Talk:Limbo Page/@comment-20879047-20161202064328

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Someone456 edited away the correct cheat engine metthod to get to the limbo page.  It works on all versions of PVZ1.  So here it is in comment form!

1) Load up the game and load Cheat Engine as normal with the popcapgame1.exe adress.

2) Click the "Memory View" button near the bottom left.  Its above any active adresses.

3) In the "Memory Viewer" window that pops up; Click the drop down menu "Search" at the top left.

4) Click "Find Assembly Code" In the window that pops up copy and paste theses numbers "88 58 64"

-These numbers will be the same in all versions.  They are the bytes of the adress we need to find.

5) Click "Search" Multiples line will be found and it is one of these that must be edited. You will need to find which line is for your game version.  Trial and error is the only method.  You may have to repeat the next steps until you find the correct adress.  For my version 00431CE0 is the correct line.

6) Double-Click a line from the search results and in the "Memory Viewer" Window that line will now be highlighted.

7) From the "Memory Viewer" Right-Click the highlighted line and Click "Replace with code that does nothing"

8) Switch to the game and see if the limbo page is acessable from Minigames area.  If not Go back the part 6) and try anouther line.  Enjoy playing.