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Left abilities
Potato MineGW2.png
Potato Mine
Potato Mines force Zombies to look down. If a Zombie sets foot on a Potato Mine, it will explode and they will experience the full force of a "SPUDOW!"
Potato Nugget MineGW2.png
Potato Nugget Mine
These little nuggets are small, have a great sense of humor and enjoy sitting around waiting to blow Zombies sky high. While not as damaging as their potato cousins, these little nuggets still pack a spudow!
Pizzazzling Potato MineGW2.png
Potato Mine
Need some more shine in your life? These potatoes love to pizzazle zombies, and will leave a cloud of glitter after a whopping sparkling spudow!
Center abilities
Garlic DroneGW2.png
Garlic Drone
By launching her Garlic Drone companion, she can monitor Zombies from the skies, attack them from the air, and call in devastating Corn Strikes.
Artichoke DroneGW2.png
Artichoke Drone
The Artichoke Drone has a really thick skin. This gives it more health and helps it last longer in a fight. However, it does not have the same firepower as its Garlic counterpart.
Red ArtichokeGW2.png
Red Artichoke
This agile Artichoke shouldn't be messed with. It's as fast as a clam and quick like a cucumber!
Dark Garlic DroneGW2.png
Dark Garlic Drone
The Dark Garlic Drone is infused with mystical dark energy. It has cool magical weapons and cool magical look.
Right abilities
Tallnut BattlementGW2.png
Tallnut Battlement
Tallnut Battlements have many uses. They can be shields and they can block paths to stop the Zombies in their tracks. They're terrible card players, though.
Iron MaidenGW2.png
Iron Maiden
Encased in iron armor, these Iron Maiden Tallnuts will stare at Zombies with an unmatched intensity. They are very hard to destroy and enjoy getting in the way.
Bling MaidenGW2.png
Bling Maiden
This Tallnut is encased in solid bling gold armor! How did a Tallnut even afford such expensive armor though?