Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/8 January 2016

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[11:58] <ErnestoAM>
[11:58] <ErnestoAM> It's not replaced, I added it back to the store.
[11:58] <Eugoth> Nice
[11:58] <Eugoth> Thanks
[11:58] <Coolyoyo33> yay
[11:59] <Eugoth> It may be a shitty plant but i want it :o 
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> same
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> for trial
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> and abuse
[11:59] <MegaVile2004> why buy a shitty cabbage pult ripoff that costs 6.99 for a 150 sun 3.5 nds more cabbage pult? When you have better ones like Kernel Pult?
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> who said anything about buying
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> kekeke
[11:59] <Eugoth> kernel pult does 1 damage
[11:59] <MegaVile2004> but it can stun
[11:59] <Coolyoyo33> Butter does 2 damage
[12:00] <MegaVile2004> Blooming Heart's function isn't even what its desciption said
[12:00] <MegaVile2004> it said damage would increase, but only ends up doing 4.5 max
[12:01] <MegaVile2004> so so USELESS
[12:01] <Eugoth> technically true
[12:01] <MegaVile2004> use freakin Kernel or Melon, who wants a 4.5 6.99 costing plant when we have STRONGER FREAKIN CHEAPER PLANTS THAT ARE NOT AS USELESS
[12:01] <Eugoth> Back from lag
[12:02] <MegaVile2004> jeez, its just as useless as Tile Turnip without hax
[12:02] <MegaVile2004> nobody but hackers use Tile Turnip now
[12:02] <MegaVile2004> not even Zackscoot
[12:02] <Coolyoyo33> welp hope this workz
[12:02] <Eugoth> Endless zombies?
[12:03] <Coolyoyo33> I don't have blooming heart
[12:03] <Coolyoyo33> weird
[12:03] <Eugoth> @cool you found the recycle bin?
[12:03] <Coolyoyo33> nope
[12:03] <Coolyoyo33> ;-;
[12:04] <Eugoth> Look in the shop
[12:04] <MegaVile2004> even Shrinking Violet is better
[12:04] <Eugoth> actually shrinking violet is a top tier plant
[12:04] <Coolyoyo33> I did
[12:04] <Coolyoyo33> Nothing changed
[12:04] <Coolyoyo33> damn it
[12:05] <Coolyoyo33> I replaced the magento file
[12:05] <ErnestoAM> Turn off WiFi?
[12:05] <Coolyoyo33> oh wait a sec
[12:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[12:06] <Insert Your Name Here> OK next OTP challenge for modern day
[12:06] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Grapeshot rupiah price added
[12:07] <Eugoth> hype is gone
[12:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> lol true
[12:07] <Drek'TharSuperSword> true dat
[12:08] <Eugoth> I feel like this is one of those afterparties
[12:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Going to field test blooming hearts
[12:08] <Eugoth> Like if everyone in the chat previously was drunk or something
[12:08] <MegaVile2004> BH shit
[12:08] <Drek'TharSuperSword> We ran out of weeds to use... :P 
[12:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> *to smoke
[12:09] <Drek'TharSuperSword> But at least we could make some new articles
[12:10] <MegaVile2004> I never made an article
[12:10] <Insert Your Name Here> OTP challenge in which I insist on using 2 plants together with no real freaking reason
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower blooming hearts sap-fling
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Primal potato and violet
[12:11] <Coolyoyo33> nope it didn't work rip
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Grapeshot cherry bomb
[12:11] <Insert Your Name Here> I think that's 3 ships
[12:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Have yet to unlock nightshade to make it 4
[12:12] <Coolyoyo33> I have a question which should I do first
[12:12] <Coolyoyo33> A render of deathstroke or a banner?
[12:13] <Coolyoyo33> *youtube banner
[12:13] <Eugoth> deathstroke
[12:14] <Coolyoyo33> well That can only be done next week
[12:14] <Coolyoyo33> so next week Ik what I have to do
[12:14] <Eugoth> I gtg
[12:14] <Eugoth> Happy holidays
[12:14] <Coolyoyo33> bye eugoth!
[12:14] <Eugoth> bye
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> MD day 2 done
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:MD2.png]]
[12:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Look at the top column :3
[12:21] <Drek'TharSuperSword> I used lotsa power zaps to kick Garg's ass in day 16
[12:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's a shame for not letting us pick plants.
[12:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It could've been better if you can use Laser Beans.
[12:22] <Drek'TharSuperSword> Plus the cherry bombs
[12:22] <ErnestoAM> Wow
[12:22] <ErnestoAM> I didn't know you used hacks.
[12:23] <Drek'TharSuperSword> It's too hard to play without it.
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright valentine challenge
[12:23] <Drek'TharSuperSword> No power zaps and I'm shit outta luck
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Complete Lost City with Moonflower, Nightshade, Blooming Hearts and Sap-fling
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> 4 other slots are your choice
[12:26] <That Really Annoying Guy> Hello
[12:27] <That Really Annoying Guy> Ummm...
[12:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[12:27] <That Really Annoying Guy> Hi
[12:30] <That Really Annoying Guy> Hi
[12:30] <That Really Annoying Guy> Sooo
[12:30] <That Really Annoying Guy> Does anyone wanna talk about anything?
[12:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Later gotta ship plants
[12:31] <ErnestoAM> Sap + Heart
[12:31] <That Really Annoying Guy> o/ 
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[05:55] <RdHeaven> Give me the APK!
[05:55] <Vebros>
[05:55] <RdHeaven> Thank you
[05:57] <RdHeaven> Hey Chrysalis
[05:57] <RdHeaven> Brb playing angry birds on PC (I have an archive)
[05:59] <RdHeaven> Noooooooo!
[06:21] <RdHeaven> DEAD
[06:21] <RdHeaven> 
[06:21] <Terrsolpix> Ey
[06:26] <Terrsolpix> Ded
[06:26] <Terrsolpix> rip
[06:28] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[06:30] <Iamarepeater> Well
[06:30] <Iamarepeater> More life
[06:31] <Ballistic Planet> ehh
[06:31] <Ballistic Planet> I've had enough of life for today
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> especially after wha thappened earlier
[06:32] <Iamarepeater> ???
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> ?
[06:32] <RdHeaven> Ey
[06:32] <RdHeaven> I have a nice joke
[06:32] <RdHeaven> What do you call plantinum plants?
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> ??
[06:32] <Iamarepeater> Ask when the chat is lively
[06:32] <RdHeaven> <span style="font-weight:bold;">PLANT</span>inum!
[06:37] <RdHeaven> ....?
[06:37] <RdHeaven> <span class="me-username">* <span>RdHeaven</span></span> smiles like Pinkie Pie
[06:37] <Iamarepeater>
[06:38] <RdHeaven> Omg guys
[05:55] <Vebros>
[05:55] <RdHeaven> Thank you
[05:57] <RdHeaven> Hey Chrysalis
[05:57] <RdHeaven> Brb playing angry birds on PC (I have an archive)
[05:59] <RdHeaven> Noooooooo!
[06:21] <RdHeaven> DEAD
[06:21] <RdHeaven> 
[06:21] <Terrsolpix> Ey
[06:26] <Terrsolpix> Ded
[06:26] <Terrsolpix> rip
[06:28] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[06:30] <Iamarepeater> Well
[06:30] <Iamarepeater> More life
[06:31] <Ballistic Planet> ehh
[06:31] <Ballistic Planet> I've had enough of life for today
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> especially after wha thappened earlier
[06:32] <Iamarepeater> ???
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> ?
[06:32] <RdHeaven> Ey
[06:32] <RdHeaven> I have a nice joke
[06:32] <RdHeaven> What do you call plantinum plants?
[06:32] <Ballistic Planet> ??
[06:32] <Iamarepeater> Ask when the chat is lively
[06:32] <RdHeaven> <span style="font-weight:bold;">PLANT</span>inum!
[06:37] <RdHeaven> ....?
[06:37] <RdHeaven> <span class="me-username">* <span>RdHeaven</span></span> smiles like Pinkie Pie
[06:37] <Iamarepeater>
[06:38] <RdHeaven> Omg guys
[06:38] <RdHeaven> I just noticed
[06:38] <Iamarepeater> ???
[06:38] <RdHeaven> The Sunflower design in PvZ:GW is based on the original loading screen of PvZ1
[06:45] <RdHeaven> (intensivecarrot) 
[07:10] <Iamarepeater> Is anyone here?
[06:38] <RdHeaven> I just noticed
[06:38] <Iamarepeater> ???
[06:38] <RdHeaven> The Sunflower design in PvZ:GW is based on the original loading screen of PvZ1
[06:45] <RdHeaven> (intensivecarrot) 
[07:10] <Iamarepeater> Is anyone here?
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> still ded
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> rip
[07:24] <Iamarepeater> Hive
[07:24] <Iamarepeater> test
[07:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Back
[07:24] <Iamarepeater> Chat is still dead
[07:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Yep
[07:25] <Iamarepeater> and
[07:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Don't feel like editing for now
[07:25] <Iamarepeater> Same actor portrayed Obama
[07:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[07:26] <Insert Your Name Here> CZ is leaving
[07:26] <Iamarepeater> Oh no
[07:26] <Iamarepeater> Then the raid boss thread...
[07:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[07:26] <Insert Your Name Here> I wonder who is her closest friend here
[07:27] <Iamarepeater> IDK
[07:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Leaving a trace for love to find a way...
[07:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Then we will find out who her friends are
[07:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Better tell LWB then
[07:29] <Iamarepeater> Who is this?
[07:29] <Iamarepeater>
[07:31] <Princess Kitty> hello?
[07:32] <Iamarepeater> Hive Pk
[07:32] <Insert Your Name Here> Wow you are early today
[07:32] <Insert Your Name Here> [[User blog:Crazyzombie168/Retiring from/Leaving the PvZ Wiki]]
[07:33] <Princess Kitty> What?
[07:33] <Iamarepeater> IYNH?
[07:33] <Insert Your Name Here> ?
[07:33] <Iamarepeater> This guy is who?
[07:33] <Insert Your Name Here> idc
[07:33] <Iamarepeater> WHAT!
[07:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Try Citron Bomb something
[07:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Citron Bomb Official, right
[07:34] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[07:34] <Iamarepeater> It is him
[07:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[07:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Now I wonder
[07:35] <Insert Your Name Here> What or who is the reason you guys continue to go to this wiki every day
[07:35] <Iamarepeater> The badge
[07:35] <Iamarepeater> of streak
[07:36] <Iamarepeater> @Pk: are you a creepypasta fan?
[07:36] <Insert Your Name Here> And pk?
[07:36] <Iamarepeater> Princess kitty
[07:36] <Princess Kitty> I just imagine them for Fun
[07:36] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[07:37] <Princess Kitty> So?
[07:37] <Insert Your Name Here> I just don't come here for power lol
[07:37] <Iamarepeater> You came here for fun?
[07:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Not just the usual fun
[07:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Because I don't participate in the usual forum game and silly chat often
[07:38] <Iamarepeater> If anyone asks what I'm doing right now, I'm currently registering for an
[07:39] <Iamarepeater> account
[07:39] <Princess Kitty> Really... I just curious about how the secrets can be deadly revealed just like Dead Bart and SquidWard's Suicide
[07:39] <Iamarepeater> Or pinkie pie creepypasta
[07:39] <Insert Your Name Here> I came here just to find my purpose in life
[07:40] <DatDramaPlant> My chat seems to be not loading properly.
[07:40] <DatDramaPlant> [c red]test
[07:41] <DatDramaPlant> [c="red]text
[07:41] <DatDramaPlant> Why do I keep making typos?
[07:41] <Princess Kitty> @Drek'TharSuperSword
[07:41] <Princess Kitty> Drek'TharSuperSword
[07:41] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="color:red;">text</span>
[07:41] <Princess Kitty> PM
[07:41] <DatDramaPlant> [c="red]test
[07:42] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="color:red;">text</span>
[07:42] <DatDramaPlant> Forget it.
[07:42] <Insert Your Name Here> What am I fighting for...
[07:43] <Iamarepeater> Got a bit confused over registeration
[07:43] <Iamarepeater> *registration
[07:44] <Insert Your Name Here> And unfortunately I don't chat that often with either of you
[07:46] <Mage General Chrysalis>
[07:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> HOLY MOTHER OF GOD
[07:46] <Iamarepeater>
[07:46] <Iamarepeater> Is this working?
[07:46] <Insert Your Name Here> wtf
[07:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's telling me to log in.
[07:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> Worse, it's real.
[07:47] <Iamarepeater> I need people to see my test account
[07:47] <Iamarepeater> first
[07:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> (Bigley's Revenge)
[07:47] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ah, I see, Iama.
[07:47] <Iamarepeater> how does it look like to public
[07:47] <Iamarepeater> Can you show me?
[07:47] <Iamarepeater> With a picture
[07:49] <Mage General Chrysalis>
[07:50] <Iamarepeater> Ah
[07:50] <Iamarepeater> I see my profile
[07:50] <Iamarepeater> Now I know how to set up my account
[07:50] <Iamarepeater> name and username
[07:56] <Iamarepeater>
[07:56] <Iamarepeater> Anyone wants to ask me questions?
[08:04] <Iamarepeater> test
[08:10] <DatDramaPlant> ded
[08:11] <Princess Kitty> GTG!
[08:12] <Princess Kitty> Bye!
[08:12] <Princess Kitty> O/
[08:12] <Iamarepeater> bive
[08:18] <Coolyoyo33> oh
[08:18] <Coolyoyo33> they changed the look of ask fm
[08:19] <Coolyoyo33> noice
[08:21] <Coolyoyo33> wait
[08:21] <Iamarepeater> ???
[08:21] <Coolyoyo33> why is the text japanese/chinese
[08:21] <Coolyoyo33> ?
[08:21] <Iamarepeater> Show me the pic
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33>
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33>
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33> weird
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33> also
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33> facebook, twitter and some other thing
[08:23] <Iamarepeater> Check other websites
[08:23] <Iamarepeater> Are they also affected?
[08:23] <Coolyoyo33> other websites aren't affected
[08:23] <Coolyoyo33> weird
[08:24] <Iamarepeater> Strange
[08:24] <Iamarepeater> My computer doesn't seem to have that problem
[08:24] <Coolyoyo33> For some reason, not the text but the buttons are japa/chinese
[08:25] <Iamarepeater> Try refreshing your computer
[08:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Time to march to class
[08:40] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">srsly repeater you ship not rfm x pk?</span>
[08:41] <Iamarepeater> Nope
[08:41] <Iamarepeater> I don't
[08:41] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[08:41] <Iamarepeater> hive
[08:42] <AWikiBoy521> Nice, ChatTags now have some instructions for custom use.
[08:42] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;">Well....</span>
[08:43] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;">Now, literally all fonts can be used like normal.</span>
[08:44] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size:7pt;">Thanks to the new syntax fix.</span></span>
[08:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;">Well, it's not like anyone is going to know about this news anyway.</span></span>
[08:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;">* imitates Pink. (oh) </span></span>
[08:46] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="font-family:Times New Roman;"> test </span>
[08:46] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="color:blue;">test</span>
[08:46] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;">[color="pink"]* Pinkbot234 hugs Chrysalis.</span>
[08:46] <AWikiBoy521> Oh, the "c" tag wasn't changed.
[08:46] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="color:pink;">* Pinkbot234 hugs Chrysalis.</span>
[08:46] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:pink;">* Pinkbot234 hugs Chrysalis.</span></span>
[08:46] <DatDramaPlant> Yes it was.
[08:47] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:pink;">* I am probably going to be keeled by her if I do this.</span></span>
[08:47] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="color:pink;">XD</span>
[08:48] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:pink;">I like imitating the source!</span></span>
[08:48] <Iamarepeater> [color="pink"]test[/color]
[08:48] <Iamarepeater> ???
[08:48] <AWikiBoy521> [c=[[]]"pink"]Use this.
[08:49] <Iamarepeater> <span style="color:pink;">test</span>
[08:49] <Iamarepeater> Ah
[08:49] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:#FF88D6;">So, do you like this imitate?</span></span>
[08:49] <Iamarepeater> My font looks different from yours
[08:50] <Iamarepeater> Can I see it?
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> [font="Comic[[]] Sans MS"]
[08:50] <Iamarepeater> Oh
[08:50] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:#FF88D6;">* Pinkbot234 does the usual gestures to Wintah.</span></span>
[08:51] <Iamarepeater> <span style="font-family:Blood Omen;"><span style="color:#7D0A8F;">test</span></span>
[08:51] <Iamarepeater> Let me do one step futher
[08:51] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="color:#9C9C9C;">* Wintah does them back.</span>
[08:51] <Coolyoyo33> back
[08:51] <Iamarepeater> [font size = "30"]test[/size]
[08:51] <Iamarepeater> ???
[08:52] <AWikiBoy521> Font size isn't a feature in ChatTags
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> "pinkbot"
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> gdi not working lma o emoticon
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> why
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> Why can't anyone just fix the lma-o emoticon tho
[08:53] <Iamarepeater> [font = "Monarcha"]<span style="color:#7D0A8F;">test</span>
[08:53] <Iamarepeater> ???
[08:54] <DatDramaPlant> You need to close.
[09:12] <Electric Plants> Bluestacks
[09:12] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm.....
[09:12] <Insert Your Name Here> Haven't used it for a while
[09:12] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[09:12] <Electric Plants> I am using it to play MD
[09:12] <Electric Plants> B. my tablet killed PvZ2
[09:12] <Electric Plants> ;( 
[09:12] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[09:12] <Electric Plants> brb
[09:13] <AWikiBoy521> Okay
[09:14] <Iamarepeater> [[User talk:I watch porn]]
[09:14] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:04B;"> kebab</span>
[09:14] <Coolyoyo33> damn it
[09:14] <Coolyoyo33> 04b doesn't work
[09:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Iceberg lettuce has no mouth so how does it talk
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> magic
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> darytyg
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> magic
[09:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> sand to how chomper sees with no eyes
[09:15] <Coolyoyo33> sand
[09:15] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *same
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> @Darytyg
[09:15] <AWikiBoy521> How about Fire Man from Mega Man 1?
[09:16] <Coolyoyo33> chomper shouldn't really be able to even notice a zombie
[09:16] <Coolyoyo33> BECAUSE
[09:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> crazy isn't it 
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Answer: Technology</span>
[09:16] <Coolyoyo33> he doesn't have ears, nose or eyes
[09:16] <Coolyoyo33> so he shouldn't notice them
[09:16] <Iamarepeater> I wonder if Drek is AFKing
[09:16] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> none of the plants really have ears
[09:16] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="font-size:7pt;"><span style="color:#FF88D6;">Pink, if you saw this message and other random I did, please don't keel me for testing them.</span></span></span>
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> [font:"04b03"] o
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:04b03;"> s</span>
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> damn it
[09:17] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> that means Awb shouldn't be talking as he is iceberg lettuce
[09:17] <Coolyoyo33> [font:"04b_30"] work
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:04b_30;"> w</span>
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> nope
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> 
[09:18] <EpicGamer23468> (ohai) 
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> 04b doesn't work
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> ello epic!
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> yesterday was apk mad house
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> it was just
[09:18] <Coolyoyo33> savage
[09:19] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> pvz no scientific logic but we like it still cause it is awesome
[09:19] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="font-family:04b_30;">test</span>
[09:19] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:Colleged;"> test</span>
[09:19] <EpicGamer23468> Mario = No logic
[09:19] <EpicGamer23468> test
[09:20] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:colleged;"> welp how does I make this permanent font</span>
[09:20] <Coolyoyo33> wait it doesn't have lowercase alphabets
[09:20] <Coolyoyo33> :'( 
[09:20] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:BrianneTod;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Yeah</span></span>
[09:20] <EpicGamer23468> Cool font
[09:21] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:Dimitri Swank;"> test</span>
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Cafeteria;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Thanks</span></span>
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Cafeteria;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">I like this font too.</span></span>
[09:21] <EpicGamer23468> O.O
[09:21] <Coolyoyo33> Epic, I didn't know if you were asking - cool, font>
[09:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Cafeteria;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Hmm?</span></span>
[09:21] <Coolyoyo33> *cool, font?
[09:21] <Coolyoyo33> or just saying cool font
[09:22] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Cafeteria;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Is there something wrong?</span></span>
[09:22] <EpicGamer23468> @Cool I was saying cool font
[09:22] <DatDramaPlant> What font is that?
[09:22] <Coolyoyo33> Fought knight looks good for a while
[09:22] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Cafeteria;"><span style="font-size:16pt;">Cafeteria, DDP</span></span>
[09:22] <Coolyoyo33> which font?
[09:23] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:minecraft;"> hilo</span>
[09:23] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:minecraft;"> welp this is better</span>
[09:23] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:23] <AWikiBoy521> 
[09:23] <AWikiBoy521>                              <span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="color:9C9C9C;">~ Oh really? ~</span></span>
[09:24] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:minecraft;"> yes rlly</span>
[09:24] <EpicGamer23468> rlly
[09:24] <EpicGamer23468> lol
[09:24] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> awb left
[09:27] <Iamarepeater> hive
[09:27] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="font-family:Cafeteria;">Hey, hey everybody...</span>
[09:27] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> hi
[09:28] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:28] <AWikiBoy521> 
[09:28] <AWikiBoy521>             <span style="font-weight:bold;"><span style="color:#9C9C9C;">~ Lily8763cp has been eaten by the zombies. ~</span></span>
[09:28] <DatDramaPlant> [[w:c:mlp:Equestria Girls (Cafeteria Song)|We've got something to say...]]
[09:28] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">DDP is a brony confirmed.</span>
[09:28] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:minecraft;"> this</span>
[09:28] <DatDramaPlant> Well duh.
[09:29] <AWikiBoy521> A brony keeled a brony.
[09:29] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I'm killing chat</span>
[09:29] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> life
[09:29] <AWikiBoy521> And then, a brony revived a brony.
[09:29] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Oh look, I'm starting to revive it again!</span>
[09:29] <Coolyoyo33> and then brony all over the world were eliminated
[09:29] <Coolyoyo33> *bronies
[09:29] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Then I still exist</span>
[09:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright time to draw dicks in class
[09:30] <Coolyoyo33> by a donald trump person who instead of immigrants hates bronies
[09:30] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:minecraft;"> Kden insert</span>
[09:30] <Coolyoyo33> how do I make this my permanent font tho
[09:30] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> why iynh
[09:30] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="background-color:black;"><span style="color:white;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Then, DDP gets keeled.</span></span></span>
[09:31] <Coolyoyo33> anyone can help with that?
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[09:31] <AWikiBoy521> Well, request an admin to do it for you.
[09:31] <Coolyoyo33> oh ok
[09:32] <Coolyoyo33> now where am I supposed to find an admin xD
[09:32] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">They're called talk pages.</span>
[09:33] <Coolyoyo33> <span style="font-family:something strange;"> test</span>
[09:33] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[09:33] <Coolyoyo33> perfect halloween font
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> Oh talk pages, I've never used one before
[09:34] <DatDramaPlant> [[User:A Graalian|M]][[User:BLACK OUT|a]][[User:CoffeeCupProductions|y]][[User:ShroomstagreamUser|b]]
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> lel
[09:34] <DatDramaPlant> I hit enter before I was done :P 
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> Shroomstagream user
[09:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> meh
[09:34] <Coolyoyo33> xD
[09:35] <AWikiBoy521> May-B
[09:35] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:35] <Coolyoyo33> Darytyg, do you still believe in chomper's supremacy
[09:35] <The Magic Star> tako
[09:35] <Coolyoyo33> How do use word bubbles again
[09:35] <Coolyoyo33> xD
[09:36] <DatDramaPlant> {{Wordbubble/XXX|text=...}}
[09:36] <Coolyoyo33> oh ok
[09:36] <AWikiBoy521> @Coolyoyo
[09:36] <AWikiBoy521> {{Template:Wordbubble/Coolyoyo33|text= Well, now I know how to make them.}}
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> Which are the three worst premiums in y'all's opinion?
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> gemiums count.
[09:39] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[09:40] <Coolyoyo33> Imitated Moonflower is a sun producing god
[09:40] <Iamarepeater>
[09:40] <Iamarepeater> This guy
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> MD day 1 passed 
[09:42] <Coolyoyo33> with prems
[09:42] <Coolyoyo33> it's too easy
[09:43] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well duh, you have prems.</span>
[09:43] <Coolyoyo33> My combo wombo(may change one plant to hurrikale)
[09:44] <The Magic Star> tako
[09:45] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:45] <Coolyoyo33> with imitater, you can get 4 moonflowers before 1 of them produces sun so then all of them give 100 sun
[09:45] <Coolyoyo33> = success
[09:46] <Coolyoyo33> It's pretty much a half priced twin sunflower at that point with way faster recharge :P 
[09:48] <The Magic Star> Shadow-shroom is my goal
[09:48] <DatDramaPlant> Isn't the recharge the same?
[09:48] <Coolyoyo33> no
[09:48] <Coolyoyo33> 10 seconds for Moonflower
[09:48] <Coolyoyo33> 12.5 for twin sun
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> shadow shroom is useless, believe me @magic star
[09:38] <Coolyoyo33> gemiums count.
[09:39] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[09:40] <Coolyoyo33> Imitated Moonflower is a sun producing god
[09:40] <Iamarepeater>
[09:40] <Iamarepeater> This guy
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> MD day 1 passed 
[09:42] <Coolyoyo33> with prems
[09:42] <Coolyoyo33> it's too easy
[09:43] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Well duh, you have prems.</span>
[09:43] <Coolyoyo33> My combo wombo(may change one plant to hurrikale)
[09:44] <The Magic Star> tako
[09:45] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[09:45] <Coolyoyo33> with imitater, you can get 4 moonflowers before 1 of them produces sun so then all of them give 100 sun
[09:45] <Coolyoyo33> = success
[09:46] <Coolyoyo33> It's pretty much a half priced twin sunflower at that point with way faster recharge :P 
[09:48] <The Magic Star> Shadow-shroom is my goal
[09:48] <DatDramaPlant> Isn't the recharge the same?
[09:48] <Coolyoyo33> no
[09:48] <Coolyoyo33> 10 seconds for Moonflower
[09:48] <Coolyoyo33> 12.5 for twin sun
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> shadow shroom is useless, believe me @magic star
[09:49] <DatDramaPlant> I think I'll like it.
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> Nightshade is useful WHEN you're playing a non premium run
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> which I finished yesterday
[09:49] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I would think that ShSh is better.</span>
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> nah
[09:50] <Coolyoyo33> an eatable instant isn't very useful
[09:50] <Coolyoyo33> I only used him in the levels he was locked in :[[]]P
[09:51] <Coolyoyo33> shrinking violet in imp infested levels = success
[09:51] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Day 4</span>
[09:51] <Citron Bomb Official> what if you can shrink shrunk zombies
[09:53] <DatDramaPlant> The "Welcome to the Plants vs. zombies wiki" uses the old icon.
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> finished day 4
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> Cold snapdragon + imitated Moonflower + SV = success
[09:49] <DatDramaPlant> I think I'll like it.
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> Nightshade is useful WHEN you're playing a non premium run
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> which I finished yesterday
[09:49] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I would think that ShSh is better.</span>
[09:49] <Coolyoyo33> nah
[09:50] <Coolyoyo33> an eatable instant isn't very useful
[09:50] <Coolyoyo33> I only used him in the levels he was locked in :[[]]P
[09:51] <Coolyoyo33> shrinking violet in imp infested levels = success
[09:51] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Day 4</span>
[09:51] <Citron Bomb Official> what if you can shrink shrunk zombies
[09:53] <DatDramaPlant> The "Welcome to the Plants vs. zombies wiki" uses the old icon.
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> finished day 4
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> Cold snapdragon + imitated Moonflower + SV = success
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> Nightshade locked in
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> pfft
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> like I'd use him
[09:57] <Coolyoyo33> wb drek
[09:57] <Coolyoyo33> ello xeno
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> Nightshade locked in
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> pfft
[09:55] <Coolyoyo33> like I'd use him
[09:57] <Coolyoyo33> wb drek
[09:57] <Coolyoyo33> ello xeno
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> WTf
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> the backgrounds for the plants
[10:01] <The Magic Star> I promise to never use powerups and boosts in Modern Day
[10:01] <The Magic Star> no matter what
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> they're messed up O.o
[10:02] <Citron Bomb Official> ?
[10:02] <The Magic Star> what???!
[10:02] <Citron Bomb Official> whats messed up
[10:02] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:03] <The Magic Star> Oh, that's a glitch
[10:03] <The Magic Star> I experienced that
[10:04] <The Magic Star> The world background will change too
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> WTf
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> the backgrounds for the plants
[10:01] <The Magic Star> I promise to never use powerups and boosts in Modern Day
[10:01] <The Magic Star> no matter what
[10:01] <Coolyoyo33> they're messed up O.o
[10:02] <Citron Bomb Official> ?
[10:02] <The Magic Star> what???!
