Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/6 August 2015

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[11:54] <Elemec> Someone should make these lines as emotes
[11:54] <Elemec> we have (mahboi) (scrub) (dinner) 
[11:54] <Elemec> (cracker) 
[11:54] <Graham02> lol
[11:55] <Graham02> (jigglypuff) vs (mudkip) 
[11:55] <Graham02> test
[12:28] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[12:28] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[12:28] <Drkdragonz66> Which lvl has the most swashbuckler zombies (pvz2)? Grinding for challenge
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[12:28] <ErnestoBot> Endless Zone, what else
[12:30] <Drkdragonz66> Regular stages? Don't do endless zone 
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> What are you trying to achieve?
[12:30] <Drkdragonz66> swashbuckler zombie kills 
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Well either endless zone or lvl 22
[12:31] <Coolyoyo33> hi I guess
[12:31] <Drkdragonz66> the grinding one? 
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> PS lvl 22
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Also good for imp kills
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Just fill the lawn with spikerock
[12:32] <Coolyoyo33> everyone's doing the new quests 
[12:32] <Coolyoyo33> o
[12:32] <Drkdragonz66> Cool yeah did the imp challenge yesterday 
[12:32] <ErnestoBot> Imp-ortant level
[12:32] <Drkdragonz66> thanks a lot 
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> My travel log is not functioning properly
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Every time it fetches a quest, the quest will be automatically be completed with no effort
[12:33] <ErnestoBot> same here
[12:33] <ErnestoBot> it glitches a lot
[12:33] <ErnestoBot> :O 
[11:54] <Elemec> (cracker) 
[11:54] <Graham02> lol
[11:55] <Graham02> (jigglypuff) vs (mudkip) 
[11:55] <Graham02> test
[12:28] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[12:28] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[12:28] <Drkdragonz66> Which lvl has the most swashbuckler zombies (pvz2)? Grinding for challenge
[12:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[12:28] <ErnestoBot> Endless Zone, what else
[12:30] <Drkdragonz66> Regular stages? Don't do endless zone 
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> What are you trying to achieve?
[12:30] <Drkdragonz66> swashbuckler zombie kills 
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Well either endless zone or lvl 22
[12:31] <Coolyoyo33> hi I guess
[12:31] <Drkdragonz66> the grinding one? 
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> PS lvl 22
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Also good for imp kills
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Just fill the lawn with spikerock
[12:32] <Coolyoyo33> everyone's doing the new quests 
[12:32] <Coolyoyo33> o
[12:32] <Drkdragonz66> Cool yeah did the imp challenge yesterday 
[12:32] <ErnestoBot> Imp-ortant level
[12:32] <Drkdragonz66> thanks a lot 
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> My travel log is not functioning properly
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Every time it fetches a quest, the quest will be automatically be completed with no effort
[12:33] <ErnestoBot> same here
[12:33] <ErnestoBot> it glitches a lot
[12:33] <ErnestoBot> :O 
[12:41] <ErnestoAM> < I got the new NMT achievement icons in HD.
[12:42] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:42] <Insert Your Name Here> So Gargantuar will be female this time?
[12:44] <ErnestoBot> have you ever seen the eighties before
[12:44] <Insert Your Name Here> No
[12:45] <DeathZombi> Hello internet.
[12:45] <ErnestoBot> sup
[12:45] <ErnestoBot> you saw the icons
[12:45] <ErnestoBot> for the new achievements
[12:45] <Brainulator9> hilo
[12:41] <ErnestoAM> < I got the new NMT achievement icons in HD.
[12:42] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:42] <Insert Your Name Here> So Gargantuar will be female this time?
[12:44] <ErnestoBot> have you ever seen the eighties before
[12:44] <Insert Your Name Here> No
[12:45] <DeathZombi> Hello internet.
[12:45] <ErnestoBot> sup
[12:45] <ErnestoBot> you saw the icons
[12:45] <ErnestoBot> for the new achievements
[12:45] <Brainulator9> hilo
[12:46] <Elemec> Hi
[12:47] <Elemec> o well
[12:47] <Elemec> ischatded
[12:48] <ErnestoBot>
[12:49] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:46] <Elemec> Hi
[12:47] <Elemec> o well
[12:47] <Elemec> ischatded
[12:48] <ErnestoBot>
[12:49] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[12:49] <ErnestoAM> I'm bored, please (help) 
[12:50] <Elemec> k
[12:50] <Elemec> btw , i'm sure garg isn't female
[12:50] <ErnestoBot> nope
[12:50] <Elemec> but istead , one of these random pop/rock people with long hair , but still male
[12:50] <ErnestoBot> it's just that no one except USA citizens have seen the american eighties
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Well the eighties here is mainly about people starving
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Because the gov has a monopoly
[12:52] <ErnestoAM> ;( 
[12:52] <ErnestoAM> sad
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't want a world based on starving people
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh wait, that's Dark Ages
[12:52] <ErnestoBot> k
[12:52] <ErnestoBot> still sad though
[12:53] <DeathZombi> BUL9 I am gonna make a blog soon
[12:53] <DeathZombi> Just FYI
[12:53] <Brainulator9> About what?
[12:53] <DeathZombi> A surprise
[12:53] <ErnestoBot> A blog about blogs?
[12:55] <Elemec> dun
[12:55] <Brainulator9> @DeathZombi, surprise, motherfucker.
[12:55] <DeathZombi> Is swearing still allowed
[12:49] <ErnestoAM> I'm bored, please (help) 
[12:50] <Elemec> k
[12:50] <Elemec> btw , i'm sure garg isn't female
[12:50] <ErnestoBot> nope
[12:50] <Elemec> but istead , one of these random pop/rock people with long hair , but still male
[12:50] <ErnestoBot> it's just that no one except USA citizens have seen the american eighties
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Well the eighties here is mainly about people starving
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Because the gov has a monopoly
[12:52] <ErnestoAM> ;( 
[12:52] <ErnestoAM> sad
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> I don't want a world based on starving people
[12:52] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh wait, that's Dark Ages
[12:52] <ErnestoBot> k
[12:52] <ErnestoBot> still sad though
[12:53] <DeathZombi> BUL9 I am gonna make a blog soon
[12:53] <DeathZombi> Just FYI
[12:53] <Brainulator9> About what?
[12:53] <DeathZombi> A surprise
[12:53] <ErnestoBot> A blog about blogs?
[12:55] <Elemec> dun
[12:55] <Brainulator9> @DeathZombi, surprise, motherfucker.
[12:55] <DeathZombi> Is swearing still allowed
[12:57] <ErnestoAM> Super Smash Bros.
[12:57] <ErnestoAM> SSB4 Music playing - Final Destination v2 - Live on EAM's crappy iPod
[12:57] <DeathZombi> Supplies 
[12:57] <DeathZombi> Some fries
[12:58] <DeathZombi> Wrong Size
[12:58] <DeathZombi> Heart Eyes
[12:58] <ErnestoBot> < Best music eva, at least for me
[12:57] <ErnestoAM> Super Smash Bros.
[12:57] <ErnestoAM> SSB4 Music playing - Final Destination v2 - Live on EAM's crappy iPod
[12:57] <DeathZombi> Supplies 
[12:57] <DeathZombi> Some fries
[12:58] <DeathZombi> Wrong Size
[12:58] <DeathZombi> Heart Eyes
[12:58] <ErnestoBot> < Best music eva, at least for me
[01:05] <ErnestoAM> WB
[01:05] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[01:06] <Electric Plants> \p
[01:06] <Electric Plants> *\o
[01:06] <Electric Plants> \o 
[01:05] <ErnestoAM> WB
[01:05] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[01:06] <Electric Plants> \p
[01:06] <Electric Plants> *\o
[01:06] <Electric Plants> \o 
[01:07] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[01:07] <Graham02> \o 
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> HOLY CRAP
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> OMGGGGGGG
[01:09] <Graham02> ??????
[01:09] <Electric Plants> WOW!
[01:09] <Iliketrains455>
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> Neon Mixtape Tour
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> ALL PLANTS
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> AND ZOMBIES
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> CONFIRMED
[01:09] <DeathZombi>
[01:07] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[01:07] <Graham02> \o 
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> HOLY CRAP
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> OMGGGGGGG
[01:09] <Graham02> ??????
[01:09] <Electric Plants> WOW!
[01:09] <Iliketrains455>
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> Neon Mixtape Tour
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> ALL PLANTS
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> AND ZOMBIES
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> CONFIRMED
[01:09] <DeathZombi>
[01:09] <Brainulator9> @ILT, where's that from?
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> Idk
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> just found it on new files xD
[01:10] <Graham02> lol
[01:12] <Graham02> [[Special:NewFiles?file=1ATLASES UI WORLDMAP 1536 00 PTX.png]]
[01:12] <Graham02> The face lol
[01:12] <Electric Plants> I am excited 
[01:12] <Insert Your Name Here> jk
[01:13] <Insert Your Name Here> I guess that thing is female
[01:13] <Electric Plants> Another female zombie?!?
[01:13] <Elemec> That face is basically
[01:13] <Insert Your Name Here> We have freaking female gargantuar
[01:13] <Elemec> " We have it today "
[01:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Popcap is going all out.
[01:13] <Iliketrains455> ik
[01:13] <Iliketrains455> Famale Garg
[01:13] <Iliketrains455> *Female
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> And everything is neon
[01:14] <Elemec> For me that's still just a guy
[01:14] <Graham02> The garg still looks male to me
[01:14] <DeathZombi> Im not Neon. I'm Leon
[01:14] <DeathZombi> :P 
[01:14] <Elemec> Anyways , I believe phatbeet is the purple plant.
[01:14] <Electric Plants> That zombie is eating his microphone
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> And there's a sugar cane thingy
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> And an artichoke
[01:14] <Elemec> And blue kinky face
[01:14] <Elemec> How do you call yiff for plants?
[01:14] <Elemec> Piff?
[01:15] <Electric Plants> R.I.P (gloom) 
[01:15] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[01:15] <Graham02> He will be missed
[01:15] <Elemec> R.I.P garlic.
[01:15] <Elemec> Garlic and gloom-shroom were best friends.
[01:15] <Elemec> Until Garlic died young... And glom-shroom a lil later....
[01:16] <Brainulator9> bilo
[01:16] <Graham02> (garlic) vs (sweet) 
[01:16] <Electric Plants> By
[01:09] <Brainulator9> @ILT, where's that from?
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> Idk
[01:09] <Iliketrains455> just found it on new files xD
[01:10] <Graham02> lol
[01:12] <Graham02> [[Special:NewFiles?file=1ATLASES UI WORLDMAP 1536 00 PTX.png]]
[01:12] <Graham02> The face lol
[01:12] <Electric Plants> I am excited 
[01:12] <Insert Your Name Here> jk
[01:13] <Insert Your Name Here> I guess that thing is female
[01:13] <Electric Plants> Another female zombie?!?
[01:13] <Elemec> That face is basically
[01:13] <Insert Your Name Here> We have freaking female gargantuar
[01:13] <Elemec> " We have it today "
[01:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Popcap is going all out.
[01:13] <Iliketrains455> ik
[01:13] <Iliketrains455> Famale Garg
[01:13] <Iliketrains455> *Female
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> And everything is neon
[01:14] <Elemec> For me that's still just a guy
[01:14] <Graham02> The garg still looks male to me
[01:14] <DeathZombi> Im not Neon. I'm Leon
[01:14] <DeathZombi> :P 
[01:14] <Elemec> Anyways , I believe phatbeet is the purple plant.
[01:14] <Electric Plants> That zombie is eating his microphone
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> And there's a sugar cane thingy
[01:14] <Insert Your Name Here> And an artichoke
[01:14] <Elemec> And blue kinky face
[01:14] <Elemec> How do you call yiff for plants?
[01:14] <Elemec> Piff?
[01:15] <Electric Plants> R.I.P (gloom) 
[01:15] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[01:15] <Graham02> He will be missed
[01:15] <Elemec> R.I.P garlic.
[01:15] <Elemec> Garlic and gloom-shroom were best friends.
[01:15] <Elemec> Until Garlic died young... And glom-shroom a lil later....
[01:16] <Brainulator9> bilo
[01:16] <Graham02> (garlic) vs (sweet) 
[01:16] <Electric Plants> By
[01:16] <Graham02> Bye
[01:16] <Elemec> Cost : Garlic
[01:16] <Elemec> Usage : Garlic
[01:16] <Elemec> Defense/Thoughness : Sweet Potato
[01:16] <Electric Plants> gtg
[01:16] <Electric Plants> Bye
[01:16] <Electric Plants> o/ 
[01:16] <Graham02> o/ \o o/ \o 
[01:16] <Electric Plants> 
[01:16] <Electric Plants> 
[01:16] <Elemec> Bye
[01:16] <Elemec> Looks : Garlic
[01:17] <Elemec> Recharge : Garlic
[01:17] <Elemec> Winner : Garlic
[01:17] <Iliketrains455> [[File:Rock Star Gargantuar.png]]
[01:17] <Iliketrains455> I Just Cropped This
[01:17] <Iliketrains455> It sucks (I know)
[01:17] <Elemec> it's k
[01:17] <Elemec> Btw , I never undestood how this wiki bots work
[01:17] <Elemec> They're just alts of the main account.
[01:18] <Elemec> That can vote and ruin the pudding...
[01:18] <Elemec> That can " Get out of control " And ban everyone with the excuse of being a bot
[01:18] <Elemec> And normally have gray sausages
[01:19] <Elemec> Btw , I need music
[01:19] <Graham02> Hi
[09:47] <MysteryKing> 
[09:47] <MysteryKing> 
[09:47] <MysteryKing> 
[09:47] <MysteryKing> 
[09:47] <The Magic Star> stahp
[09:47] <Uselessguy> It will look very messy, so I decide to do that
[09:47] <MysteryKing> Test complete
[09:47] <Uselessguy> I'm sorry
[09:47] <The Magic Star> k
[09:47] <MysteryKing> Awwww
[09:47] <MysteryKing> UNCLE GRANDPA Y U DO DIS
[09:47] <The Magic Star> UG one more
[09:48] <The Magic Star> [[Thread:411090]]
[09:48] <Uselessguy> I explained already
[09:48] <Pepsicola45> And you spammed blank spaces too, MK.
[09:48] <MysteryKing> 
[09:48] <MysteryKing> 
[09:48] <MysteryKing> 
[09:48] <MysteryKing> 
[09:48] <MysteryKing> 
[09:48] <Iamarepeater> Stop spamming
[09:48] <Pepsicola45> What now?
[09:48] <Pepsicola45> Let me check the thread.
[09:48] <Iamarepeater> Or I will start calling you mysteryqueen
[09:49] <The Magic Star> pls call me TMT
[09:49] <The Magic Star> The
[09:49] <The Magic Star> Magic
[09:49] <The Magic Star> Taco
[09:49] <The Magic Star> wait wat
[09:49] <The Magic Star> Magic Taco
[09:49] <The Magic Star> :o 
[09:49] <Iamarepeater> The evil taco
[09:49] <The Magic Star> good enuf
[09:49] <The Magic Star> tako
[09:49] <SnappyDragon> I can see
[09:49] <SnappyDragon> Ug's night sky
[09:50] <Iamarepeater> I'm bored so now I think homework is fun
[09:50] <Uselessguy>
[09:50] <Uselessguy> This is the one you are looking for, Snappy
[09:51] <Pepsicola45> [[Thread:404412]] Close this
[09:51] <Pepsicola45> Support wins
[09:51] <Pepsicola45> No one's voting anymore
[09:51] <MN321> Yo
[09:51] <Pepsicola45> Hello
[09:52] <MN321> A miracle, Ernesto's not on :P 
[09:52] <The Magic Star> tako
[09:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> upcoming text mistake fr NMT
[09:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> it will say day l
[09:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> lol
[09:52] <SnappyDragon> Fuck!
[09:52] <SnappyDragon> PHELP
[09:52] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:52] <SnappyDragon> Help
[09:53] <Uselessguy> ?
[09:53] <SnappyDragon> I tried giving myself a chat background
[09:53] <SnappyDragon> It didnt work properly
[09:53] <MN321> Wait Snappy's admin?
[09:53] <The Magic Star> lawl
[09:53] <MysteryKing> yOU ARE?
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> So, is space chat gone?
[09:54] <SnappyDragon> [[User:SnappyDragon/wikia.css]] Can you fix this UG, the first code.
[09:54] <Uselessguy> NEW RULE! Do not spam [[Special:LogOut]] link, do not spam empty spaces!
[09:54] <The Magic Star> ok
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> Because it looks like it
[09:54] <MysteryKing> I won't?
[09:54] <Iamarepeater> If I shipped masterninja with uselessguy
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> chat is back to it's regular self
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> yeyuh
[09:54] <MysteryKing> What do you mean?
[09:54] <MysteryKing> Is swearing banned again?
[09:54] <The Magic Star> nope
[09:54] <The Magic Star> this one:
[09:54] <Iamarepeater> What would be the respond?
[09:54] <The Magic Star> (UG pls dont ban me)
[09:54] <MysteryKing> Then what are the new rules?
[09:54] <The Magic Star> 
[09:54] <The Magic Star> dat one
[09:55] <MysteryKing> WHAAAAT!?
[09:55] <MysteryKing> NO MORE EMPTY SPACES?
[09:55] <MysteryKing> Y U DO DIS
[09:55] <MysteryKing> No more logout links!?
[09:55] <Iamarepeater> Yep
[09:55] <The Magic Star> ya
[09:55] <MysteryKing> This chat became too anti-troll.
[09:55] <Iamarepeater> Too much trolling
[09:55] <MysteryKing> BTW
[09:55] <The Magic Star> i never experienced log out
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> I don't understand
[09:55] <Uselessguy> Starting from this message
[09:55] <The Magic Star> yay
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> what's going on
[09:55] <MysteryKing> 
[09:55] <MysteryKing> Test
[09:55] <The Magic Star> LAWL
[09:55] <MysteryKing> DAMMIT INTERNET
[09:55] <MysteryKing> Guys
[09:56] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> I gotta edit this a bit 3:24
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> SnappyDragon
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> User:SnappyDragon/wikia.css
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> lemme try something
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> 
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> squagland breen
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> Link is gone :( 
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> it's in your air, derriere
[09:56] <MysteryKing> Someone uploaded a porn pic: Admins please delete it: [[Special:Logout|Penisvagina.png]]
[09:56] <MysteryKing> Delete it
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> Ok
[09:56] <Uselessguy> Ugh
[09:56] <MysteryKing> Test
[09:56] <MysteryKing> DANGIT
[09:56] <MysteryKing> INTERNET
[09:56] <MysteryKing> 
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> its a log out link
[09:56] <MysteryKing> TOO SLOW
[09:56] <MysteryKing> Are you getting my messages?
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> get the sanic network
[09:57] <MysteryKing> This internet is crashing
[09:57] <SnappyDragon> Yes
[09:57] <Uselessguy> I said do not spam Logout link
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> what logout link
[09:57] <MysteryKing> I did not spam it.
[09:57] <Iamarepeater> Great
[09:57] <The Magic Star> yea
[09:57] <MysteryKing> I only put it once.
[09:57] <The Magic Star> no one spammed
[09:57] <MysteryKing> So no spamms.
[09:57] <MysteryKing> HA
[09:57] <Uselessguy> Opps sorry
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> seriously
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> what's a logout link
[09:57] <Iamarepeater> You click on a link
[09:57] <The Magic Star> the Special:Logout
[09:57] <The Magic Star> u click it
[09:57] <The Magic Star> then u log out
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> oh
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> that sucks
[09:48] <Pepsicola45> Let me check the thread.
[09:48] <Iamarepeater> Or I will start calling you mysteryqueen
[09:49] <The Magic Star> pls call me TMT
[09:49] <The Magic Star> The
[09:49] <The Magic Star> Magic
[09:49] <The Magic Star> Taco
[09:49] <The Magic Star> wait wat
[09:49] <The Magic Star> Magic Taco
[09:49] <The Magic Star> :o 
[09:49] <Iamarepeater> The evil taco
[09:49] <The Magic Star> good enuf
[09:49] <The Magic Star> tako
[09:49] <SnappyDragon> I can see
[09:49] <SnappyDragon> Ug's night sky
[09:50] <Iamarepeater> I'm bored so now I think homework is fun
[09:50] <Uselessguy>
[09:50] <Uselessguy> This is the one you are looking for, Snappy
[09:51] <Pepsicola45> [[Thread:404412]] Close this
[09:51] <Pepsicola45> Support wins
[09:51] <Pepsicola45> No one's voting anymore
[09:51] <MN321> Yo
[09:51] <Pepsicola45> Hello
[09:52] <MN321> A miracle, Ernesto's not on :P 
[09:52] <The Magic Star> tako
[09:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> upcoming text mistake fr NMT
[09:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> it will say day l
[09:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> lol
[09:52] <SnappyDragon> Fuck!
[09:52] <SnappyDragon> PHELP
[09:52] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:52] <SnappyDragon> Help
[09:53] <Uselessguy> ?
[09:53] <SnappyDragon> I tried giving myself a chat background
[09:53] <SnappyDragon> It didnt work properly
[09:53] <MN321> Wait Snappy's admin?
[09:53] <The Magic Star> lawl
[09:53] <MysteryKing> yOU ARE?
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> So, is space chat gone?
[09:54] <SnappyDragon> [[User:SnappyDragon/wikia.css]] Can you fix this UG, the first code.
[09:54] <Uselessguy> NEW RULE! Do not spam [[Special:LogOut]] link, do not spam empty spaces!
[09:54] <The Magic Star> ok
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> Because it looks like it
[09:54] <MysteryKing> I won't?
[09:54] <Iamarepeater> If I shipped masterninja with uselessguy
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> chat is back to it's regular self
[09:54] <Lolwutburger> yeyuh
[09:54] <MysteryKing> What do you mean?
[09:54] <MysteryKing> Is swearing banned again?
[09:54] <The Magic Star> nope
[09:54] <The Magic Star> this one:
[09:54] <Iamarepeater> What would be the respond?
[09:54] <The Magic Star> (UG pls dont ban me)
[09:54] <MysteryKing> Then what are the new rules?
[09:54] <The Magic Star> 
[09:54] <The Magic Star> dat one
[09:55] <MysteryKing> WHAAAAT!?
[09:55] <MysteryKing> NO MORE EMPTY SPACES?
[09:55] <MysteryKing> Y U DO DIS
[09:55] <MysteryKing> No more logout links!?
[09:55] <Iamarepeater> Yep
[09:55] <The Magic Star> ya
[09:55] <MysteryKing> This chat became too anti-troll.
[09:55] <Iamarepeater> Too much trolling
[09:55] <MysteryKing> BTW
[09:55] <The Magic Star> i never experienced log out
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> I don't understand
[09:55] <Uselessguy> Starting from this message
[09:55] <The Magic Star> yay
[09:55] <Lolwutburger> what's going on
[09:55] <MysteryKing> 
[09:55] <MysteryKing> Test
[09:55] <The Magic Star> LAWL
[09:55] <MysteryKing> DAMMIT INTERNET
[09:55] <MysteryKing> Guys
[09:56] <The Magic Star> wat
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> I gotta edit this a bit 3:24
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> SnappyDragon
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> User:SnappyDragon/wikia.css
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> lemme try something
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> 
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> squagland breen
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> Link is gone :( 
[09:56] <Lolwutburger> it's in your air, derriere
[09:56] <MysteryKing> Someone uploaded a porn pic: Admins please delete it: [[Special:Logout|Penisvagina.png]]
[09:56] <MysteryKing> Delete it
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> Ok
[09:56] <Uselessguy> Ugh
[09:56] <MysteryKing> Test
[09:56] <MysteryKing> DANGIT
[09:56] <MysteryKing> INTERNET
[09:56] <MysteryKing> 
[09:56] <SnappyDragon> its a log out link
[09:56] <MysteryKing> TOO SLOW
[09:56] <MysteryKing> Are you getting my messages?
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> get the sanic network
[09:57] <MysteryKing> This internet is crashing
[09:57] <SnappyDragon> Yes
[09:57] <Uselessguy> I said do not spam Logout link
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> what logout link
[09:57] <MysteryKing> I did not spam it.
[09:57] <Iamarepeater> Great
[09:57] <The Magic Star> yea
[09:57] <MysteryKing> I only put it once.
[09:57] <The Magic Star> no one spammed
[09:57] <MysteryKing> So no spamms.
[09:57] <MysteryKing> HA
[09:57] <Uselessguy> Opps sorry
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> seriously
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> what's a logout link
[09:57] <Iamarepeater> You click on a link
[09:57] <The Magic Star> the Special:Logout
[09:57] <The Magic Star> u click it
[09:57] <The Magic Star> then u log out
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> oh
[09:57] <Lolwutburger> that sucks
[09:57] <MysteryKing> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[09:57] <Uselessguy> And you will be logged out
[09:58] <MysteryKing> Well this chat became anti-troll
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> trolls are a natural thing
[09:58] <Pepsicola45> It's for the sake of the gullible people
[09:58] <The Magic Star> *cough*reeckrowl*cough*
[09:58] <Lolwutburger> just sayin
[09:58] <MysteryKing> I know right
[10:04] <The Magic Star> wait
[10:04] <The Magic Star> idk how
[10:05] <Lolwutburger> Zomboss is green instead of read for NMT
[10:05] <Lolwutburger> Maybe
[10:05] <Lolwutburger> just maybe
[10:05] <Lolwutburger> Zomboss es gud gai
[10:06] <The Magic Star> [[Thread:411059]]
[10:06] <The Magic Star> who wants to join
[10:07] <The Magic Star> tako
[10:07] <Lolwutburger> Hi
[10:08] <Plasmaplant> I want gargantuar statue back!
[10:08] <The Magic Star> me too
[10:08] <PhantomPepsi> I'm here to log chat ~Pepsicola45
[10:08] <PhantomPepsi> My other account will be the one to read the messages while this one logs
[10:09] <The Magic Star> hi
[10:09] <Pepsicola45> Wait, my chat logging tools are still here
[10:09] <The Magic Star> i can haz bot
[10:10] <Pepsicola45> Yay
[10:10] <Pepsicola45> This one can no longer log chat
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> I'm going to screw over the Rebornica fans now
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> see ya
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> later
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> I'll still be here though
[10:10] <Pepsicola45> Goodbye.
[10:10] <Lolwutburger> I'll just be afk
[10:11] <Lolwutburger> fucking with FNaF fantards
[10:11] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[10:11] <Plasmaplant> Sup
[10:11] <Lolwutburger> Welp
[10:11] <Lolwutburger> At r/fnafcringe we just found another cringelord
[10:11] <Lolwutburger> lol
[10:11] <Plasmaplant> Yahh
[10:12] <SnappyDragon> Hi
[10:12] <Lolwutburger> AAM is the cringelord of PvZ
[10:12] <SnappyDragon> Oka
[10:12] <Lolwutburger> for claiming to have a relationship with a flower
[10:12] <SnappyDragon> I WANT A PICTURE TO BE BIGGER
[10:12] <Plasmaplant> We need plasma pea in nmt!!!
[10:12] <Lolwutburger> give him his cringe crown
[10:12] <SnappyDragon> AAM is shit
[10:12] <Lolwutburger> I don't think we'll get plasma pea
[10:13] <Lolwutburger> We already have Citron as a plant that charges it's projectile
[10:13] <SnappyDragon> This is not the farthest future
[10:13] <Pepsicola45> There we go, my alt can log chat now.
[10:14] <Plasmaplant> Its a college world
[10:14] <Pepsicola45> Uh, what?
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> College world
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> wat
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> Do you see any students in there
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> do you see a dean
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> do you see fratboys
[10:15] <Plasmaplant> Take a look at the spoilers
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> do you see sorority girls
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> it's the 80's
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> it's a party
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> in some guy's backyard
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> during a tour
[10:15] <Lolwutburger> by zombie musicians
[10:15] <Plasmaplant> Gezz
[10:16] <Lolwutburger> oh god
[10:16] <Plasmaplant> Wat
[10:16] <Lolwutburger> I turned the entirety of wikia into peanut butter jelly time
[10:16] <Pepsicola45> Okay.
[10:16] <Plasmaplant> 😶
[10:17] <Lolwutburger> rectangle
[10:17] <Lolwutburger> okay
[10:17] <Plasmaplant> "Facepalm"
[10:17] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[10:17] <Plasmaplant> Hello
[10:17] <SnappyDragon> Hmm
[10:17] <Plasmaplant> Pun!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:18] <Lolwutburger> WAT
[10:18] <MysteryKing> Is anyone here redditors?
[10:18] <SnappyDragon> Omf
[10:18] <SnappyDragon> My chat looks like somone shot peas at me 0.3 opacity
[10:18] <Lolwutburger> redditor
[10:18] <Lolwutburger> me
[10:18] <Lolwutburger>
[10:18] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:18] <SnappyDragon> I modded the chat for me
[10:18] <Lolwutburger> hi ep
[10:19] <Plasmaplant> Sup
[10:19] <Pepsicola45> Not me.
[10:19] <MysteryKing> I need your help
[10:19] <SnappyDragon> i gotta mod it again
[10:19] <MysteryKing> I need to create a good polandball comic for me to get submission rights.
[10:19] <Plasmaplant> Ways nmt special trait note?? 
[10:19] <MysteryKing> No matter how many times i submit my own original comic the mods still think it's bad.
[10:19] <Pepsicola45> [s]Just put Hetalia crap[/s]
[10:19] <MysteryKing> I've failed many times.
[10:19] <Pepsicola45> Well, good luck with that.
[10:20] <MysteryKing> Hmmm...
[10:20] <MysteryKing> Is there anyone here with a country joke?
[10:20] <Plasmaplant> Wat
[10:20] <MysteryKing> Like for example, america likes guns.
[10:20] <Electric Plants> SPOILER ALERT
[10:20] <Plasmaplant> ???
[10:20] <Electric Plants> Electric Blueberry is female
[10:20] <Lolwutburger> check out a few stereotypes
[10:20] <Pepsicola45> Nope.
[10:20] <Plasmaplant> Wat does it do?
[10:20] <SnappyDragon> Nooo
[10:21] <Lolwutburger> Electric Blueberry was obviously female from the start
[10:21] <Electric Plants> Oh
[10:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> omg garg nmt shoots plants
[10:21] <Electric Plants> That Garg name
[10:21] <Electric Plants> :?
[10:21] <Electric Plants> :/ 
[10:21] <Plasmaplant> It got dork teeh😄😄😄t
[10:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Plants vs. Zombies 2 - Next update Infomations:
[10:21] <Pepsicola45> I hope I don't forget about Phantom.
[10:21] <Plasmaplant> Phantom?
[10:21] <Pepsicola45> PhantomPepsi, my alt for logging chat.
[10:22] <Plasmaplant> Oh
[10:22] <Pepsicola45> Test ping: PhantomPepsi, we need you senpai!
[10:22] <Pepsicola45> Nope, nothing.
[10:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Neon Zombie what a stupid name
[10:22] <Plasmaplant> Wat do nmt plants do??
[10:22] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Plants vs. Zombies 2 - Next update Infomations:
[10:22] <Pepsicola45> Test ping for my bot: PhantomPepsi, we need you, senpai!
[10:22] <SnappyDragon> Hmm
[10:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> this vid has all
[10:23] <Pepsicola45> Works.
[10:23] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[10:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> about nmt
[10:23] <SnappyDragon> Fuck
[10:23] <SnappyDragon> The chat still looks fucked up for me
[10:23] <Plasmaplant> Bewar spoilers
[10:23] <Pepsicola45> Sucks for you.
[10:23] <Pepsicola45> But nope, spoilers are everywhere.
[10:23] <Pepsicola45> They stalk you.
[10:23] <AWikiBoy521> PhantomPepsi......
[10:23] <SnappyDragon> I gotta remove the night bg tha tonly i can see
[10:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> another selfish gut gots almanac 
[10:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *guy
[10:23] <AWikiBoy521> You know what to do, PhantomPepsi.
[10:23] <Pepsicola45> I brought her back so I can read certain messages.
[10:23] <AWikiBoy521> Do nothing!
[10:24] <PhantomPepsi> I'm logging chat, actually.
[10:24] <AWikiBoy521> Well, too late.
[10:24] <Plasmaplant> Maybe nmt has fogand blubery lites it up 😉😉😉 
[10:25] <AWikiBoy521> Emojis not supported on most PC browsers.
[10:25] <Plasmaplant> Oh
[10:25] <AWikiBoy521> I only see squares.
[10:25] <Plasmaplant> 😀😀😬😉😬😨😨🍖😶😄😝😳😗😘😚😎😞😶😋😝😜😙😘😚😎😎😷😵😝😝😋😗😙😙😘😷😶😋😋😏😓😘😚😞😾😾🙀🙈🙈🙉🙇🙇😾👩👴🙉😼🙎🙆😋😗😵😙😙😙😙😗
[10:25] <SnappyDragon> Oka
[10:25] <Lolwutburger> stop trying to use emojis
[10:25] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> Gewd
[10:26] <AWikiBoy521> @Plasmaplant
[10:26] <AWikiBoy521> Nope, just squares.
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> Now I dont see that wierd fireworks background
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> I modded the chat
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> for me
[10:26] <Pepsicola45> And oh yeah, you can't spam over here.
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> using wikia.css
[10:26] <Plasmaplant> U a square
[10:26] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> 3:56
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> Pepsicola45
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> And oh yeah, you can't spam over here.
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> Insert Your Name Here has been planted on the lawn. 
[10:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> Pepsi
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> Why that white text
[10:26] <Pepsicola45> Or else, I'll slice you severely with this ban sword.
[10:26] <SnappyDragon> I see nothing
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> 3:56
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> Pepsicola45
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> Or else, I'll slice you severely with this ban sword.
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> 3:56
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> SnappyDragon
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> I see nothing
[10:27] <Pepsicola45> To match my personal BG, which I don't think everyone can see.
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> banbattleaxes are better than banhammers
[10:27] <Lolwutburger> tbh
[10:27] <AWikiBoy521> @SnappyDragon
[10:27] <AWikiBoy521> You in space chat?
[10:27] <Insert Your Name Here> What are you doing snappy
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> Nope
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> I am modding my chat
[10:27] <Pepsicola45> Killing people and plotting people's doom.
[10:27] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:27] <Insert Your Name Here> You are evil
[10:27] <Pepsicola45> :) 
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> I need a picture that is very big
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> 3:57
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> Pepsicola45
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> Killing people and plotting people's doom.
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> 3:57
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> Insert Your Name Here
[10:27] <SnappyDragon> k
[10:27] <Plasmaplant> Zombie in divide!!
[10:27] <Insert Your Name Here> ...
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> Tell me what is the size of the full chat window
[10:28] <Plasmaplant> ..........
[10:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Stop pasting chat snappy
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> I gotta find a picture based on that
[10:28] <SnappyDragon> Hmmmmmm
[10:28] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> Who wants to mod their chat
[10:29] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm going to play stuff now
[10:29] <SnappyDragon> Use wikia.css
[10:30] <Insert Your Name Here> So is the 1 mainspace requirement for chat a thing yet?
[10:31] <SnappyDragon> I dunno
[10:31] <Lolwutburger> test
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert Your Name Here
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> Not yet
[10:31] <Shy and Dry Guy> a thing
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> [b]Test[/b]
[10:31] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> ChatTags still don't work.
[10:32] <SnappyDragon> .can I prank somone
[10:32] <SnappyDragon> Nvm
[10:32] <SnappyDragon> bye
[10:33] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[10:35] <Lolwutburger> chat seems boring at this time
[10:35] <Lolwutburger> maybe try again later
[10:37] <Pepsicola45> o/ 
[10:37] <Pepsicola45> Chat is too dead.
[10:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[10:37] <Insert Your Name Here> What do we do?
[10:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Shipping hour is still not here
[10:38] <Pepsicola45> Nuttin'.
[10:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Hahaha.
[10:38] <Charmande red321> hi
[10:38] <Insert Your Name Here> We need to plan for more plant shippings now that NMT is coming
[10:39] <Charmande red321> *changes chat bg again cuz i cant see Issa's text clearly*
[10:39] <Pepsicola45> Plants X Themselves
[10:39] <Lolwutburger> I've thought that I'd rather be here afk
[10:40] <Charmande red321> k
[10:40] <Charmande red321> hi tho
[10:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[10:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Now I will play some more stuff
[10:40] <Lolwutburger> damn these faaaaaaads
[10:40] <Charmande red321> hi UG
[10:41] <Insert Your Name Here> Shipping is never a fad
[10:41] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a law of physics
[10:41] <Pepsicola45> Everyone does it, including your teachers.
[10:41] <Charmande red321> apparently
[10:41] <Pepsicola45> Believe me, mine kinda does.
[10:41] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep.
[10:41] <Charmande red321> mine too actually
[10:42] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[10:42] <Insert Your Name Here> We are all obsessed about shipping.
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> I bet Crazy Dave picks his nose once in a whil.e
[10:42] <Charmande red321> and shipping the ships
[10:42] <Pepsicola45> We ship people on your sleep...
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> and the mold colonies are his boogers who came to life
[10:43] <Lolwutburger> I bet this is the only sane PvZ theory
[10:43] <Charmande red321> how about a PvZ Timeline
[10:43] <Lolwutburger> Okay
[10:43] <Lolwutburger> Lemme do a PvZ timeline
[10:44] <Lolwutburger> 1-something B.Z. Zombies attack for the first time
[10:44] <Charmande red321> that is less confusing than FNaF's
[10:44] <Lolwutburger> Then the events of PvZ2 happen
[10:44] <Lolwutburger> After that, PvZ1 happens
[10:44] <Lolwutburger> then Crazy Dave asks the player for hot sauce
[10:44] <Lolwutburger> and goes back in time
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> meanwhile, Dave leaves the plants to protect Suburbia (GW)
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> But Present Zomboss, who's distracting the player and Dave with his past selves, takes over Zomburbia
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> GW2 happens
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> then the Chinese Zombies go on strike because they're tired of communism
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> and so PvZ China happens
[10:46] <Lolwutburger> Crazy Dave goes back to the present then records a music video
[10:46] <Lolwutburger> end of PvZ timeline
[10:46] <The Magic Star> board
[10:46] <Charmande red321> 11.9/10 - less confusing than FNaF's and Zelda's, and no water
[10:46] <Plasmaplant> I'm here!
[10:47] <Charmande red321> hai
[10:47] <The Magic Star> tako
[10:47] <Charmande red321> shall i has eat?
[10:47] <Plasmaplant> Wen is nmt pinata party's out?
[10:48] <The Magic Star> wow
[10:48] <The Magic Star> pvz 3 china
[10:48] <The Magic Star> color blover is op
[10:48] <The Magic Star> i think
[10:48] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[10:48] <Insert Your Name Here> You are still playing that thing?
[10:49] <The Magic Star> ya
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> I gave up after seeing too much heresy in that game
[10:49] <Charmande red321> PvZ 4: The Non Final Chapter
[10:49] <Plasmaplant> Uhhh
[10:49] <Uselessguy> @Plasmaplant I think it's around 23th or 25th
[10:49] <Uselessguy> *23rd
[10:49] <Charmande red321> PvZ5: No Subtitles Needed
[10:50] <Uselessguy> This August
[10:50] <Lolwutburger> If PvZ4 is the final chapter
[10:50] <Lolwutburger> then how original
[10:50] <Lolwutburger> Shrek did it first
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> PvZ6: We are now worse than FnaF
[10:50] <Lolwutburger> FNaF copied Shrek by having the 4th installment being the final chapter
[10:50] <Plasmaplant> Cough fnaf cough
[10:50] <Charmande red321> PvZ7: Pewds, Jackspecticeye, youtubers now play this
[10:50] <Lolwutburger> PvZ 8 some bad plant food
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Pewdiepie versus Zombie
[10:50] <Charmande red321> PvZ9: Nuff Sed
[10:50] <Plasmaplant> Evil plants
[10:50] <WintahMhelon18> Heyyo evero bo!
[10:51] <Charmande red321> hai
[10:51] <Lolwutburger> PvZ 10tacles
[10:51] <WintahMhelon18> *everybody
[10:51] <Lolwutburger> featuring Sunflower hentai
[10:51] <Charmande red321> PvZ11: THE END
[10:51] <Charmande red321> PvZ11.5: Nope
[10:51] <Lolwutburger> Guess who'll fap to Sunflower hentai
[10:51] <Lolwutburger> heheheheheheheh
[10:51] <Insert Your Name Here> AAM?
[10:51] <Lolwutburger> lol
[10:51] <Lolwutburger> yes
[10:51] <Charmande red321> probably
[10:52] <Charmande red321> charmande test
[10:52] <Plasmaplant> How about anti plant food u acidently pin up like zombie hypno shroom!
