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Left abilities
Time SnareGW2.png
Time Snare
This tricky spell disrupts the flow and space and time, temporary trapping helpless Zombies within!
Center abilities
Arcane EnigmaGW2.png
Arcane Enigma
Only Rose could make transforming into a being of pure, invulnerable, damage-dealing energy seem so easy.
Arcane LotusGW2.png
Arcane Lotus
Rose alters her magic slightly, allowing her to transform into a being of pure healing.
Right abilities
The rudest and weirdest of Rose's ancient spells transforms Zombie foes into stinky old goats!​
Psychedelic GoatGW2.png
Psychedelic Goat
Psychedelic Goats don't last quite as long as their normal counterparts, but they are much harder to control.