[10:02] <Citron Bomb Official> whats messed up
[10:02] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:03] <The Magic Star> Oh, that's a glitch
[10:03] <The Magic Star> I experienced that
[10:04] <The Magic Star> The world background will change too
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> welp
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> till now
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> aka till level 6
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> the levels are uber easy
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> with prems
[10:07] <Citron Bomb Official> MD is 1 pepper difficulty
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> I only had a little problem with day 6
[10:07] <Citron Bomb Official> use the 2 newest premiums
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> Cause the zombies died TOO fast
[10:08] <Coolyoyo33> so I couldn't produce 5000 sun in the time
[10:08] <Coolyoyo33> so I just stalled a newspaper zombie
[10:08] <Coolyoyo33> and genereated the rest of the sun
[10:08] <Citron Bomb Official> don't destroy the tents quickly
[10:08] <Citron Bomb Official> let the porters set up tents
[10:08] <Coolyoyo33> that's what I did on my non prem playthrough
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> welp
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> till now
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> aka till level 6
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> the levels are uber easy
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> with prems
[10:07] <Citron Bomb Official> MD is 1 pepper difficulty
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> I only had a little problem with day 6
[10:07] <Citron Bomb Official> use the 2 newest premiums
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> Cause the zombies died TOO fast
[10:08] <Coolyoyo33> so I couldn't produce 5000 sun in the time
[10:08] <Coolyoyo33> so I just stalled a newspaper zombie
[10:08] <Coolyoyo33> and genereated the rest of the sun
[10:08] <Citron Bomb Official> don't destroy the tents quickly
[10:08] <Citron Bomb Official> let the porters set up tents
[10:08] <Coolyoyo33> that's what I did on my non prem playthrough
[10:11] <Citron Bomb Official> Pleat
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> day 9 thyme
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> I'm skipping all chosen plants days cause I alredy did them and they'd be the same
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> welp that means day 9 skipped too
[10:13] <The Magic Star> what are those
[10:14] <Citron Bomb Official> what "those"?
[10:11] <Citron Bomb Official> Pleat
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> day 9 thyme
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> I'm skipping all chosen plants days cause I alredy did them and they'd be the same
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> welp that means day 9 skipped too
[10:13] <Citron Bomb Official> what's the worst things that could happen in (high) school
[10:13] <Citron Bomb Official> dangit I pressed chrome
[10:13] <The Magic Star> what are those
[10:14] <Citron Bomb Official> what "those"?
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> day 10 compete
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> *complete
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> omg
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> with prems
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> it's not even as hard as NMT
[10:16] <Citron Bomb Official> *bwb
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> no I mean't NMT
[10:16] <Citron Bomb Official> really it isn't hard as bwb
[10:17] <Coolyoyo33> Ik that
[10:17] <Coolyoyo33> it's way easier than bwb
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> day 10 compete
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> *complete
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> omg
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> with prems
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> it's not even as hard as NMT
[10:16] <Citron Bomb Official> *bwb
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> no I mean't NMT
[10:16] <Citron Bomb Official> really it isn't hard as bwb
[10:17] <Coolyoyo33> Ik that
[10:17] <Coolyoyo33> it's way easier than bwb
[10:19] <WintahMhelon18> Ok, who has soft release?
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33> me
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33> I'm playin it rn lol
[10:20] <Magicwaterz> :( 
[10:20] <Magicwaterz> Not me
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33> also
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:20] <WintahMhelon18> Link pls
[10:20] <Magicwaterz> Don't have phoney
[10:21] <Coolyoyo33> Winter + CSD = What is losing?
[10:24] <WintahMhelon18> Test
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33> me
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33> I'm playin it rn lol
[10:20] <Magicwaterz> :( 
[10:20] <Magicwaterz> Not me
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33> also
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:20] <WintahMhelon18> Link pls
[10:20] <Magicwaterz> Don't have phoney
[10:21] <Coolyoyo33> Winter + CSD = What is losing?
[10:24] <WintahMhelon18> Test
[10:25] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[10:25] <Coolyoyo33> I only lost 3 out of 10 plants (all of which were instants) in level 12 with premiums
[10:25] <Coolyoyo33> too easy
[10:26] <Coolyoyo33> cold snapdragon is just 
[10:26] <Coolyoyo33> TOO GOOD
[10:26] <Coolyoyo33> There are fun levels
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> then there's "Use nightshade alone to defeat balloon zombies" levels
[10:25] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[10:25] <Coolyoyo33> I only lost 3 out of 10 plants (all of which were instants) in level 12 with premiums
[10:25] <Coolyoyo33> too easy
[10:26] <Coolyoyo33> TOO GOOD
[10:26] <Coolyoyo33> There are fun levels
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> then there's "Use nightshade alone to defeat balloon zombies" levels
[10:31] <Coolyoyo33> well finished my premium playthrough of MD
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> I came back after lunch.
[10:31] <Coolyoyo33> wb 
[10:31] <Coolyoyo33> to thy dead chat
[10:31] <Eugoth> back
[10:32] <Coolyoyo33> hilo eugoth
[10:32] <Eugoth> nightshade is gud
[10:32] <Eugoth> not 100% but useful
[10:32] <Coolyoyo33> *good for people who don't use premiums like cold snapdragon and imitater
[10:32] <AWikiBoy521> Just swapped browsers.
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> My non prem playthrough - Omg this world is hard! tho not as hard as bwb.
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> My prem playthroough - This deserves 2 jalapenos
[10:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh funny.
[10:33] <Eugoth> Am i the only that noticed that sometimes moonflower produces sun right after planted?
[10:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Not sure
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> Yes @eugoth
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> Imitated Moonflower is beast, better than ANY, ANY other sun producer
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> her only con is her PF
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> but I can overlook that
[10:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What about primal sunflower?
[10:31] <Coolyoyo33> well finished my premium playthrough of MD
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:31] <AWikiBoy521> I came back after lunch.
[10:31] <Coolyoyo33> wb 
[10:31] <Coolyoyo33> to thy dead chat
[10:31] <Eugoth> back
[10:32] <Coolyoyo33> hilo eugoth
[10:32] <Eugoth> nightshade is gud
[10:32] <Eugoth> not 100% but useful
[10:32] <Coolyoyo33> *good for people who don't use premiums like cold snapdragon and imitater
[10:32] <AWikiBoy521> Just swapped browsers.
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> My non prem playthrough - Omg this world is hard! tho not as hard as bwb.
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> My prem playthroough - This deserves 2 jalapenos
[10:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Oh funny.
[10:33] <Eugoth> Am i the only that noticed that sometimes moonflower produces sun right after planted?
[10:33] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Not sure
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> Yes @eugoth
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> Imitated Moonflower is beast, better than ANY, ANY other sun producer
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> her only con is her PF
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> but I can overlook that
[10:34] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What about primal sunflower?
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> Primal sunflower can't compare
[10:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Even the original sunflower?
[10:35] <Coolyoyo33> a 50 sun cost sun producer who produces 100 sun versus a 75 sun cost sun producer who produces 75 sun
[10:35] <Coolyoyo33> tell me which is better @darytyg
[10:35] <Eugoth> AND can boost other plants
[10:35] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[10:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Impressive.
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> Moonflower + Imitater is amazingly good
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> Because you can get 4 moonflowers by the time all of them produce sun like twin sunflowers
[10:36] <Eugoth> i used a shadowshroom in pirate seas
[10:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What a about singular moonflower on its own?
[10:36] <Eugoth> and then used hurrikale
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> for 125% lesser sun cost
[10:36] <Eugoth> lmfao i cleaned a whole row
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> nice joke @darytyg
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> who uses that crap
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> It's horrible
[10:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Obviously nobody.
[10:37] <Eugoth> Moonflowers by their own gives 25 sun
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> Who wants a 50 sun plant that gives 25 sun????
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> just no
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> Moonflower is only a problem because it's not that good without imitater
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> It is good
[10:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I prefer the 25 cost plant sun shroom that gives 25 sun then increases its output to that
[10:38] <Coolyoyo33> but the recharge
[10:38] <Coolyoyo33> On my first playthrough (no premiums), I HAD to use moonflower + nightshade to boost moonflower's sun production
[10:38] <Eugoth> Moonflower => Primal sunflower > sunshroom > twin sunflower > Sunflower
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> Primal sunflower can't compare
[10:35] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Even the original sunflower?
[10:35] <Coolyoyo33> a 50 sun cost sun producer who produces 100 sun versus a 75 sun cost sun producer who produces 75 sun
[10:35] <Coolyoyo33> tell me which is better @darytyg
[10:35] <Eugoth> AND can boost other plants
[10:35] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[10:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Impressive.
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> Moonflower + Imitater is amazingly good
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> Because you can get 4 moonflowers by the time all of them produce sun like twin sunflowers
[10:36] <Eugoth> i used a shadowshroom in pirate seas
[10:36] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> What a about singular moonflower on its own?
[10:36] <Eugoth> and then used hurrikale
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> for 125% lesser sun cost
[10:36] <Eugoth> lmfao i cleaned a whole row
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> nice joke @darytyg
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> who uses that crap
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> It's horrible
[10:37] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Obviously nobody.
[10:37] <Eugoth> Moonflowers by their own gives 25 sun
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> Who wants a 50 sun plant that gives 25 sun????
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> just no
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> Moonflower is only a problem because it's not that good without imitater
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> It is good
[10:38] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I prefer the 25 cost plant sun shroom that gives 25 sun then increases its output to that
[10:38] <Coolyoyo33> but the recharge
[10:38] <Coolyoyo33> On my first playthrough (no premiums), I HAD to use moonflower + nightshade to boost moonflower's sun production
[10:38] <Eugoth> Moonflower => Primal sunflower > sunshroom > twin sunflower > Sunflower
[10:39] <Eugoth> the => Means equal or bigger
[10:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Now here is a competition if you could choose between snapdragon toadstool colds speargun 
[10:39] <Coolyoyo33> PLANTERN CUNFURMED
[10:39] <Eugoth> it has arms now
[10:39] <Coolyoyo33> cold speargun?
[10:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *snapdragon toadstool and chomper who would you pick
[10:40] <Eugoth> toadstool
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> Toadstool
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> Chomper I'd use excavator to throw him off screen
[10:40] <Eugoth> I can literally finish a level with only toadstool
[10:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> everyone would choose toadstool obviously and who wouldn't you pick 
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> same
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> I already said who I wouldn't pick lol @darytyg
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> I AM SOOOO excited for part 2
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> cause ENDLESS ZONE OF MD
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> which is better
[10:41] <Eugoth> I'm going to make a test
[10:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Chomper and toadstool both cost but why would you buy chomper if you have stoadstool
[10:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *toadstool
[10:41] <Eugoth> how fast a newspaper can eat?
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> Peashooter, Cold Snapdragon or Cob Cannon
[10:41] <Lolwutburger> hoyo poyo
[10:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> ping lwb
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> 4 bites per secoond @eugoth
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> i'm pretty sure newspapers can't eat
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> *8 bites
[10:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> i like cob cannon but eh
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> it's the zombie that does
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> (peashooter) is obviously op
[10:42] <Eugoth> Now
[10:42] <Eugoth> If it's shrunk AND slowed
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> 8 bites per second, what is wrong with that thing
[10:42] <Eugoth> it will do 2 dmg per second
[10:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Peashooter is unique 
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> Shrunken zombies bite the same as normal
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> sad to say
[10:43] <Eugoth> But
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> nope
[10:43] <Eugoth> Will it blend?
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> ffs xD
[10:43] <Eugoth> Actually they do half the damage
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> Let me try that out again
[10:43] <Eugoth> I tested
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> Shh
[10:43] <Lolwutburger> testybalesty
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> let me
[10:43] <Eugoth> I shrunk a pianist and slowed him down
[10:43] <Lolwutburger> test
[10:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB has his sound on :p 
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> Pianist is difront
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> normal zombie bites
[10:44] <Eugoth> other zombies too
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> are difront
[10:44] <Eugoth> it takes 16 minutes for other zombies
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> I'ma try in ancient egypt
[10:39] <Eugoth> the => Means equal or bigger
[10:39] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Now here is a competition if you could choose between snapdragon toadstool colds speargun 
[10:39] <Coolyoyo33> PLANTERN CUNFURMED
[10:39] <Eugoth> it has arms now
[10:39] <Coolyoyo33> cold speargun?
[10:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *snapdragon toadstool and chomper who would you pick
[10:40] <Eugoth> toadstool
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> Toadstool
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> Chomper I'd use excavator to throw him off screen
[10:40] <Eugoth> I can literally finish a level with only toadstool
[10:40] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> everyone would choose toadstool obviously and who wouldn't you pick 
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> same
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> I already said who I wouldn't pick lol @darytyg
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> I AM SOOOO excited for part 2
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> cause ENDLESS ZONE OF MD
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> which is better
[10:41] <Eugoth> I'm going to make a test
[10:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Chomper and toadstool both cost but why would you buy chomper if you have stoadstool
[10:41] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> *toadstool
[10:41] <Eugoth> how fast a newspaper can eat?
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> Peashooter, Cold Snapdragon or Cob Cannon
[10:41] <Lolwutburger> hoyo poyo
[10:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> ping lwb
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> 4 bites per secoond @eugoth
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> i'm pretty sure newspapers can't eat
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> *8 bites
[10:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> i like cob cannon but eh
[10:42] <Lolwutburger> it's the zombie that does
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> (peashooter) is obviously op
[10:42] <Eugoth> Now
[10:42] <Eugoth> If it's shrunk AND slowed
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> 8 bites per second, what is wrong with that thing
[10:42] <Eugoth> it will do 2 dmg per second
[10:42] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Peashooter is unique 
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> Shrunken zombies bite the same as normal
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> sad to say
[10:43] <Eugoth> But
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> nope
[10:43] <Eugoth> Will it blend?
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> ffs xD
[10:43] <Eugoth> Actually they do half the damage
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> Let me try that out again
[10:43] <Eugoth> I tested
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> Shh
[10:43] <Lolwutburger> testybalesty
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> let me
[10:43] <Eugoth> I shrunk a pianist and slowed him down
[10:43] <Lolwutburger> test
[10:43] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> LWB has his sound on :p 
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> Pianist is difront
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> normal zombie bites
[10:44] <Eugoth> other zombies too
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> are difront
[10:44] <Eugoth> it takes 16 minutes for other zombies
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> I'ma try in ancient egypt
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> Plants for level 1 ancient egypt
[10:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The boxer plant bonk chow
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> peashooter
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> moonflower
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> SV
[10:44] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Weird
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> Time to win this!!!!!!
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> if this doesn't appear for me I quit
[10:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi iceberg lettuce 
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> Oh, it did
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> I guess I can speak now
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> In some cases zombie hit by blooming heart becomes immortal
[10:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ping Lwb 
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> They simply can't be killed at all
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:BrianneTod;"><span style="background-color:#7200a0;"><span style="color:white;">Supback</span></span></span>
[10:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :p 
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> only after I upload this little thing I finishe last night to da youtubez
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> (lel mine's bigger)
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="background-color:black;"><span style="color:white;">Okay</span></span>
[10:45] <Eugoth> Nightshade is good by it's own
[10:46] <Eugoth> i mean
[10:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> None are original as Awb stole them lol
[10:46] <Eugoth> 30 damage
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I felt like doing this.</span>
[10:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> then Lwb became leslie
[10:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :p 
[10:46] <Lolwutburger> Technically mine was from an old chat I used to go to but with the Crazy Dave font here
[10:46] <Lolwutburger> Like
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> wel you're right @eugothboth
[10:46] <Lolwutburger> I used to have my text highlighted with purple
[10:47] <Lolwutburger> (also said chat ISN'T for once)
[10:47] <Coolyoyo33> about SV 
[10:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Was the old chat South Park chat 
[10:47] <Eugoth> ikr
[10:47] <Eugoth> Shrinking violet is like a passive cherry bomb
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> OK add "piss poor PF" to moonflower's weakness
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> It has a horrible pf
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> and it's still the best sun producer 
[10:48] <Eugoth> It can make a shield
[10:48] <Eugoth> I want to test shield's health
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> When did AE become so hard
[10:48] <Insert Your Name Here> It's not the best sun producer
[10:48] <Insert Your Name Here> PF is really important in endless
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> Well, when imitated it is
[10:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Toadstool could even be a sun producer as she spits sun out
[10:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> After she eats zombies 
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> Plants for level 1 ancient egypt
[10:44] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> The boxer plant bonk chow
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> peashooter
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> moonflower
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> SV
[10:44] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Weird
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> Time to win this!!!!!!
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> if this doesn't appear for me I quit
[10:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Hi iceberg lettuce 
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> Oh, it did
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> I guess I can speak now
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> In some cases zombie hit by blooming heart becomes immortal
[10:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ping Lwb 
[10:45] <Insert Your Name Here> They simply can't be killed at all
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:BrianneTod;"><span style="background-color:#7200a0;"><span style="color:white;">Supback</span></span></span>
[10:45] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :p 
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> only after I upload this little thing I finishe last night to da youtubez
[10:45] <Lolwutburger> (lel mine's bigger)
[10:45] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="background-color:black;"><span style="color:white;">Okay</span></span>
[10:45] <Eugoth> Nightshade is good by it's own
[10:46] <Eugoth> i mean
[10:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> None are original as Awb stole them lol
[10:46] <Eugoth> 30 damage
[10:46] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">I felt like doing this.</span>
[10:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> then Lwb became leslie
[10:46] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> :p 
[10:46] <Lolwutburger> Technically mine was from an old chat I used to go to but with the Crazy Dave font here
[10:46] <Lolwutburger> Like
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> wel you're right @eugothboth
[10:46] <Lolwutburger> I used to have my text highlighted with purple
[10:47] <Lolwutburger> (also said chat ISN'T for once)
[10:47] <Coolyoyo33> about SV 
[10:47] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Was the old chat South Park chat 
[10:47] <Eugoth> ikr
[10:47] <Eugoth> Shrinking violet is like a passive cherry bomb
[10:47] <Insert Your Name Here> OK add "piss poor PF" to moonflower's weakness
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> It has a horrible pf
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> and it's still the best sun producer 
[10:48] <Eugoth> It can make a shield
[10:48] <Eugoth> I want to test shield's health
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> When did AE become so hard
[10:48] <Insert Your Name Here> It's not the best sun producer
[10:48] <Insert Your Name Here> PF is really important in endless
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> Well, when imitated it is
[10:48] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Toadstool could even be a sun producer as she spits sun out
[10:49] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> After she eats zombies 
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> I don't even use my PF's on sun producers so It doesn't matter to me m8 @Iynh
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Because I usually chain like 4 sun shroom to a PF
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> so that doesn't apply to meh
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> It gives thousands of sun before the second zombie walks in
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[10:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know cool is a major toadstool fan
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a powerful strategy
[10:50] <Coolyoyo33> I don't use any of my plant food unless I'm in VERY horrible situations or when I get excess of them
[10:50] <Coolyoyo33> AE deserves 5 jalapenos!!
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> You get sun early, and about 4 power tiles to destroy everything with melonfall as time progresses
[10:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> C
[10:50] <Coolyoyo33> I like toadstool
[10:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> bloomerang saved me on ae a lot
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> but hell no I ain't no major fan
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> I did a second playthrough of the game
[10:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> well I'm still on AE
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> I first went to JM and got the JM plants and then came to AE and continued
[10:51] <Eugoth> (newspaper2) = Zombie lawnmower
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> cause I got bored of the same order
[10:51] <Eugoth> (shrinking violet)
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> now instead of continuing AE i'ma go to MD
[10:52] <Lolwutburger> Welp
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> hell with order
[10:52] <Eugoth> btw, you CAN unlock modern day after beating ancient egypt
[10:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Order of chomper anialating everone
[10:52] <Lolwutburger> I just had the greatest title for a time travel show ever
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> I already unlocked it as my third world
[10:52] <Lolwutburger> "Clock Blocked"
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> anialating?
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> annihilating 
[10:53] <Insert Your Name Here> I almost always use given PF on sun
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> I do that too when it's excess
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> but I don't NEED to do that
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> so it's fine by me
[10:53] <Insert Your Name Here> Logic: Better offensive plant = no emergency case when you need to kill stuff rapidly
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> I'm not PF dependant
[10:54] <Eugoth> Most of times i don't use plant food
[10:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He does cool sometimes
[10:54] <Eugoth> It's a challenge
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Besides sun invested in offensive plant stays there
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> PF melon is going to give you like a few seconds of relief before the wave comes
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> PF is just an extra boost
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> I don't even use my PF's on sun producers so It doesn't matter to me m8 @Iynh
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Because I usually chain like 4 sun shroom to a PF
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> so that doesn't apply to meh
[10:49] <Insert Your Name Here> It gives thousands of sun before the second zombie walks in
[10:49] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[10:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I know cool is a major toadstool fan
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a powerful strategy
[10:50] <Coolyoyo33> I don't use any of my plant food unless I'm in VERY horrible situations or when I get excess of them
[10:50] <Coolyoyo33> AE deserves 5 jalapenos!!
[10:50] <Insert Your Name Here> You get sun early, and about 4 power tiles to destroy everything with melonfall as time progresses
[10:50] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> C
[10:50] <Coolyoyo33> I like toadstool
[10:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> bloomerang saved me on ae a lot
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> but hell no I ain't no major fan
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> I did a second playthrough of the game
[10:51] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Ok
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> well I'm still on AE
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> I first went to JM and got the JM plants and then came to AE and continued
[10:51] <Eugoth> (newspaper2) = Zombie lawnmower
[10:51] <Coolyoyo33> cause I got bored of the same order
[10:51] <Eugoth> (shrinking violet)
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> now instead of continuing AE i'ma go to MD
[10:52] <Lolwutburger> Welp
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> hell with order
[10:52] <Eugoth> btw, you CAN unlock modern day after beating ancient egypt
[10:52] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Order of chomper anialating everone
[10:52] <Lolwutburger> I just had the greatest title for a time travel show ever
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> I already unlocked it as my third world
[10:52] <Lolwutburger> "Clock Blocked"
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> anialating?
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> annihilating 
[10:53] <Insert Your Name Here> I almost always use given PF on sun
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> I do that too when it's excess
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> but I don't NEED to do that
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> so it's fine by me
[10:53] <Insert Your Name Here> Logic: Better offensive plant = no emergency case when you need to kill stuff rapidly
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> I'm not PF dependant
[10:54] <Eugoth> Most of times i don't use plant food
[10:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> He does cool sometimes
[10:54] <Eugoth> It's a challenge
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Besides sun invested in offensive plant stays there
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> PF melon is going to give you like a few seconds of relief before the wave comes
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> PF is just an extra boost
[10:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Many peopl don't see chomps power though
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> because he has none
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> @darytyg
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> :P 
[10:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Lol
[10:55] <Eugoth> Savage
[10:55] <Insert Your Name Here> PF is a nice mechanic though
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> But since I suck at deciding when to plant a tile turnip and where and hate using power lilies
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> I'
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> m
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> out of that boat
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Then train on it :p 
[10:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am not a major fan of chomper shockingly enough but I 
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> I'd rather use a plane :P 
[10:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> like him
[10:56] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nah</span>
[10:56] <Eugoth> o/ 
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Just try
[10:56] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Agent Pea
[10:56] <Secretpea007> Hi
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> It will really help
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> Hmm
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> I guess I'll try it out sometimes
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> *sometime
[10:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Snapdragon and pea pod are cool
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> but rn I just can't base my strategies around PF
[10:57] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> it feels too risky
[10:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[10:57] <Higehigebomber> As boring as it may sound, Pirate Seas is a decent place to train yourself on Tile Turnip+Power Lily strategy.
[10:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Try finish lvl 100 tiki with garg, no blover spring bean
[10:57] <Higehigebomber> Since the endless is dirt easy, may as well start somewhere.
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm back after "reviewing"
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> I know the lessons already.
[10:58] <Higehigebomber> Welcome back. o/ 
[10:58] <Eugoth> o/ 
[10:58] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a war
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I love how our History exams gives 20 points just for memorizing the school Vision and Mission.
[10:58] <Higehigebomber> I'm back from being frustrated by GW, since the same four people were in a Skype call I assume. They had eyes on the back of their heads.
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> I was able to memorize those in a few minutes.
[10:58] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:Kek.png]]
[10:58] <Wynaut821> Hai
[10:54] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Many peopl don't see chomps power though
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> because he has none
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> @darytyg
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> :P 
[10:55] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Lol
[10:55] <Eugoth> Savage
[10:55] <Insert Your Name Here> PF is a nice mechanic though
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> But since I suck at deciding when to plant a tile turnip and where and hate using power lilies
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> I'
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> m
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> out of that boat
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Then train on it :p 
[10:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> I am not a major fan of chomper shockingly enough but I 
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> I'd rather use a plane :P 
[10:56] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> like him
[10:56] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nah</span>
[10:56] <Eugoth> o/ 
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Just try
[10:56] <AWikiBoy521> Supback, Agent Pea
[10:56] <Secretpea007> Hi
[10:56] <Insert Your Name Here> It will really help
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> Hmm
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> I guess I'll try it out sometimes
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> *sometime
[10:57] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Snapdragon and pea pod are cool
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> but rn I just can't base my strategies around PF
[10:57] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> it feels too risky
[10:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[10:57] <Higehigebomber> As boring as it may sound, Pirate Seas is a decent place to train yourself on Tile Turnip+Power Lily strategy.
[10:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Try finish lvl 100 tiki with garg, no blover spring bean
[10:57] <Higehigebomber> Since the endless is dirt easy, may as well start somewhere.
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm back after "reviewing"
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> I know the lessons already.
[10:58] <Higehigebomber> Welcome back. o/ 
[10:58] <Eugoth> o/ 
[10:58] <Insert Your Name Here> It's a war
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I love how our History exams gives 20 points just for memorizing the school Vision and Mission.
[10:58] <Higehigebomber> I'm back from being frustrated by GW, since the same four people were in a Skype call I assume. They had eyes on the back of their heads.
[10:58] <Mage General Chrysalis> I was able to memorize those in a few minutes.
[10:58] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:Kek.png]]
[10:58] <Wynaut821> Hai
[10:59] <Insert Your Name Here> I have no regret
[10:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Chomper will rule da world
[10:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> And the Math teacher added the Vision as a bonus question to the test for an additional five points.
[10:59] <Lolwutburger> Clock Blocked should be the title when you defeat Modern Day Zomboss
[10:59] <Lolwutburger> heheheheh
[11:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> As if the lessons were to understand enough.
[11:00] <Wynaut821> for those who missed the news:
[11:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> But Crazy Dave can't even block himself to get the freaking Taco.
[11:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> Even if time says so.
[11:00] <Wynaut821> thats ridiculous 
[11:01] <DatDramaPlant> XD
[11:01] <Wynaut821> ruining time and space for food
[11:01] <Wynaut821> than again
[11:01] <Wynaut821> i would do the same for pizza
[11:01] <Higehigebomber> I'd do it too if the taco was good enough.
[11:01] <Wynaut821> or if it was one of a kind
[11:02] <Wynaut821> which is the magic taco
[11:02] <The Magic Star> I have one
[11:02] <The Magic Star> tako
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> The taco probably had drugs on it.
[11:02] <The Magic Star> another one is in my userpage
[11:02] <The Magic Star> am I the only one creeped out with pupil-less shadow plants
[11:03] <The Magic Star> and basically every shadow plant is looking at me
[11:03] <Lolwutburger> I just noticed
[11:03] <Wynaut821> there must be something in that "mist"
[11:03] <Lolwutburger> Shrinking Violet's face is a yellow Locoroco
[11:04] <Wynaut821> popcap should just give us the dev dairy,we already know whats in it 
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright shadow plant overview
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Strength:
[11:04] <Wynaut821> i have a theory
[11:04] <DatDramaPlant> @Wynaut Dairy? :P 
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Cheap and as powerful as twinflower
[10:59] <Insert Your Name Here> I have no regret
[10:59] <Darytyg The Furry Darryn> Chomper will rule da world
[10:59] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[10:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> And the Math teacher added the Vision as a bonus question to the test for an additional five points.
[10:59] <Lolwutburger> Clock Blocked should be the title when you defeat Modern Day Zomboss
[10:59] <Lolwutburger> heheheheh
[11:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> As if the lessons were to understand enough.
[11:00] <Wynaut821> for those who missed the news:
[11:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> But Crazy Dave can't even block himself to get the freaking Taco.
[11:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> Even if time says so.
[11:00] <Wynaut821> thats ridiculous 
[11:01] <DatDramaPlant> XD
[11:01] <Wynaut821> ruining time and space for food
[11:01] <Wynaut821> than again
[11:01] <Wynaut821> i would do the same for pizza
[11:01] <Higehigebomber> I'd do it too if the taco was good enough.
[11:01] <Wynaut821> or if it was one of a kind
[11:02] <Wynaut821> which is the magic taco
[11:02] <The Magic Star> I have one
[11:02] <The Magic Star> tako
[11:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> The taco probably had drugs on it.