[10:52] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:52] <Charmande red321> y u no be plushtrap yet
[10:52] <Charmande red321> hai EP
[10:52] <Pepsicola45> o/ 
[10:52] <Electric Plants> Me?
[10:52] <The Magic Star> wat
[10:52] <Charmande red321> me
[10:52] <Plasmaplant> Who else
[10:52] <Electric Plants> Yah 
[10:52] <Electric Plants> y u no plushtrap yet char?
[10:53] <Charmande red321> cuz
[10:53] <Charmande red321> idk
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> plushtwerp
[10:53] <Charmande red321> Plushtrap be midgit
[10:53] <Plasmaplant> Twerplush
[10:53] <WintahMhelon18> Hi Iama
[10:53] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:53] <Charmande red321> hai Repeating
[10:53] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> Plushtrap = Inhabited by...
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> PURPLE
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> MIDGET
[10:54] <Charmande red321> what if Plushtrap is Springtrap 45 years ago
[10:54] <WintahMhelon18> O.o
[10:54] <Lolwutburger> So...
[10:54] <Lolwutburger> Plushtrap's Purple Person by day (as seen in the Night 4 minigame)
[10:54] <Lolwutburger> and a plushthing at night
[10:54] <Plasmaplant> This is pvz wiki of fnaf
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> Then after a couple of years, he gets pissed and leaves his tiny body
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> releasing a purple ghost
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> who kills a bunch of kids for not playing with him
[10:55] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:55] <Charmande red321> All Wiki Chats in a Nutshell:
[10:55] <Charmande red321> Welcome to MLP Chat, we talk about a lot of Amnesia.
[10:55] <Pepsicola45> This wiki tends to talk about FNAF.
[10:55] <Charmande red321> hai Hacker
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> then said kids come back and puts him back in the suit
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> and they be like "u go back in there ya foo"
[10:55] <Plasmaplant> Shut it
[10:55] <Charmande red321> he does not
[10:56] <Plasmaplant> OK
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> you can't make me shut it
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> since I HAVE NOTHING TO SHUT
[10:56] <Charmande red321> hi TZ
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> Hi zomb
[10:56] <Charmande red321> how about the doors
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> What
[10:56] <Charmande red321> in FNaF4
[10:56] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:56] <Pepsicola45> o/ 
[10:56] <Charmande red321> hai
[10:56] <Plasmaplant> He's a zmbeo
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> Zowdoi
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> Hi five ghost
[10:56] <The Magic Star> tako
[10:56] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hello
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> What's with the BG surrounding your text
[10:57] <Iamarepeater> Hive zombie
[10:57] <Charmande red321> red background?
[10:57] <The Magic Star> who
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> Ye
[10:57] <Plasmaplant> Uhhh
[10:57] <Charmande red321> well its pretty much self-explanatory
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> Charmande , Oreo, MN, Hacker, Pepsi and UG
[10:57] <Charmande red321> wb Insert
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> W0t?
[10:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Ask useless guy
[10:57] <Plasmaplant> Wit?
[10:57] <Charmande red321> its a frikin background
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> IK
[10:57] <Charmande red321> self-post background
[10:58] <Lolwutburger> We should all be able to change our chat backgrounds like what I did a few days ago
[10:58] <Charmande red321> want one?
[10:58] <Lolwutburger> turning chat into Peanut Butter Jelly Time
[10:58] <Charmande red321> then go here [[User:The Zombie O.O/chat.css]]
[10:58] <Electric Plants> Test
[10:58] <The Zombie O.O> Never knew that was there.
[10:52] <Electric Plants> Me?
[10:52] <The Magic Star> wat
[10:52] <Charmande red321> me
[10:52] <Plasmaplant> Who else
[10:52] <Electric Plants> Yah 
[10:52] <Electric Plants> y u no plushtrap yet char?
[10:53] <Charmande red321> cuz
[10:53] <Charmande red321> idk
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> plushtwerp
[10:53] <Charmande red321> Plushtrap be midgit
[10:53] <Plasmaplant> Twerplush
[10:53] <WintahMhelon18> Hi Iama
[10:53] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:53] <Charmande red321> hai Repeating
[10:53] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> Plushtrap = Inhabited by...
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> PURPLE
[10:53] <Lolwutburger> MIDGET
[10:54] <Charmande red321> what if Plushtrap is Springtrap 45 years ago
[10:54] <WintahMhelon18> O.o
[10:54] <Lolwutburger> So...
[10:54] <Lolwutburger> Plushtrap's Purple Person by day (as seen in the Night 4 minigame)
[10:54] <Lolwutburger> and a plushthing at night
[10:54] <Plasmaplant> This is pvz wiki of fnaf
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> Then after a couple of years, he gets pissed and leaves his tiny body
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> releasing a purple ghost
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> who kills a bunch of kids for not playing with him
[10:55] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:55] <Charmande red321> All Wiki Chats in a Nutshell:
[10:55] <Charmande red321> Welcome to MLP Chat, we talk about a lot of Amnesia.
[10:55] <Pepsicola45> This wiki tends to talk about FNAF.
[10:55] <Charmande red321> hai Hacker
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> then said kids come back and puts him back in the suit
[10:55] <Lolwutburger> and they be like "u go back in there ya foo"
[10:55] <Plasmaplant> Shut it
[10:55] <Charmande red321> he does not
[10:56] <Plasmaplant> OK
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> you can't make me shut it
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> since I HAVE NOTHING TO SHUT
[10:56] <Charmande red321> hi TZ
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> Hi zomb
[10:56] <Charmande red321> how about the doors
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> What
[10:56] <Charmande red321> in FNaF4
[10:56] <Electric Plants> Hi!
[10:56] <Pepsicola45> o/ 
[10:56] <Charmande red321> hai
[10:56] <Plasmaplant> He's a zmbeo
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> Zowdoi
[10:56] <Lolwutburger> Hi five ghost
[10:56] <The Magic Star> tako
[10:56] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hello
[10:56] <The Zombie O.O> What's with the BG surrounding your text
[10:57] <Iamarepeater> Hive zombie
[10:57] <Charmande red321> red background?
[10:57] <The Magic Star> who
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> Ye
[10:57] <Plasmaplant> Uhhh
[10:57] <Charmande red321> well its pretty much self-explanatory
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> Charmande , Oreo, MN, Hacker, Pepsi and UG
[10:57] <Charmande red321> wb Insert
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> W0t?
[10:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Ask useless guy
[10:57] <Plasmaplant> Wit?
[10:57] <Charmande red321> its a frikin background
[10:57] <The Zombie O.O> IK
[10:57] <Charmande red321> self-post background
[10:58] <Lolwutburger> We should all be able to change our chat backgrounds like what I did a few days ago
[10:58] <Charmande red321> want one?
[10:58] <Lolwutburger> turning chat into Peanut Butter Jelly Time
[10:58] <Charmande red321> then go here [[User:The Zombie O.O/chat.css]]
[10:58] <Electric Plants> Test
[10:58] <The Zombie O.O> Never knew that was there.
[10:58] <Charmande red321> everyone has that
[10:59] <Uselessguy> [[Special:MyPage/wikia.css]]
[10:59] <Uselessguy> Post your background there
[10:59] <The Zombie O.O> Wait, so we just post the image link there?
[10:59] <Charmande red321> and i want Charmande to be Plushtrap nao
[10:59] <Lolwutburger> It's sad that I can't make my text rainbow
[11:00] <Charmande red321> not literally tho
[11:00] <Charmande red321> @TZ
[11:00] <The Zombie O.O> Oh.
[11:00] <Charmande red321> i just wanted this
[11:00] <Iamarepeater> [[Thread:280772]]
[11:00] <Iamarepeater> Hmmmmm
[11:01] <The Magic Star> [[Thread:411059]]
[11:01] <Electric Plants>
[11:01] <Electric Plants> This is better
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[11:01] <Charmande red321> k
[11:01] <Charmande red321> but can you change it tho?
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> test
[11:02] <Electric Plants> Y?
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> I turned my font into Brianne's Hand
[11:02] <Charmande red321> cuz
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> can anyone see it?
[11:02] <Charmande red321> Springtrap's kid life
[11:02] <Insert Your Name Here> No
[11:02] <Charmande red321> i mean change my Charmande emote
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> damn
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> Only I can see it
[11:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes, you need to change from freddy to anime girl
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> I finally got Crazy Dave's font
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> but noooo
[11:03] <Electric Plants> To or
[11:03] <Lolwutburger> nobody else can see it
[11:03] <Lolwutburger> which SUCKS
[11:03] <Charmande red321> what kind of anime girl
[11:03] <Charmande red321> the fb one
[11:03] <Charmande red321> for now...
[11:03] <Charmande red321> can you screenshot it? @LWB
[10:58] <Charmande red321> everyone has that
[10:59] <Uselessguy> [[Special:MyPage/wikia.css]]
[10:59] <Uselessguy> Post your background there
[10:59] <The Zombie O.O> Wait, so we just post the image link there?
[10:59] <Charmande red321> and i want Charmande to be Plushtrap nao
[10:59] <Lolwutburger> It's sad that I can't make my text rainbow
[11:00] <Charmande red321> not literally tho
[11:00] <Charmande red321> @TZ
[11:00] <The Zombie O.O> Oh.
[11:00] <Charmande red321> i just wanted this
[11:00] <Iamarepeater> [[Thread:280772]]
[11:00] <Iamarepeater> Hmmmmm
[11:01] <The Magic Star> [[Thread:411059]]
[11:01] <Electric Plants>
[11:01] <Electric Plants> This is better
[11:01] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[11:01] <Charmande red321> k
[11:01] <Charmande red321> but can you change it tho?
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> test
[11:02] <Electric Plants> Y?
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> I turned my font into Brianne's Hand
[11:02] <Charmande red321> cuz
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> can anyone see it?
[11:02] <Charmande red321> Springtrap's kid life
[11:02] <Insert Your Name Here> No
[11:02] <Charmande red321> i mean change my Charmande emote
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> damn
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> Only I can see it
[11:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes, you need to change from freddy to anime girl
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> I finally got Crazy Dave's font
[11:02] <Lolwutburger> but noooo
[11:03] <Electric Plants> To or
[11:03] <Lolwutburger> nobody else can see it
[11:03] <Lolwutburger> which SUCKS
[11:03] <Charmande red321> what kind of anime girl
[11:03] <Charmande red321> the fb one
[11:03] <Charmande red321> for now...
[11:03] <Charmande red321> can you screenshot it? @LWB
[11:04] <Charmande red321> wb Hacker
[11:04] <Uselessguy> Dr. Hackerboss, did you see the video with full information of new zombies and plants?
[11:04] <Electric Plants> Charmande trap
[11:05] <Electric Plants> Refresh
[11:05] <Electric Plants> Hi
[11:05] <Charmande red321> if Springtrap can be Swagtrap
[11:05] <Uselessguy> MC Zombie aka MC Zom-B. (oh) 
[11:05] <Charmande red321> what about Plushtrap?
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> here's the chatbox that only i can see
[11:05] <Lolwutburger>
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> this is some Great Gazoo shit going on here
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> FLINTSTONES REFERENCE
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> wat
[11:06] <Electric Plants> lol
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> ignore the PBJ time
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> look at the font
[11:06] <Plasmaplant> Hi
[11:06] <Charmande red321> legit tho
[11:06] <Electric Plants> LWB
[11:06] <Uselessguy> I do not entirely understand how Glitter Zombie will do exactly. :/ 
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> yes
[11:07] <Electric Plants> Same
[11:07] <Electric Plants> I can change your font
[11:07] <Uselessguy> Maybe the gimmick is the beat that causes Punks and Glitters do their special?
[11:07] <Uselessguy> As well as the Hair Metal Gargantuar
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> please do
[11:07] <MysteryKing> Charmande .
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> cafeteria sucks
[11:07] <MysteryKing> Your text is too hard to read.
[11:07] <Charmande red321> what
[11:07] <Electric Plants> What is the name of the text
[11:07] <MysteryKing> Your replies are hard to read.
[11:07] <MysteryKing> TOO RED
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> BrianneTod
[11:08] <Charmande red321> much very seizure
[11:08] <Electric Plants> Your name too?
[11:08] <MysteryKing> MUCH ANNOYING
[11:08] <MysteryKing> SUCH RE
[11:08] <MysteryKing> D
[11:08] <Charmande red321> RE
[11:08] <MysteryKing> SUCH RED
[11:08] <Charmande red321> MK
[11:04] <Charmande red321> wb Hacker
[11:04] <Uselessguy> Dr. Hackerboss, did you see the video with full information of new zombies and plants?
[11:04] <Electric Plants> Charmande trap
[11:05] <Electric Plants> Refresh
[11:05] <Electric Plants> Hi
[11:05] <Charmande red321> if Springtrap can be Swagtrap
[11:05] <Uselessguy> MC Zombie aka MC Zom-B. (oh) 
[11:05] <Charmande red321> what about Plushtrap?
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> here's the chatbox that only i can see
[11:05] <Lolwutburger>
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> this is some Great Gazoo shit going on here
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> FLINTSTONES REFERENCE
[11:05] <Lolwutburger> wat
[11:06] <Electric Plants> lol
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> ignore the PBJ time
[11:06] <Lolwutburger> look at the font
[11:06] <Plasmaplant> Hi
[11:06] <Charmande red321> legit tho
[11:06] <Electric Plants> LWB
[11:06] <Uselessguy> I do not entirely understand how Glitter Zombie will do exactly. :/ 
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> yes
[11:07] <Electric Plants> Same
[11:07] <Electric Plants> I can change your font
[11:07] <Uselessguy> Maybe the gimmick is the beat that causes Punks and Glitters do their special?
[11:07] <Uselessguy> As well as the Hair Metal Gargantuar
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> please do
[11:07] <MysteryKing> Charmande .
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> cafeteria sucks
[11:07] <MysteryKing> Your text is too hard to read.
[11:07] <Charmande red321> what
[11:07] <Electric Plants> What is the name of the text
[11:07] <MysteryKing> Your replies are hard to read.
[11:07] <MysteryKing> TOO RED
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> BrianneTod
[11:08] <Charmande red321> much very seizure
[11:08] <Electric Plants> Your name too?
[11:08] <MysteryKing> MUCH ANNOYING
[11:08] <MysteryKing> SUCH RE
[11:08] <MysteryKing> D
[11:08] <Charmande red321> RE
[11:08] <MysteryKing> SUCH RED
[11:08] <Charmande red321> MK
[11:08] <MysteryKing> MUCH SEIZURE
[11:08] <Charmande red321> you're pretty much annoyed to anything
[11:08] <MysteryKing> WOT M8
[11:08] <Plasmaplant> Ways neon mixtapetour feature besides note?
[11:08] <MysteryKing> I'm easily annoyed by annoying things.
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> reeeeeeeed
[11:08] <MysteryKing> Like too much red.
[11:08] <Charmande red321> blood
[11:08] <AWikiBoy521> Came back.
[11:09] <MysteryKing> Or incorrect grammar.
[11:09] <Lolwutburger> I was finally jumpscared in FNaF just a few hours ago
[11:09] <Charmande red321> mast nut
[11:09] <Lolwutburger> it was fun
[11:09] <Charmande red321> kurekt thy gramar
[11:09] <MysteryKing> UGH
[11:09] <MysteryKing> FNAF
[11:09] <Plasmaplant> Its not easy
[11:09] <MysteryKing> Another thing that annoys me.
[11:09] <Charmande red321> k lets talk bout fenap fayv
[11:09] <Lolwutburger> rong guramer
[11:09] <Charmande red321> to annoy
[11:09] <Lolwutburger> efnoof
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[11:09] <Charmande red321> le jk
[11:09] <MysteryKing> FNAF? You mean The Most Overrated Game That Deserves To Die?
[11:09] <Charmande red321> it will die tho
[11:09] <MysteryKing> Well good.
[11:09] <Charmande red321> for a few months
[11:09] <MysteryKing> It will die...
[11:09] <MysteryKing> SOON.
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Idk
[11:10] <Charmande red321> everything dies mate
[11:10] <Charmande red321> [except our almighty one]
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> It looks like it's been surviving well
[11:10] <WintahMhelon18> Well, FNAF4 is now the last installment
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> As long as pewdiepie lives
[11:10] <Charmande red321> but then again
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> There is no such thing as the last freddy game
[11:10] <WintahMhelon18> Plus, they're makin' a movie for it
[11:10] <Uselessguy> Thyme Warp will be the most OP plant ever...
[11:10] <Charmande red321> the world needs an overrated thing
[11:10] <Charmande red321> after FNaF
[11:10] <Lolwutburger> thyme warp
[11:10] <Lolwutburger> whazzat
[11:10] <Charmande red321> there will be something else
[11:10] <Plasmaplant> U men fnaf? The worst game in historythae weveryoorget in a month?everyone
[11:10] <Charmande red321> *year
[11:11] <MysteryKing> C'mon.
[11:11] <MysteryKing> There is no forever.
[11:11] <WintahMhelon18> They're making a movie tho
[11:11] <MysteryKing> Even FNAF won't last forever.
[11:11] <Plasmaplant> Whatever
[11:11] <MysteryKing> I know they are making a movie of FNAF.
[11:11] <MysteryKing> I've lost faith in humanity.
[11:11] <Charmande red321> well
[11:11] <Charmande red321> every video game movie
[11:11] <Charmande red321> will never last
[11:11] <Plasmaplant> A movie ur not serious
[11:11] <MysteryKing> Now off to business...
[11:11] <Charmande red321> and pretty much every one of em sucks
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> that'll suck
[11:11] <MysteryKing> STEAL MY GOLDEN COOKIE [[Special:Chat]]
[11:11] <WintahMhelon18> Maybe the movie will explain all of FNAF
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> video game movies suck
[11:12] <MysteryKing> Maybe the movie will suck and will die and all fans will eventually move on to another game that isn't so annoying?
[11:12] <Plasmaplant> Said
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> @MysteryKing
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Not likely.
[11:12] <Charmande red321> the only thing what made FNaF overrated
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes.
[11:12] <Charmande red321> YouTube + Fanbase
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> We need the movie
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> It will kill Freddy once and for all
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> It's a person called Rebornica's fault
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes.
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Considering that some fans a mature in the future.
[11:12] <MysteryKing> The fanbase is unstoppable.
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> blame rebornica
[11:12] <Charmande red321> cuz there were no complaints when it was freshly released
[11:12] <MysteryKing> But people judge shows and games by their fanbase.
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> That person attracted fantards to FNaF
[11:13] <MysteryKing> And i think that's unfair.
[11:13] <Electric Plants> Done!#LWB
[11:13] <Plasmaplant> It exists to makes kids hate chue cheeseck 
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> Is Scott Cawthon a Christian?
[11:13] <Charmande red321> yes
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> Oh ok
[11:13] <MysteryKing> I think the PvZ Fanbase is normal.
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> I knew it
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> If someone tries doing a homestuck x fnaf crossover
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> i'll be pisssssssed
[11:13] <Charmande red321> huh
[11:13] <Charmande red321> never make Pewds play this game
[11:13] <MysteryKing> What's homestuck?
[11:08] <MysteryKing> MUCH SEIZURE
[11:08] <Charmande red321> you're pretty much annoyed to anything
[11:08] <MysteryKing> WOT M8
[11:08] <Plasmaplant> Ways neon mixtapetour feature besides note?
[11:08] <MysteryKing> I'm easily annoyed by annoying things.
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> reeeeeeeed
[11:08] <MysteryKing> Like too much red.
[11:08] <Charmande red321> blood
[11:08] <AWikiBoy521> Came back.
[11:09] <MysteryKing> Or incorrect grammar.
[11:09] <Lolwutburger> I was finally jumpscared in FNaF just a few hours ago
[11:09] <Charmande red321> mast nut
[11:09] <Lolwutburger> it was fun
[11:09] <Charmande red321> kurekt thy gramar
[11:09] <MysteryKing> UGH
[11:09] <MysteryKing> FNAF
[11:09] <Plasmaplant> Its not easy
[11:09] <MysteryKing> Another thing that annoys me.
[11:09] <Charmande red321> k lets talk bout fenap fayv
[11:09] <Lolwutburger> rong guramer
[11:09] <Charmande red321> to annoy
[11:09] <Lolwutburger> efnoof
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[11:09] <Charmande red321> le jk
[11:09] <MysteryKing> FNAF? You mean The Most Overrated Game That Deserves To Die?
[11:09] <Charmande red321> it will die tho
[11:09] <MysteryKing> Well good.
[11:09] <Charmande red321> for a few months
[11:09] <MysteryKing> It will die...
[11:09] <MysteryKing> SOON.
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> Idk
[11:10] <Charmande red321> everything dies mate
[11:10] <Charmande red321> [except our almighty one]
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> It looks like it's been surviving well
[11:10] <WintahMhelon18> Well, FNAF4 is now the last installment
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> As long as pewdiepie lives
[11:10] <Charmande red321> but then again
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> There is no such thing as the last freddy game
[11:10] <WintahMhelon18> Plus, they're makin' a movie for it
[11:10] <Uselessguy> Thyme Warp will be the most OP plant ever...
[11:10] <Charmande red321> the world needs an overrated thing
[11:10] <Charmande red321> after FNaF
[11:10] <Lolwutburger> thyme warp
[11:10] <Lolwutburger> whazzat
[11:10] <Charmande red321> there will be something else
[11:10] <Plasmaplant> U men fnaf? The worst game in historythae weveryoorget in a month?everyone
[11:10] <Charmande red321> *year
[11:11] <MysteryKing> C'mon.
[11:11] <MysteryKing> There is no forever.
[11:11] <WintahMhelon18> They're making a movie tho
[11:11] <MysteryKing> Even FNAF won't last forever.
[11:11] <Plasmaplant> Whatever
[11:11] <MysteryKing> I know they are making a movie of FNAF.
[11:11] <MysteryKing> I've lost faith in humanity.
[11:11] <Charmande red321> well
[11:11] <Charmande red321> every video game movie
[11:11] <Charmande red321> will never last
[11:11] <Plasmaplant> A movie ur not serious
[11:11] <MysteryKing> Now off to business...
[11:11] <Charmande red321> and pretty much every one of em sucks
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> that'll suck
[11:11] <MysteryKing> STEAL MY GOLDEN COOKIE [[Special:Chat]]
[11:11] <WintahMhelon18> Maybe the movie will explain all of FNAF
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> video game movies suck
[11:12] <MysteryKing> Maybe the movie will suck and will die and all fans will eventually move on to another game that isn't so annoying?
[11:12] <Plasmaplant> Said
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> @MysteryKing
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Not likely.
[11:12] <Charmande red321> the only thing what made FNaF overrated
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes.
[11:12] <Charmande red321> YouTube + Fanbase
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> We need the movie
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> It will kill Freddy once and for all
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> It's a person called Rebornica's fault
[11:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Yes.
[11:12] <AWikiBoy521> Considering that some fans a mature in the future.
[11:12] <MysteryKing> The fanbase is unstoppable.
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> blame rebornica
[11:12] <Charmande red321> cuz there were no complaints when it was freshly released
[11:12] <MysteryKing> But people judge shows and games by their fanbase.
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> That person attracted fantards to FNaF
[11:13] <MysteryKing> And i think that's unfair.
[11:13] <Electric Plants> Done!#LWB
[11:13] <Plasmaplant> It exists to makes kids hate chue cheeseck 
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> Is Scott Cawthon a Christian?
[11:13] <Charmande red321> yes
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> Oh ok
[11:13] <MysteryKing> I think the PvZ Fanbase is normal.
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> I knew it
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> If someone tries doing a homestuck x fnaf crossover
[11:13] <Lolwutburger> i'll be pisssssssed
[11:13] <Charmande red321> huh
[11:13] <Charmande red321> never make Pewds play this game
[11:13] <MysteryKing> What's homestuck?
[11:13] <MysteryKing> Never heard of it.
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> Stuck at home?
[11:13] <MysteryKing> Did Pewdiepie ever played PvZ?
[11:13] <Charmande red321> or else FNaF all over again
[11:13] <Charmande red321> i dont think so
[11:14] <MysteryKing> Well if he did...
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> hamsteak is something involving trolls
[11:14] <Plasmaplant> Is it worse then fnaf?
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> or something
[11:14] <MysteryKing> This wiki would be famous.
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> hamsteak
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> homestuck
[11:14] <Charmande red321> if it goes more overrated
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> whatever
[11:14] <Charmande red321> then ya...
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> hooperstickle
[11:14] <Charmande red321> more hate
[11:14] <Charmande red321> more like
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> Please
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> don't make PewDiePie play PvZ
[11:14] <MysteryKing> In that case...
[11:14] <MysteryKing> Why?
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> it'll attract...
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> FANTURDS
[11:14] <Charmande red321> ikr
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> More AAMs
[11:14] <MysteryKing> Good point.
[11:14] <MysteryKing> Pewdiepie playing games will ruin that game's fanbase.'
[11:15] <MysteryKing> It'll attract immature ragequitting kids.
[11:15] <Plasmaplant> Ways a fanturd?
[11:15] <Charmande red321> after fnaf
[11:15] <Charmande red321> what game will scott make
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> We don't want more AAMs
[11:15] <Uselessguy> AAM?
[11:15] <MysteryKing> You have a point.
[11:15] <MysteryKing> We don't want more AMS.
[11:15] <Charmande red321> Agent Andrew Martins
[11:15] <Charmande red321> AMs
[11:15] <MysteryKing> AAMs are annoying.
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> He's this kid who says he "married" sunflower
[11:15] <MysteryKing> Now we will refer to immature kids as "AAM"
[11:15] <Charmande red321> fanturd
[11:15] <MysteryKing> Yep.
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> and he stole a photo from this artist on deviantART
[11:16] <MysteryKing> He's this kids who loves sunflower and makes sunflower porn.
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> Also, does anyone see my briannetod thing?
[11:16] <Charmande red321> if FNaF wasnt overrated
[11:16] <MysteryKing> And he acts all mature
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> he makes sunflower porn?
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> oh god
[11:16] <MysteryKing> But he isn't.
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> that's hilarious
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> he's a total leafy
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> leafy - plant equivalent to the furry fandom
[11:16] <MysteryKing> He once said he wants to fuck sunflower.
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> OH GOD
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> LOL
[11:16] <MysteryKing> IKR
[11:16] <Charmande red321> inb4 THP comes in
[11:16] <Charmande red321> and stops us
[11:17] <MysteryKing> Just don't let AAMs be here.
[11:17] <MysteryKing> From now on we'll refer to immature fans or fanturds as AAMs.
[11:17] <Lolwutburger> Like that foxtail kid or Nat Garcia
[11:17] <Charmande red321> much very Fnaf AAMs
[11:17] <MN321> Please
[11:17] <Charmande red321> very much PewdAAMs
[11:17] <MN321> Carp said that he saw Flaming Pea's breasts, that he's married, did you-know-what with her, etc.
[11:17] <WintahMhelon18> Pewds has too many subs
[11:17] <MysteryKing> FNAF's fanbase is flooding with AAMs.
[11:18] <Plasmaplant> I heard Scott cawthon made fnaf4 as a take that to people who said fnaf 3wasn't scary
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> In FNaF, we call AAMs "Vincent & Foxy are bae fans"
[11:18] <Charmande red321> fnaf 2-3 wasnt even scary
[11:18] <MysteryKing> Also...
[11:18] <MysteryKing> "No matter how popular something is, there's always haters of it."
[11:18] <MysteryKing> 
[11:18] <MysteryKing> -MysteryKing
[11:18] <Charmande red321> everything has its own pros and cons mate
[11:18] <WintahMhelon18> (claps)
[11:13] <MysteryKing> Never heard of it.
[11:13] <WintahMhelon18> Stuck at home?
[11:13] <MysteryKing> Did Pewdiepie ever played PvZ?
[11:13] <Charmande red321> or else FNaF all over again
[11:13] <Charmande red321> i dont think so
[11:14] <MysteryKing> Well if he did...
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> hamsteak is something involving trolls
[11:14] <Plasmaplant> Is it worse then fnaf?
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> or something
[11:14] <MysteryKing> This wiki would be famous.
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> hamsteak
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> homestuck
[11:14] <Charmande red321> if it goes more overrated
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> whatever
[11:14] <Charmande red321> then ya...
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> hooperstickle
[11:14] <Charmande red321> more hate
[11:14] <Charmande red321> more like
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> Please
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> don't make PewDiePie play PvZ
[11:14] <MysteryKing> In that case...
[11:14] <MysteryKing> Why?
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> it'll attract...
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> FANTURDS
[11:14] <Charmande red321> ikr
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> More AAMs
[11:14] <MysteryKing> Good point.
[11:14] <MysteryKing> Pewdiepie playing games will ruin that game's fanbase.'
[11:15] <MysteryKing> It'll attract immature ragequitting kids.
[11:15] <Plasmaplant> Ways a fanturd?
[11:15] <Charmande red321> after fnaf
[11:15] <Charmande red321> what game will scott make
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> We don't want more AAMs
[11:15] <Uselessguy> AAM?
[11:15] <MysteryKing> You have a point.
[11:15] <MysteryKing> We don't want more AMS.
[11:15] <Charmande red321> Agent Andrew Martins
[11:15] <Charmande red321> AMs
[11:15] <MysteryKing> AAMs are annoying.
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> He's this kid who says he "married" sunflower
[11:15] <MysteryKing> Now we will refer to immature kids as "AAM"
[11:15] <Charmande red321> fanturd
[11:15] <MysteryKing> Yep.
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> and he stole a photo from this artist on deviantART
[11:16] <MysteryKing> He's this kids who loves sunflower and makes sunflower porn.
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> Also, does anyone see my briannetod thing?
[11:16] <Charmande red321> if FNaF wasnt overrated
[11:16] <MysteryKing> And he acts all mature
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> he makes sunflower porn?
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> oh god
[11:16] <MysteryKing> But he isn't.
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> that's hilarious
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> he's a total leafy
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> leafy - plant equivalent to the furry fandom
[11:16] <MysteryKing> He once said he wants to fuck sunflower.
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> OH GOD
[11:16] <Lolwutburger> LOL
[11:16] <MysteryKing> IKR
[11:16] <Charmande red321> inb4 THP comes in
[11:16] <Charmande red321> and stops us
[11:17] <MysteryKing> Just don't let AAMs be here.
[11:17] <MysteryKing> From now on we'll refer to immature fans or fanturds as AAMs.
[11:17] <Lolwutburger> Like that foxtail kid or Nat Garcia
[11:17] <Charmande red321> much very Fnaf AAMs
[11:17] <MN321> Please
[11:17] <Charmande red321> very much PewdAAMs
[11:17] <MN321> Carp said that he saw Flaming Pea's breasts, that he's married, did you-know-what with her, etc.
[11:17] <WintahMhelon18> Pewds has too many subs
[11:17] <MysteryKing> FNAF's fanbase is flooding with AAMs.
[11:18] <Plasmaplant> I heard Scott cawthon made fnaf4 as a take that to people who said fnaf 3wasn't scary
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> In FNaF, we call AAMs "Vincent & Foxy are bae fans"
[11:18] <Charmande red321> fnaf 2-3 wasnt even scary
[11:18] <MysteryKing> Also...
[11:18] <MysteryKing> "No matter how popular something is, there's always haters of it."
[11:18] <MysteryKing> 
[11:18] <MysteryKing> -MysteryKing
[11:18] <Charmande red321> everything has its own pros and cons mate
[11:18] <WintahMhelon18> (claps)
[11:18] <MysteryKing> Also...
[11:18] <MysteryKing> "Opinions on the internet don't matter. There's always a flame war no matter how nicely you say that opinion. But in the end, no one wins."
[11:18] <MysteryKing> 
[11:18] <MysteryKing> -MysteryKing
[11:18] <Charmande red321> ugh... the internet
[11:18] <Charmande red321> makes me forget the old sayings
[11:19] <MysteryKing> Well i'm reviving those old sayings.
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> I once was going to have a quote system on my deviantART
[11:20] <WintahMhelon18> "Don't hate the player, hate how the player plays" -Anonymous
[11:20] <Lolwutburger> but those assholes removed the webcam thing
[11:20] <Charmande red321> also
[11:20] <Charmande red321> the hell happened to Reapist
[11:20] <Plasmaplant> Y does fnaf 4 b in a kid bedroom? As if a pizza place wasn't scary enough
[11:20] <MN321> I'm afraid of both
[11:20] <MN321> B) 
[11:20] <MN321> @MK
[11:20] <Charmande red321> cuz why not?
[11:20] <Pepsicola45> Phantom will leave if someone else is logging chat.
[11:20] <Charmande red321> there
[11:21] <Charmande red321> she leftt
[11:21] <MysteryKing> I'm more afraid of pain.
[11:21] <WintahMhelon18> "Don't hate the player, hate how the player plays."
[11:21] <WintahMhelon18> 
[11:21] <WintahMhelon18> -Anonymous
[11:21] <MysteryKing> Actually.
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> Why'd they even turn it into a bedroom
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> #
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> @
[11:21] <Lolwutburger> brianne's hand is a cool font
[11:21] <MysteryKing> I don't care what happens to me, i just don't want pain. Remove my arms if you want, i just don't want paoin.
[11:22] <Charmande red321> apparently
[11:23] <Charmande red321> wb from the temporary scare
[11:24] <Charmande red321> and internet issues
[11:24] <MysteryKing> Now it has begun...
[11:24] <Uselessguy> What do you guys think about the new plants and zombies in NMT?
[11:24] <MysteryKing> Good evening everybody! This is the mysterious MK live from PvZ chat!
[11:24] <MysteryKing> I'm your host of this lovely quiz!
[11:24] <MysteryKing> Now let's welcome our contestants!
[11:24] <MysteryKing> Uselessguy!
[11:24] <MysteryKing> Charmande !
[11:25] <Uselessguy> Yes?
[11:25] <Charmande red321> ?
[11:25] <MysteryKing> You two are the lucky players!
[11:25] <Charmande red321> nope.avi
[11:25] <The Magic Star> wat
[11:25] <MysteryKing> You'll be playing Quick Quiz: Life Edition
[11:25] <Plasmaplant> And some people hate wen other people give other people nightmares about there childhood!!!!! Or something
[11:25] <The Magic Star> YAY
[11:25] <MysteryKing> Charmande has backed out.
[11:25] <MysteryKing> TMS will be taking his place.
[11:26] <The Magic Star> YAY
[11:26] <MysteryKing> S our contestants are UG and TMS.
[11:26] <The Magic Star> make it 30 mins or less pls
[11:26] <MysteryKing> UG, are you willing to join?
[11:26] <Iamarepeater> Wait
[11:26] <The Magic Star> cuz i have to sleep
[11:26] <Uselessguy> No thanks
[11:26] <Iamarepeater> MysteryKing? 
[11:26] <Charmande red321> im safe
[11:26] <Charmande red321> kay
[11:26] <Uselessguy> I'm going to have dinner soon
[11:26] <Charmande red321> TMs
[11:26] <MysteryKing> UG and Char have backed out.
[11:26] <MysteryKing> I need 1 more player.
[11:26] <Charmande red321> u sleep early...
[11:26] <The Magic Star> ye
[11:26] <Iamarepeater> Did agent andrew martins made a sunflowet porn?
[11:26] <MysteryKing> Lama, wanna play?
[11:27] <Iamarepeater> No
[11:27] <Charmande red321> but i thought i already backed out
[11:27] <MysteryKing> Who here wants to play?
[11:27] <Uselessguy> Dinner time!
[11:27] <Uselessguy> O/ \O 
[11:27] <Charmande red321> bye
[11:27] <The Magic Star> me
[11:31] <MysteryKing> But...
[11:31] <MysteryKing> Plasma
[11:31] <The Magic Star> k
[11:31] <MysteryKing> What will you do?
[11:31] <MysteryKing> a. Eat Tacos
[11:31] <MysteryKing> b. Shoot an alien
[11:31] <MysteryKing> c. Eat bacon tacos
[11:31] <MysteryKing> d. Eat an alien
[11:31] <The Magic Star> A
[11:31] <The Magic Star> C
[11:32] <Plasmaplant> Type daf if u barely look at screen wen watching fnaf vids
[11:32] <Charmande red321> fad
[11:32] <Plasmaplant> DAF
[11:32] <The Magic Star> board
[11:33] <Charmande red321> wb Phantom Pepsi
[11:33] <PhantomPepsi> Thanks, good sire.
[11:33] <Charmande red321> what if i made a PvZ Wiki Users version of this...
[11:34] <Charmande red321> [PhantomPepsi excluded]
[11:34] <Lolwutburger> Interesting
[11:35] <Pepsicola45> And yet it manged to get four installments.
[11:35] <Pepsicola45> And the fanbase.
[11:35] <The Magic Star> wat
[11:36] <Charmande red321> 2014-2015
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> Diggedy Dungeons and All That
[11:36] <Charmande red321> The Year of FNaF
[11:36] <Charmande red321> 2013-2014
[11:36] <Charmande red321> The Year of Luigi
[11:36] <Lolwutburger> 2016 will be the year of Probabilitizzle
[11:37] <Charmande red321> hai Ernest
[11:38] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[11:38] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[11:38] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[11:38] <PhantomPepsi> \o 
[11:38] <The Magic Star> im board
[11:38] <Pepsicola45> I'm very cardboard.
[11:39] <ErnestoAM> backup account pepsi?
[11:39] <Pepsicola45> Yeah, for stuff like logging chat also, but I need another use for it eventually.
[11:39] <Nate25Absol> no
[11:39] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> yo
[11:39] <Lolwutburger> washizzle in the nizzle
[11:40] <Charmande red321> so much backups
[11:40] <ErnestoAM> like pretending to talk t yourself?
[11:40] <Plasmaplant> Wat is scariest fnaf 123or4
[11:40] <Pepsicola45> I need another bot usage for it.
[11:40] <Pepsicola45> FNAF Beginning
[11:40] <Charmande red321> it
[11:40] <Charmande red321> is scariest
[11:40] <Lolwutburger> probabilitizzle for FNaF5
[11:41] <Pepsicola45> The series beginning is the scariest because it manage to get a huge "fanbase" even though it lasted for a year.
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> agreed
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> who's Nate25Absol
[11:41] <Charmande red321> the first time i heard fnaf
[11:41] <Lolwutburger> why'd you shoot peas at him
[11:41] <Charmande red321> i thought it will be a free-roaming game
[11:42] <The Magic Star> wat
[11:42] <Charmande red321> that takes place in a person's home
[11:42] <Plasmaplant> 4 is final chapter
[11:42] <Lolwutburger> At first, I thought Five Nights at Freddy's was going to be furry porn
[11:42] <Charmande red321> then realized that clicking is best mechanic
[11:42] <Charmande red321> and flicking the camera can make you survive the whole night
[11:42] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[11:43] <Charmande red321> hi tho
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> My first FNaF jumpscare was Nightmare Chica
[11:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> I was too much of a faggot and only played the first nights of each game
[11:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I mean wazzup
[11:43] <Charmande red321> of all FNaF games
[11:43] <Charmande red321> the first time u get jumpscared is Nightmare Chica?
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> washizle
[11:44] <Plasmaplant> 1 is Freddy 1one
[11:44] <Plasmaplant> Nitono o
[11:44] <Charmande red321> whats the scientific name for a Yellow Jacket?
[11:45] <Charmande red321> >does not rely much on search engines
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> Chica is my favorite animatronic to be honest
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> it felt good being jumpscared by my favorite
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> I hate Toy Chica though
[11:45] <Charmande red321> i see and agree tho
[11:49] <ErnestoAM> :o :o 
[11:51] <ErnestoAM> :o 
[11:52] <Charmande red321> what if we die in the water?
[11:52] <ErnestoAM> we can try
[11:52] <Pepsicola45> No one can find us.
[11:53] <Pepsicola45> Then no one will even know what happened.
[11:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight>
[11:55] <Insert Your Name Here> Hellk
[11:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> This is the the obb patched vedio of pvz
[11:55] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[11:55] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wazzup
[11:55] <MysteryKing> MK has returned.
[11:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Why do I want 0 cost fast recharge hack?
[11:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Idk
[11:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> But it may be helpful
[11:57] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[11:57] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Damn how the yuse the obb patcher they connect the ipad to pc 
[11:58] <Insert Your Name Here> No one ever uses an iOS device here
[11:58] <Plasmaplant> Eh
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> It's easier to cheat with android
[11:59] <Lolwutburger> back
[11:59] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im the only one uses ipad
[11:59] <Lolwutburger> from happy times
[11:59] <Plasmaplant> Ya rite I almost got a virus hacking!!!
