Template:A Brief Guide to the Tracks Theory Version 3.0/English/Part 1 to 4

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1. About Tracks Theory

1.1. Who Am I?

The Tracks Theory is a commonly used communicating language and tool for studying used by the PvZ Bar when conducting an in-depth research of Survival: Endless in Plants vs. Zombies.

The phrase "tracks" was inspired by "video track" and "soundtrack" from video editing tools.

Just like producing a video, in each game, different plants serve different roles sequencially according to the time and defeat zombies cooperatively. This is what Tracks Theory aims to recount.

Tracks and Tracks Theory provided an "in-depth gaming communication language" which allows more convenient communication and teaching of game skills and content. It is also an open tool to instruct players on Endless skills such that the strategies can be simplified and everyone can find joy in playing this mode.

1.2. Where Am I From?

Tracks was born with the goal of simplifying the strategies of Endless mode.

Since the autumn of 2009 to the start of 2011, the great problems of "Endlessly Survivable Builds in All Maps" and "Most Cob Cannons in Survival: Pool (Endless)" had been solved in the studies in PvZ Bar. New studies and builds emerged as if blooming flowers during springtime. As a perfectionistic Bar Owner, I can feel the embarrassment caused by the difficulty of explaining builds between players. Therefore, the idea of creating a lingua franca for communications of Endless strategies like what Qin Shi Huang did came to my mind.

Does there exist a language that can record or describe all abstract managements of all builds standardly such that players can convey their meanings?

After six years of hard work by the most ingenious generations of players, it seems that the answer is "yes". That's why you are reading this very post right now, right here.

1.3. Where Am I Going?

Another question needs to be asked before discussing that. What are we actually playing for when we play Endless mode?

To survive? Endlessly?

This problem had been fricking solved by the beta testers. Eight Cob Cannons, fire two shots every nine seconds. Now get out, next question.

Flex before others by surviving long enough?

Please learn how to use a search engine and wait for at least several hundred players sharing their experience from six to seven years ago. You better abandon that stupid thought. Yes, I'm talking to you.

For readers that still haven't clicked the "close window" button, I hereby as the author propose my own thoughts, hope that we share a common belief.

1. Interested in the game itself. Eager to know how the game could be played and what possible methods exist.

2. Enjoys the beauty of Endless mode itself and wants to design a spectacular build.

3. As a challenge for oneself. To achieve a goal that no one has ever reached before.

4. Wants to know and learn about the Endless Build Culture of PvZ Bar.

Track is a way to fulfill the eagerness of gaming and even the want deep in one's ego for a user. When using this set of language and tools, you will be touched and feel the sense of achievement when solving a problem in Endless mode.

2. PvZ in Tracks

2.1. What Is Survival (Endless)

In a broad sense, Survival (Endless) means the mode itself. What about in a narrow sense? In the Tracks Theory, it refers to the process of the player controlling Plants to combat with Zombies between each plant picking section.

Every Survival (Endless) in a narrow sense, means the defense battle of brain from 20 waves of any type of Zombies.

Survival (Endless) is basically Plants beating up Zombies.

2.2. What Is Survival (Endless)

Survival (Endless) is basically Plants beating up Zombies.

How to show the placement of Plants? That's a "build": Four columns of Tall-nuts at the front, followed by five columns of Gatling Pea. Now just wait for the Zombies.

How to show what you did during that? When to do what, that's "management": Zombies incoming! Blast them with Cob Cannon! They're not dead! Cherry Bomb and Jalapeno! Still not dead! Press menu! (Wait, what?)

Congratulations, using the above management, you managed to defeat 20 flags of Zombies. Now choose your plants and start from wave 1 again.

Survival (Endless) is basically Plants beating up Zombies, endlessly.

2.3. What Is Survival (Endless)

Survival (Endless) is basically Plants beating up Zombies, endlessly.

After multiple playthroughs, if you managed to survive of course, you should be able to tell that Zombies follow a pattern when spawning. And there you see the new light in strategy-making:

First, most managements are repeated. Two Cob Cannon shots on the spot where the most Zombies are spawned at, repeat for twenty waves.