[11:02] <The Magic Star> another one is in my userpage
[11:02] <The Magic Star> am I the only one creeped out with pupil-less shadow plants
[11:03] <The Magic Star> and basically every shadow plant is looking at me
[11:03] <Lolwutburger> I just noticed
[11:03] <Wynaut821> there must be something in that "mist"
[11:03] <Lolwutburger> Shrinking Violet's face is a yellow Locoroco
[11:04] <Wynaut821> popcap should just give us the dev dairy,we already know whats in it 
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright shadow plant overview
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Strength:
[11:04] <Wynaut821> i have a theory
[11:04] <DatDramaPlant> @Wynaut Dairy? :P 
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Cheap and as powerful as twinflower
[11:04] <Wynaut821> eh
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Weakness
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Poor PF
[11:04] <DatDramaPlant> Mediocre recharge
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Required to be plant in columns
[11:05] <Wynaut821> what if MD part 2 comes out may 5?
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Therefore not very flexible
[11:05] <Higehigebomber> Makes sense. For 100 Sun, you have a Twin-Sunflower worth in production. If you spend 200, you now have four Twin Sunflowers.
[11:05] <DatDramaPlant> You don't have to plant it in columns.
[11:05] <DatDramaPlant> You can plant it in a 9x9 area.
[11:05] <DatDramaPlant> *33
[11:05] <DatDramaPlant> **3x3
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Basically you still have to plant in formations
[11:05] <Eugoth> Yes
[11:05] <Wynaut821> MD Part 2 May 9 the day PvZ1 came out
[11:05] <Eugoth> Plant 1 column of them
[11:05] <Higehigebomber> But then only one would get the full boost. :p 
[11:06] <Eugoth> then plant 2 in the 2nd and 4th rows
[11:06] <Eugoth> that grants boost for all
[11:06] <DatDramaPlant> Won't work
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Nightshade
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Strength: Good DPS for cost when boosted
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Weakness: Reliance on Moonflower
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> So harder to mass
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Shadow-shroom:
[11:06] <Wynaut821> also the rate of fire
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Strength: Ignores armor
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> I would say its pf would be useful even when unboosted by moonflower
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Can spread effect when powered
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Weakness:
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> I just realized something
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Requires to be eaten
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Hard to plant effectively
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> There's no PC beta for GW2 because PopCap KNOWS that people are able to hack into the games and find unreleased content
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> sound familiar?
[11:08] <Higehigebomber> I thought that was confirmed all ready.
[11:08] <Rex700> Modern day does not look like the hell i thought for now.
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> Nightshade is better for me in comparison to shadow shroom
[11:08] <Rex700> it may be worse in part 2
[11:08] <Magicwaterz> Yup
[11:08] <Rex700> and day 16 seems easy unlike in other worlds
[11:08] <Higehigebomber> It's always worse in Part 2.
[11:09] <The Magic Star> I can make an almanac entry for Shadow-shroom
[11:09] <Higehigebomber> It's easy because Winter Melon. :p 
[11:09] <Magicwaterz> We still have those annoying zombies in the past games that may appear
[11:04] <Wynaut821> eh
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Weakness
[11:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Poor PF
[11:04] <DatDramaPlant> Mediocre recharge
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Required to be plant in columns
[11:05] <Wynaut821> what if MD part 2 comes out may 5?
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Therefore not very flexible
[11:05] <Higehigebomber> Makes sense. For 100 Sun, you have a Twin-Sunflower worth in production. If you spend 200, you now have four Twin Sunflowers.
[11:05] <DatDramaPlant> You don't have to plant it in columns.
[11:05] <DatDramaPlant> You can plant it in a 9x9 area.
[11:05] <DatDramaPlant> *33
[11:05] <DatDramaPlant> **3x3
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Basically you still have to plant in formations
[11:05] <Eugoth> Yes
[11:05] <Wynaut821> MD Part 2 May 9 the day PvZ1 came out
[11:05] <Eugoth> Plant 1 column of them
[11:05] <Higehigebomber> But then only one would get the full boost. :p 
[11:06] <Eugoth> then plant 2 in the 2nd and 4th rows
[11:06] <Eugoth> that grants boost for all
[11:06] <DatDramaPlant> Won't work
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Nightshade
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Strength: Good DPS for cost when boosted
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Weakness: Reliance on Moonflower
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> So harder to mass
[11:06] <Insert Your Name Here> Shadow-shroom:
[11:06] <Wynaut821> also the rate of fire
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Strength: Ignores armor
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> I would say its pf would be useful even when unboosted by moonflower
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Can spread effect when powered
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Weakness:
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> I just realized something
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Requires to be eaten
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Hard to plant effectively
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> There's no PC beta for GW2 because PopCap KNOWS that people are able to hack into the games and find unreleased content
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> sound familiar?
[11:08] <Higehigebomber> I thought that was confirmed all ready.
[11:08] <Rex700> Modern day does not look like the hell i thought for now.
[11:08] <Coolyoyo33> Nightshade is better for me in comparison to shadow shroom
[11:08] <Rex700> it may be worse in part 2
[11:08] <Magicwaterz> Yup
[11:08] <Rex700> and day 16 seems easy unlike in other worlds
[11:08] <Higehigebomber> It's always worse in Part 2.
[11:09] <The Magic Star> I can make an almanac entry for Shadow-shroom
[11:09] <Higehigebomber> It's easy because Winter Melon. :p 
[11:09] <Magicwaterz> We still have those annoying zombies in the past games that may appear
[11:09] <Coolyoyo33> Well It's already done @IYNH
[11:09] <Rex700> Higehigebomber: yes, but it varies
[11:09] <Wynaut821> MD is our comeuppance 
[11:09] <Coolyoyo33> tiki torcher level 100
[11:09] <Rex700> DA has a huge spike in part 1 and part 2
[11:09] <The Magic Star> At least bring Umbrella Leaf back
[11:09] <Wynaut821> cant we just go to taco bell?
[11:09] <Rex700> while BWB has no difference
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> It's still easier than bwb
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> With premiums it's WAY too easy
[11:10] <Magicwaterz> Jack-in-the-Box, Zombonis, Ladder Zombies, Catapult Zombies, Pogo Zombies, Football ZOmbies, any of them might appear in Part 2
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> deserves 2 jalapenos if everyone could use premiums
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> 4.5 without
[11:10] <Higehigebomber> BWB in a nutshell: Insanely hard world, here's three plants you'll never use.
[11:10] <Higehigebomber> Part 2: Here's two more plants you'll never use, along with obnoxious survival conditions! &lt;3 
[11:10] <Rex700> the only non difficult level in BWB is day 1 and the last 2 levels
[11:10] <Rex700> and maybe the first level with the octo too, i don't know
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> Agreed @hige
[11:10] <Rex700> the reast are hell.
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> BWB also had a lot of lvl with very annoying side conditions
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> I thought BWB was easy when playing day 1 and 2
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> then 
[11:10] <Magicwaterz> Do the last 2 levels happen to have a Banana Launcher mini-game?
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> shit happened
[11:10] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> "Don't lose more than about 2 plants"
[11:11] <Wynaut821> brb
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Lvl has garg going up to 4th lane
[11:11] <Higehigebomber> -insert Gargantuar and Fisher
[11:11] <Rex700> Magicwaterz: oh and i forgot the banana launcher level in part 2 is easy too.
[11:11] <Magicwaterz> IKR
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> Low Tide
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> Garg appears
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> KDEN
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> The portal looks like cakewalk compared to low tide
[11:11] <Rex700> that was the special delivery one.
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> Chris Chan ruined the word "comeuppance" for me
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> ikr @insert
[11:11] <Higehigebomber> At least with a portal you'll partially know what to expect
[11:11] <Rex700> IYNH: because there are so few of them.
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> the zombies appear so slowly from the portal
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> you can easily counter them
[11:12] <Wynaut821> back
[11:12] <Higehigebomber> The low tide could bring in only imps, or a Garg.
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> and few portals
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> I want a level in part 2
[11:12] <Rex700> and they only come in one lane and send like 2 to 4 zombies
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> with 5 portals after the first wave
[11:12] <Wynaut821> guys i discovered a glitch
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> on a different row each
[11:12] <Magicwaterz> What if any of the zombies I mentioned return, which one would make part 2 hard as heck?
[11:12] <Higehigebomber> All Far Future, all Robo Cone
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> *different lane
[11:12] <Rex700> MagicWaterz: count on the zomboni.
[11:13] <Higehigebomber> The only one that would make things obnoxious would be a Bungie Zombie that's immune to the Blover.
[11:13] <Rex700> HigeHigeBomber: also, robo cones are not bad enough, see mecha footballs or octos
[11:13] <Magicwaterz> Those damn Zombonis, you can't have Bobsleds without the Zombonis
[11:13] <Magicwaterz> I forgot those daredevils
[11:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Newspaper and Balloon barely have any impact
[11:13] <Rex700> And trust me, they will add the zomboni with like 80 HP
[11:13] <Higehigebomber> In any decent strat, yeah the Newspaper and Balloon don't cause an issue.
[11:13] <Rex700> and will spam bobsleds
[11:14] <Magicwaterz> ^
[11:14] <Magicwaterz> brb dinner
[11:14] <Higehigebomber> What if all it needed was one tile of ice, and spawned at least 5 Bobsleds?
[11:14] <Higehigebomber> That would be hilarious. :p 
[11:14] <Rex700> it does actually
[11:14] <Rex700> use the cherry bomb under the lane
[11:14] <Rex700> or above
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> It's still easier than bwb
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> With premiums it's WAY too easy
[11:10] <Magicwaterz> Jack-in-the-Box, Zombonis, Ladder Zombies, Catapult Zombies, Pogo Zombies, Football ZOmbies, any of them might appear in Part 2
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> deserves 2 jalapenos if everyone could use premiums
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> 4.5 without
[11:10] <Higehigebomber> BWB in a nutshell: Insanely hard world, here's three plants you'll never use.
[11:10] <Higehigebomber> Part 2: Here's two more plants you'll never use, along with obnoxious survival conditions! &lt;3 
[11:10] <Rex700> the only non difficult level in BWB is day 1 and the last 2 levels
[11:10] <Rex700> and maybe the first level with the octo too, i don't know
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> Agreed @hige
[11:10] <Rex700> the reast are hell.
[11:10] <Insert Your Name Here> BWB also had a lot of lvl with very annoying side conditions
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> I thought BWB was easy when playing day 1 and 2
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> then 
[11:10] <Magicwaterz> Do the last 2 levels happen to have a Banana Launcher mini-game?
[11:10] <Coolyoyo33> shit happened
[11:10] <AWikiBoy521> Supbacks
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> "Don't lose more than about 2 plants"
[11:11] <Wynaut821> brb
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Lvl has garg going up to 4th lane
[11:11] <Higehigebomber> -insert Gargantuar and Fisher
[11:11] <Rex700> Magicwaterz: oh and i forgot the banana launcher level in part 2 is easy too.
[11:11] <Magicwaterz> IKR
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> Low Tide
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> heheheh
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> Garg appears
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> KDEN
[11:11] <Insert Your Name Here> The portal looks like cakewalk compared to low tide
[11:11] <Rex700> that was the special delivery one.
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> Chris Chan ruined the word "comeuppance" for me
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> ikr @insert
[11:11] <Higehigebomber> At least with a portal you'll partially know what to expect
[11:11] <Rex700> IYNH: because there are so few of them.
[11:11] <Coolyoyo33> the zombies appear so slowly from the portal
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> you can easily counter them
[11:12] <Wynaut821> back
[11:12] <Higehigebomber> The low tide could bring in only imps, or a Garg.
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> and few portals
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> I want a level in part 2
[11:12] <Rex700> and they only come in one lane and send like 2 to 4 zombies
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> with 5 portals after the first wave
[11:12] <Wynaut821> guys i discovered a glitch
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> on a different row each
[11:12] <Magicwaterz> What if any of the zombies I mentioned return, which one would make part 2 hard as heck?
[11:12] <Higehigebomber> All Far Future, all Robo Cone
[11:12] <Coolyoyo33> *different lane
[11:12] <Rex700> MagicWaterz: count on the zomboni.
[11:13] <Higehigebomber> The only one that would make things obnoxious would be a Bungie Zombie that's immune to the Blover.
[11:13] <Rex700> HigeHigeBomber: also, robo cones are not bad enough, see mecha footballs or octos
[11:13] <Magicwaterz> Those damn Zombonis, you can't have Bobsleds without the Zombonis
[11:13] <Magicwaterz> I forgot those daredevils
[11:13] <Insert Your Name Here> Newspaper and Balloon barely have any impact
[11:13] <Rex700> And trust me, they will add the zomboni with like 80 HP
[11:13] <Higehigebomber> In any decent strat, yeah the Newspaper and Balloon don't cause an issue.
[11:13] <Rex700> and will spam bobsleds
[11:14] <Magicwaterz> ^
[11:14] <Magicwaterz> brb dinner
[11:14] <Higehigebomber> What if all it needed was one tile of ice, and spawned at least 5 Bobsleds?
[11:14] <Higehigebomber> That would be hilarious. :p 
[11:14] <Rex700> it does actually
[11:14] <Rex700> use the cherry bomb under the lane
[11:14] <Rex700> or above
[11:15] <Rex700> or use a primal potato mine to kill the zomboni first
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> I feel bad for Chris Chan's cat
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> I mean the cat is cute
[11:15] <Higehigebomber> What would make the Zomboni terrible, is if it came back with frost immunity, and the only 'weakness' it had was instant-kills, the Spikes, and high damaging plants.
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> not sure about its owner
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> eugh
[11:16] <Rex700> HigeHigeBomber: frost immunity is obvious
[11:16] <Rex700> but not damage from frost sources like the imp dragon
[11:16] <Eugoth> Moonflower is a sun producing plant
[11:16] <Eugoth> WHY DOES IT NEED A SHIELD?
[11:17] <Higehigebomber> To look cool and die in more than one Garg smash? :p 
[11:17] <Rex700> Eugoth: ???
[11:17] <Eugoth> Moonflower's PF
[11:17] <Rex700> Eugoth: the blue parts are to mark the place where shadow plants should be put
[11:17] <Lolwutburger> Yeah, since we already have a shooting defensive plant
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> we need a sunproducing defensive plant
[11:18] <Rex700> Eugoth: put 2 plants around the shield and you power it up
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> Do we have a sunproducing shooting plant?
[11:18] <Rex700> nope
[11:18] <Rex700> sorry
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> Oh wait, Sungun was SCRAPP'D
[11:18] <Eugoth> *cough*
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> It goes like this
[11:18] <WintahMhelon18> Well i was thinking of sunchucks
[11:18] <Eugoth> (magnifying grass) Sun wasting shooting plant
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower projects the shadow field around it
[11:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower benefits from having any shadow plant placed around it
[11:15] <Rex700> or use a primal potato mine to kill the zomboni first
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> I feel bad for Chris Chan's cat
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> I mean the cat is cute
[11:15] <Higehigebomber> What would make the Zomboni terrible, is if it came back with frost immunity, and the only 'weakness' it had was instant-kills, the Spikes, and high damaging plants.
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> not sure about its owner
[11:15] <Lolwutburger> eugh
[11:16] <Rex700> HigeHigeBomber: frost immunity is obvious
[11:16] <Rex700> but not damage from frost sources like the imp dragon
[11:16] <Eugoth> Moonflower is a sun producing plant
[11:16] <Eugoth> WHY DOES IT NEED A SHIELD?
[11:17] <Higehigebomber> To look cool and die in more than one Garg smash? :p 
[11:17] <Rex700> Eugoth: ???
[11:17] <Eugoth> Moonflower's PF
[11:17] <Rex700> Eugoth: the blue parts are to mark the place where shadow plants should be put
[11:17] <Lolwutburger> Yeah, since we already have a shooting defensive plant
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> we need a sunproducing defensive plant
[11:18] <Rex700> Eugoth: put 2 plants around the shield and you power it up
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> Do we have a sunproducing shooting plant?
[11:18] <Rex700> nope
[11:18] <Rex700> sorry
[11:18] <Lolwutburger> Oh wait, Sungun was SCRAPP'D
[11:18] <Eugoth> *cough*
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> It goes like this
[11:18] <WintahMhelon18> Well i was thinking of sunchucks
[11:18] <Eugoth> (magnifying grass) Sun wasting shooting plant
[11:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower projects the shadow field around it
[11:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower benefits from having any shadow plant placed around it
[11:19] <The Magic Star> moonflower a moonflower
[11:19] <Insert Your Name Here> But other shadow plant only benefits if placed inside the field
[11:19] <WintahMhelon18> Four Moonflowers will be powered if you plant them 4 tiles adjacent to them
[11:19] <The Magic Star> and moonflower the other moonflower
[11:19] <The Magic Star> then moonflower that moonflower
[11:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Sup
[11:19] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[11:19] <Rex700> how many sun does a powered moonflower produce?
[11:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> DJcraft789 is back!
[11:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> 
[11:19] <WintahMhelon18> 100 suns
[11:20] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:20] <WintahMhelon18> Rivaling Twin Sunflower
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> You only need 3 plants to fully boost a moonflower
[11:20] <Higehigebomber> @Rex
[11:20] <Higehigebomber> It starts at 25, with one more Flower, 50. Two in range, 75. Three in range, 100.
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower has piss poor PF however
[11:20] <Rex700> does not look good
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> It generates up to 100 sun and creates a personal shield
[11:20] <WintahMhelon18> Nightshade?
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower
[11:20] <Higehigebomber> Other than PF, it might be very cost effective. For 200 Sun, you now have four Twin Sunflowers.
[11:20] <Rex700> this plant does not look good
[11:20] <WintahMhelon18> What about Nightshade?
[11:21] <Rex700> only cost effective
[11:21] <Rex700> WintahMhelon18: it's crap
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> The PF is a huge downside when endless zone is considered
[11:21] <Rex700> don't use it
[11:21] <Rex700> can only target 1 zombie
[11:21] <WintahMhelon18> But Day 9 forces you to use Nightshade as the only offensive plant
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> It has good damage for sun cost
[11:21] <Rex700> aside of that
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> 1.25 dps
[11:21] <Rex700> won't use it in a regular level
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> But too bad single target plants do nothing now
[11:22] <Rex700> and it's 5 when powered up
[11:22] <WintahMhelon18> I think powered Nightshade deals like 5 dps?
[11:22] <WintahMhelon18> Shrinking Violet is okay
[11:22] <Eugoth> and the shield don't even protect that much ._.
[11:22] <Eugoth> around 15 bites
[11:22] <Coolyoyo33> Let me just say
[11:23] <WintahMhelon18> Too bad cactus can't pop Balloon Zombie's balloon anymore, it will instead hide against it if Balloon Zombie is close
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> If you have imitater you can make it the best sun producer
[11:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Shrinking violet is awesome
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> without imitater the best sun producer is tied between Moon flower and Primal SUnflower
[11:23] <Eugoth> 12 bites
[11:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower is not the best sun producer imo
[11:23] <Higehigebomber> Except for Dead Man's Booty, for some reason. I tried to use it, and kept on having to use up Plant Food to make it worthwhile.
[11:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Its pf sucks
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> I don't look at PF's much so idc
[11:24] <Higehigebomber> Best Sun Producer is still Sun-Shroom, in my opinion. :p 
[11:24] <Insert Your Name Here> You are attempting to dismiss other's opinion, I see
[11:19] <The Magic Star> moonflower a moonflower
[11:19] <Insert Your Name Here> But other shadow plant only benefits if placed inside the field
[11:19] <WintahMhelon18> Four Moonflowers will be powered if you plant them 4 tiles adjacent to them
[11:19] <The Magic Star> and moonflower the other moonflower
[11:19] <The Magic Star> then moonflower that moonflower
[11:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> Sup
[11:19] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[11:19] <Rex700> how many sun does a powered moonflower produce?
[11:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> DJcraft789 is back!
[11:19] <ThatMinecrafterDJ> 
[11:19] <WintahMhelon18> 100 suns
[11:20] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[11:20] <WintahMhelon18> Rivaling Twin Sunflower
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> You only need 3 plants to fully boost a moonflower
[11:20] <Higehigebomber> @Rex
[11:20] <Higehigebomber> It starts at 25, with one more Flower, 50. Two in range, 75. Three in range, 100.
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower has piss poor PF however
[11:20] <Rex700> does not look good
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> It generates up to 100 sun and creates a personal shield
[11:20] <WintahMhelon18> Nightshade?
[11:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower
[11:20] <Higehigebomber> Other than PF, it might be very cost effective. For 200 Sun, you now have four Twin Sunflowers.
[11:20] <Rex700> this plant does not look good
[11:20] <WintahMhelon18> What about Nightshade?
[11:21] <Rex700> only cost effective
[11:21] <Rex700> WintahMhelon18: it's crap
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> The PF is a huge downside when endless zone is considered
[11:21] <Rex700> don't use it
[11:21] <Rex700> can only target 1 zombie
[11:21] <WintahMhelon18> But Day 9 forces you to use Nightshade as the only offensive plant
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> It has good damage for sun cost
[11:21] <Rex700> aside of that
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> 1.25 dps
[11:21] <Rex700> won't use it in a regular level
[11:21] <Insert Your Name Here> But too bad single target plants do nothing now
[11:22] <Rex700> and it's 5 when powered up
[11:22] <WintahMhelon18> I think powered Nightshade deals like 5 dps?
[11:22] <WintahMhelon18> Shrinking Violet is okay
[11:22] <Eugoth> and the shield don't even protect that much ._.
[11:22] <Eugoth> around 15 bites
[11:22] <Coolyoyo33> Let me just say
[11:23] <WintahMhelon18> Too bad cactus can't pop Balloon Zombie's balloon anymore, it will instead hide against it if Balloon Zombie is close
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> If you have imitater you can make it the best sun producer
[11:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Shrinking violet is awesome
[11:23] <Coolyoyo33> without imitater the best sun producer is tied between Moon flower and Primal SUnflower
[11:23] <Eugoth> 12 bites
[11:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonflower is not the best sun producer imo
[11:23] <Higehigebomber> Except for Dead Man's Booty, for some reason. I tried to use it, and kept on having to use up Plant Food to make it worthwhile.
[11:23] <Insert Your Name Here> Its pf sucks
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> I don't look at PF's much so idc
[11:24] <Higehigebomber> Best Sun Producer is still Sun-Shroom, in my opinion. :p 
[11:24] <Insert Your Name Here> You are attempting to dismiss other's opinion, I see
[11:24] <Rex700> IYNH: it seems bad in endless zones
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> I do know that its PF sucks
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> it's horrible
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> tbh
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> That is not how you win an argument
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> oooooh
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> it sucks eh
[11:25] <WintahMhelon18> Shadow-shroom's PF is kinda OP
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> i could use something that sucks if ya know what I mean
[11:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Someone added BS trivia to Modern Day
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> but I'd rather look at its benefits
[11:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Like, wtf
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Just kill the trivia
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> INSERT LENNY INTO THIS POST NOW
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> (LENNY) 
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> which is 50 sun which produces 100 sun
[11:25] <WintahMhelon18> BS?
[11:25] <WintahMhelon18> Shadow-shroom's PF is kinda OP
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Bluestacks apparently
[11:25] <Higehigebomber> If the zombies are shrunk, and then you use the Shroom PF, it will pretty much annihilate everything.
[11:25] <Higehigebomber> I think. :p 
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> Unlike Pr Su who produces 75 for 75
[11:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> bullshit @Wintah
[11:26] <WintahMhelon18> wut
[11:26] <Eugoth> @TULO, Is it possible to confirm that the moonflower's shield absorbs 12 bites?
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> you can obviously tell at basic sun production, moonflower is obviously better
[11:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What shield
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> but its recharge sucks
[11:26] <Eugoth> Plant food's
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> it's 10 seconds I think
[11:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Never used PF on that crap, so idk
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> PF generates a normal sun pickup
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> so paired up with imitater, it's as good as fast recharge. 
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> Yep @iynh
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> It only makes 1 sun
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> EVEN 
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Which means 100 when fully boosted
[11:27] <Higehigebomber> So we lose out on good Sun boost, for a shield? We have Infi-Nut, the superior protection plant. (unamused) 
[11:28] <WintahMhelon18> Will part 2 have more night-themed plants?
[11:28] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Sunflower was lacking in MD tho
[11:28] <Coolyoyo33> since Moonflower easily outclassed it there
[11:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Primal sunflower is powerful enough since we know it has fast recharge
[11:29] <Eugoth> I only used primal sunflower on day 1
[11:29] <Eugoth> of MD
[11:24] <Rex700> IYNH: it seems bad in endless zones
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> I do know that its PF sucks
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> it's horrible
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> tbh
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> That is not how you win an argument
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> oooooh
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> it sucks eh
[11:25] <WintahMhelon18> Shadow-shroom's PF is kinda OP
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> i could use something that sucks if ya know what I mean
[11:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Someone added BS trivia to Modern Day
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> but I'd rather look at its benefits
[11:25] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Like, wtf
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Just kill the trivia
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> INSERT LENNY INTO THIS POST NOW
[11:25] <Lolwutburger> (LENNY) 
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> which is 50 sun which produces 100 sun
[11:25] <WintahMhelon18> BS?
[11:25] <WintahMhelon18> Shadow-shroom's PF is kinda OP
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> Bluestacks apparently
[11:25] <Higehigebomber> If the zombies are shrunk, and then you use the Shroom PF, it will pretty much annihilate everything.
[11:25] <Higehigebomber> I think. :p 
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> Unlike Pr Su who produces 75 for 75
[11:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> bullshit @Wintah
[11:26] <WintahMhelon18> wut
[11:26] <Eugoth> @TULO, Is it possible to confirm that the moonflower's shield absorbs 12 bites?
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> you can obviously tell at basic sun production, moonflower is obviously better
[11:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What shield
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> but its recharge sucks
[11:26] <Eugoth> Plant food's
[11:26] <Coolyoyo33> it's 10 seconds I think
[11:26] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Never used PF on that crap, so idk
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> PF generates a normal sun pickup
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> so paired up with imitater, it's as good as fast recharge. 
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> Yep @iynh
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> It only makes 1 sun
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> EVEN 
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Which means 100 when fully boosted
[11:27] <Higehigebomber> So we lose out on good Sun boost, for a shield? We have Infi-Nut, the superior protection plant. (unamused) 
[11:28] <WintahMhelon18> Will part 2 have more night-themed plants?
[11:28] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Sunflower was lacking in MD tho
[11:28] <Coolyoyo33> since Moonflower easily outclassed it there
[11:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Primal sunflower is powerful enough since we know it has fast recharge
[11:29] <Eugoth> I only used primal sunflower on day 1
[11:29] <Eugoth> of MD
[11:29] <Coolyoyo33> Tho still if you're playing MD (without premiums) Moonflower is more useful
[11:29] <Coolyoyo33> due to the fact it also powers up plants
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> I needed Primal sunflower on day 12 tho
[11:30] <Higehigebomber> It might be moreso from the fact that it costs 50 sun to plant, and you're getting a far better pay-out with each Moon Flower for your spent sun.
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> This makes it extremely useful when imitated
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> since I get a LOT of sun
[11:30] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm not going to use moonflower in endless
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> egh
[11:30] <Lolwutburger> my eye hurts
[11:30] <Eugoth> I think moonflower's sun production is far too big for nightshade's cost. I always end up with thousands of sun at the end
[11:30] <Coolyoyo33> and can get Winter melons relatively quickly
[11:31] <Higehigebomber> Sun-Shroom/Primal Sunflower will still overrule in Endless, unless there's something that's really good in MD Part 2.
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> I'll probably use Moonflower for one endless tho
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> and that is 
[11:31] <Eugoth> In endless zone
[11:31] <Coolyoyo33> far future :[[]]P
[11:31] <Eugoth> The starting plants are gonna be
[11:31] <Eugoth> Nightshade, moonflower and shadowshroom
[11:32] <Eugoth> Because if a jester appears from a portal
[11:32] <Eugoth> A not powered nightshade can take care of it
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> I want to see, compared to twin sunflower how it holds up in FF EZ
[11:32] <Eugoth> and shadowshroom too
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> Wait
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> doesn't jester
[11:32] <Coolyoyo33> deflect projectiles?
[11:32] <Higehigebomber> Not powered is melee
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> hmm
[11:33] <Higehigebomber> I don't know if it counts as a projectile, though.
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> but he still throws his leaves so idrk
[11:33] <Eugoth> it doesn't
[11:33] <Eugoth> He slaps so strong
[11:33] <Eugoth> That the leaves fall out
[11:33] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[11:33] <Higehigebomber> Pimp slap dem zombies.
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> lmfao
[11:33] <Magicwaterz> backso! What'd I miss?
[11:33] <Iamarepeater> gtg
[11:33] <Iamarepeater> o/ 
[11:34] <Magicwaterz> \o 
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> Anyone going to try Moonflower in endless zones?
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> bye
[11:34] <Eugoth> no
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> or it's just concluded it's horrible there?
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> I'ma try it in PS EZ
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> just cause
[11:35] <Higehigebomber> Pirate Seas is good for almost everything
[11:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Try FC
[11:35] <Higehigebomber> Except Cold Snap and Shrinking Violet. :p 
[11:35] <ThisUserLikesOreo> 2 more levels till level 100 in DMB ^-^
[11:35] <Insert Your Name Here> Or DA and NMT
[11:35] <Xenons> Hi
[11:35] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[11:35] <CitronFire3> hi
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> IT'll probably be horrible in DA tho
[11:36] <CitronFire3> DA?
