Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/4 July 2017

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[01:28] <VeXJL> ... nvm lol
[01:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay
[01:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Test the sun time... nvm
[01:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am out of idea with CSS
[01:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Should go and learn JavaScript :P 
[01:29] <VeXJL> Oh!
[01:29] <VeXJL> I've done quite a bit with Javascript!
[01:29] <VeXJL> [s]just the basics
[01:30] <VeXJL> But... eh...
[01:30] <VeXJL> [s]should go and learn everything
[01:30] <VeXJL> [s]test[/s]
[01:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yeah, go do that
[01:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> JavaScript is quite hard
[01:31] <VeXJL> Eh.. strikethrough's not going well for me
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> CSS is x10 times easier
[01:31] <VeXJL> How so?
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> [s] It works extremely well for me
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mmm
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay
[01:31] <VeXJL> [s]i hardly know anything about CSS
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will check the script
[01:31] <VeXJL> What script?
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Look like there is a techial update
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Chat hack lol
[01:31] <SuperGaming101> ayyt lmao sg101 appears out of nowhere
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> It enable those chat command
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No script = Good bye command
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will check the chat.js
[01:32] <VeXJL> ok
[01:32] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> lul
[01:32] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[01:32] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Found this meanwhile
[01:33] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[01:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> OH NOOOO
[01:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> MostVisitedPage extension is removed!
[01:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> NOOOOOOO FANDOM
[01:34] <VeXJL> What?
[01:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> MostVisitedPage is removed!
[01:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> DANG IT
[01:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> GOTTA CHECK
[01:34] <SuperGaming101> (Scream) 
[01:35] <VeXJL> lol I never use that but oh no i guess
[01:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> You can see who visited a page the most
[01:35] <VeXYBot> ...
[01:35] <VeXJL> did you stalk me?
[01:36] <VeXJL> Oh, VeXJL visited this page 3 times? Like that?
[01:36] <VeXJL> idk what it is tbh
[01:37] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yeah
[01:37] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That's why I am panicking
[01:37] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mmm..
[01:37] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>,_2017
[01:37] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> - They are aware of the chat bugs and are working on fixes for those.
[01:37] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> - They recently DELetedremoved a bunch of extensions; the list of them is on If you see some of these removals actually affecting anything, it's a bug.
[01:37] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> - Kocka
[01:37] <VeXJL> I find it weird that the most pessimistic people are supportive of others... for some reason.
[01:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[01:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Dammit
[01:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mmm I broke the chat
[01:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> gg
[01:42] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> SUPERRACIST
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> DO 1 MORE EDIT
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> YOU ARE AT 6968 EDITS 
[01:42] <SuperGaming101> :o 
[01:42] <VeXJL> lol xd
[01:42] <SuperGaming101> why?
[01:42] <SuperGaming101> 
[01:42] <SuperGaming101> OMG
[01:43] <SuperGaming101> K GOTTA DO AN EDIT
[01:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> [[User blog:Pretty Lightningreed (PL)/C]]
[01:43] <VeXJL> [s]really though why?
[01:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Wrote this for code backup lul
[01:43] <VeXJL> ok
[01:43] <VeXJL> but why is one edit so special to superracist?
[01:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :active
[01:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :focus
[01:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :hover
[01:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :visited
[01:44] <Specialedition12> cuz 69 is cool @VeXY
[01:44] <Specialedition12> 8)
[01:44] <VeXJL> :O 
[01:46] <SuperGaming101>
[01:46] <SuperGaming101> did it :) 
[01:46] <SuperGaming101> wait i still have 6,968 edits
[01:47] <VeXJL> wow ecks dee
[01:47] <Specialedition12>
[01:47] <Specialedition12> Oh shit
[01:47] <Specialedition12> OH SHIT
[01:47] <SuperGaming101> (Scream) 
[01:49] <VeXJL> 6969 isn't that special...
[01:49] <SuperGaming101> I think it's pretty cool..
[01:50] <SuperGaming101> I took a shitload of medicine so I don't feel that sick anymore.
[01:50] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Hmm.. lemme see what is active..
[01:51] <VeXJL> @SuperRacist Cool.
[01:53] <SuperGaming101> :) 
[01:54] <SuperGaming101> I have a cold/fever, a temperature, insomnia(I think), , constant coughing, and it doesn't seem to want to goo away.. :( 
[01:54] <VeXJL> Insomnia?
[01:54] <VeXJL> Geez, SuperRacist, GET A CONTENT MOD
[01:54] <SuperGaming101> It's VERY hard to get to sleep, but I always feel tire.d
[01:54] <VeXJL> You should really rest.
[01:54] <SuperGaming101> I've tried, but everything just seems to want to interrupt. 
[01:55] <VeXJL> If it's that serious, I'll contact a continent mod to change your activity level from active to partially active/sick in the Staff page
[01:55] <SuperGaming101> I get a phone call from some girl who wanted me to buy her basketball crap when I was about to get to sleep after like 30 minutes, and then the garbage truck went by or some big vehicle, and then Mum/Mom came home/ 
[01:56] <VeXJL> Well, you're not gonna rest if you're on chat...
[01:56] <VeXJL> Please, for your own sake, take care of yourself.
[01:57] <SuperGaming101> It's okay now, but thanks for worrying. I took medicine. 
[01:57] <VeXJL> So... you're not sick?
[01:57] <VeXJL> or... sick?
[01:57] <SuperGaming101> I took a bunch of medicine so I don't feel sick for now, but that'll probably change/
[01:58] <VeXJL> Hmm
[01:58] <SuperGaming101> My Mum/Mom bought a lot of medicine for me.
[01:58] <VeXJL> What type of medicine?
[01:59] <SuperGaming101> Cold/Fever medicine, cough medicine, and Panadol.
[02:01] <VeXJL> Hi...
[02:02] <SuperGaming101> ayylo
[02:02] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mmm waiting
[02:02] <VeXJL> But uh... is the bacteria/virus/whatever all gone?
[02:02] <VeXJL> Or has the medecine just relieved the symptoms?
[02:04] <LawnDefender072003> The medicine only relieve the symptoms
[02:04] <SuperGaming101> ^
[02:04] <LawnDefender072003> Every medicine does that.
[02:04] <VeXJL> I know, but...
[02:04] <VeXJL> is it all gone?
[02:04] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Never
[02:04] <VeXJL> Oh, ok...
[02:04] <VeXJL> I've gotten a bit into medicine... :P 
[02:05] <VeXJL> I mean... not a course, but just by curiosity.
[02:05] <VeXJL> So... research!
[02:05] <VeXJL> :P 
[02:05] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> m8 you can't never cure... a virus
[02:05] <VeXJL> ...
[02:06] <VeXJL> And what do you mean by that?
[02:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That's why it come back everytime
[02:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Maybe
[02:06] <VeXJL> You have memory T cells and B cells m8
[02:07] <VeXJL> Basically, they get rid of the virus before it causes symptoms
[02:08] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> HIV attacks T cells :P 
[02:08] <VeXJL> After a virus attack (this could be bacteria or other infections), some cells kys and some stay to keep memory of the infectious virus.
[02:08] <VeXJL> HIV is a special case though.
[02:09] <LawnDefender072003>
[02:09] <LawnDefender072003> check out my fucking rap battle stuffs
[02:09] <VeXJL> Some viruses attack dendritic cells, which makes them dangerous
[02:10] <VeXJL> And when that happens, the dendritic cells are unable to activate t cells, which kills you
[02:10] <VeXJL> Blammo!
[02:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Dab..
[02:14] <VeXJL> lol k
[02:17] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ..
[02:17] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Dead though
[02:17] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> WAIT
[02:17] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I WON
[02:18] <VeXYBot> rekt no
[02:22] <DeathZombi> Hey you guuuuuuys!
[02:22] <VeXJL> Hi
[02:23] <DeathZombi> *inserts Electric Company theme*
[02:23] <Specialedition12> b
[02:23] <DeathZombi> Chillindude829?
[02:24] <Specialedition12> what
[02:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Well
[02:24] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ...
[02:24] <SuperGaming101> ayylo
[02:25] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Am I the only one who is playing Bejeweled Stars now?
[02:25] <SuperGaming101> Most likely.
[02:25] <Specialedition12> eww candy crush rip-off
[02:25] <SuperGaming101> I'm playing Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story!
[02:25] <SuperGaming101> 
[02:25] <SuperGaming101> ..All over again.
[02:25] <SuperGaming101> It's a great game, even if it's pretty old!
[02:25] <DeathZombi> Fire Emblem 7 is old
[02:25] <DeathZombi> It is still amazing
[02:26] <SuperGaming101> The only thing I wish that would be in it is that I wish Bowser Jr. was in it. He's my favorite Mario character.
[02:26] <DeathZombi> So is Chrono Trigger , Conker's Bad Fur Day and Fire Emblem: Gaiden
[02:27] <DeathZombi> Mine is T. Yoshisaur Munchakoopas
[02:27] <DeathZombi> Hey VeXY, how many Greninjas do you kill on a daily basis?
[02:27] <VeXJL> none...
[02:27] <Phantom of Ra> @PL What level are you in?
[02:28] <VeXJL> [s]i know i killed a hundred rainbow stags in animal crossing
[02:28] <DeathZombi> But you are a Charizard!
[02:28] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> About 15x
[02:28] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:28] <VeXJL> @DeathZombi I was a Pokemon fan BEFORE. Now, not so much
[02:28] <Phantom of Ra> [s] I quitted the game when I was level 48 or something
[02:28] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> The chat is bugged though
[02:28] <Phantom of Ra> yeah
[02:28] <DeathZombi> Do you get the reference?
[02:28] <Phantom of Ra> [s] no
[02:28] <VeXJL> ...
[02:28] <VeXJL> What Ra-men said
[02:28] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> It is bugged
[02:29] <DeathZombi> Charizard the Greninja slayer?
[02:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I couldn't check the HTML of your text
[02:29] <VeXJL> ...
[02:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Containing a strikethrough message
[02:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> <s> Like
[02:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I always have the Developer Tool opened
[02:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> .ChatWindow [data-user="LawnDefender072003"] .username {
[02:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> color: cyan;
[02:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> font-family: "Comic Sans MS"
[02:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> }
[02:30] <DeathZombi> I like how there are only 3 male residents in my animal crossing town.
