User:BoltBlizard/PvZ Heroes

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In-game information

Name: CirnoDay

Rank: 10 (Silver League, Sunflower), Gold Badge (Rank 21 in Season 1), Gold Badge (Rank 20 in Season 2)

Plant Heroes owned: 5/11 (Green Shadow, Solar Flare, Wall-Knight, Nightcap, Citron)

Zombie Heroes owned: 6/11 (Super Brainz, The Smash, Impfinity, Professor Brainstorm, Immorticia, Neptuna)

Class Opinions


PvZH Guardian Icon.pngGuardian= Team-up , PvZH Armored Icon.pngArmored , Amphibious plants , and typically the most base health of all plant cards. I'm not fond of Guardian plants too much, as usually, it's up to the Hero's secondary class to do all the heavy lifting. 6/10.

PvZH Kabloom Icon.pngKabloom = Explosive and direct damage, usually focused on clearing zombies out by such means and often swarming all of the 5 lanes. Unfortunately, most of these plants are too frail. 7/10.

PvZH Mega-Grow Icon.pngMega-Grow = Bonus attacks , increasing StrengthPvZH.png and HeartPvZH.png, and usually form a powerful line of defense should you plan around your opponent. 8/10.

PvZH Smarty Icon.pngSmarty = Bouncing enemy cards , PvZH Frozen Icon.pngfreezing them , Splash Damage , and they also have Amphibious plants up for grabs9/10.

PvZH Solar Icon.pngSolar = Solar cards make extra Sun to use each turn, can heal themselves up , and also come packing PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough to hit anything in their way. They also have instant-destroy cards. 9/10.


PvZH Beastly Icon.pngBeastly = Increasing StrengthPvZH.png and HeartPvZH.png, PvZH Frenzy Icon.pngFrenzy , Amphibious, and instant-destroy cards. 8/10.

PvZH Brainy Icon.pngBrainy = Plenty of tricks, extra brains and card drawing, and bonus attacks too. They also have the Bullseye trait on some of their zombies. 9/10.

PvZH Crazy Icon.pngCrazy = Explosive and direct damage, swarming, and often focussed on powering up as well as attacking the enemy hero directly. However, most of these zombies lack high damage themselves. 6/10.

PvZH Hearty Icon.pngHearty = PvZH Armored Icon.pngArmored, healing, and have the largest base health of all zombies. 8/10.

PvZH Sneaky Icon.pngSneaky = PvZH Strikethrough Icon.pngStrikethrough, plenty of GravestonesBouncing, and PvZH Deadly Icon.pngDeadly . There's also Amphibious zombies here too. 8/10.

Hero Opinions


Hero Classes Rating (out of 10) Reason for Rating
Green Shadow Mega-Grow/Smarty 7 Very good class combo, but is hard to manage unless you're going for a single deck type, like freezing or peas.
Solar Flare Kabloom/Solar 8 Great defending capabilities and the ability to get more sun is always welcome for a head start. Problen - her plants are too frail.
Wall-Knight Guardian/Solar 9 Healing, amphibious plants, destroying zombies, strikethrough - Wall-Knight covers a lot of bases except from high plant strength.
Chompzilla Mega-Grow/Solar 7 Her classes work really well together, being able to boost your strikethrough plants, but bouncing is a big problem for powered up plants.
Spudow Kabloom/Guardian 8 Often under-estimated defensive power and early-game rushing strength. No defined gimmick of a tribe strategy to use him with.
Citron Guardian/Smarty 8 Best defenses of all the plants and with plenty of effects to keep the zombies at bay, but over-relies on sheer defensive power so he lacks ther power to strike back.
Grass Knuckles Mega-Grow/Guardian 9 Very good blend of classes which balance off of each other well. His problems are hard to exploit due to his well-rounded team, but it's hard to make a big push with him.
Nightcap Kabloom/Smarty 10 Quick early game pushes, ability to cover all lanes, direct damage for defense - the list goes on, along with easy to counter weaknesses. Good on you!
Rose Smarty/Solar 9 A control freak, relying on freezing, messing with stats and out-lasting overall. Problem? Hard to defend otherwise.
Captain Combustible Kabloom/Mega-Grow 7 Very strong plant selection and tricks to support it, but they're easy to destroy.

Card Opinions