Second, There is a pattern in repeated managements. This is called a "cycle". For example, the management of firing two shots from eight Cob Cannons every nine seconds and repeat for the following four waves. When the fifth wave has come, you will see that the two Cob Cannons that you fired at the first wave have finished reloading.

Managements in a cycle are collectively called "tempo".

Survival (Endless) is basically Plants beating up Zombies, endlessly. Repeating the cycle of build management and Plant selection.

2.4. Build + Cycle + Management = Track

Track is the explanation of a build. Put it simply, it's "this is how I captured your heart by wearing lolita and stockings as a man"... wait... sorry it's the notebook of Taizong... let me start again...

Track is the explanation of a build. The concentrated record of certain managements in a certain cycle of a certain build in an endless survival.

By the content, track is a language on paper.

By the form, track is a standardized tool.

2.5. Track Language

Track language is the record of managements. Managements of a build are divided into several "tracks". A management committed by the player is recorded on the respective track, time and position with track language. If the player uses a Cob Cannon, note "Cannon". If Ice-shroom is used, note "Ice". If he paid respect, note "F". Just kidding.

2.5.1. Management Language

The management language represents the usage of Cannon/Plants in a build or seed selection.

P: Cob Cannon (the first letter of "pào", pinyin of "炮",which is Chinese of "cannon")

N: Doom-shroom (N for "nuclear")

I: Ice-shroom

A: Cherry Bomb, Jalapeno and Squash (A for "ash")

C: Cannon fodders

Capital letters represent general managements while small letters represent special managements (will be explained later).

2.5.2. Computation Value

Each track language has a corresponding computation value.

What is a computation value? It is an abstract mathematical concept emerged from the Zombie spawning pattern. It allows us to construct a cause-and-effect relation between the player's managements and the spawning of zombies.

If a management of instant-kill plants affects 4 or more rows of Zombies, the next wave of Zombies will spawn. That's how the game is programmed so.

2.5.3. Basic Formulas of Tracks Theory

Consider the computation value of the most common management of instant-kill plant as 1 (the use of Cob Cannon naturally). Since a shot of Cob Cannon can at most cover a range of 3 rows, a formula can be deducted easily:

Every two computation value, a wave of zombies will spawn.

The computation value here not only includes the computation value of managements, but also the natural constant damage dealt by Plants, noted as "IO".

This formula is used to check if a build deals enough damage or not.

2.5.4. Computation Values of Different Management Languages

The following list contains the computation values of different managements of Plants:

P = 1

N = 2 (when covers 3 or more rows), 1 (when used on the top or bottom row)

I = 0

A = 1 (as for Jalapeno and Squash, treat as 1 if they are used to spawn zombies, otherwise treat as 0)

C = 0

Extra: Tracks descriptions of non-manual managements yet objectively affects the spawning of Zombies

1. When the other Plants in a build have dealt a significant amount of damage that new Zombies are spawned, it will be noted as natural damage ("IO") which has a computation value of 1.

2. Some combinations of Zombies are so week that new Zombies spawn when the computation value reaches 1. This is noted as static unilateral accelerated output ("+1S") with a computation value of 1.

2.6. Track Tools

Track tools is made up of two parts. One is the standard format of track language, and the other is the clarification of parameters in tracks. The former states the time, the placement and the event taken place while the latter records how it happened.

Note: As a tool, it has been upgraded multiple times after the enhancements and detailization of Endless mode studies. The track tool introduced in this part will only apply on early Endless builds, and more elements will be added as we continue down this text.

2.6.1. Track

A track is where the track language is written in. You may refer to the example. The rows (track) record the management of plants while the columns (timeline) record the timing of managements.

The earliest tracks are "effect tracks" which are used to categorize managements of different plants, being the followings:

MA: Main Cannon Track, records the managements of Cob Cannons.

MB: Symmetrical Cannon Track, records the managements of the Cob Cannon that happened at the same time but with a symmetrical landing point with MA. For example, the Classic 8 Cob build. One pair of Cob Cannons is fired every shot every nine seconds. The management of one Cannon will be recorded on MA while the other will be recorded on MB.