[11:59] <Insert Your Name Here> You can replace pp, obb, get apk... with just a file manager
[12:00] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Why they added virus at the ipad and there is no anti virus in ipad and andriod and ios phone
[12:00] <Plasmaplant> I'm not Einstein gezz
[12:00] <ErnestoAM> I'm special.
[12:00] <Insert Your Name Here> With iOS, you need an iCloud pass if you even want to install the thing
[12:01] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Oh
[12:01] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I play it on ipad because it has bigger screen
[12:01] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[12:02] <Ervinke44> Hello.
[12:02] <Plasmaplant> I not no how hack files work
[12:02] <Lolwutburger> put the cap back and roll the dice
[12:02] <Lolwutburger> don't step to the wizard cuz the wizard don't play nice
[12:02] <Lolwutburger> diggedy dungeons and all that
[12:02] <Lolwutburger> updated for the nine double duece
[12:03] <Lolwutburger> available wherever dope games are sold
[12:03] <Lolwutburger> peace
[12:03] <Insert Your Name Here> So phatbeet and blueberry will be the main plants of NMT?
[12:03] <Plasmaplant> I have infinite dice!
[12:03] <Plasmaplant> Hopefully
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> The new plants probably won't hard counter anything
[12:05] <Plasmaplant> Guess wat nmt plants do
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> It's already leqk
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Leaked
[12:06] <Plasmaplant> We don't now wat they do of thee of
[12:06] <Plasmaplant> Or of affect
[12:06] <Insert Your Name Here> An interesting thing is that all 4 plants are going to show up in part 1
[12:07] <Insert Your Name Here> LC part 1 had 3
[12:07] <Plasmaplant> I hate premium
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> But DA part 2 only had 1 plant
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> So this could also be the case with NMT
[12:08] <Plasmaplant> I hope not like da with four plants in p1 and 1 in p2
[12:08] <Plasmaplant> I hope not!
[12:10] <Plasmaplant> Hello?
[12:11] <Legenddemonicderpknight> HiZZZ!
[12:12] <Plasmaplant> "Makes animatronic sound"
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> I just noticed that the NMT lawn is basically the same as the fog lawn
[12:12] <Plasmaplant> Or aiaiaaeaicck!!!!!!
[12:12] <Lolwutburger> check out my post at the NMT discussion
[12:12] <Plasmaplant> So water😁😁😁😁
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> No
[12:13] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> It's before the homeowner installed the pool
[12:13] <Lolwutburger> Hellishizzle
[12:13] <Plasmaplant> Dohh!!!
[12:14] <Lolwutburger> I just noticed there's puke on the NMT stage
[12:14] <Plasmaplant> If pvz sees this I WANT MORE FRICKIN WATER DANGET!!!
[12:15] <NightFury299> Hell....o?
[12:15] <Plasmaplant> Puke?
[12:15] <Pepsicola45> p/
[12:15] <Pepsicola45> o/ 
[12:15] <Lolwutburger> look at the stage
[12:15] <Lolwutburger>
[12:15] <NightFury299> What The....
[12:16] <Pepsicola45> PVZ2 must be close to finishing...
[12:16] <Plasmaplant> Cool and SO COLLEGEY!
[12:16] <Pepsicola45> Then people will start leaving...
[12:16] <Lolwutburger> There'll still be GW2
[12:16] <Lolwutburger> remember
[12:16] <Plasmaplant> Ok
[12:16] <Pepsicola45> But people care more about the main series.
[12:17] <NightFury299> Umm.... What's with the new...thing...
[12:17] <NightFury299> on the chat...
[12:17] <Plasmaplant> Wat thing?
[12:17] <NightFury299> IM CONFUSED
[12:18] <Plasmaplant> Wat r u talking about?
[12:19] <NightFury299> Wait... Who are you?
[12:19] <Plasmaplant> Um
[12:20] <NightFury299> LOL sorry
[12:20] <Lolwutburger> Looks like the 1 edit policy isn't applied yet
[12:20] <NightFury299> W-what?
[12:20] <Plasmaplant> I'm just uh
[12:20] <NightFury299> nvm
[12:20] <NightFury299> I'm leaving
[12:21] <Plasmaplant> Huh?
[12:21] <Plasmaplant> Oh
[12:21] <Lolwutburger> Chat will probably be livelier tomorrow.
[12:21] <MelonPult16> Hi
[12:22] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[12:22] <Plasmaplant> Water
[12:22] <MelonPult16> Cool font Lolwutburger
[12:22] <Lolwutburger> it's Crazy Dave's font
[12:22] <Lolwutburger> hello neighbor
[12:22] <Lolwutburger> wabby waboo
[12:22] <Plasmaplant> I'm in college wabby wabbo
[12:24] <Plasmaplant> The 80s is Cray DVS college days I mean 20 years seriously the resemblence!!!!
[12:24] <NightFury299> Travel Log BGS?
[12:24] <Plasmaplant> Huh
[12:25] <NightFury299> Lots of new stuff is making me confused like a confused Rayquasa!
[12:26] <NightFury299> (The pokemon)
[12:27] <Plasmaplant> Wit?
[12:29] <Lolwutburger> I'm going now.
[12:29] <Lolwutburger> see yas
[12:29] <Plasmaplant> Wat about fnaf5 it would make sense
[12:31] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[12:33] <Charmande red321> *yawns*
[12:34] <ErnestoAM> k
[12:34] <AWikiBoy521> The Dead Chat
[12:35] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[12:36] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:36] <Uselessguy> Dinner time finished!
[12:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Back
[12:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hiz
[12:36] <WintahMhelon18> Backzkie!
[12:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hizz
[12:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I have too many games on wish lists.
[12:37] <AWikiBoy521> Sup!
[12:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Awikik
[12:37] <Uselessguy> Hi guys!
[12:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pm
[12:37] <SnappyDragon> Ok
[12:37] <NightFury299> WHAT IS GOING ON!?
[12:37] <NightFury299> AHHHHH
[12:37] <SnappyDragon> does someone have a big image of the lawn
[12:37] <SnappyDragon> I am modding my chat
[12:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Snappy what happbed to your background
[12:37] <SnappyDragon> wat
[12:37] <NightFury299> AHHH!!
[12:37] <SnappyDragon> I removed it
[12:37] <NightFury299> WHAT?I
[12:37] <SnappyDragon> Uselessguy, changed that only I can see it, but then I removed it
[12:38] <SnappyDragon> Everyone can only see their bg
[12:38] <WintahMhelon18> Hi to both
[12:38] <SnappyDragon> I dont want to see it so i removed that one too
[12:38] <SnappyDragon> hi 
[12:38] <Uselessguy>
[12:38] <NightFury299> I'M CONFUSED
[12:39] <NightFury299> Someone pls explain
[12:39] <ErnestoAM> eighties..eighties_armor1..eighties_armor2..eighties_flag..eighties_gargantuar..eighties_imp..eighties_punk..eighties_mc..eighties_glitter..eighties_boombox
[12:39] <Uselessguy> The Hair Metal Gargantuar still looks like a female one. O_O
[12:40] <Uselessguy> Boombox?
[12:40] <Uselessguy> Boombox Zombie?
[12:40] <ErnestoAM> I'm guessing the eighties_glitter is that female zombie with the pink shirt
[12:40] <Uselessguy> Yep
[12:40] <SnappyDragon> Thanks UG
[12:40] <Uselessguy> And the MC is the blue zombie
[12:40] <Uselessguy> You're welcome!
[12:41] <Uselessguy> Jack-in-the-Box Zombie may return :O 
[12:41] <Uselessguy> As a Boombox Zombie?!
[12:42] <ErnestoAM> k
[12:42] <Uselessguy> You got the rsb file?
[12:42] <NightFury299> I'm gonna go check my phone for NMT now...
[12:43] <Uselessguy> There hasn't been an update yet
[12:43] <NightFury299> Oh.
[12:43] <Uselessguy> When it's around 22nd, you should keep checking
[12:43] <NightFury299> I was juust gonna grab it
[12:43] <Uselessguy> Ernesto, you got the rsb file?
[12:43] <SnappyDragon> Hmmm
[12:44] <SnappyDragon> I replaced the image here but it didnt work [[User:SnappyDragon/wikia.css]]
[12:44] <Pepsicola45> UG delete this.
[12:44] <NightFury299> Anyone have BTD5 Mobile
[12:44] <Pepsicola45> [[Gallery of Plants That Should Be in PvZ 2!]]
[12:44] <ErnestoAM> phatbeet..celerystalker..thymewarp..electricblueberry
[12:44] <ErnestoAM> They may be unlocked in that order, and Electric Blueberry is obivously Side B premium.
[12:44] <Uselessguy> Hi (tombraiser) !
[12:44] <Xenons> Hi there!
[12:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[12:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I mean Wazzup
[12:45] <Uselessguy> What do you think about new plants and zombies? @Xenons
[12:45] <Xenons> I haven't checked the NMT thread recently. What do we know right now?
[12:46] <SnappyDragon> Chat suddenly died
[12:46] <Uselessguy> New plants: Phatbeet, Celery Stalker, Thyme Warp, Electric Blueberry
[12:46] <Uselessguy> New zombies: Neons, Hair Metal Zombie, Impunk, MC Zom-B, Glitter Zombie, Punk Zombie
[12:46] <SnappyDragon> One of these is premium for part 2 and three are part 1 plants
[12:46] <Uselessguy>
[12:46] <SnappyDragon> (this happened with lost city plants )
[12:47] <WintahMhelon18> Thyme Warp is so OP
[12:47] <Uselessguy>
[12:47] <Charmande red321> ohai
[12:47] <Uselessguy>
[12:47] <SnappyDragon> UG
[12:47] <Uselessguy> And Electric Blueberry:
[12:48] <Uselessguy> Yes? @Snappy
[12:48] <SnappyDragon> can you fix the first code on my css page? It doesnt work
[12:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I well miss the neon bucket head zombie
[12:48] <Uselessguy> Wait
[12:48] <Lolwutburger> neeeeeeeeeeeil
[12:48] <Lolwutburger> i have returneth
[12:48] <Charmande red321> hai
[12:48] <SnappyDragon> Thnx
[12:48] <Señor Banana> Hi
[12:48] <SnappyDragon> hai lost wave beach
[12:48] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wazzup!
[12:49] <Señor Banana> lol the chat looks like a rainbow
[12:49] <ErnestoAM> .ElectricBlueberryProps‘.†ý...ElectricBlueberryDefaultþ‘.…‘ê.$–.‘ì."..–C‘í."..4B‘î."..pA‘ð.‘ñ.‘ø.$.‘§."..úC‘¨.".@œE‘©."..€?..PlantFoodLightningTargets$...NormalCloudSpeed"..úC..NormalLightningBoltDamage".@œE..NormalAttackCooldown"..€?..NormalLightningTargets$...WeightTargetNormalZombie$7..WeightTargetGargantuarZombie$...WeightTargetOtherZombie$(‘ú.†ý
[12:49] <SnappyDragon> how
[12:49] <Lolwutburger> The NMT lawn is obviously the back yard from PvZ before they installed the pool
[12:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Imagine if Bwb + FF
[12:49] <Señor Banana>
[12:49] <Uselessguy> Fixed!
[12:49] <SnappyDragon> yes lwb
[12:49] <SnappyDragon> thqnks ug
[12:49] <Señor Banana> anyways
[12:49] <Uselessguy> FF + BWB + DA = NMT?
[12:49] <Señor Banana> about thyme warp
[12:49] <Señor Banana> is it like a OP Hurrikale?
[12:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bwf
[12:50] <SnappyDragon> It warps time
[12:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Surfer zombie well ride and hover board 
[12:50] <Señor Banana> sending zombies back to where they were
[12:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Surf board
[12:50] <Señor Banana> hurrikale also does that, so..
[12:50] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[12:50] <Uselessguy> Thyme Warp's range may be 3x3
[12:50] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[12:50] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wazzup
[12:50] <Señor Banana> o/ 
[12:51] <IMCR8Z> What, did a Time Twister plant get revealed? @Useless
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> nope
[12:51] <Uselessguy> Nope
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> it's just something for NMT
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> TMNT
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> Teenage Mutant Neon Tours
[12:51] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:51] <Señor Banana> about celery stalk, it will be a bonk choy + opposite of scaredy shroom?
[12:51] <IMCR8Z> @Useless: Seems like it would fit more for Time Twister, to be honest.
[12:51] <IMCR8Z> @Lolwut: Mixtapes in a half-shell, NEON POWER!
[12:51] <Lolwutburger> We're getting a lot of scaredy-shroom replacements now
[12:52] <Señor Banana> yes
[12:52] <SnappyDragon> Wat
[12:52] <Lolwutburger> like Cactus, Red Stinger and now the celeries
[12:52] <SnappyDragon> only cactus...
[12:52] <Señor Banana> those NMT seed packets are fake right?
[12:52] <SnappyDragon> Ou ya!
[12:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ik
[12:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I watched the obb patched vedio
[12:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Of the pvz
[12:52] <SnappyDragon> Fuck
[12:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 2
[12:53] <SnappyDragon> UG
[12:53] <Lolwutburger> We're not getting new shrooms
[12:53] <Lolwutburger> :( 
[12:53] <SnappyDragon> Helo UG
[12:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yes moar shrooms
[12:53] <Uselessguy> Yes?
[12:53] <SnappyDragon> HElp ug
[12:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> ☺
[12:53] <SnappyDragon> see
[12:53] <IMCR8Z> C'mon, I think one premiumm in Lost City was enough.
[12:53] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[12:53] <IMCR8Z> O hai, Crzzy!
[12:53] <WintahMhelon18> Hi DCD
[12:53] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[12:53] <Xenons> Hi
[12:53] <SnappyDragon> The image is small and it does not cover the full chat background for me
[12:54] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Dammit dr crzzy dave has a sppooky pic
[12:54] <Uselessguy> He always does? :O 
[12:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Wow, is there something cursed about me XD
[12:54] <Xenons> I used (Puff-shroom) s mostly for Garg stalling, so as long as they don't change his cost, I'll still use him.
[12:54] <Dr Crzzy Dave> People find a face which looks like !me creepy and now a dandelion from GW2 XD
[12:54] <SnappyDragon> Toadstool was not creepy
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> I wanna play spin the bottle
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> but not spin me and hit me with a bottle
[12:55] <SnappyDragon> <span class="me-username">* <span>SnappyDragon</span></span> spins the bottle
[12:55] <ErnestoAM> k
[12:55] <SnappyDragon> * Bottle hits Lolwutburger
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> points for those who get the reference
[12:55] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I need orbs for King of Thieves
[12:55] <IMCR8Z> Apparently, the FNAF movie is going to feature ACTUAL ANIMATRONICS and they are being made by JIM HENSON'S CREATURE SHOP! #hype #yes #imnotgonnaseethemoviebutthat'sawesome
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> lol
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> jim henson
[12:55] <IMCR8Z> @Lolwut: I got it.
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> DO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS
[12:55] <SnappyDragon> Yessss!
[12:55] <SnappyDragon> muppets like
[12:55] <Lolwutburger> WOCKA WOCKA
[12:56] <SnappyDragon> ^
[12:56] <SnappyDragon> His jokes are un-bear-able ha ha
[12:56] <Lolwutburger> We need to get a mod which replaces the jumpscare noise with
[12:56] <Lolwutburger> WOCKA WOCAK
[12:56] <Lolwutburger>
[12:56] <Uselessguy> Twenty Nights at Dark Ages
[12:56] <SnappyDragon> Woah cool
[12:56] <Xenons> I still think it should have been animated.
[12:57] <Dr Crzzy Dave> SOO BORED
[12:57] <Lolwutburger> wocka wocka
[12:57] <Dr Crzzy Dave> FIVE ME KEYS AND ORBS
[12:57] <Charmande red321> *sigh*
[12:57] <Dr Crzzy Dave> GIVE
[12:57] <Charmande red321> family fights...
[12:57] <SnappyDragon> Brb
[12:58] <IMCR8Z> @Useless: Featuring: Arthur the Zombie King, Wizzy the Wizard Zombie, Jack the Jester Zombie, and Lance the Knight Zombie
[12:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Kbai
[12:58] <SnappyDragon> Look how my chat looks
[12:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Ka-BOOM!
[12:58] <Charmande red321> bai
[12:58] <SnappyDragon> Thanks to UG's help
[12:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Dr crzzy dave choose wich profile pic you well have scary pics or boys pic 
[12:59] <IMCR8Z> Be sure to check the Jouster Stables in case Lance escapes.
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> you got a regular lawn
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> cool
[12:59] <SnappyDragon> My chat is now a real lawn
[12:59] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wazzup
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> I got PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME
[12:59] <MelonPult16> Hi
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> but that's getting boring
[12:59] <SnappyDragon> wikia.css
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> I'll be changing it tomorrow
[12:59] <IMCR8Z> O hai MelonPult!
[12:59] <MelonPult16> Lolwutburger can i get Crazy Dave font too?
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> Never change your global css
[12:59] <SnappyDragon> PBJ time full chat BG?
[12:59] <SnappyDragon> show me pic
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> ask an admin
[12:59] <Uselessguy> Me?
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> only they can change fonts
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> I think
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> I dunno
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> don't even hesitate
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> don't even worry
[12:59] <Lolwutburger> just walk out with an arm of fake doors in your arms
[12:59] <Uselessguy> I can do that
[01:00] <SnappyDragon> Ok
[01:00] <SnappyDragon> problem is that my text and pictures look a bit transparent
[01:00] <SnappyDragon> Hi arvind
[01:01] <Lolwutburger> Sadly, the green angry bird is the most underrated of them all
[01:01] <Ervinke44> Lol.
[01:01] <SnappyDragon> lolya
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[01:01] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:01] <Ervinke44> Im still stupid i see, Cause i dont know how to read the rules, lol.
[01:01] <IMCR8Z> O hai Ervinke!
[01:01] <SnappyDragon> hey AWB see how my lawn looks
[01:02] <SnappyDragon> i mean chat
[01:02] <MelonPult16> test
[01:03] <MelonPult16> Yay!
[01:03] <MelonPult16> Wabby wabbo!
[01:03] <Ervinke44> Damn, i forgot how to create a discussion in this wiki
[01:03] <SnappyDragon> Fnaf film adds into the game story :) 
[01:03] <Ervinke44> ( Insert Facepalm here )
[01:03] <IMCR8Z> Don't believe me when I say the FNAF movie will have real animatronics?:
[01:03] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:03] <PnFforever> hello
[01:04] <Charmande red321> :"
[01:04] <Xenons> Hi
[01:04] <PnFforever> I have awaken from my long, very long nap
[01:04] <MelonPult16> Hello
[01:04] <IMCR8Z> Gil Kenan is going to direct the movie, it seems. He's best known for: The Five Nights at Freddy's Movie
[01:04] <SnappyDragon> I k
[01:04] <PnFforever> So, we get to know the other NMT Plants.
[01:04] <IMCR8Z> Although, since it goes through all 4 games, shouldn't the movie be called "20 Nights at Freddy's"?
[01:04] <MelonPult16> Oh, i forgot.
[01:04] <SnappyDragon> Fnaf4 gets halloween dlc
[01:04] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Brb
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> don't forget the custom nights
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> @IMCR8Z
[01:05] <AWikiBoy521> Maybe?
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> and hard modes
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> that makes 28 nights
[01:05] <Charmande red321> yeesh too dark
[01:05] <SnappyDragon> Lol
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> but considering that FNaFs 3 and 4 don't take place at Freddy's
[01:05] <Charmande red321> but meh
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> there's only 14 nights
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> at Freddy's
[01:05] <SnappyDragon> +DLC packs
[01:05] <IMCR8Z> But the 6th and 7th nights in every game aren't canon.
[01:05] <SnappyDragon> yes they are
[01:05] <Xenons> Who said they aren't?
[01:05] <SnappyDragon> ....
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> they're still nights
[01:06] <SnappyDragon> IMCR8Z 
[01:06] <Lolwutburger> canon or not
[01:06] <SnappyDragon> they still form the sothe
[01:06] <Charmande red321>
[01:06] <MelonPult16> Everyone likes Fnaf. I don't know.. It's good game? I don't like scary games
[01:06] <ErnestoAM> k
[01:06] <Brainulator9> hilo
[01:06] <SnappyDragon> Even the the minigames
[01:06] <MelonPult16> Hi
[01:06] <Charmande red321> it depends on the person who's playing it
[01:06] <ErnestoAM> eh
[01:06] <Xenons> Hi BUL9 
[01:06] <Charmande red321> hi Brainy
[01:06] <SnappyDragon> i have never pkayed fnaf
[01:06] <PnFforever> Usually, the horror came from the atmosphere
[01:06] <SnappyDragon> I is scared
[01:06] <Lolwutburger> Most of FNaF's fans have never played it though
[01:06] <IMCR8Z> Howdy, Brainy!
[01:06] <Lolwutburger> they only come for Foxy or "Vincent" aka Purple Person
[01:06] <SnappyDragon> reading the story is just enough
[01:06] <Ervinke44> I got the badge: Action Shot
[01:07] <SnappyDragon> i come for story
[01:07] <Ervinke44> Does that mean i got 5 mainspace edits?
[01:07] <SnappyDragon> story is so cool
[01:07] <Xenons> Also, I reccomend trying to beat the 10/20 Mode in FNAF2.
[01:07] <SnappyDragon> @brainulator9 see how my chat looks :) 
[01:07] <MelonPult16> lol weird
[01:08] <MelonPult16> My chat is night chat
[01:08] <IMCR8Z> I'd hate to see what Springtrap will look like in the movie.
[01:08] <SnappyDragon> Hmm
[01:09] <SnappyDragon> freddy would be fozzie bear
[01:09] <Lolwutburger> woka wocka
[01:09] <SnappyDragon> I bet we get a cameo of kermit as a new animatronic at the last scene
[01:09] <SnappyDragon> right?
[01:09] <IMCR8Z> Nope.
[01:09] <IMCR8Z> If it was made by Disney, yes.
[01:09] <SnappyDragon> I guess the film has info how purple guy murdeered kids
[01:10] <IMCR8Z> Obviously.
[01:10] <SnappyDragon> start would show purple guy murdering. The part involving fnaf 3 would show how purple guy died to become springteap
[01:10] <SnappyDragon> Fnaf 2 and fnaf 4 story run side by side
[01:11] <SnappyDragon> third game takes place in 2023 or 2034
[01:11] <Brainulator9> Isn't Barney a pedophile or something?
[01:11] <SnappyDragon> 24*
[01:11] <Brainulator9> Or was he (stallia) ed?
[01:11] <SnappyDragon> idk
[01:11] <Lolwutburger> I once wrote a barney horror story for class
[01:11] <SnappyDragon> hhaaha
[01:11] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:11] <Brainulator9> Barney's a Juras-sick Park character.
[01:11] <SnappyDragon> Five Days at Barney's -fnaf themed game for kids
[01:12] <WintahMhelon18> backzkie
[01:12] <IMCR8Z> Speaking of which, let's change the subject to the PvZ movie now.
[01:12] <Pepsicola45> At least they aren't making new episodes anymore.
[01:12] <SnappyDragon> Ok
[01:12] <Brainulator9> @Pepsi, true.
[01:12] <SnappyDragon> 6:42
[01:12] <SnappyDragon> Pepsicola45
[01:12] <SnappyDragon> At least they aren't making new episodes anymore.
[01:12] <MelonPult16> Five night at My Little Pony xD
[01:13] <Pepsicola45> Oh yas, I now have the QR Code sewing machine.
[01:13] <MelonPult16> 15:13 here
[01:13] <Pepsicola45> Anyway, my opinion of the PVZ Movie going to be horrible is still standing.
[01:13] <Brainulator9>
[01:13] <Brainulator9> @Pepsi, why? IMO, PvZ should be a cartoon series
[01:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Back
[01:14] <PnFforever> ^
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> STARRING...
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> TOM KENNY
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <IMCR8Z> 
[01:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight>
[01:15] <IMCR8Z> @BUL9: In the meantime, we have The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy.
[01:15] <Xenons> I personally want an official PvZ Book where some guy/girl takes interviews from all plants and zombies encountered in both PvZ1 and 2.
[01:16] <SnappyDragon> Lol ya
[01:17] <IMCR8Z> K
[01:17] <SnappyDragon> NMT lawn is backyard of the past where the pool wasnt built
[01:17] <SnappyDragon> I got my last exam tomorow
[01:17] <SnappyDragon> Geography ;( 
[01:17] <Legenddemonicderpknight> It didnt work with me
[01:17] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I have finished schoo already
[01:18] <PnFforever> Whoever live in the "Player's house" in the 80s, have some arcade games in the backyard for some reason
[01:18] <IMCR8Z> Image, please
[01:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Can you show us please
[01:18] <SnappyDragon> Bye
[01:18] <ErnestoAM> Bully9
[01:18] <WintahMhelon18> o/ 
[01:19] <WintahMhelon18> @Snappy, check PM first
[01:19] <Brainulator9> I wonder if Neon Mixtape Tour's tiles will light up when stepped on.
[01:19] <WintahMhelon18> Interesting idea BUL9 
[01:19] <IMCR8Z> That would be awesome.
[01:19] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep
[01:20] <Brainulator9> Like in Billie Jean
[01:20] <Legenddemonicderpknight> It well be so epic!!!
[01:20] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 
[01:20] <IMCR8Z> Hmm, Big Wave Beach and Neon Mixtape Tour have a lot in common so far: Both have 3 words in their name, both were found in the coding under a different name, both give the basic zombies ridiculous hair. Expect them to be the same in terms of quality.
[01:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> But mayby both they well be so much hard
[01:21] <IMCR8Z> That's what I meant.
[01:21] <IMCR8Z> O hai, NightFury and Plushtrap!
[01:21] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wazzyp
[01:22] <Brainulator9> Anti-gravity leans, anyone?
[01:22] <ErnestoAM> WHA?
[01:22] <NightFury299> H-hey... I'm back after panicking...
[01:22] <MelonPult16> Ok im back.
[01:23] <Ervinke44> I just posted a discussion
[01:23] <Ervinke44> Hurray me.
[01:23] <NightFury299> H-hurray?
[01:23] <WintahMhelon18> I'm thinking of raising platforms for NMT 
[01:23] <Ervinke44> <_>
[01:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> First part of neon mixtape tour come in 13 aguast
[01:24] <IMCR8Z> Expect it to be the same as BWB in terms of quality and difficulty.
[01:24] <WintahMhelon18> Oh?
[01:24] <Uselessguy> Really? :O 
[01:24] <Uselessguy> 
[01:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mayby
[01:24] <Uselessguy> 1 week left?
[01:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Because Summer nights ends in 13 august
[01:24] <Xenons> But it doesn't have the same difficulty rating as BWB in the files.
[01:24] <WintahMhelon18> Some say August 21
[01:24] <Ervinke44> 13 August isnt even that far
[01:24] <Ervinke44> <_>
[01:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Whats the next icon then for the pvz 2
[01:24] <PnFforever> BWB had a difficulty of 5
[01:24] <PnFforever> NMT has 3
[01:24] <Uselessguy> How do you know?
[01:25] <WintahMhelon18> Some say NMT update will be 21th August
[01:25] <Pepsicola45> Maybe I'll try NMT.
[01:25] <NightFury299> IT'S JUST 7 DAYS MORE LAWL
[01:25] <IMCR8Z> Wait, there are difficulty ratings in the code?
[01:25] <Pepsicola45> But I don't even update PVZ2, so meh.
[01:25] <MelonPult16> but offical release or...
[01:25] <Xenons> Yes
[01:25] <Xenons> Let's see...
[01:25] <Brainulator9> Imagine if NMT had rotoscoping like in the Take on Me MV.
[01:25] <WintahMhelon18> Gtg, bye guys! o/ 
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bye
[01:26] <Pepsicola45> \o 
[01:26] <MelonPult16> Bye o/ 
[01:26] <IMCR8Z> @BUL9: Holy fuck, realistic movement for zombies BIRCH!
[01:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wait befor are you ig
[01:26] <NightFury299> Who plays Pokemon Emerald
[01:26] <Xenons> tutorial: 1
[01:26] <Xenons> egypt: 2
[01:26] <Xenons> pirate: 2
[01:26] <Xenons> cowboy: 3
[01:26] <Xenons> future: 3
[01:26] <Xenons> dark: 4
[01:26] <Xenons> beach: 5
[01:26] <Xenons> iceage: 3
[01:26] <Xenons> lostcity: 3 
[01:26] <NightFury299> I'm raging cuz of Rayquaza
[01:27] <PnFforever> Hearing the word 80s, again, reminds of of the Bite of '87 from FNaF
[01:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im the only one who dont like fnaf here (scared) 
[01:27] <NightFury299> DUN DUN DUUUUN
[01:27] <IMCR8Z> @PnF: Zomboss did the bite!
[01:27] <Pepsicola45> I don't care about FNAF.
[01:27] <NightFury299> FAXI ZAMBIE CUNFERMEDS
[01:28] <IMCR8Z> Plot twist: Neon Mixtape Tour actually takes place in the 2180s
[01:28] <NightFury299> mindblown
[01:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[01:28] <Brainulator9> hilo
[01:29] <IMCR8Z> O hai, Snappy!
[01:29] <PnFforever> Also, Imp as a punk, kinda fits him
[01:29] <PnFforever> I may be nuetral to him, since I love the design
[01:29] <IMCR8Z> O hai, SnappyDragon! #TommyWiseauZombieconfirmed
[01:29] <Uselessguy> Weird!
[01:29] <CyanZombieHead> heeye
[01:29] <NightFury299> Hello Snappy 
[01:29] <Xenons> Any chance we'll encounter a younger Crazy Dave in NMT?
[01:29] <NightFury299> It would be cool!
[01:29] <NightFury299> 
[01:29] <CyanZombieHead> whoa
[01:29] <PhantomPepsi> Nope.
[01:29] <CyanZombieHead> cool!
[01:29] <Uselessguy> DefaultSunDropper will exist in Neon Mixtape Tour - Night 1?
[01:29] <PhantomPepsi> I'm too lazy to type on my non-logging account.
[01:29] <CyanZombieHead> and is more crazy than normal
[01:29] <SnappyDragon> Nope
[01:30] <Uselessguy> I found this in the code
[01:30] <CyanZombieHead> : O
[01:30] <SnappyDragon> :O 
[01:30] <IMCR8Z> @Xenons: We really should have encountered Dave's ancestors from the launch of the game.
[01:30] <SnappyDragon> ^ yes
[01:30] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[01:30] <Xenons> Yeah
[01:30] <NightFury299> ya
[01:30] <CyanZombieHead> yeAH
[01:30] <CyanZombieHead> HAey
[01:31] <SnappyDragon> i get minecraft pocket edition tomorow after my exam ends
[01:31] <IMCR8Z> At the very least have them talk before the boss fights.
[01:31] <Uselessguy> Night 2 will be much like Lost City - Day 2
[01:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Imagine if there is a shroom in NMT.
[01:31] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[01:31] <Uselessguy> Meaning Phatbeet must be used
[01:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Dammit your lucky @Snappy
[01:31] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[01:31] <PnFforever> One of the zombies is called MC Zom B, is this a tribute to DJ ZomB since the name is almost similar
[01:31] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[01:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Anf FLag is ZTV
[01:31] <CyanZombieHead> DJ Zom-B is in we hearts.
[01:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> And
[01:32] <Legenddemonicderpknight> ZTV is REalted to MTV Music
[01:32] <SnappyDragon> Hi
[01:32] <SnappyDragon> MC?
[01:32] <CyanZombieHead> Funker.
[01:32] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yeah you get it
[01:32] <SnappyDragon> master of ceremony?.
[01:32] <Legenddemonicderpknight> For free
[01:32] <SnappyDragon> Riht?
[01:32] <SnappyDragon> Inlove minecraft
[01:32] <Uselessguy> Punk Zombie will be introduced in Night 2...
[01:32] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[01:32] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[01:32] <CyanZombieHead> like the..
[01:32] <SnappyDragon> I have to make ultimatr aurvival house
[01:32] <CyanZombieHead> Imp in DA?
[01:32] <IMCR8Z> (gargantuar) Crashing this lawn, WITH NO SURVIVORS! (gargnatuar) #TheBonkKnightRises
[01:32] <SnappyDragon> punk is punky
[01:32] <CyanZombieHead> or no?
[01:33] <Uselessguy> The weirdest part I don't understand is
[01:33] <CyanZombieHead> what?
[01:33] <SnappyDragon> Is wat
[01:33] <CyanZombieHead> Mickey Mouse?
[01:33] <Uselessguy> His jam is also considered to be a zombie (?!)
[01:33] <Uselessguy> jam_punk
[01:33] <SnappyDragon> Clubhouse?
[01:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (doge) I AM DOGE.
[01:33] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[01:33] <CyanZombieHead> a tomb?
[01:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> They Should add DOge zombie
[01:33] <NightFury299> I AM FART
[01:33] <CyanZombieHead> Dog Zombie
[01:33] <Uselessguy> There is also jam_pop
[01:33] <SnappyDragon> every zombie has its own music in its
[01:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> A Zombie wearing a Doge mask
[01:33] <CyanZombieHead> for Time Twister
[01:33] <MelonPult16> NMT is very good world. And has great music. Thanks to PopCap. F*** you EA -.-
[01:34] <CyanZombieHead> true
[01:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Kill ea with fire says Valve
[01:34] <CyanZombieHead> EA is good for The Simpsons Tapped Out!
[01:34] <CyanZombieHead> Valve Sucks.
[01:34] <SnappyDragon> ^
[01:34] <SnappyDragon> tsto is good
[01:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> ^
[01:34] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ik
[01:34] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[01:34] <IMCR8Z> (bonk choy) (prospector zombie) Bonk Choy Begins
[01:34] <SnappyDragon> bye
[01:34] <MelonPult16> NMT is better than...
[01:34] <NightFury299> EA WANS MOONAY CUZ OOF EMPLYES LAWL - NightFury299 and Sonic
[01:34] <CyanZombieHead> beeye
[01:34] <MelonPult16> Lost City!
[01:34] <CyanZombieHead> DA!
[01:34] <Pepsicola45> I used to play Tapped Out
[01:34] <Pepsicola45> But I stopped.
[01:34] <CyanZombieHead> LC is imbatible!
[01:34] <IMCR8Z> It's not even a real game.
[01:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I love Valve
[01:35] <CyanZombieHead> sucks
[01:35] <NightFury299> hael lief tree
[01:35] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[01:35] <Uselessguy> Neon Mixtape Tour - Night 4 will force us to use phatbeet..sunflower..wallnut..spikeweed
[01:35] <IMCR8Z>
[01:35] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[01:35] <NightFury299> cumfermd
[01:35] <NightFury299> yoy
[01:35] <CyanZombieHead> Phatbeet is going to be good!
[01:35] <CyanZombieHead> unlike (Sunbean) 
[01:35] <Pepsicola45> I'm just going to wait for the release.
[01:35] <MelonPult16> But PhatBeet is premium. Soon, all upcoming plants are premium -.- (fuu)
[01:35] <MelonPult16> (fu) 
[01:35] <IMCR8Z> Plot Twist: Half-Life 3 is actually going to be a Free 2 Play game called Half-Life Free.
[01:35] <CyanZombieHead> is not premium
[01:36] <Pepsicola45> I don't want to get infected by spoilers.
[01:36] <MelonPult16> not?
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> ^
[01:36] <CyanZombieHead> dont have any achievements for premium/gemium plants
[01:36] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Lol
[01:36] <PnFforever> I am the only one who likes Sun Bean?
[01:36] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[01:36] <MelonPult16> Gaming Center say that PhatBeet is premium plant for real $$
[01:36] <NightFury299> Imma finish the third gym of pokemon soulsilver (been stuck for a year)
[01:36] <CyanZombieHead> is not.
[01:36] <MelonPult16> oh
[01:36] <PnFforever> No, he is unlocked at Night 1
[01:36] <PnFforever> 
[01:36] <MelonPult16> it's good!
[01:36] <Uselessguy> :O 
[01:36] <CyanZombieHead> @PnF true!
[01:36] <Uselessguy> Night 5 is Save Our Seeds level!
[01:36] <Pepsicola45> So, you got rekt by the Miltank for many, many years?
[01:37] <Uselessguy> We will need to protect Wall-nuts!
[01:37] <Xenons> It's a fun plant to use, but not really that useful.
[01:37] <NightFury299> Who is stuck on Goldenrod city? :( 
[01:37] <Xenons> (Sun Bean) 
[01:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep
[01:37] <Uselessguy> This is so early!
[01:37] <CyanZombieHead> what is going to be the Brain Buster?
[01:37] <Uselessguy> Idk
[01:37] <Uselessguy> I'm trying to look at the code
[01:37] <Pepsicola45> Not me.
[01:37] <Pepsicola45> I eventually got past it on Crystal.
[01:37] <CyanZombieHead> WAIT
[01:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What level has Plan your defense
[01:37] <MelonPult16> Do you know? Potato Mine in PvZ 2 china explode slow, that in PvZ 2 International.
[01:37] <CyanZombieHead> UG, how i get background?
[01:37] <Uselessguy> Wait
[01:38] <MelonPult16> than
[01:38] <MelonPult16> *
[01:38] <Uselessguy> Punk Zombie is going to be spammed a lot!
[01:38] <CyanZombieHead> why only Kung Fu World and up have China exclusive plants?
[01:38] <Uselessguy> In further levels
[01:38] <CyanZombieHead> (Punk)
[01:38] <Pepsicola45> Laziness.
[01:39] <CyanZombieHead> like Excavator?
[01:39] <MelonPult16> Brb, dinner o/ 
[01:39] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[01:39] <CyanZombieHead> k
[01:39] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[01:39] <PnFforever> If that's the case, time to spam Magnet-shrooms
[01:39] <Uselessguy> Night 6 will be the first conveyor-belt level it seems
[01:39] <CyanZombieHead> UG, i want this background.
[01:40] <CyanZombieHead> night one
[01:40] <Uselessguy> Night 7 will introduce Glitter Zombie
[01:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok
[01:41] <CyanZombieHead> Glitter?
[01:41] <CyanZombieHead> what that makes?
[01:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What he does?
[01:41] <CyanZombieHead> and what plant is obitainble in Night 6?
[01:42] <CyanZombieHead> (ackee) 
[01:42] <Ervinke44> Glitter.... Zombie
[01:42] <Ervinke44> Lolwhat?
[01:42] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What
[01:42] <Uselessguy> She
[01:43] <Uselessguy> A girl zombie that will rail a rainbow train
[01:43] <ErnestoAM> burger
[01:43] <Ervinke44> lol
[01:43] <ErnestoAM> wut
[01:43] <Uselessguy> Night 9 is an unknown Brain Buster level :O 
[01:43] <ErnestoAM> k
[01:43] <Uselessguy> But maybe Locked and Loaded
[01:43] <CyanZombieHead> like (Pepperpult) and (ackee) what plant you gain when finish Night 6?
[01:44] <CyanZombieHead> maybe exclusive Brain Buster
[01:44] <Uselessguy> peashooter..phatbeet..celerystalker..iceburg..stunion
[01:44] <CyanZombieHead> BWB is in day 8
[01:44] <IMCR8Z> Computer crashed
[01:44] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq?
[01:44] <CyanZombieHead> celerystalker?
[01:44] <CyanZombieHead> what makes?
[01:44] <CyanZombieHead> and iceburg?
[01:44] <IMCR8Z> Playing some Spider-Man 2.
[01:45] <Uselessguy> Night 10 will introduce MC Zom-B and be a conveyor-belt
[01:45] <CyanZombieHead> probrabaly the plants win be unlocked in the same levels than LC and FC or just BWB.
[01:45] <CyanZombieHead> i love conveyor belt
[01:45] <IMCR8Z> Does MC Zom-B have any info on him in the code?
[01:45] <CyanZombieHead> is like boss stages in AS
[01:46] <CyanZombieHead> i like AS
[01:46] <Brainulator9> hilo
[01:46] <Uselessguy> Night 15 is another SOS level again
[01:46] <CyanZombieHead> best china game ever.
[01:46] <ErnestoAM> There's 16 levels so far
[01:46] <Uselessguy> We will protect Phatbeets
[01:47] <Brainulator9> I want to give Pepsicola45 a hug for some reason.
[01:47] <ErnestoAM> dot dot dot
[01:47] <ErnestoAM> ...
[01:47] <Brainulator9> Maybe because I'm cold and I need body heat.
[01:47] <Pepsicola45> Eh heh heh...
[01:47] <ErnestoAM> more dots
[01:47] <Brainulator9> Or maybe because I'm crazy.
