Template:BfN Upgrades/Kernel Corn

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Perk Cooldown.png
Perk RoleIcon Attack.png
Faster refresh time for all abilities by earning multiple vanquishes rapidly.

Reduces ability cooldown by 5x for 2 seconds (10 seconds total) for earning multiple vanquishes.
Perk Cooldown.png
Refreshing Revive
Faster refresh time for all abilities by reviving an ally.

Reduces ability cooldown by 5x for 2 seconds (10 seconds total) when a teammate is revived.
Perk Health.png
Rough Patch
Spawn with more health after suffering multiple vanquishes in a row.

After dying three times in a row, spawn with the maximum amount of overhealth for the currently used class after respawning or being revived.
Perk Health.png
Low Life
Perk RoleIcon Attack.png
Gain health by earning a vanquish when at low health.

Grants 1.666667 health every 0.2 seconds for 3 seconds (25 total health) upon vanquishing an enemy at 20% HP or lower.
Perk AreaofEffect.png
Butter BeaconBfN.png
Larger area highlighted by Butter Beacon.

Increase size of Butter Beacon by 25%.
Perk Mobility.png
Happy Feet
Shuck ShotBfN.png
Move Faster during Shuck Shot.

Move 50% faster while using Shuck Shot.
Perk Ammo.png
Rapid Recob
Cob Busters gain faster reload.

Decreases Cob Busters' reload time by 75%.
Perk Health.png
Perk RoleIcon Attack.png
Regenerate health when near multiple enemies.

When near one-four enemies within a 10m radius, regenerate 2 HP every 0.2 seconds. Can grant overhealth if no health is lost.
Bug: On zombies, this upgrade only gives 0.2 HP every 0.2 seconds.
Perk Cooldown.png
Critical Blow
Faster refresh time for all abilities by earning a critical vanquish.

Reduces ability cooldown by 5.5 seconds upon critically vanquishing an enemy.
Perk Mobility.png
Buttered Branches
Move faster when aiming.

Move 100% faster when aiming.
Perk Damage.png
Husk HopBfN.png
Deal additional damage by hitting enemy directly with Husk Hop corn kernels.

Husk Hop projectiles can deal 12 direct damage.
Perk Cooldown.png
Butter BeaconBfN.png
Faster refresh time for Butter Beacon by vanquish on highlighted enemy.

Decreases the cooldown time for Butter Beacon by 12 seconds upon vanquishing a highlighted enemy.
Perk Damage.png
Super Spin
Increased rate of fire for short time by earning a vanquish. Upgrade can stack up to three times.

Increases Cob Busters' rate of fire for 10 seconds by vanquishing enemies. Stacks up to 3 times for a fire rate increase of 7%, 14%, and 21% (695.5, 744.18, and 796.27 RPM) respectively. Each stack extends the effect's duration to 10 seconds.
Perk Damage.png
Mob Cobs
Cob Busters pierce through enemies.

Increase Cob Buster ammo by 25%, Shogun Guard ammo by 24% and increases damage by 0.5 after it Pierce's an enemy.
Perk Handling.png
Reaping Leap
Husk HopBfN.png
Larger damage area of Husk Hop.

Increases Husk Hop's projectile spread to -0.1.5 – 0.1.5.
Perk Mobility.png
Move faster, except when sprinting.

Increases walking speed by 12.9032%.
Perk Health.png
Perk RoleIcon Attack.png
Gain health by earning a vanquish.

Grants 1.666667 health every 0.2 seconds for 3 seconds (25 total health) upon vanquishing an enemy hero. Can grant overhealth if no health is lost.
Perk Utility.png
Leveling Up
Earn XP faster.

Increases the amount of XP earned by 10%. Does not affect the XP Machine in Giddy Park.
Perk Handling.png
Ready Up
Perk RoleIcon Attack.png
Use weapons and abilities faster just after sprinting.

Reduces sprint exit delay by 6.67x.
Perk Cooldown.png
Shuck ShotBfN.png
Faster refresh time of Shuck Shot by earning a multi-vanquish with Shuck Shot.

Decreases Shuck Shot's cooldown time by 4 seconds upon dealing damage or 7 seconds upon vanquishing an enemy with it.
Perk SuperPerk.png
Shogun Guard
Perk RoleIcon Hero AssaultCorn.png
Swap primary weapon to alternating dual fire assault cobs with personal shield attachment. Activate shield by aiming.

Stats: (1.) Damage: 11.25; (2.) Rate of fire: 300 RPM; (3.) Shield health: 75; (4.) Shield regeneration delay: 2 seconds; (5.) Shield regeneration delay after destroyed: 5 seconds; (6.) Regeneration rate: 10 HP/s; (7.) Regeneration time to full health: 7.5 seconds