PT: Acceleration Card Track, records the addition managements of A and N.

MT: Deceleration Card Track, records the subtraction managements of I.

CT: Cannon Fodder Track, records the cannon-fodding managements of C.

2.6.2. Form

Form is the format of tracks. The most basic format must at least include the build's name, parameter and timeline.

Name: Build's name. Self-explanatory. The name is given by the original designer of it. When members or the management team of the PvZ Bar refers to your build, the given name will be used when available.

Parameter: Tempo parameter, the most concentrated summary of all management languages. The soul of track is the digging and summation of tempo, which is what 75% of this post is about. We will list all "standard classics" tempos in this guide and propose suggestions on standardization of naming of new tempos. Note that only come up with new naming rules when there's none suitable.

Timeline: The corresponding time when recording management languages. It is also the frame of reference for timing of managements.

2.7. Standard Format When Writing Tracks

Combining the content and the format, it makes up the writing format of the entire track of a build.

There are normally two ways of writing a track. Take the tempo of "within a 54 seconds long cycle, 3 pairs of Cob Cannons are fired, 2 Ice-shrooms and 1 Doom-shroom are used" as an example.

2.7.1. Simplified Form

Separates each management with a vertical line. The pro is that it's easy to understand, the con is that no new players fricking understand.

e.g.: C6u-54s:P|I|P|I|P|N

2.7.2. Expanded Form

Multi-dimensional writing format which strictly follows the original rules of expanded form in the first version of tracks theory. Managements are in their corresponding tracks. The pro is that it's extremely clear, the con is that the new players can't fricking understand even more things.

God 4 Cob Track Example.png

3. Theorists' PvZ

The first step of learning the theory is to study the world with the weapons one has.

Or in this case, in the game, it's to express complicated builds, cycles and managements using tracks terms that are as simple as possible through redefining, categorizing and expanding of concepts and theories. With a new way of thinking, a brand new world of Plants vs. Zombies is started.

3.1. Track Accuracy

Accuracy here means the allowed errors of a management of a track.

Accuracy is the first aspect that is discussed in an Endless build. It is also the first standard of categorizing builds. Different builds' tracks with different accuracies have totally different origins, standards and applications.

Categorizing different builds by their difference in management accuracy is the first and foremost criterion for the tracks theory to include all the different Endless builds.

For any build whose managements can be repeated in a cycle, its accuracy can be roughly categorized as follow:

A. No Requirement Build. For eminently easy-to-use builds like Rush 3 Cob and Classic 4 Cob, just aim the Cob Cannon to wherever that has the most Zombies. For builds with managements that do not have a precision requirement within one second, they can be viewed as not having requirements in accuracy.

B. With Requirement Build. Including any kind of 12 Cob builds. Under the tempo of P6, two shots must be launched every 6 seconds and there is no window for any errors. A huge crisis can immediately arise even being one second late. Such builds are considered to have a certain degree of requirement in accuracy.

C. High Requirement Build. Including any kind of Extreme Cob Cannon builds, like 24 Cob, 20 Cob etc. All managements are connected and one can be screwed even being one frame late in management. Such builds are considered to have an extremely high requirement in accuracy.

As you can see, category C is a much more hardcore version of category B. Tempos of category A are often referred to as Imprecise Tempos while those of B and C are referred to as Precise Tempo. The tempos of category C are independent referred to as Extreme Tempo.

What corresponds to Imprecise and Precise Tempos are the two systems of tempos. Waving System which does not care much about accuracy and Precise System where accuracy matters a lot.

It is easy to differentiate the two systems, you just need to find a random build in PvZ Bar and try it out yourself. If you fail immediately it's probably not a Waving System lmao.

3.2. Categorizing Builds

Depending on different principles of categorizing builds, there are two common categorizing standards in the tracks theory, being:

3.2.1. Categorizing Builds According to Accuracy in Managements

No matter which tempo system a build belongs to, depending on the required accuracy of the specific type of managements, they can be recategorized under a different standard.

The meaning of this recategorization is to decide the first letter of the management parameters in a "form".

