Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Chat/Logs/8 November 2015

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[11:58] <Bubba2003> Who wants to see the funniest video ever?
[11:59] <KeenIcesWallerACE> About Deodorants?
[11:59] <Bubba2003> no
[11:47] <Charmande red321> just gonna come back here while having issues
[11:50] <ShroomstagramUser> kk
[11:58] <Bubba2003> Who wants to see the funniest video ever?
[11:59] <KeenIcesWallerACE> About Deodorants?
[11:59] <Bubba2003> no
[12:00] <Bubba2003>
[12:00] <KeenIcesWallerACE> How chica twitch her head like a T-oh
[12:01] <KeenIcesWallerACE> *yawn
[12:00] <Bubba2003>
[12:00] <KeenIcesWallerACE> How chica twitch her head like a T-oh
[12:01] <KeenIcesWallerACE> *yawn
[12:02] <Bubba2003> ?
[12:02] <Bubba2003> is anyone watching it?
[12:03] <Charmande red321> great
[12:03] <Charmande red321> you killed Puffy
[12:04] <Bubba2003> .
[12:04] <Bubba2003> ?
[12:19] <Charmande red321> maybe try again later
[12:23] <ShroomstagramUser> I ship (Sap-fling) with no one (troll) 
[12:23] <ErnestoAM> Cool
[12:23] <ErnestoAM> How did it go.
[12:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> life is not simple
[12:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> its hard.
[12:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> .....
[12:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> ...
[12:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> ..
[12:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> .
[12:25] <ErnestoAM> spam alert kick!
[12:25] <Charmande red321> :P 
[12:25] <Mr.imp gentlmen> withs dots?
[12:25] <Mr.imp gentlmen> 
[12:25] <Mr.imp gentlmen> man...
[12:25] <ErnestoAM> no
[12:25] <ErnestoAM> you spammed letters :P 
[12:25] <Charmande red321> if thats the case
[12:25] <Charmande red321> then we wouldve been banned right now
[12:26] <Mr.imp gentlmen> WHAT?
[12:26] <ErnestoAM> We are all spamming letters.
[12:26] <Charmande red321> let us ban ourselves
[12:26] <Charmande red321> and regret on what we have done
[12:26] <Insert Your Name Here> Later I'm playing gyromancer
[12:27] <Insert Your Name Here> I
[12:27] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm innocent :p 
[12:27] <ErnestoAM> lol
[12:28] <Charmande red321> no one is ever innocent
[12:28] <Mr.imp gentlmen> new game,uh undertale....
[12:28] <Charmande red321> undertale is latest
[12:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> alright
[12:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> mute this video
[12:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> open 1 tab
[12:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> play your fav song
[12:30] <Mr.imp gentlmen> and spiderman dances to it 
[12:31] <ShroomstagramUser> Should I make a crack vid involving PvZ?
[12:31] <ErnestoAM> sure
[12:32] <ErnestoAM> Hypno-shrooms = drugs
[12:32] <ErnestoAM> Laser Bean = that meme
[12:32] <Charmande red321> lemme see the vid
[12:35] <ShroomstagramUser> I haven't made it....yet
[12:37] <Charmande red321> afterwards
[12:38] <ShroomstagramUser> kk
[12:39] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[12:39] <ErnestoAM> ShroomstagramUser , have you seen HeavenlyMildCone? :P 
[12:39] <Charmande red321> heh
[12:40] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[12:40] <Charmande red321> so he killed HMC
[12:42] <ErnestoAM> o/ o/ 
[12:44] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i played some decents songs for spiderman
[12:45] <Lolwutburger> awwwww sweet dawgs
[12:45] <ErnestoAM>
[12:46] <Lolwutburger> they're showing Star vs the Forces of Evil today for the first time in my country
[12:46] <Lolwutburger> so don't come looking for me later
[12:46] <Lolwutburger> playas
[12:46] <Charmande red321> watching it now
[12:46] <Mr.imp gentlmen> gtg
[12:46] <ErnestoAM> buy
[12:48] <Brainulator9> hilo
[12:49] <Mr.imp gentlmen> back
[12:54] <DeathZombi> What up dudes
[12:54] <Mr.imp gentlmen> hey!
[12:55] <DeathZombi> Hello BUL9 
[12:56] <DeathZombi> Hello Squirte Blue123
[12:57] <Charmande red321> i cant connect to my wifi
[12:57] <Charmande red321> tho i have AS
[12:57] <DeathZombi> What happened?
[12:57] <Charmande red321> issues...
[12:58] <DeathZombi> I need to trade my pokemon from AS so I can restart.
[12:58] <Charmande red321> what about Issa
[12:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> Oh come on, I was only here for a few minutes and grandpa has to take me to church!
[12:59] <DeathZombi> Damn it.
[12:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I only have Pokemon X, not ORAS.
[12:59] <Charmande red321> you have to
[12:59] <Charmande red321> XY can trade with ORAS rite?
[12:59] <DeathZombi> It has to be ORAS as I have items on my pokemon that is ORAS exclusive
[12:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> So, see ya all later.
[01:00] <DeathZombi> Bye Issa...
[01:00] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i am gonna to delete cheat engine
[01:01] <DeathZombi> I can't use Pokemon Bank as items will go back into the bag.
[01:02] <Mr.imp gentlmen> its now deleted
[01:03] <Charmande red321> just gonna wonder what the next genmon's gonna be
[01:04] <DeathZombi> I was designing some pokemon (sketching) but I also have move ideas
[01:05] <Lolwutburger> so parrently we're getting an Ice Chomper for GW2
[01:05] <DeathZombi> Does Lolwutburger wield the Stick of Truth?
[01:06] <Mr.imp gentlmen> has every one played metal slug x?
[01:06] <Mr.imp gentlmen> its a bit harder then 2....
[01:06] <Mr.imp gentlmen> ...
[01:07] <Mr.imp gentlmen> brb
[01:07] <Charmande red321> how old is Pinklass now
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> probably
[01:08] <ErnestoAM> she's 12
[01:08] <DeathZombi> 12?
[01:08] <Lolwutburger> if I did wield the stick of truth and control the univese
[01:08] <ErnestoAM> no
[01:09] <ErnestoAM> she's 14 now
[01:09] <Lolwutburger> Id've killed a lot more people by now
[01:09] <Charmande red321> 2 months left till i become 14
[01:09] <DeathZombi> A couple weeks and I'll be 16! OLD ENOUGH TO DRIVE AND DRINK
[01:09] <DeathZombi> Just kidding about the last one...
[01:10] <Charmande red321> go drive then
[01:10] <Lolwutburger> like MaxStories
[01:10] <Charmande red321> and dont ever drink
[01:10] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">especially water</span>
[01:10] <Lolwutburger> id've killed MaxStories by now for impersonating me
[01:11] <Brainulator9> hilo
[01:12] <Lolwutburger> hola
[01:13] <NightFury299> SPAEC
[01:13] <Charmande red321> is a vacuum cleaner
[01:13] <NightFury299> was the a DayCalm992
[01:13] <NightFury299> ther
[01:14] <NightFury299> ?
[01:14] <DeathZombi> BTW anyone collecting Animal Crossing amiibo cards?
[01:15] <NightFury299> I just noticed that you profile pic is Mangle
[01:18] <Wikia-Critic> Hello!
[01:18] <Wikia-Critic> My name is Flowey The Flower!
[01:18] <Wikia-Critic> I will teach you how to survive down here!
[01:19] <Charmande red321> ok
[01:20] <Wikia-Critic> You can survive by gaining LV!
[01:20] <Wikia-Critic> What does LV stand for?
[01:20] <Wikia-Critic> LOVE, of ciurse!
[01:20] <Wikia-Critic> *course
[01:21] <Wikia-Critic> We share LOVE with white, small circles called friendliness petals,
[01:21] <Wikia-Critic> go ahead, run into them!
[01:22] <ErnestoAM> You humans are weird.
[01:23] <Charmande red321> live with it
[01:23] <Wikia-Critic> I'm a soulless flower, not a human you IDIOT.
[01:23] <ErnestoAM> You mean ;( .
[01:24] <ErnestoAM> U made me cry. ;( 
[01:24] <Wikia-Critic> Ernesto, PM
[01:24] <Charmande red321> lalala
[01:24] <Charmande red321> just being a mangled mangle
[01:25] <ShroomstagramUser> What if I said, "I want my first daughter to be a girl"
[01:25] <ShroomstagramUser> ?
[01:25] <Charmande red321> WB HMC
[01:25] <Charmande red321> then you said it
[01:25] <Wikia-Critic> Lalala
[01:26] <Wikia-Critic> Just being a HANGLE
[01:30] <Graham02> o/ 
[01:31] <Charmande red321> hiya
[01:33] <ErnestoAM> soup
[01:33] <Graham02> o/ 
[01:34] <Wikia-Critic> Look at the HANGLE
[01:34] <Wikia-Critic> Watch it DANGLE
[01:34] <Charmande red321> im just gonna mangle
[01:34] <Wikia-Critic> Make sure the rope doesn't TANGLE
[01:35] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer>,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg
[01:35] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> someone please make this transparent for me
[01:35] <Charmande red321> i eat bowling ball
[01:35] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> i'm too lazy to do so
[01:36] <ErnestoAM> :O :O 
[01:37] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer>,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg
[01:37] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> i need this transparent for profile picture reasons
[01:37] <Wikia-Critic> before i do that
[01:38] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> before you do what?
[01:38] <Wikia-Critic> let me give you some LOVE with friendliness pellets
[01:38] <Charmande red321> :"
[01:40] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> uhhh
[01:40] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">grass-types...</span>
[01:40] <Wikia-Critic> Don't worry
[01:40] <Wikia-Critic> I don't bite
[01:41] <Charmande red321> good
[01:41] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> >"before i do that"
[01:41] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> >"before you do what?"
[01:41] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">because i still resist dark moves</span>
[01:41] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> >NEVER ANSWERS
[01:42] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> uhhh
[01:42] <ErnestoAM> ok
[01:43] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer>,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg
[01:43] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> c'mon
[01:43] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> make this transparent for papa soundwave
[01:43] <Wikia-Critic> i will do that
[01:43] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> k
[01:43] <Wikia-Critic> after sharing LOVE with friendliness petals ;3
[01:43] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> ugh
[01:44] <Wikia-Critic> awww, no transparency for you then
[01:44] <Charmande red321> heh
[01:44] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> WAAAIT
[01:44] <Charmande red321> wat
[01:44] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> <span class="me-username">* <span>Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer</span></span> shoots himself with friendliness petals
[01:45] <Wikia-Critic> sorry, mobile has no transparency <insert troll face here>
[01:45] <Charmande red321> heh
[01:46] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> ffs
[01:47] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> now go away.
[01:47] <Charmande red321> r00d
[01:48] <ErnestoAM> ..
[01:48] <Graham02> wood
[01:48] <Charmande red321> lood
[01:48] <Wikia-Critic> ernesto
[01:49] <Wikia-Critic> yu done yet
[01:49] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer>,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg
[01:49] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> just
[01:49] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> make this transparent
[01:49] <ErnestoAM> no
[01:49] <Charmande red321> and what are you gonna do with it
[01:50] <Wikia-Critic> ok
[01:50] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> make it a profile picture
[01:50] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> c:
[01:51] <Charmande red321> so basically you wanted a non-existent transparent jpg pic?
[01:52] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> "non-existant"
[01:52] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> existent*
[01:52] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">duh cuz its transparent</span>
[01:53] <Charmande red321> what exactly do you want to be transparent
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> i want the background to be transparent
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> so it's just Polandball
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> nothing else
[01:54] <Charmande red321> for a wikia profpic?
[01:50] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> make it a profile picture
[01:50] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> c:
[01:51] <Charmande red321> so basically you wanted a non-existent transparent jpg pic?
[01:52] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> "non-existant"
[01:52] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> existent*
[01:52] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">duh cuz its transparent</span>
[01:53] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> it's not for me
[01:53] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> it's just Polandball, nothing else
[01:53] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> except a white background
[01:53] <Charmande red321> what exactly do you want to be transparent
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> i want the background to be transparent
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> so it's just Polandball
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> nothing else
[01:54] <Charmande red321> for a wikia profpic?
[01:54] <Charmande red321> and ofc it cannot be made transparent
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> nah, a Steam one
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> wait
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> it can't?
[01:55] <Charmande red321> ok
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> Ernesto
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> ErnestoAM 
[01:57] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> uhh
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> Bet that you use my Astronomical Moon lawn in game!
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> no
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> I haven't been able to. :( 
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> [[File:ATLASES DELAYLOAD BACKGROUND MOON 1536 00 PTX.png]]
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> Here's how it looks like.
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> You should do it now :P 
[01:59] <Charmande red321> [[File:Flat,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg]]
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> I saw the pic
[01:59] <Charmande red321> here
[01:59] <ErnestoAM> Then I edited all 3 sizes, but can't import it in.
[01:59] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">you lzy</span>
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> :( 
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> Maybe because it's a new file
[01:59] <Charmande red321> its a jpg image
[01:59] <ErnestoAM> yeah
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> maybe... replace it the NMT lawn with it?
[02:00] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> then let's turn it into a png image then
[02:00] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> gonna do it myself
[02:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hilo
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:01] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> sup Muffin
[02:02] <PuffyMuffins> yoyle
[02:03] <Hypno1337> Yo.
[02:03] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> idk what we are chatting about
[02:03] <Wikia-Critic> Hello, human!
[02:03] <PuffyMuffins> hypno i couldn't kill ur dog
[02:03] <Brainulator9> bilo
[02:03] <PuffyMuffins> so i put it in a hole
[02:03] <PuffyMuffins> with ur death potion
[02:03] <PuffyMuffins> the dog was too powerful and could kill the universe
[02:03] <Wikia-Critic> I haven't seen one of your kind in a while!
[02:03] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I think, umm, 
[02:03] <Hypno1337> Nothing can kill it so long as it has that resistance 50.
[01:54] <Charmande red321> and ofc it cannot be made transparent
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> nah, a Steam one
[01:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> wait
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> Ernesto
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> ErnestoAM 
[01:57] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> uhh
[01:57] <Reapeageddon> Bet that you use my Astronomical Moon lawn in game!
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> no
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> I haven't been able to. :( 
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> [[File:ATLASES DELAYLOAD BACKGROUND MOON 1536 00 PTX.png]]
[01:58] <ErnestoAM> Here's how it looks like.
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> You should do it now :P 
[01:59] <Charmande red321> [[File:Flat,800x800,070,f.u1.jpg]]
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> I saw the pic
[01:59] <Charmande red321> here
[01:59] <ErnestoAM> Then I edited all 3 sizes, but can't import it in.
[01:59] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">you lzy</span>
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> :( 
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> Maybe because it's a new file
[01:59] <Charmande red321> its a jpg image
[01:59] <ErnestoAM> yeah
[01:59] <Reapeageddon> maybe... replace it the NMT lawn with it?
[02:00] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> then let's turn it into a png image then
[02:00] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> gonna do it myself
[02:01] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> hilo
[02:01] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:01] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:02] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> sup Muffin
[02:02] <PuffyMuffins> yoyle
[02:03] <Hypno1337> Yo.
[02:03] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> idk what we are chatting about
[02:03] <Wikia-Critic> Hello, human!
[02:03] <PuffyMuffins> hypno i couldn't kill ur dog
[02:03] <Brainulator9> bilo
[02:03] <PuffyMuffins> so i put it in a hole
[02:03] <PuffyMuffins> with ur death potion
[02:03] <PuffyMuffins> the dog was too powerful and could kill the universe
[02:03] <Wikia-Critic> I haven't seen one of your kind in a while!
[02:03] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I think, umm, 
[02:03] <Hypno1337> Nothing can kill it so long as it has that resistance 50.
[02:04] <PuffyMuffins> except strength 127 and a sharpness 300,000 (almost max) soward
[02:04] <Hypno1337> Not even that.
[02:04] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:04] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I added some trivia to future_imp page and it was removed
[02:04] <Hypno1337> I'm not sure if the void would work.
[02:04] <PuffyMuffins> hypno loves having dogs suffer ;c
[02:04] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> eek
[02:05] <Hypno1337> Immortal dogs!
[02:05] <Hypno1337> Although cows going at the speed of light is fun.
[02:05] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I hate my neighbor's dog
[02:05] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I hate my neighbors
[02:06] <Hypno1337> I hate my dogs.
[02:07] <Wikia-Critic> I hate humans and monsters alike. It's kill or be killed.
[02:07] <Graham02> i liek digs
[02:07] <Graham02> *dogs
[02:07] <Hypno1337> Or in your case, be overpowered or be killed.
[02:08] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer>
[02:08] <PuffyMuffins> be overpowered or rage quit
[02:09] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> converted my going-to-be transparent image to .png format
[02:09] <Hypno1337> ;3
[02:09] <Wikia-Critic> you IDIOTW
[02:09] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> alright now someone PLEASE
[02:09] <Wikia-Critic> *IDIOTS
[02:09] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> make it transparent
[02:09] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> c:
[02:09] <Wikia-Critic> nobody underground is OP
[02:04] <PuffyMuffins> except strength 127 and a sharpness 300,000 (almost max) soward
[02:04] <Hypno1337> Not even that.
[02:04] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:04] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I added some trivia to future_imp page and it was removed
[02:04] <Hypno1337> I'm not sure if the void would work.
[02:04] <PuffyMuffins> hypno loves having dogs suffer ;c
[02:04] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> eek
[02:05] <Hypno1337> Immortal dogs!
[02:05] <Hypno1337> Although cows going at the speed of light is fun.
[02:05] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I hate my neighbor's dog
[02:05] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I hate my neighbors
[02:06] <Hypno1337> I hate my dogs.
[02:07] <Wikia-Critic> I hate humans and monsters alike. It's kill or be killed.
[02:07] <Graham02> i liek digs
[02:07] <Graham02> *dogs
[02:07] <Hypno1337> Or in your case, be overpowered or be killed.
[02:08] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer>
[02:08] <PuffyMuffins> be overpowered or rage quit
[02:09] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> converted my going-to-be transparent image to .png format
[02:09] <Hypno1337> ;3
[02:09] <Wikia-Critic> you IDIOTW
[02:09] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> alright now someone PLEASE
[02:09] <Wikia-Critic> *IDIOTS
[02:09] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> make it transparent
[02:09] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> c:
[02:09] <Wikia-Critic> nobody underground is OP
[02:09] <Hypno1337> Oh...
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> holas
[02:10] <PuffyMuffins> LESLIE PUT A F*CKING SOCK IN IT
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> I'm not Leslie anymore
[02:10] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> wat
[02:10] <PuffyMuffins> .3.
[02:10] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> *starts to play punk jam*
[02:10] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> go fast my minions!
[02:11] <PuffyMuffins> "This little piggy went to the market, this little piggy stayed home, this little piggy was in Fast and the Furious, and this little piggy went from Direct to Cable"
[02:11] <MysteryKing> I have returned.
[02:11] <Lolwutburger> "would you like to donate a dollar to feed hungry kids?"
[02:11] <Lolwutburger> and hola MK
[02:11] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> no
[02:11] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> I shall not
[02:11] <MysteryKing> No
[02:11] <MysteryKing> Nope
[02:11] <ErnestoAM> it's alive!
[02:12] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> MY DOLLAR!
[02:12] <MysteryKing> A DOLLAR?
[02:12] <MysteryKing> THAT'S TOO BIG
[02:12] <Graham02> o/ 
[02:12] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> YEAH
[02:12] <MysteryKing> That's like 45 pesos
[02:12] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> how about, a penny
[02:12] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> MYSTERY
[02:12] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED INTO A COUNTRYBALL
[02:12] <MysteryKing> What
[02:12] <Lolwutburger> Oh wait
[02:12] <Lolwutburger> should've changed avatars
[02:12] <MysteryKing> That's just my new profile picture.
[02:13] <PuffyMuffins> *pukes on lolwut*
[02:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> gross
[02:13] <PuffyMuffins> (dont be shocked if you dont get the reference)
[02:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> puke on (punkzombie) instead
[02:13] <PuffyMuffins> *punk
[02:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> he kicked mah face
[02:13] <Lolwutburger> hi stan
[02:13] <Lolwutburger> bwagh
[02:09] <Hypno1337> Oh...
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> holas
[02:10] <PuffyMuffins> LESLIE PUT A F*CKING SOCK IN IT
[02:10] <Lolwutburger> I'm not Leslie anymore
[02:10] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> wat
[02:10] <PuffyMuffins> .3.
[02:12] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> HAVE YOU BEEN TURNED INTO A COUNTRYBALL
[02:12] <MysteryKing> What
[02:12] <Lolwutburger> Oh wait
[02:12] <Lolwutburger> should've changed avatars
[02:12] <MysteryKing> That's just my new profile picture.
[02:13] <PuffyMuffins> *pukes on lolwut*
[02:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> gross
[02:13] <PuffyMuffins> (dont be shocked if you dont get the reference)
[02:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> puke on (punkzombie) instead
[02:13] <PuffyMuffins> *punk
[02:13] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> he kicked mah face
[02:13] <Lolwutburger> hi stan
[02:13] <Lolwutburger> bwagh
[02:14] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> Hiya
[02:14] <Lolwutburger> and hola
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> I've got one srs question
[02:14] <PuffyMuffins> was it the M.A.G (Mom's Against Canada)?
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> Why doesn't my audio player in the wikia work?
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> I mean
[02:14] <Lolwutburger> Okay, since SVTFOE airs in 43 minutes
[02:14] <Lolwutburger> I changed my avatar
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> I want to hear the sounds Arcade Zombie makes for exampple
[02:14] <PuffyMuffins> wait no, Mothers Against Canada
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> But I can't
[02:14] <Lolwutburger> well, in my country at least.
