bother telling you much in-game.
[10:52] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> so no tutorial = retro throwback?
[10:52] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> cmon brah
[10:52] <Mr. Boss-inator> You just hate games with low resolution?
[10:52] <Mr. Boss-inator> -__- 
[10:52] <SlimeLOLEnder> lolwat
[10:53] <Protanly> Technically speaking.. old games had a tutorial
[10:53] <Protanly> they just didn't hand hold
[10:53] <Mr. Boss-inator> NMT must be your least liked world then
[10:53] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> it is
[10:53] <Protanly> You can look into old games and you can find that much of the earlier levels were about teaching you through practice
[10:53] <Mr. Boss-inator> wow -__- 
[10:53] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> but dont bring up nmt
[10:53] <Protanly> take metroid for example
[10:53] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> thats a whole 'nother can of worms
[10:53] <Protanly> you want to go right 
[10:53] <Protanly> but then learn you cant progress further
[10:53] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: Let's see:
[10:53] <IMCR8Z> - No direct tutorial
[10:53] <IMCR8Z> - You're punished quite a bit for dying
[10:53] <IMCR8Z> - Pixel graphics, that's obvious
[10:53] <Protanly> so you go left and get the morph ball
[10:54] <Lolwutburger> I used to like Minecraft before it became a cashcow franchise played by little kids
[10:54] <Protanly> Bam. Tutorial without a game having to push going left :p 
[10:54] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> i dont think pixel graphics = retro throwback
[10:54] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: (facepalm) 
[10:54] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> its just an ok artstyle?
[10:54] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> like
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[10:55] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> there's a lotta games with pixel graphics but that doesn't necessarily mean its a retro throwback
[10:55] <Protanly> For example mutant muddz on the 3ds store (was amazing)
[10:55] <Protanly>
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> (facepalm) (facepalm) You're not doing anything to add to your side of the argument.
[10:55] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> when you restrict your color pallette to something from nes/snes/other games from that era
[10:55] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> that's a retro throwback
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> I sometimes think pixel graphics is either a stylistic choice or laziness in design
[10:55] <Protanly> ^
[10:55] <Protanly> @Rx2
[10:56] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> like shovel knight for example
[10:56] <Protanly> I remember when IMC was chat mod &gt;:D 
[10:56] <Dont let go> Hi
[10:56] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> he was chat mod
[10:56] <Protanly> ye
[10:56] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> he got =promoted?-
[10:57] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> -*
[10:57] <Protanly> he was like the first person to be demoted from chat mod &gt;:D 
[10:57] <Dont let go> Hiiii. 
[10:57] <IMCR8Z> And you'll never see me as mod again...
[10:57] <Dont let go> K
[10:57] <Protanly> hey guys.. let's have a purge
[10:57] <Protanly> &gt;:D 
[10:58] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> imcr8z , what's your definition of retro throwback
[10:58] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> obviously pixel graphics and chiptune music
[10:58] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> but what else
[10:58] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> what else makes a game 'retro throwback' in your book
[10:58] <IMCR8Z> High difficulty
[10:58] <Lolwutburger> Good thing I'm not going for any mod position in this wiki
[10:58] <Lolwutburger> I thought about it
[10:58] <Lolwutburger> And I remembered that I was anti-government in real life
[10:58] <Lolwutburger> and therefore that'll mean I'll be in some sort of government online if I go for weird modthing
[10:58] <Protanly> @Rx2 Here's a good question. Do you prefer 8-bit or 16-bit retro games?
[10:58] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> either
[10:58] <Dont let go> Protanman ruins everything. 
[10:58] <Insert Your Name Here> Mornin...
[10:58] <Protanly> ^
[10:58] <Protanly> @Dont
[10:59] <IMCR8Z> Howdy
[10:59] <Dont let go> Hi
[10:59] <Dont let go> Protanly , Profanly.. 
[10:59] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> so high difficulty, pixel graphics = retro throwback?
[10:59] <Protanly> RetroBowser is Protanly 
[10:59] <Dont let go> I discovered it
[10:59] <Protanly> &gt;:D 
[11:00] <Protanly> Nice way to use an f instead of a t
[11:00] <Dont let go> Wao
[11:00] <Dont let go> Wao
[11:00] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2" Yes
[11:00] <IMCR8Z> How hard is it for you to understand that?