Type P: Accuracy Required in Usage of Cob Cannons, or simply Cob Builds. The time taken by a cycle is usually corrected to 36 seconds. In Precise Tempo, it can be corrected to 34.75 seconds.

Type C: Accuracy Required in Usage of Cards, or simply Card Builds. The time taken by a cycle is corrected to 50 seconds, it can be corrected to 54 seconds in certain Precise Tempos after taking the cooldown of Cob Cannons into consideration.

Other than the two main types, Type P and C, there is also Type T meaning Accuracy Required in Timing and Type D meaning Accuracy Required in Distance Control in tracks theory. Due to the complexity and randomness of their functioning principles, they will be explained later in the post.

3.2.2. Categorizing According to Number of Cob Cannons

This method of categorizing has no systematic backing. It is just a traditional way of categorizing build. Not like it hurts to know some common knowledge.

Cobless (build): Rather obviously, it means the build has no Cob Cannons. I can't really argue with you if you bring Cob Cannon in your seed selection and shovelled it before starting the round.

Pauci-cob (build): Builds with four or fewer Cob Cannons.

Free Cob (build): Builds with any number of Cob Cannons between four and twelve.

Super-multi-cob (build): Builds with twelve or more Cob Cannons.

Just categorize it however you like if the build has exactly four or twelve Cob Cannons, just make the number clear. Tracks is some old stuff anyway and it's not that precise anyway. (Hold up, this categorization is what the creator of tracks theory suggested right? Eh, he won't admit this anyway.)

3.3. Parameter of Basic Tempo

The number after C or P is the parameter of basic tempo. In different tempos, the parameter has different meanings.

In Imprecise Tempo where management accuracy does not matter much, parameter refers to the number of (symmetrical) managements in a cycle.

For example, in Traditional Full-Pool Cobless, the normal management is "one card usage per wave of zombies". Therefore, 3 or 4 cards are used in the seed packet slots, corresponding to the tempo C3 or C4. However, when the zombies in a game are very weak, with strong plants, 7 to 8 waves of zombies can spawn within 50 seconds. Such situation is noted as C7 or C8.

About symmetrical managements: It is commonly agreed that there are 4 managements in a cycle for an 8 Cob build and uses two Cob Cannon shots in each management. Such symmetrical management of Cob Cannon is noted as "1", which is more intuitive to the look of the build.

Then what about in Precise Tempo where management accuracy matters a lot? In this case, the parameter refers to the timing of managements. For example, the tempo that c6u-54s records is "type C management that has 6 managements in 54 seconds".

Management timing is a general description of a series of logically related managements conducted by the player within a short period of time. For example, for a wave of newly-spawned zombies, the player may fire a Cob Cannon shot while using an Ice-shroom to blow up fast zombies and stall slow zombies. These two managements may not come to effect at the exact same time, but have the same purpose. Therefore they are treated as occupying the same management timing.

About the "u" you see behind the number, it is a suffix for old tempos. In the early days, all the basic tempos are iso-chronological tempos. P4 must be one shot every 9 seconds and P5 must be one shot every 7 seconds. As tracks theory develops, many non-iso-chronological tempos were made. The suffix "u" is used to differentiate the old tempos from the new tempos.

3.4. Examples of Basic Rhythms

Type C

C2 to C8: Within a type C cycle, commit 2 to 8 basic operations involving the use of seed packets. The exact operations don't matter. C3 can mean using two Ice-shrooms and one Doom-shroom, but can also be using all three Doom-shrooms that you previously saved up.

Type P

P2 to P8: Within a type P cycle, commit 2 to 6 basic operations of Cob Cannons. How you use them doesn't matter.

3.5. Basic Tempo Naming Methods

Imprecise Tempo

[Main temo] - [(Number of additional managements) 1st main additional management]/ [(Number of additional managements) 2nd main additional management]/[……]

Example: C3-3P: In a C3 tempo, use 3 Cob Cannons however you like. This is the tempo of Rush 3 Cob.