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> When I click to start playing it
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> The whole audio bar dissapears
[02:14] <PuffyMuffins>
[02:14] <TheHandsomePlant> And I can't do phit
[02:15] <Lolwutburger> blame canada blame canada
[02:15] <TheHandsomePlant> So
[02:15] <TheHandsomePlant> Any help?
[02:15] <Lolwutburger> with all their hockey hullabaloo and that bitch anne murray too
[02:16] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> let's rewind the time! *plants a (thymewarp) 
[02:16] <Lolwutburger> In retrospect
[02:16] <TheHandsomePlant> Maybe other wikia chats will be more serious -_- 
[02:16] <ErnestoAM> hi
[02:16] <Lolwutburger> I should've finished this South Park animation
[02:16] <Lolwutburger>
[02:16] <Lolwutburger> and what do you need help with, mr handsome?
[02:17] <PuffyMuffins>
[02:17] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> *time goes to 8:59 AM*
[02:17] <Lolwutburger> Hmmm
[02:17] <Lolwutburger> the Arcade Zombie sounds sound fine to me
[02:17] <Lolwutburger> Wow
[02:18] <Lolwutburger> I try to help him and he disappears
[02:19] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> [REWARD_PLANT_PULTSHROOM] You got a new "<Missing>" plant!
[02:21] <Lolwutburger> hola there
[02:21] <Charmande red321> Hi Solar Moth
[02:21] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> sup <Missing USER>
[02:22] <Charmande red321> <Missing EMOTE>
[02:22] <TheHandsomePlant> meh
[02:23] <TheHandsomePlant> Is there a way to change the background of the source editor from white to black?
[02:23] <TheHandsomePlant> This thing hurts me eyes
[02:29] <NightFury299> <MISSING_SPAEC>
[02:30] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> hugs back
[02:30] <Pinkgirl234> :3
[02:30] <NightFury299> S-P-P-P-AEC-C--C-C Blue Screen of Death
[02:31] <Pinkgirl234> Wazzup peeps?
[02:31] <Lolwutburger> Anyone up for a
[02:31] <NightFury299> X(
[02:31] <Lolwutburger> Because I feel like drawing a comic and I need your ideas
[02:32] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer>
[02:32] <NightFury299> REBOOTING
[02:32] <NightFury299> PLEASE STAND BY
[02:32] <Lolwutburger> polandball
[02:33] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> is using her phone to chat
[02:34] <Pinkgirl234> I have to scroll all the time
[02:34] <NightFury299> *Windows Aperture Version boot noise*
[02:35] <PuffyMuffins> ernesto!
[02:35] <Pinkgirl234> Left and right, up and down. Everywhere.
[02:35] <PuffyMuffins> can u record astronomical moon ingame?
[02:35] <Pinkgirl234> :/ 
[02:35] <Lolwutburger>
[02:35] <Lolwutburger> join.m4
[02:35] <Lolwutburger> yee
[02:36] <NightFury299> Hey guys, back, just crashed.
[02:37] <Pinkgirl234> * now
[02:38] <NightFury299> I still have software issues, no updates in space!
[02:38] <Pinkgirl234> Hmmnn
[02:39] <NightFury299> Space!
[02:39] <Insert Your Name Here> ded
[02:40] <Insert Your Name Here> Oh come on I have to go again?
[02:41] <Hypno1337> :3
[02:41] <Lolwutburger>
[02:41] <Lolwutburger> we drawing zombies
[02:41] <NightFury299> No, but- *crash*
[02:41] <NightFury299> REBOOTING
[02:41] <PuffyMuffins> ded
[02:41] <NightFury299> PLEASE SIT BY...
[02:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Imma leaving
[02:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Bye
[02:42] <Hypno1337> Cya.
[02:43] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> pvz 2 + crash/battery ded = say goodbye to your progress!
[02:43] <NightFury299> *Updating Windows Aperture Ver.*
[02:44] <The PvZ and Angry Birds Fan> updating (impunk) 's name to Dino Imp
[02:46] <NightFury299> *Windows Aperture Ver. 2 startup noise*
[02:48] <Bubblefan123> my modded JO'L is bugged :/ 
[02:48] <Bubblefan123> whenever i use it on obstacles and coneheads, they all gain immunity to damage
[02:49] <Bubblefan123> this is incredibly troubling, especially in Temple Of Bloom where ALL tents must be destroyed before the level is counted as "complete
[02:51] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:52] <Lolwutburger> yeee
[02:53] <NightFury299> Finally. UPDATED!
[02:53] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[02:54] <NightFury299> I was faking a crash and update
[02:55] <IMCR8Z> K den
[02:57] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:57] <PuffyMuffins> ErnestoAM ping
[02:57] <ErnestoAM> huh
[02:58] <Charmande red321> hiya
[02:58] <PuffyMuffins> does u have footage of astronomical moon lawn in pvz2?
[02:59] <Hypno1337> I don't.
[03:00] <PuffyMuffins> the key to a dead chat is to become one with the dead chat
[03:00] <Iliketrains455> look at my new avatar
[03:00] <Iliketrains455> it so awesome
[03:00] <ErnestoAM> lol
[03:01] <Charmande red321> k kool
[03:01] <Iliketrains455> im just like, why not
[03:01] <Hypno1337> My avatar wins.
[03:01] <Iliketrains455> #good4u
[03:02] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[03:02] <Iliketrains455> Nice new avatar IMCR
[03:02] <Iliketrains455> looks like both of us changed
[03:02] <PuffyMuffins> "Where did you get it? K-mart?"
[03:02] <Iliketrains455> #BURNED
[03:02] <PuffyMuffins> imcr8z has had that avatar for a while i think
[03:03] <Charmande red321> im gonna mangle up
[03:03] <Iliketrains455> I haven't joined for a while, ij!
[03:03] <Iliketrains455> *ok!
[03:03] <PuffyMuffins> ew fnaf
[03:03] <Yappat> We've won!
[03:03] <Yappat> We did it!
[03:03] <Charmande red321> mangle is only for fnaf?
[03:03] <Charmande red321> omg must ban the word mangle
[03:03] <Charmande red321> must tell English
[03:03] <Yappat> No, we ban anything that is related to FNAF
[03:04] <Charmande red321> oh ok
[03:04] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> bans the word Mangle
[03:04] <Yappat> First warning is a explosion
[03:04] <Charmande red321> then ipmlosion
[03:04] <ErnestoAM> [[User:Mangled Mangle|Mangled Mangle]]
[03:04] <Yappat> Second one is implosion
[03:04] <Charmande red321> omg must ban thy user
[03:05] <Yappat> Ernesto, you are late... too late..
[03:05] <Yappat> The Winter Melon hit top 10 after a long endure
[03:05] <Yappat> Ha...Ha...Ha....
[03:05] <Charmande red321> Hypno is too furry
[03:05] <Iliketrains455> Who likes my avatar?
[03:05] <Charmande red321> the frill is frikin furry
[03:05] <Iliketrains455> I know, no one :( 
[03:06] <Bubblefan123> i kinda like it
[03:06] <Hypno1337> There's scalie in there too.
[03:06] <Charmande red321> Hypnos have way too many pendulums
[03:06] <Charmande red321> i thought its already dead
[03:07] <Yappat> Its not dead
[03:07] <Yappat> HES ALIVE
[03:07] <Yappat> I healed him at the last second
[03:07] <Yappat> Because I ninjaed somebody
[03:07] <Charmande red321> oh ok
[03:07] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> kills him
[03:07] <Charmande red321> there
[03:07] <Yappat> So now, he is basically enduring at 1 HP.
[03:07] <Yappat> Potato mine has died
[03:07] <Charmande red321> <span class="me-username">* <span>Charmande red321</span></span> has Mold Breaker
[03:08] <Hypno1337> ;3
[03:09] <Yappat> Good luck trying to kill us though.
[03:09] <Yappat> We are going to protect Imitater and Intensive Carrot
[03:09] <Charmande red321> but your Happy
[03:09] <Yappat> I am happy..
[03:09] <Charmande red321> no your not
[03:09] <Yappat> I am happy to see that we killed 90% of the shrooms
[03:10] <IMCR8Z> Ded
[03:10] <Charmande red321> that is not happy
[03:10] <Charmande red321> what cr8z sed
[03:10] <Yappat> Next is Sun Shroom... and bubble shroom
[03:10] <Charmande red321> must kill
[03:10] <Charmande red321> wintah
[03:10] <Iliketrains455> it is just sad that no one paid ANY attention to this blog that was made in March
[03:10] <Iliketrains455> [[User blog:Mathdude314/PvZ2: Zombot Hurt/Heal!]]
[03:10] <Charmande red321> must melt them ice
[03:10] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">must hate blue</span>
[03:12] <Iliketrains455> damn the person who killed (phatbeet) 
[03:12] <Iliketrains455> DAMN!
[03:12] <Charmande red321> Primalshooter
[03:12] <Charmande red321> Primalnut
[03:12] <Charmande red321> why not Primalflower
[03:12] <Iliketrains455> There is a Primal Sunflower
[03:12] <Charmande red321> what does it look like
[03:12] <Iliketrains455> Chamande
[03:12] <Iliketrains455> PM
[03:13] <Yappat> Nobody likes Zomboss.
[03:13] <Iliketrains455> there
[03:13] <Yappat> And all his clones
[03:13] <Iliketrains455> all the information on PS (primalsunflower), Cjar
[03:14] <Iliketrains455> *char
[03:14] <Yappat> Legend says that he uses fake legs to reach his height.
[03:14] <IMCR8Z> (gravebuster) 
[03:14] <Yappat> IMCR8Z !!!!!
[03:14] <Ballistic Planet> To be fair
[03:15] <Yappat> We succeeded in top 10 :O 
[03:15] <Ballistic Planet> It's not gonna have Winter MElon
[03:15] <Ballistic Planet> or Cob Cannon
[03:15] <Yappat> Whaaaaat??
[03:16] <Yappat> Alright then
[03:16] <Charmande red321> Winter Melon must not win
[03:16] <Charmande red321> Blue plants must die
[03:16] <Yappat> I will pay you back by killing out all the shrooms otherwise
[03:16] <Bubblefan123> i read that as "Blue Pants" XD
[03:16] <Ballistic Planet> I don't care if the shrooms lose
[03:16] <Charmande red321> blue pants are legit
[03:16] <Yappat> I am gonna make Marigold win.
[03:16] <Charmande red321> hai Insert
[03:16] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[03:16] <Ballistic Planet> You'll see who I protect when Winter Melon dies
[03:16] <Yappat> RIP
[03:17] <Ballistic Planet> And he will die
[03:17] <Yappat> Imitater?
[03:17] <Charmande red321> Imitater for da win
[03:17] <Yappat> Intensive Carrot?
[03:17] <Yappat> Crazy Dave?
[03:17] <Ballistic Planet> IC I literally don't care for
[03:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Well chat is boring currently
[03:17] <Bubblefan123> all hail Imitatah!
[03:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Imma hide in the afk bunker
[03:17] <Charmande red321> i feel like making a hurt and heal game
[03:17] <Charmande red321> that is not pvz
[03:17] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: whats the cutest plant....ahh? *SHHHHHH* its F-*SHHHHHHH*
[03:17] <Yappat> Better not be FNAF
[03:17] <Ballistic Planet> pokemon hurt/heal?
[03:17] <Yappat> No
[03:17] <Charmande red321> thats because i have an avatar from fnaf
[03:17] <Charmande red321> doesnt mean i like fnaf
[03:18] <Bubblefan123> yay, the AFK bunker ^-^
[03:18] <Charmande red321> and yes Raichu
[03:18] <Yappat> I want a forumer HaH
[03:18] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: its flowey *SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* 
[03:18] <Yappat> Like you know? Wikipedia contributors?
[03:18] <Yappat> Maybe B-Crat Hurt and Heal?
[03:18] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: its from undertal- *SHHHHHH* e
[03:18] <Bubba2003> Hell
[03:19] <Yappat> Although disadvantage is.
[03:19] <Bubba2003> hello
[03:19] <Charmande red321> hai there
[03:19] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: its a old raido and its ver-*shhhhhh* old
[03:19] <Charmande red321> springtrap thing
[03:19] <Yappat> The disadvantage is is that Spring Trap is in this room and I am just gonna run
[03:19] <Yappat> *runs*
[03:19] <Bubba2003> what?
[03:19] <Bubba2003> hello
[03:20] <Iliketrains455> hilo
[03:20] <Charmande red321> hurt and heal
[03:20] <Charmande red321> heal and hurt
[03:20] <Charmande red321> slap me do
[03:20] <Yappat> !Z8RCIM iH
[03:20] <Iliketrains455> OH GOD I STOLE BUL9 'S CATCHPHRASE
[03:20] <Bubba2003> whats the difference
[03:20] <Iliketrains455> OH GOD
[03:20] <Iliketrains455> WHAT DO I DO
[03:20] <Bubba2003> make a sandwich 
[03:20] <Iliketrains455> *makes le sandwich*
[03:20] <Iliketrains455> NOW WHAT
[03:21] <Yappat> JUST EAT IT
[03:21] <Yappat> Make your stomach, come true!
[03:21] <Yappat> So just... eat it!
[03:21] <Charmande red321> no
[03:21] <Charmande red321> throw it
[03:21] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: *plays a ww1 song*
[03:21] <Charmande red321> inside your mouth
[03:21] <Lolwutburger> ps
[03:21] <Lolwutburger> the's still open
[03:21] <ErnestoAM> *ErnestoAM walks into the background and continues playing Smurfs' Village
[03:21] <Lolwutburger>
[03:21] <Yappat>
[03:22] <Yappat> What is join me?
[03:22] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: its called pick up your troubles
[03:22] <Charmande red321> livestream basically
[03:22] <Yappat> HIDE
[03:22] <Bubba2003> i got it 
[03:22] <Iliketrains455> *throws le perfectly good sandwich at wall*
[03:22] <IMCR8Z> GTG
[03:22] <Iliketrains455> What did I just do
[03:22] <Bubba2003> nothing
[03:22] <NightFury299> SPAC- BSOD
[03:22] <NightFury299> REBOOTING...
[03:23] <Bubba2003> why don't we role pay a story right now?
[03:23] <Mr.imp gentlmen> WHAT IS THIS?
[03:23] <Bubba2003> i got bored
[03:23] <Bubba2003> what
[03:23] <Yappat> Ou
[03:23] <Mr.imp gentlmen> its called join me
[03:23] <Yappat> You aren't allowed to RP in chat I believe.
[03:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> THERE BANANAS ON THE PVZ CHAT
[03:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> DACING. ONE
[03:24] <NightFury299> *aPERTUR
[03:24] <Mr.imp gentlmen> and art
[03:24] <Bubba2003> where?
[03:24] <NightFury299> *Aperture Windows 2 startup*
[03:24] <Iliketrains455> *le John Cena appears*
[03:24] <NightFury299> Ah,updates are nice
[03:24] <NightFury299> wait, AHHHHH
[03:25] <Bubba2003>
[03:25] <Iliketrains455>
[03:25] <Bubba2003> don't ask
[03:25] <NightFury299> SAVE ME SPACE
[03:26] <Bubba2003> Why are you talking like a robot?!?!
[03:26] <Bubba2003> i have a question for all of you?
[03:26] <NightFury299> I put caps on, sorry.
[03:26] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: *still playing*
[03:27] <NightFury299> Jurassic Marsh is gud
[03:27] <Bubba2003> should I make a story about a random plant and her/his life?
[03:27] <Mr.imp gentlmen> ...
[03:27] <Mr.imp gentlmen> if is art
[03:27] <Mr.imp gentlmen> yes
[03:28] <Bubba2003> yes
[03:28] <Bubba2003> it is
[03:28] <NightFury299> Add me (Space Core) as humor
[03:28] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: BELL RING! *punchs bell* RING! 
[03:28] <Bubba2003> want plant?
[03:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> ..
[03:29] <Bubba2003> what
[03:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i say
[03:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> gattling pea or snow pea
[03:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i choose..
[03:29] <Bubba2003> i was thinking pvz 2 plant
[03:29] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: gattling pea
[03:29] <Bubba2003> :l
[03:30] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio why you always ruined it?
[03:30] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: i am bored
[03:30] <Bubba2003> does anyone want to see a life story about Gatling pea?
[03:30] <Bubba2003> see this
[03:30] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: sure
[03:31] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i allready seen it
[03:31] <Bubba2003> rate it
[03:31] <Iliketrains455>
[03:31] <NightFury299> anyone have steam
[03:31] <Mr.imp gentlmen> 1/1
[03:31] <Iliketrains455> Watch this NOW
[03:31] <Iliketrains455>
[03:31] <Mr.imp gentlmen> shrek dislike this
[03:32] <Bubba2003> Dear god
[03:33] <Mr.imp gentlmen> there is no fnaf 5
[03:33] <Mr.imp gentlmen> radio: yes there no fnaf 5!
[03:33] <Bubba2003>
[03:35] <Bubba2003> Sorry
[03:36] <Iliketrains455> I DO PARKORRRRRRRRRRR
[03:36] <Iliketrains455>
[03:36] <Bubba2003> Sorry again
[03:36] <Iliketrains455> 
[03:37] <Bubba2003> Hello?
[03:37] <Bubba2003> hello?
[03:45] <ErnestoAM> :O :O 
[03:48] <Charmande red321> hiya Issa
[03:48] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello!
[03:49] <WintahMhelon18> yo
[03:49] <KeenIcesWallerACE> So cold.
[03:50] <WintahMhelon18> You're cold too
[03:50] <KeenIcesWallerACE> THe pool isn't that cold.
[03:50] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Ernesto
[03:50] <ErnestoAM> hi
[03:50] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Ernest! WB
[03:52] <ErnestoAM> it's Ernesto
[03:52] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Got that.
[03:53] <Nate25Absol> so...
[03:53] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Not dead
[03:53] <KeenIcesWallerACE> That dead
[03:53] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Play dead
[03:53] <WintahMhelon18> Left 4 Dead
[03:53] <KeenIcesWallerACE> No dead
[03:53] <Nate25Absol> its just boredom
[03:54] <Mr.imp gentlmen> a new home to the moon!
[03:54] <KeenIcesWallerACE> I missed playing CoD
[03:54] <Mr.imp gentlmen> ...
[03:54] <Mr.imp gentlmen> that makes you a COD fanboy...
[03:54] <Mr.imp gentlmen> ..then
[03:54] <Nate25Absol> will there be L4D3
[03:54] <Mr.imp gentlmen> welp
[03:54] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> i iz polandball
[03:55] <Soundwave The Decepticon Communications Officer> poland cannot into spaic
[03:55] <Nate25Absol> u iz Pink Voltorb
[03:55] <Mr.imp gentlmen> i iz alien
[03:55] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Is it just me or is it still dead or still typing stuff?
[03:55] <Nate25Absol> chat iz dead
[03:56] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Then i'm playing Machinarium.
[03:57] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Back
[04:01] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> BYe!
[04:02] <WintahMhelon18> Byo
[04:03] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Y'know i'm still here. Just checking the eaten users.
[04:08] <ErnestoAM> ded
[04:10] <WintahMhelon18> Kinda ded
[04:11] <KeenIcesWallerACE> not really
[04:12] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Puffy
[04:12] <PuffyMuffins> .3.
[04:13] <PuffyMuffins> yo wintah .3.
[04:13] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Hai Puffy
[04:13] <KeenIcesWallerACE> What's that?
[04:14] <PuffyMuffins> music
[04:14] <PuffyMuffins> bamboleo .3.
[04:14] <WintahMhelon18> That reminds me, I have to make a music project later on
[04:14] <KeenIcesWallerACE> And the illuminati-like eye thing?
[04:17] <TheHandsomePlant> lol
[04:17] <TheHandsomePlant> I decided to screw up with Wayback Machine on our wiki
[04:17] <TheHandsomePlant> I found out who was on chat during July 18, 2013
[04:17] <WintahMhelon18> Yo HandsomePlant
[04:17] <TheHandsomePlant> BUL9 , WM43 , and BLACK OUT
[04:17] <ErnestoAM> hi AUglyZombie
[04:18] <TheHandsomePlant> hi BadnestogrAMmar
[04:19] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Is my avatar is plain ugly?
[04:19] <WintahMhelon18> Nope
[04:19] <KeenIcesWallerACE> I'm not gonna complain if it is.
[04:20] <WintahMhelon18> It's fine
[04:20] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Plus, i am unworthy :P 
[04:21] <KeenIcesWallerACE> I have 4 edits, 2 badges, and nothing else. And how do you even add your two cents?
[04:21] <ProcastinatorMan> Oh hey.
[04:21] <ErnestoAM> via modding
[04:21] <ErnestoAM> hi
[04:22] <ErnestoAM> are you back from your break?
[04:22] <ProcastinatorMan> Although out of fear I never really did go far in Arthur's Challenge, Tiki Torch-er, Iceground Battleground, and Temple of Bloom.
[04:22] <ErnestoAM> or just saying hi
[04:22] <ProcastinatorMan> Latter.
[04:23] <ErnestoAM> Greatest Hits is hard though
[04:23] <ProcastinatorMan> Like, sheesh, the very first level can screw you over.
[04:23] <ErnestoAM> yeah
[04:23] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Really?
[04:23] <ErnestoAM> the gargs
[04:23] <ProcastinatorMan> I am almost sure it is almost physically impossible for a pure Peashooter offensive to beat Arcade Zombies.
[04:23] <ProcastinatorMan> Wall-nut will not help much either.
[04:23] <ErnestoAM> yup
[04:23] <WintahMhelon18> Cabbage-pult, should've appeared first than Peashooter
[04:23] <KeenIcesWallerACE> I have never been there yet.
[04:23] <ProcastinatorMan> Arcade Zombies totally cheat. They can spawn Bucketheads even if the level has none.
[04:24] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Key-Hunting is annoying.