[11:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Nope
[11:36] <CitronFire3> Dark Ages
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> NMT I can see it being used but Hair metal will make it useless
[11:36] <CitronFire3> what are you talking about
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> If just one is taken out
[11:36] <Insert Your Name Here> I think it will be good in DA because you barely have any starting sun there
[11:36] <CitronFire3> Im on level 99 i think on AC
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> it can hinder the sun production of all the others
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> I'll try it here after a level in ps @IYNH
[11:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Infinut can block forcefield
[11:36] <Insert Your Name Here> sonic boom sorry
[11:37] <CitronFire3> Did they change anything from when Ginta played?
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> But it does get deteriorated
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> and with many
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> it gets a bit 
[11:38] <WintahMhelon18> Day 16 seems very fun
[11:38] <WintahMhelon18> MD
[11:38] <CitronFire3> did they change anything in MD since when Ginta played?
[11:38] <Higehigebomber> Don't know, and I don't care since I'm waiting until MD comes out. :p 
[11:39] <WintahMhelon18> I don't know. It's maybe assumed to be beta
[11:39] <Eugoth> I noticed a change
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> How does cold snapdragon fare in PS?
[11:39] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hmm
[11:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Quite good against swashbuckler
[11:39] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Garg333 did all of this
[11:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Good against parrot
[11:39] <CitronFire3> they changed the lightning thing
[11:39] <Eugoth> When you restart a level that you selected an imitater, before 4.4.1 the imitater won't appear in the seeds you selected the previous level. now it shows
[11:39] <CitronFire3> lol
[11:40] <Higehigebomber> Use of Cold Snap dies out once 20 Cannons spawn in the lanes it can't reach. Rip
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> yep @eugoth
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> It's way less irritating now
[11:40] <ThisUserLikesOreo> And when someone fixed everything, he reverted the edit...
[11:40] <CitronFire3> this music &lt;3 
[11:40] <CitronFire3> The theme for MD seems different but idk if it is
[11:41] <CitronFire3> WAIT
[11:41] <Insert Your Name Here> I'll have a word then
[11:41] <CitronFire3> THEY DID CHANGE IT
[11:41] <CitronFire3> They changed the Zombies on your lawn theme a bit!
[11:41] <Insert Your Name Here> So everything garg333 did was adding stupid trivias?
[11:41] <Eugoth> :/ 
[11:42] <Insert Your Name Here> And I should undo everything because I'm higher than him?
[11:42] <CitronFire3> im buying Cold Snap today
[11:42] <CitronFire3> hopefully
[11:43] <CitronFire3> I dont have SV but i want CSD because Im using him in like every level in MD
[11:43] <Higehigebomber> It's good for most of the Endless Zones and regular levels if you like to play those.
[11:43] <CitronFire3> I do play EZ's
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> @Insert, what are the examples of garg333's trivias?
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> @Insert, TULO once reverted my edit
[11:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Ask oreo
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> But it's ok
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> I learned from him
[11:44] <CitronFire3> So we have nothing on part 2?
[11:44] <CitronFire3> Im so hyped for part 2
[11:44] <CitronFire3> AGGH
[11:44] <WintahMhelon18> Part 2 contents are coming soon
[11:44] <Coolyoyo33> which are the best plants in the sun range of 0-100?
[11:44] <CitronFire3> I just want to know whats in it
[11:44] <Coolyoyo33> in your opinions.
[11:44] <CitronFire3> Im gonna edit my profile pic to my MD Part 1 pic
[11:44] <Eugoth> Moonflower
[11:44] <WintahMhelon18> Primal Wall-nut
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Primal Potato Mine
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Sun-shroom
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Puff-shroom
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Stallia
[11:45] <Higehigebomber> Sun-Shroom, Iceberg, Stallia. I don't want to pick what other people will keep saying. :p 
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Stunion
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> BEHOLD
[11:45] <Eugoth> Moonflower, nightshade, hurrikale, shrinking violet, primal potato mine iceberg lettuce
[11:45] <Lolwutburger> WHATEVER THIS IS THAT I HAVE DONE
[11:45] <Lolwutburger>
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Hurrikale
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Shrinking Violet
[11:45] <CitronFire3> Test
[11:45] <CitronFire3> There we go
[11:45] <CitronFire3> How do ya like?
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> And Peashooter &gt;:D 
[11:45] <WintahMhelon18> Ikr
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> It can defeat many gargs
[11:46] <CitronFire3> But Puff-shroom is even better
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> Yeah right
[11:46] <CitronFire3> Whatever XD
[11:46] <Coolyoyo33> Hurrikale, Moonflower, Primal Sunflower, Primal Potato Mine
[11:46] <Coolyoyo33> and Chard Guard
[11:46] <CitronFire3> wait
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> Everyone has sarcasm towards Peashooter and a Gargantuar
[11:46] <Coolyoyo33> how could I forget you chardy
[11:46] <CitronFire3> ikr
[11:46] <CitronFire3> I never use Chard Guard :/ 
[11:46] <CitronFire3> idk why
[11:47] <CitronFire3> Something might be wrong with me
[11:47] <Xenons> (Blover) 
[11:47] <WintahMhelon18> Cuz Hurrikale?
[11:47] <CitronFire3> Idek
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> Chard guard is beautiful
[11:47] <Lolwutburger> the horrors of that video will scar me for life
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> against gargs
[11:47] <CitronFire3> I rarely use Hurrikale either
[11:47] <CitronFire3> theres some plants
[11:47] <Higehigebomber> Poor Puff-Shroom, the zombies in Jurassic Marsh just look at it funny and it vanishes from dying.
[11:47] <CitronFire3> that are really good
[11:47] <WintahMhelon18> Anyone still uses (plantfood) (springbean) + (blover2) ?
[11:47] <CitronFire3> And I just dont use them
[11:47] <CitronFire3> I do Wintah
[11:47] <CitronFire3> when Spring bean is boosted
[11:47] <Xenons> Sometimes.
[11:48] <Eugoth> I actually tested and
[11:48] <Xenons> But (Chard Guard) + (Blover) is more practical.
[11:48] <Eugoth> moonflower's PF shield absorbs 10 bites
[11:48] <Higehigebomber> Any one with a sense of logic in Greatest Hits still uses it.
[11:48] <CitronFire3> O
[11:48] <CitronFire3> Moonflower's shield is...
[11:48] <WintahMhelon18> I rarely use that combo :/ 
[11:48] <WintahMhelon18> Idk why
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> tho timing blover
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> evil
[11:49] <Xenons> The only advantage Sunflower has over Moonflower is the PF effect.
[11:49] <CitronFire3> gtg
[11:49] <Eugoth> lol
[11:49] <Eugoth> 10 DAMAGE FOR A SHIELD.
[11:49] <CitronFire3> byee
[11:49] <Eugoth> bites*
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> Moonflower in terms of basic sun production has an advantage over the others
[11:49] <Eugoth> bye
[11:49] <CitronFire3> Moonflower's PF disappointed me
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> but in the PF department it's horrible
[11:49] <WintahMhelon18> (splitpea2) (springbean) (sunbean) (peashooter) Everyone, vote for your most rarely-planted plant
[11:49] <Xenons> Split Pea.
[11:49] <Eugoth> peashooter and splitpea
[11:49] <Xenons> And Threepeater.
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> Peashooter
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> Wait
[11:50] <Eugoth> i use sun bean quite often
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> Threepeater
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> I never used Threepeater
[11:50] <Eugoth> what
[11:50] <Xenons> The only place where Split Pea and Threepeater are good is in Vasebreaker Endless.
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> and by never I actually mean I never used him in even one level
[11:50] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Wait, threepeater is in PvZ2? (oh) 
[11:50] <Higehigebomber> Anything that isn't these:
[11:50] <Higehigebomber> Sun-Shroom, Winter Melon, Iceberg, Tile Turnip, Blover, Power Lily, Imitater.
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> in the whole game
[11:50] <Xenons> Not even VE?
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> That, I'm forced to use it there
[11:50] <Eugoth> Actually, i don't use tile turnip outside EZs
[11:50] <Coolyoyo33> It's not choice :[[]]P
[11:51] <Xenons> Still he does a good job in VE.
[11:51] <Higehigebomber> Tile Turnip is pointless outside of EZ anyway.
[11:51] <Xenons> Same for Split Pea.
[11:51] <WintahMhelon18> (stunion) (stallia) (iceberglettuce) (sap-fling) Best slowing and stunning plant?
[11:51] <Xenons> Tile Turnip is pointless without Power Lily.
[11:51] <Xenons> (Stunion) .
[11:51] <Higehigebomber> You don't have the Plant Food at the start to spam out Plant Food generated by Power Lily.
[11:51] <ThisUserLikesOreo> (stunion) 
[11:52] <Higehigebomber> (iceberglettuce) (stallia) are the best in my opinion. Never bothered with Stunion, and I use Sap-Fling in Greatest Hits.
[11:52] <Lolwutburger> I had this amazing idea
[11:52] <Eugoth> moonflower = Cheaper twin sunflower that needs more of itself
[11:52] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Sup
[11:52] <Lolwutburger> Whenever your friend tells you not to touch their stuff
[11:52] <Lolwutburger> tell them
[11:52] <Lolwutburger> "Don't worry, the only thing I'll be touching this night is my weiner!"
[11:52] <Lolwutburger> (cue laugh track)
[11:52] <WintahMhelon18> (chickenwrangler) (weaselhoarder) (wizardzombie) (arcadezombie) One of the most popular, most annoying zombie competition!
[11:52] <Xenons> (Stunion) + (Primal Potato Mine) is a good combo.
[11:53] <Higehigebomber> @Wintah
[11:53] <Higehigebomber> All of them.
[11:53] <WintahMhelon18> Choose only one :P 
[11:53] <Xenons> You're gonna create a black hole because I literally can't choose between the first 3.
[11:53] <Higehigebomber> Wizard since in high levels of Dark Ages, your entire defense becomes Sheep while he's 20 tiles off-screen.
[11:53] <WintahMhelon18> Heheh
[11:54] <Higehigebomber> Everything else is ezpz.
[11:54] <Xenons> But yeah, I guess (Wizard) .
[11:54] <ThisUserLikesOreo> I hate (surferzombie) the most, for some reason
[11:54] <Lolwutburger> Whoazers
[11:54] <Lolwutburger> Someone gave me a hundred deviantART points
[11:54] <WintahMhelon18> (bikinizombie) (parasolzombie) (weaselhoarder) (glitterzombie) Most hottest zombie?
[11:54] <WintahMhelon18> (parasol) 
[11:54] <Lolwutburger> I see it after finishing my master debatin' session
[11:55] <ThisUserLikesOreo> (glitterzombie) 
[11:55] <Xenons> It's just "hottest", not "most hottest".
[11:55] <Higehigebomber> (octo) Popcap be like, "this guy wasn't strong enough. Let's double his health and buff his octopi!"
[11:55] <Xenons> Also, (Octo) .
[11:55] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Or (impmermaidzombie) (oh) 
[11:55] <WintahMhelon18> I forgot the mermaid
[11:56] <WintahMhelon18> (epic2) 
[11:56] <WintahMhelon18> (shrinking violet)
[11:56] <Eugoth> octo zombie = (tomb raiser) + (wizard) 
[11:56] <WintahMhelon18> Still no SV emotie?
[11:56] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Most annoying zombie in MD?
[11:56] <WintahMhelon18> Newspaper
[11:56] <WintahMhelon18> Than Balloon
[11:56] <Higehigebomber> None since I haven't played it yet.
[11:56] <ThisUserLikesOreo> (tombraiserzombie) for me
[11:57] <Higehigebomber> (since I'm the only one in here who is actually playing legit apparently :( )
[11:57] <WintahMhelon18> Xenons , huh?
[11:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yes
[11:57] <WintahMhelon18> Are there wizards in MD?
[11:57] <Eugoth> no
[11:57] <Eugoth> But there's octopi
[11:57] <WintahMhelon18> Thankfully nope
[11:58] <Higehigebomber> Those buffed Octopi
[11:58] <ThisUserLikesOreo> It was really annoying in that Locked and Loaded level with Nightshades and Moonflower
[11:58] <WintahMhelon18> Man, portals are gonna have a fixed schedule of when will they appear in some MD levels
[11:58] <Xenons> Sometimes, I hat myself
[11:58] <Xenons> hate*
[11:58] <WintahMhelon18> Instead of random
[11:58] <Higehigebomber> I hat myself too, I give myself a nice fedora or a cool headband sometimes.
[11:59] <Eugoth> Portals have fixed schedule
[11:59] <WintahMhelon18> Fedora the explorer with headboots! &gt;:D 
[11:59] <Eugoth> -_- 
[11:59] <WintahMhelon18> Ok, so Day 9 will always feature a Frostbite Caves portal with Huners and Weasel Hoarders
[12:00] <WintahMhelon18> *Hunters
[12:00] <Higehigebomber> Simple Counter, Hot Pota-
[12:00] <Higehigebomber> Oh right that plant isn't allowed in a world that uses everything. (unamused) 
[12:00] <Eugoth> day 9 is hell
[12:00] <Eugoth> locked and loaded
[12:00] <WintahMhelon18> (thymewarp) is a life saver in Day 9 of MD
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> Good thing Plant Food is enough to use Thyme Warp again
[12:01] <Eugoth> ikr
[12:01] <Eugoth> delay your death
[12:01] <Coolyoyo33> obviously @wintah
[12:01] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[12:01] <WintahMhelon18> Nightshade attacks so slow
[12:01] <Coolyoyo33> without him'
[12:01] <Coolyoyo33> you can't even reach wave 1
[12:02] <WintahMhelon18> And tombstones!
[12:02] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Ikr
[12:02] <WintahMhelon18> Watdafek
[12:02] <Higehigebomber> I don't like the levels that lock you with just the new plants of a world
[12:02] <Higehigebomber> "Here, have fun with a Peashooter against the entirety of the game!!11!"
[12:02] <Higehigebomber> Also, BWB
[12:03] <WintahMhelon18> PvZ2 Beghouled is awesome
[12:03] <Coolyoyo33> The only plants I have NEVER touched in my canon run of the game (playing through all the worlds the first time) are threepeater, tile turnip, intensive carrot and garlic
[12:04] <Coolyoyo33> Unlocking the worlds in any order can benefit you or destroy you
[12:04] <DatDramaPlant> True dat.
[12:04] <DatDramaPlant> test
[12:04] <Coolyoyo33> If you unlock JM after playing a bit of AE
[12:04] <DatDramaPlant> test
[12:04] <Coolyoyo33> it can amazingly benefit you
[12:04] <Eugoth> i just noticed that nightshade can still do melee attack after powered
[12:04] <Xenons> Unlock them in the normal order and there's no way to screw up.
[12:04] <WintahMhelon18> Now that's time travlling
[12:04] <Higehigebomber> Unlocking JM first will destroy you if you attempt to do the levels up until Primal Potato
[12:04] <WintahMhelon18> Plus, Travel Log can aid you
[12:04] <Coolyoyo33> I did it @hige
[12:05] <WintahMhelon18> Travel Log recently gave me 1 gem
[12:05] <Coolyoyo33> on my second account :[[]]P
[12:05] <Xenons> Also, the two world exclusive firickity-fuckers are still like that.
[12:05] <Coolyoyo33> thyme for a question
[12:05] <Xenons> @Wintah, 1 Gems*
[12:05] <Coolyoyo33> Which is the most useless returning plant?
[12:06] <Xenons> Threepeater.
[12:06] <WintahMhelon18> Travel Log has some errors like: "Defeat MC Zom B Zombies!"
[12:06] <Coolyoyo33> For me
[12:06] <Higehigebomber> Anything that targets a single zombie. @Cool
[12:06] <Coolyoyo33> threepeater is not useless
[12:06] <Coolyoyo33> just don't really need him
[12:06] <WintahMhelon18> (threepeater2) + (torchwood2) ?
[12:07] <Coolyoyo33> but most useless in its respective world is this shit (tangle kelp) 
[12:07] <Higehigebomber> If Torch still had splash, yee
[12:07] <Xenons> Non-AoE, so useless, Wintah.
[12:07] <Coolyoyo33> + the fact that he disappears if the water he is in moves back
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> Torchwood. Mus. Have. Area. Of. Effect.
[12:07] <WintahMhelon18> *Must
[12:08] <Coolyoyo33> + the fact that there are only crowds in 
[12:08] <Coolyoyo33> bwb
[12:08] <WintahMhelon18> A boosted Tangle Kelp can still die from low tides
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> There
[12:08] <Xenons> Tangle Kelp should've been an AoE plant, given his limitations.
[12:08] <WintahMhelon18> Which may disagree the fact that all boosted plants are entirely invincible
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Now, the queen will receive her gift.
[12:08] <AWikiBoy521> Anyway, Supbacks
[12:09] <Xenons> Kill all zombies in a 1X3 area.
[12:09] <Eugoth> that would be OP
[12:09] <Eugoth> Then it's price had to go up
[12:09] <WintahMhelon18> I mean seriously, a boosted anything can still die from NMT Zombot's speakers???
[12:09] <Xenons> It's only in BWB, so nope.
[12:09] <Coolyoyo33> Honest trailer for Plants vs Zombies worlds - BWB
[12:10] <WintahMhelon18> My classmate officially gave up with BWB
[12:10] <Rex700> oh and me too
[12:10] <Rex700> it drove me insane
[12:10] <WintahMhelon18> I once luckily beaten BWB Day 23, where you protect endangered Banana Launchers
[12:11] <WintahMhelon18> Without lawn mowers lost
[12:11] <Rex700> WintahMhelon: in no way anyone can beat it
[12:11] <Eugoth> wow
[12:11] <WintahMhelon18> Without powerups
[12:11] <Coolyoyo33> "WElcome to the beach! Where you think you can relax and easily pass on but all you do is suffer. You get a good pack of OP as fu zombies and shitty plants and don't forget! two world exclusives!
[12:11] <Coolyoyo33> 
[12:11] <Rex700> WintahMhelon: by the time some of the octo zombies get into the lawn you are already dead
[12:11] <WintahMhelon18> Bowling Bulb is useful in that level IMO
[12:12] <Coolyoyo33> I find all BWb plants horrible except BL
[12:12] <WintahMhelon18> Ghost Pepper is most useful. Not too OP, not too weak either. It's a natural and supernatural crowd controller
[12:12] <Coolyoyo33> who is useful to an extent
[12:12] <Rex700> WintahMhelon: and i remember there's a deep sea gargantuar from low tide too
[12:12] <Rex700> WintahMhelon: if you can survive there
[12:13] <Rex700> by the time the octos get into the lawn you are already dead.
[12:13] <Rex700> and i actually gave up at part 1
[12:13] <WintahMhelon18> @Rex, I already prepared a Cherry Bomb, Banana Launchers and Ghost Peppers for Deep Sea Gargs
[12:13] <Eugoth> how the fuck a deep sea gargantuar can come out of the water if the water barely goes to zombie's knees?
[12:13] <Nitromian Poptropica> Did they make BWB Day 16 a bit easier
[12:13] <Nitromian Poptropica> Is seems so
[12:13] <Rex700> Eugoth: low tides
[12:13] <WintahMhelon18> @Eugoth, it's either magic or part of the game
[12:14] <Eugoth> yes, but it's not logical
[12:14] <WintahMhelon18> @Eugoth, PvZ2 is less logical than PvZ1
[12:14] <Eugoth> -_- 
[12:14] <Eugoth> Hey
[12:14] <WintahMhelon18> I mean, plants can survive the icy lawn of FC
[12:14] <Eugoth> The time crack after MD is infact a world
[12:15] <Nitromian Poptropica> Why aren't fire plants extinguished from Low Tide waves?
[12:15] <Rex700> Eugoth: it's the final boss
[12:15] <WintahMhelon18> The rifts?
[12:15] <Eugoth> there's like 12 little balls below the world selection
[12:15] <Eugoth> when you scroll to a world a ball turns green
[12:15] <WintahMhelon18> Maybe a super secret world?
[12:15] <Nitromian Poptropica> Wouldn't the player's roof be destroyed once the zombot stepped on it?
[12:15] <Eugoth> No?
[12:15] <Eugoth> Why do you think so
[12:16] <WintahMhelon18> Who wants a feature that can let you create your own PvZ2 levels and try it for your friends?
[12:16] <Nitromian Poptropica> Yes
[12:16] <Nitromian Poptropica> Kinda reminds me of Super Mario Maker
[12:16] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Retro
[12:16] <Rex700> won't
[12:16] <Rex700> happen
[12:16] <Protanly> Who's Retro?
[12:16] <WintahMhelon18> I mean, Protanly
[12:16] <Protanly> RetroBowser is dead, and I Protanly, lord of the Sith have arisen from the ashes.
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Back
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright...
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Gotta do the laundry
[12:17] <Eugoth> k
[12:17] <Eugoth> good luck
[12:17] <Protanly> Now now tho. A lot of people call me pro, or if they are wise guys, protein or proton
[12:17] <WintahMhelon18> How many times can change your name in this wiki?
[12:17] <Protanly> Or simply Protanly :p 
[12:17] <Protanly> &gt;:D 
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Tonight's list
[12:17] <WintahMhelon18> *can you
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Make an edit
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Do the laundry
[12:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Try really hard to find puff
[12:18] <Protanly> They really need to add my new username to my emote 
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">TAA?</span>
[12:18] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Are you there yet?</span>
[12:18] <Insert Your Name Here> Freaking time zone
[12:19] <Protanly> Thou shalt not utter the name of mine fusty self 
[12:19] <Eugoth> is dev diary for modern day out?
[12:19] <WintahMhelon18> BRB
[12:19] <WintahMhelon18> AFK
[12:19] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:#FF88D6;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Protanlypai!</span></span></span>
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Protein pie</span>
[12:19] <WintahMhelon18> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> proton pai </span>
[12:19] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Meatcake</span>
[12:19] <Protanly> ^
[12:20] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:#FF88D6;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Meatcake!</span></span></span>
[12:20] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Meatcake FTW!</span>
[12:20] <WintahMhelon18> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> Meatcake </span>
[12:20] <Protanly> I just decided to update my username as the wiki anniversary :p 
[12:20] <Protanly> Retro was out of date and not used in a while. Protanly for everything now, including steam
[12:20] <DatDramaPlant> Stop pinging!
[12:21] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-family:Comic Sans MS;"><span style="color:#FF88D6;"><span style="text-decoration:line-through;">* Pinkbot234 does the usual gesture to Meatcake.</span></span></span>
[12:21] <DatDramaPlant> :P 
[12:21] <The Magic Star> meatcakes are delicious
[12:21] <The Magic Star> wait
[12:21] <The Magic Star> is a meatcake close to a tako
[12:22] <Protanly> I'll show you my meatcake (lenny) 
[12:22] <DatDramaPlant> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Cakes = Takos!!!!!</span>
[12:22] <Eugoth> meat...cakes?
[12:22] <Eugoth> wtf is this trickery
[12:22] <Protanly> (lenny) no trickery. Just cakey meat
[12:23] <The Magic Star> what does the lennyface actually mean
[12:23] <The Magic Star> i'm not that internet-y
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> @Eugoth
[12:23] <AWikiBoy521> Protanly is Meatcake
[12:23] <Insert Your Name Here> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Invite your gf to the wiki</span>
[12:23] <Protanly>
[12:24] <Protanly> @Magic
[12:24] <Higehigebomber> I'm very late, but @Wintah The level where you must save the endangered Banana Launchers is very easy, and it makes use of a simple strategy, too!
[12:24] <The Magic Star> thanks
[12:24] <Magicwaterz> Magic who?
[12:25] <Protanly> Magic Star
[12:25] <DatDramaPlant> Cakey meat?
[12:25] <Magicwaterz> Oh...
[12:25] <DatDramaPlant> Isn't it meaty cake?
[12:25] <Magicwaterz> It's getting confusing with a lot of users of have the word Magic
[12:26] <Cavia porcellus> I knew it. I KNEW IT.,_2016
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> @Cavia
[12:26] <AWikiBoy521> We knew it.
[12:29] <Eugoth> They should put an add for bejeweled after beghouled levels
[12:30] <Eugoth> ad*
[12:30] <Protanly> Fun fact: Protanly came from DarkProtoAnly (which was my username on a bunch of things for a while before I shortened it), which came from a mashup of BassAnly (A nod to one of my favourite characters in Megaman.exe) and DarkProtoman (One of my favourite megaman characters ever, and always has been since the first appearace in the anime)
[12:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Testing colddragon in PS endless
[12:32] <Protanly> Testing your mom in bedroom endless &gt;:D 
[12:32] <Insert Your Name Here> I really wish you are not a chat mod right now.
[12:32] <Higehigebomber> @IYNH I had bad luck with Cold Snap and Shrinking Violet, maybe because my strategy all ready handled everything. I dunno.
[12:33] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">Eh, you probably don't get his sense for fun.</span>
[12:33] <Higehigebomber> That's how I am with everyone, that's fairly certain.
[12:33] <Protanly> Anyone who remembers my joining of the wiki knows.
[12:34] <Protanly> I was always the wiki "troll"...Mainly because back then, all people did was actually discuss pvz
[12:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Now it's about love
[12:34] <AWikiBoy521> Also, shipping
[01:34] <ErnestoAM> &lt;3 
[01:34] <AWikiBoy521> Huh? [c rgba(0,0,0,0)]<span style="font-size:7pt;">Time to play ghost in the Bejeweled wiki.</span>
[01:35] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">And still not used to the ChatTag update yet.</span>
[01:35] <Xenons> Back
[01:35] <PnFforever> wb
[01:35] <PnFforever> I imagine Gold Leaf and Thyme Warp trapped in the Underground from Undertale, due to their tendecy to be trapped :) 
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback <span style="color:rgba(0,0,0,0);"><span style="font-size:7pt;">But, I'll do it tom.</span></span>
[01:36] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[01:36] <AWikiBoy521> Supback? <span style="color:rgba(0,0,0,0);"><span style="font-size:7pt;">I like dead chat sometimes.</span></span>
[01:37] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> U wot AWikiGirl
[01:37] <The Magic Star> tako
[01:37] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> takkkooo
[01:38] <The Magic Star> yay I have modern day
[01:38] <AWikiBoy521> Dangit
[01:38] <Eugoth> planet
[01:38] <Eugoth>
[01:38] <AWikiBoy521> I have to sleep later.
[01:38] <AWikiBoy521> Or now.
[01:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[01:38] <AWikiBoy521> Nice talking with ya, Colgate.
[01:39] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> nightbacks
[01:39] <Insert Your Name Here> PF tallnut in beghouled can be pretty devastating
[01:39] <Colgatepony234> So, see you in the evening (morning in your area)
[01:39] <Insert Your Name Here> Since it does not disappear upon a successful match
[01:39] <Insert Your Name Here> I wonder what would happen if you can match 3 pf tallnut
[01:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Bleh they just disappears
[01:40] <Eugoth> i did it
[01:40] <Eugoth> The 3 PF match
[01:40] <Eugoth> it just gives like 200 sun
[01:40] <Eugoth> and all of them disappear
[01:40] <Insert Your Name Here> I think the fire peashooter to primal pea is the most useful upgrade
[01:40] <Eugoth> same
[01:40] <PnFforever> ^
[01:40] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> after I meet the requirements
[01:41] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> I might apply as Chatmod
[01:41] <The Magic Star> i have no world key
[01:41] <The Magic Star> so i'm using my powerups (i have like 5 million coins) on FC until I get to finish day 16
[01:41] <The Magic Star> then I go to modern day
[01:41] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> hurrhurr
[01:42] <Eugoth> magento with blooming heart?
[01:42] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> why the fucking hell
[01:43] <Insert Your Name Here> And primal pea is also fairly cheap
[01:43] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> does Magnet shroom stay awake on Daytime
[01:43] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> Primal wallnut seems gr8
[01:43] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> fast recharge man
[01:43] <The Magic Star> yes
[01:43] <Eugoth> yes
[01:43] <Eugoth> nevermind i got it
[01:43] <ErnestoAM> I have one
[01:43] <ErnestoAM> from me?
[01:44] <Eugoth> No, i got another.
[01:44] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> my brother doesnent even know how to play PvZ
[01:44] <Eugoth> Dropbox doesn't work on mobile.
[01:44] <The Magic Star> why is it everythyme i finish a level, a downy ad pops up
[01:44] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> he unlocked fucking bwb first
[01:44] <Eugoth> well that's a problem
[01:45] <Eugoth> i wish making a 7 plant match in beghouled would make all plants of this kind activate PF
[01:46] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[01:46] <Insert Your Name Here> I wonder how would laser bean to blueberry be
[01:46] <ErnestoAM> Still no RSB v4.5.1.
[01:48] <Insert Your Name Here> Alright got blueberry
[01:48] <Eugoth> Is it written magento_jaso.filter.4.4?
[01:48] <Eugoth> jason*
[01:49] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> Should I change my name
[01:49] <Eugoth> idk
[01:49] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> into A red Snowcone
[01:49] <Eugoth> I only recommend blueberry upgrade if you're slow at matching
[01:49] <Insert Your Name Here> I would say that primal pea is the most important upgrade in beghouled
[01:49] <Jedha,The Savior of the demons> Hello 
[01:50] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> my brother is fucking obsessed with Gargantuar
[01:50] <ErnestoAM> Beghouled Blitz
[01:51] <ErnestoAM> We need that game.