Precise Tempo (whenever you see things like "Cxu" it's definitely Precise Tempo)

[Main tempo] - Cycle time

Example: c6u-54s: A 4 Cob varied tempo with a tempo of 54 seconds which uses 3 pairs of Cob Cannons, one Doom-shroom and two Ice-shrooms (or two Ice-shrooms and one Doom-shroom)

Double-Ice Varied Tempo Model

They all have their own names, just memorise them (things like "chx" and "chxu" all belong to this category).

For more Double-Ice Varied Tempos, they can be found in Ch. 4 Section 8 of this post.

Example: c2f: A 4 Cob Double-Ice Varied Tempo Model which maximizes the gain from Ice-shroom managements with a cycle of 42 seconds.

Super-multi-cob Tempo

There's no such thing. At this point, they are named in the format of "build name + tempo". Due to the limitation of the lawn, the managements of a Super-multip-cob build is basically "how to protect your Cob Cannons".

Example: 24 Cob P6 Tempo, 24 Cob ch6 Tempo, 24 Cob P6 (ICE2-PD) Tempo

At this point, the basic structure of Tracks theory has been built. Now, we can open the game.

4. Practitioners' PvZ

Hello everyone, after experiencing the boring "necessary construction of tracks", we are back to the PvZ of 99.9999% of the players, which is the realm of common sense.

Here, we have Classic 3 Cob which lasts 9 seconds per cycle, fire shots 6 seconds after the zombies are spawned, pretty reliable. Yes, this is the common sense in the traditional world Survival: Endless. In actuality, there are many ways to use P4, like Split 8 Cob, which spawns two waves of zombies, is a very edgy way of playing. Though I believe you would prefer this P4 with constant firing speed more.

Yes, all of these, are the most "meta" of all game knowledge found by the players from the Bar who came before you.

4.1. Revision of Zombie Spawning

Before listing more builds and tempos, we have to revise a little.

Mechanics of Zombie Spawning

20 waves of zombies will spawn after each card selection section. 9 waves at the first flag, 10 waves at the second flag, and 1 final wave.

It can take as fast as 6 seconds for a new wave to spawn, and about 30 seconds at most.

Spawning time is decided by the health of zombies. The longer a wave lasts, the lower it needs for the health of zombies to get to spawn a new wave. After reaching the required health, a new wave of zombies will spawn two seconds later. These 2 seconds are called "Gap of Spawning".

Normally, using Double-Sided Speedup, will always spawn new zombies. Which is to at least fully speed up four rows out of six rows of zombies.

It means, a new wave of zombies will spawn for at least every 2 computation value. It is dangerous to have only 1 computation value.

Upper Limit of Zombie Density

50 for each wave (excluding Backup Dancer and Imps). At least one type among Basic, Conehead and Buckethead will always appear.

High Speed Combo and Low Speed Combo

it is used to describe the combo of zombies for each card selection section.

The basic differentiation standard is the presence of Gargantuars.

Low Speed

Characteristics: Gargantuars present, with few to none weak and fast zombies.

Common example: Football, Pole and Buckethead

High Speed

Characteristics: Gargantuars absent, with only weak and fast zombies.

Common examples: Ladder, Jack, Dancer and Dolphin

Varied Speed

Characteristics: Gargantuars and other tanky zombies only appear on half of the lawn while the other half is filled with weak and fast zombies.

Special examples

Extreme Speed: Zomboni, Jack, Ladder, Dancer and Dolphin. Truly fast and furious.

Garg-less Staller: Zomboni, Jack, Buckethead, Catapult, Football, Pole and Balloon. Unimaginably tanky.

Crispy Noodles: Complete absence of any slow and tanky zombies. Sing-Sided Speedup is enough to cause a new wave to spawn.

4.2. Revision of Common Managements


They are two different types of actions in managements.

If the zombie spawning mechanic is know, then by reading the save/following your feeling, you can know approximately when a new wave of zombies will spawn.

If you predict zombies to spawn at a certain time and use Cob Cannon/Ice-shroom beforehand, that is called a Prediction Bombing/Prediction Ice.

Same rules, if the action is committed after seeing (or hearing) the zombie spawns, they will be called Reaction Bombing/Reaction Ice.


Managements are divided into Acceleration and Deceleration depending on its results.