[04:24] <KeenIcesWallerACE> 
[04:24] <ProcastinatorMan> And because of GH's mechanics, you can absolutely get Gargantuars spawning very early in the level.
[04:24] <Nate25Absol> ohai
[04:24] <ProcastinatorMan> And that is a catastrophic scenario.
[04:24] <ProcastinatorMan> Hi.
[04:24] <ErnestoAM> GH needs a total nerf
[04:25] <KeenIcesWallerACE> What is GH?
[04:25] <ProcastinatorMan> At least I think Metal shouldn't be able to play in the very beginning of the pre-wave.
[04:25] <ProcastinatorMan> Greatest Hits. NMT's Endless Zone.
[04:25] <ProcastinatorMan> No matter your skill, you can lose a streak of sub-20 to bad luck.
[04:26] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Owch
[04:26] <TheHandsomePlant> It's not really that bad, if you get the luck to get (Blover) + (Spring Bean) 
[04:27] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Is Pea-nut a part of the peashooter family?
[04:27] <ProcastinatorMan> It's like Jacks in PvZ1, except you can at least recover from a catastrophic Jack scenario.
[04:27] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Cute Mangle
[04:27] <ProcastinatorMan> Good luck beating a Gargantuar as the second zombie >_>
[04:28] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Hai
[04:28] <Lolwutburger> hola errboday
[04:28] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Insta-Recharge+Power Lily is it?
[04:28] <WintahMhelon18> Plus, Hair Metal Gargantuars can occasionally smash even if the plant is too far away from him
[04:28] <Charmande red321> yellow Lunar Moth
[04:29] <ProcastinatorMan> I legitimately haven't gotten to a streak of 20 in GH.
[04:29] <ProcastinatorMan> I always get some stupid luck with Gargantuars before it happens.
[04:29] <ProcastinatorMan> I'm sure that if I really wanted to, I could get a streak of 20 in Tiki Torch-er. But I don't want to play Beach >_>
[04:29] <Bubblefan123> I ilegitimately got a streak of 80, cuz ilegitimacy is gud lulz
[04:30] <ProcastinatorMan> If the first music that plays in GH is Metal, you better be really good at dealing with Gargantuars.
[04:31] <ProcastinatorMan> I can't Potato Mine both, and Puff-shrooms are restricted by a recharge time that ends up hurting.
[04:31] <ErnestoAM> yeah
[04:31] <Bubblefan123> MagShroom is not worth the slots, no matter how much Punks come your way
[04:31] <ErnestoAM> since Punk kicks your plants and makes zombies move faster
[04:31] <ErnestoAM> there's even some unused speeds
[04:32] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Maybe because of the experience you played from the other previous worlds.
[04:32] <ProcastinatorMan> At least Punks don't have high HP, so theoretically Red Stingers/Laser Beans are good enough early game.
[04:32] <ErnestoAM> Punk and Metal uses speedup2 when playing, if you mod it to speedup4, the zombies will go super fast
[04:32] <Bubblefan123> Speedup4 O.o
[04:32] <ErnestoAM> yes
[04:32] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Like the minigame in pvz1 where the zombies go fast?
[04:32] <WintahMhelon18> What the
[04:33] <ProcastinatorMan> Rap is more manageable, but you really have to act fast.
[04:33] <Bubblefan123> Imagine a lawn of MC Zom-Bs with that speed
[04:33] <WintahMhelon18> Which makes zombies go slower, Pop or Ballad?
[04:33] <ProcastinatorMan> Pop doesn't seem particularly menacing early-game, and 8-bit can be devastating.
[04:33] <ProcastinatorMan> Like I said, Arcaders totally cheat with their Bucketheads.
[04:33] <KeenIcesWallerACE> true
[04:34] <KeenIcesWallerACE> I frown all day with no feelings
[04:34] <Mr.imp gentlmen> gtg
[04:34] <KeenIcesWallerACE> byye
[04:34] <ProcastinatorMan> bye.
[04:34] <ErnestoAM> i haven't played PvZ2 in a while
[04:34] <ProcastinatorMan> On a brighter anecdote, recently I had my best run ever of DA-18.
[04:35] <ErnestoAM> been busy playing Bejeweled
[04:35] <ProcastinatorMan> That's the LnL with Pea-nuts and Kernel-pults.
[04:35] <ProcastinatorMan> Normally I absolutely suck at it.
[04:35] <ProcastinatorMan> And DA-19 is kind of an oddball.
[04:36] <ProcastinatorMan> Like, if you can handle the thing for long enough you usually will win.
[04:36] <ProcastinatorMan> It feels oddly easy when you actually win.
[04:36] <ProcastinatorMan> (SoS with Magnet-shrooms, if you want to know.)
[04:37] <WintahMhelon18> Yo NF299
[04:37] <ProcastinatorMan> oyy.
[04:37] <NightFury299> WHO, IS, TGE
[04:37] <Bubblefan123> Sweet Potato and Garlic has great uses in that level
[04:38] <NightFury299> PERSON, WHO, TRIED, TO, MAKE, CORN ALLIANCE 2!!! *rambles in german*
[04:38] <ErnestoAM> Hi Corn Cannon
[04:38] <NightFury299> AHHHH
[04:39] <Bubblefan123> i hate the Spore-Shroom S.O.S
[04:39] <ErnestoAM> naw jk
[04:39] <ProcastinatorMan> NMT-31 is pretty mean.
[04:39] <NightFury299> yeah
[04:39] <ProcastinatorMan> I figure that Blueberry's priorities are pretty bad.
[04:39] <Bubblefan123> i failed that level 3 times before figuring out that the spore-shrooms can handle the Punks
[04:40] <Bubblefan123> (still talking about Spore S.O.S)
[04:40] <ErnestoAM> you should ahve brought Puff-shrooms
[04:40] <ProcastinatorMan> Like sheesh, the only projectile in the game that can insta-kill a Gargantuar. Of course it's gonna have bad priorities.
[04:40] <PuffyMuffins>
[04:40] <NightFury299> CLOUD A.I!! - NightFury299
[04:41] <ProcastinatorMan> Which is, idk, a believable downside, but it is an extreme downside.
[04:41] <PuffyMuffins> Dandecryon (Dande-Cryaotic)
[04:42] <ProcastinatorMan> Blueberry is vaguely better than Chomper, I guess.
[04:42] <ProcastinatorMan> Vaguely.
[04:42] <NightFury299> I scream that when Lightning Reed gets plant food
[04:42] <PuffyMuffins> yo insie
[04:42] <Lolwutburger> I should watch more Wander over Yonder
[04:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Hello
[04:42] <Bubblefan123> good thing PopCap was nice enough to leave some codes in the section file for modders to mod
[04:42] <Insert Your Name Here> Doing an all nighter I see
[04:42] <Lolwutburger> holas
[04:42] <Pinkgirl234> Mwah mwah .3.
[04:42] <ProcastinatorMan> eyy.
[04:42] <PuffyMuffins> ayylmao
[04:42] <NightFury299> Any Socks?
[04:42] <PuffyMuffins> *hugs pinkiepai*
[04:43] <Pinkgirl234> o/ 
[04:43] <Bubblefan123> it's possible for me to mod Electric to target Gargs more often
[04:43] <ProcastinatorMan> Despite how much I despise most of Beach's design choices, I do have to give it credit for some things.
[04:43] <ProcastinatorMan> It had bravery.
[04:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Female zombies
[04:43] <ProcastinatorMan> It made 4-flag levels. It reused that one "Kill X zombies in Y seconds" mission.
[04:43] <Lolwutburger> female zombies are cool
[04:43] <Bubblefan123> PopCap had make BWB
[04:43] <ProcastinatorMan> It made a SOS with freakin' Potato Mine.
[04:43] <Bubblefan123> yup
[04:43] <Insert Your Name Here> The best thing about bwb is female zombie
[04:43] <NightFury299> HAHAHA LITTLE GIRL ZAMBOSS - NightFury299
[04:44] <Insert Your Name Here> Now I can finally ship zombies
[04:44] <Bubblefan123> and SOS with Guacodiles :/ 
[04:44] <Bubblefan123> don't forget them Guacs
[04:45] <ProcastinatorMan> Bulb Bowling was almost fine.
[04:45] <Insert Your Name Here> Ugh I gotta rest
[04:45] <ProcastinatorMan> Too bad Surfers are the closest thing to a direct counter to Bulbs, along with other problems.
[04:45] <NightFury299> I laughed for 2 hours after seeing glitter zomboss
[04:45] <Insert Your Name Here> After today's lunch I fugre that I'm terriblr at drinking alcohol
[04:46] <NightFury299> LOL
[04:46] <Lolwutburger> I desperately want aliens to be real so I can have an alien girlfriend or something.
[04:46] <Insert Your Name Here> And it's only 2 glasses of wine dammit
[04:46] <Lolwutburger> anyway
[04:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm
[04:47] <ProcastinatorMan> What a horrible execution of a creative plant.
[04:47] <Lolwutburger> Well
[04:47] <MysteryKing> I have returned.
[04:47] <Lolwutburger> They could've at least made the challenges optional.
[04:47] <Insert Your Name Here> Anyone drink alcohol recently?
[04:47] <ProcastinatorMan> Its practical damage output is like 2 damage/5 seconds.
[04:47] <NightFury299> Bawling Boolb? NOPE
[04:47] <ProcastinatorMan> So you could just use a Lightning Reed.
[04:48] <Lolwutburger> Like, you get double the reward for passing the challenge but only the normal amount if you don't do it
[04:48] <MysteryKing> Chat might be alive, but it's boring.
[04:48] <ProcastinatorMan> "Kill X Zombies in Y seconds" only appears in Beach and PS.
[04:48] <NightFury299> mUCH mYSTERY, much creepy wow
[04:48] <Bubblefan123> Stars are annoying
[04:48] <ProcastinatorMan> And PS literally gives you Snapdragon and both Spikes, so you have much help there.
[04:49] <Bubblefan123> yeah, all BWB has are Guac and Banana
[04:49] <NightFury299> true dat bubble
[04:49] <Bubblefan123> Guaco isn't even AoE before attacked :/ 
[04:50] <Pinkgirl234> Back fromvthe dead. (grave) 
[04:50] <ErnestoAM> How 2 make a how 2 video?
[04:50] <Pinkgirl234> o/ 
[04:50] <ProcastinatorMan> Tile Turnip+Spore-shroom is not particularly practical, but it's amusing.
[04:50] <ErnestoAM> hi
[04:50] <NightFury299> Anyone have geometry dash steam
[04:50] <ErnestoAM> nope
[04:50] <MysteryKing> ME
[04:50] <MysteryKing> ME
[04:50] <MysteryKing> ME
[04:50] <MysteryKing> ME
[04:50] <Pinkgirl234> How is eem
[04:50] <ErnestoAM> no spem
[04:51] <Pinkgirl234> * How is everyone?
[04:51] <MysteryKing> Boring
[04:51] <ProcastinatorMan> Fine.
[04:51] <MysteryKing> Very boring
[04:51] <ErnestoAM> you can eat spam, but not spam
[04:51] <MysteryKing> Finely boring
[04:51] <ProcastinatorMan> Tile Turnip+Fume-shroom can be better than Tile Turnip+Winter Melon.
[04:51] <Pinkgirl234> I wonder how many chat mods we have 
[04:51] <ErnestoAM>
[04:51] <ErnestoAM> Here is speedup4 in action
[04:51] <NightFury299> SEARCH SPACECUBE299
[04:51] <NightFury299> MK
[04:52] <Bubblefan123> dat speed O.o
[04:53] <ProcastinatorMan> If you hacked Blueberry into a Zombot fight, would it just do massive damage or would it instantly win you the fight?
[04:53] <ErnestoAM> It does massive damage, but not insta-kill
[04:53] <Bubblefan123> it does 250 nds, so...
[04:54] <Bubblefan123> theoratically...Blueberry deals 20.8333........and so on DPS
[04:54] <NightFury299> hERLOW?
[04:55] <Bubblefan123> i haz Geometry Dash on mobilez :P 
[04:55] <ProcastinatorMan> I find it amusing that, minus splash, Red Stinger has a higher DPS than Winter Melon.
[04:55] <Bubblefan123> XD
[04:55] <NightFury299> 2.0?
[04:55] <NightFury299> LOL
[04:56] <Bubblefan123> Red Stinger 2.0 DPS
[04:56] <Bubblefan123> Winter Melon 1.5 (or so) DPS
[04:56] <Bubblefan123> XD
[04:56] <NightFury299> HAHA\
[04:57] <Nate25Absol> 2.01
[04:57] <NightFury299> I, also wait for 2.0 friends on GD
[04:57] <ErnestoAM> besides
[04:57] <NightFury299> or 2.01
[04:57] <Bubblefan123> i haz GD 2.01 on mobilez
[04:57] <ErnestoAM> the cloud doesn't even target a zombot
[04:57] <ProcastinatorMan> Another amusing number tidbit is that for a very brief amount of time, Sun-shroom has a higher sun return than Twin Sunflower.
[04:58] <ProcastinatorMan> But that's technically because Sun-shroom has a lower cost. Twin Sunflower catches up very fast.
[04:58] <Bubblefan123> Laser Bean has the same DPS (minus AoE) as a Puff-Shroom :P 
[04:58] <NightFury299> use the user search to fine meh teehee
[04:58] <NightFury299> find
[04:58] <Nate25Absol> and i cant search userlevels for some reason
[04:59] <NightFury299> same here
[04:59] <Nate25Absol> despite high internet connection
[04:59] <NightFury299> i know
[04:59] <Nate25Absol> im just gonna stick with these 3 Ethan levels for now
[04:59] <NightFury299> my username is different (space+cube+299) LOL
[05:00] <ProcastinatorMan> If we assume that a Tombstone is a "zombie" with 35 HP, Grave Buster has a whopping high DPS.
[05:00] <ProcastinatorMan> I don't know how fast Grave Buster busts, but I think it's close to 5 seconds.
[05:01] <NightFury299> 6 seconds?
[05:01] <ProcastinatorMan> That's a fair number.
[05:01] <ProcastinatorMan> Pretty close to 7 DPS. Which is better than even a full Pea Pod.
[05:01] <NightFury299> yup
[05:01] <MysteryKing> I'm wanting to mod PvZ2 right now but i'm too lazy to
[05:01] <ProcastinatorMan> But besides special cases I think a full Pea Pod has among the highest DPSes.
[05:02] <NightFury299> I'm still waiting for friend requests
[05:02] <ProcastinatorMan> I don't know Banana Launcher's recharge time or projectile damage(insta-kills Coneheads and highly damages Bucketheads, is all I know).
[05:02] <ProcastinatorMan> Probably has a fair DPS that at least puts it over Repeater.
[05:03] <Insert Your Name Here> 60 dmg per 20 sec
[05:03] <ErnestoAM> I still perfer Winter Melon
[05:03] <ErnestoAM> prefer
[05:03] <ProcastinatorMan> Yes, but we're talking about pure numbers here.
[05:03] <Insert Your Name Here> But you also gotta consider the delay and the occasional misfiring
[05:03] <ProcastinatorMan> Not practicallity.
[05:04] <NightFury299> yoy
[05:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Strawburst has the highest dps so far
[05:04] <ProcastinatorMan> I mean, obviously Winter Melon is useful in much more situations than a close-to-house Red Stinger.
[05:04] <Insert Your Name Here> Of aoe plants
[05:04] <ProcastinatorMan> But the second one technically has higher DPS if we ignore WM's splash(and sometimes only a single zombie is in a lane).
[05:04] <ProcastinatorMan> Because slowdown does not increase to DPS, it's just a very useful effect.
[05:05] <Insert Your Name Here> Whatever I have to rest
[05:05] <Lolwutburger> Remember
[05:05] <Lolwutburger> Max returns later
[05:05] <ProcastinatorMan> Spring Bean sleeps for close to 12 seconds.
[05:06] <Lolwutburger> He posted it on the forums
[05:06] <ProcastinatorMan> I don't know Pirate Seas Gargantuar's HP, but I assume it's at least 150 HP.
[05:06] <SugarPenguin12> I can check.
[05:06] <Bubblefan123> same as any Garg
[05:06] <Bubblefan123> in PvZ2
[05:07] <ProcastinatorMan> If we assume a Spring Bean kills a Gargantuar every time it bounces a zombie and that it bounces a zombie instantly after waking up, it technically has at least 12 DPS.
[05:08] <SugarPenguin12> Also, it says you can now plant Potato Mines in BWB on Lily Pads in the BWB article. Actually, you still can't.
[05:08] <Insert Your Name Here> It can also waste that opportunity on a basic pirate :p 
[05:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Chat is boring
[05:09] <ProcastinatorMan> Let's see.
[05:09] <ProcastinatorMan> Now with instant kills on the line, can the number turn higher?
[05:09] <MysteryKing> Does anyone here a pirated digital copy of the novel EATING FIRE AND DRINKING WATER?
[05:09] <ErnestoAM> no
[05:09] <SugarPenguin12> um no
[05:09] <ErnestoAM> what is that anyways
[05:10] <MysteryKing> A novel
[05:10] <ErnestoAM> what's that
[05:10] <MysteryKing> Long story
[05:10] <ErnestoAM> :P 
[05:10] <MysteryKing> But nvm
[05:10] <SugarPenguin12> Pirated? :P 
[05:10] <MysteryKing> It's a long story 
[05:10] <MysteryKing> Just nevermind
[05:10] <ErnestoAM> You (pirate) !
[05:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Bleh I'm leaving
[05:11] <Insert Your Name Here> Bye
[05:11] <ProcastinatorMan> Bye.
[05:11] <Bubblefan123> o/ 
[05:12] <ProcastinatorMan> What's the edible(Chomper can eat) zombie with the highest HP?
[05:12] <SugarPenguin12> It should be noted that using Snapdragon's plant food twice on an undamaged Pirate Seas Gargan will kill it without any other plant
[05:12] <Bubblefan123> Knight
[05:12] <Bubblefan123> Blockhead
[05:13] <ProcastinatorMan> Hmm, guess Chomper's DPS isn't in extremely high leagues.
[05:14] <ProcastinatorMan> I forget its swallowing time, but probably about 6-8 DPS.
[05:14] <Bubblefan123> how about DPS for non-edible zombies in PvZ2?
[05:14] <ErnestoAM>
[05:14] <ErnestoAM> A full lawn of Redstingers
[05:14] <ProcastinatorMan> Zombie DPS >_>
[05:15] <ProcastinatorMan> Um, MC Zom-B if we don't count crushing zombies.
[05:15] <TheAnonymousA> Ernesto, why aren't those Stingers hiding?
[05:15] <Bubblefan123> no, i meant, Chomper's DPS against non-edible zombies
[05:15] <ProcastinatorMan> If we do, then obviously Gargantuar because it can insta-kill an infinite amount of Tall-nuts without PF.
[05:16] <ProcastinatorMan> Well, I think the zombie with highest HP that isn't a Zombot is a Gargantuar, followed by Robo Cones.
[05:16] <Bubblefan123> Ernesto is a modder
[05:16] <Bubblefan123> u figure it out
[05:16] <TheAnonymousA> Gargs have more health than robo cones.
[05:17] <ErnestoAM> duh
[05:17] <SugarPenguin12> [[Coconut Rocket Launcher]]'s English name (I speak Chinese) is just Coconut Rocket, without the Launcher
[05:17] <TheAnonymousA> All far future mechs have the same health.
[05:17] <ProcastinatorMan> So if Chomper takes 10 seconds to digest(I doubt this is the number. It's just a very supposed number), then it would technically have like 15 DPS if Gargantuars were edible.
[05:17] <ProcastinatorMan> Well if all mechs have the same health, then Magnifying Grass hits for variable damage then.
[05:17] <ProcastinatorMan> Because I swear that Football Mechs die to less rainbows than Robo Cones.
[05:17] <ProcastinatorMan> Oh yeah, forgot magnifying Grass.
[05:18] <Lolwutburger> I should try making a cartoon pitch just in case someone's accepting
[05:18] <TheAnonymousA> Chomper takes 30 secs to digest a zombie.
[05:18] <ProcastinatorMan> If you had unlimited sun it'd be absolute king of DPS(its projectile deals 20-something damage and the fire rate if you tap very fast is pretty good).
[05:18] <Lolwutburger> if nobody accepts I can always make it a webtoon though
[05:18] <MysteryKing> Lolwut that's a good idea
[05:18] <Bubblefan123> ahem...queen
[05:19] <KamiOfWind> Heya
[05:19] <MysteryKing> I would do that but i have completely no idea who to animate, no time to do it, and no knowledge on where to start
[05:19] <TheAnonymousA> o/ Kami
[05:19] <ProcastinatorMan> So I guess there's that.
[05:19] <MysteryKing> LOLWUT
[05:19] <ProcastinatorMan> You could use a basic unlimited sun hack to bum-rush Chair's high health zombies.
[05:20] <ProcastinatorMan> Or you could make the projectile cost 0 sun, I suppose.
[05:20] <KamiOfWind> How are you guys doin?
[05:21] <KamiOfWind> :3
[05:21] <Bubblefan123> meh
[05:22] <ProcastinatorMan> Unlimited PF could get absurd DPS.
[05:23] <ProcastinatorMan> Spring Bean's full-screen kill aside, I think Fire Pea's does pretty high damage.
[05:23] <ProcastinatorMan> Can't say I'd really know the PF with the biggest damage output(minus AoE) though.
[05:23] <Bubblefan123> all hail the Spring Blover combo :3
[05:23] <KamiOfWind> Uh...
[05:24] <ProcastinatorMan> I'm just having fun trying to figure out the (theoretical) highest DPS in PvZ2.
[05:24] <KamiOfWind> What is your favorite plant to boost?
[05:24] <ProcastinatorMan> Don't mind me. >_>
[05:24] <KamiOfWind> That question is to everyone
[05:24] <KamiOfWind> I am curious
[05:24] <ProcastinatorMan> I don't like to use plant boosts personally. Idk, I guess I'd boost Potato Mines.