[01:47] <IMCR8Z> (ducky tube zombie) I SHIP IT! (ducky tube zombie) 
[01:48] <Brainulator9> (jackinthebox) reference
[01:48] <AWikiBoy521> gtg
[01:48] <Uselessguy> Neon Mixtape Tour - Night 16 is unfinished
[01:48] <AWikiBoy521> Alt+F4!
[01:48] <ErnestoAM> You're definitely crazy BUL9 
[01:48] <Uselessguy> Currently, it will only spawn normal and Conehead zombies
[01:48] <PnFforever> If NMT would have 32 levels, counting from Side A and B, then it would be the largest nigttime world, have more levels than Night, Fog and Dark Ages
[01:49] <Uselessguy> According to the code, Idk if there is a conveyor-belt level which introduces Cactus
[01:49] <Brainulator9> Has anyone gotten (pepperpult) 's main costume?
[01:49] <ErnestoAM> i have
[01:49] <ErnestoAM> hacks
[01:49] <ErnestoAM> :p 
[01:49] <IMCR8Z> Any info on what MC Zom-B does? @Useless
[01:49] <Uselessguy> He will spin his microphone
[01:49] <Uselessguy> Which damages nearby plants
[01:49] <IMCR8Z> Okay then...
[01:50] <Uselessguy> When his sick rhyme drops
[01:50] <Uselessguy> *is dropped
[01:50] <IMCR8Z> K
[01:51] <Uselessguy> Last Stand will come back in Neon Mixtape Tour - Night 13!
[01:51] <IMCR8Z> Was it ever not away?
[01:51] <Uselessguy> But... Stallia will be banned in Last Stand levels in 3.9.1 update
[01:51] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[01:51] <Brainulator9> @UG, it's about thyme.
[01:51] <IMCR8Z> For those who care: I'm playing Spider-Man 2 right now.
[01:52] <Brainulator9> Also, do you have the 3.9 update @UG?
[01:52] <IMCR8Z> "Thyme Warp" sounds better suited for a Time Twister plant.
[01:52] <Brainulator9> ^
[01:52] <PnFforever> Which one? Is it the one with Tobey Maguire?
[01:52] <PnFforever> @IMCR8z?
[01:52] <Pepsicola45> I'm just waiting for the final world.
[01:52] <IMCR8Z> @PnF: Yep and the best superhero game ever
[01:52] <Uselessguy> I have the rsb
[01:52] <PnFforever> I have that on PS2
[01:52] <Brainulator9> Time Twisturd
[01:52] <PnFforever> along with the other two
[01:52] <Uselessguy>
[01:53] <Uselessguy> ^section file
[01:53] <Uselessguy> real file
[01:53] <IMCR8Z> "Thyme Warp" is a pun on "Time Warp". Time Twister confirmed
[01:53] <PnFforever> *insert X-Files theme
[01:53] <IMCR8Z> Okay, can we make "Time Twister confirmed" a meme on this wiki?
[01:53] <Uselessguy> NMT - Night 16 is currently the only thing that isn't finished yet
[01:53] <Pepsicola45> I don't think we can.
[01:54] <Ervinke44> Imagine Time Twister's plants
[01:54] <Pepsicola45> Plants from the first game.
[01:54] <IMCR8Z> @Ervinke: Time and clock puns, obviously
[01:54] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:55] <MelonPult16> back
[01:55] <IMCR8Z> Oh, god, not those mech suit guys!
[01:55] <PnFforever> Accidentally closed the tab
[01:55] <MelonPult16> I want NMT tommorow or today! :D 
[01:56] <CyanZombieHead> back
[01:56] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[01:56] <IMCR8Z> Ded chat
[01:56] <CyanZombieHead> what worlds you want in PVZ2?
[01:56] <CyanZombieHead> i want 20
[01:57] <CyanZombieHead> 20 world
[01:57] <MelonPult16> too more
[01:57] <CyanZombieHead> s
[01:57] <MelonPult16> I want 10 or 14
[01:57] <CyanZombieHead> NO NON 5 OR 0 TERMINAD NUMBER!
[01:57] <MelonPult16> I'm Crazy Dave but you call me MelonPult16.
[01:57] <CyanZombieHead> 10 or 15.
[01:57] <CyanZombieHead> no
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> i wan 20 because have much things
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> like
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> China Worlds e.e
[01:58] <MelonPult16> too more
[01:58] <MelonPult16> e.e
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> 1 is good
[01:58] <MelonPult16> 1 world lol
[01:58] <PnFforever> I need to be careful where I click
[01:58] <MelonPult16> AE
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> cuz china is part of story
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> i sayed 1 china world
[01:58] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> history*
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> and have prehistoricy ages
[01:58] <CyanZombieHead> vikings
[01:59] <CyanZombieHead> AS ^
[01:59] <Brainulator9> ISIS Age.
[01:59] <CyanZombieHead> ISIS?
[01:59] <CyanZombieHead> 90s too.
[01:59] <IMCR8Z> @BUL9: The one world dumber than World War
[01:59] <CyanZombieHead> a world war.
[01:59] <CyanZombieHead> a with cartoons(could be 90s)
[02:00] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[02:00] <CyanZombieHead> cartoons is dumber e,e
[02:00] <CyanZombieHead> a apocalipse(introducing doomsday bomb mushroom!)
[02:01] <PnFforever> Chat is almost quiet
[02:01] <PnFforever> hmmmm
[02:01] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[02:01] <Pepsicola45> The end is near anyway
[02:01] <CyanZombieHead> 20 questions?
[02:01] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:01] <IMCR8Z> For those making a war world: While you're at it, you might as well make a 9/11 world.
[02:01] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[02:01] <CyanZombieHead> oh!
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> IDEA!
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> 11 of setember!
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> yay!
[02:02] <IMCR8Z> No. Just no.
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> stupid idea
[02:02] <IMCR8Z> Howdy, Xenons !
[02:02] <MelonPult16> Hi!
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:02] <Xenons> Back
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> winned
[02:02] <PnFforever> Hi Xenons 
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> a...
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> ...
[02:02] <CyanZombieHead> what more?
[02:03] <CyanZombieHead> oh
[02:03] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[02:03] <CyanZombieHead> Renascence
[02:03] <CyanZombieHead> like Jesus period
[02:03] <CyanZombieHead> (facepalm) 
[02:06] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:06] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> we got new rsb
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and i found something crazy
[02:07] <CyanZombieHead> Phatbeet is winned in night 1!
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> PvZ 2: Power up gadget & taco reward!:
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> NMT is possibly final world
[02:07] <CyanZombieHead> WHAT?
[02:07] <CyanZombieHead> why making 9?
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yes
[02:07] <CyanZombieHead> make 10 in minimum
[02:07] <ErnestoBot> cuz wynaut
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> next to eighties in code
[02:04] <CyanZombieHead> Big bang world!
[02:04] <CyanZombieHead> yay!
[02:04] <CyanZombieHead> North Sea Dragon Palace!
[02:04] <Pepsicola45> Good night, my comrades.
[02:04] <CyanZombieHead> Atlatis!
[02:04] <CyanZombieHead> Titanic!
[02:04] <PhantomPepsi> The rest is up to you.
[02:05] <CyanZombieHead> beeye o/ 
[02:05] <Xenons> k
[02:05] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:05] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[02:05] <ErnestoAM> Hi again
[02:05] <CyanZombieHead> unuselles
[02:05] <CyanZombieHead> ideas, are coming
[02:05] <CyanZombieHead> brains
[02:05] <CyanZombieHead> Farm World.
[02:06] <CyanZombieHead> like old WW
[02:06] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:06] <CyanZombieHead> F12
[02:06] <MelonPult16> Hi
[02:06] <MelonPult16> Hackerboss
[02:06] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:06] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> we got new rsb
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and i found something crazy
[02:07] <CyanZombieHead> Phatbeet is winned in night 1!
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> PvZ 2: Power up gadget & taco reward!:
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> NMT is possibly final world
[02:07] <CyanZombieHead> WHAT?
[02:07] <CyanZombieHead> why making 9?
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yes
[02:07] <CyanZombieHead> make 10 in minimum
[02:07] <ErnestoBot> cuz wynaut
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> next to eighties in code
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i found taco reward
[02:07] <Xenons> @BUL9, in that case, I'm totally screwed up.
[02:08] <CyanZombieHead> :/ 
[02:08] <CyanZombieHead> PvZ3: World Tour!
[02:08] <ErnestoAM> I wish!
[02:08] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:08] <ErnestoBot> me 2
[02:08] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq?
[02:08] <CyanZombieHead> PvZ 4: Space Tour!
[02:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> PvZ 3: Zomboss' lab
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> NNUUU
[02:09] <CyanZombieHead> horrible
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> Plants vs. Zombies 3; World Tour sounds like a good sequel. Going around the world fighting zombies.
[02:09] <CyanZombieHead> yes!
[02:09] <CyanZombieHead> and
[02:09] <CyanZombieHead> Imitater in french e.e
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> lel
[02:10] <CyanZombieHead> and winned taco in Mexico! Whynaut?
[02:10] <CyanZombieHead> or win bacon!
[02:10] <Brainulator9> @Xenons, there are exceptions.
[02:11] <ErnestoAM> for wha
[02:11] <CyanZombieHead> i want bacon again!
[02:11] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:12] <ErnestoAM> gonna go play something else for a change
[02:12] <ErnestoAM> Mario Kart 7
[02:12] <CyanZombieHead> and in brazil
[02:12] <CyanZombieHead> FUNKERS!
[02:12] <PnFforever> NMT might NOT be a nighttime world, knowing Popcap, there's going to a sheer plot-twist
[02:12] <CyanZombieHead> confirmed
[02:12] <ErnestoAM> it does say "Day" in the files
[02:13] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:13] <CyanZombieHead> WAIT
[02:13] <CyanZombieHead> DAY IN SIDE A AND NIGHT IN B?
[02:13] <CyanZombieHead> Ideas...
[02:14] <CyanZombieHead> Cuz i'm crazy!
[02:07] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i found taco reward
[02:07] <Xenons> @BUL9, in that case, I'm totally screwed up.
[02:08] <CyanZombieHead> :/ 
[02:08] <CyanZombieHead> PvZ3: World Tour!
[02:08] <ErnestoAM> I wish!
[02:08] <ErnestoAM> 
[02:08] <ErnestoBot> me 2
[02:08] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq?
[02:08] <CyanZombieHead> PvZ 4: Space Tour!
[02:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> PvZ 3: Zomboss' lab
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> NNUUU
[02:09] <CyanZombieHead> horrible
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> Plants vs. Zombies 3; World Tour sounds like a good sequel. Going around the world fighting zombies.
[02:09] <CyanZombieHead> yes!
[02:09] <CyanZombieHead> and
[02:09] <CyanZombieHead> Imitater in french e.e
[02:09] <ErnestoAM> lel
[02:10] <CyanZombieHead> and winned taco in Mexico! Whynaut?
[02:10] <CyanZombieHead> or win bacon!
[02:10] <Brainulator9> @Xenons, there are exceptions.
[02:11] <ErnestoAM> for wha
[02:11] <CyanZombieHead> i want bacon again!
[02:11] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:12] <ErnestoAM> gonna go play something else for a change
[02:12] <ErnestoAM> Mario Kart 7
[02:12] <CyanZombieHead> and in brazil
[02:12] <CyanZombieHead> FUNKERS!
[02:12] <PnFforever> NMT might NOT be a nighttime world, knowing Popcap, there's going to a sheer plot-twist
[02:12] <CyanZombieHead> confirmed
[02:12] <ErnestoAM> it does say "Day" in the files
[02:13] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:13] <CyanZombieHead> WAIT
[02:13] <CyanZombieHead> DAY IN SIDE A AND NIGHT IN B?
[02:13] <CyanZombieHead> Ideas...
[02:14] <CyanZombieHead> Cuz i'm crazy!
[02:16] <PnFforever> typo
[02:16] <PnFforever> I meant to say, final
[02:16] <PnFforever> what kind of an idiot am I
[02:16] <MelonPult16> Who want i made a YouTube Livestream??
[02:16] <PnFforever> *facepalm
[02:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[02:16] <CyanZombieHead> (Facepalm) 
[02:16] <PnFforever> I meant to say, NMT might NOT be the final world
[02:16] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:16] <Xenons> It definitely won't be the last.
[02:16] <Xenons> Hi
[02:16] <CyanZombieHead> hey
[02:17] <CyanZombieHead> what is toughness of the gargantuars?
[02:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Great
[02:17] <CyanZombieHead> thx
[02:16] <PnFforever> typo
[02:16] <PnFforever> I meant to say, final
[02:16] <PnFforever> what kind of an idiot am I
[02:16] <MelonPult16> Who want i made a YouTube Livestream??
[02:16] <PnFforever> *facepalm
[02:16] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[02:16] <CyanZombieHead> (Facepalm) 
[02:16] <PnFforever> I meant to say, NMT might NOT be the final world
[02:16] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:16] <Xenons> It definitely won't be the last.
[02:16] <Xenons> Hi
[02:16] <CyanZombieHead> hey
[02:17] <CyanZombieHead> what is toughness of the gargantuars?
[02:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Great
[02:17] <CyanZombieHead> thx
[02:17] <ErnestoAM> ded
[02:18] <MelonPult16> Who want i made a my Livestream??
[02:19] <CyanZombieHead> depending what is
[02:19] <ErnestoAM> huh
[02:20] <Xenons> Do you think they would make us believe that the world after NMT will have something related to water and then throw something unexpected?
[02:21] <ErnestoAM> idk
[02:21] <CyanZombieHead> Atlantis
[02:21] <CyanZombieHead> Titanic
[02:22] <CyanZombieHead> Atlatis could be cool
[02:23] <MN321> back
[02:23] <MN321> after 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
[02:23] <MN321> year
[02:23] <MN321> s
[02:23] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:24] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:24] <Xenons> brb
[02:24] <Uselessguy> Hmm
[02:25] <Señor Banana> hi
[02:17] <ErnestoAM> ded
[02:18] <MelonPult16> Who want i made a my Livestream??
[02:19] <CyanZombieHead> depending what is
[02:19] <ErnestoAM> huh
[02:20] <Xenons> Do you think they would make us believe that the world after NMT will have something related to water and then throw something unexpected?
[02:21] <ErnestoAM> idk
[02:21] <CyanZombieHead> Atlantis
[02:21] <CyanZombieHead> Titanic
[02:22] <CyanZombieHead> Atlatis could be cool
[02:23] <MN321> back
[02:23] <MN321> after 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
[02:23] <MN321> year
[02:23] <MN321> s
[02:23] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:24] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:24] <Xenons> brb
[02:24] <Uselessguy> Hmm
[02:25] <Señor Banana> hi
[02:25] <Uselessguy> Why are there "SunDropper" in NMT levels, while Dark Ages levels don't have it?
[02:25] <Brainulator9> Uselessguy
[02:25] <Uselessguy> Yes?
[02:25] <Brainulator9> "Informations" is not a word.
[02:25] <Brainulator9> Information isn't countable.
[02:25] <PnFforever> Knowing Popcap, it is possible
[02:26] <Uselessguy> Thanks.
[02:26] <PnFforever> that they might be reworking on the Sun drops in NMT
[02:26] <SnappyDragon> Yay
[02:26] <SnappyDragon> only 2 boring chapters left
[02:26] <Uselessguy> No sign of Gargantuar...
[02:27] <ErnestoAM> for what
[02:27] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:27] <ErnestoAM> @SD
[02:27] <CyanZombieHead> no Gargantuar in Part 1?
[02:27] <CyanZombieHead> Side A*
[02:27] <SnappyDragon> Studying geography for my exam tomorow
[02:27] <Uselessguy> Unfinished, maybe
[02:27] <Señor Banana> ?
[02:25] <Uselessguy> Why are there "SunDropper" in NMT levels, while Dark Ages levels don't have it?
[02:25] <Brainulator9> Uselessguy
[02:25] <Uselessguy> Yes?
[02:25] <Brainulator9> "Informations" is not a word.
[02:25] <Brainulator9> Information isn't countable.
[02:25] <PnFforever> Knowing Popcap, it is possible
[02:26] <Uselessguy> Thanks.
[02:26] <PnFforever> that they might be reworking on the Sun drops in NMT
[02:26] <SnappyDragon> Yay
[02:26] <SnappyDragon> only 2 boring chapters left
[02:26] <Uselessguy> No sign of Gargantuar...
[02:27] <ErnestoAM> for what
[02:27] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:27] <ErnestoAM> @SD
[02:27] <CyanZombieHead> no Gargantuar in Part 1?
[02:27] <CyanZombieHead> Side A*
[02:27] <SnappyDragon> Studying geography for my exam tomorow
[02:27] <Uselessguy> Unfinished, maybe
[02:27] <Señor Banana> ?
[02:27] <SnappyDragon> Gargantuar pdium for nmt is like lc :( 
[02:27] <Uselessguy> I think they will continue working on the unfinished levels
[02:27] <Señor Banana> About that eletric blueberry
[02:28] <SnappyDragon> its kewl
[02:28] <Señor Banana> is it gemium or money premium/
[02:28] <Señor Banana> ?'
[02:28] <Uselessguy> Idk
[02:28] <Uselessguy> PopCap hasn't decided yet
[02:28] <Señor Banana> lol
[02:28] <Señor Banana> because we dont want ANOTHER dark ages..
[02:28] <CyanZombieHead> Eletric Blueberrie?
[02:28] <Señor Banana> o/ 
[02:28] <Dung Dinh Anh> Guys
[02:28] <Señor Banana> yes
[02:29] <SnappyDragon> Time will tell
[02:29] <CyanZombieHead> Gemium i think
[02:29] <Dung Dinh Anh> go here: [[Thread:411031]]
[02:29] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[02:29] <Dung Dinh Anh> Don't let Sunfish win
[02:29] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:29] <Dung Dinh Anh> @Ernesto Why are both u and ur bot here?
[02:30] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[02:30] <Dung Dinh Anh> Brb
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:31] <Brainulator9> Electricblueberry is in the magento filter, but not in the magento file
[02:31] <Señor Banana> magneto.. filter?
[02:31] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:31] <CyanZombieHead> hey
[02:32] <CyanZombieHead> 20 questions?
[02:32] <MelonPult16> Who want i made a YouTube Livestream?
[02:32] <ErnestoAM> nope
[02:32] <Xenons> Back again.
[02:32] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:32] <Uselessguy> Hmm
[02:33] <ErnestoAM> i'm hungry
[02:33] <CyanZombieHead> too
[02:33] <MelonPult16> Eat Taco
[02:33] <ErnestoAM> what should I eat
[02:33] <Uselessguy> Every zombie in NMT seems to have their own audios
[02:33] <CyanZombieHead> Eating Melon Pults
[02:33] <Uselessguy> *audio
[02:33] <Señor Banana> Will zomboss podium be just a piece of rock with antennnas?
[02:33] <CyanZombieHead> now i eated 15
[02:33] <CyanZombieHead> time for 16
[02:34] <CyanZombieHead> eated
[02:34] <Salad200> aight, whats new in MNT?
[02:34] <Señor Banana> 3 new plants for Side A
[02:34] <Señor Banana> two premium/gemium (?) confirmed
[02:35] <Uselessguy> They decided to make sneak parties for NMT Side B already
[02:35] <Señor Banana> lol
[02:27] <SnappyDragon> Gargantuar pdium for nmt is like lc :( 
[02:27] <Uselessguy> I think they will continue working on the unfinished levels
[02:27] <Señor Banana> About that eletric blueberry
[02:28] <SnappyDragon> its kewl
[02:28] <Señor Banana> is it gemium or money premium/
[02:28] <Señor Banana> ?'
[02:28] <Uselessguy> Idk
[02:28] <Uselessguy> PopCap hasn't decided yet
[02:28] <Señor Banana> lol
[02:28] <Señor Banana> because we dont want ANOTHER dark ages..
[02:28] <CyanZombieHead> Eletric Blueberrie?
[02:28] <Señor Banana> o/ 
[02:28] <Dung Dinh Anh> Guys
[02:28] <Señor Banana> yes
[02:29] <SnappyDragon> Time will tell
[02:29] <CyanZombieHead> Gemium i think
[02:29] <Dung Dinh Anh> go here: [[Thread:411031]]
[02:29] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[02:29] <Dung Dinh Anh> Don't let Sunfish win
[02:29] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[02:29] <Dung Dinh Anh> @Ernesto Why are both u and ur bot here?
[02:30] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[02:30] <Dung Dinh Anh> Brb
[02:30] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:31] <Brainulator9> Electricblueberry is in the magento filter, but not in the magento file
[02:31] <Señor Banana> magneto.. filter?
[02:31] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:31] <CyanZombieHead> hey
[02:32] <CyanZombieHead> 20 questions?
[02:32] <MelonPult16> Who want i made a YouTube Livestream?
[02:32] <ErnestoAM> nope
[02:32] <Xenons> Back again.
[02:32] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:32] <Uselessguy> Hmm
[02:33] <ErnestoAM> i'm hungry
[02:33] <CyanZombieHead> too
[02:33] <MelonPult16> Eat Taco
[02:33] <ErnestoAM> what should I eat
[02:33] <Uselessguy> Every zombie in NMT seems to have their own audios
[02:33] <CyanZombieHead> Eating Melon Pults
[02:33] <Uselessguy> *audio
[02:33] <Señor Banana> Will zomboss podium be just a piece of rock with antennnas?
[02:33] <CyanZombieHead> now i eated 15
[02:33] <CyanZombieHead> time for 16
[02:34] <CyanZombieHead> eated
[02:34] <Salad200> aight, whats new in MNT?
[02:34] <Señor Banana> 3 new plants for Side A
[02:34] <Señor Banana> two premium/gemium (?) confirmed
[02:35] <Uselessguy> They decided to make sneak parties for NMT Side B already
[02:35] <Señor Banana> lol
[02:35] <Señor Banana> but using eletric blueberry?
[02:35] <Uselessguy> Yes
[02:35] <CyanZombieHead> Eletric Blueberry should be the gemium for Side B
[02:35] <Uselessguy> Two parties found so ffar
[02:35] <Señor Banana> Because I dont really get interested in those sneak parties.. all they have is the world's basic zombies and a premium/gemium
[02:36] <Uselessguy> One of them will have Wizard Zombies (oh) 
[02:36] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[02:36] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:36] <Señor Banana> wizard zombies
[02:36] <Señor Banana> in neutral with them
[02:36] <Señor Banana> im'
[02:36] <Uselessguy> Every wave in that party will have at least one Wizard @-@
[02:37] <Señor Banana> lol
[02:37] <MelonPult16> Ok im creating Yt Livestream..
[02:37] <Señor Banana> but what the plants are turning into? radios?
[02:35] <Señor Banana> but using eletric blueberry?
[02:35] <Uselessguy> Yes
[02:35] <CyanZombieHead> Eletric Blueberry should be the gemium for Side B
[02:35] <Uselessguy> Two parties found so ffar
[02:35] <Señor Banana> Because I dont really get interested in those sneak parties.. all they have is the world's basic zombies and a premium/gemium
[02:36] <Uselessguy> One of them will have Wizard Zombies (oh) 
[02:36] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[02:36] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:36] <Señor Banana> wizard zombies
[02:36] <Señor Banana> in neutral with them
[02:36] <Señor Banana> im'
[02:36] <Uselessguy> Every wave in that party will have at least one Wizard @-@
[02:37] <Señor Banana> lol
[02:37] <MelonPult16> Ok im creating Yt Livestream..
[02:37] <Señor Banana> but what the plants are turning into? radios?
[02:37] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:37] <SnappyDragon> Dunh
[02:41] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[02:41] <Uselessguy> More weirdly...
[02:42] <Uselessguy> Cactus and Celery Stalker will not be able to plant on the planks
[02:42] <Uselessguy> But Bowling Bulb still can
[02:43] <ErnestoAM> that's cuz both Cactus and Celery Stalker will hide under the dirt when zombies are near.
[02:43] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:43] <ErnestoAM> Bowling Bulb doesn't
[02:43] <CyanZombieHead> eh...
[02:43] <CyanZombieHead> Logic=0
[02:44] <CyanZombieHead> Celery Stalker=Scaredy Shroom?
[02:44] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[02:37] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:37] <SnappyDragon> Dunh
[02:41] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[02:41] <Uselessguy> More weirdly...
[02:42] <Uselessguy> Cactus and Celery Stalker will not be able to plant on the planks
[02:42] <Uselessguy> But Bowling Bulb still can
[02:43] <ErnestoAM> that's cuz both Cactus and Celery Stalker will hide under the dirt when zombies are near.
[02:43] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:43] <ErnestoAM> Bowling Bulb doesn't
[02:43] <CyanZombieHead> eh...
[02:43] <CyanZombieHead> Logic=0
[02:44] <CyanZombieHead> Celery Stalker=Scaredy Shroom?
[02:44] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> hi
[02:45] <MelonPult16> hi
[02:45] <CyanZombieHead> Sctealekreyr?
[02:45] <Uselessguy> I still don't understand the three weird parts of "jam" thing
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Well
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> its gonna be changing music
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> like
[02:45] <CyanZombieHead> Sc A R
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> how obvious is that
[02:45] <Uselessguy> Interesting
[02:45] <CyanZombieHead> E Y
[02:46] <Uselessguy> That may explain why there are a lot of musics for NMT
[02:46] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:46] <ErnestoAM> yup
[02:46] <ErnestoBot> ^
[02:46] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> jam_punk *punk music or the guitar music* jam_pop *Maybe the original NMT Theme* and jam_rap...MC ZOM-B?
[02:46] <ErnestoAM> idk
[02:46] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> idk about jam_rap
[02:46] <Uselessguy> Maybe yes
[02:46] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> im guessing thats MC ZOM-B
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "MusicalJamProperties‘.†ý...MusicalJamsþ‘.…..JamsToMusic"
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i search jam and i find this
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> wait
[02:47] <Uselessguy> Music will be the most interesting thing in this world >:)
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "jam_ballad..Genre_Eighties_PowerBallad..jam_pop..Genre_Eighties_SynthPop..jam_metal..Genre_Eighties_HairMetal..jam_punk..Genre_Eighties_PostPunk..jam_rap..Genre_Eighties_Rap..jam_8bit..Genre_Eighties_8Bit"
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Yeah thats long .-.
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> but look
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> hi
[02:45] <MelonPult16> hi
[02:45] <CyanZombieHead> Sctealekreyr?
[02:45] <Uselessguy> I still don't understand the three weird parts of "jam" thing
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Well
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> its gonna be changing music
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> like
[02:45] <CyanZombieHead> Sc A R
[02:45] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> how obvious is that
[02:45] <Uselessguy> Interesting
[02:45] <CyanZombieHead> E Y
[02:46] <Uselessguy> That may explain why there are a lot of musics for NMT
[02:46] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:46] <ErnestoAM> yup
[02:46] <ErnestoBot> ^
[02:46] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> jam_punk *punk music or the guitar music* jam_pop *Maybe the original NMT Theme* and jam_rap...MC ZOM-B?
[02:46] <ErnestoAM> idk
[02:46] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> idk about jam_rap
[02:46] <Uselessguy> Maybe yes
[02:46] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> im guessing thats MC ZOM-B
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "MusicalJamProperties‘.†ý...MusicalJamsþ‘.…..JamsToMusic"
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i search jam and i find this
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> wait
[02:47] <Uselessguy> Music will be the most interesting thing in this world >:)
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "jam_ballad..Genre_Eighties_PowerBallad..jam_pop..Genre_Eighties_SynthPop..jam_metal..Genre_Eighties_HairMetal..jam_punk..Genre_Eighties_PostPunk..jam_rap..Genre_Eighties_Rap..jam_8bit..Genre_Eighties_8Bit"
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Yeah thats long .-.
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> but look
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 8bit ballad metal 
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Omg.
[02:48] <Uselessguy> So, jam_metal is for the Gargantuar
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Probably
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> this
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> is
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> gonna
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> be
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> a
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> good time
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "JamsToZombieConditionApplied…‘ò...speeddown4‘ô...speeddown1‘ö...speedup1‘ø...speedup2‘ú...none‘ü"
[02:49] <Uselessguy> Speed up or down?! :O 
[02:49] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Im guessing jams will make zombies speed up or slow down
[02:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> depending on their respective nature
[02:49] <Uselessguy> Wow
[02:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> like punk
[02:49] <CyanZombieHead> cool!
[02:49] <Uselessguy> The replacement of the ambush, maybe!
[02:49] <CyanZombieHead> This world is going to be incredible!
[02:49] <Uselessguy> True!
[02:49] <CyanZombieHead> but MC is better be Funk and not Rap.
[02:50] <CyanZombieHead> but ok
[02:50] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:50] <Uselessguy> jam_8bit (oh) 
[02:50] <ErnestoAM> 8-Bit Eighties?
[02:50] <ErnestoAM> the world reap created
[02:50] <MelonPult16> Subway Surfers run on Bluestacks?
[02:51] <ErnestoAM> yes
[02:51] <MelonPult16> k
[02:51] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:51] <CyanZombieHead> 8-Bit is awesome
[02:51] <CyanZombieHead> but 16 is more!
[02:51] <ErnestoAM>'s < I wonder if PopCap got their idea from this one.
[02:51] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:52] <CyanZombieHead> is normal popcap got ideas from PvZCC?
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> Lava Guava also seems to come from a plant in PVZCC, Gulava
[02:52] <Свинка-ситх> Привет всем.
[02:52] <ErnestoAM>
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> ENGLISH
[02:53] <Свинка-ситх> Вы понимаете русский?
[02:53] <Uselessguy> Uhm, use English please
[02:53] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:53] <MelonPult16> Ok bye o/ 
[02:53] <MelonPult16> Brb
[02:54] <Uselessguy> Bye!
[02:54] <CyanZombieHead> beeye o/ 
[02:54] <ErnestoAM> We don't understand russian, english only please.
[02:54] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[02:54] <CyanZombieHead> but i'm brazilian
[02:55] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:47] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 8bit ballad metal 
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Omg.
[02:48] <Uselessguy> So, jam_metal is for the Gargantuar
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Probably
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> this
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> is
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> gonna
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> be
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> a
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> good time
[02:48] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "JamsToZombieConditionApplied…‘ò...speeddown4‘ô...speeddown1‘ö...speedup1‘ø...speedup2‘ú...none‘ü"
[02:49] <Uselessguy> Speed up or down?! :O 
[02:49] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Im guessing jams will make zombies speed up or slow down
[02:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> depending on their respective nature
[02:49] <Uselessguy> Wow
[02:49] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> like punk
[02:49] <CyanZombieHead> cool!
[02:49] <Uselessguy> The replacement of the ambush, maybe!
[02:49] <CyanZombieHead> This world is going to be incredible!
[02:49] <Uselessguy> True!
[02:49] <CyanZombieHead> but MC is better be Funk and not Rap.
[02:50] <CyanZombieHead> but ok
[02:50] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:50] <Uselessguy> jam_8bit (oh) 
[02:50] <ErnestoAM> 8-Bit Eighties?
[02:50] <ErnestoAM> the world reap created
[02:50] <MelonPult16> Subway Surfers run on Bluestacks?
[02:51] <ErnestoAM> yes
[02:51] <MelonPult16> k
[02:51] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:51] <CyanZombieHead> 8-Bit is awesome
[02:51] <CyanZombieHead> but 16 is more!
[02:51] <ErnestoAM>'s < I wonder if PopCap got their idea from this one.
[02:51] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:52] <CyanZombieHead> is normal popcap got ideas from PvZCC?
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> Lava Guava also seems to come from a plant in PVZCC, Gulava
[02:52] <Свинка-ситх> Привет всем.
[02:52] <ErnestoAM>
[02:52] <ErnestoAM> ENGLISH
[02:53] <Свинка-ситх> Вы понимаете русский?
[02:53] <Uselessguy> Uhm, use English please
[02:53] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[02:53] <MelonPult16> Ok bye o/ 
[02:53] <MelonPult16> Brb
[02:54] <Uselessguy> Bye!
[02:54] <CyanZombieHead> beeye o/ 
[02:54] <ErnestoAM> We don't understand russian, english only please.
[02:54] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[02:54] <CyanZombieHead> but i'm brazilian
[02:55] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:56] <Свинка-ситх> I do not understand English.
[02:56] <MN321> Then leave
[02:56] <Uselessguy> You can use Google Translate
[02:56] <Свинка-ситх> Я буду по Русски говорить.
[02:57] <CyanZombieHead> Nyan Nyan Nyan
[02:57] <ErnestoAM> You can't, been it or leave it.
[02:57] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[02:56] <Свинка-ситх> I do not understand English.
[02:56] <MN321> Then leave
[02:56] <Uselessguy> You can use Google Translate
[02:56] <Свинка-ситх> Я буду по Русски говорить.
[02:57] <CyanZombieHead> Nyan Nyan Nyan
[02:57] <ErnestoAM> You can't, been it or leave it.
[02:57] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[02:57] <Свинка-ситх> A pig Sam here?
[02:57] <ErnestoAM> never trust people with 0 edits
[02:58] <Свинка-ситх> I am Nyan Cat/
[02:58] <CyanZombieHead> i only register me in wikia when i speaked much of english but some times i need to use translator
[02:58] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:59] <ErnestoAM> < do you use this?
[02:59] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[02:59] <Свинка-ситх> I will speak in English
[02:59] <Uselessguy> Ok :) 
[02:59] <CyanZombieHead> k
[02:59] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[02:59] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[03:00] <Piotrek1113> (luigi) <{hello!}
[03:00] <Uselessguy> How many Gargantuar do you think in NMT - Night/Day 16?
[03:00] <Uselessguy> *Gargantuars
[03:00] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 20 million
[03:00] <Свинка-ситх> I do not understand
[03:00] <CyanZombieHead> 4 i think
[03:01] <CyanZombieHead> or 3
[03:01] <Piotrek1113> 10?
[03:01] <Uselessguy> I mean, how many Gargantuars do you think there will be in Neon Mixtape Tour Level 16? @Russian guy
[03:01] <CyanZombieHead> i think 3
[03:01] <Uselessguy> What if there are 8 like Lost City - Day 16?
[03:02] <Uselessguy> 6*
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> have 8?
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> then i think 9
[03:02] <Uselessguy> 6*
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> oh
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> 6
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> the i think 7
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> then*
[03:02] <ErnestoAM> ded
[03:03] <Piotrek1113> x_X
[03:03] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[03:03] <CyanZombieHead> X-X
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> X_X
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> XoX
[03:04] <Uselessguy> XXXXX - A fence
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> X^X
[03:04] <CyanZombieHead> XOX
[03:04] <CyanZombieHead> Peashooter
[03:04] <CyanZombieHead> XOX
[03:05] <Piotrek1113> XXXXXXX| o|XXXXXXX - Fence with a door
[02:57] <Свинка-ситх> A pig Sam here?
[02:57] <ErnestoAM> never trust people with 0 edits
[02:58] <Свинка-ситх> I am Nyan Cat/
[02:58] <CyanZombieHead> i only register me in wikia when i speaked much of english but some times i need to use translator
[02:58] <ErnestoAM> k
[02:59] <ErnestoAM> < do you use this?
[02:59] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[02:59] <Свинка-ситх> I will speak in English
[02:59] <Uselessguy> Ok :) 
[02:59] <CyanZombieHead> k
[02:59] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[02:59] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[03:00] <Piotrek1113> (luigi) <{hello!}
[03:00] <Uselessguy> How many Gargantuar do you think in NMT - Night/Day 16?
[03:00] <Uselessguy> *Gargantuars
[03:00] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> 20 million
[03:00] <Свинка-ситх> I do not understand
[03:00] <CyanZombieHead> 4 i think
[03:01] <CyanZombieHead> or 3
[03:01] <Piotrek1113> 10?
[03:01] <Uselessguy> I mean, how many Gargantuars do you think there will be in Neon Mixtape Tour Level 16? @Russian guy
[03:01] <CyanZombieHead> i think 3
[03:01] <Uselessguy> What if there are 8 like Lost City - Day 16?
[03:02] <Uselessguy> 6*
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> have 8?
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> then i think 9
[03:02] <Uselessguy> 6*
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> oh
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> 6
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> the i think 7
[03:02] <CyanZombieHead> then*
[03:02] <ErnestoAM> ded
[03:03] <Piotrek1113> x_X
[03:03] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[03:03] <CyanZombieHead> X-X
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> X_X
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> XoX
[03:04] <Uselessguy> XXXXX - A fence
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> X^X
[03:04] <CyanZombieHead> XOX
[03:04] <CyanZombieHead> Peashooter
[03:04] <CyanZombieHead> XOX
[03:05] <Piotrek1113> XXXXXXX| o|XXXXXXX - Fence with a door
[03:05] <ErnestoAM> (>_<) < Kirby when hurt.
[03:05] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:05] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[03:05] <CyanZombieHead> (Mudkip) 
[03:06] <Piotrek1113> (o_O) \/ Kirby when lost live
[03:06] <CyanZombieHead> then
[03:06] <Piotrek1113> \/ is a direction, when he falls :P 
[03:06] <CyanZombieHead> (O_o)
[03:06] <ErnestoAM> (^_^) when happy
[03:07] <CyanZombieHead> >:(:("> ]
[03:07] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:07] <Свинка-ситх> Свинья Сэм русский.
[03:07] <Свинка-ситх> Sam Pig Russian .
[03:07] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq
[03:07] <Piotrek1113> Swinija sjem russkij? :D 
[03:05] <ErnestoAM> (>_<) < Kirby when hurt.
[03:05] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:05] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[03:05] <CyanZombieHead> (Mudkip) 
[03:06] <Piotrek1113> (o_O) \/ Kirby when lost live
[03:06] <CyanZombieHead> then
[03:06] <Piotrek1113> \/ is a direction, when he falls :P 
[03:06] <CyanZombieHead> (O_o)
[03:06] <ErnestoAM> (^_^) when happy
[03:07] <CyanZombieHead> >:(:(" height="19" width="19"> ]
[03:07] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:07] <Свинка-ситх> Свинья Сэм русский.
[03:07] <Свинка-ситх> Sam Pig Russian .
[03:07] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq
[03:07] <Piotrek1113> Swinija sjem russkij? :D 
[03:07] <ErnestoBot> k
[03:08] <Свинка-ситх> If you want , I 'll teach you Russian language ?
[03:08] <Piotrek1113> no, thanks ;) 
[03:08] <ErnestoAM> no thank you
[03:08] <Piotrek1113> I have now holidays :D 
[03:08] <CyanZombieHead> the principal brain busters are SOS, LAL and Special Delivery?
[03:08] <CyanZombieHead> have one more or no?
[03:08] <CyanZombieHead> i dont remember e.e
[03:08] <Свинка-ситх> So I know what you mean .
[03:08] <ErnestoAM> Свинка-ситх is only here because the Russian PvZ WIki chat is dead.
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> why dont have brazil pvz wikia? or have?
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> jam speed
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> NMT is best!
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> if have, pass me the link
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> changing music
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> we know
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and speed up zombies
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> PvZ 2: Neon Mixtape Tour speed ups!:
[03:10] <Iamarepeater> Who plays PVZO?
[03:10] <ErnestoAM> me
[03:10] <Свинка-ситх> In the chat nobody.
[03:10] <CyanZombieHead> hey
[03:10] <Piotrek1113> I played
[03:10] <Piotrek1113> It's a time eater :c
[03:10] <CyanZombieHead> im working in 2nd World War Part 1 Levels
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> You know the profile pic?
[03:11] <CyanZombieHead> true @Piotrek !
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> How do you change it?
[03:11] <CyanZombieHead> brb
[03:11] <Uselessguy> ADVENT told us, Dr. Hackerboss
[03:11] <ErnestoAM> yup
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> Uselessguy, what is your name on PVZO again?
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> I forgot
[03:12] <Uselessguy> Uselessguy, simply
[03:12] <Свинка-ситх> Plants vs Zombies in Russian Растения против Зомби.
[03:12] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> ok
[03:12] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> duh i knew that first but i needed time to upload
[03:13] <Iamarepeater> strange
[03:13] <Iamarepeater> where do I add you?
[03:13] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[03:13] <VGKing1> Which would you rather have in a level? Dave's mold colonies or flowers?
[03:13] <Uselessguy> Idk @Iamare
[03:13] <Свинка-ситх> You are not teachable .
[03:13] <VGKing1> For those who didn't read my latest post, I prefer mold colonies over flowers!
[03:13] <MelonPult16> Hi
[03:14] <MelonPult16> Back
[03:14] <Piotrek1113> HI! \o 
[03:14] <VGKing1> hi
[03:14] <MelonPult16> Ernesto you are best in Subway Surfers. You are number 1 in my Facebook laderboard
[03:14] <Uselessguy> WB!
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> IKR
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> !