[11:00] <Protanly> Minecraft in peaceful mode
[11:00] <Protanly> your argument is invalid
[11:00] <Dont let go> Woah
[11:00] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> terraria no hard mode
[11:00] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> your argument is invalid
[11:01] <IMCR8Z> (facepalm) 
[11:01] <Protanly> &gt;:D 
[11:01] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> tboi:r with hard mode turned off
[11:01] <Brainulator9> hilo
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> I found one of AAM's train friends in a South Park group I go to
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> huh
[11:01] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> your argument is invalid
[11:01] <Protanly> whenever someone says no
[11:01] <IMCR8Z> (facedesk) 
[11:01] <Dont let go> Hai2u
[11:01] <Protanly> I always think of the japanese word
[11:01] <Dont let go> Baka
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> I'm more concerned on the fact that AAM's thinking of my Sea-shroom
[11:01] <Dont let go> Kawaii. 
[11:01] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> "tropical age" @lwb
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> fun fact: Baka means Cow in Filipino
[11:01] <Dont let go> Desu. 
[11:01] <Lolwutburger> yeh
[11:02] <Dont let go> I knew
[11:02] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> imcr8z 
[11:02] <Dont let go> I am Filipino
[11:02] <Protanly> ey brainy
[11:02] <Protanly> &lt;3 
[11:02] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: What is it?
[11:02] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> would castle crashers be retro throwback in your books?
[11:02] <IMCR8Z> Yeah (dealwithit)
[11:02] <Dont let go> No
[11:02] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> pixel graphics, high difficulty, chiptune music
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> Eh, I should try making Cob Cannon now
[11:02] <Dont let go> Ok
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> yaaaaaay
[11:03] <Protanly> when do userpage content mod badges get made :( 
[11:03] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> what about battleblock theater @imcr8z
[11:03] <Cavia porcellus> PvZ2's running horribly lately. Weird
[11:03] <Protanly> mine says rollback + discussion mod
[11:03] <Brainulator9> hilo
[11:03] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> what about gmod @imcr8z
[11:03] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> there's pixel stuff on the workshop
[11:03] <Protanly> &gt;:D 
[11:03] <IMCR8Z> -_- 
[11:03] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and high-difficulty stuff on the workshop
[11:03] <Protanly> gg rx2
[11:03] <Brainulator9> i'll fix it
[11:03] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and probably pixel chiptune music on some custom maps
[11:03] <IMCR8Z> (facepalm) (facedesk) 
[11:04] <Protanly> (beet) 
[11:04] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> so is gmod a retro throwback?
[11:04] <IMCR8Z> Custom content is NOT a factor for the actual game's content.
[11:04] <Cavia porcellus> Protanly , [[Template:ContentModBubble|this]] ?
[11:04] <Dont let go> Raging IMC
[11:04] <Protanly> nah
[11:04] <Protanly> the little tiny tags
[11:04] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> imcr8z always rage-quits when i bring up valid points
[11:04] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> :^)
[11:04] <Mr. Boss-inator> \
[11:04] <Mr. Boss-inator> Man, this is impossible to make him think different. He won't even check anything. Undertale is too specific game for him. You should at least go through 2 different endings to find this game nice. I mean that's for most people. Because at the first time people think this game is like the other RPGs. Because they don't know the main purpose of this game. Especially if his argument is that this game is pixely, chiptune-ish and difficult. I want to say just one thing, this probably won't change anything, but I will say this: Firstly, you don't play for graphics. If you do, then you don't enjoy the game itself, you enjoy the art. Secondly, same with music. Thirdly, OMG THIS GAME IS HARD I WON'T PLAY IT BECAUSE I'M LAZYBONES.
[11:04] <IMCR8Z> *invalid
[11:04] <Dont let go> ;^)
[11:05] <IMCR8Z> @Boss: "O
[11:05] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> yes
[11:05] <IMCR8Z> @Boss-inator: Translation: "I'm 10 and I find this deep"
[11:05] <Cavia porcellus> Well, 'badge' was certainly misleading.
