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Mental Skillness wrote:
Giuliokuma00 wrote:
LettuceBirb wrote:
Bro you can't own information, like it's not something you can copyright.

Also shut down what, this whole wiki? The individual pages? Because you're not in charge of either pal.

No, I meant the HP information. I discovered that, I can remove that if this keeps up. You don't want to make this wikia look like a pyramid, do you? Also just to let you know, finding their HP was supposed to be a superpower for me, and I refuse to return being powerless.
listen buddy, whether or not youre right isnt relevant. we rely on our select few sources for information, and youve provided no proof for your findings other than your word. the folks who provide us our information are people have been in and outside of the game and we trust them more.

this isnt a matter of choice (that you can "refuse"), you will not continue with what youre doing and that is that.

there is no discussion to be had. you were said no to by several moderators and theres no room to say but or refuse, you will do as they say or get blocked.

end of discussion.

If you want me to record videos for you, so be it. But, just to remind you, yesterday I went HP testing on a Giga-Torchwood with my Welder, on Easy difficulty. He got vanquished after suffering 840 damage. As of the other difficulty values, I have them stored in my special HP Working System. I also tested a Mech Gargantuar with an Ice Cactus on Easy and he suffered 30 damage for critical. Then the robot fell down after 28 shots. 20 x 38= 840.