Talk:Plants vs. Zombies 2/@comment-34190692-20180123070842/@comment-31691673-20180206021941

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My list of good plants:

Gold Bloom, Dusk Lobber, Moonflower, Electric Peashooter, Hurrikale, Cold Snapdragon, Grapeshot, Shadow-Shroom, Primal Potato Mine, Primal Wall-Nut, Thyme Warp (Meh), Caulipower, Gold Leaf, A.K.E.E., Cactus (Meh), Bowling Blubs, Sun Bean, Tile Turnip, Citron, E.M. Peach, Imitator, Pea Pod, Winter Melon, Spikerock, Bloomerang, Power Lily. Edit: Add Lightning Reed to this list.

That is basically it.