Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/5 September 2016

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[12:10] <InsertSun> afker
[12:14] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[12:28] <InsertSun> Hi!
[12:32] <SnappyDragon>
[12:32] <SnappyDragon> How I think panquake can be
[12:40] <WintahMhelon18> Test
[12:40] <WintahMhelon18> Welp, ded
[12:42] <InsertSun> w
[12:56] <InsertSun> [[File:Insert2k.png]]
[12:59] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:06] <InsertSun> Howdee
[01:06] <Iamarepeater> hive
[01:07] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:11] <IMCR8Z> Howdy again!
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> ok
[01:14] <Dracotroll564> Hello.
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> ded space
[01:14] <Dracotroll564> @_@
[01:15] <Insert Your Name Here> go to discord
[01:17] <IMCR8Z> ded rising
[01:18] <InsertSun> go to discord
[01:20] <Insert Your Name Here> all the cool people go there
[01:24] <Insert Your Name Here> holy shit bo3 gets a map with giant mountain dew bottles
[01:24] <Insert Your Name Here> it's like you are small and shit and you have to fight on a lunch table with mountain dew
[01:25] <SnappyDragon> link plz
[01:25] <Insert Your Name Here>
[01:26] <Insert Your Name Here> About the 53 second mark
[01:27] <Iamarepeater> hive
[01:28] <InsertSun> hecko
[01:30] <Itsleo20> board game
[01:31] <SnappyDragon> age restricted rip
[01:31] <SnappyDragon> fuk
[01:34] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:34] <Vebros> o/ 
[01:34] <IMCR8Z> @Insert: Whoever's making that map pack knows their target audience.
[01:35] <InsertSun> gtg
[01:35] <InsertSun> You pinged me btw
[01:38] <IMCR8Z> Kids in Africa could have eaten chat
[01:38] <TheNameSomething101> Sonic is cancer... I think Mario is better than Sonic. 
[05:33] <Zambiealex> Insert
[05:33] <InsertSun> Invasion of the clocks!
[05:33] <That Really Annoying Guy> School has started...
[05:33] <That Really Annoying Guy> But bye...
[05:33] <That Really Annoying Guy> Sorry...
[05:33] <InsertSun> We must make the whole world have socks!
[05:33] <InsertSun> clocks
[05:34] <InsertSun> lol
[05:35] <InsertSun> Anywyas
[05:35] <InsertSun> *Anyways
[05:36] <Zambiealex> Metal Petal
[05:36] <InsertBot> Hmmm?
[05:37] <InsertSun> Test
[05:40] <Zambiealex> Insert
[05:40] <Zambiealex> You bot can log automaticllly
[05:40] <InsertSun> how
[05:41] <Zambiealex> Your bot
[05:41] <InsertSun> ?
[05:41] <InsertSun> How can it
[05:41] <Zambiealex> Can Log automatically every 10 mins
[05:42] <InsertSun> How do I turn it on
[05:42] <Zambiealex> It is on
[05:42] <InsertSun> yea
[05:42] <InsertBot> [message="play"]
[05:42] <InsertBot> Yes I'm on.
[05:42] <InsertBot> [message="stop"]
[05:44] <InsertSun> It won't work
[05:44] <Zambiealex> Oh no
[05:45] <InsertSun> So it logs every 10 minutes after it joins?
[05:45] <InsertSun> And if it leaves it resets?
[05:45] <Zambiealex> Yeah
[05:43] <Zambiealex> Your bot is not a castet player
[05:44] <Zambiealex> <img kasperskylab_antibanner="on" src="" alt="(lenny)" title="(lenny)" height="19" width="19"> 
[05:44] <Zambiealex> Let me bring in my bot...
[05:44] <InsertSun> It won't work
[05:44] <Zambiealex> Oh no
[05:45] <InsertSun> So it logs every 10 minutes after it joins?
[05:45] <InsertSun> And if it leaves it resets?
