Template:Almanac/Steam Doctor Zeng

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蒸汽曾医生 (Steam Doctor Zeng)

TOUGHNESS: Choo choo
SPEED: Here comes the pain train

After 5 freaking years, the British train-like Zengboot has arrived at your service. Hopefully it will be a fun and fair fight like all the other Zengbots (it is not).

Damage: throws burning coals straight into your house because f you
Special: can summon invincible mini trains that destroy and permanently scorch the entire lawn upon reaching the leftmost lane, then summon 45 Foreman Gargantuars, cry about it
It is said that a legendary man bearing the name of MRSKNS had been eagerly waiting for the "steam age BOSS" and drawing thousands of sketches for its design. Today he might have been banbanned from certain social media, but thanks to his valiant efforts, one can say that the legacy of the Zengbot and MRSKNS shall live on.