[02:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Should be better
[02:30] <DeathZombi> Me and two animals.
[02:30] <VeXJL> :O 
[02:30] <DeathZombi> The rest are girls.
[02:30] <VeXJL> Me too.
[02:30] <Phantom of Ra> :O 
[02:30] <Phantom of Ra> [s] Rip Villager
[02:30] <DeathZombi> I want Marshal or Kid Cat/Rudy in my town
[02:30] <VeXJL> I have Monty and Boomer [s]such cuties[/s] and both are male
[02:31] <VeXJL> @DeathZombi You can check them out via hide & seek tours
[02:31] <DeathZombi> I have Lobo and Stitches
[02:31] <VeXJL> Hmm...
[02:31] <VeXJL> I don't recall them...
[02:31] <VeXJL> Ah well!
[02:31] <DeathZombi> Both have been in the town since its inception since May 23 , 2015
[02:31] <DeathZombi> Lobo is a cranky wolf
[02:31] <VeXJL> Oh.
[02:32] <DeathZombi> Stitches is a lazy cub villager who resembles a stitched teddy bear
[02:32] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I feel disgusting while seeing DZ's background
[02:32] <VeXJL> I had rumours of Jeremiah planning to move out just before his birthday...
[02:32] <DeathZombi> Why PL?
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Idk, Imma gonna disabled it, maybe too high quality
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And... girl..
[02:33] <DeathZombi> Disable my background?
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And another problem: Your text is white -_- 
[02:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Why not
[02:34] <DeathZombi> Well gimme a color where I can see my text in the background
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Personal <(
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 0
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I can do anything lul
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay come on
[02:34] <DeathZombi> Are you disabling on your end or all throughout chat?
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will learn JavaScript
[02:34] <DeathZombi> Aka I cannot see it
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will upload my chat
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> You can't see anything on mine
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Even the sun
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And the scrollbar...
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Just like Drek 's
[02:34] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[02:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I think that only 3 people on this wiki has a real personal customization
[02:35] <Phantom of Ra> [s] me?
[02:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mmm...
[02:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I think..
[02:36] <VeXJL> Your background... PL...
[02:36] <DeathZombi> PL, go play Gaiden.
[02:36] <DeathZombi> Gaiden is the best game of all time.
[02:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> A real personal CSS customize everything lul
[02:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I prefer learning
[02:36] <VeXJL> [s]no FE7 is
[02:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> :/ 
[02:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That is why I am on the way being a CSS maniac like Drek and UG
[02:37] <DeathZombi> FE7 remake will make me cream my pants.
[02:37] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> [s] Yours is still short
[02:37] <DeathZombi> Or an Eternal Sonata remaster
[02:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will need those skills for Developer WIki
[02:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> So.. don't lure me into any games, you are hopeless :P 
[02:38] <VeXJL> :O 
[02:39] <DeathZombi> Less of hopeness
[02:39] <DeathZombi> Hector is fucking amazing
[02:39] <Phantom of Ra> [s] Vector... eh...
[02:39] <DeathZombi> Hector, Marquess of Ostia
[02:40] <Specialedition12> [s]test
[02:40] <VeXJL> Wow, Ra-men
[02:40] <Specialedition12> [u]test
[02:40] <Specialedition12> [i]even more test\
[02:40] <VeXJL> @DeathZombi Hector in which game?
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> You can't do it
[02:40] <VeXJL> Hmm...
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Looks like the chat is bugged
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Read this
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I posted the link earlier but maybe no one read it
[02:40] <VeXJL> [yt="SxNcKXjfaQo"]
[02:40] <VeXJL> Aww...
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Oops
[02:40] <DeathZombi> FE7 Hector
[02:40] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Wrong link
[02:41] <DeathZombi> I love Undertale but....
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>,_2017
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> - They are aware of the chat bugs and are working on fixes for those.
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> - They recently DELetedremoved a bunch of extensions; the list of them is on If you see some of these removals actually affecting anything, it's a bug.
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> HYPERLUL1
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 😂2
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> There
[02:41] <DeathZombi> Fuck the Fandom
[02:41] <VeXJL> @DeathZombi lol ikr?
[02:41] <DeathZombi> Same goes to SU
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> SU?
[02:41] <VeXJL> Yeah...
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> It's quite a good wiki
[02:41] <VeXJL> Steven universe
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> In my opinion
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I know
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> The film heads to LBGT
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I don't show any hater or... love
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That's
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Netural
[02:41] <DeathZombi> . This place is worse than 4chan
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Better than
[02:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> hating
[02:42] <VeXJL> I had a chat with some people from Amazing Gumball wiki, and they had some SU fans bust in and ruin the wiki...
[02:42] <VeXJL> Really though... you haven't seen any of the SU fandom...
[02:42] <VeXJL> I appreciate the music of Undertale though.
[02:43] <DeathZombi> Then again, 4chan has a rule where insulting Carl Sagan or Fred Rogers gets you an instant permaban
[02:43] <DeathZombi> And if you dare abuse your cat
[02:43] <DeathZombi> Your life will be ruined
[02:43] <VeXJL> I don't go on 4chan thankfully
[02:43] <Phantom of Ra> well
[02:43] <Phantom of Ra> SU FB also refers to Gumball wiki as
[02:43] <DeathZombi> Its all suffering and hating until a cat gets abused on 4chan
[02:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I like their mainpage obviously
[02:43] <Phantom of Ra> "something wrong is going with the wiki today"
[02:43] <Phantom of Ra> @PL Well, yeah
[02:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (indeed) 
[02:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> LOL
[02:44] <Phantom of Ra> Ours is normal, but still better than so many wikis
[02:44] <DeathZombi> Anyone like Rick and Morty?
[02:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I found the emoticon file on this wiki
[02:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> XD
[02:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (cornpult_butter)
[02:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (unbuntu)
[02:44] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Oh please...
[02:45] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> $1 зняў правы мадэратара чату з $2 на гэтай вікі
[02:45] <VeXJL> ...
[02:45] <DeathZombi> "You guys are the fucking worst! Your gods are a lie! Fuck you! Fuck nature! Fuck trees." . My favorite Rick and Morty line
[02:45] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Got this from the GetChatMod button
[02:45] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (oh) 
[02:46] <DeathZombi> I don't understand Russian.
[02:46] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I know
[02:46] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> It is in the Wiki's code (oh) 
[02:46] <DeathZombi> I need Vodka and Borscht and Perogis 
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I don't even need skill, I can still translate it
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (oh) 
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Thanks for leaving us the dev tool (oh) 
[02:47] <VeXJL> Stop spamming the (oh) 
[02:47] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> It is funny (oh) 
[02:47] <VeXJL> -_- 
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Talking about emote
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am out of word with Phan's avatar
[02:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[02:49] <Specialedition12> oh shit
[02:49] <Specialedition12> that babe look hot
[02:49] <Specialedition12> 8)
[02:49] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:49] <Phantom of Ra> [s] That was just a test
[02:50] <Phantom of Ra> [s] And too lazy to change bak
[02:50] <VeXJL> lol ok
[02:50] <Phantom of Ra> [s] Yknow that I dont like anime avatars cuz I dont feel like myself with it rite
[02:50] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> My fear is here..
[02:50] <Phantom of Ra> Sup Marc
[02:50] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:50] <VeXJL> ^
[02:50] <Marcia Aeris> I'm in SCHOOL!
[02:50] <Marcia Aeris> Hehehehe
[02:50] <Phantom of Ra> ...
[02:51] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[02:51] <VeXJL> What happened to your chat tag? (think) 
[02:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Oh
[02:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will check
[02:51] <Marcia Aeris> Got rid of it.
[02:51] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> She removed it
[02:52] <VeXJL> Why?
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> .ChatWindow [data-user="Marcia Aeris"] .username:before{
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> content: "SoaringSprocket";
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> color: #082567;
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> font-family: Corsiva;
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> font-size:15pt;
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> }
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> .ChatWindow [data-user="Marcia Aeris"] .username{
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> font-family: Corsiva;
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Color: #082567;
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> font-size:0pt;
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> border-radius: 0px;
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> text-shadow:0 0 0px;
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> }
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Here is her chat data
[02:52] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No more chat tags
[02:54] <VeXYBot> (clap) you killed chat PL
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Colouratura - Today at 9:48 AM
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Downloaded all of the SU wiki logs
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ~175mb
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Now to normalize them
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Because they used 3 different formats
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> like wtf
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Another reason to hate SU wikio
[02:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> (oh) 
[02:54] <Marcia Aeris> I'm forced to write a song about men.
[02:55] <VeXJL> ? That's weird, Marc.
[02:55] <VeXJL> But I won't question or press on it.
[02:55] <Phantom of Ra> weird
[02:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> [s] Write about me and how sucks am I kthx
[02:56] <Marcia Aeris> Apparently women have a degree on seduction and they're all the same or else they're a man.
[02:56] <VeXJL> ...
[02:56] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No
[02:56] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am saying it for real
[02:56] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Write how sucks am I
[02:57] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That is the easiest 
[02:57] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> It is easy
[02:57] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Everyone can do it
[02:57] <Marcia Aeris> No... you have to write about a retarded stereotpye.
[02:57] <ShroomstagramUser> Hola wiki amigos
[02:57] <Marcia Aeris> I don't want it to be directly against someone.
[02:57] <Marcia Aeris> Hello.
[02:57] <ShroomstagramUser> Fuck Fidget Spinners
[02:57] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Against me?
[02:57] <Marcia Aeris> Not even you...
[02:57] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Have you ever seen I use the word "against" (oh) 
[02:57] <VeXJL> True fact: Forumers from the Roleplay branch blind-support promotion threads of other forumers from the roleplay branch.
[02:58] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> True fact:
[02:58] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> The wiki will be panicking when the forums first get removed
[02:58] <ShroomstagramUser> lol, like that will ever happen
[02:58] <VeXJL> [s]at least it gets rid of the roleplay and fun and games branches
[02:58] <ShroomstagramUser> The forums are how we promote people
[02:59] <Marcia Aeris> You can't even pin ANYTHING in Discussions!
[02:59] <VeXJL> Some wikis just have b-crats decide whether or not you're worthy of the position.