[01:51] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> whats the difference ernesto
[01:51] <ErnestoAM> It's a Blitz
[01:51] <ErnestoAM> with zombies, and plants too I guess
[01:52] <Vebros> o/ 
[01:52] <Magicwaterz> By obsessed Blacksmith, how?
[01:53] <Insert Your Name Here> We need twist
[01:53] <Insert Your Name Here> It's better than normal beghouled
[01:53] <Eugoth> Twist you rotate
[01:54] <Eugoth> Normal it's like candy crush
[01:54] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (wave) 
[01:54] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> like whenever I see a Gargantuar, he yells "Big Zombie!!"
[01:54] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> And im a bit goddamn sick of it
[01:54] <Eugoth> o/ 
[01:54] <Lolwutburger> i'd say a universe populated entirely by Dinklebergs would be considered a Dinkleverse
[01:55] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> Dad dissaproves
[01:55] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[01:55] <Lolwutburger> oh and helooby zooby
[01:55] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> (lenny) 
[01:56] <Magicwaterz> (pokerface) 
[01:56] <Magicwaterz> Well then...
[01:56] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> (troll) 
[01:56] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (Wat) 
[01:56] <Eugoth> Planet
[01:56] <Eugoth>
[01:58] <Magicwaterz> Plants vs Zombies 3: Space <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Edition</span> confirmed! (troll) (troll) 
[01:58] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> oh my gosh
[01:58] <Eugoth> A group of kids approach a table. Over the table, there's an object. A specific kid is chosen to be their leader while the other kids sing a ritualistic song hailing the leader. After the song ends, the object is cut and eaten by all of the participants.
[01:58] <Mr.imp gentlmen> @BlackSmit *no intensifies*
[01:58] <Lolwutburger> Clock Blocked still should be the Modern Day achievement
[01:59] <Lolwutburger> it would be cool
[01:59] <Eugoth> Cock blocked.
[01:59] <Eugoth> why?
[01:59] <Eugoth> *clock
[01:59] <Magicwaterz> (pokerface) 
[01:59] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> (lenny) 
[01:59] <Mr.imp gentlmen> {Insert ta dum tss}
[01:59] <Lolwutburger> It'sa gooda pun
[01:59] <SlimeLOLEnder> Hoes o/ 
[01:59] <Eugoth> o/ 
[01:59] <Eugoth> m8
[01:59] <Mr.imp gentlmen> heya (wave) 
[02:00] <Electric Plants> Helo
[02:00] <Mr.imp gentlmen> (wave) 
[02:01] <Magicwaterz> o/ 
[02:01] <Eugoth> o/ 
[02:01] <Magicwaterz> I'm planning ahead for the tilesets
[02:01] <Mr.imp gentlmen> theres is 2 *ll* in *hello* ok Electric plants ?
[02:01] <Eugoth> have you seen the planet next to modern day's BG?
[02:01] <SlimeLOLEnder> (wat) 
[02:01] <Eugoth>
[02:02] <Electric Plants> Ik imp
[02:02] <Electric Plants> :?
[02:02] <SlimeLOLEnder> Ooh
[02:02] <Electric Plants> WHat is that planet?
[02:02] <Eugoth> idk
[02:02] <Electric Plants> I think it is uranus
[02:02] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[02:02] <Mr.imp gentlmen> next time if you join say *hello* ok? not *helo*
[02:02] <Eugoth> it's stationary
[02:02] <Electric Plants> Or maybe Neptune
[02:03] <Electric Plants> Y
[02:03] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> your anus
[02:03] <Eugoth> unlike other background objects
[02:03] <Electric Plants> Ilike to say helo or Hei
[02:03] <Eugoth> it doesn't move
[02:03] <Electric Plants> Wierd
[02:03] <Mr.imp gentlmen> oh okay...
[02:03] <SlimeLOLEnder> :v
[02:03] <Electric Plants> I wonder why they changed the crack
[02:03] <Eugoth> so we can smoke
[02:03] <Eugoth> ba dum tss
[02:03] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> (lenny) 
[02:03] <SlimeLOLEnder> Probably the other one didn't look like one
[02:04] <Mr.imp gentlmen> smoke.....
[02:04] <Electric Plants> Y does BZ head explode when he is killed?
[02:05] <The Magic Star> guys
[02:05] <Electric Plants> ?
[02:05] <Eugoth> yes
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> (wat) 
[02:05] <The Magic Star> my pvz 2 game crashed
[02:05] <Eugoth> That's
[02:05] <Eugoth> MINDBLOWING
[02:05] <Eugoth> oh
[02:05] <The Magic Star> i use shrinking violet on gargantuar
[02:05] <Eugoth> why?
[02:05] <The Magic Star> then it smashed it
[02:05] <Eugoth> and thyme warp?
[02:05] <SlimeLOLEnder> The soft release is buggy
[02:05] <Electric Plants> Yup
[02:06] <Electric Plants> I won't install it on my tab
[02:06] <The Magic Star> No Thyme Warps
[02:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> I boosted a (stunion) in zen garden then couldn't enter day 9 or 10
[02:06] <Eugoth> can't wait for hard release (lenny) 
[02:06] <SlimeLOLEnder> I activated wifi and it fixed lol
[02:07] <Mr.imp gentlmen> cant wait for the pc version of pvz 2.....
[02:07] <Electric Plants> Does Shadow-shroom blow raspberries in its idle?
[02:07] <Eugoth> idk
[02:07] <Eugoth> i think it's just poison
[02:09] <Mr.imp gentlmen> going on youtube.
[02:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> rip in pepperpults
[02:11] <SlimeLOLEnder> (tombstone) (suntombstone) (plantfoodtombstone) 
[02:12] <Eugoth> Nao wat?
[02:12] <Electric Plants> and (Wintermelon) 
[02:12] <Eugoth> Blooming heart is the best plant
[02:12] <Eugoth> (troll) 
[02:12] <Electric Plants> [[File:454545454.png]]
[02:12] <Electric Plants> est quality ever!
[02:13] <Electric Plants> (sarcasm)
[02:15] <Eugoth> just kidding
[02:15] <Eugoth> i'm downloading a magento
[02:15] <Eugoth> i will test it
[02:15] <SlimeLOLEnder> I did a magento with shrinking violet 1 gem
[02:15] <SlimeLOLEnder> Just4testing
[02:15] <Eugoth> Mine was for 5
[02:16] <Electric Plants> The new icon is perfect 
[02:16] <Electric Plants> -___________-
[02:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> it looks like valenbrainz one without ears
[02:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> but hey
[02:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> we got time twister
[02:17] <Electric Plants> It is great
[02:17] <SlimeLOLEnder> and pvz2 remixes of two pvz1 songs
[02:18] <Electric Plants> It is good
[02:18] <PnFforever> I was hoping for the MD icon to be the icon from pre-1.7 days
[02:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> Yeah
[02:18] <SlimeLOLEnder> Because the end is the beggining
[02:18] <Electric Plants> Yup
[02:18] <Electric Plants> Gtg
[02:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Editing beghouled page
[02:26] <Lolwutburger> Yay
[02:26] <Lolwutburger> I'm a snitch
[02:26] <Lolwutburger> I told on someone
[02:26] <Lolwutburger> :D 
[02:33] <Lolwutburger> chat is dying eh
[02:33] <Lolwutburger> time to draw a fighting roster
[02:35] <Eugoth> Howdy!
[02:39] <PnFforever> test
[02:39] <Eugoth> hi
[02:39] <KinglerMaster> 'eyo
[02:43] <Insert Your Name Here> [[Beghouled (PvZ2)?diff=1019854&oldid=1019703]]
[02:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Made the damn thing slightly better
[02:43] <Eugoth> NICE!
[02:43] <Eugoth> I got blooming heart magento
[02:43] <Eugoth> but it costs 109 gems
[02:44] <Eugoth> And it says it's fire peashooter
[02:44] <Eugoth> k den
[02:45] <PnFforever> hi o/ 
[02:45] <Eugoth> Hi
[02:46] <KinglerMaster> today's pinata party was way too easy bc cabbage-pult and laser bean were both boosted
[02:46] <KinglerMaster> anyways I'm going now
[02:46] <KinglerMaster> bye
[02:48] <Rex700> Eugoth, what the hell
[02:48] <Rex700> craters removable only by paying coins
[02:48] <Rex700> typical EA bullshit
[02:55] <Eugoth> You expected that filling craters would be free?
[02:55] <Coolyoyo33> Blooming fire shooter
[02:55] <Eugoth> but now i have BH
[02:55] <Eugoth> it's gud
[02:55] <Eugoth> (troll) 
[02:55] <Coolyoyo33> You don't even need to fill the craters
[02:55] <Eugoth> ^
[02:55] <Coolyoyo33> it doesn't even really matter
[02:56] <Coolyoyo33> my first two rows got filled with craters on day 8
[02:56] <Coolyoyo33> and and only the first on day 13
[02:56] <Coolyoyo33> they were both still easy
[02:56] <Eugoth> it's fun
[02:56] <Coolyoyo33> yep
[02:56] <Coolyoyo33> also a tip
[02:56] <Coolyoyo33> DO NOT upgrade the defensive plant
[02:57] <Eugoth> I wish there was an imitater seed packet at the corner of the seed selection screen
[02:57] <Eugoth> I don't like scrolling down to get moonflower and then up to get imitater
[02:57] <Eugoth> defensive plants barely help since they're randomly placed
[02:58] <Eugoth> electric blueberry is also not a good choice because it takes time to charge and by the time it charges you can make a match
[02:59] <Coolyoyo33> yep
[02:59] <The Magic Star> yeah
[03:00] <Eugoth> WOW
[03:00] <Eugoth> Blooming heart instantly killed a conehead
[03:01] <Eugoth> The zombie it was aiming died and it shoot at the other and it died instantly
[03:01] <Coolyoyo33> it's a glitch
[03:01] <Coolyoyo33> also pls gimme de magzento
[03:01] <Eugoth> k
[03:02] <Eugoth> Does it need the filter?
[03:02] <Rex700> 10:55 Eugoth You expected that filling craters would be free?
[03:02] <Rex700> At least cost sun, not coins
[03:03] <Rex700> sorry for being slow, but the chat does not ping me
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> I guess
[03:03] <Eugoth> ok
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> It's really easily doable without worrying about the craters
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> it's not like pvz 1
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> where if you lose a few craters
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> the enemy can easily penetrate
[03:03] <Rex700> Coolyoyo33: why exactly?
[03:03] <Coolyoyo33> penetrate (lenny) 
[03:03] <Eugoth>
[03:04] <Eugoth> Try the magento, i don't know if it works without filter
[03:04] <Eugoth> but they gave just the magento
[03:04] <Coolyoyo33> idk why, losing craters doesn't change the difficulty when I play this bejeweled
[03:04] <Eugoth> It's a challenge
[03:04] <Eugoth> The more time you take, the harder it gets
[03:04] <Eugoth> if you want to nerf this difficulty, use coins
[03:05] <Coolyoyo33> *beghouled
[03:05] <Coolyoyo33> I want a beghouled endless
[03:05] <Rex700> and i really don't think anyone can upgrade to the electric blueberry card
[03:05] <Eugoth> me too
[03:05] <Rex700> or the winter melon one
[03:05] <Eugoth> it's possible
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> ik it is
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> They could make the upgrades a bit more expensive
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> Like 1000 more for each
[03:06] <PnFforever> ded chat
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> because I can't really get all the upgrades in 100-150 matches
[03:06] <Coolyoyo33> that just triggers something in me
[03:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Just focus on the important ones
[03:07] <Insert Your Name Here> Colddragon on day 8, primal pea on day 13
[03:07] <Insert Your Name Here> The upgrades are also branched btw
[03:07] <Rex700> i think you need to match all the wall nuts and snapdragons on the back first
[03:07] <Coolyoyo33> I did both @iynh
[03:07] <Coolyoyo33> but in the first I flipping accidently clicked on tall-nut ;-;
[03:08] <Rex700> and the lightning reeds are useless, so turn them into laser beans
[03:08] <Eugoth> 2 rows of moonflower = 2 rows of twin sunflowers
[03:08] <Rex700> Eugoth: that's why it's weak
[03:08] <Insert Your Name Here> It's still more useful than puff-shroom
[03:08] <Rex700> oh
[03:08] <Rex700> i forgot there's puff shrooms too.
[03:09] <Eugoth> ?
[03:09] <Rex700> i forgot that this beghouled has puff shrooms in the starting roster
[03:09] <Rex700> so upgrade the puff shrooms first
[03:10] <Rex700> and match the snapdragons, puff shrooms and wall nuts in the back first
[03:10] <Rex700> since they are useless
[03:11] <Eugoth> blooming heart is so sucky
[03:11] <Rex700> Eugoth: what does it do?
[03:11] <Rex700> Eugoth: i think it's just a glorified melonpult
[03:11] <Eugoth> It increases damage the more it hits one zombie
[03:11] <Rex700> just ignore the premium plants if they are useless
[03:11] <Eugoth> stacks up to 5 or 4.5
[03:12] <Rex700> so why not power up the moonshade instead, aside moonshade is weak to exevacators?
[03:12] <Rex700> it isn't like both of them do AOE damage anyway
[03:13] <Eugoth> moonshade?
[03:13] <Rex700> sorry
[03:13] <Rex700> nightshade*
[03:14] <Insert Your Name Here> Moonshade sounds like a plant ship name
[03:14] <PnFforever> test
[03:15] <Lolwutburger> apparently chat wasn't that alive this night
[03:15] <Lolwutburger> good morrow to you peoplez
[03:16] <Xenons> Bye!
[03:16] <Insert Your Name Here> It's freaking morning in america...
[03:18] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> deadchat.exe
[03:18] <Eugoth> holy shit
[03:18] <Eugoth> I made a mega combo
[03:19] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> well I got a fucking permaban
[03:19] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> at least I got this community :^)
[03:19] <Eugoth> what
[03:19] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> another wiki
[03:19] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> I just said something...
[03:19] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> and how the fuck
[03:19] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> is that wiki official
[03:19] <Insert Your Name Here> [[Modern Day - Day 10]]
[03:19] <Insert Your Name Here> Well that's a lot of zombies
[03:22] <Coolyoyo33> I feel oh so bored
[03:22] <Coolyoyo33> "The Zombie has been eaten by zombies" Cannibalism?
[03:22] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> I feel fucking confused how the fuckis the BF wiki official
[03:23] <Coolyoyo33> BF wiki?
[03:23] <Coolyoyo33> Modern day is so boring
[03:24] <Coolyoyo33> ugh 
[03:24] <Coolyoyo33> I feel bored
[03:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Battlefield Wiki?
[03:26] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> great easter egg lao
[03:27] <Eugoth> "For Nightshade, smacking is a duty and a privilege. He comes from a long line of ardent smackers"
[03:27] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> brb name change
[03:27] <Insert Your Name Here> You could have said the full name :p 
[03:28] <Coolyoyo33> Smackers (Lenny) 
[03:28] <Eugoth> So he's a raper?
[03:29] <Coolyoyo33> who knows
[03:30] <Coolyoyo33> but a necrophiliac raper
[03:30] <Coolyoyo33> that we all know the answer to (lenny) 
[03:30] <Insert Your Name Here> He wants to smack that moonflower
[03:31] <Coolyoyo33> omg
[03:31] <Coolyoyo33> "fierce collaboration with nightshade" (lenny) 
[03:31] <Xenons> Moonflower would collaborate with anything (lenny) 
[03:32] <Eugoth> (Mc zom-b) 
[03:32] <Coolyoyo33> Moonflower and table collaboration
[03:32] <Eugoth> (mc zom-b) = Rapper
[03:32] <Coolyoyo33> episode 1
[03:32] <Eugoth> Nightshade = Raper
[03:32] <Coolyoyo33> (raptor) = raptor
[03:32] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> Moonflower has sex with an Table (lenny) 
[03:32] <Insert Your Name Here> "Fierce collaboration" (lenny) 
[03:32] <ADVENT-UR-TRON> :P 
[03:33] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> holy shit
[03:33] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> so much lenes
[03:33] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> lennies
[03:33] <Insert Your Name Here> Well I made that stupid sapfling x blooming heart pic and it's now haunting my computer
[03:34] <PnFforever> Day 16 of BWB in a nutshell:
[03:34] <Coolyoyo33> oh
[03:34] <Eugoth> Moonflower and table relationship:
[03:35] <Eugoth> @cool did the magento work?
[03:37] <Xenons> @PnF, meanwhile have fun with these 10 Lily Pads.
[03:38] <Coolyoyo33> I didn't try it yet @eugoth
[03:38] <Eugoth> uh
[03:38] <Eugoth> I found it in the pvz it's about hex google community
[03:38] <Insert Your Name Here> [[File:Kek.png]]
[03:38] <Eugoth> I'm not a member but i look it up
[03:39] <Eugoth> Sap fling wants a sticky relationship (lenny) 
[03:40] <Xenons> Sap-fling wants to sap inside Blooming Heart (lenny) 
[03:40] <Eugoth> That's sick
[03:41] <Xenons> Yeah, who knows what plant mutation might happen.
[03:42] <Xenons> brb
[03:43] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> How does (Peashooter) and (Sunflower) have sex?
[03:44] <Rex700> Eugoth: also, off topic, if i could use blooming heart, why can't i use a powered up nightshade instead? they do the same damage and they're identical save for exvacator zombies
[03:44] <BLACKSMITH ALCHEMIST> (lenny) 
[03:44] <Eugoth> Yes, you can use, rex
[03:45] <Eugoth> Blooming heart's projectile recharge is faster, but it needs to hit the same zombie in order to damage increase.
[03:45] <Rex700> Eugoth: so blooming heart is shite.
[03:45] <Eugoth> yes, that's what i said before
[03:45] <Rex700> this is why blooming heart is shite*
[08:16] <CitronFire3> *waits for MD trailer*
[08:16] <Eugoth> 4days2go
[08:16] <CitronFire3> Yeppppppp
[08:17] <Eugoth> Chinese pvz2 sux
[08:17] <Eugoth> It uses the same fuckin music
[08:17] <Eugoth> for every level
[08:19] <Coolyoyo33> I changed my PC icon to recycle bin to remind me of the good times
[08:19] <Coolyoyo33> when I used to open my recycle bin
[08:19] <Coolyoyo33> good times, good times
[08:20] <Eugoth> lmfao
[08:20] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:20] <Coolyoyo33> ello Bp
[08:21] <Ballistic Planet> Nigthshade
[08:21] <Ballistic Planet> Has definitely surprised me
[08:21] <Coolyoyo33> btw how hard do you think MD is?
[08:21] <Ballistic Planet> CF3 was right
[08:21] <Ballistic Planet> 4.5 Jalapenos
[08:21] <Coolyoyo33> Nightshade is useful
[08:21] <Eugoth> helo
[08:21] <Ballistic Planet> Nightshade is good because of how easy it is to spam them
[08:21] <Coolyoyo33> with cold snap and imitater? 
[08:21] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:21] <ErnestoAM> Hi dead peeps.
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33> ello ernie
[08:22] <Eugoth> 2 moonflower columns = 2 twin sunflower columns
[08:22] <Eugoth> o/ 
[08:22] <Ballistic Planet> Normally I only get one column of TSF
[08:22] <Ballistic Planet> I tried two in the AE EZ, and it seems to work decently
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33> 2 columns for the price of 1?
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33> don't mind if I do?
[08:22] <Coolyoyo33> *!
[08:22] <Eugoth> *cough*
[08:23] <Eugoth> 500 sun for 2 columns of moonflower
[08:23] <Ballistic Planet> Two column of Moonflowers = 2 columns of Twin's for the price less than the price of one column
[08:23] <Eugoth> 1250 sun for 2 columns of twin sunflower
[08:23] <Ballistic Planet> 625 for one column of TSF
[08:23] <Ballistic Planet> Moonflower op
[08:23] <Eugoth> so that's 150% more
[08:24] <ErnestoAM> I broke my Moonflower. :( 
[08:24] <Ballistic Planet> aww Ernesto
[08:24] <Ballistic Planet> I havent hacked yet
[08:24] <Ballistic Planet> I think I will soon
[08:24] <ErnestoAM> It doesn't have shadow affect.
[08:24] <Ballistic Planet> I'm gonna get into level editing
[08:24] <ErnestoAM> It can't even produce sun.
[08:24] <Ballistic Planet> LOL
[08:24] <Eugoth> How?
[08:24] <Ballistic Planet> REKT
[08:25] <ErnestoAM> At least we know that the Moonflower relies on her own shadow mist to produce sun.
[08:25] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[08:25] <Eugoth> ikr
[08:25] <Ballistic Planet> interesting
[08:25] <Eugoth> 3 shadow plants around it are enough to max
[08:25] <Eugoth> So it counts itself as a shadow plant in range
[08:26] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[08:26] <Eugoth> Honestly, if moonflower's plant food gave it a &lt;&gt; aura that would be helpfu
[08:26] <Eugoth> o/ 
[08:26] <Ballistic Planet> Ernsto, can you make Moonflower produce more than 100 sun?
[08:27] <Eugoth> Who's don't let go?
[08:27] <Ballistic Planet> Black Alchemist
[08:27] <Ballistic Planet> or something like that
[08:27] <Eugoth> :o 
[08:27] <Vebros> NMT Day 1 completed lol xd Purple style!!
[08:27] <Eugoth> BECOZ
[08:28] <Eugoth> I wonder how modern day lawnmowers look like
[08:28] <Eugoth> brb
[08:28] <Eugoth> nvm]
[08:29] <Eugoth> <span style="font-size:7pt;"> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;"> <span style="text-decoration:underline;"> <span style="font-weight:bold;"> <span style="font-style:italic;"> I figured it out</span></span></span></span></span>
[08:29] <Eugoth> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> [bold] test</span>
[08:29] <Eugoth> (facepalm) 
[08:29] <Eugoth> <span style="font-size:16pt;"> <span style="font-weight:bold;"> Test</span></span>
[08:29] <Eugoth> ok thanks
[08:29] <Ballistic Planet> I guess it's time for me to mod
[08:29] <ErnestoAM> blood
[08:32] <ErnestoAM> I can't til I get home. (sad face) :( 
[08:33] <Eugoth> (magnifying grass) a plant that turns sun into damage. (sun bean) a plant that turns damage into sun (toadstool) a plant that turns zombies into sun (ra zombie) a zombie that turns sun into plants
[08:33] <Eugoth> Dead chat is sad.
[08:33] <Coolyoyo33> This is how you identify people with no life
[08:33] <Coolyoyo33> *know people have no life
[08:34] <Eugoth> Why is he wearing half a t-shirt? @cool
[08:34] <Coolyoyo33> don't ask me
[08:35] <Eugoth> We need a sun nut. The more you bite, the more you get.
[08:35] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[08:35] <Coolyoyo33> chill
[08:36] <ErnestoAM> Sun-nut
[08:36] <ErnestoAM> Testicle-nut (lenny) 
[08:37] <Coolyoyo33> Deez-nu
[08:37] <Coolyoyo33> t
[08:38] <Ballistic Planet> I'm working on my mod @Coolyoyo
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> O
[08:38] <Ballistic Planet> it should come out soon
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> nice
[08:38] <Coolyoyo33> yes!
[08:38] <Ballistic Planet> I might make changes Moonflower, Nightshade, and Shadow-shroom
[08:39] <Ballistic Planet> And I know it's pretty late for you
[08:39] <Ballistic Planet> this time, I'm not gonna modify zombies in the base mod
[08:39] <Ballistic Planet> I'm still ognna mod them, but I'm separating the mod into two
[08:39] <Ballistic Planet> One without zombie changes, one with
[08:39] <Coolyoyo33> O
[08:40] <Ballistic Planet> and the reason I'm doing this is to have a bckup in case something goes wrong
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> It's a good idea
[08:40] <Coolyoyo33> and a smart choice
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> btw
[08:41] <Coolyoyo33> what the two wheeled automated thing should've been named
[08:41] <Eugoth> Howdy!
[08:41] <CitronFire3> fdfdgdf
[08:41] <SlimeLOLEnder> hoes
[08:41] <SlimeLOLEnder> is the chat alive now
[08:42] <CitronFire3> no
[08:42] <CitronFire3> its ded as a crushed spider
[08:42] <Coolyoyo33> who said the crushed spider is daeD?
[08:42] <Eugoth> Spiders can be revived with tazzline potion so no
[08:42] <ErnestoAM> CF3 is a spider, crush him!
[08:42] <Eugoth> :) 
[08:42] <Ballistic Planet> CF3 you were right
[08:42] <Ballistic Planet> about Nightshade
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> gg
[08:43] <CitronFire3> Yep
[08:43] <Eugoth> I don't understand plant food
[08:43] <CitronFire3> Less then a peashooter
[08:43] <CitronFire3> A PEASHOOTER
[08:43] <CitronFire3> AND IT DOES THAT MUCH DAMAGE
[08:43] <CitronFire3> DA HELL
[08:43] <Eugoth> Actually
[08:43] <SlimeLOLEnder> :v
[08:43] <Eugoth> 125 sun counting moonflower
[08:43] <CitronFire3> true
[08:43] <CitronFire3> DAMMIT
[08:43] <CitronFire3> :P 
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> they're so easily spammable
[08:43] <Ballistic Planet> it's great
[08:44] <CitronFire3> yep
[08:44] <Eugoth> (lenny) 
[08:44] <CitronFire3> i told u all
[08:44] <Coolyoyo33> Pitbull
[08:44] <ErnestoAM> Nightshade sucks
[08:44] <SlimeLOLEnder> ^
[08:44] <Coolyoyo33> he's only useful if you're not using premiums tho
[08:44] <Ballistic Planet> Nightshade isn't THAT bad
[08:44] <CitronFire3> yeah
[08:44] <Ballistic Planet> not good, but nto that bad
[08:44] <CitronFire3> yeah
[08:44] <Coolyoyo33> DAmn it wrong link
[08:44] <CitronFire3> exactly
[08:44] <Coolyoyo33>
[08:44] <SlimeLOLEnder> well i only use it to get moonflower sun
[08:44] <Eugoth> Nightshade is like a snack
[08:44] <Eugoth> You want bigger ones
[08:45] <Eugoth> But they cost more
[08:45] <Coolyoyo33> the pitbull part just
[08:51] <Snapdragon717> "Smells like broken promises. Don't breath this."
[08:51] <Coolyoyo33> what are those two wheeled things called?
[08:51] <Snapdragon717> hoverboards
[08:51] <Snapdragon717> though they don't hover
[08:51] <Snapdragon717> I hate that
[08:51] <Coolyoyo33> there's also another name
[08:51] <CitronFire3> EAM
[08:51] <CitronFire3> EA
[08:51] <CitronFire3> EAMEAMAMAMA
[08:51] <CitronFire3> EAM
[08:51] <CitronFire3> EAM
[08:51] <CitronFire3> EAM
[08:51] <CitronFire3> ERNESTO
[08:51] <CitronFire3> ERNIE
[08:51] <CitronFire3> ERNIEMAN
[08:51] <Coolyoyo33> I don't want to call them hoverboards
[08:52] <CitronFire3> U need to change ur icon
[08:52] <Snapdragon717> @CF3 From sesame street? (troll) Get it, Ernie?
[08:52] <ErnestoAM> I'm Ray-mas
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> Yeo
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> *Yep'
[08:52] <Coolyoyo33> The Segway!
[08:53] <Snapdragon717> Mini segway
[08:53] <CitronFire3> yes
[08:53] <Snapdragon717> without the handles
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> A shitty device used for fame by people who find it hard to walk on streets
[08:53] <CitronFire3> ERNIESON
[08:53] <CitronFire3> CHANGE UR ICON TO MD ICON
[08:53] <CitronFire3> WHICH SUCKS
[08:53] <Snapdragon717> that spontaniously burst into flams
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> or any flat surfaces
[08:53] <Snapdragon717> flames
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> without objects
[08:53] <Coolyoyo33> it's as dumb as light shoes
[08:53] <Snapdragon717> Seriously, who still rides them despite reports of them catching on fire?
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> what the f is with the new trends?
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> Light shoes?
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> Mini-Segways?
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> This world is doomed
[08:54] <Snapdragon717> It already has been
[08:54] <Coolyoyo33> My brother wants one and all I can think of is "WASTE OF GODDAMN MONEY"
[08:54] <CitronFire3> LOL
[08:55] <Snapdragon717> Also, I discovered this guy had a Youtube channel
[08:55] <Coolyoyo33> AND NEEDS TO RECHARGE
[08:55] <Snapdragon717> Ello
[08:55] <Coolyoyo33> LIKE REALLY
[08:55] <Xenons> Hi
[08:55] <Coolyoyo33> ello xeno
[08:56] <Coolyoyo33> he just smiles
[08:57] <Coolyoyo33> while crushing innocent objects
[08:57] <Coolyoyo33> what a cruel man
[08:57] <Coolyoyo33> *blending
[08:57] <Snapdragon717> Well, we have to find out if they blend or not
[08:58] <Coolyoyo33> I couldn't agree more
[08:59] <Snapdragon717> Me too
[08:59] <Ballistic Planet> Mod Progress report, doing FF plants now
[08:59] <Ballistic Planet> finishing them
[08:59] <Snapdragon717> Want to hear a joke? 