[05:45] <Zambiealex> Yeah
[05:46] <InsertSun> It's timing out
[05:46] <InsertSun> gtg
[05:47] <Zambiealex> Hi
[05:47] <Zam-Bot> Hi
[05:51] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> HI!
[05:52] <Zambiealex> Hi
[06:11] <IMCR8Z> (arr) Bored, let's be pirates, m80s!
[06:11] <Zambiealex> 80s
[06:11] <Zambiealex> A Timeless classic
[06:12] <Dracotroll564> Exuse me guys.
[06:12] <Dracotroll564> Um...
[06:12] <Dracotroll564> If I lost data for pvz 2, where do I go?
[06:13] <IMCR8Z> Then you're screwed, m80s
[06:13] <IMCR8Z> *m80
[06:15] <Elemec> Are you kidding me
[06:16] <TheNameSomething101> Uhh...
[06:16] <Elemec> That you stole my image AND did that other thing @Zambiealex
[06:17] <Zam-Bot> You were not using it, Master Elem.
[06:17] <Elemec> It's on my wordbubble AND my signature
[06:17] <Elemec> And that doesn't asnwer the 2nd part of my thing
[06:19] <Elemec> That afk button won't fool me
[06:19] <Zam-Bot> When was it YOUR work?
[06:19] <Elemec> I DID the image
[06:19] <Electric Plants> Elemec
[06:19] <Elemec> I EXPLAINED to not use it anywhere
[06:19] <Electric Plants> Calm down
[06:19] <Electric Plants> Zambie
[06:19] <Electric Plants> PM
[06:20] <Elemec> This is not being a good day at all for me
[06:20] <Electric Plants> Just calm down
[06:20] <Elemec> I'm very sick (not figuratively, literally) and coughing every 3 or so seconds
[06:21] <Electric Plants> Flaming at him will make things worse
[06:21] <Elemec> I go on chat to see a guy stealing a thing i did
[06:21] <Elemec> My parents cause me rage for absolutely no reason, my brother shows off for entering a tourney on a game that entering a tourney is very hard, and i see a new message on my talk page
[06:21] <Electric Plants> He didn't mean to steal it
[06:22] <Elemec> He did, on my image the desc extrictly says "Do not use this anywher else PLEASE"
[06:22] <Electric Plants> What with the message on your talk page?
[06:22] <Electric Plants> He will change his avatar now
[06:22] <Elemec> "Don't steal this. Please. I'm warning you. " in the correct words
[06:22] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Hey EP
[06:22] <Gargantuar Blitzer> you are admin right?
[06:22] <Elemec> He's a bureau
[06:22] <Electric Plants> Yes
[06:23] <Electric Plants> @Elemec He is changing it now
[06:23] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Okay
[06:23] <Elemec> Still doesn't change this is being a pretty horrible day for me
[06:23] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Let me give you an error report thread i made
[06:23] <Zambiealex> I have the right to alter it.
[06:23] <Gargantuar Blitzer> so that you can maybe fix it
[06:23] <Elemec> What do you mean? @Zambiealex
[06:23] <Gargantuar Blitzer> You don't have the right to take it without credit though
[06:23] <Gargantuar Blitzer> @Zambie
[06:23] <Electric Plants> Wait brb
[06:24] <Gargantuar Blitzer> That's called "<span style="font-weight:bold;">PLAGARISM</span>" And it's not good.
[06:24] <Gargantuar Blitzer> also EP for when you come back [[Thread:727824]]
[06:25] <Zambiealex> There is not Copyright claim there
[06:25] <Electric Plants> Back
[06:25] <Electric Plants> Elemec and Zambie
[06:25] <Electric Plants> Stop now
[06:25] <Elemec> Uh, perfect day
[06:25] <Electric Plants> Elemec
[06:25] <Gargantuar Blitzer> seriously Zambie
[06:25] <Gargantuar Blitzer> lol
[06:26] <Zambiealex> Changed
[06:26] <Electric Plants> Lol zambie
[06:27] <Electric Plants> Garg I am not a code master so I can't help
[06:27] <Gargantuar Blitzer> *sigh*
[06:27] <Protanly> A group of cows is called a herd
[06:27] <Gargantuar Blitzer> No admin is able to do that?
