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(Sarcasm) I didn't realize that during the beta they were trying to make Rose into an Assault/Sniper/Support character.

(Serious) WTF are the devs thinking, they almost had Rose balanced during the beta, but someone decided to increased her damage by ~40%, more than doubled her projectile's hit box, and dramatically(probably more than double) her projectile's speed. So now she can take on(and easily beat) snipers, SuperBrainz(if you time your attacks/abilities well you can easily beat a SuperBrainz who gets the drop on you at close range), and groups of zombies.

Rose is completely OP and many plant teams have 6+ players playing her during the match due to how overpowered she and ALL of her varients are.

It's rediculous, unless the enemy team is bad or if your team has 1-2 pro players your team doesn't stand a chance against a plant team composed of mostly Roses.