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No more template
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ggwp
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Hehe
[02:59] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I will try asking the dev for some scripts
[02:59] <ShroomstagramUser> @Vex that's a broken system, tbh
[02:59] <VeXJL> lol true
[03:00] <Marcia Aeris> What I have at mind: At least 60% of admins and bureaucrats should support when someone new runs for admin.
[03:00] <VeXJL> What?
[03:00] <VeXJL> Define "new"
[03:00] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> My mind: We should have 2 types of admin
[03:00] <ShroomstagramUser> Isn't that already law?
[03:00] <Marcia Aeris> Anyone running for admin.
[03:00] <VeXJL> Oh, why though?
[03:01] <VeXJL> Most of the admins are inactive lol xd
[03:01] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mmm yep
[03:01] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> The only full-skilled admin remaining is Phan.. but he is quite bad in behavior
[03:01] <ShroomstagramUser> BF10 , me, Marcia, Nick, and Phantom are the most active, imo
[03:01] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> The rest only good at some parts, not all
[03:01] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Andddd: No one is perfect..
[03:01] <VeXJL> wait I forgot about Nick XD
[03:01] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I forgot.
[03:02] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Nick: Mainspace admin
[03:02] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Drek : Code admin
[03:02] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Better be like that
[03:03] <ShroomstagramUser> I'm a fucking angel, most of the time
[03:03] <ShroomstagramUser> And I'm trying to edit everyday
[03:03] <ShroomstagramUser> and I'm learning about maintenance template
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Shroomstagram: Mmm mainspace admin
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Marc is mainspace admin
[03:03] <ShroomstagramUser> Why mainspace?
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> In my opinion too
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Have
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> you
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ever
[03:03] <ShroomstagramUser> I'm on forums, too
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> touch
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> the code?
[03:03] <ShroomstagramUser> Me, yes
[03:03] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> What do you do (oh) 
[03:04] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Can you be like Drek ? (oh) 
[03:04] <ShroomstagramUser> I gave all the set 2 stuff hyperlink colors
[03:04] <VeXJL> ...
[03:04] <Marcia Aeris> Drek is a different case.
[03:04] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Is that even related to MediaWiki ;-;
[03:04] <ShroomstagramUser> Idk
[03:04] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> THEN NU
[03:04] <Marcia Aeris> It is.
[03:04] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> MediaWiki, you know what?
[03:04] <ShroomstagramUser> Yes
[03:04] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Giving hyperlink color (from red to blue) is HTML
[03:04] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> If anyother then yes
[03:04] <ShroomstagramUser> I've done a couple things with MediaWiki
[03:05] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> [s] LOL
[03:05] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay wait
[03:05] <VeXJL> idk much about MediaWiki. I'll make such a GREAT content mod (sarcasm)
[03:05] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am asking about the ChatTags
[03:05] <Marcia Aeris> HAHAHAHA, my classmates have to memorize so many things in ACP!
[03:05] <Marcia Aeris> They're even forced to write in ALL CAPS!
[03:05] <VeXJL> ...
[03:05] <Marcia Aeris> I shouldn't be laughing, it's genuinely depressing.
[03:06] <VeXJL> what are you talking about Marc
[03:06] <Marcia Aeris> Any erasure? DEMERITS
[03:06] <Marcia Aeris> Don't memorize? Demerits.
[03:06] <VeXJL> Uh...
[03:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> @Phan
[03:06] <Marcia Aeris> It's Military crap.
[03:06] <ShroomstagramUser> At least with ROTC, a military program in American schools, I chose to be in it
[03:06] <VeXJL> [s]backs away slowly
[03:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Check the importer of ChatTags
[03:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That is causing the command trouble
[03:06] <Marcia Aeris> Apparently there's forced ROTC at some point, but not for all schools.
[03:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> PHAN
[03:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> JUMP IN
[03:06] <VeXJL> hmm
[03:06] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I CAN'T DO IT
[03:07] <ShroomstagramUser> My school didn't have forced ROTC
[03:07] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That's why I said no rights no life
[03:07] <ShroomstagramUser> I chose to join next year
[03:07] <Marcia Aeris> Man is DepEd retarded.
[03:07] <ShroomstagramUser> And I'm preparing by hitting the gym
[03:07] <ShroomstagramUser> How many of us users go to the gym? just curious
[03:08] <Marcia Aeris> I can't even open some bottles.
[03:08] <VeXJL> [s]a lot of us sit and stare at a screen if you're curious
[03:08] <ShroomstagramUser> I used to be like that, too
[03:08] <Phantom of Ra> back
[03:08] <Marcia Aeris> I don't want forced military. ;-;
[03:08] <Phantom of Ra> what did u say PL?
[03:08] <ShroomstagramUser> But no one, and I mean NO ONE can open a fucking pickle jar
[03:08] <Marcia Aeris> Well, forced military training
[03:08] <VeXJL> A pickle jar?
[03:09] <ShroomstagramUser> Yee
[03:09] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Both of you have rights
[03:09] <ShroomstagramUser> Yes, and?
[03:09] <Marcia Aeris> Now what?
[03:09] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Jump in and check how the ChatTags is imported
[03:09] <ShroomstagramUser> Why?
[03:09] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That's causing the command trouble
[03:09] <Marcia Aeris> How?
[03:09] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Why we can't use [s]
[03:10] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[03:10] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> [s] Nothing
[03:10] <Phantom of Ra> MediaWiki:Common.js
[03:11] <ShroomstagramUser> @Marcia pm
[03:11] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay
[03:11] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I found out why
[03:11] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[03:12] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Reimport it, someone?
[03:12] <Marcia Aeris> How...?
[03:12] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> *import sigh here
[03:13] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> importScriptPage("ChatTags/code.js", "dev");
[03:13] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> LOL REALLY
[03:13] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay
[03:13] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Go on MediaWiki:Chat.js
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> If you find the importer
[03:14] <ShroomstagramUser> uuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh
[03:14] <VeXJL> The stretch limit is 6, amirite?
[03:14] <ShroomstagramUser> sorry, geez
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> importArticles({
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> type: 'script',
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> articles: [
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:dev:ChatOptions/code.js',
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:kocka:MediaWiki:Emoticons.js',
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:dev:ChatBlockButton/code.2.js',
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> //'u:dev:ChatRefresh/code.js',
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:dev:GiveChatModPrompt/code.js',
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:dev:ChatTags/code.js'
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ]
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> });
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Maybe
[03:14] <VeXJL> lol xd
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Colour, test it
[03:14] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> [[MediaWiki:Chat.js]]
[03:15] <VeXJL> Just a friendly reminder. :P 
[03:15] <Colouratura> [s]Hello[/s]
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> There ;-;
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> var chatags = { videos: true };
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> importScriptPage("ChatTags/code.js", "dev");
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> // Chat notifications; chat moderators and above 
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> importScriptPage('ChatAnnouncements/code.js','dev');
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> importArticles({
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> type: 'script',
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> articles: [
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:dev:ChatOptions/code.js',
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:kocka:MediaWiki:Emoticons.js',
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:dev:ChatBlockButton/code.2.js',
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> //'u:dev:ChatRefresh/code.js',
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> 'u:dev:GiveChatModPrompt/code.js',
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> ]
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> });
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Maybe this...
[03:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I think
[03:15] <Colouratura> [s]hello[/s]
[03:15] <Colouratura> Guys
[03:16] <Colouratura> The script
[03:16] <DeathZombi> I'm back
[03:16] <Colouratura> Is not on DEV wiki 
[03:16] <Colouratura> It's on MY wiki :P 
[03:16] <DeathZombi> Hello Marcia.
[03:16] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> When did you move it lol
[03:16] <DeathZombi> Hello Disgust.
[03:16] <Colouratura> importScriptPage( 'MediaWiki:ChatTags/code.js', 'shining-armor' );
[03:16] <Colouratura> Like, years ago
[03:16] <Colouratura> It's been on my wiki for years 
[03:16] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And it only stopped working since yesterday?
[03:17] <Colouratura> They deleted the buffer import
[03:17] <Colouratura> Because the script on dev just imported it from my wiki 
[03:17] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> LOL I said it is by the Technial Update XD
[03:17] <Colouratura> It was there for legacy support 
[03:17] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Then, no multiple importing.. I knew that I was right
[03:18] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I have to read the blog again ;-;
[03:18] <Colouratura> And since literally 2 years have passed it was deleted 
[03:18] <Phantom of Ra> Test
[03:18] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Not yet Phan
[03:18] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Also.. need reviewing lol
[03:18] <Phantom of Ra> yea
[03:18] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Why do you even import it from dev wiki from the first place
[03:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And after the technial update it went wrong
[03:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Boom
[03:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Thanks Colour :P 
[03:19] <Colouratura> Importing from dev was the correct way 
[03:19] <DeathZombi> Brits
[03:19] <Colouratura> 2 years ago 
[03:19] <Colouratura> Now it is not 
[03:19] <Phantom of Ra> lololol
[03:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Thanks to the DEL :D 
[03:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> DEL DEL DEL
[03:20] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yeah, "DEL"
[03:20] <Colouratura> DEL didnt change it
[03:20] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> So who.. I thought... mkay..
[03:20] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Who changed it?
[03:20] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> *immediately read the blog again
[03:21] <Colouratura> No one 
[03:21] <VeXJL> Uh... would you mind taking this in PM?
[03:21] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> How did it break then...
[03:21] <Colouratura> Your import was just never correct 
[03:21] <Colouratura> :P 
[03:22] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That irony :p 
[03:22] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Thanks :p 
[03:24] <VeXJL> Hello, again.
[03:24] <DeathZombi> What a shocking death!
[03:25] <Phantom of Ra> [s] Death Zombi
[03:25] <VeXJL> lol
[03:28] <DeathZombi> Zombies eat ghosts apparently
[03:28] <VeXJL> hmm
[03:29] <Merely 1x1x1x> do somebody know an example of an gradient name CSS?
[03:35] <Merely 1x1x1x> kek
[03:46] <Specialedition12> VeXY but there's only his bot (think) 
[03:46] <VeXYBot> ...
[03:47] <SuperGaming101> vexybot you're a n00b :P 
[04:58] <VeXYBot> Marc?
[05:14] <VeXYBot> Sigh.
[05:15] <VeXYBot> I found a really bad-quality editor...
[05:16] <VeXYBot> A really childish one at that.
[05:16] <VeXYBot> [[Special:Contributions/DJViridian]]
[05:53] <VeXYBot> SuperRacist?
