Template:BfN Upgrades/TV Head

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Perk Awareness.png
Channel Blocker Stalker
Commercial BreakBfN.png
Reveal the enemy who destroys your Commercial Break bucket

The spotting effect lasts for 5 seconds.
Perk Cooldown.png
Refreshing Revive
Faster refresh time for all abilities by reviving an ally.

Reduces ability cooldown by 5x for 2 seconds (10 seconds total) when a teammate is revived.
Perk Health.png
Rough Patch
Spawn with more health after suffering multiple vanquishes in a row.

After dying three times in a row, spawn with the maximum amount of overhealth for the currently used class after respawning or being revived.
Perk Mobility.png
Zero Chill
Yeti, Set, GO!BfN.png
Faster movement of Yeti Imp.

Yeti Imp moves faster, with the following modifiers: Forward constant = 1.5x, Backward constant = 2x, Left and right constant = 1.578947x.
Perk Damage.png
Cathode Kaboom
Explode when vanquished.

Upon TV Head's death, cause an explosion at their position with the following stats: Blast damage = 40, Inner blast radius = 4.74999 m, Blast radius = 4.75 m, Shockwave damage = 10, Shockwave radius = 5 m.
Perk Awareness.png
Frost and Found
Yeti, Set, GO!BfN.png
Reveal enemies who are damaged by Yeti Imp.

The spotting effect lasts for 6 seconds.
Perk Health.png
Drop in the Bucket
Commercial BreakBfN.png
Additional health for Commercial Break bucket.

Increases Commercial Break bucket health from 30 to 125 points.
Perk Utility.png
Leveling Up
Earn XP faster.

Increases the amount of XP earned by 10%. Does not affect the XP Machine in Giddy Park.
Perk Health.png
Gain more armor from each nearby ally TV Head, bot, or minion.

Armor per-TV Head is increased from 20, 35, 45, 55, 60 to 30, 50, 60.
Perk Cooldown.png
Critical Blow
Faster refresh time for all abilities by earning a critical vanquish.

Reduces ability cooldown by 5.5 seconds upon critically vanquishing an enemy.
Perk Cooldown.png
Fast Forward
Overheated DinnerBfN.png
Unkind Rewind [sic] refreshes faster after earning a vanquish with Unkind Rewind [sic].

Killing enemies with Overheated Dinner reduces the cooldown of the ability by 6 seconds. This upgrade is currently disabled and cannot be used.
Perk Mobility.png
Move faster, except when sprinting.

Increases walking speed by 12.9032%.
Perk Knockback.png
Big Bite
Stun enemies hit with your Snack Attack.

Using the Snack Attack melee weapon stuns enemies for 0.25 seconds, slows them down by 67%, and slows down AIs by 60%. It also cancels Swoop Slam.
Perk Damage.png
Dinner for Two
Overheated DinnerBfN.png
Throw a volley of two Overheated Dinners.

Increases the ammo count for Overheated Dinner from 1 to 3, with a rate of fire of 60 RPM.
Perk Health.png
No Fail Pail
Gain increased max health by wearing head protection.

TV Head has 25 more health points and the Yeti Imp has 10 more health.