[11:05] <Protanly> well oops
[11:05] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> not really @imcr8z
[11:05] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:05] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> you just hate undertale to be the edgy one out of the crowd
[11:05] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> to be 'unique'
[11:05] <Mr. Boss-inator> I'll be 16 on 10th of March
[11:05] <Protanly> cavia = BUL9 
[11:05] <Protanly> &gt;:D 
[11:05] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> you want to be different
[11:05] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> fight the current
[11:05] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: No, I do it to have actual fucking taste
[11:06] <Dont let go> Happy advance bday
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[11:06] <IMCR8Z> I don't bow down to this plague
[11:06] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> you hate it for the sake of hating it
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> I'll have to butt in with my opinion
[11:06] <Protanly> well ima go
[11:06] <Dont let go> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dont let go</span></span> whips IMCR8Z 
[11:06] <IMCR8Z> I hate it because it's geniuine crap
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Nah screw it
[11:07] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> well so is postal 2 @imcr8s
[11:07] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> :^)
[11:07] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and so is wild west
[11:07] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> :^)
[11:07] <IMCR8Z> -_- 
[11:07] <Mr. Boss-inator> Did you even read what I said above? I'm sure you didn't
[11:07] <IMCR8Z> Still better than Neon Earape Tour
[11:07] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> worse*
[11:07] <Dont let go> HEY THATS MY FACE
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> On one hand, not rfm is not known to be reasonable
[11:07] <Mr. Boss-inator> I'll paste this again: Man, this is impossible to make him think different. He won't even check anything. Undertale is too specific game for him. You should at least go through 2 different endings to find this game nice. I mean that's for most people. Because at the first time people think this game is like the other RPGs. Because they don't know the main purpose of this game. Especially if his argument is that this game is pixely, chiptune-ish and difficult. I want to say just one thing, this probably won't change anything, but I will say this: Firstly, you don't play for graphics. If you do, then you don't enjoy the game itself, you enjoy the art. Secondly, same with music. Thirdly, OMG THIS GAME IS HARD I WON'T PLAY IT BECAUSE I'M LAZYBONES.
[11:07] <Dont let go> :^)
[11:08] <IMCR8Z> At least Wild West's mechanic has an actual fucking effect on gameplay
[11:08] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> it can be both of our faces bb ;^)
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> On the other hand, you should not convince everyone to 'join us or become them'
[11:08] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> so does the jams, by that logic @imcr8z
[11:08] <Dont let go> :^)
[11:08] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> im not really trying to do that @iynh
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh
[11:08] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: Jams do nothing but make only 1 zombie type a threat.
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> If you insult one more person over stuff like this...
[11:08] <IMCR8Z> The speed boost is tacked-on
[11:09] <Dont let go> K
[11:09] <IMCR8Z> @Mr. Boss-inator: I have only one suitable reaction:
[11:09] <Murabito> so since I just bought csd
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Why the heck do you keep wanting to do this so badly not rfm
[11:09] <Dont let go> Hi
[11:09] <Murabito> ill go on and blabber about its usefulness
[11:09] <Murabito> imp defense
[11:09] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> it just annoys me that imcr8z has to go on this rant when i/other people post/say something that he doesn't like @iynh
[11:09] <Murabito> op in cc
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> You keep wanting to bring this up
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> You did it yesterday
[11:10] <Murabito> slow
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> You did it the day before that
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Every single day
[11:10] <IMCR8Z> -_- -_- -_- 
[11:10] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> wait are you talking about me?
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Not rfm
[11:10] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> ohk
[11:10] <Mr. Boss-inator> You don't check the game and already think it is crap, you didn't read my text, but you say I am wrong.
[11:11] <IMCR8Z> @Boss-inator: Because it's a lousy copy/paste job
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> It's like you are bringing it up just to start a fight
[11:11] <Dont let go> Hi RFM
[11:11] <Murabito> notrfm every day:
[11:11] <Murabito> -_- 
[11:11] <Murabito> k
[11:11] <Murabito> howdy
[11:11] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> -__________-
[11:11] <Murabito> nao wat
[11:11] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> dont forget that
[11:11] <IMCR8Z> Shut up @Mura
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> 'Nmt sux'
[11:11] <Murabito> um okay
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> You forgot it
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> And 'yuri shipping'
[11:11] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> pvz memes
[11:12] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> like (peashooter) <text here> (peashooter) 
[11:12] <IMCR8Z> Shut up guys
[11:12] <Mr. Boss-inator> What is copy/paste job? My text? Where could I copy it if this is first f*cking time I see someone who calls the game crap without f*cking looking at it???
