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Hey, idiots.

You know who you are... the people who removed a RPing from the wiki, the people who removed the democracy you had in place...

If you're an admin or crat, I ****** hate you. You did this...

If this was a country, I'd emigrate. You posted rules, regulations, about EVERYTING, going out of your **** ways to murder our branches. Idiots, jerks, morons... with a few exceptions, that's all you staff are.

And, frankly, I don't trust you all to run the wiki. If you gave everything over to Shaan05 and made his word law, and removed all the staff, the wiki would be much, much better.

I thought the staff changed, but being on the staff has been able to suck the fun right out of you all.

I spend half a year of my life there, on those two branches. My composure broke down when one of them was threatened.

Now you've removed much more, even the fun and games branch has rules, even the unrestrictible has restrictions...

I would use a sock to come back... but honestly, I don't ****** want to anymore, you've ruined this once-magical place that I called home, with your seriousness about the forums and turning a democracy into a bureaucracy: the bureaucrats rule.

What the **** have you done... I thought that nobody could do all this in just a few announcements, rehauling the voting system without a vote even.

Some of you hope I have changed. Well, I will never change. Only the circumstances will. And I doubt my life will be destroyed, like you admins destroyed it, ever again.

Goodbye forever, idiots.

-TheO0032<ac_metadata title="To all the staff that come here..."> </ac_metadata>