Acceleration means accelerating zombie spawns. Such managements are called Accelerate Managements. e.g. Cob Cannon, Cherry Bomb and Jalapeno.

Single-Sided Acceleration means using one Cherry Bomb or one Cob Cannon shot to bombard 3 rows of zombies, while Double-Sided means using two of them, covering 4 to 6 rows.

Deceleration means behaviors that slows zombie spawns. They are called Deceleration Managements. e.g. Ice-shroom and cannon fodders.

Varied Tempo/Replacement Tempo

Abstract description of specific management skills.

Varied Tempo: Use Ice-shrooms in a specific pattern to change the tempo of cycles.

Replacement Tempo: Uses plants which belong to Acceleration Managements to replace Cob Cannon.

Cold Transition/Hot Transition

Category which differentiates if the presence of Acceleration.

Cold Transition: Uses Ice-shroom only, without Acceleration.

Hot Transition: When Ice-shroom is used, Acceleration is also present. It might be used to kill certain kind of zombie or to protect a certain plant.

4.3. Classical Tempos under Waving System

Waving System Tempos are the easiest tempos. The corresponding builds are recommended in the pokers too.

Type P builds: P4/P5

P4-IO: Classic 8 Cob. 1 pair of Cobs every 9 seconds, zombies spawn every 9 seconds. Backup Dancers are killed with natural damage from plants.

P5-IO: ME, Moonnight 10 Cob. 1 pair of Cobs every 7 seconds, zombies also spawn every 7 seconds.

Type C builds: C3/C4

C3-IO: Quartz Clock IAI. Ideally one Cob shot every two Ice-shrooms, 3 waves of decelerated zombies every 50 seconds.

C4-IO: Quartz Clock NAII. One wave of zombies every one accelerating cycle, can deal with zombies that are slightly faster.

All basic tempos are Waving Tempos. There shouldn't be any problems even if there is an error of a second. (At the very most you just have to restart if you are unlucky.)

For more information about classical basic tempos, please refer to the first version of Tracks Theory from 2011.

4.4. Three Methods of Depressurization in Waving Tempos

Okay, after finishing talking about classical Waving Tempos, now let's discuss how to spice things up, it can be summed up in one sentence:

No requirement in precision, only depressurization!

Depressurization means decreasing the pressure zombies apply to the plant build with the use of managements. Since in Waving Builds, the managements aren't precise, you can always spare some Cob shots or cards to do this. Therefore, we are discussing it here.

Freezing Depressurization

After a new wave of zombies is spawned, or in other situations, freeze all zombies to slow them down.

Cob builds with Freezing Depressurizations are usually marked with "P-I" or "P-2I", depending on how much you are depressurizing.

For example, the first version of God: 6 Cob in 2009, the managements were basically one Ice-shroom per cycle.

e.g.: Original God: 6 Cob: P3-I (for the one you see in the poker set, please use c4u-36s)

Ash Depressurization

Also called Explosive Depressurization. Use this one here, use that one here, and another one, and another one, and another one, and another one...it's that easy. For example, the Cobs in Suppress 1 Cob are basically fired at the locations with the most Giga-Gargantuars. Gotta love the smell of Cobs and Gargs in the morning.

For Cob Depressurization in Card Builds, it's noted as "C-P".

e.g. Suppress 1 Cob: C3-A/P

For Card Depressurization in Cob Builds, it's noted as "P-C".

e.g. Scatter-Bombing 5 Cob (bring two Doom-shrooms and bombard mindlessly): P3-2N

Fodder Depressurization

Including stalling Gargantuars and killing Zombonis. It is meant to stall Gargantuars so they cannot smash plants and to prevent ice tracks from taking up tiles.

Fodder Depressurization is normally noted as "P-C".

e.g. DE Back-Placed 6 Cob: T3-I/C

e.g. RE Original # 8 Cob (it's only a bit safe even if you bring two Flower Pots): P4-2C

4.5. Classical Tempos under Waving System

Now let's continue introducing the other half of Classical Tempos: Precise Classical Tempos.

These classical tempos can only exist under the Precise System, any sort of mistakes can lead to atrocious aftermaths. But they are still very unique and are necessary to be introduced separately.