[05:25] <KamiOfWind> I find Iceberg Lettuce to be the best
[05:25] <ErnestoAM> Tile Turnip, when you do all it does is the same thing though gets stuck in its Almanac animation
[05:25] <Bubblefan123> Boosted Spore-Shrooms has the highest non-AoE DPS
[05:25] <Bubblefan123> i think
[05:25] <KamiOfWind> Boosting Spore Shrooms
[05:25] <KamiOfWind> wow
[05:25] <KamiOfWind> That sounds
[05:26] <KamiOfWind> Like
[05:26] <KamiOfWind> Death
[05:26] <KamiOfWind> Just pure death
[05:26] <ErnestoAM> Hi Pinkgrill
[05:26] <SugarPenguin12> hi
[05:26] <KamiOfWind> Hello, miss Pink
[05:26] <Pinkgirl234> Mwah :3
[05:27] <Iliketrains455> Ernesto
[05:27] <ProcastinatorMan> Hmm...
[05:27] <ErnestoAM> wut
[05:27] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm, is puff still awake?
[05:27] <Iliketrains455> is that Moon picture REAL?
[05:27] <ProcastinatorMan> Chili Beans can insta-kill certain zombies.
[05:28] <ProcastinatorMan> Sadly I think the zombie with highest HP that it can kill is Buckethead/Zombie Bull.
[05:28] <Insert Your Name Here> There's blockhead anf knight
[05:28] <ErnestoAM> yes
[05:28] <Iliketrains455> *cough* (ponchozombie) *cough*
[05:28] <KamiOfWind> Can it kill Robocone?
[05:28] <Iliketrains455> No
[05:29] <ErnestoAM> :P 
[05:29] <SugarPenguin12> ernesto 
[05:29] <ProcastinatorMan> Retroactively it appears that Pianist and Robo-bull swapped Chili vulnerability.
[05:29] <PuffyMuffins> wow
[05:29] <PuffyMuffins> many people on at 12:30am for me
[05:29] <ErnestoAM> Puffy
[05:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Time zone difference
[05:30] <Iliketrains455> Same here Puffy
[05:30] <Bubblefan123> 1:29 PM on a Sunday 4 me
[05:30] <ErnestoAM> do you want any worlds in PvZ2
[05:30] <Insert Your Name Here> It's midday here
[05:30] <PuffyMuffins> kinda
[05:30] <ProcastinatorMan> I remember once seeing a video of a (presumably glitch) where a Gargantuar Prime lasered a Chili Bean and was instantly killed.
[05:30] <Iliketrains455> 12:30 AM for me
[05:30] <KamiOfWind> I'd like an ancient greece world
[05:30] <ErnestoAM> wait, let me say that again
[05:30] <ErnestoAM> do you want any your worlds in PvZ2
[05:30] <KamiOfWind> Or rome
[05:30] <ErnestoAM> do you want any of your worlds in PvZ2
[05:30] <PuffyMuffins> yea
[05:31] <ErnestoAM> So I can mod the textures to make it come true!
[05:31] <Insert Your Name Here> Pretty sure I lost the ability to stay up late now
[05:31] <Iliketrains455> (mummy) (coneheadmummy) (mummyflag) (bucketheadmummy) 
[05:31] <Iliketrains455> (pirate) (coneheadpirate) (pirateflag) (bucketheadpirate) 
[05:31] <ErnestoAM> [[File:ATLASES DELAYLOAD BACKGROUND MOON 1536 00 PTX.png]]
[05:31] <ErnestoAM> Like Reap's Astronomical Moon.
[05:31] <PuffyMuffins>
[05:31] <PuffyMuffins>
[05:31] <ErnestoAM> Only 1
[05:31] <PuffyMuffins> do you have a screen shot of astronomical moon gameplay .3.
[05:31] <ErnestoAM> no
[05:32] <ErnestoAM> I can't put in texture
[05:32] <ErnestoAM> but I'm gonna ask Game Center to do it
[05:32] <PuffyMuffins> kk
[05:32] <PuffyMuffins> pick one of the worlds i posted cuz i cant choose ;P
[05:32] <ErnestoAM> Do you have another world which the tiles aren't slanted?
[05:32] <Iliketrains455> (mummy) (coneheadmummy) (mummyflag) (bucketheadmummy) 
[05:32] <Iliketrains455> (piratezombie) (coneheadpirate) (flagpirate) (bucketheadpirate) 
[05:32] <Iliketrains455> (cowboy) (cowboyconehead) (flagcowboy) (bucketheadcowboy) 
[05:32] <Lolwutburger> lol
[05:32] <Iliketrains455> damn
[05:32] <Lolwutburger> youtube put Chris Chan in the #animatedcartoon hashteg
[05:33] <Iliketrains455> lawl
[05:33] <Pvzfan717> hey guys
[05:33] <Iliketrains455> (mummy) (coneheadmummy) (mummyflag) (bucketheadmummy) 
[05:33] <Iliketrains455> (piratezombie) (coneheadpirate) (flagpirate) (bucketheadpirate) 
[05:33] <Iliketrains455> (cowboyzombie) (coneheadcowboy) (flagcowboy) (bucketheadcowboy) 
[05:33] <Iliketrains455> (futurezombie) (futureconehead) (futureflag) (futurebuckethead) 
[05:33] <ProcastinatorMan> Hey Ernesto, what is Gargantuar's health in PvZ2?
[05:33] <Pvzfan717> unlocked chinese snap dragon
[05:33] <Pvzfan717> with the power of beanz
[05:34] <ErnestoAM> idk
[05:34] <ErnestoAM> @PM
[05:34] <Iliketrains455> i think its 180
[05:34] <Iliketrains455> right?
[05:34] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit wine
[05:34] <ErnestoAM> Puffy, gonna have to mod your lawn a bit
[05:34] <ProcastinatorMan> Well surely you can check real quick.
[05:35] <Iliketrains455> (mummy) (coneheadmummy) (mummyflag) (bucketheadmummy) 
[05:35] <Iliketrains455> (piratezombie) (coneheadpirate) (flagpirate) (bucketheadpirate) 
[05:35] <Iliketrains455> (cowboyzombie) (coneheadcowboy) (flagcowboy) (bucketheadcowboy) 
[05:35] <Iliketrains455> (future) (futureconehead) (futureflag) (futurebuckethead) 
[05:35] <Iliketrains455> (peasantzombie) (coneheadpeasant) (peasantflag) (bucketheadpeasant) 
[05:35] <ProcastinatorMan> I mean, I'm sure that zombie HP is in the code and stuff.
[05:35] <Iliketrains455> lol
[05:35] <Pvzfan717> well
[05:36] <Iliketrains455> 0
[05:36] <Iliketrains455> 
[05:36] <Iliketrains455> I o |
[05:36] <Bubblefan123> if only someone can make a flash version of a lawn i made
[05:36] <Iliketrains455> the cold snapdragon looks so awesome
[05:37] <Pvzfan717> why are people worshipping dino nip
[05:37] <Iliketrains455> dinonip is scrapped
[05:37] <Pvzfan717> perfume shroom better
[05:37] <Pvzfan717> wait
[05:37] <Pvzfan717> dino nip is not fanmade
[05:37] <Iliketrains455> no, its scrapped
[05:37] <Iliketrains455> like sunpod,
[05:37] <Iliketrains455> sungun,
[05:37] <ErnestoAM> however
[05:38] <ErnestoAM> Dinonip in v4.2.1 will get text
[05:38] <Iliketrains455> especially KIWIBEAST
[05:38] <Pvzfan717> i think they could add them in pvz2 china
[05:38] <ErnestoAM> Dinonip uses Perfume-shroom's flavor text as placeholer
[05:38] <Pvzfan717> if jurassic gets into china
[05:38] <Iliketrains455> but i thought part 2 was 
[05:38] <Iliketrains455> PrimalSunflower
[05:38] <Iliketrains455> PrimalPotatoMine
[05:38] <Iliketrains455> ShrinkingViolet
[05:38] <Iliketrains455> with the premium being Cold Snapdragon
[05:38] <Pvzfan717> shrinking violet might be a perium
[05:39] <Pvzfan717> as well
[05:39] <Pvzfan717> well
[05:39] <Pvzfan717> we already have snapdragons alter ego
[05:39] <Pvzfan717> or aka
[05:39] <Iliketrains455> ...
[05:39] <Lolwutburger> i thought cold snapdragon was his cousin or brother or whatever
[05:40] <PuffyMuffins> I would give you this one but it'd look weird @ernesto
[05:40] <Iliketrains455> Cold Snapdragon gets chilly when anyone brings up his cousin Snapdragon. "It happened a long time ago, and I'd really rather not discuss it," he says. Yikes.
[05:40] <Iliketrains455> That is Cold Snapdragon's almanac
[05:40] <ErnestoAM> woah
[05:41] <ErnestoAM> PvZ2 would look too realistic
[05:41] <Iliketrains455> so (snapdragon) is Cold Snapdragon's cousin
[05:41] <Pvzfan717> no
[05:41] <ErnestoAM> ErnestoAM 's trip to the PvZCC wiki for lawn pics.
[05:41] <Pvzfan717> cold snapdragon is his mirror image twin
[05:41] <Iliketrains455> no
[05:41] <Iliketrains455> dude
[05:42] <Pvzfan717> what
[05:42] <Iliketrains455> did you read
[05:42] <Iliketrains455> Cold Snapdragon gets chilly when anyone brings up his cousin Snapdragon. "It happened a long time ago, and I'd really rather not discuss it," he says. Yikes.
[05:42] <Iliketrains455> THIS IS COLD SNAPDRAGON'S ALMANAC
[05:42] <Iliketrains455> sry caps
[05:42] <Pvzfan717> well
[05:42] <Pvzfan717> snapdragon could be accidentally melt him sometimes
[05:42] <Pvzfan717> alot
[05:42] <Pvzfan717> :D 
[05:42] <Pvzfan717> 
[05:42] <Lolwutburger> hola
[05:43] <BLACK OUT> yo
[05:43] <Lolwutburger> Would the alternate universe version of you be called white on without caps?
[05:43] <Bubblefan123> if only PopCap would add more plant synergys
[05:43] <Iliketrains455> _
[05:43] <Iliketrains455> I(snapdragon)|
[05:43] <Iliketrains455> ---
[05:43] <Iliketrains455> damn it
[05:44] <Iliketrains455> _ 
[05:44] <Iliketrains455> I(snapdragon)|
[05:44] <Iliketrains455> ---
[05:44] <Iliketrains455> -.-
[05:44] <SugarPenguin12> I(snapdragon)| ---
[05:44] <SugarPenguin12> oops
[05:44] <ProcastinatorMan> eeeey.
[05:44] <SugarPenguin12> I (snapdragon) | ---
[05:44] <Pvzfan717> i learned about plant cells
[05:44] <Iliketrains455>
[05:44] <Iliketrains455> Enjoy this gif while i try to do it
[05:44] <ProcastinatorMan> There's a BO if I've ever seen one.
[05:46] <SugarPenguin12> Guys
[05:46] <ProcastinatorMan> Oh, I'm pretty fine.
[05:46] <Iliketrains455> ........._ 
[05:46] <Iliketrains455> I(snapdragon)|
[05:46] <Iliketrains455> ........ ---
[05:46] <Iliketrains455> Grrr
[05:46] <SugarPenguin12> I was helping to translate some of the Chinese plant names
[05:46] <ProcastinatorMan> Last year of High school.
[05:46] <SugarPenguin12> Put a spacing between the | and (snapdragon) 
[05:46] <ProcastinatorMan> Last hurdle to cross. Pretty much the same as the last one so far minus the number of homeworks.
[05:46] <TheAnonymousA> (snapdragon) 
[05:46] <TheAnonymousA> Test
[05:46] <TheAnonymousA> (snapdragon) 
[05:47] <Iliketrains455> ........._ 
[05:47] <Iliketrains455> | (snapdragon) |
[05:47] <Iliketrains455> ........---
[05:47] <ProcastinatorMan> Well, I do happen to have fairly packed Saturdays >_>
[05:47] <SugarPenguin12> Guys
[05:47] <SugarPenguin12> I speak chinese
[05:47] <SugarPenguin12> So here are the accurate names of some plants
[05:47] <SugarPenguin12> "Small Chesnut Team" = Small Chesnut Army/Squad
[05:47] <SugarPenguin12> 小队 means small army
[05:47] <SugarPenguin12> Pumpkin Witch is more like Pumpkin Mage/Sorcerer
[05:47] <BLACK OUT> I know that feeling. I'm taking 2 AP classes right now and the homework is a nightmare
[05:48] <Iliketrains455> 您好!這是Iliketrains455和我說中國話!
[05:48] <BLACK OUT> Seriously, just last week I had to do 2 5-page outlines in 3 days
[05:48] <SugarPenguin12> Bamboo Brother is accurate, but 小弟 is little brother
[05:48] <SugarPenguin12> And Mischief Radish isn't even grammatical
[05:48] <SugarPenguin12> 捣蛋 = Troublemaker
[05:48] <ProcastinatorMan> So our government thinks seniors should be teaching analphabet people.
[05:48] <Iliketrains455> Put this in Google Translate:
[05:48] <Iliketrains455> 您好!這是Iliketrains455和我說中國話!
[05:48] <Iliketrains455> Type what you got in chat
[05:48] <SugarPenguin12> Acid Lemon should be Acidic Lemon
[05:48] <SugarPenguin12> but thats just grammar
[05:48] <ProcastinatorMan> So we have to teach people how to read and write. Every Saturday morning for 20 Saturdays.
[05:49] <SugarPenguin12> 您好 = hello
[05:49] <SugarPenguin12> Seriously?
[05:49] <SugarPenguin12> Wow
[05:49] <ProcastinatorMan> And I take German classes on Saturday afternoons so I have like some minutes to lunch and then I have to learn some German.
[05:49] <SugarPenguin12> What you said was Hello, I am Iliketrains455 and I can speak Chinese
[05:50] <Iliketrains455> :D 
[05:50] <Iliketrains455> yay someone got iut
[05:50] <Iliketrains455> *it
[05:50] <Iliketrains455> Mmm.... sacrilicious.
[05:50] <Iliketrains455>
[05:50] <MysteryKing> why ___is ^&*(chat so____bor___8823920ing
[05:50] <SugarPenguin12> What is wrong with the English Almanac Entries for Chinese plants
[05:50] <SugarPenguin12> Who used Google Translate :| 
[05:51] <Iliketrains455> SugarPenguin
[05:51] <Iliketrains455> on Imp Pilot's almanac
[05:51] <Iliketrains455> it said
[05:51] <MysteryKing> Can we talk about something better
[05:51] <Iliketrains455> "He found some pilot GOOGLES and..."
[05:52] <SugarPenguin12> "QiGong"
[05:52] <SugarPenguin12> That's not even translated
[05:53] <ProcastinatorMan> I'd probably have to do less homeworks for the day after if I wasn't such a proc(r)astinator.
[05:53] <MysteryKing> Now i'm just being ignored.
[05:54] <ErnestoAM> yup
[05:54] <SugarPenguin12> QiGong is like breathing exercises, like breaking blocks in half and things if i am not wrong
[05:54] <Lolwutburger> I'm going to screw with AAM for a while
[05:54] <Lolwutburger> teehee
[05:55] <MysteryKing> Lolwut can i join in your screwing?
[05:55] <MysteryKing> I love screwing that internut.
[05:55] <ProcastinatorMan> "Lolwut can i join in your screwing?" >_>
[05:57] <MysteryKing> Found it
[05:57] <MysteryKing>
[05:57] <MysteryKing> Now i'm gonna screw with him
[05:57] <MysteryKing> MUHUAHUAHUA
[05:57] <ProcastinatorMan> "Now I'm gonna screw with him" - MysteryKing 2015
[05:58] <MysteryKing> STOP HAVING THAT KIND OF MIND 
[05:58] <ProcastinatorMan> just joshing you dude.
[05:58] <MysteryKing> Should i use exceptionally fancy english words so he doesn't understand me?
[05:59] <MysteryKing> He is an idiot after all. 
[05:59] <MysteryKing> *immeditely googles big words*
[06:00] <Pvzfan717> well
[06:00] <ProcastinatorMan> antidisestablishmentarianism is a movement that was against the disestablishment of certain places.
[06:00] <MysteryKing> IT'S
[06:00] <Pvzfan717> dinonip was replaced by perfume shroom
[06:00] <Pvzfan717> right
[06:00] <ProcastinatorMan> Right.
[06:01] <ProcastinatorMan> So I assume you know what that means.
[06:01] <MysteryKing> Yes
[06:01] <MysteryKing> It means exceptionally good or great.
[06:01] <MysteryKing> Or what Mary Poppins say instead of "amazing!"
[06:03] <Lolwutburger> lol
[06:03] <Lolwutburger> screw aam
[06:03] <Lolwutburger> I married sunflower
[06:03] <Lolwutburger>
[06:03] <Lolwutburger> :D 
[06:04] <MysteryKing> Lel
[06:04] <MysteryKing> LOLOLOL
[06:05] <MysteryKing> In what website can i troll AAM
[06:05] <Lolwutburger> Hola
[06:05] <MysteryKing> I already did in deviant art
[06:05] <Yappat> wat
[06:05] <MysteryKing> In what other website can i troll AAM?
[06:05] <Lolwutburger> you can go to and marry sunflower then link him to your marriage certificate
[06:05] <Yappat> I wanna marry myself
[06:05] <ProcastinatorMan> well i'll be.
[06:05] <Yappat> Is this a good thing?
[06:05] <ProcastinatorMan> gtg.
[06:06] <Yappat> I think this Marry a plant thing I started has gone quite out of control
[06:07] <Lolwutburger> You started that?
[06:07] <MysteryKing> Well imma find aam in more sites to troll him now
[06:07] <MysteryKing> MUHAUHUAHUA
[06:16] <Bubblefan123> bored
[06:16] <ErnestoAM> y'all like it?
[06:17] <Lolwutburger> it's alright
[06:17] <Lolwutburger> oh my
[06:17] <Lolwutburger> char's been uploading pokemons
[06:17] <ErnestoAM> ikr
[06:18] <ErnestoAM> what's with the pokemon uploads
[06:19] <Charmande red321> reasons
[06:19] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">and to cover up some new images</span>
[06:20] <Lolwutburger> i will now call multiple pokemon "pokemen"
[06:20] <Lolwutburger> oh
[06:20] <ErnestoAM> ...........
[06:21] <Charmande red321> so much uploads
[06:22] <TheAnonymousA> Test
[06:22] <Charmande red321> failed
[06:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> Of course, my mom now has to shove good grades to get the things what I want WITH MY OWN MONEY
[06:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> She treats good grades to be everything!
[06:23] <Mage General Chrysalis> inb4 THE WHOLE WORLD AGREES WITH HER
[06:24] <Charmande red321> the whole world
[06:24] <Charmande red321> is not round
[06:24] <Mage General Chrysalis> That's irrelevant!
[06:24] <Mage General Chrysalis> Sometimes I just want to be treated like a fucking retard....
[06:24] <TheAnonymousA> Good grades are taking over...
[06:24] <Mage General Chrysalis> Fuck good grades!
[06:24] <Mage General Chrysalis> They ruin everything!
[06:24] <Charmande red321> you need to be 85 above
[06:24] <Charmande red321> or else
[06:25] <Mage General Chrysalis> "Good grades are the holy grail! No one cares about people who are poor just because of their grades!"
[06:25] <TheAnonymousA> Hey! That's a good idea! Good grades taking over the world! I'm going to write a story on that!
[06:26] <Mage General Chrysalis> Why do good grades have to be more important than internetions?
[06:26] <Yappat> Bep
[06:26] <Mage General Chrysalis> *intentions
[06:26] <Lolwutburger> I thought life was supposed to be accomplished with hard work
[06:26] <Charmande red321> wb happy
[06:26] <MysteryKing> Attitude happens.
[06:26] <Mage General Chrysalis> NOPE! GOOD GRADES ARE SO HOLY!
[06:26] <Lolwutburger> like how you do in life depends on how hard you work
[06:26] <TheAnonymousA> Let me see, Good grades are actually the result of mass hypnosis done by aliens to make everyone suicide because they get bad grades! Nice plot?
[06:26] <MysteryKing> Nowadays people base you off your grades and intelligence
[06:27] <MysteryKing> No one cares about hard work
[06:27] <MysteryKing> That is why society is fucked up.
[06:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME!
[06:27] <MysteryKing> Grades don't define everything
[06:27] <MysteryKing> Try telling that to your mom.
[06:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> *sigh* I want to blow my steam so badly....
[06:27] <MysteryKing> Instead of screaming here all the time.
[06:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> No! She thinks they're holy!
[06:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> SHE NEVER LISTENS!
[06:27] <MysteryKing> I was once like you, ranting in caps lock. But no.
[06:27] <Mage General Chrysalis> TRUST ME!
[06:27] <MysteryKing> Now i'm giving advice.
[06:27] <TheAnonymousA> But Chrysalis, suicide would thin the human race, leaving only the old and weak, making an easy take over!
[06:27] <MysteryKing> And for my first advice:
[06:28] <MysteryKing> Because it ain't helping.
[06:28] <Lolwutburger> tell her success starts with failure
[06:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> She treats herself like she's God, and me like a mere underling!
[06:28] <MysteryKing> Next advice, talk to us a normal calm person.
[06:28] <MysteryKing> Mage stop complaining first
[06:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> She treats me like a slame!
[06:28] <Mage General Chrysalis> *slave
[06:28] <MysteryKing> You'll never get thinks solved with that.
[06:28] <TheAnonymousA> Chrysalis, there is always at least one person who cares about you.
