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Tier Ability Description Variables
LevelIcon1New.png TridentAbilities Ability 1.png
Ocean's Roar
Active Ability: Activate the Active Ability, each wave of the ability will spout fountains at 5 different locations on the lawn, knocking off small and medium sized zombies (up to 5 per a single tile), and the remaining zombies will fly up to the sky and fall off to the ground after being impacted, causing damage and stun effects. It starts with one wave of abilities, and as the artifact's level increases, the number of fountain waves increases.

主动使用:释放主动技能,每波技能都将在场上 5 个位置召唤喷泉,击飞地块上的中小型僵尸(单格至多 5 个),其余僵尸受到冲击后向上腾空坠地,造成眩晕和伤害效果。初始为一波技能,随神器等级提升,增加喷泉波数。

LevelIcon2New.png TridentAbilities Ability 2.png
Magical Weapons
Passive Ability 1: The offensive and defensive statistics of Weaponed plants are increased by X%.


X: 10 + (a - 10)*1
[a: artifact level]
LevelIcon3New.png TridentAbilities Ability 3.png
Abysmal Pool
Passive Ability 2: Every once in a while, several potholes will be created on the lawn, where small and medium sized zombies will fall into the water after passing by the plots. If no zombies passes by them, the plots will disappear after a period of time. The potholes will not be created on tiles with plants on, neither can plants be planted on the tiles with potholes on.


LevelIcon4New.png TridentAbilities Ability 4.png
Impact Tornado
Passive Ability 3: After the Active Ability ends, a waterspout will be released, attracting zombies towards the centre, and pushing them towards the right side.