[11:12] <Murabito> a colon after @name
[11:12] <Murabito> (troll) 
[11:12] <Dont let go> Ok RFM
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> How about we do this every day?
[11:12] <IMCR8Z> -_- 
[11:12] <Murabito> breathe
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Would you feel happy?
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Not rfm
[11:13] <Mr. Boss-inator> Games must not be judged by graphics
[11:13] <Dont let go> Mura
[11:13] <Murabito> wat
[11:13] <Mr. Boss-inator> Why do I continue this?
[11:13] <IMCR8Z> @Boss: I'm not just judging it by graphics, the game's just a generic RPG.
[11:13] <INFINITEE> i hate turn based games
[11:13] <Murabito> "undertale sux"
[11:13] <Mr. Boss-inator> it is NOT generic
[11:13] <Dont let go> Is it ok i can mention NSFW
[11:13] <IMCR8Z> But you can go through peacefully, which somehow makes it unique./
[11:13] <Cavia porcellus> Rfm repeats what he says every day? Shocking!
[11:13] <Dont let go> MURA
[11:13] <Murabito> wat
[11:13] <Dont let go> Oops
[11:14] <Murabito> nsfw is okay since this wiki isn't 10+
[11:14] <Dont let go> Is it ok I can say NSFW
[11:14] <Murabito> just not pornography
[11:14] <Dont let go> OK
[11:14] <INFINITEE> i hate rpgs
[11:14] <Mr. Boss-inator> This game is about teaching you, try to do genocide run without feeling bad. If you don't, you're heartless as Chara.
[11:14] <Murabito> frisk x chara
[11:14] <Dont let go> Goatse (troll) . 
[11:15] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> imcr8z thinks that consequences in games are a bad thing apparently @mr bossinator
[11:15] <INFINITEE> especially those to be the main point is turn based battles/choose a option bullshit
[11:15] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> like, thats a stupid thing to hate on
[11:15] <Dont let go> Bye
[11:15] <Murabito> i love turn based rpgs
[11:15] <Mr. Boss-inator> Trying to tell him something is pointless
[11:15] <Murabito> and that's why I don't like ff
[11:16] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: Yes it is, the game basically says "fuck you" for not playing how the dev forces you to. In a game about making choices. What the fuck?
[11:16] <Mr. Boss-inator> He just doesn't understand the point of the game
[11:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[11:16] <Insert Your Name Here> I do like the story
[11:16] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> well you can play the game however you feel like @imcr8z
[11:16] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> nothings holding you back from mass genocide like in traditional rpg games ;^)
[11:16] <IMCR8Z> -_- 
[11:16] <Insert Your Name Here> I have serious issue about how the bullet hell section doesn't mesh well with the rpg section
[11:17] <Murabito> setting [[]]-_- as my new ping
[11:17] <IMCR8Z> @Insert: It's deep...if you're like 10 years old
[11:17] <Mr. Boss-inator> I understand this like this: EVERY GEM IZ STOOPID CUZ I CANNOT LET ENEMIZ KILL ME CUZ DEVZ WANT ME TO AVOID ZEM
[11:17] <Insert Your Name Here> And you just tell me that I'm 10 year old...
[11:17] <IMCR8Z> (facepalm) 
[11:17] <Murabito> and [[]](facepalm)
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Tbh I don't like rpg with too much random factor
[11:18] <Murabito> play earthbound
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Aka 'interactive' stuff
[11:18] <Murabito> don't buy yoyos
[11:18] <Murabito> don't use the casey bat
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> The gunblade minifrit thing in ff8 already drive me insane
[11:18] <ErnestoAM>
[11:18] <ErnestoAM> Obviously I will do this
[11:18] <Mr. Boss-inator> IMCR8Z is just a dude that doesn't like easter eggs
[11:19] <IMCR8Z> (facedesk) 
[11:20] <Murabito> thanks for lwtting me know what i should set as my pingphrases
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> The problem is that if you do bullet hell well, lvl and stats are not that relevang
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> The game even discourages you from earning lvl
[11:20] <Cavia porcellus> I get pinged whenever someone mentions Frostbite Caves or Excavator.