[06:28] <Lolwutburger> failure is a life experience
[06:28] <WintahMhelon18> Hmmmmm......
[06:29] <Charmande red321> and...
[06:29] <Charmande red321> yah
[06:29] <Charmande red321> this happened
[06:29] <Lolwutburger> school takes about a small part of your life
[06:29] <TheAnonymousA> Talk to your best friends, Chrysalis. They will make you feel better
[06:29] <Lolwutburger> thus grades take about a small part of your life
[06:30] <Mage General Chrysalis> I HAVE NO FRIENDS AT ALL AT THIS COUNTRY!
[06:30] <Lolwutburger> Okay then...
[06:30] <MysteryKing> I have friends but hate this shithole country
[06:30] <MysteryKing> I dream of going to somewhere better.
[06:30] <Mage General Chrysalis> I DESERVE SHITTY TREATMENT!
[06:30] <MysteryKing> Like the UK or Canada.
[06:30] <TheAnonymousA> Err...okay. So you're talking with your Wiki friends.
[06:30] <MysteryKing> You know what they say
[06:30] <Lolwutburger> I'd rather go to Canada.
[06:30] <MysteryKing> Shitty country shitty treatment'
[06:30] <MysteryKing> YEAH CANADA
[06:30] <TheAnonymousA> Okay, let's try to make you feel better...
[06:30] <Lolwutburger> South Park says Canada has everything
[06:31] <MysteryKing> NOT TODAY
[06:31] <TheAnonymousA> And then I moved to India...
[06:31] <MysteryKing> I'm stuck in this shithole.
[06:31] <MysteryKing> This makes me ponder
[06:32] <MysteryKing> Why are some born in a shithole?
[06:32] <MysteryKing> Why are some born in a very famous country like USA?
[06:32] <MysteryKing> Why?
[06:32] <MysteryKing> WHY?
[06:32] <TheAnonymousA> Me too, MK. I am also moving back to Canada.
[06:32] <Lolwutburger> you gotta start at the bottom so you can rise to the top
[06:32] <MysteryKing> Why should we be the unlucky ones living in this shithole?
[06:32] <TheAnonymousA> Or you could just start at the top.
[06:32] <Lolwutburger> plus America looks more shitty
[06:32] <MysteryKing> I'm not even proud to be filipino.
[06:32] <MysteryKing> This country is slowly becoming more shitty
[06:33] <MysteryKing> Now the tanim bala issue becomes an international embarassment
[06:33] <TheAnonymousA> India isn't too nice, trust me.
[06:33] <MysteryKing> And the Aldub thing is annoying the other countries for being too overrated
[06:33] <MysteryKing> And we are too proud but there is nothing to be proud of
[06:33] <MysteryKing> Sometimes
[06:33] <MysteryKing> I wish if i died, i would reincarnate in a country where it's amazing
[06:34] <TheAnonymousA> India is too proud.
[06:34] <MysteryKing> Something like canada
[06:34] <MysteryKing> UK
[06:34] <MysteryKing> France
[06:34] <MysteryKing> But nope
[06:34] <MysteryKing> OF ALL COUNTRIES
[06:34] <MysteryKing> GOD MADE ME IN A SHITHOLE
[06:34] <MysteryKing> WHY GOD?
[06:34] <Lolwutburger> dude
[06:34] <TheAnonymousA> I mean my classmates treat India like heaven and other countries...-500% respect.
[06:34] <MysteryKing> wut
[06:34] <Lolwutburger> don't mention those two talentless overrated pieces of shit
[06:35] <Lolwutburger> aldub
[06:35] <Lolwutburger> egh
[06:35] <Lolwutburger> the name just makes me CRINGE
[06:35] <MysteryKing> Well aldub ain't bad
[06:35] <MysteryKing> But the tanim bala
[06:35] <MysteryKing> UIGH
[06:35] <MysteryKing> UGHG
[06:35] <MysteryKing> UGH
[06:36] <MysteryKing> OK
[06:36] <MysteryKing> NEW TOPIC
[06:36] <Lolwutburger> NEW TOPIC
[06:36] <MysteryKing> I detect signs of flame wa
[06:36] <MysteryKing> *war
[06:36] <Lolwutburger> Wander over Yonder is cool
[06:36] <MysteryKing> I guess
[06:36] <MysteryKing> But
[06:36] <MysteryKing> GRAVITY FALLS IS ENDING
[06:36] <MysteryKing> NOOOO
[06:36] <WintahMhelon18> How?
[06:36] <Lolwutburger> Proof?
[06:36] <MysteryKing> Well there isn't gonna be a 3rd season
[06:37] <MysteryKing> Alex said
[06:37] <Lolwutburger> I only have Rick and Morty and South Park.
[06:37] <MysteryKing> Oh
[06:37] <MysteryKing> It's Weirdmageddon part 1
[06:37] <Lolwutburger> and those two have almost year-long hiatuses
[06:37] <WintahMhelon18> Oh ok
[06:37] <MysteryKing> DON'T WATCH IT
[06:38] <MysteryKing> Until Weirdmageddon part 2 arrives
[06:38] <MysteryKing> DO NOT
[06:38] <MysteryKing> WATCH IT
[06:38] <TheAnonymousA> Why?
[06:38] <MysteryKing> I know i did
[06:38] <MysteryKing> That cliffhanger
[06:38] <TheAnonymousA> Oh, right.
[06:39] <TheAnonymousA> It's been raining for like 5 hours now.
[06:39] <TheAnonymousA> And it isn't stopping.
[06:39] <MysteryKing> Oh no
[06:39] <MysteryKing> OH NO
[06:39] <MysteryKing> I FORGOT
[06:39] <MysteryKing> IT
[06:39] <MysteryKing> IT'S
[06:40] <TheAnonymousA> What?
[06:40] <MysteryKing> IT'S.'...
[06:40] <MysteryKing> IT'S...
[06:40] <MysteryKing> MONDAY TOMORROW
[06:40] <MysteryKing> MONDAY!
[06:40] <MysteryKing> MONDAY!
[06:40] <MysteryKing> &gt;:( 
[06:40] <TheAnonymousA> A holiday for me!(happy)
[06:40] <WintahMhelon18> @MK, what if weekdays and weekends swap?
[06:40] <ErnestoAM> 5 day break!
[06:40] <TheAnonymousA> For the Diwali holidays until Thursday! (sun) 
[06:41] <ErnestoAM> in return of everyone becoming less educated
[06:41] <TheAnonymousA> Wintah, that would be awesome!
[06:41] <WintahMhelon18> But yeah, school is important to us
[06:41] <MysteryKing> tHAT WOULD BE GREAT
[06:41] <MysteryKing> I mean
[06:41] <MysteryKing> CMON
[06:41] <MysteryKing> WHAT GENIUS THOUGH OF THAT!?
[06:41] <TheAnonymousA> Equally divided, weekends should be 3 1/2 days.
[06:42] <MysteryKing> Agreed
[06:42] <MysteryKing> BUT NOPE
[06:42] <TheAnonymousA> Fill this in, everyone: Weekends should be _______ days long.
[06:42] <MysteryKing> Let's see...
[06:42] <MysteryKing> 1 year
[06:43] <WintahMhelon18> And what if school days and summer vacation days swap? Then we only have 2 months of school and 10 months of summer
[06:43] <MysteryKing> THAT WOULD BE GREAT
[06:43] <TheAnonymousA> Within 7, MK.
[06:43] <MysteryKing> Weekends should be 7 days long
[06:43] <TheAnonymousA> And Wintah, awesome again!
[06:43] <WintahMhelon18> Heh
[06:44] <MysteryKing> How about we talk about our school life
[06:44] <TheAnonymousA> What if EA controls Schooldays?
[06:44] <MysteryKing> That would be great
[06:44] <MysteryKing> Can we talk about our school ife now
[06:44] <TheAnonymousA> Then it would be pay 7$ to have a holiday.
[06:44] <TheAnonymousA> So not great
[06:44] <TheAnonymousA> School life?
[06:44] <MysteryKing> Like
[06:44] <MysteryKing> How is it going in schoolo
[06:44] <MysteryKing> *school
[06:45] <ErnestoAM> *hell
[06:45] <WintahMhelon18> How is it going to school? Well I have to do the "panakayon thing"
[06:45] <MysteryKing> Well being the 2nd smartest kid in class has it's disadvantages
[06:45] <WintahMhelon18> You know, like riding on a tricycle then pay for the driver
[06:45] <SugarPenguin12> hi
[06:46] <TheAnonymousA> Well, I get bullied a lot by the boys, get ignored by the girls, and only speak with my 3 BFFs. But I also am the class toper.
[06:46] <MysteryKing> That's horrible
[06:46] <TheAnonymousA> So, hall
[06:46] <TheAnonymousA> *hell
[06:46] <MysteryKing> Well i utterly suck at sports
[06:46] <Lolwutburger> I'm bullied by girls.
[06:46] <MysteryKing> Literally any
[06:46] <MysteryKing> fucking
[06:46] <MysteryKing> sport
[06:47] <MysteryKing> Each "near to the circle" shoot is 2 points
[06:47] <WintahMhelon18> @TAA, same here
[06:47] <MysteryKing> Long shoots are 3 points
[06:47] <MysteryKing> AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED
[06:47] <MysteryKing> 90% OF BOYS SCORED A PERFECT 18
[06:47] <WintahMhelon18> You missed?
[06:47] <MysteryKing> AND ME?
[06:47] <MysteryKing> I GOT A FUCKING 7
[06:47] <MysteryKing> 7
[06:47] <MysteryKing> A 
[06:47] <MysteryKing> FUCKING
[06:47] <MysteryKing> 7
[06:47] <WintahMhelon18> Oh
[06:47] <Charmande red321> huh
[06:47] <SugarPenguin12> Hi
[06:47] <TheAnonymousA> Which is why I stay on this chat a lot. To speak with my friends.
[06:47] <MysteryKing> THAT IS LIKE 2 NEAR HITS AND 1 FAR HIT
[06:47] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[06:47] <SugarPenguin12> long time no see
[06:48] <MysteryKing> I AM A DISAPPOINTMENT
[06:48] <Charmande red321> hai
[06:50] <MysteryKing> WELL YOU LUCKY BASTARD
[06:50] <Charmande red321> i better not show off
[06:50] <Charmande red321> or else things get worst
[06:50] <MysteryKing> *say
[06:51] <MysteryKing> You are a lucky bastard
[06:51] <MysteryKing> One of my friends are that too
[06:51] <MysteryKing> He's top 5
[06:51] <MysteryKing> And is good at basketball
[06:51] <Charmande red321> good4him
[06:51] <Charmande red321> Hiya Insert
[06:51] <MysteryKing> I have this sudden small feeling
[06:51] <MysteryKing> All my friends are taller than me
[06:51] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Insert
[06:51] <MysteryKing> All
[06:51] <MysteryKing> of
[06:51] <MysteryKing> them
[06:51] <Charmande red321> how tall
[06:51] <MysteryKing> I have this sudden feeling of being small.
[06:51] <WintahMhelon18> @MK, does height matters to you?
[06:51] <MysteryKing> YES
[06:51] <Charmande red321> well i have dwarf classmates
[06:51] <WintahMhelon18> Oh ok
[06:51] <Charmande red321> if that makes you feel better
[06:51] <MysteryKing> It boosts my confidence
[06:52] <MysteryKing> AND YOU KNOW WHAT?
[06:52] <WintahMhelon18> Well, it does
[06:52] <MysteryKing> 90% OF THE CLASS IS TALLER THAN ME
[06:52] <MysteryKing> I AM ALWAYS 5TH IN LINE
[06:52] <MysteryKing> I HATE IT
[06:52] <MysteryKing> SO MUCH
[06:52] <WintahMhelon18> What about in flag ceremonies?
[06:52] <SugarPenguin12> k dood pls
[06:52] <SugarPenguin12> dont rage here
[06:52] <MysteryKing> Wintah that is the point
[06:52] <Charmande red321> meh
[06:52] <MysteryKing> I am 5th in line
[06:52] <MysteryKing> In flag ceremonie
[06:52] <WintahMhelon18> eh ok
[06:52] <Charmande red321> raging at this hour seems fine
[06:52] <MysteryKing> I am sick of it
[06:53] <WintahMhelon18> I know
[06:53] <Charmande red321> you dont sport?
[06:53] <MysteryKing> I'm born to be smart
[06:53] <Charmande red321> not at least one?
[06:53] <MysteryKing> NO
[06:53] <MysteryKing> NOT EVEN ONEE
[06:53] <MysteryKing> Is gaming a sport?
[06:53] <Charmande red321> wow ok
[06:53] <WintahMhelon18> Well there could be any..
[06:53] <Charmande red321> yes
[06:53] <MysteryKing> If gaming was a sport then i'd be REAL ATLETHIC right now
[06:53] <Charmande red321> kinda
[06:53] <Charmande red321> cuz Esports
[06:54] <WintahMhelon18> WB Snappy
[06:54] <MysteryKing> But physical sports...
[06:54] <MysteryKing> No
[06:54] <MysteryKing> Just no
[06:54] <Charmande red321> hiya Snappy
[06:54] <MysteryKing> Again
[06:54] <MysteryKing> I'm feeling small
[06:54] <MysteryKing> I feel like i'm not growing
[06:54] <Charmande red321> [[User blog:Charmande red321/Hurt and Heal/Pok%C3%A9mon|This link is madness.]]
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> I just remembered the worst thing from the Philippines
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> It's called
[06:54] <SnappyDragon> Hi
[06:54] <Lolwutburger> THE NUTSHACK
[06:55] <MysteryKing> So?
[06:55] <MysteryKing> MY CLASSMATE IS 11
[06:55] <MysteryKing> AND IS SO TALL
[06:55] <Charmande red321> you still have a chance to grow
[06:55] <WintahMhelon18> ^
[06:55] <MysteryKing> I'm not joking
[06:55] <MysteryKing> HE IS SO TALL
[06:55] <Lolwutburger> There's a reason why I want to make a TV pilot
[06:56] <Charmande red321> dude
[06:56] <MysteryKing> Well why am i late?
[06:56] <Lolwutburger> So I can do better than the goddamn Nutshack
[06:56] <Charmande red321> srsly
[06:56] <MysteryKing> Puberty is supposed to hit me at 12
[06:56] <Charmande red321> you need more calcium btw
[06:56] <MysteryKing> BUT I DO
[06:56] <WintahMhelon18> Does Cherifer even work for you?
[06:56] <Charmande red321> and vitamins
[06:56] <MysteryKing> I DRINK IT EVERY FREAKIN DAY
[06:57] <MysteryKing> I have vitamin c every freaking day
[06:57] <MysteryKing> I tried cheriffer and no effect
[06:57] <MysteryKing> I blame this on my parents
[06:57] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">how does vitamin c affect growth tho</span>
[06:57] <MysteryKing> Bit they are tall
[06:57] <MysteryKing> *but
[06:57] <MysteryKing> If they are tall
[06:57] <MysteryKing> And my grandparents are tall
[06:57] <WintahMhelon18> Maybe it's because of high metabolic rate? You know, like even if you eat a lot, you still change slowly
[06:57] <MysteryKing> THEN WHY AM I NOT
[06:57] <Charmande red321> genes are usually on dads
[06:57] <MysteryKing> But my dad is tall
[06:57] <MysteryKing> At least, taller than me
[06:58] <MysteryKing> He's like 5'3
[06:59] <MysteryKing> Fuck my genes so much
[06:59] <Bubblefan123> i bet i'm the shortest here
[06:59] <Lolwutburger> I dunno about my own height
[06:59] <MysteryKing> Bubblefan what is your height
[06:59] <Lolwutburger> but in my school
[06:59] <Lolwutburger> the kid with the mental disability is the tallest kid in school
[06:59] <MysteryKing> I'm shortest here
[06:59] <Bubblefan123> i dunno, i never really paid attention to my height
[06:59] <Lolwutburger> and he's in the 8th grade
[06:59] <Bubblefan123> i'm insane, and i'm in the 10th grade
[06:59] <WintahMhelon18> A lot of people are shorter than you
[07:00] <Bubblefan123> literally, INSANE
[07:00] <MysteryKing> Yeah
[07:00] <MysteryKing> Adults
[07:00] <MysteryKing> Adults are shorter than me but my friends are taller than me
[07:00] <Charmande red321> its in the brain really
[07:00] <Bubblefan123> i'm slightly taller than my dad, but idk
[07:01] <MysteryKing> *sigh*
[07:01] <MysteryKing> This made me self consicous
[07:01] <Lolwutburger> i always wondered
[07:01] <Lolwutburger> since I was a child
[07:01] <Lolwutburger> there was a question in my mind
[07:01] <Lolwutburger> you guys probably thought of it too
[07:01] <Lolwutburger> anyway
[07:01] <Lolwutburger> the question is
[07:01] <Lolwutburger> How did CatDog poop?
[07:01] <Charmande red321> im just gonna try and remember what i experienced
[07:01] <WintahMhelon18> @MK, is your metabolic rate high?
[07:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> Happiness only gets you whipped with a belt and slapped and carried away.
[07:02] <Lolwutburger> I bet they poop out Dog's mouth
[07:02] <WintahMhelon18> @MK, High metabolic rate means even if you eat a lot, you still change slowly
[07:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> She whipped me with a belt a while ago.
[07:02] <Lolwutburger> when Cat eats
[07:02] <Charmande red321> sadness hurts
[07:02] <Charmande red321> happiness hurts
[07:02] <Charmande red321> anger makes me better
[07:02] <Lolwutburger> and vice versa
[07:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> Sadness lets you be realistic and do things better.
[07:03] <MysteryKing> So again
[07:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Sadness is the better emotion, happiness is only a burden.
[07:03] <MysteryKing> FUCK MY GENES
[07:03] <WintahMhelon18> Well you can't be sad forever
[07:03] <MysteryKing> FUCK THEM
[07:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> I deserve it for my wrongful past.
[07:03] <SnappyDragon> I hate my genes
[07:03] <Lolwutburger> remember
[07:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> All I ever did was be a retard.
[07:03] <Lolwutburger> Max returns later
[07:03] <MysteryKing> Me too
[07:03] <MysteryKing> I would say i'm ugly
[07:03] <MysteryKing> But i'm not revealing my face
[07:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> I still have marks from getting whipped by a belt.
[07:04] <MysteryKing> That is the very essence of my username
[07:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> And yay, no one cares! I love it!
[07:04] <WintahMhelon18> :O 
[07:04] <Charmande red321> just gonna talk randomly here
[07:04] <Charmande red321> anyone can ignore me
[07:04] <MysteryKing> We're just talking about our insecurities
[07:04] <MysteryKing> I feel safe talking about my embarassments in the internet
[07:04] <Charmande red321> i was drowned twice
[07:04] <MysteryKing> Because it's not real life
[07:05] <Lolwutburger> and I'm talking about how CatDog takes a dump
[07:05] <Lolwutburger> Like
[07:05] <Lolwutburger> is there an anus in their middle?
[07:05] <Charmande red321> electrocuted by 55 seconds
[07:05] <MysteryKing> maybe
[07:05] <Charmande red321> almost got kidnapped
[07:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> I also broke my backspace button from being a retard.
[07:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'm a pure retard.
[07:06] <Charmande red321> wat
[07:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Ban me.
[07:06] <MysteryKing> hOW ABOUT
[07:06] <MysteryKing> WE PLAY
[07:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> BLOCK ME!
[07:06] <MysteryKing> How about
[07:06] <MysteryKing> WE PLAY
[07:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> I have to research!
[07:06] <MysteryKing> KNOWLEDGE WHEEL
[07:06] <MysteryKing> SPIN THE WHEEL!
[07:06] <MysteryKing> *spinning*
[07:06] <Charmande red321> wo
[07:06] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[07:06] <MysteryKing> CATAGORY...
[07:06] <MysteryKing> MUSIC
[07:06] <MysteryKing> !
[07:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> I have to do my homework for once just so I could stop being me!
[07:07] <WintahMhelon18> When I was in Grade 4, I almost died because the truck almost bumped me when I was riding my bike for too fast
[07:07] <Charmande red321> hai Legend
[07:07] <ErnestoAM> hi
[07:07] <MysteryKing> What is Rick Astley's 2nd most popular song after Never Gonna Give You Up?
[07:07] <MysteryKing> GO!
[07:07] <SnappyDragon> It is I am gonna give you up
[07:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> I should have been there and died.
[07:08] <WintahMhelon18> Oh shoot, I gotta make a love song for the music project. BRB
[07:08] <MysteryKing> TIMES UP!
[07:08] <MysteryKing> No one answered
[07:08] <MysteryKing> The correct answer is "Together Forever"
[07:09] <Legenddemonicderpknight> New fashion holding 2
[07:09] <MysteryKing> SPIN THE WHEEL!
[07:09] <MysteryKing> *spinning*
[07:09] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Its from the 80s
[07:09] <MysteryKing> CATEGORY...
[07:09] <MysteryKing> CULTURE!
[07:09] <MysteryKing> What is the most famous filipino kid's game that was most popular during the 90's?
[07:10] <SnappyDragon> Filipinio
[07:10] <MysteryKing> WRONG!
[07:10] <ErnestoAM> No one even bothered answering it.
[07:10] <MysteryKing> Try again
[07:10] <SnappyDragon> Rubik
[07:10] <MysteryKing> TIMES UP!
[07:10] <SnappyDragon> Givberish question time
[07:10] <MysteryKing> NEXT!
[07:10] <MysteryKing> SPIN THE WHEEL!
[07:11] <MysteryKing> *spinning*
[07:11] <MysteryKing> CATEGORY...
[07:11] <SnappyDragon> Bazcherry fruits
[07:11] <MysteryKing> MUSIC!
