Pyramid of Terror - Day 8/Elite

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Pyramid of Terror - Day 8 was the eighth level of the Elite version of Pyramid of Terror in the Adventure Mode of Plants vs. Zombies Online.


  • If the player has upgraded their plants, this level should not be a problem, much like the previous levels.


Camel ZombieO.png

Camel Zombie x3

Health: 7290
Fighting Power: 901
First Strike: --
Attack: Deals damage to target.
Skill: The zombie uses their bandage whirlwind to attack, posing a threat to enemies in front of them.
Leader Skill: [Primary militantness high]

Ra Zombie2.png

Ra Zombie x1

Health: 7290
Fighting Power: 901
First Strike: --
Attack: Deals damage to target.
Skill: Extracts sun from plants, causing damage to all units on the front row, will not use skills if there are no targets to attack.
Leader Skill: [Primary militantness high]

Buckethead Mummy2.png

Buckethead Mummy x1

Health: 8748
Fighting Power: 909
First Strike: --
Special: [Low-level defense]
Attack: Deals damage to target.
Skill: The zombie uses their bandage whirlwind to attack, posing a threat to enemies in front of them.
Leader Skill: [Primary militantness high]