[11:20] <Mr. Boss-inator> IMC, tell me again why you hate this game, one by one
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> By saying it's evil and detrimental to your ever so glorious pacifist game
[11:21] <Mr. Boss-inator> one reason by one*
[11:21] <IMCR8Z> @Mura: [bleep] off.
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> Thank you
[11:21] <ErnestoAM> Frostbite Caves or Excavator
[11:21] <Murabito> um
[11:21] <Murabito> bleep too?
[11:21] <Cavia porcellus> Ping triggers me!
[11:21] <Brainulator9> I get pinged whenever someone says: brain, bul, gary, b9, zelo, ping
[11:22] <Cavia porcellus> (oh) 
[11:22] <INFINITEE> brain\
[11:22] <Murabito> (troll) 
[11:22] <ErnestoAM> Frostbite Caves
[11:22] <ErnestoAM> Excavator
[11:22] <Insert Your Name Here> So if you are doing pacifist
[11:22] <Brainulator9> Xbox turn off.
[11:22] <ErnestoAM> :P 
[11:22] <Insert Your Name Here> You are not playing a rpg, you are just playing a bullet hell plus text based adventure thingy
[11:22] <Murabito> my pings have (ankylosaurus) 
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> I'm sick and tired of you bullying me just for repeating myself. So what, most of you guys say the same shit every time in chat, big fucking deal.
[11:23] <INFINITEE> 8-bit hipster game
[11:23] <Murabito> what
[11:23] <Murabito> teasing =/= bullying
[11:23] <Brainulator9> ^
[11:23] <Brainulator9> (bully) 
[11:23] <Murabito> learnthedifference
[11:23] <Brainulator9> #
[11:23] <Murabito> jurassicbulky9
[11:23] <Murabito> *bully
[11:23] <Murabito> (troll) 
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> It's no longer funny.
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> It never was funny.
[11:23] <Murabito> k
[11:24] <INFINITEE> also why is everyone signing up for mods...
[11:24] <Insert Your Name Here> At least in more traditional stealth game where you want to be merciful
[11:24] <Murabito> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">power hungry</span>
[11:24] <Murabito> they want to help the wiki
[11:24] <Insert Your Name Here> You still need all that stats to shoot the guy with a tranquilizer
[11:24] <INFINITEE> you can already help the wiki as a normal user
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Tomorrow is xcom2 btw
[11:25] <INFINITEE> wtf is a xcom2
[11:26] <INFINITEE> is that some new trending game thing
[11:26] <Mr. Boss-inator> I'm done with this, it is impossible. IMCR8Z just doesn't want to listen. Like how Russians don't want to believe that Ukraine doesn't raid Russia, but vise versa.
[11:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Ever tried google?
[11:26] <Murabito> cat
[11:26] <INFINITEE> Mr. Boss its a opinion you take it too seriously...
[11:26] <Murabito> ahem
[11:26] <ErnestoAM> Frostbite Caves is fun, especially with Excavator.
[11:26] <ErnestoAM> :P 
[11:26] <INFINITEE> dont want to use google i might get porn
[11:26] <IMCR8Z> Since Super Brainz was genetically altered by Dr. Zomboss according to his stickerbook entry, I wonder if (octo zombie) and the other zombies with his body type in PvZ 2 are genetically modified zombies, too, since Super Brainz has a sorta similar body shape to those zombies.
[11:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Juat do it
[11:26] <Murabito> cavia is triggered
[11:26] <Cavia porcellus> That was very predictable.
[11:27] <ErnestoAM> :P 
[11:27] <INFINITEE> but (octozombie) have super powers?
[11:27] <INFINITEE> can fly?
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Guess I'll be wasting a few more days on xcom2
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Doing characters and stuff
[11:28] <IMCR8Z> @INFIN: His genetic altering was probably botched.
[11:28] <Insert Your Name Here> And wrecking aliens
[11:28] <INFINITEE> tell me what xcom2 is i dont want to google search it i might get porn, the trending things always have porn and shitty fanbases
[11:28] <IMCR8Z> Although the muscular zombies in PvZ 2 do seem to have super powers of sorts, now that you've mentioned it.