[07:11] <SnappyDragon> what does Bazcherry fruits ( gibberish) mean in english
[07:11] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Blueberry
[07:12] <SnappyDragon> no
[07:12] <MysteryKing> Finish this lyric:
[07:12] <MysteryKing> I had a one way ticket to a place where all the _____ go
[07:12] <SnappyDragon> Razberry Blues
[07:12] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Movie
[07:12] <SnappyDragon> people 
[07:12] <MysteryKing> This is music
[07:12] <MysteryKing> Finish the lyric
[07:12] <MysteryKing> TIMES UP!
[07:12] <SnappyDragon> Where all people go
[07:12] <MysteryKing> The correct answer was "demons"
[07:12] <MysteryKing> It's from the song "alive" by si
[07:13] <MysteryKing> *sia
[07:13] <SnappyDragon> demons = people
[07:13] <MysteryKing> NEXT!
[07:13] <MysteryKing> SPIN THE WHEEL
[07:13] <MysteryKing> *spinning*
[07:13] <SnappyDragon> games
[07:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Games
[07:13] <MysteryKing> CATEGORY...
[07:13] <ErnestoAM> this as boring as dead chat
[07:13] <MysteryKing> SCIENCE!
[07:13] <Charmande red321> democratic
[07:13] <Charmande red321> demo means people
[07:13] <Charmande red321> what does demon mean
[07:13] <SnappyDragon> I love science
[07:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> devil
[07:13] <MysteryKing> What is the element that is used in nuclear weapons?
[07:13] <MysteryKing> GO!!
[07:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> ME TOO
[07:14] <MysteryKing> INTERNET
[07:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight> But how
[07:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I sed toxic
[07:14] <Charmande red321> hai Raichu
[07:14] <Ballistic Planet> o/ 
[07:14] <Charmande red321> Legend
[07:14] <Charmande red321> nuclear bombs are usually Uranium
[07:14] <MysteryKing> What is the name of the youtuber who is known to break eggs in his videos?
[07:14] <MysteryKing> GO!
[07:14] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Oh
[07:15] <SnappyDragon> peepie
[07:15] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Howtobasic
[07:15] <MysteryKing> *wheeling*
[07:15] <Ballistic Planet> what
[07:15] <MysteryKing> GATECORY....
[07:15] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Actully i watch alot
[07:15] <MysteryKing> HISTORY!
[07:15] <SnappyDragon> ok
[07:16] <MysteryKing> What is the definition of KKK in the philippines?
[07:16] <MysteryKing> Snappy wrong
[07:16] <MysteryKing> That is in america
[07:17] <Charmande red321>émon
[07:18] <SnappyDragon> Scott Cawthon
[07:18] <NightFury299> LOL
[07:19] <ErnestoAM> MY TURN!
[07:19] <ErnestoAM> ME
[07:19] <ErnestoAM> ME
[07:19] <MysteryKing> CATEGORY...
[07:19] <ErnestoAM> ME
[07:19] <Legenddemonicderpknight> K
[07:19] <MysteryKing> TV SHOW!
[07:19] <Legenddemonicderpknight> (sad) 
[07:19] <Ballistic Planet> TV SHOWS OH BOY
[07:19] <NightFury299> AOTSH
[07:19] <ErnestoAM> Tom and Jerry
[07:19] <ErnestoAM> I win!
[07:19] <MysteryKing> What is the name of the fusion of Pearl and Garnet in the show Steven Universe?
[07:19] <MysteryKing> GO!
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> sARDONYX
[07:20] <MysteryKing> BALLISTIC CORRECT
[07:20] <Legenddemonicderpknight> K
[07:20] <NightFury299> OH #%#$
[07:20] <ErnestoAM> fuck
[07:20] <Ballistic Planet> ezpz
[07:20] <ErnestoAM> I don't have cable
[07:20] <MysteryKing> GEOGRAPHY!
[07:21] <NightFury299> wat
[07:21] <MysteryKing> It has a time zone of +13
[07:22] <MysteryKing> Which is most advanced
[07:22] <NightFury299> OH MY *german*
[07:23] <MysteryKing> DUN DUN DUMN
[07:23] <Charmande red321> [[File:Bulbasaur2.png]]
[07:23] <Bubblefan123> NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
[07:23] <Ballistic Planet> uhhh
[07:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ik how to do skund effects
[07:23] <NightFury299> calculator (troll) 
[07:23] <MysteryKing> MUHUAHUA
[07:23] <MysteryKing> MATH
[07:23] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Dun dun dunnnnnnn
[07:23] <Ballistic Planet> METH
[07:23] <Ballistic Planet> MUAHAHAHA
[07:23] <MysteryKing> You cannot calculator your way out of this one
[07:23] <NightFury299> NUUUUUUUU
[07:23] <Charmande red321> {{HurtHeal|<Mon name>|<life>}}
[07:23] <Bubblefan123> METH DUN DUN DUN!
[07:25] <Bubblefan123> darn, i was gonna answer
[07:25] <MysteryKing> next
[07:25] <MysteryKing> NEXT
[07:25] <MysteryKing> SPIN THE WHEEL
[07:25] <MysteryKing> MUSIC!
[07:25] <Bubblefan123> *spinning*
[07:25] <Ballistic Planet> Modern Music?
[07:25] <NightFury299> DUN DUN DUNNNNN
[07:25] <NightFury299> space?
[07:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Rap
[07:25] <NightFury299> MOOTEL
[07:25] <Ballistic Planet> I'm actually quite in touch with Modern Music
[07:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Pop punk metal 8nit
[07:25] <MysteryKing> What song is this lyric from "
[07:25] <MysteryKing> There ain't no mistaking
[07:25] <MysteryKing> It's true love we're making
[07:25] <MysteryKing> Something to last for all time"
[07:25] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 8not
[07:25] <MysteryKing> 
[07:25] <MysteryKing> There ain't no mistaking
[07:25] <MysteryKing> It's true love we're making
[07:25] <MysteryKing> Something to last for all time
[07:25] <MysteryKing> What is the song and who is the artist
[07:26] <Bubblefan123> nuuuuuuuuuuuuu, not music
[07:26] <MysteryKing> sugar penguin is right!
[07:26] <Legenddemonicderpknight> And his name is john ceenenaa!!!!
[07:26] <MysteryKing> next
[07:26] <MysteryKing> NEXT
[07:26] <MysteryKing> SPIN THE WHEEL
[07:27] <MysteryKing> LANGUAGE1
[07:27] <MysteryKing> Char is correct
[07:28] <NightFury299> I have a balloon that floated
[07:28] <MysteryKing> It's accurate
[07:28] <NightFury299> DANGIT
[07:28] <Charmande red321> oh really?
[07:28] <Charmande red321> ok
[07:28] <Ballistic Planet> I don't even Phillipines
[07:28] <Ballistic Planet> maaaan
[07:28] <MysteryKing> SPIN THE WHEEL
[07:28] <NightFury299> my first language was english dammit
[07:29] <Ballistic Planet> Besides RWBY
[07:29] <NightFury299> ^
[07:29] <Bubblefan123> WHYYYYY?!?!?!?!?
[07:29] <MysteryKing> In what country is it said to be bad for scissors to be cutted in mid air?
[07:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Damn china
[07:29] <MysteryKing> SPIN THE WHEEL
[07:29] <Charmande red321> at least this chat has gotten better
[07:29] <Charmande red321> somewhat
[07:30] <Ballistic Planet> Because of MKS game
[07:30] <SugarPenguin12> yeah
[07:30] <MysteryKing> This one is a trick category:
[07:30] <NightFury299> PEEL THE FEEL
[07:30] <MysteryKing> CODING
[07:30] <NightFury299> LOL
[07:30] <SugarPenguin12> wot
[07:30] <Charmande red321> much codes
[07:30] <MysteryKing> This is the hardest category
[07:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> We meed ernesto
[07:31] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Nieed
[07:31] <MysteryKing> Find the error in this GML code:
[07:31] <MysteryKing> 
[07:31] <MysteryKing> If var1 = true
[07:31] <MysteryKing> then
[07:31] <MysteryKing> vspeed += 3
[07:31] <MysteryKing> else
[07:31] <MysteryKing> hspeed = 0
[07:31] <MysteryKing> }
[07:31] <Ballistic Planet> It's like I don't exist
[07:31] <MysteryKing> Find the error
[07:31] <Ballistic Planet> There's no {
[07:31] <Charmande red321> {
[07:31] <MysteryKing> Ballistic is ocrrect
[07:31] <SugarPenguin12> {
[07:31] <MysteryKing> There is no {
[07:31] <Charmande red321> yay Raichu
[07:31] <Bubblefan123> lol BP is forgotten
[07:31] <Ballistic Planet> I HAVE 2 NOW
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> It's not like I have a hack guide or anything
[07:32] <SugarPenguin12> i have 1
[07:32] <Charmande red321> dafudge
[07:32] <Bubblefan123> right.....
[07:32] <MysteryKing> In the internet comic memes "Polandball", Poland is described as "cannot into _______"?
[07:32] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bp is ernesto confirmee
[07:32] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[07:32] <NightFury299> ACHOO
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> man
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> idfk
[07:32] <NightFury299> I MEAN Space!
[07:32] <Ballistic Planet> pass
[07:32] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Here is better one
[07:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Qho is the main meme guy name
[07:33] <NightFury299> potato
[07:33] <MysteryKing> NIGHTFURY IS CORRECT
[07:33] <MysteryKing> It's SPACE!
[07:33] <NightFury299> WAT
[07:33] <SugarPenguin12> ding ding ding
[07:33] <MysteryKing> POLAND CANNOT INTO SPACE
[07:33] <NightFury299> OMG
[07:33] <SugarPenguin12> :| 
[07:34] <NightFury299> HOLY WHEATLEY ON A STICK
[07:34] <Charmande red321> wtf
[07:35] <SugarPenguin12> What's the question dood
[07:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok
[07:35] <Ballistic Planet> MK pls
[07:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Il do it
[07:35] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who is the main rage comic guy
[07:36] <Charmande red321> define Jejemon
[07:36] <MysteryKing> What country has the most timezones, what is it's capital, how many time zones does it got, and find the error in this mathematical code to find the number of time zones this country has:
[07:36] <MysteryKing> 
[07:36] <MysteryKing> {
[07:36] <MysteryKing> x = 5
[07:36] <MysteryKing> country 1 = timezones
[07:36] <MysteryKing> timezones = (2x + 3) - (2x + 3) + (26/2)
[07:36] <MysteryKing> else
[07:36] <MysteryKing> }
[07:36] <MysteryKing> 
[07:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ho
[07:37] <Bubblefan123> i feel like Grapeshot should've been a cannon-esque plant, cuz grapeshot
[07:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[07:37] <NightFury299> Hey AWikieh
[07:37] <MysteryKing> SO
[07:39] <MysteryKing> France, Paris, 12, and else is wrong and that mathematical formula is wrong because it equals to 13 not 12
[07:39] <SugarPenguin12> WAIT
[07:39] <SugarPenguin12> FRANCE
[07:39] <SugarPenguin12> OH NO
[07:39] <SugarPenguin12> LOL
[07:39] <MysteryKing> That is the correct answer
[07:39] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[07:39] <MysteryKing> France, Paris, 12, and else is wrong and that mathematical formula is wrong because it equals to 13 not 12
[07:39] <SugarPenguin12> i was like at the same time
[07:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[07:39] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hello
[07:39] <MysteryKing> Ballistic
[07:39] <Charmande red321> hai TUL
[07:39] <Charmande red321> O
[07:39] <MysteryKing> Can you help me with the odes
[07:39] <NightFury299> <span class="me-username">* <span>NightFury299</span></span> takes MysteryKing's crown and burns it in lava RAGE
[07:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[07:40] <MysteryKing> Sugar not nao
[07:40] <Charmande red321> i have a random question
[07:40] <Charmande red321> Will Will Smith smith?
[07:41] <MysteryKing> WHERE ARE YOU
[07:41] <Charmande red321> [[User blog:Charmande red321/Hurt and Heal/Pok%C3%A9mon|User blog:Charmande red321/Hurt and Heal/Pokémon]]
[07:41] <Ballistic Planet> im here
[07:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Good the quiz is done so i can finally wuppquestion this
[07:41] <Charmande red321> cuz chat died and it needs text
[07:41] <Ballistic Planet> I was busy with reading reddit
[07:41] <MysteryKing> Ballistic can you me with code
[07:41] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Who is the main rage comic guy
[07:42] <MysteryKing> What is the code for the latest pvz2
[07:42] <MysteryKing> The obbpatcher
[07:42] <NightFury299> ?
[07:42] <MysteryKing> I HAVE LOTS MORE QUESTION
[07:42] <Ballistic Planet> 117_4.1.1.obb: 572571648, 67981312, 455329
[07:43] <Ballistic Planet> Search for Snow Pea default and press F3 once
[07:44] <Ballistic Planet> The .'s hex will read "14"
[07:44] <Ballistic Planet> Change the "14" to "28"
[07:44] <MysteryKing> Next question
[07:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> 21 Lol
[07:44] <MysteryKing> Change Laser Bean = 3 damage and faster firing
[07:44] <Ballistic Planet> oh boy, this one's complicated
[07:44] <MysteryKing> Yah
[07:45] <MysteryKing> That is why you are intellectual hacker
[07:45] <Ballistic Planet> Search for LaserBeanDefault and press F3 once
[07:46] <Ballistic Planet> Scroll down a bit, you should see a $ with a ( after it
[07:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I feel sad that everyone hates breakdancer zombie
[07:46] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Everywere he is on the trailer on every day
[07:46] <MysteryKing> Night no
[07:47] <NightFury299> DEN WHO IS.
[07:47] <Bubblefan123> nope, that'd be me
[07:47] <Ballistic Planet> Next, you should see two Bš™™™™™¹?
[07:47] <NightFury299> WOAH
[07:47] <NightFury299> ok byo
[07:48] <Ballistic Planet> Change that to Bš™™™™™õ?
[07:48] <MysteryKing> Next question
[07:48] <MysteryKing> Lightning Reed = 2 nds, big chain
[07:49] <Ballistic Planet> Big Chain? What do you mean by big chain?
[07:49] <Charmande red321> wider range
[07:49] <Charmande red321> of lightning strikes
[07:49] <Charmande red321> and spread
[07:49] <Ballistic Planet> I know how to change how many zombies it hits
[07:49] <Ballistic Planet> If that's what you mean
[07:49] <MysteryKing> Yes
[07:49] <MysteryKing> That
[07:49] <MysteryKing> Like the arc is a lot
[07:49] <MysteryKing> It arcs a lot
[07:50] <Ballistic Planet> Scroll down until you see NumShotBounces$
[07:50] <Ballistic Planet> The number after the $ should say 03
[07:50] <Ballistic Planet> Change that to whatever you want, up to 7f
[07:51] <Ballistic Planet> For damage, scroll down until you see a $ with a "." after it.
[07:51] <Bubblefan123> BP, you should really write this down on your guide, or make another guide for more complicated mods
[07:51] <Ballistic Planet> The .'s hex should read 05
[07:51] <Ballistic Planet> Change 05 to 28
[07:51] <Ballistic Planet> The Lightning Reed ones ARE on my guide
[07:52] <Ballistic Planet> Laser Bean's isn't
[07:52] <Ballistic Planet> Or atleast the attackspeed one
[07:52] <MysteryKing> Next question
[07:52] <MysteryKing> BTW
[07:52] <MysteryKing> ALL HAIL YOU
[07:52] <ErnestoAM> did you check timespace's video?
[07:52] <ErnestoAM> Lhl123
[07:52] <Ballistic Planet> Snow Pea's isn't, as the only projectile hacks I included for now are Grapeshot and Banana
[07:52] <MysteryKing> Endurian = 3 nds, wall-nut health
[07:52] <ErnestoAM>
[07:52] <ErnestoAM> He played with all unused plants in v1.9
[07:52] <ErnestoAM> well, almost all
[07:52] <Gaming Center> well
[07:52] <ErnestoAM> Pult-shroom was amazing
[07:53] <Gaming Center> zoomshroom is for wizards
[07:53] <MysteryKing> Endurian = 3 nds, wall-nut health
[07:53] <ErnestoAM> well, it only did something when PFed
[07:53] <Gaming Center> so he can't use it
[07:53] <Ballistic Planet> This is the last one I can answer
[07:53] <Ballistic Planet> I need to leave soon
[07:53] <MysteryKing> aWW MAN
[07:54] <MysteryKing> I still have 2 more questions
[07:54] <MysteryKing> Which are
[07:54] <MysteryKing> Red Stinger = 3 nds
[07:54] <MysteryKing> Homing Thistle = 4 nds
[07:54] <Ballistic Planet> Search for "EndurianDefault"
[07:54] <Ballistic Planet> After that, you should see 8A 04 22 00 00 7A 45 91 8B 04 22
[07:54] <Ballistic Planet> Change that to 8A 04 22 00 00 7A 45 91 8B 04 22
[07:55] <Ballistic Planet> For damage, scroll down until you see Normal spike damage happens once per cooldown time max!
[07:55] <Ballistic Planet> After that, there should be a $ with a . after it. The.'s hex should read "14"
[07:55] <Ballistic Planet> Change the 14 to a 3c
[07:55] <MysteryKing> Do you have time to answer my 2 last questions?
[07:55] <MysteryKing> All hail ballistic btw
[07:56] <Ballistic Planet> Well since they're so easy
[07:56] <MysteryKing> Well yay :) 
[07:56] <Ballistic Planet> Search for StingerDefault and Press F3 once
[07:56] <Ballistic Planet> After that, you should see a $ with a . after it. The .s hex should read 1E
[07:57] <Ballistic Planet> Change the 1E to 3C
[07:57] <MysteryKing> And my last question
[07:57] <MysteryKing> Homing Thistle = 4 nds
[07:57] <Ballistic Planet> Next
[07:57] <Ballistic Planet> Search for HomingThistleLeaf
[07:57] <Ballistic Planet> After tjat, you should see a $ with a ( after ards. The ('s hex should read 28
[07:58] <Ballistic Planet> Change the 28 to 50
[07:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Boree
[07:58] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bored
[07:58] <MysteryKing> THANK YOU
[07:58] <MysteryKing> ALL HAIL BALLISTIC
[07:58] <MysteryKing> You can continue your reading now
[07:58] <Ballistic Planet> I need to go to bed
[07:58] <Ballistic Planet> lol
[07:58] <Ballistic Planet> \o 
[07:59] <Uselessguy> O/ 
[07:59] <MysteryKing> Bye
[07:59] <MysteryKing> o/ 
[07:59] <ErnestoAM> buy
[07:59] <ErnestoAM> hi
[08:00] <ErnestoAM> I did something wrong with my mod
[08:00] <MysteryKing> What
[08:00] <MysteryKing> VHAT IZ IT
[08:00] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Bored like a sheep hopping for 29 seconds
[08:01] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[08:02] <Bubblefan123> well, that's what i meant, add MOAR mods :P 
[08:02] <Bubblefan123> oh, he left, lol
[08:03] <Uselessguy> What's the most dangerous zombie in the PvZ series in your opinion?
[08:04] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Mine is wizard
[08:04] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Hai
[08:04] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[08:04] <Legenddemonicderpknight> He wolols alot
[08:04] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[08:04] <Charmande red321> hai Wintah
[08:04] <WintahMhelon18> Wizard and Octo
[08:04] <WintahMhelon18> MC Zomb'B
[08:04] <WintahMhelon18> Arcade
[08:04] <KeenIcesWallerACE> the chicken n' weasles.
[08:04] <WintahMhelon18> Breakdancer
[08:04] <Uselessguy> Just one, Wintah
[08:05] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Arcade reaaon
[08:05] <Bubblefan123> Coneheads
[08:05] <WintahMhelon18> MC Zomb-B
[08:58] <MysteryKing> What do you mean being attacked by asians?
[08:58] <Cheetah-shooter> I am inactive in pvz chat for a long time already
[08:58] <Cheetah-shooter> that korean spammer
[08:59] <Charmande red321> hiya Cheese
[08:59] <Cheetah-shooter> hi
[08:59] <Cheetah-shooter> Man, Mangle is so cute
[08:59] <Charmande red321> especially the last part
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> the forum is
[09:00] <Lolwutburger> it's being attacked by asian spammers
[09:00] <Charmande red321> it's technically just one
[09:02] <Charmande red321> hiya Reap
[09:03] <Lolwutburger> hola sammy's ghost
[09:03] <MysteryKing> Oh 
[09:03] <MysteryKing> No
[09:04] <Charmande red321> what
[09:05] <Lolwutburger> hola pg
[09:05] <Charmande red321> hiya Pinklass
[09:05] <Lolwutburger> I'll call you pg234 since I'm already calling someone else pg
[09:05] <Pinkgirl234> Did someone say spam?
[09:06] <Lolwutburger> on the forums
[09:06] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">no we said spain</span>
[09:06] <Charmande red321> its just some regular random spammer
[09:06] <Pinkgirl234> I need to contact an admin!!
[09:06] <Charmande red321> too late
[09:06] <Charmande red321> already done
[09:06] <Lolwutburger> that happens every now and then
[09:06] <Cheetah-shooter> Pinkie, it is done already
[09:06] <Lolwutburger> at least it's not MaxStories
[09:06] <Pinkgirl234> Oh
[09:06] <Charmande red321> the spammers come here so lately
[09:06] <Lolwutburger> who I heard is coming later
[09:06] <Charmande red321> that it starts to act like a regular thing now
[09:07] <Lolwutburger> Same thing happened in once
[09:07] <MysteryKing> But it is
[09:07] <MysteryKing> A wiki always has spammers
[09:07] <Pinkgirl234> Per Lolwut
[09:07] <Pinkgirl234> Test
[09:07] <Charmande red321> so what happened in the website
[09:07] <Lolwutburger> the spammers not maxstories
[09:07] <Charmande red321> wow who the hell
[09:07] <Lolwutburger> there were korean spammers there too
[09:07] <Charmande red321> is this user
[09:07] <MysteryKing> WAIT
[09:07] <MysteryKing> A
[09:07] <MysteryKing> MINUTE
[09:08] <MysteryKing> MAX WILL BE BACK
[09:08] <Charmande red321> "IBNU KHOIRON MAULANA"
[09:08] <MysteryKing> TODAY
[09:08] <Lolwutburger> let's troll him by speaking in gibberish
[09:08] <Charmande red321> lets just try and agree with him
[09:08] <Charmande red321> no violence
[09:08] <MysteryKing> NO
[09:08] <Pinkgirl234> Am I the only onevwhobthinks we have too manybstaff membersbalready?