[05:53] <VeXYBot> U there?
[05:53] <VeXYBot> [[Thread:1028866#17]]
[05:53] <SuperGaming101> I surely am there.
[05:53] <VeXYBot> idk what to do with that.
[05:53] <VeXYBot> Disqualify?
[05:53] <SuperGaming101> Disqualify.
[05:53] <SuperGaming101> I think.
[05:54] <VeXYBot> You think?
[05:54] <SuperGaming101> He should have done Neutral.
[05:54] <SuperGaming101> Maybe.. (think) 
[05:54] <VeXYBot> Mmm...
[05:54] <VeXYBot> He's asking a question, I think?
[05:54] <VeXYBot> (thonk) 
[05:54] <SuperGaming101> Well, he seems to not know what's he talking about and blindly voting to me.
[05:55] <VeXYBot> He's not trying to vote IMO.
[05:55] <VeXYBot> I'll remove the template, but keep the reply.
[05:55] <VeXYBot> Or...
[05:55] <VeXYBot> Yeah idk what
[05:55] <VeXYBot> You're welcome to do something with it.
[05:55] <VeXYBot> Or actually...
[05:56] <VeXYBot> nvm
[05:56] <VeXYBot> I removed it.
[05:56] <SuperGaming101> k
[05:57] <VeXYBot> :P 
[05:57] <VeXYBot> [s]idk why I'm using my bot to chat
[05:59] <SuperGaming101> 'Believe it or not, many of our favorite fruit and vegestables would not be here today without bees.' i'm 13 wtf is this show on abc3
[05:59] <SuperGaming101> aka abc me now
[05:59] <SuperGaming101> that channel is cancer
[05:59] <SuperGaming101> my mum/mom always just puts it on
[05:59] <VeXYBot> ok...
[05:59] <VeXYBot> Wait a sec...
[06:00] <VeXYBot> That reminded me of something.
[06:00] <SuperGaming101> ?
[06:01] <VeXYBot>
[06:02] <VeXYBot> Oh, and spoiler warning if you watch the conversation after the vegetable part.
[06:02] <SuperGaming101> ayy lmao
[06:02] <SuperGaming101> what is this i am watching right now
[06:02] <SuperGaming101> 
[06:03] <SuperGaming101> ayylo
[06:03] <VeXYBot> Oh, I've been looking at the game. :P 
[06:03] <SuperGaming101> is that memey mod?
[06:03] <VeXYBot> and since you were talking about fruits and vegetables...
[06:03] <VeXYBot> [s]it was a really funny scene followed by a really emotional scene
[06:04] <VeXYBot> Ah... the confusion of tomatoes...
[06:04] <Marcia Aeris> Sorry for being gone...
[06:04] <VeXYBot> Oh hi Marc.
[06:04] <Marcia Aeris> Also my classmates now have to memorize like 7 pages of paper in one week.
[06:04] <SuperGaming101> pretty trippy game..
[06:05] <VeXYBot> @SuperRacist ikr? It has amazing voice acting
[06:05] <VeXYBot> @Marc So... 1 page a day, if you distribute properly.
[06:05] <SuperGaming101> Hell yeah, now I can use my shell in M&L BIS.
[06:06] <VeXYBot> M&L BIS?
[06:06] <SuperGaming101> Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story.
[06:06] <VeXYBot> Ok.
[06:06] <VeXYBot> Wait when's your birthday SuperRacist?
[06:06] <Marcia Aeris> Some are back to back.
[06:07] <SuperGaming101> Now, it may be Mayro, but it is acutally quite a serious, but very fun Mario RPG game to play, maybe even the best Mario and Luigi RPG game out there.
[06:07] <SuperGaming101> It's on June 6th.
[06:07] <VeXYBot> Oh
[06:07] <SuperGaming101> 6/6 :P 
[06:07] <VeXYBot> But, if you're 13 now...
[06:07] <Marcia Aeris> You have to memorize all the officers' names, even their middle initial and rank. Like Cadet/Major and Cadet/Lieutenant
[06:07] <VeXYBot> Then you...
[06:07] <SuperGaming101> ?
[06:07] <VeXYBot> I must be being really trippy
[06:07] <VeXYBot> :P 
[06:08] <SuperGaming101> ¯\_ツ_/¯'
[06:08] <VeXYBot> Wait a sec though...
[06:08] <VeXYBot> June 3 was a month ago...
[06:09] <VeXYBot> Yeah, and you said you were 13 only a few minutes ago... so you hid your underagedness... (clap) 
[06:09] <VeXYBot> Ah... don't mind me
[06:10] <Marcia Aeris> And whenever you have to enter a fucking room, you have to say "Good morning Cadet Major Anderson, Lester Joseph B., can I enter the room?" or something alike.
[06:10] <Marcia Aeris> Or else LOWER GRADES IN ALL SUBJECTS
[06:10] <SuperGaming101> Yeah. A lot of other uses did that too.
[06:10] <VeXYBot> Yeah...
[06:10] <SuperGaming101> Also it was June 6, not 3. ¯\_ツ_/¯
[06:10] <VeXYBot> Well, you're not underaged anymore, so...
[06:10] <Marcia Aeris> I started that trend.
[06:10] <Marcia Aeris> I regret it.
[06:11] <Marcia Aeris> I lit stayed up until 12 midnight just to say I'm finally 13.
[06:11] <VeXYBot>
[06:11] <VeXYBot> (clap) 
[06:11] <VeXYBot> So... really late happy birthday?
[06:12] <VeXYBot> or... not happy anymore because it's not your birthday anymore?
[06:14] <VeXYBot> lol xd too many people break the underaged rule
[06:14] <VeXYBot> honestly, if people are breaking the rule a lot, then what's the point of the rule?
[06:14] <Marcia Aeris> PEDOPHILES
[06:15] <VeXYBot> Well, yes...
[06:15] <SuperGaming101> Thanks, lol
[06:15] <SuperGaming101> Pedophiles and they don't even know it I guess :/ 
[06:16] <VeXYBot> lol
[06:16] <SuperGaming101>
[06:19] <VeXYBot> Ah, Bowser. He'll be as sad and lonely as a vegetable...
[06:19] <VeXYBot> Which is very.
[06:19] <SuperGaming101> Actually, he has his kids.
[06:19] <VeXYBot> Well,
[06:20] <SuperGaming101> The Koopalings and Bowser Jr.
[06:20] <VeXYBot> A lonely life of a vegetable and vegetable kids...
[06:20] <SuperGaming101> Oh no..Now I just remembered that soon I'll have to get up to the carrot minigame..
[06:20] <Marcia Aeris> I feel like making a thread about the content mod shortage.
[06:20] <SuperGaming101> That thing is the WORST.
[06:20] <VeXYBot> Oh crap it auto-submitted
[06:20] <SuperGaming101> And you have to complete it to progress in the game.
[06:22] <VeXYBot> Hmm..
[06:22] <VeXYBot> There's really no reason to complain about a content mod shortage, Marc.
[06:23] <Marcia Aeris> I think there is...
[06:23] <Marcia Aeris> Plus our admin team is lacking.
[06:23] <Marcia Aeris> Content mod holds a LOT of power.
[06:23] <Marcia Aeris> I think even more than discussion mod.
[06:23] <VeXYBot> Of course.
[06:24] <VeXYBot> With the demotion of two admins...
[06:24] <VeXYBot> Say, what does a content mod do?
[06:24] <VeXYBot> As in...
[06:24] <VeXYBot> Like...
[06:24] <VeXYBot> Oh nvm I can search it up
[06:25] <Marcia Aeris> Wait, why are you only using your bot?
[06:25] <VeXYBot> Because I'm too lazy to get my own account in
[06:25] <Marcia Aeris> Huh.
[06:25] <VeXYBot> Plus it will lag my computer heavily
[06:26] <VeXYBot> Hmm...
[06:26] <VeXYBot> Really though, what do content mods do?
[06:26] <VeXYBot> I mean... they have access to more pages, and...
[06:26] <VeXYBot> is that it?
[06:27] <VeXYBot> Marc?
[06:28] <VeXYBot> You there?
[06:28] <Marcia Aeris> I am.
[06:29] <VeXYBot> Did you answer my question?
[06:30] <VeXYBot> Marc?
[06:30] <Marcia Aeris> They can delete more pages...
[06:30] <Marcia Aeris> They can edit pages that most others can.
[06:31] <Marcia Aeris> That's a huge step-up especially since our admin and bureaucrat team can be... lackluster at times.
[06:31] <VeXYBot> hmm
[06:31] <VeXYBot> Do you need any special skills?
[06:32] <VeXYBot> [s]i know i'm not amazingly active on mainspace...
[06:32] <Marcia Aeris> Know the manual style at least enough.
[06:32] <Marcia Aeris> Not to heart.
[06:32] <Marcia Aeris> Well, you can to heart and that's better...
[06:33] <VeXYBot> Well, American spelling...
[06:33] <VeXYBot> stuff like that
[06:33] <VeXYBot> A lot of it is common sense.
[06:33] <VeXYBot> Anything else?
[06:34] <VeXYBot> Eh...
[06:35] <VeXYBot> Marc?
[06:38] <VeXYBot> If you're not talking, I'm forced to assume that there's nothing really else other than Manual of Style...
[06:38] <VeXYBot> [[Cosmic Dancer]] A mess
[06:39] <Marcia Aeris> Sorry.
[06:39] <Marcia Aeris> I was busy making the content moderator shortage thread.
[06:39] <Marcia Aeris> Content moderators should be alert and patrol edits when they have the time.
[06:41] <VeXYBot> What do you mean by "patrol edits"?
[06:43] <VeXYBot> Are you talking about when you mark revision 1208841 (idk random number) as patrolled, like my bot does?
[06:43] <Marcia Aeris> There is a "mark as patrolled" button.
[06:44] <VeXYBot> What? That's a thing?
[06:44] <VeXYBot> But uh... ok.
[06:45] <VeXYBot> tbh, I really don't think it's necessary to make the thread for content mod shortage and the admin team being weak.
[06:46] <Marcia Aeris> I can respect that.
[06:46] <Marcia Aeris> I also did this because the interest for content mod is becoming low.
[06:46] <VeXYBot> ok
[06:46] <VeXYBot> Do what you will.
