Stealth Imp

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Skeleton Zombie PvZ3 portrait.png
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HD Imp Worker Wrench.png
They can be tough nuts to crack.
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Plants won't attack Stealth Imp while sneaking...
Force Stealth Imp out of hiding by making it attack!

in-game tutorial

Stealth Imp is the fourth unique zombie encountered in Begonia Boulevard in Plants vs. Zombies 3. His stealth goggles makes him invisible, allowing him to sneak around the lawn while avoid being attacked by the plants, but when he takes the goggles off to eat a plant, he becomes vulnerable to plant attacks.


Impfiltrator PvZ3 portrait.png

Stealth Imp's design is likely based off the unused Impfiltrator from the Pre-Alpha version of Plants vs. Zombies 3, as both imps have stealth goggles in their design.





  • Ability-wise, Stealth Imp is very similar to Bandit Zombie from Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 as they both have an ability to go invisible, allowing them to avoid being attacked by the plants and Plantern can be used to reveal both zombies, rendering then vulnerable to attacks.
    • The difference between them is Stealth Imp is already invisible when he enters the lawn but becomes vulnerable when eating a plant. In contrast, Bandit Zombie requires to walk to the first tile in order to use his invisibility but Plantern is the only way to to render him vulnerable to attacks.
      • Another difference is Stealth Imp is only invisible to the plants as the players can still see him. Bandit Zombie however is invisible to both the plants and the players.