[08:59] <Coolyoyo33> gg
[09:00] <Xenons> I listen.
[09:00] <Coolyoyo33> TOp 1 thing I hate in youtube comments
[09:00] <Coolyoyo33> 
[09:00] <Coolyoyo33> advertisers
[09:01] <Ballistic Planet> oh goodness
[09:01] <Ballistic Planet> I just buffed Hypno-shroom even more
[09:02] <Ballistic Planet> Because Shadow-shroom gave me a reason to
[09:02] <Ballistic Planet> ty Shadow-shroom
[09:02] <Snapdragon717> Teaching grammar to Youtube using puppets.
[09:02] <Coolyoyo33> O @ballistic
[09:02] <Coolyoyo33> like how?
[09:02] <Ballistic Planet> nothing big
[09:02] <Ballistic Planet> Just a 10 second recharge
[09:03] <Ballistic Planet> like Shadow-shroom
[09:03] <Coolyoyo33> o
[09:03] <ErnestoAM> u
[09:04] <Snapdragon717> i
[09:04] <Snapdragon717> are we listing vowels?
[09:05] <Ballistic Planet> y yes
[09:05] <Ballistic Planet> e are
[09:05] <Snapdragon717> a............. h
[09:05] <Coolyoyo33> lol
[09:08] <Coolyoyo33> chat just
[09:08] <Coolyoyo33> got keeled
[09:08] <ErnestoAM> g
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> is g a vowel?
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> (troll) 
[09:09] <Coolyoyo33> almost
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> damn
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> is (lol) a vowel?
[09:09] <Coolyoyo33> just needs to actually be a vowel :) 
[09:09] <Coolyoyo33> * :P 
[09:09] <Coolyoyo33> Time to do schoolwork
[09:09] <Coolyoyo33> at 1 am
[09:09] <Coolyoyo33> meh
[09:09] <ErnestoAM> lol
[09:09] <Snapdragon717> We're forgetting 1 vowel
[09:09] <Snapdragon717> y
[09:09] <Coolyoyo33> I give up
[09:10] <ErnestoAM> that's a great time to do homewok
[09:10] <Coolyoyo33> I did it at 12 am yesterday
[09:10] <Coolyoyo33> till 3 am
[09:10] <Coolyoyo33> My homework times are always early
[09:19] <Coolyoyo33> Mini-Segway - -10/10
[09:19] <Snapdragon717> 1.0/10
[09:20] <CoachSDot> Is chat ded?
[09:21] <Snapdragon717> sort of
[09:21] <Snapdragon717> Here's a joke. What do you call a German rope tying group?
[09:21] <CoachSDot> ...
[09:22] <Xenons> What?
[09:22] <Snapdragon717> A Knotzie
[09:22] <CoachSDot> Let's play a game.
[09:22] <Snapdragon717> buh dum tss
[09:22] <Ballistic Planet> chat crash
[09:22] <Ballistic Planet> ..
[09:22] <Ballistic Planet> .
[09:22] <CoachSDot> We try to type a lot of words
[09:22] <CoachSDot> Like this
[09:22] <Snapdragon717> *Disclaimer: Not meant to offend any Germans
[09:22] <CoachSDot> And combo break each other
[09:23] <Xenons> Wow. That joke sure was a bomb.
[09:23] <CoachSDot> Let's play "Finish the Story"
[09:23] <Xenons> The End.
[09:23] <Xenons> Okay, that's it.
[09:23] <Xenons> Anything else?
[09:23] <CoachSDot> We just type sentence by sentence creating a story
[09:24] <CoachSDot> Once upon a time...
[09:24] <Xenons> ...a shrine maiden...
[09:24] <CoachSDot> CoachSDot was eaten by zombies
[09:24] <Snapdragon717> The end!
[09:24] <Coolyoyo33> was eaten by zombies
[09:24] <Snapdragon717> (troll) 
[09:25] <Ballistic Planet> finished with the FC plants
[09:25] <Ballistic Planet> doing Dandelion now
[09:26] <Xenons> What do you call someone who's afraid of Santa?
[09:26] <Snapdragon717> Claustrophobic
[09:26] <Snapdragon717> Also on an unrelated note
[09:27] <Xenons> No, a naughty kid. Silly, Snap.
[09:27] <MegaVile2004> Snapdragon, this is the REAL meaning of claustrophobic (troll) 
[09:27] <MegaVile2004>
[09:27] <Snapdragon717> Oh, that thing
[09:28] <Snapdragon717> 
[09:28] <Snapdragon717> Found this
[09:28] <MegaVile2004> BTW I can't get the soft version of PVZ2 MD 1 to run
[09:29] <MegaVile2004> the apk runs good, but doesn't activate
[09:29] <Xenons> Made Lolwut, of course.
[09:29] <Xenons> Made by*
[09:31] <Ballistic Planet> wirking on NMT plants now
[09:39] <Ballistic Planet> I can change the plants
[09:39] <MegaVile2004> can u make it for PC
[09:39] <Ballistic Planet> And the zombies
[09:40] <Ballistic Planet> no
[09:40] <Ballistic Planet> I can't make PVZ2 for PC
[09:40] <MegaVile2004> cuz I can't find any PVZ2 PC edition without any surveys
[09:40] <Ballistic Planet> There is no PC edition of PVZ2
[09:40] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoyo, give link to the APK of MD 1
[09:40] <Ballistic Planet> except Vebros's, but that's a mod
[09:40] <CitronFire3> test
[09:41] <Coolyoyo33> MV
[09:41] <Ballistic Planet> SV was DEFINATELY changed
[09:42] <Ballistic Planet> trying to buff it back up
[09:42] <MegaVile2004> what do I type in google CY33
[09:43] <MegaVile2004> cuz that link is 2 long for me to type on my phone
[09:43] <Ballistic Planet> you can't copy and paste?
[09:44] <MegaVile2004> Im on my PC right now
[09:44] <MegaVile2004> >_>
[09:44] <Ballistic Planet> You can copy and paste on pc...
[09:44] <MegaVile2004> but not on phone
[09:44] <Ballistic Planet> You move the apk onto your phone
[09:44] <Coolyoyo33> idk
[09:44] <Ballistic Planet> you can*
[09:44] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed Moonflower
[09:44] <Ballistic Planet> cause why not
[09:45] <MegaVile2004> (ballisticplanet) is it for Android or Ipad?
[09:45] <Coolyoyo33> Was going to do school work 
[09:45] <Ballistic Planet> android
[09:45] <Coolyoyo33> ended up watching cartoon conspiracies
[09:45] <Ballistic Planet> 4.4 isn't released on iPad yet
[09:46] <Ballistic Planet> How shall I buff Nightshade?
[09:46] <MegaVile2004> make it do 5 dmg
[09:46] <MegaVile2004> no wait
[09:46] <MegaVile2004> it already does
[09:46] <Ballistic Planet> it already does 5 dmg...
[09:47] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed it's melle damage
[09:47] <Ballistic Planet> from 10 to 15
[09:47] <MegaVile2004> Idk, Making his ranged would be 2 OP
[09:47] <CitronFire3> I
[09:47] <CitronFire3> JUST
[09:47] <CitronFire3> BOUGHT
[09:47] <CitronFire3> CSD
[09:47] <CitronFire3> :D 
[09:48] <Ballistic Planet> noice
[09:49] <Ballistic Planet> Leaf respawn time decreased from 5 seconds to 2.
[09:49] <Ballistic Planet> How does that sound?
[09:49] <MegaVile2004> good
[09:49] <MegaVile2004> now make shadowshroom's powered ability go in a 3x3
[09:49] <MegaVile2004> (not pf)
[09:49] <Orbacal> hai
[09:49] <MegaVile2004> cause one lane just ruins the fun
[09:50] <Ballistic Planet> I'll see if I can
[09:50] <Ballistic Planet> but I'm not sure if I can
[09:50] <Orbacal> anyone wants to play pvzb
[09:50] <MegaVile2004> pvzb?
[09:50] <Orbacal>
[09:52] <Coolyoyo33> How to buff nightshade
[09:52] <Coolyoyo33> make it do 6 damage instead of 5, make the leaf recharge time 4
[09:52] <CitronFire3> Im getting SV next
[09:52] <Coolyoyo33> 2
[09:52] <CitronFire3> once i haz da money
[09:52] <Coolyoyo33> if it was 2
[09:52] <Coolyoyo33> then you'd never run out of leaves
[09:52] <Ballistic Planet> I made the leaf recharge time 2
[09:52] <Ballistic Planet> i'll make it 3
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> neither makes a difference tho :P 
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> Since they both = never ending leaves
[09:53] <Ballistic Planet> 3.5
[09:53] <Ballistic Planet> ?
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> ye
[09:53] <Coolyoyo33> I just don't want the leaf respawn rate to just be a useless thing
[09:54] <Ballistic Planet> i just
[09:55] <Ballistic Planet> buffed the heck
[09:55] <Ballistic Planet> out of Blooming Heart
[09:55] <Ballistic Planet> Maximum Damage stacks increased from 5 to 127
[09:55] <Ballistic Planet> And damage added per stack increased from 0.5 to 1
[09:56] <Coolyoyo33> 127
[09:56] <Coolyoyo33> shit just got real
[09:56] <Ballistic Planet> I want BH to be more than usable
[09:56] <Ballistic Planet> I want her to be GOOD
[09:56] <Ballistic Planet> this is my feeble attempt
[09:56] <Coolyoyo33> at least it allows it to K.O. a garg
[09:56] <CitronFire3> Day 22 can die
[09:57] <CitronFire3> of NMT
[09:57] <Ballistic Planet> of?
[09:57] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[09:57] <CitronFire3> DONT PLAY 8-BIT
[09:57] <CitronFire3> NO
[09:57] <CitronFire3> NO
[09:59] <CitronFire3> ded
[10:00] <CitronFire3> Spore Shroom killed Yeti Zombie???? O_O_O_O
[10:00] <Dont let go> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dont let go</span></span> plays Rap
[10:00] <CitronFire3> Spore Shrooms are pretty powerful TBH
[10:03] <Coolyoyo33> kik
[10:03] <Coolyoyo33> *lol
[10:03] <CitronFire3> k i won
[10:03] <CitronFire3> somehow
[10:03] <CitronFire3> cool
[10:03] <Coolyoyo33> This woman dissed an actual batman storyline as a CONSPIRACY
[10:03] <CitronFire3> I got CSD
[10:03] <Coolyoyo33> noice
[10:03] <CitronFire3> ikr
[10:04] <Ballistic Planet> alright
[10:04] <CitronFire3> Now to unlock it in IBBG :p 
[10:04] <Ballistic Planet> the plant version of zach's mod is done
[10:04] <Ballistic Planet> time to test it
[10:04] <CitronFire3> ?
[10:04] <Coolyoyo33> Yay
[10:04] <Coolyoyo33> Hope it works!
[10:04] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoy, I'm on my phone, give try all link
[10:04] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> Zach aka himself @cf3
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> my name irl is zach
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> And it's my mod
[10:05] <Coolyoyo33> zach mod
[10:05] <Ballistic Planet> My mod is a balance mod that attempts to balance the game
[10:06] <Coolyoyo33> what was the name of that bad minecraft zoutuber strategist again?
[10:06] <Ballistic Planet> idk
[10:06] <Coolyoyo33> *not minecraft, pvz
[10:06] <Coolyoyo33> Oh yeah
[10:06] <Coolyoyo33> Zack Scott Games
[10:06] <Ballistic Planet> PVZ?
[10:06] <Ballistic Planet> Zack Scott
[10:06] <Coolyoyo33> Reminded me of that
[10:06] <Ballistic Planet> I have almost the same name
[10:06] <Ballistic Planet> rip
[10:07] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoyo, says Cant Open File
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> rename the file
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> from .apkk to .apk
[10:07] <MegaVile2004> to what
[10:07] <Ballistic Planet> rename it from .apkk to .apk
[10:07] <MegaVile2004> how do I do t
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> click on it for some time'
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> *click and hold
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> it will show options
[10:07] <Coolyoyo33> click rename
[10:08] <MegaVile2004> on what app?
[10:08] <MegaVile2004> Im on Downloads
[10:08] <Ballistic Planet> on the apk
[10:09] <Ballistic Planet> tap and hold for a while
[10:09] <Coolyoyo33> ^
[10:09] <MegaVile2004> no what app do I go and rename on
[10:10] <Coolyoyo33> can't you rename it directly?
[10:10] <Coolyoyo33> if not download OI file manager and do it from there
[10:11] <Coolyoyo33> "Super man is actually louis lane in drags, because they're never seen in the same scene at the same time" LMFAo
[10:11] <Coolyoyo33> hello hige
[10:11] <Higehigebomber> Hi thar
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> "The lego movie was animated in stop motion" where do people get these senseless ideas from
[10:12] <Ballistic Planet> alright
[10:12] <Ballistic Planet> after a bit of wrestling with my computer and tablet, the file is moving
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> "yoshi is actually a pokemon" 
[10:12] <Coolyoyo33> OK den
[10:13] <Ballistic Planet> OH SHIT
[10:13] <Ballistic Planet> forgot the Sweet Potato mod
[10:13] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[10:13] <Coolyoyo33> lel
[10:14] <Coolyoyo33> "the dwarfs from snow white become smurfs" lm ao
[10:16] <Coolyoyo33> "JAke is actually fin's dad" how the hell would this even work
[10:16] <Higehigebomber> You see, here's how that world work... A girl loves her dog a bit too much...
[10:17] <Higehigebomber> would*
[10:17] <Coolyoyo33> omg
[10:17] <Coolyoyo33> no
[10:17] <Higehigebomber> Then I think you can piece it together form there.
[10:17] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoyo, when I opened PVZ2, it says *License check failed
[10:17] <MegaVile2004> >:P
[10:17] <CitronFire3> I HATE IBBG
[10:17] <Coolyoyo33> "Pokemon is actually about child traficking" HOW DOES POKEMON HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH CHILD TRAFFICKING 
[10:17] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> hi!
[10:17] <CitronFire3> I just constantly have winds freezing my plants
[10:17] <CitronFire3> I NEED CSD IN THIS
[10:18] <Ballistic Planet> THE MOD MOVED
[10:18] <Ballistic Planet> TEST TIME
[10:18] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Anything new in pvz2?
[10:18] <Higehigebomber> @CF3 Get lucky and get it as your first plant, that's what I did.
[10:18] <CitronFire3> MD Part 1 soft
[10:18] <Coolyoyo33> "Timon and Pumba are responsible for mufasa's death" really? REALLY
[10:18] <Coolyoyo33> k den
[10:18] <Ballistic Planet> NO CRASH
[10:18] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> No not just that.
[10:18] <CitronFire3> hige
[10:18] <Ballistic Planet> NO CRAAAAASH
[10:18] <Ballistic Planet> THE MOD IS WORKING
[10:18] <CitronFire3> I JUST bought CSD today
[10:18] <CitronFire3> Lol
[10:18] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoyo, it wont work, it said License check failed
[10:18] <Higehigebomber> Ah, well get it faster. >:L
[10:18] <Coolyoyo33> Do it with wifi off
[10:19] <Coolyoyo33> YES @BP
[10:19] <MegaVile2004> wifi is off
[10:19] <Ballistic Planet> GG
[10:19] <Coolyoyo33> then on it
[10:19] <Higehigebomber> I bought Shrinking Violet two days ago, played the first level of La Brainsa and Shrinking Violet was my first plant. "Feels good man."
[10:19] <Coolyoyo33> idek
[10:19] <CitronFire3> tf
[10:19] <CitronFire3> t
[10:19] <CitronFire3> f
[10:19] <Coolyoyo33> Jumps off
[10:19] <CitronFire3> tff
[10:19] <CitronFire3> tfffff
[10:19] <Ballistic Planet> stil got a couple of things left to do
[10:19] <CitronFire3> the fucking fuck
[10:19] <CitronFire3> :P 
[10:19] <Ballistic Planet> for the plant version of the mod
[10:19] <CitronFire3> im gonna go die in lbt
[10:20] <CitronFire3> i hope it works
[10:20] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> So, is anyone gonna be a 10th grader after summer?
[10:20] <Higehigebomber> You'll need Shrinking Violet and Weed, I have no luck on getting the Weeds though.
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33> "The 7 deadly sins are represented in spongebob" RLLY NIGGA
[10:20] <CitronFire3> "weed"
[10:20] <CitronFire3> WEED IS IN PVZ2!?? :P 
[10:20] <Coolyoyo33> (spikeweed) 
[10:21] <CitronFire3> Celery Stalker
[10:21] <CitronFire3> Hurrikale
[10:21] <CitronFire3> or Split Pea
[10:21] <CitronFire3> well PFFTT
[10:21] <CitronFire3> OBVIOUSLY SPLIT PEA
[10:21] <CitronFire3> SO OP
[10:21] <CitronFire3> lol jk
[10:21] <CitronFire3> Hurrikale obi
[10:21] <Coolyoyo33> "Bender is actually a robot" I mean....THAT'S NOT A THEORY
[10:21] <CitronFire3> ew
[10:21] <CitronFire3> gargantuars
[10:21] <CitronFire3> WHY ANKY
[10:21] <CitronFire3> WHYY
[10:21] <Higehigebomber> I'm really lucky for some reason, I get some of the most OP plants on my first level of an Endless. :p 
[10:21] <CitronFire3> I need a really OP Plant
[10:21] <CitronFire3> Peashooter
[10:21] <CitronFire3> :P 
[10:22] <CitronFire3> I still dont have Winter Melon
[10:22] <CitronFire3> in LBT
[10:22] <CitronFire3> Ive played like
[10:22] <CitronFire3> 22 levels
[10:22] <CitronFire3> and its been hell
[10:22] <CitronFire3> I only have Spikerocks and it SUCKS
[10:22] <Coolyoyo33> "Casper is the ghost of richie rich" Ok nice, you add this as a bad conspiracy THEN GO ON TO MAKE A VIDEO ON IT
[10:23] <CitronFire3> OH MY GOD
[10:23] <CitronFire3> WHT THE FUCK DID I DO
[10:23] <CitronFire3> ALL I HAVE IS SPIKEROCK
[10:23] <CitronFire3> UMM
[10:23] <CitronFire3> WELL
[10:23] <CitronFire3> LOL
[10:23] <Higehigebomber> Spam it all over the world and you'll survive hopefully
[10:23] <Ballistic Planet> Testing V0.2 of the plant version @Coolyoyo
[10:23] <CitronFire3> yep XD
[10:23] <Higehigebomber> Unless you have gargs, in which case, KEK!
[10:24] <Ballistic Planet> This adds some buffs to Sunflower and Sweet Potato
[10:24] <Coolyoyo33> Hype 
[10:24] <Ballistic Planet> After that, I have one more version, which will add a slight buff to Homing thistle
[10:24] <CitronFire3> i have gargs
[10:24] <CitronFire3> DED 
[10:24] <CitronFire3> im
[10:24] <CitronFire3> gonna
[10:24] <Ballistic Planet> and then, I move onto the zombie version
[10:24] <CitronFire3> be
[10:24] <CitronFire3> ded
[10:24] <Coolyoyo33> I want to directly download this mod
[10:24] <Coolyoyo33> gotta still wait rip
[10:24] <Ballistic Planet> you'll be able to shortly
[10:24] <Ballistic Planet> I'll post the updated changelog on pastebin
[10:25] <CitronFire3> Btw im just Jk I actually brought primal pea XD
[10:25] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Na apk of md part 1 plz?
[10:25] <Ballistic Planet> it's on the MD discussion thread
[10:26] <Ballistic Planet> Coolyoyo I'm uploading the changelist right now, but the zombies aren't in the game yet
[10:26] <Coolyoyo33> oki
[10:27] <Coolyoyo33> Makes sense
[10:27] <Ballistic Planet> andree here's the na apk
[10:27] <CitronFire3> DAMMIT NO
[10:27] <CitronFire3> NOT A GARG IN ANKY'S LANE
[10:27] <CitronFire3> WHY
[10:27] <CitronFire3> WHY
[10:28] <Ballistic Planet> damn my internet is so slow
[10:28] <Ballistic Planet> wtf
[10:29] <Ballistic Planet> testing V0.2 alpha
[10:29] <Ballistic Planet> no crash :) 
[10:29] <Coolyoyo33> "Did dexter kill his parents" c h i l l
[10:29] <CitronFire3> DINOS R UNDER CONTROL
[10:29] <CitronFire3> :D 
[10:30] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[10:30] <CitronFire3> k why is there never any dinosaurs in the top lane?
[10:30] <IMCR8Z> I'm back from watching the greatest Christmas movie since Die Hard with my sister: Star Wars Episode VII. For the second time, that is.
[10:30] <CitronFire3> theres NEVER any
[10:30] <CitronFire3> YES ANKY!
[10:31] <Ballistic Planet> @Coolyoyo
[10:31] <Ballistic Planet> there's teh change list
[10:32] <Coolyoyo33> WAit
[10:32] <CitronFire3> anky's r awesome
[10:32] <CitronFire3> they kill gargs
[10:32] <CitronFire3> BAI
[10:32] <Higehigebomber> Is that Star Wars Episode VII the newest one, or is it an older one? I don't know the Star Wars series enough to care what episode it's on. :p 
[10:32] <CitronFire3> :p 
[10:32] <Coolyoyo33> What does ankly's min attack range mean? @bp
[10:33] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoyo, how did you open the APK file, for me it says Download failed because you may not have purchased this app
[10:33] <CitronFire3> K IMMA DIE YAY
[10:33] <CitronFire3> :p 
[10:33] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: If Bloomerang can now hit 7 zombies for 1.25 damage, you should balance it out by making him attack slower and increasing his sun cost slightly.
[10:33] <Ballistic Planet> I have no clue
[10:33] <IMCR8Z> (assuming that's your mod)
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> "Just download it
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> without wifi
[10:33] <MegaVile2004> Download what
[10:33] <Coolyoyo33> Then on wifi and download the resources
[10:33] <MegaVile2004> I downloaded the APK
[10:33] <Ballistic Planet> well, I wanted him to be comparable to Laser Bean, an alternative if you will
[10:33] <MegaVile2004> went on
[10:34] <Ballistic Planet> And you'll se my Laser Bean changes down the road
[10:34] <MegaVile2004> went on my gmail account with wifi
[10:34] <MegaVile2004> and the same problem happened
[10:34] <Ballistic Planet> I change like 80% of the plants in this game
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> rlly, you have no clue xD
[10:34] <MegaVile2004> but what resources? 
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> I hope it's not an op af buck 
[10:34] <Ballistic Planet> I change a lot, almost too much
[10:34] <Coolyoyo33> the actual game @megaville
[10:34] <Ballistic Planet> but I have no life, so what do I care
[10:35] <MegaVile2004> I DID
[10:35] <MegaVile2004> All it did was make 2 seperate ones, the one with the feastivus picture, and the one with the MD pic
[10:35] <Ballistic Planet> I should probably nerf HT though
[10:35] <Ballistic Planet> it's a little strong
[10:35] <Higehigebomber> How did you change Winter, or Cold Snap? If you changed those?
[10:35] <Ballistic Planet> I nerfed Winter Melon
[10:35] <Ballistic Planet> CSD is the same
[10:35] <CitronFire3> K spikerock broke there
[10:35] <CitronFire3> I used its PF
[10:35] <CitronFire3> And it didnt pull the Garg bck
[10:35] <Ballistic Planet> Because it's my mod, and I REALLY don't wanna nerf Cold Snapdragon, because I'm CRAZY
[10:36] <Ballistic Planet> I actually buffed Grapeshot as a mtter of fact
[10:36] <CitronFire3> WAT
[10:36] <CitronFire3> How?
[10:36] <MegaVile2004> make Snapdragon 75 sun
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> More bounces
[10:36] <Ballistic Planet> I made grapes do more damage and bounce more
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> @cf3
[10:36] <CitronFire3> oh
[10:36] <CitronFire3> cool
[10:36] <Ballistic Planet> Snapdragon is fine the way he is imo
[10:36] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Do (threepeater2) and (peashooter2) use separate projectiles? Because you made Threepeater do 2 damage, but it says nothing about Peashooter's damage being increased.
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> did someone say 
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> coo?
[10:36] <Ballistic Planet> Yup @IMC
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> *coll?
[10:36] <Coolyoyo33> *cool?
[10:37] <Ballistic Planet> Threepeater for some unknown reason uses a different Projectile than the other Peashooters
[10:37] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoyo, what resources? All the download did was make 2 seperate PvZs
[10:37] <Ballistic Planet> I don't know why
[10:37] <Ballistic Planet> It just does
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> very weird
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> idk
[10:37] <Higehigebomber> I'm pretty sure it needs to, because its peas start in the center, and two of them move to the other lanes.
[10:37] <CitronFire3> jm gargs take forever to kill
[10:37] <Coolyoyo33> Parasol no longer bounces melons
[10:37] <Higehigebomber> Otherwise it'd be as simple as two peas starting off of his lane. kek
[10:37] <Ballistic Planet> Jm gargs have 1.5x HP as the normal ones
[10:37] <Ballistic Planet> Just melon
[10:37] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Does that also apply to other Peashooting plants that use regular peas? (I.E. Repeater and Pea Pod)
[10:37] <CitronFire3> Is Anky ok? he keeps doing stuff with his tail O_O
[10:38] <Coolyoyo33> "Guys! Bring the winter melons back to TOB!"
[10:38] <IMCR8Z> *(I.E. Repeater, Pea Pod, and Pea-nut)
[10:38] <CitronFire3> whats TOB :p 
[10:38] <CitronFire3> WAIT
[10:38] <CitronFire3> TOB
[10:38] <Ballistic Planet> Repeater, Pea Pod, Peashooter etc. all use one projectile, but Threepeater uses one that's different from the rest, so it only affects Threepeater
[10:38] <CitronFire3> TEMPLE OF BLOOM
[10:38] <CitronFire3> NVM
[10:38] <CitronFire3> :p 
[10:38] <Coolyoyo33> Telepathic Orca Machine
[10:38] <CitronFire3> <span class="me-username">* <span>CitronFire3</span></span> is dumb
[10:38] <CitronFire3> :P 
[10:38] <Higehigebomber> I am fairly certain as to why Threepeater has different peas, he has peas that follow a 'gravity change' since two of them should be on the upper and lower lanes, but move to be on the other lanes. Otherwise they're the same.
[10:38] <CitronFire3> IM GETTING GARGS IN EVERY
[10:38] <CitronFire3> SINGLE
[10:38] <CitronFire3> LEVEL
[10:39] <Ballistic Planet> but for SOME reason, it uses the same fire pea as everyone else, so Threepeater + Torchwood does nothing
[10:39] <Coolyoyo33> gargs are the easiest in la brainsa
[10:39] <CitronFire3> IKR
[10:39] <CitronFire3> But they take forever to kill
[10:39] <Ballistic Planet> But the pea damage change only affects Threepeater
[10:39] <Ballistic Planet> alright time to add the zombie changes into the game
[10:39] <Coolyoyo33> that troglobite upgrade tho
[10:39] <CitronFire3> wat????????
[10:40] <Ballistic Planet> Now spawns with 5 blocks instead of 3.
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> Grapeshot is actually a thing used for cannons
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> but no
[10:40] <Higehigebomber> I don't know why they nerfed Torchwood in this game though, I know this is off-topic but seriously, no splash damage makes it a wasted purchase.
[10:40] <Higehigebomber> Of course I still bought it, but it's only good for the first level of each world.
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> I don't even 
[10:40] <Coolyoyo33> touch torchwood
[10:41] <Ballistic Planet> torchwood is still bad with my mod
[10:41] <CitronFire3> <span class="me-username">* <span>CitronFire3</span></span> wants to kill you
[10:41] <Ballistic Planet> I just don't know how to buff it besides sun cost and recharge
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> exterminator 3
[10:41] <CitronFire3> POD 
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> a side name for 3 peater
[10:41] <Higehigebomber> All it would need is a fairly large radius for fire splash (on its own lane of course), and MAYBE along with a sun cost reduction.
[10:41] <CitronFire3> POD = Paradox of Doom = Modern Day
[10:41] <CitronFire3> POD is therefore Modern Day
[10:42] <Higehigebomber> But I don't think his cost isn't much of an issue, in regular levels anyway.
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> POD is Pyramid of Doom, newb @cf3
[10:42] <CitronFire3> Nope
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> yis
[10:42] <Reapeageddon> [c red]hi
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> Why did ya make Dragon IMp useless? @bp
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> fuck him
[10:43] <Reapeageddon> So the Chat Tags update is real
[10:43] <Reapeageddon> and I hate it
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> he's annoying
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> I don't give a shit about him
[10:43] <Reapeageddon> <span style="color:red;">hello</span>
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> chill
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> listen
[10:43] <Higehigebomber> Buff him to have the health of 10 Gargs, and instantly kill any plant he comes across, even instants, and be immune to every instant.