[11:28] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a turn based game
[11:28] <MyNameIsMyName> Back
[11:29] <Insert Your Name Here> About humans shooting aliens and they shoot back
[11:29] <IMCR8Z> (octo zombie) is able to throw an octopus to trap a plant from the other side of the lawn.
[11:29] <IMCR8Z> (troglobite) can push 3 ice blocks containing Yeti Imps at a time.
[11:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Aliens took over earth and you have to take it back
[11:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Also, it's quite hard
[11:29] <IMCR8Z> (arcade zombie) can somehow create 8-bit zombies from his machine without actually playing the game.
[11:30] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> what makes you think you have to play the game to make zombies?
[11:30] <Insert Your Name Here> I played xcom multiple times and loved it
[11:30] <IMCR8Z> And (jurassic bully) has an immunity to Primal Peashooter's knockback
[11:30] <INFINITEE> how come RPGs become constantly talked about even though they always have the same gameplay?
[11:30] <Murabito> humans shooting aliens??
[11:30] <INFINITEE> click option watch what happens
[11:30] <Insert Your Name Here> With guns
[11:30] <Murabito> sounds like pvz1's concept
[11:30] <INFINITEE> plants shooting aliens
[11:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Not delicious vegetables
[11:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Or tickling them
[11:31] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: I meant as in Arcade Zombie doesn't play his arcade cabinet, which in theory should be the way he's suppose to spawn zombies following "8-bit freaks coming out of a screen" logic
[11:31] <Murabito> plants are basically turrets
[11:31] <Cavia porcellus> I wonder if PopCap is still considering a PvZ card-collecting game. I flat out said no to it in a survey two yeard ago, but it could actually be pretty good.
[11:31] <Cavia porcellus> *years
[11:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Granted, if it was undertale we would dodge all the bullets and have a tea party with the aliens or something
[11:32] <Insert Your Name Here> That could be a cool idea for the sequel
[11:32] <IMCR8Z> You just started it again...
[11:32] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> started what
[11:32] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> what did he start
[11:33] <IMCR8Z> The Underfail
[11:33] <INFINITEE> undertale is a acid trip and very unlikable and forgettable characters.
[11:33] <Insert Your Name Here> But nope this is xcom, this is a man's game, we shoot the aliens with plasma weapons and cut their corpses up for science
[11:33] <Cavia porcellus> Here we go again. Well, I tried to start a sensible conversation.
[11:33] <IMCR8Z> ^ @INFIN
[11:33] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> jfc guys he just mentioned undertale
[11:33] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> like, damn
[11:33] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> calm yourself
[11:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Science that allows us to build even more killy stuff
[11:33] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> no need to get defensive because he mentions something you dont like
[11:33] <Insert Your Name Here> And it's awesome
[11:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Let me start... uhh nmt rox yuri shipping outdated your rfm blahblah
[11:35] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> -_- 
[11:35] <IMCR8Z> ENOUGH!
[11:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyway
[11:35] <Mr. Boss-inator> #rage_quit_cuz_this_is_war_of_opinions
[11:35] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> :^)
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> oh my
[11:35] <Insert Your Name Here> The game is hard because your rookies are awful
[11:35] <Mr. Boss-inator> :^)
[11:36] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> why, imcr8z :^(
[11:36] <Insert Your Name Here> They have the same stats as the weakest aliens
[11:36] <Insert Your Name Here> The first map has 4 of you and 10 of them
[11:36] <INFINITEE> don't annoy him
[11:36] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> or else what
[11:36] <INFINITEE> thats just gonna make things worse
[11:36] <Murabito> um
[11:36] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: Get kicked.
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> I guess I chose the wrong time to be on chat
[11:37] <Cavia porcellus> Get kikt?
[11:37] <Murabito> how is {{upcoming}} and {{unreleased}} different
[11:37] <Murabito> @mordy but...
[11:37] <Murabito> me...
[11:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Upcoming could be announced or somwthing
[11:37] <INFINITEE> upcoming means it will be released in future, unreleased means... uh
[11:37] <INFINITEE> same thing?
[11:37] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> upcoming is for upcoming stuff, and unreleased is stuff that never made it in the final product
[11:37] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gents
[11:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Unreleased is either not in the game, but in but not announced.
[11:37] <INFINITEE> no thats unused
[11:38] <Murabito> oh
[11:38] <Cavia porcellus> It's the same thing. Protanly made Unreleased for (to me) still unknown reasons.