[06:27] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Seriously?
[06:27] <Zambiealex> No Plagiarism Intended
[06:27] <Protanly> A group of children is called a migraine &gt;:D 
[06:27] <Elemec> Seriously, this is a horrible day
[06:27] <Electric Plants> I will ask TULO 
[06:27] <Elemec> Now youtube is showing me ecchi/booby stuff
[06:28] <Zambiealex> Uhh...
[06:28] <Protanly> I hate
[06:28] <Protanly> Bananasaurus
[06:29] <Protanly> Rex
[06:29] <Zambiealex> Against?
[06:29] <Zambiealex> If so Agreed
[06:29] <Eugoth> How can youtube show you boobs if now it's PG 13?
[06:29] <Eugoth> Demonetized
[06:29] <Zambiealex> ^^^
[06:30] <IMCR8Z> Yarr, Zambie is the perfect pirate, stealing Elemec's work (not encouraging him) (arr) 
[06:32] <Electric Plants> ded
[06:32] <Elemec> Eugoth a lot of thumbnails have boobs appearing (mostly cartoon)
[06:32] <Eugoth> What day is pirate day anyway?
[06:33] <Eugoth> Uh
[06:33] <Eugoth> Cartoon boobs are fine
[06:33] <Eugoth> Because cartoons are for kids
[06:33] <Eugoth> -Youtube
[06:33] <IMCR8Z> @Eugoth: September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day matey.
[06:33] <Eugoth> ok
[06:33] <Eugoth> I'm already heating up
[06:34] <Eugoth> For example
[06:34] <Eugoth> Using the term "landlubber"
[06:34] <Eugoth> Or whatever it's spelt like
[06:37] <Elemec> <span style="font-weight:bold;">sigh</span>
[06:37] <IMCR8Z> (arr) Let's talk about Pirate Seas for no reason at all. (arr) 
[06:37] <IMCR8Z> Ahoy!
[06:37] <Cavia porcellus> School is FINALLY over.
[06:37] <Elemec> Adding injury
[06:38] <Eugoth> There should be a zombie that has a cage with many parrots, and he will release them when he dies
[06:38] <Elemec> Sorta like chicken wrangler?
[06:38] <Eugoth> yes
[06:38] <Elemec> Parrots from the captaqin?
[06:38] <Elemec> Cus that would be a bit op
[06:38] <Eugoth> But parrots don't come back
[06:38] <Eugoth> Yes
[06:40] <Elemec> Such a horrible day
[06:40] <Eugoth> Or would you like a gargantuar that swims on the sea lanes and then rises and beats plants up with an anchor?
[06:40] <Eugoth> Why?
[06:40] <Elemec> Well
[06:40] <Elemec> Eugoth where you here yesterday when zambie was complaining about steam being bad or something
[06:40] <IMCR8Z> And this continues my belief that PopCap should have special zombies exclusive to Endless Zones (Gargantuars and the Imp Dragon don't count)
[06:40] <Eugoth> Yes
[06:40] <Eugoth> So
[06:41] <Elemec> Remember i had done a deal with zambie?
[06:41] <Eugoth> Yea
[06:41] <Elemec> So, EP now knows about that and has warned me, i'm sick (literally, coughing every few seconds), as i said the whole youtube thing, Zambie stealing the pic that i toke sometime to do, and parents
[06:42] <Eugoth> What youtube thing?
[06:42] <Eugoth> the PG 13?
[06:42] <Elemec> The "put boobage cause that guy doesn't like oversexualization or watches that kind of garbage on youtube anymore"
[06:42] <Eugoth> oh
[06:42] <Eugoth> I hope you feel better mate
[06:42] <Zambiealex> Elemec, There is no copyright claim or Circle C on that pcture
[06:43] <Zambiealex> *picture
[06:43] <Elemec> So what?