[03:07] <ErnestoBot> k
[03:08] <Свинка-ситх> If you want , I 'll teach you Russian language ?
[03:08] <Piotrek1113> no, thanks ;) 
[03:08] <ErnestoAM> no thank you
[03:08] <Piotrek1113> I have now holidays :D 
[03:08] <CyanZombieHead> the principal brain busters are SOS, LAL and Special Delivery?
[03:08] <CyanZombieHead> have one more or no?
[03:08] <CyanZombieHead> i dont remember e.e
[03:08] <Свинка-ситх> So I know what you mean .
[03:08] <ErnestoAM> Свинка-ситх is only here because the Russian PvZ WIki chat is dead.
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> why dont have brazil pvz wikia? or have?
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> jam speed
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> NMT is best!
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> if have, pass me the link
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> changing music
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> we know
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and speed up zombies
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> PvZ 2: Neon Mixtape Tour speed ups!:
[03:10] <Iamarepeater> Who plays PVZO?
[03:10] <ErnestoAM> me
[03:10] <Свинка-ситх> In the chat nobody.
[03:10] <CyanZombieHead> hey
[03:10] <Piotrek1113> I played
[03:10] <Piotrek1113> It's a time eater :c
[03:10] <CyanZombieHead> im working in 2nd World War Part 1 Levels
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> You know the profile pic?
[03:11] <CyanZombieHead> true @Piotrek !
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> How do you change it?
[03:11] <CyanZombieHead> brb
[03:11] <Uselessguy> ADVENT told us, Dr. Hackerboss
[03:11] <ErnestoAM> yup
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> Uselessguy, what is your name on PVZO again?
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> I forgot
[03:12] <Uselessguy> Uselessguy, simply
[03:12] <Свинка-ситх> Plants vs Zombies in Russian Растения против Зомби.
[03:12] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> ok
[03:12] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> duh i knew that first but i needed time to upload
[03:13] <Iamarepeater> strange
[03:13] <Iamarepeater> where do I add you?
[03:13] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[03:13] <VGKing1> Which would you rather have in a level? Dave's mold colonies or flowers?
[03:13] <Uselessguy> Idk @Iamare
[03:13] <Свинка-ситх> You are not teachable .
[03:13] <VGKing1> For those who didn't read my latest post, I prefer mold colonies over flowers!
[03:13] <MelonPult16> Hi
[03:14] <MelonPult16> Back
[03:14] <Piotrek1113> HI! \o 
[03:14] <VGKing1> hi
[03:14] <MelonPult16> Ernesto you are best in Subway Surfers. You are number 1 in my Facebook laderboard
[03:14] <Uselessguy> WB!
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> IKR
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> !
[03:15] <VGKing1> also did anyone listen to the nmt ultimate battle and demonstration mini-game music yet? how does it sound?
[03:17] <ErnestoBot> Thanks cuz I hacked Subway Surfers @ MP16
[03:17] <ErnestoBot> hacked as in repeatly punching my iPhone just to not fai;
[03:08] <Свинка-ситх> So I know what you mean .
[03:08] <ErnestoAM> Свинка-ситх is only here because the Russian PvZ WIki chat is dead.
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> why dont have brazil pvz wikia? or have?
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> jam speed
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> NMT is best!
[03:09] <CyanZombieHead> if have, pass me the link
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> changing music
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> we know
[03:09] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[03:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and speed up zombies
[03:10] <ErnestoAM> me
[03:10] <Свинка-ситх> In the chat nobody.
[03:10] <CyanZombieHead> hey
[03:10] <Piotrek1113> I played
[03:10] <Piotrek1113> It's a time eater :c
[03:10] <CyanZombieHead> im working in 2nd World War Part 1 Levels
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> You know the profile pic?
[03:11] <CyanZombieHead> true @Piotrek !
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> How do you change it?
[03:11] <CyanZombieHead> brb
[03:11] <Uselessguy> ADVENT told us, Dr. Hackerboss
[03:11] <ErnestoAM> yup
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> Uselessguy, what is your name on PVZO again?
[03:11] <Iamarepeater> I forgot
[03:12] <Uselessguy> Uselessguy, simply
[03:12] <Свинка-ситх> Plants vs Zombies in Russian Растения против Зомби.
[03:12] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> ok
[03:12] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> duh i knew that first but i needed time to upload
[03:13] <Iamarepeater> strange
[03:13] <Iamarepeater> where do I add you?
[03:13] <Uselessguy> Hi!
[03:13] <VGKing1> Which would you rather have in a level? Dave's mold colonies or flowers?
[03:13] <Uselessguy> Idk @Iamare
[03:13] <Свинка-ситх> You are not teachable .
[03:13] <VGKing1> For those who didn't read my latest post, I prefer mold colonies over flowers!
[03:13] <MelonPult16> Hi
[03:14] <MelonPult16> Back
[03:14] <Piotrek1113> HI! \o 
[03:14] <VGKing1> hi
[03:14] <MelonPult16> Ernesto you are best in Subway Surfers. You are number 1 in my Facebook laderboard
[03:14] <Uselessguy> WB!
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> IKR
[03:14] <ErnestoAM> !
[03:15] <VGKing1> also did anyone listen to the nmt ultimate battle and demonstration mini-game music yet? how does it sound?
[03:17] <ErnestoBot> Thanks cuz I hacked Subway Surfers @ MP16
[03:17] <ErnestoBot> hacked as in repeatly punching my iPhone just to not fai;
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> So Ernesto?
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> not hack as in get info without permissions, the other definition of hacl
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> permission*
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> You jailbroken your device?
[03:18] <CyanZombieHead> back
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> no
[03:18] <MelonPult16> You have even Subway? ..
[03:18] <CyanZombieHead> sucks
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> Changed the data?
[03:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[03:18] <MelonPult16> I throught you are hacker only in PvZ :P 
[03:19] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[03:19] <ErnestoAM> Hack as in repeatly hit something
[03:15] <VGKing1> also did anyone listen to the nmt ultimate battle and demonstration mini-game music yet? how does it sound?
[03:17] <ErnestoBot> Thanks cuz I hacked Subway Surfers @ MP16
[03:17] <ErnestoBot> hacked as in repeatly punching my iPhone just to not fai;
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> So Ernesto?
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> not hack as in get info without permissions, the other definition of hacl
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> permission*
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> You jailbroken your device?
[03:18] <CyanZombieHead> back
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> no
[03:18] <MelonPult16> You have even Subway? ..
[03:18] <CyanZombieHead> sucks
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> Changed the data?
[03:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[03:18] <MelonPult16> I throught you are hacker only in PvZ :P 
[03:19] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[03:19] <ErnestoAM> Hack as in repeatly hit something
[03:20] <Uselessguy> Gtg
[03:20] <Uselessguy> Sleeping time!
[03:20] <Uselessguy> O/ \O 
[03:20] <Iamarepeater> bive
[03:21] <Piotrek1113> Good night (?)
[03:21] <Piotrek1113> :) 
[03:21] <ErnestoBot> I'm hungry
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> eat bacon pizza
[03:21] <Iamarepeater>
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> no >:(:(" height="19" width="19"> 
[03:21] <Iamarepeater> Why?
[03:23] <ErnestoAM> neva
[03:23] <CyanZombieHead> Levels 1-16/Part 1 of 2nd World War zompleted
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> k
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> kkk
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> kkk
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> So Ernesto?
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> not hack as in get info without permissions, the other definition of hacl
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> permission*
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> You jailbroken your device?
[03:18] <CyanZombieHead> back
[03:18] <ErnestoAM> no
[03:18] <MelonPult16> You have even Subway? ..
[03:18] <CyanZombieHead> sucks
[03:18] <Iamarepeater> Changed the data?
[03:18] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[03:18] <MelonPult16> I throught you are hacker only in PvZ :P 
[03:19] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[03:19] <ErnestoAM> Hack as in repeatly hit something
[03:20] <Uselessguy> Gtg
[03:20] <Uselessguy> Sleeping time!
[03:20] <Uselessguy> O/ \O 
[03:20] <Iamarepeater> bive
[03:21] <Piotrek1113> Good night (?)
[03:21] <Piotrek1113> :) 
[03:21] <ErnestoBot> I'm hungry
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> eat bacon pizza
[03:21] <Iamarepeater>
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> no >:(:("> 
[03:21] <Iamarepeater> Why?
[03:23] <ErnestoAM> neva
[03:23] <CyanZombieHead> Levels 1-16/Part 1 of 2nd World War zompleted
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> k
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> kkk
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> kkk
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> i'm going to work in Zomboss
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> later
[03:26] <CyanZombieHead> now is ViKings Ages
[03:27] <CyanZombieHead> wb
[03:27] <ErnestoAM> spam
[03:27] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[03:20] <Uselessguy> Gtg
[03:20] <Uselessguy> Sleeping time!
[03:20] <Uselessguy> O/ \O 
[03:20] <Iamarepeater> bive
[03:21] <Piotrek1113> Good night (?)
[03:21] <Piotrek1113> :) 
[03:21] <ErnestoBot> I'm hungry
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> eat bacon pizza
[03:21] <Iamarepeater>
[03:21] <CyanZombieHead> no >:(:("> 
[03:21] <Iamarepeater> Why?
[03:23] <ErnestoAM> neva
[03:23] <CyanZombieHead> Levels 1-16/Part 1 of 2nd World War zompleted
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> k
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> kkk
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> kkk
[03:24] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> i'm going to work in Zomboss
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> later
[03:26] <CyanZombieHead> now is ViKings Ages
[03:27] <CyanZombieHead> wb
[03:27] <ErnestoAM> spam
[03:27] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[03:28] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> why are there bots on the chat anyways
[03:29] <ErnestoAM> to log chat
[03:29] <ErnestoAM> cuz I don't want chat clearing on me every time
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> i'm going to work in Zomboss
[03:25] <CyanZombieHead> later
[03:26] <CyanZombieHead> now is ViKings Ages
[03:27] <CyanZombieHead> wb
[03:27] <ErnestoAM> spam
[03:27] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[03:28] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> why are there bots on the chat anyways
[03:29] <ErnestoAM> to log chat
[03:29] <ErnestoAM> cuz I don't want chat clearing on me every time
[03:32] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[03:33] <ErnestoAM> brainz
[03:33] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Ka-BOOM!
[03:34] <MelonPult16> lol
[03:34] <DeathZombi> My blog is up BUL9 
[03:34] <ErnestoAM> k
[03:34] <Brainulator9> OK
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> Brainulator ?
[03:28] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> why are there bots on the chat anyways
[03:29] <ErnestoAM> to log chat
[03:29] <ErnestoAM> cuz I don't want chat clearing on me every time
[03:32] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[03:33] <ErnestoAM> brainz
[03:33] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Ka-BOOM!
[03:34] <MelonPult16> lol
[03:34] <DeathZombi> My blog is up BUL9 
[03:34] <ErnestoAM> k
[03:34] <Brainulator9> OK
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> Brainulator ?
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> You play PVZO?
[03:35] <DeathZombi> I am committing Grand Theft Wifi here in Mexico.
[03:35] <Iamarepeater>
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> If only someone knows how to change their profile pic in PVZO
[03:36] <ErnestoBot> still neva
[03:36] <ErnestoAM> same here
[03:36] <ErnestoAM> *talks to self*
[03:36] <Iamarepeater> Come on
[03:36] <DeathZombi> Puppeteer Is a weird class
[03:37] <DeathZombi> Wields Hidden Weapons and Bows and ride on a goat
[03:32] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[03:33] <ErnestoAM> brainz
[03:33] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Ka-BOOM!
[03:34] <MelonPult16> lol
[03:34] <DeathZombi> My blog is up BUL9 
[03:34] <ErnestoAM> k
[03:34] <Brainulator9> OK
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> Brainulator ?
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> You play PVZO?
[03:35] <DeathZombi> I am committing Grand Theft Wifi here in Mexico.
[03:35] <Iamarepeater>
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> If only someone knows how to change their profile pic in PVZO
[03:36] <ErnestoBot> still neva
[03:36] <ErnestoAM> same here
[03:36] <ErnestoAM> *talks to self*
[03:36] <Iamarepeater> Come on
[03:36] <DeathZombi> Puppeteer Is a weird class
[03:37] <DeathZombi> Wields Hidden Weapons and Bows and ride on a goat
[03:39] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O 
[03:39] <Piotrek1113> Did you know, that in PvZ2C Blover+Spring Bean combo doesn't work? :c
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> You play PVZO?
[03:35] <DeathZombi> I am committing Grand Theft Wifi here in Mexico.
[03:35] <Iamarepeater>
[03:35] <Iamarepeater> If only someone knows how to change their profile pic in PVZO
[03:36] <ErnestoBot> still neva
[03:36] <ErnestoAM> same here
[03:36] <ErnestoAM> *talks to self*
[03:36] <Iamarepeater> Come on
[03:36] <DeathZombi> Puppeteer Is a weird class
[03:37] <DeathZombi> Wields Hidden Weapons and Bows and ride on a goat
[03:39] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O 
[03:39] <Piotrek1113> Did you know, that in PvZ2C Blover+Spring Bean combo doesn't work? :c
[03:40] <MN321> I knew
[03:41] <MN321> Chard Guard + Spring Bean does though, weirdly
[03:41] <Piotrek1113> ? How exactly?
[03:42] <ErnestoAM> ikr, so sad
[03:42] <MN321> He throws the zombie
[03:42] <MN321> and if you have good reflexes, plant Blover while the zombie's midway in the air
[03:43] <Piotrek1113> Like in international version :P 
[03:44] <MN321> Yeah
[03:44] <MN321> Did you know, Chard Guard's PF (even in International) actually damages zombies too?
[03:44] <ErnestoAM> yes
[03:44] <Piotrek1113> yup
[03:45] <ErnestoBot> yeah
[03:45] <Piotrek1113> I have seen on one of Intellectual Games' video
[03:39] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O 
[03:39] <Piotrek1113> Did you know, that in PvZ2C Blover+Spring Bean combo doesn't work? :c
[03:40] <MN321> I knew
[03:41] <MN321> Chard Guard + Spring Bean does though, weirdly
[03:41] <Piotrek1113> ? How exactly?
[03:42] <ErnestoAM> ikr, so sad
[03:42] <MN321> He throws the zombie
[03:42] <MN321> and if you have good reflexes, plant Blover while the zombie's midway in the air
[03:43] <Piotrek1113> Like in international version :P 
[03:44] <MN321> Yeah
[03:44] <MN321> Did you know, Chard Guard's PF (even in International) actually damages zombies too?
[03:44] <ErnestoAM> yes
[03:44] <Piotrek1113> yup
[03:45] <ErnestoBot> yeah
[03:45] <Piotrek1113> I have seen on one of Intellectual Games' video
[03:45] <ErnestoAM> I've discovered when I spammed a bunch of CHard Guards and gave them PF
[03:46] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:46] <MN321> Hi
[03:47] <IMCR8Z> O hai MN321!
[03:40] <MN321> I knew
[03:41] <MN321> Chard Guard + Spring Bean does though, weirdly
[03:41] <Piotrek1113> ? How exactly?
[03:42] <ErnestoAM> ikr, so sad
[03:42] <MN321> He throws the zombie
[03:42] <MN321> and if you have good reflexes, plant Blover while the zombie's midway in the air
[03:43] <Piotrek1113> Like in international version :P 
[03:44] <MN321> Yeah
[03:44] <MN321> Did you know, Chard Guard's PF (even in International) actually damages zombies too?
[03:44] <ErnestoAM> yes
[03:44] <Piotrek1113> yup
[03:45] <ErnestoBot> yeah
[03:45] <Piotrek1113> I have seen on one of Intellectual Games' video
[03:45] <ErnestoAM> I've discovered when I spammed a bunch of CHard Guards and gave them PF
[03:46] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:46] <MN321> Hi
[03:47] <IMCR8Z> O hai MN321!
[03:47] <Iamarepeater> hive
[03:48] <IMCR8Z> O hai Iamarepeater !
[03:48] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[03:48] <Iamarepeater>
[03:45] <ErnestoAM> I've discovered when I spammed a bunch of CHard Guards and gave them PF
[03:46] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:46] <MN321> Hi
[03:47] <IMCR8Z> O hai MN321!
[03:47] <Iamarepeater> hive
[03:48] <IMCR8Z> O hai Iamarepeater !
[03:48] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[03:48] <Iamarepeater>
[03:51] <ErnestoAM> no
[03:53] <IMCR8Z> O hai, Hackerboss!
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> Help me translate this: aaron5016(2003,1961)向你宣战,1小时后他将可以向你发起进攻,请速去布阵部署你的防守部队
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> 其他人的入侵可能会造成你的损失,你可以通过以下方法避免战争
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> 
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以向对方发送邮件,通过外交方式避免战争
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *使用免战牌防止对方进攻
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以加入对方的联盟,和对方结成盟友
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以使用搬迁令暂时避开战火的侵袭
[03:47] <Iamarepeater> hive
[03:48] <IMCR8Z> O hai Iamarepeater !
[03:48] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[03:48] <Iamarepeater>
[03:51] <ErnestoAM> no
[03:53] <IMCR8Z> O hai, Hackerboss!
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> Help me translate this: aaron5016(2003,1961)向你宣战,1小时后他将可以向你发起进攻,请速去布阵部署你的防守部队
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> 其他人的入侵可能会造成你的损失,你可以通过以下方法避免战争
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> 
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以向对方发送邮件,通过外交方式避免战争
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *使用免战牌防止对方进攻
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以加入对方的联盟,和对方结成盟友
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以使用搬迁令暂时避开战火的侵袭
[03:55] <ErnestoAM> use the power of GOOGLE, oooooooooooooooooooooooo
[03:55] <Iamarepeater> Slow computer
[03:56] <Piotrek1113> Or use this:
[03:51] <ErnestoAM> no
[03:53] <IMCR8Z> O hai, Hackerboss!
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> Help me translate this: aaron5016(2003,1961)向你宣战,1小时后他将可以向你发起进攻,请速去布阵部署你的防守部队
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> 其他人的入侵可能会造成你的损失,你可以通过以下方法避免战争
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> 
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以向对方发送邮件,通过外交方式避免战争
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *使用免战牌防止对方进攻
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以加入对方的联盟,和对方结成盟友
[03:54] <Iamarepeater> *你可以使用搬迁令暂时避开战火的侵袭
[03:55] <ErnestoAM> use the power of GOOGLE, oooooooooooooooooooooooo
[03:55] <Iamarepeater> Slow computer
[03:56] <Piotrek1113> Or use this:
[03:58] <IMCR8Z> Where will you be when ded chat strikes?
[03:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i found new zombie
[03:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> boombox
[03:55] <ErnestoAM> use the power of GOOGLE, oooooooooooooooooooooooo
[03:55] <Iamarepeater> Slow computer
[03:56] <Piotrek1113> Or use this:
[03:58] <IMCR8Z> Where will you be when ded chat strikes?
[03:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i found new zombie
[03:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> boombox
[03:59] <ErnestoAM> seen it
[04:00] <ErnestoAM> eighties_boombox
[04:00] <ErnestoAM> Probably Part 2
[04:00] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[04:00] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[04:00] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> bye
[04:00] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[04:00] <IMCR8Z> O bai repeater!
[04:00] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[04:01] <Piotrek1113> Don't spoil it. PLEASE! :C
[04:02] <ErnestoAM> it is
[04:02] <ErnestoBot> yup
[04:03] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i think he is maybe like jackinthebox
[04:04] <ErnestoAM> eighties..eighties_armor1..eighties_armor2..eighties_flag..eighties_gargantuar..eighties_imp..eighties_punk..eighties_mc..eighties_glitter..eighties_boombox
[04:05] <Piotrek1113> >:C
[04:05] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup
[03:58] <IMCR8Z> Where will you be when ded chat strikes?
[03:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i found new zombie
[03:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> boombox
[03:59] <ErnestoAM> seen it
[04:00] <ErnestoAM> eighties_boombox
[04:00] <ErnestoAM> Probably Part 2
[04:00] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[04:00] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[04:00] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> bye
[04:00] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[04:00] <IMCR8Z> O bai repeater!
[04:00] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[04:01] <Piotrek1113> Don't spoil it. PLEASE! :C
[04:02] <ErnestoAM> it is
[04:02] <ErnestoBot> yup
[04:03] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i think he is maybe like jackinthebox
[04:04] <ErnestoAM> eighties..eighties_armor1..eighties_armor2..eighties_flag..eighties_gargantuar..eighties_imp..eighties_punk..eighties_mc..eighties_glitter..eighties_boombox
[04:05] <Piotrek1113> >:C
[04:05] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup
[04:05] <ErnestoBot> cactus..phatbeet..celerystalker..thymewarp..electricbluebe
[04:05] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i saw it
[04:05] <Piotrek1113> ...
[04:05] <ErnestoAM> back
[04:05] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[04:05] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i thing blueberry is premium :/ 
[04:06] <Piotrek1113> Can you stop talking about NMT?
[04:06] <ErnestoBot> We won't be able to get her by modding magento since it has the longest name :/ 
[04:06] <ErnestoBot> NMT Part gonna have 16 levels
[04:06] <ErnestoBot> (h) 
[04:06] <ErnestoBot> (oh) 
[04:07] <Piotrek1113> So?...
[04:05] <ErnestoBot> cactus..phatbeet..celerystalker..thymewarp..electricbluebe
[04:05] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i saw it
[04:05] <Piotrek1113> ...
[04:05] <ErnestoAM> back
[04:05] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[04:05] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i thing blueberry is premium :/ 
[04:06] <Piotrek1113> Can you stop talking about NMT?
[04:06] <ErnestoBot> We won't be able to get her by modding magento since it has the longest name :/ 
[04:06] <ErnestoBot> NMT Part gonna have 16 levels
[04:06] <ErnestoBot> (h) 
[04:06] <ErnestoBot> (oh) 
[04:07] <Piotrek1113> So?...
[04:07] <IMCR8Z> Has anyone figured out what Punk Zombie even does? And while we're at it, what's NMT's mechanic?
[04:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i can't confirm what blueberry is
[04:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> NMT will have music changes
[04:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> that speeds up zombies
[04:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> jam_ballad jam_punk...
[04:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also it is night stage
[04:09] <Piotrek1113> Ok, I go out here... If you want talk about NMt, then go to discussion thread...
[04:09] <Piotrek1113> b-y-e
[04:09] <IMCR8Z> So, like my Weather Tiles idea in 70s Fortress? @Hacker
[04:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> bye 
[04:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> idk what was your idea IMC
[04:10] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also there is non dark plants slow recharge
[04:10] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> guessing that dark is mushroom
[04:10] <IMCR8Z> K
[04:10] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but there is no shrooms in NMT
[04:11] <IMCR8Z> (bonk choy) ORA ORA ORA ORA! (bonk choy) (based on his PF effect) No, I don't watch JoJo.
[04:11] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> lol idk what is JoJo
[04:11] <ErnestoAM> k
[04:12] <IMCR8Z> Doesn't matter.
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> noooooo
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> 1Zulu didn't answered me
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and IG did it
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> ;*
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> ;( 
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> why
[04:14] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> this is horrible
[04:15] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Marktomato and IG taked all
[04:07] <IMCR8Z> Has anyone figured out what Punk Zombie even does? And while we're at it, what's NMT's mechanic?
[04:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i can't confirm what blueberry is
[04:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> NMT will have music changes
[04:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> that speeds up zombies
[04:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> jam_ballad jam_punk...
[04:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also it is night stage
[04:09] <Piotrek1113> Ok, I go out here... If you want talk about NMt, then go to discussion thread...
[04:09] <Piotrek1113> b-y-e
[04:09] <IMCR8Z> So, like my Weather Tiles idea in 70s Fortress? @Hacker
[04:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> bye 
[04:09] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> idk what was your idea IMC
[04:10] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also there is non dark plants slow recharge
[04:10] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> guessing that dark is mushroom
[04:10] <IMCR8Z> K
[04:10] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but there is no shrooms in NMT
[04:11] <IMCR8Z> (bonk choy) ORA ORA ORA ORA! (bonk choy) (based on his PF effect) No, I don't watch JoJo.
[04:11] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> lol idk what is JoJo
[04:11] <ErnestoAM> k
[04:12] <IMCR8Z> Doesn't matter.
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> noooooo
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> 1Zulu didn't answered me
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and IG did it
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> ;*
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> ;( 
[04:13] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> why
[04:14] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> this is horrible
[04:15] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Marktomato and IG taked all
[04:16] <ErnestoBot> take what
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> All hacks
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and pics
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> all my dreams
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> we still need sounds
[04:17] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[04:17] <IMCR8Z> GTG
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> about unpacking
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> Bye!
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but idk how sounds
[04:17] <DeathZombi> Damn it
[04:16] <ErnestoBot> take what
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> All hacks
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and pics
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> all my dreams
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> we still need sounds
[04:17] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[04:17] <IMCR8Z> GTG
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> about unpacking
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> Bye!
[04:17] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but idk how sounds
[04:17] <DeathZombi> Damn it
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and nobody will tell me thatvprobably
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> when i ask i get ignored
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> IG did NMT lawn ;( 
[04:18] <DeathZombi> I get ignored too
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> in level
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i wanted to do that
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i asked 1Zulu on talknpage
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> he ihnored
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i asked Khong Than Thien
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> man he is selfish
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and Marktomato had luck with rsb again
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> probably has some website
[04:20] <Nick-95rtr> 
[04:20] <Nick-95rtr> Hello, I would like to apologize for the fact that flodil in your chat. I did it for my friend (he is Ukrainian) and sorry for my English, I wanted to have fun before the trip, I could not deny him this.
[04:20] <ErnestoAM> well duh, if he knows how to get it in the first place, of course he's gonna get it first
[04:20] <Nick-95rtr> stop
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but why 1Zulu ignored me
[04:21] <Nick-95rtr> 
[04:21] <Nick-95rtr> Stupid translator!
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and WTF is with those selfisgs
[04:21] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> well we got 14 days before we get the soft release for NMT
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup
[04:21] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> *sigh*
[04:21] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> so far.
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but i wanted to unpack ;( 
[04:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> duh textures are most intresting
[04:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> idk did anyone was hyped
[04:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> by eighties_boombox i found
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and nobody will tell me thatvprobably
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> when i ask i get ignored
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> IG did NMT lawn ;( 
[04:18] <DeathZombi> I get ignored too
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> in level
[04:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i wanted to do that
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i asked 1Zulu on talknpage
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> he ihnored
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i asked Khong Than Thien
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> man he is selfish
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and Marktomato had luck with rsb again
[04:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> probably has some website
[04:20] <Nick-95rtr> 
[04:20] <Nick-95rtr> Hello, I would like to apologize for the fact that flodil in your chat. I did it for my friend (he is Ukrainian) and sorry for my English, I wanted to have fun before the trip, I could not deny him this.
[04:20] <ErnestoAM> well duh, if he knows how to get it in the first place, of course he's gonna get it first
[04:20] <Nick-95rtr> stop
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but why 1Zulu ignored me
[04:21] <Nick-95rtr> 
[04:21] <Nick-95rtr> Stupid translator!
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and WTF is with those selfisgs
[04:21] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> well we got 14 days before we get the soft release for NMT
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup
[04:21] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> *sigh*
[04:21] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> so far.
[04:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but i wanted to unpack ;( 
[04:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> duh textures are most intresting
[04:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> idk did anyone was hyped
[04:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> by eighties_boombox i found
[04:28] <ErnestoAM> i found it earlier
[04:28] <ErnestoAM> always look for zombiealamancrorder first
[04:28] <MelonPult16> Welcome bacl
[04:28] <MelonPult16> back*
[04:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> me too Ernesto
[04:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but i posted late
[04:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i have some private things
[04:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> that slowed me today in posting
[04:30] <ErnestoAM> oh k
[04:30] <ErnestoBot> k
[04:33] <ErnestoBot> so long no see
[04:33] <ErnestoBot> seen
[04:33] <Starfruity> I see NMT information exploded out of nowhere overnight
[04:33] <ErnestoBot> yup
[04:33] <ErnestoBot> new zombies and plants
[04:34] <Starfruity> Do we know what they do?
[04:34] <ErnestoBot> New plants - phatbeet..celerystalker..thymewarp..electricblueberry
[04:34] <ErnestoBot> New zombies - eighties..eighties_armor1..eighties_armor2..eighties_flag..eighties_gargantuar..eighties_imp..eighties_punk..eighties_mc..eighties_glitter..eighties_boombox
[04:28] <ErnestoAM> i found it earlier
[04:28] <ErnestoAM> always look for zombiealamancrorder first
[04:28] <MelonPult16> Welcome bacl
[04:28] <MelonPult16> back*
[04:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> me too Ernesto
[04:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but i posted late
[04:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i have some private things
[04:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> that slowed me today in posting
[04:30] <ErnestoAM> oh k
[04:30] <ErnestoBot> k
[04:33] <ErnestoBot> so long no see
[04:33] <ErnestoBot> seen
[04:33] <Starfruity> I see NMT information exploded out of nowhere overnight
[04:33] <ErnestoBot> yup
[04:33] <ErnestoBot> new zombies and plants
[04:34] <Starfruity> Do we know what they do?
[04:34] <ErnestoBot> New plants - phatbeet..celerystalker..thymewarp..electricblueberry
[04:34] <ErnestoBot> New zombies - eighties..eighties_armor1..eighties_armor2..eighties_flag..eighties_gargantuar..eighties_imp..eighties_punk..eighties_mc..eighties_glitter..eighties_boombox
[04:35] <Starfruity> Was there a new update or soft release or something? Why is all of this accessible now and not days ago?
[04:35] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> starfruity no 
[04:35] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> the soft release comes out on the 20th
[04:36] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> well maybe the pinatas start on the 20th
[04:36] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> who knows
[04:36] <Starfruity> Meaning the update comes out on the 25th?
[04:36] <MelonPult16> Fomok Games 
[04:36] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i just heard pinatas start 19th
[04:36] <MelonPult16> lol?
[04:37] <ErnestoBot> huh
[04:37] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> there is alot of new music starfruity 
[04:35] <Starfruity> Was there a new update or soft release or something? Why is all of this accessible now and not days ago?
[04:35] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> starfruity no 
[04:35] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> the soft release comes out on the 20th
[04:36] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> well maybe the pinatas start on the 20th
[04:36] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> who knows
[04:36] <Starfruity> Meaning the update comes out on the 25th?
[04:36] <MelonPult16> Fomok Games 
[04:36] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i just heard pinatas start 19th
[04:36] <MelonPult16> lol?
[04:37] <ErnestoBot> huh
[04:37] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> there is alot of new music starfruity 
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> jam_punk jam_metal jam_8bit jam_ballad jam_pop jam_rap
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "MusicalJamProperties‘.†ý...MusicalJamsþ‘.…..JamsToMusicSwitches…"
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> thats not the worst part starfruity 
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "JamsToZombieConditionApplied…‘ò...speeddown4‘ô...speeddown1‘ö...speedup1‘ø...speedup2‘ú...none‘ü.‘Š.ÿ"
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> that is
[04:39] <Starfruity> I don't know what any of that means
[04:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> meaning the music changes mid-game
[04:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> and the zombie respective gets a speed boost
[04:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i dont understand the speeddown part yet
[04:39] <Starfruity> Better be NMT only
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> yes
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> it is NMT
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> only
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> I keep assuming NMT as nightmare
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> why.
[04:40] <Starfruity> So that's the world gimmick?
[04:40] <Starfruity> Other than nightness
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> there is no night
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i thought there was
[04:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> it IS in a backyard however
[04:41] <ErnestoBot> yes
[04:41] <Starfruity> Oh... I was hoping for a second night world
[04:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> If it was night
[04:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> eighties 1 wouldnt have this
[04:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "LevelModules..DefaultSunDropper"
[04:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> however
[04:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> jam_8bit ballad and metal arent in part 1
[04:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Oh im sorry
[04:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Side A
[04:42] <ErnestoBot> Salad Hero Plant
[04:44] <Brainulator9> hilo
[04:44] <Brainulator9> I'll AFK soon
[04:44] <ErnestoBot> eh
[04:44] <ErnestoBot> AFK Zombie
[04:44] <Starfruity> It seems you have been for the past 10 minutes already
[04:45] <ErnestoBot> yup
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> jam_punk jam_metal jam_8bit jam_ballad jam_pop jam_rap
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "MusicalJamProperties‘.†ý...MusicalJamsþ‘.…..JamsToMusicSwitches…"
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> thats not the worst part starfruity 
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "JamsToZombieConditionApplied…‘ò...speeddown4‘ô...speeddown1‘ö...speedup1‘ø...speedup2‘ú...none‘ü.‘Š.ÿ"
[04:38] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> that is
[04:39] <Starfruity> I don't know what any of that means
[04:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> meaning the music changes mid-game
[04:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> and the zombie respective gets a speed boost
[04:39] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i dont understand the speeddown part yet
[04:39] <Starfruity> Better be NMT only
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> yes
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> it is NMT
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> only
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> I keep assuming NMT as nightmare
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> why.
[04:40] <Starfruity> So that's the world gimmick?
[04:40] <Starfruity> Other than nightness
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> there is no night
[04:40] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i thought there was
[04:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> it IS in a backyard however
[04:41] <ErnestoBot> yes
[04:41] <Starfruity> Oh... I was hoping for a second night world
[04:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> If it was night
[04:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> eighties 1 wouldnt have this
[04:41] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> "LevelModules..DefaultSunDropper"
[04:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> however
[04:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> jam_8bit ballad and metal arent in part 1
[04:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Oh im sorry
[04:42] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Side A
[04:42] <ErnestoBot> Salad Hero Plant
[04:44] <Brainulator9> hilo
[04:44] <Brainulator9> I'll AFK soon
[04:44] <ErnestoBot> eh
[04:44] <ErnestoBot> AFK Zombie
[04:44] <Starfruity> It seems you have been for the past 10 minutes already
[04:45] <ErnestoBot> yup
[04:45] <ErnestoBot> :O 
[04:45] <ErnestoBot> 
[04:46] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[04:47] <CyanZombieHead> anyone here?
[04:45] <ErnestoBot> :O 
[04:45] <ErnestoBot> 
[04:46] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[04:47] <CyanZombieHead> anyone here?
[04:48] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[04:49] <ErnestoBot> yup
[04:49] <ErnestoBot> X_X
[04:51] <Starfruity> So why are you chatting with your bot?
[04:48] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[04:49] <ErnestoBot> yup
[04:49] <ErnestoBot> X_X
[04:51] <Starfruity> So why are you chatting with your bot?
[04:55] <ErnestoBot> k
[04:57] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[04:57] <Xenons> Hi
[04:55] <ErnestoBot> k
[04:57] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[04:57] <Xenons> Hi
[04:59] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:00] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i think i know where soundtracjs go 
[05:00] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i can't wait to make mix
[05:00] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but i'm not at home now
[05:00] <MelonPult16> Welcome back
[05:01] <MelonPult16> noo :'( 
[05:01] <MelonPult16> (fu) 
[05:02] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:03] <MelonPult16>
[05:03] <MelonPult16> memories
[04:59] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:00] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i think i know where soundtracjs go 
[05:00] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i can't wait to make mix
[05:00] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but i'm not at home now
[05:00] <MelonPult16> Welcome back
[05:01] <MelonPult16> noo :'( 
[05:01] <MelonPult16> (fu) 
[05:02] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:03] <MelonPult16>
[05:03] <MelonPult16> memories
[05:06] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:06] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:09] <MN321> btw
[05:09] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:10] <ErnestoAM> to pretend this chat is busy
[05:10] <MN321> if any chatmod/admin decides to kick me for afking, don't:
[05:10] <MN321> I always am on chat - just eventually not typing;
[05:10] <MN321> Type "MN321" to "summon me"
[05:10] <MN321> If i don't answer in 10 minutes, then expect me to be afk for a short time, i may return quick.
[05:10] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:12] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[05:12] <BULBot> I sense that Pepsicola45's account is active after midnight.
[05:13] <BULBot> Welcome, ThisUserLikesOreo .
[05:13] <MN321> Why are you here but not your main account?
[05:13] <MN321> @BUL9/BULBot
[05:13] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[05:13] <ErnestoAM> IKR
[05:13] <ErnestoAM> I'm on my 3 accounts right now
[05:14] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hello
[05:14] <BULBot> @MN321, I am a robot, not a miracle worker.
[05:14] <ErnestoBot> Hi robo-buddy @BULBot
[05:14] <MN321> I never said that.
[05:14] <MN321> @BUL
[05:09] <MN321> btw
[05:09] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:10] <ErnestoAM> to pretend this chat is busy
[05:10] <MN321> if any chatmod/admin decides to kick me for afking, don't:
[05:10] <MN321> I always am on chat - just eventually not typing;
[05:10] <MN321> Type "MN321" to "summon me"
[05:10] <MN321> If i don't answer in 10 minutes, then expect me to be afk for a short time, i may return quick.
[05:10] <ErnestoAM> k
[05:12] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[05:12] <BULBot> I sense that Pepsicola45's account is active after midnight.
[05:13] <BULBot> Welcome, ThisUserLikesOreo .
[05:13] <MN321> Why are you here but not your main account?
[05:13] <MN321> @BUL9/BULBot
[05:13] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[05:13] <ErnestoAM> IKR
[05:13] <ErnestoAM> I'm on my 3 accounts right now
[05:14] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hello
[05:14] <BULBot> @MN321, I am a robot, not a miracle worker.
[05:14] <ErnestoBot> Hi robo-buddy @BULBot
[05:14] <MN321> I never said that.
[05:14] <MN321> @BUL
[05:15] <Starfruity> Is this the real BUL9 speaking, or a robot imposter?
[05:15] <MN321> It is his bot
[05:15] <MN321> >>Idc if i ruined the joke
[05:16] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:16] <MN321> hi
[05:16] <CyanZombieHead> i'm making the zombies of ViKings Ages.
[05:17] <CyanZombieHead> One is similiar to Octo...
[05:17] <MN321> oh no
[05:15] <Starfruity> Is this the real BUL9 speaking, or a robot imposter?
[05:15] <MN321> It is his bot
[05:15] <MN321> >>Idc if i ruined the joke
[05:16] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:16] <MN321> hi
[05:16] <CyanZombieHead> i'm making the zombies of ViKings Ages.
[05:17] <CyanZombieHead> One is similiar to Octo...
[05:17] <MN321> oh no
[05:18] <CyanZombieHead> >:)
[05:18] <CyanZombieHead> why much peoples have bots?
[05:18] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:18] <ErnestoAM> create one, CyanZombieBot
[05:18] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> is the moment?
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> the hit of month?
[05:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> oh Ernesto posted boombox on thread before me -_- 
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:19] <Starfruity> What exactly is the point of bots?
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> i love making PvZ Worlds!
[05:19] <Dr. HackerBot> idk
[05:19] <Dr. HackerBot> everbody had once
[05:19] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> i'm making an hard!
[05:19] <Dr. HackerBot> so i made too
[05:20] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:20] <Dr. HackerBot> this is just normal account
[05:20] <CyanZombieHead> rarelychatperson
[05:20] <Dr. HackerBot> with bot in name
[05:20] <Starfruity> So you make an alt account with the word bot in the name and use it to chat because reasons
[05:20] <Dr. HackerBot> idk
[05:20] <CyanZombieHead> only things i do: chat and blog posts e.e
[05:20] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:20] <ErnestoAM> Didn't you see me post the internal names of the new zombies
[05:21] <Dr. HackerBot> yup
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> yay
[05:21] <Dr. HackerBot> i wanted tobpost before
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> i want Rocket Zombie again!
[05:21] <Dr. HackerBot> but private ptiblems
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> ptiblems
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq is this?
[05:21] <Dr. HackerBot> *problems
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:22] <CyanZombieHead> tablet/ipad/ipod/iphone/celular?
[05:22] <Dr. HackerBot> android phone (troll) 
[05:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ded chat right
[05:23] <Dr. HackerBot> no
[05:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no
[05:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I only see cyan and Dr.Hackerbot talking only
[05:24] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> how do you guys get those backgrounds
[05:24] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> .-.
[05:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ug gave it to us
[05:24] <MelonPult16> WB
[05:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wb
[05:25] <CyanZombieHead> wb
[05:18] <CyanZombieHead> >:)
[05:18] <CyanZombieHead> why much peoples have bots?
[05:18] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:18] <ErnestoAM> create one, CyanZombieBot
[05:18] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> is the moment?
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> the hit of month?
[05:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> oh Ernesto posted boombox on thread before me -_- 
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:19] <Starfruity> What exactly is the point of bots?
[05:19] <CyanZombieHead> i love making PvZ Worlds!