[11:38] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> well
[11:38] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> unreleased is for stuff like talking zombatar
[11:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Upcoming is in and announced, but nof released
[11:38] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> which was never released
[11:38] <Mr. Boss-inator> I rage quit
[11:38] <Mr. Boss-inator> bOi!
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> They are legit the same thing
[11:39] <INFINITEE> unreleased means its not released, but being released can apply to that
[11:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Just remove upcoming or something
[11:39] <Ballistic Planet> Oh
[11:39] <Ballistic Planet> I have an idea
[11:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Unreleased covers upcoming
[11:39] <Murabito> but then
[11:39] <Murabito> I like banana
[11:39] <Ballistic Planet> This probably has already been stated
[11:39] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:39] <Murabito> so I'll remove unreleased
[11:40] <Ballistic Planet> sorry if I'm ignorant as heck
[11:40] <Murabito> or merging them
[11:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Technically stuff that are upcoming are still unreleased
[11:40] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> merge em
[11:40] <Mr. Boss-inator> I rage come back being curious of replies
[11:40] <Ballistic Planet> But Unreleased is stuff in the game, just not out for the general public
[11:40] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> upcoming/unreleased
[11:40] <Mr. Boss-inator> no one replied
[11:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[11:40] <Ballistic Planet> Upcoming is tuff that's not out yet
[11:40] <Murabito> what about upcoming
[11:40] <INFINITEE> banana? you mean that ugly thing in chinese game?
[11:40] <Ballistic Planet> For example, Blooming Heart WAS unreleased
[11:40] <Ballistic Planet> but Md PArt 2 is upcoming
[11:40] <Mr. Boss-inator> I rage quit for loneliness
[11:40] <Mr. Boss-inator> o/ 
[11:40] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> "this article is about something that is unreleased or upcoming to the game, so there may be spoilers ahead"
[11:40] <Murabito> bye
[11:40] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> merge em like that
[11:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Better
[11:41] <IMCR8Z> (octo zombie) (troglobite) (arcade zombie) (jurassic bully) I have a new theory that I already kinda posted earlier: The muscular zombies from PvZ 2
[11:41] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> please dont post it again
[11:41] <Ballistic Planet> "This article is about something that is unreleased or upcoming to the game. There may be spoilers ahead"
[11:41] <Ballistic Planet> Correction
[11:41] <IMCR8Z> WHOOPS! I posted before I finished it 
[11:42] <Murabito> I read the desc for the two templates
[11:42] <Murabito> they're the same
[11:42] <Murabito> fucking
[11:42] <IMCR8Z> Let me fix that:
[11:42] <Murabito> thing
[11:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[11:42] <Insert Your Name Here> [[Ghost Pepper?diff=1052492&oldid=1046341]]
[11:42] <Cavia porcellus> Unreleased should only be used for things that never got released. Obviously, the purpose of the template and its text would be changed. The way we have it now is illogical and is one of the examples that we keep shoehorning some 'explanations' in order to avoid change.
[11:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Do we undo this?
[11:42] <IMCR8Z> (octo zombie) (troglobite) (arcade zombie) (jurassic bully) I have a new theory that I already kinda posted earlier: The muscular zombies from PvZ 2 are genetically altered by Dr. Zomboss along with Super Brainz.
[11:42] <Murabito> can zombies not have muscles
[11:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> thats not a very good theory
[11:42] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> @imcr8z
[11:42] <Insert Your Name Here> He didn't really fix the article
[11:42] <Murabito> (gargantuar) this thing looks more modded
[11:43] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> just because they look the same doesn't mean they're related/genetically altered @imcr8z
[11:43] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> it doesnt make any sense
[11:43] <Murabito> also you don't really have an argument to back your claim
[11:43] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and you have no evidence to support your theory
[11:43] <IMCR8Z> @Rx2: Still better than a shitty purgatory theory
[11:43] <Murabito> learnhowtowriteanessay101.jpg
[11:43] <Murabito> whoa
[11:44] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[11:44] <Ballistic Planet> welp
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> what purgatory theory @Imcr8z
[11:44] <Ballistic Planet> I'll just go do Pokemon things
[11:44] <Murabito> mordy pls be here w me
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> and its probably not better
[11:44] <Snapdragon717> Okie dokie then
[11:44] <Rx2MikeyWIKIA> :V
[11:44] <INFINITEE> I think hes talking about lame theory
[11:44] <Murabito> we can private msg
[11:44] <Ballistic Planet> Crayon
[11:44] <Ballistic Planet> ...