[06:43] <Elemec> If i make a super computer, but don't put a circle c on it, it's not mine? it's stealable?
[06:43] <Zambiealex> It is not even in your Deviant art as well...
[06:43] <Eugoth> Nobody can act well with everybody
[06:43] <Elemec> I didn't upload that EXACTLY for that reason
[06:44] <Elemec> So there's less chance of someone attempting to steal it
[06:44] <Eugoth> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Elemec, quick, get the picture and put a copyright on it before zambie does</span>
[06:44] <Electric Plants> Elemec
[06:44] <Electric Plants> Zambie
[06:44] <Electric Plants> You 2 should stop now
[06:45] <Zambiealex> I am trying to find a Picture that is NOT a clock
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Zambie just chose a picture without that clock and it'll be over
[06:45] <Zambiealex> It is stressful
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> You can take a clock but not directly Elemec's
[06:45] <Zambiealex> My Pic Resize is not accepting them
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> You know that Wiki automatically resizes them, right?
[06:45] <Elemec> Close firefox/whatever browser you're using, clear cache and then enter the wiki
[06:45] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Hi
[06:46] <Electric Plants> Hi
[06:46] <Xenons> Hai
[06:46] <Eugoth> What i am trying to say, elemec, is that nobody can please everybody
[06:46] <Eugoth> You will always have friends and enemies
[06:47] <Zambiealex> One word
[06:47] <Zambiealex> CC-BY-SA
[06:47] <Eugoth> Not even Jesus pleased everybody
[06:47] <Eugoth> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> And yes i'm christian</span>
[06:48] <Eugoth> What does CC BY SA even mean
[06:48] <Elemec> I don't know what that has to do with someone stealing a thing i did
[06:50] <Zambiealex> There is no licence stating that I can't borrow your work.
[06:51] <Zambiealex> That is what it means
[06:52] <Elemec> I explained on my image desc
[06:52] <Elemec> "DO NOT STEAL. Please. I'm WARNING you"
[06:52] <IMCR8Z> (pirate zombie) (conehead pirate) (buckethead pirate) (flag pirate) Just sitting here preparing for Talk Like a Pirate Day:
[06:53] <Electric Plants> Guys
[06:53] <Electric Plants> Calm down
[06:53] <Electric Plants> Ugh
[06:53] <Zambiealex> Read
[06:53] <Zambiealex> Please
[06:54] <Elemec> No.
[06:54] <Elemec> You've saw that i worked a bit on that image, to keep it for myself like a little symbol of me
[06:54] <Elemec> You've read my desc...
[06:55] <Elemec> And you've decided to completely throw the desc out of the window for the sake of using something to make me annoyed
[06:55] <Zambiealex> I have not...
[06:55] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Zambie, would you just randomly take food from your relative without asking them first?
[06:55] <Electric Plants> Now I have to say it
[06:55] <Gargantuar Blitzer> They worked to get the money to buy said food - Elemec worked to get that clocko done.
[06:55] <Electric Plants> Guys calm down
[06:55] <Gargantuar Blitzer> *clock
[06:56] <Electric Plants> Flaming wil get you kicked
[06:56] <Electric Plants> Done
[06:56] <Gargantuar Blitzer> *clock
[06:56] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Nah i'm just saying
[06:56] <Electric Plants> Not you garg :P 
[06:56] <Electric Plants> WB
[06:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> chat crashed for me
[06:57] <Gargantuar Blitzer> Thanks
[06:59] <IMCR8Z> :O
[07:00] <Elemec> I just remembered my flip flops are broken now
[07:01] <Zambiealex> FINE, I changed it. Happy now?
[07:01] <Zambiealex> For the least part
[07:02] <Zambiealex> Elemec 
[07:03] <Zambiealex> Hello?
[07:03] <Zambiealex> (ping)