[09:08] <MysteryKing> That's the loser's way.
[09:08] <Charmande red321> thats the point
[09:08] <MysteryKing> We troll him
[09:08] <MysteryKing> We have enough of him
[09:08] <MysteryKing> So he will pay
[09:09] <Charmande red321> i kinda meant by no violence = no bans
[09:09] <MysteryKing> NO
[09:09] <MysteryKing> Ban is the way
[09:09] <MysteryKing> He will not listen to us.
[09:09] <Charmande red321> fine
[09:09] <Charmande red321> im just gonna waste my mod powers
[09:09] <Charmande red321> to a stupid person
[09:10] <MysteryKing> Do it
[09:10] <Pinkgirl234> Uhuh.....
[09:10] <MysteryKing> At least you're a mod
[09:10] <MysteryKing> AT LEAST YOU'RE A MOD
[09:10] <MysteryKing> I would do that if i was.
[09:10] <MysteryKing> But nope
[09:10] <Charmande red321> and envy isnt the case here
[09:10] <MysteryKing> We have to prepare.
[09:10] <MysteryKing> He can be any minute.
[09:10] <Charmande red321> la la la
[09:10] <Charmande red321> watching MatPat vids
[09:11] <Pinkgirl234> And we good mods are here
[09:11] <Charmande red321> im not gonna count myself as good tho
[09:11] <MysteryKing> "good"
[09:11] <MysteryKing> "mods"
[09:11] <MysteryKing> BAHAHAHAHAH
[09:11] <Charmande red321> bahaha
[09:11] <Charmande red321> ya ya ya
[09:11] <Charmande red321> your envy and stuff
[09:11] <MysteryKing> JAJAJAJAJA
[09:11] <MysteryKing> XAXAXAXA
[09:11] <MysteryKing> XIXIXIXI
[09:11] <MysteryKing> HON HON HON
[09:11] <MysteryKing> "good mods"
[09:11] <Charmande red321> and lets go on with regular chatting
[09:11] <MysteryKing> HON HON HON
[09:12] <Charmande red321> brb
[09:12] <Charmande red321> playing Badminton
[09:12] <Cheetah-shooter> guess the primal plant have there unique ability, also, I think they replace the normal plant that you can choose which one to use(even the normal one it likely to be weaker, the new one has its downside), also, I see a lot of people will complain about it is "unoriginal".
[09:12] <Pinkgirl234> Yeah. Good and fair mids
[09:12] <MysteryKing> How about
[09:13] <MysteryKing> We talk about the horrible things of the world
[09:13] <Pinkgirl234> Fudge. I hate lag!!
[09:13] <Lolwutburger> soooo
[09:13] <Lolwutburger> I have a joke
[09:14] <MysteryKing> lag
[09:14] <Lolwutburger> how many kaboolozoids does it take to schmingle a garpinian
[09:14] <MysteryKing> Is one of satan's creations
[09:14] <Lolwutburger> the answer is I have no idea
[09:14] <Lolwutburger> ba dum tssss
[09:14] <MysteryKing> Lolwut
[09:14] <MysteryKing> Are you animating?
[09:14] <Lolwutburger> the joke there is that it's terrible
[09:14] <Lolwutburger> and yes, I'm animating
[09:14] <MysteryKing> I have this weird idea
[09:14] <MysteryKing> For a cartoon
[09:14] <MysteryKing> I'll tell you about it
[09:14] <MysteryKing> It's called "Emotiballs"
[09:15] <MysteryKing> It's balls that are alive and are based off emotions
[09:15] <MysteryKing> For example, the main character is Happy the Yellow Ball
[09:15] <Pinkgirl234> <span class="me-username">* <span>Pinkgirl234</span></span> yawns
[09:15] <Cheetah-shooter> Lolwutburger, how to make a animation?
[09:15] <WintahMhelon18> @Pinkgirl, PM
[09:15] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Hallow ebrywon
[09:15] <MysteryKing> And they are stuck in a desert island
[09:15] <KeenIcesWallerACE> srry
[09:15] <MysteryKing> And must figure out a way to get back to Emotionopia
[09:16] <Lolwutburger> who pinged
[09:16] <Lolwutburger> I was making rpg sprites
[09:16] <MysteryKing> So what do you think of my idea/
[09:17] <WintahMhelon18> BRB, washing my face
[09:18] <Pinkgirl234> Meep
[09:19] <Pinkgirl234> Well...
[09:19] <KeenIcesWallerACE> only me here
[09:19] <WintahMhelon18> Back, it so refreshing
[09:19] <KeenIcesWallerACE> :( 
[09:19] <Lolwutburger> back
[09:19] <WintahMhelon18> *wipes face*
[09:19] <KeenIcesWallerACE> oh ya back
[09:19] <Lolwutburger> @MK your idea sounds interesting.
[09:19] <Pinkgirl234> I am gonna get Photoshop and Flash for bday presents
[09:20] <Pinkgirl234> from my mother
[09:21] <KeenIcesWallerACE> I am playing clear cards
[09:21] <SugarPenguin12> UGHHH
[09:21] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Noone knew who won
[09:21] <SugarPenguin12> I need Ghost Pepper before the new update removes it
[09:21] <SugarPenguin12> But I am getting like 1 gem a week
[09:21] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Because the cards are blank
[09:21] <SugarPenguin12> and only have 51 now
[09:21] <SugarPenguin12> need 29...
[09:21] <WintahMhelon18> 4 more days to go
[09:22] <KeenIcesWallerACE> I spend them all on my Ghost Pepper
[09:23] <WintahMhelon18> I already got Ghost Pepper since last year
[09:23] <KeenIcesWallerACE> Now she's telling me not to use her on jokes anymore. (da heck is wrong with me)
[09:23] <MysteryKing> Lolwut, i know
[09:23] <MysteryKing> I just thought of that
[09:23] <KeenIcesWallerACE> you guys PM eachother
[09:26] <Lolwutburger> and ded
[09:27] <Pinkgirl234> :D 
[09:27] <WintahMhelon18> WB Pinkgirl
[09:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Argh
[09:28] <Lolwutburger> So, what version of Flash n' Photoshop are you getting?
[09:28] <Insert Your Name Here> Bus waiting takes forever
[09:28] <Lolwutburger> I suggest the CC versions since they're the best.
[09:28] <SugarPenguin12> General Election wonder they banned alcohol after 10.30pm ehre
[09:28] <SugarPenguin12> *here
[09:29] <MelonPult16> How to get Primal Peashooter? 
[09:29] <KeenIcesWallerACE> I lost...
[09:30] <Lolwutburger> hax
[09:30] <MelonPult16> oh
[09:31] <KeenIcesWallerACE> How's life of yours?
[09:31] <WintahMhelon18> @MelonPult16, PM
[09:32] <KeenIcesWallerACE> how offensive to me
[09:43] <Charmande red321> back from playing
[09:43] <WintahMhelon18> Welp..
[09:43] <Mage General Chrysalis> By the way, I'm finished being a retard.
[09:44] <Mage General Chrysalis> Can I be listened to now?
[09:44] <Charmande red321> yeah
[09:44] <MysteryKing> yES
[09:44] <Mage General Chrysalis> Thank you.
[09:44] <Lolwutburger> I finally finished the short teaser comic I'm making
[09:45] <Lolwutburger> so what's happening doods?
[09:45] <WintahMhelon18> Oh no, why am I involved in the next rap battle??
[09:46] <Mage General Chrysalis> Because Pinkgirl.
[09:46] <MysteryKing> Lolwut, do you think you could animate my idea?
[09:47] <Lolwutburger> Maybe when I have the time
[09:47] <Charmande red321> hiya Insert
[09:47] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Insert
[09:47] <Insert Your Name Here> K
[09:47] <WintahMhelon18> @Insert, PM
[09:47] <MysteryKing> It's not final
[09:47] <MysteryKing> I could tweak it a bit
[09:47] <Charmande red321> just gonna randomly post this one like an ad... [[User blog:Charmande red321/Hurt and Heal/Pok%C3%A9mon|User blog:Charmande red321/Hurt and Heal/Pokémon]]
[09:47] <MysteryKing> I actually thought of that idea LONG before Inside Out was released and announced
[09:48] <SugarPenguin12> GUYS
[09:48] <Charmande red321> what
[09:48] <SugarPenguin12> Day 13 of NMT
[09:49] <WintahMhelon18> @Chrysalis, yeah I know, but why me??
[09:49] <SugarPenguin12> I brought Thyme Warp and filled the lawn with it
[09:49] <SugarPenguin12> you cant dig it up
[09:49] <SugarPenguin12> and once you rock
[09:49] <SugarPenguin12> they all go off
[09:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> It's because of her, that's the only reason I could think of.
[09:49] <Charmande red321> Cuz Pink has the dirt on you
[09:49] <WintahMhelon18> wut
[09:49] <WintahMhelon18> (wat) 
[09:49] <Mage General Chrysalis> And I still have these belt marks after my mom hit me with a belt.
[09:49] <Insert Your Name Here> :3
[09:50] <Mage General Chrysalis> They're still very prominent...
[09:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Pinkgirl has been known to have a taste on melon
[09:50] <Charmande red321> whats with the belt punishment
[09:50] <WintahMhelon18> yeah
[09:50] <MelonPult16> Yea! I found magneto file for Primal Peashooter &lt;3 
[09:50] <WintahMhelon18> hy?
[09:50] <WintahMhelon18> Why?
[09:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> For not listening to her not-helpful-at-all advice and trying to give my word.
[09:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> She did it multiple times, and she also slapped me!
[09:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> Multiple times!
[09:51] <Lolwutburger> My mom sometimes hits me with a clotheshanger
[09:51] <Mage General Chrysalis> She also threatened to throw the TV remote at me!
[09:51] <Insert Your Name Here> I am now confident and old enough to go toe to toe with my parents
[09:52] <Insert Your Name Here> And they know it
[09:52] <Lolwutburger> My mom once threatened to smash my laptop over my head
[11:04] <Charmande red321> hiya Legend
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oh my gawdd
[11:04] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Phew mk is not there
[11:04] <AWikiBoy521> *facepalm* to myself for not realizing "#tag:youtube".
[11:04] <Dr Crzzy Dave> that is so cool :D 
[11:04] <Charmande red321> what you mean awb
[11:04] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I was a 10 year olds who steal bikes and eat people then i got arrow in the knee
[11:05] <Charmande red321> hai Insert
[11:05] <Insert Your Name Here> I got glorious wifi
[11:05] <Charmande red321> k go play geodash
[11:05] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Oldest joke ever
[11:05] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[11:05] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:05] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Or meme
[11:06] <Charmande red321> hai reapist
[11:06] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi sammy the classic sonjc fan
[11:06] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Sonic
[11:06] <Reapeageddon> Hi
[11:07] <Charmande red321> how does a Perfume
[11:07] <Charmande red321> affect gigantic reptilian birds
[11:07] <Lolwutburger> why is it that IRL people can't simply leave me alone
[11:07] <Insert Your Name Here> With love of course
[11:07] <Dr Crzzy Dave> /annnounce spoilers are not permitted in main chat, please spread them to other people in PMs. ONLY if they have permission
[11:08] <Charmande red321> why
[11:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> FUUUU
[11:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> TYPO
[11:08] <Charmande red321> whats thy matter
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Love is an awesome power
[11:08] <Charmande red321> Perfume
[11:08] <Insert Your Name Here> Don't you want love?
[11:08] <Charmande red321> Per Fume-shroom
[11:08] <Charmande red321> lets agree with Fume-shroom
[11:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> wow
[11:08] <Dr Crzzy Dave> XD
[11:08] <Lolwutburger> I can't and won't read the announce thing unless they change the color
[11:09] <Dr Crzzy Dave> ...
[11:09] <Charmande red321> really
[11:09] <Charmande red321> the color
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> Let's do fume shroom x perfume shroom
[11:09] <Insert Your Name Here> :) 
[11:10] <Lolwutburger> I can't see gray
[11:10] <Lolwutburger> could've made it a darker gray
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> <span style="color:gray;">Can you read this</span>
[11:10] <Charmande red321> so you cant see people entering and leaving
[11:10] <Charmande red321> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">rude</span>
[11:10] <Reapeageddon> Undertale is cute, but creepy
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> aw shit
[11:10] <Reapeageddon> Especially in the Genocide Route
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> oh yeah
[11:10] <Reapeageddon> Now I'm scared of Chara
[11:10] <Charmande red321> Undertale
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> you can;t read that part?
[11:10] <Dr Crzzy Dave> @LWB
[11:10] <Charmande red321> much dating in it
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> I read it
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> "Can you read this"
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> you said
[11:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> yeah but
[11:11] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Guys i want my text be comic sans
[11:11] <Dr Crzzy Dave> that's cos of the blue :3
[11:11] <Charmande red321> oy LWB
[11:11] <Charmande red321> <span style="color:gray;">Can you read this?</span>
[11:11] <Lolwutburger> yes
[11:11] <Charmande red321> oh its the glow
[11:12] <Lolwutburger> you said the same thing as him but with a question mark
[11:12] <Dr Crzzy Dave> did you read that?
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> He well sah nothing
[11:13] <Legenddemonicderpknight> I knew it
[11:13] <Charmande red321> how to axe
[11:14] <Lolwutburger> i maed a fnoof teery
[11:14] <Lolwutburger>
[11:14] <Charmande red321> omg wat
[11:14] <Charmande red321> wow sach teori
[11:14] <Charmande red321> 11/10 no watr
[11:15] <Wikia-Critic> i am finally an undertale fan
[11:16] <Wikia-Critic> dealwithit
[11:17] <Wikia-Critic> i'm also so close to playing afterbirth
[11:17] <Insert Your Name Here> I play afterbirth
[11:17] <Charmande red321> i seal the deal
[11:17] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Guys i wonder what happens if you grab pumpkin witch and add it ro pvz 2
[11:17] <Wikia-Critic> idk
[11:17] <Legenddemonicderpknight> By using obbq patch
[11:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Be prepared to buy insurance for your r key
[11:17] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Obb patch
[11:17] <Insert Your Name Here> Because you are going to use it a lot'
[11:17] <Insert Your Name Here> :) 
[11:17] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Why
[11:17] <Wikia-Critic> what if <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I,</span> Flowey was a plant in PvZ2
[11:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wich
[11:18] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[11:18] <Wikia-Critic> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I</span> Flowey would probably try to trick the player or w/e
[11:18] <Wikia-Critic> wtf
[11:19] <Wikia-Critic> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">how to play dlc</span>
[11:19] <Legenddemonicderpknight> If i zombie was in pvz 2
[11:19] <Charmande red321> disney lol channel
[11:20] <Dr Crzzy Dave> I need to restrict myself from buying bad packs
[11:20] <Dr Crzzy Dave> (GW)
[11:22] <Charmande red321> this flower 
[11:22] <Charmande red321> i need to kill
[11:23] <Reapeageddon> Overtale
[11:23] <Reapeageddon> Monster jumps to surface
[11:25] <Insert Your Name Here> 5 Nights at Undertale
[11:27] <WintahMhelon18> Back
[11:27] <PnFforever> hi
[11:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Wb
[11:27] <WintahMhelon18> Yo PnF
[11:27] <PnFforever> o/ 
[11:27] <Insert Your Name Here> k
[11:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[11:29] <Legenddemonicderpknight> So
[11:30] <PnFforever> Let's talk about stuff. What is your favorite color
[11:31] <WintahMhelon18> blue
[11:32] <PnFforever> same here
[11:32] <Lolwutburger> back
[11:32] <PnFforever> hi there o/ 
[11:32] <Charmande red321> hiya 
[11:32] <Lolwutburger> backback
[11:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im red
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> huh
[11:38] <Lolwutburger> that light ufo thing on twitter now looks like sperm
[11:41] <WintahMhelon18> Back from homework
[11:41] <PnFforever> homework, the days of my high school it's assignments and projects during colleges
[11:42] <Dr Crzzy Dave> Hi!
[11:42] <PnFforever> hello
[11:42] <PnFforever> o/ 
[11:42] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[11:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Hmm I'm currently in college
[11:43] <Insert Your Name Here> Freshman
[11:43] <Lolwutburger> gtg
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> How was college Insert? Is it all homeworks?
[11:43] <WintahMhelon18> Byo Lolwut
[11:46] <WintahMhelon18> WB Chrysalis
[11:48] <PnFforever> you know what I love about RPG Maker games, the overly cute sprite arts
[11:49] <Charmande red321> hiya Issa
[11:49] <Charmande red321> what is Undertale made from
[11:49] <PnFforever> pretty sure Undertale is not made from RPG Maker.
[11:50] <PnFforever> it is made with GameMaker: Studio
[11:50] <Charmande red321> interesting
[11:52] <Charmande red321> i am always too pacifist in this game
[11:52] <Magnet Plant> I use GameMaker
[11:52] <Magnet Plant> :p 
[11:52] <Charmande red321> reminds
[11:52] <Charmande red321> me
[11:53] <Charmande red321> what happened to your game Lilgrei 
[11:53] <Magnet Plant> what game
[11:53] <Charmande red321> your gamemaker games
[11:53] <Magnet Plant> uh
[11:53] <Magnet Plant> nothing?
[11:54] <Charmande red321> i mean do you have anything new
[11:55] <Magnet Plant> no
[11:55] <Magnet Plant> but i'm working on something
[11:55] <Magnet Plant> oh wait
[11:55] <Magnet Plant> have you played DA 3.0?
[11:55] <Charmande red321> nop
[11:56] <Magnet Plant> yeah i released that
[11:56] <Magnet Plant> DA 3.1 also is in the works
[11:56] <Magnet Plant> but eh
[11:56] <Charmande red321> ok
[11:58] <PnFforever> brb dinner
[11:59] <Mage General Chrysalis> And at last, my first short RPG is finished! But it kinda sucks due to two of the party characters barely having any character.
[12:00] <Mage General Chrysalis> Heck, even the NPC "Miesha Fallon" has more dialogue than the playable priest!
[12:01] <Magnet Plant> What are you using?
[12:02] <Mage General Chrysalis> RPG Maker VX Trial. I have no money for software and crap.
[12:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> Plus I don't really feel like cracking.
[12:03] <Mage General Chrysalis> IF it's possible.
[12:03] <Magnet Plant> Eh
[12:03] <Magnet Plant> All i have is GameMaker 8.1 and Studio. :c
[12:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> The trial pretty much expires in 25 days.
[12:04] <Mage General Chrysalis> So I won't have it for long.
[12:04] <Magnet Plant> Ah, time based trials
[12:05] <Magnet Plant> I honestly like trials that limit stuff but you can keep tit forever better than you have everything but time limit.
[12:05] <Magnet Plant> *keep it
[12:05] <Magnet Plant> But trials which limit stuff AND have a time limit are pure BS.
[12:05] <Mage General Chrysalis> Yep.
[12:06] <Magnet Plant> I still want to make a town-building game in GM
[12:06] <Magnet Plant> but i doubt it's even possible.
[12:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Maybe try...?
[12:06] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello!
[12:06] <Magnet Plant> I don't know how to.
[12:06] <Magnet Plant> if it is possible
[12:06] <MysteryKing> Oh hey Mage.
[12:06] <Magnet Plant> Hi
[12:06] <MysteryKing> So how was it bonding with my war refugees?
[12:07] <Mage General Chrysalis> It was interesting.
[12:07] <MysteryKing> Well in what way can you help us?
[12:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> I wish I would defend you guys, but I don't know if it'll even make a dent on <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Ronald</span> Reagan.
[12:08] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello!
[12:09] <MysteryKing> Well at least you can help.
[12:09] <MysteryKing> Reagan is like the Donald Trump of Polandball.
[12:10] <Mage General Chrysalis> I see.
[12:11] <MysteryKing> Yep.
[12:11] <Mage General Chrysalis> I'll try to do what I can do, if I can.
[12:12] <MysteryKing> Well the more members the bigger the Anti-reagan Club will be.
[12:13] <PnFforever> bacl
[12:13] <PnFforever> *back
[12:14] <Mage General Chrysalis> Hello.
[12:14] <PnFforever> hi o/ 
[12:21] <Shy and Dry Guy> [[User:Shy and Dry Guy?file=1910448-yoshi egg yoshi render.png]]
[12:21] <Shy and Dry Guy> [[User:Shy and Dry Guy?file=1910448-yoshi egg yoshi render.png]]
[12:21] <Shy and Dry Guy> [[User:Shy and Dry Guy?file=1910448-yoshi egg yoshi render.png]]
[12:21] <Shy and Dry Guy> the chat is full with my eggs
[12:22] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[12:22] <Shy and Dry Guy> hai
[12:23] <Shy and Dry Guy> the green spotted eggs are laid by me
[12:23] <TheAnonymousA> I feel you're spamming...
[12:25] <PnFforever> hi there o/ 
[12:44] <Gaming Center> hi
[12:44] <Reapeageddon> Hi
[12:45] <Gaming Center> since Ginta has real JM I need to work on some other texture mod
[12:47] <Gaming Center> dead chat
[12:47] <Gaming Center> so crowded but so dead
[12:47] <WintahMhelon18> Yo UG
[12:47] <WintahMhelon18> I feel so "tanga" right now
[12:47] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:48] <Uselessguy> O/ 
[12:48] <Uselessguy> O/ hi!