[11:45] <Murabito> also do the thing w/ primal potato and thyme warp w/o sun producing and no imitating
[11:45] <INFINITEE> The Lame Theorists
[11:45] <Murabito> best pun 10/10
[11:46] <Snapdragon717> Okay, what now?
[11:46] <INFINITEE> something
[11:47] <Snapdragon717> So, when is the soft release for MD?
[11:47] <IMCR8Z> (thyme warp) (gold leaf) (cold snapdragon) The Strategy Sucking Squad is here!
[11:47] <Murabito> k
[11:47] <INFINITEE> gold leaf sucks
[11:47] <Murabito> add (sunshroom2) 
[11:48] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent
[11:48] <Murabito> also nice alliteration
[11:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> o/ 
[11:48] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[11:48] <IMCR8Z> @Mura: At least Sun-shroom takes time to grow
[11:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> quick fun fact, another thing based on Journey to the West
[11:48] <Pumpkin Skelhead> the novel
[11:48] <INFINITEE> how do world exclusives suck away strategies?
[11:49] <Ballistic Planet> he claims Thyme Warp and Gold Leaf are "op" and suck all strategy out of the game
[11:49] <IMCR8Z> ^
[11:49] <Cavia porcellus> Lol
[11:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> well i only came to say that so bye
[11:49] <Pumpkin Skelhead> come*
[11:49] <INFINITEE> Lol gold leaf?
[11:49] <Murabito> Thyme Warp heals
[11:49] <MyNameIsMyName> gtg
[11:49] <Murabito> remove that
[11:49] <Snapdragon717> by
[11:50] <Murabito> and it's truly zero strategy
[11:50] <Cavia porcellus> I don't even use Thyme Warp unless the level forces it.
[11:50] <INFINITEE> I never use thyme warp either
[11:50] <IMCR8Z> @Mura: But it only costs 75 sun and by the time the zombies are close to the house, he should be recharged by then.
[11:50] <INFINITEE> he takes too long to recharge
[11:50] <Murabito> imitate
[11:50] <Murabito> congrats it's now 30 seconds
[11:50] <Snapdragon717> What if you have no money to buy Imitater?
[11:51] <INFINITEE> i dont got imitater i just dont want to buy him
[11:51] <Murabito> just grapeshot gargs one by one
[11:51] <Pumpkin Skelhead> Kiwi Sun Wukong is based on Journey to the West(novel) too .-.
[11:51] <Snapdragon717> (Jurassic Gargantuar) 
[11:51] <INFINITEE> grapeshot im not even going to buy
[11:51] <Murabito> imitater is a great plant
[11:51] <INFINITEE> for obvious reason
[11:51] <INFINITEE> s
[11:51] <INFINITEE> i dont need grapeshot
[11:51] <Cavia porcellus> Thyme Warp isn't a cheater's plant really. It requires strategy if you want to use it in GH.
[11:51] <Snapdragon717> does (electric Blueberry) attack randomly now?
[11:51] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[11:51] <Snapdragon717> I swear he does now
[11:51] <IMCR8Z> @Cavia: [citation needed]
[11:51] <Ballistic Planet> it always has
[11:51] <Murabito> it always did
[11:52] <INFINITEE> its funny how they release grapeshot and then next update they release a faster recharging 50 sun cherry bomb.
[11:52] <Ballistic Planet> it's just weighted now
[11:52] <Snapdragon717> I thought it targeted specific zombies first
[11:52] <Ballistic Planet> Electric Blueberry in the 3.9 update truly attacked randomly
[11:52] <Murabito> thyme warp requires strategies outside of greatest hits and nmt
[11:52] <Murabito> (troll) 
[11:52] <INFINITEE> a plant you earn in a level is better than one that is costing 6.99
[11:52] <Ballistic Planet> Now, it's weighted against gargs
[11:52] <Cavia porcellus> IMCR8Z , I cite myself like you always do.
[11:52] <Snapdragon717> Ello Gent