[06:46] <VeXYBot> The interest for content mod is low because admin already has content mod powers
[06:47] <SuperGaming101> ^
[06:48] <Marcia Aeris> Point taken.
[06:48] <Marcia Aeris> I guess it's worth making a notice though.
[06:48] <VeXYBot> Ok.
[06:49] <VeXYBot> Why is Pea Pod (disambiguation) is under "Expand these Articles" in Special:Community?
[06:52] <SuperGaming101> ayylo
[06:55] <VeXYBot> Hi
[06:55] <Specialedition12> hi
[07:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (oh) 
[07:48] <VeXJL> It's stupid is what. No matter how you slice it, it will always cause confusion.
[07:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah
[07:48] <Marcia Aeris> Ah... this is life...
[07:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> unless if youre making a fanfic or sth and you assigned each of the character's gender
[07:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> like that one
[07:49] <Marcia Aeris> WHAT THE FRICK
[07:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> "Rachel Burke is a character in The Reconciliation. She is Ernest Burke's wife."
[07:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[07:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> well tclp fucked around with the staff so yeah
[07:49] <Specialedition12> what
[07:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :o 
[07:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> TCLP CAME (Scream) 
[07:49] <Specialedition12> you summoned him XDDDD
[07:50] <Drek'TharSuperSword> delete delete delete (scream) 
[07:50] <Drek'TharSuperSword> i clearly stated that that sunflower's a female
[07:50] <AWikiBoy521> topkek 
[07:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> which again kinda explains why some wikis like wowwiki have no problem in using it (they do mention any kinda gender when possible)
[07:51] <AWikiBoy521> @MA
[s]TCLP x Sannse
[07:51] <Specialedition12> ugh
[07:51] <Specialedition12> what now
[07:51] <Coollittlepeashooter> what
[07:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[07:51] <Coollittlepeashooter> o/ 
[07:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> [s]you messed around with a wikia staff back then :P 
[07:52] <AWikiBoy521> [s]MA shouldn't have ship him like that....
[07:52] <AWikiBoy521> [s]*shipped
[07:52] <Coollittlepeashooter> I don't get what you're saying
[07:52] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[07:52] <Drek'TharSuperSword> there
[07:52] <Drek'TharSuperSword> explain why that happened
[07:53] <AWikiBoy521> @TCLP
[07:53] <AWikiBoy521> Gender Pronouns thingy or what Drek said? Idk what you're referring to.
[07:53] <Coollittlepeashooter> lol
[07:53] <Marcia Aeris> I'll do my Math homework now.
[07:53] <Marcia Aeris> BRB.
[07:53] <AWikiBoy521> [s]Math is life
[07:53] <Batty1776> ok
[07:53] <Marcia Aeris> I'll come back when it's time to do Filipino homework.
[07:53] <AWikiBoy521> [s]Math is (shrek) 
[07:54] <Batty1776> [s]and shrek is love you mean?[/s]
[07:54] <AWikiBoy521> [s]Yeah
[07:54] <Specialedition12> hmm
[07:54] <Specialedition12> oh shit
[07:54] <Specialedition12> that white border
[07:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> nah
[07:54] <Specialedition12> damn
[07:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> [s] math is drek 
[07:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[07:54] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :P 
[07:55] <AWikiBoy521> [s]Therefore, Drek is (shrek) 
[07:55] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[07:55] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[07:55] <Specialedition12> btw is it just me
[07:55] <Specialedition12> or i cant change my avatar in this wiki
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> Brb, going to walk and buy something outside the Real World™
[07:56] <AWikiBoy521> *to the Real
[07:58] <VeXJL> Would you say that Bulb Bowling is a type of Special Delivery level? (think) 
[07:58] <AWikiBoy521> (thonk) 
[07:58] <VeXJL> :P 
[07:59] <VeXJL> OMFG What is the result of the gender thread?!?
[07:59] <VeXJL> I already see people changing it from "it" to "she"!
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> ....shift
[08:00] <Specialedition12> currently stay as a flower for now
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> It's not even concluded yet....
[08:00] <Drek'TharSuperSword> why the hell is there a character in wow called "THONK" (thonk) 
[08:00] <Specialedition12> (thonk) 
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> @Se12
[s]Praise the almighty Flower!
[08:00] <AWikiBoy521> (thonk) 
[08:00] <Coollittlepeashooter> (batman) 
[08:02] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[08:03] <VeXJL> And they keep editing so that I can't rollback.
[08:03] <Coollittlepeashooter> Drek'TharSuperSword 
[08:03] <Coollittlepeashooter>
[08:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[08:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (screamO)
[08:04] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (scream) *
[08:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ey
[08:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> a sunflower that was born in kansas city :P 
[08:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol FREE
[08:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> if she's a sunflower then why the hell does she need a handgun
[08:07] <Coollittlepeashooter> so we gave sonic a shotgun
[08:07] <Phantom of Ra> Lets try PvZ2C 2.1.1 for reel
[08:07] <Phantom of Ra> [s] The loading screen is still happy new year
[08:08] <Phantom of Ra> Reminds me of ones here who dont even put down the new year decorations even in summer
[08:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :o 
[08:09] <Phantom of Ra> lololol kiwifruit level 5 sends out baby kiwifruits instead
[08:10] <Batty1776> grrr the gender pronouns make me mad
[08:10] <Phantom of Ra> ^
[08:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword> why :P 
[08:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword> inconsistencies
[08:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ?
[08:10] <Phantom of Ra> we're FORCED to use gender pronouns ANYWHERE mentioning that plant
[08:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ah
[08:10] <Phantom of Ra> and it has to be the correct one
[08:10] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah pain in the ass ik
[08:10] <Phantom of Ra> i couldnt even tell Sun-shroom is male
[08:10] <Batty1776> like
[08:11] <Batty1776> wait
[08:11] <Batty1776> how do I linking?
[08:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> unless if people cooperated more to use gendered pronouns its just not gonna happen
[08:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> use http:// 
[08:11] <VeXJL> https://
[08:11] <Drek'TharSuperSword> in front of it
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> Using [[ ]]
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> [[
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> ]]
[08:11] <Batty1776> oh but how using caption?
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> or http://
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> nope
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> that doesnt work here
[08:11] <VeXJL> I mean... oh nvm
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> Wait
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> let me try
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> [[Sumo Wrestler|Sumo]]
[08:11] <Batty1776> ty
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> huh, that works lul
[08:11] <Coollittlepeashooter> whats red stingers gender
[08:11] <Batty1776> with |?
[08:11] <Batty1776> ofc male
[08:11] <Phantom of Ra> just like in mainspace
[08:12] <Phantom of Ra> Male
[08:12] <Batty1776> oh
[08:12] <Batty1776> lemme try
[08:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword> its easy to implement it on my wiki tho
[08:12] <Batty1776> [[Sunflower (PvZH)|there is da proof]]
[08:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword> since i preassigned all the characters genders
[08:12] <Batty1776> [[Cosmic Flower|and this]]
[08:12] <Batty1776> [[Moonbean|and this]]
[08:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[08:12] <Batty1776> [[Captain Cucumber|Also this]]
[08:12] <Phantom of Ra> I h8 how inconvienient this is
[08:12] <Drek'TharSuperSword>
[08:13] <Phantom of Ra> oh, also, drek , [s] did ya see my test avatar on Discord?
[08:13] <Batty1776> I mean about gender pronouns
[08:13] <Specialedition12> ugh what
[08:13] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @ra nah
[08:13] <Drek'TharSuperSword> y
[08:13] <Specialedition12> @drek cuz it's hot
[08:13] <Batty1776> dat plain 'ol boring flower avatar tho
[08:13] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[08:13] <Batty1776> I mean se12 ones
[08:13] <Drek'TharSuperSword> DROP IT LIKE ITS HOT
[08:14] <Phantom of Ra> I tested it with an anime avatar lul
[08:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[08:14] <Specialedition12> ...what now
[08:14] <Phantom of Ra> now
[08:14] <Drek'TharSuperSword> nao
[08:14] <Phantom of Ra> we rip chat
[08:15] <Drek'TharSuperSword> naww
[08:15] <Specialedition12> n o w
[08:15] <Specialedition12> o o
[08:15] <Specialedition12> w o n
[08:15] <Specialedition12> box failed :( 
[08:15] <Batty1776> currently clean-upping [[Sunflower (PvZH)|this page]]
[08:15] <Specialedition12> owo
[08:15] <Batty1776> ya mean?
[08:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *cleaning up :P 
[08:16] <VeXJL> You know, the thread about gender rules hasn't concluded.
[08:16] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah
[08:16] <VeXJL> Don't add or remove genders yet.
[08:16] <Phantom of Ra> 分身术 is...
[08:17] <Phantom of Ra> OH GOD NO, I have to use the doppleganger word again?!
[08:17] <Phantom of Ra> It doesnt even make sense
[08:17] <Batty1776> sh8
[08:17] <Drek'TharSuperSword> one of pvz fanfics/fan-made things that uses profanity (oh) 
[08:17] <Drek'TharSuperSword> moar (oh) 
[08:18] <Batty1776> (oh) 
[08:18] <Phantom of Ra> No wait, 术 is technique
[08:19] <Phantom of Ra> so ye, i think i'll just use how it's mentioned in Naruto for the sake of it
[08:19] <Batty1776> drek is your cleanup complete?
[08:19] <Phantom of Ra> "Shadow Clone Technique"
[08:19] <Drek'TharSuperSword> nah
[08:19] <Batty1776> is doppleganger a swear word
[08:20] <VeXJL> ...
[08:20] <VeXJL> no
[08:20] <Batty1776> ?
[08:20] <Batty1776> ?
[08:20] <Phantom of Ra> its just that word is weird
[08:20] <Phantom of Ra> its german
[08:20] <Phantom of Ra> and "clone" doesnt seem to replace it at all
[08:20] <Batty1776> no rude but yea
[08:20] <Batty1776> thx
[08:20] <Drek'TharSuperSword> doppleganger - werewolf
[08:20] <Phantom of Ra> but ye, Body Clone Technique will work, as its there in Naruto
[08:22] <Phantom of Ra> and... ye, Monkey King uses this too, with his hair
[08:22] <Phantom of Ra> lets check what its called
[08:25] <VeXJL> Yay I'll be fucked by staff evaluations. :P 
[08:25] <VeXJL> [sarcasm][/sarcasm]
[08:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[08:26] <Batty1776> dont work
[08:26] <VeXJL> lol of course
[08:27] <Batty1776> [sarcasm][/sarcasm] here I go :P 
[08:27] <Phantom of Ra> Welp, looks like Kiwifruits Jr. come to life
[08:35] <Batty1776> now moving to target: [[Cosmic Flower]]
[08:36] <VeXJL> Lemme say one thing: FUCK the gender rules.
