Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Discord

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The Lawn is a Discord server for the Plants vs. Zombies Wiki, in collaboration with the r/PlantsVSZombies, r/PvZGardenWarfare, and r/PlantsvsZombies3Co subreddits. It is the place to talk about Plants vs. Zombies-related content as well as anything in general.


The server was founded by PrimitivePotatoMine, and is currently owned by DreamyImpy and Drek'TharSuperSword. As of May 18, 2022, the server is partnered with Discord.

The server can be accessed by either clicking on the "Join Now" button on the sidebar, or using this invite link:

PSA: certain restrictions have been put in place due to recent raids. Full information can be read at this section.


If you're new to Discord, you can get started by downloading the official Discord client from here:

Once you've installed Discord on your computer, click the giant + symbol on the left menu, then click "Join a Server" and paste the invite link.

After that, you should read the rules first, then react with the heart emoji in the #access-to-the-server channel. You should see the other channels are now accessible. If it doesn't work, you can contact any of the Discord staff via DM to help you.


  1. No offensive language and behavior. Our server is not a toxicity/hate breeding ground. Don't be homophobic/transphobic, hateful towards any group, use slurs or derogatory terms, insult users, or anything of that like. We'd like to keep a friendly environment here.
  2. No NSFW content. Do not post NSFW/NSFL images, gifs or any other kind of media that contains sexual, violent or similar acts. Overly suggestive messages, media, memes and nicknames are also prohibited.
  3. No piracy and illegal content. If you like someone's work, support them by legally purchasing it.
  4. No minimodding. It's highly discouraged to try to take the position of a moderator as a normal user. This will not make us see you as moderator material, and it is not your job. It's also just plain rude to the staff. If you have any issues with other members, please contact one of the staff instead.
  5. No drama. No trashtalking or any other attempts to cause drama. If something controversial happens, keep it to constructive talk. Insults or any similar things will not be tolerated.
  6. Keep circlejerking to a minimum. We want this server to be readable and not a mess, so avoid starting or being part of these kinds of conversations. While joke conversations are still allowed in any channel, please refrain from just saying immature, obnoxious and repetitive jokes outside of the #mem-es channel. Breaking this rule multiple times may lead to mutes, slower verifications (and removal of them in extreme cases) and even bans, if it's a hopeless case.
  7. No advertising of other Discord servers outside of the advertising channel or without approval from the staff team. This includes advertising through DMs. To be able to post in #advertising, you need to be verified first.
  8. No making loud noises (e.g. mic blowing or screaming loudly) in voice chat. This can cause discomfort to the people who use voice chats, and violation of this rule may result in a voice chat mute.
  9. Sensitive topics. Sensitive topics should only be discussed in #serious-chat. This channel requires you to have the "Snow Pea" (verified) role first before you can access it, to minimize new members abusing it. Spreading misinformation, conspiracy theories, and/or content that make fun of tragic events (including memes that revolve around them) are strictly prohibited and may result in a ban. This is not censorship; such contents promote toxicity, can endanger the safety of yourself and other people, and are disrespectful towards those who may be affected by the situation.
  10. Common sense. No spam or anything related to that matter. Alts are banned, so are any kind of loopholes. Long story short, if you think something's wrong, it probably is. Please adhere to Discord's terms of service and community guidelines.
  11. The moderator team reserves the right to remove content at their own discretion if necessary.
  12. As this is a partnered server, you are required to follow the Discord Partnership Code of Conduct, Terms of Service, and Community Guidelines.


Access to the server

  • #access-to-the-server: This is the channel you'll see when you first join the server. Read the rules and react with the heart emoji to access the rest of the channels.

Important info

  • #rules-and-intro: Contains the rules and basic information about the wiki.
  • #server-info: Contains some brief information for the list of Discord staff, roles, and channels.
  • #server-announcements: Announcements about the server will be posted here.
  • #pvz-announcements: Contains announcements related to the game, as well as news, upcoming content, soft launch downloads, and sales.
  • #pvz2c-info-faq: Contains announcements related to the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2.
  • #roles: React in this channel to get the roles of your choice.


  • #show-times: Information for upcoming movie nights events.
  • #boost-rewards: Get custom colored roles and your own emoji or stickers (when slots are available) here after boosting the server.
  • #public-spectacle: Chat for ongoing events.