[10:43] <CitronFire3> Pyramid of Doom is POD but POD can also stand for Paradox of Doom and Paradoxes are in Modern Day so therefore Pyramid of Doom is Modern Day (troll) 
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> just make him take half as much damage from fire plants instead of full resistance
[10:43] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Maybe see if you can give (torchwood2) splash damage like in the first game?
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> if you can that is
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> I can't
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> I ave to add bytes
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> and you can't do that
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> which is stupid as fuck
[10:44] <IMCR8Z> [sad horn]
[10:44] <CitronFire3> Cool how do you know what BP is doing?
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> Trust me, I really want to
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> but I can't
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> Oh i c
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> that sux
[10:44] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Can you make him immune to freezing winds?
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> He's a heating plant, he should be immune
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> He is already immune
[10:45] <CitronFire3> COOL
[10:45] <CitronFire3> ANSWER
[10:45] <CitronFire3> MAH
[10:45] <CitronFire3> QUESTION
[10:45] <CitronFire3> :p 
[10:45] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> What do you mean know what he's doing?
[10:45] <Ballistic Planet> he knows what im doing
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> If you're saying know that he's modding from before
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> I do
[10:45] <CitronFire3> Like with the mod
[10:45] <CitronFire3> But
[10:45] <CitronFire3> how do you know exactly what hes modding
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> he just uploaded that lol
[10:46] <IMCR8Z> (iceberg lettuce) (snow pea2) (winter melon2) If that's the case, did you make the snow plants immune to the frost?
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> that too on the main chat xD
[10:46] <CitronFire3> o
[10:46] <CitronFire3> lol
[10:46] <Ballistic Planet> I think I have to add bytes to do that, which is impossible in the currentmoment, It's stupid, and if i could, I would, but I can't
[10:46] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> I really want to do school work
[10:46] <Ballistic Planet> I could make Cold Snapdragon not immune to freezing winds the
[10:46] <Ballistic Planet> maybe
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> but motivation level 0
[10:46] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> I've noticed that the white stripes of the ??? world look like clouds.
[10:47] <Coolyoyo33> and procrastination level over 9000
[10:47] <Ballistic Planet> coolyoyo wants my mod
[10:47] <Ballistic Planet> i'm working on the zombies rn
[10:47] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Maybe try giving (primal peashooter) freeze immunity, since he clearly has fur.
[10:47] <CitronFire3> da hell
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> I have to add bytes for that, and I can't. In order to give plants freeze immunity that don't already ahve it, I ave to do something not possible yet
[10:48] <CitronFire3> BP Why
[10:48] <CitronFire3> :P 
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> I'm sorry, but this game is a nightmare to mod
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> But I found a way
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> as you cna see
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> He can't add bytes
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> he can replace them
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> I think?
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> I can repalce
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> and delete
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> but not add
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> #thankspopcrap
[10:50] <IMCR8Z> What about making (primal peashooter) and (primal sunflower) have slightly more health?
[10:50] <Ballistic Planet> I can do that, and I might do that in my community inspired mod, but currently this is just my opinions (and however shitty they are, they're mine)
[10:50] <MegaVile2004> and make (primal sunflower) 's sun production time decreased
[10:50] <Ballistic Planet> NO
[10:50] <MegaVile2004> cuz and recharge
[10:41] <Ballistic Planet> torchwood is still bad with my mod
[10:41] <CitronFire3> <span class="me-username">* <span>CitronFire3</span></span> wants to kill you
[10:41] <Ballistic Planet> I just don't know how to buff it besides sun cost and recharge
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> exterminator 3
[10:41] <CitronFire3> POD 
[10:41] <Coolyoyo33> a side name for 3 peater
[10:41] <Higehigebomber> All it would need is a fairly large radius for fire splash (on its own lane of course), and MAYBE along with a sun cost reduction.
[10:41] <CitronFire3> POD = Paradox of Doom = Modern Day
[10:41] <CitronFire3> POD is therefore Modern Day
[10:42] <Higehigebomber> But I don't think his cost isn't much of an issue, in regular levels anyway.
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> POD is Pyramid of Doom, newb @cf3
[10:42] <CitronFire3> Nope
[10:42] <Coolyoyo33> yis
[10:42] <Reapeageddon> [c red]hi
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> Why did ya make Dragon IMp useless? @bp
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> fuck him
[10:43] <Reapeageddon> So the Chat Tags update is real
[10:43] <Reapeageddon> and I hate it
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> he's annoying
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> I don't give a shit about him
[10:43] <Reapeageddon> <span style="color:red;">hello</span>
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> chill
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> listen
[10:43] <Higehigebomber> Buff him to have the health of 10 Gargs, and instantly kill any plant he comes across, even instants, and be immune to every instant.
[10:43] <CitronFire3> Pyramid of Doom is POD but POD can also stand for Paradox of Doom and Paradoxes are in Modern Day so therefore Pyramid of Doom is Modern Day (troll) 
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> just make him take half as much damage from fire plants instead of full resistance
[10:43] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Maybe see if you can give (torchwood2) splash damage like in the first game?
[10:43] <Coolyoyo33> if you can that is
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> I can't
[10:43] <Ballistic Planet> I ave to add bytes
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> and you can't do that
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> which is stupid as fuck
[10:44] <IMCR8Z> [sad horn]
[10:44] <CitronFire3> Cool how do you know what BP is doing?
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> Trust me, I really want to
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> but I can't
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> Oh i c
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> that sux
[10:44] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Can you make him immune to freezing winds?
[10:44] <Ballistic Planet> He's a heating plant, he should be immune
[10:44] <Coolyoyo33> He is already immune
[10:45] <CitronFire3> COOL
[10:45] <CitronFire3> ANSWER
[10:45] <CitronFire3> MAH
[10:45] <CitronFire3> QUESTION
[10:45] <CitronFire3> :p 
[10:45] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> What do you mean know what he's doing?
[10:45] <Ballistic Planet> he knows what im doing
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> If you're saying know that he's modding from before
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33> I do
[10:45] <CitronFire3> Like with the mod
[10:45] <CitronFire3> But
[10:45] <CitronFire3> how do you know exactly what hes modding
[10:45] <Coolyoyo33>
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> he just uploaded that lol
[10:46] <IMCR8Z> (iceberg lettuce) (snow pea2) (winter melon2) If that's the case, did you make the snow plants immune to the frost?
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> that too on the main chat xD
[10:46] <CitronFire3> o
[10:46] <CitronFire3> lol
[10:46] <Ballistic Planet> I think I have to add bytes to do that, which is impossible in the currentmoment, It's stupid, and if i could, I would, but I can't
[10:46] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Hi!
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> I really want to do school work
[10:46] <Ballistic Planet> I could make Cold Snapdragon not immune to freezing winds the
[10:46] <Ballistic Planet> maybe
[10:46] <Coolyoyo33> but motivation level 0
[10:46] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> I've noticed that the white stripes of the ??? world look like clouds.
[10:47] <Coolyoyo33> and procrastination level over 9000
[10:47] <Ballistic Planet> coolyoyo wants my mod
[10:47] <Ballistic Planet> i'm working on the zombies rn
[10:47] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Maybe try giving (primal peashooter) freeze immunity, since he clearly has fur.
[10:47] <CitronFire3> da hell
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> I have to add bytes for that, and I can't. In order to give plants freeze immunity that don't already ahve it, I ave to do something not possible yet
[10:48] <CitronFire3> BP Why
[10:48] <CitronFire3> :P 
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> I'm sorry, but this game is a nightmare to mod
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> But I found a way
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> as you cna see
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> He can't add bytes
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> he can replace them
[10:48] <Coolyoyo33> I think?
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> I can repalce
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> and delete
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> but not add
[10:48] <Ballistic Planet> #thankspopcrap
[10:50] <IMCR8Z> What about making (primal peashooter) and (primal sunflower) have slightly more health?
[10:50] <Ballistic Planet> I can do that, and I might do that in my community inspired mod, but currently this is just my opinions (and however shitty they are, they're mine)
[10:50] <MegaVile2004> and make (primal sunflower) 's sun production time decreased
[10:50] <Ballistic Planet> NO
[10:50] <MegaVile2004> cuz and recharge
[10:51] <Ballistic Planet> Primal Sunflower is perfectly balanced the way she is
[10:51] <Ballistic Planet> minus the plant food
[10:51] <Ballistic Planet> which I buffed
[10:51] <MegaVile2004> then nerf Moonflower, cuz Popcap just tried to instantly replace primal flower
[10:51] <MegaVile2004> >:P
[10:51] <MegaVile2004> 
[10:51] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed Moonflower :P 
[10:51] <CitronFire3> I like how Spore shroom is defensive
[10:51] <Protanly> moonflower instantly replace moonflower? lol no
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> Please tell me you buffed that shitty plant food?
[10:52] <CitronFire3> waitttt
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> with Moonflower?
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> No
[10:51] <Ballistic Planet> Primal Sunflower is perfectly balanced the way she is
[10:51] <Ballistic Planet> minus the plant food
[10:51] <Ballistic Planet> which I buffed
[10:51] <MegaVile2004> then nerf Moonflower, cuz Popcap just tried to instantly replace primal flower
[10:51] <MegaVile2004> >:P
[10:51] <MegaVile2004> 
[10:51] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed Moonflower :P 
[10:51] <CitronFire3> I like how Spore shroom is defensive
[10:51] <Protanly> moonflower instantly replace moonflower? lol no
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> Please tell me you buffed that shitty plant food?
[10:52] <CitronFire3> waitttt
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> with Moonflower?
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> No
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> that's all we need
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> I haven't yet
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> I'll see what I can do
[10:52] <Protanly> Primal sun is instant sun ramp.. the biggest instant sun ramp
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> Moonflower = Primal Sunflower for me
[10:52] <MegaVile2004> but Moonflower makes 100
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> they are about as good
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> Moonflower with imitater is better than PS for me
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> Moonflower takes longer to get going
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> Without imitater, equal level
[10:53] <Ballistic Planet> Primal Sunflower is nice right off the bat
[10:53] <Higehigebomber> For 300 Sun, you're making 300 Sun with Primal.
[10:53] <Higehigebomber> For 200 Sun, you're making 400 Sun with Moon.
[10:53] <Higehigebomber> It's all about what you feel like is the better plant.
[10:53] <IMCR8Z> And while you're at it, try turning (primal wall-nut) into a brute (more health than even Tall-nut, but has a high cost and slow recharge, and fliers and leapers can still go over him), and giving (spore-shroom) the health of (pea-nut) so the shrooms spawned from dead zombies can actually last.
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> This
[10:53] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[10:53] <Ballistic Planet> @IMc I partially did the Spore-shroom one, but I didn't give him nearly as much hp
[10:54] <MegaVile2004> can you buff the FF zombies? FF was 2 easy
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> imcr, that primal wallnut
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> just no
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Personal experience: primalflower gives you more sun early on
[10:54] <Ballistic Planet> As for the Primal WAll-nut one, I'll keep that in the community inspired one I plan on making
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> And early game is the most important
[10:54] <Protanly> primal sun is the best sun producer imo
[10:54] <VGKing1> Am I the only one who thinks (primal potato mine) is possibly the best plant you get in the (zombot dinotronic mechasaur) battle?
[10:54] <Birdpool> I have been trying to clear up some free space and I still havent cleared enough
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> btw, pea-nut has the same health as wall-nut @imcr
[10:54] <Protanly> Because what IYNH is my opinion and what I've always said
[10:55] <VGKing1> Does anyone agree with me>
[10:55] <Higehigebomber> @VGK
[10:55] <Higehigebomber> You can always place him in the center lane, and do 50% of one of the bars to Zomboss when it activates. :p 
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: I thought he had less health, tho.
[10:55] <Ballistic Planet> It has the same
[10:55] <Ballistic Planet> Pea-nut was buffed
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> he had less health like when he released
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> K den
[10:55] <Protanly> @IMC No. It got buffed to wall nut health back when FC was being released
[10:55] <Ballistic Planet> It now has the same health as Wall-nut
[10:55] <MegaVile2004> BP, buff the FF zombies
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> @Pro: Well, I DIDN'T FECKING NO!
[10:55] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed the shield zombie
[10:55] <Higehigebomber> So wait, he had less at the beginning? What the heck, that isn't a 'combination of Wall-Nut and Peashooter'...
[10:56] <Protanly> @IMC No need to snap. I was just telling you when. 
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> chill out guis
[10:56] <VGKing1> I wonder what tier (primal potato mine) would be.
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> I wish you could buff bully so that he was immune to all knockback :'( 
[10:56] <MegaVile2004> buff the Robocone and zombot, and NERF THE CITRON
[10:56] <VGKing1> Im my opinion A or S tier,
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Nerf Citron?
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> Now chat lost chill
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Why?
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Citron is probably the worst plant in the game
[10:56] <VGKing1> I wish (citron) could do splash damage!
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Why nerf it?
[10:56] <MegaVile2004> poor (zombot tomorrow tron) didn't get a chance to fight , Citron always beat him
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> Nerf EB
[10:57] <Higehigebomber> His Plant Food, when it connects to a Garg/Machine, SHOULD do Splash. It looks like it should, so it should. &gt;:( 
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> I want to change Citron's attack speed
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> but I can't
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> to recharge the lightning to every 30 seconds
[10:57] <VGKing1> though plant food is pretty useful.
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> it's not in the code
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> for some reason
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> and recharge to 120 seconds
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> nerf E Blueberry kek
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> :P 
[10:57] <Protanly> @Coolyoyo33 if you did that... you would need to change it so that it doesnt just electrify random zombies
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed the fuck out of Imp Cannons
[10:57] <VGKing1> imagine if (grapeshot) got nerfed...
[10:58] <Protanly> and instead targets zombies based on a priorities list
[10:58] <MegaVile2004> and somebody plz Buff (prime) 
[10:58] <VGKing1> plz buff (zombie chicken) 
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> Just no
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> never @megaville
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> @Retro it does target zombies based on a priority list
[10:58] <VGKing1> nonononono just kidding
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> but it's more of an influence then a priority
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> But a shitty one @ballistic
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> make it the reverse and that would be ACTUALLY useful
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> I just made it target Gargs more often
[10:58] <VGKing1> Doesn't nightshade's leaves do 5 damage each?
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> ranged ones do
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[10:59] <Birdpool> If I have 4.4 apk, can I just uninstall PvZ2 and use apk?
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> Melee ones do 10
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> you shouldn't need to uninstall
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> Melee Nightshade is weaker than puff shroom
[10:59] <VGKing1> Sure it does a lot of damage, but I'm not sure how useful it looks.
[10:59] <MegaVile2004> the Pvz2 4.4 APK wont work for me
[10:59] <Higehigebomber> Yeah, the wording should change in EBB's page. Priority sounds like it will target that range of zombies specifically, and move down the list. I have had a few times where a Garg dies before 10 basic zombies in Day 31 of NMT.
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> Nightshade isn't bad
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> When it's not boosted that is
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> just underpowered
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> *boosted
[10:59] <CitronFire3> Intensive Carrot doesn't full revive plants?
[10:59] <CitronFire3> Only restores half health?
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> yup
[11:00] <Birdpool> But can I do that and keep my data?
[11:00] <Higehigebomber> Yeah the dev diary said
[11:00] <CitronFire3> Woww
[11:00] <Ballistic Planet> if you uninstall, you lose your data
[11:00] <Ballistic Planet> if you don't, you keep it
[11:00] <Higehigebomber> It's semi-useful in Terror From Tomorrow, otherwise, don't use a slot for it.
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> Listen 
[11:00] <Protanly> thing is with intensive carrots, for any non defensive plants.. health doesnt matter as much
[11:00] <VGKing1> I need to use (intensive carrot) more...
[11:00] <CitronFire3> same
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> @BirdPool
[11:00] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed IC a ton
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> Pm
[11:00] <VGKing1> I think it's useful for expensive plants.
[11:00] <Ballistic Planet> because it felt useless
[11:00] <CitronFire3> IC?
[11:00] <CitronFire3> Intensive Carrot
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> that's all we need
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> I haven't yet
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> I'll see what I can do
[10:52] <Protanly> Primal sun is instant sun ramp.. the biggest instant sun ramp
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> Moonflower = Primal Sunflower for me
[10:52] <MegaVile2004> but Moonflower makes 100
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> they are about as good
[10:52] <Coolyoyo33> Moonflower with imitater is better than PS for me
[10:52] <Ballistic Planet> Moonflower takes longer to get going
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> Without imitater, equal level
[10:53] <Ballistic Planet> Primal Sunflower is nice right off the bat
[10:53] <Higehigebomber> For 300 Sun, you're making 300 Sun with Primal.
[10:53] <Higehigebomber> For 200 Sun, you're making 400 Sun with Moon.
[10:53] <Higehigebomber> It's all about what you feel like is the better plant.
[10:53] <IMCR8Z> And while you're at it, try turning (primal wall-nut) into a brute (more health than even Tall-nut, but has a high cost and slow recharge, and fliers and leapers can still go over him), and giving (spore-shroom) the health of (pea-nut) so the shrooms spawned from dead zombies can actually last.
[10:53] <Coolyoyo33> This
[10:53] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[10:53] <Ballistic Planet> @IMc I partially did the Spore-shroom one, but I didn't give him nearly as much hp
[10:54] <MegaVile2004> can you buff the FF zombies? FF was 2 easy
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> imcr, that primal wallnut
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> just no
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Personal experience: primalflower gives you more sun early on
[10:54] <Ballistic Planet> As for the Primal WAll-nut one, I'll keep that in the community inspired one I plan on making
[10:54] <Insert Your Name Here> And early game is the most important
[10:54] <Protanly> primal sun is the best sun producer imo
[10:54] <VGKing1> Am I the only one who thinks (primal potato mine) is possibly the best plant you get in the (zombot dinotronic mechasaur) battle?
[10:54] <Birdpool> I have been trying to clear up some free space and I still havent cleared enough
[10:54] <Coolyoyo33> btw, pea-nut has the same health as wall-nut @imcr
[10:54] <Protanly> Because what IYNH is my opinion and what I've always said
[10:55] <VGKing1> Does anyone agree with me>
[10:55] <Higehigebomber> @VGK
[10:55] <Higehigebomber> You can always place him in the center lane, and do 50% of one of the bars to Zomboss when it activates. :p 
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> @Cool: I thought he had less health, tho.
[10:55] <Ballistic Planet> It has the same
[10:55] <Ballistic Planet> Pea-nut was buffed
[10:55] <Coolyoyo33> he had less health like when he released
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> K den
[10:55] <Protanly> @IMC No. It got buffed to wall nut health back when FC was being released
[10:55] <Ballistic Planet> It now has the same health as Wall-nut
[10:55] <MegaVile2004> BP, buff the FF zombies
[10:55] <IMCR8Z> @Pro: Well, I DIDN'T FECKING NO!
[10:55] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed the shield zombie
[10:55] <Higehigebomber> So wait, he had less at the beginning? What the heck, that isn't a 'combination of Wall-Nut and Peashooter'...
[10:56] <Protanly> @IMC No need to snap. I was just telling you when. 
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> chill out guis
[10:56] <VGKing1> I wonder what tier (primal potato mine) would be.
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> I wish you could buff bully so that he was immune to all knockback :'( 
[10:56] <MegaVile2004> buff the Robocone and zombot, and NERF THE CITRON
[10:56] <VGKing1> Im my opinion A or S tier,
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Nerf Citron?
[10:56] <Coolyoyo33> Now chat lost chill
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Why?
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Citron is probably the worst plant in the game
[10:56] <VGKing1> I wish (citron) could do splash damage!
[10:56] <Ballistic Planet> Why nerf it?
[10:56] <MegaVile2004> poor (zombot tomorrow tron) didn't get a chance to fight , Citron always beat him
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> Nerf EB
[10:57] <Higehigebomber> His Plant Food, when it connects to a Garg/Machine, SHOULD do Splash. It looks like it should, so it should. &gt;:( 
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> I want to change Citron's attack speed
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> but I can't
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> to recharge the lightning to every 30 seconds
[10:57] <VGKing1> though plant food is pretty useful.
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> it's not in the code
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> for some reason
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> and recharge to 120 seconds
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> nerf E Blueberry kek
[10:57] <Coolyoyo33> :P 
[10:57] <Protanly> @Coolyoyo33 if you did that... you would need to change it so that it doesnt just electrify random zombies
[10:57] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed the fuck out of Imp Cannons
[10:57] <VGKing1> imagine if (grapeshot) got nerfed...
[10:58] <Protanly> and instead targets zombies based on a priorities list
[10:58] <MegaVile2004> and somebody plz Buff (prime) 
[10:58] <VGKing1> plz buff (zombie chicken) 
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> Just no
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> never @megaville
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> @Retro it does target zombies based on a priority list
[10:58] <VGKing1> nonononono just kidding
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> but it's more of an influence then a priority
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> But a shitty one @ballistic
[10:58] <Coolyoyo33> make it the reverse and that would be ACTUALLY useful
[10:58] <Ballistic Planet> I just made it target Gargs more often
[10:58] <VGKing1> Doesn't nightshade's leaves do 5 damage each?
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> ranged ones do
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> yes
[10:59] <Birdpool> If I have 4.4 apk, can I just uninstall PvZ2 and use apk?
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> Melee ones do 10
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> you shouldn't need to uninstall
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> Melee Nightshade is weaker than puff shroom
[10:59] <VGKing1> Sure it does a lot of damage, but I'm not sure how useful it looks.
[10:59] <MegaVile2004> the Pvz2 4.4 APK wont work for me
[10:59] <Higehigebomber> Yeah, the wording should change in EBB's page. Priority sounds like it will target that range of zombies specifically, and move down the list. I have had a few times where a Garg dies before 10 basic zombies in Day 31 of NMT.
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> Nightshade isn't bad
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> When it's not boosted that is
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> just underpowered
[10:59] <Coolyoyo33> *boosted
[10:59] <CitronFire3> Intensive Carrot doesn't full revive plants?
[10:59] <CitronFire3> Only restores half health?
[10:59] <Ballistic Planet> yup
[11:00] <Birdpool> But can I do that and keep my data?
[11:00] <Higehigebomber> Yeah the dev diary said
[11:00] <CitronFire3> Woww
[11:00] <Ballistic Planet> if you uninstall, you lose your data
[11:00] <Ballistic Planet> if you don't, you keep it
[11:00] <Higehigebomber> It's semi-useful in Terror From Tomorrow, otherwise, don't use a slot for it.
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> Listen 
[11:00] <Protanly> thing is with intensive carrots, for any non defensive plants.. health doesnt matter as much
[11:00] <VGKing1> I need to use (intensive carrot) more...
[11:00] <CitronFire3> same
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> @BirdPool
[11:00] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed IC a ton
[11:00] <Coolyoyo33> Pm
[11:00] <VGKing1> I think it's useful for expensive plants.
[11:00] <Ballistic Planet> because it felt useless
[11:00] <CitronFire3> IC?
[11:00] <CitronFire3> Intensive Carrot
[11:00] <CitronFire3> yeah
[11:01] <Birdpool> I don't have enough space for the update
[11:01] <Higehigebomber> It's good in Terror From Tomorrow, since the Prime Lasers can fry your Winters.
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> o/ EAM
[11:01] <MegaVile2004> and somebody nerf (zombotmultistagesmasher) and his last stage, 
[11:01] <MegaVile2004> jeez
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> I'm modding again
[11:01] <Birdpool> Normally
[11:01] <VGKing1> The only thing that I don't enjoy about (spore-shroom) is that it doesn
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> this chat is too fast :'( 
[11:01] <VGKing1> 't do splash damage.
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> Spore-shroom should be defnsive, atleast slightly
[11:01] <CitronFire3> I hate how we dont even get SV very much in the pinata parties 
[11:01] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoyo, how did you get the APK working, you installed it, named it apk, now what
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> so it has a areason to duplicate
[11:01] <CitronFire3> Its not even MD Sneak peaks anymore
[11:01] <VGKing1> Though (primal potato mine) is really useful in my opinion.
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> I DIDN'T NAME IT APK
[11:02] <Ballistic Planet> PPM is one of the best plants in the game imo
[11:00] <CitronFire3> yeah
[11:01] <Birdpool> I don't have enough space for the update
[11:01] <Higehigebomber> It's good in Terror From Tomorrow, since the Prime Lasers can fry your Winters.
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> o/ EAM
[11:01] <MegaVile2004> and somebody nerf (zombotmultistagesmasher) and his last stage, 
[11:01] <MegaVile2004> jeez
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> I'm modding again
[11:01] <Birdpool> Normally
[11:01] <VGKing1> The only thing that I don't enjoy about (spore-shroom) is that it doesn
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> this chat is too fast :'( 
[11:01] <VGKing1> 't do splash damage.
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> Spore-shroom should be defnsive, atleast slightly
[11:01] <CitronFire3> I hate how we dont even get SV very much in the pinata parties 
[11:01] <MegaVile2004> Coolyoyo, how did you get the APK working, you installed it, named it apk, now what
[11:01] <Ballistic Planet> so it has a areason to duplicate
[11:01] <CitronFire3> Its not even MD Sneak peaks anymore
[11:01] <VGKing1> Though (primal potato mine) is really useful in my opinion.
[11:01] <Coolyoyo33> I DIDN'T NAME IT APK
[11:02] <Ballistic Planet> PPM is one of the best plants in the game imo
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> I just renamed the .apkk part o .apk'
[11:02] <MegaVile2004> nerf (primalpotatomine) (troll) 
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> not the whole file
[11:02] <MegaVile2004> ik
[11:02] <VGKing1> (primal sunflower) is pretty useful too.
[11:02] <IMCR8Z> (ra zombie) should have had his speed increased with every sun he collects. (NOT IN YOUR MOD)
[11:02] <MegaVile2004> but then what
[11:02] <Ballistic Planet> ehh
[11:02] <Ballistic Planet> I like that idea
[11:02] <Ballistic Planet> JM has good plants
[11:03] <Ballistic Planet> all of them are good
[11:03] <MegaVile2004> And somebody buff Balloon Zombie
[11:03] <CitronFire3> Yeah
[11:03] <VGKing1> I don't really enjoy the idea of replacing (sun-shroom2) so I end up using both (primal sunflower) and (sun-shroom2) 
[11:03] <MegaVile2004> he's basically a reskined (bugzombie) 
[11:03] <ErnestoAM> hi
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Peashooter replaced peashooteR!!!
[11:04] <CitronFire3> CSD is really effective against Coneheads
[11:04] <MegaVile2004> somebody nerf (octopus) 
[11:04] <VGKing1> (shrinking violet) is useful against (chicken wrangler zombie) 
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> I did nerf the octo zombie
[11:04] <MegaVile2004> to what stats?
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> I lowered his attack speed
[11:04] <VGKing1> I hope the zombot of Modern day does not summon (octo zombie) 
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> He can't octo you as often
[11:04] <MegaVile2004> that leaves the cheap (wizardzombie) 
[11:05] <Ballistic Planet> I nerfed him to
[11:05] <MegaVile2004> pain in the ass
[11:05] <Ballistic Planet> The same nerf
[11:05] <VGKing1> I wonder what happends if you make the zombot's health 1?
[11:05] <Ballistic Planet> his attack speed was also nerfed
[11:05] <MegaVile2004> xD
[11:05] <IMCR8Z> @VG: Hilarity, that's what.
[11:05] <Colgatepony234> Back on the lawn!
[11:05] <VGKing1> What phase would it be in?
[11:05] <MegaVile2004> nerf (zombot tuskmaster) 
[11:05] <MegaVile2004> he spams his ice wall too much
[11:06] <CitronFire3> CSD just owned Garg Prime
[11:06] <VGKing1> Hey MegaVille, what do you think of (zombot tuskmaster 10,000 bc) ? My friend thinks it looks really stupid
[11:06] <MegaVile2004> he is annoying
[11:06] <VGKing1> I can imagine it playing its trunk similar to a tuba...
[11:06] <Colgatepony234> On PvZ I am on level 4-6 so far
[11:06] <MegaVile2004> sometimes for me, he spams his icewall too fast my plants can't keep up fast enough to damage him
[11:06] <MegaVile2004> forcing me to use powerups
[11:07] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: If it's possible, please don't follow CitronBomb's insane idea to make Zombots impossible by giving them an unstoppable charge attack and regenerating health.
[11:07] <VGKing1> Though my friend thinks (zombot multi-stage masher) looks the worst.
[11:07] <ErnestoAM> Chat sexiness level: 0.23%
[11:07] <Ballistic Planet> I wasn't planning on it
[11:07] <MegaVile2004> and somebody nerf (infinut) 's (plantfood) 
[11:07] <Birdpool> Three power flame kilsthe iceage zombot
[11:07] <VGKing1> Imagine if the Modern Day zombot summoned (wizard zombie) and (chicken wrangler zombie) in the same phase
[11:08] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Good, you did the right thing.
[11:08] <CitronFire3> CSD own Gargs
[11:08] <CitronFire3> they just
[11:08] <CitronFire3> well
[11:08] <CitronFire3> die
[11:08] <CitronFire3> :P 
[11:08] <Ballistic Planet> I may try to do that in a private mod, but not in the one I'm releasing publicly\
[11:09] <VGKing1> What would modern day's endless zone be called?