Type C builds: Precise C2/Precise C3

Precise C2: FE, Duo-Polar Cobless: IN-IAA. I doesn't cause zombies to spawn. Spawning one wave of zombies every 25 seconds, it is the slowest tempo.

Precise C3: FE, Veggie-Stealing at Foggy Night: N-IN-AAA. Ideally spawning one wave of zombies every 17 seconds, it is the upper limit of using plant cards only.

Type P builds: P6

P6: Classical 12 Cob. One shot every 6 seconds, corresponds to each wave of zombies which spawns once every 6 seconds. Being named the "Natural Tempo Upper Limit", this fastest tempo is flawless, being praised along with its complete opposite, C2.

4.6. Bridge Connecting the Sky and Ground: Precise-Waving Theorem

Precise-Waving Theorem, or Flymom Theorem, is the most important concept extension of Tracks Theory after settling the Model Format of Varied Tempos.

The meaning of it? It is to elaborate the internal connection of different managements across different precision requirements in similar builds.

In the Waving System, in any functioning build, there is a summary of the common solutions in an Imprecise Tempo.

In the Precise System, for the same build, the collection of its solutions in Precise Tempo is also the sub-set of the common solution in Imprecise Tempo.

Take God: 6 Cob we had brought up as an example. It is a special solution of a specific build for Cob builds in Waving System in Pool with 6 Cob Cannons in the water lanes.

God: 6 Cob (Imprecise Tempo): P3-I - This tempo can be applied on most builds for Pool with 6 Cobs on the water lanes

God: 6 Cob (Precise Tempo): c4u-36s - This tempo is a special solution of a specific build of P3-I. It has increased requirement in precision which can protect the new plant layouts.

4.7. Model Format of Varied Tempos and Level of Suppression

After finishing classical tempos, now we will be on to Model Format of Varied Tempos under the Precise System.

By model form, it refers to the model management procedures. Within a cycle of a model form, all managements are absolutely required..

Why is there a model format of Varied Tempos? It is because using Ice-shroom in a pattern strategically can increase the level of suppression of a build.

The level of suppression is the time for a zombie to be dealt with/killed after spawning. There are generally two ways of measuring: 1. How long a zombie is accelerated after spawning; and 2: How long a zombie needs to wait to be accelerated after being decelerated.

For example:

The level of suppression of 12 Cob is 2.18 to 4 seconds(2 seconds for spawning). A zombie will definitely be accelerated within 4 seconds.

The level of ice suppression of ch6 is 10 seconds, meaning zombies are immediately frozen after spawning and are accelerated after 10 seconds.

The reason that ice suppression works better than normal suppression is that Ice-shroom is very good at freezing and slowing, adding up to a total of 20 seconds. There is obvious suppression obvserved on Gargantuars and certain other zombies.

Ice suppression can also buy time, meaning fewer Cob Cannons are required to reach the same effect of the same level of suppression compared to those managements without.

4.7.1. Extensions in Naming of Varied Tempos

Cxu-ts: means a Varied Tempo with "x" managements within a cycle of "t" seconds.

Pxu: Cob-only Varied Tempo. Means a tempo which in a Type-P cycle, "x" Cobs are used.

4.8. Model Format of Double-Ice Varied Tempo

Model Format of Varied Tempo mostly refers to that of Double-Ice Varied Tempos, which are managements which used least two Ice-shrooms in one tempo cycle.

There are 5 classical Model Formats Double-Ice Varied Tempo, collectively known as the 5 Basic Varied Tempos. Since Ice-shrooms can be stored in Day, there are two different expressions for Day and Night respectively.

8 Cob Model Format of Double-Ice Varied Tempo: ch6/ch9

6 Cob Model Format of Double-Ice Varied Tempo: ch5/ch8

4 Cob Model Format of Double-Ice Varied Tempo: ch4/ch7

6 Cob Model Format of Lengthened Double-Ice Varied Tempo: ch5*/ch7*

4 Cob Model Format of Extreme Ice Usage Varied Tempo: c2f/c5u

Additionally, Model Format "c6u" for 4 Cob 3 Gloom build is also a common Model Format of Varied Tempo.