  • #general: Talk about anything here, as long as it doesn't violate the rules. You should use other channels when appropriate (e.g. #pvz-chat for the tower defense games, or #other-games to talk about other games). Memes, copypastas, and shitposting should go to #mem-es.
    • Other Languages: For non-English discussions.
  • #serious-chat: Discussions for sensitive topics and events. You need the verified (Snow Pea) role first to be able to view and talk in this channel.
  • #art-channel: Post your art here. No low-effort content allowed.
  • #other-games: Discussions for non-PvZ games.
  • #server-wiki-sub-feedback: Suggest improvements to the server, wiki, or the associated subreddits here.

Plants vs. Zombies

Media & other

  • #mem-es: Memes, copypastas, and shitposting go here. No memes in #general, please.
  • #advertising: Advertise your content here. To prevent abuse, you need to have the verified (Snow Pea) role to be able to send messages here.
  • #counting: Counting game powered by Pepe Bot. No cheating.
  • #bot-spam: For bot commands and spamming in general. Inappropriate content and advertising are prohibited.


  • #voice: If you don't have a mic, talk here.
  • General: General-purpose voice chat for pretty much anything.
  • General (384kbps): Maximum quality voice chat if you're an audiophile and want an overkill audio quality. You're basically just going to waste your bandwidth here.
  • GW/BfN: For team chat in the shooter games.
  • Music #1 - Bots Only: For use with the music bots.
  • Music #2 - Users Only: Use this if you want to share what you're listening to.

Stats for nerds

The bitrates for each voice channel. Use this as a reference if your Internet connection struggles while trying to connect to the voice chat or you have a capped Internet.

  • General: 96kbps. This is a trade-off between efficiency and audio quality.
  • General (384kbps): 384kbps (duh). This is the highest possible bitrate for partnered servers or servers with level 3 server boost. Because Discord uses the Opus audio codec, which is about twice as efficient as MP3, this is extremely overkill outside of streaming in surround sound, which isn't possible within Discord.
  • GW/BfN: 48kbps. You're most likely only going to be using it for team chat anyway.
  • Music (both channels): 128kbps. Opus is almost indistinguishable from the original audio at this point, so this is the optimal bitrate for music.

How to get verified

The verification role is given out manually after a review by the staff members. In order to get it, you need to become active, behave well, and keep discussions in their appropriate channel. Do not beg for the role as it will reduce your chances of getting it. Also, no memes in #general. This is to help keep the channel clean and usable.

Cutoff Point Information

Due to a raid on the server that took place on 9/29/2022, new users will be unable to post images in any channel. Users who were in the server before this cutoff point will have a cutoff point role that allows them to still post images. However, new users can obtain permission to post images anywhere by being verified.

This restriction will be lifted once the raids cool down.


See Plants vs. Zombies Wiki:Staff.


Is this the official Plants vs. Zombies server?

No, and none of the owners and admins in the server work for PopCap or EA, for that matter. However, it is the official server for this wiki and the associated subreddits.

I can't access the other channels, even after reacting with the heart emoji

This means that the bot we use to assign the member role is currently offline or broken. You can contact an online admin or owner to get this resolved.

How do I receive a role in this server?

Just react to the message in the #roles channel with the appropriate emoji.

I can't upload images in #general

You need to have the verified (Snow Pea) role first. This is to help reduce the amount of people who post memes in that channel, which would easily clutter the channel. Behave well and be active in order to get it.

Update: Due to the raid on 9/29/22, users who joined after the cutoff point will be unable to post images in any channel. This restriction will be lifted once the raids have cooled down. New users who have the Snow Pea role, however, will still be able to post images.

I can't find anyone who's willing to play with me. This server sucks!

LFG has never been a strong point of our server. If you'd like to play with other people, then try another server that's also part of the PvZ community collab, such as Zombopolis for GW or BfN, The Hero Pantheon for PvZ Heroes, or Sunflower Nation for PvZ2 Arena, which can be accessed via the #info channel of the PvZ community collab category. Do note that these servers are ran independently and thus may have different moderation and views.

What events do you have?

We currently have Movie Nights, which is an event where we watch movies together in the Movie Time voice channel hosted by AWikiBoy521 every other Saturday and Sunday.

Can we discuss leaks and upcoming content?

Absolutely, but please keep it in their respective channels.

I'm having issues with a user on the server

Contact an active server admin or owner, and we'll try to address it.

Can I apply for server admin? If so, how?

Currently, the server admin applications are closed. We will announce this whenever we feel we need more admins to moderate the server. When this happens, you can fill in the application form, and we'll choose a candidate that's deemed fit for the job.

I was banned from the server. How do I appeal it?

You can contact any of the server staff via Discord DM, message wall, or Reddit DM.