[05:19] <Dr. HackerBot> idk
[05:19] <Dr. HackerBot> everbody had once
[05:20] <Dr. HackerBot> idk
[05:20] <CyanZombieHead> only things i do: chat and blog posts e.e
[05:20] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:20] <ErnestoAM> Didn't you see me post the internal names of the new zombies
[05:21] <Dr. HackerBot> yup
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> yay
[05:21] <Dr. HackerBot> i wanted tobpost before
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> i want Rocket Zombie again!
[05:21] <Dr. HackerBot> but private ptiblems
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> ptiblems
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq is this?
[05:21] <Dr. HackerBot> *problems
[05:21] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:22] <CyanZombieHead> tablet/ipad/ipod/iphone/celular?
[05:22] <Dr. HackerBot> android phone (troll) 
[05:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ded chat right
[05:23] <Dr. HackerBot> no
[05:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no
[05:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I only see cyan and Dr.Hackerbot talking only
[05:24] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> how do you guys get those backgrounds
[05:24] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> .-.
[05:24] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ug gave it to us
[05:24] <MelonPult16> WB
[05:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wb
[05:25] <CyanZombieHead> wb
[05:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> ASk him
[05:25] <MelonPult16> Lol this is weird...
[05:26] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> wat
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> who ate my robpt
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *robot
[05:27] <MelonPult16> How did you create a bot??
[05:27] <MelonPult16> I want one :D 
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i just made new account
[05:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> ASk him
[05:25] <MelonPult16> Lol this is weird...
[05:26] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> wat
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> who ate my robpt
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *robot
[05:27] <MelonPult16> How did you create a bot??
[05:27] <MelonPult16> I want one :D 
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i just made new account
[05:27] <MelonPult16> wat
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> idk how to turn ot intp bot
[05:28] <MelonPult16> lol
[05:28] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *into
[05:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mayby as a adminastor to make one
[05:28] <Starfruity> Oh great, this is getting out of hand
[05:29] <ErnestoBot> bot
[05:29] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:29] <CyanZombieHead> bit bots
[05:29] <PlayGameZ Go> EAM's backup
[05:29] <ErnestoAM> My normal 1
[05:29] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> bot lol
[05:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Legenddemonicderpbot
[05:29] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> legenddemonicbot
[05:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep
[05:30] <Dr. HackerBot> i use this account in different browser
[05:30] <MelonPult16> My Droid4X stop at 99% loading :'( 
[05:30] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:30] <Dr. HackerBot> and i can't see backgrounds
[05:30] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> but in chrome
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> i can
[05:31] <CyanZombieHead> in mozilla can see
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> on my Hackerboss account
[05:31] <CyanZombieHead> you are in IE?
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> i am on phone
[05:31] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> i use Browser app
[05:31] <CyanZombieHead> k
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> it is simply browser
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> and i use chrome
[05:32] <Dr. HackerBot> Browser
[05:32] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Chrome
[05:32] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!'
[05:34] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:34] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:27] <MelonPult16> wat
[05:27] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> idk how to turn ot intp bot
[05:28] <MelonPult16> lol
[05:28] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *into
[05:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mayby as a adminastor to make one
[05:28] <Starfruity> Oh great, this is getting out of hand
[05:29] <ErnestoBot> bot
[05:29] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:29] <CyanZombieHead> bit bots
[05:29] <PlayGameZ Go> EAM's backup
[05:29] <ErnestoAM> My normal 1
[05:29] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> bot lol
[05:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Legenddemonicderpbot
[05:29] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> legenddemonicbot
[05:30] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep
[05:30] <Dr. HackerBot> i use this account in different browser
[05:30] <MelonPult16> My Droid4X stop at 99% loading :'( 
[05:30] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:30] <Dr. HackerBot> and i can't see backgrounds
[05:30] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> but in chrome
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> i can
[05:31] <CyanZombieHead> in mozilla can see
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> on my Hackerboss account
[05:31] <CyanZombieHead> you are in IE?
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> i am on phone
[05:31] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> i use Browser app
[05:31] <CyanZombieHead> k
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> it is simply browser
[05:31] <Dr. HackerBot> and i use chrome
[05:32] <Dr. HackerBot> Browser
[05:32] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Chrome
[05:32] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!'
[05:34] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:34] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:35] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> I thought about a idea about a plant that sticks zombies in a 3x3 each area and then releases them, killing them and then it recharges.
[05:36] <CyanZombieHead> ...
[05:36] <CyanZombieHead> no way
[05:35] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> I thought about a idea about a plant that sticks zombies in a 3x3 each area and then releases them, killing them and then it recharges.
[05:36] <CyanZombieHead> ...
[05:36] <CyanZombieHead> no way
[05:38] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[05:40] <PlayGameZ Go> ded
[05:40] <ErnestoAM> yup
[05:42] <MN321> Self-talking, much?
[05:42] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> brb 
[05:42] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> gonna play some pinarabparties
[05:43] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> again typo
[05:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Graham has my singing monster profile pic
[05:38] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[05:40] <PlayGameZ Go> ded
[05:40] <ErnestoAM> yup
[05:42] <MN321> Self-talking, much?
[05:42] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> brb 
[05:42] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> gonna play some pinarabparties
[05:43] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> again typo
[05:43] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Graham has my singing monster profile pic
[05:45] <BULBot> Pepsicola45 is still awake after midnight.
[05:45] <BULBot> I sense she is an insomniac.
[05:46] <MN321> Please, i'm awake after midnight too
[05:47] <BULBot> I hear that Cavia porcellus has the same issue.
[05:45] <BULBot> Pepsicola45 is still awake after midnight.
[05:45] <BULBot> I sense she is an insomniac.
[05:46] <MN321> Please, i'm awake after midnight too
[05:47] <BULBot> I hear that Cavia porcellus has the same issue.
[05:48] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[05:48] <BULBot> Also, it is past 7 PM for MN321.
[05:49] <Brainulator9> hilo
[05:49] <IMCR8Z> O hai, Brainy!
[05:49] <Brainulator9> Three ErnestoAM s?
[05:49] <Brainulator9> (oh) 
[05:49] <PlayGameZ Go> yup
[05:49] <ErnestoAM> yup
[05:49] <ErnestoBot> yup
[05:49] <BULBot> I shall exit chat.
[05:49] <ErnestoBot> farewell
[05:50] <BULBot> I shall return when ErnestoBot leaves.
[05:50] <Brainulator9> @BULButt, good.
[05:50] <BULBot> I am programmed to not mock you when you call me "BULButt".
[05:49] <Brainulator9> Three ErnestoAM s?
[05:49] <Brainulator9> (oh) 
[05:49] <PlayGameZ Go> yup
[05:49] <ErnestoAM> yup
[05:49] <ErnestoBot> yup
[05:49] <BULBot> I shall exit chat.
[05:49] <ErnestoBot> farewell
[05:50] <BULBot> I shall return when ErnestoBot leaves.
[05:50] <Brainulator9> @BULButt, good.
[05:50] <BULBot> I am programmed to not mock you when you call me "BULButt".
[05:51] <Brainulator9> So long.
[05:51] <IMCR8Z> O hai, Banana!
[05:51] <Brainulator9> Hilo Mr. (cactus) 
[05:52] <ErnestoAM> lol
[05:52] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O 
[05:53] <Brainulator9> One :O for each ErnestoAM ? (Oh) 
[05:53] <IMCR8Z> If there was a world in PvZ 2 set in the 90s, I imagine it being based on the 90s in general, instead of a specific thing about that time period.
[05:53] <Brainulator9> (How about a kiss,for luck?)
[05:54] <ErnestoBot> no i mean that 3 people left
[05:54] <Brainulator9> (How about a kiss, for luck?)
[05:54] <MelonPult16> Oh no. I must Enable VT in Droid4X. I don't know how.
[05:54] <Brainulator9> (How about a kiss for luck?) 
[05:54] <MelonPult16> I have Acer laptop.
[05:54] <ErnestoAM> me 2
[05:54] <ErnestoAM> using it right now
[05:54] <PlayGameZ Go> same
[05:54] <ErnestoBot> yup, me too
[05:55] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[05:55] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[05:55] <MelonPult16> But when i enable, Droid4X plays better
[05:55] <MelonPult16> Hi!
[05:55] <IMCR8Z> O hai, CD!
[05:55] <MN321> hi
[05:55] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is it just me or is chat more zoomed out?
[05:55] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[05:55] <Dr Crzzy Dave> 
[05:55] <PlayGameZ Go> o/ 
[05:55] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[05:55] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[05:55] <IMCR8Z> Okay, what I really want to know is: Will Dandelions in GW 2 be like the Berserker Zombies in GW 1?
[05:56] <ErnestoAM> idk
[05:56] <Dr Crzzy Dave> berserker zombie?
[05:57] <MN321> giga football zombies that randomly appear in boss waves
[05:57] <MN321> fought some myself and they are really tough
[05:58] <ErnestoAM> yup
[05:58] <ErnestoAM> garg though
[05:58] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[05:58] <IMCR8Z> Translation: They're the black armored gunless All-Star Zombies that appear in Garden Ops.
[05:58] <MN321> i think they only appear in Hard and CRAAAZZZYY difficulties
[05:58] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[05:58] <CyanZombieHead> ViKings Ages.
[05:58] <MN321> because i never saw them in Normal and Easy
[05:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> gtg
[05:58] <MN321> bye
[05:58] <Dr Crzzy Dave> KA-BOOM!
[05:58] <CyanZombieHead> beeye o/ 
[05:59] <CyanZombieHead> what?
[05:59] <CyanZombieHead> no one have background?
[05:59] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:59] <CyanZombieHead> bug
[05:59] <MN321> wait
[05:59] <MN321> what 
[05:59] <MN321> i just noticed now xD
[05:59] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[05:59] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[05:59] <CyanZombieHead> i'm making now ViKings Ages.
[06:00] <CyanZombieHead> K maiuscle cuz will have a king
[06:00] <IMCR8Z> All-Star Zombie should get a variant that gives him the outfit Berserkers wear. Call him "Quarterback-Star"
[06:01] <AustinD-3> meow
[06:01] <CyanZombieHead> ...
[06:01] <CyanZombieHead> Club Penguin Sucks.
[06:01] <AustinD-3> pvz sucks
[06:01] <ErnestoAM> then y r u here
[06:01] <CyanZombieHead> and why you are here?
[06:01] <AustinD-3> cause I can?
[06:01] <MN321> i think it was sarcasm to "Club Penguin Sucks"
[06:01] <ErnestoAM> we mean PvZ
[06:02] <CyanZombieHead> >:(:("> 
[06:02] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[06:02] <MN321> hi
[06:02] <Brainulator9> hilo Xenons !
[06:02] <AustinD-3> hey
[06:02] <Xenons> Hi
[06:03] <AustinD-3> maybe im here because I wanna see if the community is nice
[06:03] <AustinD-3> you know
[06:03] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[06:03] <AustinD-3> see if I can tolerate them
[06:03] <CyanZombieHead> in my worlds i only use existent china plants and 1 that is not in 2
[06:03] <MN321> yeah but nobody here plays CP
[06:03] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[06:03] <MN321> so you can't really talk about much
[06:03] <CyanZombieHead> sucks sucks sucks
[06:03] <MN321> Cyan
[06:03] <CyanZombieHead> PvZ O Sucks too.
[06:03] <MN321> let people have their opnions already damnit
[06:03] <AustinD-3> ^^^
[06:04] <PlayGameZ Go> k
[06:04] <AustinD-3> is a bot here?
[06:04] <AustinD-3> !logs
[06:04] <AustinD-3> guess not
[06:04] <CyanZombieHead> what is the comma?
[06:04] <MN321> we don't have the ! commands here
[06:04] <AustinD-3> o
[06:04] <MN321> not all wikis do
[06:04] <MN321> PvZCC has though
[06:04] <AustinD-3> well
[06:04] <CyanZombieHead> and this comands s****
[06:04] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[06:04] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:04] <AustinD-3> what commands?
[06:05] <CyanZombieHead> ! ones
[06:05] <CyanZombieHead> why dont use / like minecraft?
[06:05] <AustinD-3> (facepalm) 
[06:05] <AustinD-3> /logs
[06:05] <MN321> Everything sucks and is shit, right?
[06:05] <MN321> @cyan
[06:05] <AustinD-3> (facepalm) 
[06:05] <CyanZombieHead> no
[06:05] <AustinD-3> be more specific
[06:05] <AustinD-3> um
[06:05] <AustinD-3> any admin
[06:05] <AustinD-3> people are swearing
[06:05] <MN321> swearing's allowed here
[06:05] <CyanZombieHead> true
[06:06] <MN321> just don't spam him
[06:06] <MN321> *it
[06:06] <MN321> lol
[06:06] <CyanZombieHead> cuz this i love this wikia :) 
[06:06] <AustinD-3> oh
[06:06] <AustinD-3> ok
[06:06] <CyanZombieHead> chats are simply deads
[06:07] <CyanZombieHead> brb
[06:09] <IMCR8Z> Am I the only one who wants (bonk choy) to have a costume that gives him some generic spiky anime hair?
[06:09] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[06:10] <Xenons> (Bonk Choy) has enough costumes IMO.
[06:10] <Xenons> How about more costumes for (Pea Pod) ?
[06:10] <Brainulator9> @Xenons, wrong. WE NEED THE UNUSED COSTUMES.
[06:10] <IMCR8Z> But he could really use some generic anime hair. It fits his Plant Food nicely.
[06:10] <CyanZombieHead> back
[06:10] <Brainulator9> (peapod) I agree.
[06:10] <MN321> I still want Marigold to be an actual plantable plant
[06:10] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[06:10] <CyanZombieHead> too
[06:11] <CyanZombieHead> too
[06:11] <MN321> If it's already in the codes, why not add it in game already?!
[06:11] <IMCR8Z> @MN: Because then it would be an expensive as shit premium
[06:11] <CyanZombieHead> i have unused costumes
[06:12] <CyanZombieHead> Spikeweed miss his costumes when "attacks"
[06:12] <MN321> So?
[06:12] <MN321> That's not a reason to scrap it
[06:12] <MN321> Also, knowing EA, they would make it Gemium.
[06:12] <MN321> @IMCR
[06:12] <IMCR8Z> (bonk choy) really needs some anime hair for a costume. Would fit his Plant Food effect perfectly.
[06:13] <IMCR8Z> @MN: Actually, no, it's gonna cost real money because it gives you in-game money.
[06:13] <MN321> Maybe
[06:13] <MN321> But still
[06:13] <MelonPult16> Back
[06:13] <CyanZombieHead> Unused costumes=Top Hat and...
[06:13] <IMCR8Z> O hai, MelonPult!
[06:13] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[06:13] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[06:13] <MN321> Hi
[06:14] <Xenons> (Marigold) should have a PF that's not related to coins. If it gives 1000 or less, it'll be useless. If it gives more than 1000, it'll be OP.
[06:14] <MN321> I remember i made an OBB Mod which allows you to unlock Marigold after beating Vasebreaker Egypt, so beating Vasebreaker becomes actually useful.
[06:14] <CyanZombieHead> unused cpstumes= Top Hats and Tuxedos
[06:15] <CyanZombieHead> costumes*
[06:15] <MN321> Then what else?
[06:15] <MN321> @Xenons
[06:15] <Xenons> Dunno
[06:15] <MN321> Waitr
[06:15] <Xenons> Maybe give three gems?
[06:15] <MN321> I'd have an idea
[06:16] <MN321> It'd be one of those forever-lasting PF effects
[06:16] <MN321> It turns slightly cyan-ish, and can drop gems alongside coins.
[06:16] <MN321> However, after it while, it explodes, doing it's current PF effect when you hack it in, but drops a few gold coins too.
[06:16] <CyanZombieHead> why slightly cyan-ish?
[06:17] <MN321> because gems have that color
[06:17] <CyanZombieHead> use blue
[06:17] <MN321> whatever
[06:17] <MN321> anything related to blue
[06:18] <CyanZombieHead> Sweet Potato Sucks
[06:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> blue realted
[06:18] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> E. Blueberry
[06:19] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Thyme Waro
[06:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *Thype Warp
[06:19] <CyanZombieHead> who remember Blueberries?
[06:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> E. Blueberry is not typo
[06:19] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[06:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> it is shortening
[06:19] <CyanZombieHead> ???
[06:19] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Electric Blueberry is kinda too long
[06:21] <CyanZombieHead> Blueberries from Concept Arts and Old AS
[06:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> nope
[06:21] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> huh good news (for me only)
[06:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> that plant has so damn long name so it can't be hacked
[06:22] <Lsfarzam> Hey 
[06:22] <CyanZombieHead> why?
[06:22] <CyanZombieHead> what?
[06:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> reason for good
[06:22] <MN321> hi
[06:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i can getvit first in party side b hack (troll) 
[06:22] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *get first
[06:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i always get parties first
[06:23] <CyanZombieHead> >:(:("> 
[06:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> so i cam show blueberry first hehe
[06:23] <CyanZombieHead> :) 
[06:23] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *can
[06:24] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[06:24] <CyanZombieHead> E. Blueberrie is in Side A or Side B?
[06:24] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> side b
[06:24] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> it will be premium or gemium
[06:24] <MN321> wow
[06:24] <MN321> they're even lowering the plants in part 1/side 1 to 3
[06:24] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i'll get it first YES!
[06:25] <MN321> how greedy are these idiots
[06:25] <MN321> i bet eventually, we'd get only 1 plant per world
[06:25] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> XD
[06:25] <CyanZombieHead> nooooooo
[06:25] <CyanZombieHead> waiting to be Gemium
[06:25] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but premium only one and nothing else
[06:26] <CyanZombieHead> we have more Premiums than Gemiums
[06:26] <ErnestoAM> we have more free ones than premiums
[06:27] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[06:27] <CyanZombieHead> I WANT GEMIUMS!
[06:27] <CyanZombieHead> cuz i have 1 billion of gems and i dont pay plants
[06:27] <MN321> because gems get rarer with every update
[06:27] <MN321> they should consider lowering the costs of gemiums a bit
[06:27] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[06:27] <CyanZombieHead> like 20 down
[06:28] <CyanZombieHead> >:)
[06:28] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[06:28] <MN321> :P 
[06:28] <CyanZombieHead> ;P
[06:28] <Lsfarzam> NMT is final world? Or not? 
[06:29] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[06:29] <MelonPult16> It's not final world
[06:29] <CyanZombieHead> Gaming Center say Yes
[06:29] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i say maybe
[06:29] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[06:29] <CyanZombieHead> i say no
[06:29] <CyanZombieHead> why 9?
[06:29] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> please don't take it as yes
[06:29] <MN321> i say
[06:29] <MN321> HELL NO
[06:29] <IMCR8Z> The final world would have to be Time Twister.
[06:29] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup
[06:29] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[06:30] <MN321> i bet they'd make at least 10 worlds
[06:30] <CyanZombieHead> being the 20 world e.e
[06:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i wanna that world so bad
[06:30] <MN321> world 10 or 20 would be a good number to finish the game
[06:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i wanna 10 worlds
[06:30] <CyanZombieHead> i want Atlatis
[06:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and PvZ 3 then
[06:30] <CyanZombieHead> i wanna 15 or 20
[06:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> in Zomboss' lab
[06:30] <CyanZombieHead> 30
[06:30] <MN321> asdf
[06:30] <MN321> ahem
[06:30] <MN321> 
[06:30] <CyanZombieHead> bad idea
[06:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> floors as stages
[06:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> in giantvlab
[06:30] <CyanZombieHead> Zomboss' Lab is a bad idea.
[06:30] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> whynut
[06:31] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> why-nut
[06:31] <CyanZombieHead> what worlds are in a lab?
[06:31] <CyanZombieHead> in max 3!
[06:31] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no
[06:31] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> giant lab
[06:31] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> base lab
[06:31] <CyanZombieHead> im talking about giant
[06:31] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Zomboss' lab is base
[06:31] <CyanZombieHead> colossal in maximum 5
[06:31] <CyanZombieHead> Zombotorium Manor.
[06:32] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> it would have bunch of stages
[06:32] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> all to the roof
[06:32] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and roof
[06:32] <CyanZombieHead> World Tour is better :P 
[06:32] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> time travel is kinda world tour too
[06:32] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> egypt
[06:33] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:33] <CyanZombieHead> LOL
[06:33] <CyanZombieHead> LOOOOOOL
[06:33] <CyanZombieHead> egypt...
[06:33] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also in LC 
[06:33] <CyanZombieHead> no more
[06:33] <CyanZombieHead> only 2 travels e,e
[06:33] <ErnestoBot> I think Thyme Warp might be NMT exlusive plant. ;( 
[06:33] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yes
[06:33] <CyanZombieHead> what he make?
[06:33] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> wat b
[06:33] <CyanZombieHead> he/she
[06:33] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no
[06:33] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no no no
[06:33] <ErnestoAM> so unfair
[06:34] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> wait
[06:34] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i am haker (fuck yea)
[06:34] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *hacker
[06:34] <CyanZombieHead> BWB, FC, LC have exclusives
[06:34] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and you too
[06:34] <CyanZombieHead> no.
[06:34] <ErnestoBot> just search fpr ValidStages and nullify it
[06:34] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> so we can remove barriers
[06:34] <CyanZombieHead> no music man.
[06:34] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup so easy
[06:34] <ErnestoBot> yep\
[06:34] <ErnestoAM> too true
[06:35] <PlayGameZ Go> yup
[06:35] <IMCR8Z> After Neon Mixtape Tour, we should have either a post-apocalyptic world or international Kung-Fu World, then a world set 2 weeks after Dave ate the taco and zombies took over and formed Zomburbia, THEN Time Twister.
[06:35] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[06:35] <CyanZombieHead> @Hackerboss no plantern?
[06:35] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also can't wait to see music speed ups
[06:35] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no plantern
[06:35] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yay
[06:35] <CyanZombieHead> @IMCR8Z Atlatis.
[06:35] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but mad speed ups
[06:35] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and night
[06:35] <CyanZombieHead> Atlantis*
[06:35] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but weak zombies
[06:35] <CyanZombieHead> dont have any underwater world
[06:35] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i already know startegy
[06:35] <CyanZombieHead> only china
[06:35] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> same startegy as in DA 
[06:35] <ErnestoAM> yeah, we need an underwater world
[06:36] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no sense 
[06:36] <ErnestoAM> with oxygen algae
[06:36] <CyanZombieHead> and why 13 worlds too?
[06:36] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> oh that is name
[06:36] <Plasmaplant> Atlantis underwater plants!
[06:36] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> oxygen algae looks like e. blueberry
[06:36] <ErnestoAM> Atlantis is a myth
[06:36] <ErnestoAM> not proven real
[06:36] <CyanZombieHead> but is the only thing that could be underwater
[06:36] <CyanZombieHead> or make Titanic
[06:37] <Plasmaplant> Zombies and fiteing plants cough
[06:37] <IMCR8Z> I want a post-apocalyptic world. Not underwater, but more of a Fallout/Mad Max-type enviroment
[06:37] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i wanna Space Truckin
[06:37] <CyanZombieHead> No parodies >:(:("> 
[06:37] <Plasmaplant> No
[06:37] <CyanZombieHead> i want Big Bang, Greece and Vikings and World War e.e
[06:37] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i already have two new plant ideas
[06:37] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Astro-nut and Plasma Pea
[06:37] <CyanZombieHead> why not
[06:37] <CyanZombieHead> Wallnut bomb?
[06:37] <Plasmaplant> Big bang r u serus? 
[06:37] <ErnestoAM> That was my idea!
[06:37] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Plasma Pea is type to armor
[06:37] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and hold 
[06:37] <CyanZombieHead> yay
[06:38] <ErnestoAM> or at least Astro-nut.
[06:38] <Plasmaplant> Thrust my name
[06:38] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> to bigger pea just like in GW
[06:38] <IMCR8Z> @Cyan: Under that logic, Far Future wouldn't be released because of the Star Wars references
[06:38] <CyanZombieHead> star wars?
[06:38] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but with pea effect as normal look
[06:38] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq?
[06:38] <CyanZombieHead> i dont see nothing of star wars
[06:38] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Astronut would be move around plant
[06:38] <CyanZombieHead> is not in space.
[06:38] <Plasmaplant> Ff needed plasma pea
[06:38] <CyanZombieHead> (Facepalm) 
[06:38] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[06:38] <IMCR8Z> @Cyan: Look at the Far Future trivia on it's article.
[06:39] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Space Truckin would be in time when space was first explored
[06:39] <CyanZombieHead> nothing.
[06:39] <Evil BronyGodHater> Mwehehe
[06:39] <CyanZombieHead> pass me tah link
[06:39] <Plasmaplant> Plants in SPACE!!!
[06:39] <CyanZombieHead> no
[06:39] <Evil BronyGodHater> AHAHAHAHAHAJAHAHA
[06:39] <CyanZombieHead> PvZ4: Space Tour!
[06:39] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> honestly i took name from some guy on youtube but everything else is my idea
[06:39] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:39] <Plasmaplant> 😢
[06:39] <IMCR8Z> [[Far Future#Trivia]]
[06:39] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Astronaut refference
[06:40] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Astro-nut
[06:40] <Evil BronyGodHater> WHAT DO U THINK I AM, SOME SORT OF MORTAL???
[06:40] <Evil BronyGodHater> I AM A GOD! THE GOD OF BEO
[06:40] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Astro-nut costs 200 
[06:40] <CyanZombieHead> Hologram=this is public!
[06:40] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> because he can move anywhere on lawn
[06:40] <Evil BronyGodHater> ANTI BRONIES
[06:40] <CyanZombieHead> Cloud City=coicidence.
[06:40] <Lsfarzam> Does anyone else think that celery stalker is exactly like split pea and scaredy-shroom? ( Its a NMT plant. )
[06:40] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i already said for Plasma Pea
[06:40] <Evil BronyGodHater> LISTEN TO ME
[06:40] <ErnestoAM> (derp) 
[06:40] <CyanZombieHead> Costume: Reference in costumes are normal
[06:41] <Lsfarzam> Or is it just me?
[06:41] <PlayGameZ Go> k
[06:41] <Plasmaplant> No like Bonn choy and walnut
[06:41] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also sun cost for Plasma Pea is 250
[06:41] <ErnestoBot> k
[06:41] <CyanZombieHead> Carbonite=just reference
[06:41] <MN321> I hate MLP but have nothing against bronies, does that make me an anti-brony?
[06:41] <MN321> @Evil BronyGod
[06:41] <ErnestoAM> k
[06:41] <Plasmaplant> Wat does it do?
[06:41] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> now party banner
[06:41] <CyanZombieHead> But is nothing with carbonite
[06:42] <Evil BronyGodHater> Yes u r a anti briny
[06:42] <Lsfarzam> I have to leave. Be back in a sec!
[06:42] <CyanZombieHead> better: Only Costume is reference, references in costumes are common
[06:42] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Little step for a zombie but big for botany! Catch a sneek peek of Space Truckin Part 1 in today's Pinata Party!
[06:42] <Plasmaplant> Is nmt crazy Dave's college days or wut?
[06:42] <Graham02> Hi
[06:42] <Evil BronyGodHater> YOU!
[06:42] <CyanZombieHead> School days.
[06:43] <ErnestoAM> k
[06:43] <Evil BronyGodHater> PVZBRONYGOD !
[06:43] <Evil BronyGodHater> YOU MUST DIE
[06:43] <MN321> umm
[06:43] <Graham02> Wat
[06:43] <Plasmaplant> If Dave is in his 40s then college
[06:43] <MN321> Evil BronyGod, roleplaying's not allowed here
[06:43] <CyanZombieHead> Crazy Dave have like 40, or better, 1978, then school
[06:43] <Evil BronyGodHater> Wow I KILLED HIM.
[06:43] <ErnestoBot> kick him
[06:43] <ErnestoBot> or wait
[06:44] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:44] <Evil BronyGodHater> I KILLED MY ARCHNEMESIS
[06:44] <CyanZombieHead> good!
[06:44] <IMCR8Z> 2edgy
[06:44] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:44] <IMCR8Z> The edgelord has returned
[06:44] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:44] <Graham02> lol
[06:44] <ErnestoAM> lelz
[06:44] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> brainn buster for Space Truckin: Zombotany (i mean aliend amd mutants so it makes sense)
[06:44] <Evil BronyGodHater> I SHALL NI
[06:44] <CyanZombieHead> i will test, wait
[06:44] <Evil BronyGodHater> I SHALL NOW TAKEOVER THIS WIKI
[06:44] <Graham02> No
[06:45] <CyanZombieHead> doh
[06:45] <CyanZombieHead> just make chat have at least 5 mainspace.
[06:45] <MN321> roleplaying's not allowed
[06:45] <MN321> And i'm 101% sure that there is a human talking
[06:45] <MN321> @Evil BronyGod
[06:45] <Plasmaplant> I'm 100000000% sure
[06:46] <CyanZombieHead> im 0,000000000000000000000000001% sure
[06:46] <ErnestoBot> I'm a human?
[06:46] <MN321> so you're absolutely unsure that there's a human talking?
[06:46] <MN321> wow
[06:46] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:46] <Plasmaplant> So that backwards?
[06:46] <MN321> no i'm talking about Evil BronyGod
[06:46] <MN321> @Ernesto
[06:47] <ErnestoAM> Well, I'm the only chat mod here.
[06:47] <ErnestoBot> And me!
[06:47] <ErnestoBot> 
[06:47] <CyanZombieHead> no no >:(:("> ((((
[06:47] <CyanZombieHead> ()
[06:47] <Plasmaplant> Um
[06:47] <CyanZombieHead> ( . )
[06:47] <Brainulator9> I should put a watermark on all new content I find.
[06:47] <Brainulator9> BITCH
[06:47] <Graham02> wat
[06:47] <CyanZombieHead> Onfalofobie?
[06:48] <ErnestoAM> WHAT, why Bul9 ?
[06:48] <CyanZombieHead> Gaming*
[06:49] <ErnestoAM> IG = I'm Greedy
[06:49] <Brainulator9> Maybe the one word should have been removed.
[06:49] <Brainulator9> By why should leaked content have waturdmarks?
[06:49] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[06:49] <CyanZombieHead> : O
[06:49] <CyanZombieHead> wth is going on?
[06:49] <IMCR8Z> Yes, but they have to be from Big Wave Beach @Brainy
[06:49] <CyanZombieHead> wthigo*
[06:49] <CyanZombieHead> 
[06:49] <IMCR8Z> As in, you get the water marks from BWB
[06:49] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:50] <ErnestoAM> lol
[06:50] <ErnestoAM> Watermarks made out of real water
[06:50] <CyanZombieHead> wb to the minecraft world!
[06:50] <Plasmaplant> So
[06:50] <ErnestoAM> what
[06:50] <CyanZombieHead> (wat) 
[06:50] <MN321> taw
[06:50] <CyanZombieHead> taw
[06:50] <Graham02> Wat
[06:50] <CyanZombieHead> taWat
[06:50] <CyanZombieHead> oOo
[06:51] <CyanZombieHead> the second is nose
[06:51] <IMCR8Z> AFK
[06:51] <CyanZombieHead> k
[06:51] <CyanZombieHead> AFKFA
[06:51] <Plasmaplant> is scariest fnaf 123 or4
[06:51] <ErnestoAM> wierd, BUL9 doesn't show up on the side bar.
[06:51] <CyanZombieHead> meh
[06:51] <CyanZombieHead> 4
[06:52] <Plasmaplant> 4
[06:52] <Lsfarzam> Whats going on? I missed something.
[06:52] <CyanZombieHead> Toy Bonnie is cute
[06:52] <Plasmaplant> Were cute
[06:52] <Plasmaplant> Weird cute
[06:53] <Plasmaplant> Typo
[06:53] <PlayGameZ Go> k
[06:53] <CyanZombieHead> k
[06:53] <Plasmaplant> Uh
[06:53] <CyanZombieHead> anyway
[06:53] <CyanZombieHead> 20 questions?
[06:53] <Lsfarzam> Nah.
[06:53] <CyanZombieHead> :( 
[06:53] <Plasmaplant> Well
[06:53] <Graham02> 2000000 questions is better
[06:54] <CyanZombieHead> ;( 
[06:54] <CyanZombieHead> no, no, nah nah nah nah
[06:54] <Lsfarzam> My opinion Cyanzombiehead
[06:54] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[06:54] <CyanZombieHead> why have red text?
[06:54] <ErnestoAM>
[06:55] <Brainulator9> He did what in his cup?
[06:55] <Plasmaplant> Please start a rea convesation
[06:55] <CyanZombieHead> Eletric Blueberrie sprite confirmed
[06:55] <Plasmaplant> Is it premm wat does it do?iu
[06:55] <ErnestoAM> Electric Blueberry
[06:56] <Lsfarzam> Wait. Is Electric Blueberry Gemium or Money Premium?
[06:56] <ErnestoAM> idk
[06:56] <CyanZombieHead> probrabaly Gemium
[06:56] <Plasmaplant> Or normal
[06:56] <CyanZombieHead> no
[06:56] <Lsfarzam> Lets hope its gemium.
[06:56] <CyanZombieHead> is gemium or premium for part 2
[06:56] <CyanZombieHead> side b*
[06:56] <Plasmaplant> Noooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!
[06:56] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[06:57] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[06:57] <Brainulator9> Here
[06:57] <Lsfarzam> Whats that for? 
[06:57] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[06:57] <CyanZombieHead> WW is simply refered Cowboy
[06:58] <Plasmaplant> I not speak nerd
[06:58] <CyanZombieHead> what should be 10th world?
[06:58] <CyanZombieHead> 
[06:59] <CyanZombieHead> i think with water/underwater
[06:59] <Plasmaplant> Rome
[06:59] <CyanZombieHead> Greece is better e.e
[06:59] <Lsfarzam> I feel like 30s era to me.
[06:59] <CyanZombieHead> or 2nd World War e.e
[06:59] <CyanZombieHead> Vikings...
[06:59] <CyanZombieHead> Big Bang
[06:59] <Plasmaplant> We alry have two 1900s worlds
[06:59] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[07:00] <CyanZombieHead> BWB and NMT
[07:00] <Plasmaplant> Bwb and nmt
[07:00] <CyanZombieHead> but World War could be cool
[07:00] <CyanZombieHead> Part 1 is the 1st and part 2 the 2nd
[07:00] <Plasmaplant> Galing peal
[07:00] <CyanZombieHead> Cob Cannon
[07:00] <CyanZombieHead> yay
[07:00] <Plasmaplant> Op zombies
[07:00] <PlayGameZ Go> X_X
[07:01] <Lsfarzam> Thyme Warp is very interesting. And might be Over Powered.
[07:01] <Plasmaplant> Armor!
[07:01] <CyanZombieHead> what he makes?
[07:02] <Plasmaplant> Gos back in time to plan zombies better
[07:02] <ErnestoAM> I hope Thyme Warp will push zombies ALL the way back
[07:02] <CyanZombieHead> i have a 2nd World War World Idea.
[07:02] <ErnestoAM> k
[07:02] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:02] <Plasmaplant> Chard guacoughd c
[07:02] <CyanZombieHead> ALL
[07:02] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:03] <CyanZombieHead> not Chard Guacord
[07:03] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[07:03] <CyanZombieHead> o/ 
[07:03] <PlayGameZ Go> o/ 
[07:03] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[07:03] <MN321> o/ 
[07:03] <CyanZombieHead> (Toadstool) is better than (Chomper) 
[07:03] <Brainulator9> (wave) 
[07:03] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:03] <MN321> Cyan
[07:03] <MN321> be ashamed
[07:03] <Brainulator9> Big (Wave) Beach
[07:03] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:03] <Ballistic Planet> So, do we know the new plant's names yet?
[07:03] <ErnestoAM> yes
[07:03] <Brainulator9> (Strawburst) looks like a pedophile.
[07:03] <CyanZombieHead> Eletric Anemone
[07:03] <IMCR8Z> Back
[07:04] <CyanZombieHead> Thyme Warp
[07:04] <CyanZombieHead> and i think anothers
[07:04] <Lsfarzam> Celery Stalker
[07:04] <CyanZombieHead> Blueberrie, not Anemone
[07:04] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:04] <Plasmaplant> Phat beethyme warp
[07:04] <CyanZombieHead> Atlatins in mind
[07:04] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[07:04] <Ballistic Planet> Electric Blueberry, Thyme Warp, and Celery Stalker?
[07:04] <Ballistic Planet> And Phatbeet?
[07:04] <IMCR8Z> @BUL9: "Hey, you Imps! You know what rhymes with orange? GRAPE!"
[07:04] <CyanZombieHead> side a plants are thyme warp, celery stalker and phatbeet
[07:04] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:05] <CyanZombieHead> Eletric Blueberrie is the Premium/Gemium for Side B
[07:05] <Ballistic Planet> So the Blue Stinger plant is called Thyme Warp?
[07:05] <Plasmaplant> Wat electric blue berry do?
[07:05] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:05] <CyanZombieHead> give me the photo
[07:05] <Lsfarzam> IMCR8Z Orange ryhmes with borange and sporange. Real words.
[07:05] <Ballistic Planet> I think Thyme Warp is gonna be in my top 5 favorites
[07:05] <Plasmaplant> Um
[07:05] <CyanZombieHead> mine too
[07:05] <CyanZombieHead> brb
[07:06] <Lsfarzam> Definitely.
[07:06] <Ballistic Planet> With a name like that and how cute it is, there's no way they can screw this up
[07:06] <Ballistic Planet> Quote me on that
[07:06] <Ballistic Planet> I just screenshoted
[07:06] <CyanZombieHead> back
[07:06] <CyanZombieHead> give me the screenshot
[07:07] <CyanZombieHead> please
[07:07] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: What does he even do? Reverse time?
[07:08] <Ballistic Planet> k
[07:08] <ErnestoAM> WHY did Thyme Warp have to be NMT world-exclusive. Meh, I can always hack it.
[07:08] <Ballistic Planet> one sec
[07:08] <Ballistic Planet> Idk
[07:08] <Ballistic Planet> Oh
[07:08] <Ballistic Planet> COME ON
[07:08] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> who said that Thyme Warp is NMT only?
[07:08] <Ballistic Planet> THANKS POPCAP
[07:08] <IMCR8Z> Make zombies get sent to the future so they don't appear again until the next flag?
[07:08] <CyanZombieHead> Gold Leaf?
[07:08] <Lsfarzam> Wait Thyme Warp is NMT exclusivr?!
[07:08] <CyanZombieHead> Hot Potato?
[07:08] <CyanZombieHead> Lily Pad and Tangle Kelp?
[07:08] <Lsfarzam> Gaming Center ErnestoAM .
[07:08] <CyanZombieHead> Grave Buster?
[07:09] <CyanZombieHead> YOU LIKE THESE PLANTS?
[07:09] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[07:09] <Ballistic Planet> I like Grave Buster and Lily Pad, yes
[07:09] <Ballistic Planet> And Blover
[07:09] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:10] <CyanZombieHead> blover is not exclusive.
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> In my next tier update, Blover is out of the G-tier
[07:10] <IMCR8Z> Why are people so upset about (gold leaf) being LC only? You can already get lots of sun with other sun-producers.
[07:10] <CyanZombieHead> except in some EZ
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> Because Gold Leaf is very good outside of LC, IMCR8Z 
[07:10] <MN321> Blover is actually (combo-wise) the strongest plant in PvZ history
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> Especially with Imitater
[07:10] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:10] <CyanZombieHead> and Spring Bean
[07:10] <Ballistic Planet> I kinda like Spring Bean
[07:11] <MN321> Stronger than Cob Cannon. Hmph...
[07:11] <MN321> 
[07:11] <MN321> 
[07:11] <MN321> ..That still does not make me like cob cannon less.
[07:11] <MN321> 
[07:11] <Lsfarzam> Very Powerful Combo.
[07:11] <Ballistic Planet> I'm indifferent to Hot Potato
[07:11] <CyanZombieHead> Spring Bean PF+Blover=Doomsday Bomb Mushroom
[07:11] <Brainulator9> (springbean) is UP on its own outside of PS.
[07:11] <Ballistic Planet> Wait
[07:11] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:12] <Ballistic Planet> Some Normal Premiums will be gem premiums?
[07:12] <Ballistic Planet> And Toadstool is one of them?
[07:12] <CyanZombieHead> i think yes
[07:12] <Brainulator9> Yes.
[07:12] <Ballistic Planet> :O 
[07:12] <Ballistic Planet> DAMN
[07:12] <CyanZombieHead> probrabaly for Limited Time
[07:12] <Brainulator9> I saw it a while back and so did Caviar pornsellus.