[08:36] <VeXJL> There. I got it out.
[08:36] <VeXJL> :P 
[08:38] <Batty1776> did you agree for gender-neutral?
[08:38] <Drek'TharSuperSword> hmm
[08:38] <Drek'TharSuperSword> i guess (think) 
[08:38] <Batty1776> VeXY
[08:38] <Batty1776> ?
[08:38] <VeXJL> ?
[08:38] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ?
[08:39] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ?!?!
[08:39] <VeXJL> I agreed to keep it the same, because OF COURSE people will start changing it, which will cause even more disagreements, etc.
[08:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> its not really that much of a deal tho since its not really as big as some sorta major article overhaul due to redesign of the game
[08:40] <Drek'TharSuperSword> its just a matter of preference in most cases
[08:40] <Batty1776> -_- blame you (whoever who added gender pronouns)
[08:40] <VeXJL> (clap) 
[08:41] <VeXJL> I just can't believe that people are having problems with the original system.
[08:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> imo its kinda appropriate for zombies but not for plants, but some people pointed some weaknesses in it
[08:41] <VeXJL> Yeah, yeah.
[08:41] <VeXJL> This won't affect heroes, right?
[08:41] <Drek'TharSuperSword> /shrug
[08:42] <VeXJL> I'm actually surprised that someone didn't put "If it's not broken, don't fix it" there.
[08:42] <Batty1776> one question: are those animals on [[Sappy Place]] mosquitoes?
[08:43] <VeXJL> Maybe. But does it matter?
[08:43] <Batty1776> dont think so! but will add to trivia
[08:43] <VeXJL> It does look like mosquitoes
[08:44] <VeXJL> Hooray our wiki is becoming stupider and stupider!
[08:44] <Batty1776> or are they flies?
[08:44] <Batty1776> in terms of gender pronouns, right?
[08:45] <VeXJL> Look more closely.
[08:45] <VeXJL> They have a huge sucker.
[08:45] <AWikiBoy521> @VeXJL
[08:45] <AWikiBoy521> I agree tohugh
[08:45] <VeXJL> [s]idk what they're called
[08:45] <AWikiBoy521> *though
[08:45] <VeXJL> @AWB Agree on what?
[08:45] <AWikiBoy521> "Lemme say one thing: FUCK the gender rules."
[08:45] <AWikiBoy521> It's effing confusing.
[08:46] <Phantom of Ra> ye
[08:46] <Phantom of Ra> cant deny to dat
[08:46] <VeXJL> :P 
[08:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> when your retarded rule collapses but it's okay because it wasn't really that of a deal so you try again and your retarded rule collapses but it's okay because it....
[08:46] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :P 
[08:47] <Batty1776> @VeXY: you mean you hate the edits that using gender pronouns?
[08:47] <AWikiBoy521> One thing I agree of.......I hate "Gender Pronoun Change[b]s[/b]"
[08:47] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol
[08:47] <AWikiBoy521> *Gender Pronoun Rule
[08:48] <VeXJL> Eh... gtg
[08:48] <Batty1776> why do you hate the rule?
[08:48] <VeXJL> cya!
[08:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> buy
[08:48] <VeXJL> @Batty I explained earlier
[08:48] <AWikiBoy521> It's too damn confusing to the point where we ended up wasting our time just for some pronoun changes.
[08:48] <Batty1776> @AWB
[08:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah
[08:48] <AWikiBoy521> I like the "it" consistency of both plants and zombies
[08:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> i liked it at first but became sick of people kept relying on using "it" for zombies
[08:48] <Drek'TharSuperSword> so yeah it didnt work well
[08:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> it was me who proposed changing zombies' pronouns to gendered ones
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> But, we had a heck ton of "opinion debates everywhere™"
[08:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> anyway can someone tell me why do i make a plant prefer handguns instead of using sun beams
[08:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :P 
[08:49] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *sunflower
[08:49] <Batty1776> same here @Drek
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> Even if you didn't proposed that "thing", there's still some users who does propose something like that regradless
[08:50] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah
[08:50] <Drek'TharSuperSword> also why is the sunflower an apple fangirl :P 
[08:50] <Drek'TharSuperSword> "Personal gadget(s)
[08:50] <Drek'TharSuperSword> iPhone 7 Plus, Macbook Pro (2016 model), iPad Pro 2"
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> [s]And fyi, I freaken slept late just to fix up that damn confusing calculation
[08:51] <Batty1776> but first
[08:51] <Phantom of Ra> Yay, Sumo Muskmelon doesnt have Level 5
[08:51] <Batty1776> why there are still roleplaying?
[08:51] <AWikiBoy521> [s]@Drek
[08:51] <AWikiBoy521> Let's talk about parallel universes
[08:51] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :O 
[08:51] <Phantom of Ra> and its upgrades are shit
[08:51] <Phantom of Ra> cuz its too OP
[08:51] <Phantom of Ra> i mean
[08:51] <Batty1776> roleplaying in this wiki, I mean
[08:51] <Phantom of Ra> It literally is a single-enemy Chard Guard with 100 sun, Fast
[08:53] <Batty1776> does its upgrade have its own image?
[08:53] <AWikiBoy521> (thinking) 
[08:55] <Batty1776> @phan: yea its legendary
[08:55] <Phantom of Ra> Every upgrade has image
[08:56] <Phantom of Ra> tho, we dont have the image yet
[08:56] <Batty1776> when ya back for dat upgrade images?
[08:56] <Batty1776> *those
[08:59] <Phantom of Ra> my phone isnt even jailbroken
[08:59] <Phantom of Ra> I cant have it
[08:59] <Phantom of Ra> we have to ask others for it
[08:59] <Phantom of Ra> I cant even get Sumo Muskmelon either
[08:59] <Drek'TharSuperSword> [s]send me your phone and ill do it (troll) 
[09:01] <Batty1776> I spotted [[Morning Glory|this page]] to be suspected
[09:01] <Batty1776> just 5 more days and I can revert it all
[09:02] <Scubb> Hi,everyone. I have something to ask. How to create a poll and word bubbles? I dunno to create it.
[09:03] <Scubb> And I ask in the forum already.
[09:04] <Scubb> (crying) 
[09:04] <Batty1776> <poll>
[09:04] <Batty1776> question
[09:04] <Batty1776> first choice
[09:04] <Batty1776> second choice
[09:04] <Batty1776> etc.
[09:04] <Batty1776> </poll>
[09:05] <Batty1776> and for wordbubbles, [[Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Wordbubbles]]
[09:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> yeah
[09:05] <Drek'TharSuperSword> ninjad
[11:28] <AWikiBoy521> If your curious mind done all of that, let us know whether ChatTags work here or not.
[11:29] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs AWB.
[11:29] <Pinkgirl234> Ya cabbage genius.
[11:30] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> hugs Pinkgirl234 back
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> <span class="me-username">* <span>AWikiBoy521</span></span> tests that ChatTags script that has been used on another wiki
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Huh...
[11:33] <Iamarepeater> hive
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Well, it [b]worked
[11:33] <AWikiBoy521> Guess it's actually this wiki's own problem about ChatTags not working.....
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> Conclusion: ChatTags' not the problem, this wiki trying to use it is
[11:35] <AWikiBoy521> *is the problem
[11:36] <Marcia Aeris> Citron won.
[11:36] <Iamarepeater> Won what?
[11:36] <Iamarepeater> oh nvm
[11:36] <Iamarepeater> hi
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> [s]Now let's make some Citron juice for us to celebrate!
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> [s]jk
[11:37] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> Still stuck, Scubb?
[11:39] <Pinkgirl234> Guys
[11:39] <Pinkgirl234> I will eat dinnger.
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> I made a fix for you I have yet to upload.
[11:39] <Iamarepeater> hive pinkie pie
[11:39] <Iamarepeater> <span class="me-username">* <span>Iamarepeater</span></span> hugs her
[11:39] <Iamarepeater> :p 
[11:39] <Pinkgirl234> Please behave. Okay?
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> @Pinl
[11:39] <AWikiBoy521> okiy
[11:39] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs Peater back.
[11:40] <AWikiBoy521> [s]Such hug keeled an Admin
[11:41] <Marcia Aeris> My browser fricked up for a while. &gt;_&lt; 
[11:42] <AWikiBoy521> [s]Such (strikethrough) revived someone
[12:08] <CITRONtanker> Nothing much. You?
[12:08] <Iamarepeater> Argh
[12:08] <Iamarepeater> My bot edited wrongly
[12:08] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Great
[12:08] <Iamarepeater> [[Pi%C3%B1ata#Types of Pi.C3.B1atas|Piñata#Types of Pi.C3.B1atas]]
[12:08] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Now check the JS
[12:08] <CITRONtanker> Hoe do bots even work?
[12:09] <Iamarepeater> I was using my bot to help edit this page
[12:09] <Iamarepeater> But it did more than what I wanted
[12:09] <Iamarepeater> It turned not just the hyperlinks in the table into pics, but all of this [[]] became {{s| .... |2}} as well
[12:09] <Melissa Chase - PL> I actually forgot how the real chat is
[12:10] <CITRONtanker> That is why I will never get a bot.
[12:10] <Iamarepeater> You know what I'm gonna do right?
[12:10] <Melissa Chase - PL> Until I login using this
[12:10] <Melissa Chase - PL> Kick me lul
[12:10] <Melissa Chase - PL> But
[12:10] <Melissa Chase - PL> I don't have chat hack enabled
[12:10] <CITRONtanker> @Iama Nope. What are you doing?
[12:10] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[12:10] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[12:11] <Iamarepeater> Because if his chat hacks are enabled, my bot's edits will conflict with his bot's edits
[12:11] <Prongo> hello
[12:11] <Iamarepeater> hive
[12:11] <CITRONtanker> Yo, Prongo
[12:11] <Prongo> Happy Fourth of July, to anyone who celebrates it
[12:12] <CITRONtanker> I celebrated Canada Day on Saturday. 150 years of Canada!