4.9. Differences of Day and Night: Pressurization and Depressurization of Model Format of Double-Ice Varied Tempo

The Double-Ice Varied Tempo is made to standardize precise managements of Ice-shrooms. By comparing the depressurization of Waving Tempo, the managements are made more difficult.

4.9.1. Day Maps

During the Day, since Ice-shrooms can be stored, then under this condition, the player can depressurize with Ice-shrooms more often. Or with other methods.

Of course, normally one cycle would use at most 3 Ice-shrooms. Any more than that don't have space to be stored. That's why historically such tempos were described using the notation of Three-Ice Tempo, "Cxi".

Now they are unitedly defined as:

cxi-ts: In a cycle that lasts "t" seconds long, there are "x" managements and used 3 I's in total.

For Explosive Depressurization and Pressurization in Day maps, please refer to the definition of Cxu-ts. (Pressurization was created to solve the problem of unbalance of computation value and behaviors of zombies. It means to lower the level of depressurization while maintaining the build and complete a cycle using less computation value.)

4.9.2. Night Maps

At night, Model Format of Double-Ice Varied Tempo does not have extra Ice-shrooms to depressurize with them. Therefore, only Ash Depressurization is available.

For example: c5u + A = c6u-54s means to increase the level of suppression of the Acceleration Wave of C5u from one wave, being P5+(6), to two waves, being P6(4|4).

Relative to Depressurization, there are also Pressurization Managements.

For example: ch8 -A = c7u-50s means to decrease the level of suppression of the Acceleration Wave of ch5 from three waves, being P6(4|4|4), to two waves, being P5(5|5).

4.10. From Depressurization to Model Format of Varied Tempos - Flymom Conjecture

Flymom Conjecture refers to the conjecture proposed by Taizong referring to the general direction on how Double-Ice Varied Tempos will evolve, which is the starting point and predecessor of Precise-Waving Theorem.

Quoted from Taizong:

In a Waving Build, the level of pressurization of P3-2I is about the same as ch5, the one of P4-2I is about the same as ch6.

In Precise Builds under specific conditions, ch5 = Precise P3-2I,ch6 = Precise P4-2I,ch4 = Precise P2-2I, like ND 12 Cob.

ND 12 Cob is just P2-2I.

Of course, the others are just conjectures, the theorem works for P2 doesn't mean it will also work for both P3 and P4, just like the Fermat's Theorem (Taizong said "Flymom" is just his typo, but in no way can you even mistype such a word, I conclude that it's the dirty mind of his).

In this way, many things can be standardized in the Waving and Precise System.

To sum it up in one sentence:

Model Format of Varied Tempos are standardized versions of Ice Depressurization Managements in Waving Builds. Like ch6 is a Precise Management in P4-2I.

Another example. What about that c6u-54s brought up before? It's just a Precise Management in P2-2I/N. You can expand the Tracks, and you will find that it's all PIPIPN, only that c6u-54s has an extra ET Track to clarify the precise effect time of every P/I/N Management. That is the truth of Varied Tempos.

Exhibition of of Ancient Builds' Tracks with Taizong:

DE. Front-Placed 6 Cob (Mother of all evils):


God: 6 Cob :


Blassic 4 Cob:



DE. 14 Cob:

P6+——P6u:P|P|P|P|P|P|P. Adjust Cob timings reasonably to suppress Pole Vaulting Zombies.

FE. Backed Cobless

C4-I/N/A——C4IO。I|A|I|N. Usage of cards are clearly directed towards suppressing Jack-in-the-Box Zombies wave by wave.




操作时间轴(operation timeline,简称OT)和效果时间轴(effectiveness timeline,简称ET)的区别,就是选择按照什么方式记录轨道:是“我什么时候操作植物”,还是“我的操作什么时候会生效”。














God 4 Cob Management Track Example.png







P :正常用炮

S :同步炮,应对同一波次僵尸时,与P(接近)同时操作的春哥

B :提前炮,

D :延迟炮





经典八炮: P4:PP|PP|PP|PP(复写)、P|P|P|P(简写)