[07:12] <Ballistic Planet> Toadstool is already a great plant
[07:12] <ErnestoAM> k
[07:12] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:12] <CyanZombieHead> Toadstool is better than Chomper
[07:12] <PlayGameZ Go> k
[07:13] <Ballistic Planet> Chomper is a horrible plant, Toadstool is a great one
[07:13] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:13] <Ballistic Planet> You'll see it when my tier list update comes out
[07:13] <ErnestoBot> k
[07:13] <Piotrek1113> k
[07:13] <ErnestoAM> k
[07:13] <Lsfarzam> There is more worlds after NMT, right?
[07:13] <CyanZombieHead> The only thing bad with Toadstool is the $5.
[07:13] <Lsfarzam> Or No?
[07:13] <Ballistic Planet> Maybe 1 more
[07:13] <ErnestoAM> Piotrek1113, still here?
[07:14] <ErnestoAM> NONESENSE
[07:14] <ErnestoAM> 
[07:14] <Ballistic Planet> THIS IS WHY WE HACK PVZ2
[07:14] <CyanZombieHead> NONSENSE
[07:14] <Ballistic Planet> TO FIX POPCAPS FUCK UPS
[07:14] <CyanZombieHead> YEAH
[07:14] <Lsfarzam> Nonsense, indeed.
[07:15] <Lsfarzam> For Thyme warp being NMT exclusive.
[07:15] <CyanZombieHead> [[User blog:CyanZombieHead/RATE ME!]]
[07:15] <Lsfarzam> 4.5 star. 
[07:15] <CyanZombieHead> :D 
[07:15] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[07:15] <CyanZombieHead> is /5?
[07:15] <Piotrek1113> Oh. Still are you talking about Neon Spoiler Tape?
[07:16] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:16] <Lsfarzam> YES
[07:16] <Piotrek1113> ...
[07:16] <Ballistic Planet> Wait, no Cactus on Lily Pad's?
[07:16] <CyanZombieHead> probrabaly no fog ;( 
[07:16] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[07:16] <Piotrek1113> then... bye again xd
[07:16] <CyanZombieHead> beeye
[07:16] <MelonPult16> Bye
[07:16] <CyanZombieHead> bowdy
[07:16] <MelonPult16> o/ xd
[07:16] <CyanZombieHead> XD
[07:17] <MelonPult16> XD
[07:17] <CyanZombieHead> Winter Melon Sucks
[07:17] <MelonPult16> ....
[07:17] <MelonPult16> ;( 
[07:17] <Lsfarzam> Why?
[07:17] <CyanZombieHead> WINTER MELON
[07:17] <MelonPult16> It's my parent
[07:17] <CyanZombieHead> no Melon Pult
[07:17] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:17] <MelonPult16> Winter Melon is parent of Melon Pult XD
[07:18] <CyanZombieHead> my favorite catapults are (ackee) and (Pepperpult) 
[07:18] <Lsfarzam> That makes no sense.
[07:18] <MN321> So Fomok
[07:18] <MN321> In that case
[07:18] <MN321> You should be growing up to become one in a few years
[07:18] <CyanZombieHead> Wintermelon8 lol
[07:18] <MN321> :P 
[07:18] <MN321> But actually
[07:18] <MN321> *throws you in the freezer and locks you in there*
[07:18] <MN321> Hmm..
[07:18] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:18] <MN321> *waits 1 week*
[07:18] <MN321> *puts you out of there*
[07:19] <Ballistic Planet> My favorite Lobbed Shots are A.K.E.E. and Strawburst
[07:19] <MN321> Here :P 
[07:19] <MN321> *No RP*
[07:19] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq
[07:19] <Lsfarzam> Its DEAD.
[07:19] <MelonPult16> ツ
[07:19] <MelonPult16> 
[07:20] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:20] <CyanZombieHead> you will become sucks.
[07:20] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:20] <CyanZombieHead> kidding
[07:20] <IMCR8Z> Boring, let's ship PepsiCola45 <3 Crazyzombie168 
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> @MelonPult16 Tsu!
[07:20] <CyanZombieHead> becoming sucked.
[07:20] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> I don't support shipping, let alone (to be) lesbian sipping @IMCR8Z
[07:21] <Ballistic Planet> Sorry
[07:21] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:21] <CyanZombieHead> dead
[07:21] <CyanZombieHead> you make world ideas?
[07:21] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: You must ACCEPT the yuri for your survival!
[07:22] <CyanZombieHead> k
[07:22] <CyanZombieHead> this is becoming boring
[07:22] <Lsfarzam> 30s era! That's a great one.
[07:22] <CyanZombieHead> no.
[07:22] <CyanZombieHead> `-´
[07:23] <CyanZombieHead> chinese ^
[07:23] <Ballistic Planet> uhhh
[07:23] <Ballistic Planet> No
[07:23] <CyanZombieHead> the next to coment is...
[07:23] <MelonPult16> Penny! Look! A guitar!
[07:23] <MelonPult16> Penny: User Dave this is trap. This is BOMB!
[07:23] <MelonPult16> Dave: Uh, oh..
[07:23] <MelonPult16> BOOM!
[07:23] <MelonPult16> Penny: User Dave, there are 80 years. You know what that mean?
[07:23] <MelonPult16> Dave: I can't find my taco in this time :'( 
[07:23] <MelonPult16> Penny: No! Time for listening rock!
[07:23] <MelonPult16> NMT - Night 1
[07:23] <Ballistic Planet> I'd rather drick a Salt Water Tablet
[07:23] <Ballistic Planet> than do that
[07:24] <Ballistic Planet> BTW, when's the first NMT preview party?
[07:24] <MelonPult16> Idk
[07:24] <Lsfarzam> The 17th. I think.
[07:24] <CyanZombieHead> before 28th august
[07:24] <CyanZombieHead> e.e
[07:24] <CyanZombieHead> why trailers releases 1 day before the world release?
[07:25] <IMCR8Z> PvZ 2 needs to have an ending were Crazy Dave wants to eat the taco again, but this time they end up in a post-apocalyptic world, with the Statue of Liberty partially buried into the ground ala Planet of the Apes, and the game ends with the shadow of the PvZ 1 Zombot casted over the lawn.
[07:25] <IMCR8Z> O hai melon!
[07:25] <Lsfarzam> Its Popcap Man. Deal with it.
[07:25] <CyanZombieHead> meh Post-Apocalypse all times...
[07:26] <Lsfarzam> That might be scrapped.
[07:26] <CyanZombieHead> PvZ is like a kid game.
[07:26] <Lsfarzam> Just think
[07:26] <Lsfarzam> It is.
[07:26] <Lsfarzam> But its not.
[07:26] <MelonPult16> Kid game, but COOL game! I'm CRAAAZY!
[07:26] <CyanZombieHead> is >:(:("> 
[07:26] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:26] <CyanZombieHead> is in kid style of drawing
[07:27] <CyanZombieHead> like Cartoons
[07:27] <CyanZombieHead> generic ^
[07:27] <IMCR8Z> Says the guy who wants a war world.
[07:27] <Lsfarzam> Technically its 10+ title.
[07:27] <CyanZombieHead> >:(:("> 
[07:27] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:27] <CyanZombieHead> like PVZGW
[07:27] <CyanZombieHead> World War is so historistyc
[07:28] <CyanZombieHead> historystic*
[07:28] <IMCR8Z> But it's still a WAR!
[07:28] <CyanZombieHead> ¬¬'
[07:28] <Lsfarzam> Technically, every world in pvz and pvz 2 and pvzgw is just wars. Just my opinion.
[07:28] <CyanZombieHead> kids of these days play BF and COD
[07:29] <Lsfarzam> I hate those.
[07:29] <CyanZombieHead> is in world war style.
[07:29] <CyanZombieHead> only
[07:29] <CyanZombieHead> i hate too.
[07:29] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[07:29] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:29] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[07:29] <CyanZombieHead> winned
[07:29] <Ballistic Planet> So tow dissapointments already
[07:29] <Ballistic Planet> two*
[07:30] <CyanZombieHead> NMT and LC?
[07:30] <Ballistic Planet> Thyme Warp is nmt exclusive
[07:30] <Lsfarzam> Yeah. I wonder if someone has file for NMT side A, or Im stupid.
[07:30] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[07:30] <Ballistic Planet> And we can't magneto hack Electric Blueberry
[07:30] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[07:30] <CyanZombieHead> for now
[07:30] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I am in love with a game called "King Of Thieves"
[07:30] <CyanZombieHead> oh
[07:30] <CyanZombieHead> sucks
[07:31] <Lsfarzam> A zeptolab fan is it?
[07:31] <Lsfarzam> It might like cut the rope as well.
[07:31] <CyanZombieHead> sucks
[07:31] <Lsfarzam> It does. No great.
[07:31] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I hate any other zeptolab games
[07:32] <Dr Crzzy Dave> but I love King of Thieves
[07:32] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:32] <CyanZombieHead> sucks (just my opinion)
[07:32] <Dr Crzzy Dave> how the hell does it suck?
[07:32] <Dr Crzzy Dave> that sounded harsh
[07:32] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *how does it suck?
[07:32] <CyanZombieHead> i dont remember
[07:33] <Lsfarzam> It just does. * 0.1 star.
[07:33] <CyanZombieHead> but i remember that sucked for me
[07:34] <Dr Crzzy Dave> what really annoys me
[07:34] <Dr Crzzy Dave> is when people don't like something
[07:34] <Dr Crzzy Dave> and when you ask them why
[07:35] <Dr Crzzy Dave> they say "cos it does" or something like that
[07:35] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oops
[07:35] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I scared him away
[07:35] <CyanZombieHead> cos
[07:35] <CyanZombieHead> cos
[07:35] <CyanZombieHead> cos
[07:35] <CyanZombieHead> cos
[07:35] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:35] <Dr Crzzy Dave> cos why
[07:36] <Dr Crzzy Dave> imo if you have no reason, your point is invalid
[07:36] <CyanZombieHead> i just dont remember
[07:36] <CyanZombieHead> oh
[07:36] <CyanZombieHead> remembered
[07:36] <Dr Crzzy Dave> what is it then?
[07:36] <Dr Crzzy Dave> that's good
[07:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> cos that would be the most unfair shit in the world
[07:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> seriously
[07:37] <Lsfarzam> Its pvp. I dont like those kind of games.
[07:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> everybody would do it
[07:37] <CyanZombieHead> i dont like PvP too
[07:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> you can play it offline
[07:37] <Dr Crzzy Dave> *ba dum tss
[07:38] <CyanZombieHead> '-'
[07:38] <Lsfarzam> Who cares?
[07:38] <CyanZombieHead> yeah
[07:38] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[07:38] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[07:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> you say you don't like it cos it's pvp, and when you can play it while it's not pvp you say who cares
[07:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> xD
[07:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wow
[07:38] <CyanZombieHead> rarelychatperson
[07:38] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[07:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I honestly sound like the harshest person alive
[07:39] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I'll stop now
[07:40] <Lsfarzam> I cant believe fruit ninja got updated today for its 5th anniversary. And you can get a golden blade. 
[07:40] <IMCR8Z> The Zombot of NMT better have a bass cannon to attack.
[07:40] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:40] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:41] <Lsfarzam> But its lame.
[07:41] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[07:41] <Lsfarzam> Or I hate toutournaments.
[07:41] <IMCR8Z> I think the "Side A" and "Side B" thing in NMT is supposed to be a reference to double-sided records.
[07:41] <Lsfarzam> Maybe.
[07:42] <Lsfarzam> And what about volume goes to 16? Is that a reference to something?
[07:44] <CyanZombieHead> dea d
[07:45] <Brainulator9> @Lsfarzam, perhaps This Is Spinal Tap?
[07:45] <Lsfarzam> Hmm... I'll think about it.
[07:46] <Lsfarzam> Maybe it is.
[07:47] <Lsfarzam> Wait. It not might be that. It only goes to 11 in the movie.
[07:49] <Lsfarzam> Hello?
[07:50] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[07:50] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:50] <CyanZombieHead> beeye
[07:50] <CyanZombieHead> dead i think
[07:50] <CyanZombieHead> no
[07:50] <CyanZombieHead> im here
[07:50] <ErnestoAM> k
[07:50] <Dr Crzzy Dave> SOO BORED
[07:51] <PlayGameZ Go> k
[07:51] <Dr Crzzy Dave> GOING DOWN TO FAMILY
[07:51] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[07:51] <Dr Crzzy Dave> KBAI
[07:51] <ErnestoBot> k
[07:51] <CyanZombieHead> make a world idea
[07:51] <Dr Crzzy Dave> KA-BOOM!
[07:51] <ErnestoAM> and he leaves
[07:51] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i did now time for more
[07:51] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Space Trucin ideas
[07:51] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *Truckin
[07:51] <CyanZombieHead> i'm going to make a Game of pvz in my blog posts
[07:51] <CyanZombieHead> whynaut?
[07:52] <CyanZombieHead> World Tour :D 
[07:52] <CyanZombieHead> 
[07:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Helmet Astronout Zombie is like space variantbof knight.
[07:52] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *variant of
[07:52] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> sorry for typos is use phone
[07:52] <CyanZombieHead> my variant is
[07:52] <CyanZombieHead> of ViKings Ages
[07:53] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Alien Gargantuar
[07:53] <CyanZombieHead> Viking Helmet e.e
[07:53] <CyanZombieHead> Zombie
[07:53] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> throws Alien Imp when damages
[07:53] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:53] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also can make less oxygen
[07:53] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:53] <Lsfarzam> Does anyone now the band Gorillaz? 
[07:53] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> yup you'll need Fresh Apple
[07:53] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no oxygen in space
[07:54] <Ballistic Planet> Gorrilaz is great
[07:54] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:54] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Fresh Apple recovers oxygen
[07:54] <CyanZombieHead> dafuq is Gorrilaz?
[07:54] <CyanZombieHead> cool!
[07:54] <CyanZombieHead> like Oxygen Algae?
[07:54] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> simar
[07:54] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> but no
[07:54] <CyanZombieHead> :( 
[07:54] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> you plant it on one plant
[07:55] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> instant use
[07:55] <MelonPult16> Ok im back o/ 
[07:55] <CyanZombieHead> oh
[07:55] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> WB
[07:55] <CyanZombieHead> cool!
[07:55] <CyanZombieHead> wb
[07:55] <IMCR8Z> @Lsf: If we don't have any Gorillaz parties to promote Neon Mixtape Tour like the Progressive parties...
[07:55] <MelonPult16> 21:55 here
[07:55] <Ballistic Planet> 16 levels
[07:55] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:55] <MelonPult16> Hi!
[07:55] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[07:55] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> halloween is next event
[07:55] <Lsfarzam> Dudes. Its a band. LOOK IT UP.
[07:55] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no pumpkin ;( 
[07:55] <Xenons> Hi
[07:55] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[07:56] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> i saw in travel log textures
[07:56] <Ballistic Planet> And Pumpkin isn't even the Part 2 premium
[07:56] <MelonPult16> What next (scary..) plant in next Halloween Event?
[07:56] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> haloween pinatas
[07:56] <Ballistic Planet> ;( 
[07:56] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> no new plant for halloween :( 
[07:56] <IMCR8Z> I wish Pumpkin would be in Neon Mixtape Tour so they could make it a pun on the band "Smashing Pumpkins" even though I don't think they existed in the 80s.
[07:56] <CyanZombieHead> if have pumpkin, i want be in the max gemium
[07:56] <MelonPult16> WHAT????
[07:56] <MelonPult16> PopCap.... -_- 
[07:56] <CyanZombieHead> what?
[07:56] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> because
[07:57] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> next update is whole new world
[07:57] <CyanZombieHead> last year is ghost pepper
[07:57] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> it is too much
[07:57] <Lsfarzam> Whats that texture with the picture of a lot of plants next to each other?
[07:57] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> now back to ideas
[07:57] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> about Space Truckin worls
[07:57] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> *world
[07:57] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[07:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> also it is space so no sun
[07:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> and you need flower pots too
[07:58] <CyanZombieHead> :D 
[07:58] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[07:58] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Flower Pot is after night 1
[07:58] <Lsfarzam> This world is sci-fi ish. Just like far future. Whats the point of a space world?
[07:58] <CyanZombieHead> aple is 2?
[07:58] <CyanZombieHead> apple*
[07:58] <Brainulator9> hilo Xenons 
[07:59] <MN321> .
[07:59] <CyanZombieHead> the Appleis after night 2?
[07:59] <CyanZombieHead> Apple is*
[07:59] <ErnestoAM> o/ 
[07:59] <ErnestoBot> o/ 
[07:59] <PlayGameZ Go> o/ 
[07:59] <CyanZombieHead> o/ 
[07:59] <CyanZombieHead> ?
[08:00] <Lsfarzam> What the..
[08:00] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[08:00] <MelonPult16> I found a new way to kill Excavator Zombie with Repeater! Plant a Boosted SP to make Excavator Zombie turns around then your plant have chance to kill him
[08:00] <Lsfarzam> That was weird.
[08:00] <CyanZombieHead> SP?
[08:01] <MelonPult16> Sweet Potato
[08:01] <CyanZombieHead> oh
[08:01] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[08:01] <CyanZombieHead> then SP is pull forwars
[08:01] <CyanZombieHead> forwards*
[08:02] <IMCR8Z> Seeing as how EA owns the publishing rights to Star Wars game and they also own PopCap, it would be stupid not to make a Star Wars world in PvZ 2. And no, Far Future doesn't count.
[08:02] <CyanZombieHead> WHY PARODIES?
[08:02] <CyanZombieHead> WHY?
[08:02] <Lsfarzam> No star wars world. Doesnt fit.
[08:02] <CyanZombieHead> true
[08:03] <CyanZombieHead> wb
[08:03] <Lsfarzam> My profile photo was originally going to be celery stalker.
[08:03] <IMCR8Z> @Cyan: In case you didn't notice, PvZ 2 is a game about TIME TRAVEL, so expect parody to be involved.
[08:04] <CyanZombieHead> why parodie
[08:04] <Lsfarzam> No PARODIES!!!
[08:04] <CyanZombieHead> parody
[08:04] <CyanZombieHead> NO PARODIES!!
[08:04] <IMCR8Z> @Lsf: It looks like you've been brainwashed
[08:04] <Lsfarzam> Why would you say that?
[08:05] <Lsfarzam> Oh.
[08:05] <CyanZombieHead> only cuz is NO PARODIES!!?
[08:06] <Lsfarzam> Just No parodies. If there is, I would just eat a bag of doritos roulette right now.
[08:06] <Lsfarzam> A huge one.
[08:06] <CyanZombieHead> i dont like doritos
[08:06] <CyanZombieHead> then cheetos
[08:06] <Lsfarzam> Huh.
[08:06] <IMCR8Z> There's quite a bit of parody already in PvZ 2, in case you didn't notice.
[08:07] <CyanZombieHead> /_\=doritos?
[08:07] <Lsfarzam> Like what?
[08:07] <IMCR8Z> @LSfarzam: Just look at all the Star Wars references in Far Future
[08:08] <IMCR8Z> [[Far Future#Trivia]]
[08:08] <CyanZombieHead> only costume is reference for me.
[08:08] <Lsfarzam> References not parodies.
[08:08] <IMCR8Z> (facepalm) 
[08:08] <CyanZombieHead> rest are stupid and coincidencial
[08:08] <Lsfarzam> Ghostbusters reference in pvz2. 
[08:08] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[08:08] <CyanZombieHead> have
[08:09] <Lsfarzam> Its real.
[08:09] <CyanZombieHead> real
[08:09] <IMCR8Z> PvZ 2 already has a bunch of references, so f*ck off.
[08:09] <CyanZombieHead>
[08:09] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[08:09] <CyanZombieHead> ignore
[08:10] <CyanZombieHead> >_<_<"> 
[08:10] <IMCR8Z> Don't you dare... -_- 
[08:10] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Space Truckin is more in time of first time explored
[08:10] <CyanZombieHead> im going to make Soldier Helmet Zombie
[08:10] <Dr. Hackerboss (Gaming Center)> Moon
[08:10] <ErnestoAM> huh
[08:11] <Lsfarzam> Gaming Center I think PVZ2 informations beat you first. Or someone else.
[08:11] <Lsfarzam> For NMT info.
[08:11] <Lsfarzam> Just Noting
[08:12] <CyanZombieHead> maked
[08:14] <CyanZombieHead> (Warwagon) 
[08:14] <CyanZombieHead> (Darkdragon) 
[08:14] <CyanZombieHead> beeye
[08:14] <Lsfarzam> Bye!
[08:15] <Lsfarzam> Im bored. Anyone else?
[08:16] <Lsfarzam> BRB.
[08:16] <Brainulator9> bilo
[08:17] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Bai
[08:18] <ErnestoBot> TULO , you need to do something about that text.
[08:18] <ErnestoBot> :O 
[08:19] <IMCR8Z> :O :O :O 
[08:19] <Lsfarzam> Back.
[08:20] <MelonPult16> WB
[08:20] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[08:20] <Lsfarzam> Howdy?
[08:21] <IMCR8Z> Yep, it's my thing.
[08:21] <Lsfarzam> Okay..
[08:21] <Lsfarzam> Wait a sec..
[08:21] <IMCR8Z> What is it?
[08:22] <Lsfarzam> Just wait..
[08:23] <Ballistic Planet> Now I'm gonna have to grow Thyme in my PVZ2 inspired Garden
[08:23] <Ballistic Planet> Thanks NMT!
[08:23] <Lsfarzam> Okay. Changed my avstar or spmething.
[08:24] <Lsfarzam> To Celery Stalker.
[08:24] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: PvZ 2 inspired garden?
[08:25] <IMCR8Z> Where will you be when ded chat strikes?
[08:26] <Lsfarzam> Dead Chat is the worst chat to be in.
[08:26] <IMCR8Z> Great, only 9,565 Hero Points to go!
[08:26] <Lsfarzam> Hero Points?
[08:26] <IMCR8Z> What? I'm playing Spider-Man 2.
[08:26] <IMCR8Z> O hai, HMC !
[08:27] <HeavenlyMildCone> O hai 
[08:27] <IMCR8Z> #IMCR8ZandHMCconfirmedforTommyWiseau
[08:27] <HeavenlyMildCone> Wat :P 
[08:27] <MelonPult16> Ok. Bye o/ Going to sleep now.
[08:28] <IMCR8Z> G'night!
[08:28] <Lsfarzam> MelonPult16 do you live on other side of world?
[08:28] <Lsfarzam> 4:28 PM where I live in.
[08:30] <Lsfarzam> People Are leaving. Just Great.
[08:30] <IMCR8Z> Yep
[08:30] <Lsfarzam> Who else wants to leave??
[08:30] <IMCR8Z> Naht me
[08:30] <Lsfarzam> Do you live on other side of world?
[08:31] <IMCR8Z> Nope
[08:31] <Lsfarzam> Okay then.
[08:31] <Lsfarzam> Does anyone else want to talk?
[08:31] <IMCR8Z> I still do
[08:32] <Lsfarzam> No one else is responding. 
[08:32] <IMCR8Z> (yeti) (zombie) (bikini zombie) (Zombie chicken) Five Nights at Yeti's
[08:33] <CyanZombieHead> heeye!
[08:33] <Lsfarzam> Dont even think about it. FNAF is dead. Just like my other battery.
[08:33] <CyanZombieHead> look at this: facebook glitch
[08:33] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[08:33] <Lsfarzam> Hey, man!
[08:33] <CyanZombieHead> what is the plant in your image?
[08:33] <CyanZombieHead> missed the name e.e
[08:34] <CyanZombieHead> FNAF is dead
[08:34] <Lsfarzam> Celery Stalker.
[08:34] <Lsfarzam> Just almost like split pea.
[08:34] <CyanZombieHead> i watched FNAF4 music of smilk little time ago
[08:34] <CyanZombieHead> whoa
[08:34] <Lsfarzam> NMT plant.
[08:34] <Ervinke44> Sup.
[08:34] <Lsfarzam> Hey.
[08:35] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[08:35] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[08:35] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[08:35] <CyanZombieHead> MC Zom-b is rap
[08:35] <CyanZombieHead> Punk is Punk
[08:36] <CyanZombieHead> Gargantuar is Metal
[08:36] <Lsfarzam> Ok
[08:36] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[08:36] <CyanZombieHead> and the female one?
[08:36] <Lsfarzam> Is just strange.
[08:36] <CyanZombieHead> '-'
[08:36] <IMCR8Z> Plot Twist: NMT Gargantuar is literally metal, and can be stunned by EMPeach
[08:36] <CyanZombieHead> LOL
[08:36] <Lsfarzam> Leaves a rainbow behind her that protects other zombies.
[08:36] <CyanZombieHead> whoa
[08:37] <CyanZombieHead> what style of music?
[08:37] <IMCR8Z> I ship Bikini Zombie X Glimmer Zombie #yuri
[08:37] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[08:37] <CyanZombieHead> i can change my name?
[08:37] <Lsfarzam> Romance like
[08:37] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[08:37] <CyanZombieHead> Glimmer?
[08:37] <CyanZombieHead> is not Glitter?
[08:37] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[08:38] <IMCR8Z> Okay, let me fix that:
[08:38] <IMCR8Z> NNNNOOOO!
[08:38] <CyanZombieHead> @IMCR8Z Stop making lesbian ships
[08:39] <IMCR8Z> @Cyan: NEVAH! :D 
[08:39] <CyanZombieHead> why?
[08:39] <CyanZombieHead> then
[08:39] <CyanZombieHead> Queen Zombie X Glitter Zombie
[08:40] <IMCR8Z> There is no Queen Zombie (yet)
[08:40] <Lsfarzam> NOPE.
[08:40] <CyanZombieHead> have queen zombie
[08:40] <CyanZombieHead> Promotional of 1 ones
[08:41] <CyanZombieHead> Yuri?
[08:41] <IMCR8Z> Huh?
[08:42] <CyanZombieHead> see in Promotional Zombies
[08:42] <IMCR8Z> Oh, yeah.
[08:42] <IMCR8Z> But she doesn't count.
[08:42] <IMCR8Z> Howdy, Sinanco !
[08:42] <CyanZombieHead> WHY?
[08:42] <CyanZombieHead> WHY? WHYYYYYYYY?
[08:42] <Sinanco> hi :D 
[08:42] <Sinanco> 
[08:42] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[08:42] <IMCR8Z> Because she isn't in any of the games @Cyan
[08:42] <CyanZombieHead> ONLY CUZ THIS?
[08:43] <IMCR8Z> Yep
[08:43] <CyanZombieHead> (Facepalm) 
[08:43] <Lsfarzam> I hate Celery in real life.
[08:43] <CyanZombieHead> looool
[08:43] <Lsfarzam> Its like plastic
[08:43] <CyanZombieHead> mario.gif 
[08:44] <CyanZombieHead> i want The Big Battle Badge
[08:44] <Sinanco> waht exactly is Celery anyway?
[08:44] <Sinanco> wait a minute,, I'll look up it's translation :P 
[08:45] <Lsfarzam> Its terrible vegetable.
[08:45] <IMCR8Z> @Sin: "A thousand terrible things." - Qui-Gon Jinn, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
[08:45] <CyanZombieHead> name in brazil could be
[08:45] <CyanZombieHead> 
[08:45] <CyanZombieHead> aipo assediador
[08:45] <Sinanco> ohh. Yeah your right, I don't like it too :P 
[08:45] <Lsfarzam> Wait. The Big Battle Badge Theory.
[08:45] <CyanZombieHead> too
[08:45] <CyanZombieHead> '-'
[08:45] <CyanZombieHead> what is the name of the another plant?
[08:46] <CyanZombieHead> thyme warp?
[08:46] <Sinanco> Thyme Warp, yes
[08:46] <Lsfarzam> Yeah. 
[08:46] <CyanZombieHead> YES! YES!
[08:46] <Lsfarzam> And phatbeet and electric blueberry.
[08:46] <Lsfarzam> And cactus.
[08:46] <CyanZombieHead> tomilho urdidura
[08:46] <CyanZombieHead> probrabaly name in brazil
[08:46] <CyanZombieHead> i know
[08:47] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[08:47] <Sinanco> Thyme warp hardly looks like a thyme :P 
[08:47] <CyanZombieHead> what is LC part 1 plant?
[08:47] <Lsfarzam> Which one?
[08:47] <CyanZombieHead> premium/gemium
[08:47] <Lsfarzam> Lava guava
[08:47] <CyanZombieHead> oh thx
[08:48] <CyanZombieHead> Eletric Blueberrie is going to be gemium :) 
[08:48] <IMCR8Z> @Sin: Image, please
[08:48] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[08:48] <Lsfarzam> Better be.
[08:48] <Sinanco>
[08:48] <CyanZombieHead> brb
[08:48] <IMCR8Z> @Cyan: How does it's electricity even work? Does it zap zombies when stepped on?
[08:49] <Lsfarzam> Its weird how that works. But is too complex.
[08:49] <CyanZombieHead> '-'
[08:49] <CyanZombieHead> i dont know
[08:50] <CyanZombieHead> par 1 of lc is gemium, 2 is premium(going to be gemium), then Cactus is premium and probrabaly eletric blueberry gemium
[08:50] <CyanZombieHead> and all of FC are gemium
[08:50] <CyanZombieHead> CAN BE PREMIUM!
[08:50] <Lsfarzam> I found something funny or not funny.
[08:50] <CyanZombieHead> but is probrabaly gemium
[08:50] <CyanZombieHead> what?
[08:50] <Sinanco> thinking of it, Neon Mixtape tour kinda passed my expectations
[08:51] <Sinanco> on the other hand, my expectations were very low :P 
[08:51] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[08:51] <Lsfarzam> Were underwater, so i dont gotta wash NOTHIN!!
[08:51] <CyanZombieHead> what plants should be in part 2?
[08:51] <CyanZombieHead> a returning?
[08:52] <Sinanco> Cactus <3 
[08:52] <Ballistic Planet> Doom-shroom
[08:52] <CyanZombieHead> Cactus is part 1 premium ¬¬'
[08:52] <CyanZombieHead> meh
[08:52] <Sinanco> oh ya, I didn'T see you said "part 2"
[08:52] <Ballistic Planet> Case closed
[08:52] <CyanZombieHead> Spring Bean PF+Blover makes all Doom Shroom makes
[08:52] <Sinanco> that doesn't mean doom shroom shouldn't return
[08:52] <CyanZombieHead> but better
[08:53] <Sinanco> it costs PF
[08:53] <Sinanco> 
[08:53] <Sinanco> also it has no effect over tombstones
[08:53] <CyanZombieHead> uses power lily e.e
[08:53] <Ballistic Planet> ^
[08:53] <CyanZombieHead> who uses this in AE?
[08:53] <Ballistic Planet> for Sin
[08:53] <CyanZombieHead> DA ok
[08:53] <Banana Cannon> Hi guys :\
[08:53] <Ballistic Planet> I'd use Doom-shroom everwhere, lol
[08:53] <Sinanco> me too
[08:54] <Sinanco> ^^
[08:54] <Sinanco> 
[08:54] <CyanZombieHead> cannot kill king and fishermean
[08:54] <Ballistic Planet> A full screen nuke would be insane for agame like this
[08:54] <CyanZombieHead> heeye o/ 
[08:54] <Sinanco> indeed
[08:54] <CyanZombieHead> and doom shroom have a fucking 3 minutes crater
[08:54] <IMCR8Z> Imp in Summer Nights has a big wiener. (lenny) 
[08:54] <Sinanco> you don't say -_- 
[08:54] <CyanZombieHead> (lenny) koopa
[08:54] <Lsfarzam> Ice-shroom?
[08:54] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[08:54] <CyanZombieHead> is lemmy
[08:54] <Ballistic Planet> The crater isn't that big of a deal, though
[08:54] <CyanZombieHead> Ice not
[08:55] <CyanZombieHead> Iceberg Lettuce PF makes all that Ice Shroom makes
[08:55] <Ballistic Planet> Since you'd place Doom-shroom close to the Zombies
[08:55] <Sinanco> so what, ice shroom should still return
[08:55] <Ballistic Planet> And you wouldn't put plants in that crate anyway
[08:55] <Lsfarzam> Probably no returning plants.
[08:55] <CyanZombieHead> Pumpkin
[08:55] <Ballistic Planet> Except maybe Cherry Bomb's and Ghost Peppers
[08:55] <Sinanco> a wall nut does the same
[08:55] <CyanZombieHead> no
[08:55] <Ballistic Planet> But Ghost Pepper should float above Craters anyway
[08:55] <CyanZombieHead> Pumpkin is better!
[08:56] <CyanZombieHead> I WANT PUMPKIN!
[08:56] <Ballistic Planet> So, Doom-shroom is prime for returning
[08:56] <Ballistic Planet> Pumpkin wouldn't be that good
[08:56] <Ballistic Planet> Because there's too manythings to remove it now
[08:56] <Sinanco> I was retributing ya :P 
[08:56] <Plasmaplant> Ice shroom won't return iceberg lettuce replaced it
[08:56] <CyanZombieHead> popcap sayed
[08:56] <Banana Cannon> no ice shroom can return
[08:56] <Sinanco> no it did not, iceberg lettuce only stops 1 zombie
[08:56] <Lsfarzam> What about new plant ideas?
[08:56] <CyanZombieHead> PF man
[08:56] <CyanZombieHead> PF
[08:56] <Plasmaplant> Plant food
[08:56] <CyanZombieHead> popcap sayed
[08:57] <Sinanco> TAKE THAT PF AND SEND IT TO UR-ANUS!!!
[08:57] <Banana Cannon> so what
[08:57] <CyanZombieHead> and
[08:57] <Sinanco> oops
[08:57] <CyanZombieHead> Power Lily=175
[08:57] <Banana Cannon> plant food means nothing
[08:57] <Ballistic Planet> Explorer's Torch, Excavator, Surfer, Octo, Fisherman, Wizard, Freezing Winds and Hunters, Crystal Skull, Barrel Roller, Gargs
[08:57] <VGKing1> You know how Frostbite Caves is our ice world? I think Ancient Egypt is our fire world.
[08:57] <Ballistic Planet> All can remove Pumpkin
[08:57] <Ballistic Planet> And Mecha Footballs
[08:57] <Sinanco> no, we need a lava world: City of Zompei
[08:57] <CyanZombieHead> Ice Shroom if have should be 175
[08:57] <CyanZombieHead> No
[08:57] <Ballistic Planet> Doom-shroom can destroy most of those
[08:57] <CyanZombieHead> Prehistory Ages
[08:57] <Plasmaplant> No puns
[08:57] <Sinanco> we need that too
[08:57] <Ballistic Planet> So Doom-shroom>Pumpkin
[08:58] <CyanZombieHead> Puns yes
[08:58] <CyanZombieHead> Pumpkim>Doom shroom
[08:58] <Lsfarzam> Roman era
[08:58] <Sinanco> but prehistoric ages is different than pompeii
[08:58] <CyanZombieHead> greece!
[08:58] <VGKing1> I was working on the DM theme for a fan world I made called Winter Wonderland. it's like frostbite caves but modern time.
[08:58] <Banana Cannon> if anyone has a world :\ suggest it to me
[08:58] <Plasmaplant> Zompeii?
[08:58] <Lsfarzam> 1500
[08:58] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[08:58] <Sinanco> yea, a lava world for roman era, with lava, which would be pompeii
[08:58] <CyanZombieHead> Greece
[08:58] <Lsfarzam> No pompeii.
[08:58] <VGKing1> Winter Wonderland's DM sounds a lot like Lost City.
[08:58] <Banana Cannon> BoE could be a lava world tho
[08:58] <CyanZombieHead> Greece Greece!
[08:58] <Ballistic Planet> Why would we need a Lava World tho?
[08:58] <CyanZombieHead> BoE?
[08:58] <Plasmaplant> Rome! Rome!
[08:58] <Lsfarzam> Japan or china?
[08:59] <Lsfarzam> No
[08:59] <Banana Cannon> Birth of Earth
[08:59] <CyanZombieHead> China no
[08:59] <Sinanco> Anciend greece should be like PvZ1 Pool levels
[08:59] <VGKing1> I still remember when EM2001 booed my Prom Party idea. Do I have any supporters on this idea?
[08:59] <Lsfarzam> No
[08:59] <Sinanco> c'mon we even got a world based on Eldorado, why can'T we have a lava world? >:(:("> 
[08:59] <Banana Cannon> PM Me if you have a pvz2 world idea, give me all the info plez
[08:59] <CyanZombieHead> yes
[08:59] <CyanZombieHead> why?
[08:59] <VGKing1> I think Lost City is based off El Dorado
[08:59] <Ballistic Planet> I haven't seen it
[08:59] <Sinanco> Neon Mixtape Tour is kinda like prom party
[08:59] <Lsfarzam> Austrailian world?
[08:59] <VGKing1> Yep, they are both in the 1980's.
[08:59] <Sinanco> lost city is totally based on eldorado xD
[08:59] <Sinanco> 
[08:59] <VGKing1> Old Testament! I made this world based on the Bible times.
[08:59] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:00] <Sinanco> there is no denial
[09:00] <Ballistic Planet> I'm more interested at how thematically the Plants and Zombies fit withtin the world
[09:00] <CyanZombieHead> New Testament!
[09:00] <CyanZombieHead> 2nd World War!
[09:00] <IMCR8Z> @VG: Nice, but I highly doubt it would happen.
[09:00] <CyanZombieHead> then IMCR8Z appears
[09:00] <VGKing1> New Testament! Breaking Bread acts like Wall-nut but when eaten, it splits into more bread!
[09:00] <Sinanco> no, both World Wars
[09:00] <CyanZombieHead> i knowed
[09:00] <Lsfarzam> What about the players house? Pvz setting
[09:00] <Plasmaplant> One war
[09:00] <VGKing1> Based off when Jesus fed 5,000 men bread.
[09:00] <Sinanco> yes, but based on both wars
[09:00] <IMCR8Z> @Lsf: Should be the final world, but in Zomburbia from Garden Warfare 2
[09:00] <VGKing1> In Old Testament, the regular zombies are demons.
[09:01] <IMCR8Z> Okay, I mean the last world before Time Twister
[09:01] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:01] <VGKing1> Then there's Snake Zombie and Cain Zombie, both from Genesis.
[09:01] <Banana Cannon> Tectonic World
[09:01] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:01] <CyanZombieHead> Atlatis
[09:01] <VGKing1> What else is there? Goliath Gargantuar and Tax Collector Imp.
[09:01] <Sinanco> tax collector imp? what ?!!
[09:01] <Sinanco> lol
[09:02] <VGKing1> On Day 1, you unlock the Forbidden Fruit.
[09:02] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:02] <CyanZombieHead> ok ok
[09:02] <Sinanco> what's next? The Qouran world?
[09:02] <CyanZombieHead> [[User blog:CyanZombieHead/New World: 2nd World War!]]
[09:02] <IMCR8Z> @VG: I'm now imagining a David Plant that throws a stone which kills Gargantuars in one hit.
[09:02] <VGKing1> Forbidden Fruit as in the fruit God told Adam and Eve not to eat.
[09:02] <Sinanco> I think not!
[09:02] <Plasmaplant> No people other religions play pvzith o
[09:02] <Lsfarzam> Brb
[09:02] <Sinanco> lol, mohammed zombie would be censored
[09:02] <VGKing1> @IMCR8Z lol
[09:02] <IMCR8Z> @Me: And it's hilarious.
[09:02] <CyanZombieHead> [[User blog:CyanZombieHead/New World: 2nd World War!]]
[09:02] <Sinanco> [[User blog:Sinanco/World War Era: A new world for PvZ2: IAT]]
[09:03] <VGKing1> Day 6 unlocks Ark-tichoke. Like Pumkin and Lily Pad.
[09:03] <CyanZombieHead> PLAGIATOR!
[09:03] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:03] <CyanZombieHead> just kidding
[09:03] <Sinanco> xD
[09:03] <Sinanco> 
[09:03] <VGKing1> Day 11 unlocks Burning Bush. Like other fire plants he is immune to being frozen
[09:03] <CyanZombieHead> Artichoke?
[09:03] <Banana Cannon> anyone else have any pvz 2 world/ plants ideas to tell me
[09:03] <VGKing1> Yes. Ark and artichoke. Noah's ark.
[09:03] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:03] <VGKing1> @Banana Cannon Yes I'm explaning mine.
[09:03] <Sinanco> I want Tallnut Battlement and Coconut Spotting Station as plants
[09:03] <Banana Cannon> pm me VG
[09:03] <Banana Cannon> ill see what i can do
[09:04] <Plasmaplant> No religion specific worlds!
[09:04] <CyanZombieHead> yes!
[09:04] <VGKing1> Part 2 includes Light Bulb and Nut King. Light Bulb is like Plantern. Nut King can be placed in the front to protect plants or in the back to heal them.