[12:48] <Wynaut821> hai
[12:49] <WintahMhelon18> Yo Wynaut
[12:49] <Gaming Center> saying hi because Whynaut
[12:49] <Wynaut821> anyone remember day ages?
[12:49] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:49] <Uselessguy> Me
[12:49] <Uselessguy> The one you made, right?
[12:49] <Wynaut821> ea
[12:49] <Wynaut821> ye
[12:50] <Wynaut821> yea
[12:50] <WintahMhelon18> EA
[12:50] <Wynaut821> its in a video
[12:50] <Gaming Center> what are day ages?
[12:50] <Wynaut821> my why button has crackers under it
[12:50] <Gaming Center> something for pvz
[12:50] <Gaming Center> ?
[12:50] <Wynaut821> @ gaming center
[12:50] <Gaming Center> it's unrelated right? -_- 
[12:51] <Gaming Center> oh
[12:51] <WintahMhelon18> I thought it's Dark Ages or something
[12:51] <WintahMhelon18> Oh wait
[12:51] <WintahMhelon18> nvm
[12:51] <Wynaut821> its dark ages but in day
[12:51] <Gaming Center> lol
[12:51] <WintahMhelon18> Kewl
[12:51] <Gaming Center> but you should make lawn greenish and it will look better
[12:51] <Wynaut821> i think i have a bigger one
[12:51] <Gaming Center> but it is still cool
[12:52] <Marcinmario04> Hello!
[12:52] <Wynaut821> i made it yellow because i thought that the lawn was brown
[12:52] <WintahMhelon18> Yo
[12:52] <Wynaut821> sup
[12:52] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[12:53] <Marcinmario04> Does anyone know a good strat for Terror from Tommorow
[12:53] <Wynaut821> heres one: yolo
[12:53] <WintahMhelon18> Watch Rfm767's videos
[12:54] <Wynaut821> i found a bigger one,buzzy requested it so it has a minigame in it
[12:55] <Wynaut821>
[12:55] <WintahMhelon18> (scaredyshroom) 
[02:14] <Justsans> i'm currently drawing anyways :| 
[02:16] <Magnet Plant> wot
[02:16] <Magnet Plant> no
[02:17] <Magnet Plant> i said "inb4 minecraft" because "THE PLAYER" was overused in the End Poem
[02:19] <Justsans> oh
[02:19] <Justsans> "the puree"
[02:23] <Insert Your Name Here> I hate this current chat. It's boring
[02:23] <Magnet Plant> ikr
[02:23] <Justsans> i'm gonna start coloring in ghost pepper
[02:23] <Justsans> yaaay
[02:28] <AWikiBoy521> Uh, supback?
[02:29] <Justsans> hi
[02:29] <Justsans> i'm drawing a gost pepro
[02:29] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[02:29] <Insert Your Name Here> Imma do a half-assed edit of wall-nut since I'm losing my mind
[02:29] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[02:30] <Justsans> so is it a donkey edit then?
[02:30] <Justsans> 
[02:30] <Insert Your Name Here> I edited most of the sections, but did not finish the minigame part or add a pvz2 section
[02:30] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[02:30] <AWikiBoy521> Why, because of "dead chat"?
[02:30] <Insert Your Name Here> Yeah
[02:30] <Insert Your Name Here> I'm waiting for something to happen
[02:30] <Justsans> funny
[02:30] <Justsans> because it's "dead chat"
[02:30] <Justsans> and i'm drawing "ghost" pepper
[02:31] <Justsans> I think I may have caused mental damage
[02:32] <AWikiBoy521> @Insert
[02:32] <AWikiBoy521> Kinda sort of the same thing it happened to me in the past.
[02:32] <Insert Your Name Here> ?
[02:33] <Insert Your Name Here> To be fair the page still looks better than before
[02:36] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[02:37] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Justsans is an it confirmed.</span>
[02:38] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:38] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:39] <Justsans> hi
[02:42] <Justsans> i'm almost done with GP's flat colors
[02:43] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[02:49] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Well you are out of luck
[02:49] <Insert Your Name Here> Because chat is really boring now puff
[02:50] <PuffyMuffins> cool story bro
[02:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[02:50] <Insert Your Name Here> Well it's basically just you and me and wikiboi
[02:50] <Insert Your Name Here> And some person I don't really know well
[02:51] <PuffyMuffins> imcr8z ?
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[02:51] <PuffyMuffins> he's amazeballs
[02:51] <Insert Your Name Here> As long as you don't talk about nmt
[02:51] <IMCR8Z> Yep
[02:51] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[02:51] <Insert Your Name Here> He is triggered by nmt
[02:51] <Justsans> wat
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> I'm doing my "short story" for my school's "Reading Project" since this month is Reading month.
[02:52] <AWikiBoy521> And by short I mean, about four pages of text n' dialogue.
[02:52] <Insert Your Name Here> bleh
[02:54] <Insert Your Name Here> Dammit I have class the entire saturday
[02:55] <IMCR8Z> :O 
[02:55] <Justsans> I have school tommorow
[02:56] <AWikiBoy521> Me too
[02:56] <Insert Your Name Here> Well there goes my sunday at home
[02:57] <PuffyMuffins> .3.
[02:57] <Insert Your Name Here> I have to spend about 3 hours to get from campus to school
[02:57] <Insert Your Name Here> Because the bus is terrible here
[02:58] <Insert Your Name Here> So I will probably spend my sunday alone, staring at the computer screen and waiting for you guys
[02:58] <Insert Your Name Here> And gal
[02:59] <Insert Your Name Here> And your uselesspai has came
[02:59] <IMCR8Z> Howdy!
[03:00] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[03:01] <MelonPult16> Hi
[03:01] <Justsans> i did a bored thing
[03:01] <Justsans>
[03:01] <Justsans> also hi
[03:01] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:01] <MelonPult16> How Ginta Gaming get a update Jurassic Marsh? I want get now! Primal Peashooter is great!'
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> @Justsans
[03:02] <AWikiBoy521> Kinda (derp) y Ghost Pepper.
[03:02] <MelonPult16> [Warning_Spoilers]
[03:02] <Justsans> i'm not great at drawing anyway :p 
[03:02] <Insert Your Name Here> Brb shower
[03:03] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[03:04] <Justsans> oh jesus christ Primal Peashooter is kinda OP
[03:04] <MelonPult16> Hax primal peashooter is very OP
[03:06] <Gaming Center> test
[03:06] <MelonPult16> o/ 
[03:06] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[03:07] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[03:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Is Gaming Center really Gaming Center?</span>
[03:07] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Find! *orchestral sound*</span>
[03:08] <Gaming Center> any suggestion for texture mod?
[03:08] <AWikiBoy521> No, not at all to me.
[03:08] <Gaming Center> ok
[03:09] <Gaming Center> i wanted to make a mod for JM plants when Ginta posted beta video
[03:09] <Gaming Center> now it is pointless
[03:09] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">More like "Useless".</span>
[03:09] <MelonPult16> Gaming Center he upload already Day 1
[03:10] <Gaming Center> ...
[03:10] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">*da-dum-tis*</span>
[03:10] <Gaming Center> people used to hate IGG when he was doing that
[03:10] <Gaming Center> but people love Ginta
[03:12] <AWikiBoy521> test
[03:13] <Gaming Center> he didn't said that
[03:13] <Gaming Center> but it is obious
[03:13] <IMCR8Z> Nao wat?
[03:18] <AWikiBoy521> More stuff.
[03:20] <Insert Your Name Here> Back
[03:24] <AWikiBoy521> Shall I ping the Muffin?
[03:24] <Insert Your Name Here> Yea
[03:25] <AWikiBoy521> PuffyMuffins 
[03:25] <Insert Your Name Here> It's not like we have much to do
[03:25] <AWikiBoy521> Well, I have something to do.
[03:25] <Josemo1829> ok
[03:25] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[03:28] <AWikiBoy521> Test again.
[03:28] <AWikiBoy521> Still dead chat?
[03:29] <AWikiBoy521> Turky's a goner.
[03:29] <AWikiBoy521> Also, Supback
[03:31] <AWikiBoy521> GC is ded.
[03:31] <AWikiBoy521> Chat down.
[03:34] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:34] <AWikiBoy521> Sup
[03:34] <MelonPult16> o/ 
[03:36] <PuffyMuffins> bul9 should have his avatar be urkel
[03:37] <Insert Your Name Here> Meh
[03:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Well bedtime
[03:38] <Insert Your Name Here> Bye
[03:38] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[03:38] <AWikiBoy521> Good night.
[03:38] <Graham02> bye
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> Random Twisted Question:
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> If I'm making an avatar that is a re-croped image of an unmodified 2.5D model of Jake from <span style="font-style:italic;">Avatar</span>, what part should I re-crop to so that everyone can notice?
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> A. The nose
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> B. The eyes
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> C. The mouth
[03:42] <AWikiBoy521> D. The hair
[03:42] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hi
[03:42] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:42] <Graham02> a
[03:44] <AWikiBoy521> Anyuser else how wanted to try to answer my question?
[03:44] <Uselessguy> I think b
[03:45] <Uselessguy> The eyes could have different colors or shapes, so it would be easier to be noticed
[03:45] <AWikiBoy521> Ok, time's up.
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> @Graham02
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm......but no.
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> @Uselessguy
[03:46] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[03:47] <PuffyMuffins> tulo pai ;3
[03:47] <AWikiBoy521> Since the "eyes" rendered from the movie <span style="font-style:italic;">Avatar</span> are unique, that way makes it easier for some people who know Avatar to notice.
[03:47] <AWikiBoy521> Aka, UG got it right.
[03:48] <PuffyMuffins> ;3
[03:48] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Hi ;3
[03:49] <PuffyMuffins> im playin pvz all stars
[03:49] <PuffyMuffins> new update is so good~ but not as good as oreopai
[03:49] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Ew. I hate that game.
[03:49] <ThisUserLikesOreo> ;3
[03:49] <AWikiBoy521> Heh
[03:50] <ThisUserLikesOreo> How old are you? @AWB
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[03:53] <Graham02> o/ 
[03:53] <AWikiBoy521> And I'm too old for Hot Wheels.
[03:54] <PuffyMuffins> ;3
[03:55] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">;3 is now a copyright emote of Puffy</span>
[03:56] <PuffyMuffins> it is
[03:57] <PuffyMuffins> cuz now everyone uses ';3'
[03:57] <ThisUserLikesOreo> tru ;3
[03:57] <PuffyMuffins> if i went for forum mod no one would support xD
[03:57] <AWikiBoy521> @PuffyMuffins
[03:57] <AWikiBoy521> Nah, someusers will support you.
[03:58] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Try being more active in forums. @Puff
[03:59] <PuffyMuffins> im trying to shake my way into forum games
[03:59] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nah, forum games aren't that effective.</span>
[03:59] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Shake it in.
[04:00] <ThisUserLikesOreo> Yup.
[04:00] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Why not some discussions if you like spoilers or you know what else?</span>
[04:02] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">I played forum games as a hobby.</span>
[04:02] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Since then, I made too much "space" in the ofurm games branch.</span>
[04:03] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[04:07] <AWikiBoy521> Test2
[04:07] <AWikiBoy521> 
[04:07] <AWikiBoy521> Yay, another.
[04:09] <AWikiBoy521> ?
[04:09] <ThisUserLikesOreo> What
[04:09] <MelonPult16> test
[04:11] <Uselessguy> Day 2 is leaked
[04:12] <MelonPult16> Dinos!!
[04:12] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:13] <MelonPult16> Now Chard Guard are useless now. Primal Peashooter is better
[04:15] <Uselessguy> You should not spoil, but you can announce that the spoiler is released
[04:16] <AWikiBoy521> Sup?
[04:16] <PlantsvsZombies2Gamer> Sup
[04:18] <AWikiBoy521> Ded
[04:18] <AWikiBoy521> Is PlantsvsZombies2Gamer.
[04:18] <AWikiBoy521> So does this chat.
[04:24] <AWikiBoy521> Test again.
[04:24] <AWikiBoy521> My internet will soon disconnect.
[04:34] <Uselessguy> Gtg
[04:34] <Uselessguy> O/ 
[04:34] <MelonPult16> o/ 
[04:36] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[04:37] <AWikiBoy521> Hmm....
[04:37] <AWikiBoy521> Ok
[04:38] <PnFforever> i gtg too
[04:38] <PnFforever> bye o/ 
[04:40] <Gaming Center> test
[04:40] <Gaming Center> dead chat
[04:41] <ErnestoAM> :O :O :O 
[04:44] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[04:47] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[04:48] <AWikiBoy521> Yay
[04:48] <AWikiBoy521> I'm still alive.
[04:48] <AWikiBoy521> And it's 0:48 in my time zone.
[04:48] <ErnestoAM> So?
[04:48] <ErnestoAM> Um
[04:48] <ErnestoAM> What do we do.
[04:48] <AWikiBoy521> Idk
[04:49] <ErnestoAM> Is Monkey man here?
[04:49] <ErnestoAM> or chicken boy
[04:49] <AWikiBoy521> I "revived" the YouTubePlayer template using the YouTube tag in the Bejeweled wiki.
[04:49] <ErnestoAM> yeah
[04:49] <AWikiBoy521> And Donkey Kong isn't here in chat.
[04:49] <ErnestoAM> I really don't know how to make templates and all
[04:49] <AWikiBoy521> He's just drilling some bits.
[04:50] <ErnestoAM> I'm talking about Monkey Engineer over there on the left.
[04:50] <AWikiBoy521> I know
[04:50] <ErnestoAM> oh wait
[04:50] <ErnestoAM> right
[04:50] <AWikiBoy521> Because "Monkey Man".
[04:50] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[04:50] <MelonPult16> Sup
[04:51] <MelonPult16> 🍇 🎃
[04:51] <AWikiBoy521> Such glow.
[04:52] <AWikiBoy521> More Spook.
[04:52] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> So any dino can be seen in the seed selection?
[04:52] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> And also, smbx 1.4.1 is here.
[04:52] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-size:7pt;">You what?</span>
[04:52] <ErnestoAM> Super Mario Bros X?
[04:53] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies>
[04:53] <Andreelikesplantsvszombies> Its real.
[04:53] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="font-weight:bold;">Seems Legit.</span>
[04:54] <AWikiBoy521> "Requires Chinese stuff"
[04:55] <AWikiBoy521> Yes, it's legit enough. (not sarcasm)
[05:04] <TheHandsomePlant> It's only four days
[05:04] <AWikiBoy521> It's 1:04AM in my timezone.
[05:04] <AWikiBoy521> Supback again.
[05:05] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[05:05] <TheHandsomePlant> huh
[05:05] <TheHandsomePlant> She would have to post four days daily
[05:05] <TheHandsomePlant> Oh wait
[05:05] <TheHandsomePlant> I still keep confusing GG with someone else
[05:05] <AWikiBoy521> Heheh
[05:05] <TheHandsomePlant> The Ginta makes me think he's her
[05:06] <TheHandsomePlant> In that case
[05:06] <TheAnonymousA> Test
[05:06] <TheHandsomePlant> Day 1 was released two hours ago
[05:06] <AWikiBoy521> <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">Nah, it is probably an it then.</span>
[05:06] <TheAnonymousA> Hi!
[05:06] <TheHandsomePlant> Day 2 was release one hour ago
[05:06] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:06] <TheHandsomePlant> So well
[05:06] <TheHandsomePlant> We should have Day 3 by now
[05:06] <TheAnonymousA> Basically all the Part 1 Dinos just bring zombies to the front.
[05:07] <TheHandsomePlant> Umm...
[05:08] <TheHandsomePlant> Isn't the zombies supposed to go front?
[05:08] <TheHandsomePlant> So they use every which way to get in front?
[05:08] <TheHandsomePlant> And I just noticed that dinos appear in Seed Selector aswell
[05:09] <TheHandsomePlant> Also
[05:09] <TheHandsomePlant> The Raptor
[05:09] <TheHandsomePlant> What the heck
[05:10] <TheHandsomePlant> More like a Kangaroo
[05:11] <Brainulator9> hilo
[05:11] <AWikiBoy521> Uh, spoiler alert>
[05:11] <AWikiBoy521> *?
[05:11] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:12] <AWikiBoy521> I am still doing my mid-night assignment for a short story making in English this reading month.
[05:14] <TheAnonymousA> Is this chat dead?
[05:15] <AWikiBoy521> No
[05:15] <AWikiBoy521> But it's odd in my chat that you are "eaten by the zombies".
[05:15] <AWikiBoy521> Yay, the lag.
[05:15] <TheAnonymousA> To
[05:15] <TheAnonymousA> Yes+no
[05:15] <TheAnonymousA> Test
[05:15] <AWikiBoy521> TheAnonymousA is undead.
[05:15] <AWikiBoy521> Confirmed.
[05:16] <TheAnonymousA> Braiinnnnzzzzzz.....
[05:16] <TheAnonymousA> Give me your brains... (zombie) 
[05:17] <AWikiBoy521> If a plant was a zombie.....
[05:17] <AWikiBoy521> It would say......
[05:17] <AWikiBoy521> Grainzz.......
[05:17] <AWikiBoy521> ...or a sheep.
[05:17] <AWikiBoy521> In case you get the reference.
[05:17] <TheAnonymousA> Disconnected!
[05:17] <AWikiBoy521> Yep
[05:20] <TheAnonymousA> Connected again!
[05:20] <AWikiBoy521> Yay
[05:20] <AWikiBoy521> Now what?
[05:22] <AWikiBoy521> ded
[05:22] <AWikiBoy521> Nice one, TAA
[05:22] <AWikiBoy521> Plus.....
[05:23] <AWikiBoy521> I am.....
[05:23] <AWikiBoy521> "Lol nine Lie shelf"
[05:26] <AWikiBoy521> Oh, some user is back?
[05:27] <ErnestoAM> hi
[05:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[05:27] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Im not here to chat now
[05:27] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Il chat later
[05:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Because i need to check my replies
[05:28] <Legenddemonicderpknight> And recharge my ipad
[05:30] <TheHandsomePlant> Oh man
[05:30] <TheHandsomePlant> When is the Day 3
[05:30] <TheHandsomePlant> I want to hear that UB in practice
[05:31] <TheHandsomePlant> Also
[05:31] <TheHandsomePlant> You're lucky
[05:31] <TheHandsomePlant> Day 16 returns with UB!
[05:32] <Brainulator9> bilo
[05:32] <AWikiBoy521> Bye
[05:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Oh no the spoiler attack is here
[05:33] <AWikiBoy521> Yes
[05:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Spoilers are everywere
[05:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> In your bedroom
[05:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> In your home
[05:33] <AWikiBoy521> Much worse than the Jack Attack.
[05:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> In the coty
[05:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> City
[05:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Yep
[05:33] <AWikiBoy521> Well, in the dinning room in my house.
[05:33] <Legenddemonicderpknight> And ballistic is the king of spoilers
[05:33] <AWikiBoy521> "Ballistic Spoilers"
[05:34] <TheHandsomePlant> SPOILER ALERT
[05:34] <TheHandsomePlant> I must say this
[05:34] <TheHandsomePlant> The Day 3 plants are:
[05:37] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Good
[05:38] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Rejoined
[05:38] <TheHandsomePlant> Dinonip is internal name of Perfume-shroom IIRC
[05:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> If my pc is fixed i well beat pvz
[05:39] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Then hack i zombie add 10 zomboss
[05:40] <AWikiBoy521> Test
[05:40] <AWikiBoy521> Great
[05:40] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi spoilers are gone
[05:41] <ErnestoAM> Actually no THP
[05:41] <ErnestoAM> Perfume-shroom has her own flavor text too
[05:44] <Legenddemonicderpknight> [[User:زومبی]] Why that guy is eaten by zombies
[05:44] <ErnestoAM> <span style="font-style:italic;"> Heavy vandalism + Swearing</span>
[05:45] <Legenddemonicderpknight> What heavy vandalism means?
[05:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Ok
[05:49] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Op zombie
[05:50] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shello!
[05:52] <ErnestoAM> hi
[05:52] <ErnestoAM> :O '
[05:52] <Legenddemonicderpknight> Hi
[05:54] <AWikiBoy521> Supback
[05:54] <AWikiBoy521> Fishy User
[05:54] <AWikiBoy521> What's cooking?
[05:55] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> <span class="me-username">* <span>ThatGuyThatHasAFish</span></span> cooks stew
[05:55] <AWikiBoy521> Wut
[05:55] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> <span style="color:grey;">Yeah, cooking stew is a thing now.</span>
[05:56] <AWikiBoy521> Great, now you made me more hungry in the middle of the night.
[05:57] <AWikiBoy521> And it's 1:57AM in my time zone.
[05:58] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Oh crap.
[05:58] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> I just had a delicious lunch.
[06:05] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Shi Cavia.
[06:08] <ErnestoAM> hi
[06:14] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Puffy! o/ 
[06:23] <AWikiBoy521> ded
[06:23] <AWikiBoy521> test
[06:11] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Bored
[06:11] <ErnestoAM> Repeageddon
[06:11] <Cavia porcellus> I thought dinos would be stationary.
[06:14] <ThatGuyThatHasAFish> Puffy! o/ 
[06:22] <ErnestoAM> :O 
[06:22] <ErnestoAM> o/ o/ 
[06:23] <AWikiBoy521> ded
[06:23] <AWikiBoy521> test
[06:23] <AWikiBoy521> I really gtg now.
[06:24] <ErnestoAM> buy
[06:24] <AWikiBoy521> Great, bad internet again.
[06:24] <AWikiBoy521> It's 2:24AM in my time zone.
[06:25] <AWikiBoy521> And I finally finished the "short story" that is long-ish.
[06:25] <AWikiBoy521> At least, to me.