[12:12] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I do nothing
[12:12] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I learn JavaScript
[12:12] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And decide to stay out the wiki or not
[12:12] <CITRONtanker> I wonder if Trump will make a speech today...
[12:14] <CITRONtanker> Hello?
[12:14] <Melissa Chase - PL> 2 chats are too different
[12:14] <Melissa Chase - PL> I am always here
[12:15] <CITRONtanker> Yeah. Two chats, I could not juggle.
[12:15] <CITRONtanker> Soon, there will be no content mods.
[12:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I should go for content mods
[12:15] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> But ha
[12:16] <Melissa Chase - PL> I foreseen it
[12:16] <CITRONtanker> How many MS edits do you have, PL?
[12:16] <Melissa Chase - PL> Even if I get 10000 MS edit
[12:16] <Melissa Chase - PL> I will still fail
[12:17] <Melissa Chase - PL> So I stopped going for any moderator place
[12:17] <Melissa Chase - PL> I retired
[12:17] <Melissa Chase - PL> And soon
[12:17] <Melissa Chase - PL> I am deciding to permanently leave the wiki
[12:17] <Melissa Chase - PL> You know
[12:17] <Melissa Chase - PL> I come back again just because of Marc
[12:17] <Melissa Chase - PL> But
[12:17] <Marcia Aeris> PL, honestly I want to be able to help you.
[12:18] <Marcia Aeris> I can see your goodness as a person.
[12:18] <Melissa Chase - PL> I can't do anything more on this wiki.
[12:18] <Melissa Chase - PL> I want to talk to people with and above my rank.
[12:18] <Melissa Chase - PL> 2 years ago I WAS EXTREMELY INTERESTED IN PVZ
[12:18] <Marcia Aeris> Are you going to go?
[12:18] <CITRONtanker> I do too!
[12:18] <Melissa Chase - PL> But not now. Everything has changed. I decided to learn.
[12:18] <CITRONtanker> Help, I mean
[12:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I want to learn. I play PvZ but hacks.
[12:19] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Hack into the code. So I understand most of the game function now.
[12:19] <CITRONtanker> Well, that okay.
[12:19] <Melissa Chase - PL> No one here ever talks about coding
[12:19] <Melissa Chase - PL> Except Drek 
[12:19] <CITRONtanker> Strange...
[12:19] <Melissa Chase - PL> I go haunt the Discord Testers server
[12:19] <Melissa Chase - PL> Got many people there
[12:20] <Melissa Chase - PL> I got Android Alpha Tester and Bug Hunter. Talk to the developers. Interested in that - immediately. 
[12:20] <CITRONtanker> Discord... Ph doctor. More like Deadcord!
[12:20] <Melissa Chase - PL> I talked to FANDOM Staffs too. They are above me
[12:20] <Melissa Chase - PL> And helped me a lot though
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> #CITRON
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> Wrong Discord reference
[12:20] <Melissa Chase - PL> Especially Rappy
[12:20] <CITRONtanker> Well, that's great.
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> It's not this wiki, it's about the Dev wiki Discord
[12:20] <Melissa Chase - PL> But yes
[12:21] <Melissa Chase - PL> I want to find people like
[12:21] <Melissa Chase - PL> that
[12:21] <Melissa Chase - PL> But
[12:21] <CITRONtanker> @Wikibou Oh. Never heard of it.
[12:21] <Melissa Chase - PL> I can't find anyone here..
[12:21] <Melissa Chase - PL> If I don't learn now it will be too late
[12:21] <CITRONtanker> I am watching Masterchef. Bored, as you can tell.
[12:21] <Melissa Chase - PL> I want to master JavaScript, CSS, HTML, C#, Java and Unity programming before 18 
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> @CITRON
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> It's the Dev Wiki Discord Chat Server PL is reffering to
[12:21] <Melissa Chase - PL> Yeah
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> @PL
[s]You can't
[12:22] <Melissa Chase - PL> Only 2 staffs are here
[12:22] <Melissa Chase - PL> Also
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> [s]Unless you want to spend some months to learn all of that
[12:22] <Melissa Chase - PL> Our wiki imported the wrong script so chat options is tempoary disabled
[12:22] <Melissa Chase - PL> @AWB Yes I do
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> No
[12:22] <CITRONtanker> @Wikiboy. Oh. Never heard of that. Where do I find it?
[12:22] <Melissa Chase - PL> As long as it is still able
[12:22] <Melissa Chase - PL> Here
[12:22] <AWikiBoy521> It's actually ChatTags :P 
[12:22] <Melissa Chase - PL>
[12:22] <CITRONtanker> Yellow looks good on my name,
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> @PL
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> Nah
[12:23] <Melissa Chase - PL> Yeah ChatTags
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> I don't Discord much
[12:23] <Melissa Chase - PL> I know
[12:23] <CITRONtanker> Guess I should reinstall the app
[12:23] <Melissa Chase - PL> Now I am a small part of Discord Team
[12:23] <Melissa Chase - PL> Hunt for Discord Bugs and a beta tester
[12:23] <Melissa Chase - PL> 2 years ago I wanted to play
[12:23] <CITRONtanker> Well, you got that going for you.
[12:23] <Melissa Chase - PL> Now I wanted to learn instead of playing
[12:24] <CITRONtanker> Yeah. I see you.
[12:24] <Melissa Chase - PL> But yes
[12:24] <Melissa Chase - PL> Back to the wiki
[12:24] <Melissa Chase - PL> I can count on fingers the people who USUALLY talk with me
[12:24] <Iamarepeater> PL?
[12:24] <Melissa Chase - PL> That means less that 5
[12:24] <Melissa Chase - PL> Yeah?
[12:24] <CITRONtanker> Fairy's decision shocked me.
[12:24] <Iamarepeater> Either you or the real one
[12:24] <Melissa Chase - PL> I mean 10
[12:25] <Melissa Chase - PL> I have 2 hands
[12:25] <Iamarepeater> So....
[12:25] <Melissa Chase - PL> So?
[12:25] <CITRONtanker> I am just so glad to have the Rollbaxk rights iff my back
[12:25] <Iamarepeater> You want free edits?
[12:25] <CITRONtanker> Sure. How?
[12:25] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> No.
[12:25] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> CITRON, take it
[12:25] <Iamarepeater> @citron
[12:26] <Iamarepeater> You see what I did?
[12:26] <Iamarepeater> Do the same for the rest
[12:26] <CITRONtanker> Just added brackets and S, right?
[12:26] <Iamarepeater> And then make it look neat too
[12:26] <CITRONtanker> Bold the text?
[12:27] <Iamarepeater> Text is already bolded by default
[12:27] <Melissa Chase - PL> Hardly someone even learn here..
[12:27] <Iamarepeater> Because it's a header
[12:27] <CITRONtanker> Got it. I use Ipad, so this might be awhile.
[12:27] <Iamarepeater> Oh....
[12:27] <CITRONtanker> Should I use classic editor?
[12:27] <Iamarepeater> The edit is added but it doesn't show up to me
[12:27] <Iamarepeater> Recommended
[12:28] <Iamarepeater> It's like source mode for me
[12:28] <CITRONtanker> Alright. Pff O go.
[12:28] <CITRONtanker> Off I go, I mean
[12:28] <Iamarepeater> Citron, how does the page look for you?
[12:28] <Marcia Aeris> I really wish life wasn't so cruel to me...
[12:28] <Iamarepeater> Does it have the pics of the plants
[12:28] <Iamarepeater> ?
[12:28] <CITRONtanker> I looks normal...
[12:29] <Iamarepeater> No pics in the list of plant's seed packet?
[12:29] <CITRONtanker> Lemme check
[12:29] <AWikiBoy521> @SS
[s]Psst...ever going for Sonic Mania?
[12:29] <CITRONtanker> No pics
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> ...
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> but you saw the changes that I used the template right?
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> Wait a sec
[12:30] <Iamarepeater> Just go inside first
[12:31] <AWikiBoy521> [s]*ever though of going for
[12:31] <CITRONtanker> I am so confused...
[12:32] <CITRONtanker> Why do some have brackets, but do not show up on the page?
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> No idea myself
[12:32] <Melissa Chase - PL> Link?
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> Maybe the wiki needs time to fully register the edit visually
[12:32] <CITRONtanker> I will try, but i do not know if it will work.
[12:32] <Iamarepeater> Code-wise, it's already inside
[12:33] <Gravel Poot> soup
[12:33] <CITRONtanker> Yeah. Just needs to register
[12:33] <Gravel Poot> hi
[12:35] <Prongo> hello
[12:35] <CITRONtanker> Hi
[12:36] <Gravel Poot> i expected this chat to be much more alive
[12:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I need a little bit help in JavaScript
[12:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Anyone?
[12:36] <Gravel Poot> but its kinda hopeless imo
[12:37] <Melissa Chase - PL> Or I will just learn myself..
[12:37] <Gravel Poot> idk
[12:37] <Melissa Chase - PL> Okay
[12:38] <Melissa Chase - PL> I will learn it myself
[12:38] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[12:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am tired of being friendless, but, FINE
[12:39] <Prongo> what did I miss
[12:40] <CITRONtanker> You still here, Iama ? I have some questions?
[12:40] <Iamarepeater> yes
[12:40] <Iamarepeater> sure
[12:40] <CITRONtanker> You have numbers, like 6. Do i have to put thise?
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> Yes
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> In the correct row
[12:41] <CITRONtanker> Do I just put 6for all of them?
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> No
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> Or at least until the modern day ones
[12:41] <Iamarepeater> After that, leave the rest be
[12:42] <CITRONtanker> Samecwith the 120s?
[12:42] <Iamarepeater> Yep
[12:42] <Iamarepeater> Once you input it for the modern days pintatas, do not proceed on
[12:42] <Iamarepeater> It might be wrong
[12:42] <Iamarepeater> if you addin those 6s and 120s
[12:42] <Iamarepeater> *add in
[12:42] <CITRONtanker> If i make mistakes when I publish, you can fix it.
[12:43] <Iamarepeater> yep
[12:43] <Melissa Chase - PL> The while loop..