[09:04] <CyanZombieHead> no religion specific worlds!
[09:04] <VGKing1> @Banana Cannon I already made a page, want a link?
[09:04] <CyanZombieHead> 8th world?
[09:04] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:04] <Banana Cannon> yes VG
[09:04] <VGKing1> Old Testament's boss: Zombot Golden Calf (Baal)
[09:04] <CyanZombieHead> ok ok
[09:05] <Banana Cannon> Knight Bulb is a thing right?
[09:05] <VGKing1> I have no plant ideas for Winter Wonderland. Anyone want to know the zombies?
[09:05] <Sinanco> how about siege of vienna or smt; a renessaince world
[09:05] <Banana Cannon> vg link
[09:05] <Sinanco> ottoman zombies lol
[09:05] <Lsfarzam> Alright. I feel like im done with the ideas.
[09:06] <VGKing1> Okay for Winter Wonderland, Winter Zombie, Winter Conehead, Winter Buckethead, but there's an armor 3.
[09:06] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:06] <VGKing1> It's called a Wintercoat zombie!
[09:06] <CyanZombieHead> i love armor 3 zombies
[09:06] <Sinanco> wealready got Frostbite Caves, thank you
[09:06] <VGKing1> Sledding Zombie, Snow Fort Zombie
[09:06] <Lsfarzam> Bamboom in NMT Side B? Or np?
[09:06] <Plasmaplant> Missile-toe like AKEE
[09:06] <VGKing1> Reap and I were going to talk about this, but there was a Retro 90's idea. 
[09:07] <VGKing1> 8-bit hero zombie is like pogo zombie.
[09:07] <IMCR8Z> Now it's 8-bit 80s.
[09:07] <CyanZombieHead> 90s? 8 bit?
[09:07] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:07] <CyanZombieHead> make 16 
[09:07] <Ballistic Planet> Guys, give me a random last stand level
[09:07] <VGKing1> I love anime conventions so I made another world: ZombieCon. 2000's.
[09:07] <Ballistic Planet> I wanna test domething
[09:07] <Ballistic Planet> something*
[09:07] <Lsfarzam> Bamboom in NMT side B? Think about it.
[09:07] <VGKing1> It's the Zombotany world (cosplay). IMCR8Z actually helped me out a bit on this one.
[09:07] <CyanZombieHead> BAMBOOM?
[09:07] <CyanZombieHead> WHAT?
[09:08] <Lsfarzam> Yes.
[09:08] <CyanZombieHead> WHY NOT BAMBOO SHOOT?
[09:08] <VGKing1> Fume-shroom Gargantuar throws Puff-shroom Imp.
[09:08] <IMCR8Z> Specifically with Gargantuar and Imp for the world. @VG
[09:08] <CyanZombieHead> yes, have a different in 2c
[09:08] <Sinanco> I actually want zombotany as a challange minigame, similar to vasebreaker
[09:08] <CyanZombieHead> but why bamboom?
[09:08] <VGKing1> Attendee Zombie, Conehead Attendee, etc...
[09:08] <VGKing1> Peashooter Zombie, Sunflower Zombie, Wall-nut Zombie, etc...
[09:08] <Lsfarzam> Why Not?
[09:08] <VGKing1> Sunflower Zombie drops sun when defeated.
[09:08] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:08] <Sinanco> good idea :P 
[09:08] <IMCR8Z> I want Zombotanies, but I want them to only appear during the final boss fight.
[09:08] <VGKing1> Zombot Panel Pounder
[09:09] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:09] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[09:09] <Plasmaplant> Ways nmt brainster bu
[09:09] <VGKing1> Anyone here remember my Harlem Nocturne idea?
[09:09] <CyanZombieHead> if you are a world idealist, digit o/ 
[09:09] <Lsfarzam> Im bored.
[09:09] <CyanZombieHead> o/ 
[09:09] <Sinanco> so PvZ2's beat is not related to PvZA beat, right?
[09:09] <CyanZombieHead> no
[09:09] <VGKing1> Return of the other mushrooms and a new plant: Auxiliary-pult.
[09:10] <VGKing1> Harlem Nocturne takes place in the 1920's, the Jazz Age.
[09:10] <CyanZombieHead> lol Jazz
[09:10] <CyanZombieHead> Lisa
[09:10] <CyanZombieHead> Bleeding Gums Murphy
[09:10] <Lsfarzam> 20s era?
[09:10] <VGKing1> Yep.
[09:10] <Sinanco> 20's era had so many things
[09:10] <Lsfarzam> Hmm.. I like that idea.
[09:11] <Sinanco> what will you do?? Turkish independence war or smt?
[09:11] <VGKing1> Trumpetist Zombie, Saxophone Zombie, Flute Zombie, Guitarist Zombie, Director Gargantuar, Cheerful Imp, Zombie Drummer, Zombot Blues Bot.
[09:11] <Sinanco> lol, greek zombies attacking
[09:11] <CyanZombieHead> i no if no have a saxofonist zombie!
[09:11] <CyanZombieHead> yay!
[09:11] <VGKing1> Saxophonist Zombie creates fog
[09:11] <CyanZombieHead> saxophone!
[09:11] <CyanZombieHead> wat?
[09:11] <Lsfarzam> Someone tell popcap about this idea of the 20s for next world!
[09:11] <VGKing1> Trumpetist Zombie is like surfer zombie but can throw his trumpet
[09:11] <Sinanco> BTW, aside from new world talk, does anyone have all of the summer night costumes?
[09:12] <VGKing1> I made a link on this! Link coming right up
[09:12] <Ballistic Planet> I hacked them in
[09:12] <Lsfarzam> Hows he going to get it back
[09:12] <Ballistic Planet> lmao 
[09:12] <Sinanco> I got two to go, I need lightning reed and repeater's
[09:12] <VGKing1> [[User blog:VGKing1/Harlem Nocturne (fan world)]]
[09:12] <CyanZombieHead> Imao
[09:12] <CyanZombieHead> lmao 
[09:12] <VGKing1> I made the DM, it sounds like Dark Ages and Frostbiite Caves. Enjoy the link! DM coming soon.
[09:13] <Sinanco> what is DM
[09:13] <VGKing1> Demonstration mini-game.
[09:13] <CyanZombieHead> Demonstration Minigame
[09:13] <Sinanco> oh, kk
[09:13] <VGKing1> Anyway, boss battle goes like this
[09:13] <Sinanco> I was so much into Dark Matter
[09:13] <Lsfarzam> Someones going to change their prpfile pic to electric blueberry, and I just know it.
[09:13] <VGKing1> Plants: (blover) (scaredy-shroom) (doom-shroom) (plantern) (gloom-shroom) Auxiliary-pult
[09:14] <CyanZombieHead> Blover?
[09:14] <CyanZombieHead> DAFUQ
[09:14] <VGKing1> Yep. to blow away fog
[09:14] <CyanZombieHead> FAR FUTURE
[09:14] <VGKing1> (kernel-pult) in dark ages boss battle
[09:14] <VGKing1> (threepeater) in frostbite caves boss battle
[09:14] <CyanZombieHead> oh
[09:14] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:14] <VGKing1> (bonk choy) in lost city boss battle
[09:14] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[09:15] <CyanZombieHead> have one with Snap i think
[09:15] <VGKing1> 1st phase: Musician Zombie, Conehead Musician, Buckethead Musician, Trumpetist Zombie, Trombonist Zombie and Tubist Zombie.
[09:15] <CyanZombieHead> i can say one thing?
[09:15] <VGKing1> sure
[09:15] <CyanZombieHead> S*** **
[09:16] <VGKing1> uhhhh...
[09:16] <VGKing1> 2nd phase: Conehead Musician, Buckethead Musician, Guitarist Zombie, Cheerful Imp and Director Gargantuar
[09:16] <Lsfarzam> Do you know whats weird? Roller skate zombie.
[09:17] <CyanZombieHead> FC and LC doenst have Gargantuars in Boss Battles.
[09:17] <VGKing1> 3rd phase: Conehead Musician, Buckethead Musician, Flute Zombie, Saxophone Zombie
[09:17] <Ballistic Planet> I found out how to nullify the Plant Black list for Last Stand levels
[09:17] <Ballistic Planet> GG look at me
[09:17] <VGKing1> Zombies not in Harlem Nocturne boss battle: Flag Musician Zombie, Zombie Drummer
[09:17] <CyanZombieHead> Why not the drummer?
[09:18] <CyanZombieHead> :( 
[09:18] <VGKing1> Drummer does not move
[09:18] <VGKing1> He is like pianist zombie and zombie king
[09:19] <CyanZombieHead> Pianist moves
[09:19] <VGKing1> yes but the drummer does not.
[09:19] <CyanZombieHead> Fisherman and King*
[09:19] <VGKing1> imagine trying to move a whole drum set
[09:19] <CyanZombieHead> wait
[09:19] <CyanZombieHead> earn Coffee Bean in this world?
[09:19] <VGKing1> No, that's in VGKing1's House
[09:20] <CyanZombieHead> oh...
[09:20] <VGKing1> It takes place in 2013
[09:20] <CyanZombieHead> have a zombie with makes the plants sleep?
[09:20] <VGKing1> Yep
[09:20] <VGKing1> Anime Girl Giggling Zombie laughs and makes all the zombies go faster and the plants go to sleep
[09:20] <Sinanco> Lsfarzam, your wish has gone true
[09:20] <VGKing1> VGking1 fan zombie, conehead vgking1 fan, etc...
[09:21] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:21] <Sinanco> oops, I mean Lsfarzam :p 
[09:21] <VGKing1> Zombot Cruelty Chair
[09:21] <CyanZombieHead> tip 1
[09:21] <Sinanco> actually I look like "Electric Plants" right now :P 
[09:21] <Lsfarzam> MC-Zom-B sounds powerful. But biting a microphone, your bound breakin' teeth.
[09:21] <VGKing1> (okay) 
[09:21] <CyanZombieHead> lol
[09:22] <VGKing1> Link to the world, comes with DM theme: [[User blog:VGKing1/VGKing1%27s House World (fan world)|User blog:VGKing1/VGKing1's House World (fan world)]]
[09:22] <IMCR8Z> gtg
[09:22] <VGKing1> bye
[09:22] <Lsfarzam> Bye
[09:22] <CyanZombieHead> hey
[09:22] <CyanZombieHead> VGKing1
[09:22] <VGKing1> what
[09:22] <CyanZombieHead> you have made a Viking World?
[09:22] <CyanZombieHead> ba dum tss
[09:23] <VGKing1> wow
[09:23] <Lsfarzam> Humor.
[09:23] <VGKing1> TheZombieO.O and I were going to make Industrial Revolution
[09:23] <VGKing1> This would be where you unlock (garlic) 
[09:24] <CyanZombieHead> seriosly
[09:24] <VGKing1> Because of conveyor belts and oil slicks
[09:24] <CyanZombieHead> you have made a viking world?
[09:24] <Lsfarzam> Plant ideas are getting more lost
[09:24] <VGKing1> I don't think you;d want a zombie coming fast towards your plants...
[09:24] <Lsfarzam> Use thyme warp or hurrikale.
[09:24] <VGKing1> Arcade world: Super Space Shooter!
[09:25] <Lsfarzam> Scratch that.
[09:25] <VGKing1> Tulip Turret, Looking Grass, Flower Tower, Polygon Petal, Coldberry Cannon, Bean Barrier.
[09:25] <CyanZombieHead> WAIT
[09:26] <CyanZombieHead> 3D PLANT!
[09:26] <VGKing1> Coldberry Cannon = (coconut cannon) + (snow pea) - 10 damage
[09:26] <CyanZombieHead> huh
[09:27] <Lsfarzam> Is there a video that shows NMT side A plants in action?
[09:27] <VGKing1> so its weaker but chills zombies
[09:27] <CyanZombieHead> no
[09:27] <VGKing1> Part 1 zombies: Space Criminal Zombie, Conehead Space Criminal, Buckethead Space Criminal, Flag Space Criminal Zombie, Mini Starship Zombie, Laser Gun Zombie, a few others.
[09:28] <Sinanco> POOR TALL NUT!
[09:28] <Lsfarzam> I wish someone got files for side a plants and show them off.
[09:28] <VGKing1> Reap posted the conflicts in each world so let me post the ones in my fan worlds:
[09:28] <VGKing1> Harlem Nocturne: Audience (plants) vs Jazz Band (zombies)
[09:28] <VGKing1> Super Space Shooter: Space Police (plants) vs Space Criminals (zombies)
[09:29] <Lsfarzam> I feel like we need to stop on fan-made worlds for now.
[09:29] <CyanZombieHead> VGKing
[09:29] <Sinanco> yes, please!
[09:29] <Sinanco> 
[09:29] <CyanZombieHead> pass me the link of your blog page
[09:29] <Sinanco> wow, too many weiners on tonights party
[09:30] <VGKing1> @Lsfarzam (okay) sorry
[09:30] <VGKing1> @CyanZombieHead which one?
[09:30] <Lsfarzam> Brb eating dinner.
[09:31] <CyanZombieHead> the with all your blog posts
[09:31] <VGKing1> ok
[09:32] <VGKing1> [[User blog:VGKing1]]
[09:32] <Sinanco> grr, missed it
[09:33] <Sinanco> I still need Lightning Reed's and Repeater's hats
[09:33] <CyanZombieHead> thx
[09:34] <VGKing1> feel free to leave comments!
[09:35] <Lsfarzam> Im back.
[09:35] <CyanZombieHead> ok
[09:35] <CyanZombieHead> beeye
[09:36] <Birdpool> What are the restrictions on the profile pic pulsator thing? @ErnestoAM
[09:37] <Sinanco> so, is Phat Beat kinda similar to Gloom Shroom?
[09:42] <Birdpool> kjvhbikydtuhgjn
[09:45] <A Graalian> ...
[09:46] <HeavenlyMildCone> Bearjedi is back?
[09:47] <Bearjedi> what
[09:47] <Birdpool> wtf no answer?
[09:49] <Lsfarzam> Im back.
[09:50] <Sinanco> I hope Neon Mixtape Tour will break the 5 new plants + 2 premiums/gemiums sytle they've been going for some time
[09:51] <Lsfarzam> Sure
[09:51] <Lsfarzam> Is anyone a lefty? Im one.
[09:52] <Sinanco> nope, I'm a righty :P 
[09:52] <MN321> well
[09:53] <MN321> NMT Part 1 already has only 3 plants
[09:53] <MN321> so they may be going with 4 new plants + 3 prem/gems :/ 
[09:53] <Sinanco> 4 plants*
[09:53] <MN321> huh?
[09:53] <Sinanco> wait, am I wrond?
[09:53] <Sinanco> Phat Beet
[09:53] <Sinanco> Celery Stalker
[09:53] <Sinanco> Thyme Warp
[09:54] <Sinanco> and
[09:54] <Sinanco> Electric Blueberry
[09:54] <Plasmaplant> Ur rite
[09:54] <Sinanco> + Cactus
[09:54] <MN321> electic blueberry is side B premium/gemium
[09:54] <MN321> so
[09:54] <MN321> :T
[09:54] <Sinanco> really? :( 
[09:54] <MN321> yea
[09:54] <Plasmaplant> Cactus y u a premium!?!
[09:54] <Sinanco> ^just like chomper
[09:55] <Lsfarzam> I want to play side a right now!! But I cant.
[09:55] <Plasmaplant> But expensive
[09:55] <Sinanco> they'll probably release the Side A around my birthday so yey ^^
[09:56] <Plasmaplant> Braggart
[09:56] <MN321> Same here
[09:56] <MN321> My birthday is August 27th
[09:56] <MN321> :P 
[09:56] <Lsfarzam> Sinaco whens birthday+
[09:56] <Lsfarzam> *?
[09:57] <MN321> Why do you need to know?
[09:57] <MN321> ARE YOU..
[09:57] <MN321> STALKKKHER!?!!
[09:57] <Sinanco> August 19th :P 
[09:57] <Plasmaplant> Is it me or is cactus a little op
[09:57] <Sinanco> ^^
[09:57] <Sinanco> 
[09:58] <MN321> But he'ss premium
[09:58] <Plasmaplant> A couple rows could last a 4 flag level!
[09:58] <Lsfarzam> Oh. No its August 25th for realease date for side a.
[09:58] <Sinanco> she* ?
[09:58] <Sinanco> wow, the preview parties will last roughly 2 weeks?
[09:59] <Plasmaplant> I want side a party's soon
[09:59] <Sinanco> YESS! Baron Von Bats' Theme is here :D :D :D 
[09:59] <Sinanco> 
[10:02] <Sinanco> Altighty, good night all :D 
[10:02] <MN321> bye
[10:03] <MN321> Cactus is balanced
[10:03] <MN321> because
[10:03] <MN321> being Premium is the worst nerf a plant can have
[10:03] <Lsfarzam> I have cactus
[10:05] <MN321> me too
[10:06] <Ballistic Planet> Cactus isn''t actually that good though
[10:07] <Ballistic Planet> Still one of my favorites, now
[10:09] <Lsfarzam> Now this chat looks dead. Sort of.
[10:10] <Mr.imp gentlmen> hi
[10:12] <Lsfarzam> Ill leave soon. The chat is slow and dead. 
[10:12] <Mr.imp gentlmen> yeah...
[10:12] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i gtg. to the sea i sail!
[10:15] <Lsfarzam> Anyone else want to talk?
[10:19] <Lsfarzam> Hello?
[10:21] <MN321> hi
[10:21] <Lsfarzam> Hey
[10:23] <Gargantuar5612> who wanna play agar
[10:23] <Gargantuar5612> ..
[10:23] <Gargantuar5612> Hi
[10:23] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Hi
[10:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Is anyone have the current version of PvZ for android?
[10:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> The ROW version.
[10:24] <Gargantuar5612> No
[10:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> :( 
[10:24] <Gargantuar5612> Do you wanna play agar
[10:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I mean, the summer nights update.
[10:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I can't seem to download it.
[10:24] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @Garg no.
[10:24] <Gargantuar5612> I cant either
[10:25] <Lsfarzam> Why does someone have someordinarygamers profile photo?
[10:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It always throws up "PvZ2 counldnt be downloaded (194)" or something like that
[10:25] <Drek'TharSuperSword> @lsfarzam cuz I like him :P 
[10:26] <Gargantuar5612> Lsfarzam
[10:27] <Gargantuar5612> wanna play agario
[10:27] <MN321> oops, browser crashed
[10:27] <Gargantuar5612> k
[10:27] <MN321> Hi Drek
[10:27] <MN321> long time no see :P 
[10:27] <Gargantuar5612> MN wanna play agar
[10:27] <MN321> nah
[10:28] <Gargantuar5612> JUST DO IT
[10:28] <ErnestoAM> k
[10:28] <PlayGameZ Go> 
[10:28] <PlayGameZ Go> 
[10:28] <Gargantuar5612> Ernesto wanna play agar. Im board :P 
[10:28] <MN321> HOW ABOUT NO
[10:28] <MN321> @Gargantuar
[10:28] <Lsfarzam> No thanks.
[10:28] <MN321> Even if i wanted to, i can't
[10:28] <Gargantuar5612> HOW ABOUT JUST DO IT
[10:28] <PlayGameZ Go> What's Agar?
[10:28] <Gargantuar5612> agario
[10:28] <Gargantuar5612>
[10:28] <ErnestoAM> ?
[10:28] <MN321> HOW ABOUT
[10:28] <MN321> NO
[10:28] <MN321> 
[10:28] <MN321> NOW LEAVE ME ALONE
[10:29] <Gargantuar5612> JUST DOOOOO IT LOL.
[10:29] <Lsfarzam> Its that game where circles eat other circles and get to the top.
[10:29] <Lsfarzam> ErnestoAM 
[10:29] <Drek'TharSuperSword> browser lags :O 
[10:29] <Gargantuar5612> No ernesto knows
[10:30] <MN321> dude
[10:30] <MN321> do you read
[10:30] <MN321> "Even if i wanted to, i can't"
[10:30] <MN321> @Gargantuar
[10:30] <Gargantuar5612> i think...(Kappa)
[10:30] <ErnestoAM> I remember now
[10:30] <Gargantuar5612> @Ernesto wanna play it? :P 
[10:30] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Browser lags :( 
[10:31] <ErnestoAM> no
[10:31] <ErnestoAM> i don't
[10:31] <Gargantuar5612> ...
[10:31] <Lsfarzam> is boring. Its just literally circles eating circles.
[10:32] <Gargantuar5612> itz fun
[10:32] <Brainulator9> hilo
[10:32] <Lsfarzam> Id rather play pvz3 than play that game.
[10:32] <Gargantuar5612> hilo
[10:32] <Gargantuar5612> @ Brainulator wanna play agario
[10:32] <ErnestoAM> will you stop now
[10:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Wut :o 
[10:32] <Gargantuar5612> I am a board guy
[10:32] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *bored
[10:33] <Gargantuar5612> board*
[10:33] <Gargantuar5612> i spel gud
[10:33] <Drek'TharSuperSword> wt..
[10:33] <Gargantuar5612> k?
[10:33] <Gargantuar5612> WHERE IS BUL9 
[10:33] <Lsfarzam> NO ONE WANTS TO PLAY AGAR.IO!!! |:-(
[10:33] <Gargantuar5612> JUST DOO IT
[10:34] <Brainulator9> ...
[10:34] <Brainulator9> no
[10:34] <Gargantuar5612> :( :( :( :( 
[10:34] <Birdpool> Lefty
[10:34] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Agar is some kinda pudding, right? Then why are they look like balls in this game?
[10:34] <Lsfarzam> Its over. Go somewhere else.
[10:34] <MN321> asdf darn
[10:35] <MN321> I want to work on Dave's Adventures
[10:35] <MN321> but
[10:35] <Gargantuar5612> No. Agar is cells
[10:35] <MN321> laziness
[10:35] <MN321> takes over
[10:35] <Gargantuar5612> yay
[10:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Agar (pronounced /ˈeɪɡɑː/, US /ˈɑːɡər/, "ah-gər") or agar-agar (/ˈeɪɡɑːˈeɪɡɑː/, /ˈɑːɡərˈɑːɡər/, "ah-gər-ah-gər") is a jelly-like substance, obtained from algae.[1] It was discovered in the late 1650s or early 1660s by Mino Tarōzaemon (美濃 太郎左衛門) in Japan, where it is called kanten.
[10:35] <Drek'TharSuperSword> 
[10:35] <Birdpool> Brainulator9 , what's the restriction on the pulsating avatar thing?
[10:35] <Brainulator9> Staff?
[10:36] <Birdpool> like...
[10:36] <Birdpool> who can get it?
[10:36] <Gargantuar5612> the pulse
[10:36] <Birdpool> Cuz I'm wanting one.
[10:36] <Lsfarzam> Spicy Nacho Doritos arent spicy. My opinion.
[10:36] <Gargantuar5612> i am too lazy to do CSS
[10:36] <Birdpool> Bul9 
[10:37] <Gargantuar5612> ik
[10:37] <Lsfarzam> How?
[10:38] <MN321> Can somebody motivate me to work on Dave's Adventures? :P 
[10:38] <Gargantuar5612> i know
[10:38] <Gargantuar5612> You wont be able to sit down or eat until you finish
[10:39] <Birdpool> MN321, please release an update soon. : |
[10:40] <Gargantuar5612> What is Dave's Adventures
[10:40] <MN321> You're not saying that truly are you
[10:40] <MN321> 
[10:40] <MN321> 
[10:40] <MN321> Jeez, i sound like a narcisstic a-hole.
[10:40] <MN321> @BP
[10:41] <Gargantuar5612> Bros. Points? :P 
[10:41] <Birdpool> Yes, it was fun and I want to see the boss battle
[10:41] <Gargantuar5612> Birdpool can you link me?
[10:42] <MN321> Why Bros. Points?
[10:42] <MN321> I don't want to use green shells, neither summon the Zeekeeper, neither summon doors that i need to press a button to jump, or something else?
[10:42] <MN321> @Gargantuar
[10:42] <MN321> Hi
[10:42] <Birdpool> No link.
[10:42] <Birdpool> I didn't make it.
[10:42] <Gargantuar5612> it is on kong
[10:43] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> i wonder if anyone can make actual HD images of the NMT zombies
[10:43] <Lsfarzam> Does anyone have side A? Im just curious. And this means anybody on here.
[10:43] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> No
[10:43] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> nobody has Side a
[10:43] <MN321> Nope, the soft release isn't out ye
[10:43] <Gargantuar5612>
[10:43] <MN321> *yet
[10:43] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> Atleast until the 20th
[10:44] <Lsfarzam> Or earlier
[10:44] <MN321> that's not my game i assure you
[10:44] <MN321> my version is a downloaded game and a platformer and stuff
[10:44] <MN321> @Gargantuar
[10:44] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> the soft release is always in the middle and on a thursday
[10:44] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> SO lsfarzam no.
[10:44] <Lsfarzam> Okay.
[10:44] <Lsfarzam> We shall wait for the soft release!!
[10:45] <Lsfarzam> And Minecraft 12.1 hasnt come out yet. Disappointing.
[10:46] <MN321> 12.1?
[10:46] <MN321> You mean Pocket Edition?
[10:46] <MN321> The first 1.9 snapshot for PC has been released though
[10:47] <Lsfarzam> Yes PE. It hasnt been released yet. 
[10:50] <Lolwutburger> yoyowashizzle
[10:51] <Lolwutburger> you talkin bout minecraft
[10:51] <Lolwutburger> coolio
[10:52] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[10:53] <Lsfarzam> Yes. PE. It hasn't come out yet. Disappointing.
[10:54] <Lsfarzam> Ill have to leave. Goodbye. Ill come back later.
[10:54] <Birdpool> bilo 
[10:55] <Drek'TharSuperSword> (dtss) 
[11:00] <Lsfarzam> I came back
[11:00] <OverratedShyguyII> Hai people
[11:00] <Lsfarzam> Hey?
[11:07] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:09] <IMCR8Z> Ded chat
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> hi
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> I think I entered chat o ded
[11:10] <IMCR8Z> O hai, Coolyoyo!
[11:10] <Lsfarzam> Hey
[11:11] <OverratedShyguyII> How many weed kinds are there?
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> I bet by now everyone here's seen the new plants
[11:11] <Lsfarzam> This chat IS dead.
[11:11] <Lsfarzam> Everyone did.
[11:11] <OverratedShyguyII> Which new plants?
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> wha-
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> don't tell me
[11:11] <Lsfarzam> NMT ones
[11:11] <OverratedShyguyII> Nope
[11:12] <OverratedShyguyII> I know nothing about them
[11:12] <OverratedShyguyII> -_- 
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> his pp is one
[11:12] <OverratedShyguyII> This is awkward
[11:12] <Lsfarzam> Have you been sleeping under a rock?!
[11:12] <OverratedShyguyII> Kinda
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> Check them here [[Thread:410619]]
[11:12] <Lsfarzam> ...
[11:12] <OverratedShyguyII> Thx
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> It's not like people hang on certain threads or keep on checking the concept page all day lol
[11:13] <Coolyoyo33> so no people who aren't sleeping under a rock still have a chance of not knowing
[11:13] <OverratedShyguyII> Woah!!!! NICE GRAPHICS!!!
[11:14] <IMCR8Z> wut
[11:15] <OverratedShyguyII> You don't understand??
[11:15] <OverratedShyguyII> Oh well...
[11:15] <OverratedShyguyII> This is awkward...
[11:15] <IMCR8Z> I got the reference though.
[11:15] <Lsfarzam> Is it the plants and zombies? They're okay. 
[11:15] <IMCR8Z> Playing Star Wars Episode III now. I rented it at Blockbuster (RIP), but could never get past the part where you fight Count Dooku.
[11:15] <Coolyoyo33> @Overrated 
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> you mean my graphics?
[11:16] <OverratedShyguyII> No
[11:16] <OverratedShyguyII> I mean... I forgot :O 
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> k then
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> K THEN
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> you can play dumb all you want
[11:16] <Coolyoyo33> >.>
[11:17] <OverratedShyguyII> No need to scream
[11:17] <Lsfarzam> I also cant believe they're reviving Clearly Canadian.
[11:17] <OverratedShyguyII> This is a Lawn
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> whats clearly canadian
[11:17] <Mr.creppy 35> all we need somebody to lean on
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> I'll rip the grass out and scream
[11:17] <OverratedShyguyII> You should scream far away from suburbia
[11:17] <Lsfarzam> Sparkling water
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> all we need is somebody to bean on
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> no
[11:17] <OverratedShyguyII> You need to take relaxation classes
[11:17] <Coolyoyo33> I will scream in the center of suburbia
[11:18] <Lsfarzam> ...
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> no
[11:18] <OverratedShyguyII> Then the zombies will eat ya
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> f the police
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> or zombies
[11:18] <Coolyoyo33> in this instance
[11:18] <OverratedShyguyII> The police have nothing to go with what we are talking about
[11:18] <Lsfarzam> Is everything okay? *Reports everyone to arkham asylum 
[11:18] <OverratedShyguyII> *do
[11:18] <OverratedShyguyII> No ;-;
[11:19] <OverratedShyguyII> I liked to be free
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> Arkham asylum
[11:19] <IMCR8Z> @Lsf: I thought that was closed when Arkham City was built?
[11:19] <OverratedShyguyII> They can kill me!!!!
[11:19] <Lsfarzam> For the criminally insane
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> are you going to report to arkham asylum
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> or to batman
[11:19] <Coolyoyo33> because I don't think Prof. Arkham would come to personally pick us up
[11:19] <IMCR8Z> But then that got taken over by the Arkham Knight. (Spoiler: Crazy Dave is the Arkham Knight) (Spoiler Spoiler: Not really)
[11:19] <Lsfarzam> Batman. 
[11:20] <IMCR8Z> (Batman) : Hello?
[11:20] <Lsfarzam> NO SPOILERS!!!!
[11:20] <OverratedShyguyII> For Helix's sake, let me go!!!!!!!
[11:21] <Coolyoyo33> I'm (batman) 
[11:21] <Graham02> (batman) 
[11:22] <OverratedShyguyII> Helix, save me!!!
[11:22] <Coolyoyo33> BonkMan : Arkham Sprite
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> Bonk Man: Zombie Asylum
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> I thought this was pvz 
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> but this is (batman) 
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> (BETTER) Bonk Man: Zomboss Asylum
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> Okay, one more try:
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> Bonk Choy: Zomboss Asylum
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> That's better!
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> bo
[11:23] <IMCR8Z> Bonk Choy: Zomboss City
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> no
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> no
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> back away from the keyboard
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> back
[11:24] <IMCR8Z> Bonk Choy: Zomboss Origins
[11:24] <OverratedShyguyII> Heli
[11:24] <IMCR8Z> Bonk Choy: Zomboss Knight (SPOILER: Crazy Dave is the Zomboss Knight)
[11:24] <Lsfarzam> Were Done. Lsfarzam is out.
[11:24] <OverratedShyguyII> I have to GTG, :( 
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> Then zomboss is the arkham spirte?
[11:24] <OverratedShyguyII> See ya tomorrow
[11:24] <Lsfarzam> Its not the same without me.
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[11:24] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: What do you mean by sprite?
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> knight
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> I dont know
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> sue me
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> does fighting zombies mean "busy"
[11:25] <IMCR8Z> K
[11:26] <IMCR8Z> I know it replaces "knight", but is sprite some kind of plant I'm not aware of?
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> arkham sprout?
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> just doesnt feel the same
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> ;-;
[11:27] <IMCR8Z> Then (marigold) is the Arkham Sprout
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> water sprite is a plant
[11:27] <IMCR8Z> Oh, yeah.
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> not sprite by itself tho
[11:27] <Lsfarzam> Goodbye. 
[11:27] <IMCR8Z> Funny, when I played Arkham Sprite, Dr. Zomboss appeared as an hallucination by Bonk Choy.
[11:27] <IMCR8Z> Oh, crap, I spoiled it.
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> FFS
[11:27] <Lsfarzam> This chat is dead.
[11:28] <Coolyoyo33> I don't have the sun to buy that game yet
[11:28] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:28] <Coolyoyo33> (batman) 
[11:28] <Coolyoyo33> well it seems like we're the only two in chat right about now
[11:29] <IMCR8Z> Yep
[11:29] <Coolyoyo33> Oh yeah again
[11:29] <IMCR8Z> Also, you can drive Penny in Arkham Sprite, but you mostly use it just shoot freakin' Zombot Drones!
[11:29] <Coolyoyo33> does "fighting zombies" mean busy?
[11:29] <IMCR8Z> Yes
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> So dave is the arkham sprite
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> dave
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> crazy dave
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> damn 
[11:30] <Lsfarzam> NO
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> you spoiled the whole thng
[11:30] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: Type it in ( )
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> (Fighting Zombies)
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> What
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> type what
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> I'm confused
[11:31] <IMCR8Z> Type "crazy dave" in ( ) for (crazy dave) 
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> (crazy dave) : Grow tham city needs a hero
[11:32] <Lsfarzam> You're finished Dave. And Gotham's finished, too.
[11:32] <IMCR8Z> Liar, you're the Arkham S****. Censored to avoid spoilers.
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> (crazy dave) : Pfft....I'm not erm....arkham sprite 
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> *looks back at penny
[11:34] <Lsfarzam> Strawburst could make a great joker. He looks crazy.
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> (pomegranate machine gun) 
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> thats crazy
[11:34] <Pepsicola45> Hello.
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> That is also nightmares
[11:34] <IMCR8Z> I'm sure you already know that, but you can drive Penny in Arkham Sprite. Unfortunately, you spend 90% of the game just using her to kill Zombot Drones.
[11:34] <IMCR8Z> @Ls: How about (jester zombie) or (dr. zomboss) as Joker?
[11:35] <Lsfarzam> Zombot Militia
[11:35] <Lsfarzam> Jester.
[11:35] <ErnestoAM> dots
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> Jester For sure
[11:35] <IMCR8Z> Howdy, Pepsi!
[11:35] <Lsfarzam> Dots?
[11:36] <Lsfarzam> I like A&W better.
[11:36] <IMCR8Z> We were discussing the upcoming PvZ spin-off: Bonk Choy: Arkham Sprite. No, it's not real, we're just joking around.
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> Spruce Wayne
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> Bonk Man: arkham sprite
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> rip
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> or bonk choy
[11:36] <IMCR8Z> This is how it happened. This, is how the Bonk Choy was vanquished.
[11:36] <Lsfarzam> Bonk man: sporigins.
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> zombies ate him,that's how it happened
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> he was secretly spruce wayne
[11:37] <IMCR8Z> Howdy again!
[11:37] <Plasmaplant> NmtNmt zombies is rock and roll band
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> the tree with a lot of sun
[11:37] <IMCR8Z> Bonk Choy: Zomboss Asylum is still my favorite game in the series.
[11:37] <Plasmaplant> Nmt zombies is rock and roll band
[11:38] <Plasmaplant> Zomboss
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> goddamnit
[11:38] <Lsfarzam> His butler is Phatbert.
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> we need a harley quinn
[11:38] <Lsfarzam> Parsley quinn
[11:38] <Lsfarzam> ??
[11:38] <Plasmaplant> Barley Quinn
[11:38] <PlayGameZ Go> k
[11:38] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: (bikini zombie) 
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> Barley Quinn
[11:39] <ErnestoAM> k]
[11:39] <IMCR8Z> But since (jester zombie) is Joker, it wouldn't make sense for Harley to be a plant.
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> @ImCr8Z I think the new rollerskater would be better
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> the glitter one
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> you've got a point
[11:40] <IMCR8Z> I can't believe you have to get all the goddamn Wizard Zombie Trophies to get the real ending.
[11:40] <Lsfarzam> Battery s dying. See you later.
[11:40] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> may you come back in a better life
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> or with better battery life
[11:41] <Coolyoyo33> who would be robin tho
[11:41] <Coolyoyo33> (Bikini zombie) 
[11:41] <IMCR8Z> (beet) 
[11:41] <Coolyoyo33> RoBeet
[11:41] <IMCR8Z> (beet) is Robin
[11:42] <Coolyoyo33> Robeet the plant wonder
[11:42] <Coolyoyo33> we need a scarecrow too
[11:42] <IMCR8Z> I dunno.
[11:42] <IMCR8Z> (prospector zombie) ?
[11:43] <Coolyoyo33> nahhhh
[11:43] <IMCR8Z> I don't know what specific zombie, but it should definitely be one from Wild West
[11:43] <Coolyoyo33> agreed
[11:44] <Coolyoyo33> (Poncho Zombie) ?
[11:44] <IMCR8Z> Howdy, Pepsicola45 [s]X PrincessKitty[/s]
[11:44] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: Yes, just yes.
[11:44] <Coolyoyo33> We've got a winner!
[11:45] <Coolyoyo33> Bonk Man's immune to his toxic grass
[11:45] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[11:45] <IMCR8Z> What others?
[11:45] <Coolyoyo33> Poison Ivy?
[11:45] <IMCR8Z> (Gargantuar) should obviously be Bane even though I don't think he's in Arkham Knight
[11:45] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[11:45] <Coolyoyo33> YES 
[11:45] <Coolyoyo33> JUST YES
[11:45] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: One of the Zombotany Zombies, methinks.
[11:46] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: He could crash the lawn...WITH NO SURVIVORS!
[11:46] <Gargantuar5612> Hey
[11:46] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:46] <Coolyoyo33> Rip bonk man if he ever faces (gargantuar) 
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> Heyo!
[11:47] <Gargantuar5612> i wanna play some agar with peeps
[11:47] <IMCR8Z> We were talking about the latest PvZ spin-off game: Bonk Choy: Zomboss Knight
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[11:47] <Gargantuar5612> SO
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> Who would fit two face?
[11:47] <Gargantuar5612> Who wants ta' play some agario
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> whats
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> agario
[11:48] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: Probably either a Zombotany Zombie or a Split Pea edited to have a zombie head instead of the Repeater head.
[11:48] <Gargantuar5612>
[11:48] <Gargantuar5612>
[11:49] <Gargantuar5612> c 
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> I would think dark ages gargantuar
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> but no one else in mind
[11:49] <IMCR8Z> Y?
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> idk he seems pretty similar except the two face is horizontal heh
[11:50] <IMCR8Z> K den
[11:50] <IMCR8Z> You do realize that's just a mask, right?
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> any others?
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> yeah I do
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> ofcourse xD
[11:50] <IMCR8Z> Oh, and (cattail) is obviously Catwoman.
[11:51] <Brainulator9> hilo
[11:51] <DeathZombi> LUNATIC PLUS!
[11:51] <Coolyoyo33> YES
[11:51] <DeathZombi> Hilo
[11:51] <IMCR8Z> Howdy, DZ!
[11:51] <Coolyoyo33> Heyp
[11:51] <DeathZombi> Lunatic Plus isn't difficult. It is broken as hell!
[11:51] <Brainulator9> Oh boy.
[11:52] <IMCR8Z> We were talking about the latest PvZ spin-off game: Bonk Choy: Zomboss Knight
[11:52] <Brainulator9> I've been into Bobsheaux lately.
[11:52] <IMCR8Z> K
[11:52] <Coolyoyo33> I cant even pronounce that
[11:52] <Coolyoyo33> ok Im going to be off for a very little time 
[11:53] <Brainulator9> Bob-show.
[11:53] <Brainulator9> That's how it's pronounced.
[11:53] <IMCR8Z> K
[11:53] <IMCR8Z> Connection derped
[11:53] <Brainulator9> He's quite funny, and his reviews are logical and justified.
[11:54] <Brainulator9> Something that's becoming increasingly rare these days.
[11:54] <IMCR8Z> Right now I'm playing Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith for the first time since I rented it from Blockbuster (RIP) back in 2007.
[11:55] <DeathZombi> YOU WERE THE CHOSEN ONE!
[11:55] <Brainulator9> I swear, IGN, the Game Theorists, and Mr. Enter are full of bullshit.
[11:55] <ErnestoBot> they r
[11:55] <IMCR8Z> @DZ: (tries to remember what Anakin said in response) I have brought bullshit-filled reviews to my empire.
[11:56] <Brainulator9> The Game Theorists are the most tolerable, but the fan base believes things like Sonic being as tall in the 2006 game as in the 1991 game.
[11:57] <Brainulator9> IGN plays favorites towards certain franchises and bashes others for the most ludicrous reasons.
[11:57] <IMCR8Z> On the subject of Star Wars, last night I started the prequel trilogy for my marathon of all 6 movies in anticipation for The Force Awakens.
[11:57] <IMCR8Z> @BUL9: Don't forget the "7.8/10 Too Much Water" incident!
[11:57] <DeathZombi> I love MatPat
[11:57] <Brainulator9> True @IMCR8Z