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Are you sure the chocolate makes the plants drop coins faster? Sohzq 13:38, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

Very. If they are happy and you give it to them (it's like watering them, except you select chocolate), they start dancing...twice? fast and drop coins much faster. It's most apparent if you do it immediately after you make them happy. That's when they drop coins the fastest, chocolate or not (of course it's slower than if you have chocolate, but you know what I mean)--RandomguY 18:24, December 26, 2009 (UTC)

I can confirm that 10 is not the limit. Eford107 11:23, July 29, 2010(UTC)

Really? Then how come I got 10 in a couple of days after unlocking the Zen Garden and didn't get a single other in two months except for when I used one? --Swampertrox 00:13, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Guess I was mistaken, it was just that after using a chocolate I still had 10. Must have been a bug. Eford107 10:14, August 1, 2010(UTC)

10 is not the limit

I can confirm (though without a screenshot) that 10 is not the limit, as I clearly remember that I had 11 pieces of chocolate once. Anticitizen101 11:55, September 1, 2010 (UTC)

Additional confirmation is needed. It may be possible to get more through bugs, but this needs to be confirmed. --Swampertrox 13:10, September 1, 2010 (UTC)


If you have 9 chocolates and wait for 2 chocolates to appear click on them both and u will get 11! I've done it in Survival:Endless. 22:39, September 2, 2011 (UTC)

I have got chocolate in i, zombie endless streak 7

When you use chocolate to increase a plants productivity does it only effect one plant? Also how long does it boosts the plants productivity?

Winter Melon1.png
only one plant also i think it  fasten's them for for 5 minute's