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Hi there User. This is a page you're reading for no reason.

I'm a fan of this franchise, so hopefully those who read this are as well (I don't, why wouldn't you?)

Favorite Plants

  • Sun-Shroom
  • Bowling Bulb
  • Ghost Pepper
  • Homing Thistle
  • Guacodile
  • Pea Pod
  • Infi-Nut
  • Chard Guard
  • Fire Peashooter
  • Rotobaga
  • Puff-shroom
  • Tangle Kelp
  • Lava Guava
  • A.K.E.E
  • Red Stinger
  • Endurian
  • Toadstool
  • Phat Beet
  • Celery Stalker
  • Spore-shroom
  • Jack O' Lantern, promotes multiplayer!
  • Grapeshot, I liek grapes
  • Primal Peashooter
  • Primal Wall-nut
  • Cold Snapdragon ( Favorite )
  • Primal Potato Mine
  • Nightshade, Come at me
  • Shadow-shroom
  • Grimrose, it's Satan Flower!
  • Gold Bloom, SUUUUN
  • Electric CurrantThis is a hidden spoiler. If you want to see it, please go here.

Aloe and Kiwibeast probably

Favorite Zombies

  • Fisherman Zombie
  • Zombie Bobsled Team
  • Jester Zombie
  • Troglobite
  • Robo-Cone Zombie
  • Pompadour Zombie
  • Lost Pilot Zombie
  • Relic Hunter Zombie
  • Punk Zombie
  • 8-Bit Zombie
  • Boombox Zombie
  • Jurassic Fossilhead
  • All Star Zombie

Favorite Worlds

#11 - Big Wave Beach: DAY 15, 23, 25, 28 WHY YOU SO HARD!

#10 - Wild West: Eh, just bores me, and chickens.

#9 - Pirate Seas: Bores me, though it debuts a lot of cool plants.

#8 - Ancient Egypt: It's the starting world, you can't really hate it.

#7 - Dark Ages: I used to hate this place, newer plants makes it viable and much more fun.

#6 - Jurassic Marsh: Music, good. Appearance, good. Gimmick, okay. Plants and zombies? ......

#5 - Neon Mixtape Tour: Love the plants (namely CS and Spore-shroom) though it's pretty difficult.

#4 - Modern Day: Disappointing final boss, shadow plants and classic zombies made it up for me.

#3 - Lost City: The plants were pretty good (except Gold Leaf), liked the trap tiles too.

#2 - Far Future: I was so hyped from its release, I am not disappointed and is home to my highest Endless Zone score (100 something!)

#1 - Frostbite Caves: A breath of fresh air after Big Wave Beach, and is home to some of my most loved plants and didn't flood you with zombies 24/7.

GW1 & 2

I liek 'em.


Really fun.