[11:09] <MegaVile2004> Time Twister?
[11:09] <MegaVile2004> xD lolno
[11:09] <IMCR8Z> @VG: "Farmageddon" is the best I've got.
[11:09] <CitronFire3> OOO????
[11:09] <CitronFire3> 
[11:10] <MegaVile2004> DUN DUN DUUUUUUN
[11:10] <VGKing1> is it even real?
[11:10] <Birdpool> Coolyoyo
[11:10] <CitronFire3> idk
[11:10] <CitronFire3> Probably not
[11:10] <VGKing1> I have no idea if this is real, it needs to be seen on the map...
[11:10] <CitronFire3> But if there really are more then 32 days of MD
[11:10] <CitronFire3> YAY
[11:10] <CitronFire3> :D 
[11:10] <Birdpool> Pm
[11:10] <ErnestoAM> ReservedColumnCount$, nullify the byte after the $ and you can plant on the last 2/3 columns in zomboss battles
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> I just renamed the .apkk part o .apk'
[11:02] <MegaVile2004> nerf (primalpotatomine) (troll) 
[11:02] <Coolyoyo33> not the whole file
[11:02] <MegaVile2004> ik
[11:02] <VGKing1> (primal sunflower) is pretty useful too.
[11:02] <IMCR8Z> (ra zombie) should have had his speed increased with every sun he collects. (NOT IN YOUR MOD)
[11:02] <MegaVile2004> but then what
[11:02] <Ballistic Planet> ehh
[11:02] <Ballistic Planet> I like that idea
[11:02] <Ballistic Planet> JM has good plants
[11:03] <Ballistic Planet> all of them are good
[11:03] <MegaVile2004> And somebody buff Balloon Zombie
[11:03] <CitronFire3> Yeah
[11:03] <VGKing1> I don't really enjoy the idea of replacing (sun-shroom2) so I end up using both (primal sunflower) and (sun-shroom2) 
[11:03] <MegaVile2004> he's basically a reskined (bugzombie) 
[11:03] <ErnestoAM> hi
[11:03] <Coolyoyo33> Primal Peashooter replaced peashooteR!!!
[11:04] <CitronFire3> CSD is really effective against Coneheads
[11:04] <MegaVile2004> somebody nerf (octopus) 
[11:04] <VGKing1> (shrinking violet) is useful against (chicken wrangler zombie) 
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> I did nerf the octo zombie
[11:04] <MegaVile2004> to what stats?
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> I lowered his attack speed
[11:04] <VGKing1> I hope the zombot of Modern day does not summon (octo zombie) 
[11:04] <Ballistic Planet> He can't octo you as often
[11:04] <MegaVile2004> that leaves the cheap (wizardzombie) 
[11:05] <Ballistic Planet> I nerfed him to
[11:05] <MegaVile2004> pain in the ass
[11:05] <Ballistic Planet> The same nerf
[11:05] <VGKing1> I wonder what happends if you make the zombot's health 1?
[11:05] <Ballistic Planet> his attack speed was also nerfed
[11:05] <MegaVile2004> xD
[11:05] <IMCR8Z> @VG: Hilarity, that's what.
[11:05] <Colgatepony234> Back on the lawn!
[11:05] <VGKing1> What phase would it be in?
[11:05] <MegaVile2004> nerf (zombot tuskmaster) 
[11:05] <MegaVile2004> he spams his ice wall too much
[11:06] <CitronFire3> CSD just owned Garg Prime
[11:06] <VGKing1> Hey MegaVille, what do you think of (zombot tuskmaster 10,000 bc) ? My friend thinks it looks really stupid
[11:06] <MegaVile2004> he is annoying
[11:06] <VGKing1> I can imagine it playing its trunk similar to a tuba...
[11:06] <Colgatepony234> On PvZ I am on level 4-6 so far
[11:06] <MegaVile2004> sometimes for me, he spams his icewall too fast my plants can't keep up fast enough to damage him
[11:06] <MegaVile2004> forcing me to use powerups
[11:07] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: If it's possible, please don't follow CitronBomb's insane idea to make Zombots impossible by giving them an unstoppable charge attack and regenerating health.
[11:07] <VGKing1> Though my friend thinks (zombot multi-stage masher) looks the worst.
[11:07] <ErnestoAM> Chat sexiness level: 0.23%
[11:07] <Ballistic Planet> I wasn't planning on it
[11:07] <MegaVile2004> and somebody nerf (infinut) 's (plantfood) 
[11:07] <Birdpool> Three power flame kilsthe iceage zombot
[11:07] <VGKing1> Imagine if the Modern Day zombot summoned (wizard zombie) and (chicken wrangler zombie) in the same phase
[11:08] <IMCR8Z> @Ballistic: Good, you did the right thing.
[11:08] <CitronFire3> CSD own Gargs
[11:08] <CitronFire3> they just
[11:08] <CitronFire3> well
[11:08] <CitronFire3> die
[11:08] <CitronFire3> :P 
[11:08] <Ballistic Planet> I may try to do that in a private mod, but not in the one I'm releasing publicly\
[11:09] <VGKing1> What would modern day's endless zone be called?
[11:09] <MegaVile2004> Time Twister?
[11:09] <MegaVile2004> xD lolno
[11:09] <IMCR8Z> @VG: "Farmageddon" is the best I've got.
[11:09] <CitronFire3> OOO????
[11:09] <CitronFire3> 
[11:10] <MegaVile2004> DUN DUN DUUUUUUN
[11:10] <VGKing1> is it even real?
[11:10] <Birdpool> Coolyoyo
[11:10] <CitronFire3> idk
[11:10] <CitronFire3> Probably not
[11:10] <VGKing1> I have no idea if this is real, it needs to be seen on the map...
[11:10] <CitronFire3> But if there really are more then 32 days of MD
[11:10] <CitronFire3> YAY
[11:10] <CitronFire3> :D 
[11:10] <Birdpool> Pm
[11:10] <ErnestoAM> ReservedColumnCount$, nullify the byte after the $ and you can plant on the last 2/3 columns in zomboss battles
[11:10] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> Zombie King:
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> Time between knightings increased from 2.5 seconds to 4.
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> Knighting range is now global
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> &gt;:D 
[11:12] <MegaVile2004> (no) 
[11:12] <IMCR8Z> Theoretically, could you mod (primal potato mine) so that other plant explosions cause him to go off and create a chain reaction just for shits and giggles? I'm gonna say that you can't actually do that.
[11:10] <Ballistic Planet> huh
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> Zombie King:
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> Time between knightings increased from 2.5 seconds to 4.
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> Knighting range is now global
[11:11] <Ballistic Planet> &gt;:D 
[11:12] <MegaVile2004> (no) 
[11:12] <IMCR8Z> Theoretically, could you mod (primal potato mine) so that other plant explosions cause him to go off and create a chain reaction just for shits and giggles? I'm gonna say that you can't actually do that.
[11:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm forced to go to school. :( 
[11:12] <Ballistic Planet> probably not
[11:12] <IMCR8Z> Who's gonna play the GW2 beta? Because I'm not.
[11:12] <VGKing1> The other question is, will we be using (bonk choy) for the 4th time in a zomboss battle in Modern Day?
[11:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> 2 exams, plus mom's forcing me to go with my brother's friends.
[11:12] <CitronFire3> I frggin hope not
[11:13] <IMCR8Z> What if the ending of PvZ 2 will set up Garden Warfare 2?
[11:13] <Ballistic Planet> i don't own a PS4 or XBox one
[11:13] <CitronFire3> For some reason i hate Bonk Choy
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> Well, if Zombie Kings spam the knight helms, well...
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> (magnetshroom)'s (plantfood) turns that level into a bucket throwing game (troll) 
[11:13] <Protanly> it won't
[11:13] <VGKing1> back.
[11:13] <VGKing1> eating butterfinger cups
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> (shrinkingviolet)
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> nop
[11:14] <Protanly> GW2 Beta - How Popcap decides to shaft PC, with the nerve to give a bullshit excuse like "we can't lock full game content and we dont want spoilers".
[11:14] <Colgatepony234> I had butterfinger cups back in 2014. They are really good
[11:14] <Protanly> Liek is it that hard to make a beta without full game content in it?
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> let me try something stupid
[11:14] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> (jurassicmarsh)
[11:14] <CitronFire3> HOLY SHIT
[11:14] <CitronFire3> CSD just OWNED Mecha Football Zombie
[11:14] <CitronFire3> CSD is SO OP
[11:14] <VGKing1> Oh right sometime I should finish Far Future in my world humanization series.
[11:15] <VGKing1> Modern Day is going to be a twin brother and a twin sister.
[11:15] <CitronFire3> ?
[11:15] <CitronFire3> 
[11:15] <IMCR8Z> GW2's whole "Zombies have taken over" theme, reminds me a bit of The Lion King, when Scar takes over as king Pride Rock becomes a total shithole, and Simba and friends take it back.
[11:15] <VGKing1> Here I'll send the link cf3 
[11:16] <VGKing1> [[User blog:VGKing1/Plants vs. Zombies 2 World Humanizations]]
[11:17] <VGKing1> Comments are appreciated but not required.
[11:17] <CitronFire3> Whoa
[11:17] <CitronFire3> Cool!
[11:17] <VGKing1> My source of inspiration was Kantai Collection.
[11:17] <CitronFire3> I just unlocked Infi-nut on my second profile
[11:17] <CitronFire3> yay
[11:17] <CitronFire3> Day 14 I hate it XD
[11:17] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:18] <VGKing1> @IMCR8Z what do you think about Far Future's humanization name? It will be "Cy-mon."
[11:18] <MegaVile2004> nah
[11:18] <VGKing1> Comes from Simon.
[11:18] <IMCR8Z> K den...
[11:18] <VGKing1> Considering that Far Future is going to be male
[11:18] <MegaVile2004> I think something future-y works
[11:18] <VGKing1> For Dark Ages I can't remember who right now but her name will be "Esme."
[11:19] <CitronFire3> 850 ALREADY
[11:20] <CitronFire3> wow
[11:20] <Dont let go> hi
[11:20] <Dont let go> im blacksmith btw
[11:20] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:20] <Dont let go> o/ 
[11:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm forced to go to school. :( 
[11:12] <Ballistic Planet> probably not
[11:12] <IMCR8Z> Who's gonna play the GW2 beta? Because I'm not.
[11:12] <VGKing1> The other question is, will we be using (bonk choy) for the 4th time in a zomboss battle in Modern Day?
[11:12] <Mage General Chrysalis> 2 exams, plus mom's forcing me to go with my brother's friends.
[11:12] <CitronFire3> I frggin hope not
[11:13] <IMCR8Z> What if the ending of PvZ 2 will set up Garden Warfare 2?
[11:13] <Ballistic Planet> i don't own a PS4 or XBox one
[11:13] <CitronFire3> For some reason i hate Bonk Choy
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> Well, if Zombie Kings spam the knight helms, well...
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:13] <MegaVile2004> (magnetshroom)'s (plantfood) turns that level into a bucket throwing game (troll) 
[11:13] <Protanly> it won't
[11:13] <VGKing1> back.
[11:13] <VGKing1> eating butterfinger cups
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> (shrinkingviolet)
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> 
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> nop
[11:14] <Protanly> GW2 Beta - How Popcap decides to shaft PC, with the nerve to give a bullshit excuse like "we can't lock full game content and we dont want spoilers".
[11:14] <Colgatepony234> I had butterfinger cups back in 2014. They are really good
[11:14] <Protanly> Liek is it that hard to make a beta without full game content in it?
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> let me try something stupid
[11:14] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:14] <MegaVile2004> (jurassicmarsh)
[11:14] <CitronFire3> HOLY SHIT
[11:14] <CitronFire3> CSD just OWNED Mecha Football Zombie
[11:14] <CitronFire3> CSD is SO OP
[11:14] <VGKing1> Oh right sometime I should finish Far Future in my world humanization series.
[11:15] <VGKing1> Modern Day is going to be a twin brother and a twin sister.
[11:15] <CitronFire3> ?
[11:15] <CitronFire3> 
[11:15] <IMCR8Z> GW2's whole "Zombies have taken over" theme, reminds me a bit of The Lion King, when Scar takes over as king Pride Rock becomes a total shithole, and Simba and friends take it back.
[11:15] <VGKing1> Here I'll send the link cf3 
[11:16] <VGKing1> [[User blog:VGKing1/Plants vs. Zombies 2 World Humanizations]]
[11:17] <VGKing1> Comments are appreciated but not required.
[11:17] <CitronFire3> Whoa
[11:17] <CitronFire3> Cool!
[11:17] <VGKing1> My source of inspiration was Kantai Collection.
[11:17] <CitronFire3> I just unlocked Infi-nut on my second profile
[11:17] <CitronFire3> yay
[11:17] <CitronFire3> Day 14 I hate it XD
[11:17] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:18] <VGKing1> @IMCR8Z what do you think about Far Future's humanization name? It will be "Cy-mon."
[11:18] <MegaVile2004> nah
[11:18] <VGKing1> Comes from Simon.
[11:18] <IMCR8Z> K den...
[11:18] <VGKing1> Considering that Far Future is going to be male
[11:18] <MegaVile2004> I think something future-y works
[11:18] <VGKing1> For Dark Ages I can't remember who right now but her name will be "Esme."
[11:19] <CitronFire3> 850 ALREADY
[11:20] <CitronFire3> wow
[11:20] <Dont let go> hi
[11:20] <Dont let go> im blacksmith btw
[11:20] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[11:20] <Dont let go> o/ 
[11:20] <MegaVile2004> somebody buff Zombot Multi stage smasher (troll) 
[11:21] <VGKing1> IMCR8Z gave me a 0/10 on my Pirate Seas humanization
[11:21] <CitronFire3> o_O
[11:21] <CitronFire3> rood
[11:21] <VGKing1> Because as he said, "no bit booty."
[11:21] <VGKing1> *big
[11:21] <IMCR8Z> Because no big booty. The treasure kind.
[11:21] <VGKing1> What do you guys think about NMT's name? Rad Rick.
[11:21] <Dont let go> @IMCR8Z (lenny) 
[11:20] <MegaVile2004> somebody buff Zombot Multi stage smasher (troll) 
[11:21] <VGKing1> IMCR8Z gave me a 0/10 on my Pirate Seas humanization
[11:21] <CitronFire3> o_O
[11:21] <CitronFire3> rood
[11:21] <VGKing1> Because as he said, "no bit booty."
[11:21] <VGKing1> *big
[11:21] <IMCR8Z> Because no big booty. The treasure kind.
[11:21] <VGKing1> What do you guys think about NMT's name? Rad Rick.
[11:21] <Dont let go> @IMCR8Z (lenny) 
[11:22] <IMCR8Z> @VG: Not 80's enough.
[11:22] <VGKing1> For Modern Day: David and Diana.
[11:22] <Dont let go> whos dat
[11:23] <VGKing1> It's my PvZ2 Humanizations, though I've only finished 3.
[11:23] <MegaVile2004> JM:Primaso?
[11:23] <Dont let go> Then what do they represent
[11:23] <CitronFire3> day 14 done
[11:23] <CitronFire3> twas really easy
[11:23] <VGKing1> I think someone came up with "Marsha" for JM...
[11:23] <CitronFire3> Makes sense
[11:23] <Dont let go> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dont let go</span></span> gets a drum
[11:24] <VGKing1> I can play the drums. 
[11:24] <MegaVile2004> marsha doesn't sound good
[11:24] <VGKing1> And the vibraphone.
[11:24] <Dont let go> cool
[11:24] <CitronFire3> I HATE DAY 15 ALREADY
[11:24] <Dont let go> fuck i do need to clean my laptop already
[11:24] <Coolyoyo33> back
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> did anything new happen?
[11:25] <Coolyoyo33> while I was gone
[11:25] <Ballistic Planet> just about finished with my zombie mod, im gonna test it soon
[11:25] <Ballistic Planet> let's hope for the best
[11:26] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[11:27] <Coolyoyo33> rlly hope it works
[11:27] <IMCR8Z> He let go
[11:28] <MegaVile2004> BP, can u give link for zombie mod, with the nerfs and stuff?
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> I buffed some zombies
[11:28] <MegaVile2004> like?
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> Ra Zombie:
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> Max Sun it can suck increased from 250 to 16383
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> HP Buffed to the same as Boombox's.
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> Tomb Raiser:
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:28] <Ballistic Planet> Spawns 3 Graves instead of 2.
[11:29] <MegaVile2004> I wish Zombot Tomorrowtron was buffed :( 
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> Imp Cannon:
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> Ammo increased from 5 to 7.
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> Reload time decreased from 7.5 seconds to 6.
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> Initial delay changed from 3 seconds to 1.5.
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> Now explodes into 7 imps.
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> 
[11:29] <Ballistic Planet> Imp Explosion imp spawn range changed from columns 3-6 to 4-7.
[11:30] <CitronFire3> i SOMEHOW DIDNT LOOSE DAY 15
[11:31] <CitronFire3> "Fun with Sun"
[11:31] <CitronFire3> No
[11:31] <Ballistic Planet> file is moving now
[11:31] <Ballistic Planet> here goes nothing
[11:31] <CitronFire3> WTF
[11:31] <CitronFire3> Ra Zombie though
[11:32] <IMCR8Z> BAK
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> are you playing MD @cf3?
[11:34] <CitronFire3> nO
[11:34] <CitronFire3> I dont have it
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> lel
[11:34] <CitronFire3> I get it on tuesdaay
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> ok then
[11:34] <CitronFire3> THERES A MONEY CHEAT FOR PVZ2
[11:34] <CitronFire3> ITS CALLED PLAY THE GAME
[11:34] <CitronFire3> YOU PLAY THE GAME
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> kden
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> not like anyone even uses money
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> so great!
[11:35] <CitronFire3> i USE IT
[11:35] <CitronFire3> A LOT
[11:35] <CitronFire3> A
[11:35] <CitronFire3> LOT
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> c'mon
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> Is the maximum value for every 16383? @bp
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> move
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> pls
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> the max value for two bytes is 16383
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> for one byte it's 1227
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> 127*
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> oh
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> I c
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> ra zombie uses two byte
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> s
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> Because the max sun it can suck is 250
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> "it can suck" (lenny) 
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> (oh) 
[11:36] <ErnestoAM> However
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> IT MOVED
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> gg
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> TIME FOR THE MOMENT OF TRUTH
[11:37] <Birdpool> Got update ad's kept my data
[11:37] <ErnestoAM> increasing the sun suck amount actually nerfs Ra 
[11:37] <ErnestoAM> since now he can be stalled for longer
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> NO CRASH
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> IT WORKED
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> when was Ra ever a threat in the first place?
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> @EAM
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> time to test te hacks
[11:37] <Birdpool> Just delete obb from old version
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> YEs!
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> @Bp
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> gg
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> @coolyoyo you know how to use the obb patcher right?
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> I've never even touched it
[11:38] <Birdpool> But I have to wait until tomorrow to see if I chasm hack this version
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> I know about it, that's it
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> should I just upload the obb then?
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> 1Zulu's right?
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> yup
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> if I replace the obb, will it change?
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[11:39] <Dont let go> just a quick note
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> then you could just upload the obb 
[11:39] <Dont let go> I am Blacksmith if anyone havent noticed
[11:39] <Ballistic Planet> i will then
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> thanx
[11:39] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[11:39] <Dont let go> you
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> You know what I'm going to do?
[11:39] <Dont let go> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dont let go</span></span> lets out n airhorn
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> Replay the whole game with the mod
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> that'll let me judge how good the balance actually is
[11:40] <Dont let go> mods are illegal, or not?
[11:40] <IMCR8Z> (grapeshot) Grapes of Wrath!
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> idk
[11:40] <Dont let go> IMCR8Z 
[11:32] <IMCR8Z> BAK
[11:33] <Coolyoyo33> are you playing MD @cf3?
[11:34] <CitronFire3> nO
[11:34] <CitronFire3> I dont have it
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> lel
[11:34] <CitronFire3> I get it on tuesdaay
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> ok then
[11:34] <CitronFire3> THERES A MONEY CHEAT FOR PVZ2
[11:34] <CitronFire3> ITS CALLED PLAY THE GAME
[11:34] <CitronFire3> YOU PLAY THE GAME
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> kden
[11:34] <Coolyoyo33> not like anyone even uses money
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> so great!
[11:35] <CitronFire3> i USE IT
[11:35] <CitronFire3> A LOT
[11:35] <CitronFire3> A
[11:35] <CitronFire3> LOT
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> c'mon
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> Is the maximum value for every 16383? @bp
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> move
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> pls
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> the max value for two bytes is 16383
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> for one byte it's 1227
[11:35] <Ballistic Planet> 127*
[11:35] <Coolyoyo33> oh
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> I c
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> ra zombie uses two byte
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> s
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> Because the max sun it can suck is 250
[11:36] <Coolyoyo33> "it can suck" (lenny) 
[11:36] <Ballistic Planet> (oh) 
[11:36] <ErnestoAM> However
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> IT MOVED
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> gg
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> TIME FOR THE MOMENT OF TRUTH
[11:37] <Birdpool> Got update ad's kept my data
[11:37] <ErnestoAM> increasing the sun suck amount actually nerfs Ra 
[11:37] <ErnestoAM> since now he can be stalled for longer
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> NO CRASH
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> IT WORKED
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> when was Ra ever a threat in the first place?
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> @EAM
[11:37] <Ballistic Planet> time to test te hacks
[11:37] <Birdpool> Just delete obb from old version
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> YEs!
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> @Bp
[11:37] <Coolyoyo33> gg
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> @coolyoyo you know how to use the obb patcher right?
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> I've never even touched it
[11:38] <Birdpool> But I have to wait until tomorrow to see if I chasm hack this version
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> I know about it, that's it
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> should I just upload the obb then?
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> 1Zulu's right?
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> yup
[11:38] <Coolyoyo33> if I replace the obb, will it change?
[11:38] <Ballistic Planet> yes
[11:39] <Dont let go> just a quick note
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> then you could just upload the obb 
[11:39] <Dont let go> I am Blacksmith if anyone havent noticed
[11:39] <Ballistic Planet> i will then
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> thanx
[11:39] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[11:39] <Dont let go> you
[11:39] <Coolyoyo33> You know what I'm going to do?
[11:39] <Dont let go> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dont let go</span></span> lets out n airhorn
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> Replay the whole game with the mod
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> that'll let me judge how good the balance actually is
[11:40] <Dont let go> mods are illegal, or not?
[11:40] <IMCR8Z> (grapeshot) Grapes of Wrath!
[11:40] <Coolyoyo33> idk
[11:40] <Dont let go> IMCR8Z 
[11:40] <Dont let go> another example of ur wallet :^)
[11:41] <Ballistic Planet> the ra zombie hack works
[11:41] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[11:41] <Dont let go> ok
[11:41] <Ballistic Planet> IT' SO FUNNY
[11:41] <Dont let go> [[Triplet Sunflower]] just wtf
[11:40] <Dont let go> another example of ur wallet :^)
[11:41] <Ballistic Planet> the ra zombie hack works
[11:41] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[11:41] <Dont let go> ok
[11:41] <Ballistic Planet> IT' SO FUNNY
[11:41] <Dont let go> [[Triplet Sunflower]] just wtf
[11:42] <CitronFire3> fuck
[11:42] <CitronFire3> Day 19 of WW is IMPOSSIBLW
[11:42] <CitronFire3> *IMPOSSIBLE
[11:42] <IMCR8Z> @Dont: "Do, or do not. There is no wallet." - Yoda on how to complete PvZ 2
[11:42] <CitronFire3> How did I pas it before
[11:42] <Coolyoyo33> wtf
[11:42] <Coolyoyo33> it says I planted form another browser
[11:42] <Dont let go> @IMCR8Z git out
[11:42] <Ballistic Planet> sorry for the delay
[11:43] <Ballistic Planet> @Coolyoyo the obb is uploading
[11:43] <Coolyoyo33> again 
[11:43] <Coolyoyo33> o.o
[11:43] <Coolyoyo33> this is kreepin me out
[11:43] <Coolyoyo33> I'm scared
[11:43] <Ballistic Planet> oh shit
[11:43] <Ballistic Planet> i forgot
[11:43] <Ballistic Planet> some mods
[11:43] <Ballistic Planet> FUUUUUCK
[11:43] <Coolyoyo33> I hope it's just a glitch 
[11:43] <Coolyoyo33> some mods?
[11:44] <Coolyoyo33> to modify some plants and zomibes?
[11:44] <Wikia-Critic> I just defeated Hush in TBoI:A.
[11:44] <IMCR8Z> Swowdy!
[11:44] <Wikia-Critic> I guess you can say I HUSHed its screams of agony as I murdered it.
[11:44] <Wikia-Critic> *Insert JonTron quote here*
[11:44] <Starfruity> Swello
[11:45] <Coolyoyo33> hilo tulo 
[11:45] <IMCR8Z> (imp) (arcade zombie) (pirate captain zombie) L.E.A.F.'s Most Wanted!
[11:45] <ThisUserLikesOreo> hi
[11:45] <Starfruity> Modern Day background is in the works
[11:45] <Starfruity> I need some opinions
[11:45] <Coolyoyo33> I'm finally motivated to do schoolwork!
[11:45] <Coolyoyo33> at 3:45 am....
[11:45] <Dont let go> Modern day has all the combos of music in the worlds
[11:46] <Wikia-Critic> What's so funny about combining the word "hello" with a word which means "to increase in size or volume as a result of internal pressure; expland"?
[11:46] <Dont let go> idk critic
[11:46] <Wikia-Critic> *expand
[11:46] <IMCR8Z> @Star: A mish-mash of backgrounds from various worlds?
[11:46] <Starfruity> @Wikia Swell as in good
[11:46] <Dont let go> brb
[11:46] <Wikia-Critic> If I could let ONE thing go, it would be Frozen.
[11:46] <IMCR8Z> ^
[11:46] <Starfruity> Was that a pun
[11:46] <Wikia-Critic> Geeddit? A song in it which was repeated to death is "Let It Go" and etc. etc.
[11:46] <Wikia-Critic> *insert second JonTron quote*
[11:47] <CitronFire3> swello Starfruity 
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> If I could let one thing go
[11:47] <Wikia-Critic> It would be you.
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> I can't let myself go
[11:47] <Wikia-Critic> ~I Hate I Hate Everything
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> it makes no sense
[11:47] <Wikia-Critic> yeah
[11:47] <Ballistic Planet> i falt out forgot
[11:47] <Coolyoyo33> Because that would mean I'd have to separate into two parts
[11:47] <Wikia-Critic> of course you can't let yourself go outside of your house
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> and then one part would have to tell that to the other
[11:48] <Wikia-Critic> that would be just cruel for your body
[11:48] <IMCR8Z> (doom-shroom) No, Peashooter, I AM YOUR FATHER! (spoiler: Doom-shroom is actually Repeater)
[11:48] <Starfruity> Anyway, please vote on background options that I shall post shortly:
[11:48] <IMCR8Z> NOT RP
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> Guys
[11:48] <IMCR8Z> Yeah?
[11:48] <Wikia-Critic> No, Pokemon, I am a hater!
[11:48] <Wikia-Critic> ~Me, Never
[11:48] <Starfruity> A. The background is similar to the current one except with Modern Day plants on the right, with zombies from all worlds behind them
[11:48] <Coolyoyo33> hmm
[11:49] <Wikia-Critic> I can already see myself supporting A.
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> I was going to say something stupid but I forgot
[11:49] <Coolyoyo33> damn it
[11:49] <IMCR8Z> What's B?
[11:49] <Starfruity> B. More along the lines of the Jurassic Marsh Part 1 one or older ones of the same sort, with Modern Day plants and zombies plus other random ones
[11:49] <Wikia-Critic> Whenever I get Flooded Caves instead of Caves or Catacombs.
[11:49] <Wikia-Critic> I think that my heart gets FLOODED with joy because it's not the Catacombs.
[11:50] <CitronFire3> A
[11:50] <Wikia-Critic> A @Star
[11:50] <Ballistic Planet> A
[11:50] <IMCR8Z> A
[11:50] <Wikia-Critic> Hey, guys.
[11:50] <Ballistic Planet> You should put plants from all worlds on one side
[11:50] <Ballistic Planet> And zoombies from all worlds on the other
[11:50] <Wikia-Critic> wait nvm
[11:50] <Ballistic Planet> but if not then just do A
[11:50] <Starfruity> That would be option B
[11:50] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Will there be C?
[11:50] <Ballistic Planet> oh
[11:50] <Ballistic Planet> then I want B
[11:42] <CitronFire3> fuck
[11:42] <CitronFire3> Day 19 of WW is IMPOSSIBLW
[11:42] <CitronFire3> *IMPOSSIBLE
[11:42] <IMCR8Z> @Dont: "Do, or do not. There is no wallet." - Yoda on how to complete PvZ 2
[11:42] <CitronFire3> How did I pas it before
[11:42] <Coolyoyo33> wtf
[11:42] <Coolyoyo33> it says I planted form another browser
[11:42] <Dont let go> @IMCR8Z git out
[11:42] <Ballistic Planet> sorry for the delay
[11:43] <Ballistic Planet> @Coolyoyo the obb is uploading