Talk:Neon Mixtape Tour - Day 32/@comment-34954846-20180914095626

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(I rewrote this for technical reasons.) After lots of research, this Zombot becomes easy to manage. In fact, each phase strategy can be divided into Aggro, Tempo, and Control, just like a PvZ Heroes deck.

Aggro: Ignore most Zombies and go for the boss. Tempo: Even out the board and build up defenses while managing the zombies. Usually the strategy for most of the other bosses. Control: Prioritize the environmental factors. Remove speakers and zombies as fast as possible but still maintain control over the boss.

Plant Roles: Phat Beet = Removes speakers and crowd controls. Very useful early on. Garlic = Protects Phat Beets and draws away attention from important lanes. Plant Food could sometimes save your life. Spore-Shroom = Very spammable Plant that can use to take zombies out early and fill the field with fighters. Cactus = Thanks to its piercing ability you don’t need to worry about huge hordes of frail zombies. Can be used as an emergency plant. Stunion = Temporarily protects a Plant from a Zombie. Synergizes well with Celery Stalker. Celery Stalker = Used for taking out Glitter Zombies and zombies close to home.

Phase 1: Your main priority is to take control at an early state. Since Punk Zombies combined with speakers will probably keep your board with just a small number of Plants at all times, you really need to take control. Use Phat Beets in adjacent lanes to take out Punk Zombies without casualties. Celery Stalker confronts those that are too close for comfort. Garlic should see the most usage time here because if your Phat Beets are endangered by non-Punk Zombies, then it’s probably important to move them out of the way.

Phase 2: Tempo seems to be the right strategy here. When you think about it, swarming the field with Glitter Zombies that can literally run over plants is considered control. So evening out the board with Phat Beets and Cactus are priorities here. Celery Stalkers do get them from behind, but that god darn rainbow trail will annoy you. Just try to position it and you can get rid of the rollerskaters. If all else fails, stall for time with Garlic’s Plant Food and Stunion and wait for the speakers to do their thing.

Phase 3: Definitely would want to go control here. I noticed that the boss spawns more speakers in this phase. Basically, this phase is 1.5x the chaos of Phase 1. Simply remove the speakers and multitask with the Phat Beets. Positioning is key here. And you DEFINITELY do not want any extra speakers for the next two phases...

Phase 4: Aggro comes into play. This phase is dangerous. If you wait too long the machines will constantly clog the lanes with 8-bit Zombies. Any speakers will not take out the machines. If they’re still operational and they swarm you, you could very easily lose. Finish it quickly. This is important. Throw everything you have at them. Any extra firepower will help stop the arcade madness.

Phase 5: Aggro again. Anything you have left from Phase 4 should play a huge part in Phase 5. The Gargantuars are only distractions. They’re not very dangerous. For the love of God do NOT destroy the speakers here. They will save your life. Prioritize the boss. Again if you wait too long the Gargantuars will overwhelm your defenses. Stunion and Celery Stalker could destroy a few of them, but as always put the boss first. Any empty lanes without active speakers? Plant your offensives there.

If you did this all correctly, you should win. Your winrate is higher. And overall, you just beat the Zombot once again.