[12:46] <Melissa Chase - PL> Okay
[12:46] <Melissa Chase - PL> The break
[12:46] <CITRONtanker> I did all i could, Iama . Inserted all the vrackets until Modern Day. I did not want to mess it up.
[12:46] <Iamarepeater> sure
[12:46] <CITRONtanker> I gotta go. Bye
[12:47] <Iamarepeater> bive
[12:48] <Marcia Aeris> Hi...
[12:49] <Melissa Chase - PL> Don't say hi to TULO
[12:50] <Marcia Aeris> Why not?
[12:50] <Melissa Chase - PL> He said
[12:51] <Marcia Aeris> Damn... My bad memory's getting the best of me again...
[12:52] <Melissa Chase - PL> Okay
[12:52] <Melissa Chase - PL> I made the decision..
[12:54] <Specialedition12> 2 logging bot at once (think) 
[12:54] <Melissa Chase - PL> No, 1 bot
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> any discord people or something
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> dammit
[12:56] <Melissa Chase - PL> Not
[12:56] <Melissa Chase - PL> I AM
[12:56] <Melissa Chase - PL> LOL
[12:56] <Lolwutburger> btw someone's plottin' against this place
[12:56] <Lolwutburger> i suggest y'all steer clear of trouble
[12:56] <Lolwutburger> or something
[12:56] <Lolwutburger> idk i'm going to comment on porn
[12:56] <Lolwutburger> BUENOS DIAS MANDY
[12:57] <Marcia Aeris> I looked up the actual porn.
[12:57] <Specialedition12> huh who
[12:57] <Specialedition12> plotting what
[12:59] <Inky100> Do you know who's the character in my icon?
[01:01] <Inky100> Does anybody know who is the character in my icon?
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> No
[01:01] <Specialedition12> not me
[01:01] <Inky100> It's Mr. Milk from the cartoon Making Fiends.
[01:02] <Specialedition12> probably another us show
[01:02] <Specialedition12> no then
[01:02] <Prongo> I've never heard of Making Friends
[01:04] <Marcia Aeris> Ah crap, now I feel tooth pain for some reason...
[01:05] <Marcia Aeris> I ate too much M&M's
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> Have you brushed your teeth though?
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> It's probably those cavities....
[01:06] <Marcia Aeris> I brush everyday...
[01:06] <Marcia Aeris> Twice averagely.
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521> Good enough
[01:07] <Marcia Aeris> And I have to write a song about men...
[01:07] <AWikiBoy521>'s probably something that is stuck between your teeth
[01:07] <Marcia Aeris> After Filipino homework...
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Ever thought of using the Toothpick or something similar?
[01:08] <Marcia Aeris> I'd rather buy floss.
[01:08] <Marcia Aeris> But my parents don't think so.
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> Waston's Floss is better, imo.
[01:08] <AWikiBoy521> It's a Tooth pick and floss in one
[01:09] <Marcia Aeris> We have those somewhere.
[01:09] <Marcia Aeris> But ma likes hiding everything.
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> :P 
[01:09] <AWikiBoy521> Have anything else similar then?
[01:09] <Marcia Aeris> Na
[01:11] <AWikiBoy521> Rep
[01:13] <Marcia Aeris> Also I might go home early every Tuesday...
[01:14] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I thought that the percentage for chat mods was 55% :( 
[01:16] <Marcia Aeris> I thought so too.
[01:16] <Marcia Aeris> Well, RIP
[01:28] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (scream) 
[01:28] <Marcia Aeris> In reality I feel like I'm literally going to die sooner than a normal human. I really feel like death is near even if that's EDGY.
[01:29] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Go on, I haunt around to check
[01:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @issa i dont know why but "perez" just sounds more charming for me :P 
[01:29] <Marcia Aeris> Why do you find me cute?! >:{
[01:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[01:30] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Is this good enough
[01:30] <Marcia Aeris> It's decent. End of story.
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> WTF
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> AUTO-DISCONNECT
[01:31] <Iamarepeater> wb pinkie pie
[01:31] <Marcia Aeris> Wait, are there multiple chat loggers?!
[01:31] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Only 1 logger
[01:32] <Iamarepeater> My bot came first
[01:32] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I am not logging
[01:32] <ThisUserLikesOreo> (lenny) @Repeat
[01:32] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I just found this:
[01:32] <Marcia Aeris> I remember when Iama wanted to have one million kids with Pink.
[01:33] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yeah all have good memories here lol
[01:33] <Iamarepeater> @SP: really? :p 
[01:33] <Marcia Aeris> The frick?! @TULO
[01:33] <Marcia Aeris> You wanted to fuck Pink hard and make her feel good, have a wedding, and have 90 x infinity kids with her, Iama .
[01:33] <Specialedition12> well i still remember this
[01:33] <Specialedition12>
[01:34] <Specialedition12> and
[01:34] <Marcia Aeris> Lily Terry the Fairy sounds like the name of Lily, Terry, and Fairy's mutant child where Iama 's the father?
[01:34] <Marcia Aeris> I still stand by that.
[01:35] <Iamarepeater> I'm not the father
[01:35] <Iamarepeater> It's SE12's child
[01:35] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Werid
[01:36] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> The avt lies in square.. and get..
[01:36] <Marcia Aeris> [s]Are you saying that out of denial because you raped them...?
[01:36] <Marcia Aeris> *runs off while giggling*
[01:36] <Iamarepeater> I didn't have sex with them at all :p 
[01:36] <Iamarepeater> I think you did
[01:36] <Iamarepeater> Then you accuse me :p 
[01:36] <ThisUserLikesOreo> tf
[01:36] <Specialedition12> (popcorn) 
[01:37] <Marcia Aeris> Ah, I ate too much M&M's....
[01:37] <Iamarepeater> See? Sugar high :p 
[01:37] <Marcia Aeris> I ate like 200 of them recently...
[01:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Okay so
[01:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Who is interested in talking with me
[01:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Chat is dead
[01:38] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I know
[01:39] <Marcia Aeris> If you guys ever end up start drinking alcohol together, never take me.
[01:40] <Iamarepeater> [s]Because then you become preggers
[01:40] <Iamarepeater> dang it
[01:40] <Iamarepeater> I swear it worked fine
[01:40] <Iamarepeater> and pinkie pie never responded here
[01:40] <Specialedition12> wiki got glitched recently
[01:40] <Iamarepeater> Thought my chat tag is still here
[01:41] <Specialedition12> well its that chat commands doesnt work
[01:41] <Specialedition12> other work fine
[01:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> @SE12 Chat commands not working
[01:41] <The Maverick Hunter> freaking internet
[01:41] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Because of us
[01:41] <Iamarepeater> though SP has no chat tag :p 
[01:41] <The Maverick Hunter> PL?
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Yes/
[01:42] <Specialedition12> who is sp again
[01:42] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Is nav bar broken?
[01:42] <Iamarepeater> soaring
[01:42] <Specialedition12> oh ok
[01:42] <The Maverick Hunter> what is your avatar, PL?
[01:42] <Marcia Aeris> I-I accidentally broke it.
[01:42] <Specialedition12> she removed that by herself
[01:42] <Specialedition12> so
[01:42] <Marcia Aeris> I tried reverting it though.
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Then I won't answer..
[01:42] <Marcia Aeris> (The navbar)
[01:42] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> And no
[01:42] <Marcia Aeris> The malware my browser had screwed it up.
[01:42] <Marcia Aeris> Then I tried reverting it.
[01:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> That is the reason you shouldn't hold rights
[01:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> It is still fine for me
[01:43] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)>
[01:43] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I meant the links
[01:43] <Marcia Aeris> Yeah, the links
[01:43] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Marcia changes them back
[01:43] <ThisUserLikesOreo> But they still don't work
[01:44] <The Maverick Hunter> TULO?
[01:44] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ?
[01:44] <The Maverick Hunter> can you changes my chat tag?
[01:45] <The Maverick Hunter> to this gif: [[File:The Captured Team Rocket%27s Pokemons.gif|File:The Captured Team Rocket's Pokemons.gif]] (medium)
[01:45] <Melissa Chase - PL> Data-user..
[01:46] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I'm on my phone right now, so no, sorry. Ask another admin.
[01:47] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Also, Cam completely ignored AWB's just to get what he wants.
[01:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I can! Personally!
[01:48] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> -_- 
[01:48] <The Maverick Hunter> sh*t
[01:48] <ThisUserLikesOreo> AWB's comment*
[01:49] <Specialedition12> reope... nvm he left
[01:49] <The Maverick Hunter> SE12?
[01:50] <Specialedition12> yes?
[01:50] <The Maverick Hunter> why you changes your profile to a flower?
[01:50] <Specialedition12> because i can
[01:50] <Specialedition12> 8^)
[01:50] <The Maverick Hunter> kek
[01:51] <Potato Smasher (The Epic)> The Damn Potato is here!
[01:52] <The Maverick Hunter> 2
[01:52] <Marcia Aeris> What the fuck?!
[01:52] <Potato Smasher (The Epic)> Also hello Maverick.
[01:53] <The Maverick Hunter> do not call me with that name
[01:53] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Than then Mental killed my soul again
[01:53] <Potato Smasher (The Epic)> Should l call you moon man then?
[01:53] <The Maverick Hunter> nope
[01:54] <The Maverick Hunter> Marcia?
[01:54] <ThisUserLikesOreo> See!? People like that ruin the staff votes! @Marc
[01:54] <ThisUserLikesOreo> They'll start supporting just to joke around
[01:54] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mental?
[01:54] <Iamarepeater> @TULO: which people?
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> WHo?
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> Give me names
[01:55] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> I left PvZW Discord as an owner
[01:55] <Specialedition12> @Iam theoo
[01:55] <Specialedition12> bla bla
[01:55] <Specialedition12> apparently he said peavz and citron should be content mod
[01:55] <Specialedition12> im dying
[01:55] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I can't, as there may be people who report everything I say @Repeat
[01:55] <Iamarepeater> In PM
[01:55] <Marcia Aeris> I almost got fucking reporting for talking about Zambie!
[01:56] <Marcia Aeris> As in critiques!
[01:57] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> But who?
[01:57] <Marcia Aeris> Now Newspaper's server is laughing about TheO's stuff...
[01:57] <Specialedition12> wait newspaper have a discord server?
[01:57] <Specialedition12> OwO
[02:01] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> But
[02:01] <Pretty Lightningreed (PL)> Mental right?